@phdthesis{Nguyen2019, author = {Nguyen, Quyet Doan}, title = {Electro-acoustical probing of space-charge and dipole-polarization profiles in polymer dielectrics for electret and electrical-insulation applications}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44562}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-445629}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {105}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Electrets are dielectrics with quasi-permanent electric charge and/or dipoles, sometimes can be regarded as an electric analogy to a magnet. Since the discovery of the excellent charge retention capacity of poly(tetrafluoro ethylene) and the invention of the electret microphone, electrets have grown out of a scientific curiosity to an important application both in science and technology. The history of electret research goes hand in hand with the quest for new materials with better capacity at charge and/or dipole retention. To be useful, electrets normally have to be charged/poled to render them electro-active. This process involves electric-charge deposition and/or electric dipole orientation within the dielectrics ` surfaces and bulk. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of electric charge and/or dipole polarization after their deposition and subsequent decay is crucial in the task to improve their stability in the dielectrics. Likewise, for dielectrics used in electrical insulation applications, there are also needs for accumulated space-charge and polarization spatial profiling. Traditionally, space-charge accumulation and large dipole polarization within insulating dielectrics is considered undesirable and harmful to the insulating dielectrics as they might cause dielectric loss and could lead to internal electric field distortion and local field enhancement. High local electric field could trigger several aging processes and reduce the insulating dielectrics' lifetime. However, with the advent of high-voltage DC transmission and high-voltage capacitor for energy storage, these are no longer the case. There are some overlapped between the two fields of electrets and electric insulation. While quasi-permanently trapped electric-charge and/or large remanent dipole polarization are the requisites for electret operation, stably trapped electric charge in electric insulation helps reduce electric charge transport and overall reduced electric conductivity. Controlled charge trapping can help in preventing further charge injection and accumulation as well as serving as field grading purpose in insulating dielectrics whereas large dipole polarization can be utilized in energy storage applications. In this thesis, the Piezoelectrically-generated Pressure Steps (PPSs) were employed as a nondestructive method to probe the electric-charge and dipole polarization distribution in a range of thin film (several hundred micron) polymer-based materials, namely polypropylene (PP), low-density polyethylene/magnesium oxide (LDPE/MgO) nanocomposites and poly(vinylidene fluoride-co- trifluoro ethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) copolymer. PP film surface-treated with phosphoric acid to introduce surfacial isolated nanostructures serves as example of 2-dimensional nano-composites whereas LDPE/MgO serves as the case of 3-dimensional nano-composites with MgO nano-particles dispersed in LDPE polymer matrix. It is evidenced that the nanoparticles on the surface of acid-treated PP and in the bulk of LDPE/MgO nanocomposites improve charge trapping capacity of the respective material and prevent further charge injection and transport and that the enhanced charge trapping capacity makes PP and LDPE/MgO nanocomposites potential materials for both electret and electrical insulation applications. As for PVDF and VDF-based copolymers, the remanent spatial polarization distribution depends critically on poling method as well as specific parameters used in the respective poling method. In this work, homogeneous polarization poling of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers with different VDF-contents have been attempted with hysteresis cyclical poling. The behaviour of remanent polarization growth and spatial polarization distribution are reported and discussed. The Piezoelectrically-generated Pressure Steps (PPSs) method has proven as a powerful method for the charge storage and transport characterization of a wide range of polymer material from nonpolar, to polar, to polymer nanocomposites category.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sborikas2015, author = {Sborikas, Martynas}, title = {Preparation and characterization of acoustic electret and electromechanical properties of polypropylene ferroelectrets}, pages = {129}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RamanVenkatesan2022, author = {Raman Venkatesan, Thulasinath}, title = {Tailoring applications-relevant properties in poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based homo-, co- and ter-polymers through modification of their three-phase structure}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54966}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-549667}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 218}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)-based homo-, co- and ter-polymers are well-known for their ferroelectric and relaxor-ferroelectric properties. Their semi-crystalline morphology consists of crystalline and amorphous phases, plus interface regions in between, and governs the relevant electro-active properties. In this work, the influence of chemical, thermal and mechanical treatments on the structure and morphology of PVDF-based polymers and on the related ferroelectric/relaxor-ferroelectric properties is investigated. Polymer films were prepared in different ways and subjected to various treatments such as annealing, quenching and stretching. The resulting changes in the transitions and relaxations of the polymer samples were studied by means of dielectric, thermal, mechanical and optical techniques. In particular, the origin(s) behind the mysterious mid-temperature transition (T_{mid}) that is observed in all PVDF-based polymers was assessed. A new hypothesis is proposed to describe the T_{mid} transition as a result of multiple processes taking place within the temperature range of the transition. The contribution of the individual processes to the observed overall transition depends on both the chemical structure of the monomer units and the processing conditions which also affect the melting transition. Quenching results in a decrease of the overall crystallinity and in smaller crystallites. On samples quenched after annealing, notable differences in the fractions of different crystalline phases have been observed when compared to samples that had been slowly cooled. Stretching of poly(vinylidene fluoride-tetrafluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TFE)) films causes an increase in the fraction of the ferroelectric β-phase with simultaneous increments in the melting point (T_m) and the crystallinity (\chi_c) of the copolymer. While an increase in the stretching temperature does not have a profound effect on the amount of the ferroelectric phase, its stability appears to improve. Measurements of the non-linear dielectric permittivity \varepsilon_2^\prime in a poly(vinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE- CFE)) relaxor-ferroelectric (R-F) terpolymer reveal peaks at 30 and 80 °C that cannot be identified in conventional dielectric spectroscopy. The former peak is associated with T_{mid}\ and may help to understand the non-zero \varepsilon_2^\prime values that are found for the paraelectric terpolymer phase. The latter peak can also be observed during cooling of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer samples at 100 °C and is due to conduction processes and space-charge polarization as a result of the accumulation of real charges at the electrode-sample interface. Annealing lowers the Curie-transition temperature of the terpolymer as a consequence of its smaller ferroelectric-phase fraction, which by default exists even in terpolymers with relatively high CFE content. Changes in the transition temperatures are in turn related to the behavior of the hysteresis curves observed on differently heat-treated samples. Upon heating, the hysteresis curves evolve from those known for a ferroelectric to those of a typical relaxor-ferroelectric material. Comparing dielectric-hysteresis loops obtained at various temperatures, we find that annealed terpolymer films show higher electric-displacement values and lower coercive fields than the non-annealed samples - irrespective of the measurement temperature - and also exhibit ideal relaxor-ferroelectric behavior at ambient temperatures, which makes them excellent candidates for related applications at or near room temperature. However, non-annealed films - by virtue of their higher ferroelectric activity - show a larger and more stable remanent polarization at room temperature, while annealed samples need to be poled below 0 °C to induce a well-defined polarization. Overall, by modifying the three phases in PVDF-based polymers, it has been demonstrated how the preparation steps and processing conditions can be tailored to achieve the desired properties that are optimal for specific applications.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kornhuber2017, author = {Kornhuber, Kai}, title = {Rossby wave dynamics and changes in summertime weather extremes}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 222}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Extreme weather events like heatwaves and floods severely affect societies with impacts ranging from economic damages to losses in human lifes. Global warming caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is expected to increase their frequency and intensity, particularly in the warm season. Next to these thermodynamic changes, climate change might also impact the large scale atmospheric circulation.Such dynamic changes might additionally act on the occurence of extreme weather events, but involved mechanisms are often highly non-linear. Therefore, large uncertainty exists on the exact nature of these changes and the related risks to society. Particularly in the densely populated mid-latitudes weather patterns are governed by the large scale circulation like the jet-streams and storm tracks. Extreme weather in this region is often related to persistent weather systems associated with a strongly meandering jet-stream. Such meanders are called Rossby waves. Under specific conditions they can become slow moving, stretched around the entire hemisphere and generate simultaneaous heat- and rainfall extremes in far-away regions. This thesis aims at enhancing the understanding of synoptic-scale, circumglobal Rossby waves and the associated risks of dynamical changes to society. More specific, the analyses investigate their relation to extreme weather, regions at risk, under which conditions they are generated, and the influence of anthropogenic climate change on those conditions now, in the past and in the future. I find that circumglobal Rossby waves promoted simultaneous occuring weather extremes across the northern hemisphere in several recent summers. Further, I present evidence that they are often linked to quasiresonant-amplification of planetary waves. These events include the 2003 European heatwave and the Moscow heatwave of 2010. This non-linear mechanism acts on the upper level flow through trapping and amplification of stationary synoptic scale waves. I show that this resonance mechanism acts in both hemispheres and is related to extreme weather. A main finding is that circumglobal Rossby waves primarily occur as two specific teleconnection patterns associated with a wave 5 and wave 7 pattern in the northern hemisphere, likely due to the favourable longitudinal distance of prominent mountain ridges here. Furthermore, I identify those regions which are particularly at risk: The central United States, western Europe and the Ukraine/Russian region. Moreover, I present evidence that the wave 7 pattern has and extreme weather in these regions. My results suggest that the increase in frequency can be linked to favourable changes in large scale temperature gradients, which I show to be largely underestimated by model simulations. Using surface temperature fingerprint as proxy for investigating historic and future model ensembles, evidence is presented that anthropogenic warming has likely increased the probability for the occurence of circumglobal Rossby waves. Further it is shown that this might lead to a doubling of such events until the end of the century under a high-emission scenario. Overall, this thesis establishes several atmosphere-dynamical pathways by which changes in large scale temperature gradients might link to persistent boreal summer weather. It highlights the societal risks associated with the increasing occurence of a newly discovered Rossby wave teleconnection pattern, which has the potential to cause simultaneaous heat-extremes in the mid-latitudinal bread-basket regions. In addition, it provides further evidence that the traditional picture by which quasi-stationary Rossby waves occur only in the low wavenumber regime, should be reconsidered.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Graetz2020, author = {Gr{\"a}tz, Fabio M.}, title = {Nonlinear diffusion in granular gases and dense planetary rings}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {101}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Small moonlets or moons embedded in dense planetary rings create S-shaped density modulations called propellers if their masses are smaller than a certain threshold, alternatively they create a circumferential gap in the disk if the embedded body's mass exceeds this threshold (Spahn and Sremčević, 2000). The gravitational perturber scatters the ring particles, depletes the disk's density, and, thus, clears a gap, whereas counteracting viscous diffusion of the ring material has the tendency to close the created gap, thereby forming a propeller. Propeller objects were predicted by Spahn and Sremčević (2000) and Sremčević et al. (2002) and were later discovered by the Cassini space probe (Tiscareno et al., 2006, Sremčević et al., 2007, Tiscareno et al., 2008, and Tiscareno et al., 2010). The ring moons Pan and Daphnis are massive enough to maintain the circumferential Encke and Keeler gaps in Saturn's A ring and were detected by Showalter (1991) and Porco (2005) in Voyager and Cassini images, respectively. In this thesis, a nonlinear axisymmetric diffusion model is developed to describe radial density profiles of circumferential gaps in planetary rings created by embedded moons (Grätz et al., 2018). The model accounts for the gravitational scattering of the ring particles by the embedded moon and for the counteracting viscous diffusion of the ring matter back into the gap. With test particle simulations it is shown that the scattering of the ring particles passing the moon is larger for small impact parameters than estimated by Goldreich and Tremaine (1980). This is especially significant for the modeling of the Keeler gap. The model is applied to the Encke and Keeler gaps with the aim to estimate the shear viscosity of the ring in their vicinities. In addition, the model is used to analyze whether tiny icy moons whose dimensions lie below Cassini's resolution capabilities would be able to cause the poorly understood gap structure of the C ring and the Cassini Division. One of the most intriguing facets of Saturn's rings are the extremely sharp edges of the Encke and Keeler gaps: UVIS-scans of their gap edges show that the optical depth drops from order unity to zero over a range of far less than 100 m, a spatial scale comparable to the ring's vertical extent. This occurs despite the fact that the range over which a moon transfers angular momentum onto the ring material is much larger. Borderies et al. (1982, 1989) have shown that this striking feature is likely related to the local reversal of the usually outward-directed viscous transport of angular momentum in strongly perturbed regions. We have revised the Borderies et al. (1989) model using a granular flow model to define the shear and bulk viscosities, ν and ζ, in order to incorporate the angular momentum flux reversal effect into the axisymmetric diffusion model for circumferential gaps presented in this thesis (Grätz et al., 2019). The sharp Encke and Keeler gap edges are modeled and conclusions regarding the shear and bulk viscosities of the ring are discussed. Finally, we explore the question of whether the radial density profile of the central and outer A ring, recently measured by Tiscareno and Harris (2018) in the highest resolution to date, and in particular, the sharp outer A ring edge can be modeled consistently from the balance of gravitational scattering by several outer moons and the mass and momentum transport. To this aim, the developed model is extended to account for the inward drifts caused by multiple discrete and overlapping resonances with multiple outer satellites and is then used to hydrodynamically simulate the normalized surface mass density profile of the A ring. This section of the thesis is based on studies by Tajeddine et al. (2017a) who recently discussed the common misconception that the 7:6 resonance with Janus alone maintains the outer A ring edge, showing that the combined effort of several resonances with several outer moons is required to confine the A ring as observed by the Cassini spacecraft.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vonNordheim2018, author = {von Nordheim, Danny}, title = {Dielectric non-linearities of P(VDF-TrFE) single and multilayers for memory applications}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-421778}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 109}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) ferroelectric thin films of different molar ratio have been studied with regard to data memory applications. Therefore, films with thicknesses of 200 nm and less have been spin coated from solution. Observations gained from single layers have been extended to multilayer capacitors and three terminal transistor devices. Besides conventional hysteresis measurements, the measurement of dielectric non-linearities has been used as a main tool of characterisation. Being a very sensitive and non-destructive method, non-linearity measurements are well suited for polarisation readout and property studies. Samples have been excited using a high quality, single-frequency sinusoidal voltage with an amplitude significantly smaller than the coercive field of the samples. The response was then measured at the excitation frequency and its higher harmonics. Using the measurement results, the linear and non-linear dielectric permittivities ɛ₁, ɛ₂ and ɛ₃ have been determined. The permittivities have been used to derive the temperature-dependent polarisation behaviour as well as the polarisation state and the order of the phase transitions. The coercive field in VDF-TrFE copolymers is high if compared to their ceramic competitors. Therefore, the film thickness had to be reduced significantly. Considering a switching voltage of 5 V and a coercive field of 50 MV/m, the film thickness has to be 100 nm and below. If the thickness becomes substantially smaller than the other dimensions, surface and interface layer effects become more pronounced. For thicker films of P(VDF-TrFE) with a molar fraction of 56/44 a second-order phase transition without a thermal hysteresis for an ɛ₁(T) temperature cycle has been predicted and observed. This however, could not be confirmed by the measurements of thinner films. A shift of transition temperatures as well as a temperature independent, non-switchable polarisation and a thermal hysteresis for P(VDF-TrFE) 56/44 have been observed. The impact of static electric fields on the polarisation and the phase transition has therefore been studied and simulated, showing that all aforementioned phenomena including a linear temperature dependence of the polarisation might originate from intrinsic electric fields. In further experiments the knowledge gained from single layer capacitors has been extended to bilayer copolymer thin films of different molar composition. Bilayers have been deposited by succeeding cycles of spin coating from solution. Single layers and their bilayer combination have been studied individually in order to prove the layers stability. The individual layers have been found to be physically stable. But while the bilayers reproduced the main ɛ₁(T) properties of the single layers qualitatively, quantitative numbers could not be explained by a simple serial connection of capacitors. Furthermore, a linear behaviour of the polarisation throughout the measured temperature range has been observed. This was found to match the behaviour predicted considering a constant electric field. Retention time is an important quantity for memory applications. Hence, the retention behaviour of VDF-TrFE copolymer thin films has been determined using dielectric non-linearities. The polarisation loss in P(VDF-TrFE) poled samples has been found to be less than 20\% if recorded over several days. The loss increases significantly if the samples have been poled with lower amplitudes, causing an unsaturated polarisation. The main loss was attributed to injected charges. Additionally, measurements of dielectric non-linearities have been proven to be a sensitive and non-destructive tool to measure the retention behaviour. Finally, a ferroelectric field effect transistor using mainly organic materials (FerrOFET) has been successfully studied. DiNaphtho[2,3-b:2',3'-f]Thieno[3,2-b]Thiophene (DNTT) has proven to be a stable, suitable organic semiconductor to build up ferroelectric memory devices. Furthermore, an oxidised aluminium bottom electrode and additional dielectric layers, i.e. parylene C, have proven to reduce the leakage current and therefore enhance the performance significantly.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rikani2023, author = {Rikani, Albano}, title = {Modeling global human migration dynamics under climate change}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58321}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-583212}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 133}, year = {2023}, abstract = {International migration has been an increasing phenomenon during the past decades and has involved all the regions of the globe. Together with fertility and mortality rates, net migration rates represent the components that fully define the demographic evolution of the population in a country. Therefore, being able to capture the patterns of international migration flows and to produce projections of how they might change in the future is of relevant importance for demographic studies and for designing policies informed on the potential scenarios. Existing forecasting methods do not account explicitly for the main drivers and processes shaping international migration flows: existing migrant communities at the destination country, termed diasporas, would reduce the costs of migration and facilitate the settling for new migrants, ultimately producing a positive feedback; accounting for the heterogeneity in the type of migration flows, e.g. return and transit Ćows, becomes critical in some specific bilateral migration channels; in low- to middle- income countries economic development could relax poverty constraint and result in an increase of emigration rates. Economic conditions at both origin and destination are identified as major drivers of international migration. At the same time, climate change impacts have already appeared on natural and human-made systems such as the economic productivity. These economic impacts might have already produced a measurable effect on international migration flows. Studies that provide a quantification of the number of migration moves that might have been affected by climate change are usually specific to small regions, do not provide a mechanistic understanding of the pathway leading from climate change to migration and restrict their focus to the effective induced flows, disregarding the impact that climate change might have had in inhibiting other flows. Global climate change is likely to produce impacts on the economic development of the countries during the next decades too. Understanding how these impacts might alter future global migration patterns is relevant for preparing future societies and understanding whether the response in migration flows would reduce or increase population's exposure to climate change impacts. This doctoral research aims at investigating these questions and fill the research gaps outlined above. First, I have built a global bilateral international migration model which accounts explicitly for the diaspora feedback, distinguishes between transit and return flows, and accounts for the observed non-linear effects that link emigration rates to income levels in the country of origin. I have used this migration model within a population dynamic model where I account also for fertility and mortality rates, producing hindcasts and future projections of international migration flows, covering more than 170 countries. Results show that the model reproduces past patterns and trends well. Future projections highlight the fact that,depending on the assumptions regarding future evolution of income levels and between-country inequality, migration at the end of the century might approach net zero or be still high in many countries. The model, parsimonious in the explanatory variables that includes, represents a versatile tool for assessing the impacts of different socioeconomic scenarios on international migration. I consider then a counterfactual past without climate change impacts on the economic productivity. By prescribing these counterfactual economic conditions to the migration model I produce counterfactual migration flows for the past 30 years. I compare the counterfactual migration flows to factual ones, where historical economic conditions are used to produce migration flows. This provides an estimation of the recent international migration flows attributed to climate change impacts. Results show that a counterfactual world without climate change would have seen less migration globally. This effect becomes larger if I consider separately the increase and decrease in migration moves: a Ągure of net change in the migration flows is not representative of the effective magnitude of the climate change impact on migration. Indeed, in my results climate change produces a divergent effect on richer and poorer countries: by slowing down the economic development, climate change might have reduced international mobility from and to countries of the Global South, and increased it from and to richer countries in the Global North. I apply the same methodology to a scenario of future 3℃ global warming above pre-industrial conditions. I Ąnd that climate change impacts, acting by reorganizing the relative economic attractiveness of destination countries or by affecting the economic growth in the origin, might produce a substantial effect in international migration flows, inhibiting some moves and inducing others. Overall my results suggest that climate change might have had and might have in the future a significant effect on global patterns of international migration. It also emerges clearly that, for a comprehensive understanding of the effects of climate change on international migration, we need to go beyond net effects and consider separately induced and inhibited flows.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dixit2023, author = {Dixit, Sneha}, title = {Tension-induced conformational changes of the Piezo protein-membrane nano-dome}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {94}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Mechanosensation is a fundamental biological process that provides the basis for sensing touch and pain as well as for hearing and proprioception. A special class of ion-channel proteins known as mechanosensitive proteins convert the mechanical stimuli into electrochemical signals to mediate this process. Mechanosensitive proteins undergo conformational changes in response to mechanical force, which eventually leads to the opening of the proteins' ion channel. Mammalian mechanosensitive proteins remained a long sought-after mystery until 2010 when a family of two proteins - Piezo1 and Piezo2 - was identifed as mechanosensors [1]. The cryo-EM structures of Piezo1 and Piezo2 protein were resolved in the last years and reveal a propeller-shaped homotrimer with 114 transmembrane helices [2, 3, 4, 5]. The protein structures are curved and have been suggested to deform the surrounding membrane into a nano-dome, which mechanically responds to membrane tension resulting from external forces [2]. In this thesis, the conformations of membrane-embedded Piezo1 and Piezo2 proteins and their tension-induced conformational changes are investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. Our coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations show that the Piezo proteins induce curvature in the surrounding membrane and form a stable protein-membrane nano-dome in the tensionless membrane. These membrane-embedded Piezo proteins, however, adopt substantially less curved conformations in our simulations compared to the cryo-EM structures solved in detergent micelles, which agrees with recent experimental investigations of the overall Piezo nano-dome shape in membrane vesicles [6, 7, 8]. At high membrane tension, the Piezo proteins attain nearly planar conformations in our simulations. Our systematic investigation of Piezo proteins under different membrane tensions indicates a half-maximal conformational response at membrane tension values rather close to the experimentally suggested values of Piezo activation [9, 10]. In addition, our simulations indicate a widening of the Piezo1 ion channel at high membrane tension, which agrees with the channel widening observed in recent nearly flattened cryo-EM structures of Piezo1 in small membrane vesicles [11]. In contrast, the Piezo2 ion channel does not respond to membrane tension in our simulations. These different responses of the Piezo1 and Piezo2 ion channels in our simulations are in line with patch-clamp experiments, in which Piezo1, but not Piezo2, was shown to be activated by membrane tension alone [12].}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kairaliyeva2023, author = {Kairaliyeva, Talmira}, title = {Surfactant adorption at liquid interfaces measured by drop and bubble experiments}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 117}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kriegler2005, author = {Kriegler, Elmar}, title = {Imprecise probability analysis for integrated assessment of climate change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5611}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {We present an application of imprecise probability theory to the quantification of uncertainty in the integrated assessment of climate change. Our work is motivated by the fact that uncertainty about climate change is pervasive, and therefore requires a thorough treatment in the integrated assessment process. Classical probability theory faces some severe difficulties in this respect, since it cannot capture very poor states of information in a satisfactory manner. A more general framework is provided by imprecise probability theory, which offers a similarly firm evidential and behavioural foundation, while at the same time allowing to capture more diverse states of information. An imprecise probability describes the information in terms of lower and upper bounds on probability. For the purpose of our imprecise probability analysis, we construct a diffusion ocean energy balance climate model that parameterises the global mean temperature response to secular trends in the radiative forcing in terms of climate sensitivity and effective vertical ocean heat diffusivity. We compare the model behaviour to the 20th century temperature record in order to derive a likelihood function for these two parameters and the forcing strength of anthropogenic sulphate aerosols. Results show a strong positive correlation between climate sensitivity and ocean heat diffusivity, and between climate sensitivity and absolute strength of the sulphate forcing. We identify two suitable imprecise probability classes for an efficient representation of the uncertainty about the climate model parameters and provide an algorithm to construct a belief function for the prior parameter uncertainty from a set of probability constraints that can be deduced from the literature or observational data. For the purpose of updating the prior with the likelihood function, we establish a methodological framework that allows us to perform the updating procedure efficiently for two different updating rules: Dempster's rule of conditioning and the Generalised Bayes' rule. Dempster's rule yields a posterior belief function in good qualitative agreement with previous studies that tried to constrain climate sensitivity and sulphate aerosol cooling. In contrast, we are not able to produce meaningful imprecise posterior probability bounds from the application of the Generalised Bayes' Rule. We can attribute this result mainly to our choice of representing the prior uncertainty by a belief function. We project the Dempster-updated belief function for the climate model parameters onto estimates of future global mean temperature change under several emissions scenarios for the 21st century, and several long-term stabilisation policies. Within the limitations of our analysis we find that it requires a stringent stabilisation level of around 450 ppm carbon dioxide equivalent concentration to obtain a non-negligible lower probability of limiting the warming to 2 degrees Celsius. We discuss several frameworks of decision-making under ambiguity and show that they can lead to a variety of, possibly imprecise, climate policy recommendations. We find, however, that poor states of information do not necessarily impede a useful policy advice. We conclude that imprecise probabilities constitute indeed a promising candidate for the adequate treatment of uncertainty in the integrated assessment of climate change. We have constructed prior belief functions that allow much weaker assumptions on the prior state of information than a prior probability would require and, nevertheless, can be propagated through the entire assessment process. As a caveat, the updating issue needs further investigation. Belief functions constitute only a sensible choice for the prior uncertainty representation if more restrictive updating rules than the Generalised Bayes'Rule are available.}, subject = {Anthropogene Klima{\"a}nderung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FloresSuarez2011, author = {Flores Su{\´a}rez, Rosaura}, title = {Three-dimensional polarization probing in polymer ferroelectrics, polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, and polymer ferroelectrets}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60173}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {A key non-destructive technique for analysis, optimization and developing of new functional materials such as sensors, transducers, electro-optical and memory devices is presented. The Thermal-Pulse Tomography (TPT) provides high-resolution three-dimensional images of electric field and polarization distribution in a material. This thermal technique use a pulsed heating by means of focused laser light which is absorbed by opaque electrodes. The diffusion of the heat causes changes in the sample geometry, generating a short-circuit current or change in surface potential, which contains information about the spatial distribution of electric dipoles or space charges. Afterwards, a reconstruction of the internal electric field and polarization distribution in the material is possible via Scale Transformation or Regularization methods. In this way, the TPT was used for the first time to image the inhomogeneous ferroelectric switching in polymer ferroelectric films (candidates to memory devices). The results shows the typical pinning of electric dipoles in the ferroelectric polymer under study and support the previous hypotheses of a ferroelectric reversal at a grain level via nucleation and growth. In order to obtain more information about the impact of the lateral and depth resolution of the thermal techniques, the TPT and its counterpart called Focused Laser Intensity Modulation Method (FLIMM) were implemented in ferroelectric films with grid-shaped electrodes. The results from both techniques, after the data analysis with different regularization and scale methods, are in total agreement. It was also revealed a possible overestimated lateral resolution of the FLIMM and highlights the TPT method as the most efficient and reliable thermal technique. After an improvement in the optics, the Thermal-Pulse Tomography method was implemented in polymer-dispersed liquid crystals (PDLCs) films, which are used in electro-optical applications. The results indicated a possible electrostatic interaction between the COH group in the liquid crystals and the fluorinate atoms of the used ferroelectric matrix. The geometrical parameters of the LC droplets were partially reproduced as they were compared with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images. For further applications, it is suggested the use of a non-strong-ferroelectric polymer matrix. In an effort to develop new polymerferroelectrets and for optimizing their properties, new multilayer systems were inspected. The results of the TPT method showed the non-uniformity of the internal electric-field distribution in the shaped-macrodipoles and thus suggested the instability of the sample. Further investigation on multilayers ferroelectrets was suggested and the implementation of less conductive polymers layers too.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fang2010, author = {Fang, Peng}, title = {Preparation and investigation of polymer-foam films and polymer-layer systems for ferroelectrets}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48412}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Piezoelectric materials are very useful for applications in sensors and actuators. In addition to traditional ferroelectric ceramics and ferroelectric polymers, ferroelectrets have recently become a new group of piezoelectrics. Ferroelectrets are functional polymer systems for electromechanical transduction, with elastically heterogeneous cellular structures and internal quasi-permanent dipole moments. The piezoelectricity of ferroelectrets stems from linear changes of the dipole moments in response to external mechanical or electrical stress. Over the past two decades, polypropylene (PP) foams have been investigated with the aim of ferroelectret applications, and some products are already on the market. PP-foam ferroelectrets may exhibit piezoelectric d33 coefficients of 600 pC/N and more. Their operating temperature can, however, not be much higher than 60 °C. Recently developed polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) and cyclo-olefin copolymer (COC) foam ferroelectrets show slightly better d33 thermal stabilities, but usually at the price of smaller d33 values. Therefore, the main aim of this work is the development of new thermally stable ferroelectrets with appreciable piezoelectricity. Physical foaming is a promising technique for generating polymer foams from solid films without any pollution or impurity. Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen (N2) are usually employed as foaming agents due to their good solubility in several polymers. Polyethylene propylene (PEN) is a polyester with slightly better properties than PET. A "voiding + inflation + stretching" process has been specifically developed to prepare PEN foams. Solid PEN films are saturated with supercritical CO2 at high pressure and then thermally voided at high temperatures. Controlled inflation (Gas-Diffusion Expansion or GDE) is applied in order to adjust the void dimensions. Additional biaxial stretching decreases the void heights, since it is known lens-shaped voids lead to lower elastic moduli and therefore also to stronger piezoelectricity. Both, contact and corona charging are suitable for the electric charging of PEN foams. The light emission from the dielectric-barrier discharges (DBDs) can be clearly observed. Corona charging in a gas of high dielectric strength such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) results in higher gas-breakdown strength in the voids and therefore increases the piezoelectricity. PEN foams can exhibit piezoelectric d33 coefficients as high as 500 pC/N. Dielectric-resonance spectra show elastic moduli c33 of 1 - 12 MPa, anti-resonance frequencies of 0.2 - 0.8 MHz, and electromechanical coupling factors of 0.016 - 0.069. As expected, it is found that PEN foams show better thermal stability than PP and PET. Samples charged at room temperature can be utilized up to 80 - 100 °C. Annealing after charging or charging at elevated temperatures may improve thermal stabilities. Samples charged at suitable elevated temperatures show working temperatures as high as 110 - 120 °C. Acoustic measurements at frequencies of 2 Hz - 20 kHz show that PEN foams can be well applied in this frequency range. Fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP) copolymers are fluoropolymers with very good physical, chemical and electrical properties. The charge-storage ability of solid FEP films can be significantly improved by adding boron nitride (BN) filler particles. FEP foams are prepared by means of a one-step procedure consisting of CO2 saturation and subsequent in-situ high-temperature voiding. Piezoelectric d33 coefficients up to 40 pC/N are measured on such FEP foams. Mechanical fatigue tests show that the as-prepared PEN and FEP foams are mechanically stable for long periods of time. Although polymer-foam ferroelectrets have a high application potential, their piezoelectric properties strongly depend on the cellular morphology, i.e. on size, shape, and distribution of the voids. On the other hand, controlled preparation of optimized cellular structures is still a technical challenge. Consequently, new ferroelectrets based on polymer-layer system (sandwiches) have been prepared from FEP. By sandwiching an FEP mesh between two solid FEP films and fusing the polymer system with a laser beam, a well-designed uniform macroscopic cellular structure can be formed. Dielectric resonance spectroscopy reveals piezoelectric d33 coefficients as high as 350 pC/N, elastic moduli of about 0.3 MPa, anti-resonance frequencies of about 30 kHz, and electromechanical coupling factors of about 0.05. Samples charged at elevated temperatures show better thermal stabilities than those charged at room temperature, and the higher the charging temperature, the better is the stability. After proper charging at 140 °C, the working temperatures can be as high as 110 - 120 °C. Acoustic measurements at frequencies of 200 Hz - 20 kHz indicate that the FEP layer systems are suitable for applications at least in this range.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stoyanov2011, author = {Stoyanov, Hristiyan}, title = {Soft nanocomposites with enhanced electromechanical response for dielectric elastomer actuators}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51194}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Electromechanical transducers based on elastomer capacitors are presently considered for many soft actuation applications, due to their large reversible deformation in response to electric field induced electrostatic pressure. The high operating voltage of such devices is currently a large drawback, hindering their use in applications such as biomedical devices and biomimetic robots, however, they could be improved with a careful design of their material properties. The main targets for improving their properties are increasing the relative permittivity of the active material, while maintaining high electric breakdown strength and low stiffness, which would lead to enhanced electrostatic storage ability and hence, reduced operating voltage. Improvement of the functional properties is possible through the use of nanocomposites. These exploit the high surface-to-volume ratio of the nanoscale filler, resulting in large effects on macroscale properties. This thesis explores several strategies for nanomaterials design. The resulting nanocomposites are fully characterized with respect to their electrical and mechanical properties, by use of dielectric spectroscopy, tensile mechanical analysis, and electric breakdown tests. First, nanocomposites consisting of high permittivity rutile TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in thermoplastic block copolymer SEBS (poly-styrene-coethylene-co-butylene-co-styrene) are shown to exhibit permittivity increases of up to 3.7 times, leading to 5.6 times improvement in electrostatic energy density, but with a trade-off in mechanical properties (an 8-fold increase in stiffness). The variation in both electrical and mechanical properties still allows for electromechanical improvement, such that a 27 \% reduction of the electric field is found compared to the pure elastomer. Second, it is shown that the use of nanofiller conductive particles (carbon black (CB)) can lead to a strong increase of relative permittivity through percolation, however, with detrimental side effects. These are due to localized enhancement of the electric field within the composite, which leads to sharp reductions in electric field strength. Hence, the increase in permittivity does not make up for the reduction in breakdown strength in relation to stored electrical energy, which may prohibit their practical use. Third, a completely new approach for increasing the relative permittivity and electrostatic energy density of a polymer based on 'molecular composites' is presented, relying on chemically grafting soft π-conjugated macromolecules to a flexible elastomer backbone. Polarization caused by charge displacement along the conjugated backbone is found to induce a large and controlled permittivity enhancement (470 \% over the elastomer matrix), while chemical bonding, encapsulates the PANI chains manifesting in hardly any reduction in electric breakdown strength, and hence resulting in a large increase in stored electrostatic energy. This is shown to lead to an improvement in the sensitivity of the measured electromechanical response (83 \% reduction of the driving electric field) as well as in the maximum actuation strain (250 \%). These results represent a large step forward in the understanding of the strategies which can be employed to obtain high permittivity polymer materials with practical use for electro-elastomer actuation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CamachoGonzalez2006, author = {Camacho Gonz{\´a}lez, Francisco}, title = {Charge-Storage mechanisms in polymer electrets}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-8756}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In view of the importance of charge storage in polymer electrets for electromechanical transducer applications, the aim of this work is to contribute to the understanding of the charge-retention mechanisms. Furthermore, we will try to explain how the long-term storage of charge carriers in polymeric electrets works and to identify the probable trap sites. Charge trapping and de-trapping processes were investigated in order to obtain evidence of the trap sites in polymeric electrets. The charge de-trapping behavior of two particular polymer electrets was studied by means of thermal and optical techniques. In order to obtain evidence of trapping or de-trapping, charge and dipole profiles in the thickness direction were also monitored. In this work, the study was performed on polyethylene terephthalate (PETP) and on cyclic-olefin copolymers (COCs). PETP is a photo-electret and contains a net dipole moment that is located in the carbonyl group (C = O). The electret behavior of PETP arises from both the dipole orientation and the charge storage. In contrast to PETP, COCs are not photo-electrets and do not exhibit a net dipole moment. The electret behavior of COCs arises from the storage of charges only. COC samples were doped with dyes in order to probe their internal electric field. COCs show shallow charge traps at 0.6 and 0.11 eV, characteristic for thermally activated processes. In addition, deep charge traps are present at 4 eV, characteristic for optically stimulated processes. PETP films exhibit a photo-current transient with a maximum that depends on the temperature with an activation energy of 0.106 eV. The pair thermalization length (rc) calculated from this activation energy for the photo-carrier generation in PETP was estimated to be approx. 4.5 nm. The generated photo-charge carriers can recombine, interact with the trapped charge, escape through the electrodes or occupy an empty trap. PETP possesses a small quasi-static pyroelectric coefficient (QPC): ~0.6 nC/(m²K) for unpoled samples, ~60 nC/(m²K) for poled samples and ~60 nC/(m²K) for unpoled samples under an electric bias (E ~10 V/µm). When stored charges generate an internal electric field of approx. 10 V/µm, they are able to induce a QPC comparable to that of the oriented dipoles. Moreover, we observe charge-dipole interaction. Since the raw data of the QPC-experiments on PETP samples is noisy, a numerical Fourier-filtering procedure was applied. Simulations show that the data analysis is reliable when the noise level is up to 3 times larger than the calculated pyroelectric current for the QPC. PETP films revealed shallow traps at approx. 0.36 eV during thermally-stimulated current measurements. These energy traps are associated with molecular dipole relaxations (C = O). On the other hand, photo-activated measurements yield deep charge traps at 4.1 and 5.2 eV. The observed wavelengths belong to the transitions in PETP that are analogous to the π - π* benzene transitions. The observed charge de-trapping selectivity in the photocharge decay indicates that the charge detrapping is from a direct photon-charge interaction. Additionally, the charge de-trapping can be facilitated by photo-exciton generation and the interaction of the photo-excitons with trapped charge carriers. These results indicate that the benzene rings (C6H4) and the dipolar groups (C = O) can stabilize and share an extra charge carrier in a chemical resonance. In this way, this charge could be de-trapped in connection with the photo-transitions of the benzene ring and with the dipole relaxations. The thermally-activated charge release shows a difference in the trap depth to its optical counterpart. This difference indicates that the trap levels depend on the de-trapping process and on the chemical nature of the trap site. That is, the processes of charge detrapping from shallow traps are related to secondary forces. The processes of charge de-trapping from deep traps are related to primary forces. Furthermore, the presence of deep trap levels causes the stability of the charge for long periods of time.}, subject = {Charge-Storage}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kappel2012, author = {Kappel, Marcel}, title = {Scattering effects in the sound wave propagation of instrument soundboards}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62676}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In the western hemisphere, the piano is one of the most important instruments. While its evolution lasted for more than three centuries, and the most important physical aspects have already been investigated, some parts in the characterization of the piano remain not well understood. Considering the pivotal piano soundboard, the effect of ribs mounted on the board exerted on the sound radiation and propagation in particular, is mostly neglected in the literature. The present investigation deals exactly with the sound wave propagation effects that emerge in the presence of an array of equally-distant mounted ribs at a soundboard. Solid-state theory proposes particular eigenmodes and -frequencies for such arrangements, which are comparable to single units in a crystal. Following this 'linear chain model' (LCM), differences in the frequency spectrum are observable as a distinct band structure. Also, the amplitudes of the modes are changed, due to differences of the damping factor. These scattering effects were not only investigated for a well-understood conceptional rectangular soundboard (multichord), but also for a genuine piano resonance board manufactured by the piano maker company 'C. Bechstein Pianofortefabrik'. To obtain the possibility to distinguish between the characterizing spectra both with and without mounted ribs, the typical assembly plan for the Bechstein instrument was specially customized. Spectral similarities and differences between both boards are found in terms of damping and tone. Furthermore, specially prepared minimal-invasive piezoelectric polymer sensors made from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) were used to record solid-state vibrations of the investigated system. The essential calibration and characterization of these polymer sensors was performed by determining the electromechanical conversion, which is represented by the piezoelectric coefficient. Therefore, the robust 'sinusoidally varying external force' method was applied, where a dynamic force perpendicular to the sensor's surface, generates movable charge carriers. Crucial parameters were monitored, with the frequency response function as the most important one for acousticians. Along with conventional condenser microphones, the sound was measured as solid-state vibration as well as airborne wave. On this basis, statements can be made about emergence, propagation, and also the overall radiation of the generated modes of the vibrating system. Ultimately, these results acoustically characterize the entire system.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ganesan2010, author = {Ganesan, Lakshmi Meena}, title = {Coupling of the electrical, mechanical and optical response in polymer/liquid-crystal composites}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-41572}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Micrometer-sized liquid-crystal (LC) droplets embedded in a polymer matrix may enable optical switching in the composite film through the alignment of the LC director along an external electric field. When a ferroelectric material is used as host polymer, the electric field generated by the piezoelectric effect can orient the director of the LC under an applied mechanical stress, making these materials interesting candidates for piezo-optical devices. In this work, polymer-dispersed liquid crystals (PDLCs) are prepared from poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) and a nematic liquid crystal (LC). The anchoring effect is studied by means of dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Two dispersion regions are observed in the dielectric spectra of the pure P(VDF-TrFE) film. They are related to the glass transition and to a charge-carrier relaxation, respectively. In PDLC films containing 10 and 60 wt\% LC, an additional, bias-field-dependent relaxation peak is found that can be attributed to the motion of LC molecules. Due to the anchoring effect of the LC molecules, this relaxation process is slowed down considerably, when compared with the related process in the pure LC. The electro-optical and piezo-optical behavior of PDLC films containing 10 and 60 wt\% LCs is investigated. In addition to the refractive-index mismatch between the polymer matrix and the LC molecules, the interaction between the polymer dipoles and the LC molecules at the droplet interface influences the light-scattering behavior of the PDLC films. For the first time, it was shown that the electric field generated by the application of a mechanical stress may lead to changes in the transmittance of a PDLC film. Such a piezo-optical PDLC material may be useful e.g. in sensing and visualization applications. Compared to a non-polar matrix polymer, the polar matrix polymer exhibits a strong interaction with the LC molecules at the polymer/LC interface which affects the electro-optical effect of the PDLC films and prevents a larger increase in optical transmission.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kalbitz2011, author = {Kalbitz, Ren{\´e}}, title = {Stability of polarization in organic ferroelectric metal-insulator-semiconductor structures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57276}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Organic thin film transistors (TFT) are an attractive option for low cost electronic applications and may be used for active matrix displays and for RFID applications. To extend the range of applications there is a need to develop and optimise the performance of non-volatile memory devices that are compatible with the solution-processing fabrication procedures used in plastic electronics. A possible candidate is an organic TFT incorporating the ferroelectric co-polymer poly(vinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene)(P(VDF-TrFE)) as the gate insulator. Dielectric measurements have been carried out on all-organic metal-insulator-semiconductor structures with the ferroelectric polymer poly(vinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) as the gate insu-lator. The capacitance spectra of MIS devices, were measured under different biases, showing the effect of charge accumulation and depletion on the Maxwell-Wagner peak. The position and height of this peak clearly indicates the lack of stable depletion behavior and the decrease of mobility when increasing the depletion zone width, i.e. upon moving into the P3HT bulk. The lack of stable depletion was further investigated with capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements. When the structure was driven into depletion, C-V plots showed a positive flat-band voltage shift, arising from the change in polarization state of the ferroelectric insulator. When biased into accumulation, the polarization was reversed. It is shown that the two polarization states are stable i.e. no depolarization occurs below the coercive field. However, negative charge trapped at the semiconductor-insulator interface during the depletion cycle masks the negative shift in flat-band voltage expected during the sweep to accumulation voltages. The measured output characteristics of the studied ferroelectric-field-effect transistors confirmed the results of the C-V plots. Furthermore, the results indicated a trapping of electrons at the positively charged surfaces of the ferroelectrically polarized P(VDF-TrFE) crystallites near the insulator/semiconductor in-terface during the first poling cycles. The study of the MIS structure by means of thermally stimulated current (TSC) revealed further evidence for the stability of the polarization under depletion voltages. It was shown, that the lack of stable depletion behavior is caused by the compensation of the orientational polarization by fixed electrons at the interface and not by the depolarization of the insulator, as proposed in several publications. The above results suggest a performance improvement of non-volatile memory devices by the optimization of the interface.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RodriguezLoureiro2018, author = {Rodriguez Loureiro, Ignacio}, title = {Structural characterization of single and interacting soft interfaces displaying brushes of synthetic or biomolecular polymers}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42367}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423675}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {132}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The interaction between surfaces displaying end-grafted hydrophilic polymer brushes plays important roles in biology and in many wet-technological applications. The outer surfaces of Gram-negative bacteria, for example, are composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules exposing oligo- and polysaccharides to the aqueous environment. This unique, structurally complex biological interface is of great scientific interest as it mediates the interaction of bacteria with neighboring bacteria in colonies and biofilms. The interaction between polymer-decorated surfaces is generally coupled to the distance-dependent conformation of the polymer chains. Therefore, structural insight into the interacting surfaces is a prerequisite to understand the interaction characteristics as well as the underlying physical mechanisms. This problem has been addressed by theory, but accurate experimental data on polymer conformations under confinement are rare, because obtaining perturbation-free structural insight into buried soft interfaces is inherently difficult. In this thesis, lipid membrane surfaces decorated with hydrophilic polymers of technological and biological relevance are investigated under controlled interaction conditions, i.e., at defined surface separations. For this purpose, dedicated sample architectures and experimental tools are developed. Via ellipsometry and neutron reflectometry pressure-distance curves and distance-dependent polymer conformations in terms of brush compression and reciprocative interpenetration are determined. Additional element-specific structural insight into the end-point distribution of interacting brushes is obtained by standing-wave x-ray fluorescence (SWXF). The methodology is first established for poly[ethylene glycol] (PEG) brushes of defined length and grafting density. For this system, neutron reflectometry revealed pronounced brush interpenetration, which is not captured in common brush theories and therefore motivates rigorous simulation-based treatments. In the second step the same approach is applied to realistic mimics of the outer surfaces of Gram-negative bacteria: monolayers of wild type LPSs extracted from E. Coli O55:B5 displaying strain-specific O-side chains. The neutron reflectometry experiments yield unprecedented structural insight into bacterial interactions, which are of great relevance for the properties of biofilms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nagel2019, author = {Nagel, Oliver}, title = {Amoeboid cells as a transport system for micro-objects}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44219}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-442192}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 84}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Due to advances in science and technology towards smaller and more powerful processing units, the fabrication of micrometer sized machines for different tasks becomes more and more possible. Such micro-robots could revolutionize medical treatment of diseases and shall support to work on other small machines. Nevertheless, scaling down robots and other devices is a challenging task and will probably remain limited in near future. Over the past decade the concept of bio-hybrid systems has proved to be a promising approach in order to advance the further development of micro-robots. Bio-hybrid systems combine biological cells with artificial components, thereby benefiting from the functionality of living biological cells. Cell-driven micro-transport is one of the most prominent applications in the emerging field of these systems. So far, micrometer sized cargo has been successfully transported by means of swimming bacterial cells. The potential of motile adherent cells as transport systems has largely remained unexplored. This thesis concentrates on the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum as a potential candidate for an amoeboid bio-hybrid transport system. The use of this model organism comes with several advantages. Due to the unspecific properties of Dictyostelium adhesion, a wide range of different cargo materials can be used for transport. As amoeboid cells exceed bacterial cells in size by one order of magnitude, also the size of an object carried by a single cell can also be much larger for an amoeba. Finally it is possible to guide the cell-driven transport based on the chemotactic behavior of the amoeba. Since cells undergo a developmentally induced chemotactic aggregation, cargo could be assembled in a self-organized manner into a cluster. It is also possible to impose an external chemical gradient to guide the amoeboid transport system to a desired location. To establish Dictyostelium discoideum as a possible candidate for bio-hybrid transport systems, this thesis will first investigate the movement of single cells. Secondly, the interaction of cargo and cells will be studied. Eventually, a conceptional proof will be conducted, that the cheomtactic behavior can be exploited either to transport a cargo self-organized or through an external chemical source.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sharma2023, author = {Sharma, Anjali}, title = {Optical manipulation of multi-responsive microgels}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {207}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This dissertation focuses on the understanding of the optical manipulation of microgels dispersed in aqueous solution of azobenzene containing surfactant. The work consists of three parts where each part is a systematic investigation of the (1) photo-isomerization kinetics of the surfactant in complex with the microgel polymer matrix, (2) light driven diffusiosmosis (LDDO) in microgels and (3) photo-responsivity of microgel on complexation with spiropyran. The first part comprises three publications where the first one [P1] investigates the photo-isomerization kinetics and corresponding isomer composition at a photo-stationary state of the photo-sensitive surfactant conjugated with charged polymers or micro sized polymer networks to understand the structural response of such photo-sensitive complexes. We report that the photo-isomerization of the azobenzene-containing cationic surfactant is slower in a polymer complex compared to being purely dissolved in an aqueous solution. The surfactant aggregates near the polyelectrolyte chains at concentrations much lower than the bulk critical micelle concentration. This, along with the inhibition of the photo-isomerization kinetics due to steric hindrance within the densely packed aggregates, pushes the isomer-ratio to a higher trans-isomer concentration for all irradiation wavelengths. The second publication [P2] combines experimental results and non-adiabatic dynamic simulations for the same surfactant molecules embedded in the micelles with absorption spectroscopy measurements of micellar solutions to uncover the reasons responsible for the slowdown in photo induced trans → cis azobenzene isomerization at concentrations higher than the critical micelle concentration (CMC). The simulations reveal a decrease of isomerization quantum yields for molecules inside the micelles and observes a reduction of extinction coefficients upon micellization. These findings explain the deceleration of the trans → cis switching in micelles of the azobenzene-containing surfactants. Finally, the third publication [P3] focusses on the kinetics of adsorption and desorption of the same surfactant within anionic microgels in the dark and under continuous irradiation. Experimental data demonstrate, that microgels can serve as a selective absorber of the trans isomers. The interaction of the isomers with the gel matrix induces a remotely controllable collapse or swelling on appropriate irradiation wavelengths. Measuring the kinetics of the microgel size response and knowing the exact isomer composition under light exposure, we calculate the adsorption rate of the trans-isomers. The second part comprises two publications. The first publication [P4] reports on the phenomenon of light-driven diffusioosmotic (DO) long-range attractive and repulsive interactions between micro-sized objects, whose range extends several times the size of microparticles and can be adjusted to point towards or away from the particle by varying irradiation parameters such as intensity or wavelength of light. The phenomenon is fueled by the aforementioned photosensitive surfactant. The complex interaction of dynamic exchange of isomers and photo-isomerization rate yields to relative concentrations gradients of the isomers in the vicinity of micro-sized object inducing a local diffusioosmotic (DO) flow thereby making a surface act as a micropump. The second publication [P5] exclusively aims the visualization and investigation of the DO flows generated from microgels by using small tracer particles. Similar to micro sized objects, the flow is able to push adjacent tracers over distances several times larger than microgel size. Here we report that the direction and the strength of the l-LDDO depends on the intensity, irradiation wavelength and the amount of surfactant adsorbed by the microgel. For example, the flow pattern around a microgel is directed radially outward and can be maintained quasi-indefinitely under exposure at 455 nm when the trans:cis ratio is 2:1, whereas irradiation at 365 nm, generates a radially transient flow pattern, which inverts at lower intensities. Lastly, the third part consists of one publication [P6] which, unlike the previous works, reports on the study of the kinetics of photo- and thermo-switching of a new surfactant namely, spiropyran, upon exposure with light of different wavelengths and its interaction with p(NIPAM-AA) microgels. The surfactant being an amphiphile, switches between its ring closed spiropyran (SP) form and ring open merocyanine (MC) form which results in a change in the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of the surfactant as MC being a zwitterionic form along with the charged head group, generates three charges on the molecule. Therefore, the MC form of the surfactant is more hydrophilic than in the case of the neutral SP state. Here, we investigate the initial shrinkage of the gel particles via charge compensation on first exposure to SP molecules which results from the complex formation of the molecules with the gel matrix, triggering them to become photo responsive. The size and VPTT of the microgels during irradiation is shown to be a combination of heating up of the solution during light absorption by the surfactant (more pronounced in the case of UV irradiation) and the change in the hydrophobicity of the surfactant.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eckert2019, author = {Eckert, Sebastian}, title = {Accessing active sites of molecular proton dynamics}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42587}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-425870}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 193}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The unceasing impact of intense sunlight on earth constitutes a continuous source of energy fueling countless natural processes. On a molecular level, the energy contained in the electromagnetic radiation is transferred through photochemical processes into chemical or thermal energy. In the course of such processes, photo-excitations promote molecules into thermally inaccessible excited states. This induces adaptations of their molecular geometry according to the properties of the excited state. Decay processes towards energetically lower lying states in transient molecular geometries result in the formation of excited state relaxation pathways. The photo-chemical relaxation mechanisms depend on the studied system itself, the interactions with its chemical environment and the character of the involved states. This thesis focuses on systems in which photo-induced deprotonation processes occur at specific atomic sites. To detect these excited-state proton dynamics at the affected atoms, a local probe of molecular electronic structure is required. Therefore, site-selective and orbital-specific K-edge soft X-ray spectroscopy techniques are used here to detect photo-induced proton dynamics in gaseous and liquid sample environments. The protonation of nitrogen (N) sites in organic molecules and the oxygen (O) atom in the water molecule are probed locally through transitions between 1s orbitals and the p-derived molecular valence electronic structure. The used techniques are X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). Both yield access to the unoccupied local valence electronic structure, whereas the latter additionally probes occupied states. We apply these probes in optical pump X-ray probe experiments to investigate valence excited-state proton transfer capabilities of aqueous 2-thiopyridone. A characteristic shift of N K-edge X-ray absorption resonances as well as a distinct X-ray emission line are established by us as spectral fingerprints of N deprotonation in the system. We utilize them to identify photo-induced N deprotonation of 2-thiopyridone on femtosecond timescales, in optical pump N K-edge RIXS probe measurements. We further establish excited state proton transfer mechanisms on picosecond and nanosecond timescales along the dominant relaxation pathways of 2-thiopyridone using transient N K-edge XAS. Despite being an excellent probe mechanism for valence excited-state proton dynamics, the K-edge core-excitation itself also disturbs the electronic structure at specific sites of a molecule. The rapid reaction of protons to 1s photo-excitations can yield directional structural distortions within the femtosecond core-excited state lifetime. These directional proton dynamics can change the energetic separation of eigenstates of the system and alter probabilities for radiative decay between them. Both effects yield spectral signatures of the dynamics in RIXS spectra. Using these signatures of RIXS transitions into electronically excited states, we investigate proton dynamics induced by N K-edge excitation in the amino-acid histidine. The minor core-excited state dynamics of histidine in basic and neutral chemical environments allow us to establish XAS and RIXS spectral signatures of different N protonation states at its imidazole N sites. Based on these signatures, we identify an excitation-site-independent N-H dissociation for N K-edge excitation under acidic conditions. Such directional structural deformations, induced by core-excitations, also make proton dynamics in electronic ground states accessible through RIXS transitions into vibrationally excited states. In that context, we interpret high resolution RIXS spectra of the water molecule for three O K-edge resonances based on quantum-chemical wave packet propagation simulations. We show that highly oriented ground state vibrational modes of coupled nuclear motion can be populated through RIXS processes by preparation of core-excited state nuclear wave packets with the same directionality. Based on that, we analytically derive the possibility to extract one-dimensional directional cuts through potential energy surfaces of molecular systems from the corresponding RIXS spectra. We further verify this concept through the extraction of the gas-phase water ground state potential along three coordinates from experimental data in comparison to quantum-chemical simulations of the potential energy surface. This thesis also contains contributions to instrumentation development for investigations of photo-induced molecular dynamics at high brilliance X-ray light sources. We characterize the setup used for the transient valence-excited state XAS measurements of 2-thiopyridone. Therein, a sub-micrometer thin liquid sample environment is established employing in-vacuum flat-jet technology, which enables a transmission experimental geometry. In combination with a MHz-laser system, we achieve a high detection sensitivity for photo-induced X-ray absorption changes. Additionally, we present conceptual improvements for temporal X-ray optical cross-correlation techniques based on transient changes of multilayer optical properties, which are crucial for the realization of femtosecond time-resolved studies at synchrotrons and free-electron lasers.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ruppert2016, author = {Ruppert, Jan}, title = {The Low-Mass Young Stellar Content in the Extended Environment of the Galactic Starburst Region NGC3603}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {148}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sommerfeld2015, author = {Sommerfeld, Anja}, title = {Quantification of internal variability of the arctic summer atmosphere based on HIRHAM5 ensemble simulations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85347}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 110, vi}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The non-linear behaviour of the atmospheric dynamics is not well understood and makes the evaluation and usage of regional climate models (RCMs) difficult. Due to these non-linearities, chaos and internal variability (IV) within the RCMs are induced, leading to a sensitivity of RCMs to their initial conditions (IC). The IV is the ability of RCMs to realise different solutions of simulations that differ in their IC, but have the same lower and lateral boundary conditions (LBC), hence can be defined as the across-member spread between the ensemble members. For the investigation of the IV and the dynamical and diabatic contributions generating the IV four ensembles of RCM simulations are performed with the atmospheric regional model HIRHAM5. The integration area is the Arctic and each ensemble consists of 20 members. The ensembles cover the time period from July to September for the years 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2012. The ensemble members have the same LBC and differ in their IC only. The different IC are arranged by an initialisation time that shifts successively by six hours. Within each ensemble the first simulation starts on 1st July at 00 UTC and the last simulation starts on 5th July at 18 UTC and each simulation runs until 30th September. The analysed time period ranges from 6th July to 30th September, the time period that is covered by all ensemble members. The model runs without any nudging to allow a free development of each simulation to get the full internal variability within the HIRHAM5. As a measure of the model generated IV, the across-member standard deviation and the across-member variance is used and the dynamical and diabatic processes influencing the IV are estimated by applying a diagnostic budget study for the IV tendency of the potential temperature developed by Nikiema and Laprise [2010] and Nikiema and Laprise [2011]. The diagnostic budget study is based on the first law of thermodynamics for potential temperature and the mass-continuity equation. The resulting budget equation reveals seven contributions to the potential temperature IV tendency. As a first study, this work analyses the IV within the HIRHAM5. Therefore, atmospheric circulation parameters and the potential temperature for all four ensemble years are investigated. Similar to previous studies, the IV fluctuates strongly in time. Further, due to the fact that all ensemble members are forced with the same LBC, the IV depends on the vertical level within the troposphere, with high values in the lower troposphere and at 500 hPa and low values in the upper troposphere and at the surface. By the same reason, the spatial distribution shows low values of IV at the boundaries of the model domain. The diagnostic budget study for the IV tendency of potential temperature reveals that the seven contributions fluctuate in time like the IV. However, the individual terms reach different absolute magnitudes. The budget study identifies the horizontal and vertical 'baroclinic' terms as the main contributors to the IV tendency, with the horizontal 'baroclinic' term producing and the vertical 'baroclinic' term reducing the IV. The other terms fluctuate around zero, because they are small in general or are balanced due to the domain average. The comparison of the results obtained for the four different ensembles (summers 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2012) reveals that on average the findings for each ensemble are quite similar concerning the magnitude and the general pattern of IV and its contributions. However, near the surface a weaker IV is produced with decreasing sea ice extent. This is caused by a smaller impact of the horizontal 'baroclinic' term over some regions and by the changing diabatic processes, particularly a more intense reducing tendency of the IV due to condensative heating. However, it has to be emphasised that the behaviour of the IV and its dynamical and diabatic contributions are influenced mainly by complex atmospheric feedbacks and large-scale processes and not by the sea ice distribution. Additionally, a comparison with a second RCM covering the Arctic and using the same LBCs and IC is performed. For both models very similar results concerning the IV and its dynamical and diabatic contributions are found. Hence, this investigation leads to the conclusion that the IV is a natural phenomenon and is independent from the applied RCM.