@phdthesis{Dramlitsch2002, author = {Dramlitsch, Thomas}, title = {Distributed computations in a dynamic, heterogeneous Grid environment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000759}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die immer dichtere und schnellere Vernetzung von Rechnern und Rechenzentren {\"u}ber Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzwerke erm{\"o}glicht eine neue Art des wissenschaftlich verteilten Rechnens, bei der geographisch weit auseinanderliegende Rechenkapazit{\"a}ten zu einer Gesamtheit zusammengefasst werden k{\"o}nnen. Dieser so entstehende virtuelle Superrechner, der selbst aus mehreren Grossrechnern besteht, kann dazu genutzt werden Probleme zu berechnen, f{\"u}r die die einzelnen Grossrechner zu klein sind. Die Probleme, die numerisch mit heutigen Rechenkapazit{\"a}ten nicht l{\"o}sbar sind, erstrecken sich durch s{\"a}mtliche Gebiete der heutigen Wissenschaft, angefangen von Astrophysik, Molek{\"u}lphysik, Bioinformatik, Meteorologie, bis hin zur Zahlentheorie und Fluiddynamik um nur einige Gebiete zu nennen. Je nach Art der Problemstellung und des L{\"o}sungsverfahrens gestalten sich solche "Meta-Berechnungen" mehr oder weniger schwierig. Allgemein kann man sagen, dass solche Berechnungen um so schwerer und auch um so uneffizienter werden, je mehr Kommunikation zwischen den einzelnen Prozessen (oder Prozessoren) herrscht. Dies ist dadurch begr{\"u}ndet, dass die Bandbreiten bzw. Latenzzeiten zwischen zwei Prozessoren auf demselben Grossrechner oder Cluster um zwei bis vier Gr{\"o}ssenordnungen h{\"o}her bzw. niedriger liegen als zwischen Prozessoren, welche hunderte von Kilometern entfernt liegen. Dennoch bricht nunmehr eine Zeit an, in der es m{\"o}glich ist Berechnungen auf solch virtuellen Supercomputern auch mit kommunikationsintensiven Programmen durchzuf{\"u}hren. Eine grosse Klasse von kommunikations- und berechnungsintensiven Programmen ist diejenige, die die L{\"o}sung von Differentialgleichungen mithilfe von finiten Differenzen zum Inhalt hat. Gerade diese Klasse von Programmen und deren Betrieb in einem virtuellen Superrechner wird in dieser vorliegenden Dissertation behandelt. Methoden zur effizienteren Durchf{\"u}hrung von solch verteilten Berechnungen werden entwickelt, analysiert und implementiert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt darin vorhandene, klassische Parallelisierungsalgorithmen zu analysieren und so zu erweitern, dass sie vorhandene Informationen (z.B. verf{\"u}gbar durch das Globus Toolkit) {\"u}ber Maschinen und Netzwerke zur effizienteren Parallelisierung nutzen. Soweit wir wissen werden solche Zusatzinformationen kaum in relevanten Programmen genutzt, da der Grossteil aller Parallelisierungsalgorithmen implizit f{\"u}r die Ausf{\"u}hrung auf Grossrechnern oder Clustern entwickelt wurde.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dick2016, author = {Dick, Uwe}, title = {Discriminative Classification Models for Internet Security}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102593}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 57}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Services that operate over the Internet are under constant threat of being exposed to fraudulent use. Maintaining good user experience for legitimate users often requires the classification of entities as malicious or legitimate in order to initiate countermeasures. As an example, inbound email spam filters decide for spam or non-spam. They can base their decision on both the content of each email as well as on features that summarize prior emails received from the sending server. In general, discriminative classification methods learn to distinguish positive from negative entities. Each decision for a label may be based on features of the entity and related entities. When labels of related entities have strong interdependencies---as can be assumed e.g. for emails being delivered by the same user---classification decisions should not be made independently and dependencies should be modeled in the decision function. This thesis addresses the formulation of discriminative classification problems that are tailored for the specific demands of the following three Internet security applications. Theoretical and algorithmic solutions are devised to protect an email service against flooding of user inboxes, to mitigate abusive usage of outbound email servers, and to protect web servers against distributed denial of service attacks. In the application of filtering an inbound email stream for unsolicited emails, utilizing features that go beyond each individual email's content can be valuable. Information about each sending mail server can be aggregated over time and may help in identifying unwanted emails. However, while this information will be available to the deployed email filter, some parts of the training data that are compiled by third party providers may not contain this information. The missing features have to be estimated at training time in order to learn a classification model. In this thesis an algorithm is derived that learns a decision function that integrates over a distribution of values for each missing entry. The distribution of missing values is a free parameter that is optimized to learn an optimal decision function. The outbound stream of emails of an email service provider can be separated by the customer IDs that ask for delivery. All emails that are sent by the same ID in the same period of time are related, both in content and in label. Hijacked customer accounts may send batches of unsolicited emails to other email providers, which in turn might blacklist the sender's email servers after detection of incoming spam emails. The risk of being blocked from further delivery depends on the rate of outgoing unwanted emails and the duration of high spam sending rates. An optimization problem is developed that minimizes the expected cost for the email provider by learning a decision function that assigns a limit on the sending rate to customers based on the each customer's email stream. Identifying attacking IPs during HTTP-level DDoS attacks allows to block those IPs from further accessing the web servers. DDoS attacks are usually carried out by infected clients that are members of the same botnet and show similar traffic patterns. HTTP-level attacks aim at exhausting one or more resources of the web server infrastructure, such as CPU time. If the joint set of attackers cannot increase resource usage close to the maximum capacity, no effect will be experienced by legitimate users of hosted web sites. However, if the additional load raises the computational burden towards the critical range, user experience will degrade until service may be unavailable altogether. As the loss of missing one attacker depends on block decisions for other attackers---if most other attackers are detected, not blocking one client will likely not be harmful---a structured output model has to be learned. In this thesis an algorithm is developed that learns a structured prediction decoder that searches the space of label assignments, guided by a policy. Each model is evaluated on real-world data and is compared to reference methods. The results show that modeling each classification problem according to the specific demands of the task improves performance over solutions that do not consider the constraints inherent to an application.