@phdthesis{Golly2017, author = {Golly, Antonius}, title = {Formation and evolution of channel steps and their role for sediment dynamics in a steep mountain stream}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-411728}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {180}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Steep mountain channels are an important component of the fluvial system. On geological timescales, they shape mountain belts and counteract tectonic uplift by erosion. Their channels are strongly coupled to hillslopes and they are often the main source of sediment transported downstream to low-gradient rivers and to alluvial fans, where commonly settlements in mountainous areas are located. Hence, mountain streams are the cause for one of the main natural hazards in these regions. Due to climate change and a pronounced populating of mountainous regions the attention given to this threat is even growing. Although quantitative studies on sediment transport have significantly advanced our knowledge on measuring and calibration techniques we still lack studies of the processes within mountain catchments. Studies examining the mechanisms of energy and mass exchange on small temporal and spatial scales in steep streams remain sparse in comparison to low-gradient alluvial channels. In the beginning of this doctoral project, a vast amount of experience and knowledge of a steep stream in the Swiss Prealps had to be consolidated in order to shape the principal aim of this research effort. It became obvious, that observations from within the catchment are underrepresented in comparison to experiments performed at the catchment's outlet measuring fluxes and the effects of the transported material. To counteract this imbalance, an examination of mass fluxes within the catchment on the process scale was intended. Hence, this thesis is heavily based on direct field observations, which are generally rare in these environments in quantity and quality. The first objective was to investigate the coupling of the channel with surrounding hillslopes, the major sources of sediment. This research, which involved the monitoring of the channel and adjacent hillslopes, revealed that alluvial channel steps play a key role in coupling of channel and hillslopes. The observations showed that hillslope stability is strongly associated with the step presence and an understanding of step morphology and stability is therefore crucial in understanding sediment mobilization. This finding refined the way we think about the sediment dynamics in steep channels and motivated continued research of the step dynamics. However, soon it became obvious that the technological basis for developing field tests and analyzing the high resolution geometry measured in the field was not available. Moreover, for many geometrical quantities in mountain channels definitions and a clear scientific standard was not available. For example, these streams are characterized by a high spatial variability of the channel banks, preventing straightforward calculations of the channel width without a defined reference. Thus, the second and inevitable part of this thesis became the development and evaluation of scientific tools in order to investigate the geometrical content of the study reach thoroughly. The developed framework allowed the derivation of various metrics of step and channel geometry which facilitated research on the a large data set of observations of channel steps. In the third part, innovative, physically-based metrics have been developed and compared to current knowledge on step formation, suggested in the literature. With this analyses it could be demonstrated that the formation of channel steps follow a wide range of hydraulic controls. Due to the wide range of tested parameters channel steps observed in a natural stream were attributed to different mechanisms of step formation, including those based on jamming and those based on key-stones. This study extended our knowledge on step formation in a steep stream and harmonized different, often time seen as competing, processes of step formation. This study was based on observations collected at one point in time. In the fourth part of this project, the findings of the snap-shot observations were extended in the temporal dimension and the derived concepts have been utilized to investigate reach-scale step patterns in response to large, exceptional flood events. The preliminary results of this work based on the long-term analyses of 7 years of long profile surveys showed that the previously observed channel-hillslope mechanism is the responsible for the short-term response of step formation. The findings of the long-term analyses of step patterns drew a bow to the initial observations of a channel-hillslope system which allowed to join the dots in the dynamics of steep stream. Thus, in this thesis a broad approach has been chosen to gain insights into the complex system of steep mountain rivers. The effort includes in situ field observations (article I), the development of quantitative scientific tools (article II), the reach-scale analyses of step-pool morphology (article III) and its temporal evolution (article IV). With this work our view on the processes within the catchment has been advanced towards a better mechanistic understanding of these fluvial system relevant to improve applied scientific work.