@phdthesis{Mayer2022, author = {Mayer, Dennis}, title = {Time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy of 2-thiouracil}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57163}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-571636}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 169}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this thesis, I present my contributions to the field of ultrafast molecular spectroscopy. Using the molecule 2-thiouracil as an example, I use ultrashort x-ray pulses from free- electron lasers to study the relaxation dynamics of gas-phase molecular samples. Taking advantage of the x-ray typical element- and site-selectivity, I investigate the charge flow and geometrical changes in the excited states of 2-thiouracil. In order to understand the photoinduced dynamics of molecules, knowledge about the ground-state structure and the relaxation after photoexcitation is crucial. Therefore, a part of this thesis covers the electronic ground-state spectroscopy of mainly 2-thiouracil to provide the basis for the time-resolved experiments. Many of the previously published studies that focused on the gas-phase time-resolved dynamics of thionated uracils after UV excitation relied on information from solution phase spectroscopy to determine the excitation energies. This is not an optimal strategy as solvents alter the absorption spec- trum and, hence, there is no guarantee that liquid-phase spectra resemble the gas-phase spectra. Therefore, I measured the UV-absorption spectra of all three thionated uracils to provide a gas-phase reference and, in combination with calculations, we determined the excited states involved in the transitions. In contrast to the UV absorption, the literature on the x-ray spectroscopy of thionated uracil is sparse. Thus, we measured static photoelectron, Auger-Meitner and x-ray absorption spectra on the sulfur L edge before or parallel to the time-resolved experiments we performed at FLASH (DESY, Hamburg). In addition, (so far unpublished) measurements were performed at the synchrotron SOLEIL (France) which have been included in this thesis and show the spin-orbit splitting of the S 2p photoline and its satellite which was not observed at the free-electron laser. The relaxation of 2-thiouracil has been studied extensively in recent years with ultrafast visible and ultraviolet methods showing the ultrafast nature of the molecular process after photoexcitation. Ultrafast spectroscopy probing the core-level electrons provides a complementary approach to common optical ultrafast techniques. The method inherits its local sensitivity from the strongly localised core electrons. The core energies and core-valence transitions are strongly affected by local valence charge and geometry changes, and past studies have utilised this sensitivity to investigate the molecular process reflected by the ultrafast dynamics. We have built an apparatus that provides the requirements to perform time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy on molecules in the gas phase. With the apparatus, we performed UV-pump x-ray-probe electron spectroscopy on the S 2p edge of 2-thiouracil using the free-electron laser FLASH2. While the UV triggers the relaxation dynamics, the x-ray probes the single sulfur atom inside the molecule. I implemented photoline self-referencing for the photoelectron spectral analysis. This minimises the spectral jitter of the FEL, which is due to the underlying self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) process. With this approach, we were not only able to study dynamical changes in the binding energy of the electrons but also to detect an oscillatory behaviour in the shift of the observed photoline, which we associate with non-adiabatic dynamics involving several electronic states. Moreover, we were able to link the UV-induced shift in binding energy to the local charge flow at the sulfur which is directly connected to the electronic state. Furthermore, the analysis of the Auger-Meitner electrons shows that energy shifts observed at early stages of the photoinduced relaxation are related to the geometry change in the molecule. More specifically, the observed increase in kinetic energy of the Auger-Meitner electrons correlates with a previously predicted C=S bond stretch.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buechner2022, author = {B{\"u}chner, Robby}, title = {Understanding local electronic structure variations in bio-inspired aromatic molecules}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55319}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-553192}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 111}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this thesis, the dependencies of charge localization and itinerance in two classes of aromatic molecules are accessed: pyridones and porphyrins. The focus lies on the effects of isomerism, complexation, solvation, and optical excitation, which are concomitant with different crucial biological applications of specific members of these groups of compounds. Several porphyrins play key roles in the metabolism of plants and animals. The nucleobases, which store the genetic information in the DNA and RNA are pyridone derivatives. Additionally, a number of vitamins are based on these two groups of substances. This thesis aims to answer the question of how the electronic structure of these classes of molecules is modified, enabling the versatile natural functionality. The resulting insights into the effect of constitutional and external factors are expected to facilitate the design of new processes for medicine, light-harvesting, catalysis, and environmental remediation. The common denominator of pyridones and porphyrins is their aromatic character. As aromaticity was an early-on topic in chemical physics, the overview of relevant theoretical models in this work also mirrors the development of this scientific field in the 20th century. The spectroscopic investigation of these compounds has long been centered on their global, optical transition between frontier orbitals. The utilization and advancement of X-ray spectroscopic methods characterizing the local electronic structure of molecular samples form the core of this thesis. The element selectivity of the near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) is employed to probe the unoccupied density of states at the nitrogen site, which is key for the chemical reactivity of pyridones and porphyrins. The results contribute to the growing database of NEXAFS features and their interpretation, e.g., by advancing the debate on the porphyrin N K-edge through systematic experimental and theoretical arguments. Further, a state-of-the-art laser pump - NEXAFS probe scheme is used to characterize the relaxation pathway of a photoexcited porphyrin on the atomic level. Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) provides complementary results by accessing the highest occupied valence levels including symmetry information. It is shown that RIXS is an effective experimental tool to gain detailed information on charge densities of individual species in tautomeric mixtures. Additionally, the hRIXS and METRIXS high-resolution RIXS spectrometers, which have been in part commissioned in the course of this thesis, will gain access to the ultra-fast and thermal chemistry of pyridones, porphyrins, and many other compounds. With respect to both classes of bio-inspired aromatic molecules, this thesis establishes that even though pyridones and porphyrins differ largely by their optical absorption bands and hydrogen bonding abilities, they all share a global stabilization of local constitutional changes and relevant external perturbation. It is because of this wide-ranging response that pyridones and porphyrins can be applied in a manifold of biological and technical processes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lever2022, author = {Lever, Fabiano}, title = {Probing the ultrafast dynamics of 2-Thiouracil with soft x-rays}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55523}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-555230}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {129}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Understanding the changes that follow UV-excitation in thionucleobases is of great importance for the study of light-induced DNA lesions and, in a broader context, for their applications in medicine and biochemistry. Their ultrafast photophysical reactions can alter the chemical structure of DNA - leading to damages to the genetic code - as proven by the increased skin cancer risk observed for patients treated with thiouracil for its immunosuppressant properties. In this thesis, I present four research papers that result from an investigation of the ultrafast dynamics of 2-thiouracil by means of ultrafast x-ray probing combined with electron spectroscopy. A molecular jet in the gas phase is excited with a uv pulse and then ionized with x-ray radiation from a Free Electron Laser. The kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is measured in a magnetic bottle spectrometer. The spectra of the measured photo and Auger electrons are used to derive a picture of the changes in the geometrical and electronic configurations. The results allow us to look at the dynamical processes from a new perspective, thanks to the element- and site- sensitivity of x-rays. The custom-built URSA-PQ apparatus used in the experiment is described. It has been commissioned and used at the FL24 beamline of the FLASH2 FEL, showing an electron kinetic energy resolution of ∆E/E ~ 40 and a pump-probe timing resolution of 190 f s. X-ray only photoelectron and Auger spectra of 2-thiouracil are extracted from the data and used as reference. Photoelectrons following the formation a 2p core hole are identified, as well as resonant and non-resonant Auger electrons. At the L 1 edge, Coster-Kronig decay is observed from the 2s core hole. The UV-induced changes in the 2p photoline allow the study the electronic-state dynamics. With the use of an Excited-State Chemical Shift (ESCS) model, we observe a ultrafast ground-state relaxation within 250 f s. Furthermore, an oscillation with a 250 f s period is observed in the 2p binding energy, showing a coherent population exchange between electronic states. Auger electrons from the 2p core hole are analyzed and used to deduce a ultrafast C -S bond expansion on a sub 100 f s scale. A simple Coulomb-model, coupled to quantum chemical calculations, can be used to infer the geometrical changes in the molecular structure.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eschenlohr2012, author = {Eschenlohr, Andrea}, title = {Element-resolved ultrafast magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic alloys and multilayers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62846}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The microscopic origin of ultrafast demagnetization, i.e. the quenching of the magnetization of a ferromagnetic metal on a sub-picosecond timescale after laser excitation, is still only incompletely understood, despite a large body of experimental and theoretical work performed since the discovery of the effect more than 15 years ago. Time- and element-resolved x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements can provide insight into the microscopic processes behind ultrafast demagnetization as well as its dependence on materials properties. Using the BESSY II Femtoslicing facility, a storage ring based source of 100 fs short soft x-ray pulses, ultrafast magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic NiFe and GdTb alloys as well as a Au/Ni layered structure were investigated in laser pump - x-ray probe experiments. After laser excitation, the constituents of Ni50Fe50 and Ni80Fe20 exhibit distinctly different time constants of demagnetization, leading to decoupled dynamics, despite the strong exchange interaction that couples the Ni and Fe sublattices under equilibrium conditions. Furthermore, the time constants of demagnetization for Ni and Fe are different in Ni50Fe50 and Ni80Fe20, and also different from the values for the respective pure elements. These variations are explained by taking the magnetic moments of the Ni and Fe sublattices, which are changed from the pure element values due to alloying, as well as the strength of the intersublattice exchange interaction into account. GdTb exhibits demagnetization in two steps, typical for rare earths. The time constant of the second, slower magnetization decay was previously linked to the strength of spin-lattice coupling in pure Gd and Tb, with the stronger, direct spin-lattice coupling in Tb leading to a faster demagnetization. In GdTb, the demagnetization of Gd follows Tb on all timescales. This is due to the opening of an additional channel for the dissipation of spin angular momentum to the lattice, since Gd magnetic moments in the alloy are coupled via indirect exchange interaction to neighboring Tb magnetic moments, which are in turn strongly coupled to the lattice. Time-resolved measurements of the ultrafast demagnetization of a Ni layer buried under a Au cap layer, thick enough to absorb nearly all of the incident pump laser light, showed a somewhat slower but still sub-picosecond demagnetization of the buried Ni layer in Au/Ni compared to a Ni reference sample. Supported by simulations, I conclude that demagnetization can thus be induced by transport of hot electrons excited in the Au layer into the Ni layer, without the need for direct interaction between photons and spins.}, language = {en} }