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boehne2019, author = {B{\"o}hne, Sebastian}, title = {Different degrees of formality}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42379}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423795}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 167}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In this thesis we introduce the concept of the degree of formality. It is directed against a dualistic point of view, which only distinguishes between formal and informal proofs. This dualistic attitude does not respect the differences between the argumentations classified as informal and it is unproductive because the individual potential of the respective argumentation styles cannot be appreciated and remains untapped. This thesis has two parts. In the first of them we analyse the concept of the degree of formality (including a discussion about the respective benefits for each degree) while in the second we demonstrate its usefulness in three case studies. In the first case study we will repair Haskell B. Curry's view of mathematics, which incidentally is of great importance in the first part of this thesis, in light of the different degrees of formality. In the second case study we delineate how awareness of the different degrees of formality can be used to help students to learn how to prove. Third, we will show how the advantages of proofs of different degrees of formality can be combined by the development of so called tactics having a medium degree of formality. Together the three case studies show that the degrees of formality provide a convincing solution to the problem of untapped potential.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Semmo2016, author = {Semmo, Amir}, title = {Design and implementation of non-photorealistic rendering techniques for 3D geospatial data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99525}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 155}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Geospatial data has become a natural part of a growing number of information systems and services in the economy, society, and people's personal lives. In particular, virtual 3D city and landscape models constitute valuable information sources within a wide variety of applications such as urban planning, navigation, tourist information, and disaster management. Today, these models are often visualized in detail to provide realistic imagery. However, a photorealistic rendering does not automatically lead to high image quality, with respect to an effective information transfer, which requires important or prioritized information to be interactively highlighted in a context-dependent manner. Approaches in non-photorealistic renderings particularly consider a user's task and camera perspective when attempting optimal expression, recognition, and communication of important or prioritized information. However, the design and implementation of non-photorealistic rendering techniques for 3D geospatial data pose a number of challenges, especially when inherently complex geometry, appearance, and thematic data must be processed interactively. Hence, a promising technical foundation is established by the programmable and parallel computing architecture of graphics processing units. This thesis proposes non-photorealistic rendering techniques that enable both the computation and selection of the abstraction level of 3D geospatial model contents according to user interaction and dynamically changing thematic information. To achieve this goal, the techniques integrate with hardware-accelerated rendering pipelines using shader technologies of graphics processing units for real-time image synthesis. The techniques employ principles of artistic rendering, cartographic generalization, and 3D semiotics—unlike photorealistic rendering—to synthesize illustrative renditions of geospatial feature type entities such as water surfaces, buildings, and infrastructure networks. In addition, this thesis contributes a generic system that enables to integrate different graphic styles—photorealistic and non-photorealistic—and provide their seamless transition according to user tasks, camera view, and image resolution. Evaluations of the proposed techniques have demonstrated their significance to the field of geospatial information visualization including topics such as spatial perception, cognition, and mapping. In addition, the applications in illustrative and focus+context visualization have reflected their potential impact on optimizing the information transfer regarding factors such as cognitive load, integration of non-realistic information, visualization of uncertainty, and visualization on small displays.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Decker2009, author = {Decker, Gero}, title = {Design and analysis of process choreographies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-40761}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {With the rise of electronic integration between organizations, the need for a precise specification of interaction behavior increases. Information systems, replacing interaction previously carried out by humans via phone, faxes and emails, require a precise specification for handling all possible situations. Such interaction behavior is described in process choreographies. Choreographies enumerate the roles involved, the allowed interactions, the message contents and the behavioral dependencies between interactions. Choreographies serve as interaction contract and are the starting point for adapting existing business processes and systems or for implementing new software components. As a thorough analysis and comparison of choreography modeling languages is missing in the literature, this thesis introduces a requirements framework for choreography languages and uses it for comparing current choreography languages. Language proposals for overcoming the limitations are given for choreography modeling on the conceptual and on the technical level. Using an interconnection modeling style, behavioral dependencies are defined on a per-role basis and different roles are interconnected using message flow. This thesis reveals a number of modeling "anti-patterns" for interconnection modeling, motivating further investigations on choreography languages following the interaction modeling style. Here, interactions are seen as atomic building blocks and the behavioral dependencies between them are defined globally. Two novel language proposals are put forward for this modeling style which have already influenced industrial standardization initiatives. While avoiding many of the pitfalls of interconnection modeling, new anomalies can arise in interaction models. A choreography might not be realizable, i.e. there does not exist a set of interacting roles that collectively realize the specified behavior. This thesis investigates different dimensions of realizability.