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{QuirogaCarrasco2023, author = {Quiroga Carrasco, Rodrigo Adolfo}, title = {Cenozoic style of deformation and spatiotemporal variations of the tectonic stress field in the southern central Andes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61038}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-610387}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {228}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The central Andean plateau is the second largest orogenic plateau in the world and has formed in a non-collisional orogenic system. It extends from southern Peru (15°S) to northern Argentina and Chile (27°30'S) and reaches an average elevation of 4,000 m.a.s.l. South of 24°S, the Andean plateau is called Puna and it is characterized by a system of endorheic basins with thick sequences where clastic and evaporitic strata are preserved. Between 26° and 27°30'S, the Puna terminates in a structurally complex zone which coincides with the transition from a normal subduction zone to a flat subduction ("flat slab") zone, which extends to 33°S. This transition zone also coincides with important morphostructural provinces that, from west to east, correspond to i) the Cordillera Frontal, where the Maricunga Belt is located; ii) the Famatina system; and iv) the north-western, thick-skinned Sierras Pampeanas. Various structural, sedimentological, thermochronological and geochronological studies in this region have documented a complex history of deformation and uplift during successive Cenozoic deformation events. These processes caused the increase of crustal thickness, as well as episodes of diachronic uplift, which attained its present configuration during the late Miocene. Subsequently, the plateau experienced a change in deformation style from contraction to extension and transtension documented by ubiquitous normal faults, earthquakes, and magmatic rocks. However, at the southern edge of the Puna plateau and in the transition to the other morphostructural provinces, the variation of deformation processes and the changes in the tectonic stress field are not fully understood. This location is thus ideally located to evaluate how the tectonic stress field may have evolved and how it may have been affected by the presence/absence of an orogenic plateau, as well as by the existence of inherited structural anisotropies within the different tectonic provinces. This thesis investigates the relationship between shallow crustal deformation and the spatiotemporal evolution of the tectonic stress field in the southern sector of the Andean plateau, during pre-, syn- and post-uplift periods of this plateau. To carry out this research, multiple methodological approaches were chosen that include (U-Pb) radiometric dating; the analysis of mesoscopic faults to obtain stress tensors and the orientation of the principal stress axes; the determination of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy in sedimentary and volcanoclastic rocks to identify shortening directions or directions of sedimentary transport; kinematic modeling to infer deep crustal structures and deformation; and finally, a morphometric analysis to identify geomorphological indicators associated with Quaternary tectonism. Combining the obtained results with data from published studies, this study reveals a complex history of the tectonic stress field that has been characterized by changes in orientation and by vertical permutations of the principal stress axes during each deformation regime over the last ~24 Ma. The evolution of the tectonic stress field can be linked with three orogenic phases at this latitude of the Andean orogen: (1) a first phase with an E-W-oriented compression documented between Eocene and middle Miocene, which coincided with Andean crustal thickening, lateral growth, and topographic uplift; (2) a second phase characterized by a compressive transpressional stress regime, starting at ~11 Ma and ~5 Ma on the western and eastern edge of the Puna plateau, respectively, and a compressive stress regime in the Famatina system and the Sierras Pampeanas, which is interpreted to reflect a transition between Neogene orogenic construction and the maximum accumulation of deformation and topographic uplift of the Puna plateau; and (3) a third phase, when the tectonic regime caused a changeover to a tensional stress state that followed crustal thickening and the maximum uplift of the plateau between ~5-4 Ma; this is especially well expressed in the Puna, in its western border area with the Maricunga-Valle Ancho Belt, and along its eastern border in the transition with the Sierras Pampeanas. The results of the study thus document that the plateau rim experienced a shift from a compressional to a transtensional regime, which differs from the tensional state of stress of the Andean Plateau in the northern sectors for the same period. Similar stress changes have been documented during the construction of the Tibetan plateau, where a predominantly compressional stress regime changed to a transtensional regime, but which was superseded by a purely tensional regime, between 14 and 4 Ma.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Shaw2024, author = {Shaw, Vasundhara}, title = {Cosmic-ray transport and signatures in their local environment}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62019}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620198}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The origin and structure of magnetic fields in the Galaxy are largely unknown. What is known is that they are essential for several astrophysical processes, in particular the propagation of cosmic rays. Our ability to describe the propagation of cosmic rays through the Galaxy is severely limited by the lack of observational data needed to probe the structure of the Galactic magnetic field on many different length scales. This is particularly true for modelling the propagation of cosmic rays into the Galactic halo, where our knowledge of the magnetic field is particularly poor. In the last decade, observations of the Galactic halo in different frequency regimes have revealed the existence of out-of-plane bubble emission in the Galactic halo. In gamma rays these bubbles have been termed Fermi bubbles with a radial extent of ≈ 3 kpc and an azimuthal height of ≈ 6 kpc. The radio counterparts of the Fermi bubbles were seen by both the S-PASS telescopes and the Planck satellite, and showed a clear spatial overlap. The X-ray counterparts of the Fermi bubbles were named eROSITA bubbles after the eROSITA satellite, with a radial