@article{AbdoAckermannAjelloetal.2011, author = {Abdo, A. A. and Ackermann, Margit and Ajello, M. and Allafort, A. J. and Baldini, L. and Ballet, J. and Barbiellini, G. and Baring, M. G. and Bastieri, D. and Bechtol, K. C. and Bellazzini, R. and Berenji, B. and Blandford, R. D. and Bloom, E. D. and Bonamente, E. and Borgland, A. W. and Bouvier, A. and Brandt, T. J. and Bregeon, Johan and Brez, A. and Brigida, M. and Bruel, P. and Buehler, R. and Buson, S. and Caliandro, G. A. and Cameron, R. A. and Cannon, A. and Caraveo, P. A. and Carrigan, Svenja and Casandjian, J. M. and Cavazzuti, E. and Cecchi, C. and Celik, O. and Charles, E. and Chekhtman, A. and Cheung, C. C. and Chiang, J. and Ciprini, S. and Claus, R. and Cohen-Tanugi, J. and Conrad, Jan and Cutini, S. and Dermer, C. D. and de Palma, F. and do Couto e Silva, E. and Drell, P. S. and Dubois, R. and Dumora, D. and Favuzzi, C. and Fegan, S. J. and Ferrara, E. C. and Focke, W. B. and Fortin, P. and Frailis, M. and Fuhrmann, L. and Fukazawa, Y. and Funk, S. and Fusco, P. and Gargano, F. and Gasparrini, D. and Gehrels, N. and Germani, S. and Giglietto, N. and Giordano, F. and Giroletti, M. and Glanzman, T. and Godfrey, G. and Grenier, I. A. and Guillemot, L. and Guiriec, S. and Hayashida, M. and Hays, E. and Horan, D. and Hughes, R. E. and Johannesson, G. and Johnson, A. S. and Johnson, W. N. and Kadler, M. and Kamae, T. and Katagiri, H. and Kataoka, J. and Knoedlseder, J. and Kuss, M. and Lande, J. and Latronico, L. and Lee, S. -H. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Longo, F. and Loparco, F. and Lott, B. and Lovellette, M. N. and Lubrano, P. and Madejski, G. M. and Makeev, A. and Max-Moerbeck, W. and Mazziotta, Mario Nicola and McEnery, J. E. and Mehault, J. and Michelson, P. F. and Mitthumsiri, W. and Mizuno, T. and Moiseev, A. A. and Monte, C. and Monzani, M. E. and Morselli, A. and Moskalenko, I. V. and Murgia, S. and Naumann-Godo, M. and Nishino, S. and Nolan, P. L. and Norris, J. P. and Nuss, E. and Ohsugi, T. and Okumura, A. and Omodei, N. and Orlando, E. and Ormes, J. F. and Paneque, D. and Panetta, J. H. and Parent, D. and Pavlidou, V. and Pearson, T. J. and Pelassa, V. and Pepe, M. and Pesce-Rollins, M. and Piron, F. and Porter, T. A. and Raino, S. and Rando, R. and Razzano, M. and Readhead, A. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Richards, J. L. and Ripken, J. and Ritz, S. and Roth, M. and Sadrozinski, H. F. -W. and Sanchez, D. and Sander, A. and Scargle, J. D. and Sgro, C. and Siskind, E. J. and Smith, P. D. and Spandre, G. and Spinelli, P. and Stawarz, L. and Stevenson, M. and Strickman, M. S. and Sokolovsky, K. V. and Suson, D. J. and Takahashi, H. and Takahashi, T. and Tanaka, T. and Thayer, J. B. and Thayer, J. G. and Thompson, D. J. and Tibaldo, L. and Torres, F. and Tosti, G. and Tramacere, A. and Uchiyama, Y. and Usher, T. L. and Vandenbroucke, J. and Vasileiou, V. and Vilchez, N. and Vitale, V. and Waite, A. P. and Wang, P. and Wehrle, A. E. and Winer, B. L. and Wood, K. S. and Yang, Z. and Ylinen, T. and Zensus, J. A. and Ziegler, M. and Aleksic, J. and Antonelli, L. A. and Antoranz, P. and Backes, Michael and Barrio, J. A. and Gonzalez, J. Becerra and Bednarek, W. and Berdyugin, A. and Berger, K. and Bernardini, E. and Biland, A. and Blanch Bigas, O. and Bock, R. K. and Boller, A. and Bonnoli, G. and Bordas, Pol and Tridon, D. Borla and Bosch-Ramon, Valentin and Bose, D. and Braun, I. and Bretz, T. and Camara, M. and Carmona, E. and Carosi, A. and Colin, P. and Colombo, E. and Contreras, J. L. and Cortina, J. and Covino, S. and Dazzi, F. and de Angelis, A. and del Pozo, E. De Cea and De Lotto, B. and De Maria, M. and De Sabata, F. and Mendez, C. Delgado and Ortega, A. Diago and Doert, M. and Dominguez, A. and Prester, Dijana Dominis and Dorner, D. and Doro, M. and Elsaesser, D. and Ferenc, D. and Fonseca, M. V. and Font, L. and Lopen, R. J. Garcia and Garczarczyk, M. and Gaug, M. and Giavitto, G. and Godinovi, N. and Hadasch, D. and Herrero, A. and Hildebrand, D. and Hoehne-Moench, D. and Hose, J. and Hrupec, D. and Jogler, T. and Klepser, S. and Kraehenbuehl, T. and Kranich, D. and Krause, J. and La Barbera, A. and Leonardo, E. and Lindfors, E. and Lombardi, S. and Lopez, M. and Lorenz, E. and Majumdar, P. and Makariev, E. and Maneva, G. and Mankuzhiyil, N. and Mannheim, K. and Maraschi, L. and Mariotti, M. and Martinez, M. and Mazin, D. and Meucci, M. and Miranda, J. M. and Mirzoyan, R. and Miyamoto, H. and Moldon, J. and Moralejo, A. and Nieto, D. and Nilsson, K. and Orito, R. and Oya, I. and Paoletti, R. and Paredes, J. M. and Partini, S. and Pasanen, M. and Pauss, F. and Pegna, R. G. and Perez-Torres, M. A. and Persic, M. and Peruzzo, J. and Pochon, J. and Moroni, P. G. Prada and Prada, F. and Prandini, E. and Puchades, N. and Puljak, I. and Reichardt, T. and Reinthal, R. and Rhode, W. and Ribo, M. and Rico, J. and Rissi, M. and Ruegamer, S. and Saggion, A. and Saito, K. and Saito, T. Y. and Salvati, M. and Sanchez-Conde, M. and Satalecka, K. and Scalzotto, V. and Scapin, V. and Schultz, C. and Schweizer, T. and Shayduk, M. and Shore, S. N. and Sierpowska-Bartosik, A. and Sillanpaa, A. and Sitarek, J. and Sobczynska, D. and Spanier, F. and Spiro, S. and Stamerra, A. and Steinke, B. and Storz, J. and Strah, N. and Struebig, J. C. and Suric, T. and Takalo, L. O. and Tavecchio, F. and Temnikov, P. and Terzic, T. and Tescaro, D. and Teshima, M. and Vankov, H. and Wagner, R. M. and Weitzel, Q. and Zabalza, V. and Zandanel, F. and Zanin, R. and Acciari, V. A. and Arlen, T. and Aune, T. and Benbow, W. and Boltuch, D. and Bradbury, S. M. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Cannon, A. and Cesarini, A. and Ciupik, L. and Cui, W. and Dickherber, R. and Errando, M. and Falcone, A. and Finley, J. P. and Finnegan, G. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Galante, N. and Gall, D. and Gillanders, G. H. and Godambe, S. and Grube, J. and Guenette, R. and Gyuk, G. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Huang, D. and Hui, C. M. and Humensky, T. B. and Kaaret, P. and Karlsson, N. and Kertzman, M. and Kieda, D. and Konopelko, A. and Krawczynski, H. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and Maier, G. and McArthur, S. and McCann, A. and McCutcheon, M. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Ong, R. and Otte, N. and Pandel, D. and Perkins, J. S. and Pichel, A. and Pohl, M. and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Reyes, L. C. and Reynolds, P. T. and Roache, E. and Rose, H. J. and Rovero, A. C. and Schroedter, M. and Sembroski, G. H. and Senturk, G. D. and Steele, D. and Swordy, S. P. and Tesic, G. and Theiling, M. and Thibadeau, S. and Varlotta, A. and Vincent, S. and Wakely, S. P. and Ward, J. E. and Weekes, T. C. and Weinstein, A. and Weisgarber, T. and Williams, D. A. and Wood, M. and Zitzer, B. and Villata, M. and Raiteri, C. M. and Aller, H. D. and Aller, M. F. and Arkharov, A. A. and Blinov, D. A. and Calcidese, P. and Chen, W. P. and Efimova, N. V. and Kimeridze, G. and Konstantinova, T. S. and Kopatskaya, E. N. and Koptelova, E. and Kurtanidze, O. M. and Kurtanidze, S. O. and Lahteenmaki, A. and Larionov, V. M. and Larionova, E. G. and Larionova, L. V. and Ligustri, R. and Morozova, D. A. and Nikolashvili, M. G. and Sigua, L. A. and Troitsky, I. S. and Angelakis, E. and Capalbi, M. and Carraminana, A. and Carrasco, L. and Cassaro, P. and de la Fuente, E. and Gurwell, M. A. and Kovalev, Y. Y. and Kovalev, Yu. A. and Krichbaum, T. P. and Krimm, H. A. and Leto, Paolo and Lister, M. L. and Maccaferri, G. and Moody, J. W. and Mori, Y. and Nestoras, I. and Orlati, A. and Pagani, C. and Pace, C. and Pearson, R. and Perri, M. and Piner, B. G. and Pushkarev, A. B. and Ros, E. and Sadun, A. C. and Sakamoto, T. and Tornikoski, M. and Yatsu, Y. and Zook, A.}, title = {Insights into the high-energy gamma-Ray emission of markarian 501 fromextensive multifrequency observations in the fermi era}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, volume = {727}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, number = {2}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, organization = {Fermi-LAT Collaboration, MAGIC Collaboration, VERITAS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-637X}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/727/2/129}, pages = {26}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We report on the gamma-ray activity of the blazar Mrk 501 during the first 480 days of Fermi operation. We find that the average Large Area Telescope (LAT) gamma-ray spectrum of Mrk 501 can be well described by a single power-law function with a photon index of 1.78 +/- 0.03. While we observe relatively mild flux variations with the Fermi-LAT (within less than a factor of two), we detect remarkable spectral variability where the hardest observed spectral index within the LAT energy range is 1.52 +/- 0.14, and the softest one is 2.51 +/- 0.20. These unexpected spectral changes do not correlate with the measured flux variations above 0.3 GeV. In this paper, we also present the first results from the 4.5 month long multifrequency campaign (2009 March 15-August 1) on Mrk 501, which included the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), Swift, RXTE, MAGIC, and VERITAS, the F-GAMMA, GASP-WEBT, and other collaborations and instruments which provided excellent temporal and energy coverage of the source throughout the entire campaign. The extensive radio to TeV data set from this campaign provides us with the most detailed spectral energy distribution yet collected for this source during its relatively low activity. The average spectral energy distribution of Mrk 501 is well described by the standard one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model. In the framework of this model, we find that the dominant emission region is characterized by a size less than or similar to 0.1 pc (comparable within a factor of few to the size of the partially resolved VLBA core at 15-43 GHz), and that the total jet power (similar or equal to 10(44) erg s(-1)) constitutes only a small fraction (similar to 10(-3)) of the Eddington luminosity. The energy distribution of the freshly accelerated radiating electrons required to fit the time-averaged data has a broken power-law form in the energy range 0.3 GeV-10 TeV, with spectral indices 2.2 and 2.7 below and above the break energy of 20 GeV. We argue that such a form is consistent with a scenario in which the bulk of the energy dissipation within the dominant emission zone of Mrk 501 is due to relativistic, proton-mediated shocks. We find that the ultrarelativistic electrons and mildly relativistic protons within the blazar zone, if comparable in number, are in approximate energy equipartition, with their energy dominating the jet magnetic field energy by about two orders of magnitude.}, language = {en} } @article{AhnenAnsoldiAntonellietal.2017, author = {Ahnen, M. L. and Ansoldi, S. and Antonelli, L. A. and Antoranz, P. and Babic, A. and Banerjee, B. and Bangale, P. and de Almeida, U. Barres and Barrio, J. A. and Gonzalez, J. Becerra and Bednarek, W. and Bernardini, E. and Berti, A. and Biasuzzi, B. and Biland, A. and Blanch, O. and Bonnefoy, S. and Bonnoli, G. and Borracci, F. and Bretz, T. and Buson, S. and Carosi, A. and Chatterjee, A. and Clavero, R. and Colin, P. and Colombo, E. and Contreras, J. L. and Cortina, J. and Covino, S. and Da Vela, P. and Dazzi, F. and De Angelis, A. and De Lotto, B. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Di Pierro, F. and Doert, M. and Dominguez, A. and Prester, D. Dominis and Dorner, D. and Doro, M. and Einecke, S. and Glawion, D. Eisenacher and Elsaesser, D. and Engelkemeier, M. and Ramazani, V. Fallah and Fernandez-Barral, A. and Fidalgo, D. and Fonseca, M. V. and Font, L. and Frantzen, K. and Fruck, C. and Galindo, D. and Lopez, R. J. Garcia and Garczarczyk, M. and Terrats, D. Garrido and Gaug, M. and Giammaria, P. and Godinovic, N. and Gonzalez Munoz, A. and Gora, D. and Guberman, D. and Hadasch, D. and Hahn, A. and Hanabata, Y. and Hayashida, M. and Herrera, J. and Hose, J. and Hrupec, D. and Hughes, G. and Idec, W. and Kodani, K. and Konno, Y. and Kubo, H. and Kushida, J. and La Barbera, A. and Lelas, D. and Lindfors, E. and Lombardi, S. and Longo, F. and Lopez, M. and Lopez-Coto, R. and Majumdar, P. and Makariev, M. and Mallot, K. and Maneva, G. and Manganaro, M. and Mannheim, K. and Maraschi, L. and Marcote, B. and Mariotti, M. and Martinez, M. and Mazin, D. and Menzel, U. and Miranda, J. M. and Mirzoyan, R. and Moralejo, A. and Moretti, E. and Nakajima, D. and Neustroev, V. and Niedzwiecki, A. and Rosillo, M. Nievas and Nilsson, K. and Nishijima, K. and Noda, K. and Nogues, L. and Overkemping, A. and Paiano, S. and Palacio, J. and Palatiello, M. and Paneque, D. and Paoletti, R. and Paredes, J. M. and Paredes-Fortuny, X. and Pedaletti, G. and Peresano, M. and Perri, L. and Persic, M. and Poutanen, J. and Moroni, P. G. Prada and Prandini, E. and Puljak, I. and Reichardt, I. and Rhode, W. and Ribo, M. and Rico, J. and Rodriguez Garcia, J. and Saito, T. and Satalecka, K. and Schroder, S. and Schultz, C. and Schweizer, T. and Shore, S. N. and Sillanpaa, A. and Sitarek, J. and Snidaric, I. and Sobczynska, D. and Stamerra, A. and Steinbring, T. and Strzys, M. and Suric, T. and Takalo, L. and Tavecchio, F. and Temnikov, P. and Terzic, T. and Tescaro, D. and Teshima, M. and Thaele, J. and Torres, D. F. and Toyama, T. and Treves, A. and Vanzo, G. and Verguilov, V. and Vovk, I. and Ward, J. E. and Will, M. and Wu, M. H. and Zanin, R. and Abeysekara, A. U. and Archambault, S. and Archer, A. and Benbow, W. and Bird, R. and Buchovecky, M. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Dickinson, H. J. and Falcone, A. and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Fleischhack, H. and Flinders, A. and Fortson, L. and Gillanders, G. H. and Griffin, S. and Grube, J. and Huetten, M. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Humensky, T. B. and Kaaret, P. and Kar, P. and Kelley-Hoskins, N. and Kertzman, M. and Kieda, D. and Krause, M. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and Maier, G. and McCann, A. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Nieto, D. and Ong, R. A. and Otte, N. and Park, N. and Perkins, J. and Pichel, A. and Pohl, M. and Popkow, A. and Pueschel, Elisa and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Reynolds, P. T. and Richards, G. T. and Roache, E. and Rovero, A. C. and Rulten, C. and Sadeh, I. and Santander, M. and Sembroski, G. H. and Shahinyan, K. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Tucci, J. V. and Tyler, J. and Wakely, S. P. and Weinstein, A. and Wilcox, P. and Wilhelm, Alina and Williams, D. A. and Zitzer, B. and Razzaque, S. and Villata, M. and Raiteri, C. M. and Aller, H. D. and Aller, M. F. and Larionov, V. M. and Arkharov, A. A. and Blinov, D. A. and Efimova, N. V. and Grishina, T. S. and Hagen-Thorn, V. A. and Kopatskaya, E. N. and Larionova, L. V. and Larionova, E. G. and Morozova, D. A. and Troitsky, I. S. and Ligustri, R. and Calcidese, P. and Berdyugin, A. and Kurtanidze, O. M. and Nikolashvili, M. G. and Kimeridze, G. N. and Sigua, L. A. and Kurtanidze, S. O. and Chigladze, R. A. and Chen, W. P. and Koptelova, E. and Sakamoto, T. and Sadun, A. C. and Moody, J. W. and Pace, C. and Pearson, R. and Yatsu, Y. and Mori, Y. and Carraminyana, A. and Carrasco, L. and de la Fuente, E. and Norris, J. P. and Smith, P. S. and Wehrle, A. and Gurwell, M. A. and Zook, A. and Pagani, C. and Perri, M. and Capalbi, M. and Cesarini, A. and Krimm, H. A. and Kovalev, Y. Y. and Kovalev, Yu. A. and Ros, E. and Pushkarev, A. B. and Lister, M. L. and Sokolovsky, K. V. and Kadler, M. and Piner, G. and Lahteenmaki, A. and Tornikoski, M. and Angelakis, E. and Krichbaum, T. P. and Nestoras, I. and Fuhrmann, L. and Zensus, J. A. and Cassaro, P. and Orlati, A. and Maccaferri, G. and Leto, P. and Giroletti, M. and Richards, J. L. and Max-Moerbeck, W. and Readhead, A. C. S.}, title = {Multiband variability studies and novel broadband SED modeling of Mrk 501 in 2009}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {603}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {MAGIC Collaboration;VERITAS Collaboration}, issn = {1432-0746}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201629540}, pages = {30}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Aims. We present an extensive study of the BL Lac object Mrk 501 based on a data set collected during the multi-instrument campaign spanning from 2009 March 15 to 2009 August 1, which includes, among other instruments, MAGIC, VERITAS, Whipple 10 m, and Fermi-LAT to cover the gamma-ray range from 0.1 GeV to 20 TeV; RXTE and Swift to cover wavelengths from UV to hard X-rays; and GASP-WEBT, which provides coverage of radio and optical wavelengths. Optical polarization measurements were provided for a fraction of the campaign by the Steward and St. Petersburg observatories. We evaluate the variability of the source and interband correlations, the gamma-ray flaring activity occurring in May 2009, and interpret the results within two synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenarios. Methods. The multiband variability observed during the full campaign is addressed in terms of the fractional variability, and the possible correlations are studied by calculating the discrete correlation function for each pair of energy bands where the significance was evaluated with dedicated Monte Carlo simulations. The space of SSC model parameters is probed following a dedicated grid-scan strategy, allowing for a wide range of models to be tested and offering a study of the degeneracy of model-to-data agreement in the individual model parameters, hence providing a less biased interpretation than the "single-curve SSC model adjustment" typically reported in the literature. Results. We find an increase in the fractional variability with energy, while no significant interband correlations of flux changes are found on the basis of the acquired data set. The SSC model grid-scan shows that the flaring activity around May 22 cannot be modeled adequately with a one-zone SSC scenario (using an electron energy distribution with two breaks), while it can be suitably described within a two (independent) zone SSC scenario. Here, one zone is responsible for the quiescent emission from the averaged 4.5-month observing period, while the other one, which is spatially separated from the first, dominates the flaring emission occurring at X-rays and very-high-energy (> 100 GeV, VHE) gamma-rays. The flaring activity from May 1, which coincides with a rotation of the electric vector polarization angle (EVPA), cannot be satisfactorily reproduced by either a one-zone or a two-independent-zone SSC model, yet this is partially affected by the lack of strictly simultaneous observations and the presence of large flux changes on sub-hour timescales (detected at VHE gamma rays). Conclusions. The higher variability in the VHE emission and lack of correlation with the X-ray emission indicate that, at least during the 4.5-month observing campaign in 2009, the highest energy (and most variable) electrons that are responsible for the VHE gamma rays do not make a dominant contribution to the similar to 1 keV emission. Alternatively, there could be a very variable component contributing to the VHE gamma-ray emission in addition to that coming from the SSC scenario. The studies with our dedicated SSC grid-scan show that there is some degeneracy in both the one-zone and the two-zone SSC scenarios probed, with several combinations of model parameters yielding a similar model-to-data agreement, and some parameters better constrained than others. The observed gamma-ray flaring activity, with the EVPA rotation coincident with the first gamma-ray flare, resembles those reported previously for low frequency peaked blazars, hence suggesting that there are many similarities in the flaring mechanisms of blazars with different jet properties.}, language = {en} } @article{ArchambaultArcherBenbowetal.2017, author = {Archambault, S. and Archer, A. and Benbow, W. and Bird, R. and Bourbeau, E. and Brantseg, T. and Buchovecky, M. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Byrum, K. and Cerruti, M. and Christiansen, J. L. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Daniel, M. K. and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Fleischhack, H. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Geringer-Sameth, A. and Griffin, S. and Grube, J. and H{\"u}tten, M. and Hakansson, N. and Hanna, D. and Hervet, O. and Holder, J. and Hughes, G. and Hummensky, B. and Johnson, C. A. and Kaaret, P. and Kar, P. and Kelley-Hoskins, N. and Kertzman, M. and Kieda, D. and Koushiappas, S. and Krause, M. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and Lin, T. T. Y. and McArthur, S. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Nieto, D. and Ong, R. A. and Otte, A. N. and Park, N. and Pohl, M. and Popkow, A. and Pueschel, Elisa and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Reynolds, P. T. and Richards, G. T. and Roache, E. and Rulten, C. and Sadeh, I. and Santander, M. and Sembroski, G. H. and Shahinyan, K. and Smith, A. W. and Staszak, D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Trepanier, S. and Tucci, J. V. and Tyler, J. and Wakely, S. P. and Weinstein, A. and Wilcox, P. and Williams, D. A. and Zitzer, B.}, title = {Dark matter constraints from a joint analysis of dwarf Spheroidal galaxy observations with VERITAS}, series = {Physical review : D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology}, volume = {95}, journal = {Physical review : D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology}, number = {8}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, address = {College Park}, organization = {VERITAS Collaboration}, issn = {2470-0010}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.95.082001}, pages = {14}, year = {2017}, abstract = {We present constraints on the annihilation cross section of weakly interacting massive particles dark matter based on the joint statistical analysis of four dwarf galaxies with VERITAS. These results are derived from an optimized photon weighting statistical technique that improves on standard imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope (IACT) analyses by utilizing the spectral and spatial properties of individual photon events. We report on the results of similar to 230 hours of observations of five dwarf galaxies and the joint statistical analysis of four of the dwarf galaxies. We find no evidence of gamma-ray emission from any individual dwarf nor in the joint analysis. The derived upper limit on the dark matter annihilation cross section from the joint analysis is 1.35 x 10(-23) cm(3) s(-1) at 1 TeV for the bottom quark (b (b) over bar) final state, 2.85 x 10(-24) cm(3) s(-1) at 1 TeV for the tau lepton (tau+tau(-)) final state and 1.32 x 10-25 cm(3) s(-1) at 1 TeV for the gauge boson (gamma gamma) final state.}, language = {en} } @article{ArchambaultArcherBenbowetal.2017, author = {Archambault, S. and Archer, A. and Benbow, W. and Buchovecky, M. and Bugaev, V. and Cerruti, M. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Falcone, A. and Alonso, M. Fernandez and Finley, J. P. and Fleischhack, H. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Griffin, S. and Hutten, M. and Hervet, O. and Holder, J. and Humensky, T. B. and Johnson, C. A. and Kaaret, P. and Kar, P. and Kieda, D. and Krause, M. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and Lin, T. T. Y. and Maier, G. and McArthur, S. and Moriarty, P. and Nieto, D. and Ong, R. A. and Otte, A. N. and Pohl, M. and Popkow, A. and Pueschel, Elisa and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Reynolds, P. T. and Richards, G. T. and Roache, E. and Rovero, A. C. and Sadeh, I. and Shahinyan, K. and Staszak, D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Tyler, J. and Wakely, S. P. and Weinstein, A. and Weisgarber, T. and Wilcox, P. and Wilhelm, Alina and Williams, D. A. and Zitzer, B.}, title = {Search for Magnetically Broadened Cascade Emission from Blazars with VERITAS}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, volume = {835}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, number = {2}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, issn = {0004-637X}, doi = {10.3847/1538-4357/835/2/288}, pages = {12}, year = {2017}, abstract = {We present a search for magnetically broadened gamma-ray emission around active galactic nuclei (AGNs), using VERITAS observations of seven hard-spectrum blazars. A cascade process occurs when multi-TeV gamma-rays from an AGN interact with extragalactic background light (EBL) photons to produce electron-positron pairs, which then interact with cosmic microwave background photons via inverse-Compton scattering to produce gamma-rays. Due to the deflection of the electron- positron pairs, a non-zero intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF) would potentially produce detectable effects on the angular distribution of the cascade emission. In particular, an angular broadening compared to the unscattered emission could occur. Through non-detection of angularly broadened emission from 1ES 1218 vertical bar 304, the source with the largest predicted cascade fraction, we exclude a range of IGMF strengths around 10(-14) G at the 95\% confidence level. The extent of the exclusion range varies with the assumptions made about the intrinsic spectrum of 1ES. 1218+304 and the EBL model used in the simulation of the cascade process. All of the sources are used to set limits on the flux due to extended emission.}, language = {en} } @article{AliuArchambaultArlenetal.2013, author = {Aliu, E. and Archambault, S. and Arlen, T. and Aune, T. and Beilicke, M. and Benbow, W. and Bouvier, A. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Cesarini, A. and Ciupik, L. and Collins-Hughes, E. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Dickherber, R. and Duke, C. and Dumm, J. and Dwarkadas, Vikram V. and Errando, M. and Falcone, A. and Federici, S. and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Finnegan, G. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Galante, N. and Gall, D. and Gillanders, G. H. and Godambe, S. and Gotthelf, E. V. and Griffin, S. and Grube, J. and Gyuk, G. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Hughes, G. and Humensky, T. B. and Kaaret, P. and Kargaltsev, O. and Karlsson, N. and Khassen, Y. and Kieda, D. and Krawczynski, H. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and Lee, K. and Madhavan, A. S. and Maier, G. and Majumdar, P. and McArthur, S. and McCann, A. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Nelson, T. and de Bhroithe, A. O\&rsquo and Faolain, and Ong, R. A. and Orr, M. and Otte, A. N. and Park, N. and Perkins, J. S. and Pohl, M. and Prokoph, H. and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Reyes, L. C. and Reynolds, P. T. and Roache, E. and Roberts, M. and Saxon, D. B. and Schroedter, M. and Sembroski, G. H. and Slane, P. and Smith, A. W. and Staszak, D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Tesic, G. and Theiling, M. and Thibadeau, S. and Tsurusaki, K. and Tyler, J. and Varlotta, A. and Vassiliev, V. V. and Vincent, S. and Vivier, M. and Wakely, S. P. and Weekes, T. C. and Weinstein, A. and Welsing, R. and Williams, D. A. and Zitzer, B.