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steinhaus2014, author = {Steinhaus, Sebastian Peter}, title = {Constructing quantum spacetime}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72558}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Despite remarkable progress made in the past century, which has revolutionized our understanding of the universe, there are numerous open questions left in theoretical physics. Particularly important is the fact that the theories describing the fundamental interactions of nature are incompatible. Einstein's theory of general relative describes gravity as a dynamical spacetime, which is curved by matter and whose curvature determines the motion of matter. On the other hand we have quantum field theory, in form of the standard model of particle physics, where particles interact via the remaining interactions - electromagnetic, weak and strong interaction - on a flat, static spacetime without gravity. A theory of quantum gravity is hoped to cure this incompatibility by heuristically replacing classical spacetime by quantum spacetime'. Several approaches exist attempting to define such a theory with differing underlying premises and ideas, where it is not clear which is to be preferred. Yet a minimal requirement is the compatibility with the classical theory, they attempt to generalize. Interestingly many of these models rely on discrete structures in their definition or postulate discreteness of spacetime to be fundamental. Besides the direct advantages discretisations provide, e.g. permitting numerical simulations, they come with serious caveats requiring thorough investigation: In general discretisations break fundamental diffeomorphism symmetry of gravity and are generically not unique. Both complicates establishing the connection to the classical continuum theory. The main focus of this thesis lies in the investigation of this relation for spin foam models. This is done on different levels of the discretisation / triangulation, ranging from few simplices up to the continuum limit. In the regime of very few simplices we confirm and deepen the connection of spin foam models to discrete gravity. Moreover, we discuss dynamical, e.g. diffeomorphism invariance in the discrete, to fix the ambiguities of the models. In order to satisfy these conditions, the discrete models have to be improved in a renormalisation procedure, which also allows us to study their continuum dynamics. Applied to simplified spin foam models, we uncover a rich, non--trivial fixed point structure, which we summarize in a phase diagram. Inspired by these methods, we propose a method to consistently construct the continuum theory, which comes with a unique vacuum state.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cecchini2019, author = {Cecchini, Gloria}, title = {Improving network inference by overcoming statistical limitations}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42670}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426705}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {124}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A reliable inference of networks from data is of key interest in many scientific fields. Several methods have been suggested in the literature to reliably determine links in a network. These techniques rely on statistical methods, typically controlling the number of false positive links, but not considering false negative links. In this thesis new methodologies to improve network inference are suggested. Initial analyses demonstrate the impact of falsepositive and false negative conclusions about the presence or absence of links on the resulting inferred network. Consequently, revealing the importance of making well-considered choices leads to suggest new approaches to enhance existing network reconstruction methods. A simulation study, presented in Chapter 3, shows that different values to balance false positive and false negative conclusions about links should be used in order to reliably estimate network characteristics. The existence of type I and type II errors in the reconstructed network, also called biased network, is accepted. Consequently, an analytic method that describes the influence of these two errors on the network structure is explored. As a result of this analysis, an analytic formula of the density of the biased vertex degree distribution is found (Chapter 4). In the inverse problem, the vertex degree distribution of the true underlying network is analytically reconstructed, assuming the probabilities of type I and type II errors. Chapters 4-5 show that the method is robust to incorrect estimates of α and β within reasonable limits. In Chapter 6, an iterative procedure to enhance this method is presented in the case of large errors on the estimates of α and β. The investigations presented so far focus on the influence of false positive and false negative links on the network characteristics. In Chapter 7, the analysis is reversed - the study focuses on the influence of network characteristics on the probability of type I and type II errors, in the case of networks of coupled oscillators. The probabilities of α and β are influenced by the shortest path length and the detour degree, respectively. These results have been used to improve the network reconstruction, when the true underlying network is not known a priori, introducing a novel and advanced concept of threshold.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leonhardt2017, author = {Leonhardt, Helmar}, title = {Chemotaxis, shape and adhesion dynamics of amoeboid cells studied by impedance fluctuations in open and confined spaces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-405016}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {98}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit elektrischen Impedanzmessungen von ameoboiden Zellen auf Mikroelektroden. Der Modellorganismus Dictyostelium discoideum zeigt unter der Bedingung des Nahrungsentzugs einen {\"U}bergang zum kollektiven Verhalten, bei dem sich chemotaktische Zellen zu einem multizellul{\"a}ren Aggregat zusammenschliessen. Wir zeigen wie Impedanzaufnahmen {\"u}ber die Dynamik der Zell-substrat Adh{\"a}sion ein pr{\"a}zises Bild der Phasen der Aggregation liefern. Dar{\"u}berhinaus zeigen wir zum ersten mal systematische Einzelzellmessungen von Wildtyp-Zellen und vier Mutanten, die sich in der St{\"a}rke der Substratadh {\"a}sion unterscheiden. Wir zeichneten die projizierte Zellfl{\"a}che durch Zeitverlaufsmikroskopie auf und fanden eine Korrelation zwischen den quasi-periodischen Oszillationen in der Kinetik der projizierten Fl{\"a}che - der Zellform-Oszillation - und dem Langzeittrend des Impedanzsignals. Amoeboidale Motilit{\"a}t offenbart sich typischerweise durch einen Zyklus von Membranausst{\"u}lpung, Substratadh{\"a}sion, Vorw{\"a}rtsziehen des Zellk{\"o}rpers und Einziehen des hinteren Teils der Zelle. Dieser Motilit{\"a}tszyklus resultiert in quasi-periodischen Oszillationen der projizierten Zellfl{\"a}che und der Impedanz. In allen gemessenen Zelllinien wurden f{\"u}r diesen Zyklus {\"a}hnliche Periodendauern beobachtet trotz der Unterschiede in der Anhaftungsst{\"a}rke. Wir beobachteten, dass die St{\"a}rke der Zell-substrat Anhaftung die Impedanz stark beeinflusst, indem die Abweichungen vom Mittelwert (die Gr{\"o}sse der Fluktuationen) vergr{\"o}ssert sind bei Zellen, die die vom Zytoskelett generierten Kr{\"a}fte effektiv auf das Substrat {\"u}bertragen. Zum Beispiel sind bei talA- Zellen, in welchen das Actin verankernde Protein Talin fehlt, die Fluktuationen stark reduziert. Einzelzellkraft-Spektroskopie und Ergebnisse eines Abl{\"o}sungsassays, bei dem Adh{\"a}sionskraft gemessen wird indem Zellen einer Scherspannung ausgesetzt werden, best{\"a}tigen, dass die Gr{\"o}sse der Impedanz-fluktuationen ein korrektes Mass f{\"u}r die St{\"a}rke der Substratadh{\"a}sion ist. Schliesslich haben wir uns auch mit dem Einbau von Zell-substrat-Impedanz-Sensoren in mikro-fluidische Apparaturen befasst. Ein chip-basierter elektrischer Chemotaxis Assay wurde entwickelt, der die Geschwindigkeit chemotaktischer Zellen misst, welche entlang eines chemischen Konzentrationsgradienten {\"u}ber Mikroelektroden wandern.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ata2016, author = {Ata, Metin}, title = {Phase-space reconstructions of cosmic velocities and the cosmic web}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-403565}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 155}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the current paradigm of cosmology, the formation of large-scale structures is mainly driven by non-radiating dark matter, making up the dominant part of the matter budget of the Universe. Cosmological observations however, rely on the detection of luminous galaxies, which are biased tracers of the underlying dark matter. In this thesis I present cosmological reconstructions of both, the dark matter density field that forms the cosmic web, and cosmic velocities, for which both aspects of my work are delved into, the theoretical formalism and the results of its applications to cosmological simulations and also to a galaxy redshift survey.The foundation of our method is relying on a statistical approach, in which a given galaxy catalogue is interpreted as a biased realization of the underlying dark matter density field. The inference is computationally performed on a mesh grid by sampling from a probability density function, which describes the joint posterior distribution of matter density and the three dimensional velocity field. The statistical background of our method is described in Chapter "Implementation of argo", where the introduction in sampling methods is given, paying special attention to Markov Chain Monte-Carlo techniques. In Chapter "Phase-Space Reconstructions with N-body Simulations", I introduce and implement a novel biasing scheme to relate the galaxy number density to the underlying dark matter, which I decompose into a deterministic part, described by a non-linear and scale-dependent analytic expression, and a stochastic part, by presenting a negative binomial (NB) likelihood function that models deviations from Poissonity. Both bias components had already been studied theoretically, but were so far never tested in a reconstruction algorithm. I test these new contributions againstN-body simulations to quantify improvements and show that, compared to state-of-the-art methods, the stochastic bias is inevitable at wave numbers of k≥0.15h Mpc^-1 in the power spectrum in order to obtain unbiased results from the reconstructions. In the second part of Chapter "Phase-Space Reconstructions with N-body Simulations" I describe and validate our approach to infer the three dimensional cosmic velocity field jointly with the dark matter density. I use linear perturbation theory for the large-scale bulk flows and a dispersion term to model virialized galaxy motions, showing that our method is accurately recovering the real-space positions of the redshift-space distorted galaxies. I analyze the results with the isotropic and also the two-dimensional power spectrum.Finally, in Chapter "Phase-space Reconstructions with Galaxy Redshift Surveys", I show how I combine all findings and results and apply the method to the CMASS (for Constant (stellar) Mass) galaxy catalogue of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). I describe how our method is accounting for the observational selection effects inside our reconstruction algorithm. Also, I demonstrate that the renormalization of the prior distribution function is mandatory to account for higher order contributions in the structure formation model, and finally a redshift-dependent bias factor is theoretically motivated and implemented into our method. The various refinements yield unbiased results of the dark matter until scales of k≤0.2 h Mpc^-1in the power spectrum and isotropize the galaxy catalogue down to distances of r∼20h^-1 Mpc in the correlation function. We further test the results of our cosmic velocity field reconstruction by comparing them to a synthetic mock galaxy catalogue, finding a strong correlation between the mock and the reconstructed velocities. The applications of both, the density field without redshift-space distortions, and the velocity reconstructions, are very broad and can be used for improved analyses of the baryonic acoustic oscillations, environmental studies of the cosmic web, the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovic or integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FernandesGuimaraes2012, author = {Fernandes Guimar{\~a}es, Ana Helena}, title = {How does adhesion influence the small aggregates in Saturn's rings}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61846}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Particles in Saturn's main rings range in size from dust to even kilometer-sized objects. Their size distribution is thought to be a result of competing accretion and fragmentation processes. While growth is naturally limited in tidal environments, frequent collisions among these objects may contribute to both accretion and fragmentation. As ring particles are primarily made of water ice attractive surface forces like adhesion could significantly influence these processes, finally determining the resulting size distribution. Here, we derive analytic expressions for the specific self-energy Q and related specific break-up energy Q⋆ of aggregates. These expressions can be used for any aggregate type composed of monomeric constituents. We compare these expressions to numerical experiments where we create aggregates of various types including: regular packings like the face-centered cubic (fcc), Ballistic Particle Cluster Aggregates (BPCA), and modified BPCAs including e.g. different constituent size distributions. We show that accounting for attractive surface forces such as adhesion a simple approach is able to: a) generally account for the size dependence of the specific break-up energy for fragmentation to occur reported in the literature, namely the division into "strength" and "gravity" regimes, and b) estimate the maximum aggregate size in a collisional ensemble to be on the order of a few meters, consistent with the maximum aggregate size observed in Saturn's rings of about 10m.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Makarava2012, author = {Makarava, Natallia}, title = {Bayesian estimation of self-similarity exponent}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-64099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Estimation of the self-similarity exponent has attracted growing interest in recent decades and became a research subject in various fields and disciplines. Real-world data exhibiting self-similar behavior and/or parametrized by self-similarity exponent (in particular Hurst exponent) have been collected in different fields ranging from finance and human sciencies to hydrologic and traffic networks. Such rich classes of possible applications obligates researchers to investigate qualitatively new methods for estimation of the self-similarity exponent as well as identification of long-range dependencies (or long memory). In this thesis I present the Bayesian estimation of the Hurst exponent. In contrast to previous methods, the Bayesian approach allows the possibility to calculate the point estimator and confidence intervals at the same time, bringing significant advantages in data-analysis as discussed in this thesis. Moreover, it is also applicable to short data and unevenly sampled data, thus broadening the range of systems where the estimation of the Hurst exponent is possible. Taking into account that one of the substantial classes of great interest in modeling is the class of Gaussian self-similar processes, this thesis considers the realizations of the processes of fractional Brownian motion and fractional Gaussian noise. Additionally, applications to real-world data, such as the data of water level of the Nile River and fixational eye movements are also discussed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eschenlohr2012, author = {Eschenlohr, Andrea}, title = {Element-resolved ultrafast magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic alloys and multilayers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62846}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The microscopic origin of ultrafast demagnetization, i.e. the quenching of the magnetization of a ferromagnetic metal on a sub-picosecond timescale after laser excitation, is still only incompletely understood, despite a large body of experimental and theoretical work performed since the discovery of the effect more than 15 years ago. Time- and element-resolved x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements can provide insight into the microscopic processes behind ultrafast demagnetization as well as its dependence on materials properties. Using the BESSY II Femtoslicing facility, a storage ring based source of 100 fs short soft x-ray pulses, ultrafast magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic NiFe and GdTb alloys as well as a Au/Ni layered structure were investigated in laser pump - x-ray probe experiments. After laser excitation, the constituents of Ni50Fe50 and Ni80Fe20 exhibit distinctly different time constants of demagnetization, leading to decoupled dynamics, despite the strong exchange interaction that couples the Ni and Fe sublattices under equilibrium conditions. Furthermore, the time constants of demagnetization for Ni and Fe are different in Ni50Fe50 and Ni80Fe20, and also different from the values for the respective pure elements. These variations are explained by taking the magnetic moments of the Ni and Fe sublattices, which are changed from the pure element values due to alloying, as well as the strength of the intersublattice exchange interaction into account. GdTb exhibits demagnetization in two steps, typical for rare earths. The time constant of the second, slower magnetization decay was previously linked to the strength of spin-lattice coupling in pure Gd and Tb, with the stronger, direct spin-lattice coupling in Tb leading to a faster demagnetization. In GdTb, the demagnetization of Gd follows Tb on all timescales. This is due to the opening of an additional channel for the dissipation of spin angular momentum to the lattice, since Gd magnetic moments in the alloy are coupled via indirect exchange interaction to neighboring Tb magnetic moments, which are in turn strongly coupled to the lattice. Time-resolved measurements of the ultrafast demagnetization of a Ni layer buried under a Au cap layer, thick enough to absorb nearly all of the incident pump laser light, showed a somewhat slower but still sub-picosecond demagnetization of the buried Ni layer in Au/Ni compared to a Ni reference sample. Supported by simulations, I conclude that demagnetization can thus be induced by transport of hot electrons excited in the Au layer into the Ni layer, without the need for direct interaction between photons and spins.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ma2018, author = {Ma, Siyuan}, title = {Analysis of Teukolsky equations on slowly rotating Kerr spacetimes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-414781}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 89}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this thesis, we treat the extreme Newman-Penrose components of both the Maxwell field (s=±1) and the linearized gravitational perturbations (or "linearized gravity" for short) (s=±2) in the exterior of a slowly rotating Kerr black hole. Upon different rescalings, we can obtain spin s components which satisfy the separable Teukolsky master equation (TME). For each of these spin s components defined in Kinnersley tetrad, the resulting equations by performing some first-order differential operator on it once and twice (twice only for s=±2), together with the TME, are in the form of an "inhomogeneous spin-weighted wave equation" (ISWWE) with different potentials and constitute a linear spin-weighted wave system. We then prove energy and integrated local energy decay (Morawetz) estimates for this type of ISWWE, and utilize them to achieve both a uniform bound of a positive definite energy and a Morawetz estimate for the regular extreme Newman-Penrose components defined in the regular Hawking-Hartle tetrad. We also present some brief discussions on mode stability for TME for the case of real frequencies. This says that in a fixed subextremal Kerr spacetime, there is no nontrivial separated mode solutions to TME which are purely ingoing at horizon and purely outgoing at infinity. This yields a representation formula for solutions to inhomogeneous Teukolsky equations, and will play a crucial role in generalizing the above energy and Morawetz estimates results to the full subextremal Kerr case.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuermann2017, author = {Sch{\"u}rmann, Robin Mathis}, title = {Interaction of the potential DNA-radiosensitizer 8-bromoadenine with free and plasmonically generated electrons}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-407017}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 120}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In Germany more than 200.000 persons die of cancer every year, which makes it the second most common cause of death. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often combined to exploit a supra-additive effect, as some chemotherapeutic agents like halogenated nucleobases sensitize the cancerous tissue to radiation. The radiosensitizing action of certain therapeutic agents can be at least partly assigned to their interaction with secondary low energy electrons (LEEs) that are generated along the track of the ionizing radiation. In the therapy of cancer DNA is an important target, as severe DNA damage like double strand breaks induce the cell death. As there is only a limited number of radiosensitizing agents in clinical practice, which are often strongly cytotoxic, it would be beneficial to get a deeper understanding of the interaction of less toxic potential radiosensitizers with secondary reactive species like LEEs. Beyond that LEEs can be generated by laser illuminated nanoparticles that are applied in photothermal therapy (PTT) of cancer, which is an attempt to treat cancer by an increase of temperature in the cells. However, the application of halogenated nucleobases in PTT has not been taken into account so far. In this thesis the interaction of the potential radiosensitizer 8-bromoadenine (8BrA) with LEEs was studied. In a first step the dissociative electron attachment (DEA) in the gas phase was studied in a crossed electron-molecular beam setup. The main fragmentation pathway was revealed as the cleavage of the C-Br bond. The formation of a stable parent anion was observed for electron energies around 0 eV. Furthermore, DNA origami nanostructures were used as platformed to determine electron induced strand break cross sections of 8BrA sensitized oligonucleotides and the corresponding nonsensitized sequence as a function of the electron energy. In this way the influence of the DEA resonances observed for the free molecules on the DNA strand breaks was examined. As the surrounding medium influences the DEA, pulsed laser illuminated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were used as a nanoscale electron source in an aqueous environment. The dissociation of brominated and native nucleobases was tracked with UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and the generated fragments were identified with surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Beside the electron induced damage, nucleobase analogues are decomposed in the vicinity of the laser illuminatednanoparticles due to the high temperatures. In order to get a deeper understanding of the different dissociation mechanisms, the thermal decomposition of the nucleobases in these systems was studied and the influence of the adsorption kinetics of the molecules was elucidated. In addition to the pulsed laser experiments, a dissociative electron transfer from plasmonically generated "hot electrons" to 8BrA was observed under low energy continuous wave laser illumination and tracked with SERS. The reaction was studied on AgNPs and AuNPs as a function of the laser intensity and wavelength. On dried samples the dissociation of the molecule was described by fractal like kinetics. In solution, the dissociative electron transfer was observed as well. It turned out that the timescale of the reaction rates were slightly below typical integration times of Raman spectra. In consequence such reactions need to be taken into account in the interpretation of SERS spectra of electrophilic molecules. The findings in this thesis help to understand the interaction of brominated nucleobases with plasmonically generated electrons and free electrons. This might help to evaluate the potential radiosensitizing action of such molecules in cancer radiation therapy and PTT.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wenz2016, author = {Wenz, Leonie}, title = {Climate change impacts in an increasingly connected world}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {279}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Willner2018, author = {Willner, Sven N.}, title = {Global economic response to flood damages under climate change}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 247}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Climate change affects societies across the globe in various ways. In addition to gradual changes in temperature and other climatic variables, global warming is likely to increase intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Beyond biophysical impacts, these also directly affect societal and economic activity. Additionally, indirect effects can occur; spatially, economic losses can spread along global supply-chains; temporally, climate impacts can change the economic development trajectory of countries. This thesis first examines how climate change alters river flood risk and its local socio-economic implications. Then, it studies the global economic response to river floods in particular, and to climate change in general. Changes in high-end river flood risk are calculated for the next three decades on a global scale with high spatial resolution. In order to account for uncertainties, this assessment makes use of an ensemble of climate and hydrological models as well as a river routing model, that is found to perform well regarding peak river discharge. The results show an increase in high-end flood risk in many parts of the world, which require profound adaptation efforts. This pressure to adapt is measured as the enhancement in protection level necessary to stay at historical high-end risk. In developing countries as well as in industrialized regions, a high pressure to adapt is observed - the former to increase low protection levels, the latter to maintain the low risk levels perceived in the past. Further in this thesis, the global agent-based dynamic supply-chain model acclimate is developed. It models the cascading of indirect losses in the global supply network. As an anomaly model its agents - firms and consumers - maximize their profit locally to respond optimally to local perturbations. Incorporating quantities as well as prices on a daily basis, it is suitable to dynamically resolve the impacts of unanticipated climate extremes. The model is further complemented by a static measure, which captures the inter-dependencies between sectors across regions that are only connected indirectly. These higher-order dependencies are shown to be important for a comprehensive assessment of loss-propagation and overall costs of local disasters. In order to study the economic response to river floods, the acclimate model is driven by flood simulations. Within the next two decades, the increase in direct losses can only partially be compensated by market adjustments, and total losses are projected to increase by 17\% without further adaptation efforts. The US and the EU are both shown to receive indirect losses from China, which is strongly affected directly. However, recent trends in the trade relations leave the EU in a better position to compensate for these losses. Finally, this thesis takes a broader perspective when determining the investment response to the climate change damages employing the integrated assessment model DICE. On an optimal economic development path, the increase in damages is anticipated as emissions and consequently temperatures increase. This leads to a significant devaluation of investment returns and the income losses from climate damages almost double. Overall, the results highlight the need to adapt to extreme weather events - local physical adaptation measures have to be combined with regional and global policy measures to prepare the global supply-chain network to climate change.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Littmann2024, author = {Littmann, Daniela-Christin}, title = {Large eddy simulations of the Arctic boundary layer around the MOSAiC drift track}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62437}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-624374}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 110}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The icosahedral non-hydrostatic large eddy model (ICON-LEM) was applied around the drift track of the Multidisciplinary Observatory Study of the Arctic (MOSAiC) in 2019 and 2020. The model was set up with horizontal grid-scales between 100m and 800m on areas with radii of 17.5km and 140 km. At its lateral boundaries, the model was driven by analysis data from the German Weather Service (DWD), downscaled by ICON in limited area mode (ICON-LAM) with horizontal grid-scale of 3 km. The aim of this thesis was the investigation of the atmospheric boundary layer near the surface in the central Arctic during polar winter with a high-resolution mesoscale model. The default settings in ICON-LEM prevent the model from representing the exchange processes in the Arctic boundary layer in accordance to the MOSAiC observations. The implemented sea-ice scheme in ICON does not include a snow layer on sea-ice, which causes a too slow response of the sea-ice surface temperature to atmospheric changes. To allow the sea-ice surface to respond faster to changes in the atmosphere, the implemented sea-ice parameterization in ICON was extended with an adapted heat capacity term. The adapted sea-ice parameterization resulted in better agreement with the MOSAiC observations. However, the sea-ice surface temperature in the model is generally lower than observed due to biases in the downwelling long-wave radiation and the lack of complex surface structures, like leads. The large eddy resolving turbulence closure yielded a better representation of the lower boundary layer under strongly stable stratification than the non-eddy-resolving turbulence closure. Furthermore, the integration of leads into the sea-ice surface reduced the overestimation of the sensible heat flux for different weather conditions. The results of this work help to better understand boundary layer processes in the central Arctic during the polar night. High-resolving mesoscale simulations are able to represent temporally and spatially small interactions and help to further develop parameterizations also for the application in regional and global models.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stechemesser2023, author = {Stechemesser, Annika}, title = {Human behaviour in a warming world}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {339}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sauter2016, author = {Sauter, J{\"o}rg}, title = {The molecular origin of plant cell wall swelling}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iii, 127 S.}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit werden die Eigenschaften von hydratisierten Hemicellulose Polysacchariden mittels Computersimulation untersucht. Die hohe Quellfähigkeit von Materialien die aus diesen Molek{\"u}len bestehen, erlaubt die Erzeugung von zielgerichteter Bewegung in Planzenmaterialien, ausschließlich gesteuert durch Wasseraufnahme. Um den molekularen Ursprung dieses Quellvermögens zu untersuchen wird, im Vergleich mit Experimenten, ein atomistisches Modell f{\"u}r Hemicellulose Polysaccharide entwickelt und getestet. Unter Verwendung dieses Modells werden Simulationen von kleinen Polysacchariden benutzt um die Wechselwirkungen mit Wasser, den Einfluss von Wasser auf die Konformationsfreiheit der Molek{\"u}le, und die Quellfähigkeit, quantifiziert durch den osmotischen Druck, zu verstehen. Es wird gezeigt, dass verzweigte und lineare Polysaccharide unterschiedliche Hydratisierungseingenschaften im Vergleich zu lineare Polysacchariden aufweisen. Um das Quellverhalten auf Längen- und Zeitskalen untersuchen zu können die {\"u}ber die Begrenzungen atomistischer Simulationen hinausgehen, wurde eine Prozedur entwickelt um {\"u}bertragbare vergröberte Modelle herzuleiten. Die Übertragbarkeit der vegröberten Modelle wird gezeigt, sowohl {\"u}ber unterschiedliche Polysaccharidkonzentrationen als auch {\"u}ber unterschiedliche Polymerlängen. Daher erlaubt die Prozedur die Konstruktion von großen vergröberter Systemen ausgehend von kleinen atomistischen Referenzsystemen. Abschließend wird das vergröberte Modell verwendet um zu zeigen, dass lineare und verzweigte Polysaccharide ein unterschiedliches Quellverhalten aufweisen, wenn sie mit einem Wasserbad gekoppelt werden.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Marwan2003, author = {Marwan, Norbert}, title = {Encounters with neighbours}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000856}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten und Anwendungen von Recurrence Plots. Nach einer {\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber Methoden, die auf Recurrence Plots basieren, werden neue Komplexit{\"a}tsmaße eingef{\"u}hrt, die geometrische Strukturen in den Recurrence Plots beschreiben. Diese neuen Maße erlauben die Identifikation von Chaos-Chaos-{\"U}berg{\"a}ngen in dynamischen Prozessen. In einem weiteren Schritt werden Cross Recurrence Plots eingef{\"u}hrt, mit denen zwei verschiedene Prozesse untersucht werden. Diese bivariate Analyse erm{\"o}glicht die Bewertung von Unterschieden zwischen zwei Prozessen oder das Anpassen der Zeitskalen von zwei Zeitreihen. Diese Technik kann auch genutzt werden, um {\"a}hnliche Abschnitte in zwei verschiedenen Datenreihen zu finden. Im Anschluß werden diese neuen Entwicklungen auf Daten verschiedener Art angewendet. Methoden, die auf Recurrence Plots basieren, k{\"o}nnen an die speziellen Probleme angepaßt werden, so daß viele weitere Anwendungen m{\"o}glich sind. Durch die Anwendung der neu eingef{\"u}hrten Komplexit{\"a}tsmaße k{\"o}nnen Chaos-Chaos-{\"U}berg{\"a}nge in Herzschlagdaten vor dem Auftreten einer lebensbedrohlichen Herzrhythmusst{\"o}rung festgestellt werden, was f{\"u}r die Entwicklung neuer Therapien dieser Herzrhythmusst{\"o}rungen von Bedeutung sein k{\"o}nnte. In einem weiteren Beispiel, in dem EEG-Daten aus einem kognitiv orientierten Experiment untersucht werden, erm{\"o}glichen diese Komplexit{\"a}tsmaße das Erkennen von spezifischen Reaktionen im Gehirn bereits in Einzeltests. Normalerweise k{\"o}nnen diese Reaktionen erst durch die Auswertung von vielen Einzeltests erkannt werden. Mit der Hilfe von Cross Recurrence Plots wird die Existenz einer klimatischen Zirkulation, die der heutigen El Ni{\~n}o/ Southern Oscillation sehr {\"a}hnlich ist, im Nordwesten Argentiniens vor etwa 34000 Jahren nachgewiesen. Außerdem k{\"o}nnen mit Cross Recurrence Plots die Zeitskalen verschiedener Bohrlochdaten aufeinander abgeglichen werden. Diese Methode kann auch dazu genutzt werden, ein geologisches Profil mit Hilfe eines Referenzprofiles mit bekannter Zeitskala zu datieren. Weitere Beispiele aus den Gebieten der Molekularbiologie und der Spracherkennung unterstreichen das Potential dieser Methode.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schroen2016, author = {Schr{\"o}n, Martin}, title = {Cosmic-ray neutron sensing and its applications to soil and land surface hydrology}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-8439-3139-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-395433}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {223}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Water scarcity, adaption on climate change, and risk assessment of droughts and floods are critical topics for science and society these days. Monitoring and modeling of the hydrological cycle are a prerequisite to understand and predict the consequences for weather and agriculture. As soil water storage plays a key role for partitioning of water fluxes between the atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere, measurement techniques are required to estimate soil moisture states from small to large scales. The method of cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) promises to close the gap between point-scale and remote-sensing observations, as its footprint was reported to be 30 ha. However, the methodology is rather young and requires highly interdisciplinary research to understand and interpret the response of neutrons to soil moisture. In this work, the signal of nine detectors has been systematically compared, and correction approaches have been revised to account for meteorological and geomagnetic variations. Neutron transport simulations have been consulted to precisely characterize the sensitive footprint area, which turned out to be 6--18 ha, highly local, and temporally dynamic. These results have been experimentally confirmed by the significant influence of water bodies and dry roads. Furthermore, mobile measurements on agricultural fields and across different land use types were able to accurately capture the various soil moisture states. It has been further demonstrated that the corresponding spatial and temporal neutron data can be beneficial for mesoscale hydrological modeling. Finally, first tests with a gyrocopter have proven the concept of airborne neutron sensing, where increased footprints are able to overcome local effects. This dissertation not only bridges the gap between scales of soil moisture measurements. It also establishes a close connection between the two worlds of observers and modelers, and further aims to combine the disciplines of particle physics, geophysics, and soil hydrology to thoroughly explore the potential and limits of the CRNS method.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stachlewska2005, author = {Stachlewska, Iwona Sylwia}, title = {Investigation of tropospheric arctic aerosol and mixed-phase clouds using airborne lidar technique}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-6984}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {An Airborne Mobile Aerosol Lidar (AMALi) was constructed and built at Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Potsdam, Germany for the lower tropospheric aerosol and cloud research under tough arctic conditions. The system was successfully used during two AWI airborne field campaigns, ASTAR 2004 and SVALEX 2005, performed in vicinity of Spitsbergen in the Arctic. The novel evaluation schemes, the Two-Stream Inversion and the Iterative Airborne Inversion, were applied to the obtained lidar data. Thereby, calculation of the particle extinction and backscatter coefficient profiles with corresponding lidar ratio profiles characteristic for the arctic air was possible. The comparison of these lidar results with the results of other in-situ and remote instrumentation (ground based Koldewey Aerosol Raman Lidar (KARL), sunphotometer, radiosounding, satellite imagery) allowed to provided clean contra polluted (Arctic Haze) characteristics of the arctic aerosols. Moreover, the data interpretation by means of the ECMWF Operational Analyses and small-scale dispersion model EULAG allowed studying the effects of the Spitsbergens orography on the aerosol load in the Planetary Boundary Layer. With respect to the cloud studies a new methodology of alternated remote AMALi measurements with the airborne in-situ cloud optical and microphysical parameters measurements was proved feasible for the low density mixed-phase cloud studies. An example of such approach during observation of the natural cloud seeding (feeder-seeder phenomenon) with ice crystals precipitating into the lower supercooled stratocumulus deck were discussed in terms of the lidar signal intensity profiles and corresponding depolarisation ratio profiles. For parts of the cloud system characterised by almost negligible multiple scattering the calculation of the particle backscatter coefficient profiles was possible using the lidar ratio information obtained from the in-situ measurements in ice-crystal cloud and water cloud.