TY - THES A1 - Brune, Sascha T1 - Modelling continental rift dynamics T1 - Modellierung kontinentaler Riftdynamik N2 - Continental rift systems open up unique possibilities to study the geodynamic system of our planet: geodynamic localization processes are imprinted in the morphology of the rift by governing the time-dependent activity of faults, the topographic evolution of the rift or by controlling whether a rift is symmetric or asymmetric. Since lithospheric necking localizes strain towards the rift centre, deformation structures of previous rift phases are often well preserved and passive margins, the end product of continental rifting, retain key information about the tectonic history from rift inception to continental rupture. Current understanding of continental rift evolution is based on combining observations from active rifts with data collected at rifted margins. Connecting these isolated data sets is often accomplished in a conceptual way and leaves room for subjective interpretation. Geodynamic forward models, however, have the potential to link individual data sets in a quantitative manner, using additional constraints from rock mechanics and rheology, which allows to transcend previous conceptual models of rift evolution. By quantifying geodynamic processes within continental rifts, numerical modelling allows key insight to tectonic processes that operate also in other plate boundary settings, such as mid ocean ridges, collisional mountain chains or subduction zones. In this thesis, I combine numerical, plate-tectonic, analytical, and analogue modelling approaches, whereas numerical thermomechanical modelling constitutes the primary tool. This method advanced rapidly during the last two decades owing to dedicated software development and the availability of massively parallel computer facilities. Nevertheless, only recently the geodynamical modelling community was able to capture 3D lithospheric-scale rift dynamics from onset of extension to final continental rupture. The first chapter of this thesis provides a broad introduction to continental rifting, a summary of the applied rift modelling methods and a short overview of previews studies. The following chapters, which constitute the main part of this thesis feature studies on plate boundary dynamics in two and three dimension followed by global scale analyses (Fig. 1). Chapter II focuses on 2D geodynamic modelling of rifted margin formation. It highlights the formation of wide areas of hyperextended crustal slivers via rift migration as a key process that affected many rifted margins worldwide. This chapter also contains a study of rift velocity evolution, showing that rift strength loss and extension velocity are linked through a dynamic feed-back. This process results in abrupt accelerations of the involved plates during rifting illustrating for the first time that rift dynamics plays a role in changing global-scale plate motions. Since rift velocity affects key processes like faulting, melting and lower crustal flow, this study also implies that the slow-fast velocity evolution should be imprinted in rifted margin structures. Chapter III relies on 3D Cartesian rift models in order to investigate various aspects of rift obliquity. Oblique rifting occurs if the extension direction is not orthogonal to the rift trend. Using 3D lithospheric-scale models from rift initialisation to breakup I could isolate a characteristic evolution of dominant fault orientations. Further work in Chapter III addresses the impact of rift obliquity on the strength of the rift system. We illustrate that oblique rifting is mechanically preferred over orthogonal rifting, because the brittle yielding requires a lower tectonic force. This mechanism elucidates rift competition during South Atlantic rifting, where the more oblique Equatorial Atlantic Rift proceeded to breakup while the simultaneously active but less oblique West African rift system became a failed rift. Finally this Chapter also investigates the impact of a previous rift phase on current tectonic activity in the linkage area of the Kenyan with Ethiopian rift. We show that the along strike changes in rift style are not caused by changes in crustal rheology. Instead the rift linkage pattern