@phdthesis{Zajnulina2015, author = {Zajnulina, Marina}, title = {Optical frequency comb generation in optical fibres}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88776}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 103}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Optical frequency combs (OFC) constitute an array of phase-correlated equidistant spectral lines with nearly equal intensities over a broad spectral range. The adaptations of combs generated in mode-locked lasers proved to be highly efficient for the calibration of high-resolution (resolving power > 50000) astronomical spectrographs. The observation of different galaxy structures or the studies of the Milky Way are done using instruments in the low- and medium resolution range. To such instruments belong, for instance, the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) being developed for the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST) being in development for the ESO VISTA 4.1 m Telescope. The existing adaptations of OFC from mode-locked lasers are not resolvable by these instruments. Within this work, a fibre-based approach for generation of OFC specifically in the low- and medium resolution range is studied numerically. This approach consists of three optical fibres that are fed by two equally intense continuous-wave (CW) lasers. The first fibre is a conventional single-mode fibre, the second one is a suitably pumped amplifying Erbium-doped fibre with anomalous dispersion, and the third one is a low-dispersion highly nonlinear optical fibre. The evolution of a frequency comb in this system is governed by the following processes: as the two initial CW-laser waves with different frequencies propagate through the first fibre, they generate an initial comb via a cascade of four-wave mixing processes. The frequency components of the comb are phase-correlated with the original laser lines and have a frequency spacing that is equal to the initial laser frequency separation (LFS), i.e. the difference in the laser frequencies. In the time domain, a train of pre-compressed pulses with widths of a few pico-seconds arises out of the initial bichromatic deeply-modulated cosine-wave. These pulses undergo strong compression in the subsequent amplifying Erbium-doped fibre: sub-100 fs pulses with broad OFC spectra are formed. In the following low-dispersion highly nonlinear fibre, the OFC experience a further broadening and the intensity of the comb lines are fairly equalised. This approach was mathematically modelled by means of a Generalised Nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger Equation (GNLS) that contains terms describing the nonlinear optical Kerr effect, the delayed Raman response, the pulse self-steepening, and the linear optical losses as well as the wavelength-dependent Erbium gain profile for the second fibre. The initial condition equation being a deeply-modulated cosine-wave mimics the radiation of the two initial CW lasers. The numerical studies are performed with the help of Matlab scripts that were specifically developed for the integration of the GNLS and the initial condition according to the proposed approach for the OFC generation. The scripts are based on the Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta in the Interaction Picture Method (RK4IP) in combination with the local error method. This work includes the studies and results on the length optimisation of the first and the second fibre depending on different values of the group-velocity dispersion of the first fibre. Such length optimisation studies are necessary because the OFC have the biggest possible broadband and exhibit a low level of noise exactly at the optimum lengths. Further, the optical pulse build-up in the first and the second fibre was studied by means of the numerical technique called Soliton Radiation Beat Analysis (SRBA). It was shown that a common soliton crystal state is formed in the first fibre for low laser input powers. The soliton crystal continuously dissolves into separated optical solitons as the input power increases. The pulse formation in the second fibre is critically dependent on the features of the pulses formed in the first fibre. I showed that, for low input powers, an adiabatic soliton compression delivering low-noise OFC occurs in the second fibre. At high input powers, the pulses in the first fibre have more complicated structures which leads to the pulse break-up in the second fibre with a subsequent degradation of the OFC noise performance. The pulse intensity noise studies that were performed within the framework of this thesis allow making statements about the noise performance of an OFC. They showed that the intensity noise of the whole system decreases with the increasing value of LFS.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cattania2015, author = {Cattania, Camilla}, title = {Improvement of aftershock models based on Coulomb stress changes and rate-and-state dependent friction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87097}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 123}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Earthquake clustering has proven the most useful tool to forecast changes in seismicity rates in the short and medium term (hours to months), and efforts are currently being made to extend the scope of such models to operational earthquake forecasting. The overarching goal of the research presented in this thesis is to improve physics-based earthquake forecasts, with a focus on aftershock sequences. Physical models of triggered seismicity are based on the redistribution of stresses in the crust, coupled with the rate-and-state constitutive law proposed by Dieterich to calculate changes in seismicity rate. This type of models are known as Coulomb- rate and-state (CRS) models. In spite of the success of the Coulomb hypothesis, CRS models typically performed poorly in comparison to statistical ones, and they have been underepresented in the operational forecasting context. In this thesis, I address some of these issues, and in particular these questions: (1) How can we realistically model the uncertainties and heterogeneity of the mainshock stress field? (2) What is the effect of time dependent stresses in the postseismic phase on seismicity? I focus on two case studies from different tectonic settings: the Mw 9.0 Tohoku megathrust and the Mw 6.0 Parkfield strike slip earthquake. I study aleatoric uncertainties using a Monte Carlo method. I find that the existence of multiple receiver faults is the most important source of intrinsic stress heterogeneity, and CRS models perform better when this variability is taken into account. Epistemic uncertainties inherited from the slip models also have a significant impact on the forecast, and I find that an ensemble model based on several slip distributions outperforms most individual models. I address the role of postseismic stresses due to aseismic slip on the mainshock fault (afterslip) and to the redistribution of stresses by previous aftershocks (secondary triggering). I find that modeling secondary triggering improves model performance. The effect of afterslip is less clear, and difficult to assess for near-fault aftershocks due to the large uncertainties of the afterslip models. Off-fault events, on the other hand, are less sensitive to the details of the slip distribution: I find that following the Tohoku earthquake, afterslip promotes seismicity in the Fukushima region. To evaluate the performance of the improved CRS models in a pseudo-operational context, I submitted them for independent testing to a collaborative experiment carried out by CSEP for the 2010-2012 Canterbury sequence. Preliminary results indicate that physical models generally perform well compared to statistical ones, suggesting that CRS models may have a role to play in the future of operational forecasting. To facilitate efforts in this direction, and to enable future studies of earthquake triggering by time dependent processes, I have made the code open source. In the final part of this thesis I summarize the capabilities of the program and outline technical aspects regarding performance and parallelization strategies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Feld2014, author = {Feld, Christian}, title = {Crustal structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Cyprus and S. Turkey from an amphibian wide-angle seismic profile}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-73479}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 131}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In March 2010, the project CoCoCo (incipient COntinent-COntinent COllision) recorded a 650 km long amphibian N-S wide-angle seismic profile, extending from the Eratosthenes Seamount (ESM) across Cyprus and southern Turkey to the Anatolian plateau. The aim of the project is to reveal the impact of the transition from subduction to continent-continent collision of the African plate with the Cyprus-Anatolian plate. A visual quality check, frequency analysis and filtering were applied to the seismic data and reveal a good data quality. Subsequent first break picking, finite-differences ray tracing and inversion of the offshore wide-angle data leads to a first-arrival tomographic model. This model reveals (1) P-wave velocities lower than 6.5 km/s in the crust, (2) a variable crustal thickness of about 28 - 37 km and (3) an upper crustal reflection at 5 km depth beneath the ESM. Two land shots on Turkey, also recorded on Cyprus, airgun shots south of Cyprus and geological and previous seismic investigations provide the information to derive a layered velocity model beneath the Anatolian plateau and for the ophiolite complex on Cyprus. The analysis of the reflections provides evidence for a north-dipping plate subducting beneath Cyprus. The main features of this layered velocity model are (1) an upper and lower crust with large lateral changes of the velocity structure and thickness, (2) a Moho depth of about 38 - 45 km beneath the Anatolian plateau, (3) a shallow north-dipping subducting plate below Cyprus with an increasing dip and (4) a typical ophiolite sequence on Cyprus with a total thickness of about 12 km. The offshore-onshore seismic data complete and improve the information about the velocity structure beneath Cyprus and the deeper part of the offshore tomographic model. Thus, the wide-angle seismic data provide detailed insights into the 2-D geometry and velocity structures of the uplifted and overriding Cyprus-Anatolian plate. Subsequent gravity modelling confirms and extends the crustal P-wave velocity model. The deeper part of the subducting plate is constrained by the gravity data and has a dip angle of ~ 28°. Finally, an integrated analysis of the geophysical and geological information allows a comprehensive interpretation of the crustal structure related to the collision process.