@article{WutzlerHudsonThieken2022, author = {Wutzler, Bianca and Hudson, Paul and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Adaptation strategies of flood-damaged businesses in Germany}, series = {Frontiers in Water}, journal = {Frontiers in Water}, publisher = {Frontiers Media SA}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2624-9375}, doi = {10.3389/frwa.2022.932061}, pages = {13}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Flood risk management in Germany follows an integrative approach in which both private households and businesses can make an important contribution to reducing flood damage by implementing property-level adaptation measures. While the flood adaptation behavior of private households has already been widely researched, comparatively less attention has been paid to the adaptation strategies of businesses. However, their ability to cope with flood risk plays an important role in the social and economic development of a flood-prone region. Therefore, using quantitative survey data, this study aims to identify different strategies and adaptation drivers of 557 businesses damaged by a riverine flood in 2013 and 104 businesses damaged by pluvial or flash floods between 2014 and 2017. Our results indicate that a low perceived self-efficacy may be an important factor that can reduce the motivation of businesses to adapt to flood risk. Furthermore, property-owners tended to act more proactively than tenants. In addition, high experience with previous flood events and low perceived response costs could strengthen proactive adaptation behavior. These findings should be considered in business-tailored risk communication.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sieg2018, author = {Sieg, Tobias}, title = {Reliability of flood damage estimations across spatial scales}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42616}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426161}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIII, 115}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Extreme Naturereignisse sind ein integraler Bestandteil der Natur der Erde. Sie werden erst dann zu Gefahren f{\"u}r die Gesellschaft, wenn sie diesen Ereignissen ausgesetzt ist. Dann allerdings k{\"o}nnen Naturgefahren verheerende Folgen f{\"u}r die Gesellschaft haben. Besonders hydro-meteorologische Gefahren wie zum Beispiel Flusshochwasser, Starkregenereignisse, Winterst{\"u}rme, Orkane oder Tornados haben ein hohes Schadenspotential und treten rund um den Globus auf. Einhergehend mit einer immer w{\"a}rmer werdenden Welt, werden auch Extremwetterereignisse, welche potentiell Naturgefahren ausl{\"o}sen k{\"o}nnen, immer wahrscheinlicher. Allerdings tr{\"a}gt nicht nur eine sich ver{\"a}ndernde Umwelt zur Erh{\"o}hung des Risikos von Naturgefahren bei, sondern auch eine sich ver{\"a}ndernde Gesellschaft. Daher ist ein angemessenes Risikomanagement erforderlich um die Gesellschaft auf jeder r{\"a}umlichen Ebene an diese Ver{\"a}nderungen anzupassen. Ein essentieller Bestandteil dieses Managements ist die Absch{\"a}tzung der {\"o}konomischen Auswirkungen der Naturgefahren. Bisher allerdings fehlen verl{\"a}ssliche Methoden um die Auswirkungen von hydro-meteorologischen Gefahren abzusch{\"a}tzen. Ein Hauptbestandteil dieser Arbeit ist daher die Entwicklung und Anwendung einer neuen Methode, welche die Verl{\"a}sslichkeit der Schadenssch{\"a}tzung verbessert. Die Methode wurde beispielhaft zur Sch{\"a}tzung der {\"o}konomischen Auswirkungen eines Flusshochwassers auf einzelne Unternehmen bis hin zu den Auswirkungen auf das gesamte Wirtschaftssystem Deutschlands erfolgreich angewendet. Bestehende Methoden geben meist wenig Information {\"u}ber die Verl{\"a}sslichkeit ihrer Sch{\"a}tzungen. Da diese Informationen Entscheidungen zur Anpassung an das Risiko erleichtern, wird die Verl{\"a}sslichkeit der Schadenssch{\"a}tzungen mit der neuen Methode dargestellt. Die Verl{\"a}sslichkeit bezieht sich dabei nicht nur auf die Schadenssch{\"a}tzung selber, sondern auch auf die Annahmen, die {\"u}ber betroffene Geb{\"a}ude gemacht werden. Nach diesem Prinzip kann auch die Verl{\"a}sslichkeit von Annahmen {\"u}ber die Zukunft dargestellt werden, dies ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt f{\"u}r Prognosen. Die Darstellung der Verl{\"a}sslichkeit und die erfolgreiche Anwendung zeigt das Potential der Methode zur Verwendung von Analysen f{\"u}r gegenw{\"a}rtige und zuk{\"u}nftige hydro-meteorologische Gefahren.