@phdthesis{GamezLopez2006, author = {G{\´a}mez L{\´o}pez, Antonio Juan}, title = {Application of nonlinear dimensionality reduction to climate data for prediction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-10956}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This Thesis was devoted to the study of the coupled system composed by El Ni{\~n}o/Southern Oscillation and the Annual Cycle. More precisely, the work was focused on two main problems: 1. How to separate both oscillations into an affordable model for understanding the behaviour of the whole system. 2. How to model the system in order to achieve a better understanding of the interaction, as well as to predict future states of the system. We focused our efforts in the Sea Surface Temperature equations, considering that atmospheric effects were secondary to the ocean dynamics. The results found may be summarised as follows: 1. Linear methods are not suitable for characterising the dimensionality of the sea surface temperature in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Therefore they do not help to separate the oscillations by themselves. Instead, nonlinear methods of dimensionality reduction are proven to be better in defining a lower limit for the dimensionality of the system as well as in explaining the statistical results in a more physical way [1]. In particular, Isomap, a nonlinear modification of Multidimensional Scaling methods, provides a physically appealing method of decomposing the data, as it substitutes the euclidean distances in the manifold by an approximation of the geodesic distances. We expect that this method could be successfully applied to other oscillatory extended systems and, in particular, to meteorological systems. 2. A three dimensional dynamical system could be modeled, using a backfitting algorithm, for describing the dynamics of the sea surface temperature in the tropical Pacific Ocean. We observed that, although there were few data points available, we could predict future behaviours of the coupled ENSO-Annual Cycle system with an accuracy of less than six months, although the constructed system presented several drawbacks: few data points to input in the backfitting algorithm, untrained model, lack of forcing with external data and simplification using a close system. Anyway, ensemble prediction techniques showed that the prediction skills of the three dimensional time series were as good as those found in much more complex models. This suggests that the climatological system in the tropics is mainly explained by ocean dynamics, while the atmosphere plays a secondary role in the physics of the process. Relevant predictions for short lead times can be made using a low dimensional system, despite its simplicity. The analysis of the SST data suggests that nonlinear interaction between the oscillations is small, and that noise plays a secondary role in the fundamental dynamics of the oscillations [2]. A global view of the work shows a general procedure to face modeling of climatological systems. First, we should find a suitable method of either linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Then, low dimensional time series could be extracted out of the method applied. Finally, a low dimensional model could be found using a backfitting algorithm in order to predict future states of the system.}, subject = {Nichtlineare Dynamik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rust2007, author = {Rust, Henning}, title = {Detection of long-range dependence : applications in climatology and hydrology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13347}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {It is desirable to reduce the potential threats that result from the variability of nature, such as droughts or heat waves that lead to food shortage, or the other extreme, floods that lead to severe damage. To prevent such catastrophic events, it is necessary to understand, and to be capable of characterising, nature's variability. Typically one aims to describe the underlying dynamics of geophysical records with differential equations. There are, however, situations where this does not support the objectives, or is not feasible, e.g., when little is known about the system, or it is too complex for the model parameters to be identified. In such situations it is beneficial to regard certain influences as random, and describe them with stochastic processes. In this thesis I focus on such a description with linear stochastic processes of the FARIMA type and concentrate on the detection of long-range dependence. Long-range dependent processes show an algebraic (i.e. slow) decay of the autocorrelation function. Detection of the latter is important with respect to, e.g. trend tests and uncertainty analysis. Aiming to provide a reliable and powerful strategy for the detection of long-range dependence, I suggest a way of addressing the problem which is somewhat different from standard approaches. Commonly used methods are based either on investigating the asymptotic behaviour (e.g., log-periodogram regression), or on finding a suitable potentially long-range