@phdthesis{Stange2024, author = {Stange, Maike}, title = {A study on Coronin-A and Aip1 function in motility of Dictyostelium discoideum and on Aip1 interchangeability between Dictyostelium discoideum and Arabidopsis thaliana}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62856}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-628569}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 168}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Actin is one of the most highly conserved proteins in eukaryotes and distinct actin-related proteins with filament-forming properties are even found in prokaryotes. Due to these commonalities, actin-modulating proteins of many species share similar structural properties and proposed functions. The polymerization and depolymerization of actin are critical processes for a cell as they can contribute to shape changes to adapt to its environment and to move and distribute nutrients and cellular components within the cell. However, to what extent functions of actin-binding proteins are conserved between distantly related species, has only been addressed in a few cases. In this work, functions of Coronin-A (CorA) and Actin-interacting protein 1 (Aip1), two proteins involved in actin dynamics, were characterized. In addition, the interchangeability and function of Aip1 were investigated in two phylogenetically distant model organisms. The flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana (encoding two homologs, AIP1-1 and AIP1-2) and in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum (encoding one homolog, DdAip1) were chosen because the functions of their actin cytoskeletons may differ in many aspects. Functional analyses between species were conducted for AIP1 homologs as flowering plants do not harbor a CorA gene. In the first part of the study, the effect of four different mutation methods on the function of Coronin-A protein and the resulting phenotype in D. discoideum was revealed in two genetic knockouts, one RNAi knockdown and a sudden loss-of-function mutant created by chemical-induced dislocation (CID). The advantages and disadvantages of the different mutation methods on the motility, appearance and development of the amoebae were investigated, and the results showed that not all observed properties were affected with the same intensity. Remarkably, a new combination of Selection-Linked Integration and CID could be established. In the second and third parts of the thesis, the exchange of Aip1 between plant and amoeba was carried out. For A. thaliana, the two homologs (AIP1-1 and AIP1-2) were analyzed for functionality as well as in D. discoideum. In the Aip1-deficient amoeba, rescue with AIP1-1 was more effective than with AIP1-2. The main results in the plant showed that in the aip1-2 mutant background, reintroduced AIP1-2 displayed the most efficient rescue and A. thaliana AIP1-1 rescued better than DdAip1. The choice of the tagging site was important for the function of Aip1 as steric hindrance is a problem. The DdAip1 was less effective when tagged at the C-terminus, while the plant AIP1s showed mixed results depending on the tag position. In conclusion, the foreign proteins partially rescued phenotypes of mutant plants and mutant amoebae, despite the organisms only being very distantly related in evolutionary terms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2024, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Marj{\"a}nn Helena}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Evolution der 15-Lipoxygenase (ALOX15) bei S{\"a}ugetieren und funktionelle Charakterisierung von Knock-in-M{\"a}usen mit humanisierter Reaktionsspezifit{\"a}t der 15-Lipoxygenase-2 (Alox15b)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62034}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620340}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 280}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Arachidons{\"a}urelipoxygenasen (ALOX-Isoformen) sind Lipid-peroxidierenden Enzyme, die bei der Zelldifferenzierung und bei der Pathogenese verschiedener Erkrankungen bedeutsam sind. Im menschlichen Genom gibt es sechs funktionelle ALOX-Gene, die als Einzelkopiegene vorliegen. F{\"u}r jedes humane ALOX-Gen gibt es ein orthologes Mausgen. Obwohl sich die sechs humanen ALOX-Isoformen strukturell sehr {\"a}hnlich sind, unterscheiden sich ihre funktionellen Eigenschaften deutlich voneinander. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden vier unterschiedliche Fragestellungen zum Vorkommen, zur biologischen Rolle und zur Evolutionsabh{\"a}ngigkeit der enzymatischen Eigenschaften von S{\"a}ugetier-ALOX-Isoformen untersucht: 1) Spitzh{\"o}rnchen (Tupaiidae) sind evolution{\"a}r n{\"a}her mit dem Menschen verwandt als Nagetiere und wurden deshalb als Alternativmodelle f{\"u}r die Untersuchung menschlicher Erkrankungen vorgeschlagen. In dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals der Arachidons{\"a}urestoffwechsel von Spitzh{\"o}rnchen untersucht. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass im Genom von Tupaia belangeri vier unterschiedliche ALOX15-Gene vorkommen und die Enzyme sich hinsichtlich ihrer katalytischen Eigenschaften {\"a}hneln. Diese genomische Vielfalt, die weder beim Menschen noch bei M{\"a}usen vorhanden ist, erschwert die funktionellen Untersuchungen zur biologischen Rolle des ALOX15-Weges. Damit scheint Tupaia belangeri kein geeigneteres Tiermodel f{\"u}r die Untersuchung des ALOX15-Weges des Menschen zu sein. 2) Entsprechend der Evolutionshypothese k{\"o}nnen S{\"a}ugetier-ALOX15-Orthologe in Arachidons{\"a}ure-12-lipoxygenierende- und Arachidons{\"a}ure-15-lipoxygenierende Enzyme eingeteilt werden. Dabei exprimieren S{\"a}ugetierspezies, die einen h{\"o}heren Evolutionsgrad als Gibbons aufweisen, Arachidons{\"a}ure-15-lipoxygenierende ALOX15-Orthologe, w{\"a}hrend evolution{\"a}r weniger weit entwickelte S{\"a}ugetiere Arachidons{\"a}ure-12 lipoxygenierende Enzyme besitzen. In dieser Arbeit wurden elf neue ALOX15-Orthologe als rekombinante Proteine exprimiert und funktionell charakterisiert. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse f{\"u}gen sich widerspruchsfrei in die Evolutionshypothese ein und verbreitern deren experimentelle Basis. Die experimentellen Daten best{\"a}tigen auch das Triadenkonzept. 3) Da humane und murine ALOX15B-Orthologe unterschiedliche funktionelle Eigenschaften aufweisen, k{\"o}nnen Ergebnisse aus murinen Krankheitsmodellen zur biologischen Rolle der ALOX15B nicht direkt auf den Menschen {\"u}bertragen werden. Um die ALOX15B-Orthologen von Maus und Mensch funktionell einander anzugleichen, wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit Knock-in M{\"a}use durch die In vivo Mutagenese mittels CRISPR/Cas9-Technik hergestellt. Diese exprimieren eine humanisierte Mutante (Doppelmutation von Tyrosin603Asparagins{\"a}ure+Histidin604Valin) der murinen Alox15b. Diese M{\"a}use waren lebens- und fortpflanzungsf{\"a}hig, zeigten aber geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede zu ausgekreuzten Wildtyp-Kontrolltieren im Rahmen ihre Individualentwicklung. 4) In vorhergehenden Untersuchungen zur Rolle der ALOX15B in Rahmen der Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion wurde eine antiinflammatorische Wirkung des Enzyms postuliert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob eine Humanisierung der murinen Alox15b die Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion in zwei verschiedenen murinen Entz{\"u}ndungsmodellen beeinflusst. Eine Humanisierung der murinen Alox15b f{\"u}hrte zu einer verst{\"a}rkten Ausbildung von Entz{\"u}ndungssymptomen im induzierten Dextran-Natrium-Sulfat-Kolitismodell. Im Gegensatz dazu bewirkte die Humanisierung der Alox15b eine Abschw{\"a}chung der Entz{\"u}ndungssymptome im Freund'schen Adjuvans Pfoten{\"o}demmodell. Diese Daten deuten darauf hin, dass sich die Rolle der ALOX15B in verschiedenen Entz{\"u}ndungsmodellen unterscheidet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hammel2024, author = {Hammel, Alexander}, title = {Establishing the red microalga Porphyridium purpureum as a novel platform for the production of recombinant proteins}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63270}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-632709}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 159}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Microalgae have been recognized as a promising green production platform for recombinant proteins. The majority of studies on recombinant protein expression have been conducted in the green microalga C. reinhardtii. While promising improvement regarding nuclear transgene expression in this alga has been made, it is still inefficient due to epigenetic silencing, often resulting in low yields that are not competitive with other expressor organisms. Other microalgal species might be better suited for high-level protein expression, but are limited in their availability of molecular tools. The red microalga Porphyridium purpureum recently emerged as candidate for the production of recombinant proteins. It is promising in that transformation vectors are episomally maintained as autonomously replicating plasmids in the nucleus at a high copy number, thus leading to high expression values in this red alga. In this work, we expand the genetic tools for P. purpureum and investigate parameters that govern efficient transgene expression. We provide an improved transformation protocol to streamline the generation of transgenic lines in this organism. After being