@article{Tristram2005, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {Kelten und Druiden im Spiegel des Selbstverst{\"a}ndnisses der Antike}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Classical writers either glorified the Celts and their cult officials, the druids, thereby demonstrating "soft primitivism", or they vilified them ("hard primitivsm"). Both types of primitivism reflect the self-assessment of the classical cultures concerning their own identity and the level of their cultural status rather than providing hard-core information about Celts and druids. Outside the archaeological evidence there is no reliable information about these. And even the archaeological evidence is very much open to controversial interpretation This situation leave much room to personal speculation, high-flung imagination and even fantasy. TRI}, language = {de} } @article{Tristram2005, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {"Warum ide (Potsdamer) Studientage zum englischen Mittelalter (SEM)? Zwecke und Nutzen"}, isbn = {3-631-54482-0}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The five Potsdam "Studientage zum Englischen Mittelalter (SEM)" (1999-2003) served a number of purposes. These are fully discussed in this article. The first and foremost idea was to provide a yearly forum for young scholars in English medieval studies to present their research to other scholars in the field and to test their market value ("Nachwuchsfoerderung"). After Potsdam, the SEM meetings are circulating between those universities in the German speaking countries, which feature a Medieval Studies Programme in their departments of English and American Studies. This programme serves to boost their academic profile and etablish centres of excellency for English medieval Studies on the Continent. Networking is another prime objective of the SEMs. See http://www.uni-potsdam.de/u/sem/sem.htm etc.}, language = {de} } @article{Tristram2004, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {Diglossia in Anglo-Saxon England, or what was spoken Old English like?}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper argues that the texts surviving from the Old English period do not reflect the spoken language of the bulk of the population under Anglo-Saxon elite domination. While the Old English written documents suggest that the language was kept remarkably unchanged, i.e. was strongly monitored during the long OE period (some 500 years!), the spoken and "real Old English" is likely to have been very different and much more of the type of Middle English than the written texts. "Real Old Engish", i.e. of course only appeared in writing after the Norman Conquest. Middle English is therefore claimed to have begun with the 'late British' speaking shifters to Old English. The shift patterns must have differed in the various part of the island of Britain, as the shifters became exposed to further language contact with the Old Norse adstrate in the Danelaw areas and the Norman superstrate particularly in the South East, the South West having been least exposed to language contact after the original shift from 'Late British' to Old English. This explains why the North was historically the most innovative zone. This also explains the conservatism of the present day dialects in the South West. It is high time that historical linguists acknowledge the arcane character of the Old English written texts.}, language = {en} } @article{Tristram2004, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {Bede's historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum in old english and old irish : a comparison}, isbn = {3-598-73015-2}, year = {2004}, abstract = {A close comparison of selected parts of the translation of the Venerable Bede's 'Historia Ecclesiastica gentis anglorum' into Old English and Old Irish reveals how selective the translators proceeded in their translation work and how they adapted the Latin original to the genre traditions of their vernacular styles of writing. By their omissions, their choices of lexis and syntax they clearly expressed their translation interests. Part of the differences also seems to have been motivated by the targeted written and the oral mode of communication. While the Irish translation is entirely written in character and hardly lends itself to reading out aloud ('prelecting'), the style and rhythm of the Old English translation suggests that it was to serve public reading purposes in front of illiterate or semi-literate listening audiences.}, language = {en} } @article{Tristram2004, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {"Celtic Studies in Germany, 1980-1995"}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This article provides a survey of the research carried out by Celtic scholars in Germany during the 15 years between 1980 and 1995. It is based on the respective bibliography published in 'Studia Celtica Japonica' 9 (1997). The major research fields covered are IE Studies, Celtic philology, linguistics, literature, archaeology and cultural studies.}, language = {en} } @article{Tristram2003, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {As she do be spoke, proper, ye know : (Post)coloniale Identit{\"a}t und Sprache in Irland}, isbn = {3-89626-292-0}, year = {2003}, abstract = {This article discusses the problem why the English language used in Ireland ("Irish English") as the second national language, has to date enjoyed so little prestige among everyday users of it, whereas it found enthusiastic recognition among Anglo-Irish writers since the beginning of the 19c. While no educated speaker of Irish English would target an RP pronunciation any more, the use of Irish English grammar and lexis is still stigmatised as smacking of the "brogue." The hypothesis is advanced that, in spite of its independence since 1921 and its "Celtic Tiger" economy since entry into the EU in the 70s, the Republic of Ireland has still not fully entered the post-colonial stage in matters of language and education, where pride in Identity and Otherness is reflected in the conscious use and engineering of a nationally distinctive variety of English, such as in Australia, New Zealand or Canada.There is still no national dictionary of Irish English, no national grammar, no national broadcasting and TV handbook, no national dictionary of Irish English. The title of the article quotes from a publication which attests to the strong linguistic minority complex which many Irish people still seem to suffer from.}, language = {de} } @article{Tristram1996, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {Celtic in Linguistic Taxonomy in the 19th Century}, year = {1996}, language = {en} } @article{Tristram1996, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {Einleitung}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @article{Tristram1996, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, title = {Mac Bethad mac Fin mic Laig XVI(I) annis regnavit : Macbeth ; verschriftete Wirklichkeit, gelebte Schriftlichkeit, aufgef{\"u}hrte Wirklichkeit}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @article{TristramChonghaile1996, author = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C. and Chonghaile, N{\´o}ir{\´i}n N{\´i}}, title = {Die mittelirischen Sagenlisten zwischen M{\"u}ndlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit}, year = {1996}, language = {de} }