}, subject = {Aerosol}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Federici2014, author = {Federici, Simone}, title = {Gamma-ray studies of the young shell-type SNR RX J1713.7-3946}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71734}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {One of the most significant current discussions in Astrophysics relates to the origin of high-energy cosmic rays. According to our current knowledge, the abundance distribution of the elements in cosmic rays at their point of origin indicates, within plausible error limits, that they were initially formed by nuclear processes in the interiors of stars. It is also believed that their energy distribution up to 1018 eV has Galactic origins. But even though the knowledge about potential sources of cosmic rays is quite poor above „ 1015 eV, that is the "knee" of the cosmic-ray spectrum, up to the knee there seems to be a wide consensus that supernova remnants are the most likely candidates. Evidence of this comes from observations of non-thermal X-ray radiation, requiring synchrotron electrons with energies up to 1014 eV, exactly in the remnant of supernovae. To date, however, there is not conclusive evidence that they produce nuclei, the dominant component of cosmic rays, in addition to electrons. In light of this dearth of evidence, γ-ray observations from supernova remnants can offer the most promising direct way to confirm whether or not these astrophysical objects are indeed the main source of cosmic-ray nuclei below the knee. Recent observations with space- and ground-based observatories have established shell-type supernova remnants as GeV-to- TeV γ-ray sources. The interpretation of these observations is however complicated by the different radiation processes, leptonic and hadronic, that can produce similar fluxes in this energy band rendering ambiguous the nature of the emission itself. The aim of this work is to develop a deeper understanding of these radiation processes from a particular shell-type supernova remnant, namely RX J1713.7-3946, using observations of the LAT instrument onboard the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. Furthermore, to obtain accurate spectra and morphology maps of the emission associated with this supernova remnant, an improved model of the diffuse Galactic γ-ray emission background is developed. The analyses of RX J1713.7-3946 carried out with this improved background show that the hard Fermi-LAT spectrum cannot be ascribed to the hadronic emission, leading thus to the conclusion that the leptonic scenario is instead the most natural picture for the high-energy γ-ray emission of RX J1713.7-3946. The leptonic scenario however does not rule out the possibility that cosmic-ray nuclei are accelerated in this supernova remnant, but it suggests that the ambient density may not be high enough to produce a significant hadronic γ-ray emission. Further investigations involving other supernova remnants using the improved back- ground developed in this work could allow compelling population studies, and hence prove or disprove the origin of Galactic cosmic-ray nuclei in these astrophysical objects. A break- through regarding the identification of the radiation mechanisms could be lastly achieved with a new generation of instruments such as CTA.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wieland2015, author = {Wieland, Volkmar}, title = {Particle-in-cell simulations of perpendicular supernova shock fronts}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-74532}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 89}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The origin of cosmic rays was the subject of several studies for over a century. The investigations done within this dissertation are one small step to shed some more light on this mystery. Locating the sources of cosmic rays is not trivial due to the interstellar magnetic field. However, the Hillas criterion allows us to arrive at the conclusion that supernova remnants are our main suspect for the origin of galactic cosmic rays. The mechanism by which they are accelerating particles is found within the field of shock physics as diffusive shock acceleration. To allow particles to enter this process also known as Fermi acceleration pre-acceleration processes like shock surfing acceleration and shock drift acceleration are necessary. Investigating the processes happening in the plasma shocks of supernova remnants is possible by utilising a simplified model which can be simulated on a computer using Particle-in-Cell simulations. We developed a new and clean setup to simulate the formation of a double shock, i.e., consisting of a forward and a reverse shock and a contact discontinuity, by the collision of two counter-streaming plasmas, in which a magnetic field can be woven into. In a previous work, we investigated the processes at unmagnetised and at magnetised parallel shocks, whereas in the current work, we move our investigation on to magnetised perpendicular shocks. Due to a much stronger confinement of the particles to the collision region the perpendicular shock develops much faster than the parallel shock. On the other hand, this leads to much weaker turbulence. We are able to find indications for shock surfing acceleration and shock drift acceleration happening at the two shocks leading to populations of pre-accelerated particles that are suitable as a seed population to be injected into further diffusive shock acceleration to be accelerated to even higher energies. We observe the development of filamentary structures in the shock ramp of the forward shock, but not at the reverse shock. This leads to the conclusion that the development of such structures in the shock ramp of quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks might not necessarily be determined by the existence of a critical sonic Mach number but by a critical shock speed. The results of the investigations done within this dissertation might be useful for further studies of oblique shocks and for studies using hybrid or magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Together with more sophisticated observational methods, these studies will help to bring us closer to an answer as to how particles can be accelerated in supernova remnants and eventually become cosmic rays that can be detected on Earth.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shaw2024, author = {Shaw, Vasundhara}, title = {Cosmic-ray transport and signatures in their local environment}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62019}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620198}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The origin and structure of magnetic fields in the Galaxy are largely unknown. What is known is that they are essential for several astrophysical processes, in particular the propagation of cosmic rays. Our ability to describe the propagation of cosmic rays through the Galaxy is severely limited by the lack of observational data needed to probe the structure of the Galactic magnetic field on many different length scales. This is particularly true for modelling the propagation of cosmic rays into the Galactic halo, where our knowledge of the magnetic field is particularly poor. In the last decade, observations of the Galactic halo in different frequency regimes have revealed the existence of out-of-plane bubble emission in the Galactic halo. In gamma rays these bubbles have been termed Fermi bubbles with a radial extent of ≈ 3 kpc and an azimuthal height of ≈ 6 kpc. The radio counterparts of the Fermi bubbles were seen by both the S-PASS telescopes and the Planck satellite, and showed a clear spatial overlap. The X-ray counterparts of the Fermi bubbles were named eROSITA bubbles after the eROSITA satellite, with a radial width of ≈ 7 kpc and an azimuthal height of ≈ 14 kpc. Taken together, these observations suggest the presence of large extended Galactic Halo Bubbles (GHB) and have stimulated interest in exploring the less explored Galactic halo. In this thesis, a new toy model (GHB model) for the magnetic field and non-thermal electron distribution in the Galactic halo has been proposed. The new toy model has been used to produce polarised synchrotron emission sky maps. Chi-square analysis was used to compare the synthetic skymaps with the Planck 30 GHz polarised skymaps. The obtained constraints on the strength and azimuthal height were found to be in agreement with the S-PASS radio observations. The upper, lower and best-fit values obtained from the above chi-squared analysis were used to generate three separate toy models. These three models were used to propagate ultra-high energy cosmic rays. This study was carried out for two potential sources, Centaurus A and NGC 253, to produce magnification maps and arrival direction skymaps. The simulated arrival direction skymaps were found to be consistent with the hotspots of Centaurus A and NGC 253 as seen in the observed arrival direction skymaps provided by the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO). The turbulent magnetic field component of the GHB model was also used to investigate the extragalactic dipole suppression seen by PAO. UHECRs with an extragalactic dipole were forward-tracked through the turbulent GHB model at different field strengths. The suppression in the dipole due to the varying diffusion coefficient from the simulations was noted. The results could also be compared with an analytical analogy of electrostatics. The simulations of the extragalactic dipole suppression were in agreement with similar studies carried out for galactic cosmic rays.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steppa2022, author = {Steppa, Constantin Beverly}, title = {Modelling the galactic population of very-high-energy gamma-ray sources}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54947}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-549478}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {106}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The current generation of ground-based instruments has rapidly extended the limits of the range accessible to us with very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays, and more than a hundred sources have now been detected in the Milky Way. These sources represent only the tip of the iceberg, but their number has reached a level that allows population studies. In this work, a model of the global population of VHE gamma-ray sources based on the most comprehensive census of Galactic sources in this energy regime, the H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey (HGPS), will be presented. A population synthesis approach was followed in the construction of the model. Particular attention was paid to correcting for the strong observational bias inherent in the sample of detected sources. The methods developed for estimating the model parameters have been validated with extensive Monte Carlo simulations and will be shown to provide unbiased estimates of the model parameters. With these methods, five models for different spatial distributions of sources have been constructed. To test the validity of these models, their predictions for the composition of sources within the sensitivity range of the HGPS are compared with the observed sample. With one exception, similar results are obtained for all spatial distributions, showing that the observed longitude profile and the source distribution over photon flux are in fair agreement with observation. Regarding the latitude profile and the source distribution over angular extent, it becomes apparent that the model needs to be further adjusted to bring its predictions in agreement with observation. Based on the model, predictions of the global properties of the Galactic population of VHE gamma-ray sources and the prospects of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be presented. CTA will significantly increase our knowledge of VHE gamma-ray sources by lowering the threshold for source detection, primarily through a larger detection area compared to current-generation instruments. In ground-based gamma-ray astronomy, the sensitivity of an instrument depends strongly, in addition to the detection area, on the ability to distinguish images of air showers produced by gamma-rays from those produced by cosmic rays, which are a strong background. This means that the number of detectable sources depends on the background rejection algorithm used and therefore may also be increased by improving the performance of such algorithms. In this context, in addition to the population model, this work presents a study on the application of deep-learning techniques to the task of gamma-hadron separation in the analysis of data from ground-based gamma-ray instruments. Based on a systematic survey of different neural-network architectures, it is shown that robust classifiers can be constructed with competitive performance compared to the best existing algorithms. Despite the broad coverage of neural-network architectures discussed, only part of the potential offered by the application of deep-learning techniques to the analysis of gamma-ray data is exploited in the context of this study. Nevertheless, it provides an important basis for further research on this topic.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KranjcHorvat2022, author = {Kranjc Horvat, Anja}, title = {Particle physics in high-school education}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56026}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-560260}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {137}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Elementary particle physics is a contemporary topic in science that is slowly being integrated into high-school education. These new implementations are challenging teachers' professional knowledge worldwide. Therefore, physics education research is faced with two important questions, namely, how can particle physics be integrated in high-school physics curricula and how best to support teachers in enhancing their professional knowledge on particle physics. This doctoral research project set up to provide better guidelines for answering these two questions by conducting three studies on high-school particle physics education. First, an expert concept mapping study was conducted to elicit experts' expectations on what high-school students should learn about particle physics. Overall, 13 experts in particle physics, computing, and physics education participated in 9 concept mapping rounds. The broad knowledge base of the experts ensured that the final expert concept map covers all major particle physics aspects. Specifically, the final expert concept map includes 180 concepts and examples, connected with 266 links and crosslinks. Among them are also several links to students' prior knowledge in topics such as mechanics and thermodynamics. The high interconnectedness of the concepts shows possible opportunities for including particle physics as a context for other curricular topics. As such, the resulting expert concept map is showcased as a well-suited tool for teachers to scaffold their instructional practice. Second, a review of 27 high-school physics curricula was conducted. The review uncovered which concepts related to particle physics can be identified in most curricula. Each curriculum was reviewed by two reviewers that followed a codebook with 60 concepts related to particle physics. The analysis showed that most curricula mention cosmology, elementary particles, and charges, all of which are considered theoretical particle physics concepts. None of the experimental particle physics concepts appeared in more than half of the reviewed curricula. Additional analysis was done on two curricular subsets, namely curricula with and curricula without an explicit particle physics chapter. Curricula with an explicit particle physics chapter mention several additional explicit particle physics concepts, namely the Standard Model of particle physics, fundamental interactions, antimatter research, and particle accelerators. The latter is an example of experimental particle physics concepts. Additionally, the analysis revealed that, overall, most curricula include Nature of Science and history of physics, albeit both are typically used as context or as a tool for teaching, respectively. Third, a Delphi study was conducted to investigate stakeholders' expectations regarding what teachers should learn in particle physics professional development programmes. Over 100 stakeholders from 41 countries represented four stakeholder groups, namely physics education researchers, research scientists, government representatives, and high-school teachers. The study resulted in a ranked list of the 13 most important topics to be included in particle physics professional development programmes. The highest-ranked topics are cosmology, the Standard Model, and real-life applications of particle physics. All stakeholder groups agreed on the overall ranking of the topics. While the highest-ranked topics are again more theoretical, stakeholders also expect teachers to learn about experimental particle physics topics, which are ranked as medium importance topics. The three studies addressed two research aims of this doctoral project. The first research aim was to explore to what extent particle physics is featured in high-school physics curricula. The comparison of the outcomes of the curricular review and the expert concept map showed that curricula cover significantly less than what experts expect high-school students to learn about particle physics. For example, most curricula do not include concepts that could be classified as experimental particle physics. However, the strong connections between the different concept show that experimental particle physics can be used as context for theoretical particle physics concepts, Nature of Science, and other curricular topics. In doing so, particle physics can be introduced in classrooms even though it is not (yet) explicitly mentioned in the respective curriculum. The second research aim was to identify which aspects of content knowledge teachers are expected to learn about particle physics. The comparison of the Delphi study results to the outcomes of the curricular review and the expert concept map showed that stakeholders generally expect teachers to enhance their school knowledge as defined by the curricula. Furthermore, teachers are also expected to enhance their deeper school knowledge by learning how to connect concepts from their school knowledge to other concepts in particle physics and beyond. As such, professional development programmes that focus on enhancing teachers' school knowledge and deeper school knowledge best support teachers in building relevant context in their instruction. Overall, this doctoral research project reviewed the current state of high-school particle physics education and provided guidelines for future enhancements of the particle physics content in high-school student and teacher education. The outcomes of the project support further implementations of particle physics in high-school education both as explicit content and as context for other curricular topics. Furthermore, the mixed-methods approach and the outcomes of this research project lead to several implications for professional development programmes and science education research, that are discussed in the final chapters of this dissertation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Das2023, author = {Das, Samata}, title = {Modelling particle acceleration in core-collapse supernova remnants inside circumstellar wind-blown bubbles}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61414}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-614140}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {142}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Supernova remnants are considered to be the primary sources of galactic cosmic rays. These cosmic rays are assumed to be accelerated by the diffusive shock acceleration mechanism, specifically at shocks in the remnants. Particularly in the core-collapse scenario, these supernova remnant shocks expand inside the wind-blown bubbles structured by massive progenitors during their lifetime. Therefore, the complex environment of wind bubbles can influence the particle acceleration and radiation from the remnants. Further, the evolution of massive stars depends on their Zero Age Main Sequence mass, rotation, and metallicity. Consequently, the structures of the wind bubbles generated during the lifetime of massive stars should be considerably different. Hence, the particle acceleration in the core-collapse supernova remnants should vary, not only from the remnants evolving in the uniform environment but also from one another, depending on their progenitor stars. A core-collapse supernova remnant with a very massive 60 𝑀 ⊙ progenitor star has been considered to study the particle acceleration at the shock considering Bohm-like diffusion. This dissertation demonstrates the modification in particle acceleration and radiation while the remnant propagates through different regions of the wind bubble by impacts from the profiles of gas density, the temperature of the bubble and the magnetic field structure. Subsequently, in this thesis, I discuss the impacts of the non-identical ambient environment of core-collapse supernova remnants on particle spectra and the non-thermal emissions, considering 20 𝑀 ⊙ and 60 𝑀⊙ massive progenitors having different evolutionary tracks. Additionally, I also analyse the effect of cosmic ray streaming instabilities on particle spectra. To model the particle acceleration in the remnants, I have performed simulations in one-dimensional spherical symmetry using RATPaC code. The transport equation for cosmic rays and magnetic turbulence in test-particle approximation, along with the induction equation for the evolution of the large-scale magnetic field, have been solved simultaneously with the hydrodynamic equations for the expansion of remnants inside the pre-supernova circumstellar medium. The results from simulations describe that the spectra of accelerated particles in supernova remnants are regulated by density fluctuations, temperature variations, the large-scale magnetic field configuration and scattering turbulence. Although the diffusive shock acceleration mechanism at supernova remnant shock predicts the spectral index of 2 for the accelerated non-thermal particles, I have obtained the particle spectra that deviate from this prediction, in the core-collapse scenario. I have found that the particle spectral index reaches 2.5 for the supernova remnant with 60 𝑀 ⊙ progenitor when the remnant resides inside the shocked wind region of the wind bubble, and this softness persists at later evolutionary stages even with Bohm-like diffusion for accelerated particles. However, the supernova remnant with 20 𝑀 ⊙ progenitor does not demonstrate persistent softness in particle spectra from the influence of the hydrodynamics of the corresponding wind bubble. At later stages of evolution, the particle spectra illustrate softness at higher energies for both remnants as the consequence of the escape of high-energy particles from the remnants while considering the cosmic ray streaming instabilities. Finally, I have probed the emission morphology of remnants that varies depending on the progenitors, particularly in earlier evolutionary stages. This dissertation provides insight into different core-collapse remnants expanding inside wind bubbles, for instance, the calculated gamma-ray spectral index from the supernova remnant with 60 𝑀 ⊙ progenitor at later evolutionary stages is consistent with that of the observed supernova remnants expanding in dense molecular clouds.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pfrang2023, author = {Pfrang, Konstantin Johannes}, title = {Search for light primordial black holes with VERITAS using gamma γ-ray and optical observations}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58726}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-587266}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) is an array of four imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). VERITAS is sensitive to very-high-energy gamma-rays in the range of 100 GeV to >30 TeV. Hypothesized primordial black holes (PBHs) are attractive targets for IACTs. If they exist, their potential cosmological impact reaches beyond the candidacy for constituents of dark matter. The sublunar mass window is the largest unconstrained range of PBH masses. This thesis aims to develop novel concepts searching for light PBHs with VERITAS. PBHs below the sublunar window lose mass due to Hawking radiation. They would evaporate at the end of their lifetime, leading to a short burst of gamma-rays. If PBHs formed at about 10^15 g, the evaporation would occur nowadays. Detecting these signals might not only confirm the existence of PBHs but also prove the theory of Hawking radiation. This thesis probes archival VERITAS data recorded between 2012 and 2021 for possible PBH signals. This work presents a new automatic approach to assess the quality of the VERITAS data. The array-trigger rate and far infrared temperature are well suited to identify periods with poor data quality. These are masked by time cuts to obtain a consistent and clean dataset which contains about 4222 hours. The PBH evaporations could occur at any location in the field of view or time within this data. Only a blind search can be performed to identify these short signals. This thesis implements a data-driven deep learning based method to search for short transient signals with VERITAS. It does not depend on the modelling of the effective area and radial acceptance. This work presents the first application of this method to actual observational IACT data. This thesis develops new concepts dealing with the specifics of the data and the transient detection method. These are reflected in the developed data preparation pipeline and search strategies. After correction for trial factors, no candidate PBH evaporation is found in the data. Thus, new constraints of the local rate of PBH evaporations are derived. At the 99\% confidence limit it is below <1.07 * 10^5 pc^-3 yr^-1. This constraint with the new, independent analysis approach is in the range of existing limits for the evaporation rate. This thesis also investigates an alternative novel approach to searching for PBHs with IACTs. Above the sublunar window, the PBH abundance is constrained by optical microlensing studies. The sampling speed, which is of order of minutes to hours for traditional optical telescopes, is a limiting factor in expanding the limits to lower masses. IACTs are also powerful instruments for fast transient optical astronomy with up to O(ns) sampling. This thesis investigates whether IACTs might constrain the sublunar window with optical microlensing observations. This study confirms that, in principle, the fast sampling speed might allow extending microlensing searches into the sublunar mass window. However, the limiting factor for IACTs is the modest sensitivity to detect changes in optical fluxes. This thesis presents the expected rate of detectable events for VERITAS as well as prospects of possible future next-generation IACTs. For VERITAS, the rate of detectable microlensing events in the sublunar range is ~10^-6 per year of observation time. The future prospects for a 100 times more sensitive instrument are at ~0.05 events per year.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brose2020, author = {Brose, Robert}, title = {From dawn till dusk}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47086}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-470865}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 146}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Supernova remnants are believed to be the source of cosmic rays with energies up to 10^15 eV that are produced within our Galaxy. The acceleration mechanism associated with the collision-less shocks in supernova remnants - diffusive shock acceleration - predicts a spectral index of the accelerated non-thermal particles of s = 2. However, measurements of non-thermal emission in radio, X-rays and gamma-rays reveal significant deviations of the particles spectral index from the canonical value of s = 2. The youngest Galactic supernova remnant G1.9+0.3 is an interesting target for next-generation gamma-ray observatories. So far, the remnant is only detected in the radio and the X-ray bands, but its young age of ≈100 yrs and inferred shock speed of ≈ 14, 000 km/s could make it an efficient particle accelerator. I performed spherical symmetric 1D simulations with the RATPaC code, in which I simultaneously solved the transport equation for cosmic rays, the transport equation for magnetic turbulence, and the hydro-dynamical equations for the gas flow. Separately computed distributions of the particles accelerated at the forward and the reverse shock were then used to calculate the spectra of synchrotron, inverse Compton, and Pion-decay radiation from the source. The emission from G1.9+0.3 can be self-consistently explained within the test-particle limit. I find that the X-ray flux is dominated by emission from the forward shock while most of the radio emission originates near the reverse shock, which makes G1.9+0.3 the first remnant with non-thermal radiation detected from the reverse shock. The flux of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from G1.9+0.3 is expected to be close to the sensitivity threshold of the Cherenkov Telescope Array. The limited time available to grow large-scale turbulence limits the maximum energy of particles to values below 100 TeV, hence G1.9+0.3 is not a PeVatron. Although there are many models for the acceleration of cosmic rays in Supernova remnants, the escape of cosmic rays from these sources is yet understudied. I use our time-dependent acceleration code RATPaC to study the acceleration of cosmic rays and their escape in post-adiabatic Supernova remnants and calculate the subsequent gamma-ray emission from inverse-Compton scattering and Pion decay. My simulations span 100,000 years, thus covering the free-expansion, the Sedov-Taylor, and the beginning of the post-adiabatic phase of the remnant's evolution. At later stages of the evolution cosmic rays over a wide range of energy can reside outside of the remnant, creating spectra that are softer than predicted by standard diffusive shock acceleration and feature breaks in the 10 - 100 GeV-range. The total spectrum of cosmic rays released into the interstellar medium has a spectral index of s ≈ 2.4 above roughly 10 GeV which is close to that required by Galactic propagation models. I further find the gamma-ray luminosity to peak around an age of 4,000 years for inverse-Compton-dominated high-energy emission. Remnants expanding in low-density media emit generally more inverse-Compton radiation matching the fact that the brightest known supernova remnants - RCW86, Vela Jr, HESSJ1721-347 and RXJ1713.7-3946 - are all expanding in low density environments. The importance of feedback from the cosmic-rays on the hydrodynamical evolution of the remnants is debated as a possibility to obtain soft cosmic-ray spectra at low energies. I performed spherically symmetric 1-D simulations with a modified version of the RATPaC code, in which I simultaneously solve the transport equation for cosmic rays and the hydrodynamical equations, including the back-reaction of the cosmic-ray pressure on the flow profiles. Besides the known modification of the flow profiles and the consequently curved cosmic-ray spectra, steady-state models for non-linear diffusive shock acceleration overpredict the total compression ratio that can be reached with cosmic-ray feedback, as there is limited time for building these modifications. Further, I find modifications to the downstream flow structure that change the evolutionary behavior of the remnant and trigger a cosmic-ray-induced instability close to the contact discontinuity, if and when the cosmic-ray pressure becomes dominant there.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hakansson2017, author = {H{\aa}kansson, Nils}, title = {A Dark Matter line search using 3D-modeling of Cherenkov showers below 10 TeV with VERITAS}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-397670}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {107, xxxvi}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Dark matter, DM, has not yet been directly observed, but it has a very solid theoretical basis. There are observations that provide indirect evidence, like galactic rotation curves that show that the galaxies are rotating too fast to keep their constituent parts, and galaxy clusters that bends the light coming from behind-lying galaxies more than expected with respect to the mass that can be calculated from what can be visibly seen. These observations, among many others, can be explained with theories that include DM. The missing piece is to detect something that can exclusively be explained by DM. Direct observation in a particle accelerator is one way and indirect detection using telescopes is another. This thesis is focused on the latter method. The Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, V ERITAS, is a telescope array that detects Cherenkov radiation. Theory predicts that DM particles annihilate into, e.g., a γγ pair and create a distinctive energy spectrum when detected by such telescopes, e.i., a monoenergetic line at the same energy as the particle mass. This so called "smoking-gun" signature is sought with a sliding window line search within the sub-range ∼ 0.3 - 10 TeV of the VERITAS energy range, ∼ 0.01 - 30 TeV. Standard analysis within the VERITAS collaboration uses Hillas analysis and look-up tables, acquired by analysing particle simulations, to calculate the energy of the particle causing the Cherenkov shower. In this thesis, an improved analysis method has been used. Modelling each shower as a 3Dgaussian should increase the energy recreation quality. Five dwarf spheroidal galaxies were chosen as targets with a total of ∼ 224 hours of data. The targets were analysed individually and stacked. Particle simulations were based on two simulation packages, CARE and GrISU. Improvements have been made to the energy resolution and bias correction, up to a few percent each, in comparison to standard analysis. Nevertheless, no line with a relevant significance has been detected. The most promising line is at an energy of ∼ 422 GeV with an upper limit cross section of 8.10 · 10^-24 cm^3 s^-1 and a significance of ∼ 2.73 σ, before trials correction and ∼ 1.56 σ after. Upper limit cross sections have also been calculated for the γγ annihilation process and four other outcomes. The limits are in line with current limits using other methods, from ∼ 8.56 · 10^-26 - 6.61 · 10^-23 cm^3s^-1. Future larger telescope arrays, like the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array, CTA, will provide better results with the help of this analysis method.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Imperia2002, author = {Imperia, Paolo}, title = {Localised states in organic semiconductors and their detection}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000477}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2002}, abstract = {In den letzten Jahren ist eine Vielzahl neuer organischer Polymere und niedermolekularer Verbindungen synthetisiert worden, die sich als aktive Komponente f{\"u}r Elektrolumineszenz-Bauelemente und andere elektronische Anwendungen eignen. Trotz der großen technologischen Bedeutung und des erheblichen Fortschrittes, der bei der Herstellung solcher Materialien erzielt worden ist, sind grundlegende physikalische Eigenschaften dieser Materialklassen noch nicht ausreichend erforscht. Insbesondere das Auftreten lokalisierter Zust{\"a}nde innerhalb der Bandl{\"u}cke hat besondere Bedeutung f{\"u}r ihre elektronischen Eigenschaften. Sowohl die Pr{\"a}senz dieser flachen traps (Fallen, L{\"o}cher) als auch der Einfluß der Herstellungsbedingungen auf die tiefen und flachen lokalisierten Zust{\"a}nde wurden bisher nicht systematisch untersucht. Thermische Techniken sind wichtige Methoden, um lokalisierte Niveaus in organischen und anorganischen Materialien zu erforschen. Themisch-Stimulierte Lumineszenz (TSL), Thermisch-Stimulierte Str{\"o}me (TSC) und Thermisch-Stimulierte Depolarisierte Str{\"o}me (TSDC) erm{\"o}glichen die Untersuchung flacher und tiefer traps; in Verbindung mit DiElektrischer Spektroskopie (DES) k{\"o}nnen außerdem Polarisations- und Depolarisationseffekte studiert werden. Mit Hilfe numerischer Simulationen haben wir die kinetischen Gleichungen erster und zweiter Ordnung untersucht, die sich durch schwaches bzw. starkes Wieder-Fangen beschreiben lassen. In diesen Gleichungen haben wir Gaussian-, exponentielle und quasi-kontinuierliche Verteilungen von lokalisierten Zust{\"a}nde ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Durch Ver{\"a}nderung der beiden wichtigsten Parameter (Tiefe der traps E und H{\"a}ufigkeit) konnte die Form der thermischen Maxima untersucht werden. Auch die die Gaussian-Verteilung bestimmenden Faktoren wurden ver{\"a}ndert. Diese theoretischen Ergebnisse wurden auf die experimentellen Glow-Kurven angewandt. D{\"u}nne Filme aus polymeren und niedermolekularen Verbindungen (Polyphenylquinoxaline, Trisphenylquinoxaline und Oxadiazole), die wegen ihrer technologischen Bedeutung ausgew{\"a}hlt wurden, zeigen komplexes thermisches Verhalten. Insbesondere hoch geordnete Filme eines amphiphil substituierten 2-(p-nitrophenyl)-5-(p-undecylamidophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazols (NADPO) zeichnen sich durch komplexe TSL-Diagramme aus. Im Bereich von Em = 4 meV wurde eine Region flacher traps gefunden. Zwei weitere TSL-Maxima treten bei Tm = 221.5 K bzw. Tm = 254.2 K auf. Sie besitzen Aktivierungsenergien von Em= 0.63 eV bzw. Em = 0.66 eV, ihre Frequenzfaktoren betragen s = 2.4x1012 s-1 bzw. s = 1.85x1011 s-1, sie zeigen Breiten der Verteilung von s = 0.045 eV bzw. s = 0.088 eV. Des weiteren zeigt diese Arbeit, daß die Form der Glow-Kurven stark von der Anregungstemperatur und vom thermischen Kreislauf beeinflußt wird.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schubert2014, author = {Schubert, Marcel}, title = {Elementary processes in layers of electron transporting Donor-acceptor copolymers : investigation of charge transport and application to organic solar cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70791}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymers have revolutionized the field of organic electronics over the last decade. Comprised of a electron rich and an electron deficient molecular unit, these copolymers facilitate the systematic modification of the material's optoelectronic properties. The ability to tune the optical band gap and to optimize the molecular frontier orbitals as well as the manifold of structural sites that enable chemical modifications has created a tremendous variety of copolymer structures. Today, these materials reach or even exceed the performance of amorphous inorganic semiconductors. Most impressively, the charge carrier mobility of D-A copolymers has been pushed to the technologically important value of 10 cm^{2}V^{-1}s^{-1}. Furthermore, owed to their enormous variability they are the material of choice for the donor component in organic solar cells, which have recently surpassed the efficiency threshold of 10\%. Because of the great number of available D-A copolymers and due to their fast chemical evolution, there is a significant lack of understanding of the fundamental physical properties of these materials. Furthermore, the complex chemical and electronic structure of D-A copolymers in combination with their semi-crystalline morphology impede a straightforward identification of the microscopic origin of their superior performance. In this thesis, two aspects of prototype D-A copolymers were analysed. These are the investigation of electron transport in several copolymers and the application of low band gap copolymers as acceptor component in organic solar cells. In the first part, the investigation of a series of chemically modified fluorene-based copolymers is presented. The charge carrier mobility varies strongly between the different derivatives, although only moderate structural changes on the copolymers structure were made. Furthermore, rather unusual photocurrent transients were observed for one of the copolymers. Numerical simulations of the experimental results reveal that this behavior arises from a severe trapping of electrons in an exponential distribution of trap states. Based on the comparison of simulation and experiment, the general impact of charge carrier trapping on the shape of photo-CELIV and time-of-flight transients is discussed. In addition, the high performance naphthalenediimide (NDI)-based copolymer P(NDI2OD-T2) was characterized. It is shown that the copolymer posses one of the highest electron mobilities reported so far, which makes it attractive to be used as the electron accepting component in organic photovoltaic cells.