@phdthesis{Autenrieth2020, author = {Autenrieth, Marijke}, title = {Population genomics of two odontocetes in the North Atlantic and adjacent waters}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 110}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Due to continuously intensifying human usage of the marine environment worldwide ranging cetaceans face an increasing number of threats. Besides whaling, overfishing and by-catch, new technical developments increase the water and noise pollution, which can negatively affect marine species. Cetaceans are especially prone to these influences, being at the top of the food chain and therefore accumulating toxins and contaminants. Furthermore, they are extremely noise sensitive due to their highly developed hearing sense and echolocation ability. As a result, several cetacean species were brought to extinction during the last century or are now classified as critically endangered. This work focuses on two odontocetes. It applies and compares different molecular methods for inference of population status and adaptation, with implications for conservation. The worldwide distributed sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) shows a matrilineal population structure with predominant male dispersal. A recently stranded group of male sperm whales provided a unique opportunity to investigate male grouping for the first time. Based on the mitochondrial control region, I was able to infer that male bachelor groups comprise multiple matrilines, hence derive from different social groups, and that they represent the genetic variability of the entire North Atlantic. The harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) occurs only in the northern hemisphere. By being small and occurring mostly in coastal habitats it is especially prone to human disturbance. Since some subspecies and subpopulations are critically endangered, it is important to generate and provide genetic markers with high resolution to facilitate population assignment and subsequent protection measurements. Here, I provide the first harbour porpoise whole genome, in high quality and including a draft annotation. Using it for mapping ddRAD seq data, I identify genome wide SNPs and, together with a fragment of the mitochondrial control region, inferred the population structure of its North Atlantic distribution range. The Belt Sea harbors a distinct subpopulation oppose to the North Atlantic, with a transition zone in the Kattegat. Within the North Atlantic I could detect subtle genetic differentiation between western (Canada-Iceland) and eastern (North Sea) regions, with support for a German North Sea breading ground around the Isle of Sylt. Further, I was able to detect six outlier loci which show isolation by distance across the investigated sampling areas. In employing different markers, I could show that single maker systems as well as genome wide data can unravel new information about population affinities of odontocetes. Genome wide data can facilitate investigation of adaptations and evolutionary history of the species and its populations. Moreover, they facilitate population genetic investigations, providing a high resolution, and hence allowing for detection of subtle population structuring especially important for highly mobile cetaceans.}, language = {en} } @article{SchnitzlerReckendorfPinzoneetal.2018, author = {Schnitzler, Joseph G. and Reckendorf, Anja and Pinzone, Marianna and Autenrieth, Marijke and Tiedemann, Ralph and Covaci, Adrian and Malarvannan, Govindan and Ruser, Andreas and Das, Krishna and Siebert, Ursula}, title = {Supporting evidence for PCB pollution threatening global killer whale population}, series = {Aquatic Toxicology}, volume = {206}, journal = {Aquatic Toxicology}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0166-445X}, doi = {10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.11.008}, pages = {102 -- 104}, year = {2018}, abstract = {A recent Science report predicted the global killer whale population to collapse due to PCB pollution. Here we present empirical evidence, which supports and extends the reports' statement. In 2016, a neonate male killer whale stranded on the German island of Sylt. Neonatal attributes indicated an age of at least 3 days. The stomach contained ∼20 mL milk residue and no pathologies explaining the cause of death could be detected. Blubber samples presenting low lipid concentrations were analysed for persistent organic pollutants. Skin samples were collected for genotyping of the mitochondrial control region. The blubber PCB concentrations were very high [SPCBs, 225 mg/kg lipid weight (lw)], largely exceeding the PCB toxicity thresholds reported for the onset of immunosuppression [9 mg/kg lw ∑PCB] and for severe reproductive impairment [41 