@phdthesis{HerreroAlonso2023, author = {Herrero Alonso, Yohana}, title = {Properties of high-redshift galaxies in different environments}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61328}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613288}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 114}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The Lyman-𝛼 (Ly𝛼) line commonly assists in the detection of high-redshift galaxies, the so-called Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs). LAEs are useful tools to study the baryonic matter distribution of the high-redshift universe. Exploring their spatial distribution not only reveals the large-scale structure of the universe at early epochs, but it also provides an insight into the early formation and evolution of the galaxies we observe today. Because dark matter halos (DMHs) serve as sites of galaxy formation, the LAE distribution also traces that of the underlying dark matter. However, the details of this relation and their co-evolution over time remain unclear. Moreover, theoretical studies predict that the spatial distribution of LAEs also impacts their own circumgalactic medium (CGM) by influencing their extended Ly𝛼 gaseous halos (LAHs), whose origin is still under investigation. In this thesis, I make several contributions to improve the knowledge on these fields using samples of LAEs observed with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at redshifts of 3 < 𝑧 < 6.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Braun2023, author = {Braun, Tobias}, title = {Recurrences in past climates}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58690}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-586900}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxviii, 251}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Our ability to predict the state of a system relies on its tendency to recur to states it has visited before. Recurrence also pervades common intuitions about the systems we are most familiar with: daily routines, social rituals and the return of the seasons are just a few relatable examples. To this end, recurrence plots (RP) provide a systematic framework to quantify the recurrence of states. Despite their conceptual simplicity, they are a versatile tool in the study of observational data. The global climate is a complex system for which an understanding based on observational data is not only of academical relevance, but vital for the predurance of human societies within the planetary boundaries. Contextualizing current global climate change, however, requires observational data far beyond the instrumental period. The palaeoclimate record offers a valuable archive of proxy data but demands methodological approaches that adequately address its complexities. In this regard, the following dissertation aims at devising novel and further developing existing methods in the framework of recurrence analysis (RA). The proposed research questions focus on using RA to capture scale-dependent properties in nonlinear time series and tailoring recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) to characterize seasonal variability in palaeoclimate records ('Palaeoseasonality'). In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the methodological development of novel approaches in RA. The predictability of nonlinear (palaeo)climate time series is limited by abrupt transitions between regimes that exhibit entirely different dynamical complexity (e.g. crossing of 'tipping points'). These possibly depend on characteristic time scales. RPs are well-established for detecting transitions and capture scale-dependencies, yet few approaches have combined both aspects. We apply existing concepts from the study of self-similar textures to RPs to detect abrupt transitions, considering the most relevant time scales. This combination of methods further results in the definition of a novel recurrence based nonlinear dependence measure. Quantifying lagged interactions between multiple variables is a common problem, especially in the characterization of high-dimensional complex systems. The proposed 'recurrence flow' measure of nonlinear dependence offers an elegant way to characterize such couplings. For spatially extended complex systems, the coupled dynamics of local variables result in the emergence of spatial patterns. These patterns tend to recur in time. Based on this observation, we propose a novel method that entails dynamically distinct regimes of atmospheric circulation based on their recurrent spatial patterns. Bridging the two parts of this dissertation, we next turn to methodological advances of RA for the study of Palaeoseasonality. Observational series of palaeoclimate 'proxy' records involve inherent limitations, such as irregular temporal sampling. We reveal biases in the RQA of time series with a non-stationary sampling rate and propose a correction scheme. In the second part of this thesis, we proceed