@article{Tobe2020, author = {Tobe, Mascha}, title = {Papers, Please}, series = {„Wir alle treffen Entscheidungen im Leben, aber letztendlich treffen unsere Entscheidungen uns." : didaktische Potenziale digitaler Spielwelten}, journal = {„Wir alle treffen Entscheidungen im Leben, aber letztendlich treffen unsere Entscheidungen uns." : didaktische Potenziale digitaler Spielwelten}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-489-0}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-48578}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-485786}, pages = {307 -- 319}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{WagnerKrauskopfKnigge2023, author = {Wagner, Simon and Krauskopf, Karsten and Knigge, Michel}, title = {Kollegiale Fallbesprechung anhand erfahrungsbasierter Textvignetten p{\"a}dagogischer Situationen in der (inklusionsorientierten) Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung}, series = {PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3)}, journal = {PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3)}, number = {3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-568-2}, issn = {2626-3556}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61619}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-616194}, pages = {37 -- 52}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Lehramtsstudierende {\"a}ußern vielfach den Wunsch nach umfangreichen praktischen Lerngelegenheiten. Insbesondere fallbasierte Lehr-Lern-Konzepte scheinen diesen Anspr{\"u}chen gerecht zu werden. Dieser Beitrag stellt ein an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam entwickeltes Seminarkonzept vor, welches diesen Transfer zu f{\"o}rdern versucht. Die Basis des Konzepts bildet der Einsatz erfahrungsbasiert entwickelter Textvignetten p{\"a}dagogischer Situationen. Im Rahmen der Begleitseminare zum Praktikum in p{\"a}dagogisch-psychologischen Handlungsfeldern (PppH) wurde die kollegiale Fallbesprechung als eine Form zur angestrebten Transferf{\"o}rderung in dieses Seminarkonzept integriert. Dieser Beitrag skizziert zun{\"a}chst die erfahrungsbasierte Entwicklung der Vignetten sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen des Seminarkonzepts. Im Anschluss werden die praktische Implementation und erfahrungsbasierte konzeptionelle {\"A}nderung (design-based-research) in der Lehre beschrieben sowie erste Ergebnisse der systematischen empirischen Erprobung im Rahmen des PppH vorgestellt. Abschließend diskutieren die Autoren die Herausforderungen der praktischen Umsetzung auch mit Blick auf das Verstetigungsvorhaben.}, language = {de} } @article{BaberowskiLeonhardtRentschetal.2023, author = {Baberowski, David and Leonhardt, Thiemo and Rentsch, Susanne and Bergner, Nadine}, title = {Aufbau informatischer Kompetenzen im Kontext KI bei Lehramtsstudierenden des Faches Politik}, series = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, journal = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, number = {13}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-548-4}, issn = {1868-0844}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61599}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-615995}, pages = {189 -- 209}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Lehrkr{\"a}fte aller F{\"a}cher ben{\"o}tigen informatische Kompetenzen, um der wachsenden Alltagsrelevanz von Informatik und aktuell g{\"u}ltigen Lehrpl{\"a}nen gerecht zu werden. Beispielsweise verweist in Sachsen der Lehrplan f{\"u}r das Fach Gemeinschaftskunde, Rechtserziehung und Wirtschaft am Gymnasium mit dem f{\"u}r die Jahrgangsstufe 11 vorgesehenem Thema „Digitalisierung und sozialer Wandel" auf K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz (KI) und explizit auf die Bedeutung der informatischen Bildung. Um die n{\"o}tigen informatischen Grundlagen zu vermitteln, wurde f{\"u}r Lehramtsstudierende des Faches Politik ein Workshop erarbeitet, der die Grundlagen der Funktionsweise von KI anhand von {\"u}berwachtem maschinellen Lernen in neuronalen Netzen vermittelt. Inhalt des Workshops ist es, mit Bezug auf gesellschaftliche Implikationen wie Datenschutz bei Trainingsdaten und algorithmic bias einen informierten Diskurs zu politischen Themen zu erm{\"o}glichen. Ziele des Workshops f{\"u}r Lehramtsstudierende mit dem Fach Politik sind: (1) Aufbau informatischer Kompetenzen in Bezug zum Thema KI, (2) St{\"a}rkung der Diskussionsf{\"a}higkeiten der Studierenden durch passende informatische Kompetenzen und (3) Anregung der Studierenden zum Transfer auf passende Themenstellungen im Politikunterricht. Das Evaluationskonzept umfasst eine Pre-Post-Befragung zur Zuversicht zur Vermittlungskompetenz unter Bezug auf maschinelles Lernen in neuronalen Netzen im Unterricht, sowie die Analyse einer abschließenden Diskussion. F{\"u}r die Pre-Post-Befragung konnte eine Steigerung der Zuversicht zur Vermittlungskompetenz beobachtet werden. Die Analyse der Diskussion zeigte das Bewusstsein der Alltagsrelevanz des Themas KI bei den Teilnehmenden, aber noch keine Anwendung der informatischen Inhalte des Workshops zur St{\"u}tzung der Argumente in der Diskussion.}, language = {de} } @article{ThorbrueggeDeselSchaefer2023, author = {Thorbr{\"u}gge, Carsten and Desel, J{\"o}rg and Sch{\"a}fer, Len Ole}, title = {Vorqualifikationen und Anerkennungsoptionen im Informatikstudium}, series = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, journal = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, number = {13}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-548-4}, issn = {1868-0844}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61394}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613942}, pages = {73 -- 89}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Viele Informatikstudierende sammeln bereits vor ihrem Studium berufliche Erfahrungen im Informatikbereich, ohne dass diese inhaltlich und didaktisch im Studium ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welche Kompetenzen aus beruflichen Vorqualifikationen bei Informatikstudierenden existieren und wie diese in Bezug zu Anerkennungsoptionen gesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Betrachtet werden: die pauschale Anerkennung, die auf erworbenen Zertifikaten beruht; die individuelle Anerkennung, bei der individuell erworbene Kompetenzen nachgewiesen werden; die Adaption von individuellen Lernwegen, die Teilkompetenzen der Studierenden ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Es wird eine Interviewstudie vorgestellt, in der Kompetenzen f{\"u}r ein Sample von Informatikstudierenden mit Vorqualifikation als Fachinformatiker/in erhoben und eine Zuordnung zu den Anerkennungsoptionen vorgenommen wurde. F{\"u}r die pr{\"a}zisere Gestaltung von Anerkennungsprozessen und zur kritischen Reflexion der eingesetzten hochschuldidaktischen Konzepte wurde eine empirische Basis geschaffen. Die vorhandenen Konzepte richten sich traditionell an Abiturienten/ innen mit sehr geringem Informatikhintergrund und ber{\"u}cksichtigen die tats{\"a}chlich existierende Heterogenit{\"a}t der Studienanf{\"a}nger/innen nicht angemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Befragten aus ihrer Vorqualifikation relevante fachliche Kompetenzen mitbringen, die mit den Anerkennungsoptionen korrespondieren und deren Weiterentwicklung dienen k{\"o}nnen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden aus {\"u}berfachlichen Kompetenzen wie Selbststeuerungskompetenzen weitere Erkenntnisse zur Studiengestaltung gewonnen.}, language = {de} } @article{Yaldiz2022, author = {Yaldiz, Yunus}, title = {Die Muslime Berlins und Brandenburgs}, series = {Hier geblieben? Brandenburg als Einwanderungsland vom Mittelalter bis heute}, journal = {Hier geblieben? Brandenburg als Einwanderungsland vom Mittelalter bis heute}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-506-4}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54684}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-546843}, pages = {177 -- 192}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @misc{Nadel2021, author = {Nadel, Arno}, title = {Schire Simroh}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, organization = {Chor der Synagoge Pestalozzistraße}, isbn = {978-3-86956-515-6}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51476}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-514761}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Arno Nadel ist 1878 in Wilna geboren und 1943 in Auschwitz ermordet worden. Es sind nur einige wenige Dokumente {\"u}berliefert, anhand derer sich der Lebensweg von Arno Nadel rekonstruieren l{\"a}sst. Das ist nur wenig verwunderlich, denn die Welt von Arno Nadel ist drei Mal untergegangen: zuerst die j{\"u}dische Welt von Wilna, dann die deutsche von K{\"o}nigsberg und schließlich die deutsch-j{\"u}dische von Berlin. Es ist allerdings erstaunlich, wie gr{\"u}ndlich Arno Nadels Wirken danach in Vergessenheit geriet. Allein seine Vielseitigkeit h{\"a}tte eigentlich diesen außergew{\"o}hnlichen Menschen vor dem Vergessen bewahren m{\"u}ssen. Arno Nadel war Dichter, Philosoph, B{\"u}hnenautor, Religionsgelehrter, {\"U}bersetzer, Maler und Grafiker, Komponist, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaftler, Ethnologe, Chordirigent, Pianist, Organist und Musikpublizist. Wenn man von Besch{\"a}ftigungen zum reinen Broterwerb absieht, wie seiner Anstellung als Lehrer an einer Schule. All diese vielseitigen T{\"a}tigkeiten waren keineswegs dilettantische Versuche eines zerstreuten Menschen, sondern vollwertige Berufe und Berufungen, die er mehr oder weniger gleichzeitig mit h{\"o}chster Intensit{\"a}t und Professionalit{\"a}t aus{\"u}bte. In dieser Hinsicht war Nadel eine nicht nur zu seiner Zeit einzigartige Erscheinung, ein Ph{\"a}nomen, das eher an die K{\"u}nstlerpers{\"o}nlichkeiten der Renaissance erinnert. Auf jedem seiner Schaffensgebiete war Nadel unwahrscheinlich produktiv, so produktiv, dass man sich mit Ehrfurcht fragen muss, wie ein Mensch im Laufe seines Lebens derart viele geistige Werte zu schaffen vermochte. Obwohl ein großer Teil seines Nachlasses den Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht {\"u}berdauerte, ist die F{\"u}lle der erhaltenen Manuskripte und publizierten Werke kaum zu {\"u}berblicken. Um sein gesamtes Werk umfassend auszuwerten, bed{\"u}rfte es der Anstrengungen eines ganzen Teams von Wissenschaftlern aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen. F{\"u}r diese CD-Produktion wurden u.a. f{\"u}nf Kompositionen f{\"u}r Chasan, Chor und Orgel f{\"u}r den Freitagabend-Gottesdienst eingespielt, die urspr{\"u}nglich in dem Sammelband „Schire Simroh" erschienen sind, der synagogale Kompositionen zeitgen{\"o}ssischer Autoren zusammentrug. Sie sind f{\"u}r den Wettbewerb des Allgemeinen Deutschen Kantoren-Verbandes e. V. im Jahre 1926 geschrieben worden und im Verlag J. Kauffmann in Frankfurt am Main publiziert worden. 1930 wurde ein weiterer Sonderdruck ver{\"o}ffentlicht. Diese {\"a}ußerst seltene Ausgabe wurde 1968 im Journal of Synagogue Music reproduziert. Dazu z{\"a}hlt auch das St{\"u}ck "W'schomru", das - ebenso wie die anderen vier publizierten St{\"u}cke - zum Kompendium geh{\"o}rte. Diese Komposition gibt einen Eindruck von Nadels expressivem Stil, der "die {\"o}stliche Freiheit des Ausdrucks mit dem westlichen Instrumentarium, einen weitgehend traditionellen j{\"u}dischen Melodieaufbau mit europ{\"a}ischer Polyphonie und harmonischer K{\"u}hnheit verbindet". (Vgl. Jascha Nemtsov: Arno Nadel. Sein Beitrag zur j{\"u}dischen Musikkultur. Berlin 2008.) Zus{\"a}tzlich befindet sich das St{\"u}ck "J'hi Scholom" auf der CD, ein St{\"u}ck f{\"u}r Chasan, Chor und Orgel, das Arno Nadel zur Einweihung des Friedenstempels in Berlin komponiert hat. Der Psalm 24, herausgegeben zum 70. Geburtstag von Moritz Schaefer, am 21. Mai 1927 mit der Widmung "Herrn Prof. Moritz Schaefer, dem Freunde aller großen j{\"u}dischen Bestrebungen" ist eine A-Capella-Komposition f{\"u}r M{\"a}nnerchor mit Kantor-Solo, die f{\"u}r die Liturgie der Torahlesung geschrieben wurde. Drei Solo-Orgelvorspiele umrahmen diese Aufnahme. Das erste ist f{\"u}r die Hohen Feiertage komponiert und wurde nach den repr{\"a}sentativsten liturgischen Motiven von "Bar'chu" und "Hamelech" f{\"u}r das Abend- und Morgengebet komponiert. Das mittlere Orgelvorspiel hat Arno Nadel f{\"u}r die drei Wochen vor dem Tisch'a B'Av geschrieben, die traurigsten Wochen des j{\"u}dischen Volkes, in deren Verlauf an die Zerst{\"o}rung beider Tempel in Jerusalem erinnert wird. Dieses Vorspiel basiert auf den Motiven der Liturgie f{\"u}r die Tage, an denen zum einen die "Kinnot" rezitiert werden, liturgische Gedichte, die die Leiden des Volkes Israels im Exil beschreiben, und zum anderen die Klagelieder von Jeremia, die die Trauer und den Schrecken der Zerst{\"o}rung des Tempels beschreiben. Das abschließende St{\"u}ck dieser CD er{\"o}ffnet den letzten Teil des Gottesdienstes am Jom Kippur, dem Vers{\"o}hnungstag. Es tr{\"a}gt den Namen „Ne'ilah" und entspricht dem Gebet, das vor dem Schließen der Tempeltore in Jerusalem am Ende des Tages gesprochen wurde.}, language = {de} } @article{Weicker2023, author = {Weicker, Karsten}, title = {Peer-Review als Katalysator im Lernprozess}, series = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, journal = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, number = {13}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-548-4}, issn = {1868-0844}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61602}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-616025}, pages = {257 -- 277}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Peer-Reviews werden seit geraumer Zeit in unterschiedlichen Lehrszenarien eingesetzt. In diesem Paper wird untersucht, inwieweit das Peer- Review die Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten eines Grundlagenmoduls in einem pr{\"a}senzfreien Lehrszenario bef{\"o}rdern kann. Dabei scheint in den Ergebnissen die Qualit{\"a}t der selbst erstellten Reviews einer der wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren f{\"u}r den Lernerfolg zu sein, w{\"a}hrend Experten-Feedback und weitere Faktoren deutlich untergeordnet erscheinen. Die F{\"a}higkeit ausf{\"u}hrliche Peer-Reviews zu verfassen geht einher mit dem Erwerb von fachlicher Kompetenz bzw. entsprechenden fachlichen Vorkenntnissen.}, language = {de} } @article{SchefflerRogolIancuetal.2021, author = {Scheffler, Christiane and Rogol, Alan D. and Iancu, Mirela and Hanc, Tomasz and Moelyo, Annang Giri and Suchomlinov, Andrej and Lebedeva, Lidia and Limony, Yehuda and Musalek, Martin and Veldre, Gudrun and Godina, Elena Z. and Kirchengast, Sylvia and Mumm, Rebekka and Groth, Detlef and Tutkuviene, Janina and B{\"o}ker, Sonja and Ozer, Basak Koca and Navazo, Barbara and Spake, Laure and Koziel, Slawomir and Hermanussen, Michael}, title = {Growth during times of fear and emotional stress}, series = {Human biology and public health}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph.v2.15}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Twenty-one scientists met for this year's virtual conference on Auxology held at the University Potsdam, Germany, to discuss child and adolescent growth during times of fear and emotional stress. Growth within the broad range of normal for age and sex is considered a sign of good general health whereas fear and emotional stress can lead to growth faltering. Stunting is a sign of social disadvantage and poor parental education. Adverse childhood experiences affect child development, particularly in families with low parental education and low socioeconomic status. Negative effects were also shown in Indian children exposed prenatally and in early postnatal life to the cyclone Aila in 2009. Distrust, fears and fake news regarding the current Corona pandemic received particular attention though the effects generally appeared weak. Mean birth weight was higher; rates of low, very and extremely low birth weight were lower. Other topics discussed by the participants, were the influences of economic crises on birth weight, the measurement of self-confidence and its impact on growth, the associations between obesity, peer relationship, and behavior among Turkish adolescents, height trends in Indonesia, physiological neonatal weight loss, methods for assessing biological maturation in sportsmen, and a new method for skeletal age determination. The participants also discussed the association between acute myocardial infarction and somatotype in Estonia, rural-urban growth differences in Mongolian children, socio-environmental conditions and sexual dimorphism, biological mortality bias, and new statistical techniques for describing inhomogeneity in the association of bivariate variables, and for detecting and visualizing extensive interactions among variables.}, language = {en} } @article{BoekerHermanussenScheffler2022, author = {Boeker, Sonja and Hermanussen, Michael and Scheffler, Christiane}, title = {Dental age is an independent marker of biological age}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {3, Summer School Supplement}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2021.3.24}, pages = {9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Biological age markers are a crucial indicator whether children are decelerated in growth tempo. Skeletal maturation is the standard measure. Yet, it relies on exposing children to x-radiation. Dental eruption is a potential, but highly debated, radiation free alternative.  