@phdthesis{Holler2014, author = {Holler, Markus}, title = {Photon reconstruction for the H.E.S.S. 28 m telescope and analysis of Crab Nebula and galactic centre observations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In the presented thesis, the most advanced photon reconstruction technique of ground-based γ-ray astronomy is adapted to the H.E.S.S. 28 m telescope. The method is based on a semi-analytical model of electromagnetic particle showers in the atmosphere. The properties of cosmic γ-rays are reconstructed by comparing the camera image of the telescope with the Cherenkov emission that is expected from the shower model. To suppress the dominant background from charged cosmic rays, events are selected based on several criteria. The performance of the analysis is evaluated with simulated events. The method is then applied to two sources that are known to emit γ-rays. The first of these is the Crab Nebula, the standard candle of ground-based γ-ray astronomy. The results of this source confirm the expected performance of the reconstruction method, where the much lower energy threshold compared to H.E.S.S. I is of particular importance. A second analysis is performed on the region around the Galactic Centre. The analysis results emphasise the capabilities of the new telescope to measure γ-rays in an energy range that is interesting for both theoretical and experimental astrophysics. The presented analysis features the lowest energy threshold that has ever been reached in ground-based γ-ray astronomy, opening a new window to the precise measurement of the physical properties of time-variable sources at energies of several tens of GeV.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Trabant2014, author = {Trabant, Christoph}, title = {Ultrafast photoinduced phase transitions in complex materials probed by time-resolved resonant soft x-ray diffraction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71377}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In processing and data storage mainly ferromagnetic (FM) materials are being used. Approaching physical limits, new concepts have to be found for faster, smaller switches, for higher data densities and more energy efficiency. Some of the discussed new concepts involve the material classes of correlated oxides and materials with antiferromagnetic coupling. Their applicability depends critically on their switching behavior, i.e., how fast and how energy efficient material properties can be manipulated. This thesis presents investigations of ultrafast non-equilibrium phase transitions on such new materials. In transition metal oxides (TMOs) the coupling of different degrees of freedom and resulting low energy excitation spectrum often result in spectacular changes of macroscopic properties (colossal magneto resistance, superconductivity, metal-to-insulator transitions) often accompanied by nanoscale order of spins, charges, orbital occupation and by lattice distortions, which make these material attractive. Magnetite served as a prototype for functional TMOs showing a metal-to-insulator-transition (MIT) at T = 123 K. By probing the charge and orbital order as well as the structure after an optical excitation we found that the electronic order and the structural distortion, characteristics of the insulating phase in thermal equilibrium, are destroyed within the experimental resolution of 300 fs. The MIT itself occurs on a 1.5 ps timescale. It shows that MITs in functional materials are several thousand times faster than switching processes in semiconductors. Recently ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials have become interesting. It was shown in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo, that the transfer of angular momentum between two opposed FM subsystems with different time constants leads to a switching of the magnetization after laser pulse excitation. In addition it was theoretically predicted that demagnetization dynamics in AFM should occur faster than in FM materials as no net angular momentum has to be transferred out of the spin system. We investigated two different AFM materials in order to learn more about their ultrafast dynamics. In Ho, a metallic AFM below T ≈ 130 K, we found that the AFM Ho can not only be faster but also ten times more energy efficiently destroyed as order in FM comparable metals. In EuTe, an AFM semiconductor below T ≈ 10 K, we compared the loss of magnetization and laser-induced structural distortion in one and the same experiment. Our experiment shows that they are effectively disentangled. An exception is an ultrafast release of lattice dynamics, which we assign to the release of magnetostriction. The results presented here were obtained with time-resolved resonant soft x-ray diffraction at the Femtoslicing source of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and at the free-electron laser in Stanford (LCLS). In addition the development and setup of a new UHV-diffractometer for these experiments will be reported.