@article{Tobe2020, author = {Tobe, Mascha}, title = {Papers, Please}, series = {„Wir alle treffen Entscheidungen im Leben, aber letztendlich treffen unsere Entscheidungen uns." : didaktische Potenziale digitaler Spielwelten}, journal = {„Wir alle treffen Entscheidungen im Leben, aber letztendlich treffen unsere Entscheidungen uns." : didaktische Potenziale digitaler Spielwelten}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-489-0}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-48578}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-485786}, pages = {307 -- 319}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{WagnerKrauskopfKnigge2023, author = {Wagner, Simon and Krauskopf, Karsten and Knigge, Michel}, title = {Kollegiale Fallbesprechung anhand erfahrungsbasierter Textvignetten p{\"a}dagogischer Situationen in der (inklusionsorientierten) Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung}, series = {PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3)}, journal = {PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3)}, number = {3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-568-2}, issn = {2626-3556}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61619}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-616194}, pages = {37 -- 52}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Lehramtsstudierende {\"a}ußern vielfach den Wunsch nach umfangreichen praktischen Lerngelegenheiten. Insbesondere fallbasierte Lehr-Lern-Konzepte scheinen diesen Anspr{\"u}chen gerecht zu werden. Dieser Beitrag stellt ein an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam entwickeltes Seminarkonzept vor, welches diesen Transfer zu f{\"o}rdern versucht. Die Basis des Konzepts bildet der Einsatz erfahrungsbasiert entwickelter Textvignetten p{\"a}dagogischer Situationen. Im Rahmen der Begleitseminare zum Praktikum in p{\"a}dagogisch-psychologischen Handlungsfeldern (PppH) wurde die kollegiale Fallbesprechung als eine Form zur angestrebten Transferf{\"o}rderung in dieses Seminarkonzept integriert. Dieser Beitrag skizziert zun{\"a}chst die erfahrungsbasierte Entwicklung der Vignetten sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen des Seminarkonzepts. Im Anschluss werden die praktische Implementation und erfahrungsbasierte konzeptionelle {\"A}nderung (design-based-research) in der Lehre beschrieben sowie erste Ergebnisse der systematischen empirischen Erprobung im Rahmen des PppH vorgestellt. Abschließend diskutieren die Autoren die Herausforderungen der praktischen Umsetzung auch mit Blick auf das Verstetigungsvorhaben.}, language = {de} } @article{BaberowskiLeonhardtRentschetal.2023, author = {Baberowski, David and Leonhardt, Thiemo and Rentsch, Susanne and Bergner, Nadine}, title = {Aufbau informatischer Kompetenzen im Kontext KI bei Lehramtsstudierenden des Faches Politik}, series = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, journal = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, number = {13}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-548-4}, issn = {1868-0844}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61599}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-615995}, pages = {189 -- 209}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Lehrkr{\"a}fte aller F{\"a}cher ben{\"o}tigen informatische Kompetenzen, um der wachsenden Alltagsrelevanz von Informatik und aktuell g{\"u}ltigen Lehrpl{\"a}nen gerecht zu werden. Beispielsweise verweist in Sachsen der Lehrplan f{\"u}r das Fach Gemeinschaftskunde, Rechtserziehung und Wirtschaft am Gymnasium mit dem f{\"u}r die Jahrgangsstufe 11 vorgesehenem Thema „Digitalisierung und sozialer Wandel" auf K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz (KI) und explizit auf die Bedeutung der informatischen Bildung. Um die n{\"o}tigen informatischen Grundlagen zu vermitteln, wurde f{\"u}r Lehramtsstudierende des Faches Politik ein Workshop erarbeitet, der die Grundlagen der Funktionsweise von KI anhand von {\"u}berwachtem maschinellen Lernen in neuronalen Netzen vermittelt. Inhalt des Workshops ist es, mit Bezug auf gesellschaftliche Implikationen wie Datenschutz bei Trainingsdaten und algorithmic bias einen informierten Diskurs zu politischen Themen zu erm{\"o}glichen. Ziele des Workshops f{\"u}r Lehramtsstudierende mit dem Fach Politik sind: (1) Aufbau informatischer Kompetenzen in Bezug zum Thema KI, (2) St{\"a}rkung der Diskussionsf{\"a}higkeiten der Studierenden durch passende informatische Kompetenzen und (3) Anregung der Studierenden zum Transfer auf passende Themenstellungen im Politikunterricht. Das Evaluationskonzept umfasst eine Pre-Post-Befragung zur Zuversicht zur Vermittlungskompetenz unter Bezug auf maschinelles Lernen in neuronalen Netzen im Unterricht, sowie die Analyse einer abschließenden Diskussion. F{\"u}r die Pre-Post-Befragung konnte eine Steigerung der Zuversicht zur Vermittlungskompetenz beobachtet werden. Die Analyse der Diskussion zeigte das Bewusstsein der Alltagsrelevanz des Themas KI bei den Teilnehmenden, aber noch keine Anwendung der informatischen Inhalte des Workshops zur St{\"u}tzung der Argumente in der Diskussion.