Objectives: We assess the interrelationship between dental eruption and other maturational markers. We hypothesize that dental age correlates with body height and skeletal age. We further evaluate how the three different variables behave in cohorts from differing social backgrounds. Sample and Method: Dental, skeletal and height data from the 1970s to 1990s from Guatemalan boys were converted into standard deviation scores, using external references for each measurement. The boys, aged between 7 and 12, derived from different social backgrounds (middle SES (N = 6529), low-middle SES (N = 736), low SES Ladino (N = 3653) and low SES Maya (N = 4587). Results: Dental age shows only a weak correlation with skeletal age (0.18) and height (0.2). The distinction between cohorts differs according to each of the three measurements. All cohorts differ significantly in height. In skeletal maturation, the middle SES cohort is significantly advanced compared to all other cohorts. The periodically malnourished cohorts of low SES Mayas and Ladinos are significantly delayed in dental maturation compared to the well-nourished low-middle and middle class Ladino children. Conclusion: Dental development is an independent system, that is regulated by different mechanisms than skeletal development and growth. Tooth eruption is sensitive to nutritional status, whereas skeletal age is more sensitive to socioeconomic background.}, language = {en} } @article{SchefflerHermanussen2023, author = {Scheffler, Christiane and Hermanussen, Michael}, title = {What does stunting tell us?}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2022.3.36}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Stunting is commonly linked with undernutrition. Yet, already after World War I, German pediatricians questioned this link and stated that no association exists between nutrition and height. Recent analyses within different populations of Low- and middle-income countries with high rates of stunted children failed to support the assumption that stunted children have a low BMI and skinfold sickness as signs of severe caloric deficiency. So, stunting is not a synonym of malnutrition. Parental education level has a positive influence on body height in stunted populations, e.g., in India and in Indonesia. Socially disadvantaged children tend to be shorter and lighter than children from affluent families. Humans are social mammals; they regulate growth similar to other social mammals. Also in humans, body height is strongly associated with the position within the social hierarchy, reflecting the personal and group-specific social, economic, political, and emotional environment. These non-nutritional impact factors on growth are summarized by the concept of SEPE (Social-Economic-Political-Emotional) factors. SEPE reflects on prestige, dominance-subordination, social identity, and ego motivation of individuals and social groups.}, language = {en} } @article{HermanussenGrothScheffler2022, author = {Hermanussen, Michael and Groth, Detlef and Scheffler, Christiane}, title = {Human growth data analyses and statistics}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {3, Summer School Supplement}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2021.3.29}, pages = {4}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Students learn by repetition. Repetition is essential, but repetition needs questioning, and questioning the repertoire belongs to the essential tasks of student education. Guiding students to questioning was and is our prime motive to offer our International Student Summer Schools. The data were critically discussed among the students, in the twilight of Just So Stories, common knowledge, and prompted questioning of contemporary solutions. For these schools, the students bring their own data, carry their preliminary concepts, and in group discussions, they may have to challenge these concepts. Catch-up growth is known to affect long bone growth, but different opinions exist to what extent it also affects body proportions. Skeletal age and dental development are considered appropriate measures of maturation, but it appears that both system develop independently and are regulated by different mechanisms. Body weight distributions are assumed to be skewed, yet, historic data disproved this assumption. Many discussions focused on current ideas of global growth standards as a common yardstick for all populations world-wide, with new statistical tools being developed including network reconstruction and evaluation of the reconstructs to determine the confidence of graph prediction methods.}, language = {en} } @article{MummHermanussen2022, author = {Mumm, Rebekka and Hermanussen, Michael}, title = {The dilemma of misclassifying weight in short and in historic population}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {3, Summer School Supplement}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2021.3.28}, pages = {7}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Clinicians often refer anthropometric measures of a child to so-called "growth standards" and "growth references. Over 140 countries have meanwhile adopted WHO growth standards. Objectives: The present study was conducted to thoroughly examine the idea of growth standards as a common yardstick for all populations. Weight depends on height. We became interested in whether also weight-for-height depends on height. First, we studied the age-group effect on weight-for-height. Thereafter, we tested the applicability of weight-for-height references in short and in historic populations. Sample and Methods: We analyzed body height and body weight and weight-for-height of 3795 healthy boys and 3726 healthy girls aged 2 to 5 years measured in East-Germany between 1986 and 1990. We chose contemporary height and weight charts from Germany, the UK, and the WHO growth chart and compared these with three geographically commensurable growth charts from the end of the 19th century. Results: We analyzed body height and body weight and weight-for-height of 3795 healthy boys and 3726 healthy girls aged 2 to 5 years measured in East-Germany between 1986 and 1990. We chose contemporary height and weight charts from Germany, the UK, and the WHO growth chart and compared these with three geographically commensurable growth charts of the end of the 19th century. Conclusion: Weight-for-height depends on age and sex and apart from the nutritional state, reflects body proportion and body built particularly during infancy and early childhood. Populations with a relatively short average height are prone to high values of weight-for-height for arithmetic reasons independent of the nutritional state.}, language = {en} } @article{HermanussenScheffler2022, author = {Hermanussen, Michael and Scheffler, Christiane}, title = {Evidence of chronic undernutrition in late 19th century German infants of all social classes}, series = {Human biology and public health}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph2022.2.42}, pages = {9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {125 years ago, European infants grew differently from modern infants. We show weight gains of 20 healthy children weighed longitudinally from birth to age 1 year, published by Camerer in 1882. The data illustrate the historically prevalent concepts of infant nutrition practiced by German civil servants, lawyers, merchants, university professors, physicians, foresters and farmers. Breastfeeding by the mother was not truly appreciated in those days; children were often breastfed by wet nurses or received bottled milk. Bottle feeding mainly used diluted cow's milk with some added carbohydrates, without evidence that appropriate amounts of oil, butter or other fatty components were added. French children from 1914 showed similar weight gain patterns suggesting similar feeding practices. The historical data suggest that energy deficient infant formula was fed regularly in the late 19th and early 20th century Europe, regardless of wealth and social class. The data question current concerns that temporarily feeding energy deficient infant formula may warrant serious anxieties regarding long-term cognitive, social and emotional behavioral development.}, language = {en} } @article{Thulin2021, author = {Thulin, Mirjam}, title = {Instituting Transnational Jewish Learning}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53284}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532842}, pages = {53 -- 67}, year = {2021}, abstract = {When the Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau opened its doors in 1854, it established a novel form of rabbinical education: the systematic combination of Jewish studies at the seminary in parallel with university studies. The Breslau seminary became the model for most later institutions for rabbinical training in Europe and the United States. The seminaries were the new sites of modern Jewish scholarship, especially the academic study of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums). Their function and goal were to preserve, (re)organize, and transmit Jewish knowledge in the modern age. As such, they became central nodes in Jewish scholarly networks. This case study highlights the multi-nodal connections between the Conservative seminaries in Breslau, Philadelphia, New York, Budapest, and Vienna. At the same time, it is intended to provide an example of the potential of transnational and transfer studies for the history of the Jewish religious learning in Europe and the United States.}, language = {en} } @article{Rabin2021, author = {Rabin, Shari}, title = {Mobile Jews and Porous Borders}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53282}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532822}, pages = {25 -- 38}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This article explores the multi-directional geographic trajectories and ties of Jews who came to the United States in the 19th century, working to complicate simplistic understandings of "German" Jewish immigration. It focuses on the case study of Henry Cohn, an ordinary Russian-born Jew whose journeys took him to Prussia, New York, Savannah, and California. Once in the United States he returned to Europe twice, the second time permanently, although a grandson ended up in California, where he worked to ensure the preservation of Cohn's records. This story highlights how Jews navigated and transgressed national boundaries in the 19th century and the limitations of the historical narratives that have been constructed from their experiences.}, language = {en} } @article{Schmidt2021, author = {Schmidt, Imanuel Clemens}, title = {A Secular Tradition}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53286}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532868}, pages = {85 -- 100}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This article focuses on the social philosopher Horace Kallen and the revisions he made to the concept of cultural pluralism that he first developed in the early 20th century, applying it to postwar America and the young State of Israel. It shows how he opposed the assumption that the United States' social order was based on a "Judeo-Christian tradition." By constructing pluralism as a civil religion and carving out space for secular self-understandings in midcentury America, Kallen attempted to preserve the integrity of his earlier political visions, developed during World War I, of pluralist societies in the United States and Palestine within an internationalist global order. While his perspective on the State of Israel was largely shaped by his American experiences, he revised his approach to politically functionalizing religious traditions as he tested his American understanding of a secular, pluralist society against the political theology effective in the State of Israel. The trajectory of Kallen's thought points to fundamental questions about the compatibility of American and Israeli understandings of religion's function in society and its relation to political belonging, especially in light of their transnational connection through American Jewish support for the recently established state.}, language = {en} } @article{Schwartz2021, author = {Schwartz, Yitzchak}, title = {American Jewish Ideas in a Transnational Jewish World, 1843-1900}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532835}, pages = {39 -- 52}, year = {2021}, abstract = {As mid-19th-century American Jews introduced radical changes to their religious observance and began to define Judaism in new ways, to what extent did they engage with European Jewish ideas? Historians often approach religious change among Jews from German lands during this period as if Jewish immigrants had come to America with one set of ideas that then evolved solely in conversation with their American contexts. Historians have similarly cast the kinds of Judaism Americans created as both unique to America and uniquely American. These characterizations are accurate to an extent. But to what extent did Jewish innovations in the United States take place in conversation with European Jewish developments? Looking to the 19th-century American Jewish press, this paper seeks to understand how American Jews engaged European Judaism in formulating their own ideas, understanding themselves, and understanding their place in world Judaism.}, language = {en} } @article{Czendze2021, author = {Czendze, Oskar}, title = {In Search of Belonging}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53285}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532857}, pages = {69 -- 83}, year = {2021}, abstract = {More than 200,000 Jews left the Habsburg province of Galicia between 1881 and 1910. No longer living in the places of their childhood, they settled in urban centers, such as in New York's Lower East Side. In this neighborhood, Galician Jews began to search for new relationships that linked the places they left and the ones where they arrived and settled. By looking at Galicia through the lens of autobiographical writings by former Jewish immigrants who became established residents of New York, this article emphasizes the role of regionalism in the context of transnational conceptions of a new American Jewish self-understanding. It argues that the key to analyzing the evolution of "eastern Europe" as a common place of origin for American Jewry is the constant dialogue between the places of origin and arrival. Specifically, philanthropic efforts during and after the First World War and the proliferation of tourism both enabled these settled immigrants to gradually replace regional notions, such as the idea of Galicia, with a mythical image of eastern Europe to create a sense of community as American Jews.}, language = {en} } @techreport{BacheletKalkuhlKoch2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Bachelet, Marion and Kalkuhl, Matthias and Koch, Nicolas}, title = {What if working from home will stick?}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {41}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53238}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532384}, pages = {28}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The COVID-19 pandemic created the largest experiment in working from home. We study how persistent telework may change energy and transport consumption and costs in Germany to assess the distributional and environmental implications when working from home will stick. Based on data from the German Microcensus and available classifications of working-from-home feasibility for different occupations, we calculate the change in energy consumption and travel to work when 15\% of employees work full time from home. Our findings suggest that telework translates into an annual increase in heating energy expenditure of 110 euros per worker and a decrease in transport expenditure of 840 euros per worker. All income groups would gain from telework but high-income workers gain twice as much as low-income workers. The value of time saving is between 1.3 and 6 times greater than the savings from reduced travel costs and almost 9 times higher for high-income workers than low-income workers. The direct effects on CO₂ emissions due to reduced car commuting amount to 4.5 millions tons of CO₂, representing around 3 percent of carbon emissions in the transport sector.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KritikosSchierschStiel2021, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Kritikos, Alexander and Schiersch, Alexander and Stiel, Caroline}, title = {The productivity puzzle in business services}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {37}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51453}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-514536}, pages = {37}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In Germany, the productivity of professional services, a sector dominated by micro and small firms, declined by 40 percent between 1995 and 2014. This productivity decline also holds true for professional services in other European countries. Using a German firm-level dataset of 700,000 observations between 2003 and 2017, we analyze this largely uncovered phenomenon among professional services, the 4th largest sector in the EU15 business economy, which provide important intermediate services for the rest of the economy. We show that changes in the value chain explain about half of the decline and the increase in part-time employment is a further minor part of the decline. In contrast to expectations, the entry of micro and small firms, despite their lower productivity levels, is not responsible for the decline. We also cannot confirm the conjecture that weakening competition allows unproductive firms to remain in the market.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zeppenfeld2021, author = {Zeppenfeld, Stefan}, title = {Vom Gast zum Gastwirt?