@phdthesis{Wenk2020, author = {Wenk, Sebastian}, title = {Engineering formatotrophic growth in Escherichia coli}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {V, 107}, year = {2020}, abstract = {To meet the demands of a growing world population while reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, it is necessary to capture CO2 and convert it into value-added compounds. In recent years, metabolic engineering of microbes has gained strong momentum as a strategy for the production of valuable chemicals. As common microbial feedstocks like glucose directly compete with human consumption, the one carbon (C1) compound formate was suggested as an alternative feedstock. Formate can be easily produced by various means including electrochemical reduction of CO2 and could serve as a feedstock for microbial production, hence presenting a novel entry point for CO2 to the biosphere and a storage option for excess electricity. Compared to the gaseous molecule CO2, formate is a highly soluble compound that can be easily handled and stored. It can serve as a carbon and energy source for natural formatotrophs, but these microbes are difficult to cultivate and engineer. In this work, I present the results of several projects that aim to establish efficient formatotrophic growth of E. coli - which cannot naturally grow on formate - via synthetic formate assimilation pathways. In the first study, I establish a workflow for growth-coupled metabolic engineering of E. coli. I demonstrate this approach by presenting an engineering scheme for the PFL-threonine cycle, a synthetic pathway for anaerobic formate assimilation in E. coli. The described methods are intended to create a standardized toolbox for engineers that aim to establish novel metabolic routes in E. coli and related organisms. The second chapter presents a study on the catalytic efficiency of C1-oxidizing enzymes in vivo. As formatotrophic growth requires generation of both energy and biomass from formate, the engineered E. coli strains need to be equipped with a highly efficient formate dehydrogenase, which provides reduction equivalents and ATP for formate assimilation. I engineered a strain that cannot generate reducing power and energy for cellular growth, when fed on acetate. Under this condition, the strain depends on the introduction of an enzymatic system for NADH regeneration, which could further produce ATP via oxidative phosphorylation. I show that the strain presents a valuable testing platform for C1-oxidizing enzymes by testing different NAD-dependent formate and methanol dehydrogenases in the energy auxotroph strain. Using this platform, several candidate enzymes with high in vivo activity, were identified and characterized as potential energy-generating systems for synthetic formatotrophic or methylotrophic growth in E. coli.   In the third chapter, I present the establishment of the serine threonine cycle (STC) - a synthetic formate assimilation pathway - in E. coli. In this pathway, formate is assimilated via formate tetrahydrofolate ligase (FtfL) from Methylobacterium extorquens (M. extorquens). The carbon from formate is attached to glycine to produce serine, which is converted into pyruvate entering central metabolism. Via the natural threonine synthesis and cleavage route, glycine is regenerated and acetyl-CoA is produced as the pathway product. I engineered several selection strains that depend on different STC modules for growth and determined key enzymes that enable high flux through threonine synthesis and cleavage. I could show that expression of an auxiliary formate dehydrogenase was required to achieve growth via threonine synthesis and cleavage on pyruvate. By overexpressing most of the pathway enzymes from the genome, and applying adaptive laboratory evolution, growth on glycine and formate was achieved, indicating the activity of the complete cycle. The fourth chapter shows the establishment of the reductive glycine pathway (rGP) - a short, linear formate assimilation route - in E. coli. As in the STC, formate is assimilated via M. extorquens FtfL. The C1 from formate is condensed with CO2 via the reverse reaction of the glycine cleavage system to produce glycine. Another carbon from formate is attached to glycine to form serine, which is assimilated into central metabolism via pyruvate. The engineered E. coli strain, expressing most of the pathway genes from the genome, can grow via the rGP with formate or methanol as a sole carbon and energy source.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schimpf2020, author = {Schimpf, Stefan}, title = {Herkunft und Ablagerungsmilieu quart{\"a}rer Sedimente im Einzugsgebiet des Heihe, NW China}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 186}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Der zentralasiatische Naturraum, wie er sich uns heute pr{\"a}sentiert, ist das Ergebnis eines Zusammenwirkens vieler verschiedener Faktoren {\"u}ber Jahrmillionen hinweg. Im aktuellen Kontext des Klimawandels zeigt sich jedoch, wie stark sich Stofffl{\"u}sse auch kurzfristig {\"a}ndern und dabei das Gesicht der Landschaft verwandeln k{\"o}nnen. Die Gobi-W{\"u}ste in der Inneren Mongolei (China), als Teil der gleichnamigen Trockenregionen Nordwestchinas, ist aufgrund der Ausgestaltung ihrer landschaftspr{\"a}genden Elemente sowie ihrer Landschaftsdynamik, im Zusammenhang mit der Lage zum Tibet-Plateau, in den Fokus der klimageschichtlichen Grundlagenforschung ger{\"u}ckt. Als großes Langzeitarchiv unterschiedlichster fluvialer, lakustriner und {\"a}olischer Sedimente stellt sie eine bedeutende Lokalit{\"a}t zur Rekonstruktion von lokalen und regionalen Stofffl{\"u}ssen dar.. Andererseits ist die Gobi-W{\"u}ste zugleich auch eine bedeutende Quelle f{\"u}r den {\"u}berregionalen Staubtransport, da sie aufgrund der klimatischen Bedingungen insbesondere der Erosion durch Ausblasung preisgegeben wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund erfolgten zwischen 2011 und 2014, im Rahmen des BMBF-Verbundprogramms WTZ Zentralasien - Monsundynamik \& Geo{\"o}kosysteme (F{\"o}rderkennzeichen 03G0814), mehrere deutsch-chinesische Expeditionen in das Ejina-Becken (Innere Mongolei) und das Qilian Shan-Vorland. Im Zuge dieser Expeditionen wurden f{\"u}r eine Bestimmung potenzieller Sedimentquellen erstmals zahlreiche Oberfl{\"a}chenproben aus dem gesamten Einzugsgebiet des Heihe (schwarzer Fluss) gesammelt. Zudem wurden mit zwei Bohrungen im inneren des Ejina-Beckens, erg{\"a}nzende Sedimentbohrkerne zum bestehenden Bohrkern D100 (siehe W{\"u}nnemann (2005)) abgeteuft, um weit reichende, erg{\"a}nzende Informationen zur Landschaftsgeschichte und zum {\"u}berregionalen Sedimenttransfer zu erhalten. Gegenstand und Ziel der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit ist die sedimentologisch-mineralogische Charakterisierung des Untersuchungsgebietes in Bezug auf potenzielle Sedimentquellen und Stofffl{\"u}sse des Ejina-Beckens sowie die Rekonstruktion der Ablagerungsgeschichte eines dort erbohrten, 19m langen Sedimentbohrkerns (GN100). Schwerpunkt ist hierbei die Kl{\"a}rung der Sedimentherkunft innerhalb des Bohrkerns sowie die Ausweisung von Herkunftssignalen und m{\"o}glichen Sedimentquellen bzw. Sedimenttransportpfaden. Die methodische Herangehensweise basiert auf einem Multi-Proxy-Ansatz zur Charakterisierung der klastischen Sedimentfazies anhand von Gel{\"a}ndebeobachtungen, lithologisch-granulometrischen und mineralogisch-geochemischen Analysen sowie statistischen Verfahren. F{\"u}r die mineralogischen Untersuchungen der Sedimente wurde eine neue, rasterelektronenmikroskopische Methode zur automatisierten Partikelanalyse genutzt und den traditionellen Methoden gegen{\"u}bergestellt. Die synoptische Betrachtung der granulometrischen, geochemischen und mineralogischen Befunde der Oberfl{\"a}chensedimente ergibt f{\"u}r das Untersuchungsgebiet ein logisches Kaskadenmodell mit immer wiederkehrenden Prozessbereichen und {\"a}hnlichen Prozesssignalen. Die umfangreichen granulometrischen Analysen deuten dabei auf abnehmende Korngr{\"o}ßen mit zunehmender Entfernung vom Qilian Shan hin und erm{\"o}glichen die Identifizierung von vier texturellen Signalen: den fluvialen Sanden, den D{\"u}nensanden, den Stillwassersedimenten und St{\"a}uben. Diese Ergebnisse k{\"o}nnen als Interpretationsgrundlage f{\"u}r die Korngr{\"o}ßenanalysen des Bohrkerns genutzt werden. Somit ist es m{\"o}glich, die Ablagerungsgeschichte der Bohrkernsedimente zu rekonstruieren und in Verbindung mit eigenen und literaturbasierten Datierungen in einen Gesamtkontext einzuh{\"a}ngen. F{\"u}r das Untersuchungsgebiet werden somit vier Ablagerungsphasen ausgewiesen, die bis in die Zeit des letzten glazialen Maximums (LGM) zur{\"u}ckreichen. W{\"a}hrend dieser Ablagerungsphasen kam es im Zuge unterschiedlicher Aktivit{\"a}ts- und Stabilit{\"a}tsphasen zu einer kontinuierlichen Progradation und {\"U}berpr{\"a}gung des Schwemmf{\"a}chers. Eine besonders aktive Phase kann zwischen 8 ka und 4 ka BP festgestellt werden, w{\"a}hrend der es aufgrund zunehmender fluvialer Aktivit{\"a}ten zu einer deutlich verst{\"a}rkten Schwemmf{\"a}cherdynamik gekommen zu sein scheint. In den Abschnitten davor und danach waren es vor allem {\"a}olische Prozesse, die zu einer {\"U}berpr{\"a}gung des Schwemmf{\"a}chers gef{\"u}hrt haben. Hinsichtlich der mineralogischen Herkunftssignale gibt es eine große Variabilit{\"a}t. Dies spiegelt die enorme Heterogenit{\"a}t der Geologie des Untersuchungsgebietes wider, wodurch die r{\"a}umlichen Signale nicht sehr stark ausgepr{\"a}gt sind. Dennoch, k{\"o}nnen f{\"u}r das Einzugsgebiet drei gr{\"o}ßere Bereiche deklariert werden, die als Herkunftsgebiet in Frage kommen. Das {\"o}stliche Qilian Shan Vorland zeichnet sich dabei durch deutlich h{\"o}here Chloritgehalte als prim{\"a}re Quelle f{\"u}r die Sedimente im Ejina-Becken aus. Sie unterscheiden sich insbesondere durch stark divergierende Chloritgehalte in der Tonmineral- und Gesamtmineralfraktion, was das {\"o}stliche Qilian Shan Vorland als prim{\"a}re Quelle f{\"u}r die Sedimente im Ejina-Becken auszeichnet. Dies steht in Zusammenhang mit den Gr{\"u}nschiefern, Ophioliten und Serpentiniten in diesem Bereich. Geochemisch deutet vor allem das Cr/Rb-Verh{\"a}ltnis eine große Variabilit{\"a}t innerhalb des Einzugsgebietes an. Auch hier ist es das {\"o}stliche Vorland, welches aufgrund seines hohen Anteils an mafischen Gesteinen reich an Chromiten und Spinellen ist und sich somit vom restlichen Untersuchungsgebiet abhebt. Die zeitliche aber auch die generelle Variabilit{\"a}t der Sedimentherkunft l{\"a}sst sich in den Bohrkernsedimenten nicht so deutlich nachzeichnen. Die mineralogisch-sedimentologischen Eigenschaften der erbohrten klastischen Sedimente zeugen zwar von zwischenzeitlichen {\"A}nderungen bei der Sedimentherkunft, diese sind jedoch nicht so deutlich ausgepr{\"a}gt, wie es die Quellsignale in den Oberfl{\"a}chensedimenten vermuten lassen. Ein Grund daf{\"u}r scheint die starke Vermischung unterschiedlichster Sedimente w{\"a}hrend des Transportes zu sein. Die Kombination der Korngr{\"o}ßenergebnisse mit den Befunden der Gesamt- und Schwermineralogie deuten darauf hin, dass es zwischenzeitlich eine Phase mit {\"u}berwiegend {\"a}olischen Prozessen gegeben hat, die mit einem Sedimenteintrag aus dem westlichen Bei Shan in Verbindung stehen. Neben der Zunahme ultrastabiler Schwerminerale wie Zirkon und Granat und der Abnahme opaker Schwerminerale, weisen vor allem die heutigen Verh{\"a}ltnisse darauf hin. Der Vergleich der traditionellen Schwermineralanalyse mit der Computer-Controlled-Scanning-Electron-Microscopy (kurz: CCSEM), die eine automatisierte Partikelauswertung der Proben erm{\"o}glicht, zeigt den deutlichen Vorteil der modernen Analysemethode. Neben einem zeitlichen Vorteil, den man durch die automatisierte Abarbeitung der vorbereiteten Proben erlangen kann, steht vor allem die deutlich gr{\"o}ßere statistische Signifikanz des Ergebnisses im Vordergrund. Zudem k{\"o}nnen mit dieser Methode auch chemische Variet{\"a}ten einiger Schwerminerale bestimmt werden, die eine noch feinere Klassifizierung und sicherere Aussagen zu einer m{\"o}glichen Sedimentherkunft erm{\"o}glichen. Damit ergeben sich außerdem verbesserte Aussagen zu Zusammensetzungen und Entstehungsprozessen der abgelagerten Sedimente. Die Studie verdeutlicht, dass die Sedimentherkunft innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebietes sowie die ablaufenden Prozesse zum Teil stark von lokalen Gegebenheiten abh{\"a}ngen. Die Heterogenit{\"a}t der Geologie und die Gr{\"o}ße des Einzugsgebietes sowie die daraus resultierende Komplexit{\"a}t der Sedimentgenese, machen exakte Zuordnungen zu klar definierten Sedimentquellen sehr schwer. Dennoch zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Sedimentzufuhr in das Ejina-Becken in erster Linie durch fluviale klastische Sedimente des Heihe aus dem Qilian Shan erfolgt sein muss. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen jedoch ebenso die Notwendigkeit einer erg{\"a}nzenden Bearbeitung angrenzender Untersuchungsgebiete, wie beispielsweise den Gobi-Altai im Norden oder den Beishan im Westen, sowie die Verdichtung der Oberfl{\"a}chenbeprobung zur feineren Aufl{\"o}sung von lokalen Sedimentquellen.}, language = {de} } @article{TofeldeBufeTurowski2022, author = {Tofelde, Stefanie and Bufe, Aaron and Turowski, Jens M.}, title = {Hillslope Sediment Supply Limits Alluvial Valley Width}, series = {AGU Advances}, journal = {AGU Advances}, publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU); Wiley}, address = {Hoboken, New Jersey, USA}, issn = {2576-604X}, doi = {10.1029/2021AV000641}, pages = {20}, year = {2022}, abstract = {River-valley morphology preserves information on tectonic and climatic conditions that shape landscapes. Observations suggest that river discharge and valley-wall lithology are the main controls on valley width. Yet, current models based on these observations fail to explain the full range of cross-sectional valley shapes in nature, suggesting hitherto unquantified controls on valley width. In particular, current models cannot explain the existence of paired terrace sequences that form under cyclic climate forcing. Paired river terraces are staircases of abandoned floodplains on both valley sides, and hence preserve past valley widths. Their formation requires alternating phases of predominantly river incision and predominantly lateral planation, plus progressive valley narrowing. While cyclic Quaternary climate changes can explain shifts between incision and lateral erosion, the driving mechanism of valley narrowing is unknown. Here, we extract valley geometries from climatically formed, alluvial river-terrace sequences and show that across our dataset, the total cumulative terrace height (here: total valley height) explains 90\%-99\% of the variance in valley width at the terrace sites. This finding suggests that valley height, or a parameter that scales linearly with valley height, controls valley width in addition to river discharge and lithology. To explain this valley-width-height relationship, we reformulate existing valley-width models and suggest that, when adjusting to new boundary conditions, alluvial valleys evolve to a width at which sediment removal from valley walls matches lateral sediment supply from hillslope erosion. Such a hillslope-channel coupling is not captured in current valley-evolution models. Our model can explain the existence of paired terrace sequences under cyclic climate forcing and relates valley width to measurable field parameters. Therefore, it facilitates the reconstruction of past climatic and tectonic conditions from valley topography.}, language = {en} } @article{MiklashevskyFischerLindemann2022, author = {Miklashevsky, Alex and Fischer, Martin H. and Lindemann, Oliver}, title = {Spatial-numerical associations without a motor response? Grip force says 'Yes'}, series = {Acta Psychologica}, volume = {231}, journal = {Acta Psychologica}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1873-6297}, doi = {10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103791}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In numerical processing, the functional role of Spatial-Numerical Associations (SNAs, such as the association of smaller numbers with left space and larger numbers with right space, the Mental Number Line hypothesis) is debated. Most studies demonstrate SNAs with lateralized responses, and there is little evidence that SNAs appear when no response is required. We recorded passive holding grip forces in no-go trials during number processing. In Experiment 1, participants performed a surface numerical decision task ("Is it a number or a letter?"). In Experiment 2, we used a deeper semantic task ("Is this number larger or smaller than five?"). Despite instruction to keep their grip force constant, participants' spontaneous grip force changed in both experiments: Smaller numbers led to larger force increase in the left than in the right hand in the numerical decision task (500-700 ms after stimulus onset). In the semantic task, smaller numbers again led to larger force increase in the left hand, and larger numbers increased the right-hand holding force. This effect appeared earlier (180 ms) and lasted longer (until 580 ms after stimulus onset). This is the first demonstration of SNAs with passive holding force. Our result suggests that (1) explicit motor response is not a prerequisite for SNAs to appear, and (2) the timing and strength of SNAs are task-dependent. (216 words).}, language = {en} } @techreport{KienbaumFischerPassmann2023, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kienbaum, Janna and Fischer, Patryk and Passmann, Sven}, title = {Forschungsdatenmanagement bei personenbezogenen Daten}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7428524}, pages = {18}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das Dokument "Forschungsdatenmanagement bei personenbezogenen Daten - eine Handreichung" versammelt zentrale Inhalte, Verweise und Vorgehensweisen f{\"u}r Forscher*innen, die in einer Studie personenbezogene Daten erheben und diese verarbeiten, archivieren oder ver{\"o}ffentlichen wollen. Die Handreichung verweist an den entsprechenden Abschnitten auf weiterf{\"u}hrende Materialien wie insbesondere die Handreichung „Datenschutz" des Rats f{\"u}r die Sozial-, Verhaltens-, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (RatSWD).}, language = {de} } @techreport{KienbaumWuerflFavella2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kienbaum, Janna and W{\"u}rfl, Katja and Favella, Gianpiero}, title = {Leitfaden f{\"u}r einen qualitativen Methoden- und Feldbericht}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7247993}, pages = {12}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der Leitfaden f{\"u}r einen qualitativen Methoden- und Feldbericht ist im Rahmen des DFG-Verbundprojektes "FDNext" (2020-2023) entstanden und dient als Orientierungshilfe f{\"u}r die Dokumentation erhobener Daten mit dem Schwerpunkt auf die qualitative Bildungsforschung.}, language = {de} } @article{LindnerMoellerHildebrandtetal.2022, author = {Lindner, Nadja and Moeller, Korbinian and Hildebrandt, Frauke and Hasselhorn, Marcus and Lonnemann, Jan}, title = {Children's use of egocentric reference frames in spatial language is related to their numerical magnitude understanding}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2022.943191}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Numerical magnitude information is assumed to be spatially represented in the form of a mental number line defined with respect to a body-centred, egocentric frame of reference. In this context, spatial language skills such as mastery of verbal descriptions of spatial position (e.g., in front of, behind, to the right/left) have been proposed to be relevant for grasping spatial relations between numerical magnitudes on the mental number line. We examined 4- to 5-year-old's spatial language skills in tasks that allow responses in egocentric and allocentric frames of reference, as well as their relative understanding of numerical magnitude (assessed by a number word comparison task). In addition, we evaluated influences of children's absolute understanding of numerical magnitude assessed by their number word comprehension (montring different numbers using their fingers) and of their knowledge on numerical sequences (determining predecessors and successors as well as identifying missing dice patterns of a series). Results indicated that when considering responses that corresponded to the egocentric perspective, children's spatial language was associated significantly with their relative numerical magnitude understanding, even after controlling for covariates, such as children's SES, mental rotation skills, and also absolute magnitude understanding or knowledge on numerical sequences. This suggests that the use of egocentric reference frames in spatial language may facilitate spatial representation of numbers along a mental number line and thus seem important for preschoolers' relative understanding of numerical magnitude.}, language = {en} } @article{HeckerSteckhanEybenetal.2022, author = {Hecker, Pascal and Steckhan, Nico and Eyben, Florian and Schuller, Bj{\"o}rn Wolfgang and Arnrich, Bert}, title = {Voice Analysis for Neurological Disorder Recognition - A Systematic Review and Perspective on Emerging Trends}, series = {Frontiers in Digital Health}, journal = {Frontiers in Digital Health}, publisher = {Frontiers Media SA}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2673-253X}, doi = {10.3389/fdgth.2022.842301}, pages = {16}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Quantifying neurological disorders from voice is a rapidly growing field of research and holds promise for unobtrusive and large-scale disorder monitoring. The data recording setup and data analysis pipelines are both crucial aspects to effectively obtain relevant information from participants. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to provide a high-level overview of practices across various neurological disorders and highlight emerging trends. PRISMA-based literature searches were conducted through PubMed, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore to identify publications in which original (i.e., newly recorded) datasets were collected. Disorders of interest were psychiatric as well as neurodegenerative disorders, such as bipolar disorder, depression, and stress, as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease, and speech impairments (aphasia, dysarthria, and dysphonia). Of the 43 retrieved studies, Parkinson's disease is represented most prominently with 19 discovered datasets. Free speech and read speech tasks are most commonly used across disorders. Besides popular feature extraction toolkits, many studies utilise custom-built feature sets. Correlations of acoustic features with psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders are presented. In terms of analysis, statistical analysis for significance of individual features is commonly used, as well as predictive modeling approaches, especially with support vector machines and a small number of artificial neural networks. An emerging trend and recommendation for future studies is to collect data in everyday life to facilitate longitudinal data collection and to capture the behavior of participants more naturally. Another emerging trend is to record additional modalities to voice, which can potentially increase analytical performance.}, language = {en} } @article{OgunkolaGuiraudieCaprazFeronetal.2023, author = {Ogunkola, Moses Olalekan and Guiraudie-Capraz, Gaelle and F{\´e}ron, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Leimk{\"u}hler, Silke}, title = {The Human Mercaptopyruvate Sulfurtransferase TUM1 Is Involved in Moco Biosynthesis, Cytosolic tRNA Thiolation and Cellular Bioenergetics in Human Embryonic Kidney Cells}, series = {Biomolecules}, volume = {13}, journal = {Biomolecules}, edition = {1}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2218-273X}, doi = {10.3390/biom13010144}, pages = {1 -- 23}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Sulfur is an important element that is incorporated into many biomolecules in humans. The incorporation and transfer of sulfur into biomolecules is, however, facilitated by a series of different sulfurtransferases. Among these sulfurtransferases is the human mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (MPST) also designated as tRNA thiouridine modification protein (TUM1). The role of the human TUM1 protein has been suggested in a wide range of physiological processes in the cell among which are but not limited to involvement in Molybdenum cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis, cytosolic tRNA thiolation and generation of H2S as signaling molecule both in mitochondria and the cytosol. Previous interaction studies showed that TUM1 interacts with the L-cysteine desulfurase NFS1 and the Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein 3 (MOCS3). Here, we show the roles of TUM1 in human cells using CRISPR/Cas9 genetically modified Human Embryonic Kidney cells. Here, we show that TUM1 is involved in the sulfur transfer for Molybdenum cofactor synthesis and tRNA thiomodification by spectrophotometric measurement of the activity of sulfite oxidase and liquid chromatography quantification of the level of sulfur-modified tRNA. Further, we show that TUM1 has a role in hydrogen sulfide production and cellular bioenergetics.}, language = {en} } @article{GoeldelKamrathMindenetal.2022, author = {G{\"o}ldel, Julia M. and Kamrath, Clemens and Minden, Kirsten and Wiegand, Susanna and Lanzinger, Stefanie and Sengler, Claudia and Weihrauch-Bl{\"u}her, Susann and Holl, Reinhard W. and Tittel, Sascha Ren{\´e} and Warschburger, Petra}, title = {Access to Healthcare for Children and Adolescents with a Chronic Health Condition during the COVID-19 Pandemic: First Results from the KICK-COVID Study in Germany}, series = {Children}, volume = {10}, journal = {Children}, edition = {1}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2227-9067}, doi = {10.3390/children10010010}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This study examines the access to healthcare for children and adolescents with three common chronic diseases (type-1 diabetes (T1D), obesity, or juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)) within the 4th (Delta), 5th (Omicron), and beginning of the 6th (Omicron) wave (June 2021 until July 2022) of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany in a cross-sectional study using three national patient registries. A paper-and-pencil questionnaire was given to parents of pediatric patients (<21 years) during the routine check-ups. The questionnaire contains self-constructed items assessing the frequency of healthcare appointments and cancellations, remote healthcare, and satisfaction with healthcare. In total, 905 parents participated in the T1D-sample, 175 in the obesity-sample, and 786 in the JIA-sample. In general, satisfaction with healthcare (scale: 0-10; 10 reflecting the highest satisfaction) was quite high (median values: T1D 10, JIA 10, obesity 8.5). The proportion of children and adolescents with canceled appointments was relatively small (T1D 14.1\%, JIA 11.1\%, obesity 20\%), with a median of 1 missed appointment, respectively. Only a few parents (T1D 8.6\%; obesity 13.1\%; JIA 5\%) reported obstacles regarding health services during the pandemic. To conclude, it seems that access to healthcare was largely preserved for children and adolescents with chronic health conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany.}, language = {en} } @article{MarggrafLindeckeVoigtetal.2023, author = {Marggraf, Lara Christin and Lindecke, Oliver and Voigt, Christian C. and Pētersons, Gunārs and Voigt-Heucke, Silke Luise}, title = {Nathusius' bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, bypass mating opportunities of their own species, but respond to foraging heterospecifics on migratory transit flights}, series = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2296-701X}, doi = {10.3389/fevo.2022.908560}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In late summer, migratory bats of the temperate zone face the challenge of accomplishing two energy-demanding tasks almost at the same time: migration and mating. Both require information and involve search efforts, such as localizing prey or finding potential mates. In non-migrating bat species, playback studies showed that listening to vocalizations of other bats, both con-and heterospecifics, may help a recipient bat to find foraging patches and mating sites. However, we are still unaware of the degree to which migrating bats depend on con-or heterospecific vocalizations for identifying potential feeding or mating opportunities during nightly transit flights. Here, we investigated the vocal responses of Nathusius' pipistrelle bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, to simulated feeding and courtship aggregations at a coastal migration corridor. We presented migrating bats either feeding buzzes or courtship calls of their own or a heterospecific migratory species, the common noctule, Nyctalus noctula. We expected that during migratory transit flights, simulated feeding opportunities would be particularly attractive to bats, as well as simulated mating opportunities which may indicate suitable roosts for a stopover. However, we found that when compared to the natural silence of both pre-and post-playback phases, bats called indifferently during the playback of conspecific feeding sounds, whereas P. nathusii echolocation call activity increased during simulated feeding of N. noctula. In contrast, the call activity of P. nathusii decreased during the playback of conspecific courtship calls, while no response could be detected when heterospecific call types were broadcasted. Our results suggest that while on migratory transits, P. nathusii circumnavigate conspecific mating aggregations, possibly to save time or to reduce the risks associated with social interactions where aggression due to territoriality might be expected. This avoidance behavior could be a result of optimization strategies by P. nathusii when performing long-distance migratory flights, and it could also explain the lack of a response to simulated conspecific feeding. However, the observed increase of activity in response to simulated feeding of N. noctula, suggests that P. nathusii individuals may be eavesdropping on other aerial hawking insectivorous species during migration, especially if these occupy a slightly different foraging niche.}, language = {en} } @article{KuehneFauthDestinaSevdeetal.2021, author = {K{\"u}hne, Franziska and Fauth, Henriette and Destina Sevde, Ay-Bryson and Visser, Leonie N.C. and Weck, Florian}, title = {Communicating the diagnosis of cancer or depression: Results of a randomized controlled online study using video vignettes}, series = {Cancer Medicine}, volume = {10}, journal = {Cancer Medicine}, edition = {24}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken, New Jersey, USA}, issn = {2045-7634}, doi = {10.1002/cam4.4396}, pages = {9012 -- 9021}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Communicating a diagnosis is highly important, yet complex, especially in the context of cancer and mental disorders. The aim was to explore the communication style of an oncologist vs. psychotherapist in an online study. Methods Patients (N = 136: 65 cancer, 71 depression) were randomly assigned to watch a standardized video vignette with one of two communication styles (empathic vs. unempathic). Outcome measures of affectivity, information recall, communication skills, empathy and trust were applied. Results Regardless of diagnosis, empathic communication was associated with the perception of a significantly more empathic (p < 0.001, η2partial = 0.08) and trustworthy practitioner (p = 0.014, η2partial = 0.04) with better communication skills (p = 0.013, η2partial = 0.05). Cancer patients reported a larger decrease in positive affect (p < 0.001, η2partial = 0.15) and a larger increase in negative affect (p < 0.001, η2partial = 0.14) from pre- to post-video than depressive patients. Highly relevant information was recalled better in both groups (p < 0.001, d = 0.61-1.06). Conclusions The results highlight the importance of empathy while communicating both a diagnosis of cancer and a mental disorder. Further research should focus on the communication of a mental disorder in association with cancer.}, language = {en} } @article{ReegStriglJeltsch2022, author = {Reeg, Jette and Strigl, Lea and Jeltsch, Florian}, title = {Agricultural buffer zone thresholds to safeguard functional bee diversity}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {12}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, edition = {3}, publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, address = {Hoboken, New Jersey, USA}, issn = {2045-7758}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.8748}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Wild bee species are important pollinators in agricultural landscapes. However, population decline was reported over the last decades and is still ongoing. While agricultural intensification is a major driver of the rapid loss of pollinating species, transition zones between arable fields and forest or grassland patches, i.e., agricultural buffer zones, are frequently mentioned as suitable mitigation measures to support wild bee populations and other pollinator species. Despite the reported general positive effect, it remains unclear which amount of buffer zones is needed to ensure a sustainable and permanent impact for enhancing bee diversity and abundance. To address this question at a pollinator community level, we implemented a process-based, spatially explicit simulation model of functional bee diversity dynamics in an agricultural landscape. More specifically, we introduced a variable amount of agricultural buffer zones (ABZs) at the transition of arable to grassland, or arable to forest patches to analyze the impact on bee functional diversity and functional richness. We focused our study on solitary bees in a typical agricultural area in the Northeast of Germany. Our results showed positive effects with at least 25\% of virtually implemented agricultural buffer zones. However, higher amounts of ABZs of at least 75\% should be considered to ensure a sufficient increase in Shannon diversity and decrease in quasi-extinction risks. These high amounts of ABZs represent effective conservation measures to safeguard the stability of pollination services provided by solitary bee species. As the model structure can be easily adapted to other mobile species in agricultural landscapes, our community approach offers the chance to compare the effectiveness of conservation measures also for other pollinator communities in future.}, language = {en} } @article{ZieglerPfitznerSchulzetal.2022, author = {Ziegler, Joceline and Pfitzner, Bjarne and Schulz, Heinrich and Saalbach, Axel and Arnrich, Bert}, title = {Defending against Reconstruction Attacks through Differentially Private Federated Learning for Classification of Heterogeneous Chest X-ray Data}, series = {Sensors}, volume = {22}, journal = {Sensors}, edition = {14}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {1424-8220}, doi = {10.3390/s22145195}, pages = {25}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Privacy regulations and the physical distribution of heterogeneous data are often primary concerns for the development of deep learning models in a medical context. This paper evaluates the feasibility of differentially private federated learning for chest X-ray classification as a defense against data privacy attacks. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to directly compare the impact of differentially private training on two different neural network architectures, DenseNet121 and ResNet50. Extending the federated learning environments previously analyzed in terms of privacy, we simulated a heterogeneous and imbalanced federated setting by distributing images from the public CheXpert and Mendeley chest X-ray datasets unevenly among 36 clients. Both non-private baseline models achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.940.94 on the binary classification task of detecting the presence of a medical finding. We demonstrate that both model architectures are vulnerable to privacy violation by applying image reconstruction attacks to local model updates from individual clients. The attack was particularly successful during later training stages. To mitigate the risk of a privacy breach, we integrated R{\´e}nyi differential privacy with a Gaussian noise mechanism into local model training. We evaluate model performance and attack vulnerability for privacy budgets ε∈{1,3,6,10}�∈{1,3,6,10}. The DenseNet121 achieved the best utility-privacy trade-off with an AUC of 0.940.94 for ε=6�=6. Model performance deteriorated slightly for individual clients compared to the non-private baseline. The ResNet50 only reached an AUC of 0.760.76 in the same privacy setting. Its performance was inferior to that of the DenseNet121 for all considered privacy constraints, suggesting that the DenseNet121 architecture is more robust to differentially private training.}, language = {en} } @article{LiebeDordevicKaufmannetal.2022, author = {Liebe, Thomas and Dordevic, Milos and Kaufmann, J{\"o}rn and Avetisyan, Araks and Skalej, Martin and M{\"u}ller, Notger Germar}, title = {Investigation of the functional pathogenesis of mild cognitive impairment by localisation-based locus coeruleus resting-state fMRI}, series = {Human Brain Mapping}, volume = {43}, journal = {Human Brain Mapping}, edition = {18}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, issn = {1097-0193}, doi = {10.1002/hbm.26039}, pages = {5630 -- 5642}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Dementia as one of the most prevalent diseases urges for a better understanding of the central mechanisms responsible for clinical symptoms, and necessitates improvement of actual diagnostic capabilities. The brainstem nucleus locus coeruleus (LC) is a promising target for early diagnosis because of its early structural alterations and its relationship to the functional disturbances in the patients. In this study, we applied our improved method of localisation-based LC resting-state fMRI to investigate the differences in central sensory signal processing when comparing functional connectivity (fc) of a patient group with mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 28) and an age-matched healthy control group (n = 29). MCI and control participants could be differentiated in their Mini-Mental-State-Examination (MMSE) scores (p < .001) and LC intensity ratio (p = .010). In the fMRI, LC fc to anterior cingulate cortex (FDR p < .001) and left anterior insula (FDR p = .012) was elevated, and LC fc to right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ, FDR p = .012) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC, FDR p = .021) was decreased in the patient group. Importantly, LC to rTPJ connectivity was also positively correlated to MMSE scores in MCI patients (p = .017). Furthermore, we found a hyperactivation of the left-insula salience network in the MCI patients. Our results and our proposed disease model shed new light on the functional pathogenesis of MCI by directing to attentional network disturbances, which could aid new therapeutic strategies and provide a marker for diagnosis and prediction of disease progression.}, language = {en} } @article{HauffeRathAgyapongetal.2022, author = {Hauffe, Robert and Rath, Michaela and Agyapong, Wilson and Jonas, Wenke and Vogel, Heike and Schulz, Tim Julius and Schwarz, Maria and Kipp, Anna Patricia and Bl{\"u}her, Matthias and Kleinridders, Andr{\´e}}, title = {Obesity Hinders the Protective Effect of Selenite Supplementation on Insulin Signaling}, series = {Antioxidants}, volume = {11}, journal = {Antioxidants}, edition = {5}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2076-3921}, doi = {10.3390/antiox11050862}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The intake of high-fat diets (HFDs) containing large amounts of saturated long-chain fatty acids leads to obesity, oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance. The trace element selenium, as a crucial part of antioxidative selenoproteins, can protect against the development of diet-induced insulin resistance in white adipose tissue (WAT) by increasing glutathione peroxidase 3 (GPx3) and insulin receptor (IR) expression. Whether selenite (Se) can attenuate insulin resistance in established lipotoxic and obese conditions is unclear. We confirm that GPX3 mRNA expression in adipose tissue correlates with BMI in humans. Cultivating 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes in palmitate-containing medium followed by Se treatment attenuates insulin resistance with enhanced GPx3 and IR expression and adipocyte differentiation. However, feeding obese mice a selenium-enriched high-fat diet (SRHFD) only resulted in a modest increase in overall selenoprotein gene expression in WAT in mice with unaltered body weight development, glucose tolerance, and insulin resistance. While Se supplementation improved adipocyte morphology, it did not alter WAT insulin sensitivity. However, mice fed a SRHFD exhibited increased insulin content in the pancreas. Overall, while selenite protects against palmitate-induced insulin resistance in vitro, obesity impedes the effect of selenite on insulin action and adipose tissue metabolism in vivo.}, language = {en} } @article{KayhanMatthesMarriottHaresignetal.2022, author = {Kayhan, Ezgi and Matthes, Daniel and Marriott Haresign, Ira and B{\´a}nki, Anna and Michel, Christine and Langeloh, Miriam and Wass, Sam and Hoehl, Stefanie}, title = {DEEP: A dual EEG pipeline for developmental hyperscanning studies}, series = {Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience}, volume = {54}, journal = {Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam, Niederlande}, issn = {1878-9307}, doi = {10.1016/j.dcn.2022.101104}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cutting-edge hyperscanning methods led to a paradigm shift in social neuroscience. It allowed researchers to measure dynamic mutual alignment of neural processes between two or more individuals in naturalistic contexts. The ever-growing interest in hyperscanning research calls for the development of transparent and validated data analysis methods to further advance the field. We have developed and tested a dual electroencephalography (EEG) analysis pipeline, namely DEEP. Following the preprocessing of the data, DEEP allows users to calculate Phase Locking Values (PLVs) and cross-frequency PLVs as indices of inter-brain phase alignment of dyads as well as time-frequency responses and EEG power for each participant. The pipeline also includes scripts to control for spurious correlations. Our goal is to contribute to open and reproducible science practices by making DEEP publicly available together with an example mother-infant EEG hyperscanning dataset.}, language = {en} } @article{TiedemannIobbiNivolLeimkuehler2022, author = {Tiedemann, Kim and Iobbi-Nivol, Chantal and Leimk{\"u}hler, Silke}, title = {The Role of the Nucleotides in the Insertion of the bis-Molybdopterin Guanine Dinucleotide Cofactor into apo-Molybdoenzymes}, series = {Molecules}, volume = {27}, journal = {Molecules}, edition = {9}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {1420-3049}, doi = {10.3390/molecules27092993}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The role of the GMP nucleotides of the bis-molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide (bis-MGD) cofactor of the DMSO reductase family has long been a subject of discussion. The recent characterization of the bis-molybdopterin (bis-Mo-MPT) cofactor present in the E. coli YdhV protein, which differs from bis-MGD solely by the absence of the nucleotides, now enables studying the role of the nucleotides of bis-MGD and bis-MPT cofactors in Moco insertion and the activity of molybdoenzymes in direct comparison. Using the well-known E. coli TMAO reductase TorA as a model enzyme for cofactor insertion, we were able to show that the GMP nucleotides of bis-MGD are crucial for the insertion of the bis-MGD cofactor into apo-TorA.}, language = {en} } @article{WeithoffBell2022, author = {Weithoff, Guntram and Bell, Elanor Margaret}, title = {Complex Trophic Interactions in an Acidophilic Microbial Community}, series = {Microorganisms}, volume = {10}, journal = {Microorganisms}, edition = {7}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2076-2607}, doi = {10.3390/microorganisms10071340}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Extreme habitats often harbor specific communities that differ substantially from non-extreme habitats. In many cases, these communities are characterized by archaea, bacteria and protists, whereas the number of species of metazoa and higher plants is relatively low. In extremely acidic habitats, mostly prokaryotes and protists thrive, and only very few metazoa thrive, for example, rotifers. Since many studies have investigated the physiology and ecology of individual species, there is still a gap in research on direct, trophic interactions among extremophiles. To fill this gap, we experimentally studied the trophic interactions between a predatory protist (Actinophrys sol, Heliozoa) and its prey, the rotifers Elosa woralli and Cephalodella sp., the ciliate Urosomoida sp. and the mixotrophic protist Chlamydomonas acidophila (a green phytoflagellate, Chlorophyta). We found substantial predation pressure on all animal prey. High densities of Chlamydomonas acidophila reduced the predation impact on the rotifers by interfering with the feeding behaviour of A. sol. These trophic relations represent a natural case of intraguild predation, with Chlamydomonas acidophila being the common prey and the rotifers/ciliate and A. sol being the intraguild prey and predator, respectively. We further studied this intraguild predation along a resource gradient using Cephalodella sp. as the intraguild prey. The interactions among the three species led to an increase in relative rotifer abundance with increasing resource (Chlamydomonas) densities. By applying a series of laboratory experiments, we revealed the complexity of trophic interactions within a natural extremophilic community.}, language = {en} } @article{PrasseIversenLienhardetal.2022, author = {Prasse, Paul and Iversen, Pascal and Lienhard, Matthias and Thedinga, Kristina and Herwig, Ralf and Scheffer, Tobias}, title = {Pre-Training on In Vitro and Fine-Tuning on Patient-Derived Data Improves Deep Neural Networks for Anti-Cancer Drug-Sensitivity Prediction}, series = {MDPI}, volume = {14}, journal = {MDPI}, edition = {16}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2072-6694}, doi = {10.3390/cancers14163950}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Large-scale databases that report the inhibitory capacities of many combinations of candidate drug compounds and cultivated cancer cell lines have driven the development of preclinical drug-sensitivity models based on machine learning. However, cultivated cell lines have devolved from human cancer cells over years or even decades under selective pressure in culture conditions. Moreover, models that have been trained on in vitro data cannot account for interactions with other types of cells. Drug-response data that are based on patient-derived cell cultures, xenografts, and organoids, on the other hand, are not available in the quantities that are needed to train high-capacity machine-learning models. We found that pre-training deep neural network models of drug sensitivity on in vitro drug-sensitivity databases before fine-tuning the model parameters on patient-derived data improves the models' accuracy and improves the biological plausibility of the features, compared to training only on patient-derived data. From our experiments, we can conclude that pre-trained models outperform models that have been trained on the target domains in the vast majority of cases.}, language = {en} } @article{OmaneHoehle2020, author = {Omane, Paul Okyere and H{\"o}hle, Barbara}, title = {Acquiring syntactic variability}, series = {Frontiers in communication}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Frontiers in communication}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2297-900X}, doi = {10.3389/fcomm.2021.604951}, pages = {15}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This paper investigates the predictions of the Derivational Complexity Hypothesis by studying the acquisition of wh-questions in 4- and 5-year-old Akan-speaking children in an experimental approach using an elicited production and an elicited imitation task. Akan has two types of wh-question structures (wh-in-situ and wh-ex-situ questions), which allows an investigation of children's acquisition of these two question structures and their preferences for one or the other. Our results show that adults prefer to use wh-ex-situ questions over wh-in-situ questions. The results from the children show that both age groups have the two question structures in their linguistic repertoire. However, they differ in their preferences in usage in the elicited production task: while the 5-year-olds preferred the wh-in-situ structure over the wh-ex-situ structure, the 4-year-olds showed a selective preference for the wh-in-situ structure in who-questions. These findings suggest a developmental change in wh-question preferences in Akan-learning children between 4 and 5 years of age with a so far unobserved u-shaped developmental pattern. In the elicited imitation task, all groups showed a strong tendency to maintain the structure of in-situ and ex-situ questions in repeating grammatical questions. When repairing ungrammatical ex-situ questions, structural changes to grammatical in-situ questions were hardly observed but the insertion of missing morphemes while keeping the ex-situ structure. Together, our findings provide only partial support for the Derivational Complexity Hypothesis.}, language = {en} } @article{RoseGroegerHoelzle2021, author = {Rose, Robert and Groeger, Lars and H{\"o}lzle, Katharina}, title = {The Emergence of Shared Leadership in Innovation Labs}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, publisher = {Frontiers in psychology}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685167}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Implementing innovation laboratories to leverage intrapreneurship are an increasingly popular organizational practice. A typical feature in these creative environments are semi-autonomous teams in which multiple members collectively exert leadership influence, thereby challenging traditional command-and-control conceptions of leadership. An extensive body of research on the team-centric concept of shared leadership has recognized the potential for pluralized leadership structures in enhancing team effectiveness; however, little empirical work has been conducted in organizational contexts in which creativity is key. This study set out to explore antecedents of shared leadership and its influence on team creativity in an innovation lab. Building on extant shared leadership and innovation research, we propose antecedents customary to creative teamwork, that is, experimental culture, task reflexivity, and voice. Multisource data were collected from 104 team members and 49 evaluations of 29 coaches nested in 21 teams working in a prototypical innovation lab. We identify factors specific to creative teamwork that facilitate the emergence of shared leadership by providing room for experimentation, encouraging team members to speak up in the creative process, and cultivating a reflective application of entrepreneurial thinking. We provide specific exemplary activities for innovation lab teams to increase levels of shared leadership.}, language = {en} } @article{DordevicHoelzerRussoetal.2022, author = {Dordevic, Milos and H{\"o}lzer, Sonja and Russo, Augusta and Garc{\´i}a Alanis, Jos{\´e} Carlos and M{\"u}ller, Notger Germar}, title = {The Role of the Precuneus in Human Spatial Updating in a Real Environment Setting—A cTBS Study}, series = {Life}, volume = {12}, journal = {Life}, edition = {8}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2075-1729}, doi = {10.3390/life12081239}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2022}, abstract = {As we move through an environment, we update positions of our body relative to other objects, even when some objects temporarily or permanently leave our field of view—this ability is termed egocentric spatial updating and plays an important role in everyday life. Still, our knowledge about its representation in the brain is still scarce, with previous studies using virtual movements in virtual environments or patients with brain lesions suggesting that the precuneus might play an important role. However, whether this assumption is also true when healthy humans move in real environments where full body-based cues are available in addition to the visual cues typically used in many VR studies is unclear. Therefore, in this study we investigated the role of the precuneus in egocentric spatial updating in a real environment setting in 20 healthy young participants who underwent two conditions in a cross-over design: (a) stimulation, achieved through applying continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS) to inhibit the precuneus and (b) sham condition (activated coil turned upside down). In both conditions, participants had to walk back with blindfolded eyes to objects they had previously memorized while walking with open eyes. Simplified trials (without spatial updating) were used as control condition, to make sure the participants were not affected by factors such as walking blindfolded, vestibular or working memory deficits. A significant interaction was found, with participants performing better in the sham condition compared to real stimulation, showing smaller errors both in distance and angle. The results of our study reveal evidence of an important role of the precuneus in a real-environment egocentric spatial updating; studies on larger samples are necessary to confirm and further investigate this finding.