able to efficiently generate transgenic lines, we showed that codon usage is a main determinant of high-level transgene expression, not only at the protein level but also at the level of mRNA accumulation. The optimized expression constructs resulted in YFP accumulation up to an unprecedented 5\% of the total soluble protein. Furthermore, we designed new constructs conferring efficient transgene expression into the culture medium, simplifying purification and harvests of recombinant proteins. To further improve transgene expression, we tested endogenous promoters driving the most highly transcribed genes in P. purpureum and found minor increase of YFP accumulation. We employed the previous findings to express complex viral antigens from the hepatitis B virus and the hepatitis C virus in P. purpureum to demonstrate its feasibility as producer of biopharmaceuticals. The viral glycoproteins were successfully produced to high levels and could reach their native confirmation, indicating a functional glycosylation machinery and an appropriate folding environment in this red alga. We could successfully upscale the biomass production of transgenic lines and with that provide enough material for immunization trials in mice that were performed in collaboration. These trials showed no toxicity of neither the biomass nor the purified antigens, and, additionally, the algal-produced antigens were able to elicit a strong and specific immune response. The results presented in this work pave the way for P. purpureum as a new promising producer organism for biopharmaceuticals in the microalgal field.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kiss2024, author = {Kiss, Andrea}, title = {Moss-associated bacterial and archaeal communities of northern peatlands: key taxa, environmental drivers and potential functions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630641}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XX, 139, liv}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Moss-microbe associations are often characterised by syntrophic interactions between the microorganisms and their hosts, but the structure of the microbial consortia and their role in peatland development remain unknown. In order to study microbial communities of dominant peatland mosses, Sphagnum and brown mosses, and the respective environmental drivers, four study sites representing different successional stages of natural northern peatlands were chosen on a large geographical scale: two brown moss-dominated, circumneutral peatlands from the Arctic and two Sphagnum-dominated, acidic peat bogs from subarctic and temperate zones. The family Acetobacteraceae represented the dominant bacterial taxon of Sphagnum mosses from various geographical origins and displayed an integral part of the moss core community. This core community was shared among all investigated bryophytes and consisted of few but highly abundant prokaryotes, of which many appear as endophytes of Sphagnum mosses. Moreover, brown mosses and Sphagnum mosses represent habitats for archaea which were not studied in association with peatland mosses so far. Euryarchaeota that are capable of methane production (methanogens) displayed the majority of the moss-associated archaeal communities. Moss-associated methanogenesis was detected for the first time, but it was mostly negligible under laboratory conditions. Contrarily, substantial moss-associated methane oxidation was measured on both, brown mosses and Sphagnum mosses, supporting that methanotrophic bacteria as part of the moss microbiome may contribute to the reduction of methane emissions from pristine and rewetted peatlands of the northern hemisphere. Among the investigated abiotic and biotic environmental parameters, the peatland type and the host moss taxon were identified to have a major impact on the structure of moss-associated bacterial communities, contrarily to archaeal communities whose structures were similar among the investigated bryophytes. For the first time it was shown that different bog development stages harbour distinct bacterial communities, while at the same time a small core community is shared among all investigated bryophytes independent of geography and peatland type. The present thesis displays the first large-scale, systematic assessment of bacterial and archaeal communities associated both with brown mosses and Sphagnum mosses. It suggests that some host-specific moss taxa have the potential to play a key role in host moss establishment and peatland development.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cheng2024, author = {Cheng, Feng}, title = {Evolution and ontogeny of electric organ discharge in African weakly electric fish genus Campylomormyrus: a genomic and transcriptomic perspective}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63017}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-630172}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {176}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The African weakly electric fishes (Mormyridae) exhibit a remarkable adaptive radiation possibly due to their species-specific electric organ discharges (EODs). It is produced by a muscle-derived electric organ that is located in the caudal peduncle. Divergence in EODs acts as a pre-zygotic isolation mechanism to drive species radiations. However, the mechanism behind the EOD diversification are only partially understood. The aim of this study is to explore the genetic basis of EOD diversification from the gene expression level across Campylomormyrus species/hybrids and ontogeny. I firstly produced a high quality genome of the species C. compressirostris as a valuable resource to understand the electric fish evolution. The next study compared the gene expression pattern between electric organs and skeletal muscles in Campylomormyrus species/hybrids with different types of EOD duration. I identified several candidate genes with an electric organ-specific expression, e.g. KCNA7a, KLF5, KCNJ2, SCN4aa, NDRG3, MEF2. The overall genes expression pattern exhibited a significant association with EOD duration in all analyzed species/hybrids. The expression of several candidate genes, e.g. KCNJ2, KLF5, KCNK6 and KCNQ5, possibly contribute to the regulation of EOD duration in Campylomormyrus due to their increasing or decreasing expression. Several potassium channel genes showed differential expression during ontogeny in species and hybrid with EOD alteration, e.g. KCNJ2. I next explored allele specific expression of intragenus hybrids by crossing the duration EOD species C. compressirostris with the medium duration EOD species C. tshokwe and the elongated duration EOD species C. rhynchophorus. The hybrids exhibited global expression dominance of the C. compressirostris allele in the adult skeletal muscle and electric organ, as well as in the juvenile electric organ. Only the gene KCNJ2 showed dominant expression of the allele from C. rhynchophorus, and this was increasingly dominant during ontogeny. It hence supported our hypothesis that KCNJ2 is a key gene of regulating EOD duration. Our results help us to understand, from a genetic perspective, how gene expression effect the EOD diversification in the African weakly electric fish.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MartinezSeidel2023, author = {Martinez-Seidel, Federico}, title = {Ribosome Heterogeneity and Specialization during Temperature Acclimation in Plants}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58072}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-580724}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {374}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Ribosomes decode mRNA to synthesize proteins. Ribosomes, once considered static, executing machines, are now viewed as dynamic modulators of translation. Increasingly detailed analyses of structural ribosome heterogeneity led to a paradigm shift toward ribosome specialization for selective translation. As sessile organisms, plants cannot escape harmful environments and evolved strategies to withstand. Plant cytosolic ribosomes are in some respects more diverse than those of other metazoans. This diversity may contribute to plant stress acclimation. The goal of this thesis was to determine whether plants use ribosome heterogeneity to regulate protein synthesis through specialized translation. I focused on temperature acclimation, specifically on shifts to low temperatures. During cold acclimation, Arabidopsis ceases growth for seven days while establishing the responses required to resume growth. Earlier results indicate that ribosome biogenesis is essential for cold acclimation. REIL mutants (reil-dkos) lacking a 60S maturation factor do not acclimate successfully and do not resume growth. Using these genotypes, I ascribed cold-induced defects of ribosome biogenesis to the assembly of the polypeptide exit tunnel (PET) by performing spatial statistics of rProtein changes mapped onto the plant 80S structure. I discovered that growth cessation and PET remodeling also occurs in barley, suggesting a general cold response in plants. Cold triggered PET remodeling is consistent with the function of Rei-1, a REIL homolog of yeast, which performs PET quality control. Using seminal data of ribosome specialization, I show that yeast remodels the tRNA entry site of ribosomes upon change of carbon sources and demonstrate that spatially constrained remodeling of ribosomes in metazoans may modulate protein synthesis. I argue that regional remodeling may be a form of ribosome