\par Solar cells were prepared from two NDI-containing copolymers, blended with the hole transporting polymer P3HT. I demonstrate that the use of appropriate, high boiling point solvents can significantly increase the power conversion efficiency of these devices. Spectroscopic studies reveal that the pre-aggregation of the copolymers is suppressed in these solvents, which has a strong impact on the blend morphology. Finally, a systematic study of P3HT:P(NDI2OD-T2) blends is presented, which quantifies the processes that limit the efficiency of devices. The major loss channel for excited states was determined by transient and steady state spectroscopic investigations: the majority of initially generated electron-hole pairs is annihilated by an ultrafast geminate recombination process. Furthermore, exciton self-trapping in P(NDI2OD-T2) domains account for an additional reduction of the efficiency. The correlation of the photocurrent to microscopic morphology parameters was used to disclose the factors that limit the charge generation efficiency. Our results suggest that the orientation of the donor and acceptor crystallites relative to each other represents the main factor that determines the free charge carrier yield in this material system. This provides an explanation for the overall low efficiencies that are generally observed in all-polymer solar cells.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pingel2013, author = {Pingel, Patrick}, title = {Morphology, charge transport properties, and molecular doping of thiophene-based organic semiconducting thin films}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69805}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Organic semiconductors combine the benefits of organic materials, i.e., low-cost production, mechanical flexibility, lightweight, and robustness, with the fundamental semiconductor properties light absorption, emission, and electrical conductivity. This class of material has several advantages over conventional inorganic semiconductors that have led, for instance, to the commercialization of organic light-emitting diodes which can nowadays be found in the displays of TVs and smartphones. Moreover, organic semiconductors will possibly lead to new electronic applications which rely on the unique mechanical and electrical properties of these materials. In order to push the development and the success of organic semiconductors forward, it is essential to understand the fundamental processes in these materials. This thesis concentrates on understanding how the charge transport in thiophene-based semiconductor layers depends on the layer morphology and how the charge transport properties can be intentionally modified by doping these layers with a strong electron acceptor. By means of optical spectroscopy, the layer morphologies of poly(3-hexylthiophene), P3HT, P3HT-fullerene bulk heterojunction blends, and oligomeric polyquaterthiophene, oligo-PQT-12, are studied as a function of temperature, molecular weight, and processing conditions. The analyses rely on the decomposition of the absorption contributions from the ordered and the disordered parts of the layers. The ordered-phase spectra are analyzed using Spano's model. It is figured out that the fraction of aggregated chains and the interconnectivity of these domains is fundamental to a high charge carrier mobility. In P3HT layers, such structures can be grown with high-molecular weight, long P3HT chains. Low and medium molecular weight P3HT layers do also contain a significant amount of chain aggregates with high intragrain mobility; however, intergranular connectivity and, therefore, efficient macroscopic charge transport are absent. In P3HT-fullerene blend layers, a highly crystalline morphology that favors the hole transport and the solar cell efficiency can be induced by annealing procedures and the choice of a high-boiling point processing solvent. Based on scanning near-field and polarization optical microscopy, the morphology of oligo-PQT-12 layers is found to be highly crystalline which explains the rather high field-effect mobility in this material as compared to low molecular weight polythiophene fractions. On the other hand, crystalline dislocations and grain boundaries are identified which clearly limit the charge carrier mobility in oligo-PQT-12 layers. The charge transport properties of organic semiconductors can be widely tuned by molecular doping. Indeed, molecular doping is a key to highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes and solar cells. Despite this vital role, it is still not understood how mobile charge carriers are induced into the bulk semiconductor upon the doping process. This thesis contains a detailed study of the doping mechanism and the electrical properties of P3HT layers which have been p-doped by the strong molecular acceptor tetrafluorotetracyanoquinodimethane, F4TCNQ. The density of doping-induced mobile holes, their mobility, and the electrical conductivity are characterized in a broad range of acceptor concentrations. A long-standing debate on the nature of the charge transfer between P3HT and F4TCNQ is resolved by showing that almost every F4TCNQ acceptor undergoes a full-electron charge transfer with a P3HT site. However, only 5\% of these charge transfer pairs can dissociate and induce a mobile hole into P3HT which contributes electrical conduction. Moreover, it is shown that the left-behind F4TCNQ ions broaden the density-of-states distribution for the doping-induced mobile holes, which is due to the longrange Coulomb attraction in the low-permittivity organic semiconductors.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bange2009, author = {Bange, Sebastian}, title = {Transient optical and electrical effects in polymeric semiconductors}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-36314}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Classical semiconductor physics has been continuously improving electronic components such as diodes, light-emitting diodes, solar cells and transistors based on highly purified inorganic crystals over the past decades. Organic semiconductors, notably polymeric, are a comparatively young field of research, the first light-emitting diode based on conjugated polymers having been demonstrated in 1990. Polymeric semiconductors are of tremendous interest for high-volume, low-cost manufacturing ("printed electronics"). Due to their rather simple device structure mostly comprising only one or two functional layers, polymeric diodes are much more difficult to optimize compared to small-molecular organic devices. Usually, functions such as charge injection and transport are handled by the same material which thus needs to be highly optimized. The present work contributes to expanding the knowledge on the physical mechanisms determining device performance by analyzing the role of charge injection and transport on device efficiency for blue and white-emitting devices, based on commercially relevant spiro-linked polyfluorene derivatives. It is shown that such polymers can act as very efficient electron conductors and that interface effects such as charge trapping play the key role in determining the overall device efficiency. This work contributes to the knowledge of how charges drift through the polymer layer to finally find neutral emissive trap states and thus allows a quantitative prediction of the emission color of multichromophoric systems, compatible with the observed color shifts upon driving voltage and temperature variation as well as with electrical conditioning effects. In a more methodically oriented part, it is demonstrated that the transient device emission observed upon terminating the driving voltage can be used to monitor the decay of geminately-bound species as well as to determine trapped charge densities. This enables direct comparisons with numerical simulations based on the known properties of charge injection, transport and recombination. The method of charge extraction under linear increasing voltages (CELIV) is investigated in some detail, correcting for errors in the published approach and highlighting the role of non-idealized conditions typically present in experiments. An improved method is suggested to determine the field dependence of charge mobility in a more accurate way. Finally, it is shown that the neglect of charge recombination has led to a misunderstanding of experimental results in terms of a time-dependent mobility relaxation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Inal2013, author = {Inal, Sahika}, title = {Responsive polymers for optical sensing applications}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70806}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {LCST-type synthetic thermoresponsive polymers can reversibly respond to certain stimuli in aqueous media with a massive change of their physical state. When fluorophores, that are sensitive to such changes, are incorporated into the polymeric structure, the response can be translated into a fluorescence signal. Based on this idea, this thesis presents sensing schemes which transduce the stimuli-induced variations in the solubility of polymer chains with covalently-bound fluorophores into a well-detectable fluorescence output. Benefiting from the principles of different photophysical phenomena, i.e. of fluorescence resonance energy transfer and solvatochromism, such fluorescent copolymers enabled monitoring of stimuli such as the solution temperature and ionic strength, but also of association/disassociation mechanisms with other macromolecules or of biochemical binding events through remarkable changes in their fluorescence properties. For instance, an aqueous ratiometric dual sensor for temperature and salts was developed, relying on the delicate supramolecular assembly of a thermoresponsive copolymer with a thiophene-based conjugated polyelectrolyte. Alternatively, by taking advantage of the sensitivity of solvatochromic fluorophores, an increase in solution temperature or the presence of analytes was signaled as an enhancement of the fluorescence intensity. A simultaneous use of the sensitivity of chains towards the temperature and a specific antibody allowed monitoring of more complex phenomena such as competitive binding of analytes. The use of different thermoresponsive polymers, namely poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and poly(meth)acrylates bearing oligo(ethylene glycol) side chains, revealed that the responsive polymers differed widely in their ability to perform a particular sensing function. In order to address questions regarding the impact of the chemical structure of the host polymer on the sensing performance, the macromolecular assembly behavior below and above the phase transition temperature was evaluated by a combination of fluorescence and light scattering methods. It was found that although the temperature-triggered changes in the macroscopic absorption characteristics were similar for these polymers, properties such as the degree of hydration or the extent of interchain aggregations differed substantially. Therefore, in addition to the demonstration of strategies for fluorescence-based sensing with thermoresponsive polymers, this work highlights the role of the chemical structure of the two popular thermoresponsive polymers on the fluorescence response. The results are fundamentally important for the rational choice of polymeric materials for a specific sensing strategy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ksianzou2010, author = {Ksianzou, Viachaslau}, title = {Second-order nonlinear optical interactions and cascading effects in thinorganic films}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-49186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The presented work describes new concepts of fast switching elements based on principles of photonics. The waveguides working in visible and infra-red ranges are put in a basis of these elements. And as materials for manufacturing of waveguides the transparent polymers, dopped by molecules of the dyes possessing second order nonlinear-optical properties are proposed. The work shows how nonlinear-optical processes in such structures can be implemented by electro-optical and opto-optical control circuit signals. In this paper we consider the complete cycle of fabrication of several types of integral photonic elements. The theoretical analysis of high-intensity beam propagation in media with second-order optical nonlinearity is performed. Quantitative estimations of necessary conditions of occurrence of the nonlinear-optical phenomena of the second order taking into account properties of used materials are made. The paper describes the various stages of manufacture of the basic structure of the integrated photonics: a planar waveguide. Using the finite element method the structure of the electromagnetic field inside the waveguide in different modes was analysed. A separate part of the work deals with the creation of composite organic materials with high optical nonlinearity. Using the methods of quantum chemistry, the dependence of nonlinear properties of dye molecules from its structure were investigated in details. In addition, the paper discusses various methods of inducing of an optical nonlinearity in dye-doping of polymer films. In the work, for the first time is proposed the use of spatial modulation of nonlinear properties of waveguide according Fibonacci law. This allows involving several different nonlinear optical processes simultaneously. The final part of the work describes various designs of integrated optical modulators and switches constructed of organic nonlinear optical waveguides. A practical design of the optical modulator based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer made by a photolithography on polymer film is presented.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yin2009, author = {Yin, Chunhong}, title = {The interplay of nanostructure and efficiency of polymer solar cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-29054}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The aim of this thesis is to achieve a deep understanding of the working mechanism of polymer based solar cells and to improve the device performance. Two types of the polymer based solar cells are studied here: all-polymer solar cells comprising macromolecular donors and acceptors based on poly(p-phenylene vinylene) and hybrid cells comprising a PPV copolymer in combination with a novel small molecule electron acceptor. To understand the interplay between morphology and photovoltaic properties in all-polymer devices, I compared the photocurrent characteristics and excited state properties of bilayer and blend devices with different nano-morphology, which was fine tuned by using solvents with different boiling points. The main conclusion from these complementary measurements was that the performance-limiting step is the field-dependent generation of free charge carriers, while bimolecular recombination and charge extraction do not compromise device performance. These findings imply that the proper design of the donor-acceptor heterojunction is of major importance towards the goal of high photovoltaic efficiencies. Regarding polymer-small molecular hybrid solar cells I combined the hole-transporting polymer M3EH-PPV with a novel Vinazene-based electron acceptor. This molecule can be either deposited from solution or by thermal evaporation, allowing for a large variety of layer architectures to be realized. I then demonstrated that the layer architecture has a large influence on the photovoltaic properties. Solar cells with very high fill factors of up to 57 \% and an open circuit voltage of 1V could be achieved by realizing a sharp and well-defined donor-acceptor heterojunction. In the past, fill factors exceeding 50 \% have only been observed for polymers in combination with soluble fullerene-derivatives or nanocrystalline inorganic semiconductors as the electron-accepting component. The finding that proper processing of polymer-vinazene devices leads to similar high values is a major step towards the design of efficient polymer-based solar cells.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xue2004, author = {X{\"u}, Chenggang}, title = {Preparation and characterization of vapour deposited films based on substituted 2,5-diphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001358}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Einfluss der molekularen Struktur von 2,5-Diphenyl-1,3,4-Oxadiazol-Derivaten auf die Pr{\"a}parierung d{\"u}nner Schichten mittels Vakuumdeposition. D{\"u}nne Schichten von diesen Substanzen wurden auf Si/SiO2 aufgedampft und ihre Struktur systematisch mittels XSR, AFM und IR untersucht. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass die Schichtstrukturen offenbar von Substratetemperatur (Ts) abh{\"a}ngig sind. Im untersuchten Ts-Bereich bilden etherverbr{\"u}ckte Oxadiazole immer geordnete Schichten und die Schichtperiodicit{\"a}t h{\"a}ngt linear von der L{\"a}ngen der aliphatischen Ketten, w{\"a}hrend sich bei den amidverbr{\"u}ckten Oxadiazolen nur bei hohen Ts geordnete Schichten bilden k{\"o}nnen. Diese Unterschiede sind auf die intermolekularen Wasserstoffbr{\"u}cken zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Der Tilt-Winkel der Molek{\"u}le ist durch die Wechselwirkung zwischen dem aromatischen Teil bestimmt. Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Kopfgruppen k{\"o}nnen durch Tempern abgeschw{\"a}cht werden und f{\"u}hren zur Strukturumwandlung von Schichten, die auf etherverbr{\"u}ckten Oxadiazolen basieren. Alle Schichten von etherverbr{\"u}ckten Oxadiazolen haben Doppelschicht-Struktur, aber amidverbr{\"u}ckte Oxadiazole bilden nur Doppelschicht-Strukturen, wenn die Molek{\"u}le eine Kopfgruppe besitzen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2020, author = {Wang, Jingwen}, title = {Electret properties of polypropylene with surface chemical modification and crystalline reconstruction}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47027}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-470271}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 121}, year = {2020}, abstract = {As one of the most-produced commodity polymers, polypropylene draws considerable scientific and commercial interest as an electret material. In the present thesis, the influence of the surface chemical modification and crystalline reconstruction on the electret properties of the polypropylene thin films will be discussed. The chemical treatment with orthophosphoric acid can significantly improve the surface charge stability of the polypropylene electrets by introducing phosphorus- and oxygen-containing structures onto the modified surface. The thermally stimulated discharge measurement and charge profiling by means of piezoelectrically generated pressure steps are used to investigate the electret behaviour. It is concluded that deep traps of limited number density are created during the treatment with inorganic chemicals. Hence, the improvement dramatically decreases when the surface-charge density is substantially higher than ±1.2×10^(-3) C·m^(-2). The newly formed traps also show a higher trapping energy for negative charges. The energetic distributions of the traps in the non-treated and chemically treated samples offer an insight regarding the surface and foreign-chemical dominance on the charge storage and transport in the polypropylene electrets. Additionally, different electret properties are observed on the polypropylene films with the spherulitic and transcrystalline structures. It indicates the dependence of the charge storage and transport on the crystallite and molecular orientations in the crystalline phase. In general, a more diverse crystalline growth in the spherulitic samples can result in a more complex energetic trap distribution, in comparison to that in a transcrystalline polypropylene. The double-layer transcrystalline polypropylene film with a crystalline interface in the middle can be obtained by crystallising the film in contact with rough moulding surfaces on both sides. A layer of heterocharges appears on each side of the interface in the double-layer transcrystalline polypropylene electrets after the thermal poling. However, there is no charge captured within the transcrystalline layers. The phenomenon reveals the importance of the crystalline interface in terms of creating traps with the higher activation energy in polypropylene. The present studies highlight the fact that even slight variations in the polypropylene film may lead to dramatic differences in its electret properties.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Canil2021, author = {Canil, Laura}, title = {Tuning Interfacial Properties in Perovskite Solar Cells through Defined Molecular Assemblies}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54633}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-546333}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 157}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In the frame of a world fighting a dramatic global warming caused by human-related activities, research towards the development of renewable energies plays a crucial role. Solar energy is one of the most important clean energy sources and its role in the satisfaction of the global energy demand is set to increase. In this context, a particular class of materials captured the attention of the scientific community for its attractive properties: halide perovskites. Devices with perovskite as light-absorber saw an impressive development within the last decade, reaching nowadays efficiencies comparable to mature photovoltaic technologies like silicon solar cells. Yet, there are still several roadblocks to overcome before a wide-spread commercialization of this kind of devices is enabled. One of the critical points lies at the interfaces: perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are made of several layers with different chemical and physical features. In order for the device to function properly, these properties have to be well-matched. This dissertation deals with some of the challenges related to interfaces in PSCs, with a focus on the interface between the perovskite material itself and the subsequent charge transport layer. In particular, molecular assemblies with specific properties are deposited on the perovskite surface to functionalize it. The functionalization results in energy level alignment adjustment, interfacial losses reduction, and stability improvement. First, a strategy to tune the perovskite's energy levels is introduced: self-assembled monolayers of dipolar molecules are used to functionalize the surface, obtaining simultaneously a shift in the vacuum level position and a saturation of the dangling bonds at the surface. A shift in the vacuum level corresponds to an equal change in work function, ionization energy, and electron affinity. The direction of the shift depends on the direction of the collective interfacial dipole. The magnitude of the shift can be tailored by controlling the deposition parameters, such as the concentration of the solution used for the deposition. The shift for different molecules is characterized by several non-invasive techniques, including in particular Kelvin probe. Overall, it is shown that it is possible to shift the perovskite energy levels in both directions by several hundreds of meV. Moreover, interesting insights on the molecules deposition dynamics are revealed. Secondly, the application of this strategy in perovskite solar cells is explored. Devices with different perovskite compositions ("triple cation perovskite" and MAPbBr3) are prepared. The two resulting model systems present different energetic offsets at the perovskite/hole-transport layer interface. Upon tailored perovskite surface functionalization, the devices show a stabilized open circuit voltage (Voc) enhancement of approximately 60 meV on average for devices with MAPbBr3, while the impact is limited on triple-cation solar cells. This suggests that the proposed energy level tuning method is valid, but its effectiveness depends on factors such as the significance of the energetic offset compared to the other losses in the devices. Finally, the above presented method is further developed by incorporating the ability to interact with the perovskite surface directly into a novel hole-transport material (HTM), named PFI. The HTM can anchor to the perovskite halide ions via halogen bonding (XB). Its behaviour is compared to that of another HTM (PF) with same chemical structure and properties, except for the ability of forming XB. The interaction of perovskite with PFI and PF is characterized through UV-Vis, atomic force microscopy and Kelvin probe measurements combined with simulations. Compared to PF, PFI exhibits enhanced resilience against solvent exposure and improved energy level alignment with the perovskite layer. As a consequence, devices comprising PFI show enhanced Voc and operational stability during maximum-power-point tracking, in addition to hysteresis reduction. XB promotes the formation of a high-quality interface by anchoring to the halide ions and forming a stable and ordered interfacial layer, showing to be a particularly interesting candidate for the development of tailored charge transport materials in PSCs. Overall, the results exposed in this dissertation introduce and discuss a versatile tool to functionalize the perovskite surface and tune its energy levels. The application of this method in devices is explored and insights on its challenges and advantages are given. Within this frame, the results shed light on XB as ideal interaction for enhancing stability and efficiency in perovskite-based devices.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kegelmann2019, author = {Kegelmann, Lukas}, title = {Advancing charge selective contacts for efficient monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42642}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426428}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 155}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are one of the most promising material classes for photovoltaic energy conversion. In solar cells, the perovskite absorber is sandwiched between n- and p-type contact layers which selectively transport electrons and holes to the cell's cathode and anode, respectively. This thesis aims to advance contact layers in perovskite solar cells and unravel the impact of interface and contact properties on the device performance. Further, the contact materials are applied in monolithic perovskite-silicon heterojunction (SHJ) tandem solar cells, which can overcome the single junction efficiency limits and attract increasing attention. Therefore, all contact layers must be highly transparent to foster light harvesting in the tandem solar cell design. Besides, the SHJ device restricts processing temperatures for the selective contacts to below 200°C. A comparative study of various electron selective contact materials, all processed below 180°C, in n-i-p type perovskite solar cells highlights that selective contacts and their interfaces to the absorber govern the overall device performance. Combining fullerenes and metal-oxides in a TiO2/PC60BM (phenyl-C60-butyric acid methyl ester) double-layer contact allows to merge good charge extraction with minimized interface recombination. The layer sequence thereby achieved high stabilized solar cell performances up to 18.0\% and negligible current-voltage hysteresis, an otherwise pronounced phenomenon in this device design. Double-layer structures are therefore emphasized as a general concept to establish efficient and highly selective contacts. Based on this success, the concept to combine desired properties of different materials is transferred to the p-type contact. Here, a mixture of the small molecule Spiro-OMeTAD [2,2',7,7'-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenylamine)-9,9'-spirobifluoren] and the doped polymer PEDOT [poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)] is presented as a novel hole selective contact. PEDOT thereby remarkably suppresses charge recombination at the perovskite surface, allowing an increase of quasi-Fermi level splitting in the absorber. Further, the addition of Spiro-OMeTAD into the PEDOT layer is shown to enhance charge extraction at the interface and allow high efficiencies up to 16.8\%. Finally, the knowledge on contact properties is applied to monolithic perovskite-SHJ tandem solar cells. The main goal is to optimize the top contact stack of doped Spiro-OMeTAD/molybdenum oxide(MoOx)/ITO towards higher transparency by two different routes. First, fine-tuning of the ITO deposition to mitigate chemical reduction of MoOx and increase the transmittance of MoOx/ITO stacks by 25\%. Second, replacing Spiro-OMeTAD with the alternative hole transport materials PEDOT/Spiro-OMeTAD mixtures, CuSCN or PTAA [poly(triaryl amine)]. Experimental results determine layer thickness constrains and validate optical simulations, which subsequently allow to realistically estimate the respective tandem device performances. As a result, PTAA represents the most promising replacement for Spiro-OMeTAD, with a projected increase of the optimum tandem device efficiency for the herein used architecture by 2.9\% relative to 26.5\% absolute. The results also reveal general guidelines for further performance gains of the technology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Doerries2024, author = {D{\"o}rries, Timo Julian}, title = {Anomalous transport and non-Gaussian dynamics in mobile-immobile models}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63495}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-634959}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 177}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The mobile-immobile model (MIM) has been established in geoscience in the context of contaminant transport in groundwater. Here the tracer particles effectively immobilise, e.g., due to diffusion into dead-end pores or sorption. The main idea of the MIM is to split the total particle density into a mobile and an immobile density. Individual tracers switch between the mobile and immobile state following a two-state telegraph process, i.e., the residence times in each state are distributed exponentially. In geoscience the focus lies on the breakthrough curve (BTC), which is the concentration at a fixed location over time. We apply the MIM to biological experiments with a special focus on anomalous scaling regimes of the mean squared displacement (MSD) and non-Gaussian displacement distributions. As an exemplary system, we have analysed the motion of tau proteins, that diffuse freely inside axons of neurons. Their free diffusion thereby corresponds to the mobile state of the MIM. Tau proteins stochastically bind to microtubules, which effectively immobilises the tau proteins until they unbind and continue diffusing. Long immobilisation durations compared to the mobile durations give rise to distinct non-Gaussian Laplace shaped distributions. It is accompanied by a plateau in the MSD for initially mobile tracer particles at relevant intermediate timescales. An equilibrium fraction of initially mobile tracers gives rise to non-Gaussian displacements at intermediate timescales, while the MSD remains linear at all times. In another setting bio molecules diffuse in a biosensor and transiently bind to specific receptors, where advection becomes relevant in the mobile state. The plateau in the MSD observed for the advection-free setting and long immobilisation durations persists also for the case with advection. We find a new clear regime of anomalous diffusion with non-Gaussian distributions and a cubic scaling of the MSD. This regime emerges for initially mobile and for initially immobile tracers. For an equilibrium fraction of initially mobile tracers we observe an intermittent ballistic scaling of the MSD. The long-time effective diffusion coefficient is enhanced by advection, which we physically explain with the variance of mobile durations. Finally, we generalize the MIM to incorporate arbitrary immobilisation time distributions and focus on a Mittag-Leffler immobilisation time distribution with power-law tail ~ t^(-1-mu) with 025\% in single-junction and >29\% in tandem devices on top of silicon. This rapid improvement was in many ways fortunate, as e. g. the energy levels of commonly used halide perovskites are compatible with already existing materials from other photovoltaic technologies such as dye-sensitized or organic solar cells. Despite this rapid success, fundamental working principles must be understood to allow concerted further improvements. This thesis focuses on a comprehensive understanding of recombination processes in functioning devices. First the impact the energy level alignment between the perovskite and the electron transport layer based on fullerenes is investigated. This controversial topic is comprehensively addressed and recombination is mitigated through reducing the energy difference between the perovskite conduction band minimum and the LUMO of the fullerene. Additionally, an insulating blocking layer is introduced, which is even more effective in reducing this recombination, without compromising carrier collection and thus efficiency. With the rapid efficiency development (certified efficiencies have broken through the 20\% ceiling) and thousands of researchers working on perovskite-based optoelectronic devices, reliable protocols on how to reach these efficiencies are lacking. Having established robust methods for >20\% devices, while keeping track of possible pitfalls, a detailed description of the fabrication of perovskite solar cells at the highest efficiency level (>20\%) is provided. The fabrication of low-temperature p-i-n structured devices is described, commenting on important factors such as practical experience, processing atmosphere \& temperature, material purity and solution age. Analogous to reliable fabrication methods, a method to identify recombination losses is needed to further improve efficiencies. Thus, absolute photoluminescence is identified as a direct way to quantify the Quasi-Fermi level splitting of the perovskite absorber (1.21eV) and interfacial recombination losses the transport layers impose, reducing the latter to ~1.1eV. Implementing very thin interlayers at both the p- and n-interface (PFN-P2 and LiF, respectively), these losses are suppressed, enabling a VOC of up to 1.17eV. Optimizing the device dimensions and the bandgap, 20\% devices with 1cm2 active area are demonstrated. Another important consideration is the solar cells' stability if subjected to field-relevant stressors during operation. In particular these are heat, light, bias or a combination thereof. Perovskite layers - especially those incorporating organic cations - have been shown to degrade if subjected to these stressors. Keeping in mind that several interlayers have been successfully used to mitigate recombination losses, a family of perfluorinated self-assembled monolayers (X-PFCn, where X denotes I/Br and n = 7-12) are introduced as interlayers at the n-interface. Indeed, they reduce interfacial recombination losses enabling device efficiencies up to 21.3\%. Even more importantly they improve the stability of the devices. The solar cells with IPFC10 are stable over 3000h stored in the ambient and withstand a harsh 250h of MPP at 85◦C without appreciable efficiency losses. To advance further and improve device efficiencies, a sound understanding of the photophysics of a device is imperative. Many experimental observations in recent years have however drawn an inconclusive picture, often suffering from technical of physical impediments, disguising e. g. capacitive discharge as recombination dynamics. To circumvent these obstacles, fully operational, highly efficient perovskites solar cells are investigated by a combination of multiple optical and optoelectronic probes, allowing to draw a conclusive picture of the recombination dynamics in operation. Supported by drift-diffusion simulations, the device recombination dynamics can be fully described by a combination of first-, second- and third-order recombination and JV curves as well as luminescence efficiencies over multiple illumination intensities are well described within the model. On this basis steady state carrier densities, effective recombination constants, densities-of-states and effective masses are calculated, putting the devices at the brink of the radiative regime. Moreover, a comprehensive review of recombination in state-of-the-art devices is given, highlighting the importance of interfaces in nonradiative recombination. Different strategies to assess these are discussed, before emphasizing successful strategies to reduce interfacial recombination and pointing towards the necessary steps to further improve device efficiency and stability. Overall, the main findings represent an advancement in understanding loss mechanisms in highly efficient solar cells. Different reliable optoelectronic techniques are used and interfacial losses are found to be of grave importance for both efficiency and stability. Addressing the interfaces, several interlayers are introduced, which mitigate recombination losses and degradation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Petsiuk2021, author = {Petsiuk, Andrei}, title = {Investigation of charge carrier transport in metal halide perovskites by THz Spectroscopy}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51544}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-515441}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {118}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Halide perovskites are a class of novel photovoltaic materials that have recently attracted much attention in the photovoltaics research community due to their highly promising optoelectronic properties, including large absorption coefficients and long carrier lifetimes. The charge carrier mobility of halide perovskites is investigated in this thesis by THz spectroscopy, which is a contact-free technique that yields the intra-grain sum mobility of electrons and holes in a thin film. The polycrystalline halide perovskite thin films, provided from Potsdam University, show moderate mobilities in the range from 21.5 to 33.5 cm2V-1s-1. It is shown in this work that the room temperature mobility is limited by charge carrier scattering at polar optical phonons. The mobility at low temperature is likely to be limited by scattering at charged and neutral impurities at impurity concentration N=1017-1018 cm-3. Furthermore, it is shown that exciton formation may decrease the mobility at low temperatures. Scattering at acoustic phonons can be neglected at both low and room temperatures. The analysis of mobility spectra over a broad range of temperatures for perovskites with various cation compounds shows that cations have a minor impact on charge carrier mobility. The low-dimensional thin films of quasi-2D perovskite with different numbers of [PbI6]4-sheets (n=2-4) alternating with long organic spacer molecules were provided by S. Zhang from Potsdam University. They exhibit mobilities in the range from 3.7 to 8 cm2V-1s-1. A clear decrease of mobility is observed with decrease in number of metal-halide sheets n, which likely arises from charge carrier confinement within metal-halide layers. Modelling the measured THz mobility with the modified Drude-Smith model yields localization length from 0.9 to 3.7 nm, which agrees well on the thicknesses of the metal-halide layers. Additionally, the mobilities are found to be dependent on the orientation of the layers. The charge carrier dynamics is also dependent on the number of metal-halide sheets n. For the thin films with n =3-4 the dynamics is similar to the 3D MHPs. However, the thin film with n = 2 shows clearly different dynamics, where the signs of exciton formation are observed within 390 fs timeframe after photoexcitation. Also, the charge carrier dynamics of CsPbI3 perovskite nanocrystals was investigated, in particular the effect of post treatments on the charge carrier transport.