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thater2019, author = {Thater, Sabine}, title = {The interplay between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43757}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-437570}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iv, 186}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Supermassive black holes reside in the hearts of almost all massive galaxies. Their evolutionary path seems to be strongly linked to the evolution of their host galaxies, as implied by several empirical relations between the black hole mass (M BH ) and different host galaxy properties. The physical driver of this co-evolution is, however, still not understood. More mass measurements over homogeneous samples and a detailed understanding of systematic uncertainties are required to fathom the origin of the scaling relations. In this thesis, I present the mass estimations of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of one late-type and thirteen early-type galaxies. Our SMASHING sample extends from the intermediate to the massive galaxy mass regime and was selected to fill in gaps in number of galaxies along the scaling relations. All galaxies were observed at high spatial resolution, making use of the adaptive-optics mode of integral field unit (IFU) instruments on state-of-the-art telescopes (SINFONI, NIFS, MUSE). I extracted the stellar kinematics from these observations and constructed dynamical Jeans and Schwarzschild models to estimate the mass of the central black holes robustly. My new mass estimates increase the number of early-type galaxies with measured black hole masses by 15\%. The seven measured galaxies with nuclear light deficits ('cores') augment the sample of cored galaxies with measured black holes by 40\%. Next to determining massive black hole masses, evaluating the accuracy of black hole masses is crucial for understanding the intrinsic scatter of the black hole- host galaxy scaling relations. I tested various sources of systematic uncertainty on my derived mass estimates. The M BH estimate of the single late-type galaxy of the sample yielded an upper limit, which I could constrain very robustly. I tested the effects of dust, mass-to-light ratio (M/L) variation, and dark matter on my measured M BH . Based on these tests, the typically assumed constant M/L ratio can be an adequate assumption to account for the small amounts of dark matter in the center of that galaxy. I also tested the effect of a variable M/L variation on the M BH measurement on a second galaxy. By considering stellar M/L variations in the dynamical modeling, the measured M BH decreased by 30\%. In the future, this test should be performed on additional galaxies to learn how an as constant assumed M/L flaws the estimated black hole masses. Based on our upper limit mass measurement, I confirm previous suggestions that resolving the predicted BH sphere-of-influence is not a strict condition to measure black hole masses. Instead, it is only a rough guide for the detection of the black hole if high-quality, and high signal-to-noise IFU data are used for the measurement. About half of our sample consists of massive early-type galaxies which show nuclear surface brightness cores and signs of triaxiality. While these types of galaxies are typically modeled with axisymmetric modeling methods, the effects on M BH are not well studied yet. The massive galaxies of our presented galaxy sample are well suited to test the effect of different stellar dynamical models on the measured black hole mass in evidently triaxial galaxies. I have compared spherical Jeans and axisymmetric Schwarzschild models and will add triaxial Schwarzschild models to this comparison in the future. The constructed Jeans and Schwarzschild models mostly disagree with each other and cannot reproduce many of the triaxial features of the galaxies (e.g., nuclear sub-components, prolate rotation). The consequence of the axisymmetric-triaxial assumption on the accuracy of M BH and its impact on the black hole - host galaxy relation needs to be carefully examined in the future. In the sample of galaxies with published M BH , we find measurements based on different dynamical tracers, requiring different observations, assumptions, and methods. Crucially, different tracers do not always give consistent results. I have used two independent tracers (cold molecular gas and stars) to estimate M BH in a regular galaxy of our sample. While the two estimates are consistent within their errors, the stellar-based measurement is twice as high as the gas-based. Similar trends have also been found in the literature. Therefore, a rigorous test of the systematics associated with the different modeling methods is required in the future. I caution to take the effects of different tracers (and methods) into account when discussing the scaling relations. I conclude this thesis by comparing my galaxy sample with the compilation of galaxies with measured black holes from the literature, also adding six SMASHING galaxies, which were published outside of this thesis. None of the SMASHING galaxies deviates significantly from the literature measurements. Their inclusion to the published early-type galaxies causes a change towards a shallower slope for the M BH - effective velocity dispersion relation, which is mainly driven by the massive galaxies of our sample. More unbiased and homogenous measurements are needed in the future to determine the shape of the relation and understand its physical origin.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Valliappan2018, author = {Valliappan, Senthamizh Pavai}, title = {Solar Activity Reconstruction from Historical Observations of Sunspots}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-413600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {115}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The solar activity and its consequences affect space weather and Earth's climate. The solar activity exhibits a cyclic behaviour with a period of about 11 years. The solar cycle properties are governed by the dynamo taking place in the interior of the Sun, and they are distinctive. Extending the knowledge about solar cycle properties into the past is essential for understanding the solar dynamo and forecasting space weather. It can be acquired through the analysis of historical sunspot drawings. Sunspots are the dark areas, which are associated with strong magnetic fields, on the solar surface. Sunspots are the oldest and longest available observed features of solar activity. One of the longest available records of sunspot drawings is the collection by Samuel Heinrich Schwabe during 1825-1867. The sunspot sizes measured from digitized Schwabe drawings are not to scale and need to be converted into physical sunspot areas. We employed a statistical approach assuming that the area distribution of sunspots was the same in the 19th century as it was in the 20th century. Umbral areas for about 130 000 sunspots observed by Schwabe were obtained. The annually averaged sunspot areas correlate reasonably well with the sunspot number. Tilt angles and polarity separations of sunspot groups were calculated assuming them to be bipolar. There is, of course, no polarity information in the observations. We derived an average tilt angle by attempting to exclude unipolar groups with a minimum separation of the two surmised polarities and an outlier rejection method, which follows the evolution of each group and detects the moment, when it turns unipolar as it decays. As a result, the tilt angles, although displaying considerable natural scatter, are on average 5.85° ± 0.25°, with the leading polarity located closer to the equator, in good agreement with tilt angles obtained from 20th century data sets. Sources of uncertainties in the tilt angle determination are discussed and need to be addressed whenever different data sets are combined. Digital images of observations printed in the books Rosa Ursina and Prodromus pro sole mobili by Christoph Scheiner, as well as the drawings from Scheiner's letters to Marcus Welser, are analyzed to obtain information on the positions and sizes of sunspots that appeared before the Maunder minimum. In most cases, the given orientation of the ecliptic is used to set up the heliographic coordinate system for the drawings. Positions and sizes are measured manually displaying the drawings on a computer screen. Very early drawings have no indication of the solar orientation. A rotational matching using common spots of adjacent days is used in some cases, while in other cases, the assumption that images were aligned with a zenith-horizon coordinate system appeared to be the most likely. In total, 8167 sunspots were measured. A distribution of sunspot latitudes versus time (butterfly diagram) is obtained for Scheiner's observations. The observations of 1611 are very inaccurate, but the drawings of 1612 have at least an indication of the solar orientation, while the remaining part of the spot positions from 1618-1631 have good to very good accuracy. We also computed 697 tilt angles of apparent bipolar sunspot groups, which were observed in the period 1618-1631. We find that the average tilt angle of nearly 4° does not significantly differ from the 20th century values. The solar cycle properties seem to be related to the tilt angles of sunspot groups, and it is an important parameter in the surface flux transport models. The tilt angles of bipolar sunspot groups from various historical sets of solar drawings including from Schwabe and Scheiner are analyzed. Data by Scheiner, Hevelius, Staudacher, Zucconi, Schwabe, and Spörer deliver a series of average tilt angles spanning a period of 270 years, in addition to previously found values for 20th-century data obtained by other authors. We find that the average tilt angles before the Maunder minimum were not significantly different from modern values. However, the average tilt angles of a period 50 years after the Maunder minimum, namely for cycles 0 and 1, were much lower and near zero. The typical tilt angles before the Maunder minimum suggest that abnormally low tilt angles were not responsible for driving the solar cycle into a grand minimum. With the Schwabe (1826-1867) and Spörer (1866-1880) sunspot data, the butterfly diagram of sunspot groups extends back till 1826. A recently developed method, which separates the wings of the butterfly diagram based on the long gaps present in sunspot group occurrences at different latitudinal bands, is used to separate the wings of the butterfly diagram. The cycle-to-cycle variation in the start (F), end (L), and highest (H) latitudes of the wings with respect to the strength of the wings are analyzed. On the whole, the wings of the stronger cycles tend to start at higher latitudes and have a greater extent. The time spans of the wings and the time difference between the wings in the northern hemisphere display a quasi-periodicity of 5-6 cycles. The average wing overlap is zero in the southern hemisphere, whereas it is 2-3 months in the north. A marginally significant oscillation of about 10 solar cycles is found in the asymmetry of the L latitudes. This latest, extended database of butterfly wings provides new observational constraints, regarding the spatio-temporal distribution of sunspot occurrences over the solar cycle, to solar dynamo models.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Seyberth2015, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Seyberth, Karl}, title = {Test einer neuen Methode zur Synthetisierung hydrathaltiger Sedimentproben und Charakterisierung des Hydrathabitus anhand seismischer Messungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-81247}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {II, 41}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Methanhydrate sind besonders in Verbindung mit den steigenden Weltmarktpreisen f{\"u}r {\"O}l und Gas in den vergangenen Jahren mehr und mehr in den Fokus der Energiewirtschaft geraten, was zu einer starken Zunahme der angewandten Forschungsprojekte auf diesem Gebiet f{\"u}hrte. Da Methanhydrat nur unter hohem Druck und niedrigen Temperaturen stabil ist, ist die Gewinnung nat{\"u}rlicher Proben f{\"u}r Laboruntersuchungen technisch sehr aufwendig und vor allem teuer. Zur Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften hydratf{\"u}hrender Reservoire ist man h{\"a}ufig auf die Herstellung synthetischer Proben angewiesen. Die Eigenschaften der synthetisierten Proben sind dabei abh{\"a}ngig von der Herstellungsmethode und man ist noch immer auf der Suche nach Verfahren, mit denen sich m{\"o}glichst „naturnahe" Proben mit vertretbarem Aufwand erzeugen lassen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine neue, relativ schnell durchf{\"u}hrbare Methode getestet, die im Porenraum von Sedimenten schwimmende bzw. gef{\"u}gest{\"u}tzende Hydrate bildet, wie sie in der Natur vorkommen. Gleichzeitig erzeugt sie eine gleichm{\"a}ßige Verteilung des Hydrats {\"u}ber die Probe und bietet gute Kontrolle {\"u}ber den Hydratgehalt. Sie funktioniert wie folgt: Eine mit einer KCl-L{\"o}sung ges{\"a}ttigte Sedimentprobe wird zu einem bestimmten Teil ausgefroren und das {\"u}brige Wasser mit Methan verdr{\"a}ngt. Durch Anlegen eines Methandrucks im Stabilit{\"a}tsbereich wird das Eis zu Methanhydrat umgesetzt. Im Anschluss wird die Probe erneut mit einer KCl-L{\"o}sung ges{\"a}ttigt. Anhand seismischer Messungen konnte best{\"a}tigt werden, dass Hydrat mit dem gew{\"u}nschten Hydrathabitus erzeugt wurde. Des Weiteren wurde gezeigt, dass die eishaltigen Proben aufgrund {\"a}hnlicher physikalischer Eigenschaften bereits vor der Umsetzung des Eises zu Methanhydrat als N{\"a}herung