specialization and show that heterogeneous cytosolic polysomes accumulate after cold acclimation, leading to shifts in the translational output that differs between wild-type and reil-dkos. I found that heterogeneous complexes consist of newly synthesized and reused proteins. I propose that tailored ribosome complexes enable free 60S subunits to select specific 48S initiation complexes for translation. Cold acclimated ribosomes through ribosome remodeling synthesize a novel proteome consistent with known mechanisms of cold acclimation. The main hypothesis arising from my thesis is that heterogeneous/ specialized ribosomes alter translation preferences, adjust the proteome and thereby activate plant programs for successful cold acclimation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prada2023, author = {Prada, Marcela}, title = {Fatty acid biomarkers of intake and metabolism and their association with type 2 diabetes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58159}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-581598}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {142}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background: The role of fatty acid (FA) intake and metabolism in type 2 diabetes (T2D) incidence is controversial. Some FAs are not synthesised endogenously and, therefore, these circulating FAs reflect dietary intake, for example, the trans fatty acids (TFAs), saturated odd chain fatty acids (OCFAs), and linoleic acid, an n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). It remains unclear if intake of TFA influence T2D risk and whether industrial TFAs (iTFAs) and ruminant TFAs (rTFAs) exert the same effect. Unlike even chain saturated FAs, the OCFAs have been inversely associated with T2D risk, but this association is poorly understood. Furthermore, the associations of n-6 PUFAs intake with T2D risk are still debated, while delta-5 desaturase (D5D), a key enzyme in the metabolism of PUFAs, has been consistently related to T2D risk. To better understand these relationships, the FA composition in circulating lipid fractions can be used as biomarkers of dietary intake and metabolism. The exploration of TFAs subtypes in plasma phospholipids and OCFAs and n-6 PUFAs within a wide range of lipid classes may give insights into the pathophysiology of T2D. Aim: This thesis aimed mainly to analyse the association of TFAs, OCFAs and n-6 PUFAs with self-reported dietary intake and prospective T2D risk, using seven types of TFAs in plasma phospholipids and deep lipidomics profiling data from fifteen lipid classes. Methods: A prospective case-cohort study was designed within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Potsdam study, including all the participants who developed T2D (median follow-up 6.5 years) and a random subsample of the full cohort (subcohort: n=1248; T2D cases: n=820). The main analyses included two lipid profiles. The first was an assessment of seven TFA in plasma phospholipids, with a modified method for analysis of FA with very low abundances. The second lipid profile was derived from a high-throughout lipid profiling technology, which identified 940 distinct molecular species and allowed to quantify OCFAs and PUFAs composition across 15 lipid classes. Delta-5 desaturase (D5D) activity was estimated as 20:4/20:3-ratio. Using multivariable Cox regression models, we examined the associations of TFA subtypes with incident T2D and class-specific associations of OCFA and n-6 PUFAs with T2D risk. Results: 16:1n-7t, 18:1n-7t, and c9t11-CLA were positively correlated with the intake of fat-rich dairy foods. iTFA 18:1 isomers were positively correlated with margarine. After adjustment for confounders and other TFAs, higher plasma phospholipid concentrations of two rTFAs were associated with a lower incidence of T2D: 18:1n-7t and t10c12-CLA. In contrast, the rTFA c9t11-CLA was associated with a higher incidence of T2D. rTFA 16:1n-7t and iTFAs (18:1n-6t, 18:1n-9t, 18:2n-6,9t) were not statistically significantly associated with T2D risk. We observed heterogeneous integration of OCFA in different lipid classes, and the contribution of 15:0 versus 17:0 to the total OCFA abundance differed across lipid classes. Consumption of fat-rich dairy and fiber-rich foods were positively and red meat inversely correlated to OCFA abundance in plasma phospholipid classes. In women only, higher abundances of 15:0 in phosphatidylcholines (PC) and diacylglycerols (DG), and 17:0 in PC, lysophosphatidylcholines (LPC), and cholesterol esters (CE) were inversely associated with T2D risk. In men and women, a higher abundance of 15:0 in monoacylglycerols (MG) was also inversely associated with T2D. Conversely, a higher 15:0 concentration in LPC and triacylglycerols (TG) was associated with higher T2D risk in men. Women with a higher concentration of 17:0 as free fatty acids (FFA) also had higher T2D incidence. The integration of n-6 PUFAs in lipid classes was also heterogeneous. 18:2 was highly abundant in phospholipids (particularly PC), CE, and TG; 20:3 represented a small fraction of FA in most lipid classes, and 20:4 accounted for a large proportion of circulating phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylethanolamines (PE). Higher concentrations of 18:2 were inversely associated with T2D risk, especially within DG, TG, and LPC. However, 18:2 as part of MG was positively associated with T2D risk. Higher concentrations of 20:3 in phospholipids (PC, PE, PI), FFA, CE, and MG were linked to higher T2D incidence. 20:4 was unrelated to risk in most lipid classes, except positive associations were observed for 20:4 enriched in FFA and PE. The estimated D5D activities in PC, PE, PI, LPC, and CE were inversely associated with T2D and explained variance of estimated D5D activity by genomic variation in the FADS locus was only substantial in those lipid classes. Conclusion: The TFAs' conformation is essential in their relationship to diabetes risk, as indicated by plasma rTFA subtypes concentrations having opposite directions of associations with diabetes risk. Plasma OCFA concentration is linked to T2D risk in a lipid class and sex-specific manner. Plasma n-6 PUFA concentrations are associated differently with T2D incidence depending on the specific FA and the lipid class. Overall, these results highlight the complexity of circulating FAs and their heterogeneous association with T2D risk depending on the specific FA structure, lipid class, and sex. My results extend the evidence of the relationship between diet, lipid metabolism, and subsequent T2D risk. In addition, my work generated several potential new biomarkers of dietary intake and prospective T2D risk.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Derežanin2023, author = {Derežanin, Lorena}, title = {Contribution of structural variation to adaptive evolution of mammalian genomes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59144}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-591443}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {188}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Following the extinction of dinosaurs, the great adaptive radiation of mammals occurred, giving rise to an astonishing ecological and phenotypic diversity of mammalian species. Even closely related species often inhabit vastly different habitats, where they encounter diverse environmental challenges and are exposed to different evolutionary pressures. As a response, mammals evolved various adaptive phenotypes over time, such as morphological, physiological and behavioural ones. Mammalian genomes vary in their content and structure and this variation represents the molecular mechanism for the long-term evolution of phenotypic variation. However, understanding this molecular basis of adaptive phenotypic variation is usually not straightforward. The recent development of sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools has enabled a better insight into mammalian genomes. Through these advances, it was acknowledged that mammalian genomes differ more, both within and between species, as a consequence of structural variation compared to single-nucleotide differences. Structural variant types investigated in this thesis - such as deletion, duplication, inversion and insertion, represent a change in the structure of the genome, impacting the size, copy number, orientation and content of DNA sequences. Unlike short variants, structural variants can span multiple genes. They can alter gene dosage, and cause notable gene expression differences and subsequently phenotypic differences. Thus, they can lead to a more dramatic effect on the fitness (reproductive success) of individuals, local adaptation of populations and speciation. In this thesis, I investigated and evaluated the potential functional effect of structural variations on the genomes of mustelid species. To detect the genomic regions associated with phenotypic variation I assembled the first reference genome of the tayra (Eira barbara) relying on linked-read sequencing technology to achieve a high level of genome completeness important for reliable structural variant discovery. I then set up a bioinformatics pipeline to conduct a comparative genomic analysis and explore variation between mustelid species living in different environments. I found numerous genes associated with species-specific phenotypes related to diet, body condition and reproduction among others, to be impacted by structural variants. Furthermore, I investigated the effects of artificial selection on structural