@phdthesis{Kluth2011, author = {Kluth, Stephan}, title = {Quantitative modeling and analysis with FMC-QE}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52987}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The modeling and evaluation calculus FMC-QE, the Fundamental Modeling Concepts for Quanti-tative Evaluation [1], extends the Fundamental Modeling Concepts (FMC) for performance modeling and prediction. In this new methodology, the hierarchical service requests are in the main focus, because they are the origin of every service provisioning process. Similar to physics, these service requests are a tuple of value and unit, which enables hierarchical service request transformations at the hierarchical borders and therefore the hierarchical modeling. Through reducing the model complexity of the models by decomposing the system in different hierarchical views, the distinction between operational and control states and the calculation of the performance values on the assumption of the steady state, FMC-QE has a scalable applica-bility on complex systems. According to FMC, the system is modeled in a 3-dimensional hierarchical representation space, where system performance parameters are described in three arbitrarily fine-grained hierarchi-cal bipartite diagrams. The hierarchical service request structures are modeled in Entity Relationship Diagrams. The static server structures, divided into logical and real servers, are de-scribed as Block Diagrams. The dynamic behavior and the control structures are specified as Petri Nets, more precisely Colored Time Augmented Petri Nets. From the structures and pa-rameters of the performance model, a hierarchical set of equations is derived. The calculation of the performance values is done on the assumption of stationary processes and is based on fundamental laws of the performance analysis: Little's Law and the Forced Traffic Flow Law. Little's Law is used within the different hierarchical levels (horizontal) and the Forced Traffic Flow Law is the key to the dependencies among the hierarchical levels (vertical). This calculation is suitable for complex models and allows a fast (re-)calculation of different performance scenarios in order to support development and configuration decisions. Within the Research Group Zorn at the Hasso Plattner Institute, the work is embedded in a broader research in the development of FMC-QE. While this work is concentrated on the theoretical background, description and definition of the methodology as well as the extension and validation of the applicability, other topics are in the development of an FMC-QE modeling and evaluation tool and the usage of FMC-QE in the design of an adaptive transport layer in order to fulfill Quality of Service and Service Level Agreements in volatile service based environments. This thesis contains a state-of-the-art, the description of FMC-QE as well as extensions of FMC-QE in representative general models and case studies. In the state-of-the-art part of the thesis in chapter 2, an overview on existing Queueing Theory and Time Augmented Petri Net models and other quantitative modeling and evaluation languages and methodologies is given. Also other hierarchical quantitative modeling frameworks will be considered. The description of FMC-QE in chapter 3 consists of a summary of the foundations of FMC-QE, basic definitions, the graphical notations, the FMC-QE Calculus and the modeling of open queueing networks as an introductory example. The extensions of FMC-QE in chapter 4 consist of the integration of the summation method in order to support the handling of closed networks and the modeling of multiclass and semaphore scenarios. Furthermore, FMC-QE is compared to other performance modeling and evaluation approaches. In the case study part in chapter 5, proof-of-concept examples, like the modeling of a service based search portal, a service based SAP NetWeaver application and the Axis2 Web service framework will be provided. Finally, conclusions are given by a summary of contributions and an outlook on future work in chapter 6. [1] Werner Zorn. FMC-QE - A New Approach in Quantitative Modeling. In Hamid R. Arabnia, editor, Procee-dings of the International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV 2007) within WorldComp '07, pages 280 - 287, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2007. CSREA Press. ISBN 1-60132-029-9.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Off2011, author = {Off, Thomas}, title = {Durchg{\"a}ngige Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Softwareentwicklung von E-Government-Anwendungen : ein ontologiebasierter und modellgetriebener Ansatz am Beispiel von B{\"u}rgerdiensten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57478}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die {\"o}ffentliche Verwaltung setzt seit mehreren Jahren E-Government-Anwendungssysteme ein, um ihre Verwaltungsprozesse intensiver mit moderner Informationstechnik zu unterst{\"u}tzen. Da die {\"o}ffentliche Verwaltung in ihrem Handeln in besonderem Maße an Recht und Gesetz gebunden ist verst{\"a}rkt und verbreitet sich der Zusammenhang zwischen den Gesetzen und Rechtsvorschriften einerseits und der zur Aufgabenunterst{\"u}tzung eingesetzten Informationstechnik andererseits. Aus Sicht der Softwaretechnik handelt es sich bei diesem Zusammenhang um eine spezielle Form der Verfolgbarkeit von Anforderungen (engl. Traceability), die so genannte Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation (Pre-Requirements Specification Traceability, kurz Pre-RS Traceability), da sie Aspekte betrifft, die relevant sind, bevor die Anforderungen in eine Spezifikation eingeflossen sind (Urspr{\"u}nge von Anforderungen). Der Ansatz dieser Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation von E-Government-Anwendungssystemen. Er kombiniert dazu aktuelle Entwicklungen und Standards (insbesondere des World Wide Web Consortium und der Object Management Group) aus den Bereichen Verfolgbarkeit von Anforderungen, Semantic Web, Ontologiesprachen und modellgetriebener Softwareentwicklung. Der L{\"o}sungsansatz umfasst eine spezielle Ontologie des Verwaltungshandeln, die mit den Techniken, Methoden und Werkzeugen des Semantic Web eingesetzt wird, um in Texten von Rechtsvorschriften relevante Urspr{\"u}nge von Anforderungen durch Annotationen mit einer definierten Semantik zu versehen. Darauf aufbauend wird das Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) verwendet, um die Annotationen als spezielle Individuen einer Ontologie auf Elemente der Unified Modeling Language (UML) abzubilden. Dadurch entsteht ein neuer Modelltyp Pre-Requirements Model (PRM), der das Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation formalisiert. Modelle diesen Typs k{\"o}nnen auch verwendet werden, um Aspekte zu formalisieren die sich nicht oder nicht vollst{\"a}ndig aus dem Text der Rechtsvorschrift ergeben. Weiterhin bietet das Modell die M{\"o}glichkeit zum Anschluss an die modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung. In der Arbeit wird deshalb eine Erweiterung der Model Driven Architecture (MDA) vorgeschlagen. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu den etablierten Modelltypen Computation Independent Model (CIM), Platform Independent Model (PIM) und Platform Specific Model (PSM) k{\"o}nnte der Einsatz des PRM Vorteile f{\"u}r die Verfolgbarkeit bringen. Wird die MDA mit dem PRM auf das Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation ausgeweitet, kann eine Transformation des PRM in ein CIM als initiale Anforderungsspezifikation erfolgen, indem der MOF Query View Transformation Standard (QVT) eingesetzt wird. Als Teil des QVT-Standards ist die Aufzeichnung von Verfolgbarkeitsinformationen bei Modelltransformationen verbindlich. Um die semantische L{\"u}cke zwischen PRM und CIM zu {\"u}berbr{\"u}cken, erfolgt analog zum Einsatz des Plattformmodells (PM) in der PIM nach PSM Transformation der Einsatz spezieller Hilfsmodelle. Es kommen daf{\"u}r die im Projekt "E-LoGo" an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam entwickelten Referenzmodelle zum Einsatz. Durch die Aufzeichnung der Abbildung annotierter Textelemente auf Elemente im PRM und der Transformation der Elemente des PRM in Elemente des CIM kann durchg{\"a}ngige Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation erreicht werden. Der Ansatz basiert auf einer so genannten Verfolgbarkeitsdokumentation in Form verlinkter Hypertextdokumente, die mittels XSL-Stylesheet erzeugt wurden und eine Verbindung zur graphischen Darstellung des Diagramms (z. B. Anwendungsfall-, Klassendiagramm der UML) haben. Der Ansatz unterst{\"u}tzt die horizontale Verfolgbarkeit zwischen Elementen unterschiedlicher Modelle vorw{\"a}rts- und r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtsgerichtet umfassend. Er bietet außerdem vertikale Verfolgbarkeit, die Elemente des gleichen Modells und verschiedener Modellversionen in Beziehung setzt. {\"U}ber den offensichtlichen Nutzen einer durchg{\"a}ngigen Verfolgbarkeit im Vorfeld der Anforderungsspezifikation (z. B. Analyse der Auswirkungen einer Gesetzes{\"a}nderung, Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des vollst{\"a}ndigen Kontextes einer Anforderung bei ihrer Priorisierung) hinausgehend, bietet