with applications in Palaeoseasonality. A review of common and promising time series analysis methods shows that numerous valuable tools exist, but their sound application requires adaptions to archive-specific limitations and consolidating transdisciplinary knowledge. Next, we study stalagmite proxy records from the Central Pacific as sensitive recorders of mid-Holocene El Ni{\~n}o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dynamics. The records' remarkably high temporal resolution allows to draw links between ENSO and seasonal dynamics, quantified by RA. The final study presented here examines how seasonal predictability could play a role for the stability of agricultural societies. The Classic Maya underwent a period of sociopolitical disintegration that has been linked to drought events. Based on seasonally resolved stable isotope records from Yok Balum cave in Belize, we propose a measure of seasonal predictability. It unveils the potential role declining seasonal predictability could have played in destabilizing agricultural and sociopolitical systems of Classic Maya populations. The methodological approaches and applications presented in this work reveal multiple exciting future research avenues, both for RA and the study of Palaeoseasonality.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scholz2012, author = {Scholz, Markus Reiner}, title = {Spin polarization, circular dichroism, and robustness of topological surface states}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96686}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {153}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Dreidimensionale topologische Isolatoren sind ein neues Materialsystem, welches dadurch charakterisiert ist, dass es in seinem Inneren isolierend an der Ober {\"a}che jedoch leitend ist. Urs{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r die Leitf{\"a}higkeit an der Ober {\"a}che sind sogenannte topologische Ober- {\"a}chenzust{\"a}nde, welche das Valenzband des Inneren mit dem Leitungsband des Inneren verbinden. An der Ober {\"a}che ist also die Bandl{\"u}cke, welche die isolierende Eigenschaft verursacht, geschlossen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht diese Ober {\"a}chenzust{\"a}nde mittels spin- und winkelauf- gel{\"o}ster Photoemissionsspektroskopie. Es wird gezeigt, dass in den Materialien Bi2Se3 und Bi2Te3, in {\"u}bereinstimmung mit der Literatur, die entscheidenden Charakteristika eines topologischen Ober {\"a}chenzustands vorzu nden sind: Die Ober {\"a}chenzust{\"a}nde dieser Sys- teme durchqueren die Bandl{\"u}cke in ungerader Anzahl, sie sind nicht entartet und weisen folgerichtig eine hohe Spinpolarisation auf. Weiterhin wird durch Aufdampfen diverser Adsorbate gezeigt, dass der Ober {\"a}chenzust{\"a}n- de von Bi2Se3 und Bi2Te3, wie erwartet, extrem robust ist. Ober {\"a}chenzust{\"a}nde topologisch trivialer Systeme erf{\"u}llen diese Eigenschaft nicht; bereits kleine Verunreinigungen k{\"o}n- nen diese Zust{\"a}nde zerst{\"o}ren, bzw. die Ober {\"a}che isolierend machen. Die topologischen Ober {\"a}chenzust{\"a}nde k{\"o}nnen in der vorliegenden Arbeit noch bis zur Detektionsgrenze der experimentellen Messmethode nachgewiesen werden und die Ober {\"a}che bleibt Leitf{\"a}hig. Unter den Adsorbaten be ndet sich auch Eisen, ein bekanntermaßen magnetisches Materi- al. Eine der Grundvoraussetzungen f{\"u}r topologische Isolatoren ist die Zeitumkehrsymme- trie, die Elektronen, welche den topologischen Ober {\"a}chenzustand besetzen, vorschreibt, dass sie eine bestimmte Spinrichtung haben m{\"u}ssen, wenn sie sich beispielsweise nach links bewegen und den entgegengesetzten Spin wenn sie sich nach rechts bewegen. In magnetischen Materialien ist die Zeitumkehrsymmetrie jedoch explizit gebrochen und die gezeigte Robustheit des Ober {\"a}chenzustands gegen magnetische Materialien daher uner- wartet. Die Zeitumkehrsymmetrie sorgt auch daf{\"u}r, dass eine Streuung der Elektronen um 180°, beispielsweise an einem Gitterdefekt oder an einem Phonon strikt verboten ist. Bei einem solchen Streuprozess bleibt die Spinrichtung erhalten, da aber in der Gegenrichtung nur Zust{\"a}nde mit entgegengesetztem Spin vorhanden sind kann das Elektron nicht in diese Richtung gestreut werden. Dieses Prinzip wird anhand der Lebensdauer der durch Pho- toemission angeregten Zust{\"a}nde untersucht. Hierbei wird gezeigt, dass die Kopplung der Elektronen des Ober {\"a}chenzustands von Bi2Te3 an Phononen unerwartet hoch ist und dass sich eine Anisotropie in der Bandstruktur des Selbigen auch in den Lebensdauern der ange- regten Zust{\"a}nde widerspiegelt. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, dass sich die Ein {\"u}sse von magne- tischen und nicht-magnetischen Verunreinigungen auf die Lebensdauern stark voneinander unterscheiden. Im letzten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, ob eine Asymmetrie in der Inten- sit{\"a}tsverteilung der winkelaufgel{\"o}sten Photoemissionsspektren, bei Anregung mit zirku- lar polarisiertem Licht, in Bi2Te3 R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die Spinpolarisation der Elektronen erlaubt. Bei Variation der Energie des eingestrahlten Lichts wird ein Vorzeichenwechsel der Asymmetrie beobachtet. Daraus l{\"a}sst sich schlussfolgern, dass die Asymmetrie keine R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die Spinpolarisation erlaubt.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Khosravi2023, author = {Khosravi, Sara}, title = {The effect of new turbulence parameterizations for the stable surface layer on simulations of the Arctic climate}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64352}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-643520}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 119}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Arctic climate change is marked by intensified warming compared to global trends and a significant reduction in Arctic sea ice which can intricately influence mid-latitude atmospheric circulation through tropo- and stratospheric pathways. Achieving accurate simulations of current and future climate demands a realistic representation of Arctic climate processes in numerical climate models, which remains challenging. Model deficiencies in replicating observed Arctic climate processes often arise due to inadequacies in representing turbulent boundary layer interactions that determine the interactions between the atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean. Many current climate models rely on parameterizations developed for mid-latitude conditions to handle Arctic turbulent boundary layer processes. This thesis focuses on modified representation of the Arctic atmospheric processes and understanding their resulting impact on large-scale mid-latitude atmospheric circulation within climate models. The improved turbulence parameterizations, recently developed based on Arctic measurements, were implemented in the global atmospheric circulation model ECHAM6. This involved modifying the stability functions over sea ice and ocean for stable stratification and changing the roughness length over sea ice for all stratification conditions. Comprehensive analyses are conducted to assess the impacts of these modifications on ECHAM6's simulations of the Arctic boundary layer, overall atmospheric circulation, and the dynamical pathways between the Arctic and mid-latitudes. Through a step-wise implementation of the mentioned parameterizations into ECHAM6, a series of sensitivity experiments revealed that the combined impacts of the reduced roughness length and the modified stability functions are non-linear. Nevertheless, it is evident that both modifications consistently lead to a general decrease in the heat transfer coefficient, being in close agreement with the observations. Additionally, compared to the reference observations, the ECHAM6 model falls short in accurately representing unstable and strongly stable conditions. The less frequent occurrence of strong stability restricts the influence of the modified stability functions by reducing the affected sample size. However, when focusing solely on the specific instances of a strongly stable atmosphere, the sensible heat flux approaches near-zero values, which is in line with the observations. Models employing commonly used surface turbulence parameterizations were shown to have difficulties replicating the near-zero sensible heat flux in strongly stable stratification. I also found that these limited changes in surface layer turbulence parameterizations have a statistically significant impact on the temperature and wind patterns across multiple pressure levels, including the stratosphere, in both the Arctic and mid-latitudes. These significant signals vary in strength, extent, and direction depending on the specific month or year, indicating a strong reliance on the background state. Furthermore, this research investigates how the modified surface turbulence parameterizations may influence the response of both stratospheric and tropospheric circulation to Arctic sea ice loss. The most suitable parameterizations for accurately representing Arctic boundary layer turbulence were identified from the sensitivity experiments. Subsequently, the model's response to sea ice loss is evaluated through extended ECHAM6 simulations with different prescribed sea ice conditions. The simulation with adjusted surface turbulence parameterizations better reproduced the observed Arctic tropospheric warming in vertical extent, demonstrating improved alignment with the reanalysis data. Additionally, unlike the control experiments, this simulation successfully reproduced specific circulation patterns linked to the stratospheric pathway for Arctic-mid-latitude linkages. Specifically, an increased occurrence of the Scandinavian-Ural blocking regime (negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation) in early (late) winter is observed. Overall, it can be inferred that improving turbulence parameterizations at the surface layer can improve the ECHAM6's response to sea ice loss.