TY - JOUR A1 - Rybakova, Daria A1 - Müller, Henry A1 - Olimi, Expedito A1 - Schäfer, Angelika A1 - Cernava, Tomislav A1 - Berg, Gabriele T1 - To defend or to attack? Antagonistic interactions between Serratia plymuthica and fungal plant pathogens, a species-specific volatile dialogue JF - Frontiers in sustainable food systems N2 - Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are involved in microbial interspecies communication and in the mode of action of various antagonistic interactions. They are important for balancing host-microbe interactions and provide the basis for developing biological control strategies to control plant pathogens. We studied the interactions between the bacterial antagonist Serratia plymuthica HRO-C48 and three fungal plant pathogens Rhizoctonia solani, Leptosphaeria maculans and Verticillium longisporum. Significant differences in fungal growth inhibition by the Serratia-emitted VOCs in pairwise dual culture assays and changes in the transcriptome of the bacterium and in the volatilomes of both interacting partners were observed. Even though the rate of fungal growth inhibition by Serratia was variable, the confrontation of the bacterium with the VOCs of all three fungi changed the levels of expression of the genes involved in stress response, biofilm formation, and the production of antimicrobial VOCs. Pairwise interacting microorganisms switched between defense (downregulation of gene expression) and attack (upregulation of gene expression and metabolism followed by growth inhibition of the interacting partner) modes, subject to the combinations of microorganisms that were interacting. In the attack mode HRO-C48 significantly inhibited the growth of R. solani while simultaneously boosting its own metabolism; by contrast, its metabolism was downregulated when HRO-C48 went into a defense mode that was induced by the L. maculans and V. longisporum VOCs. L. maculans growth was slightly reduced by the one bacterial VOC methyl acetate that induced a strong downregulation of expression of genes involved in almost all metabolic functions in S. plymuthica. Similarly, the interaction between S. plymuthica and V. longisporum resulted in an insignificant growth reduction of the fungus and repressed the rate of bacterial metabolism on the transcriptional level, accompanied by an intense volatile dialogue. Overall, our results indicate that VOCs substantially contribute to the highly break species-specific interactions between pathogens and their natural antagonists and thus deserving of increased consideration for pathogen control. KW - microbiome KW - transcriptome KW - volatilome KW - biocontrol KW - Serratia KW - Verticillium KW - Rhizoctonia KW - Leptospheria Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2022.1020634 SN - 2571-581X VL - 6 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - THES A1 - Paraskevopoulou, Sofia T1 - Adaptive genetic variation and responses to thermal stress in brachionid rotifers N2 - The importance of cryptic diversity in rotifers is well understood regarding its ecological consequences, but there remains an in depth comprehension of the underlying molecular mechanisms and forces driving speciation. Temperature has been found several times to affect species spatio-temporal distribution and organisms’ performance, but we lack information on the mechanisms that provide thermal tolerance to rotifers. High cryptic diversity was found recently in the freshwater rotifer “Brachionus calyciflorus”, showing that the complex comprises at least four species: B. calyciflorus sensu stricto (s.s.), B. fernandoi, B. dorcas, and B. elevatus. The temporal succession among species which have been observed in sympatry led to the idea that temperature might play a crucial role in species differentiation. The central aim of this study was to unravel differences in thermal tolerance between species of the former B. calyciflorus species complex by comparing phenotypic and gene expression responses. More specifically, I used the critical maximum temperature as a proxy for inter-species differences in heat-tolerance; this was modeled as a bi-dimensional phenotypic trait taking into consideration the intention and the duration of heat stress. Significant differences on heat-tolerance between species were detected, with B. calyciflorus s.s. being able to tolerate higher temperatures than B. fernandoi. Based on evidence of within species neutral genetic variation, I further examined adaptive genetic variability within two different mtDNA lineages of the heat tolerant B. calyciflorus s.s. to identify SNPs and genes under selection that might reflect their adaptive history. These analyses did not reveal adaptive genetic variation related to heat, however, they show putatively adaptive genetic variation which may reflect local adaptation. Functional enrichment of putatively positively selected genes revealed signals of adaptation in genes related to “lipid