diese Arbeit eine erste Ansatzm{\"o}glichkeit f{\"u}r eine Feedback-Schleife im Prozess der Gesetzgebung. Stehen beispielsweise mehrere gleichwertige Gestaltungsoptionen eines Gesetzes zur Auswahl, k{\"o}nnen die Auswirkungen jeder Option analysiert und der Aufwand ihrer Umsetzung in E-Government-Anwendungen als Auswahlkriterium ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Die am 16. M{\"a}rz 2011 in Kraft getretene {\"A}nderung des NKRG schreibt eine solche Analyse des so genannten „Erf{\"u}llungsaufwands" f{\"u}r Teilbereiche des Verwaltungshandelns bereits heute verbindlich vor. F{\"u}r diese Analyse kann die vorliegende Arbeit einen Ansatz bieten, um zu fundierten Aussagen {\"u}ber den {\"A}nderungsaufwand eingesetzter E-Government-Anwendungssysteme zu kommen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bordihn2011, author = {Bordihn, Henning}, title = {Contributions to the syntactical analysis beyond context-freeness}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59719}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Parsability approaches of several grammar formalisms generating also non-context-free languages are explored. Chomsky grammars, Lindenmayer systems, grammars with controlled derivations, and grammar systems are treated. Formal properties of these mechanisms are investigated, when they are used as language acceptors. Furthermore, cooperating distributed grammar systems are restricted so that efficient deterministic parsing without backtracking becomes possible. For this class of grammar systems, the parsing algorithm is presented and the feature of leftmost derivations is investigated in detail.}, language = {en} } @misc{Kujath2011, author = {Kujath, Bertold}, title = {Keine Angst vor Informatikproblemen}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-150-9}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-32638}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-326380}, pages = {1 DVD-Video (ca. 33 Min.) : farb. ; 12 cm}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Dieses Lehrvideo zeigt aus der Perspektive einer {\"U}bertischkamera den fiktiven informatischen Hochleister Tom bei der Bearbeitung eines schwierigen F{\"a}rbeproblems. Dabei kann man die fortlaufend von ihm angefertigten Skizzen beobachten und seine Gedankeng{\"a}nge genau verfolgen. Denn dieser Probleml{\"o}ser arbeitet unter lautem Denken, d. h. er spricht alle seine Gedankeng{\"a}nge laut aus. Man kann zuschauen, wie Tom zun{\"a}chst die Aufgabe analysiert und die dadurch gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in der anschließenden Problembearbeitung gewinnbringend einsetzt. Der Zuschauer wird dabei aber nicht allein gelassen. An markanten Stellen wird das Video unterbrochen und Toms zur{\"u}ckliegende Aktivit{\"a}ten mit animierten Bildsequenzen vertiefend erl{\"a}utert. Schwache Probleml{\"o}ser k{\"o}nnen so die in Unterricht oder Vorlesung vermittelten Kenntnisse {\"u}ber informatische Probleml{\"o}semethoden vertiefen und deren Anwendung durch einen starken Probleml{\"o}ser beispielhaft miterleben. Entstanden ist dieses Video aus einer Vergleichsstudie mit starken und schwachen Probleml{\"o}sern. Die effizienten Methoden der Hochleister wurden didaktisch aufgearbeitet und zu einem modellhaften Probleml{\"o}seprozess zusammengesetzt. Der wissenschaftliche Hintergrund des Lehrvideos wird durch eine als Bildergeschichte erz{\"a}hlte Rahmenhandlung verdeutlicht. Bei Erstsemesterstudenten der Informatik, denen dieses Video zur Bewertung vorgespielt wurde, fand dieses Konzept große Zustimmung. Tenor: Unterhaltsam und lehrreich zugleich.}, subject = {Graphf{\"a}rbung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Muehlbauer2011, author = {M{\"u}hlbauer, Felix}, title = {Entwurf, Methoden und Werkzeuge f{\"u}r komplexe Bildverarbeitungssysteme auf Rekonfigurierbaren System-on-Chip-Architekturen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59923}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen stellen besondere Anspr{\"u}che an das ausf{\"u}hrende Rechensystem. Einerseits ist eine hohe Rechenleistung erforderlich. Andererseits ist eine hohe Flexibilit{\"a}t von Vorteil, da die Entwicklung tendentiell ein experimenteller und interaktiver Prozess ist. F{\"u}r neue Anwendungen tendieren Entwickler dazu, eine Rechenarchitektur zu w{\"a}hlen, die sie gut kennen, anstatt eine Architektur einzusetzen, die am besten zur Anwendung passt. Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen sind inh{\"a}rent parallel, doch herk{\"o}mmliche bildverarbeitende eingebettete Systeme basieren meist auf sequentiell arbeitenden Prozessoren. Im Gegensatz zu dieser "Unstimmigkeit" k{\"o}nnen hocheffiziente Systeme aus einer gezielten Synergie aus Software- und Hardwarekomponenten aufgebaut werden. Die Konstruktion solcher System ist jedoch komplex und viele L{\"o}sungen, wie zum Beispiel grobgranulare Architekturen oder anwendungsspezifische Programmiersprachen, sind oft zu akademisch f{\"u}r einen Einsatz in der Wirtschaft. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll ein Beitrag dazu leisten, die Komplexit{\"a}t von Hardware-Software-Systemen zu reduzieren und damit die Entwicklung hochperformanter on-Chip-Systeme im Bereich Bildverarbeitung zu vereinfachen und wirtschaftlicher zu machen. Dabei wurde Wert darauf gelegt, den Aufwand f{\"u}r Einarbeitung, Entwicklung als auch Erweiterungen gering zu halten. Es wurde ein Entwurfsfluss konzipiert und umgesetzt, welcher es dem Softwareentwickler erm{\"o}glicht, Berechnungen durch Hardwarekomponenten zu beschleunigen und das zu Grunde liegende eingebettete System komplett zu prototypisieren. Hierbei werden komplexe Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen betrachtet, welche ein Betriebssystem erfordern, wie zum Beispiel verteilte Kamerasensornetzwerke. Die eingesetzte Software basiert auf Linux und der Bildverarbeitungsbibliothek OpenCV. Die Verteilung der Berechnungen auf Software- und Hardwarekomponenten und die daraus resultierende Ablaufplanung und Generierung der Rechenarchitektur erfolgt automatisch. Mittels einer auf der Antwortmengenprogrammierung basierten Entwurfsraumexploration ergeben sich Vorteile bei der Modellierung und Erweiterung. Die Systemsoftware wird mit OpenEmbedded/Bitbake synthetisiert und die erzeugten on-Chip-Architekturen auf FPGAs realisiert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wist2011, author = {Wist, Dominic}, title = {Attacking complexity in logic synthesis of asynchronous circuits}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59706}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Most of the microelectronic circuits fabricated today are synchronous, i.e. they are driven by one or several clock signals. Synchronous circuit design faces several fundamental challenges such as high-speed clock distribution, integration of multiple cores operating at different clock rates, reduction of power consumption and dealing with voltage, temperature, manufacturing and runtime variations. Asynchronous or clockless design plays a key role in alleviating these challenges, however the design and test of asynchronous circuits is much more difficult in comparison to their synchronous counterparts. A driving force for a widespread use of asynchronous technology is the availability of mature EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools which provide an entire automated design flow starting from an HDL (Hardware Description Language) specification yielding the final circuit layout. Even though there was much progress in developing such EDA tools for asynchronous circuit design during the last two decades, the maturity level as well as the acceptance of them is still not comparable with tools for synchronous circuit design. In particular, logic synthesis (which implies the application of Boolean minimisation techniques) for the entire system's control path can significantly improve the efficiency of the resulting asynchronous implementation, e.g. in terms of chip area and performance. However, logic synthesis, in particular for asynchronous circuits, suffers from complexity problems. Signal Transitions Graphs (STGs) are labelled Petri nets which are a widely used to specify the interface behaviour of speed independent (SI) circuits - a robust subclass of asynchronous circuits. STG decomposition is a promising approach to tackle complexity problems like state space explosion in logic synthesis of SI circuits. The (structural) decomposition of STGs is guided by a partition of the output signals and generates a usually much smaller component STG for each partition member, i.e. a component STG with a much smaller state space than the initial specification. However, decomposition can result in component STGs that in isolation have so-called irreducible CSC conflicts (i.e. these components are not SI synthesisable anymore) even if the specification has none of them. A new approach is presented to avoid such conflicts by introducing internal communication between the components. So far, STG decompositions are guided by the finest output partitions, i.e. one output per component. However, this might not yield optimal circuit implementations. Efficient heuristics are presented to determine coarser partitions leading to improved circuits in terms of chip area. For the new algorithms correctness proofs are given and their implementations are incorporated into the decomposition tool DESIJ. The presented techniques are successfully applied to some benchmarks - including 'real-life' specifications arising in the context of control resynthesis - which delivered promising results.