}, language = {en} } @article{WestphalKalinowskiHoferichteretal.2022, author = {Westphal, Andrea and Kalinowski, Eva and Hoferichter, Clara Josepha and Vock, Miriam}, title = {K-12 teachers' stress and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2022.920326}, pages = {1 -- 29}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We present the first systematic literature review on stress and burnout in K-12 teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on a systematic literature search, we identified 17 studies that included 9,874 K-12 teachers from around the world. These studies showed some indication that burnout did increase during the COVID-19 pandemic. There were, however, almost no differences in the levels of stress and burnout experienced by K-12 teachers compared to individuals employed in other occupational fields. School principals' leadership styles emerged as an organizational characteristic that is highly relevant for K-12 teachers' levels of stress and burnout. Individual teacher characteristics associated with burnout were K-12 teachers' personality, self-efficacy in online teaching, and perceived vulnerability to COVID-19. In order to reduce stress, there was an indication that stress-management training in combination with training in technology use for teaching may be superior to stress-management training alone. Future research needs to adopt more longitudinal designs and examine the interplay between individual and organizational characteristics in the development of teacher stress and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.}, language = {en} } @article{SpikesRodriguezSilvaBennettetal.2021, author = {Spikes, Montrai and Rodr{\´i}guez-Silva, Rodet and Bennett, Kerri-Ann and Br{\"a}ger, Stefan and Josaphat, James and Torres-Pineda, Patricia and Ernst, Anja and Havenstein, Katja and Schlupp, Ingo and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {A phylogeny of the genus Limia (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) suggests a single-lake radiation nested in a Caribbean-wide allopatric speciation scenario}, series = {BMC Research Notes}, volume = {14}, journal = {BMC Research Notes}, publisher = {BMC Research Notes / Biomed Central}, address = {London}, issn = {1756-0500}, doi = {10.1186/s13104-021-05843-x}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Objective The Caribbean is an important global biodiversity hotspot. Adaptive radiations there lead to many speciation events within a limited period and hence are particularly prominent biodiversity generators. A prime example are freshwater fish of the genus Limia, endemic to the Greater Antilles. Within Hispaniola, nine species have been described from a single isolated site, Lake Mirago{\^a}ne, pointing towards extraordinary sympatric speciation. This study examines the evolutionary history of the Limia species in Lake Mirago{\^a}ne, relative to their congeners throughout the Caribbean. Results For 12 Limia species, we obtained almost complete sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, a well-established marker for lower-level taxonomic relationships. We included sequences of six further Limia species from GenBank (total N  = 18 species). Our phylogenies are in concordance with other published phylogenies of Limia. There is strong support that the species found in Lake Mirago{\^a}ne in Haiti are monophyletic, confirming a recent local radiation. Within Lake Mirago{\^a}ne, speciation is likely extremely recent, leading to incomplete lineage sorting in the mtDNA. Future studies using multiple unlinked genetic markers are needed to disentangle the relationships within the Lake Mirago{\^a}ne clade.}, language = {en} } @article{KruegerFoersterTrauthetal.2021, author = {Kr{\"u}ger, Johanna and Foerster, Verena Elisabeth and Trauth, Martin H. and Hofreiter, Michael and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {Exploring the Past Biosphere of Chew Bahir/Southern Ethiopia: Cross-Species Hybridization Capture of Ancient Sedimentary DNA from a Deep Drill Core}, series = {Frontiers in Earth Science}, journal = {Frontiers in Earth Science}, publisher = {Frontiers in Earth Science}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2296-6463}, doi = {10.3389/feart.2021.683010}, pages = {1 -- 20}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Eastern Africa has been a prime target for scientific drilling because it is rich in key paleoanthropological sites as well as in paleolakes, containing valuable paleoclimatic information on evolutionary time scales. The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) explores these paleolakes with the aim of reconstructing environmental conditions around critical episodes of hominin evolution. Identification of biological taxa based on their sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) traces can contribute to understand past ecological and climatological conditions of the living environment of our ancestors. However, sedaDNA recovery from tropical environments is challenging because high temperatures, UV irradiation, and desiccation result in highly degraded DNA. Consequently, most of the DNA fragments in tropical sediments are too short for PCR amplification. We analyzed sedaDNA in the upper 70 m of the composite sediment core of the HSPDP drill site at Chew Bahir for eukaryotic remnants. We first tested shotgun high throughput sequencing which leads to metagenomes dominated by bacterial DNA of the deep biosphere, while only a small fraction was derived from eukaryotic, and thus probably ancient, DNA. Subsequently, we performed cross-species hybridization capture of sedaDNA to enrich ancient DNA (aDNA) from eukaryotic remnants for paleoenvironmental analysis, using established barcoding genes (cox1 and rbcL for animals and plants, respectively) from 199 species that may have had relatives in the past biosphere at Chew Bahir. Metagenomes yielded after hybridization capture are richer in reads with similarity to cox1 and rbcL in comparison to metagenomes without prior hybridization capture. Taxonomic assignments of the reads from these hybridization capture metagenomes also yielded larger fractions of the eukaryotic domain. For reads assigned to cox1, inferred wet periods were associated with high inferred relative abundances of putative limnic organisms (gastropods, green algae), while inferred dry periods showed increased relative abundances for insects. These findings indicate that cross-species hybridization capture can be an effective approach to enhance the information content of sedaDNA in order to explore biosphere changes associated with past environmental conditions, enabling such analyses even under tropical conditions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kempa2004, author = {Kempa, Stefan}, title = {Analysen zur Stressantwort von Arabidopsis thaliana unter Schwefelmangelbedingungen : Studien zur Funktion der Dehydroascorbatreduktase in vivo}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {123 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @article{ELAshkerChaabenePrieske2022, author = {EL-Ashker, Said and Chaabene, Helmi and Prieske, Olaf}, title = {Maximal isokinetic elbow and knee flexor-extensor strength measures in combat sports athletes: the role of movement velocity and limb side}, series = {BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation}, volume = {13}, journal = {BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {London}, issn = {1758-2555}, doi = {10.1186/s13102-022-00432-2}, pages = {10}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Maximal isokinetic strength ratios of joint flexors and extensors are important parameters to indicate the level of muscular balance at the joint. Further, in combat sports athletes, upper and lower limb muscle strength is affected by the type of sport. Thus, this study aimed to examine the differences in maximal isokinetic strength of the flexors and extensors and the corresponding flexor-extensor strength ratios of the elbows and knees in combat sports athletes. Method Forty male participants (age = 22.3 ± 2.5 years) from four different combat sports (amateur boxing, taekwondo, karate, and judo; n = 10 per sport) were tested for eccentric peak torque of the elbow/knee flexors (EF/KF) and concentric peak torque of the elbow/knee extensors (EE/KE) at three different angular velocities (60, 120, and 180°/s) on the dominant and non-dominant side using an isokinetic device. Results Analyses revealed significant, large-sized group × velocity × limb interactions for EF, EE, and EF-EE ratio, KF, KE, and KF-KE ratio (p ≤ 0.03; 0.91 ≤ d ≤ 1.75). Post-hoc analyses indicated that amateur boxers displayed the largest EE strength values on the non-dominant side at ≤ 120°/s and the dominant side at ≥ 120°/s (p < 0.03; 1.21 ≤ d ≤ 1.59). The largest EF-EE strength ratios were observed on amateur boxers' and judokas' non-dominant side at ≥ 120°/s (p < 0.04; 1.36 ≤ d ≤ 2.44). Further, we found lower KF-KE strength measures in karate (p < 0.04; 1.12 ≤ d ≤ 6.22) and judo athletes (p ≤ 0.03; 1.60 ≤ d ≤ 5.31) particularly on the non-dominant side. Conclusions The present findings indicated combat sport-specific differences in maximal isokinetic strength measures of EF, EE, KF, and KE particularly in favor of amateur boxers on the non-dominant side.}, language = {en} } @article{BlockBonaventuraGrahnetal.2022, author = {Block, Andrea and Bonaventura, Klaus and Grahn, Patricia and Bestgen, Felix and Wippert, Pia-Maria}, title = {Stress management in pre-and postoperative care amongst practitioners and patients in cardiac catheterization laboratory: a study protocol}, series = {Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2297-055X}, doi = {10.3389/fcvm.2022.830256}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: As the number of cardiac diseases continuously increases within the last years in modern society, so does cardiac treatment, especially cardiac catheterization. The procedure of a cardiac catheterization is challenging for both patients and practitioners. Several potential stressors of psychological or physical nature can occur during the procedure. The objective of the study is to develop and implement a stress management intervention for both practitioners and patients that aims to reduce the psychological and physical strain of a cardiac catheterization. Methods: The clinical study (DRKS00026624) includes two randomized controlled intervention trials with parallel groups, for patients with elective cardiac catheterization and practitioners at the catheterization lab, in two clinic sites of the Ernst-von-Bergmann clinic network in Brandenburg, Germany. Both groups received different interventions for stress management. The intervention for patients comprises a psychoeducational video with different stress management technics and additional a standardized medical information about the cardiac catheterization examination. The control condition includes the in hospitals practiced medical patient education before the examination (usual care). Primary and secondary outcomes are measured by physiological parameters and validated questionnaires, the day before (M1) and after (M2) the cardiac catheterization and at a postal follow-up 6 months later (M3). It is expected that people with standardized information and psychoeducation show reduced complications during cardiac catheterization procedures, better pre- and post-operative wellbeing, regeneration, mood and lower stress levels over time. The intervention for practitioners includes a Mindfulness-based stress reduction program (MBSR) over 8 weeks supervised by an experienced MBSR practitioner directly at the clinic site and an operative guideline. It is expected that practitioners with intervention show improved perceived and chronic stress, occupational health, physical and mental function, higher effort-reward balance, regeneration and quality of life. Primary and secondary outcomes are measured by physiological parameters (heart rate variability, saliva cortisol) and validated questionnaires and will be assessed before (M1) and after (M2) the MBSR intervention and at a postal follow-up 6 months later (M3). Physiological biomarkers in practitioners will be assessed before (M1) and after intervention (M2) on two work days and a two days off. Intervention effects in both groups (practitioners and patients) will be evaluated separately using multivariate variance analysis. Discussion: This study evaluates the effectiveness of two stress management intervention programs for patients and practitioners within cardiac catheter laboratory. Study will disclose strains during a cardiac catheterization affecting both patients and practitioners. For practitioners it may contribute to improved working conditions and occupational safety, preservation of earning capacity, avoidance of participation restrictions and loss of performance. In both groups less anxiety, stress and complications before and during the procedures can be expected. The study may add knowledge how to eliminate stressful exposures and to contribute to more (psychological) security, less output losses and exhaustion during work. The evolved stress management guidelines, training manuals and the standardized patient education should be transferred into clinical routines}, language = {en} } @article{RischStollSchomoelleretal.2020, author = {Risch, Lucie and Stoll, Josefine and Schom{\"o}ller, Anne and Engel, Tilman and Mayer, Frank and Cassel, Michael}, title = {Intraindividual Doppler Flow Response to Exercise Differs Between Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Achilles Tendons}, series = {Frontiers in physiology}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in physiology}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2021.617497}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Objective: This study investigated intraindividual differences of intratendinous blood flow (IBF) in response to running exercise in participants with Achilles tendinopathy. Design: This is a cross-sectional study. Setting: The study was conducted at the University Outpatient Clinic. Participants: Sonographic detectable intratendinous blood flow was examined in symptomatic and contralateral asymptomatic Achilles tendons of 19 participants (42 ± 13 years, 178 ± 10 cm, 76 ± 12 kg, VISA-A 75 ± 16) with clinically diagnosed unilateral Achilles tendinopathy and sonographic evident tendinosis. Intervention: IBF was assessed using Doppler ultrasound "Advanced Dynamic Flow" before (Upre) and 5, 30, 60, and 120 min (U5-U120) after a standardized submaximal constant load run. Main Outcome Measure: IBF was quantified by counting the number (n) of vessels in each tendon. Results: At Upre, IBF was higher in symptomatic compared with asymptomatic tendons [mean 6.3 (95\% CI: 2.8-9.9) and 1.7 (0.4-2.9), p < 0.01]. Overall, 63\% of symptomatic and 47\% of asymptomatic Achilles tendons responded to exercise, whereas 16 and 11\% showed persisting IBF and 21 and 42\% remained avascular throughout the investigation. At U5, IBF increased in both symptomatic and asymptomatic tendons [difference to baseline: 2.4 (0.3-4.5) and 0.9 (0.5-1.4), p = 0.05]. At U30 to U120, IBF was still increased in symptomatic but not in asymptomatic tendons [mean difference to baseline: 1.9 (0.8-2.9) and 0.1 (-0.9 to 1.2), p < 0.01]. Conclusion: Irrespective of pathology, 47-63\% of Achilles tendons responded to exercise with an immediate acute physiological IBF increase by an average of one to two vessels ("responders"). A higher amount of baseline IBF (approximately five vessels) and a prolonged exercise-induced IBF response found in symptomatic ATs indicate a pain-associated altered intratendinous "neovascularization."}, language = {en} } @article{EllermannMcDowellSchirrenetal.2022, author = {Ellermann, Christin and McDowell, Michelle and Schirren, Clara O. and Lindemann, Ann-Kathrin and Koch, Severine and Lohmann, Mark and Jenny, Mirjam Annina}, title = {Identifying content to improve risk assessment communications within the Risk Profile: Literature reviews and focus groups with expert and non-expert stakeholders}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {17}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, edition = {4}, publisher = {Public Library of Science (PLOS)}, address = {San Francisco, California, USA}, issn = {1553-7358}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0266800}, pages = {23}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Objective To improve consumer decision making, the results of risk assessments on food, feed, consumer products or chemicals need to be communicated not only to experts but also to non-expert audiences. The present study draws on evidence from literature reviews and focus groups with diverse stakeholders to identify content to integrate into an existing risk assessment communication (Risk Profile). Methods A combination of rapid literature reviews and focus groups with experts (risk assessors (n = 15), risk managers (n = 8)), and non-experts (general public (n = 18)) were used to identify content and strategies for including information about risk assessment results in the "Risk Profile" from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Feedback from initial focus groups was used to develop communication prototypes that informed subsequent feedback rounds in an iterative process. A final prototype was validated in usability tests with experts. Results Focus group feedback and suggestions from risk assessors were largely in line with findings from the literature. Risk managers and lay persons offered similar suggestions on how to improve the existing communication of risk assessment results (e.g., including more explanatory detail, reporting probabilities for individual health impairments, and specifying risks for subgroups in additional sections). Risk managers found information about quality of evidence important to communicate, whereas people from the general public found this information less relevant. Participants from lower educational backgrounds had difficulties understanding the purpose of risk assessments. User tests found that the final prototype was appropriate and feasible to implement by risk assessors. Conclusion An iterative and evidence-based process was used to develop content to improve the communication of risk assessments to the general public while being feasible to use by risk assessors. Remaining challenges include how to communicate dose-response relationships and standardise quality of evidence ratings across disciplines.}, language = {en} } @article{YangKimTuomainenetal.2022, author = {Yang, Jingdan and Kim, Jae-Hyun and Tuomainen, Outi and Rattanasone, Nan Xu}, title = {Bilingual Mandarin-English preschoolers' spoken narrative skills and contributing factors}, series = {Frontiers in Psyhology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in Psyhology}, publisher = {Frontiers Media SA}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2022.797602}, pages = {12}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This study examined the spoken narrative skills of a group of bilingual Mandarin-English speaking 3-6-year-olds (N = 25) in Australia, using a remote online story-retell task. Bilingual preschoolers are an understudied population, especially those who are speaking typologically distinct languages such as Mandarin and English which have fewer structural overlaps compared to language pairs that are typologically closer, reducing cross-linguistic positive transfer. We examined these preschoolers' spoken narrative skills as measured by macrostructures (the global organization of a story) and microstructures (linguistic structures, e.g., total number of utterances, nouns, verbs, phrases, and modifiers) across and within each language, and how various factors such as age and language experiences contribute to individual variability. The results indicate that our bilingual preschoolers acquired spoken narrative skills similarly across their two languages, i.e., showing similar patterns of productivity for macrostructure and microstructure elements in both of their two languages. While chronological age was positively correlated with macrostructures in both languages (showing developmental effects), there were no significant correlations between measures of language experiences and the measures of spoken narrative skills (no effects for language input/output). The findings suggest that although these preschoolers acquire two typologically diverse languages in different learning environments, Mandarin at home with highly educated parents, and English at preschool, they displayed similar levels of oral narrative skills as far as these macro-/micro-structure measures are concerned. This study provides further evidence for the feasibility of remote online assessment of preschoolers' narrative skills.}, language = {en} } @article{OrlandPadubrin2022, author = {Orland, Andreas and Padubrin, Max}, title = {Is there a gender hiring gap in academic economics? Evidence from a network analysis}, series = {Royal Society Open Science}, volume = {9}, journal = {Royal Society Open Science}, edition = {2}, publisher = {Royal Society of London}, address = {London}, issn = {2054-5703}, doi = {10.1098/rsos.210717}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We collect a network dataset of tenured economics faculty in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. We rank the 100 institutions included with a minimum violation ranking. This ranking is positively and significantly correlated with the Times Higher Education ranking of economics institutions. According to the network ranking, individuals on average go down about 23 ranks from their doctoral institution to their employing institution. While the share of females in our dataset is only 15\%, we do not observe a significant gender hiring gap (a difference in rank changes between male and female faculty). We conduct a robustness check with the Handelsblatt and the Times Higher Education ranking. According to these rankings, individuals on average go down only about two ranks. We do not observe a significant gender hiring gap using these two rankings (although the dataset underlying this analysis is small and these estimates are likely to be noisy). Finally, we discuss the limitations of the network ranking in our context.}, language = {en} } @article{HeroldLabottGraessleretal.2022, author = {Herold, Fabian and Labott, Berit K. and Gr{\"a}ssler, Bernhard and Halfpaap, Nicole and Langhans, Corinna and M{\"u}ller, Patrick and Ammar, Achraf and Dordevic, Milos and H{\"o}kelmann, Anita and M{\"u}ller, Notger Germar}, title = {A Link between Handgrip Strength and Executive Functioning: A Cross-Sectional Study in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Healthy Controls}, series = {Healthcare : open access journal}, volume = {10}, journal = {Healthcare : open access journal}, edition = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2227-9032}, doi = {10.3390/healthcare10020230}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) who in addition to their memory deficits also suffer from frontal-executive dysfunctions have a higher risk of developing dementia later in their lives than older adults with aMCI without executive deficits and older adults with non-amnestic MCI (naMCI). Handgrip strength (HGS) is also correlated with the risk of cognitive decline in the elderly. Hence, the current study aimed to investigate the associations between HGS and executive functioning in individuals with aMCI, naMCI and healthy controls. Older, right-handed adults with amnestic MCI (aMCI), non-amnestic MCI (naMCI), and healthy controls (HC) conducted a handgrip strength measurement via a handheld dynamometer. Executive functions were assessed with the Trail Making Test (TMT A\&B). Normalized handgrip strength (nHGS, normalized to Body Mass Index (BMI)) was calculated and its associations with executive functions (operationalized through z-scores of TMT B/A ratio) were investigated through partial correlation analyses (i.e., accounting for age, sex, and severity of depressive symptoms). A positive and low-to-moderate correlation between right nHGS (rp (22) = 0.364; p = 0.063) and left nHGS (rp (22) = 0.420; p = 0.037) and executive functioning in older adults with aMCI but not in naMCI or HC was observed. Our results suggest that higher levels of nHGS are linked to better executive functioning in aMCI but not naMCI and HC. This relationship is perhaps driven by alterations in the integrity of the hippocampal-prefrontal network occurring in older adults with aMCI. Further research is needed to provide empirical evidence for this assumption.}, language = {en} } @article{KabothBahrBahrStepaneketal.2021, author = {Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie and Bahr, Andr{\´e} and Stepanek, Christian and Catunda, Maria Carolina Amorim and Karas, Cyrus and Ziegler, Martin and Garc{\´i}a-Gallardo, {\´A}ngela and Grunert, Patrick}, title = {Mediterranean heat injection to the North Atlantic delayed the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciations}, series = {Communications Earth \& Environment}, journal = {Communications Earth \& Environment}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {London}, issn = {2662-4435}, doi = {10.1038/s43247-021-00232-5}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciations at the end of the Pliocene epoch marks one of the most substantial climatic shifts of the Cenozoic. Despite global cooling, sea surface temperatures in the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean rose between 2.9-2.7 million years ago. Here we present sedimentary geochemical proxy data from the Gulf of Cadiz to reconstruct the variability of Mediterranean Outflow Water, an important heat source to the North Atlantic. We find evidence for enhanced production of Mediterranean Outflow from the mid-Pliocene to the late Pliocene which we infer could have driven a sub-surface heat channel into the high-latitude North Atlantic. We then use Earth System Models to constrain the impact of enhanced Mediterranean Outflow production on the northward heat transport in the North Atlantic. In accord with the proxy data, the numerical model results support the formation of a sub-surface channel that pumped heat from the subtropics into the high latitude North Atlantic. We further suggest that this mechanism could have delayed ice sheet growth at the end of the Pliocene.}, language = {en} } @article{dePinhoTavaresLealdaSilvaRochaGomesetal.2021, author = {de Pinho Tavares Leal, Pedro Ernesto and da Silva, Alexandre Alves and Rocha-Gomes, Arthur and Riul, Tania Regina and Cunha, Rennan Augusto and Reichetzeder, Christoph and Villela, Daniel Campos}, title = {High-Salt Diet in the Pre- and Postweaning Periods Leads to Amygdala Oxidative Stress and Changes in Locomotion and Anxiety-Like Behaviors of Male Wistar Rats}, series = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, volume = {15}, journal = {Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1662-5153}, doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2021.779080}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2021}, abstract = {High-salt (HS) diets have recently been linked to oxidative stress in the brain, a fact that may be a precursor to behavioral changes, such as those involving anxiety-like behavior. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has evaluated the amygdala redox status after consuming a HS diet in the pre- or postweaning periods. This study aimed to evaluate the amygdala redox status and anxiety-like behaviors in adulthood, after inclusion of HS diet in two periods: preconception, gestation, and lactation (preweaning); and only after weaning (postweaning). Initially, 18 females and 9 male Wistar rats received a standard (n = 9 females and 4 males) or a HS diet (n = 9 females and 5 males) for 120 days. After mating, females continued to receive the aforementioned diets during gestation and lactation. Weaning occurred at 21-day-old Wistar rats and the male offspring were subdivided: control-control (C-C)—offspring of standard diet fed dams who received a standard diet after weaning (n = 9-11), control-HS (C-HS)—offspring of standard diet fed dams who received a HS diet after weaning (n = 9-11), HS-C—offspring of HS diet fed dams who received a standard diet after weaning (n = 9-11), and HS-HS—offspring of HS diet fed dams who received a HS diet after weaning (n = 9-11). At adulthood, the male offspring performed the elevated plus maze and open field tests. At 152-day-old Wistar rats, the offspring were euthanized and the amygdala was removed for redox state analysis. The HS-HS group showed higher locomotion and rearing frequency in the open field test. These results indicate that this group developed hyperactivity. The C-HS group had a higher ratio of entries and time spent in the open arms of the elevated plus maze test in addition to a higher head-dipping frequency. These results suggest less anxiety-like behaviors. In the analysis of the redox state, less activity of antioxidant enzymes and higher levels of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the amygdala were shown in the amygdala of animals that received a high-salt diet regardless of the period (pre- or postweaning). In conclusion, the high-salt diet promoted hyperactivity when administered in the pre- and postweaning periods. In animals that received only in the postweaning period, the addition of salt induced a reduction in anxiety-like behaviors. Also, regardless of the period, salt provided amygdala oxidative stress, which may be linked to the observed behaviors.}, language = {en} } @article{VogelPatonAich2021, author = {Vogel, Johannes and Paton, Eva Nora and Aich, Valentin}, title = {Seasonal ecosystem vulnerability to climatic anomalies in the Mediterranean}, series = {Biogeosciences}, volume = {18}, journal = {Biogeosciences}, edition = {22}, publisher = {Copernicus}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {1726-4189}, doi = {10.5194/bg-18-5903-2021}, pages = {5903 -- 5927}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Mediterranean ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate change and the associated increase in climate anomalies. This study investigates extreme ecosystem responses evoked by climatic drivers in the Mediterranean Basin for the time span 1999-2019 with a specific focus on seasonal variations as the seasonal timing of climatic anomalies is considered essential for impact and vulnerability assessment. A bivariate vulnerability analysis is performed for each month of the year to quantify which combinations of the drivers temperature (obtained from ERA5-Land) and soil moisture (obtained from ESA CCI and ERA5-Land) lead to extreme reductions in ecosystem productivity using the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR; obtained from the Copernicus Global Land Service) as a proxy. The bivariate analysis clearly showed that, in many cases, it is not just one but a combination of both drivers that causes ecosystem vulnerability. The overall pattern shows that Mediterranean ecosystems are prone to three soil moisture regimes during the yearly cycle: they are vulnerable to hot and dry conditions from May to July, to cold and dry conditions from August to October, and to cold conditions from November to April, illustrating the shift from a soil-moisture-limited regime in summer to an energy-limited regime in winter. In late spring, a month with significant vulnerability to hot conditions only often precedes the next stage of vulnerability to both hot and dry conditions, suggesting that high temperatures lead to critically low soil moisture levels with a certain time lag. In the eastern Mediterranean, the period of vulnerability to hot and dry conditions within the year is much longer than in the western Mediterranean. Our results show that it is crucial to account for both spatial and temporal variability to adequately assess ecosystem vulnerability. The seasonal vulnerability approach presented in this study helps to provide detailed insights regarding the specific phenological stage of the year in which ecosystem vulnerability to a certain climatic condition occurs. How to cite. Vogel, J., Paton, E., and Aich, V.: Seasonal ecosystem vulnerability to climatic anomalies in the Mediterranean, Biogeosciences, 18, 5903-5927, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-5903-2021, 2021.}, language = {en} } @article{BaritelloSalzwedelSuendermannetal.2021, author = {Baritello, Omar and Salzwedel, Annett and S{\"u}ndermann, Simon and Niebauer, Josef and V{\"o}ller, Heinz}, title = {The Pandora's Box of frailty assessments: Which is the best for clinical purposes in TAVI patients? A critical review}, series = {Journal of Clinical Medicine}, volume = {10}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Medicine}, edition = {19}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2077-0383}, doi = {10.3390/jcm10194506}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Frailty assessment is recommended before elective transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) to determine post-interventional prognosis. Several studies have investigated frailty in TAVI-patients using numerous assessments; however, it remains unclear which is the most appropriate tool for clinical practice. Therefore, we evaluate which frailty assessment is mainly used and meaningful for ≤30-day and ≥1-year prognosis in TAVI patients. Randomized controlled or observational studies (prospective/retrospective) investigating all-cause mortality in older (≥70 years) TAVI patients were identified (PubMed; May 2020). In total, 79 studies investigating frailty with 49 different assessments were included. As single markers of frailty, mostly gait speed (23 studies) and serum albumin (16 studies) were used. Higher risk of 1-year mortality was predicted by slower gait speed (highest Hazard Ratios (HR): 14.71; 95\% confidence interval (CI) 6.50-33.30) and lower serum albumin level (highest HR: 3.12; 95\% CI 1.80-5.42). Composite indices (five items; seven studies) were associated with 30-day (highest Odds Ratio (OR): 15.30; 95\% CI 2.71-86.10) and 1-year mortality (highest OR: 2.75; 95\% CI 1.55-4.87). In conclusion, single markers of frailty, in particular gait speed, were widely used to predict 1-year mortality. Composite indices were appropriate, as well as a comprehensive assessment of frailty. View Full-Text}, language = {en} } @article{WiepkeMiklashevsky2021, author = {Wiepke, Axel P. and Miklashevsky, Alex}, title = {Imaginary Worlds and Their Borders: An Opinion Article}, series = {Frontiers Media SA}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers Media SA}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2021.793764}, pages = {1 -- 2}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{WarschburgerPetersenvonRezorietal.2021, author = {Warschburger, Petra and Petersen, Ann-Christin and von Rezori, Roman Enzio and Buchallik, Friederike and Baumeister, Harald and Holl, Reinhard and Minden, Kirsten and M{\"u}ller-​Stierlin, Annabel Sandra and Reinauer, Christina and Staab, Doris and COACH consortium,}, title = {A prospective investigation of developmental trajectories of psychosocial adjustment in adolescents facing a chronic condition - study protocol of an observational, multi-center study}, series = {BMC Pediatrics}, volume = {21}, journal = {BMC Pediatrics}, publisher = {BMC pediatrics}, address = {London}, issn = {1471-2431}, doi = {10.1186/s12887-021-02869-9}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Relatively little is known about protective factors and the emergence and maintenance of positive outcomes in the field of adolescents with chronic conditions. Therefore, the primary aim of the study is to acquire a deeper understanding of the dynamic process of resilience factors, coping strategies and psychosocial adjustment of adolescents living with chronic conditions. Methods/design We plan to consecutively recruit N = 450 adolescents (12-21 years) from three German patient registries for chronic conditions (type 1 diabetes, cystic fibrosis, or juvenile idiopathic arthritis). Based on screening for anxiety and depression, adolescents are assigned to two parallel groups - "inconspicuous" (PHQ-9 and GAD-7 < 7) vs. "conspicuous" (PHQ-9 or GAD-7 ≥ 7) - participating in a prospective online survey at baseline and 12-month follow-up. At two time points (T1, T2), we assess (1) intra- and interpersonal resiliency factors, (2) coping strategies, and (3) health-related quality of life, well-being, satisfaction with life, anxiety and depression. Using a cross-lagged panel design, we will examine the bidirectional longitudinal relations between resiliency factors and coping strategies, psychological adaptation, and psychosocial adjustment. To monitor Covid-19 pandemic effects, participants are also invited to take part in an intermediate online survey. Discussion The study will provide a deeper understanding of adaptive, potentially modifiable processes and will therefore help to develop novel, tailored interventions supporting a positive adaptation in youths with a chronic condition. These strategies should not only support those at risk but also promote the maintenance of a successful adaptation. Trial registration German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS), no. DRKS00025125. Registered on May 17, 2021.}, language = {en} } @article{TeichmannLewandowskiAlemani2022, author = {Teichmann, Erik and Lewandowski, Heather J. and Alemani, Micol}, title = {Investigating students' views of experimental physics in German laboratory classes}, series = {Physical Review Physics Education Research}, volume = {18}, journal = {Physical Review Physics Education Research}, edition = {1}, publisher = {APS}, address = {College Park, Maryland, United States}, issn = {1554-9178}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.18.010135}, pages = {010135-1 -- 010135-17}, year = {2022}, abstract = {There is a large variety of goals instructors have for laboratory courses, with different courses focusing on different subsets of goals. An often implicit, but crucial, goal is to develop students' attitudes, views, and expectations about experimental physics to align with practicing experimental physicists. The assessment of laboratory courses upon this one dimension of learning has been intensively studied in U.S. institutions using the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics (E-CLASS). However, there is no such an instrument available to use in Germany, and the influence of laboratory courses on students views about the nature of experimental physics is still unexplored at German-speaking institutions. Motivated by the lack of an assessment tool to investigate this goal in laboratory courses at German-speaking institutions, we present a translated version of the E-CLASS adapted to the context at German-speaking institutions. We call the German version of the E-CLASS, the GE-CLASS. We describe the translation process and the creation of an automated web-based system for instructors to assess their laboratory courses. We also present first results using GE-CLASS obtained at the University of Potsdam. A first comparison between E-CLASS and GE-CLASS results shows clear differences between University of Potsdam and U.S. students' views and beliefs about experimental physics.}, language = {en} } @article{EhlertPoltzQuandteetal.2022, author = {Ehlert, Antje and Poltz, Nadine and Quandte, Sabine and Kohn-Henkel, Juliane and Kucian, Karin and Aster, Michael von and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Taking a closer look: The relationship between pre-school domain general cognition and school mathematics achievement when controlling for intelligence}, series = {Journal of Intelligence}, volume = {10}, journal = {Journal of Intelligence}, edition = {3}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2079-3200}, doi = {10.3390/jintelligence10030070}, pages = {1 -- 23}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Intelligence, as well as working memory and attention, affect the acquisition of mathematical competencies. This paper aimed to examine the influence of working memory and attention when taking different mathematical skills into account as a function of children's intellectual ability. Overall, intelligence, working memory, attention and numerical skills were assessed twice in 1868 German pre-school children (t1, t2) and again at 2nd grade (t3). We defined three intellectual ability groups based on the results of intellectual assessment at t1 and t2. Group comparisons revealed significant differences between the three intellectual ability groups. Over time, children with low intellectual ability showed the lowest achievement in domain-general and numerical and mathematical skills compared to children of average intellectual ability. The highest achievement on the aforementioned variables was found for children of high intellectual ability. Additionally, path modelling revealed that, depending on the intellectual ability, different models of varying complexity could be generated. These models differed with regard to the relevance of the predictors (t2) and the future mathematical skills (t3). Causes and conclusions of these findings are discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{LadleifWeske2021, author = {Ladleif, Jan and Weske, Mathias}, title = {Which event happened first?}, series = {Frontiers in blockchain}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in blockchain}, publisher = {Frontiers in Blockchain}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2624-7852}, doi = {10.3389/fbloc.2021.758169}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2021}, abstract = {First come, first served: Critical choices between alternative actions are often made based on events external to an organization, and reacting promptly to their occurrence can be a major advantage over the competition. In Business Process Management (BPM), such deferred choices can be expressed in process models, and they are an important aspect of process engines. Blockchain-based process execution approaches are no exception to this, but are severely limited by the inherent properties of the platform: The isolated environment prevents direct access to external entities and data, and the non-continual runtime based entirely on atomic transactions impedes the monitoring and detection of events. In this paper we provide an in-depth examination of the semantics of deferred choice, and transfer them to environments such as the blockchain. We introduce and compare several oracle architectures able to satisfy certain requirements, and show that they can be implemented using state-of-the-art blockchain technology.}, language = {en} } @article{EckertHerdenStiftetal.2022, author = {Eckert, Silvia and Herden, Jasmin and Stift, Marc and Durka, Walter and Kleunen, Mark Van and Joshi, Jasmin Radha}, title = {Traces of Genetic but Not Epigenetic Adaptation in the Invasive Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Despite the Absence of Population Structure}, series = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2296-701X}, doi = {10.3389/fevo.2022.856453}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Biological invasions may result from multiple introductions, which might compensate for reduced gene pools caused by bottleneck events, but could also dilute adaptive processes. A previous common-garden experiment showed heritable latitudinal clines in fitness-related traits in the invasive goldenrod Solidago canadensis in Central Europe. These latitudinal clines remained stable even in plants chemically treated with zebularine to reduce epigenetic variation. However, despite the heritability of traits investigated, genetic isolation-by-distance was non-significant. Utilizing the same specimens, we applied a molecular analysis of (epi)genetic differentiation with standard and methylation-sensitive (MSAP) AFLPs. We tested whether this variation was spatially structured among populations and whether zebularine had altered epigenetic variation. Additionally, we used genome scans to mine for putative outlier loci susceptible to selection processes in the invaded range. Despite the absence of isolation-by-distance, we found spatial genetic neighborhoods among populations and two AFLP clusters differentiating northern and southern Solidago populations. Genetic and epigenetic diversity were significantly correlated, but not linked to phenotypic variation. Hence, no spatial epigenetic patterns were detected along the latitudinal gradient sampled. Applying genome-scan approaches (BAYESCAN, BAYESCENV, RDA, and LFMM), we found 51 genetic and epigenetic loci putatively responding to selection. One of these genetic loci was significantly more frequent in populations at the northern range. Also, one epigenetic locus was more frequent in populations in the southern range, but this pattern was lost under zebularine treatment. Our results point to some genetic, but not epigenetic adaptation processes along a large-scale latitudinal gradient of S. canadensis in its invasive range.}, language = {en} } @article{RaatzPirhoferWalzlMuelleretal.2021, author = {Raatz, Larissa and Pirhofer-Walzl, Karin and M{\"u}ller, Marina E.H. and Scherber, Christoph and Joshi, Jasmin Radha}, title = {Who is the culprit: Is pest infestation responsible for crop yield losses close to semi-natural habitats?}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {11}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, edition = {19}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {1467-6435}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.8046}, pages = {13232 -- 13246}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Semi-natural habitats (SNHs) are becoming increasingly scarce in modern agricultural landscapes. This may reduce natural ecosystem services such as pest control with its putatively positive effect on crop production. In agreement with other studies, we recently reported wheat yield reductions at field borders which were linked to the type of SNH and the distance to the border. In this experimental landscape-wide study, we asked whether these yield losses have a biotic origin while analyzing fungal seed and fungal leaf pathogens, herbivory of cereal leaf beetles, and weed cover as hypothesized mediators between SNHs and yield. We established experimental winter wheat plots of a single variety within conventionally managed wheat fields at fixed distances either to a hedgerow or to an in-field kettle hole. For each plot, we recorded the fungal infection rate on seeds, fungal infection and herbivory rates on leaves, and weed cover. Using several generalized linear mixed-effects models as well as a structural equation model, we tested the effects of SNHs at a field scale (SNH type and distance to SNH) and at a landscape scale (percentage and diversity of SNHs within a 1000-m radius). In the dry year of 2016, we detected one putative biotic culprit: Weed cover was negatively associated with yield values at a 1-m and 5-m distance from the field border with a SNH. None of the fungal and insect pests, however, significantly affected yield, neither solely nor depending on type of or distance to a SNH. However, the pest groups themselves responded differently to SNH at the field scale and at the landscape scale. Our findings highlight that crop losses at field borders may be caused by biotic culprits; however, their negative impact seems weak and is putatively reduced by conventional farming practices.}, language = {en} } @article{Moeller2022, author = {M{\"o}ller, Klaus-Peter}, title = {In der Ruhmeshalle der deutschen Literatur}, series = {Fontanes Medien}, journal = {Fontanes Medien}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-073323-5}, doi = {10.1515/9783110733235-031}, pages = {533 -- 574}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{SarabadaniMetzlerAlaNissila2022, author = {Sarabadani, Jalal and Metzler, Ralf and Ala-Nissila, Tapio}, title = {Driven polymer translocation into a channel: Isoflux tension propagation theory and Langevin dynamics simulations}, series = {Physical Review Research}, volume = {4}, journal = {Physical Review Research}, edition = {3}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, address = {College Park, Maryland, USA}, issn = {2643-1564}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033003}, pages = {033003-1 -- 033003-14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Isoflux tension propagation (IFTP) theory and Langevin dynamics (LD) simulations are employed to study the dynamics of channel-driven polymer translocation in which a polymer translocates into a narrow channel and the monomers in the channel experience a driving force fc. In the high driving force limit, regardless of the channel width, IFTP theory predicts τ ∝ f βc for the translocation time, where β = -1 is the force scaling exponent. Moreover, LD data show that for a very narrow channel fitting only a single file of monomers, the entropic force due to the subchain inside the channel does not play a significant role in the translocation dynamics and the force exponent β = -1 regardless of the force magnitude. As the channel width increases the number of possible spatial configurations of the subchain inside the channel becomes significant and the resulting entropic force causes the force exponent to drop below unity.}, language = {en} } @article{SposiniKrapfMarinarietal.2022, author = {Sposini, Vittoria and Krapf, Diego and Marinari, Enzo and Sunyer, Raimon and Ritort, Felix and Taheri, Fereydoon and Selhuber-Unkel, Christine and Benelli, Rebecca and Weiss, Matthias and Metzler, Ralf and Oshanin, Gleb}, title = {Towards a robust criterion of anomalous diffusion}, series = {Communications Physics}, volume = {5}, journal = {Communications Physics}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {London}, issn = {2399-3650}, doi = {10.1038/s42005-022-01079-8}, pages = {10}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Anomalous-diffusion, the departure of the spreading dynamics of diffusing particles from the traditional law of Brownian-motion, is a signature feature of a large number of complex soft-matter and biological systems. Anomalous-diffusion emerges due to a variety of physical mechanisms, e.g., trapping interactions or the viscoelasticity of the environment. However, sometimes systems dynamics are erroneously claimed to be anomalous, despite the fact that the true motion is Brownian—or vice versa. This ambiguity in establishing whether the dynamics as normal or anomalous can have far-reaching consequences, e.g., in predictions for reaction- or relaxation-laws. Demonstrating that a system exhibits normal- or anomalous-diffusion is highly desirable for a vast host of applications. Here, we present a criterion for anomalous-diffusion based on the method of power-spectral analysis of single trajectories. The robustness of this criterion is studied for trajectories of fractional-Brownian-motion, a ubiquitous stochastic process for the description of anomalous-diffusion, in the presence of two types of measurement errors. In particular, we find that our criterion is very robust for subdiffusion. Various tests on surrogate data in absence or presence of additional positional noise demonstrate the efficacy of this method in practical contexts. Finally, we provide a proof-of-concept based on diverse experiments exhibiting both normal and anomalous-diffusion.}, language = {en} } @article{EvansHyde2022, author = {Evans, Myfanwy E. and Hyde, Stephen T.}, title = {Symmetric Tangling of Honeycomb Networks}, series = {Symmetry}, volume = {14}, journal = {Symmetry}, edition = {9}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2073-8994}, doi = {10.3390/sym14091805}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Symmetric, elegantly entangled structures are a curious mathematical construction that has found their way into the heart of the chemistry lab and the toolbox of constructive geometry. Of particular interest are those structures—knots, links and weavings—which are composed locally of simple twisted strands and are globally symmetric. This paper considers the symmetric tangling of multiple 2-periodic honeycomb networks. We do this using a constructive methodology borrowing elements of graph theory, low-dimensional topology and geometry. The result is a wide-ranging enumeration of symmetric tangled honeycomb networks, providing a foundation for their exploration in both the chemistry lab and the geometers toolbox.}, language = {en} } @article{WippertNiedererDriessleinetal.2020, author = {Wippert, Pia-Maria and Niederer, Daniel and Drießlein, David and Beck, Heidrun and Banzer, Winfried Eberhard and Schneider, Christian and Schiltenwolf, Marcus and Mayer, Frank}, title = {Psychosocial Moderators and Mediators of Sensorimotor Exercise in Low Back Pain: A Randomized Multicenter Controlled Trial}, series = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-0640}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyt.2021.629474}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The effects of exercise interventions on unspecific chronic low back pain (CLBP) have been investigated in many studies, but the results are inconclusive regarding exercise types, efficiency, and sustainability. This may be because the influence of psychosocial factors on exercise induced adaptation regarding CLBP is neglected. Therefore, this study assessed psychosocial characteristics, which moderate and mediate the effects of sensorimotor exercise on LBP. A single-blind 3-arm multicenter randomized controlled trial was conducted for 12-weeks. Three exercise groups, sensorimotor exercise (SMT), sensorimotor and behavioral training (SMT-BT), and regular routines (CG) were randomly assigned to 662 volunteers. Primary outcomes (pain intensity and disability) and psychosocial characteristics were assessed at baseline (M1) and follow-up (3/6/12/24 weeks, M2-M5). Multiple regression models were used to analyze whether psychosocial characteristics are moderators of the relationship between exercise and pain, meaning that psychosocial factors and exercise interact. Causal mediation analysis were conducted to analyze, whether psychosocial characteristics mediate the exercise effect on pain. A total of 453 participants with intermittent pain (mean age = 39.5 ± 12.2 years, f = 62\%) completed the training. It was shown, that depressive symptomatology (at M4, M5), vital exhaustion (at M4), and perceived social support (at M5) are significant moderators of the relationship between exercise and the reduction of pain intensity. Further depressive mood (at M4), social-satisfaction (at M4), and anxiety (at M5 SMT) significantly moderate the exercise effect on pain disability. The amount of moderation was of clinical relevance. In contrast, there were no psychosocial variables which mediated exercise effects on pain. In conclusion it was shown, that psychosocial variables can be moderators in the relationship between sensorimotor exercise induced adaptation on CLBP which may explain conflicting results in the past regarding the merit of exercise interventions in CLBP. Results suggest further an early identification of psychosocial risk factors by diagnostic tools, which may essential support the planning of personalized exercise therapy. Level of Evidence: Level I. Clinical Trial Registration: DRKS00004977, LOE: I, MiSpEx: grant-number: 080102A/11-14. https://www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.do?navigationId=trial.HTML\&TRIAL_ID=DRKS00004977.