}, series = {Geschichte der Gegenwart}, journal = {Geschichte der Gegenwart}, number = {26}, publisher = {Wallstein-Verlag}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {978-3-8353-5022-9}, pages = {429}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Arbeitsmigration z{\"a}hlt zu den pr{\"a}genden gesellschaftlichen Wandlungsprozessen der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte. 14 Millionen »Gastarbeiter« kamen zwischen 1955 und 1973 in die Bundesrepublik, etwa 3 Millionen von ihnen kehrten nicht in ihre Heimatl{\"a}nder zur{\"u}ck. Vor allem T{\"u}rkeist{\"a}mmige blieben nach dem Anwerbestopp h{\"a}ufiger in Deutschland als die Arbeitskr{\"a}fte aus anderen L{\"a}ndern. Wie keine andere Stadt steht Berlin bis heute f{\"u}r die Einwanderung aus der T{\"u}rkei. Stefan Zeppenfeld untersucht den Wandel der t{\"u}rkischen Arbeitswelten von ihren Anf{\"a}ngen in den 1960er Jahren bis zur Wiedervereinigung. Ausgehend von der »Gastarbeit« im industriellen Großbetrieb sp{\"u}rt er in seiner Studie am Beispiel West-Berlins dem {\"U}bergang in andere Branchen nach. Er zeigt, wie der {\"o}ffentliche Dienst auch f{\"u}r Migrantinnen und Migranten attraktive Aufstiegsm{\"o}glichkeiten er{\"o}ffnete, zeichnet den schwierigen Weg in die gewerbliche Selbstst{\"a}ndigkeit nach und legt illegale Besch{\"a}ftigungsformen als alternative Verdienstm{\"o}glichkeit offen. Damit bettet der Autor die Geschichte der t{\"u}rkischen Arbeitsmigration in die deutsche Zeitgeschichte ein.}, language = {de} } @misc{CleggWackerSpijkerman2021, author = {Clegg, Mark R. and Wacker, Alexander and Spijkerman, Elly}, title = {Phenotypic Diversity and Plasticity of Photoresponse Across an Environmentally Contrasting Family of Phytoflagellates}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {1219}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53617}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-536174}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Organisms often employ ecophysiological strategies to exploit environmental conditions and ensure bio-energetic success. However, the many complexities involved in the differential expression and flexibility of these strategies are rarely fully understood. Therefore, for the first time, using a three-part cross-disciplinary laboratory experimental analysis, we investigated the diversity and plasticity of photoresponsive traits employed by one family of environmentally contrasting, ecologically important phytoflagellates. The results demonstrated an extensive inter-species phenotypic diversity of behavioural, physiological, and compositional photoresponse across the Chlamydomonadaceae, and a multifaceted intra-species phenotypic plasticity, involving a broad range of beneficial photoacclimation strategies, often attributable to environmental predisposition and phylogenetic differentiation. Deceptively diverse and sophisticated strong (population and individual cell) behavioural photoresponses were observed, with divergence from a general preference for low light (and flexibility) dictated by intra-familial differences in typical habitat (salinity and trophy) and phylogeny. Notably, contrasting lower, narrow, and flexible compared with higher, broad, and stable preferences were observed in freshwater vs. brackish and marine species. Complex diversity and plasticity in physiological and compositional photoresponses were also discovered. Metabolic characteristics (such as growth rates, respiratory costs and photosynthetic capacity, efficiency, compensation and saturation points) varied elaborately with species, typical habitat (often varying more in eutrophic species, such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), and culture irradiance (adjusting to optimise energy acquisition and suggesting some propensity for low light). Considerable variations in intracellular pigment and biochemical composition were also recorded. Photosynthetic and accessory pigments (such as chlorophyll a, xanthophyll-cycle components, chlorophyll a:b and chlorophyll a:carotenoid ratios, fatty acid content and saturation ratios) varied with phylogeny and typical habitat (to attune photosystem ratios in different trophic conditions and to optimise shade adaptation, photoprotection, and thylakoid architecture, particularly in freshwater environments), and changed with irradiance (as reaction and harvesting centres adjusted to modulate absorption and quantum yield). The complex, concomitant nature of the results also advocated an integrative approach in future investigations. Overall, these nuanced, diverse, and flexible photoresponsive traits will greatly contribute to the functional ecology of these organisms, addressing environmental heterogeneity and potentially shaping individual fitness, spatial and temporal distribution, prevalence, and ecosystem dynamics.}, language = {en} } @techreport{CaliendoKuennMahlstedt2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Caliendo, Marco and K{\"u}nn, Steffen and Mahlstedt, Robert}, title = {The Intended and Unintended Effects of Promoting Labor Market Mobility}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53522}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-535229}, pages = {49}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Subsidizing the geographical mobility of unemployed workers may improve welfare by relaxing their financial constraints and allowing them to find jobs in more prosperous regions. We exploit regional variation in the promotion of mobility programs along administrative borders of German employment agency districts to investigate the causal effect of offering such financial incentives on the job search behavior and labor market integration of unemployed workers. We show that promoting mobility - as intended - causes job seekers to increase their search radius, apply for and accept distant jobs. At the same time, local job search is reduced with adverse consequences for reemployment and earnings. These unintended negative effects are provoked by spatial search frictions. Overall, the unconditional provision of mobility programs harms the welfare of unemployed job seekers.}, language = {en} } @article{Cooperman2021, author = {Cooperman, Jessica}, title = {Jewish-Christian Dialogue and American Visions of the Postwar World}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53748}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-537488}, pages = {117 -- 131}, year = {2021}, abstract = {American occupying forces made the promotion of Jewish-Christian dialogue part of their plans for postwar German reconstruction. They sought to export American models of Jewish-Christian cooperation to Germany, while simultaneously validating and valorizing claims about the connection between democracy and tri-faith religious pluralism in the United States. The small size of the Jewish population in Germany meant that Jews did not set the terms of these discussions, and evidence shows that both German and American Jews expressed skepticism about participating in dialogue in the years immediately following the Holocaust. But opting out would have meant that discussions in Germany about the Judeo-Christian tradition that the American government advanced as the centerpiece of postwar democratic reconstruction would take place without a Jewish contribution. American Jewish leaders, present in Germany and in the US, therefore decided to opt in, not because they supported the project, but because it seemed far riskier to be left out.}, language = {en} } @article{EndrissHinterwimmer2004, author = {Endriss, Cornelia and Hinterwimmer, Stefan}, title = {The influence of tense in adverbial quantification}, series = {Interdisciplinary studies on information structure : ISIS ; working papers of the SFB 632}, journal = {Interdisciplinary studies on information structure : ISIS ; working papers of the SFB 632}, number = {1}, issn = {1866-4725}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-8409}, pages = {121 -- 151}, year = {2004}, abstract = {We argue that there is a crucial difference between determiner and adverbial quantification. Following Herburger [2000] and von Fintel [1994], we assume that determiner quantifiers quantify over individuals and adverbial quantifiers over eventualities. While it is usually assumed that the semantics of sentences with determiner quantifiers and those with adverbial quantifiers basically come out the same, we will show by way of new data that quantification over events is more restricted than quantification over individuals. This is because eventualities in contrast to individuals have to be located in time which is done using contextual information according to a pragmatic resolution strategy. If the contextual information and the tense information given in the respective sentence contradict each other, the sentence is uninterpretable. We conclude that this is the reason why in these cases adverbial quantification, i.e. quantification over eventualities, is impossible whereas quantification over individuals is fine.}, language = {en} } @article{Schneider2023, author = {Schneider, Edina}, title = {Erfassung der Reflexivit{\"a}t von Lehramtsstudierenden}, series = {Reflexion in der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung: Empirisch - Phasen{\"u}bergreifend - Interdisziplin{\"a}r (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 4)}, journal = {Reflexion in der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung: Empirisch - Phasen{\"u}bergreifend - Interdisziplin{\"a}r (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 4)}, number = {4}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-566-8}, issn = {2626-3556}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61937}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-619379}, pages = {99 -- 113}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag untersucht, welche latente Struktur sich in der Reflexivit{\"a}t von Lehramtsstudierenden identifizieren l{\"a}sst. Es wird gefragt, inwieweit sich entlang eines Kohortenvergleichs differente Strukturen in der Reflexivit{\"a}t erkennen lassen und wie Lehramtsstudierende die Notwendigkeit und die H{\"a}ufigkeit der Reflexion sowie die aus der Reflexion hervorgehenden Einsichten einsch{\"a}tzen. Hierf{\"u}r werden Daten von Studierenden des Lehramts f{\"u}r Grund-, Sekundar-, F{\"o}rderschulen und Gymnasien der Martin-Luther-Universit{\"a}t Halle-Wittenberg genutzt. Bei der Operationalisierung von Reflexivit{\"a}t wurde die IRIS-Skala in einer auf den Schulkontext modifizierten Variante adaptiert sowie einzelne Items neu entwickelt. Die Faktorenanalyse repliziert die angenommene Mehrdimensionalit{\"a}t der Reflexivit{\"a}t mit vier Faktoren. Zudem zeigen sich kohortenspezifisch differente Strukturen in der Reflexivit{\"a}t, die auf Umstrukturierungs-, Verdichtungs- und Weiterentwicklungsprozesse im Bereich implizites Wissen und Reflexivit{\"a}t verweisen, wie in der Kompetenzentwicklungsphasentheorie und in entwicklungs- und berufsbiographietheoretischen Ans{\"a}tzen postuliert wird. Mittelwertvergleiche zwischen den Studierendengruppen verweisen auf tendenzielle Zuw{\"a}chse in den Dimensionen.}, language = {de} } @misc{Viehrig2001, author = {Viehrig, Hans}, title = {Hohn, Uta, Stadtplanung in Japan : Geschichte - Recht - Praxis - Theorie / [rezensiert von] Hans Viehrig}, series = {Geographische Revue : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Literatur und Diskussion}, volume = {3}, journal = {Geographische Revue : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Literatur und Diskussion}, number = {2}, issn = {1438-3039}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-24421}, pages = {100 -- 103}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Rezensiertes Werk: Hohn, Uta: Stadtplanung in Japan : Geschichte, Recht, Praxis, Theorie / Uta Hohn. - Dortmund : Dortmunder Vertrieb f{\"u}r Bau- und Planungslit., 2000. - 616 S. : Abb., Risse, Pl., Tab., graph. Darst. Zugl.: Duisburg, Univ., Habil.-Schr., 1998 u.d.T.: Stadtplanung, Stadterneuerung und Stadtumbau in Japan ISBN 3-929797-67-4}, language = {de} } @misc{Ginsburg2023, author = {Ginsburg, Shai}, title = {Marina Zilbergerts, The Yeshiva and the Rise of Modern Hebrew Literature (Bloomington, In: Indiana University Press, 2022), 184 pp., \$ 35.00}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58598}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585985}, pages = {143 -- 147}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @misc{Jessen2023, author = {Jessen, Caroline}, title = {Kathrin Wittler, Morgenl{\"a}ndischer Glanz: Eine deutsche j{\"u}dische Literaturgeschichte (1750 - 1850) (= Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts 79) (T{\"u}bingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019), 620 S., 99,00 €}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58589}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585898}, pages = {128 -- 131}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @misc{Schachter2023, author = {Schachter, Allison}, title = {Barry Trachtenberg, The Holocaust \& the Exile of Yiddish: A History of the Algemeyne Entsiklopedye (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2022), 336 pp., \$ 37.50}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58583}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585836}, pages = {121 -- 125}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @misc{Fischer2023, author = {Fischer, Saskia}, title = {Klaus Holz und Thomas Haury, Antisemitismus gegen Israel (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition 2021), 424 S., 35,00 €}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58593}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585935}, pages = {134 -- 137}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @misc{Emig2023, author = {Emig, Caroline}, title = {Miriam Udel, Honey on the Page: A Treasury of Yiddish Children's Literature (New York, NY: New York University Press, 2020), 352 S., 29,95 €}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58595}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585951}, pages = {140 -- 142}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @misc{Schirrmeister2023, author = {Schirrmeister, Sebastian}, title = {Tamara Or, Heimat im Exil: Eine hebr{\"a}ische Diasporakultur in Berlin 1897 - 1933 (G{\"o}ttingen: Wallstein, 2020), 431 S., 42,00 €}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58588}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585887}, pages = {125 -- 127}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @misc{Jungheim2023, author = {Jungheim, Elias S.}, title = {Theresa Eisele, Szenen der Wiener Moderne: Drei Artefakte und ihre Vorstellungswelten des J{\"u}dischen (= toldot. Essays zur j{\"u}dischen Geschichte und Kultur 14) (G{\"o}ttingen: Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht, 2021), 167 S., 25,00 €}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58592}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585929}, pages = {131 -- 133}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @misc{Cooperman2023, author = {Cooperman, Jessica}, title = {Mark Wortman, Admiral Hyman Rickover: Engineer of Power (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2022), 328 pp., \$ 26.00}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58594}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585943}, pages = {137 -- 140}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @misc{Jacob2023, author = {Jacob, Frank}, title = {Shaul Magid, Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021), 296 pp., \$ 35.00}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {28}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-552-1}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58582}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-585827}, pages = {119 -- 121}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Friese2016, author = {Friese, Viviane A.}, title = {Solvato-, vapo, mechanochromic and luminescent behavior of Rhodium, Platinum and Gold complexes and their coordination polymers}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {100 S.}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @article{FranciscoVasquezCarruthers2022, author = {Francisco V{\´a}squez Carruthers, Juan}, title = {Transitional Justice and Political Opportunism}, series = {Transitional Justice : Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Potsdamer Studien zu Staat, Recht und Politik ; 7)}, journal = {Transitional Justice : Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Potsdamer Studien zu Staat, Recht und Politik ; 7)}, number = {7}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-473-9}, issn = {1869-2443}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57015}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570153}, pages = {39 -- 71}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This paper aims to contribute a different approach to transitional justice, one in which political decisions are rocketed to the forefront of the research. Theory asserts that, after a transition to democracy, it is the constituency who defines the direction a country will take. Therefore, pleasing them should be at the fore of the responses taken by those in power. However, reality distances itself from theory. History provides us with many examples of the contrary, which indicates that the politicization of transitional justice is an ever-present event. The first section will outline current definitions and obstacles faced by transitional justice, focusing on the implicit ties between them and the aforementioned politicization. An original categorization of Transitional Justice as a method of analysis will also be introduced, which I denominate Political Opportunism. The case of Argentina, a country that is usually described as a model to export but that after 35 years is still dealing with the consequences brought by the contradictions of using several methods of justice, will then be reinterpreted through this perspective. At the end of the paper, the inevitable question will be posed: can this new angle be exported and implemented in every transition?