TY - THES A1 - Keles, Engin T1 - Atmospheric properties and dynamics of gaseous exoplanets inferred from high-resolution alkali line transmission spectroscopy N2 - The characterization of exoplanets applying high-resolution transmission spectroscopy ini- tiated a new era making it possible to trace atmospheric signature at high altitudes in exoplanet atmospheres and to determine atmospheric properties which enrich our under- standing of the formation and evolution of the solar system. In contrast to what is observed in our solar system, where gaseous planets orbit at wide orbits, Jupiter type exoplanets were detected in foreign stellar systems surrounding their host stars within few days, in close orbits, the so called hot- and ultra-hot Jupiters. The most well studied ones are HD209458b and HD189733b, which are the first exoplanets where absorption is detected in their atmospheres, namely from the alkali line sodium. For hot Jupiters, the resonant alkali lines are the atmospheric species with one of the strongest absorption signatures, due to their large absorption cross-section. However, al- though the alkali lines sodium and potassium were detected in low-resolution observations for various giant exoplanets, potassium was absent in different high-resolution investiga- tions in contrast to sodium. The reason for this is quite puzzling, since both alkalis have very similar physical and chemical properties (e.g. condensation and ionization proper- ties). Obtaining high-resolution transit observations of HD189733b and HD209458b, we were able to detect potassium on HD189733b (Manuscript 1), which was the first high-resolution detection of potassium on an exoplanet. The absence of potassium on HD209458b could be reasoned by depletion processes, such as condensation or photo-ionization or high-altitude clouds. In a further study (Manuscript II), we resolved the potassium line and compared this to a previously detected sodium absorption on this planet. The comparison showed, that the potassium lines are either tracing different altitudes and temperatures compared to the sodium lines, or are depleted so that the planetary Na/K- ratio is way larger than the stellar one. A comparison of the alkali lines with synthetic line profiles showed that the sodium lines were much broader than the potassium lines, probably being induced by winds. To investigate this, the effect of zonal streaming winds on the sodium lines on Jupiter-type planets is investigated in a further study (Manuscript III), showing that such winds can significantly broaden the Na- lines and that high-resolution observations can trace such winds with different properties. Furthermore, investigating the Na-line observations for different exoplanets, I showed that the Na-line broadening follows a trend with cooler planets showing stronger line broadening and so hinting on stronger winds, matching well into theoretical predictions. Each presented manuscript depends on the re- sults published within the previous manuscript, yielding a unitary study of the exoplanet HD189733b. The investigation of the potassium absorption required to account for different effects: The telluric lines removal and the effect of center-to-limb variation (see Manuscript I), the residual Rossiter-Mc-Laughlin effect (see Manuscript II) and the broadening of spectral lines on a translucent atmospheric ring by zonal jet streams (see Manuscript III). This thesis shows that high-resolution transmission spectroscopy is a powerful tool to probe sharp alkali line absorption on giant exoplanet atmospheres and to investigate on the properties and dynamics of hot Jupiter type atmospheres. KW - planets and satellites: atmospheres KW - planets and satellites: composition KW - planets and satellites: gaseous planets KW - exoplanets Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - THES A1 - Born, Artur T1 - Electronic structure, quasi-particle interaction and relaxation in 3d-elements from X-ray spectroscopy N2 - Any physical system can be described on the level of interacting particles, thus it is of fundamental importance to improve the scientific understanding of interacting many-body systems. This thesis experimentally addresses specific quasi-particle interactions, namely interactions be- tween electrons and between electrons and phonons. It describes the consequential effects of those processes on the electronic structure and the core-hole relaxation pathways in 3d metals. Despite the great amount of experimental and theoretical studies of these interactions and their impact on the behavior of solid-state matter, there are still open questions concerning the cor- responding physical, chemical and mechanical properties of solid-state matter. Especially, the study of 3d metals and their compounds is a great experimental challenge, since those exhibit a variety of spectral features originating from many-body effects such as multiplet splitting, shake up/off satellites, vibrationally excited states or more