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arend2024, author = {Arend, Marius}, title = {Comparing genome-scale models of protein-constrained metabolism in heterotrophic and photosynthetic microorganisms}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65147}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-651470}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {150}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Genome-scale metabolic models are mathematical representations of all known reactions occurring in a cell. Combined with constraints based on physiological measurements, these models have been used to accurately predict metabolic fluxes and effects of perturbations (e.g. knock-outs) and to inform metabolic engineering strategies. Recently, protein-constrained models have been shown to increase predictive potential (especially in overflow metabolism), while alleviating the need for measurement of nutrient uptake rates. The resulting modelling frameworks quantify the upkeep cost of a certain metabolic flux as the minimum amount of enzyme required for catalysis. These improvements are based on the use of in vitro turnover numbers or in vivo apparent catalytic rates of enzymes for model parameterization. In this thesis several tools for the estimation and refinement of these parameters based on in vivo proteomics data of Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have been developed and applied. The difference between in vitro and in vivo catalytic rate measures for the three microorganisms was systematically analyzed. The results for the facultatively heterotrophic microalga C. reinhardtii considerably expanded the apparent catalytic rate estimates for photosynthetic organisms. Our general finding pointed at a global reduction of enzyme efficiency in heterotrophy compared to other growth scenarios. Independent of the modelled organism, in vivo estimates were shown to improve accuracy of predictions of protein abundances compared to in vitro values for turnover numbers. To further improve the protein abundance predictions, machine learning models were trained that integrate features derived from protein-constrained modelling and codon usage. Combining the two types of features outperformed single feature models and yielded good prediction results without relying on experimental transcriptomic data. The presented work reports valuable advances in the prediction of enzyme allocation in unseen scenarios using protein constrained metabolic models. It marks the first successful application of this modelling framework in the biotechnological important taxon of green microalgae, substantially increasing our knowledge of the enzyme catalytic landscape of phototrophic microorganisms.}, language = {en} } @misc{Paetzel2023, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {P{\"a}tzel, Jonas}, title = {Seismic site characterization using broadband and DAS ambient vibration measurements on Mt Etna, Italy}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61379}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613793}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {95}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Both horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratios and the spatial autocorrelation method (SPAC) have proven to be valuable tools to gain insight into local site effects by ambient noise measurements. Here, the two methods are employed to assess the subsurface velocity structure at the Piano delle Concazze area on Mt Etna. Volcanic tremor records from an array of 26 broadband seismometers is processed and a strong variability of H/V ratios during periods of increased volcanic activity is found. From the spatial distribution of H/V peak frequencies, a geologic structure in the north-east of Piano delle Concazze is imaged which is interpreted as the Ellittico caldera rim. The method is extended to include both velocity data from the broadband stations and distributed acoustic sensing data from a co-located 1.5 km long fibre optic cable. High maximum amplitude values of the resulting ratios along the trajectory of the cable coincide with known faults. The outcome also indicates previously unmapped parts of a fault. The geologic interpretation is in good agreement with inversion results from magnetic survey data. Using the neighborhood algorithm, spatial autocorrelation curves obtained from the modified SPAC are inverted alone and jointly with the H/V peak frequencies for 1D shear wave velocity profiles. The obtained models are largely consistent with published models and were able to validate the results from the fibre optic cable.