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{DeAndradeQueiroz2023, author = {De Andrade Queiroz, Anna Barbara}, title = {The Milky Way disks, bulge, and bar sub-populations}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59061}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-590615}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 187}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In recent decades, astronomy has seen a boom in large-scale stellar surveys of the Galaxy. The detailed information obtained about millions of individual stars in the Milky Way is bringing us a step closer to answering one of the most outstanding questions in astrophysics: how do galaxies form and evolve? The Milky Way is the only galaxy where we can dissect many stars into their high-dimensional chemical composition and complete phase space, which analogously as fossil records can unveil the past history of the genesis of the Galaxy. The processes that lead to large structure formation, such as the Milky Way, are critical for constraining cosmological models; we call this line of study Galactic archaeology or near-field cosmology. At the core of this work, we present a collection of efforts to chemically and dynamically characterise the disks and bulge of our Galaxy. The results we present in this thesis have only been possible thanks to the advent of the Gaia astrometric satellite, which has revolutionised the field of Galactic archaeology by precisely measuring the positions, parallax distances and motions of more than a billion stars. Another, though not less important, breakthrough is the APOGEE survey, which has observed spectra in the near-infrared peering into the dusty regions of the Galaxy, allowing us to determine detailed chemical abundance patterns in hundreds of thousands of stars. To accurately depict the Milky Way structure, we use and develop the Bayesian isochrone fitting tool/code called StarHorse; this software can predict stellar distances, extinctions and ages by combining astrometry, photometry and spectroscopy based on stellar evolutionary models. The StarHorse code is pivotal to calculating distances where Gaia parallaxes alone cannot allow accurate estimates. We show that by combining Gaia, APOGEE, photometric surveys and using StarHorse, we can produce a chemical cartography of the Milky way disks from their outermost to innermost parts. Such a map is unprecedented in the inner Galaxy. It reveals a continuity of the bimodal chemical pattern previously detected in the solar neighbourhood, indicating two populations with distinct formation histories. Furthermore, the data reveals a chemical gradient within the thin disk where the content of 𝛼-process elements and metals is higher towards the centre. Focusing on a sample in the inner MW we confirm the extension of the chemical duality to the innermost regions of the Galaxy. We find stars with bar shape orbits to show both high- and low-𝛼 abundances, suggesting the bar formed by secular evolution trapping stars that already existed. By analysing the chemical orbital space of the inner Galactic regions, we disentangle the multiple populations that inhabit this complex region. We reveal the presence of the thin disk, thick disk, bar, and a counter-rotating population, which resembles the outcome of a perturbed proto-Galactic disk. Our study also finds that the inner Galaxy holds a high quantity of super metal-rich stars up to three times solar suggesting it is a possible repository of old super-metal-rich stars found in the solar neighbourhood. We also enter into the complicated task of deriving individual stellar ages. With StarHorse, we calculate the ages of main-sequence turn-off and sub-giant stars for several public spectroscopic surveys. We validate our results by investigating linear relations between chemical abundances and time since the 𝛼 and neutron capture elements are sensitive to age as a reflection of the different enrichment timescales of these elements. For further study of the disks in the solar neighbourhood, we use an unsupervised machine learning algorithm to delineate a multidimensional separation of chrono-chemical stellar groups revealing the chemical thick disk, the thin disk, and young 𝛼-rich stars. The thick disk is shown to have a small age dispersion indicating its fast formation contrary to the thin disk that spans a wide range of ages. With groundbreaking data, this thesis encloses a detailed chemo-dynamical view of the disk and bulge of our Galaxy. Our findings on the Milky Way can be linked to the evolution of high redshift disk galaxies, helping to solve the conundrum of galaxy formation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Canil2021, author = {Canil, Laura}, title = {Tuning Interfacial Properties in Perovskite Solar Cells through Defined