variants in mice selected for high fertility, increased body mass and high endurance. Through selective breeding of each mouse line, the desired phenotypes have spread within these populations, while maintaining structural variants specific to each line. In comparison to the control line, the litter size has doubled in the fertility lines, individuals in the high body mass lines have become considerably larger, and mice selected for treadmill performance covered substantially more distance. Structural variants were found in higher numbers in these trait-selected lines than in the control line when compared to the mouse reference genome. Moreover, we have found twice as many structural variants spanning protein-coding genes (specific to each line) in trait-selected lines. Several of these variants affect genes associated with selected phenotypic traits. These results imply that structural variation does indeed contribute to the evolution of the selected phenotypes and is heritable. Finally, I suggest a set of critical metrics of genomic data that should be considered for a stringent structural variation analysis as comparative genomic studies strongly rely on the contiguity and completeness of genome assemblies. Because most of the available data used to represent reference genomes of mammalian species is generated using short-read sequencing technologies, we may have incomplete knowledge of genomic features. Therefore, a cautious structural variation analysis is required to minimize the effect of technical constraints. The impact of structural variants on the adaptive evolution of mammalian genomes is slowly gaining more focus but it is still incorporated in only a small number of population studies. In my thesis, I advocate the inclusion of structural variants in studies of genomic diversity for a more comprehensive insight into genomic variation within and between species, and its effect on adaptive evolution.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Drobyshev2023, author = {Drobyshev, Evgenii}, title = {Toxic or beneficial? What is the role of food-relevant selenium species selenoneine?}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57379}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-573794}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 100}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element that is ubiquitously present in the environment in small concentrations. Essential functions of Se in the human body are manifested through the wide range of proteins, containing selenocysteine as their active center. Such proteins are called selenoproteins which are found in multiple physiological processes like antioxidative defense and the regulation of thyroid hormone functions. Therefore, Se deficiency is known to cause a broad spectrum of physiological impairments, especially in endemic regions with low Se content. Nevertheless, being an essential trace element, Se could exhibit toxic effects, if its intake exceeds tolerable levels. Accordingly, this range between deficiency and overexposure represents optimal Se supply. However, this range was found to be narrower than for any other essential trace element. Together with significantly varying Se concentrations in soil and the presence of specific bioaccumulation factors, this represents a noticeable difficulty in the assessment of Se epidemiological status. While Se is acting in the body through multiple selenoproteins, its intake occurs mainly in form of small organic or inorganic molecular mass species. Thus, Se exposure not only depends on daily intake but also on the respective chemical form, in which it is present. The essential functions of selenium have been known for a long time and its primary forms in different food sources have been described. Nevertheless, analytical capabilities for a comprehensive investigation of Se species and their derivatives have been introduced only in the last decades. A new Se compound was identified in 2010 in the blood and tissues of bluefin tuna. It was called selenoneine (SeN) since it is an isologue of naturally occurring antioxidant ergothioneine (ET), where Se replaces sulfur. In the following years, SeN was identified in a number of edible fish species and attracted attention as a new dietary Se source and potentially strong antioxidant. Studies in populations whose diet largely relies on fish revealed that SeN represents the main non-protein bound Se pool in their blood. First studies, conducted with enriched fish extracts, already demonstrated the high antioxidative potential of SeN and its possible function in the detoxification of methylmercury in fish. Cell culture studies demonstrated, that SeN can utilize the same transporter as ergothioneine, and SeN metabolite was found in human urine. Until recently, studies on SeN properties were severely limited due to the lack of ways to obtain the pure compound. As a predisposition to this work was firstly a successful approach to SeN synthesis in the University of Graz, utilizing genetically modified yeasts. In the current study, by use of HepG2 liver carcinoma cells, it was demonstrated, that SeN does not cause toxic effectsup to 100 μM concentration in hepatocytes. Uptake experiments showed that SeN is not bioavailable to the used liver cells. In the next part a blood-brain barrier (BBB) model, based on capillary endothelial cells from the porcine brain, was used to describe the possible transfer of SeN into the central nervous system (CNS). The assessment of toxicity markers in these endothelial cells and monitoring of barrier conditions during transfer experiments demonstrated the absence of toxic effects from SeN on the BBB endothelium up to 100 μM concentration. Transfer data for SeN showed slow but substantial transfer. A statistically significant increase was observed after 48 hours following SeN incubation from the blood-facing side of the barrier. However, an increase in Se content was clearly visible already after 6 hours of incubation with 1 μM of SeN. While the transfer rate of SeN after application of 0.1 μM dose was very close to that for 1 μM, incubation with 10 μM of SeN resulted in a significantly decreased transfer rate. Double-sided application of SeN caused no side-specific transfer of SeN, thus suggesting a passive diffusion mechanism of SeN across the BBB. This data is in accordance with animal studies, where ET accumulation was observed in the rat brain, even though rat BBB does not have the primary ET transporter - OCTN1. Investigation of capillary endothelial cell monolayers after incubation with SeN and reference selenium compounds showed no significant increase of intracellular selenium concentration. Speciesspecific Se measurements in medium samples from apical and basolateral compartments, as good as in cell lysates, showed no SeN metabolization. Therefore, it can be concluded that SeN may reach the brain without significant transformation. As the third part of this work, the assessment of SeN antioxidant properties was performed in Caco-2 human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. Previous studies demonstrated that the intestinal epithelium is able to actively transport SeN from the intestinal lumen to the blood side and accumulate SeN. Further investigation within current work showed a much higher antioxidant potential of SeN compared to ET. The radical scavenging activity after incubation with SeN was close to the one observed for selenite and selenomethionine. However, the SeN effect on the viability of intestinal cells under oxidative conditions was close to the one caused by ET. To answer the question if SeN is able to be used as a dietary Se source and induce the activity of selenoproteins, the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and the secretion of selenoprotein P (SelenoP) were measured in Caco-2 cells, additionally. As expected, reference selenium compounds selenite and selenomethionine caused efficient induction of GPx activity. In contrast to those SeN had no effect on GPx activity. To examine the possibility of SeN being embedded into the selenoproteome, SelenoP was measured in a culture medium. Even though Caco-2 cells effectively take up SeN in quantities much higher than selenite or selenomethionine, no secretion of SelenoP was observed after SeN incubation. Summarizing, we can conclude that SeN can hardly serve as a Se source for selenoprotein synthesis. However, SeN exhibit strong antioxidative properties, which appear when sulfur in ET is exchanged by Se. Therefore, SeN is of particular interest for research not as part of Se metabolism, but important endemic dietary antioxidant.