}, language = {en} } @techreport{EydamDiluiso2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Eydam, Ulrich and Diluiso, Francesca}, title = {How to Redistribute the Revenues from Climate Policy?}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {45}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54896}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-548960}, pages = {32}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In light of climate change mitigation efforts, revenues from climate policies are growing, with no consensus yet on how they should be used. Potential efficiency gains from reducing distortionary taxes and the distributional implications of different revenue recycling schemes are currently debated. To account for households heterogeneity and dynamic trade-offs, we study the macroeconomic and welfare performance of different revenue recycling schemes using an Environmental Two-Agent New-Keynesian model, calibrated on the German economy. We find that, in the long run, welfare gains are higher when revenues are used to reduce distortionary taxes on capital, but this comes at the cost of higher inequality: while all households prefer labor income tax reductions to lump-sum transfers, only financially unconstrained households are better off when reducing taxes on capital income. Interestingly, we find that over the transition period relevant to meet short-medium run climate targets, labor income tax cuts are the most efficient and equitable instrument.}, language = {en} } @article{OpelNetzerDesel2023, author = {Opel, Simone and Netzer, Cajus Marian and Desel, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Adaption von Lernwegen in adaptierten Lehrmaterialien f{\"u}r Studierende mit Berufsausbildungsabschluss}, series = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, journal = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, number = {13}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-548-4}, issn = {1868-0844}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61418}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-614188}, pages = {91 -- 114}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Obwohl immer mehr Menschen nicht direkt ein Studium aufnehmen, sondern zuvor eine berufliche Ausbildung absolvieren, werden die in der Ausbildung erworbenen Kompetenzen von den Hochschulen inhaltlich und didaktisch meist ignoriert. Ein Ansatz, diese Kompetenzen zu w{\"u}rdigen, ist die formale Anrechnung von mitgebrachten Kompetenzen als (f{\"u}r den Studienabschluss erforderliche) Leistungspunkte. Eine andere Variante ist der Einsatz von speziell f{\"u}r die Zielgruppe der Studierenden mit Vorkenntnissen adaptiertem Lehr-Lernmaterial. Um dar{\"u}ber hinaus individuelle Unterschiede zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen, erlaubt eine weitere Adaption individueller Lernpfade den Lernenden, genau die jeweils fehlenden Kompetenzen zu erwerben. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die exemplarische Entwicklung derartigen Materials anhand des Kurses „Datenbanken" f{\"u}r die Zielgruppe der Studierenden mit einer abgeschlossenen Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker bzw. zur Fachinformatikerin vor.}, language = {de} } @article{Weber2023, author = {Weber, Gerhard}, title = {Informatik und Barrierefreiheit}, series = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, journal = {Hochschuldidaktik Informatik HDI 2021 (Commentarii informaticae didacticae)}, number = {13}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-548-4}, issn = {1868-0844}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61387}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613874}, pages = {35 -- 50}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Barrierefreiheit kann durch Methoden der Informatik hergestellt und ausgebaut werden. Dieser eingeladene Beitrag stellt die Anforderungen von Menschen mit den umfangreichsten Benutzererfordernissen an Software vor, die z. B. eigene Schriftsysteme wie Braille und entsprechende taktile Ausgabeger{\"a}te verwenden. Assistive Technologien umfassen dabei auch Software verschiedenster Art. Es werden die wichtigsten Kompetenzen daf{\"u}r vorgestellt. Im Curriculum der Informatik k{\"o}nnen diese Kompetenzen im Rahmen von speziellen Vorlesungen und {\"U}bungen vermittelt werden oder sie werden in die jeweiligen Fachgebiete integriert. Um den Studienbetrieb ebenfalls barrierefrei zu gestalten, sind weitere Anstrengungen notwendig, die Lehrende, Verwaltung und die Hochschulleitung einbeziehen.}, language = {de} } @book{EmrichGassmannHerrmannetal.2016, author = {Emrich, Eike and Gassmann, Freya and Herrmann, Konstantin and Koch, Michael and Meyer, Wolfgang}, title = {Die Universit{\"a}t Potsdam in sozio{\"o}konomischer Perspektive}, editor = {Emrich, Eike and Gassmann, Freya and Herrmann, Konstantin}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-367-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90200}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {409}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Universit{\"a}ten erbringen wohlfahrtsf{\"o}rdernde Leistungen f{\"u}r die Gesellschaft, insbesondere indem sie Studierende ausbilden, {\"u}ber Forschung neues Wissen erzeugen sowie den Wissens- und Technologietransfer in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft hinein betreiben. Die Erbringung dieser Leistungen wird erm{\"o}glicht durch eine gr{\"o}ßtenteils {\"o}ffentliche Finanzierung, die nicht nur in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Krisen und Spargebote gerne hinterfragt wird. Die Politik ist daher ebenso wie die Hochschulen gut beraten, die Mittelzuweisungen immer wieder neu zu legitimieren. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die sozio{\"o}konomischen Effekte der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam und schließt so vorhandene Informationsl{\"u}cken. Die Autoren zeigen, dass auch indirekte und unerwartete Effekte eine große Rolle spielen k{\"o}nnen, was die Wirkung einer Universit{\"a}t auf Wirtschaft und Wohlstand angeht.}, language = {de} } @techreport{MatthewesVentura2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Matthewes, S{\"o}nke Hendrik and Ventura, Guglielmo}, title = {On Track to Success?}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {58}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56725}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-567253}, pages = {70}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Many countries consider expanding vocational curricula in secondary education to boost skills and labour market outcomes among non-university-bound students. However, critics fear this could divert other students from more profitable academic education. We study labour market returns to vocational education in England, where until recently students chose between a vocational track, an academic track and quitting education at age 16. Identification is challenging because self-selection is strong and because students' next-best alternatives are unknown. Against this back- drop, we leverage multiple instrumental variables to estimate margin-specific treatment effects, i.e., causal returns to vocational education for students at the margin with academic education and, separately, for students at the margin with quitting education. Identification comes from variation in distance to the nearest vocational provider conditional on distance to the nearest academic provider (and vice-versa), while controlling for granular student, school and neighbourhood characteristics. The analysis is based on population-wide administrative education data linked to tax records. We find that the vast majority of marginal vocational students are indifferent be- tween vocational and academic education. For them, vocational enrolment substantially decreases earnings at age 30. This earnings penalty grows with age and is due to wages, not employment. However, consistent with comparative advantage, the penalty is smaller for students with higher revealed preferences for the vocational track. For the few students at the margin with no further education, we find merely tentative evidence of increased employment and earnings from vocational enrolment.}, language = {en} } @article{Mair2022, author = {Mair, Theresa}, title = {Transforming Transitional Justice to Address Colonial Crime}, series = {Transitional Justice : Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Potsdamer Studien zu Staat, Recht und Politik ; 7)}, journal = {Transitional Justice : Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Potsdamer Studien zu Staat, Recht und Politik ; 7)}, number = {7}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-473-9}, issn = {1869-2443}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57016}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570160}, pages = {73 -- 109}, year = {2022}, abstract = {While the concept of transitional justice and its range of measures have gained importance on an international level to come to terms with major crimes of the past, colonial crimes and mass violence committed by Western actors have not been addressed by transitional justice so far. In this chapter, the Herero's and Nama's struggle for justice for the genocide on their ancestors by Germany from 1904 - 1908 and the arising challenges are set in relation to conceptual debates in the field of transitional justice. Building on current debates in the field, suggesting more structural and transformative conceptualizations of transitional justice and an approach 'from below', it is argued that decolonial activism of formerly colonized communities and transitional justice debates can inform each other in a dialogic and fruitful form to formulate suggestions for a process towards post-colonial justice.}, language = {en} } @techreport{HunoldPetrishcheva2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Hunold, Matthias and Petrishcheva, Vasilisa}, title = {Foreclosure and Tunneling with Partial Vertical Ownership}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {57}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56560}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-565601}, pages = {47}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We demonstrate how the incentives of firms that partially own their suppliers or customers to foreclose rivals depend on how the partial owner can extract profits from the target (tunneling). Compared to a fully vertically integrated firm, a partial owner may obtain only a share of the target's profit but influence the target's strategy significantly. We show that the incentives for customer and input foreclosure can be higher, equal, or even lower with partial ownership than with a vertical merger, depending on how the protection of minority shareholders and transfer price regulations affect the scope for profit extraction.}, language = {en} } @article{Berg2021, author = {Berg, Markus}, title = {Lehrbuchbeispiel des Versagens}, series = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, volume = {26}, journal = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1434-2820}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56916}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-569164}, pages = {112 -- 122}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{Wolfsteller2021, author = {Wolfsteller, Ren{\´e}}, title = {Die Rolle Nationaler Menschenrechtsinstitutionen bei der Umsetzung der UN-Leitprinzipien f{\"u}r Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte}, series = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, volume = {26}, journal = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1434-2820}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56915}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-569150}, pages = {99 -- 111}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @techreport{CaliendoCobbClarkPfeiferetal.2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Caliendo, Marco and Cobb-Clark, Deborah A. and Pfeifer, Harald and Uhlendorff, Arne and Wehner, Caroline}, title = {Managers' Risk Preferences and Firm Training Investments}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {44}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53843}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-538439}, pages = {45}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We provide the first estimates of the impact of managers' risk preferences on their training allocation decisions. Our conceptual framework links managers' risk preferences to firms' training decisions through the bonuses they expect to receive. Risk-averse managers are expected to select workers with low turnover risk and invest in specific rather than general training. Empirical evidence supporting these predictions is provided using a novel vignette study embedded in a nationally representative survey of firm managers. Risk-tolerant and risk-averse decision makers have significantly different training preferences. Risk aversion results in increased sensitivity to turnover risk. Managers who are risk-averse offer significantly less general training and, in some cases, are more reluctant to train workers with a history of job mobility. All managers, irrespective of their risk preferences, are sensitive to the investment risk associated with training, avoiding training that is more costly or targets those with less occupational expertise or nearing retirement. This suggests the risks of training are primarily due to the risk that trained workers will leave the firm (turnover risk) rather than the risk that the benefits of training do not outweigh the costs (investment risk).}, language = {en} } @techreport{CaliendoGraeberKritikosetal.2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Caliendo, Marco and Graeber, Daniel and Kritikos, Alexander and Seebauer, Johannes}, title = {Pandemic Depression: COVID-19 and the Mental Health of the Self-Employed}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {46}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54899}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-548999}, pages = {65}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We investigate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on self-employed people's mental health. Using representative longitudinal survey data from Germany, we reveal differential effects by gender: whereas self-employed women experienced a substantial deterioration in their mental health, self-employed men displayed no significant changes up to early 2021. Financial losses are important in explaining these differences. In addition, we find larger mental health responses among self-employed women who were directly affected by government-imposed restrictions and bore an increased childcare burden due to school and daycare closures. We also find that self-employed individuals who are more resilient coped better with the crisis.}, language = {en} } @misc{Heyde2021, author = {Heyde, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Daniel B. Schwartz, Ghetto: The History of a Word (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019), 288 p.}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53753}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-537530}, pages = {151 -- 154}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @misc{Ries2021, author = {Ries, Rotraud}, title = {Rolf Kießling, J{\"u}dische Geschichte in Bayern: Von den Anf{\"a}ngen bis zur Gegenwart (= Studien zur j{\"u}dischen Geschichte und Kultur in Bayern, Bd. 11), (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg Verlag, 2019).}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53807}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-538070}, pages = {180 -- 183}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @misc{Ries2021, author = {Ries, Rotraud}, title = {Debra Kaplan, The Patrons and Their Poor: Jewish Community and Public Charity in Early Modern Germany (= Jewish Culture and Contexts), (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020), 239 p.}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53801}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-538012}, pages = {159 -- 162}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @misc{Sinn2021, author = {Sinn, Andrea A.}, title = {Tobias Freim{\"u}ller, Frankfurt und die Juden: Neuanf{\"a}nge und Fremdheitserfahrungen, 1945 - 1990 (G{\"o}ttingen: Wallstein, 2020).