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gaebert2022, author = {G{\"a}bert, Chris}, title = {Light-responsive polymer systems aiming towards programmable friction}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55338}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-553380}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 108, XXVI}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The development of novel programmable materials aiming to control friction in real-time holds potential to facilitate innovative lubrication solutions for reducing wear and energy losses. This work describes the integration of light-responsiveness into two lubricating materials, silicon oils and polymer brush surfaces. The first part focusses on the assessment on 9-anthracene ester-terminated polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS-A) and, in particular, on the variability of rheological properties and the implications that arise with UV-light as external trigger. The applied rheometer setup contains an UV-transparent quartz-plate, which enables radiation and simultaneous measurement of the dynamic moduli. UV-A radiation (354 nm) triggers the cycloaddition reaction between the terminal functionalities of linear PDMS, resulting in chain extension. The newly-formed anthracene dimers cleave by UV-C radiation (254 nm) or at elevated temperatures (T > 130 °C). The sequential UV-A radiation and thermal reprogramming over three cycles demonstrate high conversions and reproducible programming of rheological properties. In contrast, the photochemical back reaction by UV-C is incomplete and can only partially restore the initial rheological properties. The dynamic moduli increase with each cycle in photochemical programming, presumably resulting from a chain segment re-arrangement as a result of the repeated partial photocleavage and subsequent chain length-dependent dimerization. In addition, long periods of radiation cause photooxidative degradation, which damages photo-responsive functions and consequently reduces the programming range. The absence of oxygen, however, reduces undesired side reactions. Anthracene-functionalized PDMS and native PDMS mix depending on the anthracene ester content and chain length, respectively, and allow fine-tuning of programmable rheological properties. The work shows the influence of mixing conditions during the photoprogramming step on the rheological properties, indicating that material property gradients induced by light attenuation along the beam have to be considered. Accordingly, thin lubricant films are suggested as potential application for light-programmable silicon fluids. The second part compares strategies for the grafting of spiropyran (SP) containing copolymer brushes from Si wafers and evaluates the light-responsiveness of the surfaces. Pre-experiments on the kinetics of the thermally initiated RAFT copolymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) and spiropyran acrylate (SPA) in solution show, first, a strong retardation by SP and, second, the dependence of SPA polymerization on light. Surprisingly, the copolymerization of SPA is inhibited in the dark. These findings contribute to improve the synthesis of polar, spiropyran-containing copolymers. The comparison between initiator systems for the grafting-from approach indicates PET-RAFT superior to thermally initiated RAFT, suggesting a more efficient initiation of surface-bound CTA by light. Surface-initiated polymerization via PET-RAFT with an initiator system of EosinY (EoY) and ascorbic acid (AscA) facilitates copolymer synthesis from HEA and 5-25 mol\% SPA. The resulting polymer film with a thickness of a few nanometers was detected by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and ellipsometry. Water contact angle (CA) measurements demonstrate photo-switchable surface polarity, which is attributed to the photoisomerization between non-polar spiropyran and zwitterionic merocyanine isomer. Furthermore, the obtained spiropyran brushes show potential for further studies on light-programmable properties. In this context, it would be interesting to investigate whether swollen spiropyran-containing polymers change their configuration and thus their film thickness under the influence of light. In addition, further experiments using an AFM or microtribometer should evaluate whether light-programmable solvation enables a change in frictional properties between polymer brush surfaces.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MellatArdakani2024, author = {Mellat Ardakani, Moein}, title = {Frozen signals: Isotopic insights into the Central Arctic's hydrology}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65956}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-659564}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 160}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The Arctic climate is currently experiencing a notable rise in air temperatures and an altered precipitation dynamic. These changes are not just regional phenomena; they have far-reaching implications for the global climate. Temperature records from the past few decades unequivocally show that the Arctic