mg/kg lw ∑PCB] reported for marine mammals. Additionally, this individual showed equally high concentrations in p,p'-DDE [226 mg/kg lw], PBDEs [5 mg/kg lw] and liver mercury levels [1.1 μg/g dry weight dw]. These results suggest a high placental transfer of pollutants from mother to foetus. Consequently, blubber and plasma PCB concentrations and calf mortality rates are both high in primiparous females. With such high pollutant levels, this neonate had poor prerequisites for survival. The neonate belonged to Ecotype I (generalist feeder) and carried the mitochondrial haplotype 35 present in about 16\% of the North Atlantic killer whale from or close to the North Sea. The relevance of this data becomes apparent in the UK West Coast Community, the UK's only residentorca population, which is currently composed of only eight individuals (each four males and females) and no calves have been reported over the last 19 years.Despite worldwide regulations, PCBs persist in the environment and remain a severe concern for killer whale populations, placing calves at high risk due to the mother-offspring PCB-transfer resulting in a high toxicological burden of the neonates.}, language = {en} } @misc{AutenriethErnstDeavilleetal.2018, author = {Autenrieth, Marijke and Ernst, Anja and Deaville, Rob and Demaret, Fabien and Ijsseldijk, Lonneke L. and Siebert, Ursula and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {Putative origin and maternal relatedness of male sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) recently stranded in the North Sea}, series = {Mammalian biology = Zeitschrift f{\"u}r S{\"a}ugetierkunde}, volume = {88}, journal = {Mammalian biology = Zeitschrift f{\"u}r S{\"a}ugetierkunde}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {1616-5047}, doi = {10.1016/j.mambio.2017.09.003}, pages = {156 -- 160}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The globally distributed sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) has a partly matrilineal social structure with predominant male dispersal. At the beginning of 2016, a total of 30 male sperm whales stranded in five different countries bordering the southern North Sea. It has been postulated that these individuals were on a migration route from the north to warmer temperate and tropical waters where females live in social groups. By including samples from four countries (n = 27), this event provided a unique chance to genetically investigate the maternal relatedness and the putative origin of these temporally and spatially co-occuring male sperm whales. To utilize existing genetic resources, we sequenced 422 bp of the mitochondrial control region, a molecular marker for which sperm whale data are readily available from the entire distribution range. Based on four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the mitochondrial control region, five matrilines could be distinguished within the stranded specimens, four of which matched published haplotypes previously described in the Atlantic. Among these male sperm whales, multiple matrilineal lineages co-occur. We analyzed the population differentiation and could show that the genetic diversity of these male sperm whales is comparable to the genetic diversity in sperm whales from the entire Atlantic Ocean. We confirm that within this stranding event, males do not comprise maternally related individuals and apparently include assemblages of individuals from different geographic regions. (c) 2017 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Saugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @misc{SchnitzlerPinzoneAutenriethetal.2018, author = {Schnitzler, Joseph G. and Pinzone, Marianna and Autenrieth, Marijke and van Neer, Abbo and IJsseldijk, Lonneke L. and Barber, Jonathan L. and Deaville, Rob and Jepson, Paul and Brownlow, Andrew and Schaffeld, Tobias and Thom{\´e}, Jean-Pierre and Tiedemann, Ralph and Das, Krishna and Siebert, Ursula}, title = {Inter-individual differences in contamination profiles as tracer of social group association in stranded sperm whales}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {692}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42652}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426525}, pages = {11}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Ecological and physiological factors lead to different contamination patterns in individual marine mammals. The objective of the present study was to assess whether variations in contamination profiles are indicative of social structures of young male sperm whales as they might reflect a variation in feeding preferences and/or in utilized feeding grounds. We used a total of 61 variables associated with organic compounds and trace element concentrations measured in muscle, liver, kidney and blubber gained from 24 sperm whales that stranded in the North Sea in January and February 2016. Combining contaminant and genetic data, there is evidence for at least two cohorts with different origin among these stranded sperm whales; one from the Canary Island region and one from the northern part of the Atlantic. While genetic data unravel relatedness and kinship, contamination data integrate over areas, where animals occured during their lifetime. Especially in long-lived animals with a large migratory potential, as sperm whales, contamination data may carry highly relevant information about aggregation through time and space.