f{\"u}r Proben mit Porenraumhydrat verwendet werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Otto2015, author = {Otto, Katharina Alexandra}, title = {Mass wasting and the Coriolis effect on asteroid Vesta}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87390}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 251}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This work investigates the influence of the Coriolis force on mass motion related to the Rheasilvia impact basin on asteroid (4) Vesta's southern hemisphere. The giant basin is 500km in diameter, with a centre which nearly coincides with the rotation axis of Vesta. The Rheasilvia basin partially overlaps an earlier, similarly large impact basin, Veneneia. Mass motion within and in the vicinity of the Rheasilvia basin includes slumping and landslides, which, primarily due to their small linear extents, have not been noticeably affected by the Coriolis force. However, a series of ridges related to the basin exhibit significant curvature, which may record the effect of the Coriolis force on the mass motion which generated them. In this thesis 32 of these curved ridges, in three geologically distinct regions, were examined. The mass motion velocities from which the ridge curvatures may have resulted during the crater modification stage were investigated. Velocity profiles were derived by fitting inertial circles along the curved ridges and considering both the current and past rotation states of Vesta. An iterative, statistical approach was used, whereby the radii of inertial circles were obtained through repeated fitting to triplets of points across the ridges. The most frequently found radius for each central point was then used for velocity derivation at that point. The results of the velocity analysis are strongly supportive of a Coriolis force origin for the curved ridges. Derived velocities (29.6 ± 24.6 m/s) generally agree well with previously published predictions from numerical simulations of mass motion during the impact process. Topographical features such as local slope gradient and mass deposition regions on the curved ridges also independently agree with regions in which the calculated mass motion accelerates or decelerates. Sections of constant acceleration, deceleration and constant velocity are found, showing that mass motion is being governed by varying conditions of topography, regolith structure and friction. Estimates of material properties such as the effective viscosities (1.9-9.0·10⁶ Pa·s) and coefficients of friction (0.02-0.81) are derived from the velocity profile information in these sections. From measured accelerations of mass motions on the crater wall, it is also shown that the crater walls must have been locally steeper at the time of the mass motion. Together with these novel insights into the state and behaviour of material moving during the modification stage of Rheasilvia's formation, this work represents the first time that the Coriolis Effect on mass motions during crater formation has been shown to result in diagnostic features preserved until today.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mulyukova2015, author = {Mulyukova, Elvira}, title = {Stability of the large low shear velocity provinces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-82228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We study segregation of the subducted oceanic crust (OC) at the core mantle boundary and its ability to accumulate and form large thermochemical piles (such as the seismically observed Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces - LLSVPs). Our high-resolution numerical simulations suggest that the longevity of LLSVPs for up to three billion years, and possibly longer, can be ensured by a balance in the rate of segregation of high-density OC-material to the CMB, and the rate of its entrainment away from the CMB by mantle upwellings. For a range of parameters tested in this study, a large-scale compositional anomaly forms at the CMB, similar in shape and size to the LLSVPs. Neutrally buoyant thermochemical piles formed by mechanical stirring - where thermally induced negative density anomaly is balanced by the presence of a fraction of dense anomalous material - best resemble the geometry of LLSVPs. Such neutrally buoyant piles tend to emerge and survive for at least 3Gyr in simulations with quite different parameters. We conclude that for a plausible range of values of density anomaly of OC material in the lower mantle - it is likely that it segregates to the CMB, gets mechanically mixed with the ambient material, and forms neutrally buoyant large scale compositional anomalies similar in shape to the LLSVPs. We have developed an efficient FEM code with dynamically adaptive time and space resolution, and marker-in-cell methodology. This enabled us to model thermochemical mantle convection at realistically high convective vigor, strong thermally induced viscosity variations, and long term evolution of compositional fields.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuenstler2015, author = {K{\"u}nstler, Andreas}, title = {Spot evolution on the red giant star XX Triangulum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-84008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Spots on stellar surfaces are thought to be stellar analogues of sunspots. Thus, starspots are direct manifestations of strong magnetic fields. Their decay rate is directly related to the magnetic diffusivity, which itself is a key quantity for the deduction of an activity cycle length. So far, no single starspot decay has been observed, and thus no stellar activity cycle was inferred from its corresponding turbulent diffusivity. We investigate the evolution of starspots on the rapidly-rotating K0 giant XX Triangulum. Continuous high-resolution and phase-resolved spectroscopy was obtained with the robotic 1.2-m STELLA telescope on Tenerife over a timespan of six years. With our line-profile inversion code iMap we reconstruct a total of 36 consecutive Doppler maps. To quantify starspot area decay and growth, we match the observed images with simplified spot models based on a Monte-Carlo approach. It is shown that the surface of XX Tri is covered with large high-latitude and even polar spots and with occasional small equatorial spots. Just over the course of six years, we see a systematically changing spot distribution with various time scales and morphology such as spot fragmentation and spot merging as well as spot decay and formation. For the first time, a starspot decay rate on another star than the Sun is determined. From our spot-decay analysis we determine an average linear decay rate of D = -0.067±0.006 Gm^2/day. From this decay rate, we infer a turbulent diffusivity of η_τ = (6.3±0.5) x 10^14 cm^2/s and consequently predict an activity cycle of 26±6 years. The obtained cycle length matches very well with photometric observations. Our time-series of Doppler maps further enables to investigate the differential rotation of XX Tri. We therefore applied a cross-correlation analysis. We detect a weak solar-like differential rotation with a surface shear of α = 0.016±0.003. This value agrees with similar studies of other RS CVn stars. Furthermore, we found evidence for active longitudes and flip-flops. Whereas the more active longitude is located in phase towards the (unseen) companion star, the weaker active longitude is located at the opposite stellar hemisphere. From their periodic appearance, we infer a flip-flop cycle of ~2 years. Both activity phenomena are common on late-type binary stars. Last but not least we redetermine several astrophysical properties of XX Tri and its binary system, as large datasets of photometric and spectroscopic observations are available since its last determination in 1999. Additionally, we compare the rotational spot-modulation from photometric and spectroscopic studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reiter2014, author = {Reiter, Karsten}, title = {Crustal stress variability across spatial scales - examples from Canada, Northern Switzerland and a South African gold mine}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-76762}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 149, XI}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The quantitative descriptions of the state of stress in the Earth's crust, and spatial-temporal stress changes are of great importance in terms of scientific questions as well as applied geotechnical issues. Human activities in the underground (boreholes, tunnels, caverns, reservoir management, etc.) have a large impact on the stress state. It is important to assess, whether these activities may lead to (unpredictable) hazards, such as induced seismicity. Equally important is the understanding of the in situ stress state in the Earth's crust, as it allows the determination of safe well paths, already during well planning. The same goes for the optimal configuration of the injection- and production wells, where stimulation for artificial fluid path ways is necessary. The here presented cumulative dissertation consists of four separate manuscripts, which are already published, submitted or will be submitted for peer review within the next weeks. The main focus is on the investigation of the possible usage of geothermal energy in the province Alberta (Canada). A 3-D geomechanical-numerical model was designed to quantify the contemporary 3-D stress tensor in the upper crust. For the calibration of the regional model, 321 stress orientation data and 2714 stress magnitude data were collected, whereby the size and diversity of the database is unique. A calibration scheme was developed, where the model is calibrated versus the in situ stress data stepwise for each data type and gradually optimized using statistically test methods. The optimum displacement on the model boundaries can be determined by bivariate linear regression, based on only three model runs with varying deformation ratio. The best-fit model is able to predict most of the in situ stress data quite well. Thus, the model can provide the full stress tensor along any chosen virtual well paths. This can be used to optimize the orientation of horizontal wells, which e.g. can be used for reservoir stimulation. The model confirms regional deviations from the average stress orientation trend, such as in the region of the Peace River Arch and the Bow Island Arch. In the context of data compilation for the Alberta stress model, the Canadian database of the World Stress Map (WSM) could be expanded by including 514 new data records. This publication of an update of the Canadian stress map after ~20 years with a specific focus on Alberta shows, that the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) is oriented southwest to northeast over large areas in Northern America. The SHmax orientation in Alberta is very homogeneous, with an average of about 47°. In order to calculate the average SHmax orientation on a regular grid as well as to estimate the wave-length of stress orientation, an existing algorithm has been improved and is applied to the Canadian data. The newly introduced quasi interquartile range on the circle (QIROC) improves the variance estimation of periodic data, as it is less susceptible to its outliers. Another geomechanical-numerical model was built to estimate the 3D stress tensor in the target area "N{\"o}rdlich L{\"a}gern" in Northern Switzerland. This location, with Opalinus clay as a host rock, is a potential repository site for high-level radioactive waste. The performed modelling aims to investigate the sensitivity of the stress tensor on tectonic shortening, topography, faults and variable rock properties within the Mesozoic sedimentary stack, according to the required stability needed for a suitable radioactive waste disposal site. The majority of the tectonic stresses caused by the far-field shortening from the South are admitted by the competent rock units in the footwall and hanging wall of the argillaceous target horizon, the Upper Malm and Upper Muschelkalk. Thus, the differential stress within the host rock remains relatively low. East-west striking faults release stresses driven by tectonic shortening. The purely gravitational influence by the topography is low; higher SHmax magnitudes below topographical depression and lower values below hills are mainly observed near the surface. A complete calibration of the model is not possible, as no stress magnitude data are available for calibration, yet. The collection of this data will begin in 2015; subsequently they will be used to adjust the geomechanical-numerical model again. The third geomechanical-numerical model investigates the stress variation in an ultra-deep gold mine in South Africa. This reservoir model is spatially one order of magnitude smaller than the previous local model from Northern Switzerland. Here, the primary focus is to investigate the hypothesis that the Mw 1.9 earthquake on 27 December 2007 was induced by stress changes due to the mining process. The Coulomb failure stress change (DeltaCFS) was used to analyse the stress change. It confirmed that the seismic event was induced by static stress transfer due to the mining progress. The rock was brought closer to failure on the derived rupture plane by stress changes of up to 1.5-15MPa, in dependence of the DeltaCFS analysis type. A forward modelling of a generic excavation scheme reveals that with decreasing distance to the dyke the DeltaCFS values increase significantly. Hence, even small changes in the mining progress can have a significant impact on the seismic hazard risk, i.e. the change of the occurrence probability to induce a seismic event of economic concern.