@phdthesis{Rietsch2013, author = {Rietsch, Katrin}, title = {Body composition especially external skeletal robustness in association with physical activity and recreation in pre-pubertal children : a national and international investigation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-66913}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In children the way of life, nutrition and recreation changed in recent years and as a consequence body composition shifted as well. It is established that overweight belongs to a global problem. In addition, German children exhibit a less robust skeleton than ten years ago. These developments may elevate the risk of cardiovascular diseases and skeletal modifications. Heredity and environmental factors as nutrition, socioeconomic status, physical activity and inactivity influence fat accumulation and the skeletal system. Based on these negative developments associations between type of body shape, skeletal measures and physical activity; relations between external skeletal robustness, physical activity and inactivity, BMI and body fat and also the progress of body composition especially external skeletal robustness in comparison in Russian and German children were investigated. In a cross-sectional study 691 German boys and girls aged 6 to 10 years were examined. Anthropometric measurements were taken and questionnaires about physical activity and inactivity were answered by parents. Additionally, pedometers were worn to determinate the physical activity in children. To compare the body composition in Russian and German children data from the years 2000 and 2010 were used. The study has shown that pyknomorphic individuals exhibit the highest external skeletal robustness and leptomorphic ones the lowest. Leptomorphic children may have a higher risk for bone diseases in adulthood. Pyknomorphic boys are more physically active by tendency. This is assessed as positive because pyknomorphic types display the highest BMI and body fat. Results showed that physical activity may reduce BMI and body fat. In contrast physical inactivity may lead to an increase of BMI and body fat and may rise with increasing age. Physical activity encourages additionally a robust skeleton. Furthermore external skeletal robustness is associated with BMI in order that BMI as a measure of overweight should be consider critically. The international 10-year comparison has shown an increase of BMI in Russian children and German boys. Currently, Russian children exhibit a higher external skeletal robustness than the Germans. However, in Russian boys skeleton is less robust than ten years ago. This trend should be observed in the future as well in other countries. All in all, several measures should be used to describe health situation in children and adults. Furthermore, in children it is essential to support physical activity in order to reduce the risk of obesity and to maintain a robust skeleton. In this way diseases are able to prevent in adulthood.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2013, author = {M{\"u}ller, Mike-Freya}, title = {Die Glutathionperoxidase 2 : physiologische Funktion und Rolle in der Azoxymethan-induzierten Colonkanzerogenese}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-66955}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Das Selenoprotein Glutathionperoxidase 2 (GPx2) ist ein epithelzellspezifisches, Hydroperoxide-reduzierendes Enzym, welches im Darmepithel, vor allem in den proliferierenden Zellen des Kryptengrundes, exprimiert wird. Die Aufrechterhaltung der GPx2-Expression im Kryptengrund auch bei subad{\"a}quatem Selenstatus k{\"o}nnte darauf hinweisen, dass sie hier besonders wichtige Funktionen wahrnimmt. Tats{\"a}chlich weisen GPx2 knockout (KO)-M{\"a}use eine erh{\"o}hte Apoptoserate im Kryptengrund auf. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war es deshalb, die physiologische Funktion der GPx2 n{\"a}her zu untersuchen. In Kryptengrundepithelzellen aus dem Colon selenarmer GPx2 KO-M{\"a}use wurde eine erh{\"o}hte Caspase 3/7-Aktivit{\"a}t im Vergleich zum Wildtyp (WT) festgestellt. Zudem wiesen diese Zellen eine erh{\"o}hte Suszeptibilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r oxidativen Stress auf. Die GPx2 gew{\"a}hrleistet also den Schutz der proliferierenden Zellen des Kryptengrundes auch bei subad{\"a}quater Selenversorgung. Des Weiteren wurde im Colon selenarmer (-Se) und -ad{\"a}quater (+Se) GPx2 KO-M{\"a}use im Vergleich zum WT eine erh{\"o}hte Tumornekrosefaktor α-Expression und eine erh{\"o}hte Infiltration von Makrophagen festgestellt. Durch F{\"u}tterung einer selensupplementierten Di{\"a}t (++Se) konnte dies verhindert werden. In GPx2 KO-M{\"a}usen liegt demnach bereits basal eine niedriggradige Entz{\"u}ndung vor. Dies unterstreicht, dass GPx2 vor allem eine wichtige antiinflammatorische Funktion im Darmepithel besitzt. Dem Mikron{\"a}hrstoff Selen werden protektive Funktionen in der Colonkanzerogenese zugeschrieben. In einem Mausmodell der Colitis-assoziierten Colonkanzerogenese wirkte GPx2 antiinflammatorisch und hemmte so die Tumorentstehung. Auf der anderen Seite wurden jedoch auch prokanzerogene Eigenschaften der GPx2 aufgedeckt. Deshalb sollte in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden, welchen Effekt ein GPx2 knockout in einem Modell der sporadischen, durch Azoxymethan (AOM) induzierten, Colonkanzerogenese hat. Im WT kam es in pr{\"a}neoplastischen L{\"a}sionen h{\"a}ufig zu einer erh{\"o}hten GPx2-Expression im Vergleich zur normalen Darmmucosa. Eine derartige Steigerung der GPx2-Expression wurde auch in der humanen Colonkanzerogenese beschrieben. Das Fehlen der GPx2 resultierte in einer verminderten Entstehung von Tumoren (-Se und ++Se) und pr{\"a}neoplastischen L{\"a}sionen (-Se und +Se). Somit f{\"o}rderte GPx2 die Tumorentstehung im AOM-Modell. Acht Stunden nach AOM-Gabe war im GPx2 KO-Colon im Vergleich zum WT eine erh{\"o}hte Apoptoserate in der Kryptenmitte (-Se, +Se), nicht jedoch im Kryptengrund oder in der ++Se-Gruppe zu beobachten. M{\"o}glicherweise wirkte GPx2 prokanzerogen, indem sie die effiziente Elimination gesch{\"a}digter Zellen in der Tumorinitiationsphase verhinderte. Eine {\"a}hnliche Wirkung w{\"a}re auch durch die erh{\"o}hte GPx2-Expression in der Promotionsphase denkbar. So k{\"o}nnte GPx2 proliferierende pr{\"a}neoplastische Zellen vor oxidativem Stress, Apoptosen, oder auch der Antitumorimmunit{\"a}t sch{\"u}tzen. Dies k{\"o}nnte durch ein Zusammenwirken mit anderen Selenoproteinen wie GPx1 und Thioredoxinreduktasen, f{\"u}r die ebenfalls auch prokanzerogene Funktionen beschrieben wurden, verst{\"a}rkt werden. Eine wichtige Rolle k{\"o}nnte hier die Modulation des Redoxstatus in Tumorzellen spielen. Die Variation des Selengehalts der Di{\"a}t hatte im WT einen eher U-f{\"o}rmigen Effekt. So traten in der -Se und ++Se-Gruppe tendenziell mehr und gr{\"o}ßere Tumore auf, als in der +Se Gruppe. Zusammenfassend sch{\"u}tzt GPx2 also die proliferierenden Zellen des Kryptengrundes. Sie k{\"o}nnte jedoch auch proliferierende transformierte Zellen sch{\"u}tzen und so die sporadische, AOM-induzierte Colonkanzerogenese f{\"o}rdern. In einem Modell der Colitis-assoziierten Colonkanzerogenese hatte GPx2 auf Grund ihrer antiinflammatorischen Wirkung einen gegenteiligen Effekt und hemmte die Tumorentstehung. Die Rolle der GPx2 in der Colonkanzerogenese ist also abh{\"a}ngig vom zugrunde liegenden Mechanismus und wird maßgeblich von der Beteiligung einer Entz{\"u}ndung bestimmt.}, language = {de} } @misc{LiesenjohannLiesenjohannPalmeetal.2013, author = {Liesenjohann, Monique and Liesenjohann, Thilo and Palme, Rupert and Eccard, Jana}, title = {Differential behavioural and endocrine responses of common voles (Microtus arvalis) to nest predators and resource competitors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401184}, pages = {10}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: Adaptive behavioural strategies promoting co-occurrence of competing species are known to result from a sympatric evolutionary past. Strategies should be different for indirect resource competition (exploitation, e.g., foraging and avoidance behaviour) than for direct interspecific interference (e.g., aggression, vigilance, and nest guarding). We studied the effects of resource competition and nest predation in sympatric small mammal species using semi-fossorial voles and shrews, which prey on vole offspring during their sensitive nestling phase. Experiments were conducted in caged outdoor enclosures. Focus common vole mothers (Microtus arvalis) were either caged with a greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) as a potential nest predator, with an herbivorous field