}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53806}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-538062}, pages = {177 -- 179}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{CleggWackerSpijkerman2021, author = {Clegg, Mark R. and Wacker, Alexander and Spijkerman, Elly}, title = {Phenotypic Diversity and Plasticity of Photoresponse Across an Environmentally Contrasting Family of Phytoflagellates}, series = {Frontiers in plant science : FPLS}, journal = {Frontiers in plant science : FPLS}, number = {12}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-462X}, doi = {10.3389/fpls.2021.707541}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Organisms often employ ecophysiological strategies to exploit environmental conditions and ensure bio-energetic success. However, the many complexities involved in the differential expression and flexibility of these strategies are rarely fully understood. Therefore, for the first time, using a three-part cross-disciplinary laboratory experimental analysis, we investigated the diversity and plasticity of photoresponsive traits employed by one family of environmentally contrasting, ecologically important phytoflagellates. The results demonstrated an extensive inter-species phenotypic diversity of behavioural, physiological, and compositional photoresponse across the Chlamydomonadaceae, and a multifaceted intra-species phenotypic plasticity, involving a broad range of beneficial photoacclimation strategies, often attributable to environmental predisposition and phylogenetic differentiation. Deceptively diverse and sophisticated strong (population and individual cell) behavioural photoresponses were observed, with divergence from a general preference for low light (and flexibility) dictated by intra-familial differences in typical habitat (salinity and trophy) and phylogeny. Notably, contrasting lower, narrow, and flexible compared with higher, broad, and stable preferences were observed in freshwater vs. brackish and marine species. Complex diversity and plasticity in physiological and compositional photoresponses were also discovered. Metabolic characteristics (such as growth rates, respiratory costs and photosynthetic capacity, efficiency, compensation and saturation points) varied elaborately with species, typical habitat (often varying more in eutrophic species, such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), and culture irradiance (adjusting to optimise energy acquisition and suggesting some propensity for low light). Considerable variations in intracellular pigment and biochemical composition were also recorded. Photosynthetic and accessory pigments (such as chlorophyll a, xanthophyll-cycle components, chlorophyll a:b and chlorophyll a:carotenoid ratios, fatty acid content and saturation ratios) varied with phylogeny and typical habitat (to attune photosystem ratios in different trophic conditions and to optimise shade adaptation, photoprotection, and thylakoid architecture, particularly in freshwater environments), and changed with irradiance (as reaction and harvesting centres adjusted to modulate absorption and quantum yield). The complex, concomitant nature of the results also advocated an integrative approach in future investigations. Overall, these nuanced, diverse, and flexible photoresponsive traits will greatly contribute to the functional ecology of these organisms, addressing environmental heterogeneity and potentially shaping individual fitness, spatial and temporal distribution, prevalence, and ecosystem dynamics.}, language = {en} } @article{KurtenbachKhaderLindholz2022, author = {Kurtenbach, Stephanie and Khader-Lindholz, Aischa}, title = {»Ich hab eine Idee!«}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 15}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 15}, number = {15}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-542-2}, issn = {1866-9433}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57234}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-572340}, pages = {27 -- 45}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Wyss2023, author = {Wyss, Corinne}, title = {Reflexionsprozesse in der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung gestalten und f{\"o}rdern}, series = {Reflexion in der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung: Empirisch - Phasen{\"u}bergreifend - Interdisziplin{\"a}r (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 4)}, journal = {Reflexion in der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung: Empirisch - Phasen{\"u}bergreifend - Interdisziplin{\"a}r (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 4)}, number = {4}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-566-8}, issn = {2626-3556}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61893}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-618938}, pages = {19 -- 24}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Seit John Dewey und Donald Sch{\"o}n besteht weitgehender Konsens, dass Reflexivit{\"a}t eine wichtige Kompetenz von Lehrkr{\"a}ften darstellt und die Reflexion in den Unterrichtsalltag einer Lehrkraft integriert sein sollte. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Reflexion, wenn sie absichtsvoll und zielgerichtet eingesetzt wird, die berufliche Entwicklung einer Lehrkraft positiv beeinflussen kann. {\"U}berzeugungen, Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen k{\"o}nnen durch die Reflexion bewusster wahrgenommen und ver{\"a}ndert werden. Sie regt Lernprozesse an, st{\"a}rkt Eigenverantwortung und Autonomie und steigert die Berufszufriedenheit. Allerdings birgt die F{\"o}rderung von Reflexivit{\"a}t im Rahmen der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung einige Schwierigkeiten und trotz nunmehr {\"u}ber 40 Jahren theoretischer sowie empirischer Er{\"o}rterung bleiben bis heute auch verschiedene Fragen unbeantwortet. Im Beitrag werden auf Grundlage der aktuellen Diskussion das Konzept der Reflexion sowie M{\"o}glichkeiten und Grenzen der F{\"o}rderung von Reflexivit{\"a}t dargelegt und es wird aufgezeigt, welche besonderen Herausforderungen der Lehrberuf hierbei birgt. Abschließend wird er{\"o}rtert, welche aktuellen Forschungsl{\"u}cken und -desiderate bestehen.}, language = {de} } @techreport{BorckOshiroSatō2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Borck, Rainald and Oshiro, Jun and Satō, Yasuhiro}, title = {Property tax competition}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56222}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-562228}, pages = {71}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We develop a model of property taxation and characterize equilibria under three alternative taxa-tion regimes often used in the public finance literature: decentralized taxation, centralized taxation, and "rent seeking" regimes. We show that decentralized taxation results in inefficiently high tax rates, whereas centralized taxation yields a common optimal tax rate, and tax rates in the rent-seeking regime can be either inefficiently high or low. We quantify the effects of switching from the observed tax system to the three regimes for Japan and Germany. The decentralized or rent-seeking regime best describes the Japanese tax system, whereas the centralized regime does so for Germany. We also quantify the welfare effects of regime changes.}, language = {en} } @techreport{AndresBruttelFriedrichsen2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Andres, Maximilian and Bruttel, Lisa Verena and Friedrichsen, Jana}, title = {How communication makes the difference between a cartel and tacit collusion}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56223}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-562234}, pages = {67}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This paper sheds new light on the role of communication for cartel formation. Using machine learning to evaluate free-form chat communication among firms in a laboratory experiment, we identify typical communication patterns for both explicit cartel formation and indirect attempts to collude tacitly. We document that firms are less likely to communicate explicitly about price fixing and more likely to use indirect messages when sanctioning institutions are present. This effect of sanctions on communication reinforces the direct cartel-deterring effect of sanctions as collusion is more difficult to reach and sustain without an explicit agreement. Indirect messages have no, or even a negative, effect on prices.}, language = {en} } @techreport{Dehnen2023, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Dehnen, Elias}, title = {Juridifying Bolsonaro's mass deforestation policies in Brazil through the International Criminal Court}, series = {Staat, Recht und Politik - Forschungs- und Diskussionspapiere}, journal = {Staat, Recht und Politik - Forschungs- und Diskussionspapiere}, number = {14}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2509-6974}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58174}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-581742}, pages = {15}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Under Brazil's ex-president Bolsonaro, deforestation of the Amazon increased dramatically. An Austrian NGO filed a complaint to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Bolsonaro in October 2021, accusing him of crimes against humanity against the backdrop of his involvement in environmental destruction. This paper deals with the question of whether this initi-ative constitutes a promising means of juridification to mitigate conflicts revolving around mass deforestation in Brazil. It thematizes attempts to juridify environmental destruction in international criminal law and examines the Climate Fund Case at the Brazilian Supreme Court. Finally, emerging problems and arguments in favour of starting preliminary examinations at the ICC against Bolsonaro are illuminated. This paper provides arguments as to why the initiative might be a promising undertaking, even though it is unlikely that Bolsonaro will be arrested.}, language = {en} } @article{EikerlingCzokSallat2023, author = {Eikerling, Maren and Czok, Clara and Sallat, Stephan}, title = {Wie ausgetauscht! Digital und interdisziplin{\"a}r vernetzt am Vi(rtuellen) Ru(nden) Ti(sch)}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 16}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 16}, number = {16}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-559-0}, issn = {1866-9433}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61357}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613574}, pages = {185 -- 199}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In diesem Beitrag werden das Konzept der „Virtuellen Runden Tische" (ViRuTi) sowie Ergebnisse ihrer Pilotierung und Perspektiven f{\"u}r die Implementierung vorgestellt. Dabei geht es um die ressourcenfreundliche, digitale Umsetzung und niederschwellige Durchf{\"u}hrung der ViRuTi. Inklusive Bestrebungen sind fest mit der Notwendigkeit interdisziplin{\"a}rer Fallbesprechungen verkn{\"u}pft. Akteure aus Kita, Schule und Gesundheitswesen k{\"o}nnen mit Bezugspersonen des betreffenden Kindes gemeinsam am runden Tisch Perspektiven austauschen und Entscheidungen treffen, bspw. zur Einleitung und Evaluierung von Sprachf{\"o}rder- oder -therapiemaßnahmen. Eine durch ein Konzept vorgegebene Struktur erleichtert den Austausch und die Fokussierung der Beteiligten auf die Ressourcen und Bed{\"u}rfnisse des Kindes. Außerdem ist dieser interprofessionelle bzw. transdisziplin{\"a}re Austausch auch digital m{\"o}glich.}, language = {de} } @article{SchmidtEikerlingCholin2022, author = {Schmidt, Johanna and Eikerling, Maren and Cholin, Joana}, title = {Klinische Marker in der Spontansprache fr{\"u}h-sukzessiv bilingualer Kinder mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 15}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 15}, number = {15}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-542-2}, issn = {1866-9433}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57241}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-572413}, pages = {135 -- 150}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{FaixtePoelWahbeetal.2023, author = {Faix, Ann-Christin and te Poel, Kathrin and Wahbe, Nadia and Pieper, Martin}, title = {Was reflektieren wir und wie reflektieren wir?}, series = {Reflexion in der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung: Empirisch - Phasen{\"u}bergreifend - Interdisziplin{\"a}r (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 4)}, journal = {Reflexion in der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung: Empirisch - Phasen{\"u}bergreifend - Interdisziplin{\"a}r (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 4)}, number = {4}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-566-8}, issn = {2626-3556}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61899}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-618998}, pages = {47 -- 52}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In diesem Beitrag werden aus einer Metaperspektive vier verschiedene Reflexionsformate aus dem Bielefelder Projekt „BiProfessional" der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung gegen{\"u}bergestellt. Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede werden mit Blick auf das Reflexionsverst{\"a}ndnis, den Reflexionsgegenstand und den jeweiligen Zugang beschrieben. Am Ende des Beitrags werden Konsequenzen f{\"u}r eine multiparadigmatische Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung aufgezeigt.}, language = {de} } @article{PlathCorstenHoffmannetal.2022, author = {Plath, Almut and Corsten, Sabine and Hoffmann, Marie and Leinweber, Juliane and Spelter, Bianca and Karstens, Sven}, title = {Technikbereitschaft f{\"u}r Teletherapie erfassen}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 15}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 15}, number = {15}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-542-2}, issn = {1866-9433}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57244}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-572441}, pages = {173 -- 180}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{TrilckeParrD'Aprileetal.2022, author = {Trilcke, Peer and Parr, Rolf and D'Aprile, Iwan-Michelangelo and Kraus, Hans-Christof and Blomqvist, Clarissa and McGillen, Petra S. and Aus der Au, Carmen and Phillips, Alexander Robert and Helmer, Debora and Singer, R{\"u}diger and G{\"o}rner, R{\"u}diger and Berbig, Roland and Rose, Dirk and Wilhelms, Kerstin and Krause, Marcus and Hehle, Christine and Gretz, Daniela and Gfrereis, Heike and Lepp, Nicola and Morlok, Franziska and Haut, Gideon and Brechenmacher, Thomas and Stauffer, Isabelle and Lyon, John B. and Bachmann, Vera and Ewert, Michael and Immer, Nikolas and Vedder, Ulrike and Fischer, Hubertus and Becker, Sabina and Wegmann, Christoph and M{\"o}ller, Klaus-Peter and Schneider, Ulrike and Waszynski, Alexander and Wedel, Michael and Brehm, David and Wolpert, Georg}, title = {Fontanes Medien}, editor = {Trilcke, Peer}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-073330-3}, doi = {10.1515/9783110733235}, pages = {XIII, 672}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Theodor Fontane war, im durchaus modernen Sinne, ein Medienarbeiter: Als Presse-Agent in London lernte er die innovativste Presselandschaft seiner Zeit kennen; als Redakteur in Berlin leistete er journalistische K{\"a}rrnerarbeit; er schrieb Kritiken {\"u}ber das Theater, die bildende Kunst und die Literatur - und auch seine Romane wie seine Reiseb{\"u}cher sind stets Medienprodukte, als Serien in in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften platziert, bevor sie auf dem Buchmarkt erschienen. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Ergebnisse eines internationalen Kongresses, veranstaltet 2019 vom Theodor-Fontane-Archiv in Potsdam. Die ebenso rasante wie umfassende Medialisierung und Vernetzung der Gesellschaft im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts wird dabei als produktive Voraussetzung der schriftstellerischen T{\"a}tigkeit Fontanes begriffen. Eingebettet in ein weit verzweigtes Netz der Korrespondenz und der postalischen Textzirkulation, vertraut mit den Routinen und Publika der periodischen Massenpresse, f{\"u}r die er sein Leben lang schrieb, und auf vielf{\"a}ltige Weise gepr{\"a}gt von der visuellen Kultur seiner Zeit wird Theodor Fontane als gleichermaßen journalistisch versierter wie {\"a}sthetisch sensibler Grenzg{\"a}nger erkennbar.}, language = {de} } @techreport{FranksKalkuhlLessmann2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Franks, Max and Kalkuhl, Matthias and Lessmann, Kai}, title = {Optimal Pricing for Carbon Dioxide Removal Under Inter-Regional Leakage}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {43}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53808}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-538080}, pages = {12}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) moves atmospheric carbon to geological or land-based sinks. In a first-best setting, the optimal use of CDR is achieved by a removal subsidy that equals the optimal carbon tax and marginal damages. We derive second-best subsidies for CDR when no global carbon price exists but a national government implements a unilateral climate policy. We find that the optimal carbon tax differs from an optimal CDR subsidy because of carbon leakage, terms-of-trade and fossil resource rent dynamics. First, the optimal removal subsidy tends to be larger than the carbon tax because of lower supply-side leakage on fossil resource markets. Second, terms-of-trade effects exacerbate this wedge for net resource exporters, implying even larger removal subsidies. Third, the optimal removal subsidy may fall below the carbon tax for resource-poor countries when marginal environmental damages are small.}, language = {en} } @article{GallasRuerup2021, author = {Gallas, Elisabeth and R{\"u}rup, Miriam}, title = {"Advocate of the Jewish People"}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53750}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-537501}, pages = {135 -- 142}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @misc{GeisslerGruenberg2021, author = {Geißler-Gr{\"u}nberg, Anke}, title = {Tim Corbett, Die Grabst{\"a}tten meiner V{\"a}ter: Die j{\"u}dischen Friedh{\"o}fe in Wien (= Schriften des Centrums f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien 36), (B{\"o}hlau Verlag: Wien/K{\"o}ln/Weimar, 2021), 1041 S.}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53803}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-538037}, pages = {166 -- 170}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @misc{Arnold2021, author = {Arnold, Rafael D.}, title = {Karin Schutjer, Goethe und das Judentum: Das schwierige Erbe der modernen Literatur (aus dem amerik. Engl. {\"u}bers. v. Ulrike Bischoff), (G{\"o}ttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2020), 288 S.