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chirvasa2010, author = {Chirvasa, Mihaela}, title = {Finite difference methods for 1st Order in time, 2nd order in space, hyperbolic systems used in numerical relativity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42135}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This thesis is concerned with the development of numerical methods using finite difference techniques for the discretization of initial value problems (IVPs) and initial boundary value problems (IBVPs) of certain hyperbolic systems which are first order in time and second order in space. This type of system appears in some formulations of Einstein equations, such as ADM, BSSN, NOR, and the generalized harmonic formulation. For IVP, the stability method proposed in [14] is extended from second and fourth order centered schemes, to 2n-order accuracy, including also the case when some first order derivatives are approximated with off-centered finite difference operators (FDO) and dissipation is added to the right-hand sides of the equations. For the model problem of the wave equation, special attention is paid to the analysis of Courant limits and numerical speeds. Although off-centered FDOs have larger truncation errors than centered FDOs, it is shown that in certain situations, off-centering by just one point can be beneficial for the overall accuracy of the numerical scheme. The wave equation is also analyzed in respect to its initial boundary value problem. All three types of boundaries - outflow, inflow and completely inflow that can appear in this case, are investigated. Using the ghost-point method, 2n-accurate (n = 1, 4) numerical prescriptions are prescribed for each type of boundary. The inflow boundary is also approached using the SAT-SBP method. In the end of the thesis, a 1-D variant of BSSN formulation is derived and some of its IBVPs are considered. The boundary procedures, based on the ghost-point method, are intended to preserve the interior 2n-accuracy. Numerical tests show that this is the case if sufficient dissipation is added to the rhs of the equations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lampert2009, author = {Lampert, Astrid}, title = {Airborne lidar observations of tropospheric arctic clouds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-41211}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Due to the unique environmental conditions and different feedback mechanisms, the Arctic region is especially sensitive to climate changes. The influence of clouds on the radiation budget is substantial, but difficult to quantify and parameterize in models. In the framework of the PhD, elastic backscatter and depolarization lidar observations of Arctic clouds were performed during the international Arctic Study of Tropospheric Aerosol, Clouds and Radiation (ASTAR) from Svalbard in March and April 2007. Clouds were probed above the inaccessible Arctic Ocean with a combination of airborne instruments: The Airborne Mobile Aerosol Lidar (AMALi) of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research provided information on the vertical and horizontal extent of clouds along the flight track, optical properties (backscatter coefficient), and cloud thermodynamic phase. From the data obtained by the spectral albedometer (University of Mainz), the cloud phase and cloud optical thickness was deduced. Furthermore, in situ observations with the Polar Nephelometer, Cloud Particle Imager and Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe (Laboratoire de M{\´e}t{\´e}orologie Physique, France) provided information on the microphysical properties, cloud particle size and shape, concentration, extinction, liquid and ice water content. In the thesis, a data set of four flights is analyzed and interpreted. The lidar observations served to detect atmospheric structures of interest, which were then probed by in situ technique. With this method, an optically subvisible ice cloud was characterized by the ensemble of instruments (10 April 2007). Radiative transfer simulations based on the lidar, radiation and in situ measurements allowed the calculation of the cloud forcing, amounting to -0.4 W m-2. This slight surface cooling is negligible on a local scale. However, thin Arctic clouds have been reported more frequently in winter time, when the clouds' effect on longwave radiation (a surface warming of 2.8 W m-2) is not balanced by the reduced shortwave radiation (surface cooling). Boundary layer mixed-phase clouds were analyzed for two days (8 and 9 April 2007). The typical structure consisting of a predominantly liquid water layer on cloud top and ice crystals below were confirmed by all instruments. The lidar observations were compared to European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) meteorological analyses. A change of air masses along the flight track was evidenced in the airborne data by a small completely glaciated cloud part within the mixed-phase cloud system. This indicates that the updraft