dependent model (e.g., FARIMA[p,d,q]) and test the fractional difference parameter d for compatibility with zero. Here, I suggest to rephrase the problem as a model selection task, i.e.comparing the most suitable long-range dependent and the most suitable short-range dependent model. Approaching the task this way requires a) a suitable class of long-range and short-range dependent models along with suitable means for parameter estimation and b) a reliable model selection strategy, capable of discriminating also non-nested models. With the flexible FARIMA model class together with the Whittle estimator the first requirement is fulfilled. Standard model selection strategies, e.g., the likelihood-ratio test, is for a comparison of non-nested models frequently not powerful enough. Thus, I suggest to extend this strategy with a simulation based model selection approach suitable for such a direct comparison. The approach follows the procedure of a statistical test, with the likelihood-ratio as the test statistic. Its distribution is obtained via simulations using the two models under consideration. For two simple models and different parameter values, I investigate the reliability of p-value and power estimates obtained from the simulated distributions. The result turned out to be dependent on the model parameters. However, in many cases the estimates allow an adequate model selection to be established. An important feature of this approach is that it immediately reveals the ability or inability to discriminate between the two models under consideration. Two applications, a trend detection problem in temperature records and an uncertainty analysis for flood return level estimation, accentuate the importance of having reliable methods at hand for the detection of long-range dependence. In the case of trend detection, falsely concluding long-range dependence implies an underestimation of a trend and possibly leads to a delay of measures needed to take in order to counteract the trend. Ignoring long-range dependence, although present, leads to an underestimation of confidence intervals and thus to an unjustified belief in safety, as it is the case for the return level uncertainty analysis. A reliable detection of long-range dependence is thus highly relevant in practical applications. Examples related to extreme value analysis are not limited to hydrological applications. The increased uncertainty of return level estimates is a potentially problem for all records from autocorrelated processes, an interesting examples in this respect is the assessment of the maximum strength of wind gusts, which is important for designing wind turbines. The detection of long-range dependence is also a relevant problem in the exploration of financial market volatility. With rephrasing the detection problem as a model selection task and suggesting refined methods for model comparison, this thesis contributes to the discussion on and development of methods for the detection of long-range dependence.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zakrevskyy2006, author = {Zakrevskyy, Yuriy}, title = {Liquid crystallinity and alignment of ionic self-assembly complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-10048}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In this work the first observation of new type of liquid crystals is presented. This is ionic self-assembly (ISA) liquid crystals formed by introduction of oppositely charged ions between different low molecular tectonic units. As practically all conventional liquid crystals consist of rigid core and alkyl chains the attention is focused to the simplest case where oppositely charged ions are placed between a rigid core and alkyl tails. The aim of this work is to investigate and understand liquid crystalline and alignment properties of these materials. It was found that ionic interactions within complexes play the main role. Presence of these interactions restricts transition to isotropic phase. In addition, these interactions hold the system (like network) allowing crystallization into a single domain from aligned LC state. Alignment of these simple ISA complexes was spontaneous on a glass substrate. In order to show potentials for application perylenediimide and azobenzene containing ISA complexes have been investigated for correlations between phase behavior and their alignment properties. The best results of macroscopic alignment of perylenediimide-based ISA complexes have been obtained by zone-casting method. In the aligned films the columns of the complex align perpendicular to the phase-transition front. The obtained anisotropy (DR = 18) is thermally stable. The investigated photosensitive (azobenzene-based) ISA complexes show formation of columnar LC phases. It was demonstrated that photo alignment of such complexes was very effective (DR = 50 has been obtained). It was shown that photo-reorientation in the photosensitive ISA complexes is cooperative process. The size of domains has direct influence on efficiency of the photo-reorientation process. In the case of small domains the photo-alignment is the most effective. Under irradiation with linearly polarized light domains reorient in the plane of the film leading to macroscopic alignment of columns parallel to the light polarization and joining of small domains into big ones. Finally, the additional distinguishable properties of the ISA liquid crystalline complexes should be noted: (I) the complexes do not solve in water but readily solve in organic solvents; (II) the complexes have good film-forming properties when cast or spin-coated from organic solvent; (III) alignment of the complexes depends on their structure and secondary interactions between tectonic units.