@phdthesis{Kolk2019, author = {Kolk, Jens}, title = {The long-term legacy of historical land cover changes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43939}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-439398}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {196}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Over the last years there is an increasing awareness that historical land cover changes and associated land use legacies may be important drivers for present-day species richness and biodiversity due to time-delayed extinctions or colonizations in response to historical environmental changes. Historically altered habitat patches may therefore exhibit an extinction debt or colonization credit and can be expected to lose or gain species in the future. However, extinction debts and colonization credits are difficult to detect and their actual magnitudes or payments have rarely been quantified because species richness patterns and dynamics are also shaped by recent environmental conditions and recent environmental changes. In this thesis we aimed to determine patterns of herb-layer species richness and recent species richness dynamics of forest herb layer plants and link those patterns and dynamics to historical land cover changes and associated land use legacies. The study was conducted in the Prignitz, NE-Germany, where the forest distribution remained stable for the last ca. 100 years but where a) the deciduous forest area had declined by more than 90 per cent (leaving only remnants of "ancient forests"), b) small new forests had been established on former agricultural land ("post-agricultural forests"). Here, we analyzed the relative importance of land use history and associated historical land cover changes for herb layer species richness compared to recent environmental factors and determined magnitudes of extinction debt and colonization credit and their payment in ancient and post-agricultural forests, respectively. We showed that present-day species richness patterns were still shaped by historical land cover changes that ranged back to more than a century. Although recent environmental conditions were largely comparable we found significantly more forest specialists, species with short-distance dispersal capabilities and clonals in ancient forests than in post-agricultural forests. Those species richness differences were largely contingent to a colonization credit in post-agricultural forests that ranged up to 9 species (average 4.7), while the extinction debt in ancient forests had almost completely been paid. Environmental legacies from historical agricultural land use played a minor role for species richness differences. Instead, patch connectivity was most important. Species richness in ancient forests was still dependent on historical connectivity, indicating a last glimpse of an extinction debt, and the colonization credit was highest in isolated post-agricultural forests. In post-agricultural forests that were better connected or directly adjacent to ancient forest patches the colonization credit was way smaller and we were able to verify a gradual payment of the colonization credit from 2.7 species to 1.5 species over the last six decades.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Behm2019, author = {Behm, Laura Vera Johanna}, title = {Thermoresponsive Zellkultursubstrate f{\"u}r zeitlich-r{\"a}umlich gesteuertes Auswachsen neuronaler Zellen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43619}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436196}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 105}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Ein wichtiges Ziel der Neurowissenschaften ist das Verst{\"a}ndnis der komplexen und zugleich faszinierenden, hochgeordneten Vernetzung der Neurone im Gehirn, welche neuronalen Prozessen, wie zum Beispiel dem Wahrnehmen oder Lernen wie auch Neuropathologien zu Grunde liegt. F{\"u}r verbesserte neuronale Zellkulturmodelle zur detaillierten Untersuchung dieser Prozesse ist daher die Rekonstruktion von geordneten neuronalen Verbindungen dringend erforderlich. Mit Oberfl{\"a}chenstrukturen aus zellattraktiven und zellabweisenden Beschichtungen k{\"o}nnen neuronale Zellen und ihre Neuriten in vitro strukturiert werden. Zur Kontrolle der neuronalen Verbindungsrichtung muss das Auswachsen der Axone zu benachbarten Zellen dynamisch gesteuert werden, zum Beispiel {\"u}ber eine ver{\"a}nderliche Zug{\"a}nglichkeit der Oberfl{\"a}che. In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob mit thermoresponsiven Polymeren (TRP) beschichtete Zellkultursubstrate f{\"u}r eine dynamische Kontrolle des Auswachsens neuronaler Zellen geeignet sind. TRP k{\"o}nnen {\"u}ber die Temperatur von einem zellabweisenden in einen zellattraktiven Zustand geschaltet werden, womit die Zug{\"a}nglichkeit der Oberfl{\"a}che f{\"u}r Zellen dynamisch gesteuert werden kann. Die TRP-Beschichtung wurde mikrostrukturiert, um einzelne oder wenige neuronale Zellen zun{\"a}chst auf der Oberfl{\"a}che anzuordnen und das Auswachsen der Zellen und Neuriten {\"u}ber definierte TRP-Bereiche in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Temperatur zeitlich und r{\"a}umlich zu kontrollieren. Das Protokoll wurde mit der neuronalen Zelllinie SH-SY5Y etabliert und auf humane induzierte Neurone {\"u}bertragen. Die Anordnung der Zellen konnte bei Kultivierung im zellabweisenden Zustand des TRPs f{\"u}r bis zu 7 Tage aufrecht erhalten werden. Durch Schalten des TRPs in den zellattraktiven Zustand konnte das Auswachsen der Neuriten und Zellen zeitlich und r{\"a}umlich induziert werden. Immunozytochemische F{\"a}rbungen und Patch-Clamp-Ableitungen der Neurone demonstrierten die einfache Anwendbarkeit und Zellkompatibilit{\"a}t der