}, language = {en} } @article{SchnitzlerPinzoneAutenriethetal.2018, author = {Schnitzler, Joseph G. and Pinzone, Marianna and Autenrieth, Marijke and van Neer, Abbo and IJsseldijk, Lonneke L. and Barber, Jonathan L. and Deaville, Rob and Jepson, Paul and Brownlow, Andrew and Schaffeld, Tobias and Thome, Jean-Pierre and Tiedemann, Ralph and Das, Krishna and Siebert, Ursula}, title = {Inter-individual differences in contamination profiles as tracer of social group association in stranded sperm whales}, series = {Scientific reports}, volume = {8}, journal = {Scientific reports}, publisher = {Nature Publ. Group}, address = {London}, issn = {2045-2322}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-29186-z}, pages = {11}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Ecological and physiological factors lead to different contamination patterns in individual marine mammals. The objective of the present study was to assess whether variations in contamination profiles are indicative of social structures of young male sperm whales as they might reflect a variation in feeding preferences and/or in utilized feeding grounds. We used a total of 61 variables associated with organic compounds and trace element concentrations measured in muscle, liver, kidney and blubber gained from 24 sperm whales that stranded in the North Sea in January and February 2016. Combining contaminant and genetic data, there is evidence for at least two cohorts with different origin among these stranded sperm whales; one from the Canary Island region and one from the northern part of the Atlantic. While genetic data unravel relatedness and kinship, contamination data integrate over areas, where animals occured during their lifetime. Especially in long-lived animals with a large migratory potential, as sperm whales, contamination data may carry highly relevant information about aggregation through time and space.}, language = {en} } @article{AutenriethHartmannLahetal.2018, author = {Autenrieth, Marijke and Hartmann, Stefanie and Lah, Ljerka and Roos, Anna and Dennis, Alice B. and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {High-quality whole-genome sequence of an abundant Holarctic odontocete, the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)}, series = {Molecular ecology resources}, volume = {18}, journal = {Molecular ecology resources}, number = {6}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken}, issn = {1755-098X}, doi = {10.1111/1755-0998.12932}, pages = {1469 -- 1481}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is a highly mobile cetacean found across the Northern hemisphere. It occurs in coastal waters and inhabits basins that vary broadly in salinity, temperature and food availability. These diverse habitats could drive subtle differentiation among populations, but examination of this would be best conducted with a robust reference genome. Here, we report the first harbour porpoise genome, assembled de novo from an individual originating in the Kattegat Sea (Sweden). The genome is one of the most complete cetacean genomes currently available, with a total size of 2.39 Gb and 50\% of the total length found in just 34 scaffolds. Using 122 of the longest scaffolds, we were able to show high levels of synteny with the genome of the domestic cattle (Bos taurus). Our draft annotation comprises 22,154 predicted genes, which we further annotated through matches to the NCBI nucleotide database, GO categorization and motif prediction. Within the predicted genes, we have confirmed the presence of >20 genes or gene families that have been associated with adaptive evolution in other cetaceans. Overall, this genome assembly and draft annotation represent a crucial addition to the genomic resources currently available for the study of porpoises and Phocoenidae evolution, phylogeny and conservation.