}, language = {en} } @article{PuertoValenciaArampatzisBecketal.2021, author = {Puerto Valencia, Laura Maria and Arampatzis, Adamantios and Beck, Heidrun and Dreinh{\"o}fer, Karsten E. and Drießlein, Drießlein and Mau, Wilfried and Zimmer, Julia-Marie and Sch{\"a}fer, Michael and Steinfeldt, Friedemann and Wippert, Pia-Maria}, title = {RENaBack: Low back pain patients in rehabilitation: Study Protocol for a Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial}, series = {Trials}, journal = {Trials}, publisher = {Springer Nature / BMC}, address = {Heidelberg}, issn = {1745-6215}, doi = {10.1186/s13063-021-05823-3}, pages = {1 -- 18}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Millions of people in Germany suffer from chronic pain, in which course and intensity are multifactorial. Besides physical injuries, certain psychosocial risk factors are involved in the disease process. The national health care guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of non-specific low back pain recommend the screening of psychosocial risk factors as early as possible, to be able to adapt the therapy to patient needs (e.g., unimodal or multimodal). However, such a procedure has been difficult to implement in practice and has not yet been integrated into the rehabilitation care structures across the country. Methods The aim of this study is to implement an individualized therapy and aftercare program within the rehabilitation offer of the German Pension Insurance in the area of orthopedics and to examine its success and sustainability in comparison to the previous standard aftercare program. The study is a multicenter randomized controlled trial including 1204 patients from six orthopedic rehabilitation clinics. A 2:1 allocation ratio to intervention (individualized and home-based rehabilitation aftercare) versus the control group (regular outpatient rehabilitation aftercare) is set. Upon admission to the rehabilitation clinic, participants in the intervention group will be screened according to their psychosocial risk profile. They could then receive either unimodal or multimodal, together with an individualized training program. The program is instructed in the clinic (approximately 3 weeks) and will continue independently at home afterwards for 3 months. The success of the program is examined by means of a total of four surveys. The co-primary outcomes are the Characteristic Pain Intensity and Disability Score assessed by the German version of the Chronic Pain Grade questionnaire (CPG). Discussion An improvement in terms of pain, work ability, patient compliance, and acceptance in our intervention program compared to the standard aftercare is expected. The study contributes to provide individualized care also to patients living far away from clinical centers. Trial registration DRKS, DRKS00020373. Registered on 15 April 2020}, language = {en} } @article{StuchteyBlockOseietal.2022, author = {Stuchtey, Fidelis Christin and Block, Andrea and Osei, Francis and Wippert, Pia-Maria}, title = {Lipid Biomarkers in Depression: Does Antidepressant Therapy Have an Impact?}, series = {Healthcare : open access journal}, volume = {10}, journal = {Healthcare : open access journal}, edition = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2227-9032}, doi = {10.3390/healthcare10020333}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Studies have revealed mixed results on how antidepressant drugs affect lipid profiles of patients with major depression disorder (MDD). Even less is known about how patients respond to a switch of antidepressant medication with respect to their metabolic profile. For this, effects of a switch in antidepressants medication on lipid markers were studied in MDD patients. 15 participants (females = 86.67\%; males = 13.33\%; age: 49.45 ± 7.45 years) with MDD and a prescribed switch in their antidepressant medication were recruited at a psychosomatic rehabilitation clinic. Participants were characterized (with questionnaires and blood samples) at admission to the rehabilitation clinic (baseline, T0) and followed up with a blood sample two weeks (T1) later. HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides were determined (T0), and their change analyzed (Wilcoxon test) at follow up (T1). Decrements in HDL (p = 0.041), LDL (p < 0.001), and total cholesterol (p < 0.001) were observed two weeks after a switch in antidepressant medication. Triglycerides showed no difference (p = 0.699). Overall, LDL, HDL, and total cholesterol are affected by a change in antidepressant drugs in patients with MDD. These observations are of clinical relevance for medical practitioners in the planning and management of treatment strategies for MDD patients.}, language = {en} } @article{QuarmbyMoennigMugeleetal.2023, author = {Quarmby, Andrew and M{\"o}nnig, Jamal and Mugele, Hendrik and Henschke, Jakob and Kim, MyoungHwee and Cassel, Michael and Engel, Tilman}, title = {Biomechanics and lower limb function are altered in athletes and runners with achilles tendinopathy compared with healthy controls: A systematic review}, series = {Frontiers in Sports and Active Living}, journal = {Frontiers in Sports and Active Living}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2624-9367}, doi = {10.3389/fspor.2022.1012471}, pages = {20}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is a debilitating injury in athletes, especially for those engaged in repetitive stretch-shortening cycle activities. Clinical risk factors are numerous, but it has been suggested that altered biomechanics might be associated with AT. No systematic review has been conducted investigating these biomechanical alterations in specifically athletic populations. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to compare the lower-limb biomechanics of athletes with AT to athletically matched asymptomatic controls. Databases were searched for relevant studies investigating biomechanics during gait activities and other motor tasks such as hopping, isolated strength tasks, and reflex responses. Inclusion criteria for studies were an AT diagnosis in at least one group, cross-sectional or prospective data, at least one outcome comparing biomechanical data between an AT and healthy group, and athletic populations. Studies were excluded if patients had Achilles tendon rupture/surgery, participants reported injuries other than AT, and when only within-subject data was available.. Effect sizes (Cohen's d) with 95\% confidence intervals were calculated for relevant outcomes. The initial search yielded 4,442 studies. After screening, twenty studies (775 total participants) were synthesised, reporting on a wide range of biomechanical outcomes. Females were under-represented and patients in the AT group were three years older on average. Biomechanical alterations were identified in some studies during running, hopping, jumping, strength tasks and reflex activity. Equally, several biomechanical variables studied were not associated with AT in included studies, indicating a conflicting picture. Kinematics in AT patients appeared to be altered in the lower limb, potentially indicating a pattern of "medial collapse". Muscular activity of the calf and hips was different between groups, whereby AT patients exhibited greater calf electromyographic amplitudes despite lower plantar flexor strength. Overall, dynamic maximal strength of the plantar flexors, and isometric strength of the hips might be reduced in the AT group. This systematic review reports on several biomechanical alterations in athletes with AT. With further research, these factors could potentially form treatment targets for clinicians, although clinical approaches should take other contributing health factors into account. The studies included were of low quality, and currently no solid conclusions can be drawn.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Radloff2018, author = {Radloff, Katrin}, title = {The role of the fatty acid profile and its modulation by cytokines in the systemic inflammation in cancer cachexia}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {156}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Systemic inflammation is a hallmark of cancer cachexia. Among tumor-host interactions, the white adipose tissue (WAT) is an important contributor to inflammation as it suffers morphological reorganization and lipolysis, releasing free fatty acids (FA), bioactive lipid mediators (LM) and pro-inflammatory cytokines, which accentuate the activation of pro-inflammatory signaling pathways and the recruitment of immune cells to the tissue. This project aimed to investigate which inflammatory factors are involved in the local adipose tissue inflammation and what is the influence of such factors upon enzymes involved in FA or LM metabolism in healthy individuals (Control), weight stable gastro-intestinal cancer patients (WSC) and cachectic cancer patients (CC). The results demonstrated that the inflammatory signature of systemic inflammation is different from local adipose tissue inflammation. The systemic inflammation of the cachectic cancer patients was characterized by higher levels of circulating saturated fatty acids (SFA), tumor-necrosis-factor-α (TNF-α), interleukins IL-6, IL-8 and CRP while levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), especially n3-PUFAs, were lower in CC than in the other groups. In vitro and in adipose tissue explants, pro-inflammatory cytokines and SFAs were shown to increase the chemokines IL-8 and CXCL10 that were found to be augmented in adipose tissue inflammation in CC which was more profound in the visceral adipose tissue (VAT) than in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). Systemic inflammation was negatively associated with the expression of PUFA synthesizing enzymes, though gene and protein expression did hardly differ between groups. The effects of inflammatory factors on enzymes in the whole tissue could have been masked by differentiated modulation of the diverse cell types in the same tissue. In vitro experiments showed that the expression of FA-modifying enzymes such as desaturases and elongases in adipocytes and macrophages was regulated into opposing directions by TNF-α, IL-6, LPS or palmitate. The higher plasma concentration of the pro-resolving LM resolvin D1 in CC cannot compensate the overall inflammatory status and the results indicate that inflammatory cytokines interfere with synthesis pathways of pro-resolving LM. In summary, the data revealed a complex inter-tissue and inter-cellular crosstalk mediated by pro-inflammatory cytokines and lipid compounds enhancing inflammation in cancer cachexia by feed-forward mechanisms.}, language = {en} } @article{KempaHummelSchwemmeretal.2009, author = {Kempa, Stefan and Hummel, Jan and Schwemmer, Thorsten and Pietzke, Matthias and Strehmel, Nadine and Wienkoop, Stefanie and Kopka, Joachim and Weckwerth, Wolfram}, title = {An automated GCxGC-TOF-MS protocol for batch-wise extraction and alignment of mass isotopomer matrixes from differential C-13-labelling experiments : a case study for photoautotrophic-mixotrophic grown Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells}, issn = {0233-111X}, doi = {10.1002/jobm.200800337}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Two dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOF-MS) is a promising technique to overcome limits of complex metabolome analysis using one dimensional GC-TOF-MS. Especially at the stage of data export and data mining, however, convenient procedures to cope with the complexity of GCxGC-TOF-MS data are still in development. Here, we present a high sample throughput protocol exploiting first and second retention index for spectral library search and subsequent construction of a high dimensional data matrix useful for statistical analysis. The method was applied to the analysis of 13 C-labelling experiments in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We developed a rapid sampling and extraction procedure for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii laboratory strain (CC503), a cell wall deficient mutant. By testing all published quenching protocols we observed dramatic metabolite leakage rates for certain metabolites. To circumvent metabolite leakage, samples were directly quenched and analyzed without separation of the medium. The growth medium was adapted to this rapid sampling protocol to avoid interference with GCxGC-TOF-MS analysis. To analyse batches of samples a new software tool, MetMax, was implemented which extracts the isotopomer matrix from stable isotope labelling experiments together with the first and second retention index (RI1 and RI2). To exploit RI1 and RI2 for metabolite identification we used the Golm metabolome database (GMD [1] with RI1/ RI2-reference spectra and new search algorithms. Using those techniques we analysed the dynamics of (CO2)-C-13 and C-13- acetate uptake in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells in two different steady states namely photoautotrophic and mixotrophic growth conditions.}, language = {en} } @article{PrasadBaier2014, author = {Prasad, Sushma and Baier, Janina}, title = {Tracking the impact of mid- to late Holocene climate change and anthropogenic activities on Lake Holzmaar using an updated Holocene chronology}, series = {Global and planetary change}, volume = {122}, journal = {Global and planetary change}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0921-8181}, doi = {10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.08.020}, pages = {251 -- 264}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The mid- to late Holocene interval is characterised by a highly variable climate in response to a gradual change in orbital insolation. The seasonal impact of these changes on the Eifel Maar region is not yet well documented largely due to uncertainties about the completeness of this archive ("missing varves" in the well known Lake Holzmaar) and a limited understanding of the factors (e.g. temperature, precipitation) influencing the seasonality archived within the lamination/varves. In this study we approach these challenges from a different perspective. Using detailed microfacies investigations we: (1) demonstrate that the ambiguity about the "missing varves" is related to the climate induced complex biotic and abiotic laminations that led to mis-identification of varves; (2) use a combination of detailed microfacies investigations (varve structure, seasonality of biotic and abiotic signals), lamination quality, varve counts on multiple cores, published and new radiocarbon dates to develop a continuous master chronology based on the Bayesian modelling approach. The dates of major climate, volcanic, and archaeological event(s) determined using our model are in good agreement with the independently determined ages of the same events from other archives, confirming the accuracy of our age model; (3) test the sensitivity of the seasonal proxies to the available data on mid-Holocene changes in temperature and precipitation; (4) demonstrate that the changes in lake eutrophicity are correlative with temperature changes in NW Europe and probably triggered by solar variability; and (5) show that the early Iron Age onset of eutrophication in Lake Holzmaar was climate induced and began several decades before the impact of anthropogenic activity was seen in the form of intensified detrital erosion in the catchment area. Our work has implications for understanding the impact of climate change and anthropogenic activities on limnological systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Demske2020, author = {Demske, Ulrike}, title = {The grammaticalization of the definite article in German}, series = {Walking on the Grammaticalization Path of the Definite Article in German: Functional Main and Side Roads}, booktitle = {Walking on the Grammaticalization Path of the Definite Article in German: Functional Main and Side Roads}, editor = {Szczepaniak, Renata and Flick, Johanna}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-9-027204943}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {43 -- 73}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The present paper looks into the grammaticalization of the definite article in the history of German. Starting with the well-known emergence of the definite article from a demonstrative pronoun over the course of Old High German (750-1050), I will consider the rise of so-called weak definites in Early New High German (1350-1650) as a new piece of evidence for the grammaticalization process. Here, the subclass of possessive weak definites is of particular interest for the grammaticalization of the definite article in German, because of a word order change affecting the position of possessor phrases. As soon as the possessor systematically follows the head noun (except for proper names), we observe three alternatives for the prenominal determiner slot: it may remain empty, or it may be filled either by the indefinite or the definite article in Early New High German. In Present-Day German, the definite article is used in the unmarked case, thus pointing to a second stage in the grammaticalization process of the definite article in German, which has so far not been acknowledged in the literature.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhou2022, author = {Zhou, Shuo}, title = {Biological evaluation and sulfation of polymer networks from glycerol glycidyl ether}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {96}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide, and their prevalence is expected to rise in the coming years. Polymer-based artificial replacements have been widely used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Coagulation and thrombus formation on the interfaces between the materials and the human physiological environment are key issues leading to the failure of the medical device in clinical implantation. The surface properties of the materials have a strong influence on the protein adsorption and can direct the blood cell adhesion behavior on the interfaces. Furthermore, implant-associated infections will be induced by bacterial adhesion and subsequent biofilm formation at the implantation site. Thus, it is important to improve the hemocompatibility of an implant by altering the surface properties. One of the effective strategies is surface passivation to achieve protein/cell repelling ability to reduce the risk of thrombosis. This thesis consists of synthesis, functionalization, sterilization, and biological evaluation of bulk poly(glycerol glycidyl ether) (polyGGE), which is a highly crosslinked polyether-based polymer synthesized by cationic ring-opening polymerization. PolyGGE is hypothesized to be able to resist plasma protein adsorption and bacterial adhesion due to analogous chemical structure as polyethylene glycol and hyperbranched polyglycerol. Hydroxyl end groups of polyGGE provide possibilities to be functionalized with sulfates to mimic the anti-thrombogenic function of the endothelial glycocalyx. PolyGGE was synthesized by polymerization of the commercially available monomer glycerol glycidyl ether, which was characterized as a mixture of mono-, di- and tri-glycidyl ether. Cationic ring opening-polymerization of this monomer was carried out by ultraviolet (UV) initiation of the photo-initiator diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate. With the increased UV curing time, more epoxides in the side chains of the monomers participated in chemical crosslinking, resulting in an increase of Young's modulus, while the value of elongation at break of polyGGE first increased due to the propagation of the polymer chains then decreased with the increase of crosslinking density. Eventually, the chain propagation can be effectively terminated by potassium hydroxide aqueous solution. PolyGGE exhibited different tensile properties in hydrated conditions at body temperature compared to the values in the dry state at room temperature. Both Young's modulus and values of elongation at break were remarkably reduced when tested in water at 37 °C, which was above the glass transition temperature of polyGGE. At physiological conditions, entanglements of the ployGGE networks unfolded and the free volume of networks were replaced by water molecules as softener, which increased the mobility of the polymer chains, resulting in a lower Young's modulus. Protein adsorption analysis was performed on polyGGE films with 30 min UV curing using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. PolyGGE could effectively prevent the adsorption of human plasma fibrinogen, albumin, and fibronectin at the interface of human plasma and polyGGE films. The protein resistance of polyGGE was comparable to the negative controls: the hemocompatible polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), showing its potential as a coating material for cardiovascular implants. Moreover, antimicrobial tests of bacterial activity using isothermal microcalorimetry and the microscopic image of direct bacteria culturing demonstrated that polyGGE could directly interfere biofilm formation and growth of both Gram-negative and antibiotic-resistant Gram-positive bacteria, indicating the potential application of polyGGE for combating the risk of hospital-acquired infections and preventing drug-resistant superbug spreading. To investigate its cell compatibility, polyGGE films were extracted by different solvents (ethanol, chloroform, acetone) and cell culture medium. Indirect cytotoxicity tests showed extracted polyGGE films still had toxic effects on L929 fibroblast cells. High-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry revealed the occurrence of organochlorine-containing compounds released during the polymer-cell culture medium interaction. A constant level of those organochlorine-containing compounds was confirmed from GGE monomer by a specific peak of C-Cl stretching in infrared spectra of GGE. This is assumed to be the main reason causing the increased cell membrane permeability and decreased metabolic activity, leading to cell death. Attempts as changing solvents were made to remove toxic substances, however, the release of these small molecules seems to be sluggish. The densely crosslinked polyGGE networks can possibly contribute to the trapping of organochlorine-containing compounds. These results provide valuable information for exploring the potentially toxic substances, leaching from polyGGE networks, and propose a feasible strategy for minimizing the cytotoxicity via reducing their crosslinking density. Sulfamic acid/ N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) were selected as the reagents for the sulfation of polyGGE surfaces. Fourier transform attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FT-IR) was used to monitor the functionalization kinetics and the results confirmed the successful sulfate grafting on the surface of polyGGE with the covalent bond -C-O-S-. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to determine the element composition on the surface and the cross-section of the functionalized polyGGE and sulfation within 15 min guarantees the sulfation only takes place on the surface while not occurring in the bulk of the polymer. The concentration of grafted sulfates increased with the increasing reaction time. The hydrophilicity of the surface of polyGGE was highly increased due to the increase of negatively charged end groups. Three sterilization techniques including autoclaving, gamma irradiation, and ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization were used for polyGGE sulfates. Results from ATR-FT-IR and Toluidine Blue O quantitative assay demonstrated the total loss of the sulfates after autoclave sterilization, which was also confirmed by the increased water contact angle. Little influence on the concentration of sulfates was found for gamma-irradiated and autoclaving sterilized polyGGE sulfates. To investigate the thermal influence on polyGGE sulfates, one strategy was to use poly(hydroxyethyl acrylate) sulfates (PHEAS) for modeling. The thermogravimetric analysis profile of PHEAS demonstrated that sulfates are not thermally stable independent of the substrate materials and decomposition of sulfates occurs at around 100 °C. Although gamma irradiation also showed little negative effect on the sulfate content, the color change in the polyGGE sulfates indicates chemical or physical change might occur in the polymer. EtO sterilization was validated as the most suitable sterilization technique to maintain the chemical structure of polyGGE sulfates. In conclusion, the conducted work proved that bulk polyGGE can be used as an antifouling coating material and shows its antimicrobial potential. Sulfates functionalization can be effectively realized using sulfamic acid/NMP. EtO sterilization is the most suitable sterilization technique for grafted sulfates. Besides, this thesis also offers a good strategy for the analysis of toxic leachable substances using suitable physicochemical characterization techniques. Future work will focus on minimizing/eliminating the release of toxic substances via reducing the crosslinking density. Another interesting aspect is to study whether grafted sulfates can meet the need for anti-thrombogenicity.}, language = {en} } @article{DvornikovLeibmanHeimetal.2018, author = {Dvornikov, Yury and Leibman, Marina and Heim, Birgit and Bartsch, Annett and Herzschuh, Ulrike and Skorospekhova, Tatiana and Fedorova, Irina and Khomutov, Artem and Widhalm, Barbara and Gubarkov, Anatoly and R{\"o}ßler, Sebastian}, title = {Terrestrial CDOM in lakes of Yamal Peninsula}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {10}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs10020167}, pages = {21}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this study, we analyze interactions in lake and lake catchment systems of a continuous permafrost area. We assessed colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption at 440 nm (a(440)(CDOM)) and absorption slope (S300-500) in lakes using field sampling and optical remote sensing data for an area of 350 km(2) in Central Yamal, Siberia. Applying a CDOM algorithm (ratio of green and red band reflectance) for two high spatial resolution multispectral GeoEye-1 and Worldview-2 satellite images, we were able to extrapolate the a()(CDOM) data from 18 lakes sampled in the field to 356 lakes in the study area (model R-2 = 0.79). Values of a(440)(CDOM) in 356 lakes varied from 0.48 to 8.35 m(-1) with a median of 1.43 m(-1). This a()(CDOM) dataset was used to relate lake CDOM to 17 lake and lake catchment parameters derived from optical and radar remote sensing data and from digital elevation model analysis in order to establish the parameters controlling CDOM in lakes on the Yamal Peninsula. Regression tree model and boosted regression tree analysis showed that the activity of cryogenic processes (thermocirques) in the lake shores and lake water level were the two most important controls, explaining 48.4\% and 28.4\% of lake CDOM, respectively (R-2 = 0.61). Activation of thermocirques led to a large input of terrestrial organic matter and sediments from catchments and thawed permafrost to lakes (n = 15, mean a(440)(CDOM) = 5.3 m(-1)). Large lakes on the floodplain with a connection to Mordy-Yakha River received more CDOM (n = 7, mean a(440)(CDOM) = 3.8 m(-1)) compared to lakes located on higher terraces.