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schneider2019, author = {Schneider, Jan Niklas}, title = {Computational approaches for emotion research}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-45927}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-459275}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 145}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Emotionen sind ein zentrales Element menschlichen Erlebens und spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entscheidungsfindung. Diese Dissertation identifiziert drei methodische Probleme der aktuellen Emotionsforschung und zeigt auf, wie diese mittels computergest{\"u}tzter Methoden gel{\"o}st werden k{\"o}nnen. Dieser Ansatz wird in drei Forschungsprojekten demonstriert, die die Entwicklung solcher Methoden sowie deren Anwendung auf konkrete Forschungsfragen beschreiben. Das erste Projekt beschreibt ein Paradigma welches es erm{\"o}glicht, die subjektive und objektive Schwierigkeit der Emotionswahrnehmung zu messen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus erm{\"o}glicht es die Verwendung einer beliebigen Anzahl von Emotionskategorien im Vergleich zu den {\"u}blichen sechs Kategorien der Basisemotionen. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine Zunahme der Schwierigkeiten bei der Wahrnehmung von Emotionen mit zunehmendem Alter der Darsteller hin und liefern Hinweise darauf, dass junge Erwachsene, {\"a}ltere Menschen und M{\"a}nner ihre Schwierigkeit bei der Wahrnehmung von Emotionen untersch{\"a}tzen. Weitere Analysen zeigten eine geringe Relevanz personenbezogener Variablen und deuteten darauf hin, dass die Schwierigkeit der Emotionswahrnehmung vornehmlich durch die Auspr{\"a}gung der Wertigkeit des Ausdrucks bestimmt wird. Das zweite Projekt zeigt am Beispiel von Arousal, einem etablierten, aber vagen Konstrukt der Emotionsforschung, wie Face-Tracking-Daten dazu genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen solche Konstrukte zu sch{\"a}rfen. Es beschreibt, wie aus Face-Tracking-Daten Maße f{\"u}r die Entfernung, Geschwindigkeit und Beschleunigung von Gesichtsausdr{\"u}cken berechnet werden k{\"o}nnen. Das Projekt untersuchte wie diesen Maße mit der Arousal-Wahrnehmung in Menschen mit und ohne Autismus zusammenh{\"a}ngen. Der Abstand zum Neutralgesicht war pr{\"a}diktiv f{\"u}r die Arousal-Bewertungen in beiden Gruppen. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine qualitativ {\"a}hnliche Wahrnehmung von Arousal f{\"u}r Menschen mit und ohne Autismus hin. Im dritten Projekt stellen wir die Partial-Least-Squares-Analyse als allgemeine Methode vor, um eine optimale Repr{\"a}sentation zur Verkn{\"u}pfung zweier hochdimensionale Datens{\"a}tze zu finden. Das Projekt demonstriert die Anwendbarkeit dieser Methode in der Emotionsforschung anhand der Frage nach Unterschieden in der Emotionswahrnehmung zwischen M{\"a}nnern und Frauen. Wir konnten zeigen, dass die emotionale Wahrnehmung von Frauen systematisch mehr Varianz der Gesichtsausdr{\"u}cke erfasst und dass signifikante Unterschiede in der Art und Weise bestehen, wie Frauen und M{\"a}nner einige Gesichtsausdr{\"u}cke wahrnehmen. Diese konnten wir als dynamische Gesichtsausdr{\"u}cke visualisieren. Um die Anwendung der entwickelten Methode f{\"u}r die Forschungsgemeinschaft zu erleichtern, wurde ein Software-Paket f{\"u}r die Statistikumgebung R geschrieben. Zudem wurde eine Website entwickelt (thisemotiondoesnotexist.com), die es Besuchern erlaubt, ein Partial-Least-Squares-Modell von Emotionsbewertungen und Face-Tracking-Daten interaktiv zu erkunden, um die entwickelte Methode zu verbreiten und ihren Nutzen f{\"u}r die Emotionsforschung zu illustrieren.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Smirnov2011, author = {Smirnov, Sergey}, title = {Business process model abstraction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60258}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Business process models are used within a range of organizational initiatives, where every stakeholder has a unique perspective on a process and demands the respective model. As a consequence, multiple process models capturing the very same business process coexist. Keeping such models in sync is a challenge within an ever changing business environment: once a process is changed, all its models have to be updated. Due to a large number of models and their complex relations, model maintenance becomes error-prone and expensive. Against this background, business process model abstraction emerged as an operation reducing the number of stored process models and facilitating model management. Business process model abstraction is an operation preserving essential process properties and leaving out insignificant details in order to retain information relevant for a particular purpose. Process model abstraction has been addressed by several researchers. The focus of their studies has been on particular use cases and model transformations supporting these use cases. This thesis systematically approaches the problem of business process model abstraction shaping the outcome into a framework. We investigate the current industry demand in abstraction summarizing it in a catalog of business process model abstraction use cases. The thesis focuses on one prominent use case where the user demands a model with coarse-grained activities and overall process ordering constraints. We develop model transformations that support this use case starting with the transformations based on process model structure analysis. Further, abstraction methods considering the semantics of process model elements are investigated. First, we suggest how semantically related activities can be discovered in process models-a barely researched challenge. The thesis validates the designed abstraction methods against sets of industrial process models and discusses the method implementation aspects. Second, we develop a novel model transformation, which combined with the related activity discovery allows flexible non-hierarchical abstraction. In this way this thesis advocates novel model transformations that facilitate business process model management and provides the foundations for innovative tool support.