is warming at a rate of more than four times the global average, a phenomenon known as Arctic amplification. This warming trend has led to a significant reduction in sea-ice extent and thickness, fundamentally altering the region's albedo effect, its ability to reflect solar radiation back into space. As sea-ice diminishes, dark ocean waters absorb more sunlight, further warming the region and accelerating ice melt. This dissertation delves into these transformations, focusing on the characteristics of stable water isotopes in the Arctic water cycle and their utility in understanding the multifaceted connections between atmosphere, ocean, and sea-ice. Central to this dissertation is the utilization of stable water isotopes as a diagnostic proxy to unravel the dynamics of the Arctic hydrosphere and cryosphere. Through the comprehensive analysis of over 2200 samples of seawater, snow, and sea-ice collected during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition, this work provides an unprecedented view of the isotopic signatures of the components shaping the central Arctic water cycle. The study highlights how the isotopic composition of sea-ice varies, revealing insights into its formation processes. First-year ice (FYI) is generally more enriched in δ18O than second-year ice (SYI), due to its initial freezing from the seawater with enriched δ18O, whereas SYI is influenced by contributions of snow melt. A distinct isotopic threshold between FYI and SYI, helped characterizing an insulated FYI (iFYI) layer underneath the SYI. Hence, different sources and formation mechanisms of sea ice could be differentiated. Furthermore, the isotopic signatures of surface seawater offer insights into spatio-temporal patterns of relative contributions of different freshwater sources from Siberian rivers to Greenland Ice Sheet melt as well as summer sea-ice and snow melt to the Arctic Ocean's water budget. A ground-breaking discovery in this dissertation using the MOSAiC expedition data is that a significant portion, approximately 20 \%, of the Arctic's winter snow cover originates not from traditional meteoric sources, but directly from vapour diffusion from the sea-ice through sublimation. This process occurs under the intense temperature gradients characteristic of Arctic winters, contributing to the formation of a unique snow-like structure atop the sea-ice. This "oceanic" source of snow introduces new perspectives on understanding vapour fluxes across the snowpack, the biogeochemistry of gas exchanges, and the implications for sea salt aerosol formation. The implications extend further, affecting mass-balance calculations and physical properties of snow on Arctic sea-ice. Over a year-long period, the investigation of Arctic snow highlights significant seasonal changes closely tied to local or regional atmospheric conditions, based on 911 snow isotope measurements. Snow, with its highly variable and depleted δ18O values, plays a crucial role in the Arctic water cycle. During autumn, an inherited signal in snow isotopes from earlier precipitation events led to distinct differences between δ18O values of snow and water vapour. During the winter months, when the RV Polarstern transitioned from the Siberian to the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean, significant differences in δ18O and d-excess values in snow and vapour were noted. These differences suggest kinetic fractionation, likely primarily driven by sublimation, during the severe cold and dry conditions. This observation is associated with a generally low statistical correlation between the δ18O in snow and air temperature. This highlights the greater influence of post-depositional processes on the snow isotopes, compared to the those during deposition. Wind-driven snow re-distribution, occurring consistently throughout the winter, led to a mixed but depleted δ18O signal in surface snow across the sea-ice by spreading meteoric snow of lower δ18O. This effect is more evident in ridge situations, contrasting sharply with flat ice samples in both, snow profile heights and isotopic compositions. Summer months show isotopic alignment between surface snow and vapour under warmer conditions, suggesting equilibrium fractionation between them. In general, this dissertation contributes to a better understanding of the Arctic water cycle and their stable isotopic signatures, emphasizing their importance in deciphering the feedback mechanisms driving current changes in the Arctic climate. By offering detailed insights into the interactions between snow, sea-ice, ocean and atmosphere, this work advances our knowledge of the Arctic system.