TRP-Substrate. Eine pr{\"a}zisere r{\"a}umliche Kontrolle des Auswachsens der Zellen sollte durch lokales Schalten der TRP-Beschichtung erreicht werden. Daf{\"u}r wurden Mikroheizchips mit Mikroelektroden zur lokalen Jouleschen Erw{\"a}rmung der Substratoberfl{\"a}che entwickelt. Zur Evaluierung der generierten Temperaturprofile wurde eine Temperaturmessmethode entwickelt und die erhobenen Messwerte mit numerisch simulierten Werten abgeglichen. Die Temperaturmessmethode basiert auf einfach zu applizierenden Sol-Gel-Schichten, die den temperatursensitiven Fluoreszenzfarbstoff Rhodamin B enthalten. Sie erm{\"o}glicht oberfl{\"a}chennahe Temperaturmessungen in trockener und w{\"a}ssriger Umgebung mit hoher Orts- und Temperaturaufl{\"o}sung. Numerische Simulationen der Temperaturprofile korrelierten gut mit den experimentellen Daten. Auf dieser Basis konnten Geometrie und Material der Mikroelektroden hinsichtlich einer lokal stark begrenzten Temperierung optimiert werden. Ferner wurden f{\"u}r die Kultvierung der Zellen auf den Mikroheizchips eine Zellkulturkammer und Kontaktboard f{\"u}r die elektrische Kontaktierung der Mikroelektroden geschaffen. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse demonstrieren erstmalig das enorme Potential thermoresponsiver Zellkultursubstrate f{\"u}r die zeitlich und r{\"a}umlich gesteuerte Formation geordneter neuronaler Verbindungen in vitro. Zuk{\"u}nftig k{\"o}nnte dies detaillierte Studien zur neuronalen Informationsverarbeitung oder zu Neuropathologien an relevanten, humanen Zellmodellen erm{\"o}glichen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{LopezGarcia2019, author = {L{\´o}pez Garc{\´i}a, Patricia}, title = {Coiled coils as mechanical building blocks}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42956}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-429568}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 130}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The natural abundance of Coiled Coil (CC) motifs in cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix proteins suggests that CCs play an important role as passive (structural) and active (regulatory) mechanical building blocks. CCs are self-assembled superhelical structures consisting of 2-7 α-helices. Self-assembly is driven by hydrophobic and ionic interactions, while the helix propensity of the individual helices contributes additional stability to the structure. As a direct result of this simple sequence-structure relationship, CCs serve as templates for protein design and sequences with a pre-defined thermodynamic stability have been synthesized de novo. Despite this quickly increasing knowledge and the vast number of possible CC applications, the mechanical function of CCs has been largely overlooked and little is known about how different CC design parameters determine the mechanical stability of CCs. Once available, this knowledge will open up new applications for CCs as nanomechanical building blocks, e.g. in biomaterials and nanobiotechnology. With the goal of shedding light on the sequence-structure-mechanics relationship of CCs, a well-characterized heterodimeric CC was utilized as a model system. The sequence of this model system was systematically modified to investigate how different design parameters affect the CC response when the force is applied to opposing termini in a shear geometry or separated in a zipper-like fashion from the same termini (unzip geometry). The force was applied using an atomic force microscope set-up and dynamic single-molecule force spectroscopy was performed to determine the rupture forces and energy landscape properties of the CC heterodimers under study. Using force as a denaturant, CC chain separation is initiated by helix uncoiling from the force application points. In the shear geometry, this allows uncoiling-assisted sliding parallel to the force vector or dissociation perpendicular to the force vector. Both competing processes involve the opening of stabilizing hydrophobic (and ionic) interactions. Also in the unzip geometry, helix uncoiling precedes the rupture of hydrophobic contacts. In a first series of experiments, the focus was placed on canonical modifications in the hydrophobic core and the helix propensity. Using the shear geometry, it was shown that both a reduced core packing and helix propensity lower the thermodynamic and mechanical stability of the CC; however, with different effects on the energy landscape of the system. A less tightly packed hydrophobic core increases the distance to the transition state, with only a small effect on the barrier height. This originates from a more dynamic and less tightly packed core, which provides more degrees of freedom to respond to the applied force in the direction of the force vector. In contrast, a reduced helix propensity decreases both the distance to the transition state and the barrier height. The helices are 'easier' to unfold and the remaining structure is less thermodynamically stable so that dissociation perpendicular to the force axis can occur at smaller deformations. Having elucidated how canonical sequence modifications influence CC mechanics, the pulling geometry was investigated in the next step. Using one and the same sequence, the force application points were exchanged and two different shear and one unzipping geometry were compared. It was shown that the pulling geometry determines the mechanical stability of the CC. Different rupture forces were observed in the different shear as well as in the unzipping geometries, suggesting that chain separation follows different pathways on the energy landscape. Whereas the difference between CC shearing and unzipping was anticipated and has also been observed for other biological structures, the observed