TY - THES A1 - Warkus, Friederike C. T1 - Untersuchungen an Hochdruckrelikten im zentralen Menderes Massiv, W Türkei N2 - Das Menderes Massiv im Westen der Türkei stellt eine große Kulmination metamorpher Gesteine dar. Das Untersuchungsgebiet ist im Zentralen Menderes Massiv (Ödemis Submassiv) gelegen, das von den beiden aktiven Gräben, dem Gediz Graben im Norden und dem Büyük Menderes Graben im Süden begrenzt wird. Die Untersuchungen der Eklogit Relikte im zentralen Menderes Massiv haben ergeben, dass sich im Menderes Massiv Hochdruckrelikte in unterschiedlichen tektonischen Positionen befinden. Zum einen existieren Eklogit-Blöcke in der obersten Einheit (Selcuk Einheit) des zentralen Menderes Massivs und zum anderen Hochdruck-Relikte in der strukturell mittleren Birgi - Tire Decke. Die Granate der quarzfreien Eklogit-Blöcke weisen große Ähnlichkeiten mit denen der HP/LT Gesteine von Sifnos und Syros auf. Die Entwicklung der Eklogit-Blöcke in der Olistostrom-Einheit lässt sich jedoch nicht mit den Eklogit Relikten in der strukturell mittleren Birgi Tire Decke vergleichen. Für die Eklogit-Relikte in der Birgi Tire Decke wurde eine polymetamorphe Entwicklung mithilfe petrologischer Untersuchungen und chemischen und Pb-Pb Datierungen herausgearbeitet. Die Eklogit Relikte gehören zu einem metamorphen Teilpfad, der durch eine Amphibolitfazies 1 - Hochdruck - Amphibolitfazies 2/Granulitfazies charakterisiert ist. Der Endpunkt dieses Teilpfades ist mit Temperaturen zwischen 700 und 750 °C und Drücken von 1.2 - 1.4 GPa belegt. Für diese Bedingungen konnte ein minimales Alter von 520 Ma durch chemische Datierungen an Monaziten einer Augengneisprobe und Pb-Pb Datierungen an Zirkonen einer Augengneis- und Metagabbroprobe bestimmt werden. Dieser amphibolit/granulitfazieller Endpunkt wird mit den Granitintrusionen des zentralen und südlichen Menderes Massiv korreliert, die in einem Zeitraum zwischen 520 Ma bis 550 Ma stattfanden. Sowohl die Amphibolitfazies 1 als auch das Hochdruckereignis werden der Panafrikanischen Orogenese zugeordnet. Für die Hochdruckbedingungen wurden maximale Temperaturen zwischen 680°C und 720°C und bei einem Druck von 2.2 GPa bestimmt. In den untersuchten Metasedimenten konnte eine prograde metamorphe Entwicklung abgeleitet werden, die amphibolitfazielle Bedingungen von 660°C bei 0.6 GPa erreichte. Das Metamorphosealter dieser Metasedimente konnte mit < 100 Ma mittels chemischer Mikrosondendatierung bestimmt werden. Die in den Metasedimenten herausgearbeiteten Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen wurden ebenfalls in den metabasischen Gesteinen bestimmt. Diese Ergebnisse werden als Krustenstapelung der metabasischen Gesteine, Augengneise und Metasedimente interpretiert, die mit der alpinen Orogenese im Zusammenhang stehen. Durch die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit lässt sich die Birgi-Tire Decke im zentralen Menderes Massiv genauer charakterisieren. Sie besteht aus Metasedimenten, pelitischen Gneisen, Augengneisen und metabasichen Gesteinen. Die Gneise (pelitische und Augengneise) und die metabasischen Gesteine stellen panafrikanische Relikte dar, die einen amphibolit- eklogit- amphibolit/granulitfaziellen Metamorphosepfad gespeichert haben. Die amphibolit- bis granulitfazielle Metamorphose hängt mit den Granitintrusionen zusammen und fand in einem Zeitraum zwischen 520 - 550 Ma statt. Große Teile der Metasedimente der Birgi Tire Decke haben jedoch nur eine alpine metamorphe Entwicklung durchlaufen, wo sie unter amphibolitfazielle Bedingungen Krustentiefen erreichten, bei denen sie mit den panafrikanischen Relikten zusammen gestapelt wurden und eine gemeinsame Exhumierung erfahren haben. N2 - The Menderes Massif in western Turkey is a large culmination of metamorphic rocks. The investigation area is bounded by two active graben systems, the Gediz Graben in the north and the Büyük Menderes Graben in the south. One result of our investigation in the central Menderes Massif is the occurrence of eclogite relicts in different tectonic positions. On one hand eclogite blocks exist in the structurally highest nappe (Selcuk unit) of the central Menderes