metabolism”, “xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism” and “sensory system”, comprising candidate genes which can be utilized in studies on local adaptation. An absence of genetically-based differences in thermal adaptation between the two mtDNA lineages, together with our knowledge that B. calyciflorus s.s. can withstand a broad range of temperatures, led to the idea to further investigate shared transcriptomic responses to long-term exposure to high and low temperatures regimes. With this, I identified candidate genes that are involved in the response to temperature imposed stress. Lastly, I used comparative transcriptomics to examine responses to imposed heat-stress in heat-tolerant and heat-sensitive Brachionus species. I found considerably different patterns of gene expression in the two species. Most striking are patterns of expression regarding the heat shock proteins (hsps) between the two species. In the heat-tolerant, B. calyciflorus s.s., significant up-regulation of hsps at low temperatures was indicative of a stress response at the cooler end of the temperature regimes tested here. In contrast, in the heat-sensitive B. fernandoi, hsps generally exhibited up-regulation of these genes along with rising temperatures. Overall, identification of differences in expression of genes suggests suppression of protein biosynthesis to be a mechanism to increase thermal tolerance. Observed patterns in population growth are correlated with the hsp gene expression differences, indicating that this physiological stress response is indeed related to phenotypic life history performance. N2 - Obwohl die kryptische Diversität von Rotatorien (Rädertierchen) und die daraus resultierenden ökologischen Konsequenzen inzwischen sehr gut verstanden sind, sind die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen und die Artbildungsprozesse bisher weitgehend unbekannt. Bekannt ist, dass die Temperatur eine bedeutende Rolle in den raum-zeitlichen Verbreitungsmustern der Arten sowie der Leistungsfähigkeit der Organismen, spielt. Es fehlen jedoch konkrete Informationen über die der Thermotoleranz zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen bei Rotatorien. Vor kurzem wurde hohe kryptische Diversität in der unter anderem in Süßwasser vorkommenden Art „Brachionus calyciflorus“ gefunden, so dass diese nun in mindestens vier Arten (B. calyciflorus sensu stricto (s.s.), B. fernandoi, B. dorcas und B. elevatus) unterteilt wurde. Beobachtungen von in Sympatrie vorkommenden Arten haben gezeigt, dass eine zeitliche Suksession innerhalb dieser Arten existiert, was vermuten lässt, dass Temperatur eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Artbildung gespielt haben könnte. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Thermotoleranzunterschiede zwischen Arten des früheren B. calyciflorus-Artenkomplexes durch den Vergleich von phänotypischen und molekularen (Genexpression) Reaktionen auf Temperatur festzustellen. Die in dieser Untersuchung ermittelte kritische Maximaltemperatur wurde als Schätzer für zwischenartliche Hitzetoleranz verwendet. Mit Hilfe eines zweidimensionalen Verfahrens, welches sowohl die Dauer als auch die Stärke des Hitzestresses detektiert, konnte festgestellt werden, dass B. calyciflorus s.s. im Vergleich zu B. fernandoi hitzetoleranter ist. Auf Basis der innerartlichen genetischen Variation erfolgte eine tiefergehende Untersuchung zweier unterschiedlicher maternaler (mtDNA) Evolutionslinien der hitzetoleranteren Art B. calyciflorus s.s mit dem Ziel, unter divergenter Selektion stehende SNPs und Gene zu identifizieren, welche die Anpassung an verschiedene Temperaturen widerspiegeln könnten. Mit Hilfe dieses Experimentes war es möglich, potentiell positiv selektiere Kandidatengene zu identifizieren, welche im Zusammenhang mit dem „Lipidmetabolismus“, dem „Metabolismus und Abbau von Xenobiotika“ sowie dem „Sensorischen System“ stehen. Diese Kandidatengene lassen Rückschlüsse auf lokale Anpassungen zu. Es konnten keine genetischen Unterschiede gefunden werden, die im Zusammenhang mit der Temperaturanpassung der beiden untersuchten Evolutionslinien stehen. Um molekulare Grundlagen für die Toleranz von B. calyciflorus s.s für einen großen Temperaturbereich zu identifizieren, wurde das Transkriptom untersucht. Mit Hilfe der erhobenen Daten konnten Kandidatengene identifiziert werden, die für die Temperaturtoleranz von Bedeutung sind. Der letzte Teil dieser Arbeit konzentrierte sich auf die Untersuchung der Hitzestressantwort in einer hitzetoleranten und einer hitzesensitiven Brachionus Art. Diese Untersuchung konnte erhebliche Unterschiede in den Genexpre-ssionsmustern der beiden Arten aufzeigen. Die deutlichsten Unterschiede der Genexpression wurden hierbei in der Expression von Genen detektiert, die für die sogenannten Hitze-Schock-Proteinen (Heat-shock-proteins: hsp) codieren. In der hitzetoleranten Art B. calyciflorus s.s wurde ein signifikanter Anstieg der hsp-Genexpression bei geringen Temperaturen festgestellt, während bei der hitzesensitiven Art B. fernandoi ein signifikanter Anstieg bei hohen Temperaturen detektiert wurde. Die in dieser Arbeit gefundenen Unterschiede in der Genexpression zeigen, dass Temperaturstress eine Hemmung der Proteinbiosynthese bewirken kann, was zu einer erhöhten Thermotoleranz führt. Darüber hinaus ist Populationswachstum mit der Expression von Hitze-Schock-Proteingenen korreliert. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die hier beschriebene physiologische Temperaturstressantwort tatsächlich mit den beobachteten phänotypischen Fitnessparametern im Zusammenhang steht. KW - Brachionus KW - zooplankton KW - temperature KW - RNA-seq KW - transcriptome KW - adaptation Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bizic-Ionescu, Mina A1 - Ionescu, Danny A1 - Grossart, Hans-Peter T1 - Organic Particles: Heterogeneous Hubs for Microbial Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems JF - Frontiers in microbiology N2 - The dynamics and activities of microbes colonizing organic particles (hereafter particles) greatly determine the efficiency of the aquatic carbon pump. Current understanding is that particle composition, structure and surface properties, determined mostly by the forming organisms and organic matter, dictate initial microbial colonization and the subsequent rapid succession events taking place as organic matter lability and nutrient content change with microbial degradation. We applied a transcriptomic approach to assess the role of stochastic events on initial microbial colonization of particles. Furthermore, we asked whether gene expression corroborates rapid changes in carbon-quality. Commonly used size fractionated filtration averages thousands of particles of different sizes, sources, and ages. To overcome this drawback, we used replicate samples consisting each of 3–4 particles of identical source and age and further evaluated the consequences of averaging 10–1000s of particles. Using flow-through rolling tanks we conducted long-term experiments at near in situ conditions minimizing the biasing effects of closed incubation approaches often referred to as “the bottle-effect.” In our open flow-through rolling tank system, however, active microbial communities were highly heterogeneous despite an identical particle source, suggesting random initial colonization. Contrasting previous reports using closed incubation systems, expression of carbon utilization genes didn’t change after 1 week of incubation. Consequently, we suggest that in nature, changes in particle-associated community related to carbon availability are much slower (days to weeks) due to constant supply of labile, easily degradable organic matter. Initial, random particle colonization seems to be subsequently altered by multiple organismic interactions shaping microbial community interactions and functional dynamics. Comparative analysis of thousands particles pooled togethers as well as pooled samples suggests that mechanistic studies of microbial dynamics should be done on single particles. The observed microbial heterogeneity and inter-organismic interactions may have important implications for evolution and biogeochemistry in aquatic systems. KW - particle-associated bacteria KW - microbial communities KW - inter- and intra-species interactions KW - antagonism KW - phage KW - transcriptome Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2018.02569 SN - 1664-302X VL - 9 PB - Frontiers Research Foundation CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cui, Xiao A1 - Lv, Yang A1 - Chen, Miaolin A1 - Nikoloski, Zoran A1 - Twell, David A1 - Zhang, Dabing T1 - Young Genes out of the Male: An Insight from Evolutionary Age Analysis of the Pollen Transcriptome JF - Molecular plant N2 - The birth of new genes in genomes is an important evolutionary event. Several studies reveal that new genes in animals tend to be preferentially expressed in male reproductive tissues such as testis (Betran et al., 2002; Begun et al., 2007; Dubruille et al., 2012), and thus an "out of testis' hypothesis for the emergence of new genes has been proposed (Vinckenbosch et al., 2006; Kaessmann, 2010). However, such phenomena have not been examined in plant species. Here, by employing a phylostratigraphic method, we dated the origin of protein-coding genes in rice and Arabidopsis thaliana and observed a number of young genes in both species. These young genes tend to encode short extracellular proteins, which may be involved in rapid evolving processes, such as reproductive barriers, species specification, and antimicrobial processes. Further analysis of transcriptome age indexes across different tissues revealed that male reproductive cells express a phylogenetically younger transcriptome than other plant tissues. Compared with sporophytic tissues, the young transcriptomes of the male gametophyte displayed greater complexity and diversity, which included a higher ratio of anti-sense and