width of ≈ 7 kpc and an azimuthal height of ≈ 14 kpc. Taken together, these observations suggest the presence of large extended Galactic Halo Bubbles (GHB) and have stimulated interest in exploring the less explored Galactic halo. In this thesis, a new toy model (GHB model) for the magnetic field and non-thermal electron distribution in the Galactic halo has been proposed. The new toy model has been used to produce polarised synchrotron emission sky maps. Chi-square analysis was used to compare the synthetic skymaps with the Planck 30 GHz polarised skymaps. The obtained constraints on the strength and azimuthal height were found to be in agreement with the S-PASS radio observations. The upper, lower and best-fit values obtained from the above chi-squared analysis were used to generate three separate toy models. These three models were used to propagate ultra-high energy cosmic rays. This study was carried out for two potential sources, Centaurus A and NGC 253, to produce magnification maps and arrival direction skymaps. The simulated arrival direction skymaps were found to be consistent with the hotspots of Centaurus A and NGC 253 as seen in the observed arrival direction skymaps provided by the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO). The turbulent magnetic field component of the GHB model was also used to investigate the extragalactic dipole suppression seen by PAO. UHECRs with an extragalactic dipole were forward-tracked through the turbulent GHB model at different field strengths. The suppression in the dipole due to the varying diffusion coefficient from the simulations was noted. The results could also be compared with an analytical analogy of electrostatics. The simulations of the extragalactic dipole suppression were in agreement with similar studies carried out for galactic cosmic rays.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schemenz2022, author = {Schemenz, Victoria}, title = {Correlations between osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network and material characteristics in bone adaptation and regeneration}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55959}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-559593}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {3, xii, 146}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The complex hierarchical structure of bone undergoes a lifelong remodeling process, where it adapts to mechanical needs. Hereby, bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts have to be balanced to sustain a healthy and stable organ. Osteocytes orchestrate this interplay by sensing mechanical strains and translating them into biochemical signals. The osteocytes are located in lacunae and are connected to one another and other bone cells via cell processes through small channels, the canaliculi. Lacunae and canaliculi form a network (LCN) of extracellular spaces that is able to transport ions and enables cell-to-cell communication. Osteocytes might also contribute to mineral homeostasis by direct interactions with the surrounding matrix. If the LCN is acting as a transport system, this should be reflected in the mineralization pattern. The central hypothesis of this thesis is that osteocytes are actively changing their material environment. Characterization methods of material science are used to achieve the aim of detecting traces of this interaction between osteocytes and the extracellular matrix. First, healthy murine bones were characterized. The properties analyzed were then compared with three murine model systems: 1) a loading model, where a bone of the mouse was loaded during its life time; 2) a healing model, where a bone of the mouse was cut to induce a healing response; and 3) a disease model, where the Fbn1 gene is dysfunctional causing defects in the formation of the extracellular tissue. The measurement strategy included routines that make it possible to analyze the organization of the LCN and the material components (i.e., the organic collagen matrix and the mineral particles) in the same bone volumes and compare the spatial distribution of different data sets. The three-dimensional network architecture of the LCN is visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) after rhodamine staining and is then subsequently quantified. The calcium content is determined via quantitative backscattered electron imaging (qBEI), while small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS and WAXS) are employed to determine the thickness and length of local mineral particles. First, tibiae cortices of healthy mice were characterized to investigate how changes in LCN architecture can be attributed to interactions of osteocytes with the surrounding bone matrix. The tibial mid-shaft cross-sections showed two main regions, consisting of a band with unordered LCN surrounded by a region with ordered LCN. The unordered region is a remnant of early bone formation and exhibited short and thin mineral particles. The surrounding, more aligned bone showed ordered and dense LCN as well as thicker and longer mineral particles. The calcium content was unchanged between the two regions. In the mouse loading model, the left tibia underwent two weeks of mechanical stimulation, which results in increased bone formation and decreased resorption in skeletally mature mice. Here the specific research question addressed was how do bone material characteristics change at (re)modeling sites? The new bone formed in response to mechanical stimulation showed similar properties in terms of the mineral particles, like the ordered calcium region but lower calcium content compared to the right, non-loaded control bone of the same mice. There was a clear, recognizable border between mature and newly formed bone. Nevertheless, some canaliculi went through this border connecting the LCN of mature and newly formed bone. Additionally, the question should be answered whether the LCN topology and the bone matrix material properties adapt to loading. Although, mechanically