vole (Microtus agrestis) as a heterospecific resource competitor, or with a conspecific resource competitor. Results: We studied behavioural adaptations of vole mothers during pregnancy, parturition, and early lactation, specifically modifications of the burrow architecture and activity at burrow entrances. Further, we measured pre- and postpartum faecal corticosterone metabolites (FCMs) of mothers to test for elevated stress hormone levels. Only in the presence of the nest predator were prepartum FCMs elevated, but we found no loss of vole nestlings and no differences in nestling body weight in the presence of the nest predator or the heterospecific resource competitor. Although the presence of both the shrew and the field vole induced prepartum modifications to the burrow architecture, only nest predators caused an increase in vigilance time at burrow entrances during the sensitive nestling phase. Conclusion: Voles displayed an adequate behavioural response for both resource competitors and nest predators. They modified burrow architecture to improve nest guarding and increased their vigilance at burrow entrances to enhance offspring survival chances. Our study revealed differential behavioural adaptations to resource competitors and nest predators.}, language = {en} } @misc{BaumannArndtMueller2013, author = {Baumann, Tobias and Arndt, Katja Maren and M{\"u}ller, Kristian M.}, title = {Directional cloning of DNA fragments using deoxyinosine-containing oligonucleotides and endonuclease V}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {983}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43108}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-431085}, pages = {13}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: DNA fragments carrying internal recognition sites for the restriction endonucleases intended for cloning into a target plasmid pose a challenge for conventional cloning. Results: A method for directional insertion of DNA fragments into plasmid vectors has been developed. The target sequence is amplified from a template DNA sample by PCR using two oligonucleotides each containing a single deoxyinosine base at the third position from the 5' end. Treatment of such PCR products with endonuclease V generates 3' protruding ends suitable for ligation with vector fragments created by conventional restriction endonuclease reactions. Conclusions: The developed approach generates terminal cohesive ends without the use of Type II restriction endonucleases, and is thus independent from the DNA sequence. Due to PCR amplification, minimal amounts of template DNA are required. Using the robust Taq enzyme or a proofreading Pfu DNA polymerase mutant, the method is applicable to a broad range of insert sequences. Appropriate primer design enables direct incorporation of terminal DNA sequence modifications such as tag addition, insertions, deletions and mutations into the cloning strategy. Further, the restriction sites of the target plasmid can be either retained or removed.}, language = {en} } @misc{BenteleSaffertRauscheretal.2013, author = {Bentele, Kajetan and Saffert, Paul and Rauscher, Robert and Ignatova, Zoya and Bluethgen, Nils}, title = {Efficient translation initiation dictates codon usage at gene start}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {912}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44133}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-441337}, pages = {12}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The genetic code is degenerate; thus, protein evolution does not uniquely determine the coding sequence. One of the puzzles in evolutionary genetics is therefore to uncover evolutionary driving forces that result in specific codon choice. In many bacteria, the first 5-10 codons of protein-coding genes are often codons that are less frequently used in the rest of the genome, an effect that has been argued to arise from selection for slowed early elongation to reduce ribosome traffic jams. However, genome analysis across many species has demonstrated that the region shows reduced mRNA folding consistent with pressure for efficient translation initiation. This raises the possibility that unusual codon usage is a side effect of selection for reduced mRNA structure. Here we discriminate between these two competing hypotheses, and show that in bacteria selection