in this area can be explained when accounting for the thinned crust and lithosphere of a Mesozoic rift event. Chapter IV investigates rifting from the global perspective. A first study extends the oblique rift topic of the previous chapter to global scale by investigating the frequency of oblique rifting during the last 230 million years. We find that approximately 70% of all ocean-forming rift segments involved an oblique component of extension where obliquities exceed 20°. This highlights the relevance of 3D approaches in modelling, surveying, and interpretation of many rifted margins. In a final study, we propose a link between continental rift activity, diffuse CO2 degassing and Mesozoic/Cenozoic climate changes. We used recent CO2 flux measurements in continental rifts to estimate worldwide rift-related CO2 release, which we based on the global extent of rifts through time. The first-order correlation to paleo-atmospheric CO2 proxy data suggests that rifts constitute a major element of the global carbon cycle. N2 - Kontinentale Grabensysteme eröffnen einzigartige Einsichten in das geodynamische System unseres Planeten: Geodynamische Lokalisierungs-prozesse prägen die Morphologie von Riftsystemen, indem sie die zeitabhängige Aktivität von Störungen, die topographische Entwicklung des Rifts oder dessen Symmetrieentwicklung kontrollieren. Da die Verformung oft in Richtung des Riftzentrums lokalisiert, sind die Deformationsstrukturen früherer Riftphasen meist gut erhalten und passive Ränder, die Endprodukte kontinentalen Riftings, beinhalten wichtige Informationen über die tektonische Geschichte vom Riftbeginn bis zum kontinentalen Zerbrechen. Unser gegenwärtiges Verständnis der Riftentwicklung basiert auf der Kombination von Beobachtungen in aktiven Rifts mit Informationen, die an passiven Kontinental-rändern gesammelt wurden. Die Einbindung dieser isolierten Datensätze erfolgt oft konzeptionell und lässt Raum für subjektive Interpretationen. Geodynamische Vorwärtsmodelle haben jedoch das Potenzial, einzelne Datensätze quantitativ zu verknüpfen, wobei zusätzliche Informationen aus der Gesteinsmechanik und Rheologie verwendet werden, die es ermöglichen, frühere konzeptionelle Riftmodelle weiter zu entwickeln. In dieser Arbeit kombiniere ich numerische, plattentektonische, analytische und analoge Modellierungsansätze, wobei die numerische thermomechanische Modellierung das primäre Werkzeug darstellt. Diese Methode hat sich in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten aufgrund dedizierter Softwareentwicklung und der Verfügbarkeit von massiv parallelisierten Supercomputern sehr schnell entwickelt. Dennoch gelang es der geodynamischen Modellierungsgemeinschaft erst vor kurzem, die dreidimensionale lithosphärenskalige Riftentwicklung vom Beginn der Dehnung bis zum endgültigen Zerbrechen eines Kontinents zu erfassen. Meine Habilitationsschrift beinhaltet eine Einführung in kontinentale Rifttektonik, eine Zusammenfassung der angewendeten Modellierungsmethoden und einen kurzen Überblick über Vorstudien. In dem Hauptteil dieser Arbeit werden Untersuchungen auf Plattenrandskala in zwei und drei Dimensionen durchgeführt, gefolgt von globalen Analysen der Riftentwicklung. Dabei beschreibe ich die Bildung extrem ausgedehnter kontinentaler Kruste, die an vielen gerifteten Kontinentalrändern beobachtet wurde, die Rückkopplung zwischen Riftdynamik und Plattenbewegungen, der Wirkung von Riftschrägheit und tektonischer Vererbung auf die Riftarchitektur sowie den Einfluss von Riftsystemen auf CO2-Entgasung in Bezug auf die paläoklimatische Entwicklung der Erde seit dem Zerbrechen Pangäas. KW - rifting KW - modelling KW - plate tectonics KW - geodynamics KW - Grabenbruch KW - Modellierung KW - Plattentektonik KW - Geodynamik Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-432364 ER - TY - THES A1 - Hahne, Kai T1 - Detektion eines mesozoischen Gangschwarmes in NW Namibia und Rekonstruktion regionaler Spannungszustände während der Südatlantiköffnung N2 - Gangschwärme nehmen eine bedeutende Stellung im Verständnis zur kontinentalen Fragmentierung ein. Einerseits markieren sie das Paläo-Spannungsfeld und helfen bei der Rekonstruktion der strukturellen Entwicklung der gedehnten Lithosphäre, andererseits