stimulated bones did not show differences in calcium content compared to controls, different correlations were found between the local LCN density and the local Ca content depending on whether the bone was loaded or not. These results suggest that the LCN may serve as a mineral reservoir. For the healing model, the femurs of mice underwent an osteotomy, stabilized with an external fixator and were allowed to heal for 21 days. Thus, the spatial variations in the LCN topology with mineral properties within different tissue types and their interfaces, namely calcified cartilage, bony callus and cortex, could be simultaneously visualized and compared in this model. All tissue types showed structural differences across multiple length scales. Calcium content increased and became more homogeneous from calcified cartilage to bony callus to lamellar cortical bone. The degree of LCN organization increased as well, while the lacunae became smaller, as did the lacunar density between these different tissue types that make up the callus. In the calcified cartilage, the mineral particles were short and thin. The newly formed callus exhibited thicker mineral particles, which still had a low degree of orientation. While most of the callus had a woven-like structure, it also served as a scaffold for more lamellar tissue at the edges. The lamelar bone callus showed thinner mineral particles, but a higher degree of alignment in both, mineral particles and the LCN. The cortex showed the highest values for mineral length, thickness and degree of orientation. At the same time, the lacunae number density was 34\% lower and the lacunar volume 40\% smaller compared to bony callus. The transition zone between cortical and callus regions showed a continuous convergence of bone mineral properties and lacunae shape. Although only a few canaliculi connected callus and the cortical region, this indicates that communication between osteocytes of both tissues should be possible. The presented correlations between LCN architecture and mineral properties across tissue types may suggest that osteocytes have an active role in mineralization processes of healing. A mouse model for the disease marfan syndrome, which includes a genetic defect in the fibrillin-1 gene, was investigated. In humans, Marfan syndrome is characterized by a range of clinical symptoms such as long bone overgrowth, loose joints, reduced bone mineral density, compromised bone microarchitecture, and increased fracture rates. Thus, fibrillin-1 seems to play a role in the skeletal homeostasis. Therefore, the present work studied how marfan syndrome alters LCN architecture and the surrounding bone matrix. The mice with marfan syndrome showed longer tibiae than their healthy littermates from an age of seven weeks onwards. In contrast, the cortical development appeared retarded, which was observed across all measured characteristics, i. e. lower endocortical bone formation, looser and less organized lacuno-canalicular network, less collagen orientation, thinner and shorter mineral particles. In each of the three model systems, this study found that changes in the LCN architecture spatially correlated with bone matrix material parameters. While not knowing the exact mechanism, these results provide indications that osteocytes can actively manipulate a mineral reservoir located around the canaliculi to make a quickly accessible contribution to mineral homeostasis. However, this interaction is most likely not one-sided, but could be understood as an interplay between osteocytes and extra-cellular matrix, since the bone matrix contains biochemical signaling molecules (e.g. non-collagenous proteins) that can change osteocyte behavior. Bone (re)modeling can therefore not only be understood as a method for removing defects or adapting to external mechanical stimuli, but also for increasing the efficiency of possible osteocyte-mineral interactions during bone homeostasis. With these findings, it seems reasonable to consider osteocytes as a target for drug development related to bone diseases that cause changes in bone composition and mechanical properties. It will most likely require the combined effort of materials scientists, cell biologists, and molecular biologists to gain a deeper understanding of how bone cells respond to their material environment.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Forster2021, author = {Forster, Florian}, title = {Continuous microgravity monitoring of the Þeistareykir geothermal field (North Iceland)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54851}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-548517}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 164}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In my doctoral thesis, I examine continuous gravity measurements for monitoring of the geothermal site at Þeistareykir in North Iceland. With the help of high-precision superconducting gravity meters (iGravs), I investigate underground mass changes that are caused by operation of the geothermal power plant (i.e. by extraction of hot water and reinjection of cold water). The overall goal of this research project is to make a statement about the sustainable use of the geothermal reservoir, from which also the Icelandic energy supplier and power plant operator Landsvirkjun should benefit. As a first step, for investigating the performance and measurement stability of the gravity meters, in summer 2017, I performed comparative measurements at the gravimetric observatory J9 in Strasbourg. From the three-month gravity time series, I examined calibration, noise and drift behaviour of the iGravs in comparison to stable long-term time series of the observatory superconducting gravity meters. After preparatory work in Iceland (setup of gravity stations, additional measuring equipment and infrastructure, discussions with Landsvirkjun and meetings with the Icelandic partner institute ISOR), gravity monitoring at Þeistareykir was started in December 2017. With the