}, subject = {Fl{\"u}ssigkristall}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Griesel2005, author = {Griesel, Alexa}, title = {Modelling large scale ocean circulation : the role of mixing location and meridional pressure gradients for the Atlantic overturning dynamics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-2609}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Due to its relevance for global climate, the realistic representation of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) in ocean models is a key task. In recent years, two paradigms have evolved around what are its driving mechanisms: diapycnal mixing and Southern Ocean winds. This work aims at clarifying what sets the strength of the Atlantic overturning components in an ocean general circulation model and discusses the role of spatially inhomogeneous mixing, numerical diffusion and winds. Furthermore, the relation of the AMOC with a key quantity, the meridional pressure difference is analyzed. Due to the application of a very low diffusive tracer advection scheme, a realistic Atlantic overturning circulation can be obtained that is purely wind driven. On top of the winddriven circulation, changes of density gradients are caused by increasing the parameterized eddy diffusion in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean. The linear relation between the maximum of the Atlantic overturning and the meridional pressure difference found in previous studies is confirmed and it is shown to be due to one significant pressure gradient between the average pressure over high latitude deep water formation regions and a relatively uniform pressure between 30°N and 30°S, which can directly be related to a zonal flow through geostrophy. Under constant Southern Ocean windstress forcing, a South Atlantic outflow in the range of 6-16 Sv is obtained for a large variety of experiments. Overall, the circulation is winddriven but its strength not uniquely determined by the Southern Ocean windstress. The scaling of the Atlantic overturning components is linear with the background vertical diffusivity, not confirming the 2/3 power law for one-hemisphere models without wind forcing. The pycnocline depth is constant in the coarse resolution model with large vertical grid extends. It suggests the ocean model operates like the Stommel box model with a linear relation of the pressure difference and fixed vertical scale for the volume transport. However, this seems only valid for vertical diffusivities smaller 0.4 cm²/s, when the dominant upwelling within the Atlantic occurs along the boundaries. For larger vertical diffusivities, a significant amount of interior upwelling occurs. It is further shown that any localized vertical mixing in the deep to bottom ocean cannot drive an Atlantic overturning. However, enhanced boundary mixing at thermocline depths is potentially important. The numerical diffusion is shown to have a large impact on the representation of the Atlantic overturning in the model. While the horizontal numerical diffusion tends to destabilize the Atlantic overturning the verital numerical diffusion denotes an amplifying mechanism.}, subject = {Thermohaline Zirkulation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dahlke2020, author = {Dahlke, Sandro}, title = {Rapid climate changes in the arctic region of Svalbard}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44554}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-445542}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 123}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Over the last decades, the Arctic regions of the earth have warmed at a rate 2-3 times faster than the global average- a phenomenon called Arctic Amplification. A complex, non-linear interplay of physical processes and unique pecularities in the Arctic climate system is responsible for this, but the relative role of individual processes remains to be debated. This thesis focuses on the climate change and related processes on Svalbard, an archipelago in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic, which is shown to be a "hotspot" for the amplified recent warming during winter. In this highly dynamical region, both oceanic and atmospheric large-scale transports of heat and moisture interfere with spatially inhomogenous surface conditions, and the corresponding energy exchange strongly shapes the atmospheric boundary layer. In the first part, Pan-Svalbard gradients in the surface air temperature (SAT) and sea ice extent (SIE) in the