favours codons that reduce mRNA folding around the translation start, regardless of whether these codons are frequent or rare. Experiments confirm that primarily mRNA structure, and not codon usage, at the beginning of genes determines the translation rate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baumgart2013, author = {Baumgart, Natalie}, title = {Faltungseigenschaften des extrazellul{\"a}ren Proteins Internalin J und seine Cysteinleiter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69603}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Internalin J (InlJ) geh{\"o}rt zu der Klasse der bakteriellen, cysteinhaltigen (leucine-rich repeat) LRR Proteine. Bei den Internalinen handelt es sich um meist invasions-assoziierte Proteine der Listerien. Die LRR-Dom{\"a}ne von InlJ ist aus 15 regelm{\"a}ßig wiederkehrenden, stark konservierten Sequenzeinheiten (repeats, 21 Aminos{\"a}uren) aufgebaut. Ein interessantes Detail dieses Internalins ist das stark konservierte Cystein innerhalb der repeats. Daraus ergibt sich eine ungew{\"o}hnliche Anordnung von 12 Cysteinen in einem Stapel. Die H{\"a}ufigkeit von Cysteinen in InlJ ist f{\"u}r ein extrazellul{\"a}res Protein von L. monocytogenes außergew{\"o}hnlich, und die Frage nach ihrer Funktion daher umso brennender. Im Vergleich zum ubiquit{\"a}ren Vorkommen der sogenannten repeat-Proteine in der Natur sind Studien zu ihrer Stabilit{\"a}t und Faltung nicht {\"a}quivalent vertreten. Die zentrale Eigenschaft der repeat-Proteine ist ihr modularer Aufbau, der durch einfache Topologie gekennzeichnet ist und auf kurzreichenden Wechselwirkungen basiert. Diese Topologie macht repeat-Proteine zu idealen Modellproteinen, um die stabilit{\"a}tsrelevanten Wechselwirkungen zu separieren und zuzuordnen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Faltung und Entfaltung von InlJ umfassend charakterisiert und die Relevanz der Cysteine n{\"a}her beleuchtet. Die spektroskopische Charakterisierung von InlJ zeigte, dass dessen Faltungszustand durch zwei Tryptophane im N- und C-Terminus fluoreszenzspektroskopisch gut zug{\"a}nglich ist. Die thermodynamische Stabilit{\"a}t wurde mittels fluoreszenz-detektierten, Guanidiniumchlorid-induzierten Gleichgewichtsexperimenten bestimmt. Um die kinetischen Eigenschaften von InlJ zu erfassen, wurden die Faltungs- sowie die Entfaltungsreaktion spektroskopisch untersucht. Die Identifizierung der produktiven Faltungsreaktion war lediglich durch die Anwendung des reversen Doppelsprungexperiments m{\"o}glich. Die Auswertung erfolgte nach dem Zweizustandsmodell, wonach die Faltung dem „Alles-oder-Nichts" Prinzip folgt. Die G{\"u}ltigkeit dieser Annahme wurde durch die kinetische Charakterisierung best{\"a}tigt. Es wurde sowohl in den Gleichgewichtsexperimenten als auch in den kinetisch erhaltenen Daten eine hohe freie Stabilisierungsenthalpie festgestellt. Die hohe Stabilit{\"a}t von InlJ geht mit hoher Kooperativit{\"a}t einher. Die kinetischen Daten zeigen zudem, dass die hohe Kooperativit{\"a}t haupts{\"a}chlich der Faltungsreaktion entstammt. Der Tanford-Wert von 0.93 impliziert, dass die Oberfl{\"a}chen{\"a}nderung w{\"a}hrend der Faltung bereits zum gr{\"o}ßten Teil erfolgt ist, bevor der {\"U}bergangszustand ausgebildet wurde. Direkte strukturelle Informationen {\"u}ber den {\"U}bergangszustand wurden mit Hilfe von Mutationsstudien erhalten. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 12 der 14 Cysteine gegen ein Alanin ausgetauscht. Die repeats 1 bis 11 von InlJ beinhalten jeweils ein Cystein, deren Anordnung eine Leiter ergibt. Deren Substitutionen haben einen vergleichbar destabilisierenden Effekt auf InlJ von durchschnittlich 4.8 kJ/mol. Die Verlangsamung der Faltung deutet daraufhin, dass die Interaktionen der repeats 5 bis 11 im {\"U}bergangszustand bereits voll ausgebildet sind. Demnach liegt bei InlJ ein zentraler Faltungsnukleus vor. Im Rahmen dieser Promotionsarbeit wurde eine hohe Stabilit{\"a}t und ein stark-kooperatives Verhalten f{\"u}r das extrazellul{\"a}re Protein InlJ beobachtet. Diese Erkenntnisse k{\"o}nnten wichtige Beitr{\"a}ge zur Entwicklung artifizieller repeat-Proteine leisten, deren Verwendung sich stetig ausweitet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dannehl2013, author = {Dannehl, Claudia}, title = {Fragments of the human antimicrobial LL-37 and their interaction with model