complex effects like superconductivity and ultrafast demagnetization. In X-ray spectroscopy, these effects often produce overlapping fea- tures, complicating the analysis and limiting the understanding. In this thesis, to overcome the limitations set by conventional X-ray spectroscopy, two different experimental approaches were successfully refined, namely Auger electron photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy (APECS) and temperature-dependent X-ray emission spectroscopy (tXES), which enabled the separation of different core-hole relaxation pathways and the isolation of the impact of specific many-body interactions in the experimental spectra. APECS was utilized at the new Coincidence electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (Co- ESCA) station at BESSY II to study the core-hole decay and electron-correlation effects in single- crystal Ni, Cu and Co. The observation of photoelectrons in coincidence with Auger electrons allows for the separation of the initial and final state effects in the Auger electron spectra. The results show that a Cu LV V Auger spectrum can be represented by broadened atomic multiplets confirming the localized nature of the intermediate core-hole states. In contrast, the Co LV V Auger spectrum is band-like and can be represented by the self-convolution of the valence band. Ni behaves mixed, localized and itinerant. Thus, the Ni Auger spectrum can only be represented by a mixture of atomic multiplet peaks and the self-convoluted valence band. In the case of Ni, the LV V Auger electrons in coincidence with the 6 eV satellite photoelectrons were also stud- ied. Utilizing the core-hole clock method, the lifetime of the localized double-hole intermediate 2 p53d9 states of 1.8 fs could be determined. However, a fraction of these states delocalizes before the Auger decay contributing to the main peak. A similar delocalization was observed for the double-hole states produced by the L2L3M4,5 Coster-Kronig process. Additionally, the influence of surface oxidation on the Ni(111) 3p levels was studied with APECS. The Ni 3p PES spectrum is broad and featureless, due to overlapping many-body effects and gives little chance for exact analysis using conventional photoelectron spectroscopy. Utilizing APECS or precisely the final state selectivity of the method, the spectral width of the 3p levels could be narrowed and their positions and the spin-orbit splitting were determined. Moreover, due to the surface sensitivity of the method, the chemically shifted 3p photoelectron peaks originating from the oxidized surface and the bulk Ni were disentangled. For the study of the atomic electron-phonon spin-flip scattering in 3d metals as a spin-relaxation channel, the tXES method at the SolidFlexRIXS station was developed. The atomic spin-flip scat- tering was studied in single-crystal Ni, Cu, Co and in FeNi alloys, which show considerable dif- ferences in their behavior. The scattering rate in Ni increases with temperature, whereas the rate in Cu and Co remains constant within the measured temperature range up to 1000 K. In FeNi alloys, our results reveal that the spin-flip scattering is restricted by sublattice exchange energies J. The electron-phonon scattering driven spin-flips only appear in the case where the thermal energy ex- ceeds the exchange energy kT > J. This thresholding is an important microscopic process for the description of the sublattice dynamics in alloys, but as shown also relevant for elemental magnetic systems. Overall, the results strongly indicate that the spin-flip probability is correlated with the exchange energy, which might become an important parameter in the ultrafast demagnetization debate. Taken together, the applied experimental approaches allowed to study complex many-body effects in 3d metals. The results show that utilizing APECS enabled the distinction and clear assignment of otherwise overlapping features in AES or PES spectra of Ni, Cu, Co and NiO. This is of fundamental importance for the basic understanding of photoionization and core-hole decay processes but also for the chemical analysis in applied science. The measurement of the atomic electron-phonon spin-flip scattering rate utilizing tXES shows that the electron-phonon spin-flip scattering is a relevant atomic process for the macroscopic demagnetization process. Additionally, a temperature-dependent thresholding mechanism was discovered, which introduces an important dynamic factor into the electron-phonon spin-flip model. KW - X-ray spectroscopy KW - photoelectron spectroscopy KW - Auger electron spectroscop KW - X-ray absorption spectroscopy KW - X-ray emission spectroscopy KW - 3d metals KW - electronic structure KW - quasi-particle interaction Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zhang, Heshou T1 - Magnetic fields in the universe BT - Diagnostics, turbulent properties, and their implications N2 - The galactic interstellar medium is magnetized and turbulent. The magnetic field