}, language = {en} } @misc{CahsanKiemelWestburyetal.2021, author = {Cahsan, Binia De and Kiemel, Katrin and Westbury, Michael V. and Lauritsen, Maike and Autenrieth, Marijke and Gollmann, G{\"u}nter and Schweiger, Silke and Stenberg, Marika and Nystr{\"o}m, Per and Drews, Hauke and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {Southern introgression increases adaptive immune gene variability in northern range margin populations of Fire-bellied toad}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {14}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-52388}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-523883}, pages = {17}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Northern range margin populations of the European fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina) have rapidly declined during recent decades. Extensive agricultural land use has fragmented the landscape, leading to habitat disruption and loss, as well as eutrophication of ponds. In Northern Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) and Southern Sweden (Sk{\aa}ne), this population decline resulted in decreased gene flow from surrounding populations, low genetic diversity, and a putative reduction in adaptive potential, leaving populations vulnerable to future environmental and climatic changes. Previous studies using mitochondrial control region and nuclear transcriptome-wide SNP data detected introgressive hybridization in multiple northern B. bombina populations after unreported release of toads from Austria. Here, we determine the impact of this introgression by comparing the body conditions (proxy for fitness) of introgressed and nonintrogressed populations and the genetic consequences in two candidate genes for putative local adaptation (the MHC II gene as part of the adaptive immune system and the stress response gene HSP70 kDa). We detected regional differences in body condition and observed significantly elevated levels of within individual MHC allele counts in introgressed Swedish populations, associated with a tendency toward higher body weight, relative to regional nonintrogressed populations. These differences were not observed among introgressed and nonintrogressed German populations. Genetic diversity in both MHC and HSP was generally lower in northern than Austrian populations. Our study sheds light on the potential benefits of translocations of more distantly related conspecifics as a means to increase adaptive genetic variability and fitness of genetically depauperate range margin populations without distortion of local adaptation.}, language = {en} } @article{GlowinskiAutenrieth2023, author = {Glowinski, Ingrid and Autenrieth, Marijke}, title = {Eigene Forschung im Labor, um naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisgewinnung kompetent unterrichten zu k{\"o}nnen?}, series = {PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3)}, journal = {PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3)}, number = {3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-568-2}, issn = {2626-3556}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61792}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617922}, pages = {273 -- 293}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Im Rahmen des PSI-Projekts wurde eine Lehrveranstaltung konzipiert, die Lehramtsstudierenden einen vertieften Einblick sowohl in den Ablauf von Forschung als auch eine Bearbeitung einer eigenen experimentellen Forschungsaufgabe erm{\"o}glichen soll. Anlass waren die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung eines „Wissens {\"u}ber Erkenntnisgewinnung in der Disziplin" im Modell des „Erweiterten Fachwissens f{\"u}r den schulischen Kontext" (PSI) sowie Erkenntnisse empirischer Studien, die die Relevanz eigener Forschungserfahrung f{\"u}r das Unterrichten naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinnungsprozesse zeigen. Hier stellen wir eine neue Lehrveranstaltung (4 SWS) vor, die den angehenden Lehrkr{\"a}ften Forschungserfahrung erm{\"o}glicht (Seminar und Praktikum). Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt Einblicke in Forschung und die „Natur der Naturwissenschaften", erm{\"o}glicht das Durchf{\"u}hren eigener wissenschaftlicher und schulrelevanter Experimente und bietet eine angemessene Reflexion {\"u}ber die verschiedenen Kurselemente. Die Evaluationsergebnisse sind {\"u}berwiegend positiv, zeigen aber auch, dass f{\"u}r die Studierenden die wahrgenommene Schulrelevanz und die fachdidaktischen Aspekte ein wichtiges Kriterium f{\"u}r die positive Bewertung sind.