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rolo2023, author = {Rolo, David}, title = {Assembly of photosystem I in thylakoid membranes}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {177}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The light reactions of photosynthesis are carried out by a series of multiprotein complexes embedded in thylakoid membranes. Among them, photosystem I (PSI), acting as plastocyanin-ferderoxin oxidoreductase, catalyzes the final reaction. Together with light-harvesting antenna I, PSI forms a high-molecular-weight supercomplex of ~600 kDa, consisting of eighteen subunits and nearly two hundred co-factors. Assembly of the various components into a functional thylakoid membrane complex requires precise coordination, which is provided by the assembly machinery. Although this includes a small number of proteins (PSI assembly factors) that have been shown to play a role in the formation of PSI, the process as a whole, as well as the intricacy of its members, remains largely unexplored. In the present work, two approaches were used to find candidate PSI assembly factors. First, EnsembleNet was used to select proteins thought to be functionally related to known PSI assembly factors in Arabidopsis thaliana (approach I), and second, co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) of tagged PSI assembly factors in Nicotiana tabacum was performed (approach II). Here, the novel PSI assembly factors designated CO-EXPRESSED WITH PSI ASSEMBLY 1 (CEPA1) and Ycf4-INTERACTING PROTEIN 1 (Y4IP1) were identified. A. thaliana null mutants for CEPA1 and Y4IP1 showed a growth phenotype and pale leaves compared with the wild type. Biophysical experiments using pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) revealed insufficient electron transport on the PSII acceptor side. Biochemical analyses revealed that both CEPA1 and Y4IP1 are specifically involved in PSI accumulation in A. thaliana at the post-translational level but are not essential. Consistent with their roles as factors in the assembly of a thylakoid membrane protein complex, the two proteins localize to thylakoid membranes. Remarkably, cepa1 y4ip1 double mutants exhibited lethal phenotypes in early developmental stages under photoautotrophic growth. Finally, co-IP and native gel experiments supported a possible role for CEPA1 and Y4IP1 in mediating PSI assembly in conjunction with other PSI assembly factors (e.g., PPD1- and PSA3-CEPA1 and Ycf4-Y4IP1). The fact that CEPA1 and Y4IP1 are found exclusively in green algae and higher plants suggests eukaryote-specific functions. Although the specific mechanisms need further investigation, CEPA1 and Y4IP1 are two novel assembly factors that contribute to PSI formation.}, language = {en} } @article{RichterKunterMarxetal.2021, author = {Richter, Eric and Kunter, Mareike and Marx, Alexandra and Richter, Dirk}, title = {Who participates in content-focused teacher professional development?}, series = {Frontiers in education}, journal = {Frontiers in education}, number = {6}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2504-284X}, doi = {10.3389/feduc.2021.722169}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This study investigates the relationship between teacher quality and teachers' engagement in professional development (PD) activities using data on 229 German secondary school mathematics teachers. We assessed different aspects of teacher quality (e.g. professional knowledge, instructional quality) using a variety of measures, including standardised tests of teachers' content knowledge, to determine what characteristics are associated with high participation in PD. The results show that teachers with higher scores for teacher quality variables take part in more content-focused PD than teachers with lower scores for these variables. This suggests that teacher learning may be subject to a Matthew effect, whereby more proficient teachers benefit more from PD than less proficient teachers.}, language = {en} } @article{BrendelMatznerMenzel2021, author = {Brendel, Nina and Matzner, Nils and Menzel, Max-Peter}, title = {Geographisches Gezwitscher - Analyse von Twitter-Daten als Methode im GW-Unterricht}, series = {GW-Unterricht}, journal = {GW-Unterricht}, publisher = {Verlag der {\"O}sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften}, address = {Wien}, issn = {2414-4169}, doi = {10.1553/gw-unterricht164s72}, pages = {72 -- 85}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Soziale Medien sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Alltags von Sch{\"u}ler*innen und gleichzeitig zunehmend wichtig in Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft. Am Beispiel von Twitter zeigt dieser Beitrag, dass soziale Medien im Unterricht auch f{\"u}r die Beantwortung geographischer Fragestellungen verwendet werden k{\"o}nnen. Hierf{\"u}r eignen sich Twitter-Daten aufgrund ihrer Georeferenzierung und weiterer interessanter Inhalte besonders. Der Beitrag gibt einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die Verwendung von Twitter f{\"u}r sozialwissenschaftliche und humangeographische Fragestellungen und reflektiert die Nutzung von Twitter im Unterricht. F{\"u}r die Unterrichtspraxis werden Beispiele zu den Themen Braunkohle, Flutereignisse und Raumwahrnehmungen sowie Anleitungen zur Auswertung, Anwendung und Reflexion von Twitter-Analysen vorgestellt.}, language = {de} } @article{ThonigDelRioKieferetal.2020, author = {Thonig, Richard and Del Rio, Pablo and Kiefer, Christoph and Lazaro Touza, Lara and Escribano, Gonzalo and Lechon, Yolanda and Spaeth, Leonhard and Wolf, Ingo and Lilliestam, Johan}, title = {Does ideology influence the ambition level of climate and renewable energy policy?}, series = {Energy sources, part B: economics, planning, and policy}, volume = {16}, journal = {Energy sources, part B: economics, planning, and policy}, number = {1}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis Group}, address = {Philadelphia}, issn = {1556-7249}, doi = {10.1080/15567249.2020.1811806}, pages = {4 -- 22}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We investigate whether political ideology has an observable effect on decarbonization ambition, renewable power aims, and preferences for power system balancing technologies in four European countries. Based on the Energy Logics framework, we identify ideologically different transition strategies (state-centered, market-centered, grassroots-centered) contained in government policies and opposition party programs valid in 2019. We compare these policies and programs with citizen poll data. We find that ideology has a small effect: governments and political parties across the spectrum have similar, and relatively ambitious, decarbonization and renewables targets. This mirrors citizens' strong support for ambitious action regardless of their ideological self-description. However, whereas political positions on phasing out fossil fuel power are clear across the policy space, positions on phasing in new flexibility options to balance intermittent renewables are vague or non-existent. As parties and citizens agree on strong climate and renewable power aims, the policy ambition is likely to remain high, even if governments change.}, language = {en} } @article{SteinfathGaertnerLisecetal.2009, author = {Steinfath, Matthias and G{\"a}rtner, Tanja and Lisec, Jan and Meyer, Rhonda Christiane and Altmann, Thomas and Willmitzer, Lothar and Selbig, Joachim}, title = {Prediction of hybrid biomass in Arabidopsis thaliana by selected parental SNP and metabolic markers}, series = {Theoretical and applied genetics : TAG ; international journal of plant breeding research}, volume = {120}, journal = {Theoretical and applied genetics : TAG ; international journal of plant breeding research}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0040-5752}, doi = {10.1007/s00122-009-1191-2}, pages = {239 -- 247}, year = {2009}, abstract = {A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, derived from two Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, and the corresponding testcrosses with these two original accessions were used for the development and validation of machine learning models to predict the biomass of hybrids. Genetic and metabolic information of the RILs served as predictors. Feature selection reduced the number of variables (genetic and metabolic markers) in the models by more than 80\% without impairing the predictive power. Thus, potential biomarkers have been revealed. Metabolites were shown to bear information on inherited macroscopic phenotypes. This proof of concept could be interesting for breeders. The example population exhibits substantial mid-parent biomass heterosis. The results of feature selection could therefore be used to shed light on the origin of heterosis. In this respect, mainly dominance effects were detected.}, language = {en} } @article{MtilatilaBronstertVormoor2022, author = {Mtilatila, Lucy Mphatso Ng'ombe and Bronstert, Axel and Vormoor, Klaus Josef}, title = {Temporal evaluation and projections of meteorological droughts in the Greater Lake Malawi Basin, Southeast Africa}, series = {Frontiers in Water}, journal = {Frontiers in Water}, publisher = {Frontiers Media S.A.}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2624-9375}, doi = {10.3389/frwa.2022.1041452}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The study examined the potential future changes of drought characteristics in the Greater Lake Malawi Basin in Southeast Africa. This region strongly depends on water resources to generate electricity and food. Future projections (considering both moderate and high emission scenarios) of temperature and precipitation from an ensemble of 16 bias-corrected climate model combinations were blended with a scenario-neutral response surface approach to analyses changes in: (i) the meteorological conditions, (ii) the meteorological water balance, and (iii) selected drought characteristics such as drought intensity, drought months, and drought events, which were derived from the Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index. Changes were analyzed for a near-term (2021-2050) and far-term period (2071-2100) with reference to 1976-2005. The effect of bias-correction (i.e., empirical quantile mapping) on the ability of the climate model ensemble to reproduce observed drought characteristics as compared to raw climate projections was also investigated. Results suggest that the bias-correction improves the climate models in terms of reproducing temperature and precipitation statistics but not drought characteristics. Still, despite the differences in the internal structures and uncertainties that exist among the climate models, they all agree on an increase of meteorological droughts in the future in terms of higher drought intensity and longer events. Drought intensity is projected to increase between +25 and +50\% during 2021-2050 and between +131 and +388\% during 2071-2100. This translates into +3 to +5, and +7 to +8 more drought months per year during both periods, respectively. With longer lasting drought events, the number of drought events decreases. Projected droughts based on the high emission scenario are 1.7 times more severe than droughts based on the moderate scenario. That means that droughts in this region will likely become more severe in the coming decades. Despite the inherent high uncertainties of climate projections, the results provide a basis in planning and (water-)managing activities for climate change adaptation measures in Malawi. This is of particular relevance for water management issues referring hydro power generation and food production, both for rain-fed and irrigated agriculture.}, language = {en} } @article{WochatzSchraplauEngeletal.2022, author = {Wochatz, Monique and Schraplau, Anne and Engel, Tilman and Zecher, Mahli Megan and Sharon, Hadar and Alt, Yasmin and Mayer, Frank and Kalron, Alon}, title = {Application of eccentric training in various clinical populations}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {17}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {12}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, address = {San Francisco, California, USA}, issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0270875}, pages = {15}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Physical activity and exercise are effective approaches in prevention and therapy of multiple diseases. Although the specific characteristics of lengthening contractions have the potential to be beneficial in many clinical conditions, eccentric training is not commonly used in clinical populations with metabolic, orthopaedic, or neurologic conditions. The purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the feasibility, functional benefits, and systemic responses of an eccentric exercise program focused on the trunk and lower extremities in people with low back pain (LBP) and multiple sclerosis (MS). A six-week eccentric training program with three weekly sessions is performed by people with LBP and MS. The program consists of ten exercises addressing strength of the trunk and lower extremities. The study follows a four-group design (N = 12 per group) in two study centers (Israel and Germany): three groups perform the eccentric training program: A) control group (healthy, asymptomatic); B) people with LBP; C) people with MS; group D (people with MS) receives standard care physiotherapy. Baseline measurements are conducted before first training, post-measurement takes place after the last session both comprise blood sampling, self-reported questionnaires, mobility, balance, and strength testing. The feasibility of the eccentric training program will be evaluated using quantitative and qualitative measures related to the study process, compliance and adherence, safety, and overall program assessment. For preliminary assessment of potential intervention effects, surrogate parameters related to mobility, postural control, muscle strength and systemic effects are assessed. The presented study will add knowledge regarding safety, feasibility, and initial effects of eccentric training in people with orthopaedic and neurological conditions. The simple exercises, that are easily modifiable in complexity and intensity, are likely beneficial to other populations. Thus, multiple applications and implementation pathways for the herein presented training program are conceivable.}, language = {en} } @article{SmithZottaBoultonetal.2023, author = {Smith, Taylor and Zotta, Ruxandra-Maria and Boulton, Chris A. and Lenton, Timothy M. and Dorigo, Wouter and Boers, Niklas}, title = {Reliability of resilience estimation based on multi-instrument time series}, series = {Earth System Dynamics}, volume = {14}, journal = {Earth System Dynamics}, publisher = {Copernicus Publications}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {2190-4987}, doi = {10.5194/esd-14-173-2023}, pages = {173 -- 183}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Many widely used observational data sets are comprised of several overlapping instrument records. While data inter-calibration techniques often yield continuous and reliable data for trend analysis, less attention is generally paid to maintaining higher-order statistics such as variance and autocorrelation. A growing body of work uses these metrics to quantify the stability or resilience of a system under study and potentially to anticipate an approaching critical transition in the system. Exploring the degree to which changes in resilience indicators such as the variance or autocorrelation can be attributed to non-stationary characteristics of the measurement process - rather than actual changes in the dynamical properties of the system - is important in this context. In this work we use both synthetic and empirical data to explore how changes in the noise structure of a data set are propagated into the commonly used resilience metrics lag-one autocorrelation and variance. We focus on examples from remotely sensed vegetation indicators such as vegetation optical depth and the normalized difference vegetation index from different satellite sources. We find that time series resulting from mixing signals from sensors with varied uncertainties and covering overlapping time spans can lead to biases in inferred resilience changes. These biases are typically more pronounced when resilience metrics are aggregated (for example, by land-cover type or region), whereas estimates for individual time series remain reliable at reasonable sensor signal-to-noise ratios. Our work provides guidelines for the treatment and aggregation of multi-instrument data in studies of critical transitions and resilience.}, language = {en} } @article{PueschelKlauderHenkelOberlaender2022, author = {P{\"u}schel, Gerhard and Klauder, Julia and Henkel-Oberl{\"a}nder, Janin}, title = {Macrophages, low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia}, series = {Journal of Clinical Medicine : open access journal}, volume = {11}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Medicine : open access journal}, number = {15}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2077-0383}, doi = {10.3390/jcm11154358}, pages = {1 -- 30}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Metabolic derangement with poor glycemic control accompanying overweight and obesity is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation and hyperinsulinemia. Macrophages, which present a very heterogeneous population of cells, play a key role in the maintenance of normal tissue homeostasis, but functional alterations in the resident macrophage pool as well as newly recruited monocyte-derived macrophages are important drivers in the development of low-grade inflammation. While metabolic dysfunction, insulin resistance and tissue damage may trigger or advance pro-inflammatory responses in macrophages, the inflammation itself contributes to the development of insulin resistance and the resulting hyperinsulinemia. Macrophages express insulin receptors whose downstream signaling networks share a number of knots with the signaling pathways of pattern recognition and cytokine receptors, which shape macrophage polarity. The shared knots allow insulin to enhance or attenuate both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory macrophage responses. This supposedly physiological function may be impaired by hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance in macrophages. This review discusses the mutual ambiguous relationship of low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and the insulin-dependent modulation of macrophage activity with a focus on adipose tissue and liver.}, language = {en} } @article{KhalilKohlerTjaden2022, author = {Khalil, Samir and Kohler, Ulrich and Tjaden, Jasper Dag}, title = {Is There a Rural Penalty in Language Acquisition? Evidence From Germany's Refugee Allocation Policy}, series = {Frontiers in Sociology}, volume = {7}, journal = {Frontiers in Sociology}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2297-7775}, doi = {10.3389/fsoc.2022.841775}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Emerging evidence has highlighted the important role of local contexts for integration trajectories of asylum seekers and refugees. Germany's policy of randomly allocating asylum seekers across Germany may advantage some and disadvantage others in terms of opportunities for equal participation in society. This study explores the question whether asylum seekers that have been allocated to rural areas experience disadvantages in terms of language acquisition compared to those allocated to urban areas. We derive testable assumptions using a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) which are then tested using large-N survey data (IAB-BAMF-SOEP refugee survey). We find that living in a rural area has no negative total effect on language skills. Further the findings suggest that the "null effect" is the result of two processes which offset each other: while asylum seekers in rural areas have slightly lower access for formal, federally organized language courses, they have more regular exposure to German speakers.}, language = {en} } @article{AgnePreickStraubeetal.2022, author = {Agne, Stefanie and Preick, Michaela and Straube, Nicolas and Hofreiter, Michael}, title = {Simultaneous Barcode Sequencing of Diverse Museum Collection Specimens Using a Mixed RNA Bait Set}, series = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {10}, journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, publisher = {Frontiers Media S.A.}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2296-701X}, doi = {10.3389/fevo.2022.909846}, pages = {5}, year = {2022}, abstract = {A growing number of publications presenting results from sequencing natural history collection specimens reflect the importance of DNA sequence information from such samples. Ancient DNA extraction and library preparation methods in combination with target gene capture are a way of unlocking archival DNA, including from formalin-fixed wet-collection material. Here we report on an experiment, in which we used an RNA bait set containing baits from a wide taxonomic range of species for DNA hybridisation capture of nuclear and mitochondrial targets for analysing natural history collection specimens. The bait set used consists of 2,492 mitochondrial and 530 nuclear RNA baits and comprises specific barcode loci of diverse animal groups including both invertebrates and vertebrates. The baits allowed to capture DNA sequence information of target barcode loci from 84\% of the 37 samples tested, with nuclear markers being captured more frequently and consensus sequences of these being more complete compared to mitochondrial markers. Samples from dry material had a higher rate of success than wet-collection specimens, although target sequence information could be captured from 50\% of formalin-fixed samples. Our study illustrates how efforts to obtain barcode sequence information from natural history collection specimens may be combined and are a way of implementing barcoding inventories of scientific collection material.}, language = {en} } @article{MaassKuehneHeinzeetal.2022, author = {Maaß, Ulrike and K{\"u}hne, Franziska and Heinze, Peter Eric and Ay-Bryson, Destina Sevde and Weck, Florian}, title = {The concise measurement of clinical communication skills}, series = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychiatry}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-0640}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyt.2022.977324}, pages = {10}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Objective: There is a lack of brief rating scales for the reliable assessment of psychotherapeutic skills, which do not require intensive rater training and/or a high level of expertise. Thus, the objective is to validate a 14-item version of the Clinical Communication Skills Scale (CCSS-S). Methods: Using a sample of N = 690 video-based ratings of role-plays with simulated patients, we calculated a confirmatory factor analysis and an exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), assessed convergent validities, determined inter-rater reliabilities and compared these with those who were either psychology students, advanced psychotherapy trainees, or experts. Results: Correlations with other competence rating scales were high (rs > 0.86-0.89). The intraclass correlations ranged between moderate and good [ICC(2,2) = 0.65-0.80], with student raters yielding the lowest scores. The one-factor model only marginally replicated the data, but the internal consistencies were excellent (α = 0.91-95). The ESEM yielded a two-factor solution (Collaboration and Structuring and Exploration Skills). Conclusion: The CCSS-S is a brief and valid rating scale that reliably assesses basic communication skills, which is particularly useful for psychotherapy training using standardized role-plays. To ensure good inter-rater reliabilities, it is still advisable to employ raters with at least some clinical experience. Future studies should further investigate the one- or two-factor structure of the instrument.}, language = {en} } @article{HeroldTheobaldGronwaldetal.2022, author = {Herold, Fabian and Theobald, Paula and Gronwald, Thomas and Rapp, Michael Armin and M{\"u}ller, Notger Germar}, title = {Going digital - a commentary on the terminology used at the intersection of physical activity and digital health}, series = {European review of aging and physical activity}, volume = {19}, journal = {European review of aging and physical activity}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin ; Heidelberg}, issn = {1861-6909}, doi = {10.1186/s11556-022-00296-y}, pages = {7}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In recent years digital technologies have become a major means for providing health-related services and this trend was strongly reinforced by the current Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. As it is well-known that regular physical activity has positive effects on individual physical and mental health and thus is an important prerequisite for healthy aging, digital technologies are also increasingly used to promote unstructured and structured forms of physical activity. However, in the course of this development, several terms (e.g., Digital Health, Electronic Health, Mobile Health, Telehealth, Telemedicine, and Telerehabilitation) have been introduced to refer to the application of digital technologies to provide health-related services such as physical interventions. Unfortunately, the above-mentioned terms are often used in several different ways, but also relatively interchangeably. Given that ambiguous terminology is a major source of difficulty in scientific communication which can impede the progress of theoretical and empirical research, this article aims to make the reader aware of the subtle differences between the relevant terms which are applied at the intersection of physical activity and Digital Health and to provide state-of-art definitions for them.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CruzLemus2020, author = {Cruz Lemus, Saul Daniel}, title = {Enhancing Efficiency of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Carbon nitride and poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs) have been successfully applied in various fields of materials science owing to their outstanding properties. This thesis aims at the successful application of these polymers as innovative materials in the interfaces of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells. A critical problem in harnessing the full thermodynamic potential of halide perovskites in solar cells is the design and modification of interfaces to reduce carrier recombination. Therefore, the interface must be properly studied and improved. This work investigated the effect of applying carbon nitride and PILs on a perovskite surface on the device performance. The facile synthetic method for modifying carbon nitride with vinyl thiazole and barbituric acid (CMB-vTA) yields 2.3 nm layers when solution processing is performed using isopropanol. The nanosheets were applied as a metal-free electron transport layer in inverted perovskite solar cells. The application of carbon nitride layers (CMB-vTA) resulted in negligible current-voltage hysteresis with a high open circuit voltage (Voc) of 1.1 V and a short-circuit current (Jsc) of 20.28 mA cm-2, which afforded efficiencies of up to 17\%. Thus, the successful implementation of a carbon nitride-based structure enabled good charge extraction with minimized interface recombination between the perovskite and PCBM. Similarly, PILs represent a new strategy of interfacial modification using an ionic polymer in an n-i-p perovskite architecture.. The application of PILs as an interfacial modifier resulted in solar cell devices with an extraordinarily high efficiency of 21.8\% and a Voc of 1.17 V. The implementation reduced non-radiative recombination at the perovskite surface through defect passivation. Finally, our work proposes a novel method to efficiently suppress non-radiative charge recombination using the unexplored properties of carbon nitride and PILs in the solar cell field. Additionally, the method for interfacial modification has general applicability because of the simplicity of the post-treatment approach, and therefore has potential applicability in other solar cells. Thus, this work opens the door to a new class of materials to be implemented.