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ziehe2005, author = {Ziehe, Andreas}, title = {Blind source separation based on joint diagonalization of matrices with applications in biomedical signal processing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5694}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {This thesis is concerned with the solution of the blind source separation problem (BSS). The BSS problem occurs frequently in various scientific and technical applications. In essence, it consists in separating meaningful underlying components out of a mixture of a multitude of superimposed signals. In the recent research literature there are two related approaches to the BSS problem: The first is known as Independent Component Analysis (ICA), where the goal is to transform the data such that the components become as independent as possible. The second is based on the notion of diagonality of certain characteristic matrices derived from the data. Here the goal is to transform the matrices such that they become as diagonal as possible. In this thesis we study the latter method of approximate joint diagonalization (AJD) to achieve a solution of the BSS problem. After an introduction to the general setting, the thesis provides an overview on particular choices for the set of target matrices that can be used for BSS by joint diagonalization. As the main contribution of the thesis, new algorithms for approximate joint diagonalization of several matrices with non-orthogonal transformations are developed. These newly developed algorithms will be tested on synthetic benchmark datasets and compared to other previous diagonalization algorithms. Applications of the BSS methods to biomedical signal processing are discussed and exemplified with real-life data sets of multi-channel biomagnetic recordings.}, subject = {Signaltrennung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchulzHanke2023, author = {Schulz-Hanke, Christian}, title = {BCH Codes mit kombinierter Korrektur und Erkennung}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61794}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617943}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 191}, year = {2023}, abstract = {BCH Codes mit kombinierter Korrektur und Erkennung In dieser Arbeit wird auf Grundlage des BCH Codes untersucht, wie eine Fehlerkorrektur mit einer Erkennung h{\"o}herer Fehleranzahlen kombiniert werden kann. Mit dem Verfahren der 1-Bit Korrektur mit zus{\"a}tzlicher Erkennung h{\"o}herer Fehler wurde ein Ansatz entwickelt, welcher die Erkennung zus{\"a}tzlicher Fehler durch das parallele L{\"o}sen einfacher Gleichungen der Form s_x = s_1^x durchf{\"u}hrt. Die Anzahl dieser Gleichungen ist linear zu der Anzahl der zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fenden h{\"o}heren Fehler. In dieser Arbeit wurde zus{\"a}tzlich f{\"u}r bis zu 4-Bit Korrekturen mit zus{\"a}tzlicher Erkennung h{\"o}herer Fehler ein weiterer allgemeiner Ansatz vorgestellt. Dabei werden parallel f{\"u}r alle korrigierbaren Fehleranzahlen spekulative Fehlerkorrekturen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Aus den bestimmten Fehlerstellen werden spekulative Syndromkomponenten erzeugt, durch welche die Fehlerstellen best{\"a}tigt und h{\"o}here erkennbare Fehleranzahlen ausgeschlossen werden k{\"o}nnen. Die vorgestellten Ans{\"a}tze unterscheiden sich von dem in entwickelten Ansatz, bei welchem die Anzahl der Fehlerstellen durch die Berechnung von Determinanten in absteigender Reihenfolge berechnet wird, bis die erste Determinante 0 bildet. Bei dem bekannten Verfahren ist durch die Berechnung der Determinanten eine faktorielle Anzahl an Berechnungen in Relation zu der Anzahl zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fender Fehler durchzuf{\"u}hren. Im Vergleich zu dem bekannten sequentiellen Verfahrens nach Berlekamp Massey besitzen die Berechnungen im vorgestellten Ansatz simple Gleichungen und k{\"o}nnen parallel durchgef{\"u}hrt werden.Bei dem bekannten Verfahren zur parallelen Korrektur von 4-Bit Fehlern ist eine Gleichung vierten Grades im GF(2^m) zu l{\"o}sen. Dies erfolgt, indem eine Hilfsgleichung dritten Grades und vier Gleichungen zweiten Grades parallel gel{\"o}st werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass sich eine Gleichung zweiten Grades einsparen l{\"a}sst, wodurch sich eine Vereinfachung der Hardware bei einer parallelen Realisierung der 4-Bit Korrektur ergibt. Die erzielten Ergebnisse wurden durch umfangreiche Simulationen in Software und Hardwareimplementierungen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weise2021, author = {Weise, Matthias}, title = {Auswahl von Selektions- und Manipulationstechniken f{\"u}r Virtual Reality-Anwendungen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53458}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-534586}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iii, 218}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die stetige Weiterentwicklung von VR-Systemen bietet neue M{\"o}glichkeiten der Interaktion mit virtuellen Objekten im dreidimensionalen Raum, stellt Entwickelnde von VRAnwendungen aber auch vor neue Herausforderungen. Selektions- und Manipulationstechniken m{\"u}ssen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Anwendungsszenarios, der Zielgruppe und der zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Ein- und Ausgabeger{\"a}te ausgew{\"a}hlt werden. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag dazu, die Auswahl von passenden Interaktionstechniken zu unterst{\"u}tzen. Hierf{\"u}r wurde eine repr{\"a}sentative Menge von Selektions- und Manipulationstechniken untersucht und, unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung existierender Klassifikationssysteme, eine Taxonomie entwickelt, die die Analyse der Techniken hinsichtlich interaktionsrelevanter Eigenschaften erm{\"o}glicht. Auf Basis dieser Taxonomie wurden Techniken ausgew{\"a}hlt, die in einer explorativen Studie verglichen wurden, um R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die Dimensionen der Taxonomie zu ziehen und neue Indizien f{\"u}r Vor- und Nachteile der Techniken in spezifischen Anwendungsszenarien zu generieren. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit m{\"u}nden in eine Webanwendung, die Entwickelnde von VR-Anwendungen gezielt dabei unterst{\"u}tzt, passende Selektions- und Manipulationstechniken f{\"u}r ein Anwendungsszenario auszuw{\"a}hlen, indem Techniken auf Basis der Taxonomie gefiltert und unter Verwendung der Resultate aus der Studie sortiert werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wist2011, author = {Wist, Dominic}, title = {Attacking complexity in logic synthesis of asynchronous circuits}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59706}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Most of the microelectronic circuits fabricated today are synchronous, i.e. they are driven by one or several clock signals. Synchronous circuit design faces several fundamental challenges such as high-speed clock distribution, integration of multiple cores operating at different clock rates, reduction of power consumption and dealing with voltage, temperature, manufacturing and runtime variations. Asynchronous or clockless design plays a key role in alleviating these challenges, however the design and test of asynchronous circuits is much more difficult in comparison to their synchronous counterparts. A driving force for a widespread use of asynchronous technology is the availability of mature EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools which provide an entire automated design flow starting from an HDL (Hardware Description Language) specification yielding the final circuit layout. Even though there was much progress in developing such EDA