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TrilckeParrD'Aprileetal.2022, author = {Trilcke, Peer and Parr, Rolf and D'Aprile, Iwan-Michelangelo and Kraus, Hans-Christof and Blomqvist, Clarissa and McGillen, Petra S. and Aus der Au, Carmen and Phillips, Alexander Robert and Helmer, Debora and Singer, R{\"u}diger and G{\"o}rner, R{\"u}diger and Berbig, Roland and Rose, Dirk and Wilhelms, Kerstin and Krause, Marcus and Hehle, Christine and Gretz, Daniela and Gfrereis, Heike and Lepp, Nicola and Morlok, Franziska and Haut, Gideon and Brechenmacher, Thomas and Stauffer, Isabelle and Lyon, John B. and Bachmann, Vera and Ewert, Michael and Immer, Nikolas and Vedder, Ulrike and Fischer, Hubertus and Becker, Sabina and Wegmann, Christoph and M{\"o}ller, Klaus-Peter and Schneider, Ulrike and Waszynski, Alexander and Wedel, Michael and Brehm, David and Wolpert, Georg}, title = {Fontanes Medien}, editor = {Trilcke, Peer}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-073330-3}, doi = {10.1515/9783110733235}, pages = {XIII, 672}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Theodor Fontane war, im durchaus modernen Sinne, ein Medienarbeiter: Als Presse-Agent in London lernte er die innovativste Presselandschaft seiner Zeit kennen; als Redakteur in Berlin leistete er journalistische K{\"a}rrnerarbeit; er schrieb Kritiken {\"u}ber das Theater, die bildende Kunst und die Literatur - und auch seine Romane wie seine Reiseb{\"u}cher sind stets Medienprodukte, als Serien in in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften platziert, bevor sie auf dem Buchmarkt erschienen. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Ergebnisse eines internationalen Kongresses, veranstaltet 2019 vom Theodor-Fontane-Archiv in Potsdam. Die ebenso rasante wie umfassende Medialisierung und Vernetzung der Gesellschaft im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts wird dabei als produktive Voraussetzung der schriftstellerischen T{\"a}tigkeit Fontanes begriffen. Eingebettet in ein weit verzweigtes Netz der Korrespondenz und der postalischen Textzirkulation, vertraut mit den Routinen und Publika der periodischen Massenpresse, f{\"u}r die er sein Leben lang schrieb, und auf vielf{\"a}ltige Weise gepr{\"a}gt von der visuellen Kultur seiner Zeit wird Theodor Fontane als gleichermaßen journalistisch versierter wie {\"a}sthetisch sensibler Grenzg{\"a}nger erkennbar.}, language = {de} } @article{SaguTchewonpiHuschekWaldbachBragaetal.2022, author = {Sagu Tchewonpi, Sorel and Huschek, Gerd and Waldbach Braga, Tess and Rackiewicz, Michal and Homann, Thomas and Rawel, Harshadrai Manilal}, title = {Design of Experiment (DoE) for Optimization of HPLC Conditions for the Simultaneous Fractionation of Seven α-Amylase/Trypsin Inhibitors from Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)}, series = {Processes : open access journal}, volume = {10}, journal = {Processes : open access journal}, edition = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {2227-9717}, doi = {10.3390/pr10020259}, pages = {1 -- 18}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Wheat alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitors remain a subject of interest considering the latest findings showing their implication in wheat-related non-celiac sensitivity (NCWS). Understanding their functions in such a disorder is still unclear and for further study, the need for pure ATI molecules is one of the limiting problems. In this work, a simplified approach based on the successive fractionation of ATI extracts by reverse phase and ion exchange chromatography was developed. ATIs were first extracted from wheat flour using a combination of Tris buffer and chloroform/methanol methods. The separation of the extracts on a C18 column generated two main fractions of interest F1 and F2. The response surface methodology with the Doehlert design allowed optimizing the operating parameters of the strong anion exchange chromatography. Finally, the seven major wheat ATIs namely P01083, P17314, P16850, P01085, P16851, P16159, and P83207 were recovered with purity levels (according to the targeted LC-MS/MS analysis) of 98.2 ± 0.7; 98.1 ± 0.8; 97.9 ± 0.5; 95.1 ± 0.8; 98.3 ± 0.4; 96.9 ± 0.5, and 96.2 ± 0.4\%, respectively. MALDI-TOF-MS analysis revealed single peaks in each of the pure fractions and the mass analysis yielded deviations of 0.4, 1.9, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.9, and 0.1\% between the theoretical and the determined masses of P01083, P17314, P16850, P01085, P16851, P16159, and P83207, respectively. Overall, the study allowed establishing an efficient purification process of the most important wheat ATIs. This paves the way for further in-depth investigation of the ATIs to gain more knowledge related to their involvement in NCWS disease and to allow the absolute quantification in wheat samples.