@article{ShklyaevStraube2010, author = {Shklyaev, Sergey and Straube, Arthur V.}, title = {Superexponential droplet fractalization as a hierarchical formation of dissipative compactons}, issn = {1539-3755}, doi = {10.1103/Physreve.82.020601}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We study the dynamics of a thin film over a substrate heated from below in a framework of a strongly nonlinear one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation. The evolution leads to a fractalization into smaller and smaller scales. We demonstrate that a primitive element in the appearing hierarchical structure is a dissipative compacton. Both direct simulations and the analysis of a self-similar solution show that the compactons appear at superexponentially decreasing scales, which means vanishing dimension of the fractal.}, language = {en} } @article{SchulzOrgzallDiezetal.2010, author = {Schulz, Burkhard and Orgzall, Ingo and Diez, Isabel and Dietzel, Birgit and Tauer, Klaus}, title = {Template mediated formation of shaped polypyrrole particles}, issn = {0927-7757}, doi = {10.1016/j.colsurfa.2009.11.034}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The formation of different micro- and nanostructures during the chemical synthesis of polypyrrole is reviewed shortly based on the conceptions of hard- and soft-templating models. Contrary to other models that emphasize the role of micelles it is found here that during the oxidative polymerization of pyrole using sulfonic acid dopants a crystalline hard template is found in the first steps of the reaction before the addition of the oxidant. This template is formed by a complex consisting of 2,5-bis(pyrrole-2-yl)pyrrolidine and the sulfonic acid anion. The acid catalyzed formation of this specific tripyrrole is discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @article{SkoczowskyJechowMenzeletal.2010, author = {Skoczowsky, Danilo and Jechow, Andreas and Menzel, Ralf and Paschke, Katrin and Erbert, G{\"o}tz}, title = {Efficient second-harmonic generation using a semiconductor tapered amplifier in a coupled ring-resonator geometry}, issn = {0146-9592}, doi = {10.1364/OL.35.000232}, year = {2010}, abstract = {A new approach for efficient second-harmonic generation using diode lasers is presented. The experimental setup is based on a tapered amplifier operated in a ring resonator that is coupled to a miniaturized enhancement ring resonator containing a periodically poled lithium niobate crystal. Frequency locking of the diode laser emission to the resonance frequency of the enhancement cavity is realized purely optically, resulting in stable, single-frequency operation. Blue light at 488 nm with an output power of 310 mW is generated with an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 18\%.}, language = {en} } @article{SeissSpahnSchmidt2010, author = {Seiß, Martin and Spahn, Frank and Schmidt, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Moonlet induced wakes in planetary rings : analytical model including eccentric orbits of moon and ring particles}, issn = {0019-1035}, doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2010.06.013}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Saturn's rings host two known moons, Pan and Daphnis, which are massive enough to clear circumferential gaps in the ring around their orbits. Both moons create wake patterns at the gap edges by gravitational deflection of the ring material (Cuzzi, J.N., Scargle, J.D. [1985]. Astrophys. J. 292, 276-290; Showalter, MR., Cuzzi, J.N., Marouf, E.A., Esposito, LW. [1986]. Icarus 66, 297-323). New Cassini observations revealed that these wavy edges deviate from the sinusoidal waveform, which one would expect from a theory that assumes a circular orbit of the perturbing moon and neglects particle interactions. Resonant perturbations of the edges by moons outside the ring system, as well as an eccentric orbit of the embedded moon, may partly explain this behavior (Porco, CC., and 34 colleagues [2005]. Science 307, 1226-1236; Tiscareno, M.S., Burns, J.A., Hedman, MM., Spitale, J.N., Porco, CC., Murray, C.D., and the Cassini Imaging team [2005]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 767; Weiss, J.W., Porco, CC., Tiscareno, M.S., Burns, J.A., Dones, L [2005]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 767; Weiss, J.W., Porco, CC., Tiscareno, M.S. [2009]. Astron. J. 138, 272-286). Here we