necessary for the formation of new cloud droplets at cloud top is disturbed by the mixing processes. The measurements served to quantify the shortcomings of the ECMWF model to describe mixed-phase clouds. As the partitioning of cloud condensate into liquid and ice water is done by a diagnostic equation based on temperature, the cloud structures consisting of a liquid cloud top layer and ice below could not be reproduced correctly. A small amount of liquid water was calculated for the lowest (and warmest) part of the cloud only. Further, the liquid water content was underestimated by an order of magnitude compared to in situ observations. The airborne lidar observations of 9 April 2007 were compared to space borne lidar data on board of the satellite Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO). The systems agreed about the increase of cloud top height along the same flight track. However, during the time delay of 1 h between the lidar measurements, advection and cloud processing took place, and a detailed comparison of small-scale cloud structures was not possible. A double layer cloud at an altitude of 4 km was observed with lidar at the West coast in the direct vicinity of Svalbard (14 April 2007). The cloud system consisted of two geometrically thin liquid cloud layers (each 150 m thick) with ice below each layer. While the upper one was possibly formed by orographic lifting under the influence of westerly winds, or by the vertical wind shear shown by ECMWF analyses, the lower one might be the result of evaporating precipitation out of the upper layer. The existence of ice precipitation between the two layers supports the hypothesis that humidity released from evaporating precipitation was cooled and consequently condensed as it experienced the radiative cooling from the upper layer. In summary, a unique data set characterizing tropospheric Arctic clouds was collected with lidar, in situ and radiation instruments. The joint evaluation with meteorological analyses allowed a detailed insight in cloud properties, cloud evolution processes and radiative effects.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weber2004, author = {Weber, Michael H.}, title = {Robotic telescopes \& Doppler imaging : measuring differential rotation on long-period active stars}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001834}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Auf der Sonne sind viele Ph{\"a}nomene zu sehen die mit der solaren magnetischen Aktivit{\"a}t zusammenh{\"a}ngen. Das daf{\"u}r zust{\"a}ndige Magnetfeld wird durch einen Dynamo erzeugt, der sich vermutlich am Boden der Konvektionszone in der sogenannten Tachocline befindet. Angetrieben wird der Dynamo teils von der differenziellen Rotation, teils von den magnetischen Turbulenzen in der Konvektionszone. Die differentielle Rotation kann an der Sonnenoberfl{\"a}che durch beobachten der Sonnenfleckbewegungen gemessen werden.Um einen gr{\"o}ßeren Parameterraum zum Testen von Dynamotheorien zu erhalten, kann man diese Messungen auch auf andere Sterne ausdehnen. Das prim{\"a}re Problem dabei ist, dass die Oberfl{\"a}chen von Sternen nicht direkt beobachtet werden k{\"o}nnen. Indirekt kann man dies jedoch mit Hilfe der Doppler-imaging Methode erreichen, die die Doppler-Verbreitung der Spektrallinien von schnell rotierenden Sternen ben{\"u}tzt. Um jedoch ein Bild der Sternoberfl{\"a}che zu erhalten, bedarf es vieler hochaufgel{\"o}ster spektroskopischer Beobachtungen, die gleichm{\"a}ßig {\"u}ber eine Sternrotation verteilt sein m{\"u}ssen. F{\"u}r Sterne mit langen Rotationsperioden sind diese Beobachtungen nur schwierig durchzuf{\"u}hren. Das neue robotische Observatorium STELLA adressiert dieses Problem und bietet eine auf Dopplerimaging abgestimmte Ablaufplanung der Beobachtungen an. Dies wird solche Beobachtungen nicht nur leichter durchf{\"u}hrbar machen, sondern auch effektiver gestalten.Als Vorschau welche Ergebnisse mit STELLA erwartet werden k{\"o}nnen dient eine Studie an sieben Sternen die allesamt eine lange (zwischen sieben und 25 Tagen) Rotationsperiode haben. Alle Sterne zeigen differentielle Rotation, allerdings sind die Messfehler aufgrund der nicht zufriedenstellenden Datenqualit{\"a}t von gleicher Gr{\"o}ßenordnung wie die Ergebnisse, ein Problem das bei STELLA nicht auftreten wird. Um die Konsistenz der Ergebnisse zu pr{\"u}fen wurde wenn m{\"o}glich sowohl eine Kreuzkorrelationsanalyse als auch die sheared-image Methode angewandt. Vier von diesen sieben Sternen weisen eine differentielle Rotation in umgekehrter Richtung auf als auf der Sonne zu sehen ist. Die restlichen drei Sterne weisen schwache, aber in der Richtung sonnen{\"a}hnliche differentielle Rotation auf.Abschließend werden diese neuen Messungen mit bereits publizierten Werten kombiniert, und die so erhaltenen Daten auf Korrelationen zwischen differentieller Rotation, Rotationsperiode, Evolutionsstaus, Spektraltyp und Vorhandensein eines Doppelsterns {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Alle Sterne zusammen zeigen eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem Betrag der differenziellen Rotation und der Rotationsperiode. Unterscheidet man zwischen den Richtungen der differentiellen Rotation, so bleibt nur eine Korrelation der Sterne mit antisolarem Verhalten. Dar{\"u}berhinaus zeigt sich auch, dass Doppelsterne schw{\"a}cher differentiell rotieren.