}, language = {de} } @article{ThorbrueggeDeselSchaefer2023, author = {Thorbr{\"u}gge, Carsten and Desel, J{\"o}rg and Sch{\"a}fer, Len Ole}, title = {Vorqualifikationen und Anerkennungsoptionen im Informatikstudium}, series = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, journal = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, number = {13}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-548-4}, issn = {1868-0844}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61394}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613942}, pages = {73 -- 89}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Viele Informatikstudierende sammeln bereits vor ihrem Studium berufliche Erfahrungen im Informatikbereich, ohne dass diese inhaltlich und didaktisch im Studium ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welche Kompetenzen aus beruflichen Vorqualifikationen bei Informatikstudierenden existieren und wie diese in Bezug zu Anerkennungsoptionen gesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Betrachtet werden: die pauschale Anerkennung, die auf erworbenen Zertifikaten beruht; die individuelle Anerkennung, bei der individuell erworbene Kompetenzen nachgewiesen werden; die Adaption von individuellen Lernwegen, die Teilkompetenzen der Studierenden ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Es wird eine Interviewstudie vorgestellt, in der Kompetenzen f{\"u}r ein Sample von Informatikstudierenden mit Vorqualifikation als Fachinformatiker/in erhoben und eine Zuordnung zu den Anerkennungsoptionen vorgenommen wurde. F{\"u}r die pr{\"a}zisere Gestaltung von Anerkennungsprozessen und zur kritischen Reflexion der eingesetzten hochschuldidaktischen Konzepte wurde eine empirische Basis geschaffen. Die vorhandenen Konzepte richten sich traditionell an Abiturienten/ innen mit sehr geringem Informatikhintergrund und ber{\"u}cksichtigen die tats{\"a}chlich existierende Heterogenit{\"a}t der Studienanf{\"a}nger/innen nicht angemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Befragten aus ihrer Vorqualifikation relevante fachliche Kompetenzen mitbringen, die mit den Anerkennungsoptionen korrespondieren und deren Weiterentwicklung dienen k{\"o}nnen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden aus {\"u}berfachlichen Kompetenzen wie Selbststeuerungskompetenzen weitere Erkenntnisse zur Studiengestaltung gewonnen.}, language = {de} } @article{Yaldiz2022, author = {Yaldiz, Yunus}, title = {Die Muslime Berlins und Brandenburgs}, series = {Hier geblieben? Brandenburg als Einwanderungsland vom Mittelalter bis heute}, journal = {Hier geblieben? Brandenburg als Einwanderungsland vom Mittelalter bis heute}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-506-4}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54684}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-546843}, pages = {177 -- 192}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @misc{Nadel2021, author = {Nadel, Arno}, title = {Schire Simroh}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, organization = {Chor der Synagoge Pestalozzistraße}, isbn = {978-3-86956-515-6}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51476}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-514761}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Arno Nadel ist 1878 in Wilna geboren und 1943 in Auschwitz ermordet worden. Es sind nur einige wenige Dokumente {\"u}berliefert, anhand derer sich der Lebensweg von Arno Nadel rekonstruieren l{\"a}sst. Das ist nur wenig verwunderlich, denn die Welt von Arno Nadel ist drei Mal untergegangen: zuerst die j{\"u}dische Welt von Wilna, dann die deutsche von K{\"o}nigsberg und schließlich die deutsch-j{\"u}dische von Berlin. Es ist allerdings erstaunlich, wie gr{\"u}ndlich Arno Nadels Wirken danach in Vergessenheit geriet. Allein seine Vielseitigkeit h{\"a}tte eigentlich diesen außergew{\"o}hnlichen Menschen vor dem Vergessen bewahren m{\"u}ssen. Arno Nadel war Dichter, Philosoph, B{\"u}hnenautor, Religionsgelehrter, {\"U}bersetzer, Maler und Grafiker, Komponist, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaftler, Ethnologe, Chordirigent, Pianist, Organist und Musikpublizist. Wenn man von Besch{\"a}ftigungen zum reinen Broterwerb absieht, wie seiner Anstellung als Lehrer an einer Schule. All diese vielseitigen T{\"a}tigkeiten waren keineswegs dilettantische Versuche eines zerstreuten Menschen, sondern vollwertige Berufe und Berufungen, die er mehr oder weniger gleichzeitig mit h{\"o}chster Intensit{\"a}t und Professionalit{\"a}t aus{\"u}bte. In dieser Hinsicht war Nadel eine nicht nur zu seiner Zeit einzigartige Erscheinung, ein Ph{\"a}nomen, das eher an die K{\"u}nstlerpers{\"o}nlichkeiten der Renaissance erinnert. Auf jedem seiner Schaffensgebiete war Nadel unwahrscheinlich produktiv, so produktiv, dass man sich mit Ehrfurcht fragen muss, wie ein Mensch im Laufe seines Lebens derart viele geistige Werte zu schaffen vermochte. Obwohl ein großer Teil