fjords are quantified and characterized. This analysis is based on observational data from meteorological stations, operational sea ice charts, and hydrographic observations from the adjacent ocean, which cover the 1980-2016 period. It is revealed that typical estimates of SIE during late winter range from 40-50\% (80-90\%) in the western (eastern) parts of Svalbard. However, strong SAT warming during winter of the order of 2-3K per decade dictates excessive ice loss, leaving fjords in the western parts essentially ice-free in recent winters. It is further demostrated that warm water currents on the west coast of Svalbard, as well as meridional winds contribute to regional differences in the SIE evolution. In particular, the proximity to warm water masses of the West Spitsbergen Current can explain 20-37\% of SIE variability in fjords on west Svalbard, while meridional winds and associated ice drift may regionally explain 20-50\% of SIE variability in the north and northeast. Strong SAT warming has overruled these impacts in recent years, though. In the next part of the analysis, the contribution of large-scale atmospheric circulation changes to the Svalbard temperature development over the last 20 years is investigated. A study employing kinematic air-back trajectories for Ny-{\AA}lesund reveals a shift in the source regions of lower-troposheric air over time for both the winter and the summer season. In winter, air in the recent decade is more often of lower-latitude Atlantic origin, and less frequent of Arctic origin. This affects heat- and moisture advection towards Svalbard, potentially manipulating clouds and longwave downward radiation in that region. A closer investigation indicates that this shift during winter is associated with a strengthened Ural blocking high and Icelandic low, and contributes about 25\% to the observed winter warming on Svalbard over the last 20 years. Conversely, circulation changes during summer include a strengthened Greenland blocking high which leads to more frequent cold air advection from the central Arctic towards Svalbard, and less frequent air mass origins in the lower latitudes of the North Atlantic. Hence, circulation changes during winter are shown to have an amplifying effect on the recent warming on Svalbard, while summer circulation changes tend to mask warming. An observational case study using upper air soundings from the AWIPEV research station in Ny-{\AA}lesund during May-June 2017 underlines that such circulation changes during summer are associated with tropospheric anomalies in temperature, humidity and boundary layer height. In the last part of the analysis, the regional representativeness of the above described changes around Svalbard for the broader Arctic is investigated. Therefore, the terms in the diagnostic temperature equation in the Arctic-wide lower troposphere are examined for the Era-Interim atmospheric reanalysis product. Significant positive trends in diabatic heating rates, consistent with latent heat transfer to the atmosphere over regions of increasing ice melt, are found for all seasons over the Barents/Kara Seas, and in individual months in the vicinity of Svalbard. The above introduced warm (cold) advection trends during winter (summer) on Svalbard are successfully reproduced. Regarding winter, they are regionally confined to the Barents Sea and Fram Strait, between 70°-80°N, resembling a unique feature in the whole Arctic. Summer cold advection trends are confined to the area between eastern Greenland and Franz Josef Land, enclosing Svalbard.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HernandezAnguizola2020, author = {Hernandez Anguizola, Eloy Luis}, title = {Numerical simulations in multimode fibres for astronomical spectroscopy}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47236}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-472363}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 114}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The goal of this thesis was to thoroughly investigate the behavior of multimode fibres to aid the development of modern and forthcoming fibre-fed spectrograph systems. Based on the Eigenmode Expansion Method, a field propagation model was created that can emulate effects in fibres relevant for astronomical spectroscopy, such as modal noise, scrambling, and focal ratio degradation. These effects are of major concern for any fibre-coupled spectrograph used in astronomical research. Changes in the focal ratio, modal distribution of light or non-perfect scrambling limit the accuracy of measurements, e.g. the flux determination of the astronomical object, the sky-background subtraction and detection limit for faint galaxies, or the spectral line position accuracy used for the detection of extra-solar planets. Usually, fibres used for astronomical instrumentation are characterized empirically through tests. The results of this work allow to predict the fibre behaviour under various conditions using sophisticated software tools to simulate the waveguide behaviour and mode transport of fibres. The simulation environment works with two software