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zubaidah2010, author = {Zubaidah, Teti}, title = {Spatio-temporal characteristics of the geomagnetic field over the Lombok Island, the Lesser Sunda Islands region}, series = {Scientific Technical Report}, volume = {STR10}, journal = {Scientific Technical Report}, number = {07}, publisher = {Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ}, address = {Potsdam}, doi = {10.2312/GFZ.b103-10079}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 117}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The Lombok Island is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands (LSI) region - Indonesia, situated along the Sunda-Banda Arcs transition. It lies between zones characterized by the highest intensity geomagnetic anomalies of this region, remarkable as one of the eight most important features provided on the 1st edition of World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map. The seismicity of this region during the last years is high, while the geological and tectonic structures of this region are still not known in detail. Some local magnetic surveys have been conducted previously during 2004-2005. However, due to the lower accuracy of the used equipment and a limited number of stations, the qualities of the previous measurements are questionable for more interpretations. Thus a more detailed study to better characterize the geomagnetic anomaly -spatially and temporally- over this region and to deeply explore the related regional geology, tectonic and seismicity is needed. The intriguing geomagnetic anomalies over this island region vis-{\`a}-vis the socio-cultural situations lead to a study with a special aim to contribute to the assessment of the potential of natural hazards (earthquakes) as well as a new natural resource of energy (geothermal potential). This study is intended to discuss several crucial questions, including: i. The real values and the general pattern of magnetic anomalies over the island, as well as their relation to the regional one. ii. Any temporal changes of regional anomalies over the recent time. iii. The relationships between the anomalies and the geology and tectonic of this region, especially new insights that can be gained from the geomagnetic observations. iv. The relationships between the anomalies and the high seismicity of this region, especially some possible links between their variations to the earthquake occurrence. First, all available geomagnetic data of this region and results of the previous measurements are evaluated. The new geomagnetic surveys carried out in 2006 and 2007/2008 are then presented in detail, followed by the general description of data processing and data quality evaluation. The new results show the general pattern of contiguous negative-positive anomalies, revealing an active arc related subduction region. They agree with earlier results obtained by satellite, aeromagnetic, and marine platforms; and provide a much more detailed picture of the strong anomalies on this island. The temporal characteristics of regional anomalies show a decreasing strength of the dipolar structure, where decreasing of the field intensities is faster than the regional secular variations as defined by the global model (the 10th generation of IGRF). However, some exceptions (increasing of anomalies) have to be noted and further analyzed for several locations. Thereafter, simultaneous magnetic anomalies and gravity models are generated and interpreted in detail. Three profiles are investigated, providing new insights into the tectonics and geological evolution of the Lombok Island. Geological structure of this island can be divided as two main parts with different consecutive ages: an old part (from late Oligocene to late Miocene) in the South and a younger one (from Pliocene to Holocene) in the North. A new subduction in the back arc region (the Flores Thrust zone) is considered mature and active, showing a tendency of progressive subduction during 2005-2008. Geothermal potential in the northern part of this island can be mapped in more detail using these geomagnetic regional survey data. The earlier estimates of reservoir depth can be confirmed further to a depth of about 800 m. Evaluation of temporal changes of the anomalies gives some possible explanations related to the evolution of the back arc region, large stress accumulations over the LSI region, a specific electrical characteristic of the crust of the Lombok Island region, and a structural discontinuity over this island. Based on the results, several possible advanced studies involving geomagnetic data and anomaly investigations over the Lombok Island region can be suggested for the future: i. Monitoring the subduction activity of the back arc region (the Flores Thrust zone) and the accumulated stress over the LSI, that could contribute to middle term hazard assessment with a special attention to the earthquake occurrence in this region. Continuous geomagnetic field measurements from a geomagnetic observatory which can be established in the northern part of the Lombok Island and systematic measurements at several repeat stations can be useful in this regards. ii. Investigating the specific electrical characteristic (high conductivity) of the crust, that is probably related to some aquifer layers or metal mineralization. It needs other complementary geophysical methods, such as magnetotelluric (MT) or preferably DC resistivity measurements. iii. Determining the existence of an active structural fault over the Lombok Island, that could be related to long term hazard assessment over the LSI region. This needs an extension of geomagnetic investigations over the neighbouring islands (the Bali Island in the West and the Sumbawa Island in the East; probably also the Sumba and the Flores islands). This seems possible because the regional magnetic lineations might be used to delineate some structural discontinuities, based on the modelling of contrasts in crustal magnetizations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hendriyana2017, author = {Hendriyana, Andri}, title = {Detection and Kirchhoff-type migration of seismic events by use of a new characteristic function}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-398879}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 139}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The classical method of seismic event localization is based on the picking of body wave arrivals, ray tracing and inversion of travel time data. Travel time picks with small uncertainties are required to produce reliable and accurate results with this kind of source localization. Hence recordings, with a low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) cannot be used in a travel time based inversion. Low SNR can be related with weak signals from distant and/or low magnitude sources as well as with a high level of ambient noise. Diffraction stacking is considered as an alternative seismic event localization method that enables also the processing of low SNR recordings by mean of stacking the amplitudes of seismograms along a travel time function. The location of seismic event and its origin time are determined based on the highest stacked amplitudes (coherency) of the image function. The method promotes an automatic processing since it does not need travel time picks as input data. However, applying diffraction stacking may require longer computation times if only limited computer resources are used. Furthermore, a simple diffraction stacking of recorded amplitudes could possibly fail to locate the seismic sources if the focal mechanism leads to complex radiation patterns which typically holds for both natural and induced seismicity. In my PhD project, I have developed a new work flow for the localization of seismic events which is based on a diffraction stacking approach. A parallelized code was implemented for the calculation of travel time tables and for the determination of an image function to reduce computation time. In order to address the effects from complex source radiation patterns, I also suggest to compute diffraction stacking from a characteristic function (CF) instead of stacking the original wave form data. A new CF, which is called in the following mAIC (modified from Akaike Information Criterion) is proposed. I demonstrate that, the performance of the mAIC does not depend on the chosen length of the analyzed time window and that both P- and S-wave onsets can be detected accurately. To avoid cross-talk between P- and S-waves due to inaccurate velocity models, I separate the P- and S-waves from the mAIC function by making use of polarization attributes. Then, eventually the final image function is represented by the largest eigenvalue as a result of the covariance analysis between P- and S-image functions. Before applying diffraction stacking, I also apply seismogram denoising by using Otsu thresholding in the time-frequency domain. Results from synthetic experiments show that the proposed diffraction stacking provides reliable results even from seismograms with low SNR=1. Tests with different presentations of the synthetic seismograms (displacement, velocity, and acceleration) shown that, acceleration seismograms deliver better results in case of high SNR, whereas displacement seismograms provide more accurate results in case of low SNR recordings. In another test, different measures (maximum amplitude, other statistical parameters) were used to determine the source location in the final image function. I found that the statistical approach is the preferred method particularly for low SNR. The work flow of my diffraction stacking method was finally applied to local earthquake data from Sumatra, Indonesia. Recordings from a temporary network of 42 stations deployed for 9 months around the Tarutung pull-apart Basin were analyzed. The seismic event locations resulting from the diffraction stacking method align along a segment of the Sumatran Fault. A more complex distribution of seismicity is imaged within and around the Tarutung Basin. Two lineaments striking N-S were found in the middle of the Tarutung Basin which support independent results from structural geology. These features are interpreted as opening fractures due to local extension. A cluster of seismic events repeatedly occurred in short time which might be related to fluid drainage since two hot springs are observed at the surface near to this cluster.