Massif, and on the other hand the high pressure relicts exist in the structurally middle Birgi-Tire nappe. The garnets of the quartz-free eclogite blocks in a metaolistostrome unit show large similarities with those which indicate the HP/LT rocks of Sifnos and Syros. The occurrence of the eclogite blocks in the metaolistostrome unit can not be correlated with those of the structural middle nappe (Birgi Tire nappe). By petrological investigations, chemical and Pb-Pb age determinations a polymetamorphic history was found for the eclogite relicts in the Birgi Tire nappe. The eclogite relicts belong to a metamorphic P-T path which is characterized by a amphibolite facies 1 - high pressure - amphibolite facies 2/granulite facies. The last one is characterized by temperatures between 700 and 750 °C and by pressure of 1.2 - 1.4 GPa. A minimum age of 520 Ma was deduced by chemical age determination on monazites and Pb-Pb dating on zircons. The age of the amphibolite/granulite facies condition is correlated with the granite intrusions in the central and southern Menderes Massif which occurred in the range of 520 to 550 Ma. The intrusions belong to the Panafrican orogeny. Therefore the P-T path (amphibolite facies 1 - high pressure - amphibolite facies 2/granulite facies) is assigned to the Panafrican orogeny. The maximum temperatures of the high pressure event are between 680 °C and 720 °C. The pressure amounts to 2.2 GPa. A prograde metamorphic evolution under amphibolite facies conditions was derived for the investigated metasediments. The amphibolite facies conditions took place at a temperature of 660°C and at a pressure of 0.6 GPa. The age of the metasediments was determined as < 100 Ma by means of chemical dating. The same metamorphic conditions could be recognized in the metabasic rocks. The interpretation of this result is that crustal stacking occurred under amphibolite facies conditions during the Alpine orogeny. Due to the presented results, the Birgi Tire nappe in the central Menderes Massif can be characterized more exactly. It consists of metasediments, pelitic and augengneisses, and metabasic rocks. Pelitic and augengneisses and the metabasic rocks represent Panafrican relicts, which have stored an amphibolite - eclogite - amphibolite/granulite facies P-T path. The amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphosis is related to the granite intrusions and took place in a period between 520 - 550 Ma. Parts of the metasediments belonging to the Birgi Tire nappe are influenced by only an alpine metamorphic history. They moved to crustal depths at which they were stacked with the Panafrican relicts under amphibolite facies conditions followed by common exhumation. KW - Hochdruckrelikte KW - Monazit KW - chemische Datierung KW - panafrikanische Orogenese KW - Menderes Massiv KW - high pressure relicts KW - monazite KW - chemical dating KW - panafrican orogeny KW - Menderes Massif Y1 - 2001 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000230 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmidt, Alexander A1 - Pourteau, Amaury A1 - Candan, Osman A1 - Oberhänsli, Roland T1 - Lu-Hf geochronology on cm-sized garnets using microsampling: New constraints on garnet growth rates and duration of metamorphism during continental collision (Menderes Massif, Turkey) JF - Earth & planetary science letters N2 - This study shows Lu-Hf geochronology of zoned garnet crystals contained in mica schists from the southern Menderes Massif, Turkey. Selected samples are four 3-5 cm large garnet megacrysts of which several consecutive garnet shells have been sampled with a micro-saw and analyzed for dating. The results are used to extract growth rates of garnet, and also to improve the time constraint for Alpine-aged overprint of the Pan-African basement in the Menderes Massif. The new data provides a precise age determination for prograde Barrovian metamorphism in the southern Menderes Massif, which so far was placed between 63 and 27 Ma on the basis of mica Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar dating. This study provides new constraints crucial to the understanding of the