present an extended non-collisional streamline model which accounts for both effects. We describe the resulting variations of the density structure and the modification of the nonlinearity parameter q. Furthermore, an estimate is given for the applicability of the model. We use the streamwire model introduced by Stewart (Stewart, G.R. [1991]. Icarus 94, 436-450) to plot the perturbed ring density at the gap edges. We apply our model to the Keeler gap edges undulated by Daphnis and to a faint ringlet in the Encke gap close to the orbit of Pan. The modulations of the latter ringlet, induced by the perturbations of Pan (Burns, J.A., Hedman, M.M., Tiscareno, M.S., Nicholson, P.D., Streetman, B.J., Colwell, J.E., Showalter, M.R., Murray, C.D., Cuzzi, J.N., Porco, CC., and the Cassini ISS team [2005]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 766), can be well described by our analytical model. Our analysis yields a Hill radius of Pan of 17.5 km, which is 9\% smaller than the value presented by Porco (Porco, CC., and 34 colleagues [2005]. Science 307, 1226- 1236), but fits well to the radial semi-axis of Pan of 17.4 km. This supports the idea that Pan has filled its Hill sphere with accreted material (Porco, C.C., Thomas, P.C., Weiss, J.W., Richardson, D.C. [2007]. Science 318, 1602-1607). A numerical solution of a streamline is used to estimate the parameters of the Daphnis-Keeler gap system, since the close proximity of the gap edge to the moon induces strong perturbations, not allowing an application of the analytic streamline model. We obtain a Hill radius of 5.1 km for Daphnis, an inner edge variation of 8 km, and an eccentricity for Daphnis of 1.5 x 10(-5). The latter two quantities deviate by a factor of two from values gained by direct observations (Jacobson, R.A., Spitale, J., Porco, C.C., Beurle, K., Cooper, N.J., Evans, M.W., Murray, C.D. [2008]. Astron. J. 135, 261-263; Tiscareno, M.S., Burns, J.A., Hedman, M.M., Spitale, J.N., Porco, C.C., Murray, C.D., and the Cassini Imaging team [2005]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 767), which might be attributed to the neglect of particle interactions and vertical motion in our model.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Blessmann2010, author = {Bleßmann, Daniela}, title = {Der Einfluss der Dynamik auf die stratosph{\"a}rische Ozonvariabilit{\"a}t {\"u}ber der Arktis im Fr{\"u}hwinter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51394}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Der fr{\"u}hwinterliche Ozongehalt ist ein Indikator f{\"u}r den Ozongehalt im Sp{\"a}twinter/Fr{\"u}hjahr. Jedoch weist dieser aufgrund von Absinkprozessen, chemisch bedingten Ozonabbau und Wellenaktivit{\"a}t von Jahr zu Jahr starke Schwankungen auf. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass diese Variabilit{\"a}t weitestgehend auf dynamische Prozesse w{\"a}hrend der Wirbelbildungsphase des arktischen Polarwirbels zur{\"u}ckgeht. Ferner wird der bisher noch ausstehende Zusammenhang zwischen dem fr{\"u}h- und sp{\"a}twinterlichen Ozongehalt bez{\"u}glich Dynamik und Chemie aufgezeigt. F{\"u}r die Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen der im Polarwirbel eingeschlossenen Luftmassenzusammensetzung und Ozonmenge wurden Beobachtungsdaten von Satellitenmessinstrumenten und Ozonsonden sowie Modellsimulationen des Lagrangschen Chemie/Transportmodells ATLAS verwandt. Die {\"u}ber die Fl{\"a}che (45-75°N) und Zeit (August-November) gemittelte Vertikalkomponente des Eliassen-Palm-Flussvektors durch die 100hPa-Fl{\"a}che zeigt eine Verbindung zwischen der fr{\"u}hwinterlichen wirbelinneren Luftmassenzusammensetzung und der Wirbelbildungsphase auf. Diese ist jedoch nur f{\"u}r die untere Stratosph{\"a}re g{\"u}ltig, da die Vertikalkomponente die sich innerhalb der Stratosph{\"a}re {\"a}ndernden Wellenausbreitungsbedingungen nicht erfasst. F{\"u}r eine verbesserte H{\"o}hendarstellung des Signals wurde eine neue integrale auf der Wellenamplitude und dem Charney-Drazin-Kriterium basierende Gr{\"o}ße definiert. Diese neue Gr{\"o}ße verbindet die Wellenaktivit{\"a}t w{\"a}hrend der Wirbelbildungsphase sowohl mit der Luftmassenzusammensetzung im Polarwirbel als auch mit der Ozonverteilung {\"u}ber die Breite. Eine verst{\"a}rkte Wellenaktivit{\"a}t f{\"u}hrt zu mehr Luft aus niedrigeren ozonreichen Breiten im Polarwirbel. Aber im Herbst und Fr{\"u}hwinter zerst{\"o}ren