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lorenz2011, author = {Lorenz, Haik}, title = {Texturierung und Visualisierung virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-53879}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stehen virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle, die Objekte, Ph{\"a}nomene und Prozesse in urbanen R{\"a}umen in digitaler Form repr{\"a}sentieren. Sie haben sich zu einem Kernthema von Geoinformationssystemen entwickelt und bilden einen zentralen Bestandteil geovirtueller 3D-Welten. Virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle finden nicht nur Verwendung als Mittel f{\"u}r Experten in Bereichen wie Stadtplanung, Funknetzplanung, oder L{\"a}rmanalyse, sondern auch f{\"u}r allgemeine Nutzer, die realit{\"a}tsnah dargestellte virtuelle St{\"a}dte in Bereichen wie B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung, Tourismus oder Unterhaltung nutzen und z. B. in Anwendungen wie GoogleEarth eine r{\"a}umliche Umgebung intuitiv erkunden und durch eigene 3D-Modelle oder zus{\"a}tzliche Informationen erweitern. Die Erzeugung und Darstellung virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Prozessschritten, von denen in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei n{\"a}her betrachtet werden: Texturierung und Visualisierung. Im Bereich der Texturierung werden Konzepte und Verfahren zur automatischen Ableitung von Fototexturen aus georeferenzierten Schr{\"a}gluftbildern sowie zur Speicherung oberfl{\"a}chengebundener Daten in virtuellen 3D-Stadtmodellen entwickelt. Im Bereich der Visualisierung werden Konzepte und Verfahren f{\"u}r die multiperspektivische Darstellung sowie f{\"u}r die hochqualitative Darstellung nichtlinearer Projektionen virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle in interaktiven Systemen vorgestellt. Die automatische Ableitung von Fototexturen aus georeferenzierten Schr{\"a}gluftbildern erm{\"o}glicht die Veredelung vorliegender virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle. Schr{\"a}gluftbilder bieten sich zur Texturierung an, da sie einen Großteil der Oberfl{\"a}chen einer Stadt, insbesondere Geb{\"a}udefassaden, mit hoher Redundanz erfassen. Das Verfahren extrahiert aus dem verf{\"u}gbaren Bildmaterial alle Ansichten einer Oberfl{\"a}che und f{\"u}gt diese pixelpr{\"a}zise zu einer Textur zusammen. Durch Anwendung auf alle Oberfl{\"a}chen wird das virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodell fl{\"a}chendeckend texturiert. Der beschriebene Ansatz wurde am Beispiel des offiziellen Berliner 3D-Stadtmodells sowie der in GoogleEarth integrierten Innenstadt von M{\"u}nchen erprobt. Die Speicherung oberfl{\"a}chengebundener Daten, zu denen auch Texturen z{\"a}hlen, wurde im Kontext von CityGML, einem international standardisierten Datenmodell und Austauschformat f{\"u}r virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle, untersucht. Es wird ein Datenmodell auf Basis computergrafischer Konzepte entworfen und in den CityGML-Standard integriert. Dieses Datenmodell richtet sich dabei an praktischen Anwendungsf{\"a}llen aus und l{\"a}sst sich dom{\"a}nen{\"u}bergreifend verwenden. Die interaktive multiperspektivische Darstellung virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle erg{\"a}nzt die gewohnte perspektivische Darstellung nahtlos um eine zweite Perspektive mit dem Ziel, den Informationsgehalt der Darstellung zu erh{\"o}hen. Diese Art der Darstellung ist durch die Panoramakarten von H. C. Berann inspiriert; Hauptproblem ist die {\"U}bertragung des multiperspektivischen Prinzips auf ein interaktives System. Die Arbeit stellt eine technische Umsetzung dieser Darstellung f{\"u}r 3D-Grafikhardware vor und demonstriert die Erweiterung von Vogel- und Fußg{\"a}ngerperspektive. Die hochqualitative Darstellung nichtlinearer Projektionen beschreibt deren Umsetzung auf 3D-Grafikhardware, wobei neben der Bildwiederholrate die Bildqualit{\"a}t das wesentliche Entwicklungskriterium ist. Insbesondere erlauben die beiden vorgestellten Verfahren, dynamische Geometrieverfeinerung und st{\"u}ckweise perspektivische Projektionen, die uneingeschr{\"a}nkte Nutzung aller hardwareseitig verf{\"u}gbaren, qualit{\"a}tssteigernden Funktionen wie z.~B. Bildraumgradienten oder anisotroper Texturfilterung. Beide Verfahren sind generisch und unterst{\"u}tzen verschiedene Projektionstypen. Sie erm{\"o}glichen die anpassungsfreie Verwendung g{\"a}ngiger computergrafischer Effekte wie Stilisierungsverfahren oder prozeduraler Texturen f{\"u}r nichtlineare Projektionen bei optimaler Bildqualit{\"a}t. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt wesentliche Technologien f{\"u}r die Verarbeitung virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle: Zum einen lassen sich mit den Ergebnissen der Arbeit Texturen f{\"u}r virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodelle automatisiert herstellen und als eigenst{\"a}ndige Attribute in das virtuelle 3D-Stadtmodell einf{\"u}gen. Somit tr{\"a}gt diese Arbeit dazu bei, die Herstellung und Fortf{\"u}hrung texturierter virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle zu verbessern. Zum anderen zeigt die Arbeit Varianten und technische L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r neuartige Projektionstypen f{\"u}r virtueller 3D-Stadtmodelle in interaktiven Visualisierungen. Solche nichtlinearen Projektionen stellen Schl{\"u}sselbausteine dar, um neuartige Benutzungsschnittstellen f{\"u}r und Interaktionsformen mit virtuellen 3D-Stadtmodellen zu erm{\"o}glichen, insbesondere f{\"u}r mobile Ger{\"a}te und immersive Umgebungen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Rabenalt2011, author = {Rabenalt, Thomas}, title = {Datenkompaktierung f{\"u}r Diagnose und Test}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {116 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{AbuJarour2011, author = {AbuJarour, Mohammed}, title = {Enriched service descriptions: sources, approaches and usages}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {140 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roschke2011, author = {Roschke, Sebastian}, title = {Towards high quality security event correlation using in-memory and multi-core processing}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {131 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Luebbe2011, author = {L{\"u}bbe, Alexander}, title = {Tangible business process modeling : design and evaluation of a process model elicitation Technique}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {116 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @book{SchubertSchwill2011, author = {Schubert, Sigrid and Schwill, Andreas}, title = {Didaktik der Informatik}, publisher = {Spektrum Akademischer Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-8274-2652-9}, pages = {417 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Quasthoff2011, author = {Quasthoff, Matthias}, title = {Effizientes Entwickeln von Semantic-Web-Software mit Object Triple Mapping}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {138 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @book{PlattnerZeier2011, author = {Plattner, Hasso and Zeier, Alexander}, title = {In-memory data managment : an inflection point for enterprise applications}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg, New York}, isbn = {978-3-642-19362-0}, pages = {236 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{UflackerKowarkZeier2011, author = {Uflacker, Matthias and Kowark, Thomas and Zeier, Alexander}, title = {An instrument for real-time design interaction capture}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{LuebbeWeske2011, author = {Luebbe, Alexander and Weske, Mathias}, title = {Bringing design thinking to business process modeling}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{HirschfeldSteinertLincke2011, author = {Hirschfeld, Robert and Steinert, Bastian and Lincke, Jens}, title = {Agile software development in virtual collaboration environments}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{GabrysiakGieseSeibel2011, author = {Gabrysiak, Gregor and Giese, Holger and Seibel, Andreas}, title = {Towards next generation design thinking : scenario-based prototyping for designing complex software systems with multiple users}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Alnemr2011, author = {Alnemr, Rehab}, title = {Reputation object representation model for enabling reputation interoperability}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {179 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuenemann2011, author = {Sch{\"u}nemann, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {The V2X simulation runtime infrastructure: VSimRTI}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {163 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Richter2011, author = {Richter, Michael}, title = {Anwendung nichtlinearer Codes zur Fehlererkennung und -korrektur}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {134 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{HocherHeidenvonWebskyetal.2011, author = {Hocher, Berthold and Heiden, S. and von Websky, Karoline and Rahnenf{\"u}hrer, J{\"o}rg and Kalk, Philipp and Pfab, T.