@book{OPUS4-5040, title = {Europa als Inspiration und Herausforderung : sozialwissenschaftliche Sichten aus Deutschland und Polen}, editor = {Franzke, Jochen}, isbn = {978-3-86956-095-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48170}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Integration Europas bleibt f{\"u}r die Sozialwissenschaften eine Quelle der Inspiration und Herausforderung. Auch 53 Jahre nach Unterzeichnung der R{\"o}mischen Vertr{\"a}ge ist der Kontinent weiter in Bewegung, geht es um die Vision seiner zuk{\"u}nftigen Gestalt ebenso wie um die Regelung vielf{\"a}ltigster Tagesprobleme. Um zu dieser Debatte einen spezifischen Beitrag zu leisten, fand im Juni 2010 an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam eine deutsch-polnische Konferenz zum Thema „Europa als Inspiration und Herausforderung aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht" statt. Dabei wurden unterschiedliche Ans{\"a}tze der europawissenschaftlichen Forschungen in den beteiligten Einrichtungen (z. B. aus der Sicht von Politologen, Soziologen, Historikern oder Kulturwissenschaftlern) pr{\"a}sentiert. Zugleich diente die Konferenz dazu, das wissenschaftliche Forschungsinteresse am „nahen Osten" wieder zu st{\"a}rken.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Patz2013, author = {Patz, Ronny}, title = {Information flows in the context of EU policy-making : affiliation networks and the post-2012 reform of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70732}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Information flows in EU policy-making are heavily dependent on personal networks, both within the Brussels sphere but also reaching outside the narrow limits of the Belgian capital. These networks develop for example in the course of formal and informal meetings or at the sidelines of such meetings. A plethora of committees at European, transnational and regional level provides the basis for the establishment of pan-European networks. By studying affiliation to those committees, basic network structures can be uncovered. These affiliation network structures can then be used to predict EU information flows, assuming that certain positions within the network are advantageous for tapping into streams of information while others are too remote and peripheral to provide access to information early enough. This study has tested those assumptions for the case of the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy for the time after 2012. Through the analysis of an affiliation network based on participation in 10 different fisheries policy committees over two years (2009 and 2010), network data for an EU-wide network of about 1300 fisheries interest group representatives and more than 200 events was collected. The structure of this network showed a number of interesting patterns, such as - not surprisingly - a rather central role of Brussels-based committees but also close relations of very specific interests to the Brussels-cluster and stronger relations between geographically closer maritime regions. The analysis of information flows then focused on access to draft EU Commission documents containing the upcoming proposal for a new basic regulation of the Common Fisheries Policy. It was first documented that it would have been impossible to officially obtain this document and that personal networks were thus the most likely sources for fisheries policy actors to obtain access to these "leaks" in early 2011. A survey of a sample of 65 actors from the initial network supported these findings: Only a very small group had accessed the draft directly from the Commission. Most respondents who obtained access to the draft had received it from other actors, highlighting the networked flow of informal information in EU politics. Furthermore, the testing of the hypotheses connecting network positions and the level of informedness indicated that presence in or connections to the Brussels sphere had both advantages for overall access to the draft document and with regard to timing. Methodologically, challenges of both the network analysis and the analysis of information flows but also their relevance for the study of EU politics have been documented. In summary, this study has laid the foundation for a different way to study EU policy-making by connecting topical and methodological elements - such as affiliation network analysis and EU committee governance - which so far have not been considered together, thereby contributing in various ways to political science and EU studies.}, language = {en} } @misc{Malinowski2006, author = {Malinowski, Krzysztof}, title = {Europ{\"a}ische Sicherheitsstrategien : Deutschland und Polen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-8094}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Deutschland und Polen bed{\"u}rfen eines erneuerten strategischen Kontextes f{\"u}r ihre partnerschaftlichen Beziehungen. Die unterschiedlichen Haltungen zu Milit{\"a}reins{\"a}tzen sind durch historische Erfahrungen bestimmt. Falls die schwarz-rote Koalition f{\"u}r Deutschland wieder die Rolle des euro-atlantischen Vermittlers {\"u}bernimmt, wird sich das positiv auf die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen auswirken.}, language = {de} } @misc{Meyer2007, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Meyer, Eike}, title = {Democracy promotion by the European Union in Morocco within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-19591}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The intention of this master-thesis is a critical assessment of the European Union´s (EU) approach to external democracy promotion in Morocco. The study follows a comparative approach and compares the approach pursued by the EU within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), incepted in 2004, with the approach that it had developed up until then under the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP). The comparison is done with the intention to analyse, to what degree it is justified to speak of a new impetus for democratisation through the ENP in partner countries. The analysis takes into consideration the range of possible instruments for external democracy promotion in the categories „diplomacy", „conditionality" and „positive instruments". For the comparison of democracy promotion under the EMP and the ENP it is suggested to compare the implemented measures in respect to three distinct dimensions: As a first dimension, instruments of democracy promotion are analysed with respect to the focus on indirect vs. direct instruments, e.g. those which aim at establishing socio-economic preconditions favourable to successful democratisation, vs. those which immediately intervene in the processes of political reform. As a second dimension, it is asked whether there has been a shift in the