inter-genic transcripts, reflecting a pervasive transcription state that facilitated the emergence of new genes. Here, we propose that pollen may act as an "innovation incubator' for the birth of de novo genes. With cases of male-biased expression of young genes reported in animals, the "new genes out of the male' model revealed a common evolutionary force that drives reproductive barriers, species specification, and the upgrading of defensive mechanisms against pathogens. KW - pollen KW - evolution KW - young genes KW - transcriptome Y1 - 2015 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2014.12.008 SN - 1674-2052 SN - 1752-9867 VL - 8 IS - 6 SP - 935 EP - 945 PB - Cell Press CY - Cambridge ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lamanna, Francesco A1 - Kirschbaum, Frank A1 - Tiedemann, Ralph T1 - De novo assembly and characterization of the skeletal muscle and electric organ transcriptomes of the African weakly electric fish Campylomormyrus compressirostris (Mormyridae, Teleostei) JF - Molecular ecology resources N2 - African weakly electric fishes (Mormyridae) underwent an outstanding adaptive radiation (about 200 species), putatively owing to their ability to communicate through species-specific weak electric signals. The electric organ discharge (EOD) is produced by muscle-derived electrocytes organized in piles to form an electric organ. Despite the importance of this trait as a prezygotic isolation mechanism, genomic resources remained limited. We present here a first draft of the skeletal muscle and electric organ transcriptomes from the weakly electric fish species Campylomormyrus compressirostris, obtained using the Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencing technology. Approximately 6.8 Gbp of cDNA sequence data were produced from both tissues, resulting in 57268109 raw reads for the skeletal muscle and 46934923 for the electric organ, and assembled de novo into 46143 and 89270 contigs, respectively. About 50% of both transcriptomes were annotated after protein databases search. The two transcriptomes show similar profiles in terms of Gene Ontology categories composition. We identified several candidate genes which are likely to play a central role in the production and evolution of the electric signal. For most of these genes, and for many other housekeeping genes, we were able to obtain the complete or partial coding DNA sequences (CDS), which can be used for the development of primers to be utilized in qRT-PCR experiments. We present also the complete mitochondrial genome and compare it to those available from other weakly electric fish species. Additionally, we located 1671 SSR-containing regions with their flanking sites and designed the relative primers. This study establishes a first step in the development of genomic tools aimed at understanding the role of electric communication during speciation. KW - cSSR KW - electric fish KW - electric organ KW - skeletal muscle KW - transcriptome Y1 - 2014 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.12260 SN - 1755-098X SN - 1755-0998 VL - 14 IS - 6 SP - 1222 EP - 1230 PB - Wiley-Blackwell CY - Hoboken ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Balazadeh, Salma A1 - Schildhauer, Joerg A1 - Araujo, Wagner L. A1 - Munne-Bosch, Sergi A1 - Fernie, Alisdair A1 - Proost, Sebastian A1 - Humbeck, Klaus A1 - Müller-Röber, Bernd T1 - Reversal of senescence by N resupply to N-starved Arabidopsis thaliana: transcriptomic and metabolomic consequences JF - Journal of experimental botany N2 - Leaf senescence is a developmentally controlled process, which is additionally modulated by a number of adverse environmental conditions. Nitrogen shortage is a well-known trigger of precocious senescence in many plant species including crops, generally limiting biomass and seed yield. However, leaf senescence induced by nitrogen starvation may be reversed when nitrogen is resupplied at the onset of senescence. Here, the transcriptomic, hormonal, and global metabolic rearrangements occurring during nitrogen resupply-induced reversal of senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana were analysed. The changes induced by senescence were essentially in keeping with those previously described; however, these could, by and large, be reversed. The data thus indicate that plants undergoing senescence retain the capacity to sense and respond to the availability of nitrogen nutrition. The combined data are discussed in the context of the reversibility of the senescence programme and the evolutionary benefit afforded thereby. Future prospects for understanding and manipulating this process in both Arabidopsis and crop plants are postulated. KW - Arabidopsis KW - gene expression KW - metabolomics KW - nitrogen limitation KW - senescence KW - transcriptome Y1 - 2014 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/eru119 SN - 0022-0957 SN - 1460-2431 VL - 65 IS - 14 SP - 3975 EP - 3992 PB - Oxford Univ. Press CY - Oxford ER -