TY - JOUR A1 - Wyschkon, Anne A1 - Kohn, Juliane A1 - Ballaschk, Katja A1 - Esser, Günter T1 - Sind Rechenstörungen genau so häufig wie Lese-Rechtschreibstörungen? N2 - Is a specific disorder of arithmetic skills as common as reading/spelling disorder?Background: Referring to the prevalence rates of learning disorders in the research literature, the numbers of mathematics disorder and reading/ spelling disorder are often reported to be identical. However, the correlation between intelligence level and reading/ spelling skills is much weaker than between intelligence and arithmetic skills. If the same definition criterion is applied to both disorders, a lower prevalence rate for mathematics disorder should be expected. Objective: Are there differences in the prevalence estimates for learning disorders depending on the definition criterion? Method: A large representative sample of German students (N = 1970) was used to review the hypothesis. Results: Depending on the definition criterion, we could show a prevalence range of mathematics disorder between 0.1% and 8.1% in the same sample. Using the same definition criterion for both learning disorders, there are two to three times as many students with reading/spelling disorder than those with mathematics disorder. Discussion: Whenever children with reading/spelling disorder are compared to children with mathematics disorder, the same definition criterion has to be applied. Y1 - 2009 UR - http://psycontent.metapress.com/content/1422-4917 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1024/1422-4917.37.6.499 SN - 1422-4917 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Warschburger, Petra A1 - Richter, Maria T1 - Prävention kindlichen übergewichts : elterliche Selbstwirksamkeit und Handlungsergebniserwartungen N2 - Adipositas ist ein ernstzunehmendes gesundheitliches Problem, welches das physische und psychosoziale Wohlbefinden von Kindern und deren Eltern beeintraechtigt und somit wirksamer praeventiver Ansaetze bedarf. Dabei ist es bedeutsam, welche Barrieren, Anreize und Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen Eltern fuer oder gegen die Teilnahme an solchen Programmen entscheiden lassen. Ziel der Studie war es zu untersuchen, wie Muetter ihre Selbstwirksamkeits- und Handlungsergebniserwartungen beschreiben und inwieweit sich soziodemografische Aspekte auf diese Einschaetzungen auswirken. Insgesamt wurden 219 Muetter von Kindern im Alter von 3-6 Jahren befragt. Mehr als die Haelfte der befragten Muetter waren uebergewichtig bzw. adipoes sowie 12% der Kinder. Es ergaben sich weder fuer das Alter und das Geschlecht des Kindes noch fuer das Familieneinkommen Unterschiede in den Handlungsergebniserwartungen. Muetter mit geringerer Bildung nahmen weniger Anreize wahr und Muetter mit uebergewichtigen Kindern sahen weniger Barrieren fuer eine Programmteilnahme. uebergewichtige Muetter dagegen bewerteten die Barrieren und Anreize hoeher als normalgewichtige Muetter. Hinsichtlich der Selbstwirksamkeit ergaben sich ebenfalls Unterschiede bezueglich der Bildung und des Gewichts der Mutter sowie des Kindes. Im Vorfeld einer Intervention sollte ein Beratungsgespraech bezogen auf die muetterlichen Erwartungen stattfinden, um die Teilnahmebereitschaft und den Programmerfolg zu unterstuetzen. Y1 - 2009 UR - http://psycontent.metapress.com/content/0943-8149 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1026/0943-8149.17.1.22 SN - 0943-8149 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Warschburger, Petra A1 - Kroeller, Katja T1 - Maternal perception of weight status and health risks associated with obesity in children N2 - OBJECTIVE: To examine factors associated with the maternal perception of the weight status in related and unrelated children and to examine whether associated health risks for children's physical and mental health are recognized. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Two hundred nineteen mothers with children between 3 and 6 years of age took part in this study. The participating mothers were recruited from inpatient clinics and kindergartens. Parents were presented with 9 silhouettes representing different age- and gender-specific BMI percentiles. Demographic and weight-related variables were assessed with regard to their influence on the accuracy of the maternal weight estimation in general and for their own child. RESULTS: Of the participating mothers, 64.5% identified the overweight silhouettes of preschool- aged children correctly. However, only 48.8% of the mothers identified the overweight silhouettes associated with an increased risk for physical health problems, and 38.7% identified the silhouettes associated with an increased mental health risk. Mothers with a lower educational background were more likely to misclassify the overweight silhouettes and underestimate the associated health problems. For their own child, only 40.3% of the mothers chose silhouettes that were in agreement with the objective weight status of their child. This underestimation was associated with a higher maternal and child weight status but not with a general inability to identify the weight status of children. CONCLUSIONS: Identifying unrelated overweight silhouettes is influenced by maternal education level, whereas estimating their own child's weight status is influenced by the weight status of the mother and the child. Hence, feedback on the child's risk to become overweight is necessary to increase maternal risk awareness and willingness to take part in prevention programs. Y1 - 2009 UR - http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/ U6 - https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2008-1845 SN - 0031-4005 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Straub, Hans-Beatus A1 - Haensch, Sylvana A1 - Ballaschk, Katja A1 - Esser, Günter T1 - The Brandenburg questionnaire for quality of life in epilepsy patients : a new, short and valid instrument Y1 - 2009 UR - http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/issn?DESCRIPTOR=PRINTISSN&VALUE=0013-9580 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1528-1167.2009.02156.x SN - 0013-9580 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Straub, Hans-Beatus A1 - Bohlmann, Katrin T1 - Naltrexone in the treatment of nonepileptic psychogenic (dissociative) seizures Y1 - 2009 UR - http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/issn?DESCRIPTOR=PRINTISSN&VALUE=0013-9580 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1528-1167.2009.02063.x SN - 0013-9580 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Starzynski, Christian