tectonic evolution of southwest Anatolia and the Aegean realm, as it yields a shorter outline for Alpine aged continental collision. KW - Lu-Hf geochronology KW - garnet KW - Alpine metamorphism KW - Menderes Massif Y1 - 2015 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2015.09.015 SN - 0012-821X SN - 1385-013X VL - 432 SP - 24 EP - 35 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - THES A1 - Rimmelé, Gaëtan T1 - Structural and metamorphic evolution of the Lycian Nappes and the Menderes Massif (southwest Turkey) : geodynamic implications and correlations with the Aegean domain N2 - West Anatolien, welches die östliche laterale Verlängerung der ägäischen Domäne darstellt, besteht aus mehreren tektono-metamorphen Einheiten, die Hochdruck/Niedrigtemperatur (HP/LT) Gesteine aufweisen. Einige dieser metamorphen Gesteine Zeugen der panafrikanischen oder der kimmerischen Orogenese sind, entstanden andere während die jüngere Alpine Orogenese. Das Menderes Massiv, in der SW Türkei, wird im N von Decken der Izmir-Ankara Suturzone, im E von der Afyon Zone sowie im S von den Lykischen Decken tektonisch überlagert. In den Metasedimenten der Lykischen Decken und dem darunterliegenden Menderes Massiv treten weitverbreitete Vorkommen von Fe-Mg-Carpholith-führenden Gesteinen auf. Diese neue Entdeckung belegt, dass beide Deckenkomplexe während der alpinen Orogenese unter HP/LT Bedingungen überprägt wurden. Die P-T Bedingungen für die HP-Phase liegen bei 10-12 kbar/400°C in den Lykischen Decken und 12-14 kbar/470-500°C im südlichen Menderes Massiv, was eine Versenkung von min. 30 km während der Subduktion und Deckenstapelung dokumentiert. Die Analyse der duktilen Deformation sowie thermobarometrische Berechnungen zeigen, dass die Lykischen Metasedimente unterschiedliche Exhumierungspfade nach der gemeinsamen HP-Phase durchliefen. In Gesteinen, die weiter entfernt vom Kontakt der Lykischen Decken mit dem Menderes Massiv liegen, lässt sich lediglich ein Hochdruck-Abkühlungspfad belegen, der mit einer „top-NNE“ Bewegung an die Akçakaya Scherzone gebunden ist. Diese Scherzone ist ein Intra-Deckenkontakt, der in den frühen Stadien, innerhalb des Stabilitätsfeldes von Fe-Mg-Carpholith, der Exhumierung aktiv war. Die nahe am Kontakt mit dem Menderes Massiv gelegenen Gesteine weisen wärmere Exhumierungspfade auf, die mit einer „top-E“ Scherung assoziiert sind. Diese Deformation erfolgte nach dem S-Transport der Lykischen Decken und somit zeitgleich mit der Reaktivierung des Kontakts der Lykischen Decken/Menderes Massiv als Hauptscherzone (der Gerit Scherzone), die eine späte Exhumierung der HP-Gesteine unter wärmeren Bedingungen erlaubte. Die Hochdruckgesteine des südlichen Menderes Massiv weisen eine einfache isothermale Dekompression bei etwa 450°C während der Exhumierung nach. Die begleitende Deformation während der Hochdruckphase und der Exhumierung ist durch eine starke N-S bis NE-SW–Dehnung charakterisiert. Das Alter der Hochdruckmetamorphose in den Lykischen Decken kann zwischen oberster Kreide (jüngste Sedimente in der Lykischen allochthonen Einheit) und Eozän (Kykladische Blauschiefer) festgelegt werden. Ein mögliches Paläozänes Alter kann somit angenommen werden. Das Alter der Hochdruckmetamorphose in den Deckschichten des Menderes Massiv liegt demnach zwischen mittlerem Paläozän (oberste Metaolistostrome der Menderes „Cover“-Einheit) und dem mittleren Eozän (HP-Metamorphose in der Dilek-Selçuk Region des Kykladenkomplex). Apatit-Spaltspur-Daten von beiden Seiten des Kontakts der Lykischen Decken/Menderes Massiv lassen darauf schließen, daß diese Gesteine im späten Oligozän/frühen Miozän sehr nahe der Paläo-Oberfläche waren. Die hier dargestellten Arbeiten in den Lykischen Decken und im Menderes Massiv lassen auf die Existenz eines ausgedehnten alpinen HP-Metamorphose-Gürtels im SW der Türkei schließen. Die Hochdruckgesteine wurden im Akkretionskomplex einer N-wärtigen Subduktion des Neo-Tethys Ozeans gebildet, der spät-Kretazisch obduziert und dann in die früh-Tertiäre Kontinentalkollision des passiven Randes (Anatolid-Taurid Block) mit der nördlichen Platte (Sakarya Mikrokontinent) miteinbezogen