}, language = {de} } @book{HermannsBoehmeMeyeringetal.2023, author = {Hermanns, Jolanda and B{\"o}hme, Katrin and Meyering, Meike and Fuchs, Isabelle and Wagner, Simon and Krauskopf, Karsten and Knigge, Michel and Rother, Stefanie and Tosch, Frank and Wendland, Mirko and Wulff, Peter and Mientus, Lukas and Nowak, Anna and Borowski, Andreas and Baer, Ella and Bosch, Jannis and Wilbert, J{\"u}rgen and Br{\"a}sel, Tim and Fenn, Monika and Kortenkamp, Ulrich and Kuzle, Ana and Reitz-Koncebovski, Karen and Burg, Paula and Lampart, Fabian and Leubner, Martin and Freitag-Hild, Britta and Bitmann, Anna and Reinhardt, Susanne and Roos, Jana and Hußner, Isabell and B{\"o}rner, Dustin and Lazarides, Rebecca and Glowinski, Ingrid and Autenrieth, Marijke and Radke, Thea and Ehlert, Antje and Menke, Anne and Haupenthal, Anna and Schramm, Satyam Antonio and Kruse, Julia and K{\"o}rner, Dorothea and Fischer, Jakob Thomas and Kayser, Daniela Niesta}, title = {PSI-Potsdam}, series = {Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge f{\"u}r Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung und Bildungsforschung}, journal = {Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge f{\"u}r Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung und Bildungsforschung}, number = {3}, editor = {Hermanns, Jolanda}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-568-2}, issn = {2626-3556}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-60187}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-601875}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {393}, year = {2023}, abstract = {An der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam wird seit 2015 im Rahmen der „Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung" das Projekt „Professionalisierung - Schulpraktische Studien - Inklusion" (PSI-Potsdam) durchgef{\"u}hrt und am Zentrum f{\"u}r Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung (ZeLB) koordiniert. Zur ersten Projektf{\"o}rderphase (2015-2018) erschien der Band „PSI-Potsdam - Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivit{\"a}ten im Rahmen der Qualit{\"a}tsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2015-2018)" zum Auftakt der Reihe „Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung". Der vorliegende Band aus der gleichen Reihe gibt in den Kapiteln „Erhebungen", „Lehrkonzepte" und „Vernetzungen" einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber alle Teilprojekte der zweiten Projektf{\"o}rderphase (2019-2023). Wissenschaftler:innen aus verschiedenen Fachdidaktiken, Fachwissenschaften sowie aus den Bildungswissenschaften und der Inklusionsp{\"a}dagogik haben im Rahmen des Projektes kooperiert. Sowohl praxisnahe Forschung als auch die Entwicklung neuer Lehrkonzepte sowie Strategien zur Vernetzung innerhalb der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung stehen im Fokus dieses Bandes. Die Praxisphasen, die im Rahmen des „Potsdamer Modells der Lehrerbildung" eine zentrale Rolle spielen, wurden in einer großen Studie {\"u}ber alle Praxisphasen untersucht. Der Band gibt interessante Einblicke in die Ergebnisse der Teilprojekte und Anregungen sowohl f{\"u}r die eigene Forschung als auch f{\"u}r Entwicklungsarbeit wie zum Beispiel die Entwicklung neuer Lehrkonzepte. Herausgegeben wird dieser Band von PD Dr. Jolanda Hermanns (Gesamtkoordinatorin PSI-Potsdam und Chemiedidaktikerin).}, language = {de} } @article{FoersterBullLenzetal.2018, author = {F{\"o}rster, Daniel W. and Bull, James K. and Lenz, Dorina and Autenrieth, Marijke and Paijmans, Johanna L. A. and Kraus, Robert H. S. and Nowak, Carsten and Bayerl, Helmut and K{\"u}hn, Ralph and Saveljev, Alexander P. and Sindicic, Magda and Hofreiter, Michael and Schmidt, Krzysztof and Fickel, J{\"o}rns}, title = {Targeted resequencing of coding DNA sequences for SNP discovery in nonmodel species}, series = {Molecular ecology resources}, volume = {18}, journal = {Molecular ecology resources}, number = {6}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken}, issn = {1755-098X}, doi = {10.1111/1755-0998.12924}, pages = {1356 -- 1373}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Targeted capture coupled with high-throughput sequencing can be used to gain information about nuclear sequence variation at hundreds to thousands of loci. Divergent reference capture makes use of molecular data of one species to enrich target loci in other (related) species. This is particularly valuable for nonmodel organisms, for which often no a priori knowledge exists regarding these loci. Here, we have used targeted capture to obtain data for 809 nuclear coding DNA sequences (CDS) in a nonmodel organism, the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx, using baits designed with the help of the published genome of a related model organism (the domestic cat Felis catus). Using this approach, we were able to survey intraspecific variation at hundreds of nuclear loci in L. lynx across the species' European range. A large set of biallelic candidate SNPs was then evaluated using a high-throughput SNP genotyping platform (Fluidigm), which we then reduced to a final 96 SNP-panel based on assay performance and reliability; validation was carried out with 100 additional Eurasian lynx samples not included in the SNP discovery phase. The 96 SNP-panel developed from CDS performed very successfully in the identification of individuals and in population genetic structure inference (including the assignment of individuals to their source population). In keeping with recent studies, our results show that genic SNPs can be valuable for genetic monitoring of wildlife species.