}, title = {Dual endothelin-converting enzyme/neutral endopeptidase blockade in rats with D-galactosamine-induced liver failure}, series = {European journal of medical research : official organ "Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft"}, volume = {16}, journal = {European journal of medical research : official organ "Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft"}, number = {6}, publisher = {Med. Scientific Publ. Holzapfel}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {0949-2321}, pages = {275 -- 279}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Secondary activation of the endothelin system is thought to be involved in toxic liver injury. This study tested the hypothesis that dual endothelin-converting enzyme / neutral endopeptidase blockade might: be able to attenuate acute toxic liver injury. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were implanted with subcutaneous minipumps to deliver the novel compound SLV338 (10 mg/kg*d) or vehicle. Four days later they received two intraperitoneal injections of D-galactosamine (1.3 g/kg each) or vehicle at an interval of 12 hours. The animals were sacrificed 48 hours after the first injection. Injection of D-galactosamine resulted in very severe liver injury, reflected by strongly elevated plasma liver enzymes, hepatic necrosis and inflammation, and a mortality rate of 42.9 \%. SLV338 treatment did not show any significant effect on the extent of acute liver injury as judged from plasma parameters, hepatic histology and mortality. Plasma measurements of SLV338 confirmed adequate drug delivery. Plasma concentrations of big endothelin-1 and endothelin-1 were significantly elevated in animals with liver injury (5-fold and 62-fold, respectively). Plasma endothelin-1 was significantly correlated with several markers of liver injury. SLV338 completely prevented the rise of plasma big endothelin-1 (p<0.05) and markedly attenuated the rise of endothelin-1 (p = 0.055). In conclusion, dual endothelin-converting enzyme / neutral endopeptidase blockade by SLV338 did not significantly attenuate D-galactosamine-induced acute liver injury, although it largely prevented the activation of the endothelin system. An evaluation of SLV338 in a less severe model of liver injury would be of interest, since very severe intoxication might not be relevantly amenable to pharmacological interventions.}, language = {en} } @article{WeidlichMendlingWeske2011, author = {Weidlich, Matthias and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias}, title = {Efficient consistency measurement based on behavioral profiles of process models}, series = {IEEE transactions on software engineering}, volume = {37}, journal = {IEEE transactions on software engineering}, number = {3}, publisher = {Inst. of Electr. and Electronics Engineers}, address = {Los Alamitos}, issn = {0098-5589}, doi = {10.1109/TSE.2010.96}, pages = {410 -- 429}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Engineering of process-driven business applications can be supported by process modeling efforts in order to bridge the gap between business requirements and system specifications. However, diverging purposes of business process modeling initiatives have led to significant problems in aligning related models at different abstract levels and different perspectives. Checking the consistency of such corresponding models is a major challenge for process modeling theory and practice. In this paper, we take the inappropriateness of existing strict notions of behavioral equivalence as a starting point. Our contribution is a concept called behavioral profile that captures the essential behavioral constraints of a process model. We show that these profiles can be computed efficiently, i.e., in cubic time for sound free-choice Petri nets w.r.t. their number of places and transitions. We use behavioral profiles for the definition of a formal notion of consistency which is less sensitive to model projections than common criteria of behavioral equivalence and allows for quantifying deviation in a metric way. The derivation of behavioral profiles and the calculation of a degree of consistency have been implemented to demonstrate the applicability of our approach. We also report the findings from checking consistency between partially overlapping models of the SAP reference model.}, language = {en} } @article{PolyvyanyyWeidlichWeske2011, author = {Polyvyanyy, Artem and Weidlich, Matthias and Weske, Mathias}, title = {Connectivity of workflow nets the foundations of stepwise verification}, series = {Acta informatica}, volume = {48}, journal = {Acta informatica}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York}, issn = {0001-5903}, doi = {10.1007/s00236-011-0137-8}, pages = {213 -- 242}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Behavioral models capture operational principles of real-world or designed systems. Formally, each behavioral model defines the state space of a system, i.e., its states and the principles of state transitions. Such a model is the basis for analysis of the system's properties. In practice, state spaces of systems are immense, which results in huge computational complexity for their analysis. Behavioral models are typically described as executable graphs, whose execution semantics encodes a state space. The structure theory of behavioral models studies the relations between the structure of a model and the properties of its state space. In this article, we use the connectivity property of graphs to achieve an efficient and extensive discovery of the compositional structure of behavioral models; behavioral models get stepwise decomposed into components with clear structural characteristics and inter-component relations. At each decomposition step, the discovered compositional structure of a model is used for reasoning on properties of the whole state space of the system. The approach is exemplified by means of a concrete behavioral model and verification criterion. That is, we analyze workflow nets, a well-established tool for modeling behavior of distributed systems, with respect to the soundness property, a basic correctness property of workflow nets. Stepwise verification allows the detection of violations of the soundness property by inspecting small portions of a model, thereby considerably reducing the amount of work to be done to perform soundness checks. Besides formal results, we also report on findings from applying our approach to an industry model collection.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{KroeningMargariaWoodcock2011, author = {Kr{\"o}ning, Daniel and Margaria, Tiziana and Woodcock, Jim}, title = {Untitled}, series = {Formal aspects of computing : the international journal of formal methods}, volume = {23}, journal = {Formal aspects of computing : the international journal of formal methods}, number = {5}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York}, issn = {0934-5043}, doi = {10.1007/s00165-011-0201-8}, pages = {585 -- 588}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{JoergesMargariaSteffen2011, author = {J{\"o}rges, Sven and Margaria, Tiziana and Steffen, Bernhard}, title = {Assuring property conformance of code generators via model checking}, series = {Formal aspects of computing : the international journal of formal methods}, volume = {23}, journal = {Formal aspects of computing : the international journal of formal methods}, number = {5}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York}, issn = {0934-5043}, doi = {10.1007/s00165-010-0169-9}, pages = {589 -- 606}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Automatic code generation is an essential cornerstone of today's model-driven approaches to software engineering. Thus a key requirement for the success of this technique is the reliability and correctness of code generators. This article describes how we employ standard model checking-based verification to check that code generator models developed within our code generation framework Genesys conform to (temporal) properties. Genesys is a graphical framework for the high-level construction of code generators on the basis of an extensible library of well-defined building blocks along the lines of the Extreme Model-Driven Development paradigm. We will illustrate our verification approach by examining complex constraints for code generators, which even span entire model hierarchies. We also show how this leads to a knowledge base of rules for code generators, which we constantly extend by e.g. combining constraints to bigger constraints, or by deriving common patterns from structurally similar constraints. In our experience, the development of code generators with Genesys boils down to re-instantiating patterns or slightly modifying the graphical process model, activities which are strongly supported by verification facilities presented in this article.