@phdthesis{Nguyen2019, author = {Nguyen, Quyet Doan}, title = {Electro-acoustical probing of space-charge and dipole-polarization profiles in polymer dielectrics for electret and electrical-insulation applications}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44562}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-445629}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {105}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Electrets are dielectrics with quasi-permanent electric charge and/or dipoles, sometimes can be regarded as an electric analogy to a magnet. Since the discovery of the excellent charge retention capacity of poly(tetrafluoro ethylene) and the invention of the electret microphone, electrets have grown out of a scientific curiosity to an important application both in science and technology. The history of electret research goes hand in hand with the quest for new materials with better capacity at charge and/or dipole retention. To be useful, electrets normally have to be charged/poled to render them electro-active. This process involves electric-charge deposition and/or electric dipole orientation within the dielectrics ` surfaces and bulk. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of electric charge and/or dipole polarization after their deposition and subsequent decay is crucial in the task to improve their stability in the dielectrics. Likewise, for dielectrics used in electrical insulation applications, there are also needs for accumulated space-charge and polarization spatial profiling. Traditionally, space-charge accumulation and large dipole polarization within insulating dielectrics is considered undesirable and harmful to the insulating dielectrics as they might cause dielectric loss and could lead to internal electric field distortion and local field enhancement. High local electric field could trigger several aging processes and reduce the insulating dielectrics' lifetime. However, with the advent of high-voltage DC transmission and high-voltage capacitor for energy storage, these are no longer the case. There are some overlapped between the two fields of electrets and electric insulation. While quasi-permanently trapped electric-charge and/or large remanent dipole polarization are the requisites for electret operation, stably trapped electric charge in electric insulation helps reduce electric charge transport and overall reduced electric conductivity. Controlled charge trapping can help in preventing further charge injection and accumulation as well as serving as field grading purpose in insulating dielectrics whereas large dipole polarization can be utilized in energy storage applications. In this thesis, the Piezoelectrically-generated Pressure Steps (PPSs) were employed as a nondestructive method to probe the electric-charge and dipole polarization distribution in a range of thin film (several hundred micron) polymer-based materials, namely polypropylene (PP), low-density polyethylene/magnesium oxide (LDPE/MgO) nanocomposites and poly(vinylidene fluoride-co- trifluoro ethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) copolymer. PP film surface-treated with phosphoric acid to introduce surfacial isolated nanostructures serves as example of 2-dimensional nano-composites whereas LDPE/MgO serves as the case of 3-dimensional nano-composites with MgO nano-particles dispersed in LDPE polymer matrix. It is evidenced that the nanoparticles on the surface of acid-treated PP and in the bulk of LDPE/MgO nanocomposites improve charge trapping capacity of the respective material and prevent further charge injection and transport and that the enhanced charge trapping capacity makes PP and LDPE/MgO nanocomposites potential materials for both electret and electrical insulation applications. As for PVDF and VDF-based copolymers, the remanent spatial polarization distribution depends critically on poling method as well as specific parameters used in the respective poling method. In this work, homogeneous polarization poling of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers with different VDF-contents have been attempted with hysteresis cyclical poling. The behaviour of remanent polarization growth and spatial polarization distribution are reported and discussed. The Piezoelectrically-generated Pressure Steps (PPSs) method has proven as a powerful method for the charge storage and transport characterization of a wide range of polymer material from nonpolar, to polar, to polymer nanocomposites category.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gidion2018, author = {Gidion, Gunnar}, title = {Akustische Resonatoren zur Analyse und Kontrolle von schwingungsf{\"a}higen Systemen am Beispiel von Streichinstrumenten und Dielektrischen Elastomeraktoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-411772}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {190}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Klangeigenschaften von Musikinstrumenten werden durch das Zusammenwirken der auf ihnen anregbaren akustischen Schwingungsmoden bestimmt, welche sich wiederum aus der geometrischen Struktur des Resonators in Kombination mit den verwendeten Materialien ergeben. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Schwingungsverhalten von Streichinstrumenten durch den Einsatz minimal-invasiver piezoelektrischer Polymerfilmsensoren untersucht. Die studierten Kopplungsph{\"a}nomene umfassen den sogenannten Wolfton und Schwingungstilger, die zu dessen Abschw{\"a}chung verwendet werden, sowie die gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Bogen und Instrument beim Spielvorgang. An Dielektrischen Elastomeraktormembranen wurde dagegen der Einfluss der elastischen Eigenschaften des Membranmaterials auf das akustische und elektromechanische Schwingungsverhalten gezeigt. Die Dissertation gliedert sich in drei Teile, deren wesentliche Ergebnisse im Folgenden zusammengefasst werden. In Teil I wurde die Funktionsweise eines abstimmbaren Schwingungstilgers zur D{\"a}mpfung von Wolft{\"o}nen auf Streichinstrumenten untersucht. Durch Abstimmung der Resonanzfrequenz des Schwingungstilgers auf die Wolftonfrequenz kann ein Teil der Saitenschwingungen absorbiert werden, so dass die zu starke Anregung der Korpusresonanz vermieden wird, die den Wolfton verursacht. Der Schwingungstilger besteht aus einem „Wolft{\"o}ter", einem Massest{\"u}ck, welches auf der Nachl{\"a}nge der betroffenen Saite (zwischen Steg und Saitenhalter) installiert wird. Hier wurde gezeigt, wie die Resonanzen dieses Schwingungstilgers von der Masse des Wolft{\"o}ters und von dessen Position auf der Nachl{\"a}nge abh{\"a}ngen. Aber auch die Geometrie des Wolft{\"o}ters stellte sich als ausschlaggebend heraus, insbesondere bei einem nicht-rotationssymmetrischen Wolft{\"o}ter: In diesem Fall entsteht - basierend auf den zu erwartenden nicht-harmonischen Moden einer massebelasteten Saite - eine zus{\"a}tzliche Mode, die von der Polarisationsrichtung der Saitenschwingung abh{\"a}ngt. Teil II der Dissertation befasst sich mit Elastomermembranen, die als Basis von Dielektrischen Elastomeraktoren dienen, und die wegen der Membranspannung auch akustische Resonanzen aufweisen. Die Ansprache von Elastomeraktoren h{\"a}ngt unter anderem von der Geschwindigkeit der elektrischen Anregung ab. Die damit zusammenh{\"a}ngenden viskoelastischen Eigenschaften der hier verwendeten Elastomere, Silikon und Acrylat, wurden einerseits in einer frequenzabh{\"a}ngigen dynamisch-mechanischen Analyse des Elastomers erfasst, andererseits auch optisch an vollst{\"a}ndigen Aktoren selbst gemessen. Die h{\"o}here Viskosit{\"a}t des Acrylats, das bei tieferen Frequenzen h{\"o}here Aktuationsdehnungen als das Silikon zeigt, f{\"u}hrt zu einer Verminderung der Dehnungen bei h{\"o}heren Frequenzen, so dass {\"u}ber etwa 40 Hertz mit Silikon gr{\"o}ßere Aktuationsdehnungen erreicht werden. Mit den untersuchten Aktoren konnte die Gitterkonstante weicher optischer Beugungsgitter kontrolliert werden, die als zus{\"a}tzlicher Film auf der Membran installiert wurden. {\"U}ber eine Messung der akustischen Resonanzfrequenz von Elastomermebranen aus Acrylat in 1Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von ihrer Vorstreckung konnte in Verbindung mit einer Modellierung des hyperelastischen Verhaltens des Elastomers (Ogden-Modell) der Schermodul bestimmt werden. Schließlich wird in Teil III die Untersuchung von Geigen und ihrer Streichanregung mit Hilfe minimal-invasiver piezoelektrischer Polymerfilme geschildert. Es konnten am Bogen und am Steg von Geigen - unter den beiden F{\"u}ßen des Stegs - jeweils zwei Filmsensoren installiert werden. Mit den beiden Sensoren am Steg wurden Frequenzg{\"a}nge von Geigen gemessen, welche eine Bestimmung der frequenzabh{\"a}ngigen Stegbewegung erlaubten. Diese Methode erm{\"o}glicht damit auch eine umfassende Charakterisierung der Signaturmoden in Bezug auf die Stegdynamik. Die Ergebnisse der komplement{\"a}ren Methoden von Impulsanregung und nat{\"u}rlichem Spielen der Geigen konnten dank der Sensoren verglichen werden. F{\"u}r die Nutzung der Sensoren am Bogen - insbesondere f{\"u}r eine Messung des Bogendrucks - wurde eine Kalibrierung des Bogen-Sensor-Systems mit Hilfe einer Materialpr{\"u}fmaschine durchgef{\"u}hrt. Bei einer Messung w{\"a}hrend des nat{\"u}rlichen Spielens wurde mit den Sensoren am Bogen einerseits die {\"U}bertragung der Saitenschwingung auf den Bogen festgestellt. Dabei konnten außerdem longitudinale Bogenhaarresonanzen identifiziert werden, die von der Position der Saite auf dem Bogen abh{\"a}ngen. Aus der Analyse dieses Ph{\"a}nomens konnte die longitudinale Wellengeschwindigkeit der Bogenhaare bestimmt werden, die eine wichtige Gr{\"o}ße f{\"u}r die Kopplung zwischen Saite und Bogen ist. Mit Hilfe des Systems aus Sensoren an Bogen und Steg werden auf Grundlage der vorliegenden Arbeit Studien an Streichinstrumenten vorgeschlagen, in denen die Bespielbarkeit der Instrumente zu den jeweils angeregten Steg- und Bogenschwingungen in Beziehung gesetzt werden kann. Damit k{\"o}nnte nicht zuletzt auch die bisher nicht vollst{\"a}ndig gekl{\"a}rte Rolle des Bogens f{\"u}r Klang und Bespielbarkeit besser beurteilt werden}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Qiu2017, author = {Qiu, Xunlin}, title = {Ferroelectrets: heterogenous polymer electrets with high electromechanical response}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-398425}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 172}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Ferroelectrets are internally charged polymer foams or cavity-containing polymer-_lm systems that combine large piezoelectricity with mechanical flexibility and elastic compliance. The term "ferroelectret" was coined based on the fact that it is a space-charge electret that also shows ferroic behavior. In this thesis, comprehensive work on ferroelectrets, and in particular on their preparation, their charging, their piezoelectricity and their applications is reported. For industrial applications, ferroelectrets with well-controlled distributions or even uniform values of cavity size and cavity shape and with good thermal stability of the piezoelectricity are very desirable. Several types of such ferroelectrets are developed using techniques such as