help of the iGrav records of the initial 18 months after start of measurements, I carried out the same investigations (on calibration, noise and drift behaviour) as in J9 to understand how the transport of the superconducting gravity meters to Iceland may influence instrumental parameters. In the further course of this work, I focus on modelling and reduction of local gravity contributions at Þeistareykir. These comprise additional mass changes due to rain, snowfall and vertical surface displacements that superimpose onto the geothermal signal of the gravity measurements. For this purpose, I used data sets from additional monitoring sensors that are installed at each gravity station and adapted scripts for hydro-gravitational modelling. The third part of my thesis targets geothermal signals in the gravity measurements. Together with my PhD colleague Nolwenn Portier from France, I carried out additional gravity measurements with a Scintrex CG5 gravity meter at 26 measuring points within the geothermal field in the summers of 2017, 2018 and 2019. These annual time-lapse gravity measurements are intended to increase the spatial coverage of gravity data from the three continuous monitoring stations to the entire geothermal field. The combination of CG5 and iGrav observations, as well as annual reference measurements with an FG5 absolute gravity meter represent the hybrid gravimetric monitoring method for Þeistareykir. Comparison of the gravimetric data to local borehole measurements (of groundwater levels, geothermal extraction and injection rates) is used to relate the observed gravity changes to the actually extracted (and reinjected) geothermal fluids. An approach to explain the observed gravity signals by means of forward modelling of the geothermal production rate is presented at the end of the third (hybrid gravimetric) study. Further modelling with the help of the processed gravity data is planned by Landsvirkjun. In addition, the experience from time-lapse and continuous gravity monitoring will be used for future gravity measurements at the Krafla geothermal field 22 km south-east of Þeistareykir.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leins2023, author = {Leins, Johannes A.}, title = {Combining model detail with large scales}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-582837}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 168}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The global climate crisis is significantly contributing to changing ecosystems, loss of biodiversity and is putting numerous species on the verge of extinction. In principle, many species are able to adapt to changing conditions or shift their habitats to more suitable regions. However, change is progressing faster than some species can adjust, or potential adaptation is blocked and disrupted by direct and indirect human action. Unsustainable anthropogenic land use in particular is one of the driving factors, besides global heating, for these ecologically critical developments. Precisely because land use is anthropogenic, it is also a factor that could be quickly and immediately corrected by human action. In this thesis, I therefore assess the impact of three climate change scenarios of increasing intensity in combination with differently scheduled mowing regimes on the long-term development and dispersal success of insects in Northwest German grasslands. The large marsh grasshopper (LMG, Stethophyma grossum, Linn{\´e} 1758) is used as a species of reference for the analyses. It inhabits wet meadows and marshes and has a limited, yet fairly good ability to disperse. Mowing and climate conditions affect the development and mortality of the LMG differently depending on its life stage. The specifically developed simulation model HiLEG (High-resolution Large Environmental Gradient) serves as a tool for investigating and projecting viability and dispersal success under different climate conditions and land use scenarios. It is a spatially explicit, stage- and cohort-based model that can be individually configured to represent the life cycle and characteristics of terrestrial insect species, as well as high-resolution environmental data and the occurrence of external disturbances. HiLEG is a freely available and adjustable software that can be used to support conservation planning in cultivated grasslands. In the three case studies of this thesis, I explore various aspects related to the structure of simulation models per se, their importance in conservation planning in general, and insights regarding the LMG in particular. It became apparent that the detailed resolution of model processes and components is crucial to project the long-term effect of spatially and temporally confined events. Taking into account conservation measures at the regional level has further proven relevant, especially in light of the climate crisis. I found that the LMG is benefiting from global warming in principle, but continues to be constrained by harmful mowing regimes. Land use measures could, however, be adapted in such a way that they allow the expansion and establishment of the LMG without overly affecting agricultural yields. Overall, simulation models like HiLEG can make an important contribution and add value to conservation planning and policy-making. Properly used, simulation results shed light on aspects that might be overlooked by subjective judgment and the experience of individual stakeholders. Even though it is in the nature of models that they are subject to limitations and only represent fragments of reality, this should not keep stakeholders from using them, as long as these limitations are clearly communicated. Similar to HiLEG, models could further be designed in such a way that not only the parameterization can be adjusted as required, but also the implementation itself can be improved and changed as desired. This openness and flexibility should become more widespread in the development of simulation models.