}, language = {en} } @article{VogelPatonAich2021, author = {Vogel, Johannes Joscha and Paton, Eva Nora and Aich, Valentin}, title = {Seasonal ecosystem vulnerability to climatic anomalies in the Mediterranean}, series = {Biogeosciences}, volume = {18}, journal = {Biogeosciences}, edition = {22}, publisher = {Copernicus}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {1726-4189}, doi = {10.5194/bg-18-5903-2021}, pages = {5903 -- 5927}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Mediterranean ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate change and the associated increase in climate anomalies. This study investigates extreme ecosystem responses evoked by climatic drivers in the Mediterranean Basin for the time span 1999-2019 with a specific focus on seasonal variations as the seasonal timing of climatic anomalies is considered essential for impact and vulnerability assessment. A bivariate vulnerability analysis is performed for each month of the year to quantify which combinations of the drivers temperature (obtained from ERA5-Land) and soil moisture (obtained from ESA CCI and ERA5-Land) lead to extreme reductions in ecosystem productivity using the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR; obtained from the Copernicus Global Land Service) as a proxy. The bivariate analysis clearly showed that, in many cases, it is not just one but a combination of both drivers that causes ecosystem vulnerability. The overall pattern shows that Mediterranean ecosystems are prone to three soil moisture regimes during the yearly cycle: they are vulnerable to hot and dry conditions from May to July, to cold and dry conditions from August to October, and to cold conditions from November to April, illustrating the shift from a soil-moisture-limited regime in summer to an energy-limited regime in winter. In late spring, a month with significant vulnerability to hot conditions only often precedes the next stage of vulnerability to both hot and dry conditions, suggesting that high temperatures lead to critically low soil moisture levels with a certain time lag. In the eastern Mediterranean, the period of vulnerability to hot and dry conditions within the year is much longer than in the western Mediterranean. Our results show that it is crucial to account for both spatial and temporal variability to adequately assess ecosystem vulnerability. The seasonal vulnerability approach presented in this study helps to provide detailed insights regarding the specific phenological stage of the year in which ecosystem vulnerability to a certain climatic condition occurs. How to cite. Vogel, J., Paton, E., and Aich, V.: Seasonal ecosystem vulnerability to climatic anomalies in the Mediterranean, Biogeosciences, 18, 5903-5927, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-5903-2021, 2021.}, language = {en} } @article{LiuZhouFettke2021, author = {Liu, Qingting and Zhou, Yuan and Fettke, Joerg}, title = {Starch granule size and morphology of Arabidopsis thaliana starch-related mutants analyzed during diurnal rhythm and development}, series = {Molecules : a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry / Molecular Diversity Preservation International}, volume = {26}, journal = {Molecules : a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry / Molecular Diversity Preservation International}, edition = {19}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel, Schweiz}, issn = {1420-3049}, doi = {10.3390/molecules26195859}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Transitory starch plays a central role in the life cycle of plants. Many aspects of this important metabolism remain unknown; however, starch granules provide insight into this persistent metabolic process. Therefore, monitoring alterations in starch granules with high temporal resolution provides one significant avenue to improve understanding. Here, a previously established method that combines LCSM and safranin-O staining for in vivo imaging of transitory starch granules in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana was employed to demonstrate, for the first time, the alterations in starch granule size and morphology that occur both throughout the day and during leaf aging. Several starch-related mutants were included, which revealed differences among the generated granules. In ptst2 and sex1-8, the starch granules in old leaves were much larger than those in young leaves; however, the typical flattened discoid morphology was maintained. In ss4 and dpe2/phs1/ss4, the morphology of starch granules in young leaves was altered, with a more rounded shape observed. With leaf development, the starch granules became spherical exclusively in dpe2/phs1/ss4. Thus, the presented data provide new insights to contribute to the understanding of starch granule morphogenesis.}, language = {en} }