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HerreroAlonso2023, author = {Herrero Alonso, Yohana}, title = {Properties of high-redshift galaxies in different environments}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61328}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613288}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 114}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The Lyman-𝛼 (Ly𝛼) line commonly assists in the detection of high-redshift galaxies, the so-called Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs). LAEs are useful tools to study the baryonic matter distribution of the high-redshift universe. Exploring their spatial distribution not only reveals the large-scale structure of the universe at early epochs, but it also provides an insight into the early formation and evolution of the galaxies we observe today. Because dark matter halos (DMHs) serve as sites of galaxy formation, the LAE distribution also traces that of the underlying dark matter. However, the details of this relation and their co-evolution over time remain unclear. Moreover, theoretical studies predict that the spatial distribution of LAEs also impacts their own circumgalactic medium (CGM) by influencing their extended Ly𝛼 gaseous halos (LAHs), whose origin is still under investigation. In this thesis, I make several contributions to improve the knowledge on these fields using samples of LAEs observed with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at redshifts of 3 < 𝑧 < 6.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ronneberger2024, author = {Ronneberger, Sebastian}, title = {Nanolayer Fused Deposition Modeling (NanoFDM)}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {170}, year = {2024}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Smirnov2023, author = {Smirnov, Artem}, title = {Understanding the dynamics of the near-earth space environment utilizing long-term satellite observations}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61371}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613711}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxxvi, 286}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The near-Earth space environment is a highly complex system comprised of several regions and particle populations hazardous to satellite operations. The trapped particles in the radiation belts and ring current can cause significant damage to satellites during space weather events, due to deep dielectric and surface charging. Closer to Earth is another important region, the ionosphere, which delays the propagation of radio signals and can adversely affect navigation and positioning. In response to fluctuations in solar and geomagnetic activity, both the inner-magnetospheric and ionospheric populations can undergo drastic and sudden changes within minutes to hours, which creates a challenge for predicting their behavior. Given the increasing reliance of our society on satellite technology, improving our understanding and modeling of these populations is a matter of paramount importance. In recent years, numerous spacecraft have been launched to study the dynamics of particle populations in the near-Earth space, transforming it into a data-rich environment. To extract valuable insights from the abundance of available observations, it is crucial to employ advanced modeling techniques, and machine learning methods are among the most powerful approaches available. This dissertation employs long-term satellite observations to analyze the processes that drive particle dynamics, and builds interdisciplinary links between space physics and machine learning by developing new state-of-the-art models of the inner-magnetospheric and ionospheric particle dynamics. The first aim of this thesis is to investigate the behavior of electrons in Earth's radiation belts and ring current. Using ~18 years of electron flux observations from the Global Positioning System (GPS), we developed the first machine learning model of hundreds-of-keV electron flux at Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) that is driven solely by solar wind and geomagnetic indices and does not require auxiliary flux measurements as inputs. We then proceeded to analyze the directional distributions of electrons, and for the first time, used Fourier sine series to fit electron pitch angle distributions (PADs) in Earth's inner magnetosphere. We performed a superposed epoch analysis of 129 geomagnetic storms during the Van Allen Probes era and demonstrated that electron PADs have a strong energy-dependent response to geomagnetic activity. Additionally, we showed that the solar wind dynamic pressure could be used as a good predictor of the PAD dynamics. Using the observed dependencies, we created the first PAD model with a continuous dependence on L, magnetic local time (MLT) and activity, and developed two techniques to reconstruct near-equatorial electron flux observations from low-PA data using this model. The second objective of this thesis is to develop a novel model of the topside ionosphere. To achieve this goal, we collected observations from five of the most widely used ionospheric missions and intercalibrated these data sets. This allowed us to use these data jointly for model development, validation, and comparison with other existing empirical models. We demonstrated, for the first time, that ion density observations by Swarm Langmuir Probes exhibit overestimation (up to ~40-50\%) at low and mid-latitudes on the night side, and suggested that the influence of light ions could be a potential cause of this overestimation. To develop the topside model, we used 19 years of radio occultation (RO) electron density profiles, which were fitted with a Chapman function with a linear dependence of scale height on altitude. This approximation yields 4 parameters, namely the peak density and height of the F2-layer and the slope and intercept of the linear scale height trend, which were modeled using feedforward neural networks (NNs). The model was extensively validated against both RO and in-situ observations and was found to outperform the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model by up to an order of magnitude. Our analysis showed that the most substantial deviations of the IRI model from the data occur at altitudes of 100-200 km above the F2-layer peak. The developed NN-based ionospheric model reproduces the effects of various physical mechanisms observed in the topside ionosphere and provides highly accurate electron density predictions. This dissertation provides an extensive study of geospace dynamics, and the main results of this work contribute to the improvement of models of plasma populations in the near-Earth space environment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maiti2023, author = {Maiti, Snehanshu}, title = {Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and cosmic ray transport}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58903}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-589030}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 81}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The first part of the thesis studies the properties of fast mode in magneto hydro-dynamic (MHD) turbulence. 1D and 3D numerical simulations are carried out to generate decaying fast mode MHD turbulence. The injection of waves are carried out in a collinear and isotropic fashion to generate fast mode turbulence. The properties of fast mode turbulence are analyzed by studying their energy spectral density, 2D structure functions and energy decay/cascade time. The injection wave vector is varied to study the dependence of the above properties on the injection wave vectors. The 1D energy spectrum obtained for the velocity and magnetic fields has 𝐸 (𝑘) ∝ 𝑘-2. The 2D energy spectrum and 2D structure functions in parallel and perpendicular directions shows that fast mode turbulence generated is isotropic in nature. The cascade/decay rate of fast mode MHD turbulence is proportional to 𝑘-0.5 for different kinds of wave vector injection. Simulations are also carried out in 1D and 3D to compare balanced and imbalanced turbulence. The results obtained shows that while 1D imbalanced turbulence decays faster than 1D balanced turbulence, there is no difference in the decay of 3D balanced and imbalanced turbulence for the current resolution of 512 grid points. "The second part of the thesis studies cosmic ray (CR) transport in driven MHD turbulence and is strongly dependent on it's properties. Test particle simulations are carried out to study CR interaction with both total MHD turbulence and decomposed MHD modes. The spatial diffusion coefficients and the pitch angle scattering diffusion coefficients are calculated from the test particle trajectories in turbulence. The results confirms that the fast modes dominate the CR propagation, whereas Alfv{\´e}n, slow modes are much less efficient with similar pitch angle scattering rates. The cross field transport on large and small scales are investigated next. On large/global scales, normal diffusion is observed and the diffusion coefficient is suppressed by 𝑀𝜁𝐴 compared to the parallel diffusion coefficients, with 𝜁 closer to 4 in Alfv{\´e}n modes than that in total turbulence as theoretically expected. For the CR transport on scales smaller than the turbulence injection scale 𝐿, both the local and global magnetic reference frames are adopted. Super diffusion is observed on such small scales in all the cases. Particularly, CR transport in Alfv{\´e}n modes show clear Richardson diffusion in the local reference frame. The diffusion transition smoothly from the Richardson's one with index 1.5 to normal diffusion as particle's mean free path decreases from 𝜆∥ ≫ 𝐿 to 𝜆∥ ≪ 𝐿. These results have broad applications to CRs in various astrophysical environments".}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aseev2020, author = {Aseev, Nikita}, title = {Modeling and understanding dynamics of charged particles in the Earth's inner magnetosphere}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47921}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-479211}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxii, 154}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The Earth's inner magnetosphere is a very dynamic system, mostly driven by the external solar wind forcing exerted upon the magnetic field of our planet. Disturbances in the solar wind, such as coronal mass ejections and co-rotating interaction regions, cause geomagnetic storms, which lead to prominent changes in charged particle populations of the inner magnetosphere - the plasmasphere, ring current, and radiation belts. Satellites operating in the regions of elevated energetic and relativistic electron fluxes can be damaged by deep dielectric or surface charging during severe space weather events. Predicting the dynamics of the charged particles and mitigating their effects on the infrastructure is of particular importance, due to our increasing reliance on space technologies. The dynamics of particles in the plasmasphere, ring current, and radiation belts are strongly coupled by means of collisions and collisionless interactions with electromagnetic fields induced by the motion of charged particles. Multidimensional numerical models simplify the treatment of transport, acceleration, and loss processes of these particles, and allow us to predict how the near-Earth space environment responds to solar storms. The models inevitably rely on a number of simplifications and assumptions that affect model accuracy and complicate the interpretation of the results. In this dissertation, we quantify the processes that control electron dynamics in the inner magnetosphere, paying particular attention to the uncertainties of the employed numerical codes and tools. We use a set of convenient analytical solutions for advection and diffusion equations to test the accuracy and stability of the four-dimensional Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB-4D) code. We show that numerical schemes implemented in the code converge to the analytical solutions and that the VERB-4D code demonstrates stable behavior independent of the assumed time step. The order of the numerical scheme for the convection equation is demonstrated to affect results of ring current and radiation belt simulations, and it is crucially important to use high-order numerical schemes to decrease numerical errors in the model. Using the thoroughly tested VERB-4D code, we model the dynamics of the ring current electrons during the 17 March 2013 storm. The discrepancies between the model and observations above 4.5 Earth's radii can be explained by uncertainties in the outer boundary conditions. Simulation results indicate that the electrons were transported from the geostationary orbit towards the Earth by the global-scale electric and magnetic fields. We investigate how simulation results depend on the input models and parameters. The model is shown to be particularly sensitive to the global electric field and electron lifetimes below 4.5 Earth's radii. The effects of radial diffusion and subauroral polarization streams are also quantified. We developed a data-assimilative code that blends together a convection model of energetic electron transport and loss and Van Allen Probes satellite data by means of the Kalman filter. We show that the Kalman filter can correct model uncertainties in the convection electric field, electron lifetimes, and boundary conditions. It is also demonstrated how the innovation vector - the difference between observations and model prediction - can be used to identify physical processes missing in the model of energetic electron dynamics. We computed radial profiles of phase space density of ultrarelativistic electrons, using Van Allen Probes measurements. We analyze the shape of the profiles during geomagnetically quiet and disturbed times and show that the formation of new local minimums in the radial profiles coincides with the ground observations of electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves. This correlation indicates that EMIC waves are responsible for the loss of ultrarelativistic electrons from the heart of the outer radiation belt into the Earth's atmosphere.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Matuschek2015, author = {Matuschek, Hannes}, title = {Applications of reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces and their approximations}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {83}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RodriguezZuluaga2020, author = {Rodriguez Zuluaga, Juan}, title = {Electric and magnetic characteristics of equatorial plasma depletions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44587}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-445873}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 87}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Near-Earth space represents a significant scientific and technological challenge. Particularly at magnetic low-latitudes, the horizontal magnetic field geometry at the dip equator and its closed field-lines support the existence of a distinct electric current system, abrupt electric field variations and the development of plasma irregularities. Of particular interest are small-scale irregularities associated with equatorial plasma depletions (EPDs). They are responsible for the disruption of trans-ionospheric radio waves used for navigation, communication, and Earth observation. The fast increase of satellite missions makes it imperative to study the near-Earth space, especially the phenomena known to harm space technology or disrupt their signals. EPDs correspond to the large-scale structure (i.e., tens to hundreds of kilometers) of topside F region irregularities commonly known as Spread F. They are observed as depleted-plasma density channels aligned with the ambient magnetic field in the post-sunset low-latitude ionosphere. Although the climatological variability of their occurrence in terms of season, longitude, local time and solar flux is well-known, their day to day variability is not. The sparse observations from ground-based instruments like radars and the few simultaneous measurements of ionospheric parameters by space-based instruments have left gaps in the knowledge of EPDs essential to comprehend their variability. In this dissertation, I profited from the unique observations of the ESA's Swarm constellation mission launched in November 2013 to tackle three issues that revealed novel and significant results on the current knowledge of EPDs. I used Swarm's measurements of the electron density, magnetic, and electric fields to answer, (1.) what is the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic energy associated with EPDs?, (2.) what are the spatial and temporal characteristics of the electric currents (field-aligned and diamagnetic currents) related to EPDs, i.e., seasonal/geographical, and local time dependencies?, and (3.) under what conditions does the balance between magnetic and plasma pressure across EPDs occur? The results indicate that: (1.) The electromagnetic energy associated with EPDs presents a preference for interhemispheric flows; that is, the related Poynting flux directs from one magnetic hemisphere to the other and varies with longitude and season. (2.) The field-aligned currents at the edges of EPDs are interhemispheric. They generally close in the hemisphere with the highest Pedersen conductance. Such hemispherical preference presents a seasonal/longitudinal dependence. The diamagnetic currents increase or decrease the magnetic pressure inside EPDs. These two effects rely on variations of the plasma temperature inside the EPDs that depend on longitude and local time. (3.) EPDs present lower or higher plasma pressure than the ambient. For low-pressure EPDs the plasma pressure gradients are mostly dominated by variations of the plasma density so that variations of the temperature are negligible. High-pressure EPDs suggest significant temperature variations with magnitudes of approximately twice the ambient. Since their occurrence is more frequent in the vicinity of the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly, such high temperatures are suggested to be due to particle precipitation. In a broader context, this dissertation shows how dedicated satellite missions with high-resolution capabilities improve the specification of the low-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics and expand knowledge on EPDs which is valuable for current and future communication, navigation, and Earth-observing missions. The contributions of this investigation represent several 'firsts' in the study of EPDs: (1.) The first observational evidence of interhemispheric electromagnetic energy flux and field-aligned currents. (2.) The first spatial and temporal characterization of EPDs based on their associated field-aligned and diamagnetic currents. (3.) The first evidence of high plasma pressure in regions of depleted plasma density in the ionosphere. These findings provide new insights that promise to advance our current knowledge of not only EPDs but the low-latitude post-sunset ionosphere environment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schlemm2022, author = {Schlemm, Tanja}, title = {The marine ice cliff instability of the Antarctic ice sheet}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58633}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-586333}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {107}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest freshwater reservoir worldwide. If it were to melt completely, global sea levels would rise by about 58 m. Calculation of projections of the Antarctic contribution to sea level rise under global warming conditions is an ongoing effort which yields large ranges in predictions. Among the reasons for this are uncertainties related to the physics of ice sheet modeling. These uncertainties include two processes that could lead to runaway ice retreat: the Marine Ice Sheet Instability (MISI), which causes rapid grounding line retreat on retrograde bedrock, and the Marine Ice Cliff Instability (MICI), in which tall ice cliffs become unstable and calve off, exposing even taller ice cliffs. In my thesis, I investigated both marine instabilities (MISI and MICI) using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM), with a focus on MICI.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuhla2022, author = {Kuhla, Kilian}, title = {Impact, distribution, and adaptation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55266}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-552668}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 309}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Weather extremes pose a persistent threat to society on multiple layers. Besides an average of ~37,000 deaths per year, climate-related disasters cause destroyed properties and impaired economic activities, eroding people's livelihoods and prosperity. While global temperature rises - caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions - the direct impacts of climatic extreme events increase and will further intensify without proper adaptation measures. Additionally, weather extremes do not only have local direct effects. Resulting economic repercussions can propagate either upstream or downstream along trade chains causing indirect effects. One approach to analyze these indirect effects within the complex global supply network is the agent-based model Acclimate. Using and extending this loss-propagation model, I focus in this thesis on three aspects of the relation between weather extremes and economic repercussions. First, extreme weather events cause direct impacts on local economic performance. I compute daily local direct output loss time series of heat stress, river floods, tropical cyclones, and their consecutive occurrence using (near-future) climate projection ensembles. These regional impacts are estimated based on physical drivers and local productivity distribution. Direct effects of the aforementioned disaster categories are widely heterogeneous concerning regional and temporal distribution. As well, their intensity changes differently under future warming. Focusing on the hurricane-impacted capital, I find that long-term growth losses increase with higher heterogeneity of a shock ensemble. Second, repercussions are sectorally and regionally distributed via economic ripples within the trading network, causing higher-order effects. I use Acclimate to identify three phases of those economic ripples. Furthermore, I compute indirect impacts and analyze overall regional and global production and consumption changes. Regarding heat stress, global consumer losses double while direct output losses increase by a factor 1.5 between 2000 - 2039. In my research I identify the effect of economic ripple resonance and introduce it to climate impact research. This effect occurs if economic ripples of consecutive disasters overlap, which increases economic responses such as an enhancement of consumption losses. These loss enhancements can even be more amplified with increasing direct output losses, e.g. caused by climate crises. Transport disruptions can cause economic repercussions as well. For this, I extend the model Acclimate with a geographical transportation route and expand the decision horizon of economic agents. Using this, I show that policy-induced sudden trade restrictions (e.g. a no-deal Brexit) can significantly reduce the longer-term economic prosperity of affected regions. Analyses of transportation disruptions in typhoon seasons indicate that severely affected regions must reduce production as demand falls during a storm. Substituting suppliers may compensate for fluctuations at the beginning of the storm, which fails for prolonged disruptions. Third, possible coping mechanisms and adaptation strategies arise from direct and indirect economic responses to weather extremes. Analyzing annual trade changes due to typhoon-induced transport disruptions depict that overall exports rise. This trade resilience increases with higher network node diversification. Further, my research shows that a basic insurance scheme may diminish hurricane-induced long-term growth losses due to faster reconstruction in disasters aftermaths. I find that insurance coverage could be an economically reasonable coping scheme towards higher losses caused by the climate crisis. Indirect effects within the global economic network from weather extremes indicate further adaptation possibilities. For one, diversifying linkages reduce the hazard of sharp price increases. Next to this, close economic interconnections with regions that do not share the same extreme weather season can be economically beneficial in the medium run. Furthermore, economic ripple resonance effects should be considered while computing costs. Overall, an increase in local adaptation measures reduces economic ripples within the trade network and possible losses elsewhere. In conclusion, adaptation measures are necessary and potential present, but it seems rather not possible to avoid all direct or indirect losses. As I show in this thesis, dynamical modeling gives valuable insights into how direct and indirect economic impacts arise from different categories of weather extremes. Further, it highlights the importance of resolving individual extremes and reflecting amplifying effects caused by incomplete recovery or consecutive disasters.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bastian2023, author = {Bastian, Martin}, title = {An emergent machine learning approach for seasonal cyclone activity forecasts}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {135}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Seasonal forecasts are of great interest in many areas. Knowing the amount of precipitation for the upcoming season in regions of water scarcity would facilitate a better water management. If farmers knew the weather conditions of the upcoming summer at sowing time, they could select those cereal species that are best adapted to these conditions. This would allow farmers to improve the harvest and potentially even reduce the amount of pesticides used. However, the undoubted advantages of seasonal forecasts are often opposed by their high degree of uncertainty. The great challenge of generating seasonal forecasts with lead times of several months mainly originates from the chaotic nature of the earth system. In a chaotic system, even tiny differences in the initial conditions can lead to strong deviations in the system's state in the long run. In this dissertation we propose an emergent machine learning approach for seasonal forecasting, called the AnlgModel. The AnlgModel combines the analogue method with myopic feature selection and bootstrapping. To benchmark the abilities of the AnlgModel we apply it to seasonal cyclone activity forecasts in the North Atlantic and Northwest Pacific. The AnlgModel demonstrates competitive hindcast skills with two operational forecasts and even outperforms these for long lead times. In the second chapter we comprehend the forecasting strategy of the Anlg-Model. We thereby analyse the analogue selection process for the 2017 North Atlantic and the 2018 Northwest Pacific seasonal cyclone activity. The analysis shows that those climate indices which are known to influence the seasonal cyclone activity, such as the Ni{\~n}o 3.4 SST, are correctly represented among the selected analogues. Furthermore the selected analogues reflect large-scale climate patterns that were identified by expert reports as being determinative for these particular seasons. In the third chapter we analyse the features that are used by the AnlgModel for its predictions. We therefore inspect the feature relevance (FR). The FR patterns learned by the AnlgModel show a high congruence with the predictor regions used by the operational forecasts. However, the AnlgModel also discovered new features, such as the SST anomaly in the Gulf of Guinea during November. This SST pattern exhibits a remarkably high predictive potential for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane activity. In the final chapter we investigate potential mechanisms, that link two of these regions with high feature relevance to the Atlantic hurricane activity. We mainly focus on ocean surface transport. The ocean surface flow paths are calculated using Lagrangian particle analysis. We demonstrate that the FR patterns in the region of the Canary islands do not correspond with ocean surface transport. It is instead likely that these FR patterns fingerprint a wind transport of latent heat. The second region to be studied is situated in the Gulf of Guinea. Our analysis shows that the FR patterns seen there do fingerprint ocean surface transport. However, our simulations also show that at least one other mechanism is involved in linking the Gulf of Guinea SST anomaly in November to the hurricane activity of the upcoming season. In this work the AnlgModel does not only demonstrate its outstanding forecast skills but also shows its capabilities as research tool for detecting oceanic and atmospheric mechanisms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Braun2023, author = {Braun, Tobias}, title = {Recurrences in past climates}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58690}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-586900}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxviii, 251}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Our ability to predict the state of a system relies on its tendency to recur to states it has visited before. Recurrence also pervades common intuitions about the systems we are most familiar with: daily routines, social rituals and the return of the seasons are just a few relatable examples. To this end, recurrence plots (RP) provide a systematic framework to quantify the recurrence of states. Despite their conceptual simplicity, they are a versatile tool in the study of observational data. The global climate is a complex system for which an understanding based on observational data is not only of academical relevance, but vital for the predurance of human societies within the planetary boundaries. Contextualizing current global climate change, however, requires observational data far beyond the instrumental period. The palaeoclimate record offers a valuable archive of proxy data but demands methodological approaches that adequately address its complexities. In this regard, the following dissertation aims at devising novel and further developing existing methods in the framework of recurrence analysis (RA). The proposed research questions focus on using RA to capture scale-dependent properties in nonlinear time series and tailoring recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) to characterize seasonal variability in palaeoclimate records ('Palaeoseasonality'). In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the methodological development of novel approaches in RA. The predictability of nonlinear (palaeo)climate time series is limited by abrupt transitions between regimes that exhibit entirely different dynamical complexity (e.g. crossing of 'tipping points'). These possibly depend on characteristic time scales. RPs are well-established for detecting transitions and capture scale-dependencies, yet few approaches have combined both aspects. We apply existing concepts from the study of self-similar textures to RPs to detect abrupt transitions, considering the most relevant time scales. This combination of methods further results in the definition of a novel recurrence based nonlinear dependence measure. Quantifying lagged interactions between multiple variables is a common problem, especially in the characterization of high-dimensional complex systems. The proposed 'recurrence flow' measure of nonlinear dependence offers an elegant way to characterize such couplings. For spatially extended complex systems, the coupled dynamics of local variables result in the emergence of spatial patterns. These patterns tend to recur in time. Based on this observation, we propose a novel method that entails dynamically distinct regimes of atmospheric circulation based on their recurrent spatial patterns. Bridging the two parts of this dissertation, we next turn to methodological advances of RA for the study of Palaeoseasonality. Observational series of palaeoclimate 'proxy' records involve inherent limitations, such as irregular temporal sampling. We reveal biases in the RQA of time series with a non-stationary sampling rate and propose a correction scheme. In the second part of this thesis, we proceed with applications in Palaeoseasonality. A review of common and promising time series analysis methods shows that numerous valuable tools exist, but their sound application requires adaptions to archive-specific limitations and consolidating transdisciplinary knowledge. Next, we study stalagmite proxy records from the Central Pacific as sensitive recorders of mid-Holocene El Ni{\~n}o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dynamics. The records' remarkably high temporal resolution allows to draw links between ENSO and seasonal dynamics, quantified by RA. The final study presented here examines how seasonal predictability could play a role for the stability of agricultural societies. The Classic Maya underwent a period of sociopolitical disintegration that has been linked to drought events. Based on seasonally resolved stable isotope records from Yok Balum cave in Belize, we propose a measure of seasonal predictability. It unveils the potential role declining seasonal predictability could have played in destabilizing agricultural and sociopolitical systems of Classic Maya populations. The methodological approaches and applications presented in this work reveal multiple exciting future research avenues, both for RA and the study of Palaeoseasonality.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schemenz2022, author = {Schemenz, Victoria}, title = {Correlations between osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network and material characteristics in bone adaptation and regeneration}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55959}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-559593}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {3, xii, 146}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The complex hierarchical structure of bone undergoes a lifelong remodeling process, where it adapts to mechanical needs. Hereby, bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts have to be balanced to sustain a healthy and stable organ. Osteocytes orchestrate this interplay by sensing mechanical strains and translating them into biochemical signals. The osteocytes are located in lacunae and are connected to one another and other bone cells via cell processes through small channels, the canaliculi. Lacunae and canaliculi form a network (LCN) of extracellular spaces that is able to transport ions and enables cell-to-cell communication. Osteocytes might also contribute to mineral homeostasis by direct interactions with the surrounding matrix. If the LCN is acting as a transport system, this should be reflected in the mineralization pattern. The central hypothesis of this thesis is that osteocytes are actively changing their material environment. Characterization methods of material science are used to achieve the aim of detecting traces of this interaction between osteocytes and the extracellular matrix. First, healthy murine bones were characterized. The properties analyzed were then compared with three murine model systems: 1) a loading model, where a bone of the mouse was loaded during its life time; 2) a healing model, where a bone of the mouse was cut to induce a healing response; and 3) a disease model, where the Fbn1 gene is dysfunctional causing defects in the formation of the extracellular tissue. The measurement strategy included routines that make it possible to analyze the organization of the LCN and the material components (i.e., the organic collagen matrix and the mineral particles) in the same bone volumes and compare the spatial distribution of different data sets. The three-dimensional network architecture of the LCN is visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) after rhodamine staining and is then subsequently quantified. The calcium content is determined via quantitative backscattered electron imaging (qBEI), while small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS and WAXS) are employed to determine the thickness and length of local mineral particles. First, tibiae cortices of healthy mice were characterized to investigate how changes in LCN architecture can be attributed to interactions of osteocytes with the surrounding bone matrix. The tibial mid-shaft cross-sections showed two main regions, consisting of a band with unordered LCN surrounded by a region with ordered LCN. The unordered region is a remnant of early bone formation and exhibited short and thin mineral particles. The surrounding, more aligned bone showed ordered and dense LCN as well as thicker and longer mineral particles. The calcium content was unchanged between the two regions. In the mouse loading model, the left tibia underwent two weeks of mechanical stimulation, which results in increased bone formation and decreased resorption in skeletally mature mice. Here the specific research question addressed was how do bone material characteristics change at (re)modeling sites? The new bone formed in response to mechanical stimulation showed similar properties in terms of the mineral particles, like the ordered calcium region but lower calcium content compared to the right, non-loaded control bone of the same mice. There was a clear, recognizable border between mature and newly formed bone. Nevertheless, some canaliculi went through this border connecting the LCN of mature and newly formed bone. Additionally, the question should be answered whether the LCN topology and the bone matrix material properties adapt to loading. Although, mechanically stimulated bones did not show differences in calcium content compared to controls, different correlations were found between the local LCN density and the local Ca content depending on whether the bone was loaded or not. These results suggest that the LCN may serve as a mineral reservoir. For the healing model, the femurs of mice underwent an osteotomy, stabilized with an external fixator and were allowed to heal for 21 days. Thus, the spatial variations in the LCN topology with mineral properties within different tissue types and their interfaces, namely calcified cartilage, bony callus and cortex, could be simultaneously visualized and compared in this model. All tissue types showed structural differences across multiple length scales. Calcium content increased and became more homogeneous from calcified cartilage to bony callus to lamellar cortical bone. The degree of LCN organization increased as well, while the lacunae became smaller, as did the lacunar density between these different tissue types that make up the callus. In the calcified cartilage, the mineral particles were short and thin. The newly formed callus exhibited thicker mineral particles, which still had a low degree of orientation. While most of the callus had a woven-like structure, it also served as a scaffold for more lamellar tissue at the edges. The lamelar bone callus showed thinner mineral particles, but a higher degree of alignment in both, mineral particles and the LCN. The cortex showed the highest values for mineral length, thickness and degree of orientation. At the same time, the lacunae number density was 34\% lower and the lacunar volume 40\% smaller compared to bony callus. The transition zone between cortical and callus regions showed a continuous convergence of bone mineral properties and lacunae shape. Although only a few canaliculi connected callus and the cortical region, this indicates that communication between osteocytes of both tissues should be possible. The presented correlations between LCN architecture and mineral properties across tissue types may suggest that osteocytes have an active role in mineralization processes of healing. A mouse model for the disease marfan syndrome, which includes a genetic defect in the fibrillin-1 gene, was investigated. In humans, Marfan syndrome is characterized by a range of clinical symptoms such as long bone overgrowth, loose joints, reduced bone mineral density, compromised bone microarchitecture, and increased fracture rates. Thus, fibrillin-1 seems to play a role in the skeletal homeostasis. Therefore, the present work studied how marfan syndrome alters LCN architecture and the surrounding bone matrix. The mice with marfan syndrome showed longer tibiae than their healthy littermates from an age of seven weeks onwards. In contrast, the cortical development appeared retarded, which was observed across all measured characteristics, i. e. lower endocortical bone formation, looser and less organized lacuno-canalicular network, less collagen orientation, thinner and shorter mineral particles. In each of the three model systems, this study found that changes in the LCN architecture spatially correlated with bone matrix material parameters. While not knowing the exact mechanism, these results provide indications that osteocytes can actively manipulate a mineral reservoir located around the canaliculi to make a quickly accessible contribution to mineral homeostasis. However, this interaction is most likely not one-sided, but could be understood as an interplay between osteocytes and extra-cellular matrix, since the bone matrix contains biochemical signaling molecules (e.g. non-collagenous proteins) that can change osteocyte behavior. Bone (re)modeling can therefore not only be understood as a method for removing defects or adapting to external mechanical stimuli, but also for increasing the efficiency of possible osteocyte-mineral interactions during bone homeostasis. With these findings, it seems reasonable to consider osteocytes as a target for drug development related to bone diseases that cause changes in bone composition and mechanical properties. It will most likely require the combined effort of materials scientists, cell biologists, and molecular biologists to gain a deeper understanding of how bone cells respond to their material environment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Toenjes2007, author = {T{\"o}njes, Ralf}, title = {Pattern formation through synchronization in systems of nonidentical autonomous oscillators}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-15973}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {This work is concerned with the spatio-temporal structures that emerge when non-identical, diffusively coupled oscillators synchronize. It contains analytical results and their confirmation through extensive computer simulations. We use the Kuramoto model which reduces general oscillatory systems to phase dynamics. The symmetry of the coupling plays an important role for the formation of patterns. We have studied the ordering influence of an asymmetry (non-isochronicity) in the phase coupling function on the phase profile in synchronization and the intricate interplay between this asymmetry and the frequency heterogeneity in the system. The thesis is divided into three main parts. Chapter 2 and 3 introduce the basic model of Kuramoto and conditions for stable synchronization. In Chapter 4 we characterize the phase profiles in synchronization for various special cases and in an exponential approximation of the phase coupling function, which allows for an analytical treatment. Finally, in the third part (Chapter 5) we study the influence of non-isochronicity on the synchronization frequency in continuous, reaction diffusion systems and discrete networks of oscillators.