tools for asynchronous circuit design during the last two decades, the maturity level as well as the acceptance of them is still not comparable with tools for synchronous circuit design. In particular, logic synthesis (which implies the application of Boolean minimisation techniques) for the entire system's control path can significantly improve the efficiency of the resulting asynchronous implementation, e.g. in terms of chip area and performance. However, logic synthesis, in particular for asynchronous circuits, suffers from complexity problems. Signal Transitions Graphs (STGs) are labelled Petri nets which are a widely used to specify the interface behaviour of speed independent (SI) circuits - a robust subclass of asynchronous circuits. STG decomposition is a promising approach to tackle complexity problems like state space explosion in logic synthesis of SI circuits. The (structural) decomposition of STGs is guided by a partition of the output signals and generates a usually much smaller component STG for each partition member, i.e. a component STG with a much smaller state space than the initial specification. However, decomposition can result in component STGs that in isolation have so-called irreducible CSC conflicts (i.e. these components are not SI synthesisable anymore) even if the specification has none of them. A new approach is presented to avoid such conflicts by introducing internal communication between the components. So far, STG decompositions are guided by the finest output partitions, i.e. one output per component. However, this might not yield optimal circuit implementations. Efficient heuristics are presented to determine coarser partitions leading to improved circuits in terms of chip area. For the new algorithms correctness proofs are given and their implementations are incorporated into the decomposition tool DESIJ. The presented techniques are successfully applied to some benchmarks - including 'real-life' specifications arising in the context of control resynthesis - which delivered promising results.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ishebabi2010, author = {Ishebabi, Harold}, title = {Architecture synthesis for adaptive multiprocessor systems on chip}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-41316}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This thesis presents methods for automated synthesis of flexible chip multiprocessor systems from parallel programs targeted at FPGAs to exploit both task-level parallelism and architecture customization. Automated synthesis is necessitated by the complexity of the design space. A detailed description of the design space is provided in order to determine which parameters should be modeled to facilitate automated synthesis by optimizing a cost function, the emphasis being placed on inclusive modeling of parameters from application, architectural and physical subspaces, as well as their joint coverage in order to avoid pre-constraining the design space. Given a parallel program and a set of an IP library, the automated synthesis problem is to simultaneously (i) select processors (ii) map and schedule tasks to them, and (iii) select one or several networks for inter-task communications such that design constraints and optimization objectives are met. The research objective in this thesis is to find a suitable model for automated synthesis, and to evaluate methods of using the model for architectural optimizations. Our contributions are a holistic approach for the design of such systems, corresponding models to facilitate automated synthesis, evaluation of optimization methods using state of the art integer linear and answer set programming, as well as the development of synthesis heuristics to solve runtime challenges.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scholz2006, author = {Scholz, Matthias}, title = {Approaches to analyse and interpret biological profile data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-7839}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Advances in biotechnologies rapidly increase the number of molecules of a cell which can be observed simultaneously. This includes expression levels of thousands or ten-thousands of genes as well as concentration levels of metabolites or proteins. Such Profile data, observed at different times or at different experimental conditions (e.g., heat or dry stress), show how the biological experiment is reflected on the molecular level. This information is helpful to understand the molecular behaviour and to identify molecules or combination of molecules that characterise specific biological condition (e.g., disease). This work shows the potentials of component extraction algorithms to identify the major factors which influenced the observed data. This can be the expected experimental factors such as the time or temperature as well as unexpected factors such as technical artefacts or even unknown biological behaviour. Extracting components means to reduce the very high-dimensional data to a small set of new variables termed components. Each component is a combination of all original variables. The classical approach for that purpose is the principal component analysis (PCA). It is shown that, in contrast to PCA which maximises the variance only, modern approaches such as independent component analysis (ICA) are more suitable for analysing molecular data. The condition of independence between components of ICA fits more naturally our assumption of individual (independent) factors which influence the data. This higher potential of ICA is demonstrated by a crossing experiment of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Thale Cress). The experimental factors could be well identified and, in addition, ICA could even detect a technical artefact. However, in continuously observations such as in time experiments, the data show, in general, a nonlinear distribution. To analyse such nonlinear data, a nonlinear extension of PCA is used. This nonlinear PCA (NLPCA) is based on a neural network algorithm. The algorithm is adapted to be applicable to incomplete molecular data sets. Thus, it provides also the ability to estimate the missing data. The potential of nonlinear PCA to identify nonlinear factors is demonstrated by a cold stress experiment of Arabidopsis thaliana. The results of component analysis can be used to build a molecular network model. Since it includes functional dependencies it is termed functional network. Applied to the cold stress data, it is shown that functional networks are appropriate to visualise biological processes and thereby reveals molecular dynamics.