}, series = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, journal = {PaRDeS : Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany}, number = {27}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-520-0}, issn = {1614-6492}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53805}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-538059}, pages = {173 -- 177}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{SchefflerNguyenHermanussen2021, author = {Scheffler, Christiane and Nguyen, Thi Hong and Hermanussen, Michael}, title = {Vietnamese migrants are as tall as they want to be}, series = {Human biology and public health}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph.v2.12}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: Members of the same social group tent to have the same body height. Migrants tend to adjust in height to their host communities. Objectives: Social-Economic-Political-Emotional (SEPE) factors influence growth. We hypothesized that Vietnamese young adult migrants in Germany (1) are taller than their parents, (2) are as tall as their German peers, and (3) are as tall as predicted by height expectation at age 13 years. Sample: The study was conducted in 30 male and 54 female Vietnamese migrants (mean age 26.23 years. SD=4.96) in Germany in 2020. Methods: Information on age, sex, body height, school and education, job, height and ethnicity of best friend, migration history and cultural identification, parental height and education, and recalled information on their personal height expectations at age 13 years were obtained by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by St. Nicolas House Analysis (SNHA) and multiple regression. Results: Vietnamese young adults are taller than their parents (females 3.85cm, males 7.44cm), but do not fully attain height of their German peers. The body height is positively associated with the height of best friend (p < 0.001), the height expectation at age 13 year (p < 0.001), and father's height (p=0.001). Conclusion: Body height of Vietnamese migrants in Germany reflects competitive growth and strategic growth adjustments. The magnitude of this intergenerational trend supports the concept that human growth depends on SEPE factors.}, language = {en} } @article{SchefflerHermanussen2021, author = {Scheffler, Christiane and Hermanussen, Michael}, title = {Stunting does not impair physical fitness in Indonesian school children}, series = {Human biology and public health}, journal = {Human biology and public health}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2748-9957}, doi = {10.52905/hbph.v2.19}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: Physical fitness is decreased in malnourished children and adults. Poor appearance and muscular flaccidity are among the first signs of malnutrition. Malnutrition is often associated with stunting. Objectives: We test the hypotheses that stunted children of low social strata are physically less fit than children of high social strata. Sample: We investigated 354 school girls and 369 school boys aged 5.83 to 13.83 (mean 9.54) years from three different social strata in Kupang (West-Timor, Indonesia) in 2020. Methods: We measured height, weight, and elbow breadth, calculated standard deviation (SDS) of height and weight according to CDC references, and the Frame index as an indicator of long-term physical fitness, and we tested physical fitness in standing long jump and hand grip strength. Results: Children of low social strata are physically fittest. They jump longer distances, and they have higher values in the Frame index. No association exists between height SDS and physical fitness, neither in respect to standing long jump, nor to hand grip strength. Conclusion: Stunting does not impair physical fitness in Indonesian school children. Our results support the concept that SEPE (social-economic-political-emotional) factors are involved in the regulation of human growth.}, language = {en} } @article{Maaser2022, author = {Maaser, Lucas}, title = {Transitional Justice and Nonviolent Resistance}, series = {Transitional Justice : Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Potsdamer Studien zu Staat, Recht und Politik ; 7)}, journal = {Transitional Justice : Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Potsdamer Studien zu Staat, Recht und Politik ; 7)}, number = {7}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-473-9}, issn = {1869-2443}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57047}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570470}, pages = {139 -- 165}, year = {2022}, abstract = {At different times and places, civic engagement in nonviolent resistance (NVR) has repeatedly shown to be an effective tool in times of conflict to initiate societal change from below. History teaches us that there have been successes (Mahatma Gandhi in India) and failures (the Tiananmen Square protests in China). Along with the recognition of the duality between transformative potential and stark consequences, the historical development of NVR was accompanied by the emergence of scholarly debate, fractured along disputes around purpose, character and effectivity of nonviolent actions taken by civil society stakeholders engaged in making their voices heard. One of the field's current points of interest is the examination of the long-term effects of NVR movements resulting in societal transformation on the stability and adequacy of a subsequently altered or emerging democracy, suggesting that NVR contributes positively to the sustainable and representative design of an egalitarian governing system. The conclusion of the Nepalese civil war in 2006 should pose as an unambiguous example for the illustration of this phenomenon, but simultaneously raises the question why there was no successful implementation of a transitional process focusing on the needs of the victims.}, language = {en} } @article{Conner2022, author = {Conner, Sean}, title = {Structural and Socioeconomic Approaches to Justice}, series = {Transitional Justice : Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Potsdamer Studien zu Staat, Recht und Politik ; 7)}, journal = {Transitional Justice : Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Potsdamer Studien zu Staat, Recht und Politik ; 7)}, number = {7}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-473-9}, issn = {1869-2443}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57017}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570170}, pages = {111 -- 138}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Transitional justice is conventionally theorized as how a society deals with past injustices after regime change and alongside democratization. Nonetheless, scholars have not reached a consensus on what is to be included or excluded. Recent ideas of transformative justice seek to expand the understanding of transitional justice to include systemic restructuring and socioeconomic considerations. In the context of Nicaragua — where two transitions occurred within an 11-year span — very little transitional justice took place, in terms of the conventional concept of top-down legalistic mechanisms; however, distinct structural changes and socioeconomic policies can be found with each regime change. By analyzing the transformative justice elements of Nicaragua's dual transition, this chapter seeks to expand the understanding of transitional justice to include how these factors influence goals of transitions such as sustainable peace and reconciliation for past injustices. The results argue for increased attention to transformative justice theories and a more nuanced conception of justice.}, language = {en} } @article{Beckmann2022, author = {Beckmann, Susanne}, title = {Wie klingt die Globalisierung?}, series = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, journal = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-535-4}, issn = {2196-5080}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57066}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570667}, pages = {127 -- 149}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{LippBossen2022, author = {Lipp, Alexander and Bossen, Anja}, title = {Musikbezogene Argumentationskompetenz als Beitrag zur Demokratiebildung}, series = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, journal = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-535-4}, issn = {2196-5080}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57051}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570518}, pages = {65 -- 83}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Feneberg2022, author = {Feneberg, Phillip}, title = {Digitale Musikmedien und -technologien in der Musiklehrer*innenausbildung an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, series = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, journal = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-535-4}, issn = {2196-5080}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57052}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570523}, pages = {85 -- 103}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Falky2022, author = {Falky, Paulina}, title = {Fach{\"u}bergreifender Musikunterricht - Terminologie und Konzepte}, series = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, journal = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-535-4}, issn = {1861-8529}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57049}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570495}, pages = {27 -- 45}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Wittram2022, author = {Wittram, Karin}, title = {Storyline - eine innovative fach{\"u}bergreifende Methode - auch f{\"u}r den Musikunterricht}, series = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, journal = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-535-4}, issn = {2196-5080}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57063}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570633}, pages = {105 -- 126}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Tellisch2022, author = {Tellisch, Christin}, title = {Musikalische Grundqualifizierung f{\"u}r alle P{\"a}dagog*innen?}, series = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, journal = {Perspektiven eines fach{\"u}bergreifenden Musikunterrichts (Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik ; 9)}, number = {9}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-535-4}, issn = {2196-5080}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57050}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-570504}, pages = {47 -- 64}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @techreport{BorckSchrauth2022, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Borck, Rainald and Schrauth, Philipp}, title = {Urban pollution}, series = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, journal = {CEPA Discussion Papers}, number = {60}, issn = {2628-653X}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57204}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-572049}, pages = {48}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We use worldwide satellite data to analyse how population size and density affect urban pollution. We find that density significantly increases pollution exposure. Looking only at urban areas, we find that population size affects exposure more than density. Moreover, the effect is driven mostly by population commuting to core cities rather than the core city population itself. We analyse heterogeneity by geography and income levels. By and large, the influence of population on pollution is greatest in Asia and middle-income countries. A counterfactual simulation shows that PM2.5 exposure would fall by up to 36\% and NO2 exposure up to 53\% if within countries population size were equalized across all cities.}, language = {en} } @article{KalisReeh2022, author = {Kalis, Michael and Reeh, Greta}, title = {Aus der Krise lernen - grund- und menschenrechtliche Erw{\"a}gungen der Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen als Vorbild f{\"u}r einen ambitionierten Klimaschutz}, series = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, volume = {27}, journal = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1434-2820}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57153}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-571533}, pages = {78 -- 93}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{TeresaLingg2022, author = {Teresa Lingg, Rosana}, title = {Menschenrechte im Gef{\"a}ngnis-Kontext}, series = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, volume = {27}, journal = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1434-2820}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57156}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-571567}, pages = {124 -- 137}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{KayaKopshteyn2022, author = {Kaya, Gizem and Kopshteyn, Georgy}, title = {Die Impfpflicht-Debatte auf dem philosophischen Pr{\"u}fstand}, series = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, volume = {27}, journal = {MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen}, number = {2}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1434-2820}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57154}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-571541}, pages = {94 -- 110}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @book{RaithRaaseReinhardt2011, author = {Raith, Michael M. and Raase, Peter and Reinhardt, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Leitfaden zur D{\"u}nnschliffmikroskopie}, isbn = {978-3-00-036420-4}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59930}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-599301}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IV, 125}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{Radtke2023, author = {Radtke, Wolfgang}, title = {Ann{\"a}herungen an Christian von Rother}, series = {Die Preußische Seehandlung zwischen Markt, Staat und Kultur : 40 Jahre Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung}, journal = {Die Preußische Seehandlung zwischen Markt, Staat und Kultur : 40 Jahre Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung}, editor = {Wienfort, Monika}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-562-0}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59987}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-599878}, pages = {53 -- 80}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Christian (von) Rother, Chef der Preußischen Seehandlung 1820-1848, ist vermutlich die pr{\"a}gendste Gestalt der Institution im 19. Jahrhundert. Seine Lebensgeschichte als Sohn eines schlesischen Bauern zeugt von sozialem Aufstieg und einer eindrucksvollen Beamtenkarriere. Rother formte die Seehandlung zu einem Konglomerat von gewerblichen Unternehmen, die durch Bankengesch{\"a}fte, Chausseebauprogramme und das Engagement des Staates in der Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderung leistungsstark gemacht werden sollten. Der Erfolg blieb allerdings unterschiedlich. In den 1840er Jahren stießen diese Bem{\"u}hungen dar{\"u}ber hinaus auf Kritik von unternehmerischen Konkurrenten. Bleibende Bedeutung behauptete eine von Rother gegr{\"u}ndete soziale Einrichtung, die in Berlin ans{\"a}ssige Rother-Stiftung f{\"u}r arme und unverheiratete T{\"o}chter von Beamten und Offizieren.}, language = {de} } @article{Parzinger2023, author = {Parzinger, Herrmann}, title = {Seehandlung, Kunstkammer, Museum, Humboldt Forum - von der Vielschichtigkeit eines Federmantels und seines Weges}, series = {Die Preußische Seehandlung zwischen Markt, Staat und Kultur : 40 Jahre Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung}, journal = {Die Preußische Seehandlung zwischen Markt, Staat und Kultur : 40 Jahre Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung}, editor = {Wienfort, Monika}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-562-0}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59989}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-599892}, pages = {103 -- 127}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das in Bremen gebaute Handelsschiff Princess Louise, gewissermaßen das Flaggschiff der Preußischen Seehandlung, unternahm zwischen 1825 und 1844 insgesamt sechs Weltumsegelungen. Das Schiff fungierte u. a. als {\"U}berbringer diplomatischer Geschenke zwischen Herrschern und Herrscherfamilien. Von der ersten Weltumsegelung brachte es den ber{\"u}hmten Federmantel mit, den der hawai'ianische Monarch Kamehameha III. dem preußischen K{\"o}nig Friedrich Wilhelm III. zum Geschenk machte. Bei der zweiten Weltumsegelung wurden wiederum Gaben des preußischen K{\"o}nigs nach Hawai'i transportiert. Die Princess Louise brachte aber dar{\"u}ber hinaus auch Gebrauchsgegenst{\"a}nde wie Kleidung, Waffen, K{\"o}rbe, Tongef{\"a}ße und F{\"a}cher aus der S{\"u}dsee und S{\"u}damerika nach Europa. Solche ethnographischen Objekte der Vergangenheit k{\"o}nnen nicht zuletzt mit und durch zeitgen{\"o}ssische Kunst Fragen an die Gegenwart stellen.}, language = {de} } @article{SchmitzAntonischkiHeideNetzebandt2022, author = {Schmitz-Antonischki, Dorit and Heide, Judith and Netzebandt, Jonka}, title = {Therapie von Wortabrufst{\"o}rungen mit der App LingoTalk bei einer Patientin mit Aphasie}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 15}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 15}, number = {15}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-542-2}, issn = {1866-9433}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57243}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-572433}, pages = {157 -- 171}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Steinberg2023, author = {Steinberg, Romy Simone}, title = {Sag mir, wo die W{\"o}rter sind …}, series = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 16}, journal = {Spektrum Patholinguistik 16}, number = {16}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-559-0}, issn = {1866-9433}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61346}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613468}, pages = {103 -- 106}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Einblick in die ehrenamtliche Arbeit mit Menschen mit Aphasie und deren Angeh{\"o}rigen. Vor sieben Jahren gr{\"u}ndete Romy Steinberg gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann, der selbst von Aphasie betroffen ist, den Chor „AphaSingers". Jeden Monat findet sich der Chor zu einem Workshop-Tag zusammen, der viel mehr als nur die Gesangsprobe beinhaltet. Partizipation umfasst den Austausch miteinander, sch{\"o}ne gemeinsame Erlebnisse und Zusammenhalt. All dies bietet dieser Chor den Mitgliedern und erntet hierf{\"u}r viel Anerkennung und Dankbarkeit.