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LopezGarcia2019, author = {L{\´o}pez Garc{\´i}a, Patricia}, title = {Coiled coils as mechanical building blocks}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42956}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-429568}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 130}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The natural abundance of Coiled Coil (CC) motifs in cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix proteins suggests that CCs play an important role as passive (structural) and active (regulatory) mechanical building blocks. CCs are self-assembled superhelical structures consisting of 2-7 α-helices. Self-assembly is driven by hydrophobic and ionic interactions, while the helix propensity of the individual helices contributes additional stability to the structure. As a direct result of this simple sequence-structure relationship, CCs serve as templates for protein design and sequences with a pre-defined thermodynamic stability have been synthesized de novo. Despite this quickly increasing knowledge and the vast number of possible CC applications, the mechanical function of CCs has been largely overlooked and little is known about how different CC design parameters determine the mechanical stability of CCs. Once available, this knowledge will open up new applications for CCs as nanomechanical building blocks, e.g. in biomaterials and nanobiotechnology. With the goal of shedding light on the sequence-structure-mechanics relationship of CCs, a well-characterized heterodimeric CC was utilized as a model system. The sequence of this model system was systematically modified to investigate how different design parameters affect the CC response when the force is applied to opposing termini in a shear geometry or separated in a zipper-like fashion from the same termini (unzip geometry). The force was applied using an atomic force microscope set-up and dynamic single-molecule force spectroscopy was performed to determine the rupture forces and energy landscape properties of the CC heterodimers under study. Using force as a denaturant, CC chain separation is initiated by helix uncoiling from the force application points. In the shear geometry, this allows uncoiling-assisted sliding parallel to the force vector or dissociation perpendicular to the force vector. Both competing processes involve the opening of stabilizing hydrophobic (and ionic) interactions. Also in the unzip geometry, helix uncoiling precedes the rupture of hydrophobic contacts. In a first series of experiments, the focus was placed on canonical modifications in the hydrophobic core and the helix propensity. Using the shear geometry, it was shown that both a reduced core packing and helix propensity lower the thermodynamic and mechanical stability of the CC; however, with different effects on the energy landscape of the system. A less tightly packed hydrophobic core increases the distance to the transition state, with only a small effect on the barrier height. This originates from a more dynamic and less tightly packed core, which provides more degrees of freedom to respond to the applied force in the direction of the force vector. In contrast, a reduced helix propensity decreases both the distance to the transition state and the barrier height. The helices are 'easier' to unfold and the remaining structure is less thermodynamically stable so that dissociation perpendicular to the force axis can occur at smaller deformations. Having elucidated how canonical sequence modifications influence CC mechanics, the pulling geometry was investigated in the next step. Using one and the same sequence, the force application points were exchanged and two different shear and one unzipping geometry were compared. It was shown that the pulling geometry determines the mechanical stability of the CC. Different rupture forces were observed in the different shear as well as in the unzipping geometries, suggesting that chain separation follows different pathways on the energy landscape. Whereas the difference between CC shearing and unzipping was anticipated and has also been observed for other biological structures, the observed difference for the two shear geometries was less expected. It can be explained with the structural asymmetry of the CC heterodimer. It is proposed that the direction of the α-helices, the different local helix propensities and the position of a polar asparagine in the hydrophobic core are responsible for the observed difference in the chain separation pathways. In combination, these factors are considered to influence the interplay between processes parallel and perpendicular to the force axis. To obtain more detailed insights into the role of helix stability, helical turns were reinforced locally using artificial constraints in the form of covalent and dynamic 'staples'. A covalent staple bridges to adjacent helical turns, thus protecting them against uncoiling. The staple was inserted directly at the point of force application in one helix or in the same terminus of the other helix, which did not experience the force directly. It was shown that preventing helix uncoiling at the point of force application reduces the distance to the transition state while slightly increasing the barrier height. This confirms that helix uncoiling is critically important for CC chain separation. When inserted into the second helix, this stabilizing effect is transferred across the hydrophobic core and protects the force-loaded turns against uncoiling. If both helices were stapled, no additional increase in mechanical stability was observed. When replacing the covalent staple with a dynamic metal-coordination bond, a smaller decrease in the distance to the transition was observed, suggesting that the staple opens up while the CC is under load. Using fluorinated amino acids as another type of non-natural modification, it was investigated how the enhanced hydrophobicity and the altered packing at the interface influences CC mechanics. The