A1 - Engbert, Ralf T1 - Noise-enhanced target discrimination under the influence of fixational eye movements and external noise N2 - Active motor processes are present in many sensory systems to enhance perception. In the human visual system, miniature eye movements are produced involuntarily and unconsciously when we fixate a stationary target. These fixational eye movements represent self-generated noise which serves important perceptual functions. Here we investigate fixational eye movements under the influence of external noise. In a two-choice discrimination task, the target stimulus performed a random walk with varying noise intensity. We observe noise-enhanced discrimination of the target stimulus characterized by a U-shaped curve of manual response times as a function of the diffusion constant of the stimulus. Based on the experiments, we develop a stochastic information-accumulator model for stimulus discrimination in a noisy environment. Our results provide a new explanation for the constructive role of fixational eye movements in visual perception. Y1 - 2009 UR - http://ojps.aip.org/chaos/ U6 - https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3098950 SN - 1054-1500 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Spörer, Nadine A1 - Brunstein, Joachim Clemens A1 - Kieschke, Ulf T1 - Improving students' reading comprehension skills : effects of strategy instruction and reciprocal teaching N2 - The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three different forms of strategy instruction on 210 elementary-school students' reading comprehension. Students were assigned to any one of three intervention conditions or to a traditional instruction condition (control condition). Training students were taught four reading strategies (summarizing, questioning, clarifying, predicting) and practiced these strategies in small groups (reciprocal teaching), pairs, or instructor-guided small groups. At both the post- and follow-up test the intervention students attained higher scores on an experiment-developed task of reading comprehension and strategy use than the control students who received traditional instruction. Furthermore, students who practiced reciprocal teaching in small groups outperformed use than the control students who received traditional instruction groups on a standardized reading comprehension test. Y1 - 2009 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09594752 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2008.05.003 SN - 0959-4752 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schwarz, Wolfgang A1 - Eiselt, Anne-Kathrin T1 - The perception of temporal order along the mental number line N2 - R. Sekuler, P. Tynan, and E. Levinson (1973) found that when 2 characters are presented side-by-side with a short onset asynchrony, subjectively, they often appear in a "first-left, then-right" order. The authors of this article conducted 6 experiments in which observers judged the temporal order (TOJs) in which 2 digits were presented. They found a consistent TOJ benefit (larger d') when the numerically smaller digit was presented first, even though this semantic information was irrelevant to the task and unrelated to the correct response. They concluded that digits located to the left of the mental number line are transmitted faster to a central comparison stage, which represents an "internal counterpart" to the Sekuler et al. (1973) finding regarding external locations. A corresponding benefit is found for letters pairs (e.g., A-Z) and also for mixed digit-letter pairs (e.g., I-Z). Y1 - 2009 UR - http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/xhp/index.aspx U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/A0013703 SN - 0096-1523 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schultheiss, Oliver C. A1 - Yankova, Diana A1 - Dirlikov, Benjamin A1 - Schad, Daniel T1 - Are implicit and explicit motive measures statistically independent? : A fair and balanced test using the picture story exercise and a cue- and response-matched questionnaire measure N2 - Previous studies that have examined the relationship between implicit and explicit motive measures have consistently found little variance overlap between both types of measures regardless of thematic content domain (i.e., power, achievement, affiliation). However, this independence may be artifactual because the primary means of measuring implicit motivescontent-coding stories people write about picture cuesare incommensurable with the primary means of measuring explicit motives: having individuals fill out self-report scales. To provide a better test of the presumed independence between both types of measures, we measured implicit motives with a Picture Story Exercise (PSE; McClelland, Koestner, Weinberger, 1989) and explicit motives with a cue- and response-matched questionnaire version of the PSE (PSE-Q) and a traditional measure of explicit motives, the Personality Research Form (PRF; Jackson, 1984) in 190 research participants. Correlations between the PSE and the PSE-Q were small and mostly nonsignificant, whereas the PSE- Q showed significant variance overlap with the PRF within and across thematic domains. We conclude that the independence postulate holds even when more commensurable measures of implicit and explicit motives are used. Y1 - 2009 UR - http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t775653663 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/00223890802484456 SN - 0022-3891 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmidt, Martin H. A1 - Esser, Günter A1 - Ihle, Wolfgang A1 - Lay, Barbara T1 - Die Bedeutung psychischer und familiärer Faktoren für die Delinquenzentwicklung bis ins Erwachsenenalter N2 - Es werden Befunde aus einer prospektiven Laengsschnittstudie praesentiert, in der 321 Probanden im Alter von 8, 13, 18 und 25 Jahren untersucht werden konnten; ihre Dunkelfelddelinquenz wurde mit 18 und 25 Jahren erfasst. Wir suchten nach Assoziationen zur Delinquenzentwicklung und erwarteten Unterschiede zwischen auf das Jugendalter beschraenkter gegenueber ins fruehe Erwachsenenalter fortgesetzter sowie spaet, d.h. nach dem Alter von 18 Jahren, beginnender Delinquenz. Wir fanden gemeinsame Risikofaktoren und fuer die drei Verlaufstypen spezifische Risikokonstellationen, die eher im Jugendalter als in der Kindheit identifiziert wurden. Widrige familiaere Bedingungen, Entwicklungsverzoegerungen und psychische Stoerungen scheinen mit Delinquenz als eher persistentem Verhalten assoziiert. Y1 - 2009 SN - 0026-9301 ER -