interfaces. The first is the mode solver module FemSIM from Rsoft. It is used to calculate all the propagation modes and effective refractive indexes of a given system. The second interface consists of Python scripts which enable the simulation of the near- and far-field outputs of a given fibre. The characteristics of the input field can be manipulated to emulate real conditions. Focus variations, spatial translation, angular fluctuations, and disturbances through the mode coupling factor can also be simulated. To date, complete coherent propagation or complete incoherent propagation can be simulated. Partial coherence was not addressed in this work. Another limitation of the simulations is that they work exclusively for the monochromatic case and that the loss coefficient of the fibres is not considered. Nevertheless, the simulations were able to match the results of realistic measurements. To test the validity of the simulations, real fibre measurements were used for comparison. Two fibres with different cross-sections were characterized. The first fibre had a circular cross-section, and the second one had an octagonal cross-section. The utilized test-bench was originally developed for the prototype fibres of the 4MOST fibre feed characterization. It allowed for parallel laser beam measurements, light cone measurements, and scrambling measurements. Through the appropriate configuration, the acquisition of the near- and/or far-field was feasible. By means of modal noise analysis, it was possible to compare the near-field speckle patterns of simulations and measurements as a function of the input angle. The spatial frequencies that originate from the modal interference could be analyzed by using the power spectral density analysis. Measurements and simulations yielded similar results. Measurements with induced modal scrambling were compared to simulations using incoherent propagation and once again similar results were achieved. Through both measurements and simulations, the enlargement of the near-field distribution could be observed and analyzed. The simulations made it possible to explain incoherent intensity fluctuations that appear in real measurements due to the field distribution of the active propagation modes. By using the Voigt analysis in the far-field distribution, it was possible to separate the modal diffusion component in order to compare it with the simulations. Through an appropriate assessment, the modal diffusion component as a function of the input angle could be translated into angular divergence. The simulations gave the minimal angular divergence of the system. Through the mean of the difference between simulations and measurements, a figure of merit is given which can be used to characterize the angular divergence of real fibres using the simulations. Furthermore, it was possible to simulate light cone measurements. Due to the overall consistent results, it can be stated that the simulations represent a good tool to assist the fibre characterization process for fibre-fed spectrograph systems. This work was possible through the BMBF Grant 05A14BA1 which was part of the phase A study of the fibre system for MOSAIC, a multi-object spectrograph for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT-MOS).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Velk2022, author = {Velk, Natalia}, title = {Investigation of the interaction of lysozyme with poly(l-lysine)/hyaluronic acid multilayers}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {85}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dziourkevitch2005, author = {Dziourkevitch, Natalia}, title = {Interstellar turbulence driven by magneto-rotational instability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5306}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Origin and symmetry of the observed global magnetic fields in galaxies are not fully understood. We intend to clarify the question of the magnetic field origin and investigate the global action of the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) in galactic disks with the help of 3D global magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations. The calculations were done with the time-stepping ZEUS 3D code using massive parallelization. The alpha-Omega dynamo is known to be one of the most efficient mechanisms to reproduce the observed global galactic fields. The presence of strong turbulence is a pre-requisite for the alpha-Omega dynamo generation of the regular magnetic fields. The observed magnitude and spatial distribution of turbulence in galaxies present unsolved problems to theoreticians. The MRI is known to be a fast and powerful mechanism to generate MHD turbulence and to amplify magnetic fields. We find that the critical wavelength increases with the increasing of magnetic fields during the simulation, transporting the energy from critical to larger scales. The final structure, if not disrupted by supernovae explosions, is the structure of `thin layers' of thickness of about 100 pcs. An important outcome of all simulations is the magnitude of the horizontal components of the Reynolds and Maxwell