}, language = {en} } @article{RabenaltGoesselLeininger2011, author = {Rabenalt, Thomas and Goessel, Michael and Leininger, Andreas}, title = {Masking of X-Values by use of a hierarchically configurable register}, series = {Journal of electronic testing : theory and applications}, volume = {27}, journal = {Journal of electronic testing : theory and applications}, number = {1}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {0923-8174}, doi = {10.1007/s10836-010-5179-2}, pages = {31 -- 41}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this paper we consider masking of unknowns (X-values) for VLSI circuits. We present a new hierarchical method of X-masking which is a major improvement of the method proposed in [4], called WIDE1. By the method proposed, the number of observable scan cells is optimized and data volume for X-masking can be significantly reduced in comparison to WIDEL This is demonstrated for three industrial designs. In cases where all X-values have to be masked the novel approach is especially efficient.}, language = {en} } @misc{PatilHaiderPopeetal.2011, author = {Patil, Kaustubh R. and Haider, Peter and Pope, Phillip B. and Turnbaugh, Peter J. and Morrison, Mark and Scheffer, Tobias and McHardy, Alice C.}, title = {Taxonomic metagenome sequence assignment with structured output models}, series = {Nature methods : techniques for life scientists and chemists}, volume = {8}, journal = {Nature methods : techniques for life scientists and chemists}, number = {3}, publisher = {Nature Publ. Group}, address = {London}, issn = {1548-7091}, doi = {10.1038/nmeth0311-191}, pages = {191 -- 192}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{BordihnHolzerKutrib2011, author = {Bordihn, Henning and Holzer, Markus and Kutrib, Martin}, title = {Decidability of operation problems for TOL languages and subclasses}, series = {Information and computation}, volume = {209}, journal = {Information and computation}, number = {3}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {San Diego}, issn = {0890-5401}, doi = {10.1016/j.ic.2010.11.008}, pages = {344 -- 352}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We investigate the decidability of the operation problem for TOL languages and subclasses. Fix an operation on formal languages. Given languages from the family considered (OL languages, TOL languages, or their propagating variants), is the application of this operation to the given languages still a language that belongs to the same language family? Observe, that all the Lindenmayer language families in question are anti-AFLs, that is, they are not closed under homomorphisms, inverse homomorphisms, intersection with regular languages, union, concatenation, and Kleene closure. Besides these classical operations we also consider intersection and substitution, since the language families under consideration are not closed under these operations, too. We show that for all of the above mentioned language operations, except for the Kleene closure, the corresponding operation problems of OL and TOL languages and their propagating variants are not even semidecidable. The situation changes for unary OL languages. In this case we prove that the operation problems with respect to Kleene star, complementation, and intersection with regular sets are decidable.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{RosamondBardohlDiehletal.2011, author = {Rosamond, Frances and Bardohl, Roswitha and Diehl, Stephan and Geisler, Uwe and Bolduan, Gordon and Lessmoellmann, Annette and Schwill, Andreas and Stege, Ulrike}, title = {Virtual extension reaching out to the media become a computer science ambassador}, series = {Communications of the ACM / Association for Computing Machinery}, volume = {54}, journal = {Communications of the ACM / Association for Computing Machinery}, number = {3}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York}, issn = {0001-0782}, doi = {10.1145/1897852.1897880}, pages = {113 -- 116}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{CatchpolePlatzerWeikertetal.2011, author = {Catchpole, Gareth and Platzer, Alexander and Weikert, Cornelia and Kempkensteffen, Carsten and Johannsen, Manfred and Krause, Hans and Jung, Klaus and Miller, Kurt and Willmitzer, Lothar and Selbig, Joachim and Weikert, Steffen}, title = {Metabolic profiling reveals key metabolic features of renal cell carcinoma}, series = {Journal of cellular and molecular medicine : a journal of translational medicine}, volume = {15}, journal = {Journal of cellular and molecular medicine : a journal of translational medicine}, number = {1}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Malden}, issn = {1582-1838}, doi = {10.1111/j.1582-4934.2009.00939.x}, pages = {109 -- 118}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Recent evidence suggests that metabolic changes play a pivotal role in the biology of cancer and in particular renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Here, a global metabolite profiling approach was applied to characterize the metabolite pool of RCC and normal renal tissue. Advanced decision tree models were applied to characterize the metabolic signature of RCC and to explore features of metastasized tumours. The findings were validated in a second independent dataset. Vitamin E derivates and metabolites of glucose, fatty acid, and inositol phosphate metabolism determined the metabolic profile of RCC. alpha-tocopherol, hippuric acid, myoinositol, fructose-1-phosphate and glucose-1-phosphate contributed most to the tumour/normal discrimination and all showed pronounced concentration changes in RCC. The identified metabolic profile was characterized by a low recognition error of only 5\% for tumour versus normal samples. Data on metastasized tumours suggested a key role for metabolic pathways involving arachidonic acid, free fatty acids, proline, uracil and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. These results illustrate the potential of mass spectroscopy based metabolomics in conjunction with sophisticated data analysis methods to uncover the metabolic phenotype of cancer. Differentially regulated metabolites, such as vitamin E compounds, hippuric acid and myoinositol, provide leads for the characterization of novel pathways in RCC.}, language = {en} } @article{GebserLeeLierler2011, author = {Gebser, Martin and Lee, Joohyung and Lierler, Yuliya}, title = {On elementary loops of logic programs}, series = {Theory and practice of logic programming}, volume = {11}, journal = {Theory and practice of logic programming}, number = {2}, publisher = {Cambridge Univ. Press}, address = {New York}, issn = {1471-0684}, doi = {10.1017/S1471068411000019}, pages = {953 -- 988}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Using the notion of an elementary loop, Gebser and Schaub (2005. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR'05), 53-65) refined the theorem on loop formulas attributable to Lin and Zhao (2004) by considering loop formulas of elementary loops only. In this paper, we reformulate the definition of an elementary loop, extend it to disjunctive programs, and study several properties of elementary loops, including how maximal elementary loops are related to minimal unfounded sets. The results provide useful insights into the stable model semantics in terms of elementary loops. For a nondisjunctive program, using a graph-theoretic characterization of an elementary loop, we show that the problem of recognizing an elementary loop is tractable. On the other hand, we also show that the corresponding problem is coNP-complete for a disjunctive program. Based on the notion of an elementary loop, we present the class of Head-Elementary-loop-Free (HEF) programs, which strictly generalizes the class of Head-Cycle-Free (HCF) programs attributable to Ben-Eliyahu and Dechter (1994. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 12, 53-87). Like an Ha: program, an HEF program can be turned into an equivalent nondisjunctive program in polynomial time by shifting head atoms into the body.}, language = {en} } @article{BordihnKutribMalcher2011, author = {Bordihn, Henning and Kutrib, Martin and Malcher, Andreas}, title = {Undecidability and hierarchy results for parallel communicating finite automata}, series = {International journal of foundations of computer science}, volume = {22}, journal = {International journal of foundations of computer science}, number = {7}, publisher = {World Scientific}, address = {Singapore}, issn = {0129-0541}, doi = {10.1142/S0129054111008891}, pages = {1577 -- 1592}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Parallel communicating finite automata (PCFAs) are systems of several finite state automata which process a common input string in a parallel way and are able to communicate by sending their states upon request. We consider deterministic and nondeterministic variants and distinguish four working modes. It is known that these systems in the most general mode are as powerful as one-way multi-head finite automata. It is additionally known that the number of heads corresponds to the number of automata in PCFAs in a constructive way. Thus, undecidability results as well as results on the hierarchies induced by the number of heads carry over from multi-head finite automata to PCFAs in the most general mode. Here, we complement these undecidability and hierarchy results also for the remaining working modes. In particular, we show that classical decidability questions are not semi-decidable for any type of PCFAs under consideration. Moreover, it is proven that the number of automata in the system induces infinite hierarchies for deterministic and nondeterministic PCFAs in three working modes.