and turbulence play important roles in many astrophysical mechanisms, including cosmic ray transport, star formation, etc. Therefore, measurements of magnetic field and turbulence information are crucial for the proper interpretation of astronomical observations. Nonetheless, the magnetic field observation is quite challenging, especially, there is not universal magnetic tracer for diffuse medium. Moreover, the modelling of turbulence can be oversimplified due to the lack of observational tools to diagnose the plasma properties of the turbulence in the galactic interstellar medium. The studies presented in this thesis have addressed these challenges by bridging the theoretical studies of magnetic field and turbulence with numerical simulations and observations. The following research are presented in this thesis. The first observational evidence of the novel magnetic tracer, ground state alignment (GSA), is discovered, revealing the three-dimensional magnetic field as well as 2 orders of magnitude higher precision comparing to previous observational study in the stellar atmosphere of the post-AGB 89 Herculis. Moreover, the application of GSA in the sub-millimeter fine-structure lines is comprehensively studied for different elements and with magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Furthermore, the influence of GSA effect on the spectroscopy is analyzed and it is found that measurable variation will be produced on the spectral line intensity and the line ratio without accounting for the optical pumping process or magnetic field. Additionally, a novel method to measure plasma modes in the interstellar medium, Signatures from Polarization Analysis (SPA), is proposed and applied to real observations. Magneto-sonic modes are discovered in different types of interstellar medium. An explanation is provided for the long-standing mystery, the origin of γ-ray enhanced emission “Cygnus Cocoon”, based on the comparison between the outcome of SPA and multi-waveband observational data. These novel methods have strong potentials for broader observational applications and will play crucial roles in future multi-wavelength astronomy. N2 - Das interstellare Medium ist magnetisiert und turbulent. Das Magnetfeld und die Turbulenz spielen eine wichtige Rolle in vielen astrophysikalischen Prozessen, unter anderem beim Transport kosmischer Strahlung, bei der Entstehung von Sternen usw. Daher sind Messungen des Magnetfelds und der Turbulenz entscheidend bei der korrekten Interpretation astronomischer Beobachtungen. Dennoch ist die Messung des astronomischen Magnetfeldes eine große Herausforderung, besonders da es keinen universellen magnetischen Tracer für diffuse Medien gibt. Außerdem kann es aufgrund des Mangels an geeigneten Beobachtungswerkzeugen für die Plasmaeigenschaften der galaktischen Turbulenz zu übermäßigen Vereinfachungen bei der Turbulenzmodellierung kommen. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Forschungsergebnisse beschäftigen sich mit diesen Herausforderungen; die Theorien des Magnetfeldes und der Turbulenz werden durch numerische Simulationen und Beobachtungen anwendbar gemacht. Die erste Anwendung eines neuen magnetischen Markers, Ground State Alignment (GSA, deutsch „Grundzustandsausrichtung“), wird vorgestellt. Dabei wird das dreidimensionale Magnetfeld in der Analyse von Beobachtungsdaten aus der stellaren Atmosphäre des post-AGB 89 Herculis um zwei Größenordnungen genauer bestimmt als bei den bisherigen Methoden. Zusätzlich wird die Anwendung von GSA bei der Analyse von sub-millimeter Feinstrukturlinien ausführlich für verschiedene Elemente mit Hilfe von magnetohydrodynamischen Simulationen getestet. Auch der Einfluss von GSA-Effekten auf spektroskopische Analysen wird untersucht; dabei stellt sich heraus, dass messbare Variationen in der Linienbreite und im Verhältnis der Linien verursacht werden, ohne dass optische Pumpprozesse oder das Magnetfeld berücksichtigt werden. Des Weiteren wird die Signatures from Polarization Analysis (SPA, deutsch „Signatur-aus-Polarisationsanalyse“) als neue Messmethode für Plasmamoden im galaktischen Medium vorgestellt und auf reale Beobachtungen angewandt. In verschiedenen galaktischen Medien werden magneto-akustische Moden gefunden. Durch den Vergleich von Ergebnissen der SPA mit Beobachtungsdaten aus verschiedenen elektromagnetischen Frequenzbereichen kann die bisher ungeklärte Herkunft der gammastrahlenverstärkten Emission „Cygnus Cocoon“ erklärt werden. Diese neuen Methoden haben das Potential für eine breitere Anwendung bei der Analyse von Beobachtungen und werden in der Zukunft eine wichtige Rolle in der Multiwellenlängen-Astronomie spielen. KW - magnetic field KW - turbulence KW - polarization KW - interstellar medium KW - cosmic ray propagation Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - THES A1 - Dineva, Ekaterina Ivanova T1 - Sun-as-a-star Spectroscopy with PEPSI BT - tracing solar activity in strongchromospheric absorption lines Y1 - 2021 ER -