seines Nachlasses den Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht {\"u}berdauerte, ist die F{\"u}lle der erhaltenen Manuskripte und publizierten Werke kaum zu {\"u}berblicken. Um sein gesamtes Werk umfassend auszuwerten, bed{\"u}rfte es der Anstrengungen eines ganzen Teams von Wissenschaftlern aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen. F{\"u}r diese CD-Produktion wurden u.a. f{\"u}nf Kompositionen f{\"u}r Chasan, Chor und Orgel f{\"u}r den Freitagabend-Gottesdienst eingespielt, die urspr{\"u}nglich in dem Sammelband „Schire Simroh" erschienen sind, der synagogale Kompositionen zeitgen{\"o}ssischer Autoren zusammentrug. Sie sind f{\"u}r den Wettbewerb des Allgemeinen Deutschen Kantoren-Verbandes e. V. im Jahre 1926 geschrieben worden und im Verlag J. Kauffmann in Frankfurt am Main publiziert worden. 1930 wurde ein weiterer Sonderdruck ver{\"o}ffentlicht. Diese {\"a}ußerst seltene Ausgabe wurde 1968 im Journal of Synagogue Music reproduziert. Dazu z{\"a}hlt auch das St{\"u}ck "W'schomru", das - ebenso wie die anderen vier publizierten St{\"u}cke - zum Kompendium geh{\"o}rte. Diese Komposition gibt einen Eindruck von Nadels expressivem Stil, der "die {\"o}stliche Freiheit des Ausdrucks mit dem westlichen Instrumentarium, einen weitgehend traditionellen j{\"u}dischen Melodieaufbau mit europ{\"a}ischer Polyphonie und harmonischer K{\"u}hnheit verbindet". (Vgl. Jascha Nemtsov: Arno Nadel. Sein Beitrag zur j{\"u}dischen Musikkultur. Berlin 2008.) Zus{\"a}tzlich befindet sich das St{\"u}ck "J'hi Scholom" auf der CD, ein St{\"u}ck f{\"u}r Chasan, Chor und Orgel, das Arno Nadel zur Einweihung des Friedenstempels in Berlin komponiert hat. Der Psalm 24, herausgegeben zum 70. Geburtstag von Moritz Schaefer, am 21. Mai 1927 mit der Widmung "Herrn Prof. Moritz Schaefer, dem Freunde aller großen j{\"u}dischen Bestrebungen" ist eine A-Capella-Komposition f{\"u}r M{\"a}nnerchor mit Kantor-Solo, die f{\"u}r die Liturgie der Torahlesung geschrieben wurde. Drei Solo-Orgelvorspiele umrahmen diese Aufnahme. Das erste ist f{\"u}r die Hohen Feiertage komponiert und wurde nach den repr{\"a}sentativsten liturgischen Motiven von "Bar'chu" und "Hamelech" f{\"u}r das Abend- und Morgengebet komponiert. Das mittlere Orgelvorspiel hat Arno Nadel f{\"u}r die drei Wochen vor dem Tisch'a B'Av geschrieben, die traurigsten Wochen des j{\"u}dischen Volkes, in deren Verlauf an die Zerst{\"o}rung beider Tempel in Jerusalem erinnert wird. Dieses Vorspiel basiert auf den Motiven der Liturgie f{\"u}r die Tage, an denen zum einen die "Kinnot" rezitiert werden, liturgische Gedichte, die die Leiden des Volkes Israels im Exil beschreiben, und zum anderen die Klagelieder von Jeremia, die die Trauer und den Schrecken der Zerst{\"o}rung des Tempels beschreiben. Das abschließende St{\"u}ck dieser CD er{\"o}ffnet den letzten Teil des Gottesdienstes am Jom Kippur, dem Vers{\"o}hnungstag. Es tr{\"a}gt den Namen „Ne'ilah" und entspricht dem Gebet, das vor dem Schließen der Tempeltore in Jerusalem am Ende des Tages gesprochen wurde.}, language = {de} } @article{Weicker2023, author = {Weicker, Karsten}, title = {Peer-Review als Katalysator im Lernprozess}, series = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, journal = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, number = {13}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-548-4}, issn = {1868-0844}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61602}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-616025}, pages = {257 -- 277}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Peer-Reviews werden seit geraumer Zeit in unterschiedlichen Lehrszenarien eingesetzt. In diesem Paper wird untersucht, inwieweit das Peer- Review die Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten eines Grundlagenmoduls in einem pr{\"a}senzfreien Lehrszenario bef{\"o}rdern kann. Dabei scheint in den Ergebnissen die Qualit{\"a}t der selbst erstellten Reviews einer der wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren f{\"u}r den Lernerfolg zu sein, w{\"a}hrend Experten-Feedback und weitere Faktoren deutlich untergeordnet erscheinen. Die F{\"a}higkeit ausf{\"u}hrliche Peer-Reviews zu verfassen geht einher mit dem Erwerb von fachlicher Kompetenz bzw. entsprechenden fachlichen Vorkenntnissen.}, language = {de} } @article{SchefflerRogolIancuetal.2021, author = {Scheffler, Christiane and Rogol, Alan D. and Iancu, Mirela and Hanc, Tomasz and Moelyo, Annang Giri and Suchomlinov, Andrej and Lebedeva, Lidia and Limony, Yehuda and Musalek, Martin and Veldre, Gudrun and Godina, Elena Z. and Kirchengast, Sylvia and Mumm, Rebekka and Groth, Detlef and Tutkuviene, Janina and B{\"o}ker, Sonja and Ozer, Basak Koca and Navazo, Barbara and Spake, Laure and Koziel, Slawomir and Hermanussen, Michael}, title = {Growth during times of fear and emotional stress}, series = {Human biology and public health}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph.v2.15}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Twenty-one scientists met for this year's