chemische Prozesse, die das Ozon ins Gleichgewicht bringen, die interannuale wirbelinnere Ozonvariablit{\"a}t, die durch dynamische Prozesse w{\"a}hrend der arktischen Polarwirbelbildungsphase hervorgerufen wird. Eine Analyse in Hinblick auf den Fortbestand einer dynamisch induzierten Ozonanomalie bis in den Mittwinter erm{\"o}glicht eine Absch{\"a}tzung des Einflusses dieser dynamischen Prozesse auf den arktischen Ozongehalt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden f{\"u}r den Winter 1999-2000 Modelll{\"a}ufe mit dem Lagrangesche Chemie/Transportmodell ATLAS gerechnet, die detaillierte Informationen {\"u}ber den Erhalt der k{\"u}nstlichen Ozonvariabilit{\"a}t hinsichtlich Zeit, H{\"o}he und Breite liefern. Zusammengefasst, besteht die dynamisch induzierte Ozonvariabilit{\"a}t w{\"a}hrend der Wirbelbildungsphase l{\"a}nger im Inneren als im {\"A}ußeren des Polarwirbels und verliert oberhalb von 750K potentieller Temperatur ihre signifikante Wirkung auf die mittwinterliche Ozonvariabilit{\"a}t. In darunterliegenden H{\"o}henbereichen ist der Anteil an der urspr{\"u}nglichen St{\"o}rung groß, bis zu 90\% auf der 450K. Innerhalb dieses H{\"o}henbereiches {\"u}ben die dynamischen Prozesse w{\"a}hrend der Wirbelbildungsphase einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Ozongehalt im Mittwinter aus.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Chirvasa2010, author = {Chirvasa, Mihaela}, title = {Finite difference methods for 1st Order in time, 2nd order in space, hyperbolic systems used in numerical relativity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42135}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This thesis is concerned with the development of numerical methods using finite difference techniques for the discretization of initial value problems (IVPs) and initial boundary value problems (IBVPs) of certain hyperbolic systems which are first order in time and second order in space. This type of system appears in some formulations of Einstein equations, such as ADM, BSSN, NOR, and the generalized harmonic formulation. For IVP, the stability method proposed in [14] is extended from second and fourth order centered schemes, to 2n-order accuracy, including also the case when some first order derivatives are approximated with off-centered finite difference operators (FDO) and dissipation is added to the right-hand sides of the equations. For the model problem of the wave equation, special attention is paid to the analysis of Courant limits and numerical speeds. Although off-centered FDOs have larger truncation errors than centered FDOs, it is shown that in certain situations, off-centering by just one point can be beneficial for the overall accuracy of the numerical scheme. The wave equation is also analyzed in respect to its initial boundary value problem. All three types of boundaries - outflow, inflow and completely inflow that can appear in this case, are investigated. Using the ghost-point method, 2n-accurate (n = 1, 4) numerical prescriptions are prescribed for each type of boundary. The inflow boundary is also approached using the SAT-SBP method. In the end of the thesis, a 1-D variant of BSSN formulation is derived and some of its IBVPs are considered. The boundary procedures, based on the ghost-point method, are intended to preserve the interior 2n-accuracy. Numerical tests show that this is the case if sufficient dissipation is added to the rhs of the equations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stock2010, author = {Stock, Maria}, title = {Charakterisierung der troposph{\"a}rischen Aerosolvariabilit{\"a}t in der europ{\"a}ischen Arktis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-49203}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Auf der Grundlage von Sonnenphotometermessungen an drei Messstationen (AWIPEV/ Koldewey in Ny-{\AA}lesund (78.923 °N, 11.923 °O) 1995-2008, 35. Nordpol Driftstation - NP-35 (84.3-85.5 °N, 41.7-56.6 °O) M{\"a}rz/April 2008, Sodankyl{\"a} (67.37 °N, 26.65 °O) 2004-2007) wird die Aerosolvariabilit{\"a}t in der europ{\"a}ischen Arktis und deren Ursachen untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Frage des Zusammenhanges zwischen den an den Stationen gemessenen Aerosolparametern (Aerosol optische Dicke, Angstr{\"o}m Koeffizient, usw.) und dem Transport des Aerosols sowohl auf kurzen Zeitskalen (Tagen) als auch auf langen Zeitskalen (Monate, Jahre). Um diesen Zusammenhang herzustellen, werden f{\"u}r die kurzen Zeitskalen mit dem Trajektorienmodell PEP-Tracer 5-Tage R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtstrajektorien in drei Starth{\"o}hen (850 hPa, 700 hPa, 500 hPa) f{\"u}r die Uhrzeiten 00, 06, 12 und 18 Uhr berechnet. Mit Hilfe der nicht-hierarchischen Clustermethode k-means werden die berechneten R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtstrajektorien dann zu Gruppen zusammengefasst und bestimmten Quellgebieten und den gemessenen Aerosol optischen Dicken zugeordnet. Die Zuordnung von Aerosol optischer Dicke und Quellregion ergibt keinen eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Transport verschmutzter Luftmassen aus Europa oder Russland bzw. Asien und erh{\"o}hter Aerosol optischer Dicke. Dennoch ist f{\"u}r einen konkreten Einzelfall (M{\"a}rz 2008) ein direkter Zusammenhang von Aerosoltransport und hohen Aerosol optischen Dicken nachweisbar. In diesem Fall gelangte Waldbrandaerosol aus S{\"u}dwestrussland in die Arktis und konnte sowohl auf der NP-35 als auch in Ny-{\AA}lesund beobachtet werden. In einem weiteren Schritt wird mit Hilfe der EOF-Analyse untersucht, inwieweit großskalige atmosph{\"a}rische Zirkulationsmuster f{\"u}r die Aerosolvariabilit{\"a}t in der europ{\"a}ischen Arktis verantwortlich sind. {\"A}hnlich wie bei der Trajektorienanalyse ist auch die Verbindung der atmosph{\"a}rischen Zirkulation zu den Photometermessungen an den Stationen in der Regel nur schwach ausgepr{\"a}gt. Eine Ausnahme findet sich bei der Betrachtung des Jahresganges des Bodendruckes und der Aerosol optischen Dicke. Hohe Aerosol optische Dicken treten im Fr{\"u}hjahr zum einen dann auf, wenn durch das Islandtief und das sibirische Hochdruckgebiet Luftmassen aus Europa oder Russland/Asien in die Arktis gelangen, und zum anderen, wenn sich ein kr{\"a}ftiges Hochdruckgebiet {\"u}ber Gr{\"o}nland und weiten Teilen der Arktis befindet. Ebenso zeigt sich, dass der {\"U}bergang zwischen Fr{\"u}hjahr und Sommer zumindest teilweise bedingt ist durch denWechsel vom stabilen Polarhoch im Winter und Fr{\"u}hjahr zu einer st{\"a}rker von Tiefdruckgebieten bestimmten arktischen Atmosph{\"a}re im Sommer. Die geringere Aerosolkonzentration im Sommer kann zum Teil mit einer Zunahme der nassen Deposition als Aerosolsenke begr{\"u}ndet werden. F{\"u}r Ny-{\AA}lesund wird neben den Transportmustern auch die chemische Zusammensetzung des Aerosols mit Hilfe von Impaktormessungen an der Zeppelinstation auf dem Zeppelinberg (474m {\"u}.NN) nahe Ny-{\AA}lesund abgeleitet. Dabei ist die positive Korrelation der Aerosoloptischen Dicke mit der Konzentration von Sulfationen und Ruß sehr deutlich. Beide Stoffe gelangen zu einem Großteil durch anthropogene Emissionen in die Atmosph{\"a}re. Die damit nachweisbar anthropogen gepr{\"a}gte Zusammensetzung des arktischen Aerosols steht im Widerspruch zum nicht eindeutig herstellbaren Zusammenhang mit dem Transport des Aerosols aus Industrieregionen. Dies kann nur durch einen oder mehrere gleichzeitig stattfindende Transformationsprozesse (z. B. Nukleation von Schwefels{\"a}urepartikeln) w{\"a}hrend des Transportes aus den Quellregionen (Europa, Russland) erkl{\"a}rt werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Yin2010, author = {Yin, Fan}, title = {Mathematic approaches for the calibration of the CHAMP satellite magnetic field measurements}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-41201}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload) is a German small satellite mission to study the earth's gravity field, magnetic field and upper atmosphere. Thanks to the good condition of the satellite so far, the planned 5 years mission is extended to year 2009. The satellite provides continuously a large quantity of measurement data for the purpose of Earth study. The measurements of the magnetic field are undertaken by two Fluxgate Magnetometers (vector magnetometer) and one Overhauser Magnetometer (scalar magnetometer) flown on CHAMP. In order to ensure the quality of the data during the whole mission, the calibration of the magnetometers has to be performed routinely in orbit. The scalar magnetometer serves as the magnetic reference and its readings are compared with the readings of the vector magnetometer. The readings of the vector magnetometer are corrected by the parameters that are derived from this comparison, which