}, subject = {Bioinformatik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Floeter2005, author = {Fl{\"o}ter, Andr{\´e}}, title = {Analyzing biological expression data based on decision tree induction}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-6416}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Modern biological analysis techniques supply scientists with various forms of data. One category of such data are the so called "expression data". These data indicate the quantities of biochemical compounds present in tissue samples. Recently, expression data can be generated at a high speed. This leads in turn to amounts of data no longer analysable by classical statistical techniques. Systems biology is the new field that focuses on the modelling of this information. At present, various methods are used for this purpose. One superordinate class of these meth­ods is machine learning. Methods of this kind had, until recently, predominantly been used for classification and prediction tasks. This neglected a powerful secondary benefit: the ability to induce interpretable models. Obtaining such models from data has become a key issue within Systems biology. Numerous approaches have been proposed and intensively discussed. This thesis focuses on the examination and exploitation of one basic technique: decision trees. The concept of comparing sets of decision trees is developed. This method offers the pos­sibility of identifying significant thresholds in continuous or discrete valued attributes through their corresponding set of decision trees. Finding significant thresholds in attributes is a means of identifying states in living organisms. Knowing about states is an invaluable clue to the un­derstanding of dynamic processes in organisms. Applied to metabolite concentration data, the proposed method was able to identify states which were not found with conventional techniques for threshold extraction. A second approach exploits the structure of sets of decision trees for the discovery of com­binatorial dependencies between attributes. Previous work on this issue has focused either on expensive computational methods or the interpretation of single decision trees ­ a very limited exploitation of the data. This has led to incomplete or unstable results. That is why a new method is developed that uses sets of decision trees to overcome these limitations. Both the introduced methods are available as software tools. They can be applied consecu­tively or separately. That way they make up a package of analytical tools that usefully supplement existing methods. By means of these tools, the newly introduced methods were able to confirm existing knowl­edge and to suggest interesting and new relationships between metabolites.}, subject = {Molekulare Bioinformatik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AlSaffar2016, author = {Al-Saffar, Loay Talib Ahmed}, title = {Analysing prerequisites, expectations, apprehensions, and attitudes of university students studying Computer science}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98437}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 131}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The main objective of this dissertation is to analyse prerequisites, expectations, apprehensions, and attitudes of students studying computer science, who are willing to gain a bachelor degree. The research will also investigate in the students' learning style according to the Felder-Silverman model. These investigations fall in the attempt to make an impact on reducing the "dropout"/shrinkage rate among students, and to suggest a better learning environment. The first investigation starts with a survey that has been made at the computer science department at the University of Baghdad to investigate the attitudes of computer science students in an environment dominated by women, showing the differences in attitudes between male and female students in different study years. Students are accepted to university studies via a centrally controlled admission procedure depending mainly on their final score at school. This leads to a high percentage of students studying subjects they do not want. Our analysis shows that 75\% of the female students do not regret studying computer science although it was not their first choice. And according to statistics over previous years, women manage to succeed in their study and often graduate on top of their class. We finish with a comparison of attitudes between the freshman students of two different cultures and two different university enrolment procedures (University of Baghdad, in Iraq, and the University of Potsdam, in Germany) both with opposite gender majority. The second step of investigation took place at the department of computer science at the University of Potsdam in Germany and analyzes the learning styles of students studying the three major fields of study offered by the department (computer science, business informatics, and computer science teaching). Investigating the differences in learning styles between the students of those study fields who usually take some joint courses is important to be aware of which changes are necessary to be adopted in the teaching methods to address those different students. It was a two stage study using two questionnaires; the main one is based on the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire of B. A. Solomon and R. M. Felder, and the second questionnaire was an investigation on the students' attitudes towards the findings of their personal first questionnaire. Our analysis shows differences in the preferences of learning style between male and female students of the different study fields, as well as differences between students with the different specialties (computer science, business informatics, and computer science teaching). The third investigation looks closely into the difficulties, issues, apprehensions and expectations of freshman students studying computer science. The study took place at the computer science department at the University of Potsdam with a volunteer sample of students. The goal is to determine and discuss the difficulties and issues that they are facing in their study that may lead them to think in dropping-out, changing the study field, or changing the university. The research continued with the same sample of students (with business informatics students being the majority) through more than three semesters. Difficulties and issues during the study were documented, as well as students' attitudes, apprehensions, and expectations. Some of the professors and lecturers opinions and solutions to some students' problems were also documented. Many participants had apprehensions and difficulties, especially towards informatics subjects. Some business informatics participants began to think of changing the university, in particular when they reached their third semester, others thought about changing their field of study. Till the end of this research, most of the participants continued in their studies (the study they have started with or the new study they have changed to) without leaving the higher education system.