}, language = {en} } @article{BakeraMargariaRenneretal.2011, author = {Bakera, Marco and Margaria, Tiziana and Renner, Clemens D. and Steffen, Bernhard}, title = {Game-Based model checking for reliable autonomy in space}, series = {Journal of aerospace computing, information, and communication}, volume = {8}, journal = {Journal of aerospace computing, information, and communication}, number = {4}, publisher = {American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics}, address = {Reston}, issn = {1940-3151}, doi = {10.2514/1.32013}, pages = {100 -- 114}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Autonomy is an emerging paradigm for the design and implementation of managed services and systems. Self-managed aspects frequently concern the communication of systems with their environment. Self-management subsystems are critical, they should thus be designed and implemented as high-assurance components. Here, we propose to use GEAR, a game-based model checker for the full modal mu-calculus, and derived, more user-oriented logics, as a user friendly tool that can offer automatic proofs of critical properties of such systems. Designers and engineers can interactively investigate automatically generated winning strategies resulting from the games, this way exploring the connection between the property, the system, and the proof. The benefits of the approach are illustrated on a case study that concerns the ExoMars Rover.}, language = {en} } @article{ArrighiNesmeWerner2011, author = {Arrighi, Pablo and Nesme, Vincent and Werner, Reinhard F.}, title = {One-Dimensional quantum cellular automata}, series = {International journal of unconventional computing : non-classical computation and cellular automata}, volume = {7}, journal = {International journal of unconventional computing : non-classical computation and cellular automata}, number = {4}, publisher = {Old City Publishing Science}, address = {Philadelphia}, issn = {1548-7199}, pages = {223 -- 244}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We define and study quantum cellular automata (QCA). We show that they are reversible and that the neighborhood of the inverse is the opposite of the neighborhood. We also show that QCA always admit, modulo shifts, a two-layered block representation. Note that the same two-layered block representation result applies also over infinite configurations, as was previously shown for one-dimensional systems in the more elaborate formalism of operators algebras [18]. Here the proof is simpler and self-contained, moreover we discuss a counterexample QCA in higher dimensions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Smirnov2011, author = {Smirnov, Sergey}, title = {Business process model abstraction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60258}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Business process models are used within a range of organizational initiatives, where every stakeholder has a unique perspective on a process and demands the respective model. As a consequence, multiple process models capturing the very same business process coexist. Keeping such models in sync is a challenge within an ever changing business environment: once a process is changed, all its models have to be updated. Due to a large number of models and their complex relations, model maintenance becomes error-prone and expensive. Against this background, business process model abstraction emerged as an operation reducing the number of stored process models and facilitating model management. Business process model abstraction is an operation preserving essential process properties and leaving out insignificant details in order to retain information relevant for a particular purpose. Process model abstraction has been addressed by several researchers. The focus of their studies has been on particular use cases and model transformations supporting these use cases. This thesis systematically approaches the problem of business process model abstraction shaping the outcome into a framework. We investigate the current industry demand in abstraction summarizing it in a catalog of business process model abstraction use cases. The thesis focuses on one prominent use case where the user demands a model with coarse-grained activities and overall process ordering constraints. We develop model transformations that support this use case starting with the transformations based on process model structure analysis. Further, abstraction methods considering the semantics of process model elements are investigated. First, we suggest how semantically related activities can be discovered in process models-a barely researched challenge. The thesis validates the designed abstraction methods against sets of industrial process models and discusses the method implementation aspects. Second, we develop a novel model transformation, which combined with the related activity discovery allows flexible non-hierarchical abstraction. In this way this thesis advocates novel model transformations that facilitate business process model management and provides the foundations for innovative tool support.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Menzel2011, author = {Menzel, Michael}, title = {Model-driven security in service-oriented architectures : leveraging security patterns to transform high-level security requirements to technical policies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59058}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) facilitate the provision and orchestration of business services to enable a faster adoption to changing business demands. Web Services provide a technical foundation to implement this paradigm on the basis of XML-messaging. However, the enhanced flexibility of message-based systems comes along with new threats and risks. To face these issues, a variety of security mechanisms and approaches is supported by the Web Service specifications. The usage of these security mechanisms and protocols is configured by stating security requirements in security policies. However, security policy languages for SOA are complex and difficult to create due to the expressiveness of these languages. To facilitate and simplify the creation of security policies, this thesis presents a model-driven approach that enables the generation of complex security policies on the basis of simple security intentions. SOA architects can specify these intentions in system design models and are not required to deal with complex technical security concepts. The approach introduced in this thesis enables the enhancement of any system design modelling languages - for example FMC or BPMN - with security modelling elements. The syntax, semantics, and notion of these elements is defined by our security modelling language SecureSOA. The metamodel of this language provides extension points to enable the integration into system design modelling languages. In particular, this thesis demonstrates the enhancement of FMC block diagrams with SecureSOA. To enable the model-driven generation of security policies, a domain-independent policy model is introduced in this thesis. This model provides an abstraction layer for security policies. Mappings are used to perform the transformation from our model to security policy languages. However, expert knowledge is required to generate instances of this model on the basis of simple security intentions. Appropriate security mechanisms, protocols and options must be chosen and combined to fulfil these security intentions. In this thesis, a formalised system of security patterns is used to represent this knowledge and to enable an automated transformation process. Moreover, a domain-specific language is introduced to state security patterns in an accessible way. On the basis of this language, a system of security configuration patterns is provided to transform security intentions related to data protection and identity management. The formal semantics of the security pattern language enable the verification of the transformation process introduced in this thesis and prove the correctness of the pattern application. Finally, our SOA Security LAB is presented that demonstrates the application of our model-driven approach to facilitate a dynamic creation, configuration, and execution of secure Web Service-based composed applications.}, language = {en} } @article{LindbergMeinelWagner2011, author = {Lindberg, Tilmann and Meinel, Christoph and Wagner, Ralf}, title = {Design thinking : a fruitful concept for IT development?}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @book{LinckelsMeinel2011, author = {Linckels, Serge and Meinel, Christoph}, title = {E-Librarian service : user-friendly semantic search in digital libraries}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-17742-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-17743-9}, pages = {212 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{MeinelLeifer2011, author = {Meinel, Christoph and Leifer, Larry}, title = {Design thinking research}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-33848, title = {Design thinking : understand - improve - apply}, editor = {Plattner, Hasso and Meinel, Christoph and Leifer, Larry}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, pages = {236 S.