war. Im Eozän bestand der Akkretionskomplex aus drei gestapelten Hochdruckeinheiten. Die Unterste entspricht dem eingeschuppten Kern und Hochdruck-„Cover“ des Menderes Massivs. Die Mittlere besteht aus dem Kykladischen Blauschiefer-Komplex (Dilek-Selçuk Einheit) und die oberste Einheit wird von den Hochdruck Lykischen Decken gebildet. Während die Basiseinheiten der ägäischen und anatolischen Region tektonisch unterschiedliche Prä-mesozoische Geschichten durchliefen, wurden sie wahrscheinlich am Ende des Paläozikums zusammengeführt und durchliefen dann ein gemeinsame mesozoische Geschichte. Dann wurden die Basis und ihre Deckschichten, ebenso wie die Kykladischen Blauschiefer und Lykischen Decken, in ähnlich entstandene akkretionäre Komplexe während des Eozäns und Oligozäns involviert. N2 - Western Anatolia that represents the eastward lateral continuation of the Aegean domain is composed of several tectono-metamorphic units showing occurrences of high-pressure/low-temperature (HP-LT) rocks. While some of these metamorphic rocks are vestiges of the Pan-African or Cimmerian orogenies, others are the result of the more recent Alpine orogenesis. In southwest Turkey, the Menderes Massif occupies an extensive area tectonically overlain by nappe units of the Izmir-Ankara Suture Zone in the north, the Afyon Zone in the east, and the Lycian Nappes in the south. In the present study, investigations in the metasediments of the Lycian Nappes and underlying southern Menderes Massif revealed widespread occurrences of Fe-Mg-carpholite-bearing rocks. This discovery leads to the very first consideration that both nappe complexes recorded HP-LT metamorphic conditions during the Alpine orogenesis. P-T conditions for the HP metamorphic peak are about 10-12 kbar/400°C in the Lycian Nappes, and 12-14 kbar/470-500°C in the southern Menderes Massif, documenting a burial of at least 30 km during subduction and nappe stacking. Ductile deformation analysis in concert with multi-equilibrium thermobarometric calculations reveals that metasediments from the Lycian Nappes recorded distinct exhumation patterns after a common HP metamorphic peak. The rocks located far from the contact separating the Lycian Nappes and the Menderes Massif, where HP parageneses are well preserved, retained a single HP cooling path associated with top-to-the-NNE shearing related to the Akçakaya shear zone. This zone of strain localization is an intra-nappe contact that was active in the early stages of exhumation of HP rocks, within the stability field of Fe-Mg-carpholite. The rocks located close to the contact with the Menderes Massif, where HP parageneses are completely retrogressed into chlorite and mica, recorded warmer exhumation paths associated with top-to-the-E intense shearing. This deformation occurred after the southward emplacement of Lycian Nappes, and is contemporaneous with the reactivation of the ’Lycian Nappes-Menderes Massif′ contact as a major shear zone (the Gerit shear zone) that allowed late exhumation of HP parageneses under warmer conditions. The HP rocks from the southern Menderes Massif recorded a simple isothermal decompression at about 450°C during exhumation, and deformation during HP event and its exhumation is characterized by a severe N-S to NE-SW stretching. The age of the HP metamorphism recorded in the Lycian Nappes is assumed to range between the Latest Cretaceous (age of the youngest sediments in the Lycian allochthonous unit) and the Eocene (age of the Cycladic Blueschists). A probable Palaeocene age is suggested. The age of the HP metamorphism that affected the cover series of the Menderes Massif is constrained between the Middle Palaeocene (age of the uppermost metaolistostrome of the Menderes ’cover′) and the Middle Eocene (age of the HP metamorphism in the Dilek-Selçuk region that belongs to the Cycladic Complex). Apatite fission track data for the rocks on both sides of the ’Lycian Nappes/Menderes Massif’ contact suggest that these rocks were very close to the paleo-Earth surface in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene time. This study in the Lycian Nappes and in the Menderes Massif