virtual conference on Auxology held at the University Potsdam, Germany, to discuss child and adolescent growth during times of fear and emotional stress. Growth within the broad range of normal for age and sex is considered a sign of good general health whereas fear and emotional stress can lead to growth faltering. Stunting is a sign of social disadvantage and poor parental education. Adverse childhood experiences affect child development, particularly in families with low parental education and low socioeconomic status. Negative effects were also shown in Indian children exposed prenatally and in early postnatal life to the cyclone Aila in 2009. Distrust, fears and fake news regarding the current Corona pandemic received particular attention though the effects generally appeared weak. Mean birth weight was higher; rates of low, very and extremely low birth weight were lower. Other topics discussed by the participants, were the influences of economic crises on birth weight, the measurement of self-confidence and its impact on growth, the associations between obesity, peer relationship, and behavior among Turkish adolescents, height trends in Indonesia, physiological neonatal weight loss, methods for assessing biological maturation in sportsmen, and a new method for skeletal age determination. The participants also discussed the association between acute myocardial infarction and somatotype in Estonia, rural-urban growth differences in Mongolian children, socio-environmental conditions and sexual dimorphism, biological mortality bias, and new statistical techniques for describing inhomogeneity in the association of bivariate variables, and for detecting and visualizing extensive interactions among variables.}, language = {en} } @article{BoekerHermanussenScheffler2022, author = {Boeker, Sonja and Hermanussen, Michael and Scheffler, Christiane}, title = {Dental age is an independent marker of biological age}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {3, Summer School Supplement}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2021.3.24}, pages = {9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Biological age markers are a crucial indicator whether children are decelerated in growth tempo. Skeletal maturation is the standard measure. Yet, it relies on exposing children to x-radiation. Dental eruption is a potential, but highly debated, radiation free alternative.  Objectives: We assess the interrelationship between dental eruption and other maturational markers. We hypothesize that dental age correlates with body height and skeletal age. We further evaluate how the three different variables behave in cohorts from differing social backgrounds. Sample and Method: Dental, skeletal and height data from the 1970s to 1990s from Guatemalan boys were converted into standard deviation scores, using external references for each measurement. The boys, aged between 7 and 12, derived from different social backgrounds (middle SES (N = 6529), low-middle SES (N = 736), low SES Ladino (N = 3653) and low SES Maya (N = 4587). Results: Dental age shows only a weak correlation with skeletal age (0.18) and height (0.2). The distinction between cohorts differs according to each of the three measurements. All cohorts differ significantly in height. In skeletal maturation, the middle SES cohort is significantly advanced compared to all other cohorts. The periodically malnourished cohorts of low SES Mayas and Ladinos are significantly delayed in dental maturation compared to the well-nourished low-middle and middle class Ladino children. Conclusion: Dental development is an independent system, that is regulated by different mechanisms than skeletal development and growth. Tooth eruption is sensitive to nutritional status, whereas skeletal age is more sensitive to socioeconomic background.}, language = {en} } @article{SchefflerHermanussen2023, author = {Scheffler, Christiane and Hermanussen, Michael}, title = {What does stunting tell us?}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2022.3.36}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Stunting is commonly linked with undernutrition. Yet, already after World War I, German pediatricians questioned this link and stated that no association exists between nutrition and height. Recent analyses within different populations of Low- and middle-income countries with high rates of stunted children failed to support the assumption that stunted children have a low BMI and skinfold sickness as signs of severe caloric deficiency. So, stunting is not a synonym of malnutrition. Parental education level has a positive influence on body height in stunted populations, e.g., in India and in Indonesia. Socially disadvantaged children tend to be shorter and lighter than children from affluent families. Humans are social mammals; they regulate growth similar to other social mammals. Also in humans, body height is strongly associated with the position within the social hierarchy, reflecting the personal and group-specific social, economic, political, and emotional environment. These non-nutritional impact factors on growth are summarized by the concept of SEPE (Social-Economic-Political-Emotional) factors. SEPE reflects on prestige, dominance-subordination, social identity, and ego motivation of individuals and social groups.