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Breitling2016, author = {Breitling, Frank}, title = {Propagation of energetic electrons in the solar corona observed with LOFAR}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396893}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 101}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This work reports about new high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations of solar type III radio bursts at low radio frequencies in the range from 30 to 80 MHz. Solar type III radio bursts are understood as result of the beam-plasma interaction of electron beams in the corona. The Sun provides a unique opportunity to study these plasma processes of an active star. Its activity appears in eruptive events like flares, coronal mass ejections and radio bursts which are all accompanied by enhanced radio emission. Therefore solar radio emission carries important information about plasma processes associated with the Sun's activity. Moreover, the Sun's atmosphere is a unique plasma laboratory with plasma processes under conditions not found in terrestrial laboratories. Because of the Sun's proximity to Earth, it can be studied in greater detail than any other star but new knowledge about the Sun can be transfer to them. This "solar stellar connection" is important for the understanding of processes on other stars. The novel radio interferometer LOFAR provides imaging and spectroscopic capabilities to study these processes at low frequencies. Here it was used for solar observations. LOFAR, the characteristics of its solar data and the processing and analysis of the latter with the Solar Imaging Pipeline and Solar Data Center are described. The Solar Imaging Pipeline is the central software that allows using LOFAR for solar observations. So its development was necessary for the analysis of solar LOFAR data and realized here. Moreover a new density model with heat conduction and Alfv{\´e}n waves was developed that provides the distance of radio bursts to the Sun from dynamic radio spectra. Its application to the dynamic spectrum of a type III burst observed on March 16, 2016 by LOFAR shows a nonuniform radial propagation velocity of the radio emission. The analysis of an imaging observation of type III bursts on June 23, 2012 resolves a burst as bright, compact region localized in the corona propagating in radial direction along magnetic field lines with an average velocity of 0.23c. A nonuniform propagation velocity is revealed. A new beam model is presented that explains the nonuniform motion of the radio source as a propagation effect of an electron ensemble with a spread velocity distribution and rules out a monoenergetic electron distribution. The coronal electron number density is derived in the region from 1.5 to 2.5 R☉ and fitted with the newly developed density model. It determines the plasma density for the interplanetary space between Sun and Earth. The values correspond to a 1.25- and 5-fold Newkirk model for harmonic and fundamental emission, respectively. In comparison to data from other radio instruments the LOFAR data shows a high sensitivity and resolution in space, time and frequency. The new results from LOFAR's high resolution imaging spectroscopy are consistent with current theories of solar type III radio bursts and demonstrate its capability to track fast moving radio sources in the corona. LOFAR solar data is found to be a valuable source for solar radio physics and opens a new window for studying plasma processes associated with highly energetic electrons in the solar corona.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ziegler2017, author = {Ziegler, Moritz O.}, title = {The 3D in-situ stress field and its changes in geothermal reservoirs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-403838}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 110, XV}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Information on the contemporary in-situ stress state of the earth's crust is essential for geotechnical applications and physics-based seismic hazard assessment. Yet, stress data records for a data point are incomplete and their availability is usually not dense enough to allow conclusive statements. This demands a thorough examination of the in-situ stress field which is achieved by 3D geomechanicalnumerical models. However, the models spatial resolution is limited and the resulting local stress state is subject to large uncertainties that confine the significance of the findings. In addition, temporal variations of the in-situ stress field are naturally or anthropogenically induced. In my thesis I address these challenges in three manuscripts that investigate (1) the current crustal stress field orientation, (2) the 3D geomechanical-numerical modelling of the in-situ stress state, and (3) the phenomenon of injection induced temporal stress tensor rotations. In the first manuscript I present the first comprehensive stress data compilation of Iceland with 495 data records. Therefore, I analysed image logs from 57 boreholes in Iceland for indicators of the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress component. The study is the first stress survey from different kinds of stress indicators in a geologically very young and tectonically active area of an onshore spreading ridge. It reveals a distinct stress field with a depth independent stress orientation even very close to the spreading centre. In the second manuscript I present a calibrated 3D geomechanical-numerical modelling approach of the in-situ stress state of the Bavarian Molasse Basin that investigates the regional (70x70x10km³) and local (10x10x10km³) stress state. To link these two models I develop a multi-stage modelling approach that provides a reliable and efficient method to derive from the larger scale model initial and boundary conditions for the smaller scale model. Furthermore, I quantify the uncertainties in the models results which are inherent to geomechanical-numerical modelling in general and the multi-stage approach in particular. I show that the significance of the models results is mainly reduced due to the uncertainties in the material properties and the low number of available stress magnitude data records for calibration. In the third manuscript I investigate the phenomenon of injection induced temporal stress tensor rotation and its controlling factors. I conduct a sensitivity study with a 3D generic thermo-hydro-mechanical model. I show that the key control factors for the stress tensor rotation are the permeability as the decisive factor, the injection rate, and the initial differential stress. In particular for enhanced geothermal systems with a low permeability large rotations of the stress tensor are indicated. According to these findings the estimation of the initial differential stress in a reservoir is possible provided the permeability is known and the angle of stress rotation is observed. I propose that the stress tensor rotations can be a key factor in terms of the potential for induced seismicity on pre-existing faults due to the reorientation of the stress field that changes the optimal orientation of faults.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fournier2016, author = {Fournier, Yori}, title = {Dynamics of the rise of magnetic flux tubes in stellar interiors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-394533}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 98}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In sonnen{\"a}hnlichen Sternen erh{\"a}lt ein Dynamo-Mechanismus die Magnetfelder. Der Babcock-Leighton-Dynamo beruht auf einem solchen Mechanismus und erfordert insbesondere die Existenz von magnetischen Flussr{\"o}hren. Man nimmt an, dass magnetische Flussr{\"o}hren am Boden der Konvetionszone entstehen und durch Auftrieb bis zur Oberfl{\"a}che steigen. Es wird ein spezielles Dynamomodell vorgeschlagen, in dem der Verz{\"o}gerungseffekt durch das Aufsteigen der Flussr{\"o}hren ber{\"u}cksichtigt wird. Die vorliegende Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Anwendbarkeit des Babcock-Leighton-Dynamos auf andere Sterne. Zu diesem Zweck versuchen wir, die Aufstiegszeiten von magnetischen Flussr{\"o}hren mit Hilfe von kompressiblen MHD-Simulationen in sp{\"a}rischen Kugelschalen mit Dichteschichtung zu bestimmen und einzugrenzen. Derartige Simulationen sind allerdings nur in einem unrealistischen Parameterbereich m{\"o}glich. Deshalb ist eine Skalierungsrelation n{\"o}tig, die die Ergebnisse auf realistische physikalische Regimes {\"u}bertr{\"a}gt. Wir erweitern fr{\"u}here Arbeiten zu Skalierungsrelationen in 2D und leiten ein allgemeines Skalierungsgesetz ab, das f{\"u}r 2D- und 3D-Flussr{\"o}hren g{\"u}ltig ist. In einem umfangreichen Satz von numerischen Simulationen zeigen wir, dass die abgeleitete Skalierungsrelation auch im vollst{\"a}ndig nichtlinearen Fall gilt. Wir haben damit ein Gesetz f{\"u}r die Aufstiegszeit von magnetischen Flussr{\"o}hren gefunden, dass in jedem sonnen{\"a}hnlichen Stern G{\"u}ltigkeit hat. Schließlich implementieren wir dieses Gesetz in einem Dynamomodell mit Verz{\"o}gerungsterm. Die Simulationen eines solchen verz{\"o}gerten Flussr{\"o}hren/Babcock-Leighton-Dynamos auf der Basis der Meanfield-Formulierung f{\"u}hrten auf ein neues Dynamo-Regime, das nur bei Anwesenheit der Verz{\"o}gerung existiert. Die erforderlichen Verz{\"o}gerungen sind von der Gr{\"o}{\"y}enordnung der Zyklusl{\"a}nge, die resultierenden Magnetfelder sind schw{\"a}cher als die {\"A}quipartitions-Feldst{\"a}rke. Dieses neue Regime zeigt, dass auch bei sehr langen Aufstiegszeiten der Flussr{\"o}hren/Babcock-Leighton-Dynamo noch nichtzerfallende L{\"o}sungen liefern und daher auf ein breites Spektrum von Sternen anwendbar sein kann.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lontsi2016, author = {Lontsi, Agostiny Marrios}, title = {1D shallow sedimentary subsurface imaging using ambient noise and active seismic data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103807}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 119}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The Earth's shallow subsurface with sedimentary cover acts as a waveguide to any incoming wavefield. Within the framework of my thesis, I focused on the characterization of this shallow subsurface within tens to few hundreds of meters of sediment cover. I imaged the seismic 1D shear wave velocity (and possibly the 1D compressional wave velocity). This information is not only required for any seismic risk assessment, geotechnical engineering or microzonation activities, but also for exploration and global seismology where site effects are often neglected in seismic waveform modeling. First, the conventional frequency-wavenumber (f - k) technique is used to derive the dispersion characteristic of the propagating surface waves recorded using distinct arrays of seismometers in 1D and 2D configurations. Further, the cross-correlation technique is applied to seismic array data to estimate the Green's function between receivers pairs combination assuming one is the source and the other the receiver. With the consideration of a 1D media, the estimated cross-correlation Green's functions are sorted with interstation distance in a virtual 1D active seismic experiment. The f - k technique is then used to estimate the dispersion curves. This integrated analysis is important for the interpretation of a large bandwidth of the phase velocity dispersion curves and therefore improving the resolution of the estimated 1D Vs profile. Second, the new theoretical approach based on the Diffuse Field Assumption (DFA) is used for the interpretation of the observed microtremors H/V spectral ratio. The theory is further extended in this research work to include not only the interpretation of the H/V measured at the surface, but also the H/V measured at depths and in marine environments. A modeling and inversion of synthetic H/V spectral ratio curves on simple predefined geological structures shows an almost perfect recovery of the model parameters (mainly Vs and to a lesser extent Vp). These results are obtained after information from a receiver at depth has been considered in the inversion. Finally, the Rayleigh wave phase velocity information, estimated from array data, and the H/V(z, f) spectral ratio, estimated from a single station data, are combined and inverted for the velocity profile information. Obtained results indicate an improved depth resolution in comparison to estimations using the phase velocity dispersion curves only. The overall estimated sediment thickness is comparable to estimations obtained by inverting the full micortremor H/V spectral ratio.