gibt ihre petrologische Beschaffenheit Aufschluß über die Entstehung des Magmas, Aufstieg und Platznahme und schließlich erlaubt ihre Altersbestimmung die Rekonstruktion einer chronologischen Reihenfolge magmatischer und struktureller Ereignisse. Das Arbeitsgebiet im namibianischen Henties Bay-Outjo Dike swarm (HOD) war zur Zeit der Unterkreide einem Rifting mit intensiver Platznahme von überwiegend mafischen Gängen unterworfen. Geochemische Signaturen weisen die Gänge als erodierte Förderkanäle der Etendeka Plateaubasalte aus. Durch den Einsatz von hochauflösenden Aeromagnetik- und Satellitendaten war es möglich, die Geometrie des Gangschwarmes erstmals detailliert synoptisch zu erfassen. Viele zu den Schichten des Grundgebirges foliationsparallel verlaufende magnetische Anomalien können unaufgeschlossenen kretazischen Intrusionen zugeordnet werden. Bei der nach Norden propagierenden Südatlantiköffnung spielte die unterschiedliche strukturelle Vorzeichnung durch die neoproterozoischen Faltengürtel sowie Lithologie und Spannungsfeld des Angola Kratons eine bedeutende Rolle. Im küstennahen zentralen Bereich war dank der Vorzeichnung des Nordost streichenden Damara-Faltengürtels ein Rifting in Nordwest-Südost-Richtung dominierend, bis das Angola Kraton ein weiteres Fortscheiten nach Nordosten hemmte und die Vorzeichnung des Nordwest streichenden Kaoko-Faltengürtels an der Westgrenze den weiteren Riftverlauf und die letztendlich erfolgreiche Öffnung des Südatlantiks bestimmte. Aus diesem Grund kann das Gebiet des HOD als ein failed rift betrachtet werden. Die Entwicklung des Spannungsfeldes im HOD kann folgendermaßen skizziert werden: 1. Platznahme von Gängen bei gleichzeitig hoher Dehnungsrate und hohem Magmenfluß. 2. Platznahme von Zentralvulkanen entlang reaktivierter paläozoischer Lineamente bei Abnahme der Dehnungsrate und fortbestehendem hohen Magmenfluß. 3. Abnahme/Versiegen des Magmenflusses und neotektonische Bewegungen führen zur Bildung von Halbgräben. N2 - Dike swarms play a fundamental role in understanding continental breakup. On the one hand they represent strain markers of the paleo-deformation field and help to reconstruct the structural evolution of the rifted lithosphere. On the other hand their magmatic infill contains information about the conditions of magma generation, ascent and emplacement. Finally, dating of dikes allows reconstructing a chronological order of magmatic and structural events. The study area of the Namibian Henties Bay-Outjo Dike swarm (HOD) underwent tectonic extension in the Lower Cretaceous associated with the widespread emplacement of predominantly mafic dikes and intrusive ring complexes representing the remnants of volcanic centres. Geochemical signatures of the dikes prove them to be the feeder structures of the Etendeka Plateau Basalts. The application of recent high resolution aeromagnetic surveys and satellite imaging revealed the dike swarm's extent and geometry for the first time. The distribution and geometry of the dikes shown in the aeromagnetics reflect the propagation of the South Atlantic opening from south to north by their relative-ages. Northwest-southeast-directed rifting was dominant in the central coastal area, due to the structural control of the northeast striking basement structures until further propagation was hampered by the Angola Craton. Subsequently the structural control of the coast-parallel Kaoko Belt became dominant and determined the successful opening of the South Atlantic. Hence, the area of the HOD can be considered as a failed rift. The stress field evolution within the HOD can be outlined as follows: 1. Intrusion of dikes when extension rates as well as magma supply were high. 2. Intrusion of volcanic ring complexes along reactivated Panafrican lineaments when extension rates decreased and magma supply remained high. 3. Neotectonic movements create half-grabens after the termination of magmatism. T2 - Detektion eines mesozoischen Gangschwarmes in NW Namibia und Rekonstruktion regionaler Spannungszustände während der Südatlantiköffnung KW - Gangschwarm KW - Namibia KW - Gondwana KW - Südatlantik KW - Rift KW - Etendeka KW - Flutbasalt KW - Spannungsfeld KW - Fernerkundung KW - Aeromagnetik KW - Landsat. KW - Dike KW - Dyke KW - Namibia KW - Gondwana KW - Southatlantic KW - continental breakup KW - rifting KW - failed rift KW - Etendeka KW - flood volcanism KW - stress field KW - remote sensing KW - aero Y1 - 2004 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001687 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heckenbach, Esther Lina A1 - Brune, Sascha A1 - Glerum, Anne C. A1 - Bott, Judith T1 - Is there a speed limit for the thermal steady-state assumption in continental rifts? JF - Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems : G 3 ; an electronic journal of the earth sciences N2 - The lithosphere is often assumed to reside in a thermal steady-state when quantitatively describing the temperature distribution in continental interiors and sedimentary basins, but also at active plate boundaries. Here, we investigate the applicability limit of this assumption at slowly deforming continental rifts. To this aim, we assess the tectonic thermal imprint in numerical experiments that cover a range of realistic rift configurations. For each model scenario, the deviation from thermal equilibrium is evaluated. This is done by comparing the transient temperature field of every model to a corresponding steady-state model with an identical structural configuration. We find that the validity of the thermal steady-state assumption strongly depends on rift type, divergence velocity, sampling location, and depth within the rift. Maximum differences between transient and steady-state models occur in narrow rifts, at the rift sides, and if the extension rate exceeds 0.5-2 mm/a. Wide rifts, however, reside close to thermal steady-state even for high extension velocities. The transient imprint of rifting appears to be overall negligible for shallow isotherms with a temperature less than 100 degrees C. Contrarily, a steady-state treatment of deep crustal isotherms leads to an underestimation of crustal temperatures, especially for narrow rift settings. Thus, not only relatively fast rifts like the Gulf of Corinth, Red Sea, and Main Ethiopian Rift, but even slow rifts like the Kenya Rift, Rhine Graben, and Rio Grande Rift must be expected to feature a pronounced transient component in the temperature field and to therefore violate the thermal steady-state assumption for deeper crustal isotherms. KW - basin analysis KW - geodynamics KW - numerical modeling KW - rifting KW - thermal KW - modeling Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009577 SN - 1525-2027 VL - 22 IS - 3 PB - Wiley CY - Hoboken, NJ ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Motuza, Gediminas A1 - Sliaupa, Saulius A1 - Timmerman, Martin Jan T1 - Geochemistry and Ar-40/Ar-39 age of Early Carboniferous dolerite sills in the southern Baltic Sea JF - Estonian journal of earth sciences N2 - The Early Carboniferous magmatic event in the southern Baltic Sea is manifested by dolerite intrusions. The presumable area in which the dolerite intrusions occur ranges from 30 to 60 km in east-west direction, and is about 100 km in north-south direction. The dolerites were sampled in well D1-1 and investigated by applying chemical analysis and Ar-40/Ar-39 step-heating dating. Dolerites are classified as alkali and sodic, characterized by high TiO2 (3.92, 3.99 wt%) and P2O5 (1.67, 1.77 wt%) and low MgO (4.89, 4.91 wt%) concentrations, enriched in light rare earth elements, originated from an enriched mantle magma source and emplaced in a continental rift tectonic setting. The 351 +/- 11 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau age for groundmass plagioclase indicates a considerable age gap with the 310-250 Ma magmatism in southern Scandinavia and northern Germany. The magmatic rocks in the Baltic Sedimentary Basin are coeval with alkaline intrusions of NE Poland. Both magmatic provinces lie in the northwestward prolongation of the Pripyat-Dnieper-Donetsk Rift (370-359 Ma) and may constitute a later phase of magmatic activity of this propagating rift system. KW - dolerite KW - rifting KW - Carboniferous KW - argon dating KW - Baltic Sea Y1 - 2015 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3176/earth.2015.30 SN - 1736-4728 SN - 1736-7557 VL - 64 IS - 3 SP - 233 EP - 248 PB - Estonian Academy Publ. CY - Tallinn ER -