}, language = {en} } @article{HermanussenGrothScheffler2022, author = {Hermanussen, Michael and Groth, Detlef and Scheffler, Christiane}, title = {Human growth data analyses and statistics}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {3, Summer School Supplement}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2021.3.29}, pages = {4}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Students learn by repetition. Repetition is essential, but repetition needs questioning, and questioning the repertoire belongs to the essential tasks of student education. Guiding students to questioning was and is our prime motive to offer our International Student Summer Schools. The data were critically discussed among the students, in the twilight of Just So Stories, common knowledge, and prompted questioning of contemporary solutions. For these schools, the students bring their own data, carry their preliminary concepts, and in group discussions, they may have to challenge these concepts. Catch-up growth is known to affect long bone growth, but different opinions exist to what extent it also affects body proportions. Skeletal age and dental development are considered appropriate measures of maturation, but it appears that both system develop independently and are regulated by different mechanisms. Body weight distributions are assumed to be skewed, yet, historic data disproved this assumption. Many discussions focused on current ideas of global growth standards as a common yardstick for all populations world-wide, with new statistical tools being developed including network reconstruction and evaluation of the reconstructs to determine the confidence of graph prediction methods.}, language = {en} } @article{MummHermanussen2022, author = {Mumm, Rebekka and Hermanussen, Michael}, title = {The dilemma of misclassifying weight in short and in historic population}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {3, Summer School Supplement}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2021.3.28}, pages = {7}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Clinicians often refer anthropometric measures of a child to so-called "growth standards" and "growth references. Over 140 countries have meanwhile adopted WHO growth standards. Objectives: The present study was conducted to thoroughly examine the idea of growth standards as a common yardstick for all populations. Weight depends on height. We became interested in whether also weight-for-height depends on height. First, we studied the age-group effect on weight-for-height. Thereafter, we tested the applicability of weight-for-height references in short and in historic populations. Sample and Methods: We analyzed body height and body weight and weight-for-height of 3795 healthy boys and 3726 healthy girls aged 2 to 5 years measured in East-Germany between 1986 and 1990. We chose contemporary height and weight charts from Germany, the UK, and the WHO growth chart and compared these with three geographically commensurable growth charts from the end of the 19th century. Results: We analyzed body height and body weight and weight-for-height of 3795 healthy boys and 3726 healthy girls aged 2 to 5 years measured in East-Germany between 1986 and 1990. We chose contemporary height and weight charts from Germany, the UK, and the WHO growth chart and compared these with three geographically commensurable growth charts of the end of the 19th century. Conclusion: Weight-for-height depends on age and sex and apart from the nutritional state, reflects body proportion and body built particularly during infancy and early childhood. Populations with a relatively short average height are prone to high values of weight-for-height for arithmetic reasons independent of the nutritional state.}, language = {en} } @article{HermanussenScheffler2022, author = {Hermanussen, Michael and Scheffler, Christiane}, title = {Evidence of chronic undernutrition in late 19th century German infants of all social classes}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2022.2.42}, pages = {9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {125 years ago, European infants grew differently from modern infants. We show weight gains of 20 healthy children weighed longitudinally from birth to age 1 year, published by Camerer in 1882. The data illustrate the historically prevalent concepts of infant nutrition practiced by German civil servants, lawyers, merchants, university professors, physicians, foresters and farmers. Breastfeeding by the mother was not truly appreciated in those days; children were often breastfed by wet nurses or received bottled milk. Bottle feeding mainly used diluted cow's milk with some added carbohydrates, without evidence that appropriate amounts of oil, butter or other fatty components were added. French children from 1914 showed similar weight gain patterns suggesting similar feeding practices. The historical data suggest that energy deficient infant formula was fed regularly in the late 19th and early 20th century Europe, regardless of wealth and social class. The data question current concerns that temporarily feeding energy deficient infant formula may warrant serious anxieties regarding long-term cognitive, social and emotional behavioral development.