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Guidi2017, author = {Guidi, Giovanni}, title = {Connecting simulations and observations in galaxy formation studies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396876}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {141}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Observational and computational extragalactic astrophysics are two fields of research that study a similar subject from different perspectives. Observational extragalactic astrophysics aims, by recovering the spectral energy distribution of galaxies at different wavelengths, to reliably measure their properties at different cosmic times and in a large variety of environments. Analyzing the light collected by the instruments, observers try to disentangle the different processes occurring in galaxies at the scales of galactic physics, as well as the effect of larger scale processes such as mergers and accretion, in order to obtain a consistent picture of galaxy formation and evolution. On the other hand, hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation in cosmological context are able to follow the evolution of a galaxy along cosmic time, taking into account both external processes such as mergers, interactions and accretion, and internal mechanisms such as feedback from Supernovae and Active Galactic Nuclei. Due to the great advances in both fields of research, we have nowadays available spectral and photometric information for a large number of galaxies in the Universe at different cosmic times, which has in turn provided important knowledge about the evolution of the Universe; at the same time, we are able to realistically simulate galaxy formation and evolution in large volumes of the Universe, taking into account the most relevant physical processes occurring in galaxies. As these two approaches are intrinsically different in their methodology and in the information they provide, the connection between simulations and observations is still not fully established, although simulations are often used in galaxies' studies to interpret observations and assess the effect of the different processes acting on galaxies on the observable properties, and simulators usually test the physical recipes implemented in their hydrodynamical codes through the comparison with observations. In this dissertation we aim to better connect the observational and computational approaches in the study of galaxy formation and evolution, using the methods and results of one field to test and validate the methods and results of the other. In a first work we study the biases and systematics in the derivation of the galaxy properties in observations. We post-process hydrodynamical cosmological simulations of galaxy formation to calculate the galaxies' Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) using different approaches, including radiative transfer techniques. Comparing the direct results of the simulations with the quantities obtained applying observational techniques to these synthetic SEDs, we are able to make an analysis of the biases intrinsic in the observational algorithms, and quantify their accuracy in recovering the galaxies' properties, as well as estimating the uncertainties affecting a comparison between simulations and observations when different approaches to obtain the observables are followed. Our results show that for some quantities such as the stellar ages, metallicities and gas oxygen abundances large differences can appear, depending on the technique applied in the derivation. In a second work we compare a set of fifteen galaxies similar in mass to the Milky Way and with a quiet merger history in the recent past (hence expected to have properties close to spiral galaxies), simulated in a cosmological context, with data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We use techniques to obtain the observables as similar as possible to the ones applied in SDSS, with the aim of making an unbiased comparison between our set of hydrodynamical simulations and SDSS observations. We quantify the differences in the physical properties when these are obtained directly from the simulations without post-processing, or mimicking the SDSS observational techniques. We fit linear relations between the values derived directly from the simulations and following SDSS observational procedures, which in most of the cases have relatively high correlation, that can be easily used to more reliably compare simulations with SDSS data. When mimicking SDSS techniques, these simulated galaxies are photometrically similar to galaxies in the SDSS blue sequence/green valley, but have in general older ages, lower SFRs and metallicities compared to the majority of the spirals in the observational dataset. In a third work, we post-process hydrodynamical simulations of galaxies with radiative transfer techniques, to generate synthetic data that mimic the properties of the CALIFA Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) survey. We reproduce the main characteristics of the CALIFA observations in terms of field of view and spaxel physical size, data format, point spread functions and detector noise. This 3-dimensional dataset is suited to be analyzed by the same algorithms applied to the CALIFA dataset, and can be used as a tool to test the ability of the observational algorithms in recovering the properties of the CALIFA galaxies. To this purpose, we also generate the resolved maps of the simulations' properties, calculated directly from the hydrodynamical snapshots, or from the simulated spectra prior to the addition of the noise. Our work shows that a reliable connection between the models and the data is of crucial importance both to judge the output of galaxy formation codes and to accurately test the observational algorithms used in the analysis of galaxy surveys' data. A correct interpretation of observations will be particularly important in the future, in light of the several ongoing and planned large galaxy surveys that will provide the community with large datasets of properties of galaxies (often spatially-resolved) at different cosmic times, allowing to study galaxy formation physics at a higher level of detail than ever before. We have shown that neglecting the observational biases in the comparison between simulations and an observational dataset may move the simulations to different regions in the planes of the observables, strongly affecting the assessment of the correctness of the sub-resolution physical models implemented in galaxy formation codes, as well as the interpretation of given observational results using simulations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ata2016, author = {Ata, Metin}, title = {Phase-space reconstructions of cosmic velocities and the cosmic web}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-403565}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 155}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the current paradigm of cosmology, the formation of large-scale structures is mainly driven by non-radiating dark matter, making up the dominant part of the matter budget of the Universe. Cosmological observations however, rely on the detection of luminous galaxies, which are biased tracers of the underlying dark matter. In this thesis I present cosmological reconstructions of both, the dark matter density field that forms the cosmic web, and cosmic velocities, for which both aspects of my work are delved into, the theoretical formalism and the results of its applications to cosmological simulations and also to a galaxy redshift survey.The foundation of our method is relying on a statistical approach, in which a given galaxy catalogue is interpreted as a biased realization of the underlying dark matter density field. The inference is computationally performed on a mesh grid by sampling from a probability density function, which describes the joint posterior distribution of matter density and the three dimensional velocity field. The statistical background of our method is described in Chapter "Implementation of argo", where the introduction in sampling methods is given, paying special attention to Markov Chain Monte-Carlo techniques. In Chapter "Phase-Space Reconstructions with N-body Simulations", I introduce and implement a novel biasing scheme to relate the galaxy number density to the underlying dark matter, which I decompose into a deterministic part, described by a non-linear and scale-dependent analytic expression, and a stochastic part, by presenting a negative binomial (NB) likelihood function that models deviations from Poissonity. Both bias components had already been studied theoretically, but were so far never tested in a reconstruction algorithm. I test these new contributions againstN-body simulations to quantify improvements and show that, compared to state-of-the-art methods, the stochastic bias is inevitable at wave numbers of k≥0.15h Mpc^-1 in the power spectrum in order to obtain unbiased results from the reconstructions. In the second part of Chapter "Phase-Space Reconstructions with N-body Simulations" I describe and validate our approach to infer the three dimensional cosmic velocity field jointly with the dark matter density. I use linear perturbation theory for the large-scale bulk flows and a dispersion term to model virialized galaxy motions, showing that our method is accurately recovering the real-space positions of the redshift-space distorted galaxies. I analyze the results with the isotropic and also the two-dimensional power spectrum.Finally, in Chapter "Phase-space Reconstructions with Galaxy Redshift Surveys", I show how I combine all findings and results and apply the method to the CMASS (for Constant (stellar) Mass) galaxy catalogue of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). I describe how our method is accounting for the observational selection effects inside our reconstruction algorithm. Also, I demonstrate that the renormalization of the prior distribution function is mandatory to account for higher order contributions in the structure formation model, and finally a redshift-dependent bias factor is theoretically motivated and implemented into our method. The various refinements yield unbiased results of the dark matter until scales of k≤0.2 h Mpc^-1in the power spectrum and isotropize the galaxy catalogue down to distances of r∼20h^-1 Mpc in the correlation function. We further test the results of our cosmic velocity field reconstruction by comparing them to a synthetic mock galaxy catalogue, finding a strong correlation between the mock and the reconstructed velocities. The applications of both, the density field without redshift-space distortions, and the velocity reconstructions, are very broad and can be used for improved analyses of the baryonic acoustic oscillations, environmental studies of the cosmic web, the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovic or integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dey2016, author = {Dey, Saptarshi}, title = {Tectonic and climatic control on the evolution of the Himalayan mountain front}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103390}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 118}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Variations in the distribution of mass within an orogen may lead to transient sediment storage, which in turn might affect the state of stress and the level of fault activity. Distinguishing between different forcing mechanisms causing variations of sediment flux and tectonic activity, is therefore one of the most challenging tasks in understanding the spatiotemporal evolution of active mountain belts. The Himalayan mountain belt is one of the most significant Cenozoic collisional mountain belt, formed due to collision between northward-bound Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate during the last 55-50 Ma. Ongoing convergence of these two tectonic plates is accommodated by faulting and folding within the Himalayan arc-shaped orogen and the continued lateral and vertical growth of the Tibetan Plateau and mountain belts adjacent to the plateau as well as regions farther north. Growth of the Himalayan orogen is manifested by the development of successive south-vergent thrust systems. These thrust systems divide the orogen into different morphotectonic domains. From north to south