}, title = {DISCOVERY OF TeV GAMMA-RAY EMISSION FROM CTA 1 BY VERITAS}, series = {ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL}, volume = {764}, journal = {ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL}, number = {1}, publisher = {IOP PUBLISHING LTD}, address = {BRISTOL}, issn = {0004-637X}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/764/1/38}, pages = {9}, year = {2013}, abstract = {We report the discovery of TeV gamma-ray emission coincident with the shell-type radio supernova remnant (SNR) CTA 1 using the VERITAS gamma-ray observatory. The source, VER J0006+729, was detected as a 6.5 standard deviation excess over background and shows an extended morphology, approximated by a two-dimensional Gaussian of semimajor (semiminor) axis 0.degrees 30 (0.degrees 24) and a centroid 5\’ from the Fermi gamma-ray pulsar PSR J0007+7303 and its X-ray pulsar wind nebula (PWN). The photon spectrum is well described by a power-law dN/dE = N-0(E/3 TeV)(-Gamma), with a differential spectral index of Gamma = 2.2 +/- 0.2(stat) +/- 0.3(sys), and normalization N-0 = (9.1 +/- 1.3(stat) +/- 1.7(sys)) x 10(-14) cm(-2) s(-1) TeV-1. The integral flux, F-gamma = 4.0 x 10(-12) erg cm(-2) s(-1) above 1 TeV, corresponds to 0.2\% of the pulsar spin-down power at 1.4 kpc. The energetics, colocation with the SNR, and the relatively small extent of the TeV emission strongly argue for the PWN origin of the TeV photons. We consider the origin of the TeV emission in CTA 1.}, language = {en} } @article{AliuArchambaultArlenetal.2012, author = {Aliu, E. and Archambault, S. and Arlen, T. and Aune, T. and Beilicke, M. and Benbow, W. and Bouvier, A. and Bradbury, S. M. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Byrum, K. and Cannon, A. and Cesarini, A. and Ciupik, L. and Collins-Hughes, E. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Decerprit, G. and Dickherber, R. and Duke, C. and Dumm, J. and Dwarkadas, Vikram V. and Errando, M. and Falcone, A. and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Finnegan, G. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Galante, N. and Gall, D. and Godambe, S. and Griffin, S. and Grube, J. and Gyuk, G. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Huan, H. and Hughes, G. and Humensky, T. B. and Kaaret, P. and Karlsson, N. and Kertzman, M. and Khassen, Y. and Kieda, D. and Krawczynski, H. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and Lee, K. and Maier, G. and Majumdar, P. and McArthur, S. and McCann, A. and Millis, J. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Nunez, P. D. and Ong, R. A. and Orr, M. and Otte, A. N. and Pandel, D. and Park, N. and Perkins, J. S. and Pohl, M. and Prokoph, H. and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Reyes, L. C. and Reynolds, P. T. and Roache, E. and Rose, H. J. and Ruppel, J. and Saxon, D. B. and Schroedter, M. and Sembroski, G. H. and Skole, C. and Smith, A. W. and Staszak, D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Tesic, G. and Theiling, M. and Thibadeau, S. and Tsurusaki, K. and Tyler, J. and Varlotta, A. and Vincent, S. and Vivier, M. and Wakely, S. P. and Ward, J. E. and Weekes, T. C. and Weinstein, A. and Weisgarber, T. and Welsing, R. and Williams, D. A. and Zitzer, B.}, title = {Veritas observations of the nova in V407 CYGNI}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, volume = {754}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, number = {1}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, issn = {0004-637X}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/754/1/77}, pages = {7}, year = {2012}, abstract = {We report on very high energy (E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray observations of V407 Cygni, a symbiotic binary that underwent a nova outburst producing 0.1-10 GeV gamma rays during 2010 March 10-26. Observations were made with the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System during 2010 March 19-26 at relatively large zenith angles due to the position of V407 Cyg. An improved reconstruction technique for large zenith angle observations is presented and used to analyze the data. We do not detect V407 Cygni and place a differential upper limit on the flux at 1.6 TeV of 2.3 x 10(-12) erg cm(-2) s(-1) (at the 95\% confidence level). When considered jointly with data from Fermi-LAT, this result places limits on the acceleration of very high energy particles in the nova.}, language = {en} } @article{AleksicAnsoldiAntonellietal.2015, author = {Aleksic, J. and Ansoldi, S. and Antonelli, L. A. and Antoranz, P. and Babic, A. and Bangale, P. and de Almeida, U. Barres and Barrio, J. A. and Gonzalez, J. Becerra and Bednarek, W. and Berger, K. and Bernardini, E. and Bilandli, A. and Bianch, O. and Bock, R. K. and Bonnefoy, S. and Bonnoli, G. and Borracci, F. and Bretz, T. and Carmona, E. and Carosi, A. and Fidalgo, D. Carreto and Colin, P. and Colombo, E. and Contreras, J. L. and Cortina, J. and Covino, S. and Da Vela, P. and Dazzi, F. and De Angelis, A. and De Caneva, G. and De Lotto, B. and Delgado Mendez, C. and Doert, M. and Dominguez, A. and Prester, Dijana Dominis and Dorner, D. and Doro, M. and Einecke, S. and Eisenacher, D. and Elsaesser, D. and Farina, E. and Ferenc, D. and Fonseca, M. V. and Font, L. and Frantzen, K. and Fruck, C. and Garcia Lopez, R. J. and Garczarczyki, M. and Garrido Terrats, D. and Gaug, M. and Giavitto, G. and Godinovic, N. and Gonzalez Munoz, A. and Gozzini, S. R. and Hadamek, A. and Hadasch, D. and Herrero, A. and Hildebrand, D. and Hose, J. and Hrupec, D. and Idec, W. and Kadenius, V. and Kellermann, H. and Knoetig, M. L. and Krause, J. and Kushida, J. and La Barbera, A. and Lelas, D. and Lewandowska, N. and Lindfors, E. and Longo, F. and Lombardi, S. and Lopez, M. and Lopez-Coto, R. and Lopez-Oramas, A. and Lorenz, E. and Lozano, I. and Makariev, M. and Mallot, K. and Maneva, G. and Mankuzhiyil, N. and Mannheim, K. and Maraschi, L. and Marcote, B. and Mariotti, M. and Martinez, M. and Mazin, D. and Menzel, U. and Meucci, M. and Miranda, J. M. and Mirzoyan, R. and Moralejo, A. and Munar-Adrover, P. and Nakajima, D. and Niedzwiecki, A. and Nilsson, K. and Nowak, N. and Orito, R. and Overkemping, A. and Paiano, S. and Palatiello, M. and Paneque, D. and Paoletti, R. and Paredes, J. M. and Paredes-Fortuny, X. and Partini, S. and Persic, M. and Prada, F. and Moroni, P. G. Prada and Prandini, E. and Preziuso, S. and Puljak, I. and Reinthal, R. and Rhode, W. and Ribo, M. and Rico, J. and Garcia, J. Rodriguez and Ruegamer, S. and Saggion, A. and Saito, K. and Salvati, M. and Satalecka, K. and Scalzotto, V. and Scapin, V. and Schuliz, C. and Schweizer, T. and Shore, S. N. and Sillanpaa, A. and Sitarek, J. and Snidaric, I. and Sobczynska, D. and Spanier, F. and Stamatescu, V. and Stamerra, A. and Steinbring, T. and Storz, J. and Sun, S. and Suric, T. and Takalo, L. and Tavecchio, F. and Temnikov, P. and Terzic, T. and Tescaro, D. and Teshima, M. and Thaele, J. and Tibolla, O. and Torres, D. F. and Toyama, T. and Treves, A. and Uellenbeck, M. and Vogler, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Zandanel, F. and Zanin, R. and Archambault, S. and Behera, B. and Beilicke, M. and Benbow, W. and Bird, R. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Cerruti, M. and Chen, X. and Ciupik, L. and Collins-Hughes, E. and Cui, W. and Dumm, J. and Eisch, J. D. and Falcone, A. and Federici, S. and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Fleischhack, H. and Fortin, P. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Griffin, S. and Griffiths, S. T. and Grube, J. and Gyuk, G. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Hughes, G. and Humensky, T. B. and Johnson, C. A. and Kaaret, P. and Kertzman, M. and Khassen, Y. and Kieda, D. and Krawczynski, H. and Krennrich, F. and Kumar, S. and Lang, M. J. and Maier, G. and McArthur, S. and Meagher, K. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Ong, R. A. and Otte, A. N. and Park, N. and Pichel, A. and Pohl, M. and Popkow, A. and Prokoph, H. and Quinn, M. J. and Ragan, K. and Rajotte, J. and Reynolds, P. T. and Richards, G. T. and Roache, E. and Rovero, A. C. and Sembroski, G. H. and Shahinyan, K. and Staszak, D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Theiling, M. and Tucci, J. V. and Tyler, J. and Varlotta, A. and Wakely, S. P. and Weekes, T. C. and Weinstein, A. and Welsing, R. and Wilhelm, Alina and Williams, D. A. and Zitzer, B. and Villata, M. and Raiteri, C. and Aller, H. D. and Aller, M. F. and Chen, W. P. and Jordan, B. and Koptelova, E. and Kurtanidze, O. M. and Lahteenmaki, A. and McBreen, B. and Larionov, V. M. and Lin, C. S. and Nikolashvili, M. G. and Angelakis, E. and Capalbi, M. and Carraminana, A. and Carrasco, L. and Cassaro, P. and Cesarini, A. and Fuhrmann, L. and Giroletti, M. and Hovatta, T. and Krichbaum, T. P. and Krimm, H. A. and Max-Moerbeck, W. and Moody, J. W. and Maccaferri, G. and Mori, Y. and Nestoras, I. and Orlati, A. and Pace, C. and Pearson, R. and Perri, M. and Readhead, A. C. S. and Richards, J. L. and Sadun, A. C. and Sakamoto, T. and Tammi, J. and Tornikoski, M. and Yatsu, Y. and Zook, A.}, title = {The 2009 multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 421: Variability and correlation studies}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {576}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {MAGIC Collaboration, VERITAS Collaboration, MAGIC Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201424216}, pages = {18}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Aims. We perform an extensive characterization of the broadband emission of Mrk 421, as well as its temporal evolution, during the non-flaring (low) state. The high brightness and nearby location (z = 0.031) of Mrk 421 make it an excellent laboratory to study blazar emission. The goal is to learn about the physical processes responsible for the typical emission of Mrk 421, which might also be extended to other blazars that are located farther away and hence are more difficult to study. Methods. We performed a 4.5-month multi-instrument campaign on Mrk 421 between January 2009 and June 2009, which included VLBA, F-GAMMA, GASP-WEBT, Swift, RXTE, Fermi-LAT, MAGIC, and Whipple, among other instruments and collaborations. This extensive radio to very-high-energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray dataset provides excellent temporal and energy coverage, which allows detailed studies of the evolution of the broadband spectral energy distribution. Results. Mrk421 was found in its typical (non-flaring) activity state, with a VHE flux of about half that of the Crab Nebula, yet the light curves show significant variability at all wavelengths, the highest variability being in the X-rays. We determined the power spectral densities (PSD) at most wavelengths and found that all PSDs can be described by power-laws without a break, and with indices consistent with pink/red-noise behavior. We observed a harder-when-brighter behavior in the X-ray spectra and measured a positive correlation between VHE and X-ray fluxes with zero time lag. Such characteristics have been reported many times during flaring activity, but here they are reported for the first time in the non-flaring state. We also observed an overall anti-correlation between optical /UV and X-rays extending over the duration of the campaign. Conclusions. The harder-when-brighter behavior in the X-ray spectra and the measured positive X-ray/VHE correlation during the 2009 multiwavelength campaign suggests that the physical processes dominating the emission during non-flaring states have similarities with those occurring during flaring activity. In particular, this observation supports leptonic scenarios as being responsible for the emission of Mrk 421 during non-flaring activity. Such a temporally extended X-ray /VHE correlation is not driven by any single flaring event, and hence is difficult to explain within the standard hadronic scenarios. The highest variability is observed in the X-ray band, which, within the one-zone synchrotron self-Compton scenario, indicates that the electron energy distribution is most variable at the highest energies.}, language = {en} } @article{AliuArchambaultArlenetal.2012, author = {Aliu, E. and Archambault, S. and Arlen, T. and Aune, T. and Beilicke, M. and Benbow, W. and Bouvier, A. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Byrum, K. and Cesarini, A. and Ciupik, L. and Collins-Hughes, E. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Dickherber, R. and Duke, C. and Dumm, J. and Falcone, A. and Federici, S. and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Finnegan, G. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Galante, N. and Gall, D. and Gillanders, G. H. and Godambe, S. and Griffin, S. and Grube, J. and Gyuk, G. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Huan, H. and Hughes, G. and Humensky, T. B. and Kaaret, P. and Karlsson, N. and Khassen, Y. and Kieda, D. and Krawczynski, H. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and LeBohec, S. and Lee, K. and Lyutikov, M. and Madhavan, A. S. and Maier, G. and Majumdar, P. and McArthur, S. and McCann, A. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Nelson, T. and de Bhroithe, A. O'Faolain and Ong, R. A. and Orr, M. and Otte, A. N. and Park, N. and Perkins, J. S. and Pohl, M. and Prokoph, H. and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Reyes, L. C. and Reynolds, P. T. and Roache, E. and Saxon, D. B. and Schr{\"o}dter, M. and Sembroski, G. H. and Sentuerk, G. D. and Smith, A. W. and Staszak, D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Tesic, G. and Theiling, M. and Thibadeau, S. and Tsurusaki, K. and Varlotta, A. and Vincent, S. and Vivier, M. and Wagner, R. G. and Wakely, S. P. and Weekes, T. C. and Weinstein, A. and Welsing, R. and Williams, D. A. and Zitzer, B. and Kondratiev, V.}, title = {SEARCH FOR A CORRELATION BETWEEN VERY-HIGH-ENERGY GAMMA RAYS AND GIANT RADIO PULSES IN THE CRAB PULSAR}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, volume = {760}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, number = {2}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, issn = {0004-637X}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/760/2/136}, pages = {13}, year = {2012}, abstract = {We present the results of a joint observational campaign between the Green Bank radio telescope and the VERITAS gamma-ray telescope, which searched for a correlation between the emission of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma rays (E-gamma > 150 GeV) and giant radio pulses (GRPs) from the Crab pulsar at 8.9 GHz. A total of 15,366 GRPs were recorded during 11.6 hr of simultaneous observations, which were made across four nights in 2008 December and in 2009 November and December. We searched for an enhancement of the pulsed gamma-ray emission within time windows placed around the arrival time of the GRP events. In total, eight different time windows with durations ranging from 0.033 ms to 72 s were positioned at three different locations relative to the GRP to search for enhanced gamma-ray emission which lagged, led, or was concurrent with, the GRP event. Furthermore, we performed separate searches on main pulse GRPs and interpulse GRPs and on the most energetic GRPs in our data sample. No significant enhancement of pulsed VHE emission was found in any of the preformed searches. We set upper limits of 5-10 times the average VHE flux of the Crab pulsar on the flux simultaneous with interpulse GRPs on single-rotation-period timescales. On similar to 8 s timescales around interpulse GRPs, we set an upper limit of 2-3 times the average VHE flux. Within the framework of recent models for pulsed VHE emission from the Crab pulsar, the expected VHE-GRP emission correlations are below the derived limits.}, language = {en} } @article{AliuArchambaultAuneetal.2014, author = {Aliu, E. and Archambault, S. and Aune, T. and Benbow, W. and Berger, K. and Bird, R. and Bouvier, A. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Byrum, K. and Cerruti, M. and Chen, Xuhui and Ciupik, L. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Dumm, J. and Errando, M. and Falcone, A. and Federici, Simone and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Fortin, P. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Galante, N. and Gillanders, G. H. and Griffin, S. and Griffiths, S. T. and Grube, J. and Gyuk, G. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Hughes, G. and Humensky, T. B. and Kaaret, P. and Kertzman, M. and Khassen, Y. and Kieda, D. and Krennrich, F. and Kumar, S. and Lang, M. J. and Lyutikov, M. and Maier, G. and McArthur, S. and McCann, A. and Meagher, K. and Millis, J. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Ong, R. A. and Otte, A. N. and Park, N. and Perkins, J. S. and Pohl, M. and Popkow, A. and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Rajotte, J. and Reyes, L. C. and Reynolds, P. T. and Richards, G. T. and Roache, E. and Sembroski, G. H. and Sheidaei, F. and Smith, A. W. and Staszak, D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Theiling, M. and Tucci, J. V. and Tyler, J. and Varlotta, A. and Wakely, S. P. and Weekes, T. C. and Weinstein, A. and Welsing, R. and Williams, D. A. and Zajczyk, A. and Zitzer, B.}, title = {A search for enhanced very high energy GAMMA-RAY emission from the 2013 march crab nebula flare}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics ; Part 2, Letters}, volume = {781}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics ; Part 2, Letters}, number = {1}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, issn = {2041-8205}, doi = {10.1088/2041-8205/781/1/L11}, pages = {7}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In 2013 March, a flaring episode from the Crab Nebula lasting similar to 2 weeks was detected by Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope). The Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) provides simultaneous observations throughout this period. During the flare, Fermi-LAT detected a 20 fold increase in flux above the average synchrotron flux >100 MeV seen from the Crab Nebula. Simultaneous measurements with VERITAS are consistent with the non-variable long-term average Crab Nebula flux at TeV energies. Assuming a linear correlation between the very high energy flux change >1 TeV and the flux change seen in the Fermi-LAT band >100 MeV during the period of simultaneous observations, the linear correlation factor can be constrained to be at most 8.6 x 10(-3) with 95\% confidence.}, language = {en} } @article{AleksicAnsoldiAntonellietal.2015, author = {Aleksic, J. and Ansoldi, S. and Antonelli, L. A. and Antoranz, P. and Babic, A. and Bangale, P. and de Almeida, U. Barres and Barrio, J. A. and Gonzalez, J. Becerra and Bednarek, W. and Bernardini, E. and Biasuzzi, B. and Biland, A. and Blanch Bigas, O. and Boller, A. and Bonnefoy, S. and Bonnoli, G. and Borracci, F. and Bretz, T. and Carmona, E. and Carosi, A. and Colin, P. and Colombo, E. and Contreras, J. L. and Cortina, J. and Covino, S. and Da Vela, P. and Dazzi, F. and De Angelis, A. and De Caneva, G. and De Lotto, B. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Mendez, C. Delgado and Prester, Dijana Dominis and Dorner, D. and Doro, M. and Einecke, S. and Eisenacher, D. and Elsaesser, D. and Fonseca, M. V. and Font, L. and Frantzen, K. and Fruck, C. and Galindo, D. and Lopez, R. J. Garcia and Garczarczyk, M. and Terrats, D. Garrido and Gaug, M. and Godinovic, N. and Munoz, A. Gonzalez and Gozzini, S. R. and Hadasch, D. and Hanabata, Y. and Hayashida, M. and Herrera, J. and Hildebrand, D. and Hose, J. and Hrupec, D. and Hughes, G. and Idec, W. and Kadenius, V. and Kellermann, H. and Knoetig, M. L. and Kodani, K. and Konno, Y. and Krause, J. and Kubo, H. and Kushida, J. and La Barbera, A. and Lelas, D. and Lewandowska, N. and Lindfors, E. and Lombardi, S. and Lopez, M. and Lopez-Coto, R. and Lopez-Oramas, A. and Lorenz, E. and Lozano, I. and Makariev, M. and Mallot, K. and Maneva, G. and Mankuzhiyil, N. and Mannheim, K. and Maraschi, L. and Marcote, B. and Mariotti, M. and Martinez, M. and Mazin, D. and Menzel, U. and Miranda, J. M. and Mirzoyan, R. and Moralejo, A. and Munar-Adrover, P. and Nakajima, D. and Niedzwiecki, A. and Nilsson, K. and Nishijima, K. and Noda, K. and Orito, R. and Overkemping, A. and Paiano, S. and Palatiello, M. and Paneque, D. and Paoletti, R. and Paredes, J. M. and Paredes-Fortuny, X. and Persic, M. and Moroni, P. G. Prada and Prandini, E. and Puljak, I. and Reinthal, R. and Rhode, W. and Ribo, M. and Rico, J. and Garcia, J. Rodriguez and Rugamer, S. and Saito, T. and Saito, K. and Satalecka, K. and Scalzotto, V. and Scapin, V. and Schultz, C. and Schweizer, T. and Sun, S. and Shore, S. N. and Sillanpaa, A. and Sitarek, J. and Snidaric, I. and Sobczynska, D. and Spanier, F. and Stamatescu, V. and Stamerra, A. and Steinbring, T. and Steinke, B. and Storz, J. and Strzys, M. and Takalo, L. and Takami, H. and Tavecchio, F. and Temnikov, P. and Terzic, T. and Tescaro, D. and Teshima, M. and Thaele, J. and Tibolla, O. and Torres, D. F. and Toyama, T. and Treves, A. and Uellenbeck, M. and Vogler, P. and Zanin, R. and Archambault, S. and Archer, A. and Beilicke, M. and Benbow, W. and Berger, K. and Bird, R. and Biteau, Jonathan and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Cerruti, M. and Chen, Xiaoming and Ciupik, L. and Collins-Hughes, E. and Cui, W. and Eisch, J. D. and Falcone, A. and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Fortin, P. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Galante, N. and Gillanders, G. H. and Griffin, S. and Gyuk, G. and Hakansson, Nils and Holder, J. and Johnson, C. A. and Kaaret, P. and Kar, P. and Kertzman, M. and Kieda, D. and Lang, M. J. and McArthur, S. and McCann, A. and Meagher, K. and Millis, J. and Moriarty, P. and Ong, R. A. and Otte, A. N. and Perkins, J. S. and Pichel, A. and Pohl, Manuela and Popkow, A. and Prokoph, H. and Pueschel, Elisa and Ragan, K. and Reyes, L. C. and Reynolds, P. T. and Richards, G. T. and Roache, E. and Rovero, A. C. and Sembroski, G. H. and Shahinyan, K. and Staszak, D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Tucci, J. V. and Tyler, J. and Varlotta, A. and Wakely, S. P. and Welsing, R. and Wilhelm, Alina and Williams, D. A. and Buson, S. and Finke, J. and Villata, M. and Raiteri, C. and Aller, H. D. and Aller, M. F. and Cesarini, A. and Chen, W. P. and Gurwell, M. A. and Jorstad, S. G. and Kimeridze, G. N. and Koptelova, E. and Kurtanidze, O. M. and Kurtanidze, S. O. and Lahteenmaki, A. and Larionov, V. M. and Larionova, E. G. and Lin, H. C. and McBreen, B. and Moody, J. W. and Morozova, D. A. and Marscher, A. P. and Max-Moerbeck, W. and Nikolashvili, M. G. and Perri, M. and Readhead, A. C. S. and Richards, J. L. and Ros, J. A. and Sadun, A. C. and Sakamoto, T. and Sigua, L. A. and Smith, P. S. and Tornikoski, M. and Troitsky, I. S. and Wehrle, A. E. and Jordan, B.}, title = {Unprecedented study of the broadband emission of Mrk 421 during flaring activity in March 2010}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {578}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {MAGIC Collaboration, VERITAS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201424811}, pages = {26}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Context. Because of its proximity, Mrk 421 is one of the best sources on which to study the nature of BL Lac objects. Its proximity allows us to characterize its broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). Aims. The goal is to better understand the mechanisms responsible for the broadband emission and the temporal evolution of Mrk 421. These mechanisms may also apply to more distant blazars that cannot be studied with the same level of detail. Methods. A flare occurring in March 2010 was observed for 13 consecutive days (from MJD 55 265 to MJD 55 277) with unprecedented wavelength coverage from radio to very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) gamma-rays with MAGIC, VERITAS, Whipple, Fermi-LAT, MAXI, RXTE, Swift, GASP-WEBT, and several optical and radio telescopes. We modeled the day-scale SEDs with one-zone and two-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) models, investigated the physical parameters, and evaluated whether the observed broadband SED variability can be associated with variations in the relativistic particle population. Results. The activity of Mrk 421 initially was high and then slowly decreased during the 13-day period. The flux variability was remarkable at the X-ray and VHE bands, but it was minor or not significant at the other bands. The variability in optical polarization was also minor. These observations revealed an almost linear correlation between the X-ray flux at the 2-10 keV band and the VHE gamma-ray flux above 200 GeV, consistent with the gamma-rays being produced by inverse-Compton scattering in the Klein-Nishina regime in the framework of SSC models. The one-zone SSC model can describe the SED of each day for the 13 consecutive days reasonably well, which once more shows the success of this standard theoretical scenario to describe the SEDs of VHE BL Lacs such as Mrk 421. This flaring activity is also very well described by a two-zone SSC model, where one zone is responsible for the quiescent emission, while the other smaller zone, which is spatially separated from the first, contributes to the daily variable emission occurring at X-rays and VHE gamma-rays. The second blob is assumed to have a smaller volume and a narrow electron energy distribution with 3 x 10(4) < gamma < 6 x 10(5), where. is the Lorentz factor of the electrons. Such a two-zone scenario would naturally lead to the correlated variability at the X-ray and VHE bands without variability at the optical/UV band, as well as to shorter timescales for the variability at the X-ray and VHE bands with respect to the variability at the other bands. Conclusions. Both the one-zone and the two-zone SSC models can describe the daily SEDs via the variation of only four or five model parameters, under the hypothesis that the variability is associated mostly with the underlying particle population. This shows that the particle acceleration and cooling mechanism that produces the radiating particles might be the main mechanism responsible for the broadband SED variations during the flaring episodes in blazars. The two-zone SSC model provides a better agreement with the observed SED at the narrow peaks of the low-and high-energy bumps during the highest activity, although the reported one-zone SSC model could be further improved by varying the parameters related to the emitting region itself (delta, B and R), in addition to the parameters related to the particle population.}, language = {en} }