}, language = {en} } @article{Thulin2021, author = {Thulin, Mirjam}, title = {Instituting Transnational Jewish Learning}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53284}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532842}, pages = {53 -- 67}, year = {2021}, abstract = {When the Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau opened its doors in 1854, it established a novel form of rabbinical education: the systematic combination of Jewish studies at the seminary in parallel with university studies. The Breslau seminary became the model for most later institutions for rabbinical training in Europe and the United States. The seminaries were the new sites of modern Jewish scholarship, especially the academic study of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums). Their function and goal were to preserve, (re)organize, and transmit Jewish knowledge in the modern age. As such, they became central nodes in Jewish scholarly networks. This case study highlights the multi-nodal connections between the Conservative seminaries in Breslau, Philadelphia, New York, Budapest, and Vienna. At the same time, it is intended to provide an example of the potential of transnational and transfer studies for the history of the Jewish religious learning in Europe and the United States.}, language = {en} } @article{Rabin2021, author = {Rabin, Shari}, title = {Mobile Jews and Porous Borders}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53282}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532822}, pages = {25 -- 38}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This article explores the multi-directional geographic trajectories and ties of Jews who came to the United States in the 19th century, working to complicate simplistic understandings of "German" Jewish immigration. It focuses on the case study of Henry Cohn, an ordinary Russian-born Jew whose journeys took him to Prussia, New York, Savannah, and California. Once in the United States he returned to Europe twice, the second time permanently, although a grandson ended up in California, where he worked to ensure the preservation of Cohn's records. This story highlights how Jews navigated and transgressed national boundaries in the 19th century and the limitations of the historical narratives that have been constructed from their experiences.}, language = {en} } @article{Schmidt2021, author = {Schmidt, Imanuel Clemens}, title = {A Secular Tradition}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53286}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532868}, pages = {85 -- 100}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This article focuses on the social philosopher Horace Kallen and the revisions he made to the concept of cultural pluralism that he first developed in the early 20th century, applying it to postwar America and the young State of Israel. It shows how he opposed the assumption that the United States' social order was based on a "Judeo-Christian tradition." By constructing pluralism as a civil religion and carving out space for secular self-understandings in midcentury America, Kallen attempted to preserve the integrity of his earlier political visions, developed during World War I, of pluralist societies in the United States and Palestine within an internationalist global order. While his perspective on the State of Israel was largely shaped by his American experiences, he revised his approach to politically functionalizing religious traditions as he tested his American understanding of a secular, pluralist society against the political theology effective in the State of Israel. The trajectory of Kallen's thought points to fundamental questions about the compatibility of American and Israeli understandings of religion's function in society and its relation to political belonging, especially in light of their transnational connection through American Jewish support for the recently established state.