these thrusts are the Main Central Thrust (MCT), the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). The growing topography interacts with moisture-bearing monsoonal winds, which results in pronounced gradients in rainfall, weathering, erosion and sediment transport toward the foreland and beyond. However, a fraction of this sediment is trapped and transiently stored within the intermontane valleys or 'dun's within the lower-elevation foothills of the range. Improved understanding of the spatiotemporal evolution of these sediment archives could provide a unique opportunity to decipher the triggers of variations in sediment production, delivery and storage in an actively deforming mountain belt and support efforts to test linkages between sediment volumes in intermontane basins and changes in the shallow crustal stress field. As sediment redistribution in mountain belts on timescales of 102-104 years can effect cultural characteristics and infrastructure in the intermontane valleys and may even impact the seismotectonics of a mountain belt, there is a heightened interest in understanding sediment-routing processes and causal relationships between tectonism, climate and topography. It is here at the intersection between tectonic processes and superposed climatic and sedimentary processes in the Himalayan orogenic wedge, where my investigation is focused on. The study area is the intermontane Kangra Basin in the northwestern Sub-Himalaya, because the characteristics of the different Himalayan morphotectonic provinces are well developed, the area is part of a region strongly influenced by monsoonal forcing, and the existence of numerous fluvial terraces provides excellent strain markers to assess deformation processes within the Himalayan orogenic wedge. In addition, being located in front of the Dhauladhar Range the region is characterized by pronounced gradients in past and present-day erosion and sediment processes associated with repeatedly changing climatic conditions. In light of these conditions I analysed climate-driven late Pleistocene-Holocene sediment cycles in this tectonically active region, which may be responsible for triggering the tectonic re-organization within the Himalayan orogenic wedge, leading to out-of-sequence thrusting, at least since early Holocene. The Kangra Basin is bounded by the MBT and the Sub-Himalayan Jwalamukhi Thrust (JMT) in the north and south, respectively and transiently stores sediments derived from the Dhauladhar Range. The Basin contains ~200-m-thick conglomerates reflecting two distinct aggradation phases; following aggradation, several fluvial terraces were sculpted into these fan deposits. 10Be CRN surface exposure dating of these terrace levels provides an age of 53.4±3.2 ka for the highest-preserved terrace (AF1); subsequently, this surface was incised until ~15 ka, when the second fan (AF2) began to form. AF2 fan aggradation was superseded by episodic Holocene incision, creating at least four terrace levels. We find a correlation between variations in sediment transport and ∂18O records from regions affected by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). During strengthened ISMs sand post-LGM glacial retreat, aggradation occurred in the Kangra Basin, likely due to high sediment flux, whereas periods of a weakened ISM coupled with lower sediment supply coincided with renewed re-incision. However, the evolution of fluvial terraces along Sub-Himalayan streams in the Kangra sector is also forced by tectonic processes. Back-tilted, folded terraces clearly document tectonic activity of the JMT. Offset of one of the terrace levels indicates a shortening rate of 5.6±0.8 to 7.5±1.0 mm.a-1 over the last ~10 ka. Importantly, my study reveals that late Pleistocene/Holocene out-of-sequence thrusting accommodates 40-60\% of the total 14±2 mm.a-1 shortening partitioned throughout the Sub-Himalaya. Importantly, the JMT records shortening at a lower rate over longer timescales hints towards out-of-sequence activity within the Sub-Himalaya. Re-activation of the JMT could be related to changes in the tectonic stress field caused by large-scale sediment removal from the basin. I speculate that the deformation processes of the Sub-Himalaya behave according to the predictions of critical wedge model and assume the following: While >200m of sediment aggradation would trigger foreland-ward propagation of the deformation front, re-incision and removal of most of the stored sediments (nearly 80-85\% of the optimum basin-fill) would again create a sub-critical condition of the wedge taper and trigger the retreat of the deformation front. While tectonism is responsible for the longer-term processes of erosion associated with steepening hillslopes, sediment cycles in this environment are mainly the result of climatic forcing. My new 10Be cosmogenic nuclide exposure dates and a synopsis of previous studies show the late Pleistocene to Holocene alluvial fills and fluvial terraces studied here record periodic fluctuations of sediment supply and transport capacity on timescales of 1000-100000 years. To further evaluate the potential influence of climate change on these fluctuations, I compared the timing of aggradation and incision phases recorded within remnant alluvial fans and terraces with continental climate archives such as speleothems in neighboring regions affected by monsoonal precipitation. Together with previously published OSL ages yielding the timing of aggradation, I find a correlation between variations in sediment transport with oxygen-isotope records from regions affected by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). Accordingly, during periods of increased monsoon intensity (transitions from dry and cold to wet and warm periods - MIS4 to MIS3 and MIS2 to MIS1) (MIS=marine isotope stage) and post-Last Glacial Maximum glacial retreat, aggradation occurred in the Kangra Basin, likely due to high sediment flux. Conversely, periods of weakened monsoon intensity or lower sediment supply coincide with re-incision of the existing basin-fill. Finally, my study entails part of a low-temperature thermochronology study to assess the youngest exhumation history of the Dhauladhar Range. Zircon helium (ZHe) ages and existing low-temperature data sets (ZHe, apatite fission track (AFT)) across this range, together with 3D thermokinematic modeling (PECUBE) reveals constraints on exhumation and activity of the range-bounding Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) since at least mid-Miocene time. The modeling results indicate mean slip rates on the MBT-fault ramp of ~2 - 3 mm.a-1 since its activation. This has lead to the growth of the >5-km-high frontal Dhauladhar Range and continuous deep-seated exhumation and erosion. The obtained results also provide interesting constraints of deformation patterns and their variation along strike. The results point towards the absence of the time-transient 'mid-crustal ramp' in the basal decollement and duplexing of the Lesser Himalayan sequence, unlike the nearby regions or even the central Nepal domain. A fraction of convergence (~10-15\%) is accommodated along the deep-seated MBT-ramp, most likely merging into the MHT. This finding is crucial for a rigorous assessment of the overall level of tectonic activity in the Himalayan morphotectonic provinces as it contradicts recently-published geodetic shortening estimates. In these studies, it has been proposed that the total Himalayan shortening in the NW Himalaya is accommodated within the Sub-Himalaya whereas no tectonic activity is assigned to the MBT.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Willner2018, author = {Willner, Sven N.}, title = {Global economic response to flood damages under climate change}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 247}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Climate change affects societies across the globe in various ways. In addition to gradual changes in temperature and other climatic variables, global warming is likely to increase intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Beyond biophysical impacts, these also directly affect societal and economic activity. Additionally, indirect effects can occur; spatially, economic losses can spread along global supply-chains; temporally, climate impacts can change the economic development trajectory of countries. This thesis first examines how climate change alters river flood risk and its local socio-economic implications. Then, it studies the global economic response to river floods in particular, and to climate change in general. Changes in high-end river flood risk are calculated for the next three decades on a global scale with high spatial resolution. In order to account for uncertainties, this assessment makes use of an ensemble of climate and hydrological models as well as a river routing model, that is found to perform well regarding peak river discharge. The results show an increase in high-end flood risk in many parts of the world, which require profound adaptation efforts. This pressure to adapt is measured as the enhancement in protection level necessary to stay at historical high-end risk. In developing countries as well as in industrialized regions, a high pressure to adapt is observed - the former to increase low protection levels, the latter to maintain the low risk levels perceived in the past. Further in this thesis, the global agent-based dynamic supply-chain model acclimate is developed. It models the cascading of indirect losses in the global supply network. As an anomaly model its agents - firms and consumers - maximize their profit locally to respond optimally to local perturbations. Incorporating quantities as well as prices on a daily basis, it is suitable to dynamically resolve the impacts of unanticipated climate extremes. The model is further complemented by a static measure, which captures the inter-dependencies between sectors across regions that are only connected indirectly. These higher-order dependencies are shown to be important for a comprehensive assessment of loss-propagation and overall costs of local disasters. In order to study the economic response to river floods, the acclimate model is driven by flood simulations. Within the next two decades, the increase in direct losses can only partially be compensated by market adjustments, and total losses are projected to increase by 17\% without further adaptation efforts. The US and the EU are both shown to receive indirect losses from China, which is strongly affected directly. However, recent trends in the trade relations leave the EU in a better position to compensate for these losses. Finally, this thesis takes a broader perspective when determining the investment response to the climate change damages employing the integrated assessment model DICE. On an optimal economic development path, the increase in damages is anticipated as emissions and consequently temperatures increase. This leads to a significant devaluation of investment returns and the income losses from climate damages almost double. Overall, the results highlight the need to adapt to extreme weather events - local physical adaptation measures have to be combined with regional and global policy measures to prepare the global supply-chain network to climate change.