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cemeljic2005, author = {Cemeljic, Miljenko}, title = {Resistive magnetohydrodynamic jets from protostellar accretion disks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001845}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Astrophysikalische Jets sind ausgedehnte, kollimierte Massenausfl{\"u}sse von verschiedenen astronomischen Objekten. Zeitabh{\"a}ngige magnetohydrodynamische (MHD) Simulationen der Jet-Entwicklung m{\"u}ssen den Akrretionsprozess in der Scheibe ber{\"u}cksichtigen, da der Jet aus der Scheibenmaterie gespeist wird. Allerdings ist die simultane Berechnung der Entwicklung von Scheibe und Jet schwierig, da die charakteristischen Zeitskalen unterschiedlich sind. Selbst{\"a}hnliche Modelle zeigten, daß eine Beschreibung der Jetentstehung aus einer Akkretionsscheibe durch rein magnetische Prozesse m{\"o}glich ist.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Allefeld2004, author = {Allefeld, Carsten}, title = {Phase synchronization analysis of event-related brain potentials in language processing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001873}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Das Forschungsthema Synchronisation bildet einen Schnittpunkt von Nichtlinearer Dynamik und Neurowissenschaft. So hat zum einen neurobiologische Forschung gezeigt, daß die Synchronisation neuronaler Aktivit{\"a}t einen wesentlichen Aspekt der Funktionsweise des Gehirns darstellt. Zum anderen haben Fortschritte in der physikalischen Theorie zur Entdeckung des Ph{\"a}nomens der Phasensynchronisation gef{\"u}hrt. Eine dadurch motivierte Datenanalysemethode, die Phasensynchronisations-Analyse, ist bereits mit Erfolg auf empirische Daten angewandt worden. Die vorliegende Dissertation kn{\"u}pft an diese konvergierenden Forschungslinien an. Ihren Gegenstand bilden methodische Beitr{\"a}ge zur Fortentwicklung der Phasensynchronisations-Analyse, sowie deren Anwendung auf ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale, eine besonders in den Kognitionswissenschaften wichtige Form von EEG-Daten. Die methodischen Beitr{\"a}ge dieser Arbeit bestehen zum ersten in einer Reihe spezialisierter statistischer Tests auf einen Unterschied der Synchronisationsst{\"a}rke in zwei verschiedenen Zust{\"a}nden eines Systems zweier Oszillatoren. Zweitens wird im Hinblick auf den viel-kanaligen Charakter von EEG-Daten ein Ansatz zur multivariaten Phasensynchronisations-Analyse vorgestellt. Zur empirischen Untersuchung neuronaler Synchronisation wurde ein klassisches Experiment zur Sprachverarbeitung repliziert, in dem der Effekt einer semantischen Verletzung im Satzkontext mit demjenigen der Manipulation physischer Reizeigenschaften (Schriftfarbe) verglichen wird. Hier zeigt die Phasensynchronisations-Analyse eine Verringerung der globalen Synchronisationsst{\"a}rke f{\"u}r die semantische Verletzung sowie eine Verst{\"a}rkung f{\"u}r die physische Manipulation. Im zweiten Fall l{\"a}ßt sich der global beobachtete Synchronisationseffekt mittels der multivariaten Analyse auf die Interaktion zweier symmetrisch gelegener Gehirnareale zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren. Die vorgelegten Befunde zeigen, daß die physikalisch motivierte Methode der Phasensynchronisations-Analyse einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Untersuchung ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale in den Kognitionswissenschaften zu leisten vermag.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Clodong2004, author = {Clodong, S{\´e}bastien}, title = {Recurrent outbreaks in ecology : chaotic dynamics in complex networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001626}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die Untersuchung von wiederkehrenden Ausbr{\"u}chen (wie z.B. Epidemien) in der Natur. Dies gelang anhand von Modellen, die die Dynamik von Phytoplankton und die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten zwischen St{\"a}dten beschreiben. Diese beide Systeme bilden hervorragende Beispiele f{\"u}r solche Ph{\"a}nomene. Die Frage, ob die in der Zeit wiederkehrenden Ausbr{\"u}che ein Ausdruck chaotischer Dynamik sein k{\"o}nnen, ist aktuell in der {\"O}kologie und fasziniert Wissenschaftler dieser Disziplin. Wir konnten zeigen, dass sich das Plankton-Modell im Falle von periodischem Antreiben {\"u}ber die N{\"a}hrstoffe in einem chaotischen Regime befindet. Diese Dynamik wurde als die komplexe Wechselwirkung zweier Oszillatoren verstanden. Ebenfalls wurde die Ausbreitung von Epidemien in Netzwerken wechselwirkender St{\"a}dte mit unterschiedlichen Gr{\"o}ssen untersucht. Daf{\"u}r wurde