}, language = {en} } @misc{IlicicWoodhouseKarstenetal.2023, author = {Ilicic, Doris and Woodhouse, Jason and Karsten, Ulf and Zimmermann, Jonas and Wichard, Thomas and Quartino, Maria Liliana and Campana, Gabriela Laura and Livenets, Alexandra and Van den Wyngaert, Silke and Grossart, Hans-Peter}, title = {Antarctic Glacial Meltwater Impacts the Diversity of Fungal Parasites Associated With Benthic Diatoms in Shallow Coastal Zones}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {1290}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57289}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-572895}, pages = {14}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Aquatic ecosystems are frequently overlooked as fungal habitats, although there is increasing evidence that their diversity and ecological importance are greater than previously considered. Aquatic fungi are critical and abundant components of nutrient cycling and food web dynamics, e.g., exerting top-down control on phytoplankton communities and forming symbioses with many marine microorganisms. However, their relevance for microphytobenthic communities is almost unexplored. In the light of global warming, polar regions face extreme changes in abiotic factors with a severe impact on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Therefore, this study aimed to describe, for the first time, fungal diversity in Antarctic benthic habitats along the salinity gradient and to determine the co-occurrence of fungal parasites with their algal hosts, which were dominated by benthic diatoms. Our results reveal that Ascomycota and Chytridiomycota are the most abundant fungal taxa in these habitats. We show that also in Antarctic waters, salinity has a major impact on shaping not just fungal but rather the whole eukaryotic community composition, with a diversity of aquatic fungi increasing as salinity decreases. Moreover, we determined correlations between putative fungal parasites and potential benthic diatom hosts, highlighting the need for further systematic analysis of fungal diversity along with studies on taxonomy and ecological roles of Chytridiomycota.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KoikkarahAji2023, author = {Koikkarah Aji, Amit}, title = {Quantitative sub cellular characterization of Hantavirus structural proteins}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58661}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-586612}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {101}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Hantaviruses (HVs) are a group of zoonotic viruses that infect human beings primarily through aerosol transmission of rodent excreta and urine samplings. HVs are classified geographically into: Old World HVs (OWHVs) that are found in Europe and Asia, and New World HVs (NWHVs) that are observed in the Americas. These different strains can cause severe hantavirus diseases with pronounced renal syndrome or severe cardiopulmonary system distress. HVs can be extremely lethal, with NWHV infections reaching up to 40 \% mortality rate. HVs are known to generate epidemic outbreaks in many parts of the world including Germany, which has seen periodic HV infections over the past decade. HV has a trisegmented genome. The small segment (S) encodes the nucleocapsid protein (NP), the middle segment (M) encodes the glycoproteins (GPs) Gn and Gc which forms up to tetramers and primarily monomers \\& dimers upon independent expression respectively and large segment (L) encodes RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). Interactions between these viral proteins are crucial in providing mechanistic insights into HV virion development. Despite best efforts, there continues to be lack of quantification of these associations in living cells. This is required in developing the mechanistic models for HV viral assembly. This dissertation focuses on three key questions pertaining to the initial steps of virion formation that primarily involves the GPs and NP. The research investigations in this work were completed using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) approaches. FCS is frequently used in assessing the biophysical features of bio-molecules including protein concentration and diffusion dynamics and circumvents the requirement of protein overexpression. FCS was primarily applied in this thesis to evaluate protein multimerization, at single cell resolution. The first question addressed which GP spike formation model proposed by Hepojoki et al.(2010) appropriately describes the evidence in living cells. A novel in cellulo assay was developed to evaluate the amount of fluorescently labelled and unlabeled GPs upon co-expression. The results clearly showed that Gn and Gc initially formed a heterodimeric Gn:Gc subunit. This sub-unit then multimerizes with congruent Gn:Gc subunits to generate the final GP spike. Based on these interactions, models describing the formation of GP complex (with multiple GP spike subunits) were additionally developed. HV GP assembly primarily takes place in the Golgi apparatus (GA) of infected cells. Interestingly, NWHV GPs are hypothesized to assemble at the plasma membrane (PM). This led to the second research question in this thesis, in which a systematic comparison between OWHV and NWHV GPs was conducted to validate this hypothesis. Surprisingly, GP localization at the PM was congruently observed with OWHV and NWHV GPs. Similar results were also discerned with OWHV and NWHV GP localization in the absence of cytoskeletal factors that regulate HV trafficking in cells. The final question focused on quantifying the NP-GP interactions and understanding their influence of NP and GP multimerization. Gc mutlimers were detected in the presence of NP and complimented by the presence of localized regions of high NP-Gc interactions in the perinuclear region of living cells. Gc-CT domain was shown to influence NP-Gc associations. Gn, on the other hand, formed up to tetrameric complexes, independent from the presence of NP. The results in this dissertation sheds light on the initial steps of HV virion formation by quantifying homo and heterotypic interactions involving NP and GPs, which otherwise are very difficult to perform. Finally, the in cellulo methodologies implemented in this work can be potentially extended to understand other key interactions involved in HV virus assembly.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Riedel2023, author = {Riedel, Soraya Lisanne}, title = {Development of electrochemical antibody-based and enzymatic assays for mycotoxin analysis in food}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-60747}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-607477}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XV, 95}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Electrochemical methods are promising to meet the demand for easy-to-use devices monitoring key parameters in the food industry. Many companies run own lab procedures for mycotoxin analysis, but it is a major goal to simplify the analysis. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using horseradish peroxidase as enzymatic label, together with 3,3',5,5' tetramethylbenzidine (TMB)/H2O2 as substrates allows sensitive mycotoxin detection with optical detection methods. For the miniaturization of the detection step, an electrochemical system for mycotoxin analysis was developed. To this end, the electrochemical detection of TMB was studied by cyclic voltammetry on different screen-printed electrodes (carbon and gold) and at different pH values (pH 1 and pH 4). A stable electrode reaction, which is the basis for the further construction of the electrochemical detection system, could be achieved at pH 1 on gold electrodes. An amperometric detection method for oxidized TMB, using a custom-made flow cell for screen-printed electrodes, was established and applied for a competitive magnetic bead-based immunoassay for the mycotoxin ochratoxin A. A limit of detection of 150 pM (60 ng/L) could be obtained and the results were verified with optical detection. The applicability of the magnetic bead-based immunoassay was tested in spiked beer using a handheld potentiostat connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone for amperometric detection allowing to quantify ochratoxin A down to 1.2 nM (0.5 µg/L). Based on the developed electrochemical detection system for TMB, the applicability of the approach was demonstrated with a magnetic bead-based immunoassay for the ergot alkaloid, ergometrine. Under optimized assay conditions a limit of detection of 3 nM (1 µg/L) was achieved and in spiked rye flour samples ergometrine levels in a range from 25 to 250 µg/kg could be quantified. All results were verified with optical detection. The developed electrochemical detection method for TMB gives great promise for the detection of TMB in many other HRP-based assays. A new sensing approach, based on an enzymatic electrochemical detection system for the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 was established using an Aspergillus niger fumonisin amine oxidase (AnFAO). AnFAO was produced recombinantly in E. coli as maltose-binding protein fusion protein and catalyzes the oxidative deamination of fumonisins, producing hydrogen peroxide. It was found that AnFAO has a high storage and temperature stability. The enzyme was coupled covalently to magnetic particles, and the enzymatically produced H2O2 in the reaction with fumonisin B1 was detected amperometrically in a flow injection system using Prussian blue/carbon electrodes and the custom-made wall-jet flow cell. Fumonisin B1 could be quantified down to 1.5 µM (≈ 1 mg/L). The developed system represents a new approach to detect mycotoxins using enzymes and electrochemical methods.