difference for the two shear geometries was less expected. It can be explained with the structural asymmetry of the CC heterodimer. It is proposed that the direction of the α-helices, the different local helix propensities and the position of a polar asparagine in the hydrophobic core are responsible for the observed difference in the chain separation pathways. In combination, these factors are considered to influence the interplay between processes parallel and perpendicular to the force axis. To obtain more detailed insights into the role of helix stability, helical turns were reinforced locally using artificial constraints in the form of covalent and dynamic 'staples'. A covalent staple bridges to adjacent helical turns, thus protecting them against uncoiling. The staple was inserted directly at the point of force application in one helix or in the same terminus of the other helix, which did not experience the force directly. It was shown that preventing helix uncoiling at the point of force application reduces the distance to the transition state while slightly increasing the barrier height. This confirms that helix uncoiling is critically important for CC chain separation. When inserted into the second helix, this stabilizing effect is transferred across the hydrophobic core and protects the force-loaded turns against uncoiling. If both helices were stapled, no additional increase in mechanical stability was observed. When replacing the covalent staple with a dynamic metal-coordination bond, a smaller decrease in the distance to the transition was observed, suggesting that the staple opens up while the CC is under load. Using fluorinated amino acids as another type of non-natural modification, it was investigated how the enhanced hydrophobicity and the altered packing at the interface influences CC mechanics. The fluorinated amino acid was inserted into one central heptad of one or both α-helices. It was shown that this substitution destabilized the CC thermodynamically and mechanically. Specifically, the barrier height was decreased and the distance to the transition state increased. This suggests that a possible stabilizing effect of the increased hydrophobicity is overruled by a disturbed packing, which originates from a bad fit of the fluorinated amino acid into the local environment. This in turn increases the flexibility at the interface, as also observed for the hydrophobic core substitution described above. In combination, this confirms that the arrangement of the hydrophobic side chains is an additional crucial factor determining the mechanical stability of CCs. In conclusion, this work shows that knowledge of the thermodynamic stability alone is not sufficient to predict the mechanical stability of CCs. It is the interplay between helix propensity and hydrophobic core packing that defines the sequence-structure-mechanics relationship. In combination, both parameters determine the relative contribution of processes parallel and perpendicular to the force axis, i.e. helix uncoiling and uncoiling-assisted sliding as well as dissociation. This new mechanistic knowledge provides insight into the mechanical function of CCs in tissues and opens up the road for designing CCs with pre-defined mechanical properties. The library of mechanically characterized CCs developed in this work is a powerful starting point for a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from molecular force sensors to mechanosensitive crosslinks in protein nanostructures and synthetic extracellular matrix mimics.}, language = {en} } @misc{Lettl2019, author = {Lettl, Tobias}, title = {Familie Veistenauer}, series = {Juristische Arbeitsbl{\"a}tter : JA; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Studenten und Referendare}, volume = {51}, journal = {Juristische Arbeitsbl{\"a}tter : JA; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Studenten und Referendare}, publisher = {Vahlen}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {0720-6356}, pages = {492 -- 498}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kegelmann2019, author = {Kegelmann, Lukas}, title = {Advancing charge selective contacts for efficient monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42642}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426428}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 155}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are one of the most promising material classes for photovoltaic energy conversion. In solar cells, the perovskite absorber is sandwiched between n- and p-type contact layers which selectively transport electrons and holes to the cell's cathode and anode, respectively. This thesis aims to advance contact layers in perovskite solar cells and unravel the impact of interface and contact properties on the device performance. Further, the contact materials are applied in monolithic perovskite-silicon heterojunction (SHJ) tandem solar cells, which can overcome the single junction efficiency limits and attract increasing attention. Therefore, all contact layers must be highly transparent to foster light harvesting in the tandem solar cell design. Besides, the SHJ device restricts processing temperatures for the selective contacts to below 200°C. A comparative study of various electron selective contact materials, all processed below 180°C, in n-i-p type perovskite solar cells highlights that selective contacts and their interfaces to the absorber govern the overall device performance. Combining fullerenes and metal-oxides in a TiO2/PC60BM (phenyl-C60-butyric acid methyl ester) double-layer contact allows to merge good charge extraction with minimized interface recombination. The layer sequence thereby achieved high stabilized solar cell performances up to 18.0\% and negligible