zun{\"a}chst die Kopplung zwischen zwei St{\"a}dten als Verh{\"a}ltnis der Stadtgr{\"o}ssen eingef{\"u}hrt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das System sich in einem globalen zweij{\"a}hrigen Zyklus, der auch in den realen Daten beobachtet wird, befinden kann. Der Effekt von Heterogenit{\"a}t in der Gr{\"o}sseverteilung ist durch gewichtete Kopplung von generischen Modellen (Zelt- und Logistische Abbildung) in Netzwerken im Detail untersucht worden. Eine neue Art von Kopplungsfunktion mit nichtlinearer S{\"a}ttigung wurde eingef{\"u}hrt, um die Stabilit{\"a}t des Systems zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Diese Kopplung beinhaltet einen Parameter, der es erlaubt, die Netzwerktopologie von globaler Kopplung in gerichtete Netzwerke gleichm{\"a}ssig umzuwandeln. Die Dynamik des Systems wurde anhand von Bifurkationsdiagrammen untersucht. Zum Verst{\"a}ndnis dieser Dynamik wurde eine effektive Theorie, die die beobachteten Bifurkationen sehr gut nachahmt, entwickelt.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thiel2004, author = {Thiel, Marco}, title = {Recurrences : exploiting naturally occurring analogues}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001633}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Wiederkehr im Phasenraum ausgenutzt. Dabei werden drei Hauptresultate besprochen. 1. Die Wiederkehr erlaubt die Vorhersagbarkeit des Systems zu quantifizieren. 2. Die Wiederkehr enthaelt (unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen) s{\"a}mtliche relevante Information {\"u}ber die Dynamik im Phasenraum 3. Die Wiederkehr erlaubt die Erzeugung dynamischer Ersatzdaten.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Donner2006, author = {Donner, Reik Volker}, title = {Advanced methods for analysing and modelling multivariate palaeoclimatic time series}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-12560}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The separation of natural and anthropogenically caused climatic changes is an important task of contemporary climate research. For this purpose, a detailed knowledge of the natural variability of the climate during warm stages is a necessary prerequisite. Beside model simulations and historical documents, this knowledge is mostly derived from analyses of so-called climatic proxy data like tree rings or sediment as well as ice cores. In order to be able to appropriately interpret such sources of palaeoclimatic information, suitable approaches of statistical modelling as well as methods of time series analysis are necessary, which are applicable to short, noisy, and non-stationary uni- and multivariate data sets. Correlations between different climatic proxy data within one or more climatological archives contain significant information about the climatic change on longer time scales. Based on an appropriate statistical decomposition of such multivariate time series, one may estimate dimensions in terms of the number of significant, linear independent components of the considered data set. In the presented work, a corresponding approach is introduced, critically discussed, and extended with respect to the analysis of palaeoclimatic time series. Temporal variations of the resulting measures allow to derive information about climatic changes. For an example of trace element abundances and grain-size distributions obtained near the Cape Roberts (Eastern Antarctica), it is shown that the variability of the dimensions of the investigated data sets clearly correlates with the Oligocene/Miocene transition about 24 million years before present as well as regional deglaciation events. Grain-size distributions in sediments give information about the predominance of different transportation as well as deposition mechanisms. Finite mixture models may be used to approximate the corresponding distribution functions appropriately. In order to give a complete description of the statistical uncertainty of the parameter estimates in such models, the concept of asymptotic uncertainty distributions is introduced. The relationship with the mutual component overlap as well as with the information missing due to grouping and truncation of the measured data is discussed for a particular geological example. An analysis of a sequence of grain-size distributions obtained in Lake Baikal reveals that there are certain problems accompanying the application of finite mixture models, which cause an extended climatological interpretation of the results to fail. As an appropriate alternative, a linear principal component analysis is used to decompose the data set into suitable fractions whose temporal variability correlates well with the variations of the average solar insolation on millenial to multi-millenial time scales. The abundance of coarse-grained material is obviously related to the annual snow cover, whereas a significant fraction of fine-grained sediments is likely transported from the Taklamakan desert via dust storms in the spring season.}, language = {en} }