}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{GumiennyMeinelGerickeetal.2011, author = {Gumienny, Raja and Meinel, Christoph and Gericke, Lutz and Quasthoff, Matthias and LoBue, Peter and Willems, Christian}, title = {Tele-board : enabling efficient collaboration in digital design spaces across time and distance}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{ThienenNoweskiMeineletal.2011, author = {Thienen, Julia von and Noweski, Christine and Meinel, Christoph and Rauth, Ingo}, title = {The co-evolution of theory and practice in design thinking - or - "Mind the oddness trap!"}, isbn = {978-3-642-13756-3}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{ThonLandwehrDeRaedt2011, author = {Thon, Ingo and Landwehr, Niels and De Raedt, Luc}, title = {Stochastic relational processes efficient inference and applications}, series = {Machine learning}, volume = {82}, journal = {Machine learning}, number = {2}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {0885-6125}, doi = {10.1007/s10994-010-5213-8}, pages = {239 -- 272}, year = {2011}, abstract = {One of the goals of artificial intelligence is to develop agents that learn and act in complex environments. Realistic environments typically feature a variable number of objects, relations amongst them, and non-deterministic transition behavior. While standard probabilistic sequence models provide efficient inference and learning techniques for sequential data, they typically cannot fully capture the relational complexity. On the other hand, statistical relational learning techniques are often too inefficient to cope with complex sequential data. In this paper, we introduce a simple model that occupies an intermediate position in this expressiveness/efficiency trade-off. It is based on CP-logic (Causal Probabilistic Logic), an expressive probabilistic logic for modeling causality. However, by specializing CP-logic to represent a probability distribution over sequences of relational state descriptions and employing a Markov assumption, inference and learning become more tractable and effective. Specifically, we show how to solve part of the inference and learning problems directly at the first-order level, while transforming the remaining part into the problem of computing all satisfying assignments for a Boolean formula in a binary decision diagram. We experimentally validate that the resulting technique is able to handle probabilistic relational domains with a substantial number of objects and relations.}, language = {en} } @article{CiliaLandwehrPasserini2011, author = {Cilia, Elisa and Landwehr, Niels and Passerini, Andrea}, title = {Relational feature mining with hierarchical multitask kFOIL}, series = {Fundamenta informaticae}, volume = {113}, journal = {Fundamenta informaticae}, number = {2}, publisher = {IOS Press}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0169-2968}, doi = {10.3233/FI-2011-604}, pages = {151 -- 177}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We introduce hierarchical kFOIL as a simple extension of the multitask kFOIL learning algorithm. The algorithm first learns a core logic representation common to all tasks, and then refines it by specialization on a per-task basis. The approach can be easily generalized to a deeper hierarchy of tasks. A task clustering algorithm is also proposed in order to automatically generate the task hierarchy. The approach is validated on problems of drug-resistance mutation prediction and protein structural classification. Experimental results show the advantage of the hierarchical version over both single and multi task alternatives and its potential usefulness in providing explanatory features for the domain. Task clustering allows to further improve performance when a deeper hierarchy is considered.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2011, author = {Wang, Long}, title = {X-tracking the usage interest on web sites}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51077}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The exponential expanding of the numbers of web sites and Internet users makes WWW the most important global information resource. From information publishing and electronic commerce to entertainment and social networking, the Web allows an inexpensive and efficient access to the services provided by individuals and institutions. The basic units for distributing these services are the web sites scattered throughout the world. However, the extreme fragility of web services and content, the high competence between similar services supplied by different sites, and the wide geographic distributions of the web users drive the urgent requirement from the web managers to track and understand the usage interest of their web customers. This thesis, "X-tracking the Usage Interest on Web Sites", aims to fulfill this requirement. "X" stands two meanings: one is that the usage interest differs from various web sites, and the other is that usage interest is depicted from multi aspects: internal and external, structural and conceptual, objective and subjective. "Tracking" shows that our concentration is on locating and measuring the differences and changes among usage patterns. This thesis presents the methodologies on discovering usage interest on three kinds of web sites: the public information portal site, e-learning site that provides kinds of streaming lectures and social site that supplies the public discussions on IT issues. On different sites, we concentrate on different issues related with mining usage interest. The educational information portal sites were the first implementation scenarios on discovering usage patterns and optimizing the organization of web services. In such cases, the usage patterns are modeled as frequent page sets, navigation paths, navigation structures or graphs. However, a necessary requirement is to rebuild the individual behaviors from usage history. We give a systematic study on how to rebuild individual behaviors. Besides, this thesis shows a new strategy on building content clusters based on pair browsing retrieved from usage logs. The difference between such clusters and the original web structure displays the distance between the destinations from usage side and the expectations from design side. Moreover, we study the problem on tracking the changes of usage patterns in their life cycles. The changes are described from internal side integrating conceptual and structure features, and from external side for the physical features; and described from local side measuring the difference between two time spans, and global side showing the change tendency along the life cycle. A platform, Web-Cares, is developed to discover the usage interest, to measure the difference between usage interest and site expectation and to track the changes of usage patterns. E-learning site provides the teaching materials such as slides, recorded lecture videos and exercise sheets. We focus on discovering the learning interest on streaming lectures, such as real medias, mp4 and flash clips. Compared to the information portal site, the usage on streaming lectures encapsulates the variables such as viewing time and actions during learning processes. The learning interest is discovered in the form of answering 6 questions, which covers finding the relations between pieces of lectures and the preference among different forms of lectures. We prefer on detecting the changes of learning interest on the same course from different semesters. The differences on the content and structure between two courses leverage the changes on the learning interest. We give an algorithm on measuring the difference on learning interest integrated with similarity comparison between courses. A search engine, TASK-Moniminer, is created to help the teacher query the learning interest on their streaming lectures on tele-TASK site. Social site acts as an online community attracting web users to discuss the common topics and share their interesting information. Compared to the public information portal site and e-learning web site, the rich interactions among users and web content bring the wider range of content quality, on the other hand, provide more possibilities to express and model usage interest. We propose a framework on finding and recommending high reputation articles in a social site. We observed that the reputation is classified into global and local categories; the quality of the articles having high reputation is related with the content features. Based on these observations, our framework is implemented firstly by finding the articles having global or local reputation, and secondly clustering articles based on their content relations, and then the articles are selected and recommended from each cluster based on their reputation ranks.