fluorinated amino acid was inserted into one central heptad of one or both α-helices. It was shown that this substitution destabilized the CC thermodynamically and mechanically. Specifically, the barrier height was decreased and the distance to the transition state increased. This suggests that a possible stabilizing effect of the increased hydrophobicity is overruled by a disturbed packing, which originates from a bad fit of the fluorinated amino acid into the local environment. This in turn increases the flexibility at the interface, as also observed for the hydrophobic core substitution described above. In combination, this confirms that the arrangement of the hydrophobic side chains is an additional crucial factor determining the mechanical stability of CCs. In conclusion, this work shows that knowledge of the thermodynamic stability alone is not sufficient to predict the mechanical stability of CCs. It is the interplay between helix propensity and hydrophobic core packing that defines the sequence-structure-mechanics relationship. In combination, both parameters determine the relative contribution of processes parallel and perpendicular to the force axis, i.e. helix uncoiling and uncoiling-assisted sliding as well as dissociation. This new mechanistic knowledge provides insight into the mechanical function of CCs in tissues and opens up the road for designing CCs with pre-defined mechanical properties. The library of mechanically characterized CCs developed in this work is a powerful starting point for a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from molecular force sensors to mechanosensitive crosslinks in protein nanostructures and synthetic extracellular matrix mimics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bryant2024, author = {Bryant, Seth}, title = {Aggregation and disaggregation in flood risk models}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65095}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-650952}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 116}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Floods continue to be the leading cause of economic damages and fatalities among natural disasters worldwide. As future climate and exposure changes are projected to intensify these damages, the need for more accurate and scalable flood risk models is rising. Over the past decade, macro-scale flood risk models have evolved from initial proof-of-concepts to indispensable tools for decision-making at global-, nationaland, increasingly, the local-level. This progress has been propelled by the advent of high-performance computing and the availability of global, space-based datasets. However, despite such advancements, these models are rarely validated and consistently fall short of the accuracy achieved by high-resolution local models. While capabilities have improved, significant gaps persist in understanding the behaviours of such macro-scale models, particularly their tendency to overestimate risk. This dissertation aims to address such gaps by examining the scale transfers inherent in the construction and application of coarse macroscale models. To achieve this, four studies are presented that, collectively, address exposure, hazard, and vulnerability components of risk affected by upscaling or downscaling. The first study focuses on a type of downscaling where coarse flood hazard inundation grids are enhanced to a finer resolution. While such inundation downscaling has been employed in numerous global model chains, ours is the first study to focus specifically on this component, providing an evaluation of the state of the art and a novel algorithm. Findings demonstrate that our novel algorithm is eight times faster than existing methods, offers a slight improvement in accuracy, and generates more physically coherent flood maps in hydraulically challenging regions. When applied to a case study, the algorithm generated a 4m resolution inundation map from 30m hydrodynamic model outputs in 33 s, a 60-fold improvement in runtime with a 25\% increase in RMSE compared with direct hydrodynamic modelling. All evaluated downscaling algorithms yielded better accuracy than the coarse hydrodynamic model when compared to observations, demonstrating similar limits of coarse hydrodynamic models reported by others. The substitution of downscaling into flood risk model chains, in place of high-resolution modelling, can drastically improve the lead time of impactbased forecasts and the efficiency of hazard map production. With downscaling, local regions could obtain high resolution local inundation maps by post-processing a global model without the need for expensive modelling or expertise. The second study focuses on hazard aggregation and its implications for exposure, investigating implicit aggregations commonly used to intersect hazard grids with coarse exposure models. This research introduces a novel spatial classification framework to understand the effects of rescaling flood hazard grids to a coarser resolution. The study derives closed-form analytical solutions for the location and direction of bias from flood grid aggregation, showing that bias will always be present in regions near the edge of inundation. For example, inundation area will be positively biased when water depth grids are aggregated, while volume will be negatively biased when water elevation grids are aggregated. Extending the analysis to effects of hazard aggregation on building exposure, this study shows that exposure in regions at the edge of inundation are an order of magnitude more sensitive to aggregation errors than hazard alone. Among the two aggregation routines considered, averaging water surface elevation grids better preserved flood depths at buildings than averaging of water depth grids. The study provides the first mathematical proof and generalizeable treatment of flood hazard grid aggregation, demonstrating important mechanisms to help flood risk modellers understand and control model behaviour. The final two studies