current-voltage hysteresis, an otherwise pronounced phenomenon in this device design. Double-layer structures are therefore emphasized as a general concept to establish efficient and highly selective contacts. Based on this success, the concept to combine desired properties of different materials is transferred to the p-type contact. Here, a mixture of the small molecule Spiro-OMeTAD [2,2',7,7'-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenylamine)-9,9'-spirobifluoren] and the doped polymer PEDOT [poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)] is presented as a novel hole selective contact. PEDOT thereby remarkably suppresses charge recombination at the perovskite surface, allowing an increase of quasi-Fermi level splitting in the absorber. Further, the addition of Spiro-OMeTAD into the PEDOT layer is shown to enhance charge extraction at the interface and allow high efficiencies up to 16.8\%. Finally, the knowledge on contact properties is applied to monolithic perovskite-SHJ tandem solar cells. The main goal is to optimize the top contact stack of doped Spiro-OMeTAD/molybdenum oxide(MoOx)/ITO towards higher transparency by two different routes. First, fine-tuning of the ITO deposition to mitigate chemical reduction of MoOx and increase the transmittance of MoOx/ITO stacks by 25\%. Second, replacing Spiro-OMeTAD with the alternative hole transport materials PEDOT/Spiro-OMeTAD mixtures, CuSCN or PTAA [poly(triaryl amine)]. Experimental results determine layer thickness constrains and validate optical simulations, which subsequently allow to realistically estimate the respective tandem device performances. As a result, PTAA represents the most promising replacement for Spiro-OMeTAD, with a projected increase of the optimum tandem device efficiency for the herein used architecture by 2.9\% relative to 26.5\% absolute. The results also reveal general guidelines for further performance gains of the technology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoffmann2019, author = {Hoffmann, Mathias}, title = {Improving measurement and modelling approaches of the closed chamber method to better assess dynamics and drivers of carbon based greenhouse gas emissions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-421302}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 204, xxix}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The trace gases CO2 and CH4 pertain to the most relevant greenhouse gases and are important exchange fluxes of the global carbon (C) cycle. Their atmospheric quantity increased significantly as a result of the intensification of anthropogenic activities, such as especially land-use and land-use change, since the mid of the 18th century. To mitigate global climate change and ensure food security, land-use systems need to be developed, which favor reduced trace gas emissions and a sustainable soil carbon management. This requires the accurate and precise quantification of the influence of land-use and land-use change on CO2 and CH4 emissions. A common method to determine the trace gas dynamics and C sink or source function of a particular ecosystem is the closed chamber method. This method is often used assuming that accuracy and precision are high enough to determine differences in C gas emissions for e.g., treatment comparisons or different ecosystem components. However, the broad range of different chamber designs, related operational procedures and data-processing strategies which are described in the scientific literature contribute to the overall uncertainty of closed chamber-based emission estimates. Hence, the outcomes of meta-analyses are limited, since these methodical differences hamper the comparability between studies. Thus, a standardization of closed chamber data acquisition and processing is much-needed. Within this thesis, a set of case studies were performed to: (I) develop standardized routines for an unbiased data acquisition and processing, with the aim of providing traceable, reproducible and comparable closed chamber based C emission estimates; (II) validate those routines by comparing C emissions derived using closed chambers with independent C emission estimates; and (III) reveal processes driving the spatio-temporal dynamics of C emissions by developing (data processing based) flux separation approaches. The case studies showed: (I) the importance to test chamber designs under field conditions for an appropriate sealing integrity and to ensure an unbiased flux measurement. Compared to the sealing integrity, the use of a pressure vent and fan was of minor importance, affecting mainly measurement precision; (II) that the developed standardized data processing routines proved to be a powerful and flexible tool to estimate C gas emissions and that this tool can be successfully applied on a broad range of flux data sets from very different ecosystem; (III) that automatic chamber measurements display temporal dynamics of CO2 and CH4 fluxes very well and most importantly, that they accurately detect small-scale spatial differences in the development of soil C when validated against repeated soil inventories; and (IV) that a simple algorithm to separate CH4 fluxes into ebullition and diffusion improves the identification of environmental drivers, which allows for an accurate gap-filling of measured CH4 fluxes. Overall, the proposed standardized data acquisition and processing routines strongly improved the detection accuracy and precision of source/sink patterns of gaseous C emissions. Hence, future studies, which consider the recommended improvements, will deliver valuable new data and insights to broaden our understanding of spatio-temporal C gas dynamics, their particular environmental drivers and underlying processes.}, language = {en} }