membranes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68144}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A detailed description of the characteristics of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) is highly demanded, since the resistance against traditional antibiotics is an emerging problem in medicine. They are part of the innate immune system in every organism, and they are very efficient in the protection against bacteria, viruses, fungi and even cancer cells. Their advantage is that their target is the cell membrane, in contrast to antibiotics which disturb the metabolism of the respective cell type. This allows AMPs to be more active and faster. The lack of an efficient therapy for some cancer types and the evolvement of resistance against existing antitumor agents make AMPs promising in cancer therapy besides being an alternative to traditional antibiotics. The aim of this work was the physical-chemical characterization of two fragments of LL-37, a human antimicrobial peptide from the cathelicidin family. The fragments LL-32 and LL-20 exhibited contrary behavior in biological experiments concerning their activity against bacterial cells, human cells and human cancer cells. LL-32 had even a higher activity than LL-37, while LL-20 had almost no effect. The interaction of the two fragments with model membranes was systematically studied in this work to understand their mode of action. Planar lipid films were mainly applied as model systems in combination with IR-spectroscopy and X-ray scattering methods. Circular Dichroism spectroscopy in bulk systems completed the results. In the first approach, the structure of the peptides was determined in aqueous solution and compared to the structure of the peptides at the air/water interface. In bulk, both peptides are in an unstructured conformation. Adsorbed and confined to at the air-water interface, the peptides differ drastically in their surface activity as well as in the secondary structure. While LL-32 transforms into an α-helix lying flat at the water surface, LL-20 stays partly unstructured. This is in good agreement with the high antimicrobial activity of LL-32. In the second approach, experiments with lipid monolayers as biomimetic models for the cell membrane were performed. It could be shown that the peptides fluidize condensed monolayers of negatively charged DPPG which can be related to the thinning of a bacterial cell membrane. An interaction of the peptides with zwitterionic PCs, as models for mammalian cells, was not clearly observed, even though LL-32 is haemolytic. In the third approach, the lipid monolayers were more adapted to the composition of human erythrocyte membranes by incorporating sphingomyelin (SM) into the PC monolayers. Physical-chemical properties of the lipid films were determined and the influence of the peptides on them was studied. It could be shown that the interaction of the more active LL-32 is strongly increased for heterogeneous lipid films containing both gel and fluid phases, while the interaction of LL-20 with the monolayers was unaffected. The results indicate an interaction of LL-32 with the membrane in a detergent-like way. Additionally, the modelling of the peptide interaction with cancer cells was performed by incorporating some negatively charged lipids into the PC/SM monolayers, but the increased charge had no effect on the interaction of LL-32. It was concluded, that the high anti-cancer activity of the peptide originates from the changed fluidity of cell membrane rather than from the increased surface charge. Furthermore, similarities to the physical-chemical properties of melittin, an AMP from the bee venom, were demonstrated.  }, language = {en} } @misc{PavesiTiedemannDeMatthaeisetal.2013, author = {Pavesi, Laura and Tiedemann, Ralph and De Matthaeis, Elvira and Ketmaier, Valerio}, title = {Genetic connectivity between land and sea}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-401110}, pages = {19}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Introduction: We examined patterns of genetic divergence in 26 Mediterranean populations of the semi-terrestrial beachflea Orchestia montagui using mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit I), microsatellite (eight loci) and allozymic data. The species typically forms large populations within heaps of dead seagrass