}, language = {en} } @article{ZuehlkeMeilingRoderetal.2021, author = {Z{\"u}hlke, Martin and Meiling, Till Thomas and Roder, Phillip and Riebe, Daniel and Beitz, Toralf and Bald, Ilko and L{\"o}hmannsr{\"o}ben, Hans-Gerd and Janßen, Traute and Erhard, Marcel and Repp, Alexander}, title = {Photodynamic inactivation of E. coli bacteria via carbon nanodots}, series = {ACS omega / American Chemical Society}, volume = {6}, journal = {ACS omega / American Chemical Society}, number = {37}, publisher = {ACS Publications}, address = {Washington, DC}, issn = {2470-1343}, doi = {10.1021/acsomega.1c01700}, pages = {23742 -- 23749}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The increasing development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria has been a major problem for years, both in human and veterinary medicine. Prophylactic measures, such as the use of vaccines, are of great importance in reducing the use of antibiotics in livestock. These vaccines are mainly produced based on formaldehyde inactivation. However, the latter damages the recognition elements of the bacterial proteins and thus could reduce the immune response in the animal. An alternative inactivation method developed in this work is based on gentle photodynamic inactivation using carbon nanodots (CNDs) at excitation wavelengths λex > 290 nm. The photodynamic inactivation was characterized on the nonvirulent laboratory strain Escherichia coli K12 using synthesized CNDs. For a gentle inactivation, the CNDs must be absorbed into the cytoplasm of the E. coli cell. Thus, the inactivation through photoinduced formation of reactive oxygen species only takes place inside the bacterium, which means that the outer membrane is neither damaged nor altered. The loading of the CNDs into E. coli was examined using fluorescence microscopy. Complete loading of the bacterial cells could be achieved in less than 10 min. These studies revealed a reversible uptake process allowing the recovery and reuse of the CNDs after irradiation and before the administration of the vaccine. The success of photodynamic inactivation was verified by viability assays on agar. In a homemade flow photoreactor, the fastest successful irradiation of the bacteria could be carried out in 34 s. Therefore, the photodynamic inactivation based on CNDs is very effective. The membrane integrity of the bacteria after irradiation was verified by slide agglutination and atomic force microscopy. The method developed for the laboratory strain E. coli K12 could then be successfully applied to the important avian pathogens Bordetella avium and Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale to aid the development of novel vaccines.}, language = {en} } @article{DeekenReichertZechetal.2022, author = {Deeken, Friederike and Reichert, Markus and Zech, Hilmar and Wenzel, Julia and Wedemeyer, Friederike and Aguilera, Alvaro and Aslan, Acelya and Bach, Patrick and Bahr, Nadja Samia and Ebrahimi, Claudia and Fischbach, Pascale Christine and Ganz, Marvin and Garbusow, Maria and Großkopf, Charlotte M. and Heigert, Marie and Hentschel, Angela and Karl, Damian and Pelz, Patricia and Pinger, Mathieu and Riemerschmid, Carlotta and Rosenthal, Annika and Steffen, Johannes and Strehle, Jens and Weiss,, Franziska and Wieder, Gesine and Wieland, Alfred and Zaiser, Judith and Zimmermann, Sina and Walter, Henrik and Lenz, Bernd and Deserno, Lorenz and Smolka, Michael N. and Liu, Shuyan and Ebner-Priemer, Ulrich Walter and Heinz, Andreas and Rapp, Michael Armin}, title = {Patterns of Alcohol Consumption Among Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdowns in Germany}, series = {JAMA Network Open}, volume = {5}, journal = {JAMA Network Open}, edition = {8}, publisher = {JAMA Network / American Medical Association}, address = {Chicago, Illinois, USA}, issn = {2574-3805}, doi = {10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.24641}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Importance Alcohol consumption (AC) leads to death and disability worldwide. Ongoing discussions on potential negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on AC need to be informed by real-world evidence. Objective To examine whether lockdown measures are associated with AC and consumption-related temporal and psychological within-person mechanisms. Design, Setting, and Participants This quantitative, intensive, longitudinal cohort study recruited 1743 participants from 3 sites from February 20, 2020, to February 28, 2021. Data were provided before and within the second lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: before lockdown (October 2 to November 1, 2020); light lockdown (November 2 to December 15, 2020); and hard lockdown (December 16, 2020, to February 28, 2021). Main Outcomes and Measures Daily ratings of AC (main outcome) captured during 3 lockdown phases (main variable) and temporal (weekends and holidays) and psychological (social isolation and drinking intention) correlates. Results Of the 1743 screened participants, 189 (119 [63.0\%] male; median [IQR] age, 37 [27.5-52.0] years) with at least 2 alcohol use disorder (AUD) criteria according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition) yet without the need for medically supervised alcohol withdrawal were included. These individuals provided 14 694 smartphone ratings from October 2020 through February 2021. Multilevel modeling revealed significantly higher AC (grams of alcohol per day) on weekend days vs weekdays (β = 11.39; 95\% CI, 10.00-12.77; P < .001). Alcohol consumption was above the overall average on Christmas (β = 26.82; 95\% CI, 21.87-31.77; P < .001) and New Year's Eve (β = 66.88; 95\% CI, 59.22-74.54; P < .001). During the hard lockdown, perceived social isolation was significantly higher (β = 0.12; 95\% CI, 0.06-0.15; P < .001), but AC was significantly lower (β = -5.45; 95\% CI, -8.00 to -2.90; P = .001). Independent of lockdown, intention to drink less alcohol was associated with lower AC (β = -11.10; 95\% CI, -13.63 to -8.58; P < .001). Notably, differences in AC between weekend and weekdays decreased both during the hard lockdown (β = -6.14; 95\% CI, -9.96 to -2.31; P = .002) and in participants with severe AUD (β = -6.26; 95\% CI, -10.18 to -2.34; P = .002). Conclusions and Relevance This 5-month cohort study found no immediate negative associations of lockdown measures with overall AC. Rather, weekend-weekday and holiday AC patterns exceeded lockdown effects. Differences in AC between weekend days and weekdays evinced that weekend drinking cycles decreased as a function of AUD severity and lockdown measures, indicating a potential mechanism of losing and regaining control. This finding suggests that temporal patterns and drinking intention constitute promising targets for prevention and intervention, even in high-risk individuals.}, language = {en} } @article{JonesGonzalezFortesConnelletal.2015, author = {Jones, Eppie R. and Gonz{\´a}lez-Fortes, Gloria M. and Connell, Sarah and Siska, Veronika and Eriksson, Anders and Martiniano, Rui and McLaughlin, Russell L. and Llorente, Marcos Gallego and Cassidy, Lara M. and Gamba, Cristina and Meshveliani, Tengiz and Bar-Yosef, Ofer and Mueller, Werner and Belfer-Cohen, Anna and Matskevich, Zinovi and Jakeli, Nino and Higham, Thomas F. G. and Currat, Mathias and Lordkipanidze, David and Hofreiter, Michael and Manica, Andrea and Pinhasi, Ron and Bradley, Daniel G.}, title = {Upper Palaeolithic genomes reveal deep roots of modern Eurasians}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {6}, journal = {Nature Communications}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, address = {London}, issn = {2041-1723}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms9912}, pages = {8}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We extend the scope of European palaeogenomics by sequencing the genomes of Late Upper Palaeolithic (13,300 years old, 1.4-fold coverage) and Mesolithic (9,700 years old, 15.4-fold) males from western Georgia in the Caucasus and a Late Upper Palaeolithic (13,700 years old, 9.5-fold) male from Switzerland. While we detect Late Palaeolithic-Mesolithic genomic continuity in both regions, we find that Caucasus hunter-gatherers (CHG) belong to a distinct ancient clade that split from western hunter-gatherers similar to 45 kya, shortly after the expansion of anatomically modern humans into Europe and from the ancestors of Neolithic farmers similar to 25 kya, around the Last Glacial Maximum. CHG genomes significantly contributed to the Yamnaya steppe herders who migrated into Europe similar to 3,000 BC, supporting a formative Caucasus influence on this important Early Bronze age culture. CHG left their imprint on modern populations from the Caucasus and also central and south Asia possibly marking the arrival of Indo-Aryan languages.}, language = {en} } @article{PornsawadSapsakulBoeckmann2019, author = {Pornsawad, Pornsarp and Sapsakul, Nantawan and B{\"o}ckmann, Christine}, title = {A modified asymptotical regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems}, series = {Mathematics}, volume = {7}, journal = {Mathematics}, edition = {5}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2227-7390}, doi = {10.3390/math7050419}, pages = {19}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In this paper, we investigate the continuous version of modified iterative Runge-Kutta-type methods for nonlinear inverse ill-posed problems proposed in a previous work. The convergence analysis is proved under the tangential cone condition, a modified discrepancy principle, i.e., the stopping time T is a solution of ∥𝐹(𝑥𝛿(𝑇))-𝑦𝛿∥=𝜏𝛿+ for some 𝛿+>𝛿, and an appropriate source condition. We yield the optimal rate of convergence.}, language = {en} } @article{BornhorstAbdelilahSeyfried2021, author = {Bornhorst, Dorothee and Abdelilah-Seyfried, Salim}, title = {Strong as a Hippo's Heart: Biomechanical Hippo Signaling During Zebrafish Cardiac Development}, series = {Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2296-634X}, doi = {10.3389/fcell.2021.731101}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The heart is comprised of multiple tissues that contribute to its physiological functions. During development, the growth of myocardium and endocardium is coupled and morphogenetic processes within these separate tissue layers are integrated. Here, we discuss the roles of mechanosensitive Hippo signaling in growth and morphogenesis of the zebrafish heart. Hippo signaling is involved in defining numbers of cardiac progenitor cells derived from the secondary heart field, in restricting the growth of the epicardium, and in guiding trabeculation and outflow tract formation. Recent work also shows that myocardial chamber dimensions serve as a blueprint for Hippo signaling-dependent growth of the endocardium. Evidently, Hippo pathway components act at the crossroads of various signaling pathways involved in embryonic zebrafish heart development. Elucidating how biomechanical Hippo signaling guides heart morphogenesis has direct implications for our understanding of cardiac physiology and pathophysiology.}, language = {en} } @article{BarthWeingartenOgden2021, author = {Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar and Ogden, Richard}, title = {"Chunking" spoken language}, series = {Open linguistics}, volume = {7}, journal = {Open linguistics}, number = {1}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2300-9969}, doi = {10.1515/opli-2020-0173}, pages = {531 -- 548}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In this introductory paper to the special issue on "Weak cesuras in talk-in-interaction", we aim to guide the reader into current work on the "chunking" of naturally occurring talk. It is conducted in the methodological frameworks of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics - two approaches that consider the interactional aspect of humans talking with each other to be a crucial starting point for its analysis. In doing so, we will (1) lay out the background of this special issue (what is problematic about "chunking" talk-in-interaction, the characteristics of the methodological approach chosen by the contributors, the cesura model), (2) highlight what can be gained from such a revised understanding of "chunking" in talk-in-interaction by referring to previous work with this model as well as the findings of the contributions to this special issue, and (3) indicate further directions such work could take starting from papers in this special issue. We hope to induce a fruitful exchange on the phenomena discussed, across methodological divides.}, language = {en} } @article{HauffeRathSchelletal.2021, author = {Hauffe, Robert and Rath, Michaela and Schell, Mareike and Ritter, Katrin and Kappert, Kai and Deubel, Stefanie and Ott, Christiane and J{\"a}hnert, Markus and Jonas, Wenke and Sch{\"u}rmann, Annette and Kleinridders, Andr{\´e}}, title = {HSP60 reduction protects against diet-induced obesity by modulating energy metabolism in adipose tissue}, series = {Molecular Metabolism}, volume = {53}, journal = {Molecular Metabolism}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam, Niederlande}, issn = {2212-8778}, doi = {10.1016/j.molmet.2021.101276}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Objective Insulin regulates mitochondrial function, thereby propagating an efficient metabolism. Conversely, diabetes and insulin resistance are linked to mitochondrial dysfunction with a decreased expression of the mitochondrial chaperone HSP60. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of a reduced HSP60 expression on the development of obesity and insulin resistance. Methods Control and heterozygous whole-body HSP60 knockout (Hsp60+/-) mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD, 60\% calories from fat) for 16 weeks and subjected to extensive metabolic phenotyping. To understand the effect of HSP60 on white adipose tissue, microarray analysis of gonadal WAT was performed, ex vivo experiments were performed, and a lentiviral knockdown of HSP60 in 3T3-L1 cells was conducted to gain detailed insights into the effect of reduced HSP60 levels on adipocyte homeostasis. Results Male Hsp60+/- mice exhibited lower body weight with lower fat mass. These mice exhibited improved insulin sensitivity compared to control, as assessed by Matsuda Index and HOMA-IR. Accordingly, insulin levels were significantly reduced in Hsp60+/- mice in a glucose tolerance test. However, Hsp60+/- mice exhibited an altered adipose tissue metabolism with elevated insulin-independent glucose uptake, adipocyte hyperplasia in the presence of mitochondrial dysfunction, altered autophagy, and local insulin resistance. Conclusions We discovered that the reduction of HSP60 in mice predominantly affects adipose tissue homeostasis, leading to beneficial alterations in body weight, body composition, and adipocyte morphology, albeit exhibiting local insulin resistance.}, language = {en} } @article{PawlakNoetzelDragoetal.2022, author = {Pawlak, Julia and Noetzel, Dominique Christian and Drago, Claudia and Weithoff, Guntram}, title = {Assessing the toxicity of polystyrene beads and silica particles on the microconsumer Brachionus calyciflorus at different timescales}, series = {Frontiers in Environmental Science}, journal = {Frontiers in Environmental Science}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2296-665X}, doi = {10.3389/fenvs.2022.955425}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Environmental pollution by microplastics has become a severe problem in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and, according to actual prognoses, problems will further increase in the future. Therefore, assessing and quantifying the risk for the biota is crucial. Standardized short-term toxicological procedures as well as methods quantifying potential toxic effects over the whole life span of an animal are required. We studied the effect of the microplastic polystyrene on the survival and reproduction of a common freshwater invertebrate, the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, at different timescales. We used pristine polystyrene spheres of 1, 3, and 6 µm diameter and fed them to the animals together with food algae in different ratios ranging from 0 to 50\% nonfood particles. As a particle control, we used silica to distinguish between a pure particle effect and a plastic effect. After 24 h, no toxic effect was found, neither with polystyrene nor with silica. After 96 h, a toxic effect was detectable for both particle types. The size of the particles played a negligible role. Studying the long-term effect by using life table experiments, we found a reduced reproduction when the animals were fed with 3 µm spheres together with similar-sized food algae. We conclude that the fitness reduction is mainly driven by the dilution of food by the nonfood particles rather than by a direct toxic effect.}, language = {en} } @article{FischerBrettinRoessneretal.2022, author = {Fischer, Melanie and Brettin, Jana and Roessner, Sigrid and Walz, Ariane and Fort, Monique and Korup, Oliver}, title = {Rare flood scenarios for a rapidly growing high-mountain city: Pokhara, Nepal}, series = {Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences}, volume = {22}, journal = {Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences}, edition = {9}, publisher = {Copernicus Publications}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, issn = {1684-9981}, doi = {10.5194/nhess-22-3105-2022}, pages = {3105 -- 3123}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Pokhara (ca. 850 m a.s.l.), Nepal's second-largest city, lies at the foot of the Higher Himalayas and has more than tripled its population in the past 3 decades. Construction materials are in high demand in rapidly expanding built-up areas, and several informal settlements cater to unregulated sand and gravel mining in the Pokhara Valley's main river, the Seti Khola. This river is fed by the Sabche glacier below Annapurna III (7555 m a.s.l.), some 35 km upstream of the city, and traverses one of the steepest topographic gradients in the Himalayas. In May 2012 a sudden flood caused >70 fatalities and intense damage along this river and rekindled concerns about flood risk management. We estimate the flow dynamics and inundation depths of flood scenarios using the hydrodynamic model HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System). We simulate the potential impacts of peak discharges from 1000 to 10 000 m3 s-1 on land cover based on high-resolution Maxar satellite imagery and OpenStreetMap data (buildings and road network). We also trace the dynamics of two informal settlements near Kaseri and Yamdi with high potential flood impact from RapidEye, PlanetScope, and Google Earth imagery of the past 2 decades. Our hydrodynamic simulations highlight several sites of potential hydraulic ponding that would largely affect these informal settlements and sites of sand and gravel mining. These built-up areas grew between 3- and 20-fold, thus likely raising local flood exposure well beyond changes in flood hazard. Besides these drastic local changes, about 1 \% of Pokhara's built-up urban area and essential rural road network is in the highest-hazard zones highlighted by our flood simulations. Our results stress the need to adapt early-warning strategies for locally differing hydrological and geomorphic conditions in this rapidly growing urban watershed.}, language = {en} } @article{VehLuetzowKharlamovaetal.2022, author = {Veh, Georg and L{\"u}tzow, Natalie and Kharlamova, Varvara and Petrakov, Dmitry and Hugonnet, Romain and Korup, Oliver}, title = {Trends, Breaks, and Biases in the Frequency of Reported Glacier Lake Outburst Floods}, series = {Earth's Future}, volume = {10}, journal = {Earth's Future}, edition = {3}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Hoboken, New Jersey, United States}, issn = {2328-4277}, doi = {10.1029/2021EF002426}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Thousands of glacier lakes have been forming behind natural dams in high mountains following glacier retreat since the early 20th century. Some of these lakes abruptly released pulses of water and sediment with disastrous downstream consequences. Yet it remains unclear whether the reported rise of these glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) has been fueled by a warming atmosphere and enhanced meltwater production, or simply a growing research effort. Here we estimate trends and biases in GLOF reporting based on the largest global catalog of 1,997 dated glacier-related floods in six major mountain ranges from 1901 to 2017. We find that the positive trend in the number of reported GLOFs has decayed distinctly after a break in the 1970s, coinciding with independently detected trend changes in annual air temperatures and in the annual number of field-based glacier surveys (a proxy of scientific reporting). We observe that GLOF reports and glacier surveys decelerated, while temperature rise accelerated in the past five decades. Enhanced warming alone can thus hardly explain the annual number of reported GLOFs, suggesting that temperature-driven glacier lake formation, growth, and failure are weakly coupled, or that outbursts have been overlooked. Indeed, our analysis emphasizes a distinct geographic and temporal bias in GLOF reporting, and we project that between two to four out of five GLOFs on average might have gone unnoticed in the early to mid-20th century. We recommend that such biases should be considered, or better corrected for, when attributing the frequency of reported GLOFs to atmospheric warming.}, language = {en} } @article{PuschmannLinWippert2021, author = {Puschmann, Anne-Katrin and Lin, Chiao-I and Wippert, Pia-Maria}, title = {Sustainability of a motor control exercise intervention}, series = {Frontiers in sports and active living}, volume = {3}, journal = {Frontiers in sports and active living}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2624-9367}, doi = {10.3389/fspor.2021.659982}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Development of chronic pain after a low back pain episode is associated with increased pain sensitivity, altered pain processing mechanisms and the influence of psychosocial factors. Although there is some evidence that multimodal therapy (such as behavioral or motor control therapy) may be an important therapeutic strategy, its long-term effect on pain reduction and psychosocial load is still unclear. Prospective longitudinal designs providing information about the extent of such possible long-term effects are missing. This study aims to investigate the long-term effects of a homebased uni- and multidisciplinary motor control exercise program on low back pain intensity, disability and psychosocial variables. 14 months after completion of a multicenter study comparing uni- and multidisciplinary exercise interventions, a sample of one study center (n = 154) was assessed once more. Participants filled in questionnaires regarding their low back pain symptoms (characteristic pain intensity and related disability), stress and vital exhaustion (short version of the Maastricht Vital Exhaustion Questionnaire), anxiety and depression experiences (the Hospital and Anxiety Depression Scale), and pain-related cognitions (the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire). Repeated measures mixed ANCOVAs were calculated to determine the long-term effects of the interventions on characteristic pain intensity and disability as well as on the psychosocial variables. Fifty four percent of the sub-sample responded to the questionnaires (n = 84). Longitudinal analyses revealed a significant long-term effect of the exercise intervention on pain disability. The multidisciplinary group missed statistical significance yet showed a medium sized long-term effect. The groups did not differ in their changes of the psychosocial variables of interest. There was evidence of long-term effects of the interventions on pain-related disability, but there was no effect on the other variables of interest. This may be partially explained by participant's low comorbidities at baseline. Results are important regarding costless homebased alternatives for back pain patients and prevention tasks. Furthermore, this study closes the gap of missing long-term effect analysis in this field.}, language = {en} } @article{CajarEngbertLaubrock2022, author = {Cajar, Anke and Engbert, Ralf and Laubrock, Jochen}, title = {Potsdam Eye-Movement Corpus for Scene Memorization and Search With Color and Spatial-Frequency Filtering}, series = {Frontiers in psychology / Frontiers Research Foundation}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in psychology / Frontiers Research Foundation}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2022.850482}, pages = {1 -- 7}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @article{SchraplauBlockHaeusleretal.2021, author = {Schraplau, Anne and Block, Andrea and H{\"a}usler, Andreas and Wippert, Pia-Maria and Rapp, Michael A. and V{\"o}ller, Heinz and Bonaventura, Klaus and Mayer, Frank}, title = {Mobile diagnostics and consultation for the prevention of the metabolic syndrome and its secondary diseases in Brandenburg—study protocol of a regional prospective cohort study}, series = {Pilot and Feasibility Studies}, volume = {7}, journal = {Pilot and Feasibility Studies}, publisher = {BioMed Central (Springer Nature)}, address = {London}, issn = {2055-5784}, doi = {10.1186/s40814-021-00898-w}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a risk cluster for a number of secondary diseases. The implementation of prevention programs requires early detection of individuals at risk. However, access to health care providers is limited in structurally weak regions. Brandenburg, a rural federal state in Germany, has an especially high MetS prevalence and disease burden. This study aims to validate and test the feasibility of a setup for mobile diagnostics of MetS and its secondary diseases, to evaluate the MetS prevalence and its association with moderating factors in Brandenburg and to identify new ways of early prevention, while establishing a "Mobile Brandenburg Cohort" to reveal new causes and risk factors for MetS. Methods In a pilot study, setups for mobile diagnostics of MetS and secondary diseases will be developed and validated. A van will be equipped as an examination room using point-of-care blood analyzers and by mobilizing standard methods. In study part A, these mobile diagnostic units will be placed at different locations in Brandenburg to locally recruit 5000 participants aged 40-70 years. They will be examined for MetS and advice on nutrition and physical activity will be provided. Questionnaires will be used to evaluate sociodemographics, stress perception, and physical activity. In study part B, participants with MetS, but without known secondary diseases, will receive a detailed mobile medical examination, including MetS diagnostics, medical history, clinical examinations, and instrumental diagnostics for internal, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and cognitive disorders. Participants will receive advice on nutrition and an exercise program will be demonstrated on site. People unable to participate in these mobile examinations will be interviewed by telephone. If necessary, participants will be referred to general practitioners for further diagnosis. Discussion The mobile diagnostics approach enables early detection of individuals at risk, and their targeted referral to local health care providers. Evaluation of the MetS prevalence, its relation to risk-increasing factors, and the "Mobile Brandenburg Cohort" create a unique database for further longitudinal studies on the implementation of home-based prevention programs to reduce mortality, especially in rural regions. Trial registration German Clinical Trials Register, DRKS00022764; registered 07 October 2020—retrospectively registered.