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Linckels2008, author = {Linckels, Serge}, title = {An e-librarian service : supporting explorative learning by a description logics based semantic retrieval tool}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-17452}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Although educational content in electronic form is increasing dramatically, its usage in an educational environment is poor, mainly due to the fact that there is too much of (unreliable) redundant, and not relevant information. Finding appropriate answers is a rather difficult task being reliant on the user filtering of the pertinent information from the noise. Turning knowledge bases like the online tele-TASK archive into useful educational resources requires identifying correct, reliable, and "machine-understandable" information, as well as developing simple but efficient search tools with the ability to reason over this information. Our vision is to create an E-Librarian Service, which is able to retrieve multimedia resources from a knowledge base in a more efficient way than by browsing through an index, or by using a simple keyword search. In our E-Librarian Service, the user can enter his question in a very simple and human way; in natural language (NL). Our premise is that more pertinent results would be retrieved if the search engine understood the sense of the user's query. The returned results are then logical consequences of an inference rather than of keyword matchings. Our E-Librarian Service does not return the answer to the user's question, but it retrieves the most pertinent document(s), in which the user finds the answer to his/her question. Among all the documents that have some common information with the user query, our E-Librarian Service identifies the most pertinent match(es), keeping in mind that the user expects an exhaustive answer while preferring a concise answer with only little or no information overhead. Also, our E-Librarian Service always proposes a solution to the user, even if the system concludes that there is no exhaustive answer. Our E-Librarian Service was implemented prototypically in three different educational tools. A first prototype is CHESt (Computer History Expert System); it has a knowledge base with 300 multimedia clips that cover the main events in computer history. A second prototype is MatES (Mathematics Expert System); it has a knowledge base with 115 clips that cover the topic of fractions in mathematics for secondary school w.r.t. the official school programme. All clips were recorded mainly by pupils. The third and most advanced prototype is the "Lecture Butler's E-Librarain Service"; it has a Web service interface to respect a service oriented architecture (SOA), and was developed in the context of the Web-University project at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI). Two major experiments in an educational environment - at the Lyc{\´e}e Technique Esch/Alzette in Luxembourg - were made to test the pertinence and reliability of our E-Librarian Service as a complement to traditional courses. The first experiment (in 2005) was made with CHESt in different classes, and covered a single lesson. The second experiment (in 2006) covered a period of 6 weeks of intensive use of MatES in one class. There was no classical mathematics lesson where the teacher gave explanations, but the students had to learn in an autonomous and exploratory way. They had to ask questions to the E-Librarian Service just the way they would if there was a human teacher.}, subject = {Terminologische Logik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lindauer2014, author = {Lindauer, T. Marius}, title = {Algorithm selection, scheduling and configuration of Boolean constraint solvers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-71260}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 130}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Boolean constraint solving technology has made tremendous progress over the last decade, leading to industrial-strength solvers, for example, in the areas of answer set programming (ASP), the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), propositional satisfiability (SAT) and satisfiability of quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). However, in all these areas, there exist multiple solving strategies that work well on different applications; no strategy dominates all other strategies. Therefore, no individual solver shows robust state-of-the-art performance in all kinds of applications. Additionally, the question arises how to choose a well-performing solving strategy for a given application; this is a challenging question even for solver and domain experts. One way to address this issue is the use of portfolio solvers, that is, a set of different solvers or solver configurations. We present three new automatic portfolio methods: (i) automatic construction of parallel portfolio solvers (ACPP) via algorithm configuration,(ii) solving the \$NP\$-hard problem of finding effective algorithm schedules with Answer Set Programming (aspeed), and (iii) a flexible algorithm selection framework (claspfolio2) allowing for fair comparison of different selection approaches. All three methods show improved performance and robustness in comparison to individual solvers on heterogeneous instance sets from many different applications. Since parallel solvers are important to effectively solve hard problems on parallel computation systems (e.g., multi-core processors), we extend all three approaches to be effectively applicable in parallel settings. We conducted extensive experimental studies different instance sets from ASP, CSP, MAXSAT, Operation Research (OR), SAT and QBF that indicate an improvement in the state-of-the-art solving heterogeneous instance sets. Last but not least, from our experimental studies, we deduce practical advice regarding the question when to apply which of our methods.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hecher2021, author = {Hecher, Markus}, title = {Advanced tools and methods for treewidth-based problem solving}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51251}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-512519}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 184}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In the last decades, there was a notable progress in solving the well-known Boolean satisfiability (Sat) problem, which can be witnessed by powerful Sat solvers. One of the reasons why these solvers are so fast are structural properties of instances that are utilized by the solver's interna. This thesis deals with the well-studied structural property treewidth, which measures the closeness of an instance to being a tree. In fact, there are many problems parameterized by treewidth that are solvable in polynomial time in the instance size when parameterized by treewidth. In this work, we study advanced treewidth-based methods and tools for problems in knowledge representation and reasoning (KR). Thereby, we provide means to establish precise runtime results (upper bounds) for canonical problems relevant to KR. Then, we present a new type of problem reduction, which we call decomposition-guided (DG) that allows us to precisely monitor the treewidth when reducing from one problem to another problem. This new reduction type will be the basis for a long-open lower bound result for quantified Boolean formulas and allows us to design a new methodology for establishing runtime lower bounds for problems parameterized by treewidth. Finally, despite these lower bounds, we provide an efficient implementation of algorithms that adhere to treewidth. Our approach finds suitable abstractions of instances, which are subsequently refined in a recursive fashion, and it uses Sat solvers for solving subproblems. It turns out that our resulting solver is quite competitive for two canonical counting problems related to Sat.