leaves stranded on beaches at the waterfront. We adopted a hierarchical geographic sampling to unravel population structure in a species living at the sea-land transition and, hence, likely subjected to dramatically contrasting forces. Results: Mitochondrial DNA showed historical phylogeographic breaks among Adriatic, Ionian and the remaining basins (Tyrrhenian, Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea) likely caused by the geological and climatic changes of the Pleistocene. Microsatellites (and to a lesser extent allozymes) detected a further subdivision between and within the Western Mediterranean and the Tyrrhenian Sea due to present-day processes. A pattern of isolation by distance was not detected in any of the analyzed data set. Conclusions: We conclude that the population structure of O. montagui is the result of the interplay of two contrasting forces that act on the species population genetic structure. On one hand, the species semi-terrestrial life style would tend to determine the onset of local differences. On the other hand, these differences are partially counter-balanced by passive movements of migrants via rafting on heaps of dead seagrass leaves across sites by sea surface currents. Approximate Bayesian Computations support dispersal at sea as prevalent over terrestrial regionalism.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ganesh2013, author = {Ganesh, Bhanu Priya}, title = {Host-microbe interactions in the inflamed gut}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69558}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Initiation and perpetuation of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) may result from an exaggerated mucosal immune response to the luminal microbiota in a susceptible host. We proposed that this may be caused either 1) by an abnormal microbial composition or 2) by weakening of the protective mucus layer due to excessive mucus degradation, which may lead to an easy access of luminal antigens to the host mucosa triggering inflammation. We tested whether the probiotic Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 (NCIMB) is capable of reducing chronic gut inflammation by changing the existing gut microbiota composition and aimed to identify mechanisms that are involved in possible beneficial effects of the probiotic. To identify health-promoting mechanisms of the strain, we used interleukin (IL)-10 deficient mice that spontaneously develop gut inflammation and fed these mice a diet containing NCIMB (106 cells g-1) for 3, 8 and 24 weeks, respectively. Control mice were fed an identically composed diet but without the probiotic strain. No clear-cut differences between the animals were observed in pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression and in intestinal microbiota composition after probiotic supplementation. However, we observed a low abundance of the mucin-degrading bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila in the mice that were fed NCIMB for 8 weeks. These low cell numbers were associated with significantly lower interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and IFN-γ-inducible protein (IP-10) mRNA levels as compared to the NCIMB-treated mice that were killed after 3 and 24 weeks of intervention. In conclusion, NCIMB was not capable of reducing gut inflammation in the IL-10-/- mouse model. To further identify the exact role of A. muciniphila and uncover a possible interaction between this bacterium, NCIMB and the host in relation to inflammation, we performed in vitro studies using HT-29 colon cancer cells. The HT-29 cells were treated with bacterial conditioned media obtained by growing either A. muciniphila (AM-CM) or NCIMB (NCIMB-CM) or both together (COMB-CM) in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) for 2 h at 37 °C followed by bacterial cell removal. HT-29 cells treated with COMB-CM displayed reduced cell viability after 18 h (p<0.01) and no viable cells were detected after 24 h of treatment, in contrast to the other groups or heated COMB-CM. Detection of activated caspase-3 in COMB-CM treated groups indicated that death of the HT-29 cells was brought about by apoptosis. It was concluded that either NCIMB or A. muciniphila produce a soluble and heat-sensitive factor during their concomitant presence that influences cell viability in an in vitro system. We