}, language = {en} } @article{StoneNicenboimVasishthetal.2022, author = {Stone, Kate and Nicenboim, Bruno and Vasishth, Shravan and R{\"o}sler, Frank}, title = {Understanding the effects of constraint and predictability in ERP}, series = {Neurobiology of Language}, volume = {4}, journal = {Neurobiology of Language}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, issn = {2641-4368}, doi = {10.1162/nol_a_00094}, pages = {71}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Intuitively, strongly constraining contexts should lead to stronger probabilistic representations of sentences in memory. Encountering unexpected words could therefore be expected to trigger costlier shifts in these representations than expected words. However, psycholinguistic measures commonly used to study probabilistic processing, such as the N400 event-related potential (ERP) component, are sensitive to word predictability but not to contextual constraint. Some research suggests that constraint-related processing cost may be measurable via an ERP positivity following the N400, known as the anterior post-N400 positivity (PNP). The PNP is argued to reflect update of a sentence representation and to be distinct from the posterior P600, which reflects conflict detection and reanalysis. However, constraint-related PNP findings are inconsistent. We sought to conceptually replicate Federmeier et al. (2007) and Kuperberg et al. (2020), who observed that the PNP, but not the N400 or the P600, was affected by constraint at unexpected but plausible words. Using a pre-registered design and statistical approach maximising power, we demonstrated a dissociated effect of predictability and constraint: strong evidence for predictability but not constraint in the N400 window, and strong evidence for constraint but not predictability in the later window. However, the constraint effect was consistent with a P600 and not a PNP, suggesting increased conflict between a strong representation and unexpected input rather than greater update of the representation. We conclude that either a simple strong/weak constraint design is not always sufficient to elicit the PNP, or that previous PNP constraint findings could be an artifact of smaller sample size.}, language = {en} } @article{StoneVasishthMalsburg2022, author = {Stone, Kate and Vasishth, Shravan and Malsburg, Titus von der}, title = {Does entropy modulate the prediction of German long-distance verb particles?}, series = {PLOS ONE}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, publisher = {PLOS ONE}, address = {San Francisco, California, US}, issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0267813}, pages = {1 -- 25}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this paper we examine the effect of uncertainty on readers' predictions about meaning. In particular, we were interested in how uncertainty might influence the likelihood of committing to a specific sentence meaning. We conducted two event-related potential (ERP) experiments using particle verbs such as turn down and manipulated uncertainty by constraining the context such that readers could be either highly certain about the identity of a distant verb particle, such as turn the bed […] down, or less certain due to competing particles, such as turn the music […] up/down. The study was conducted in German, where verb particles appear clause-finally and may be separated from the verb by a large amount of material. We hypothesised that this separation would encourage readers to predict the particle, and that high certainty would make prediction of a specific particle more likely than lower certainty. If a specific particle was predicted, this would reflect a strong commitment to sentence meaning that should incur a higher processing cost if the prediction is wrong. If a specific particle was less likely to be predicted, commitment should be weaker and the processing cost of a wrong prediction lower. If true, this could suggest that uncertainty discourages predictions via an unacceptable cost-benefit ratio. However, given the clear predictions made by the literature, it was surprisingly unclear whether the uncertainty manipulation affected the two ERP components studied, the N400 and the PNP. Bayes factor analyses showed that evidence for our a priori hypothesised effect sizes was inconclusive, although there was decisive evidence against a priori hypothesised effect sizes larger than 1μV for the N400 and larger than 3μV for the PNP. We attribute the inconclusive finding to the properties of verb-particle dependencies that differ from the verb-noun dependencies in which the N400 and PNP are often studied.}, language = {en} } @article{TofeldeBernhardtGueritetal.2020, author = {Tofelde, Stefanie and Bernhardt, Anne and Guerit, Laure and Romans, Brian W.}, title = {Times Associated With Source-to-Sink Propagation of Environmental Signals During Landscape Transience}, series = {Frontiers in Earth Science}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Earth Science}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2296-6463}, doi = {10.3389/feart.2021.628315}, pages = {1 -- 26}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Sediment archives in the terrestrial and marine realm are regularly analyzed to infer changes in climate, tectonic, or anthropogenic boundary conditions of the past. However, contradictory observations have been made regarding whether short period events are faithfully preserved in stratigraphic archives; for instance, in marine sediments offshore large river systems. On the one hand, short period events are hypothesized to be non-detectable in the signature of terrestrially derived sediments due to buffering during sediment transport along large river systems. On the other hand, several studies have detected signals of short period events in marine records offshore large river systems. We propose that this apparent discrepancy is related to the lack of a differentiation between different types of signals and the lack of distinction between river response times and signal propagation times. In this review, we (1) expand the definition of the term 'signal' and group signals in sub-categories related to hydraulic grain size characteristics, (2) clarify the different types of 'times' and suggest a precise and consistent terminology for future use, and (3) compile and discuss factors influencing the times of signal transfer along sediment routing systems and how those times vary with hydraulic grain size characteristics. Unraveling different types of signals and distinctive time periods related to signal propagation addresses the discrepancies mentioned above and allows a more comprehensive exploration of event preservation in stratigraphy - a prerequisite for reliable environmental reconstructions from terrestrially derived sedimentary records.}, language = {en} } @article{FuehrerSchlaad2014, author = {Fuehrer, Felix N. and Schlaad, Helmut}, title = {ADMET polymerization of amino-acid-based diene}, series = {Macromolecular chemistry and physics}, volume = {215}, journal = {Macromolecular chemistry and physics}, number = {22}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1022-1352}, doi = {10.1002/macp.201400166}, pages = {2268 -- 2273}, year = {2014}, abstract = {1,4-Di(homo)allyl-2,5-diketopiperazines are synthesized and polymerized via ADMET using the Hoveyda-Grubbs 2nd generation catalyst. The but-3-enylated diketopiperazine can be converted into unsaturated tertiary polyamide with molar mass of <3000 g mol(-1), whereas the allylated diketopiperazine cannot. Double-bond isomerization occurs regardless of whether or not benzoquinone is present. A polyesteramide with a higher molar mass of ca. 4800 g mol(-1) is obtained by the alternating copolymerization (ALTMET) of 1,4-di(but-3-enyl)-2,5-di ketopiperazine and ethylene glycol diacrylate. A post-polymerization modification of the poly(ester)amides via radical thiol-ene chemistry, however, fails.}, language = {en} } @article{KotthoffLisecSchwerdtleetal.2019, author = {Kotthoff, Lisa and Lisec, Jan and Schwerdtle, Tanja and Koch, Matthias}, title = {Prediction of transformation products of monensin by electrochemistry compared to microsomal assay and hydrolysis}, series = {Molecules}, volume = {24}, journal = {Molecules}, number = {15}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {1420-3049}, doi = {10.3390/molecules24152732}, pages = {12}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The knowledge of transformation pathways and identification of transformation products (TPs) of veterinary drugs is important for animal health, food, and environmental matters. The active agent Monensin (MON) belongs to the ionophore antibiotics and is widely used as a veterinary drug against coccidiosis in broiler farming. However, no electrochemically (EC) generated TPs of MON have been described so far. In this study, the online coupling of EC and mass spectrometry (MS) was used for the generation of oxidative TPs. EC-conditions were optimized with respect to working electrode material, solvent, modifier, and potential polarity. Subsequent LC/HRMS (liquid chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry) and MS/MS experiments were performed to identify the structures of derived TPs by a suspected target analysis. The obtained EC-results were compared to TPs observed in metabolism tests with microsomes and hydrolysis experiments of MON. Five previously undescribed TPs of MON were identified in our EC/MS based study and one TP, which was already known from literature and found by a microsomal assay, could be confirmed. Two and three further TPs were found as products in microsomal tests and following hydrolysis, respectively. We found decarboxylation, O-demethylation and acid-catalyzed ring-opening reactions to be the major mechanisms of MON transformation.}, language = {en} } @article{HaaseHanel2022, author = {Haase, Jennifer and Hanel, Paul H. P.}, title = {Priming creativity: Doing math reduces creativity and happiness whereas playing short online games enhance them}, series = {Frontiers in Education}, journal = {Frontiers in Education}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2504-284X}, doi = {10.3389/feduc.2022.976459}, pages = {14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Creative thinking is an indispensable cognitive skill that is becoming increasingly important. In the present research, we tested the impact of games on creativity and emotions in a between-subject online experiment with four conditions (N = 658). (1) participants played a simple puzzle game that allowed many solutions (priming divergent thinking); (2) participants played a short game that required one fitting solution (priming convergent thinking); (3) participants performed mental arithmetic; (4) passive control condition. Results show that divergent and convergent creativity were higher after playing games and lower after mental arithmetic. Positive emotions did not function as a mediator, even though they were also heightened after playing the games and lower after mental arithmetic. However, contrary to previous research, we found no direct effect of emotions, creative self-efficacy, and growth- vs. fixed on creative performance. We discuss practical implications for digital learning and application settings.}, language = {en} } @article{SchloerHirschbergBenAmoretal.2022, author = {Schl{\"o}r, Anja and Hirschberg, Stefan and Ben Amor, Ghada and Meister, Toni Luise and Arora, Prerna and P{\"o}hlmann, Stefan and Hoffmann, Markus and Pf{\"a}nder, Stephanie and Eddin, Omar Kamal and Kamhieh-Milz, Julian and Hanack, Katja}, title = {SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing camelid heavy-chain-only antibodies as powerful tools for diagnostic and therapeutic applications}, series = {Frontiers in Immunology}, journal = {Frontiers in Immunology}, publisher = {Frontiers Media SA}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-3224}, doi = {10.3389/fimmu.2022.930975}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Introduction: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation caused by SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern such as B.1.617.2 (Delta) and recently, B.1.1.529 (Omicron) is posing multiple challenges to humanity. The rapid evolution of the virus requires adaptation of diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Objectives: In this study, we describe camelid heavy-chain-only antibodies (hcAb) as useful tools for novel in vitro diagnostic assays and for therapeutic applications due to their neutralizing capacity. Methods: Five antibody candidates were selected out of a na{\"i}ve camelid library by phage display and expressed as full length IgG2 antibodies. The antibodies were characterized by Western blot, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, surface plasmon resonance with regard to their specificity to the recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and to SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particles. Neutralization assays were performed with authentic SARS-CoV-2 and pseudotyped viruses (wildtype and Omicron). Results: All antibodies efficiently detect recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particles in different ELISA setups. The best combination was shown with hcAb B10 as catcher antibody and HRP-conjugated hcAb A7.2 as the detection antibody. Further, four out of five antibodies potently neutralized authentic wildtype SARS-CoV-2 and particles pseudotyped with the SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins of the wildtype and Omicron variant, sublineage BA.1 at concentrations between 0.1 and 0.35 ng/mL (ND50). Conclusion: Collectively, we report novel camelid hcAbs suitable for diagnostics and potential therapy.}, language = {en} } @article{CzarneckaWeicheltRoedigeretal.2022, author = {Czarnecka, Malgorzata and Weichelt, Ulrike and R{\"o}diger, Stefan and Hanack, Katja}, title = {Novel Anti Double-Stranded Nucleic Acids Full-Length Recombinant Camelid Heavy-Chain Antibody for the Detection of miRNA}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {23}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, edition = {11}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms23116275}, pages = {1 -- 18}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The discovery that certain diseases have specific miRNA signatures which correspond to disease progression opens a new biomarker category. The detection of these small non-coding RNAs is performed routinely using body fluids or tissues with real-time PCR, next-generation sequencing, or amplification-based miRNA assays. Antibody-based detection systems allow an easy onset handling compared to PCR or sequencing and can be considered as alternative methods to support miRNA diagnostic in the future. In this study, we describe the generation of a camelid heavy-chain-only antibody specifically recognizing miRNAs to establish an antibody-based detection method. The generation of nucleic acid-specific binders is a challenge. We selected camelid binders via phage display, expressed them as VHH as well as full-length antibodies, and characterized the binding to several miRNAs from a signature specific for dilated cardiomyopathy. The described workflow can be used to create miRNA-specific binders and establish antibody-based detection methods to provide an additional way to analyze disease-specific miRNA signatures.}, language = {en} } @article{Perscheid2021, author = {Perscheid, Cindy}, title = {Comprior}, series = {BMC Bioinformatics}, volume = {22}, journal = {BMC Bioinformatics}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {London}, issn = {1471-2105}, doi = {10.1186/s12859-021-04308-z}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Reproducible benchmarking is important for assessing the effectiveness of novel feature selection approaches applied on gene expression data, especially for prior knowledge approaches that incorporate biological information from online knowledge bases. However, no full-fledged benchmarking system exists that is extensible, provides built-in feature selection approaches, and a comprehensive result assessment encompassing classification performance, robustness, and biological relevance. Moreover, the particular needs of prior knowledge feature selection approaches, i.e. uniform access to knowledge bases, are not addressed. As a consequence, prior knowledge approaches are not evaluated amongst each other, leaving open questions regarding their effectiveness. Results We present the Comprior benchmark tool, which facilitates the rapid development and effortless benchmarking of feature selection approaches, with a special focus on prior knowledge approaches. Comprior is extensible by custom approaches, offers built-in standard feature selection approaches, enables uniform access to multiple knowledge bases, and provides a customizable evaluation infrastructure to compare multiple feature selection approaches regarding their classification performance, robustness, runtime, and biological relevance. Conclusion Comprior allows reproducible benchmarking especially of prior knowledge approaches, which facilitates their applicability and for the first time enables a comprehensive assessment of their effectiveness}, language = {en} } @article{GambaJonesTeasdaleetal.2014, author = {Gamba, Cristina and Jones, Eppie R. and Teasdale, Matthew D. and McLaughlin, Russell L. and Gonz{\´a}lez-Fortes, Gloria M. and Mattiangeli, Valeria and Domboroczki, Laszlo and Kovari, Ivett and Pap, Ildiko and Anders, Alexandra and Whittle, Alasdair and Dani, Janos and Raczky, Pal and Higham, Thomas F. G. and Hofreiter, Michael and Bradley, Daniel G. and Pinhasi, Ron}, title = {Genome flux and stasis in a five millennium transect of European prehistory}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {5}, journal = {Nature Communications}, publisher = {Nature Publ. Group}, address = {London}, issn = {2041-1723}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms6257}, pages = {9}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The Great Hungarian Plain was a crossroads of cultural transformations that have shaped European prehistory. Here we analyse a 5,000-year transect of human genomes, sampled from petrous bones giving consistently excellent endogenous DNA yields, from 13 Hungarian Neolithic, Copper, Bronze and Iron Age burials including two to high (similar to 22x) and seven to similar to 1x coverage, to investigate the impact of these on Europe's genetic landscape. These data suggest genomic shifts with the advent of the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages, with interleaved periods of genome stability. The earliest Neolithic context genome shows a European hunter-gatherer genetic signature and a restricted ancestral population size, suggesting direct contact between cultures after the arrival of the first farmers into Europe. The latest, Iron Age, sample reveals an eastern genomic influence concordant with introduced Steppe burial rites. We observe transition towards lighter pigmentation and surprisingly, no Neolithic presence of lactase persistence.}, language = {en} } @article{PietrekKangasKliegletal.2022, author = {Pietrek, Anou F. and Kangas, Maria and Kliegl, Reinhold and Rapp, Michael Armin and Heinzel, Stephan and Van der Kaap-Deeder, Jolene and Heissel, Andreas}, title = {Basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration in major depressive disorder}, series = {Frontiers in Psychiatry - Mood Disorders}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychiatry - Mood Disorders}, publisher = {Frontiers Media S.A.}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-0640}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyt.2022.962501}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Basic psychological needs theory postulates that a social environment that satisfies individuals' three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness leads to optimal growth and well-being. On the other hand, the frustration of these needs is associated with ill-being and depressive symptoms foremost investigated in non-clinical samples; yet, there is a paucity of research on need frustration in clinical samples. Survey data were compared between adult individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD; n = 115; 48.69\% female; 38.46 years, SD = 10.46) with those of a non-depressed comparison sample (n = 201; 53.23\% female; 30.16 years, SD = 12.81). Need profiles were examined with a linear mixed model (LMM). Individuals with depression reported higher levels of frustration and lower levels of satisfaction in relation to the three basic psychological needs when compared to non-depressed adults. The difference between depressed and non-depressed groups was significantly larger for frustration than satisfaction regarding the needs for relatedness and competence. LMM correlation parameters confirmed the expected positive correlation between the three needs. This is the first study showing substantial differences in need-based experiences between depressed and non-depressed adults. The results confirm basic assumptions of the self-determination theory and have preliminary implications in tailoring therapy for depression.}, language = {en} } @article{HeisselPietrekKangasetal.2023, author = {Heissel, Andreas and Pietrek, Anou F. and Kangas, Maria and Van der Kaap-Deeder, Jolene and Rapp, Michael Armin}, title = {The Mediating Role of Rumination in the Relation between Basic Psychological Need Frustration and Depressive Symptoms}, series = {Journal of Clinical Medicine}, volume = {12}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Medicine}, edition = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2077-0383}, doi = {10.3390/jcm12020395}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Research within the framework of Basic Psychological Need Theory (BPNT) finds strong associations between basic need frustration and depressive symptoms. This study examined the role of rumination as an underlying mechanism in the association between basic psychological need frustration and depressive symptoms. A cross-sectional sample of N = 221 adults (55.2\% female, mean age = 27.95, range = 18-62, SD = 10.51) completed measures assessing their level of basic psychological need frustration, rumination, and depressive symptoms. Correlational analyses and multiple mediation models were conducted. Brooding partially mediated the relation between need frustration and depressive symptoms. BPNT and Response Styles Theory are compatible and can further advance knowledge about depression vulnerabilities.}, language = {en} } @article{PoltzQuandteKohnetal.2022, author = {Poltz, Nadine and Quandte, Sabine and Kohn, Juliane and Kucian, Karin and Wyschkon, Anne and von Aster, Michael and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Does It Count? Pre-School Children's Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity and Their Development of Arithmetical Skills at School}, series = {Brain Sciences}, volume = {12}, journal = {Brain Sciences}, edition = {3}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2076-3425}, doi = {10.3390/brainsci12030313}, pages = {1 -- 18}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Children's spontaneous focusing on numerosity (SFON) is related to numerical skills. This study aimed to examine (1) the developmental trajectory of SFON and (2) the interrelations between SFON and early numerical skills at pre-school as well as their influence on arithmetical skills at school. Method: Overall, 1868 German pre-school children were repeatedly assessed until second grade. Nonverbal intelligence, visual attention, visuospatial working memory, SFON and numerical skills were assessed at age five (M = 63 months, Time 1) and age six (M = 72 months, Time 2), and arithmetic was assessed at second grade (M = 95 months, Time 3). Results: SFON increased significantly during pre-school. Path analyses revealed interrelations between SFON and several numerical skills, except number knowledge. Magnitude estimation and basic calculation skills (Time 1 and Time 2), and to a small degree number knowledge (Time 2), contributed directly to arithmetic in second grade. The connection between SFON and arithmetic was fully mediated by magnitude estimation and calculation skills at pre-school. Conclusion: Our results indicate that SFON first and foremost influences deeper understanding of numerical concepts at pre-school and—in contrast to previous findings -affects only indirectly children's arithmetical development at school.}, language = {en} } @article{KiemelGurkeParaskevopoulouetal.2022, author = {Kiemel, Katrin and Gurke, Marie and Paraskevopoulou, Sofia and Havenstein, Katja and Weithoff, Guntram and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {Variation in heat shock protein 40 kDa relates to divergence in thermotolerance among cryptic rotifer species}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {12}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {London}, issn = {2045-2322}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-022-27137-3}, pages = {14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Genetic divergence and the frequency of hybridization are central for defining species delimitations, especially among cryptic species where morphological differences are merely absent. Rotifers are known for their high cryptic diversity and therefore are ideal model organisms to investigate such patterns. Here, we used the recently resolved Brachionus calyciflorus species complex to investigate whether previously observed between species differences in thermotolerance and gene expression are also reflected in their genomic footprint. We identified a Heat Shock Protein gene (HSP 40 kDa) which exhibits cross species pronounced sequence variation. This gene exhibits species-specific fixed sites, alleles, and sites putatively under positive selection. These sites are located in protein binding regions involved in chaperoning and may therefore reflect adaptive diversification. By comparing three genetic markers (ITS, COI, HSP 40 kDa), we revealed hybridization events between the cryptic species. The low frequency of introgressive haplotypes/alleles suggest a tight, but not fully impermeable boundary between the cryptic species.}, language = {en} }