stresses. The result is that the MRI-driven turbulence is magnetic-dominated: its magnetic energy exceeds the kinetic energy by a factor of 4. The Reynolds stress is small and less than 1\% of the Maxwell stress. The angular momentum transport is thus completely dominated by the magnetic field fluctuations. The volume-averaged pitch angle is always negative with a magnitude of about -30. The non-saturated MRI regime is lasting sufficiently long to fill the time between the galactic encounters, independently of strength and geometry of the initial field. Therefore, we may claim the observed pitch angles can be due to MRI action in the gaseous galactic disks. The MRI is also shown to be a very fast instability with e-folding time proportional to the time of one rotation. Steep rotation curves imply a stronger growth for the magnetic energy due to MRI. The global e-folding time is from 44 Myr to 100 Myr depending on the rotation profile. Therefore, MRI can explain the existence of rather large magnetic field in very young galaxies. We also have reproduced the observed rms values of velocities in the interstellar turbulence as it was observed in NGC 1058. We have shown with the simulations that the averaged velocity dispersion of about 5 km/s is a typical number for the MRI-driven turbulence in galaxies, which agrees with observations. The dispersion increases outside of the disk plane, whereas supernovae-driven turbulence is found to be concentrated within the disk. In our simulations the velocity dispersion increases a few times with the heights. An additional support to the dynamo alpha-effect in the galaxies is the ability of the MRI to produce a mix of quadrupole and dipole symmetries from the purely vertical seed fields, so it also solves the seed-fields problem of the galactic dynamo theory. The interaction of magneto-rotational instability and random supernovae explosions remains an open question. It would be desirable to run the simulation with the supernovae explosions included. They would disrupt the calm ring structure produced by global MRI, may be even to the level when we can no longer blame MRI to be responsible for the turbulence.}, subject = {Magnetohydrodynamik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Szklarski2007, author = {Szklarski, Jacek T.}, title = {Helical magnetorotational instability in MHD Taylor-Couette flow}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-16002}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Magnetorotational instability (MRI) is one of the most important and most common instabilities in astrophysics. Today it is widely accepted that it serves as a major source of turbulent viscosity in accretion disks, the most energy efficient objects in the universe. The importance of the MRI for astrophysics has been realized only in recent fifteen years. However, originally it was discovered much earlier, in 1959, in a very different context. Theoretical flow of a conducting liquid confined between differentially rotating cylinders in the presence of an external magnetic field was analyzed. The central conclusion is that the additional magnetic field parallel to the axis of rotation can destabilize otherwise stable flow. Theory of non-magnetized fluid motion between rotating cylinders has much longer history, though. It has been studied already in 1888 and today such setup is usually referred as a Taylor-Couette flow. To prove experimentally the existence of MRI in a magnetized Taylor-Couette flow is a demanding task and different MHD groups around the world try to achieve it. The main problem lies in the fact that laboratory liquid metals which are used in such experiments are characterized by small magnetic Prandtl number. Consequently rotation rates of the cylinders must be extremely large and vast amount of technical problems emerge. One of the most important difficulties is an influence of plates enclosing the cylinders in any experiment. For fast rotation the plates tend to dominate the whole flow and the MRI can not be observed. In this thesis we discuss a special helical configuration of the applied magnetic field which allows the critical rotation rates to be much smaller. If only the axial magnetic field is present, the cylinders must rotate with angular velocities corresponding to Reynolds numbers of order Re ≈ 10^6. With the helical field this number is dramatically reduced to Re ≈ 10^3. The azimuthal component of the magnetic field can be easily generated by letting an electric current through the axis of rotation, In a Taylor-Couette flow the (primary) instability manifests itself as Taylor vortices. The specific geometry of the helical magnetic field leads to a traveling wave solution and the vortices are drifting in a direction determined by rotation and the magnetic field. In an idealized study for infinitely long cylinders this is not a problem. However, if the cylinders have finite length and are bounded vertically by the plates the situation is different. In this dissertation it is shown, with use of numerical methods, that the traveling wave solution also exists for MHD Taylor-Couette flow at