is called the scalar calibration. In the routine processing, these calibration parameters are updated every 15 days by means of scalar calibration. There are also magnetic effects coming from the satellite which disturb the measurements. Most of them have been characterized during tests before launch. Among them are the remanent magnetization of the spacecraft and fields generated by currents. They are all considered to be constant over the mission life. The 8 years of operation experience allow us to investigate the long-term behaviors of the magnetometers and the satellite systems. According to the investigation, it was found that for example the scale factors of the FGM show obvious long-term changes which can be described by logarithmic functions. The other parameters (offsets and angles between the three components) can be considered constant. If these continuous parameters are applied for the FGM data processing, the disagreement between the OVM and the FGM readings is limited to \pm1nT over the whole mission. This demonstrates, the magnetometers on CHAMP exhibit a very good stability. However, the daily correction of the parameter Z component offset of the FGM improves the agreement between the magnetometers markedly. The Z component offset plays a very important role for the data quality. It exhibits a linear relationship with the standard deviation of the disagreement between the OVM and the FGM readings. After Z offset correction, the errors are limited to \pm0.5nT (equivalent to a standard deviation of 0.2nT). We improved the corrections of the spacecraft field which are not taken into account in the routine processing. Such disturbance field, e.g. from the power supply system of the satellite, show some systematic errors in the FGM data and are misinterpreted in 9-parameter calibration, which brings false local time related variation of the calibration parameters. These corrections are made by applying a mathematical model to the measured currents. This non-linear model is derived from an inversion technique. If the disturbance field of the satellite body are fully corrected, the standard deviation of scalar error \triangle B remains about 0.1nT. Additionally, in order to keep the OVM readings a reliable standard, the imperfect coefficients of the torquer current correction for the OVM are redetermined by solving a minimization problem. The temporal variation of the spacecraft remanent field is investigated. It was found that the average magnetic moment of the magneto-torquers reflects well the moment of the satellite. This allows for a continuous correction of the spacecraft field. The reasons for the possible unknown systemic error are discussed in this thesis. Particularly, both temperature uncertainties and time errors have influence on the FGM data. Based on the results of this thesis the data processing of future magnetic missions can be designed in an improved way. In particular, the upcoming ESA mission Swarm can take advantage of our findings and provide all the auxiliary measurements needed for a proper recovery of the ambient magnetic field.}, language = {en} } @article{KliemRustSeehafer2010, author = {Kliem, Bernhard and Rust, S. and Seehafer, Norbert}, title = {Helicity transport in a simulated coronal mass ejection}, series = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, journal = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, publisher = {International Astronomical Union}, address = {Cambridge}, issn = {1743-9213}, doi = {10.1017/S1743921311006715}, pages = {125 -- 128}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{VotrubaFeldmeierKrtickaetal.2010, author = {Votruba, Viktor and Feldmeier, Achim and Krticka, Jiri and Kub{\´a}t, Jiř{\´i}}, title = {Multicomponent stellar wind from hot subdwarfs stars}, issn = {0004-640X}, doi = {10.1007/s10509-010-0402-2}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Stellar wind from hot subdwarf stars is mainly accelerated by the interaction of ultraviolet photospheric radiation with metals, mainly oxygen. Absorbing ions share momentum through Coulombic collisions with the remaining passive part of the plasma (namely protons). We found that in the case of the winds from hot subdwarfs, interactions could be so small that they stop the momentum transfer between the passive bulk of plasma and absorbing ions. As a result wind decouples at a certain point.}, language = {en} }