currently hypothesize that this factor is a protein, which has not yet been identified. Based on the potential effect of A. muciniphila on inflammation (in vivo) and cell-viability (in vitro) in the presence of NCIMB, we investigated how the presence of A. muciniphila affects the severity of an intestinal Salmonella enterica Typhimurium (STm)-induced gut inflammation using gnotobiotic C3H mice with a background microbiota of eight bacterial species (SIHUMI, referred to as simplified human intestinal microbiota). Presence of A. muciniphila in STm-infected SIHUMI (SIHUMI-AS) mice caused significantly increased histopathology scores and elevated mRNA levels of IFN-γ, IP-10, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), IL-12, IL-17 and IL-6 in cecal and colonic tissue. The number of mucin filled goblet cells was 2- to 3- fold lower in cecal tissue of SIHUMI-AS mice compared to SIHUMI mice associated with STm (SIHUMI-S) or A. muciniphila (SIHUMI-A) or SIHUMI mice. Reduced goblet cell numbers significantly correlated with increased IFN-γ (r2 = -0.86, ***P<0.001) in all infected mice. In addition, loss of cecal mucin sulphation was observed in SIHUMI-AS mice. Concomitant presence of A. muciniphila and STm resulted in a drastic change in microbiota composition of the SIHUMI consortium. The proportion of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in SIHUMI, SIHUMI-A and SIHUMI-S mice made up to 80-90\% but was completely taken over by STm in SIHUMI-AS mice contributing 94\% to total bacteria. These results suggest that A. muciniphila exacerbates STm-induced intestinal inflammation by its ability to disturb host mucus homeostasis. In conclusion, abnormal microbiota composition together with excessive mucus degradation contributes to severe intestinal inflammation in a susceptible host.}, language = {en} } @misc{ThomasMatuschekGrima2013, author = {Thomas, Philipp and Matuschek, Hannes and Grima, Ramon}, title = {How reliable is the linear noise approximation of gene regulatory networks?}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {876}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43502}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-435028}, pages = {17}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Background: The linear noise approximation (LNA) is commonly used to predict how noise is regulated and exploited at the cellular level. These predictions are exact for reaction networks composed exclusively of first order reactions or for networks involving bimolecular reactions and large numbers of molecules. It is however well known that gene regulation involves bimolecular interactions with molecule numbers as small as a single copy of a particular gene. It is therefore questionable how reliable are the LNA predictions for these systems. Results: We implement in the software package intrinsic Noise Analyzer (iNA), a system size expansion based method which calculates the mean concentrations and the variances of the fluctuations to an order of accuracy higher than the LNA. We then use iNA to explore the parametric dependence of the Fano factors and of the coefficients of variation of the mRNA and protein fluctuations in models of genetic networks involving nonlinear protein degradation, post-transcriptional, post-translational and negative feedback regulation. We find that the LNA can significantly underestimate the amplitude and period of noise-induced oscillations in genetic oscillators. We also identify cases where the LNA predicts that noise levels can be optimized by tuning a bimolecular rate constant whereas our method shows that no such regulation is possible. All our results are confirmed by stochastic simulations. Conclusion: The software iNA allows the investigation of parameter regimes where the LNA fares well and where it does not. We have shown that the parametric dependence of the coefficients of variation and Fano factors for common gene regulatory networks is better described by including terms of higher order than LNA in the system size expansion. This analysis is considerably faster than stochastic simulations due to the extensive ensemble averaging needed to obtain statistically meaningful results. Hence iNA is well suited for performing computationally efficient and quantitative studies of intrinsic noise in gene regulatory networks.}, language = {en} }