}, language = {en} } @article{HaberlandHampeAutenriethetal.2019, author = {Haberland, Christian and Hampe, Oliver and Autenrieth, Marijke and Voss, Manja}, title = {Balaenoptera borealis Lesson, 1828}, series = {Mammalia}, volume = {83}, journal = {Mammalia}, number = {4}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0025-1461}, doi = {10.1515/mammalia-2017-0149}, pages = {343 -- 351}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The whereabouts of the Balaenoptera borealis holotype, the skeleton of a 1819 stranded specimen, have been unknown since the World War II (WWII). Due to nomenclatural confusion, deficient documentation, and finally WWII bombing, which destroyed predominantly cetacean material in the Museum fib Naturkunde Berlin (MfN), the type skeleton of the sei whale sank into oblivion. Construction activities enabled a recent search and study on the remaining whale material. Here, we provide evidence that the type specimen was not destroyed. On the basis of species-wide and individual characters of the type material such as the shape of cranial elements and the pattern of the maxillary foramina, we show that the skull and mandibles, the vertebral column (except the atlas), and the ribs of the holotype remain intact. Further evidence that these skeletal remains belong to the previously missing holotype is provided by the characteristics of the spine. In addition, we analyzed ancient DNA from bone samples and confirm they are B. borealis, and the occurrence of same mitochondrial haplotypes indicate that the bones belong to the same individual. Additionally, a blue inscription was discovered at the caudal epiphysis of a thoracic vertebra; historical research matched this inscription with the material belonging to the former Anatomical-Zootomical Museum, from which the holotype was once bought.}, language = {en} } @article{CahsanKiemelWestburyetal.2021, author = {Cahsan, Binia De and Kiemel, Katrin and Westbury, Michael V. and Lauritsen, Maike and Autenrieth, Marijke and Gollmann, G{\"u}nter and Schweiger, Silke and Stenberg, Marika and Nystr{\"o}m, Per and Drews, Hauke and Tiedemann, Ralph}, title = {Southern introgression increases adaptive immune gene variability in northern range margin populations of Fire-bellied toad}, series = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {11}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, number = {14}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.}, address = {New Jersey}, issn = {2045-7758}, doi = {10.1002/ece3.7805}, pages = {15}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Northern range margin populations of the European fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina) have rapidly declined during recent decades. Extensive agricultural land use has fragmented the landscape, leading to habitat disruption and loss, as well as eutrophication of ponds. In Northern Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) and Southern Sweden (Sk{\aa}ne), this population decline resulted in decreased gene flow from surrounding populations, low genetic diversity, and a putative reduction in adaptive potential, leaving populations vulnerable to future environmental and climatic changes. Previous studies using mitochondrial control region and nuclear transcriptome-wide SNP data detected introgressive hybridization in multiple northern B. bombina populations after unreported release of toads from Austria. Here, we determine the impact of this introgression by comparing the body conditions (proxy for fitness) of introgressed and nonintrogressed populations and the genetic consequences in two candidate genes for putative local adaptation (the MHC II gene as part of the adaptive immune system and the stress response gene HSP70 kDa). We detected regional differences in body condition and observed significantly elevated levels of within individual MHC allele counts in introgressed Swedish populations, associated with a tendency toward higher body weight, relative to regional nonintrogressed populations. These differences were not observed among introgressed and nonintrogressed German populations. Genetic diversity in both MHC and HSP was generally lower in northern than Austrian populations. Our study sheds light on the potential benefits of translocations of more distantly related conspecifics as a means to increase adaptive genetic variability and fitness of genetically depauperate range margin populations without distortion of local adaptation.}, language = {en} }