}, language = {de} } @misc{BuschMeissnerPotthoffetal.2011, author = {Busch, Jan Philip and Meißner, Tobias and Potthoff, Annegret and Oswald, Sascha}, title = {Plating of nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) on activated carbon : a fast delivery method of iron for source remediation?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-53792}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The use of nano zerovalent iron (nZVI) for environmental remediation is a promising new technique for in situ remediation. Due to its high surface area and high reactivity, nZVI is able to dechlorinate organic contaminants and render them harmless. Limited mobility, due to fast aggregation and sedimentation of nZVI, limits the capability for source and plume remediation. Carbo-Iron is a newly developed material consisting of activated carbon particles (d50 = 0,8 µm) that are plated with nZVI particles. These particles combine the mobility of activated carbon and the reactivity of nZVI. This paper presents the first results of the transport experiments.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brill2022, author = {Brill, Fabio Alexander}, title = {Applications of machine learning and open geospatial data in flood risk modelling}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55594}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-555943}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 124}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der technologische Fortschritt erlaubt es, zunehmend komplexe Vorhersagemodelle auf Basis immer gr{\"o}ßerer Datens{\"a}tze zu produzieren. F{\"u}r das Risikomanagement von Naturgefahren sind eine Vielzahl von Modellen als Entscheidungsgrundlage notwendig, z.B. in der Auswertung von Beobachtungsdaten, f{\"u}r die Vorhersage von Gefahrenszenarien, oder zur statistischen Absch{\"a}tzung der zu erwartenden Sch{\"a}den. Es stellt sich also die Frage, inwiefern moderne Modellierungsans{\"a}tze wie das maschinelle Lernen oder Data-Mining in diesem Themenbereich sinnvoll eingesetzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Zus{\"a}tzlich ist im Hinblick auf die Datenverf{\"u}gbarkeit und -zug{\"a}nglichkeit ein Trend zur {\"O}ffnung (open data) zu beobachten. Thema dieser Arbeit ist daher, die M{\"o}glichkeiten und Grenzen des maschinellen Lernens und frei verf{\"u}gbarer Geodaten auf dem Gebiet der Hochwasserrisikomodellierung im weiteren Sinne zu untersuchen. Da dieses {\"u}bergeordnete Thema sehr breit ist, werden einzelne relevante Aspekte herausgearbeitet und detailliert betrachtet. Eine prominente Datenquelle im Bereich Hochwasser ist die satellitenbasierte Kartierung von {\"U}berflutungsfl{\"a}chen, die z.B. {\"u}ber den Copernicus Service der Europ{\"a}ischen Union frei zur Verf{\"u}gung gestellt werden. Große Hoffnungen werden in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur in diese Produkte gesetzt, sowohl f{\"u}r die akute Unterst{\"u}tzung der Einsatzkr{\"a}fte im Katastrophenfall, als auch in der Modellierung mittels hydrodynamischer Modelle oder zur Schadensabsch{\"a}tzung. Daher wurde ein Fokus in dieser Arbeit auf die Untersuchung dieser Flutmasken gelegt. Aus der Beobachtung, dass die Qualit{\"a}t dieser Produkte in bewaldeten und urbanen Gebieten unzureichend ist, wurde ein Verfahren zur nachtr{\"a}glichenVerbesserung mittels maschinellem Lernen entwickelt. Das Verfahren basiert auf einem Klassifikationsalgorithmus der nur Trainingsdaten von einer vorherzusagenden Klasse ben{\"o}tigt, im konkreten Fall also Daten von {\"U}berflutungsfl{\"a}chen, nicht jedoch von der negativen Klasse (trockene Gebiete). Die Anwendung f{\"u}r Hurricane Harvey in Houston zeigt großes Potenzial der Methode, abh{\"a}ngig von der Qualit{\"a}t der urspr{\"u}nglichen Flutmaske. Anschließend wird anhand einer prozessbasierten Modellkette untersucht, welchen Einfluss implementierte physikalische Prozessdetails auf das vorhergesagte statistische Risiko haben. Es wird anschaulich gezeigt, was eine Risikostudie basierend auf etablierten Modellen leisten kann. Solche Modellketten sind allerdings bereits f{\"u}r Flusshochwasser sehr komplex, und f{\"u}r zusammengesetzte oder kaskadierende Ereignisse mit Starkregen, Sturzfluten, und weiteren Prozessen, kaum vorhanden. Im vierten Kapitel dieser Arbeit wird daher getestet, ob maschinelles Lernen auf Basis von vollst{\"a}ndigen Schadensdaten einen direkteren Weg zur Schadensmodellierung erm{\"o}glicht, der die explizite Konzeption einer solchen Modellkette umgeht. Dazu wird ein staatlich erhobener Datensatz der gesch{\"a}digten Geb{\"a}ude w{\"a}hrend des schweren El Ni{\~n}o Ereignisses 2017 in Peru verwendet. In diesem Kontext werden auch die M{\"o}glichkeiten des Data-Mining zur Extraktion von Prozessverst{\"a}ndnis ausgelotet. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass diverse frei verf{\"u}gbare Geodaten n{\"u}tzliche Informationen f{\"u}r die Gefahren- und Schadensmodellierung von komplexen Flutereignissen liefern, z.B. satellitenbasierte Regenmessungen, topographische und hydrographische Information, kartierte Siedlungsfl{\"a}chen, sowie Indikatoren aus Spektraldaten. Zudem zeigen sich Erkenntnisse zu den Sch{\"a}digungsprozessen, die im Wesentlichen mit den vorherigen Erwartungen in Einklang stehen. Die maximale Regenintensit{\"a}t wirkt beispielsweise in St{\"a}dten und steilen Schluchten st{\"a}rker sch{\"a}digend, w{\"a}hrend die Niederschlagssumme in tiefliegenden Flussgebieten und bewaldeten Regionen als aussagekr{\"a}ftiger befunden wurde. L{\"a}ndliche Gebiete in Peru weisen in der pr{\"a}sentierten Studie eine h{\"o}here Vulnerabilit{\"a}t als die Stadtgebiete auf. Jedoch werden auch die grunds{\"a}tzlichen Grenzen der Methodik und die Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von spezifischen Datens{\"a}tzen and Algorithmen offenkundig. In der {\"u}bergreifenden Diskussion werden schließlich die verschiedenen Methoden - prozessbasierte Modellierung, pr{\"a}diktives maschinelles Lernen, und Data-Mining - mit Blick auf die Gesamtfragestellungen evaluiert. Im Bereich der Gefahrenbeobachtung scheint eine Fokussierung auf neue Algorithmen sinnvoll. Im Bereich der Gefahrenmodellierung, insbesondere f{\"u}r Flusshochwasser, wird eher die Verbesserung von physikalischen Modellen, oder die Integration von prozessbasierten und statistischen Verfahren angeraten. In der Schadensmodellierung fehlen nach wie vor die großen repr{\"a}sentativen Datens{\"a}tze, die f{\"u}r eine breite Anwendung von maschinellem Lernen Voraussetzung ist. Daher ist die Verbesserung der Datengrundlage im Bereich der Sch{\"a}den derzeit als wichtiger einzustufen als die Auswahl der Algorithmen.}, language = {en} } @article{FernandezFernandezGranacherMartinezMartinetal.2022, author = {Fernandez-Fernandez, Jaime and Granacher, Urs and Martinez-Martin, Isidoro and Garcia-Tormo, Jos{\´e} Vicente and Herrero-Molleda, Alba and Barbado, David and Garc{\´i}a L{\´o}pez, Juan}, title = {Physical fitness and throwing speed in U13 versus U15 male handball players}, series = {BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation}, volume = {14}, journal = {BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {London}, issn = {1758-2555}, doi = {10.1186/s13102-022-00507-0}, pages = {13}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background The aim of this study was to analyze the shoulder functional profile (rotation range of motion [ROM] and strength), upper and lower body performance, and throwing speed of U13 versus U15 male handball players, and to establish the relationship between these measures of physical fitness and throwing speed. Methods One-hundred and nineteen young male handball players (under (U)-13 (U13) [n = 85]) and U15 [n = 34]) volunteered to participate in this study. The participating athletes had a mean background of sytematic handball training of 5.5 ± 2.8 years and they exercised on average 540 ± 10.1 min per week including sport-specific team handball training and strength and conditioning programs. Players were tested for passive shoulder range-of-motion (ROM) for both internal (IR) and external rotation (ER) and isometric strength (i.e., IR and ER) of the dominant/non-dominant shoulders, overhead medicine ball throw (OMB), hip isometric abductor (ABD) and adductor (ADD) strength, hip ROM, jumps (countermovement jump [CMJ] and triple leg-hop [3H] for distance), linear sprint test, modified 505 change-of-direction (COD) test and handball throwing speed (7 m [HT7] and 9 m [HT9]). Results U15 players outperformed U13 in upper (i.e., HT7 and HT9 speed, OMB, absolute IR and ER strength of the dominant and non-dominant sides; Cohen's d: 0.76-2.13) and lower body (i.e., CMJ, 3H, 20-m sprint and COD, hip ABD and ADD; d: 0.70-2.33) performance measures. Regarding shoulder ROM outcomes, a lower IR ROM was found of the dominant side in the U15 group compared to the U13 and a higher ER ROM on both sides in U15 (d: 0.76-1.04). It seems that primarily anthropometric characteristics (i.e., body height, body mass) and upper body strength/power (OMB distance) are the most important factors that explain the throw speed variance in male handball players, particularly in U13. Conclusions Findings from this study imply that regular performance monitoring is important for performance development and for minimizing injury risk of the shoulder in both age categories of young male handball players. Besides measures of physical fitness, anthropometric data should be recorded because handball throwing performance is related to these measures.}, language = {en} } @article{JararnezhadgeroMamashliGranacher2021, author = {Jararnezhadgero, AmirAli and Mamashli, Elaheh and Granacher, Urs}, title = {An Endurance-Dominated Exercise Program Improves Maximum Oxygen Consumption, Ground Reaction Forces, and Muscle Activities in Patients With Moderate Diabetic Neuropathy}, series = {Frontiers in physiology / Frontiers Research Foundation}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in physiology / Frontiers Research Foundation}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2021.654755}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: The prevalence of diabetes worldwide is predicted to increase from 2.8\% in 2000 to 4.4\% in 2030. Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is associated with damage to nerve glial cells, their axons, and endothelial cells leading to impaired function and mobility. Objective: We aimed to examine the effects of an endurance-dominated exercise program on maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), ground reaction forces, and muscle activities during walking in patients with moderate DN. Methods: Sixty male and female individuals aged 45-65 years with DN were randomly assigned to an intervention (IG, n = 30) or a waiting control (CON, n = 30) group. The research protocol of this study was registered with the Local Clinical Trial Organization (IRCT20200201046326N1). IG conducted an endurance-dominated exercise program including exercises on a bike ergometer and gait therapy. The progressive intervention program lasted 12 weeks with three sessions per week, each 40-55 min. CON received the same treatment as IG after the post-tests. Pre- and post-training, VO2max was tested during a graded exercise test using spiroergometry. In addition, ground reaction forces and lower limbs muscle activities were recorded while walking at a constant speed of ∼1 m/s. Results: No statistically significant baseline between group differences was observed for all analyzed variables. Significant group-by-time interactions were found for VO2max (p < 0.001; d = 1.22). The post-hoc test revealed a significant increase in IG (p < 0.001; d = 1.88) but not CON. Significant group-by-time interactions were observed for peak lateral and vertical ground reaction forces during heel contact and peak vertical ground reaction force during push-off (p = 0.001-0.037; d = 0.56-1.53). For IG, post-hoc analyses showed decreases in peak lateral (p < 0.001; d = 1.33) and vertical (p = 0.004; d = 0.55) ground reaction forces during heel contact and increases in peak vertical ground reaction force during push-off (p < 0.001; d = 0.92). In terms of muscle activity, significant group-by-time interactions were found for vastus lateralis and gluteus medius during the loading phase and for vastus medialis during the mid-stance phase, and gastrocnemius medialis during the push-off phase (p = 0.001-0.044; d = 0.54-0.81). Post-hoc tests indicated significant intervention-related increases in vastus lateralis (p = 0.001; d = 1.08) and gluteus medius (p = 0.008; d = 0.67) during the loading phase and vastus medialis activity during mid-stance (p = 0.001; d = 0.86). In addition, post-hoc tests showed decreases in gastrocnemius medialis during the push-off phase in IG only (p < 0.001; d = 1.28). Conclusions: This study demonstrated that an endurance-dominated exercise program has the potential to improve VO2max and diabetes-related abnormal gait in patients with DN. The observed decreases in peak vertical ground reaction force during the heel contact of walking could be due to increased vastus lateralis and gluteus medius activities during the loading phase. Accordingly, we recommend to implement endurance-dominated exercise programs in type 2 diabetic patients because it is feasible, safe and effective by improving aerobic capacity and gait characteristics.}, language = {en} } @article{KasmiZouhalHammamietal.2021, author = {Kasmi, Sofien and Zouhal, Hassane and Hammami, Raouf and Clark, Cain Craig Truman and Hackney, Anthony C. and Hammami, Amri and Chtara, Moktar and Chortane, Sabri Gaied and Ben Salah, Fatma Zohra and Granacher, Urs and Ben Ounis, Omar}, title = {The Effects of Eccentric and Plyometric Training Programs and Their Combination on Stability and the Functional Performance in the Post-ACL-Surgical Rehabilitation Period of Elite Female Athletes}, series = {Frontiers in physiology}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in physiology}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2021.688385}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: The standard method to treat physically active patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is ligament reconstruction surgery. The rehabilitation training program is very important to improve functional performance in recreational athletes following ACL reconstruction. Objectives: The aims of this study were to compare the effects of three different training programs, eccentric training (ECC), plyometric training (PLYO), or combined eccentric and plyometric training (COMB), on dynamic balance (Y-BAL), the Lysholm Knee Scale (LKS), the return to sport index (RSI), and the leg symmetry index (LSI) for the single leg hop test for distance in elite female athletes after ACL surgery. Materials and Methods: Fourteen weeks after rehabilitation from surgery, 40 elite female athletes (20.3 ± 3.2 years), who had undergone an ACL reconstruction, participated in a short-term (6 weeks; two times a week) training study. All participants received the same rehabilitation protocol prior to the training study. Athletes were randomly assigned to three experimental groups, ECC (n = 10), PLYO (n = 10), and COMB (n = 10), and to a control group (CON: n = 10). Testing was conducted before and after the 6-week training programs and included the Y-BAL, LKS, and RSI. LSI was assessed after the 6-week training programs only. Results: Adherence rate was 100\% across all groups and no training or test-related injuries were reported. No significant between-group baseline differences (pre-6-week training) were observed for any of the parameters. Significant group-by-time interactions were found for Y-BAL (p < 0.001, ES = 1.73), LKS (p < 0.001, ES = 0.76), and RSI (p < 0.001, ES = 1.39). Contrast analysis demonstrated that COMB yielded significantly greater improvements in Y-BAL, LKS, and RSI (all p < 0.001), in addition to significantly better performances in LSI (all p < 0.001), than CON, PLYO, and ECC, respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, combined (eccentric/plyometric) training seems to represent the most effective training method as it exerts positive effects on both stability and functional performance in the post-ACL-surgical rehabilitation period of elite female athletes.