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weckmann2015, author = {Weckmann, Ute}, title = {Die elektrische Leitf{\"a}higkeit von fossilen St{\"o}rungszonen und Mobile Belts}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88820}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, VIII, 74}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Experimente zur Untersuchung der elektrischen Leitf{\"a}higkeit von Sutur- und Kollisionszonen im Zusammenhang diskutiert, um die M{\"o}glichkeiten, die die moderne Magnetotellurik (MT) f{\"u}r das Abbilden fossiler tektonischer Systeme bietet, aufzuzeigen. Aus den neuen hochaufl{\"o}senden Abbildern der elektrischen Leitf{\"a}higkeit k{\"o}nnen potentielle Gemeinsamkeiten verschiedener tektonischer Einheiten abgeleitet werden. Innerhalb der letzten Dekade haben sich durch die Weiterentwicklung der Messger{\"a}te und der Auswerte- und Interpretationsmethoden v{\"o}llig neue Perspektiven f{\"u}r die geodynamische Tiefensondierung ergeben. Dies wird an meinen Forschungsarbeiten deutlich, die ich im Rahmen von Projekten selbst eingeworben und am Deutschen GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam durchgef{\"u}hrt habe. In Tabelle A habe ich die in dieser Arbeit ber{\"u}cksichtigten Experimente aufgef{\"u}hrt, die in den letzten Jahren entweder als Array- oder als Profilmessungen durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. F{\"u}r derart große Feldexperimente ben{\"o}tigt man ein Team von WissenschaftlerInnen, StudentInnen und technischem Personal. Das bedeutet aber auch, dass von mir betreute StudentInnen und DoktorandInnen Teilaspekte dieser Experimente in Form von Diplom-, Bachelor- und Mastersarbeiten oder Promotionsschriften verarbeitet haben. Bei anschließender Ver{\"o}ffentlichung der Arbeiten habe ich als Co-Autor mitgewirkt. Die beiliegenden Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen enthalten eine Einf{\"u}hrung in die Methode der Magnetotellurik und gegebenenfalls die Beschreibung neu entwickelter Methoden. Eine allgemeine Darstellung der theoretischen Grundlagen der Magnetotellurik findet man zum Beispiel in Chave \& Jones (2012); Simpson \& Bahr (2005); Kaufman \& Keller (1981); Nabighian (1987); Weaver (1994). Die Arbeit beinhaltet zudem ein Glossar, in dem einige Begriffe und Abk{\"u}rzungen erkl{\"a}rt werden. Ich habe mich entschieden, Begriffe, f{\"u}r die es keine ad{\"a}quate deutsche {\"U}bersetzung gibt oder die im Deutschen eine andere oder missverst{\"a}ndliche Bedeutung bekommen, auf Englisch in der Arbeit zu belassen. Sie sind durch eine kursive Schreibweise gekennzeichnet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kuetter2015, author = {K{\"u}tter, Sissy}, title = {Magnetotelluric measurements across the southern Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-83198}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 156}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Barberton Gr{\"u}nsteing{\"u}rtel (BGB) in S{\"u}dafrika geh{\"o}rt zu den wenigen Regionen mit noch gut erhaltener Archaischer Kruste. Seit Jahrhunderten wurde der BGB eingehend untersucht und seine geologischen und tektonischen Strukturen detailliert kartiert. {\"U}ber die tiefere Struktur des BGB ist hingegen wenig bekannt. Zahlreiche Evolutionsmodelle, die auf Altersbestimmungsdaten und strukturellen Informationen beruhen wurden {\"u}ber die Jahre aufgestellt. Diese Theorien sind zumeist widerspr{\"u}chlich. Sie konzentrieren sich im Wesentlichen auf die Frage, ob plattentektonische Prozesse bereits bei der Entwicklung der fr{\"u}hen Erde eine Rolle spielten oder ob vertikale Tektonik, angetrieben durch die im Archaikum h{\"o}heren Temperaturen, die Bildung der heutigen Kontinente bestimmt hat. Um neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die interne Struktur und Entwicklungsgeschichte des BGB zu erhalten, wurden im Rahmen der Deutsch-S{\"u}dafrikanischen Forschungsinitiative Inkaba yeAfrica magnetotellurische (MT) Messungen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Entlang von sechs Profilen, die den gesamten s{\"u}dlichen Teil des BGB's {\"u}berdecken, wurden nahezu 200 MT-Stationen installiert. Tektonische Strukturen wie z. B. (fossile) Verwerfungszonen k{\"o}nnen erh{\"o}hte Leitf{\"a}higigkeiten haben, wenn sich leitf{\"a}hige Mineralisationen innerhalb der Scherzonen gebildet haben. Durch die Abbildung der elektrischen Leitf{\"a}higkeitsverteilung des Untergrundes mit Hilfe von MT Messungen kann der Verlauf tektonischer Strukturen nachvollzogen werden, woraus Schl{\"u}sse {\"u}ber m{\"o}glicherweise abgelaufene tektonische Prozesse gezogen werden k{\"o}nnen. Der gesamte MT Datensatz weist starke St{\"o}reinfl{\"u}sse durch k{\"u}nstliche elektromagnetische Signale auf, die bspw. von Stromleitungen und elektrischen Z{\"a}unen stammen. Insbesondere langperiodische Daten (>1 s) sind davon betroffen, die f{\"u}r die Aufl{\"o}sung tieferer Strukturen notwendig sind. Die Anwendung etablierter Ans{\"a}tze wie Verschiebungsfiltern und der Remote Reference-Methode, f{\"u}hrte zu Verbesserungen vorrangig f{\"u}r Perioden < 1 s. Der langperiodische Bereich ist durch impulsartige St{\"o}rsignale in den magnetischen und dazugeh{\"o}rigen Stufen in den elektrischen Feldkomponenten gepr{\"a}gt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuartiger Zeitbereichs-Filter entwickelt, welcher auf einer abgewandelten Form des Wiener Filters beruht und diese Art von St{\"o}rsignalen aus den Daten entfernt. Durch den Vergleich der Datenvarianz einer lokalen Station mit der einer Referenzstation k{\"o}nnen gest{\"o}rte Zeitsegmente identifiziert werden. Anschließend wird ein Wiener-Filter-Algorithmus angewendet, um f{\"u}r diese Segmente mithilfe der Referenzdaten physikalisch sinnvolle Zeitreihen zu berechnen, mit denen die Daten der lokalen Station ersetzt werden. W{\"a}hrend impulsartige St{\"o}rsignale in den magnetischen Datenkan{\"a}len relativ einfach erfasst werden k{\"o}nnen, ist die Detektion von Vers{\"a}tzen in den elektrischen Zeitreihen je nach Versatzh{\"o}he problematischer. Um dieses Problem zu umgehen, habe ich einen Algorithmus entwickelt, bei dem die Zeitreihen differenziert, gefiltert und im letzten Schritt integriert werden. In einer zweiten von mir entwickelten Filtermethode werden die St{\"o}rsignale durch den Vergleich des kurzzeitigen und des langzeitigen Datenmittelwerts ausfindig gemacht. Bei diesem Filter werden die St{\"o}rsignale aus den Zeitreihen entfernt und durch eine lineare Interpolation ersetzt. Durch die beiden Filtermethoden wurde eine deutliche Verbesserung der Datenqualit{\"a}t bis zu 10 und teilweise 100 s erreicht. Zur Interpretation des MT-Datensatzes wurden 2D und 3D Inversionen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die so erhaltenen elektrischen Leitf{\"a}higkeitsmodelle zeigen eine gute {\"U}bereinstimmung mit den kartierten, geologischen Strukturen. Die Gesteine des BGB weisen in den Modellen hohe Widerst{\"a}nde auf und sind deutlich von leitf{\"a}higen benachbarten geologischen Strukturen abgegrenzt. Verwerfungszonen korrelieren mit leitf{\"a}higen Strukturen, die sich bis in eine Tiefe von 5 bis 10 km erstrecken. Eine Fortsetzung der Verwerfungszonen {\"u}ber die s{\"u}dliche Grenze des BGB wird in den 2D-Ergebnissen angedeutet. Insgesamt zeigen die Inversionsmodelle, dass vermutlich sowohl plattentektonische als auch vertikaltektonische Prozesse bei der Entstehung des BGB eine wichtige Rolle spielten.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Muldashev2017, author = {Muldashev, Iskander}, title = {Modeling of the great earthquake seismic cycles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-398926}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 117}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The timing and location of the two largest earthquakes of the 21st century (Sumatra, 2004 and Tohoku 2011, events) greatly surprised the scientific community, indicating that the deformation processes that precede and follow great megathrust earthquakes remain enigmatic. During these phases before and after the earthquake a combination of multi-scale complex processes are acting simultaneously: Stresses built up by long-term tectonic motions are modified by sudden jerky deformations during earthquakes, before being restored by multiple ensuing relaxation processes. This thesis details a cross-scale thermomechanical model developed with the aim of simulating the entire subduction process from earthquake (1 minute) to million years' time scale, excluding only rupture propagation. The model employs elasticity, non-linear transient viscous rheology, and rate-and-state friction. It generates spontaneous earthquake sequences, and, by using an adaptive time-step algorithm, recreates the deformation process as observed naturally over single and multiple seismic cycles. The model is thoroughly tested by comparing results to those from known high- resolution solutions of generic modeling setups widely used in modeling of rupture propagation. It is demonstrated, that while not modeling rupture propagation explicitly, the modeling procedure correctly recognizes the appearance of instability (earthquake) and correctly simulates the cumulative slip at a fault during great earthquake by means of a quasi-dynamic approximation. A set of 2D models is used to study the effects of non-linear transient rheology on the postseismic processes following great earthquakes. Our models predict that the viscosity in the mantle wedge drops by 3 to 4 orders of magnitude during a great earthquake with magnitude above 9. This drop in viscosity results in spatial scales and timings of the relaxation processes following the earthquakes that are significantly different to previous estimates. These models replicate centuries long seismic cycles exhibited by the greatest earthquakes (like the Great Chile 1960 Earthquake) and are consistent with the major features of postseismic surface displacements recorded after the Great Tohoku Earthquake. The 2D models are also applied to study key factors controlling maximum magnitudes of earthquakes in subduction zones. Even though methods of instrumentally observing earthquakes at subduction zones have rapidly improved in recent decades, the characteristic recurrence interval of giant earthquakes (Mw>8.5) is much larger than the currently available observational record and therefore the necessary conditions for giant earthquakes are not clear. Statistical studies have recognized the importance of the slab shape and its surface roughness, state of the strain of the upper plate and thickness of sediments filling the trenches. In this thesis we attempt to explain these observations and to identify key controlling parameters. We test a set of 2D models representing great earthquake seismic cycles at known subduction zones with various known geometries, megathrust friction coefficients, and convergence rates implemented. We found that low-angle subduction (large effect) and thick sediments in the subduction channel (smaller effect) are the fundamental necessary conditions for generating giant earthquakes, while the change of subduction velocity from 10 to 3.5 cm/yr has a lower effect. Modeling results also suggest that having thick sediments in the subduction channel causes low static friction, resulting in neutral or slightly compressive deformation in the overriding plate for low-angle subduction zones. These modeling results agree well with observations for the largest earthquakes. The model predicts the largest possible earthquakes for subduction zones of given dipping angles. The predicted maximum magnitudes exactly threshold magnitudes of all known giant earthquakes of 20th and 21st centuries. The clear limitation of most of the models developed in the thesis is their 2D nature. Development of 3D models with comparable resolution and complexity will require significant advances in numerical techniques. Nevertheless, we conducted a series of low-resolution 3D models to study the interaction between two large asperities at a subduction interface separated by an aseismic gap of varying width. The novelty of the model is that it considers behavior of the asperities during multiple seismic cycles. As expected, models show that an aseismic gap with a narrow width could not prevent rupture propagation from one asperity to another, and that rupture always crosses the entire model. When the gap becomes too wide, asperities do not interact anymore and rupture independently. However, an interesting mode of interaction was observed in the model with an intermediate width of the aseismic gap: In this model the asperities began to stably rupture in anti-phase following multiple seismic cycles. These 3D modeling results, while insightful, must be considered preliminary because of the limitations in resolution. The technique developed in this thesis for cross-scale modeling of seismic cycles can be used to study the effects of multiple seismic cycles on the long-term deformation of the upper plate. The technique can be also extended to the case of continental transform faults and for the advanced 3D modeling of specific subduction zones. This will require further development of numerical techniques and adaptation of the existing advanced highly scalable parallel codes like LAMEM and ASPECT.}, language = {en} }