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Albrecht2014, author = {Albrecht, Steve}, title = {Generation, recombination and extraction of charges in polymer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-72285}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {144}, year = {2014}, abstract = {A dramatic efficiency improvement of bulk heterojunction solar cells based on electron-donating conjugated polymers in combination with soluble fullerene derivatives has been achieved over the past years. Certified and reported power conversion efficiencies now reach over 9\% for single junctions and exceed the 10\% benchmark for tandem solar cells. This trend brightens the vision of organic photovoltaics becoming competitive with inorganic solar cells including the realization of low-cost and large-area organic photovoltaics. For the best performing organic materials systems, the yield of charge generation can be very efficient. However, a detailed understanding of the free charge carrier generation mechanisms at the donor acceptor interface and the energy loss associated with it needs to be established. Moreover, organic solar cells are limited by the competition between charge extraction and free charge recombination, accounting for further efficiency losses. A conclusive picture and the development of precise methodologies for investigating the fundamental processes in organic solar cells are crucial for future material design, efficiency optimization, and the implementation of organic solar cells into commercial products. In order to advance the development of organic photovoltaics, my thesis focuses on the comprehensive understanding of charge generation, recombination and extraction in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells summarized in 6 chapters on the cumulative basis of 7 individual publications. The general motivation guiding this work was the realization of an efficient hybrid inorganic/organic tandem solar cell with sub-cells made from amorphous hydrogenated silicon and organic bulk heterojunctions. To realize this project aim, the focus was directed to the low band-gap copolymer PCPDTBT and its derivatives, resulting in the examination of the charge carrier dynamics in PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends in relation to by the blend morphology. The phase separation in this blend can be controlled by the processing additive diiodooctane, enhancing domain purity and size. The quantitative investigation of the free charge formation was realized by utilizing and improving the time delayed collection field technique. Interestingly, a pronounced field dependence of the free carrier generation for all blends is found, with the field dependence being stronger without the additive. Also, the bimolecular recombination coefficient for both blends is rather high and increases with decreasing internal field which we suggest to be caused by a negative field dependence of mobility. The additive speeds up charge extraction which is rationalized by the threefold increase in mobility. By fluorine attachment within the electron deficient subunit of PCPDTBT, a new polymer F-PCPDTBT is designed. This new material is characterized by a stronger tendency to aggregate as compared to non-fluorinated PCPDTBT. Our measurements show that for F-PCPDTBT:PCBM blends the charge carrier generation becomes more efficient and the field-dependence of free charge carrier generation is weakened. The stronger tendency to aggregate induced by the fluorination also leads to increased polymer rich domains, accompanied in a threefold reduction in the non-geminate recombination coefficient at conditions of open circuit. The size of the polymer domains is nicely correlated to the field-dependence of charge generation and the Langevin reduction factor, which highlights the importance of the domain size and domain purity for efficient charge carrier generation. In total, fluorination of PCPDTBT causes the PCE to increase from 3.6 to 6.1\% due to enhanced fill factor, short circuit current and open circuit voltage. Further optimization of the blend ratio, active layer thickness, and polymer molecular weight resulted in 6.6\% efficiency for F-PCPDTBT:PC70BM solar cells. Interestingly, the double fluorinated version 2F-PCPDTBT exhibited poorer FF despite a further reduction of geminate and non-geminate recombination losses. To further analyze this finding, a new technique is developed that measures the effective extraction mobility under charge carrier densities and electrical fields comparable to solar cell operation conditions. This method involves the bias enhanced charge extraction technique. With the knowledge of the carrier density under different electrical field and illumination conditions, a conclusive picture of the changes in charge carrier dynamics leading to differences in the fill factor upon fluorination of PCPDTBT is attained. The more efficient charge generation and reduced recombination with fluorination is counterbalanced by a decreased extraction mobility. Thus, the highest fill factor of 60\% and efficiency of 6.6\% is reached for F-PCPDTBT blends, while 2F-PCPDTBT blends have only moderate fill factors of 54\% caused by the lower effective extraction mobility, limiting the efficiency to 6.5\%. To understand the details of the charge generation mechanism and the related losses, we evaluated the yield and field-dependence of free charge generation using time delayed collection field in combination with sensitive measurements of the external quantum efficiency and absorption coefficients for a variety of blends. Importantly, both the yield and field-dependence of free charge generation is found to be unaffected by excitation energy, including direct charge transfer excitation below the optical band gap. To access the non-detectable absorption at energies of the relaxed charge transfer emission, the absorption was reconstructed from the CT emission, induced via the recombination of thermalized charges in electroluminescence. For a variety of blends, the quantum yield at energies of charge transfer emission was identical to excitations with energies well above the optical band-gap. Thus, the generation proceeds via the split-up of the thermalized charge transfer states in working solar cells. Further measurements were conducted on blends with fine-tuned energy levels and similar blend morphologies by using different fullerene derivatives. A direct correlation between the efficiency of free carrier generation and the energy difference of the relaxed charge transfer state relative to the energy of the charge separated state is found. These findings open up new guidelines for future material design as new high efficiency materials require a minimum energetic offset between charge transfer and the charge separated state while keeping the HOMO level (and LUMO level) difference between donor and acceptor as small as possible.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kniepert2015, author = {Kniepert, Juliane}, title = {Correlation between dynamic parameters and device performance of organic solar cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90087}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {129}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Organic bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells based on polymer:fullerene blends are a promising alternative for a low-cost solar energy conversion. Despite significant improvements of the power conversion efficiency in recent years, the fundamental working principles of these devices are yet not fully understood. In general, the current output of organic solar cells is determined by the generation of free charge carriers upon light absorption and their transport to the electrodes in competition to the loss of charge carriers due to recombination. The object of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic processes and physical parameters determining the performance. A new approach for analyzing the characteristic current-voltage output was developed comprising the experimental determination of the efficiencies of charge carrier generation, recombination and transport, combined with numerical device simulations. Central issues at the beginning of this work were the influence of an electric field on the free carrier generation process and the contribution of generation, recombination and transport to the current-voltage characteristics. An elegant way to directly measure the field dependence of the free carrier generation is the Time Delayed Collection Field (TDCF) method. In TDCF charge carriers are generated by a short laser pulse and subsequently extracted by a defined rectangular voltage pulse. A new setup was established with an improved time resolution compared to former reports in literature. It was found that charge generation is in general independent of the electric field, in contrast to the current view in literature and opposed to the expectations of the Braun-Onsager model that was commonly used to describe the charge generation process. Even in cases where the charge generation was found to be field-dependend, numerical modelling showed that this field-dependence is in general not capable to account for the voltage dependence of the photocurrent. This highlights the importance of efficient charge extraction in competition to non-geminate recombination, which is the second objective of the thesis. Therefore, two different techniques were combined to characterize the dynamics and efficiency of non-geminate recombination under device-relevant conditions. One new approach is to perform TDCF measurements with increasing delay between generation and extraction of charges. Thus, TDCF was used for the first time to measure charge carrier generation, recombination and transport with the same experimental setup. This excludes experimental errors due to different measurement and preparation conditions and demonstrates the strength of this technique. An analytic model for the description of TDCF transients was developed and revealed the experimental conditions for which reliable results can be obtained. In particular, it turned out that the \$RC\$ time of the setup which is mainly given by the sample geometry has a significant influence on the shape of the transients which has to be considered for correct data analysis. Secondly, a complementary method was applied to characterize charge carrier recombination under steady state bias and illumination, i.e. under realistic operating conditions. This approach relies on the precise determination of the steady state carrier densities established in the active layer. It turned out that current techniques were not sufficient to measure carrier densities with the necessary accuracy. Therefore, a new technique {Bias Assisted Charge Extraction} (BACE) was developed. Here, the charge carriers photogenerated under steady state illumination are extracted by applying a high reverse bias. The accelerated extraction compared to conventional charge extraction minimizes losses through non-geminate recombination and trapping during extraction. By performing numerical device simulations under steady state, conditions were established under which quantitative information on the dynamics can be retrieved from BACE measurements. The applied experimental techniques allowed to sensitively analyse and quantify geminate and non-geminate recombination losses along with charge transport in organic solar cells. A full analysis was exemplarily demonstrated for two prominent polymer-fullerene blends. The model system P3HT:PCBM spincast from chloroform (as prepared) exhibits poor power conversion efficiencies (PCE) on the order of 0.5\%, mainly caused by low fill factors (FF) and currents. It could be shown that the performance of these devices is limited by the hole transport and large bimolecular recombination (BMR) losses, while geminate recombination losses are insignificant. The low polymer crystallinity and poor interconnection between the polymer and fullerene domains leads to a hole mobility of the order of 10^-7 cm^2/Vs which is several orders of magnitude lower than the electron mobility in these devices. The concomitant build up of space charge hinders extraction of both electrons and holes and promotes bimolecular recombination losses. Thermal annealing of P3HT:PCBM blends directly after spin coating improves crystallinity and interconnection of the polymer and the fullerene phase and results in comparatively high electron and hole mobilities in the order of 10^-3 cm^2/Vs and 10^-4 cm^2/Vs, respectively. In addition, a coarsening of the domain sizes leads to a reduction of the BMR by one order of magnitude. High charge carrier mobilities and low recombination losses result in comparatively high FF (>65\%) and short circuit current (J_SC ≈ 10 mA/cm^2). The overall device performance (PCE ≈ 4\%) is only limited by a rather low spectral overlap of absorption and solar emission and a small V_OC, given by the energetics of the P3HT. From this point of view the combination of the low bandgap polymer PTB7 with PCBM is a promising approach. In BHJ solar cells, this polymer leads to a higher V_OC due to optimized energetics with PCBM. However, the J_SC in these (unoptimized) devices is similar to the J_SC in the optimized blend with P3HT and the FF is rather low (≈ 50\%). It turned out that the unoptimized PTB7:PCBM blends suffer from high BMR, a low electron mobility of the order of 10^-5 cm^2/Vs and geminate recombination losses due to field dependent charge carrier generation. The use of the solvent additive DIO optimizes the blend morphology, mainly by suppressing the formation of very large fullerene domains and by forming a more uniform structure of well interconnected donor and acceptor domains of the order of a few nanometers. Our analysis shows that this results in an increase of the electron mobility by about one order of magnitude (3 x 10^-4 cm^2/Vs), while BMR and geminate recombination losses are significantly reduced. In total these effects improve the J_SC (≈ 17 mA/cm^2) and the FF (> 70\%). In 2012 this polymer/fullerene combination resulted in a record PCE for a single junction OSC of 9.2\%. Remarkably, the numerical device simulations revealed that the specific shape of the J-V characteristics depends very sensitively to the variation of not only one, but all dynamic parameters. On the one hand this proves that the experimentally determined parameters, if leading to a good match between simulated and measured J-V curves, are realistic and reliable. On the other hand it also emphasizes the importance to consider all involved dynamic quantities, namely charge carrier generation, geminate and non-geminate recombination as well as electron and hole mobilities. The measurement or investigation of only a subset of these parameters as frequently found in literature will lead to an incomplete picture and possibly to misleading conclusions. Importantly, the comparison of the numerical device simulation employing the measured parameters and the experimental \$J-V\$ characteristics allows to identify loss channels and limitations of OSC. For example, it turned out that inefficient extraction of charge carriers is a criticical limitation factor that is often disobeyed. However, efficient and fast transport of charges becomes more and more important with the development of new low bandgap materials with very high internal quantum efficiencies. Likewise, due to moderate charge carrier mobilities, the active layer thicknesses of current high-performance devices are usually limited to around 100 nm. However, larger layer thicknesses would be more favourable with respect to higher current output and robustness of production. Newly designed donor materials should therefore at best show a high tendency to form crystalline structures, as observed in P3HT, combined with the optimized energetics and quantum efficiency of, for example, PTB7.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mitzscherling2015, author = {Mitzscherling, Steffen}, title = {Polyelectrolyte multilayers for plasmonics and picosecond ultrasonics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-80833}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {93}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This thesis investigates the application of polyelectrolyte multilayers in plasmonics and picosecond acoustics. The observed samples were fabricated by the spin-assisted layer-by-layer deposition technique that allowed a precise tuning of layer thickness in the range of few nanometers. The first field of interest deals with the interaction of light-induced localized surface plasmons (LSP) of rod-shaped gold nanoparticles with the particles' environment. The environment consists of an air phase and a phase of polyelectrolytes, whose ratio affects the spectral position of the LSP resonance. Measured UV-VIS spectra showed the shift of the LSP absorption peak as a function of the cover layer thickness of the particles. The data are modeled using an average dielectric function instead of the dielectric functions of air and polyelectrolytes. In addition using a measured dielectric function of the gold nanoparticles, the position of the LSP absorption peak could be simulated with good agreement to the data. The analytic model helps to understand the optical properties of metal nanoparticles in an inhomogeneous environment. The second part of this work discusses the applicability of PAzo/PAH and dye-doped PSS/PAH polyelectrolyte multilayers as transducers to generate hypersound pulses. The generated strain pulses were detected by time-domain Brillouin scattering (TDBS) using a pump-probe laser setup. Transducer layers made of polyelectrolytes were compared qualitatively to common aluminum transducers in terms of measured TDBS signal amplitude, degradation due to laser excitation, and sample preparation. The measurements proved that fast and easy prepared polyelectrolyte transducers provided stronger TDBS signals than the aluminum transducer. AFM topography measurements showed a degradation of the polyelectrolyte structures, especially for the PAzo/PAH sample. To quantify the induced strain, optical barriers were introduced to separate the transducer material from the medium of the hypersound propagation. Difficulties in the sample preparation prohibited a reliable quantification. But the experiments showed that a coating with transparent polyelectrolytes increases the efficiency of aluminum transducers and modifies the excited phonon distribution. The adoption of polyelectrolytes to the scientific field of picosecond acoustics enables a cheap and fast fabrication of transducer layers on most surfaces. In contrast to aluminum layers the polyelectrolytes are transparent over a wide spectral range. Thus, the strain modulation can be probed from surface and back.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kurpiers2019, author = {Kurpiers, Jona}, title = {Probing the pathways of free charge generation and recombination in organic solar cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42909}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-429099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 128, xxi}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Organic semiconductors are a promising class of materials. Their special properties are the particularly good absorption, low weight and easy processing into thin films. Therefore, intense research has been devoted to the realization of thin film organic solar cells (OPVs). Because of the low dielectric constant of organic semiconductors, primary excitations (excitons) are strongly bound and a type II heterojunction needs to be introduced to split these excitations into free charges. Therefore, most organic solar cells consist of at least an electron donor and electron acceptor material. For such donor acceptor systems mainly three states are relevant; the photoexcited exciton on the donor or acceptor material, the charge transfer state at the donor-acceptor interface and the charge separated state of a free electron and hole. The interplay between these states significantly determines the efficiency of organic solar cells. Due to the high absorption and the low charge carrier mobilities, the active layers are usually thin but also, exciton dissociation and free charge formation proceeds rapidely, which makes the study of carrier dynamics highly challenging. Therefore, the focus of this work was first to install new experimental setups for the investigation of the charge carrier dynamics in complete devices with superior sensitivity and time resolution and, second, to apply these methods to prototypical photovoltaic materials to address specific questions in the field of organic and hybrid photovoltaics. Regarding the first goal, a new setup combining transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) and time delayed collection field (TDCF) was designed and installed in Potsdam. An important part of this work concerned the improvement of the electronic components with respect to time resolution and sensitivity. To this end, a highly sensitive amplifier for driving and detecting the device response in TDCF was developed. This system was then applied to selected organic and hybrid model systems with a particular focus on the understanding of the loss mechanisms that limit the fill factor and short circuit current of organic solar cells. The first model system was a hybrid photovoltaic material comprising inorganic quantum dots decorated with organic ligands. Measurements with TDCF revealed fast free carrier recombination, in part assisted by traps, while bias-assisted charge extraction measurements showed high mobility. The measured parameters then served as input for a successful description of the device performance with an analytical model. With a further improvement of the instrumentation, a second topic was the detailed analysis of non-geminate recombination in a disordered polymer:fullerene blend where an important question was the effect of disorder on the carrier dynamics. The measurements revealed that early time highly mobile charges undergo fast non-geminate recombination at the contacts, causing an apparent field dependence of free charge generation in TDCF experiments if not conducted properly. On the other hand, recombination the later time scale was determined by dispersive recombination in the bulk of the active layer, showing the characteristics of carrier dynamics in an exponential density of state distribution. Importantly, the comparison with steady state recombination data suggested a very weak impact of non-thermalized carriers on the recombination properties of the solar cells under application relevant illumination conditions. Finally, temperature and field dependent studies of free charge generation were performed on three donor-acceptor combinations, with two donor polymers of the same material family blended with two different fullerene acceptor molecules. These particular material combinations were chosen to analyze the influence of the energetic and morphology of the blend on the efficiency of charge generation. To this end, activation energies for photocurrent generation were accurately determined for a wide range of excitation energies. The results prove that the formation of free charge is via thermalized charge transfer states and does not involve hot exciton splitting. Surprisingly, activation energies were of the order of thermal energy at room temperature. This led to the important conclusion that organic solar cells perform well not because of predominate high energy pathways but because the thermalized CT states are weakly bound. In addition, a model is introduced to interconnect the dissociation efficiency of the charge transfer state with its recombination observable with photoluminescence, which rules out a previously proposed two-pool model for free charge formation and recombination. Finally, based on the results, proposals for the further development of organic solar cells are formulated.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pavlenko2016, author = {Pavlenko, Elena}, title = {Hybrid nanolayer architectures for ultrafast acousto-plasmonics in soft matter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {85}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The goal of the presented work is to explore the interaction between gold nanorods (GNRs) and hyper-sound waves. For the generation of the hyper-sound I have used Azobenzene-containing polymer transducers. Multilayer polymer structures with well-defined thicknesses and smooth interfaces were built via layer-by-layer deposition. Anionic polyelectrolytes with Azobenzene side groups (PAzo) were alternated with cationic polymer PAH, for the creation of transducer films. PSS/PAH multilayer were built for spacer layers, which do not absorb in the visible light range. The properties of the PAzo/PAH film as a transducer are carefully characterized by static and transient optical spectroscopy. The optical and mechanical properties of the transducer are studied on the picosecond time scale. In particular the relative change of the refractive index of the photo-excited and expanded PAH/PAzo is Δn/n = - 2.6*10-4. Calibration of the generated strain is performed by ultrafast X-ray diffraction calibrated the strain in a Mica substrate, into which the hyper-sound is transduced. By simulating the X-ray data with a linear-chain-model the strain in the transducer under the excitation is derived to be Δd/d ~ 5*10-4. Additional to the investigation of the properties of the transducer itself, I have performed a series of experiments to study the penetration of the generated strain into various adjacent materials. By depositing the PAzo/PAH film onto a PAH/PSS structure with gold nanorods incorporated in it, I have shown that nanoscale impurities can be detected via the scattering of hyper-sound. Prior to the investigation of complex structures containing GNRs and the transducer, I have performed several sets of experiments on GNRs deposited on a small buffer of PSS/PAH. The static and transient response of GNRs is investigated for different fluence of the pump beam and for different dielectric environments (GNRs covered by PSS/PAH). A systematic analysis of sample architectures is performed in order to construct a sample with the desired effect of GNRs responding to the hyper-sound strain wave. The observed shift of a feature related to the longitudinal plasmon resonance in the transient reflection spectra is interpreted as the event of GNRs sensing the strain wave. We argue that the shift of the longitudinal plasmon resonance is caused by the viscoelastic deformation of the polymer around the nanoparticle. The deformation is induced by the out of plane difference in strain in the area directly under a particle and next to it. Simulations based on the linear chain model support this assumption. Experimentally this assumption is proven by investigating the same structure, with GNRs embedded in a PSS/PAH polymer layer. The response of GNRs to the hyper-sound wave is also observed for the sample structure with GNRs embedded in PAzo/PAH films. The response of GNRs in this case is explained to be driven by the change of the refractive index of PAzo during the strain propagation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hosseini2022, author = {Hosseini, Seyed Mehrdad}, title = {Non-Langevin Recombination in Fullerene and Non-Fullerene Acceptor Solar Cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54783}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-547831}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 103}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Organic solar cells (OSCs), in recent years, have shown high efficiencies through the development of novel non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs). Fullerene derivatives have been the centerpiece of the accepting materials used throughout organic photovoltaic (OPV) research. However, since 2015 novel NFAs have been a game-changer and have overtaken fullerenes. However, the current understanding of the properties of NFAs for OPV is still relatively limited and critical mechanisms defining the performance of OPVs are still topics of debate. In this thesis, attention is paid to understanding reduced-Langevin recombination with respect to the device physics properties of fullerene and non-fullerene systems. The work is comprised of four closely linked studies. The first is a detailed exploration of the fill factor (FF) expressed in terms of transport and recombination properties in a comparison of fullerene and non-fullerene acceptors. We investigated the key reason behind the reduced FF in the NFA (ITIC-based) devices which is faster non-geminate recombination relative to the fullerene (PCBM[70]-based) devices. This is then followed by a consideration of a newly synthesized NFA Y-series derivative which exhibits the highest power conversion efficiency for OSC at the time. Such that in the second study, we illustrated the role of disorder on the non-geminate recombination and charge extraction of thick NFA (Y6-based) devices. As a result, we enhanced the FF of thick PM6:Y6 by reducing the disorder which leads to suppressing the non-geminate recombination toward non-Langevin system. In the third work, we revealed the reason behind thickness independence of the short circuit current of PM6:Y6 devices, caused by the extraordinarily long diffusion length of Y6. The fourth study entails a broad comparison of a selection of fullerene and non-fullerene blends with respect to charge generation efficiency and recombination to unveil the importance of efficient charge generation for achieving reduced recombination. I employed transient measurements such as Time Delayed Collection Field (TDCF), Resistance dependent Photovoltage (RPV), and steady-state techniques such as Bias Assisted Charge Extraction (BACE), Temperature-Dependent Space Charge Limited Current (T-SCLC), Capacitance-Voltage (CV), and Photo-Induce Absorption (PIA), to analyze the OSCs. The outcomes in this thesis together draw a complex picture of multiple factors that affect reduced-Langevin recombination and thereby the FF and overall performance. This provides a suitable platform for identifying important parameters when designing new blend systems. As a result, we succeeded to improve the overall performance through enhancing the FF of thick NFA device by adjustment of the amount of the solvent additive in the active blend solution. It also highlights potentially critical gaps in the current experimental understanding of fundamental charge interaction and recombination dynamics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sun2024, author = {Sun, Bowen}, title = {Energy losses in low-offset organic solar cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62143}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-621430}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 190}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Organic solar cells (OSCs) represent a new generation of solar cells with a range of captivating attributes including low-cost, light-weight, aesthetically pleasing appearance, and flexibility. Different from traditional silicon solar cells, the photon-electron conversion in OSCs is usually accomplished in an active layer formed by blending two kinds of organic molecules (donor and acceptor) with different energy levels together. The first part of this thesis focuses on a better understanding of the role of the energetic offset and each recombination channel on the performance of these low-offset OSCs. By combining advanced experimental techniques with optical and electrical simulation, the energetic offsets between CT and excitons, several important insights were achieved: 1. The short circuit current density and fill-factor of low-offset systems are largely determined by field-dependent charge generation in such low-offset OSCs. Interestingly, it is strongly evident that such field-dependent charge generation originates from a field-dependent exciton dissociation yield. 2. The reduced energetic offset was found to be accompanied by strongly enhanced bimolecular recombination coefficient, which cannot be explained solely by exciton repopulation from CT states. This implies the existence of another dark decay channel apart from CT. The second focus of the thesis was on the technical perspective. In this thesis, the influence of optical artifacts in differential absorption spectroscopy upon the change of sample configuration and active layer thickness was studied. It is exemplified and discussed thoroughly and systematically in terms of optical simulations and experiments, how optical artifacts originated from non-uniform carrier profile and interference can manipulate not only the measured spectra, but also the decay dynamics in various measurement conditions. In the end of this study, a generalized methodology based on an inverse optical transfer matrix formalism was provided to correct the spectra and decay dynamics manipulated by optical artifacts. Overall, this thesis paves the way for a deeper understanding of the keys toward higher PCEs in low-offset OSC devices, from the perspectives of both device physics and characterization techniques.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sajedi2023, author = {Sajedi, Maryam}, title = {Investigation of metal-halide-perovskites by state-of-the-art synchrotron-radiation methods}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 149}, year = {2023}, abstract = {My thesis chiefly aims to shed light on the favourable properties of LHP semiconductors from the point of view of their electronic structure. Currently, various hypotheses are circulating to explain the exceptionally favourable transport properties of LHPs. Seeking an explanation for the low non-radiative recombination rates and long carrier lifetimes is particularly interesting to the halide perovskites research community. The first part of this work investigates the two main hypotheses that are believed to play a significant role: the existence of a giant Rashba effect and large polarons. The experimental method of ARPES is mainly applied to verify their credibility. The first hypothesis presumes that a giant Rashba effect restricts the recombination losses of the charge carriers by making the band gap slightly indirect. The Rashba effect is based on a strong SOC that could appear in LHPs thanks to incorporating the heavy element Pb in their structure. Earlier experimental work had pointed out this effect at the VBM of a hybrid LHP as a viable explanation for the long lifetimes of the charge carriers. My systematic ARPES studies on hybrid MAPbBr3 and spin-resolved ARPES studies on the inorganic CsPbBr3 disprove the presence of any Rashba effect in the VBM of the reported order of magnitude. Therefore, neither the spin texture nor an indirect band gap character at the VBM in the bulk or at the surface can explain the high efficiency of LHP. In case of existence, this effect is in terms of the Rashba parameter at least a factor of a hundred smaller than previously assumed. The second hypothesis proposes large polaron formation in the electronic structure of LHPs and attributes it to their high defect tolerance and low non-radiative recombination rate. Because the perovskite structure consists of negative and positive ions, polarons of this kind can be expected due to the Coulomb interaction between carriers and the polar lattice at intermediate electron-phonon coupling strength. Their existence is proposed to screen the carriers and defects to avoid recombination and trapping, thus leading to long carrier lifetimes. ARPES results by one group supported this assumption, reporting a 50\% effective mass enhancement over the theoretical effective mass for CsPbBr3 in the orthorhombic structure. The current thesis examines this hypothesis experimentally by photon-energy-dependent ARPES spectra and theoretically by GW band calculations of CsPbBr3 perovskites. The investigation is based on the fact that a polaron contribution in charge transport can become evident by an increase of the effective mass as measured by ARPES over the calculated one without polaron effects. However, my experiments on crystalline CsPbBr3 did not imply a larger effective mass for which one could postulate large polarons. In fact, the effective masses determined from ARPES agree with that of theoretical predictions. The second part of my thesis thoroughly investigates the possibility of spontaneously magnetizing LHPs by introducing Mn2+ ions. Mn doping was reported to cause ferromagnetism in one of the most common LHPs, MAPbI3, mediated by super-exchange. The current work investigates the magnetic properties of a wide concentration range of Mn-doped MAPbI3 and triple-cation films by XAS, XMCD, and SQUID measurements. Based on the XAS line shape and a sum-rule analysis of the XMCD spectra, a pure Mn2+ configuration has been confirmed. Negative Curie temperatures are extracted from fitting the magnetization with a Curie-Weiss law. However, a remanent magnetization, which would be an indication of the absence of ferromagnetism down to 2K. As far as the double exchange is concerned, the element-specific XAS excludes a sufficient amount of Mn3+ as a prerequisite for this mechanism. All the findings show no evidence of significant double exchange or ferromagnetism in Mn-doped LHPs. The magnetic behavior is paramagnetic rather than ferromagnetic. In the dissertation's last chapter, orthorhombic features of CsPbBr3 are revealed by ARPES, including an extra VBM at the Γ-point. The VBM of CsPbBr3 shows a temperature-dependent splitting, which decreases by 190 meV between 38K and 300K and tracks a shift of a saddle point at the cubic M-point. It is possible to reproduce the energy shift using an atomic model with a larger unit cell for room temperature, allowing local inversion symmetry breaking. This indicates the importance of electric dipoles for the inorganic LHPs, which may contribute to their high efficiency by breaking inversion symmetry and a Berry-phase effect.