Molecular Assemblies}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54633}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-546333}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 157}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In the frame of a world fighting a dramatic global warming caused by human-related activities, research towards the development of renewable energies plays a crucial role. Solar energy is one of the most important clean energy sources and its role in the satisfaction of the global energy demand is set to increase. In this context, a particular class of materials captured the attention of the scientific community for its attractive properties: halide perovskites. Devices with perovskite as light-absorber saw an impressive development within the last decade, reaching nowadays efficiencies comparable to mature photovoltaic technologies like silicon solar cells. Yet, there are still several roadblocks to overcome before a wide-spread commercialization of this kind of devices is enabled. One of the critical points lies at the interfaces: perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are made of several layers with different chemical and physical features. In order for the device to function properly, these properties have to be well-matched. This dissertation deals with some of the challenges related to interfaces in PSCs, with a focus on the interface between the perovskite material itself and the subsequent charge transport layer. In particular, molecular assemblies with specific properties are deposited on the perovskite surface to functionalize it. The functionalization results in energy level alignment adjustment, interfacial losses reduction, and stability improvement. First, a strategy to tune the perovskite's energy levels is introduced: self-assembled monolayers of dipolar molecules are used to functionalize the surface, obtaining simultaneously a shift in the vacuum level position and a saturation of the dangling bonds at the surface. A shift in the vacuum level corresponds to an equal change in work function, ionization energy, and electron affinity. The direction of the shift depends on the direction of the collective interfacial dipole. The magnitude of the shift can be tailored by controlling the deposition parameters, such as the concentration of the solution used for the deposition. The shift for different molecules is characterized by several non-invasive techniques, including in particular Kelvin probe. Overall, it is shown that it is possible to shift the perovskite energy levels in both directions by several hundreds of meV. Moreover, interesting insights on the molecules deposition dynamics are revealed. Secondly, the application of this strategy in perovskite solar cells is explored. Devices with different perovskite compositions ("triple cation perovskite" and MAPbBr3) are prepared. The two resulting model systems present different energetic offsets at the perovskite/hole-transport layer interface. Upon tailored perovskite surface functionalization, the devices show a stabilized open circuit voltage (Voc) enhancement of approximately 60 meV on average for devices with MAPbBr3, while the impact is limited on triple-cation solar cells. This suggests that the proposed energy level tuning method is valid, but its effectiveness depends on factors such as the significance of the energetic offset compared to the other losses in the devices. Finally, the above presented method is further developed by incorporating the ability to interact with the perovskite surface directly into a novel hole-transport material (HTM), named PFI. The HTM can anchor to the perovskite halide ions via halogen bonding (XB). Its behaviour is compared to that of another HTM (PF) with same chemical structure and properties, except for the ability of forming XB. The interaction of perovskite with PFI and PF is characterized through UV-Vis, atomic force microscopy and Kelvin probe measurements combined with simulations. Compared to PF, PFI exhibits enhanced resilience against solvent exposure and improved energy level alignment with the perovskite layer. As a consequence, devices comprising PFI show enhanced Voc and operational stability during maximum-power-point tracking, in addition to hysteresis reduction. XB promotes the formation of a high-quality interface by anchoring to the halide ions and forming a stable and ordered interfacial layer, showing to be a particularly interesting candidate for the development of tailored charge transport materials in PSCs. Overall, the results exposed in this dissertation introduce and discuss a versatile tool to functionalize the perovskite surface and tune its energy levels. The application of this method in devices is explored and insights on its challenges and advantages are given. Within this frame, the results shed light on XB as ideal interaction for enhancing stability and efficiency in perovskite-based devices.}, language = {en} }