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Parry2023, author = {Parry, Victor}, title = {From individual to community level: Assessing swimming movement, dispersal and fitness of zooplankton}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59769}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-597697}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 118}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Movement is a mechanism that shapes biodiversity patterns across spatialtemporal scales. Thereby, the movement process affects species interactions, population dynamics and community composition. In this thesis, I disentangled the effects of movement on the biodiversity of zooplankton ranging from the individual to the community level. On the individual movement level, I used video-based analysis to explore the implication of movement behavior on preypredator interactions. My results showed that swimming behavior was of great importance as it determined their survival in the face of predation. The findings also additionally highlighted the relevance of the defense status/morphology of prey, as it not only affected the prey-predator relationship by the defense itself but also by plastic movement behavior. On the community movement level, I used a field mesocosm experiment to explore the role of dispersal (time i.e., from the egg bank into the water body and space i.e., between water bodies) in shaping zooplankton metacommunities. My results revealed that priority effects and taxon-specific dispersal limitation influenced community composition. Additionally, different modes of dispersal also generated distinct community structures. The egg bank and biotic vectors (i.e. mobile links) played significant roles in the colonization of newly available habitat patches. One crucial aspect that influences zooplankton species after arrival in new habitats is the local environmental conditions. By using common garden experiments, I assessed the performance of zooplankton communities in their home vs away environments in a group of ponds embedded within an agricultural landscape. I identified environmental filtering as a driving factor as zooplankton communities from individual ponds developed differently in their home and away environments. On the individual species level, there was no consistent indication of local adaptation. For some species, I found a higher abundance/fitness in their home environment, but for others, the opposite was the case, and some cases were indifferent. Overall, the thesis highlights the links between movement and biodiversity patterns, ranging from the individual active movement to the community level.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pramanik2023, author = {Pramanik, Shreya}, title = {Protein reconstitution in giant vesicles}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61278}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-612781}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 132}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das Leben auf der Erde ist vielf{\"a}ltig und reicht von einzelligen Organismen bis hin zu mehrzelligen Lebewesen wie dem Menschen. Obwohl es Theorien dar{\"u}ber gibt, wie sich diese Organismen entwickelt haben k{\"o}nnten, verstehen wir nur wenig dar{\"u}ber, wie "Leben" aus Molek{\"u}len entstanden ist. Die synthetische Bottom-up-Biologie zielt darauf ab, minimale Zellen zu schaffen, indem sie verschiedene Module wie Kompartimentierung, Wachstum, Teilung und zellul{\"a}re Kommunikation kombiniert. Alle lebenden Zellen haben eine Membran, die sie von dem sie umgebenden w{\"a}ssrigen Medium trennt und sie sch{\"u}tzt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus haben alle eukaryotischen Zellen Organellen, die von intrazellul{\"a}ren Membranen umschlossen sind. Jede Zellmembran besteht haupts{\"a}chlich aus einer Lipiddoppelschicht mit Membranproteinen. Lipide sind amphiphile Molek{\"u}le, die molekulare Doppelschichten aus zwei Lipid-Monoschichten oder Bl{\"a}ttchen bilden. Die hydrophoben Ketten der Lipide sind einander zugewandt, w{\"a}hrend ihre hydrophilen Kopfgruppen die Grenzfl{\"a}chen zur w{\"a}ssrigen Umgebung bilden. Riesenvesikel sind Modellmembransysteme, die Kompartimente mit einer Gr{\"o}ße von mehreren Mikrometern bilden und von einer einzigen Lipiddoppelschicht umgeben sind. Die Gr{\"o}ße der Riesenvesikel ist mit der Gr{\"o}ße von Zellen vergleichbar und macht sie zu guten Membranmodellen, die mit einem Lichtmikroskop untersucht werden k{\"o}nnen. Allerdings fehlen den Riesenvesikelmembranen nach der ersten Pr{\"a}paration Membranproteine, die in weiteren Pr{\"a}parationsschritten in diese Membranen eingebaut werden m{\"u}ssen. Je nach Protein kann es entweder {\"u}ber Ankerlipide an eines der Membranbl{\"a}ttchen gebunden oder {\"u}ber seine Transmembrandom{\"a}nen in die Lipiddoppelschicht eingebaut werden. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Herstellung von Riesenvesikeln und der Rekonstitution von Proteinen in diesen Vesikeln. Außerdem wird ein mikrofluidischer Chip entworfen, der in verschiedenen Experimenten verwendet werden kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit werden anderen Forschern helfen, die Protokolle f{\"u}r die Herstellung von GUVs zu verstehen, Proteine in GUVs zu rekonstituieren und Experimente mit dem mikrofluidischen Chip durchzuf{\"u}hren. Auf diese Weise wird die vorliegende Arbeit f{\"u}r das langfristige Ziel von Nutzen sein, die verschiedenen Module der synthetischen Biologie zu kombinieren, um eine Minimalzelle zu schaffen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Perscheid2023, author = {Perscheid, Cindy}, title = {Integrative biomarker detection using prior knowledge on gene expression data sets}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58241}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-582418}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 197}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Gene expression data is analyzed to identify biomarkers, e.g. relevant genes, which serve for diagnostic, predictive, or prognostic use. Traditional approaches for biomarker detection select distinctive features from the data based exclusively on the signals therein, facing multiple shortcomings in regards to overfitting, biomarker robustness, and actual biological relevance. Prior knowledge approaches are expected to address these issues by incorporating prior biological knowledge, e.g. on gene-disease associations, into the actual analysis. However, prior knowledge approaches are currently not widely applied in practice because they are often use-case specific and seldom applicable in a different scope. This leads to a lack of comparability of prior knowledge approaches, which in turn makes it currently impossible to assess their effectiveness in a broader context. Our work addresses the aforementioned issues with three contributions. Our first contribution provides formal definitions for both prior knowledge and the flexible integration thereof into the feature selection process. Central to these concepts is the automatic retrieval of prior knowledge from online knowledge bases, which allows for streamlining the retrieval process and agreeing on a uniform definition for prior knowledge. We subsequently describe novel and generalized prior knowledge approaches that are flexible regarding the used prior knowledge and applicable to varying use case domains. Our second contribution is the benchmarking platform Comprior. Comprior applies the aforementioned concepts in practice and allows for flexibly setting up comprehensive benchmarking studies for examining the performance of existing and novel prior knowledge approaches. It streamlines the retrieval of prior knowledge and allows for combining it with prior knowledge approaches. Comprior demonstrates the practical applicability of our concepts and further fosters the overall development and comparability of prior knowledge approaches. Our third contribution is a comprehensive case study on the effectiveness of prior knowledge approaches. For that, we used Comprior and tested a broad range of both traditional and prior knowledge approaches in combination with multiple knowledge bases on data sets from multiple disease domains. Ultimately, our case study constitutes a thorough assessment of a) the suitability of selected knowledge bases for integration, b) the impact of prior knowledge being applied at different integration levels, and c) the improvements in terms of classification performance, biological relevance, and overall robustness. In summary, our contributions demonstrate that generalized concepts for prior knowledge and a streamlined retrieval process improve the applicability of prior knowledge approaches. Results from our case study show that the integration of prior knowledge positively affects biomarker results, particularly regarding their robustness. Our findings provide the first in-depth insights on the effectiveness of prior knowledge approaches and build a valuable foundation for future research.