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zeuschner2022, author = {Zeuschner, Steffen Peer}, title = {Magnetoacoustics observed with ultrafast x-ray diffraction}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56109}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-561098}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {V, 128, IX}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In the present thesis I investigate the lattice dynamics of thin film hetero structures of magnetically ordered materials upon femtosecond laser excitation as a probing and manipulation scheme for the spin system. The quantitative assessment of laser induced thermal dynamics as well as generated picosecond acoustic pulses and their respective impact on the magnetization dynamics of thin films is a challenging endeavor. All the more, the development and implementation of effective experimental tools and comprehensive models are paramount to propel future academic and technological progress. In all experiments in the scope of this cumulative dissertation, I examine the crystal lattice of nanoscale thin films upon the excitation with femtosecond laser pulses. The relative change of the lattice constant due to thermal expansion or picosecond strain pulses is directly monitored by an ultrafast X-ray diffraction (UXRD) setup with a femtosecond laser-driven plasma X-ray source (PXS). Phonons and spins alike exert stress on the lattice, which responds according to the elastic properties of the material, rendering the lattice a versatile sensor for all sorts of ultrafast interactions. On the one hand, I investigate materials with strong magneto-elastic properties; The highly magnetostrictive rare-earth compound TbFe2, elemental Dysprosium or the technological relevant Invar material FePt. On the other hand I conduct a comprehensive study on the lattice dynamics of Bi1Y2Fe5O12 (Bi:YIG), which exhibits high-frequency coherent spin dynamics upon femtosecond laser excitation according to the literature. Higher order standing spinwaves (SSWs) are triggered by coherent and incoherent motion of atoms, in other words phonons, which I quantified with UXRD. We are able to unite the experimental observations of the lattice and magnetization dynamics qualitatively and quantitatively. This is done with a combination of multi-temperature, elastic, magneto-elastic, anisotropy and micro-magnetic modeling. The collective data from UXRD, to probe the lattice, and time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (tr-MOKE) measurements, to monitor the magnetization, were previously collected at different experimental setups. To improve the precision of the quantitative assessment of lattice and magnetization dynamics alike, our group implemented a combination of UXRD and tr-MOKE in a singular experimental setup, which is to my knowledge, the first of its kind. I helped with the conception and commissioning of this novel experimental station, which allows the simultaneous observation of lattice and magnetization dynamics on an ultrafast timescale under identical excitation conditions. Furthermore, I developed a new X-ray diffraction measurement routine which significantly reduces the measurement time of UXRD experiments by up to an order of magnitude. It is called reciprocal space slicing (RSS) and utilizes an area detector to monitor the angular motion of X-ray diffraction peaks, which is associated with lattice constant changes, without a time-consuming scan of the diffraction angles with the goniometer. RSS is particularly useful for ultrafast diffraction experiments, since measurement time at large scale facilities like synchrotrons and free electron lasers is a scarce and expensive resource. However, RSS is not limited to ultrafast experiments and can even be extended to other diffraction techniques with neutrons or electrons.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koc2018, author = {Ko{\c{c}}, Azize}, title = {Ultrafast x-ray studies on the non-equilibrium of the magnetic and phononic system in heavy rare-earths}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42328}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423282}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 117}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this dissertation the lattice and the magnetic recovery dynamics of the two heavy rare-earth metals Dy and Gd after femtosecond photoexcitation are described. For the investigations, thin films of Dy and Gd were measured at low temperatures in the antiferromagnetic phase of Dy and close to room temperature in the ferromagnetic phase of Gd. Two different optical pump-x-ray probe techniques were employed: Ultrafast x-ray diffraction with hard x-rays (UXRD) yields the structural response of heavy rare-earth metals and resonant soft (elastic) x-ray diffraction (RSXD), which allows measuring directly changes in the helical antiferromagnetic order of Dy. The combination of both techniques enables to study the complex interaction between the magnetic and the phononic subsystems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goldshteyn2014, author = {Goldshteyn, Jewgenij}, title = {Frequency-resolved ultrafast dynamics of phonon polariton wavepackets in the ferroelectric crystals LiNbO₃ and LiTaO₃}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-71623}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {During this work I built a four wave mixing setup for the time-resolved femtosecond spectroscopy of Raman-active lattice modes. This setup enables to study the selective excitation of phonon polaritons. These quasi-particles arise from the coupling of electro-magnetic waves and transverse optical lattice modes, the so-called phonons. The phonon polaritons were investigated in the optically non-linear, ferroelectric crystals LiNbO₃ and LiTaO₃. The direct observation of the frequency shift of the scattered narrow bandwidth probe pulses proofs the role of the Raman interaction during the probe and excitation process of phonon polaritons. I compare this experimental method with the measurement where ultra-short laser pulses are used. The frequency shift remains obscured by the relative broad bandwidth of these laser pulses. In an experiment with narrow bandwidth probe pulses, the Stokes and anti-Stokes intensities are spectrally separated. They are assigned to the corresponding counter-propagating wavepackets of phonon polaritons. Thus, the dynamics of these wavepackets was separately studied. Based on these findings, I develop the mathematical description of the so-called homodyne detection of light for the case of light scattering from counter propagating phonon polaritons. Further, I modified the broad bandwidth of the ultra-short pump pulses using bandpass filters to generate two pump pulses with non-overlapping spectra. This enables the frequency-selective excitation of polariton modes in the sample, which allows me to observe even very weak polariton modes in LiNbO₃ or LiTaO₃ that belong to the higher branches of the dispersion relation of phonon polaritons. The experimentally determined dispersion relation of the phonon polaritons could therefore be extended and compared to theoretical models. In addition, I determined the frequency-dependent damping of phonon polaritons.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herzog2012, author = {Herzog, Marc}, title = {Structural dynamics of photoexcited nanolayered perovskites studied by ultrafast x-ray diffraction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62632}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This publication-based thesis represents a contribution to the active research field of ultrafast structural dynamics in laser-excited nanostructures. The investigation of such dynamics is mandatory for the understanding of the various physical processes on microscopic scales in complex materials which have great potentials for advances in many technological applications. I theoretically and experimentally examine the coherent, incoherent and anharmonic lattice dynamics of epitaxial metal-insulator heterostructures on timescales ranging from femtoseconds up to nanoseconds. To infer information on the transient dynamics in the photoexcited crystal lattices experimental techniques using ultrashort optical and x-ray pulses are employed. The experimental setups include table-top sources as well as large-scale facilities such as synchrotron sources. At the core of my work lies the development of a linear-chain model to simulate and analyze the photoexcited atomic-scale dynamics. The calculated strain fields are then used to simulate the optical and x-ray response of the considered thin films and multilayers in order to relate the experimental signatures to particular structural processes. This way one obtains insight into the rich lattice dynamics exhibiting coherent transport of vibrational energy from local excitations via delocalized phonon modes of the samples. The complex deformations in tailored multilayers are identified to give rise to highly nonlinear x-ray diffraction responses due to transient interference effects. The understanding of such effects and the ability to precisely calculate those are exploited for the design of novel ultrafast x-ray optics. In particular, I present several Phonon Bragg Switch concepts to efficiently generate ultrashort x-ray pulses for time-resolved structural investigations. By extension of the numerical models to include incoherent phonon propagation and anharmonic lattice potentials I present a new view on the fundamental research topics of nanoscale thermal transport and anharmonic phonon-phonon interactions such as nonlinear sound propagation and phonon damping. The former issue is exemplified by the time-resolved heat conduction from thin SrRuO3 films into a SrTiO3 substrate which exhibits an unexpectedly slow heat conductivity. Furthermore, I discuss various experiments which can be well reproduced by the versatile numerical models and thus evidence strong lattice anharmonicities in the perovskite oxide SrTiO3. The thesis also presents several advances of experimental techniques such as time-resolved phonon spectroscopy with optical and x-ray photons as well as concepts for the implementation of x-ray diffraction setups at standard synchrotron beamlines with largely improved time-resolution for investigations of ultrafast structural processes. This work forms the basis for ongoing research topics in complex oxide materials including electronic correlations and phase transitions related to the elastic, magnetic and polarization degrees of freedom.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kiel2012, author = {Kiel, Mareike}, title = {Static and ultrafast optical properties of nanolayered composites : gold nanoparticles embedded in polyelectrolytes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61823}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In the course of this thesis gold nanoparticle/polyelectrolyte multilayer structures were prepared, characterized, and investigated according to their static and ultrafast optical properties. Using the dip-coating or spin-coating layer-by-layer deposition method, gold-nanoparticle layers were embedded in a polyelectrolyte environment with high structural perfection. Typical structures exhibit four repetition units, each consisting of one gold-particle layer and ten double layers of polyelectrolyte (cationic+anionic polyelectrolyte). The structures were characterized by X-ray reflectivity measurements, which reveal Bragg peaks up to the seventh order, evidencing the high stratication of the particle layers. In the same measurements pronounced Kiessig fringes were observed, which indicate a low global roughness of the samples. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images veried this low roughness, which results from the high smoothing capabilities of polyelectrolyte layers. This smoothing effect facilitates the fabrication of stratified nanoparticle/polyelectrolyte multilayer structures, which were nicely illustrated in a transmission electron microscopy image. The samples' optical properties were investigated by static spectroscopic measurements in the visible and UV range. The measurements revealed a frequency shift of the reflectance and of the plasmon absorption band, depending on the thickness of the polyelectrolyte layers that cover a nanoparticle layer. When the covering layer becomes thicker than the particle interaction range, the absorption spectrum becomes independent of the polymer thickness. However, the reflectance spectrum continues shifting to lower frequencies (even for large thicknesses). The range of plasmon interaction was determined to be in the order of the particle diameter for 10 nm, 20 nm, and 150 nm particles. The transient broadband complex dielectric function of a multilayer structure was determined experimentally by ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. This was achieved by simultaneous measurements of the changes in the reflectance and transmittance of the excited sample over a broad spectral range. The changes in the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function were directly deduced from the measured data by using a recursive formalism based on the Fresnel equations. This method can be applied to a broad range of nanoparticle systems where experimental data on the transient dielectric response are rare. This complete experimental approach serves as a test ground for modeling the dielectric function of a nanoparticle compound structure upon laser excitation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sander2018, author = {Sander, Mathias}, title = {Ultrafast tailored strain fields in nanostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-417863}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 119}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This publication based thesis, which consists of seven published articles, summarizes my contributions to the research field of laser excited ultrafast structural dynamics. The coherent and incoherent lattice dynamics on microscopic length scales are detected by ultrashort optical and X-ray pulses. The understanding of the complex physical processes is essential for future improvements of technological applications. For this purpose, tabletop soruces and large scale facilities, e.g. synchrotrons, are employed to study structural dynamics of longitudinal acoustic strain waves and heat transport. The investigated effects cover timescales from hundreds of femtoseconds up to several microseconds. The main part of this thesis is dedicated to the investigation of tailored phonon wave packets propagating in perovskite nanostructures. Tailoring is achieved either by laser excitation of nanostructured bilayer samples or by a temporal series of laser pulses. Due to the propagation of longitudinal acoustic phonons, the out-of-plane lattice spacing of a thin film insulator-metal bilayer sample is modulated on an ultrafast timescale. This leads to an ultrafast modulation of the X-ray diffraction efficiency which is employed as a phonon Bragg switch to shorten hard X-ray pulses emitted from a 3rd generation synchrotron. In addition, we have observed nonlinear mixing of high amplitude phonon wave packets which originates from an anharmonic interatomic potential. A chirped optical pulse sequence excites a narrow band phonon wave packet with specific momentum and energy. The second harmonic generation of these phonon wave packets is followed by ultrafast X-ray diffraction. Phonon upconversion takes place because the high amplitude phonon wave packet modulates the acoustic properties of the crystal which leads to self steepening and to the successive generation of higher harmonics of the phonon wave packet. Furthermore, we have demonstrated ultrafast strain in direction parallel to the sample surface. Two consecutive so-called transient grating excitations displaced in space and time are used to coherently control thermal gradients and surface acoustic modes. The amplitude of the coherent and incoherent surface excursion is disentangled by time resolved X-ray reflectivity measurements. We calibrate the absolute amplitude of thermal and acoustic surface excursion with measurements of longitudinal phonon propagation. In addition, we develop a diffraction model which allows for measuring the surface excursion on an absolute length scale with sub-{\"A}angstr{\"o}m precision. Finally, I demonstrate full coherent control of an excited surface deformation by amplifying and suppressing thermal and coherent excitations at the surface of a laser-excited Yttrium-manganite sample.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Willig2019, author = {Willig, Lisa}, title = {Ultrafast magneto-optical studies of remagnetisation dynamics in transition metals}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44194}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-441942}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 113, XVII}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Ultrafast magnetisation dynamics have been investigated intensely for two decades. The recovery process after demagnetisation, however, was rarely studied experimentally and discussed in detail. The focus of this work lies on the investigation of the magnetisation on long timescales after laser excitation. It combines two ultrafast time resolved methods to study the relaxation of the magnetic and lattice system after excitation with a high fluence ultrashort laser pulse. The magnetic system is investigated by time resolved measurements of the magneto-optical Kerr effect. The experimental setup has been implemented in the scope of this work. The lattice dynamics were obtained with ultrafast X-ray diffraction. The combination of both techniques leads to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in magnetisation recovery from a non-equilibrium condition. Three different groups of samples are investigated in this work: Thin Nickel layers capped with nonmagnetic materials, a continuous sample of the ordered L10 phase of Iron Platinum and a sample consisting of Iron Platinum nanoparticles embedded in a carbon matrix. The study of the remagnetisation reveals a general trend for all of the samples: The remagnetisation process can be described by two time dependences. A first exponential recovery that slows down with an increasing amount of energy absorbed in the system until an approximately linear time dependence is observed. This is followed by a second exponential recovery. In case of low fluence excitation, the first recovery is faster than the second. With increasing fluence the first recovery is slowed down and can be described as a linear function. If the pump-induced temperature increase in the sample is sufficiently high, a phase transition to a paramagnetic state is observed. In the remagnetisation process, the transition into the ferromagnetic state is characterised by a distinct transition between the linear and exponential recovery. From the combination of the transient lattice temperature Tp(t) obtained from ultrafast X-ray measurements and magnetisation M(t) gained from magneto-optical measurements we construct the transient magnetisation versus temperature relations M(Tp). If the lattice temperature remains below the Curie temperature the remagnetisation curve M(Tp) is linear and stays below the M(T) curve in equilibrium in the continuous transition metal layers. When the sample is heated above phase transition, the remagnetisation converges towards the static temperature dependence. For the granular Iron Platinum sample the M(Tp) curves for different fluences coincide, i.e. the remagnetisation follows a similar path irrespective of the initial laser-induced temperature jump.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Damle2023, author = {Damle, Mitali}, title = {Gas distribution around galaxies in cosmological simulations}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59054}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-590543}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, xii, 146}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The evolution of a galaxy is pivotally governed by its pattern of star formation over a given period of time. The star formation rate at any given time is strongly dependent on the amount of cold gas available in the galaxy. Accretion of pristine gas from the Intergalactic medium (IGM) is thought to be one of the primary sources for star-forming gas. This gas first passes through the virial regions of the galaxy before reaching the Interstellar medium (ISM), the hub of star formation. On the other hand, owing to the evolutionary course of young and massive stars, energetic winds are ejected from the ISM to the virial regions of the galaxy. A bunch of interlinked, complex astrophysical processes, arising from the concurrent presence of both infalling as well as outbound gas, play out over a range of timescales in the halo region or the Circumgalactic medium (CGM) of a galaxy. It would not be incorrect to say that the CGM has a stronghold over the gas reserves of a galaxy and thus, plays a backhand, yet, rather pivotal role in shaping many galactic properties, some of which are also readily observable. Observing the multi-phase CGM (via spectral-line ion measurements), however, remains a non-trivial effort even today. Low particle densities as well as the CGM's vast spatial extent, coupled with likely deviations from a spherical distribution, marr the possibility of obtaining complete, unbiased, high-quality spectral information tracing the full extent of the gaseous halo. This often incomplete information leads to multiple inferences about the CGM properties that give rise to multiple contradicting models. In this regard, computer simulations offer a neat solution towards testing and, subsequently, falsifying many of these existing CGM models. Thanks to their controlled environments, simulations are able to not only effortlessly transcend several orders of magnitude in time and space, but also get around many of the observational limitations and provide some unique views on many CGM properties. In this thesis, I focus on effectively using different computer simulations to understand the role of CGM in various astrophysical contexts, namely, the effect of Local Group (LG) environment, major merger events and satellite galaxies. In Chapter 2, I discuss the approach used for modeling various phases of the simulated z = 0 LG CGM in Hestia constrained simulations. Each of the three realizations contain a Milky Way (MW)-Andromeda (M31) galaxy pair, along with their corresponding sets of satellite galaxies, all embedded within the larger cosmological context. For characterizing the different temperature-density phases within the CGM, I model five tracer ions with cloudy ionization modeling. The cold and cool-ionized CGM (H i and Si iii respectively) in Hestia is very clumpy and distributed close to the galactic centers, while the warm-hot and hot CGM (O vi, O vii and O viii) is tenuous and volume-filling. On comparing the H i and Si iii column densities for the simulated M31 with observational measurements from Project AMIGA survey and other low-z galaxies, I found that Hestia galaxies produced less gas in the outer CGM, unlike observations. My carefully designed observational bias model subsequently revealed the possibility that some MW gas clouds might be incorrectly associated with the M31 CGM in observations, and hence, may be partly responsible for giving rise to the detected mismatch between simulated data and observations. In Chapter 3, I present results from four zoom-in, major merger, gas-rich simulations and the subsequent role of the gas, originally situated in the CGM, in influencing some of the galactic observables. The progenitor parameters are selected such that the post-merger remnants are MW-mass galaxies. We generally see a very clear gas bridge joining the merging galaxies in case of multiple passage mergers while such a bridge is mostly absent when a direct collision occurs. On the basis of particle-to-galaxy distance computations and tracer particle analysis, I found that about 33-48 percent of the cold gas contributing to the merger-induced star formation in the bridge originated from the CGM regions. In Chapter 4, I used a sample of 234 MW-mass, L* galaxies from the TNG50 cosmological simulations, with an aim of characterizing the impact of their global satellite populations on the extended cold CGM properties of their host L* halos. On the basis of halo mass and number of satellite galaxies (N_sats ), I categorized the sample into low and high mass bins, and subsequently into bottom, inter and top quartiles respectively. After confirming that satellites indeed influence the extended cold halo gas density profiles of the host galaxies, I investigated the effects of different satellite population parameters on the host halo cold CGMs. My analysis showed that there is hardly any cold gas associated with the satellite population of the lowest mass halos. The stellar mass of the most massive satellite (M_*mms ) impacted the cold gas in low mass bin halos the most, while N_sats (followed by M_*mms ) was the most influential factor for the high mass halos. In any case, how easily cold gas was stripped off the most massive satellite did not play much role. The number of massive (Stellar mass, M* > 10^8 M_solar) satellites as well as the M_*mms associated with a galaxy are two of the most crucial parameters determining how much cold gas ultimately finds its way from the satellites to the host halo. Low mass galaxies are found rather lacking on both these fronts unlike their high mass counterparts. This work highlights some aspects of the complex gas physics that constitute the basic essence of a low-z CGM. My analysis proved the importance of a cosmological environment, local surroundings and merger history in defining some key observable properties of a galactic CGM. Furthermore, I found that different satellite properties were responsible for affecting the cold-dense CGM of the low and high-mass parent galaxies. Finally, the LG emerged as an exciting prospect for testing and pinning down several intricate details about the CGM.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reppert2021, author = {Reppert, Alexander von}, title = {Magnetic strain contributions in laser-excited metals studied by time-resolved X-ray diffraction}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53558}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-535582}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XV, 311}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In this work I explore the impact of magnetic order on the laser-induced ultrafast strain response of metals. Few experiments with femto- or picosecond time-resolution have so far investigated magnetic stresses. This is contrasted by the industrial usage of magnetic invar materials or magnetostrictive transducers for ultrasound generation, which already utilize magnetostrictive stresses in the low frequency regime. In the reported experiments I investigate how the energy deposition by the absorption of femtosecond laser pulses in thin metal films leads to an ultrafast stress generation. I utilize that this stress drives an expansion that emits nanoscopic strain pulses, so called hypersound, into adjacent layers. Both the expansion and the strain pulses change the average inter-atomic distance in the sample, which can be tracked with sub-picosecond time resolution using an X-ray diffraction setup at a laser-driven Plasma X-ray source. Ultrafast X-ray diffraction can also be applied to buried layers within heterostructures that cannot be accessed by optical methods, which exhibit a limited penetration into metals. The reconstruction of the initial energy transfer processes from the shape of the strain pulse in buried detection layers represents a contribution of this work to the field of picosecond ultrasonics. A central point for the analysis of the experiments is the direct link between the deposited energy density in the nano-structures and the resulting stress on the crystal lattice. The underlying thermodynamical concept of a Gr{\"u}neisen parameter provides the theoretical framework for my work. I demonstrate how the Gr{\"u}neisen principle can be used for the interpretation of the strain response on ultrafast timescales in various materials and that it can be extended to describe magnetic stresses. The class of heavy rare-earth elements exhibits especially large magnetostriction effects, which can even lead to an unconventional contraction of the laser-excited transducer material. Such a dominant contribution of the magnetic stress to the motion of atoms has not been demonstrated previously. The observed rise time of the magnetic stress contribution in Dysprosium is identical to the decrease in the helical spin-order, that has been found previously using time-resolved resonant X-ray diffraction. This indicates that the strength of the magnetic stress can be used as a proxy of the underlying magnetic order. Such magnetostriction measurements are applicable even in case of antiparallel or non-collinear alignment of the magnetic moments and a vanishing magnetization. The strain response of metal films is usually determined by the pressure of electrons and lattice vibrations. I have developed a versatile two-pulse excitation routine that can be used to extract the magnetic contribution to the strain response even if systematic measurements above and below the magnetic ordering temperature are not feasible. A first laser pulse leads to a partial ultrafast demagnetization so that the amplitude and shape of the strain response triggered by the second pulse depends on the remaining magnetic order. With this method I could identify a strongly anisotropic magnetic stress contribution in the magnetic data storage material iron-platinum and identify the recovery of the magnetic order by the variation of the pulse-to-pulse delay. The stark contrast of the expansion of iron-platinum nanograins and thin films shows that the different constraints for the in-plane expansion have a strong influence on the out-of-plane expansion, due to the Poisson effect. I show how such transverse strain contributions need to be accounted for when interpreting the ultrafast out-of-plane strain response using thermal expansion coefficients obtained in near equilibrium conditions. This work contributes an investigation of magnetostriction on ultrafast timescales to the literature of magnetic effects in materials. It develops a method to extract spatial and temporal varying stress contributions based on a model for the amplitude and shape of the emitted strain pulses. Energy transfer processes result in a change of the stress profile with respect to the initial absorption of the laser pulses. One interesting example occurs in nanoscopic gold-nickel heterostructures, where excited electrons rapidly transport energy into a distant nickel layer, that takes up much more energy and expands faster and stronger than the laser-excited gold capping layer. Magnetic excitations in rare earth materials represent a large energy reservoir that delays the energy transfer into adjacent layers. Such magneto-caloric effects are known in thermodynamics but not extensively covered on ultrafast timescales. The combination of ultrafast X-ray diffraction and time-resolved techniques with direct access to the magnetization has a large potential to uncover and quantify such energy transfer processes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{PerdigonToro2022, author = {Perdig{\´o}n-Toro, Lorena}, title = {On the Generation and Fate of Free Carriers in Non-Fullerene Acceptor Organic Solar Cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55807}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-558072}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 191}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Organic solar cells offer an efficient and cost-effective alternative for solar energy harvesting. This type of photovoltaic cell typically consists of a blend of two organic semiconductors, an electron donating polymer and a low molecular weight electron acceptor to create what is known as a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) morphology. Traditionally, fullerene-based acceptors have been used for this purpose. In recent years, the development of new acceptor molecules, so-called non-fullerene acceptors (NFA), has breathed new life into organic solar cell research, enabling record efficiencies close to 19\%. Today, NFA-based solar cells are approaching their inorganic competitors in terms of photocurrent generation, but lag in terms of open circuit voltage (V_OC). Interestingly, the V_OC of these cells benefits from small offsets of orbital energies at the donor-NFA interface, although previous knowledge considered large energy offsets to be critical for efficient charge carrier generation. In addition, there are several other electronic and structural features that distinguish NFAs from fullerenes. My thesis focuses on understanding the interplay between the unique attributes of NFAs and the physical processes occurring in solar cells. By combining various experimental techniques with drift-diffusion simulations, the generation of free charge carriers as well as their recombination in state-of-the-art NFA-based solar cells is characterized. For this purpose, solar cells based on the donor polymer PM6 and the NFA Y6 have been investigated. The generation of free charge carriers in PM6:Y6 is efficient and independent of electric field and excitation energy. Temperature-dependent measurements show a very low activation energy for photocurrent generation (about 6 meV), indicating barrierless charge carrier separation. Theoretical modeling suggests that Y6 molecules have large quadrupole moments, leading to band bending at the donor-acceptor interface and thereby reducing the electrostatic Coulomb dissociation barrier. In this regard, this work identifies poor extraction of free charges in competition with nongeminate recombination as a dominant loss process in PM6:Y6 devices. Subsequently, the spectral characteristics of PM6:Y6 solar cells were investigated with respect to the dominant process of charge carrier recombination. It was found that the photon emission under open-circuit conditions can be almost entirely attributed to the occupation and recombination of Y6 singlet excitons. Nevertheless, the recombination pathway via the singlet state contributes only 1\% to the total recombination, which is dominated by the charge transfer state (CT-state) at the donor-acceptor interface. Further V_OC gains can therefore only be expected if the density and/or recombination rate of these CT-states can be significantly reduced. Finally, the role of energetic disorder in NFA solar cells is investigated by comparing Y6 with a structurally related derivative, named N4. Layer morphology studies combined with temperature-dependent charge transport experiments show significantly lower structural and energetic disorder in the case of the PM6:Y6 blend. For both PM6:Y6 and PM6:N4, disorder determines the maximum achievable V_OC, with PM6:Y6 benefiting from improved morphological order. Overall, the obtained findings point to avenues for the realization of NFA-based solar cells with even smaller V_OC losses. Further reduction of nongeminate recombination and energetic disorder should result in organic solar cells with efficiencies above 20\% in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koehler2020, author = {K{\"o}hler, Raphael}, title = {Towards seasonal prediction: stratosphere-troposphere coupling in the atmospheric model ICON-NWP}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-48723}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-487231}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 119}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Stratospheric variability is one of the main potential sources for sub-seasonal to seasonal predictability in mid-latitudes in winter. Stratospheric pathways play an important role for long-range teleconnections between tropical phenomena, such as the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) and El Ni{\~n}o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and the mid-latitudes on the one hand, and linkages between Arctic climate change and the mid-latitudes on the other hand. In order to move forward in the field of extratropical seasonal predictions, it is essential that an atmospheric model is able to realistically simulate the stratospheric circulation and variability. The numerical weather prediction (NWP) configuration of the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic atmosphere model ICON is currently being used by the German Meteorological Service for the regular weather forecast, and is intended to produce seasonal predictions in future. This thesis represents the first extensive evaluation of Northern Hemisphere stratospheric winter circulation in ICON-NWP by analysing a large set of seasonal ensemble experiments. An ICON control climatology simulated with a default setup is able to reproduce the basic behaviour of the stratospheric polar vortex. However, stratospheric westerlies are significantly too weak and major stratospheric warmings too frequent, especially in January. The weak stratospheric polar vortex in ICON is furthermore connected to a mean sea level pressure (MSLP) bias pattern resembling the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation (AO). Since a good representation of the drag exerted by gravity waves is crucial for a realistic simulation of the stratosphere, three sensitivity experiments with reduced gravity wave drag are performed. Both a reduction of the non-orographic and orographic gravity wave drag respectively, lead to a strengthening of the stratospheric vortex and thus a bias reduction in winter, in particular in January. However, the effect of the non-orographic gravity wave drag on the stratosphere is stronger. A third experiment, combining a reduced orographic and non-orographic drag, exhibits the largest stratospheric bias reductions. The analysis of stratosphere-troposphere coupling based on an index of the Northern Annular Mode demonstrates that ICON realistically represents downward coupling. This coupling is intensified and more realistic in experiments with a reduced gravity wave drag, in particular with reduced non-orographic drag. Tropospheric circulation is also affected by the reduced gravity wave drag, especially in January, when the strongly improved stratospheric circulation reduces biases in the MSLP patterns. Moreover, a retuning of the subgrid-scale orography parameterisations leads to a significant error reduction in the MSLP in all months. In conclusion, the combination of these adjusted parameterisations is recommended as a current optimal setup for seasonal simulations with ICON. Additionally, this thesis discusses further possible influences on the stratospheric polar vortex, including the influence of tropical phenomena, such as QBO and ENSO, as well as the influence of a rapidly warming Arctic. ICON does not simulate the quasi-oscillatory behaviour of the QBO and favours weak easterlies in the tropical stratosphere. A comparison with a reanalysis composite of the easterly QBO phase reveals, that the shift towards the easterly QBO in ICON further weakens the stratospheric polar vortex. On the other hand, the stratospheric reaction to ENSO events in ICON is realistic. ICON and the reanalysis exhibit a weakened stratospheric vortex in warm ENSO years. Furthermore, in particular in winter, warm ENSO events favour the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation, whereas cold events favour the positive phase. The ICON simulations also suggest a significant effect of ENSO on the Atlantic-European sector in late winter. To investigate the influence of Arctic climate change on mid-latitude circulation changes, two differing approaches with transient and fixed sea ice conditions are chosen. Neither ICON approach exhibits the mid-latitude tropospheric negative Arctic Oscillation circulation response to amplified Arctic warming, as it is discussed on the basis of observational evidence. Nevertheless, adding a new model to the current and active discussion on Arctic-midlatitude linkages, further contributes to the understanding of divergent conclusions between model and observational studies.}, language = {en} }