finite aspect ratio H/D, H being height of the cylinders, D width of the gap between them. The nonlinear simulations provide amplitudes of fluid velocity which are helpful in designing an experiment. Although the plates disturb the flow, parameters like the drift velocity indicate that the helical MRI operates in this case. The idea of the helical MRI was implemented in a very recent experiment PROMISE. The results provided, for the first time, an evidence that the (helical) MRI indeed exists. Nevertheless, the influence of the vertical endplates was evident and the experiment can be, in principle, improved. Exemplary methods of reduction of the end-effect are here proposed. Near the vertical boundaries develops an Ekman-Hartmann layer. Study of this layer for the MHD Taylor-Couette system as well as its impact on the global flow properties is presented. It is shown that the plates, especially if they are conducting, can disturb the flow far more then previously thought also for relatively slow rotation rates.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Memola2002, author = {Memola, Elisabetta}, title = {Magnetic jets from accretion disks : field structure and X-ray emission}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Astrophysikalische Jets sind stark kollimierte Materiestr{\"o}mungen hoher Geschwindigkeit. Sie stehen im Zusammenhang mit einer F{\"u}lle verschiedener astrophysikalischer Objekte wie jungen Sternen, stellaren schwarzen L{\"o}chern ('Mikro-Quasare'), Galaxien mit aktivem Kern (AGN) und wahrscheinlich auch mit dem beobachteten intensiven Aufblitzen von Gamma-Strahlung (Gamma Ray Bursts). Insbesondere hat sich gezeigt, dass die Jets der Mikro-Quasare wahrscheinlich als kleinskalige Version der Jets der AGN anzusehen sind. Neben den Beobachtungen haben vor allem auch theoretische {\"U}berlegungen gezeigt, dass Magnetfelder bei der Jetentstehung, -beschleunigung und -kollimation eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Weiterhin scheinen Jets systematisch verkn{\"u}pft zu sein mit dem Vorhandensein einer Akkretionsscheibe um das zentrale Objekt. Insbesondere wenn ein schwarzes Loch den Zentralk{\"o}rper darstellt, ist die umgebende Akkretionsscheibe der einzig m{\"o}gliche Ort um Magnetfeld erzeugen zu k{\"o}nnen. Wir sind speziell interessiert am Entstehungsprozess hoch relativistischer Jets wie sie bei Mikro-Quasaren und AGN beobachtet werden. Insbesondere untersuchen wir die Region, in der der Jet kollimiert, eine Region, deren r{\"a}umliche Ausdehnung extrem klein ist selbst im Vergleich zur Aufl{\"o}sung der Radioteleskope. Dies ist ein Grund, wieso zum heutigen Zeitpunkt f{\"u}r die meisten Quellen die theoretische Modellierung die einzige M{\"o}glichkeit darstellt, um Information {\"u}ber die physikalischen Prozesse in der innersten Region der Jetentstehung zu erhalten. Uns ist es zum ersten Mal gelungen, die globale zwei-dimensionale Magnetfeldstruktur station{\"a}rer, axialsymmetrischer, relativistischer und stark magnetisierter (kr{\"a}fte-freier) Jets zu berechnen, die zum einen asymptotisch in einen zylindrischen Jet kollimieren, zum anderen aber in einer differential rotierenden Akkretionsscheibe verankert sind. Damit erlaubt dieser Ansatz eine physikalische Verkn\&\#168;upfung zwischen Akkretionsscheibe und dem asymptotischen Jet. Nimmt man also an, dass die Fußpunkte der Magnetfeldlinien mit Keplergeschwindigkeit rotieren, so kann man eine direkte Skalierung der Jetmagnetosphere mit der Gr{\"o}ße des Zentralobjektes erhalten. Unsere Resultate zeigen eine gute {\"U}bereinstimmung zwischen unserem Modell und Beobachtungen des Jets von M87. F{\"u}r das Beispiel eines relativistischen Mikroquasarjets haben wir die R{\"o}ntgenemission im Bereich von 0.2-10.1 keV berechnet. Daf{\"u}r haben wir in der Literatur aus den relativistischen magnetohydrodynamischen Gleichungen berechnete Jetgr{\"o}ßen (Dichte-, Geschwindigkeits-, und Temperaturprofil) verwendet und das Spektrum f{\"u}r jeden Punkt entlang der Jetstr{\"o}mung abgeleitet. Das theoretische thermische R{\"o}ntgenspektrum des innersten, heißen Teils des Jets erhalten wir zusammengesetzt aus den spektralen Anteilen der einzelnen Volumenelemente entlang des Jets. Um relativistische Effekte wie Dopplerverschiebung und -verst{\"a}rkung (boosting) aufgrund der Jetbewegung zu untersuchen, haben wir f{\"u}r verschiedene Inklinationswinkel des Jets zur Sichtlinie berechnet, wie die erhaltenen Spektren davon beeinflusst werden. Unsere Spektren zeigen deutlich die hochionisierten Eisen-Emissionslinien, die in den galaktischen Mikroquasaren GRS 1915+105 und XTE J1748-288 andeutungsweise beobachtet wurden. Eine Dopplerverschiebung dieser Linien ist in unseren Spektren deutlichzu sehen. Da die innerste, R{\"o}ntgenstrahlung emittierende Region des magnetohydrodynamischen Jets allerdings noch unkollimiert ist, spielt Dopplerboosting in unseren Spektren, abh{\"a}ngig vom Sichtwinkel, keine große Rolle. Mit unseren Resultaten konnte zum ersten Mal ein R{\"o}ntgenspektrum gewonnen werden, das auf der numerischen L{\"o}sung eines magnetohydrodynamischen Jets beruht.}, language = {en} }