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MendesFerreira2023, author = {Mendes Ferreira, Clara}, title = {Indirect, tri-trophic effects of fear on biodiversity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61102}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-611020}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {119}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Predator-forager interactions are a major factor in evolutionary adaptation of many species, as predators need to gain energy by consuming prey species, and foragers needs to avoid the worst fate of mortality while still consuming resources for energetic gains. In this evolutionary arms race, the foragers have constantly evolved anti-predator behaviours (e.g. foraging activity changes). To describe all these complex changes, researchers developed the framework of the landscape of fear, that is, the spatio-temporal variation of perceived predation risk. This concept simplifies all the involved ecological processes into one framework, by integrating animal biology and distribution with habitat characteristics. Researchers can then evaluate the perception of predation risk in prey species, what are the behavioural responses of the prey and, therefore, understand the cascading effects of landscapes of fear at the resource levels (tri-trophic effects). Although tri-trophic effects are well studied at the predator-prey interaction level, little is known on how the forager-resource interactions are part of the overall cascading effects of landscapes of fear, despite the changes of forager feeding behaviour - that occur with perceived predation risk - affecting directly the level of the resources. This thesis aimed to evaluate the cascading effects of the landscape of fear on biodiversity of resources, and how the feeding behaviour and movement of foragers shaped the final resource species composition (potential coexistence mechanisms). We studied the changes caused by landscapes of fear on wild and captive rodent communities and evaluated: the cascading effects of different landscapes of fear on a tri-trophic system (I), the effects of fear on a forager's movement patterns and dietary preferences (II) and cascading effects of different types of predation risk (terrestrial versus avian, III). In Chapter I, we applied a novel measure to evaluate the cascading effects of fear at the level of resources, by quantifying the diversity of resources left after the foragers gave-up on foraging (diversity at the giving-up density). We tested the measure at different spatial levels (local and regional) and observed that with decreased perceived predation risk, the density and biodiversity of resources also decreased. Foragers left a very dissimilar community of resources based on perceived risk and resources functional traits, and therefore acted as an equalising mechanism. In Chapter II, we wanted to understand further the decision-making processes of rodents in different landscapes of fear, namely, in which resource species rodents decided to forage on (based on three functional traits: size, nutrients and shape) and how they moved depending on perceived predation risk. In safe landscapes, individuals increased their feeding activity and movements and despite the increased costs, they visited more often patches that were further away from their central-place. Despite a preference for the bigger resources regardless of risk, when perceived predation risk was low, individuals changed their preference to fat-rich resources. In Chapter III, we evaluated the cascading effects of two different types of predation risk in rodents: terrestrial (raccoon) versus avian predation risk. Raccoon presence or absence did not alter the rodents feeding behaviour in different landscapes of fear. Rodent's showed risk avoidance behaviours towards avian predators (spatial risk avoidance), but not towards raccoons (lack of temporal risk avoidance). By analysing the effects of fear in tri-trophic systems, we were able to deepen the knowledge of how non-consumptive effects of predators affect the behaviour of foragers, and quantitatively measure the cascading effects at the level of resources with a novel measure. Foragers are at the core of the ecological processes and responses to the landscape of fear, acting as variable coexistence agents for resource species depending on perceived predation risk. This newly found measures and knowledge can be applied to more trophic chains, and inform researchers on biodiversity patterns originating from landscapes of fear.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BysaniKondagari2023, author = {Bysani Kondagari, Viswanada Reddy}, title = {Engineering and evolution of saccharomyces cerevisiae for synthetic formatotrophic growth via the reductive glycine pathway}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58222}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-582222}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {124}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Increasing demand for food, healthcare, and transportation arising from the growing world population is accompanied by and driving global warming challenges due to the rise of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Industrialization for human needs has been increasingly releasing CO2 into the atmosphere for the last century or more. In recent years, the possibility of recycling CO2 to stabilize the atmospheric CO2 concentration and combat rising temperatures has gained attention. Thus, using CO2 as the feedstock to address future world demands is the ultimate solution while controlling the rapid climate change. Valorizing CO2 to produce activated and stable one-carbon feedstocks like formate and methanol and further upgrading them to industrial microbial processes to replace unsustainable feedstocks would be crucial for a future biobased circular economy. However, not all microbes can grow on formate as a feedstock, and those microbes that can grow are not well established for industrial processes. S. cerevisiae is one of the industrially well-established microbes, and it is a significant contributor to bioprocess industries. However, it cannot grow on formate as a sole carbon and energy source. Thus, engineering S. cerevisiae to grow on formate could potentially pave the way to sustainable biomass and value-added chemicals production. The Reductive Glycine Pathway (RGP), designed as the aerobic twin of the anaerobic Reductive Acetyl-CoA pathway, is an efficient formate and CO2 assimilation pathway. The RGP comprises of the glycine synthesis module (Mis1p, Gcv1p, Gcv2p, Gcv3p, and Lpd1p), the glycine to serine conversion module (Shmtp), the pyruvate synthesis module (Cha1p), and the energy supply module (Fdh1p). The RGP requires formate and elevated CO2 levels to operate the glycine synthesis module. In this study, I established the RGP in the yeast system using growth-coupled selection strategies to achieve formate and CO2-dependent biomass formation in aerobic conditions. Firstly, I constructed serine biosensor strains by disrupting the native serine and glycine biosynthesis routes in the prototrophic S288c and FL100 yeast strains and insulated serine, glycine, and one-carbon metabolism from the central metabolic network. These strains cannot grow on glucose as the sole carbon source but require the supply of serine or glycine to complement the engineered auxotrophies. Using growth as a readout, I employed these strains as selection hosts to establish the RGP. Initially, to achieve this, I engineered different serine-hydroxymethyltransferases in the genome of serine biosensor strains for efficient glycine to serine conversion. Then, I implemented the glycine synthesis module of the RGP in these strains for the glycine and serine synthesis from formate and CO2. I successfully conducted Adaptive Laboratory Evolution (ALE) using these strains, which yielded a strain capable of glycine and serine biosynthesis from formate and CO2. Significant growth improvements from 0.0041 h-1 to 0.03695 h-1 were observed during ALE. To validate glycine and serine synthesis, I conducted carbon tracing experiments with 13C formate and 13CO2, confirming that more than 90\% of glycine and serine biosynthesis in the evolved strains occurs via the RGP. Interestingly, labeling data also revealed that 10-15\% of alanine was labelled, indicating pyruvate synthesis from the formate-derived serine using native serine deaminase (Cha1p) activity. Thus, RGP contributes to a small pyruvate pool which is converted to alanine without any selection pressure for pyruvate synthesis from formate. Hence, this data confirms the activity of all three modules of RGP even in the presence of glucose. Further, ALE in glucose limiting conditions did not improve pyruvate flux via the RGP. Growth characterization of these strains showed that the best growth rates were achieved in formate concentrations between 25 mM to 300 mM. Optimum growth required 5\% CO2, and dropped when the CO2 concentration was reduced from 5\% to 2.5\%. Whole-genome sequencing of these evolved strains revealed mutations in genes that encode Gdh1p, Pet9p, and Idh1p. These enzymes might influence intracellular NADPH, ATP, and NADH levels, indicating adjustment to meet the energy demand of the RGP. I reverse-engineered the GDH1 truncation mutation on unevolved serine biosensor strains and reproduced formate dependent growth. To elucidate the effect of the GDH1 mutation on formate assimilation, I reintroduced this mutation in the S288c strain and conducted carbon-tracing experiments to compared formate assimilation between WT and ∆gdh1 mutant strains. Comparatively, enhanced formate assimilation was recorded in the ∆gdh1 mutant strain. Although the 13C carbon tracing experiments confirmed the activity of all three modules of the RGP, the overall pyruvate flux via the RGP might be limited by the supply of reducing power. Hence, in a different approach, I overexpressed the formate dehydrogenase (Fdh1p) for energy supply and serine deaminase (Cha1p) for active pyruvate synthesis in the S288c parental strain and established growth on formate and serine without glucose in the medium. Further reengineering and evolution of this strain with a consistent energy, and formate-derived serine supply for pyruvate synthesis, is essential to achieve complete formatotrophic growth in the yeast system.