democracy promotion approach on a continuum between consensual cooptation and coercive intervention. As a third dimension, finally, it is analysed whether the approach has undergone a general intensification of efforts, e.g. whether the approach to democracy promotion has become a more active one. The analysis in this master-thesis comes to the conclusion that since the inception of the ENP the EU is indeed pursuing a slightly more direct and certainly a more active approach to democracy promotion in Morocco, while no significant change can be observed in comparison to the strictly partnership-oriented and consensual approach of the EMP. It can be argued that, under the ENP, relations to Morocco have indeed become somewhat more "political", although at the same time they are still not pro-actively oriented at a political liberalisation of the political regime. Reforms promoted by the EU in Morocco are modest and largely in line with the reform agenda of the Morrocan government itself - e.g. a still largely authoritarian monarchy. Concrete reform steps directed at an opening of the political space, which is largely reserved to the king and its administration, are neither demanded nor supported by democracy promotion instruments, also under the ENP.}, language = {en} } @misc{KoenigWiesner2004, author = {K{\"o}nig, Frank and Wiesner, Ina}, title = {Editorial}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-46281}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @misc{Schrader2004, author = {Schrader, Lutz}, title = {Europas Antwort auf Bushs "Grand Strategy"}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-46329}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Die EU-Staaten haben sich lange Zeit in die Rolle der „Vasallen" und des „Br{\"u}ckenkopfs" (Brzezinski 1999) gef{\"u}gt, solange sie sich davon mehr Vor- als Nachteile versprechen konnten. Mit der Ausformung der Europ{\"a}ischen Union zu einem immer kompakteren wirtschaftlichen und finanzpolitischen Machtzentrum w{\"a}chst auch das Bed{\"u}rfnis nach einer koh{\"a}renteren und durchsetzungsf{\"a}higeren regionalen und globalen Interessenwahrnehmung in den internationalen Institutionen, gegen{\"u}ber anderen Großm{\"a}chten und regionalen Zusammenschl{\"u}ssen sowie in gewaltsamen Konflikten, die die Interessen der EU-Staaten tangieren. Dieser Trend wird durch den unilateralen Kurs der Vereinigten Staaten zus{\"a}tzlich verst{\"a}rkt, der sich bereits unter der Pr{\"a}sidentschaft Clintons ausformte und unter der Bush-Administration eine bislang nicht gekannte Zuspitzung erfahren hat. Mit der Ablehnung des Kyoto-Protokolls und des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs, mit der Aufk{\"u}ndigung des ABM-Vertrages, dem Infragestellen des Teststoppabkommens und der Rehabilitierung des Krieges als Mittel der Politik haben die Vereinigten Staaten grundlegende Interessen, Ziele und Standards der EU-Staaten negiert und mithin ihre Gegenwehr herausgefordert.}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-4562, title = {Europ{\"a}ische Arbeitspolitik}, isbn = {3-937786-41-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-47771}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Der Begriff „Arbeit" hat Hochkonjunktur. Jedoch bleibt das grunds{\"a}tzliche Verh{\"a}ltnis zwischen Arbeit und Politik weiterhin unbestimmt. Unsere Autoren besch{\"a}ftigen sich mit {\"o}konomischen Spielr{\"a}umen und ungenutzten Handlungsoptionen. Sie wagen hierbei den Blick {\"u}ber den deutschen Tellerrand und suchen gezielt die europ{\"a}ische Perspektive. Im Er{\"o}ffnungsbeitrag diskutiert Peter Ulrich nicht nur Fragen zur Effizienz, sondern zu einem gerechten Arbeitsmarktes und sinnvollen Arbeitsformen. Am Beispiel der Internet{\"o}konomie diskutieren Raphael Menez, Josef Schmid und Stefanie Springer das Spannungsfeld zwischen Arbeitspolitik und industriellen Beziehungen. Wie sich Arbeitspolitik mit all ihren Dilemmata auf der europ{\"a}ischen B{\"u}hne konkret abspielt, zeigen Milena B{\"u}chs, Kilian Kindelberger und Annerose Poleschner in ihren Artikeln exemplarisch auf. Unter welchen Bedingungen finden Investitionswettbewerb und Sozialpolitik in der „{\"A}ra nach Hartz" statt? Diesen Fragen gehen Britta Rehder, Christine Trampusch und Klaus Deimer nach.}, language = {de} } @misc{SprungkvonOppeln2005, author = {Sprungk, Carina and von Oppeln, Sabine}, title = {Bev{\"o}lkerungsmeinung und Elitendiskurs : die deutsche und die franz{\"o}sische Debatte {\"u}ber den europ{\"a}ischen Verfassungsvertrag}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48051}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The authors argue that the public opinion and the discourse of political elites differ significantly within the Franco-German debate on the Constitutional Treaty of the EU. Moreover, the article shows that the discussion reflects different conceptions of European politics. These differences lead to the claim that the co-operation and the leading role of Germany and France in the EU have to be re-defined. This has to occur in the context of a politicisation of European politics, which is crucial for the future of the enlarged European Union.}, language = {de} } @misc{Cuttitta2004, author = {Cuttitta, Paolo}, title = {Africa ad portas? : Italiens Migrationspolitik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-47472}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Through police co-operation, re-admission agreements, and setting up of detention camps, Italy's immigration policy tries to delocalise border controls between Europe and North Africa. Italian immigration quotas and development aid should induce countries of origin and transit of migrants to tighten their border controls and cooperate with Italy. Development aid is used by the EU in order to exert pressure on other countries, whereas Libya for instance uses transiting refugees as a diplomatic weapon. On the other hand, relations between Italy and North African countries do not focus on human rights violations taking place in some of these countries.}, language = {de} } @misc{Maximytschew2004, author = {Maximytschew, Igor F.}, title = {Rußland in einer instabilen Welt}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-46679}, year = {2004}, abstract = {From the Russian perspective, the author describes the danger of a hegemonic US, dominating the world's fate, weakening the UN and endangering peace. A counterweight to the US domination could be stronger ties between Western Europe and Russia. The rise of the Franco-German-Russian troika has been the only positive effect of the Iraq war. But not all members of the EU seem to recognise the necessity of a „Great Europe" from Reykjavik to Wladiwostok. Especially the new members of NATO and EU are vassals of the US and exhibit strong anti-Russian resentments.}, language = {de} }