}, language = {en} } @article{Schwartz2021, author = {Schwartz, Yitzchak}, title = {American Jewish Ideas in a Transnational Jewish World, 1843-1900}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532835}, pages = {39 -- 52}, year = {2021}, abstract = {As mid-19th-century American Jews introduced radical changes to their religious observance and began to define Judaism in new ways, to what extent did they engage with European Jewish ideas? Historians often approach religious change among Jews from German lands during this period as if Jewish immigrants had come to America with one set of ideas that then evolved solely in conversation with their American contexts. Historians have similarly cast the kinds of Judaism Americans created as both unique to America and uniquely American. These characterizations are accurate to an extent. But to what extent did Jewish innovations in the United States take place in conversation with European Jewish developments? Looking to the 19th-century American Jewish press, this paper seeks to understand how American Jews engaged European Judaism in formulating their own ideas, understanding themselves, and understanding their place in world Judaism.}, language = {en} } @article{Czendze2021, author = {Czendze, Oskar}, title = {In Search of Belonging}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53285}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532857}, pages = {69 -- 83}, year = {2021}, abstract = {More than 200,000 Jews left the Habsburg province of Galicia between 1881 and 1910. No longer living in the places of their childhood, they settled in urban centers, such as in New York's Lower East Side. In this neighborhood, Galician Jews began to search for new relationships that linked the places they left and the ones where they arrived and settled. By looking at Galicia through the lens of autobiographical writings by former Jewish immigrants who became established residents of New York, this article emphasizes the role of regionalism in the context of transnational conceptions of a new American Jewish self-understanding. It argues that the key to analyzing the evolution of "eastern Europe" as a common place of origin for American Jewry is the constant dialogue between the places of origin and arrival. Specifically, philanthropic efforts during and after the First World War and the proliferation of tourism both enabled these settled immigrants to gradually replace regional notions, such as the idea of Galicia, with a mythical image of eastern Europe to create a sense of community as American Jews.}, language = {en} } @techreport{BacheletKalkuhlKoch2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Bachelet, Marion and Kalkuhl, Matthias and Koch, Nicolas}, title = {What if working from home will stick?}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {41}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53238}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532384}, pages = {28}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The COVID-19 pandemic created the largest experiment in working from home. We study how persistent telework may change energy and transport consumption and costs in Germany to assess the distributional and environmental implications when working from home will stick. Based on data from the German Microcensus and available classifications of working-from-home feasibility for different occupations, we calculate the change in energy consumption and travel to work when 15\% of employees work full time from home. Our findings suggest that telework translates into an annual increase in heating energy expenditure of 110 euros per worker and a decrease in transport expenditure of 840 euros per worker. All income groups would gain from telework but high-income workers gain twice as much as low-income workers. The value of time saving is between 1.3 and 6 times greater than the savings from reduced travel costs and almost 9 times higher for high-income workers than low-income workers. The direct effects on CO₂ emissions due to reduced car commuting amount to 4.5 millions tons of CO₂, representing around 3 percent of carbon emissions in the transport sector.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KritikosSchierschStiel2021, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kritikos, Alexander and Schiersch, Alexander and Stiel, Caroline}, title = {The productivity puzzle in business services}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {37}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51453}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-514536}, pages = {37}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In Germany, the productivity of professional services, a sector dominated by micro and small firms, declined by 40 percent between 1995 and 2014. This productivity decline also holds true for professional services in other European countries. Using a German firm-level dataset of 700,000 observations between 2003 and 2017, we analyze this largely uncovered phenomenon among professional services, the 4th largest sector in the EU15 business economy, which provide important intermediate services for the rest of the economy. We show that changes in the value chain explain about half of the decline and the increase in part-time employment is a further minor part of the decline. In contrast to expectations, the entry of micro and small firms, despite their lower productivity levels, is not responsible for the decline. We also cannot confirm the conjecture that weakening competition allows unproductive firms to remain in the market.}, language = {en} }