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thiele2011, author = {Thiele, Sven}, title = {Modeling biological systems with Answer Set Programming}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59383}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Biology has made great progress in identifying and measuring the building blocks of life. The availability of high-throughput methods in molecular biology has dramatically accelerated the growth of biological knowledge for various organisms. The advancements in genomic, proteomic and metabolomic technologies allow for constructing complex models of biological systems. An increasing number of biological repositories is available on the web, incorporating thousands of biochemical reactions and genetic regulations. Systems Biology is a recent research trend in life science, which fosters a systemic view on biology. In Systems Biology one is interested in integrating the knowledge from all these different sources into models that capture the interaction of these entities. By studying these models one wants to understand the emerging properties of the whole system, such as robustness. However, both measurements as well as biological networks are prone to considerable incompleteness, heterogeneity and mutual inconsistency, which makes it highly non-trivial to draw biologically meaningful conclusions in an automated way. Therefore, we want to promote Answer Set Programming (ASP) as a tool for discrete modeling in Systems Biology. ASP is a declarative problem solving paradigm, in which a problem is encoded as a logic program such that its answer sets represent solutions to the problem. ASP has intrinsic features to cope with incompleteness, offers a rich modeling language and highly efficient solving technology. We present ASP solutions, for the analysis of genetic regulatory networks, determining consistency with observed measurements and identifying minimal causes for inconsistency. We extend this approach for computing minimal repairs on model and data that restore consistency. This method allows for predicting unobserved data even in case of inconsistency. Further, we present an ASP approach to metabolic network expansion. This approach exploits the easy characterization of reachability in ASP and its various reasoning methods, to explore the biosynthetic capabilities of metabolic reaction networks and generate hypotheses for extending the network. Finally, we present the BioASP library, a Python library which encapsulates our ASP solutions into the imperative programming paradigm. The library allows for an easy integration of ASP solution into system rich environments, as they exist in Systems Biology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gebser2011, author = {Gebser, Martin}, title = {Proof theory and algorithms for answer set programming}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55425}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Answer Set Programming (ASP) is an emerging paradigm for declarative programming, in which a computational problem is specified by a logic program such that particular models, called answer sets, match solutions. ASP faces a growing range of applications, demanding for high-performance tools able to solve complex problems. ASP integrates ideas from a variety of neighboring fields. In particular, automated techniques to search for answer sets are inspired by Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) solving approaches. While the latter have firm proof-theoretic foundations, ASP lacks formal frameworks for characterizing and comparing solving methods. Furthermore, sophisticated search patterns of modern SAT solvers, successfully applied in areas like, e.g., model checking and verification, are not yet established in ASP solving. We address these deficiencies by, for one, providing proof-theoretic frameworks that allow for characterizing, comparing, and analyzing approaches to answer set computation. For another, we devise modern ASP solving algorithms that integrate and extend state-of-the-art techniques for Boolean constraint solving. We thus contribute to the understanding of existing ASP solving approaches and their interconnections as well as to their enhancement by incorporating sophisticated search patterns. The central idea of our approach is to identify atomic as well as composite constituents of a propositional logic program with Boolean variables. This enables us to describe fundamental inference steps, and to selectively combine them in proof-theoretic characterizations of various ASP solving methods. In particular, we show that different concepts of case analyses applied by existing ASP solvers implicate mutual exponential separations regarding their best-case complexities. We also develop a generic proof-theoretic framework amenable to language extensions, and we point out that exponential separations can likewise be obtained due to case analyses on them. We further exploit fundamental inference steps to derive Boolean constraints characterizing answer sets. They enable the conception of ASP solving algorithms including search patterns of modern SAT solvers, while also allowing for direct technology transfers between the areas of ASP and SAT solving. Beyond the search for one answer set of a logic program, we address the enumeration of answer sets and their projections to a subvocabulary, respectively. The algorithms we develop enable repetition-free enumeration in polynomial space without being intrusive, i.e., they do not necessitate any modifications of computations before an answer set is found. Our approach to ASP solving is implemented in clasp, a state-of-the-art Boolean constraint solver that has successfully participated in recent solver competitions. Although we do here not address the implementation techniques of clasp or all of its features, we present the principles of its success in the context of ASP solving.}, language = {en} } @article{DurzinskyMarwanOstrowskietal.2011, author = {Durzinsky, Markus and Marwan, Wolfgang and Ostrowski, Max and Schaub, Torsten and Wagler, Annegret}, title = {Automatic network reconstruction using ASP}, series = {Theory and practice of logic programming}, volume = {11}, journal = {Theory and practice of logic programming}, publisher = {Cambridge Univ. Press}, address = {New York}, issn = {1471-0684}, doi = {10.1017/S1471068411000287}, pages = {749 -- 766}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Building biological models by inferring functional dependencies from experimental data is an important issue in Molecular Biology. To relieve the biologist from this traditionally manual process, various approaches have been proposed to increase the degree of automation. However, available approaches often yield a single model only, rely on specific assumptions, and/or use dedicated, heuristic algorithms that are intolerant to changing circumstances or requirements in the view of the rapid progress made in Biotechnology. Our aim is to provide a declarative solution to the problem by appeal to Answer Set Programming (ASP) overcoming these difficulties. We build upon an existing approach to Automatic Network Reconstruction proposed by part of the authors. This approach has firm mathematical foundations and is well suited for ASP due to its combinatorial flavor providing a characterization of all models explaining a set of experiments. The usage of ASP has several benefits over the existing heuristic algorithms. First, it is declarative and thus transparent for biological experts. Second, it is elaboration tolerant and thus allows for an easy exploration and incorporation of biological constraints. Third, it allows for exploring the entire space of possible models. Finally, our approach offers an excellent performance, matching existing, special-purpose systems.}, language = {en} } @article{MileoSchaubMericoetal.2011, author = {Mileo, Alessandra and Schaub, Torsten and Merico, Davide and Bisiani, Roberto}, title = {Knowledge-based multi-criteria optimization to support indoor positioning}, series = {Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence}, volume = {62}, journal = {Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence}, number = {3-4}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {1012-2443}, doi = {10.1007/s10472-011-9241-2}, pages = {345 -- 370}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Indoor position estimation constitutes a central task in home-based assisted living environments. Such environments often rely on a heterogeneous collection of low-cost sensors whose diversity and lack of precision has to be compensated by advanced techniques for localization and tracking. Although there are well established quantitative methods in robotics and neighboring fields for addressing these problems, they lack advanced knowledge representation and reasoning capacities. Such capabilities are not only useful in dealing with heterogeneous and incomplete information but moreover they allow for a better inclusion of semantic information and more general homecare and patient-related knowledge. We address this problem and investigate how state-of-the-art localization and tracking methods can be combined with Answer Set Programming, as a popular knowledge representation and reasoning formalism. We report upon a case-study and provide a first experimental evaluation of knowledge-based position estimation both in a simulated as well as in a real setting.}, language = {en} }