}, language = {en} } @article{DelfanVahedBishopetal.2022, author = {Delfan, Maryam and Vahed, Alieh and Bishop, David and Juybari, Raheleh Amadeh and Laher, Ismail and Saeidi, Ayoub and Granacher, Urs and Zouhal, Hassane}, title = {Effects of two workload-matched high-intensity interval training protocols on regulatory factors associated with mitochondrial biogenesis in the soleus muscle of diabetic rats}, series = {Frontiers in Physiology}, journal = {Frontiers in Physiology}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2022.927969}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Aims: High intensity interval training (HIIT) improves mitochondrial characteristics. This study compared the impact of two workload-matched high intensity interval training (HIIT) protocols with different work:recovery ratios on regulatory factors related to mitochondrial biogenesis in the soleus muscle of diabetic rats. Materials and methods: Twenty-four Wistar rats were randomly divided into four equal-sized groups: non-diabetic control, diabetic control (DC), diabetic with long recovery exercise [4-5 × 2-min running at 80\%-90\% of the maximum speed reached with 2-min of recovery at 40\% of the maximum speed reached (DHIIT1:1)], and diabetic with short recovery exercise (5-6 × 2-min running at 80\%-90\% of the maximum speed reached with 1-min of recovery at 30\% of the maximum speed reached [DHIIT2:1]). Both HIIT protocols were completed five times/week for 4 weeks while maintaining equal running distances in each session. Results: Gene and protein expressions of PGC-1α, p53, and citrate synthase of the muscles increased significantly following DHIIT1:1 and DHIIT2:1 compared to DC (p ˂ 0.05). Most parameters, except for PGC-1α protein (p = 0.597), were significantly higher in DHIIT2:1 than in DHIIT1:1 (p ˂ 0.05). Both DHIIT groups showed significant increases in maximum speed with larger increases in DHIIT2:1 compared with DHIIT1:1. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that both HIIT protocols can potently up-regulate gene and protein expression of PGC-1α, p53, and CS. However, DHIIT2:1 has superior effects compared with DHIIT1:1 in improving mitochondrial adaptive responses in diabetic rats.}, language = {en} } @article{MtilatilaBronstertVormoor2022, author = {Mtilatila, Lucy Mphatso Ng'ombe and Bronstert, Axel and Vormoor, Klaus Josef}, title = {Temporal evaluation and projections of meteorological droughts in the Greater Lake Malawi Basin, Southeast Africa}, series = {Frontiers in Water}, journal = {Frontiers in Water}, publisher = {Frontiers Media S.A.}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2624-9375}, doi = {10.3389/frwa.2022.1041452}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The study examined the potential future changes of drought characteristics in the Greater Lake Malawi Basin in Southeast Africa. This region strongly depends on water resources to generate electricity and food. Future projections (considering both moderate and high emission scenarios) of temperature and precipitation from an ensemble of 16 bias-corrected climate model combinations were blended with a scenario-neutral response surface approach to analyses changes in: (i) the meteorological conditions, (ii) the meteorological water balance, and (iii) selected drought characteristics such as drought intensity, drought months, and drought events, which were derived from the Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index. Changes were analyzed for a near-term (2021-2050) and far-term period (2071-2100) with reference to 1976-2005. The effect of bias-correction (i.e., empirical quantile mapping) on the ability of the climate model ensemble to reproduce observed drought characteristics as compared to raw climate projections was also investigated. Results suggest that the bias-correction improves the climate models in terms of reproducing temperature and precipitation statistics but not drought characteristics. Still, despite the differences in the internal structures and uncertainties that exist among the climate models, they all agree on an increase of meteorological droughts in the future in terms of higher drought intensity and longer events. Drought intensity is projected to increase between +25 and +50\% during 2021-2050 and between +131 and +388\% during 2071-2100. This translates into +3 to +5, and +7 to +8 more drought months per year during both periods, respectively. With longer lasting drought events, the number of drought events decreases. Projected droughts based on the high emission scenario are 1.7 times more severe than droughts based on the moderate scenario. That means that droughts in this region will likely become more severe in the coming decades. Despite the inherent high uncertainties of climate projections, the results provide a basis in planning and (water-)managing activities for climate change adaptation measures in Malawi. This is of particular relevance for water management issues referring hydro power generation and food production, both for rain-fed and irrigated agriculture.}, language = {en} } @article{NobariMahmoudzadehKhaliliDencheZamoranoetal.2022, author = {Nobari, Hadi and Mahmoudzadeh Khalili, Sara and Denche Zamorano, Angel Manuel and Bowman, ‪Thomas G. and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Workload is associated with the occurrence of non-contact injuries in professional male soccer players: A pilot study}, series = {Frontiers in Psychology}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-1078}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2022.925722}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Injuries in professional soccer are a significant concern for teams, and they are caused amongst others by high training load. This cohort study describes the relationship between workload parameters and the occurrence of non-contact injuries, during weeks with high and low workload in professional soccer players throughout the season. Twenty-one professional soccer players aged 28.3 ± 3.9 yrs. who competed in the Iranian Persian Gulf Pro League participated in this 48-week study. The external load was monitored using global positioning system (GPS, GPSPORTS Systems Pty Ltd) and the type of injury was documented daily by the team's medical staff. Odds ratio (OR) and relative risk (RR) were calculated for non-contact injuries for high- and low-load weeks according to acute (AW), chronic (CW), acute to chronic workload ratio (ACWR), and AW variation (Δ-Acute) values. By using Poisson distribution, the interval between previous and new injuries were estimated. Overall, 12 non-contact injuries occurred during high load and 9 during low load weeks. Based on the variables ACWR and Δ-AW, there was a significantly increased risk of sustaining non-contact injuries (p < 0.05) during high-load weeks for ACWR (OR: 4.67), and Δ-AW (OR: 4.07). Finally, the expected time between injuries was significantly shorter in high load weeks for ACWR [1.25 vs. 3.33, rate ratio time (RRT)] and Δ-AW (1.33 vs. 3.45, RRT) respectively, compared to low load weeks. The risk of sustaining injuries was significantly larger during high workload weeks for ACWR, and Δ-AW compared with low workload weeks. The observed high OR in high load weeks indicate that there is a significant relationship between workload and occurrence of non-contact injuries. The predicted time to new injuries is shorter in high load weeks compared to low load weeks. Therefore, the frequency of injuries is higher during high load weeks for ACWR and Δ-AW. ACWR and Δ-AW appear to be good indicators for estimating the injury risk, and the time interval between injuries.}, language = {en} } @article{ELAshkerChaabenePrieske2022, author = {EL-Ashker, Said and Chaabene, Helmi and Prieske, Olaf}, title = {Maximal isokinetic elbow and knee flexor-extensor strength measures in combat sports athletes: the role of movement velocity and limb side}, series = {BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation}, volume = {13}, journal = {BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {London}, issn = {1758-2555}, doi = {10.1186/s13102-022-00432-2}, pages = {10}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Maximal isokinetic strength ratios of joint flexors and extensors are important parameters to indicate the level of muscular balance at the joint. Further, in combat sports athletes, upper and lower limb muscle strength is affected by the type of sport. Thus, this study aimed to examine the differences in maximal isokinetic strength of the flexors and extensors and the corresponding flexor-extensor strength ratios of the elbows and knees in combat sports athletes. Method Forty male participants (age = 22.3 ± 2.5 years) from four different combat sports (amateur boxing, taekwondo, karate, and judo; n = 10 per sport) were tested for eccentric peak torque of the elbow/knee flexors (EF/KF) and concentric peak torque of the elbow/knee extensors (EE/KE) at three different angular velocities (60, 120, and 180°/s) on the dominant and non-dominant side using an isokinetic device. Results Analyses revealed significant, large-sized group × velocity × limb interactions for EF, EE, and EF-EE ratio, KF, KE, and KF-KE ratio (p ≤ 0.03; 0.91 ≤ d ≤ 1.75). Post-hoc analyses indicated that amateur boxers displayed the largest EE strength values on the non-dominant side at ≤ 120°/s and the dominant side at ≥ 120°/s (p < 0.03; 1.21 ≤ d ≤ 1.59). The largest EF-EE strength ratios were observed on amateur boxers' and judokas' non-dominant side at ≥ 120°/s (p < 0.04; 1.36 ≤ d ≤ 2.44). Further, we found lower KF-KE strength measures in karate (p < 0.04; 1.12 ≤ d ≤ 6.22) and judo athletes (p ≤ 0.03; 1.60 ≤ d ≤ 5.31) particularly on the non-dominant side. Conclusions The present findings indicated combat sport-specific differences in maximal isokinetic strength measures of EF, EE, KF, and KE particularly in favor of amateur boxers on the non-dominant side.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jongejans2022, author = {Jongejans, Loeka Laura}, title = {Organic matter stored in ice-rich permafrost}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56491}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-564911}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxiii, 178}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The Arctic is changing rapidly and permafrost is thawing. Especially ice-rich permafrost, such as the late Pleistocene Yedoma, is vulnerable to rapid and deep thaw processes such as surface subsidence after the melting of ground ice. Due to permafrost thaw, the permafrost carbon pool is becoming increasingly accessible to microbes, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions, which enhances the climate warming. The assessment of the molecular structure and biodegradability of permafrost organic matter (OM) is highly needed. My research revolves around the question "how does permafrost thaw affect its OM storage?" More specifically, I assessed (1) how molecular biomarkers can be applied to characterize permafrost OM, (2) greenhouse gas production rates from thawing permafrost, and (3) the quality of OM of frozen and (previously) thawed sediments. I studied deep (max. 55 m) Yedoma and thawed Yedoma permafrost sediments from Yakutia (Sakha Republic). I analyzed sediment cores taken below thermokarst lakes on the Bykovsky Peninsula (southeast of the Lena Delta) and in the Yukechi Alas (Central Yakutia), and headwall samples from the permafrost cliff Sobo-Sise (Lena Delta) and the retrogressive thaw slump Batagay (Yana Uplands). I measured biomarker concentrations of all sediment samples. Furthermore, I carried out incubation experiments to quantify greenhouse gas production in thawing permafrost. I showed that the biomarker proxies are useful to assess the source of the OM and to distinguish between OM derived from terrestrial higher plants, aquatic plants and microbial activity. In addition, I showed that some proxies help to assess the degree of degradation of permafrost OM, especially when combined with sedimentological data in a multi-proxy approach. The OM of Yedoma is generally better preserved than that of thawed Yedoma sediments. The greenhouse gas production was highest in the permafrost sediments that thawed for the first time, meaning that the frozen Yedoma sediments contained most labile OM. Furthermore, I showed that the methanogenic communities had established in the recently thawed sediments, but not yet in the still-frozen sediments. My research provided the first molecular biomarker distributions and organic carbon turnover data as well as insights in the state and processes in deep frozen and thawed Yedoma sediments. These findings show the relevance of studying OM in deep permafrost sediments.}, language = {en} } @article{RamirezCampilloMoranOliveretal.2022, author = {Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo and Moran, Jason and Oliver, Jonathan L. and Pedley, Jason S. and Lloyd, Rhodri S. and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Programming Plyometric-Jump Training in Soccer: A Review}, series = {Sports}, volume = {10}, journal = {Sports}, edition = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2075-4663}, doi = {10.3390/sports10060094}, pages = {1 -- 20}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The aim of this review was to describe and summarize the scientific literature on programming parameters related to jump or plyometric training in male and female soccer players of different ages and fitness levels. A literature search was conducted in the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus using keywords related to the main topic of this study (e.g., "ballistic" and "plyometric"). According to the PICOS framework, the population for the review was restricted to soccer players, involved in jump or plyometric training. Among 7556 identified studies, 90 were eligible for inclusion. Only 12 studies were found for females. Most studies (n = 52) were conducted with youth male players. Moreover, only 35 studies determined the effectiveness of a given jump training programming factor. Based on the limited available research, it seems that a dose of 7 weeks (1-2 sessions per week), with ~80 jumps (specific of combined types) per session, using near-maximal or maximal intensity, with adequate recovery between repetitions (<15 s), sets (≥30 s) and sessions (≥24-48 h), using progressive overload and taper strategies, using appropriate surfaces (e.g., grass), and applied in a well-rested state, when combined with other training methods, would increase the outcome of effective and safe plyometric-jump training interventions aimed at improving soccer players physical fitness. In conclusion, jump training is an effective and easy-to-administer training approach for youth, adult, male and female soccer players. However, optimal programming for plyometric-jump training in soccer is yet to be determined in future research.}, language = {en} } @article{SariatiHammamiZouhaletal.2021, author = {Sariati, Dorsaf and Hammami, Raouf and Zouhal, Hassane and Clark, Cain Craig Truman and Nebigh, Ammar and Chtara, Moktar and Chortane, Sabri Gaied and Hackney, Anthony C. and Souissi, Nizar and Granacher, Urs and Ben Ounis, Omar}, title = {Improvement of Physical Performance Following a 6 Week Change-of-Direction Training Program in Elite Youth Soccer Players of Different Maturity Levels}, series = {Frontiers in physiology}, volume = {12}, journal = {Frontiers in physiology}, editor = {Trecroci, Athos}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2021.668437}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: Change-of-direction (CoD) is a necessary physical ability of a field sport and may vary in youth players according to their maturation status. Objectives: The aim of this study is: to compare the effectiveness of a 6-week CoD training intervention on dynamic balance (CS-YBT), horizontal jump (5JT), speed (10 and 30-m linear sprint times), CoD with (15 m-CoD + B) and without (15 m-CoD) the ball, in youth male soccer players at different levels of maturity [pre- and post-peak height velocity (PHV)]. Materials and Methods: Thirty elite male youth soccer players aged 10-17 years from the Tunisian first division participated in this study. The players were divided into pre- (G1, n = 15) and post-PHV (G2, n = 15) groups. Both groups completed a similar 6-week training program with two sessions per week of four CoD exercises. All players completed the following tests before and after intervention: CS-YBT; 5 JT; 10, 30, and 15 m-CoD; and 15 m-CoD + B, and data were analyzed using ANCOVA. Results: All 30 players completed the study according to the study design and methodology. Adherence rate was 100\% across all groups, and no training or test-related injuries were reported. Pre-PHV and post-PHV groups showed significant amelioration post-intervention for all dependent variables (after test > before test; p < 0.01, d = 0.09-1.51). ANOVA revealed a significant group × time interaction only for CS-YBT (F = 4.45; p < 0.04; η2 = 0.14), 5JT (F = 6.39; p < 0.02; η2 = 0.18), and 15 m-CoD (F = 7.88; p < 0.01; η2 = 0.22). CS-YBT, 5JT, and 15 m-CoD improved significantly in the post-PHV group (+ 4.56\%, effect size = 1.51; + 4.51\%, effect size = 1.05; and -3.08\%, effect size = 0.51, respectively), more than the pre-PHV group (+ 2.77\%, effect size = 0.85; + 2.91\%, effect size = 0.54; and -1.56\%, effect size = 0.20, respectively). Conclusion: The CoD training program improved balance, horizontal jump, and CoD without the ball in male preadolescent and adolescent soccer players, and this improvement was greater in the post-PHV players. The maturity status of the athletes should be considered when programming CoD training for soccer players.}, language = {en} } @article{BurkartWichmannWattenbachetal.2003, author = {Burkart, Michael and Wichmann, Matthias and Wattenbach, Martin and P{\"o}tsch, Joachim}, title = {Die Vegetation der unteren Havelaue}, series = {Brandenburgische Umwelt-Berichte : BUB ; Schriftenreihe der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult{\"a}t der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, volume = {13}, journal = {Brandenburgische Umwelt-Berichte : BUB ; Schriftenreihe der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult{\"a}t der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, issn = {1434-2375}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-4035}, pages = {53 -- 71}, year = {2003}, language = {de} }