straightforward thermal lamination, sandwiching sticky templates with electret films, and screen printing. In particular, uoroethylenepropylene (FEP) _lm systems with tubular-channel openings, prepared by means of the thermal lamination technique, show piezoelectric d33 coefficients of up to 160 pC/N after charging through dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) . For samples charged at suitable elevated temperatures, the piezoelectricity is stable at temperatures of at least 130°C. These preparation methods are easy to implement at laboratory or industrial scales, and are quite flexible in terms of material selection and cavity geometry design. Due to the uniform and well-controlled cavity structures, samples are also very suitable for fundamental studies on ferroelectrets. Charging of ferroelectrets is achieved via a series of dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) inside the cavities. In the present work, the DBD charging process is comprehensively studied by means of optical, electrical and electro-acoustic methods. The spectrum of the transient light from the DBDs in cellular polypropylene (PP) ferroelectrets directly confirms the ionization of molecular nitrogen, and allows the determination of the electric field in the discharge. Detection of the light emission reveals not only DBDs under high applied voltage but also back discharges when the applied voltage is reduced to sufficiently low values. Back discharges are triggered by the internally deposited charges, as the breakdown inside the cavities is controlled by the sum of the applied electric field and the electric field of the deposited charges. The remanent effective polarization is determined by the breakdown strength of the gas-filled cavities. These findings form the basis of more efficient charging techniques for ferroelectrets such as charging with high-pressure air, thermal poling and charging assisted by gas exchange. With the proposed charging strategies, the charging efficiency of ferroelectrets can be enhanced significantly. After charging, the cavities can be considered as man-made macroscopic dipoles whose direction can be reversed by switching the polarity of the applied voltage. Polarization-versus-electric-field (P(E)) hysteresis loops in ferroelectrets are observed by means of an electro-acoustic method combined with dielectric resonance spectroscopy. P(E) hysteresis loops in ferrroelectrets are also obtained by more direct measurements using a modified Sawyer-Tower circuit. Hysteresis loops prove the ferroic behavior of ferroelectrets. However, repeated switching of the macroscopic dipoles involves complex physico-chemical processes. The DBD charging process generates a cold plasma with numerous active species and thus modifies the inner polymer surfaces of the cavities. Such treatments strongly affect the chargeability of the cavities. At least for cellular PP ferroelectrets, repeated DBDs in atmospheric conditions lead to considerable fatigue of the effective polarization and of the resulting piezoelectricity. The macroscopic dipoles in ferroelectrets are highly compressible, and hence the piezoelectricity is essentially the primary effect. It is found that the piezoelectric d33 coefficient is proportional to the polarization and the elastic compliance of the sample, providing hints for developing materials with higher piezoelectric sensitivity in the future. Due to their outstanding electromechanical properties, there has been constant interest in the application of ferroelectrets. The antiresonance frequencies (fp) of ferroelectrets are sensitive to the boundary conditions during measurement. A tubular-channel FEP ferroelectret is conformably attached to a self-organized minimum-energy dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA). It turns out that the antiresonance frequency (fp) of the ferroelectret film changes noticeably with the bending angle of the DEA. Therefore, the actuation of DEAs can be used to modulate the fp value of ferroelectrets, but fp can also be exploited for in-situ diagnosis and for precise control of the actuation of the DEA. Combination of DEAs and ferroelectrets opens up various new possibilities for application.}, language = {en} } @misc{NguyenGerhard2018, author = {Nguyen, Quyet Doan and Gerhard, Reimund}, title = {LDPE/MgO Nanocomposite Dielectrics for Electrical-Insulation and Ferroelectret-Transducer Applications}, series = {2018 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD)}, journal = {2018 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD)}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, isbn = {978-1-5386-6389-9}, pages = {4}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Published results on LDPE/MgO nanocomposites (3wt\%) show that they promise to be good electrical-insulation materials. In this work, the nanocomposites are examined as a potential (ferro-)electret material as well. Isothermal surface-potential decay measurements show that charged LDPE/MgO films still exhibit significant surface potentials after heating for 4 hours at 80 degrees C, which suggests good capabilities of LDPE/MgO nanocomposites to hold electric charges of both polarities. Open-tubular-channel ferroelectrets prepared from LDPE/MgO nanocomposite films show significant piezoelectricity with d(33) coefficients of about 20 pC/N after charging and are stable up to temperatures of at least 80 degrees C. Thus LDPE/MgO nanocomposites may become available as a new ferroelectret material. To increase their d(33) coefficients, it is desirable to optimize the charging conditions and the ferroelectret structure.}, language = {en} }