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sawade2012, author = {Sawade, Christoph}, title = {Active evaluation of predictive models}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-255-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-65583}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 157}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The field of machine learning studies algorithms that infer predictive models from data. Predictive models are applicable for many practical tasks such as spam filtering, face and handwritten digit recognition, and personalized product recommendation. In general, they are used to predict a target label for a given data instance. In order to make an informed decision about the deployment of a predictive model, it is crucial to know the model's approximate performance. To evaluate performance, a set of labeled test instances is required that is drawn from the distribution the model will be exposed to at application time. In many practical scenarios, unlabeled test instances are readily available, but the process of labeling them can be a time- and cost-intensive task and may involve a human expert. This thesis addresses the problem of evaluating a given predictive model accurately with minimal labeling effort. We study an active model evaluation process that selects certain instances of the data according to an instrumental sampling distribution and queries their labels. We derive sampling distributions that minimize estimation error with respect to different performance measures such as error rate, mean squared error, and F-measures. An analysis of the distribution that governs the estimator leads to confidence intervals, which indicate how precise the error estimation is. Labeling costs may vary across different instances depending on certain characteristics of the data. For instance, documents differ in their length, comprehensibility, and technical requirements; these attributes affect the time a human labeler needs to judge relevance or to assign topics. To address this, the sampling distribution is extended to incorporate instance-specific costs. We empirically study conditions under which the active evaluation processes are more accurate than a standard estimate that draws equally many instances from the test distribution. We also address the problem of comparing the risks of two predictive models. The standard approach would be to draw instances according to the test distribution, label the selected instances, and apply statistical tests to identify significant differences. Drawing instances according to an instrumental distribution affects the power of a statistical test. We derive a sampling procedure that maximizes test power when used to select instances, and thereby minimizes the likelihood of choosing the inferior model. Furthermore, we investigate the task of comparing several alternative models; the objective of an evaluation could be to rank the models according to the risk that they incur or to identify the model with lowest risk. An experimental study shows that the active procedure leads to higher test power than the standard test in many application domains. Finally, we study the problem of evaluating the performance of ranking functions, which are used for example for web search. In practice, ranking performance is estimated by applying a given ranking model to a representative set of test queries and manually assessing the relevance of all retrieved items for each query. We apply the concepts of active evaluation and active comparison to ranking functions and derive optimal sampling distributions for the commonly used performance measures Discounted Cumulative Gain and Expected Reciprocal Rank. Experiments on web search engine data illustrate significant reductions in labeling costs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hu2006, author = {Hu, Ji}, title = {A virtual machine architecture for IT-security laboratories}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-7818}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This thesis discusses challenges in IT security education, points out a gap between e-learning and practical education, and presents a work to fill the gap. E-learning is a flexible and personalized alternative to traditional education. Nonetheless, existing e-learning systems for IT security education have difficulties in delivering hands-on experience because of the lack of proximity. Laboratory environments and practical exercises are indispensable instruction tools to IT security education, but security education in conventional computer laboratories poses particular problems such as immobility as well as high creation and maintenance costs. Hence, there is a need to effectively transform security laboratories and practical exercises into e-learning forms. In this thesis, we introduce the Tele-Lab IT-Security architecture that allows students not only to learn IT security principles, but also to gain hands-on security experience by exercises in an online laboratory environment. In this architecture, virtual machines are used to provide safe user work environments instead of real computers. Thus, traditional laboratory environments can be cloned onto the Internet by software, which increases accessibility to laboratory resources and greatly reduces investment and maintenance costs. Under the Tele-Lab IT-Security framework, a set of technical solutions is also proposed to provide effective functionalities, reliability, security, and performance. The virtual machines with appropriate resource allocation, software installation, and system configurations are used to build lightweight security laboratories on a hosting computer. Reliability and availability of laboratory platforms are covered by a virtual machine management framework. This management framework provides necessary monitoring and administration services to detect and recover critical failures of virtual machines at run time. Considering the risk that virtual machines can be misused for compromising production networks, we present a security management solution to prevent the misuse of laboratory resources by security isolation at the system and network levels. This work is an attempt to bridge the gap between e-learning/tele-teaching and practical IT security education. It is not to substitute conventional teaching in laboratories but to add practical features to e-learning. This thesis demonstrates the possibility to implement hands-on security laboratories on the Internet reliably, securely, and economically.}, subject = {Computersicherheit}, language = {en} }