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dreymann2023, author = {Dreymann, Nico}, title = {Identification and functional characterization of aptamers targeting human urokinase and NDM-1 for therapeutic and diagnostic applications}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61291}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-612919}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 130}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Aptamers are single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or RNA molecules that can bind specifically and with high affinity to target molecules due to their unique three-dimensional structure. For this reason, they are often compared to antibodies and sometimes even referred to as "chemical antibodies". They are simple and inexpensive to synthesize, easy to modify, and smaller than conventional antibodies. Enzymes, especially hydrolases, are interesting targets in this context. This class of enzymes is capable of hydrolytically cleaving various macromolecules such as proteins, as well as smaller molecules such as antibiotics. Hence, they play an important role in many biological processes including diseases and their treatment. Hydrolase detection as well as the understanding of their function is therefore of great importance for diagnostics and therapy. Due to their various desirable features compared to antibodies, aptamers are being discussed as alternative agents for analytical and diagnostic use in various applications. The use of aptamers in therapy is also frequently investigated, as the binding of aptamers can have effects on the catalytic activity, protein-protein interactions, or proteolytic cascades. Aptamers are generated by an in vitro selection process. Potential aptamer candidates are selected from a pool of enriched nucleic acid sequences with affinity to the target, and their binding affinity and specificity is investigated. This is one of the most important steps in aptamer generation to obtain specific aptamers with high affinity for use in analytical and diagnostic applications. The binding properties or binding domains and their effects on enzyme functions form the basis for therapeutic applications. In this work, the binding properties of DNA aptamers against two different hydrolases were investigated. In view of their potential utility for analytical methods, aptamers against human urokinase (uPA) and New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) were evaluated for their binding affinity and specificity using different methods. Using the uPA aptamers, a protocol for measuring the binding kinetics of an aptamer-protein-interaction by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPR) was developed. Based on the increased expression of uPA in different types of cancer, uPA is discussed as a prognostic and diagnostic tumor marker. As uPA aptamers showed different binding sites on the protein, microtiter plate-based aptamer sandwich assay systems for the detection of uPA were developed. Because of the function of urokinase in cancer cell proliferation and metastasis, uPA is also discussed as a therapeutic target. In this regard, the different binding sites of aptamers showed different effects on uPA function. In vitro experiments demonstrated both inhibition of uPA binding to its receptor as well as the inhibition of uPA catalytic activity for different aptamers. Thus, in addition to their specificity and affinity for their targets, the utility of the aptamers for potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications was demonstrated. First, as an alternative inhibitor of human urokinase for therapeutic purposes, and second, as valuable recognition molecules for the detection of urokinase, as a prognostic and diagnostic marker for cancer, and for NDM-1 to detect resistance to carbapenem antibiotics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wittek2023, author = {Wittek, Laura}, title = {Comparison of metabolic cages - analysis of refinement measures on the welfare and metabolic parameters of laboratory mice}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61120}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-611208}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IV, 160}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Housing in metabolic cages can induce a pronounced stress response. Metabolic cage systems imply housing mice on metal wire mesh for the collection of urine and feces in addition to monitoring food and water intake. Moreover, mice are single-housed, and no nesting, bedding, or enrichment material is provided, which is often argued to have a not negligible impact on animal welfare due to cold stress. We therefore attempted to reduce stress during metabolic cage housing for mice by comparing an innovative metabolic cage (IMC) with a commercially available metabolic cage from Tecniplast GmbH (TMC) and a control cage. Substantial refinement measures were incorporated into the IMC cage design. In the frame of a multifactorial approach for severity assessment, parameters such as body weight, body composition, food intake, cage and body surface temperature (thermal imaging), mRNA expression of uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1) in brown adipose tissue (BAT), fur score, and fecal corticosterone metabolites (CMs) were included. Female and male C57BL/6J mice were single-housed for 24 h in either conventional Macrolon cages (control), IMC, or TMC for two sessions. Body weight decreased less in the IMC (females—1st restraint: 6.94\%; 2nd restraint: 6.89\%; males—1st restraint: 8.08\%; 2nd restraint: 5.82\%) compared to the TMC (females—1st restraint: 13.2\%; 2nd restraint: 15.0\%; males—1st restraint: 13.1\%; 2nd restraint: 14.9\%) and the IMC possessed a higher cage temperature (females—1st restraint: 23.7°C; 2nd restraint: 23.5 °C; males—1st restraint: 23.3 °C; 2nd restraint: 23.5 °C) compared with the TMC (females—1st restraint: 22.4 °C; 2nd restraint: 22.5 °C; males—1st restraint: 22.6 °C; 2nd restraint: 22.4 °C). The concentration of fecal corticosterone metabolites in the TMC (females—1st restraint: 1376 ng/g dry weight (DW); 2nd restraint: 2098 ng/g DW; males—1st restraint: 1030 ng/g DW; 2nd restraint: 1163 ng/g DW) was higher compared to control cage housing (females—1st restraint: 640 ng/g DW; 2nd restraint: 941 ng/g DW; males—1st restraint: 504 ng/g DW; 2nd restraint: 537 ng/g DW). Our results show the stress potential induced by metabolic cage restraint that is markedly influenced by the lower housing temperature. The IMC represents a first attempt to target cold stress reduction during metabolic cage application thereby producing more animal welfare friendly data.}, language = {en} } @misc{MarggrafLindeckeVoigtetal.2023, author = {Marggraf, Lara Christin and Lindecke, Oliver and Voigt, Christian C. and Pētersons, Gunārs and Voigt-Heucke, Silke Luise}, title = {Nathusius' bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, bypass mating opportunities of their own species, but respond to foraging heterospecifics on migratory transit flights}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {1306}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57957}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-579574}, pages = {10}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In late summer, migratory bats of the temperate zone face the challenge of accomplishing two energy-demanding tasks almost at the same time: migration and mating. Both require information and involve search efforts, such as localizing prey or finding potential mates. In non-migrating bat species, playback studies showed that listening to vocalizations of other bats, both con-and heterospecifics, may help a recipient bat to find foraging patches and mating sites. However, we are still unaware of the degree to which migrating bats depend on con-or heterospecific vocalizations for identifying potential feeding or mating opportunities during nightly transit flights. Here, we investigated the vocal responses of Nathusius' pipistrelle bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, to simulated feeding and courtship aggregations at a coastal migration corridor. We presented migrating bats either feeding buzzes or courtship calls of their own or a heterospecific migratory species, the common noctule, Nyctalus noctula. We expected that during migratory transit flights, simulated feeding opportunities would be particularly attractive to bats, as well as simulated mating opportunities which may indicate suitable roosts for a stopover. However, we found that when compared to the natural silence of both pre-and post-playback phases, bats called indifferently during the playback of conspecific feeding sounds, whereas P. nathusii echolocation call activity increased during simulated feeding of N. noctula. In contrast, the call activity of P. nathusii decreased during the playback of conspecific courtship calls, while no response could be detected when heterospecific call types were broadcasted. Our results suggest that while on migratory transits, P. nathusii circumnavigate conspecific mating aggregations, possibly to save time or to reduce the risks associated with social interactions where aggression due to territoriality might be expected. This avoidance behavior could be a result of optimization strategies by P. nathusii when performing long-distance migratory flights, and it could also explain the lack of a response to simulated conspecific feeding. However, the observed increase of activity in response to simulated feeding of N. noctula, suggests that P. nathusii individuals may be eavesdropping on other aerial hawking insectivorous species during migration, especially if these occupy a slightly different foraging niche.}, language = {en} }