focus on the aggregation of vulnerability models or flood damage functions, investigating the practice of applying per-asset functions to aggregate exposure models. Both studies extend Jensen's inequality, a well-known 1906 mathematical proof, to demonstrate how the aggregation of flood damage functions leads to bias. Applying Jensen's proof in this new context, results show that typically concave flood damage functions will introduce a positive bias (overestimation) when aggregated. This behaviour was further investigated with a simulation experiment including 2 million buildings in Germany, four global flood hazard simulations and three aggregation scenarios. The results show that positive aggregation bias is not distributed evenly in space, meaning some regions identified as "hot spots of risk" in assessments may in fact just be hot spots of aggregation bias. This study provides the first application of Jensen's inequality to explain the overestimates reported elsewhere and advice for modellers to minimize such artifacts. In total, this dissertation investigates the complex ways aggregation and disaggregation influence the behaviour of risk models, focusing on the scale-transfers underpinning macro-scale flood risk assessments. Extending a key finding of the flood hazard literature to the broader context of flood risk, this dissertation concludes that all else equal, coarse models overestimate risk. This dissertation goes beyond previous studies by providing mathematical proofs for how and where such bias emerges in aggregation routines, offering a mechanistic explanation for coarse model overestimates. It shows that this bias is spatially heterogeneous, necessitating a deep understanding of how rescaling may bias models to effectively reduce or communicate uncertainties. Further, the dissertation offers specific recommendations to help modellers minimize scale transfers in problematic regions. In conclusion, I argue that such aggregation errors are epistemic, stemming from choices in model structure, and therefore hold greater potential and impetus for study and mitigation. This deeper understanding of uncertainties is essential for improving macro-scale flood risk models and their effectiveness in equitable, holistic, and sustainable flood management.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kegelmann2019, author = {Kegelmann, Lukas}, title = {Advancing charge selective contacts for efficient monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42642}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426428}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 155}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are one of the most promising material classes for photovoltaic energy conversion. In solar cells, the perovskite absorber is sandwiched between n- and p-type contact layers which selectively transport electrons and holes to the cell's cathode and anode, respectively. This thesis aims to advance contact layers in perovskite solar cells and unravel the impact of interface and contact properties on the device performance. Further, the contact materials are applied in monolithic perovskite-silicon heterojunction (SHJ) tandem solar cells, which can overcome the single junction efficiency limits and attract increasing attention. Therefore, all contact layers must be highly transparent to foster light harvesting in the tandem solar cell design. Besides, the SHJ device restricts processing temperatures for the selective contacts to below 200°C. A comparative study of various electron selective contact materials, all processed below 180°C, in n-i-p type perovskite solar cells highlights that selective contacts and their interfaces to the absorber govern the overall device performance. Combining fullerenes and metal-oxides in a TiO2/PC60BM (phenyl-C60-butyric acid methyl ester) double-layer contact allows to merge good charge extraction with minimized interface recombination. The layer sequence thereby achieved high stabilized solar cell performances up to 18.0\% and negligible current-voltage hysteresis, an otherwise pronounced phenomenon in this device design. Double-layer structures are therefore emphasized as a general concept to establish efficient and highly selective contacts. Based on this success, the concept to combine desired properties of different materials is transferred to the p-type contact. Here, a mixture of the small molecule Spiro-OMeTAD [2,2',7,7'-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenylamine)-9,9'-spirobifluoren] and the doped polymer PEDOT [poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)] is presented as a novel hole selective contact. PEDOT thereby remarkably suppresses charge recombination at the perovskite surface, allowing an increase of quasi-Fermi level splitting in the absorber. Further, the addition of Spiro-OMeTAD into the PEDOT layer is shown to enhance charge extraction at the interface and allow high efficiencies up to 16.8\%. Finally, the knowledge on contact properties is applied to monolithic perovskite-SHJ tandem solar cells. The main goal is to optimize the top contact stack of doped Spiro-OMeTAD/molybdenum oxide(MoOx)/ITO towards higher transparency by two different routes. First, fine-tuning of the ITO deposition to mitigate chemical reduction of MoOx and increase the transmittance of MoOx/ITO stacks by 25\%. Second, replacing Spiro-OMeTAD with the alternative hole transport materials PEDOT/Spiro-OMeTAD mixtures, CuSCN or PTAA [poly(triaryl amine)]. Experimental results determine layer thickness constrains and validate optical simulations, which subsequently allow to realistically estimate the respective tandem device performances. As a result, PTAA represents the most promising replacement for Spiro-OMeTAD, with a projected increase of the optimum tandem device efficiency for the herein used architecture by 2.9\% relative to 26.5\% absolute. The results also reveal general guidelines for further performance gains of the technology.}, language = {en} }