establishes the existence of an extensive Alpine HP metamorphic belt in southwest Turkey. HP rocks were involved in the accretionary complex related to northward-verging subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean, Late Cretaceous obduction and subsequent Early Tertiary continental collision of the passive margin (Anatolide-Tauride block) beneath the active margin of the northern plate (Sakarya micro-continent). During the Eocene, the accretionary complex was made of three stacked HP units. The lowermost corresponds to the imbricated ’core′ and HP ’cover′ of the Menderes Massif, the intermediate one consists of the Cycladic Blueschist Complex (Dilek-Selçuk unit), and the uppermost unit is made of the HP Lycian Nappes. Whereas the basement units of both Aegean and Anatolian regions underwent a different pre-Mesozoic tectonic history, they were probably juxtaposed by the end of the Paleozoic and underwent a common Mesozoic history. Then, the basements and their cover, as well as the Cycladic Blueschists and the Lycian Nappes were involved in similar evolutional accretionary complexes during the Eocene and Oligocene times. KW - Fe-Mg-carpholite KW - Menderes Massiv KW - Lykischen Decken KW - West Türkei KW - Hochdruck/Niedrigtemperatur Gesteine KW - Fe-Mg-carpholite KW - Menderes Massif KW - Lycian Nappes KW - West Turkey KW - High-pressure/low-temperature rocks Y1 - 2003 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001094 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Koralay, O. E. A1 - Candan, Osman A1 - Chen, F. A1 - Akal, Cemal B. A1 - Oberhänsli, Roland A1 - Satir, M. A1 - Dora, O. O. T1 - Pan-African magmatism in the Menderes Massif - geochronological data from leucocratic tourmaline orthogneisses in western Turkey JF - International journal of earth sciences N2 - The Menderes Massif, exposed in western Anatolia, is a metamorphic complex cropping out in the Alpine orogenic belt. The metamorphic rock succession of the Massif is made up of a Precambrian basement and overlying Paleozoic-early Tertiary cover series. The Pan-African basement is composed of late Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks consisting of partially migmatized paragneisses and conformably overlying medium- to high-grade mica schists, intruded by orthogneisses and metagabbros. Along the southern flank of the southern submassif, we recognized well-preserved primary contact relationship between biotite and leucocratic tourmaline orthogneisses and country rocks as the orthogneisses represent numerous large plutons, stocks and vein rocks intruded into a basement of garnet mica schists. Based on the radiometric data, the primary deposition age of the precursors of the country rocks, garnet mica schist, can be constrained between 600 and 550 Ma (latest Neoproterozoic). The North Africa-Arabian-Nubian Shield in the Mozambique Belt can be suggested as the possible provenance of these metaclastics. The intrusion ages of the leucocratic tourmaline orthogneisses and biotite orthogneisses were dated at 550-540 Ma (latest Neoproterozoic-earliest Cambrian) by zircon U/Pb and Pb/Pb geochronology. These granitoids represent the products of the widespread Pan-African acidic magmatic activity, which can be attributed to the closure of the Mozambique Ocean during the final collision of East and West Gondwana. Detrital zircon ages at about 550 Ma in the Paleozoic muscovite-quartz schists show that these Pan-African granitoids in the basement form the source rocks of the cover series of the Menderes Massif. KW - Menderes Massif KW - Leucocratic tourmaline orthogneisses KW - Pan-African magmatism KW - Zircon U/Pb and Pb-Pb ages KW - Mozambique Ocean KW - Gondwanaoberh Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-012-0775-2 SN - 1437-3254 VL - 101 IS - 8 SP - 2055 EP - 2081 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Candan, Osman A1 - Koralay, O. E. A1 - Akal, Cemal B. A1 - Kaya, O. A1 - Oberhänsli, Roland A1 - Dora, O. O. A1 - Konak, N. A1 - Chen, F. T1 - Supra-Pan-African unconformity between core and cover series of the Menderes Massif/Turkey and its geological implications JF - Precambrian research N2 - Well-preserved primary contact relationships between a Late Proterozoic metasedimentary and the metagranitic core and Palaeozoic cover series of the Menderes Massif have been recognized in the eastern part of the Cine submassif on a regional-scale. Metaconglomerates occur as laterally discontinuous channel-fill bodies close the base of the metaquartzarenite directly above the basement. The pebbles in the metaconglomerates consist mainly of different types of tourmaline-rich leucocratic granitoids, tourmalinite and schist in a sandy matrix. Petrographic features, geochemical compositions and zircon radiometric ages (549.6 +/- 3.7-552.3 +/- 3.1 Ma) of the diagnostic clasts of the metaconglomerates (e.g. leucocratic granitoids and tourmalinites) show excellent agreement with their in situ equivalents (549.0 +/- 5.4 Ma) occurring in the Pan-African basement as stocks and veins. The correlation between clasts in the metaconglomerates and granitoids of the basement suggests that the primary contact between the basement and cover series is a regional unconformity (supra-Pan-African Unconformity) representing deep erosion of the Pan-African basement followed by the deposition of the cover series. Hence the usage of 'core-cover' terminology in the Menderes Massif is valid. Consequently, these new data preclude the views that the granitic precursors of the leucocratic orthogneisses are Tertiary intrusions. KW - Menderes Massif KW - Pan-African KW - Zircon age KW - Core complex KW - Turkey Y1 - 2011 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2010.09.010 SN - 0301-9268 VL - 184 IS - 1-4 SP - 1 EP - 23 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Candan, O. A1 - Koralay, O. E. A1 - Topuz, G. A1 - Oberhänsli, Roland A1 - Fritz, H. A1 - Collins, A. S. A1 - Chen, F. T1 - Late Neoproterozoic gabbro emplacement followed by early Cambrian eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Menderes Massif (W. Turkey): Implications on the final assembly of Gondwana JF - Gondwana research : international geoscience journal ; official journal of the International Association for Gondwana Research N2 - Numerous (meta-)gabbroic dikes or stocks occur within the latest Neoproterozoic-early Cambrian series of the Menderes Massif (Anatolide-Tauride Block, western Turkey). These well-preserved rocks were locally converted into eclogitic metagabbros and garnet amphibolites along the contacts or shear zones. Both bulk-rock composition and compositions of igneous clinopyroxenes suggest continental tholeiitic affinity. U-Pb dating of igneous zircons from gabbroic rocks yielded a mean age of 563 +/- 1 Ma (2 sigma), indicating emplacement during the latest Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran). On the other hand, rims of zircons from eclogitic metagabbro gave 535 +/- 3 Ma (2 sigma) (early Cambrian), in addition to 558 +/- 3 Ma (2 sigma) obtained from the igneous core of zircons. These ages are interpreted as the time of high-P metamorphism and crystallization age of gabbroic protolith, respectively. Given the estimated paleogeographic position of the Anatolide-Tauride Block during the late Neoproterozoic and early Cambrian, this orogenic event can be spatially and temporally related to the northward continuity of 600-500 Ma orogenic event (Malagasy/Kuunga orogeny) extending from western margin of India, Madagascar, via Arabia up to northern margin of Gondwana beneath thick Phanerozoic cover series in Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, the high-P evolution of the basement of the Menderes Massif and associated basic intrusions can be interpreted to mark the latest stages of consumption of the basin/oceanic branches and final amalgamation of the Gondwana during the late Neoproterozoic-early Cambrian around the Arabian region. (C) 2015 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. KW - Gabbro KW - Eclogite KW - Malagasy/Kuunga orogeny KW - Menderes Massif KW - Turkey Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2015.02.015 SN - 1342-937X SN - 1878-0571 VL - 34 SP - 158 EP - 173 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER -