@article{KostaKarlik2020, author = {Kosta, Peter and Karlik, Petr}, title = {The nominalization of subordinate clauses in Czech}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, volume = {65}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, number = {4}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0044-3506}, doi = {10.1515/slaw-2020-0023}, pages = {479 -- 497}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The present article ties in with an earlier study by Chomsky (1970) on nominalizations in English, which was then refined primarily in the influential work of Jane Grimshaw (1990) and is dealt with in detail in Borer (2013) and in Kosta (2020). In contrast to the English gerundives, which do not lose verbal behavior due to the derivation in the syntax and maintain all grammatical categories and characteristics of verbs, which is why one can speak of a real conversion while preserving the verbal semantics, the situation is somewhat different in Czech. In the deverbal, deadjective and other derivations, the Czech apparently made the transition to the noun with its critical properties, which is shown by certain restrictions in the aspectuality marking of deverbal noun phrases on -ni-, -ti-, which, e.g., do not pass the progression durativity test (Vendler 1967). In passive constructions, as is well known, a valence point in the position of the external argument is reduced compared to the corresponding active sentences, while the external argument position in anti-causatives is also not available in the deep structure. In addition to the syntactic restrictions that are evident in nominalizations in the context of simple sentences of different sentence types (causative, anti-causative, passive) and demonstrate the nominal character of certain types of deverbal noun phrases in the first part of this article, the second part of the essay deals with more complex structures and extends its analytical and theoretical part to the phenomenon of nominalizing subordinate clauses. The aim of the central part of this contribution is therefore to test the nominal properties of embedded conjunctional sentences and of embedded headless relative sentences on the basis of empirical data and thus contribute to the knowledge of whether certain types of relative sentences can (or must) be nominalized.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2014, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Die Tschechoslowakai seit 1918 : der rechtliche Status der Juden nach der Verfassung und dem Sprachengesetz von 1920}, series = {Handbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Europa}, journal = {Handbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Europa}, publisher = {Primus Verlag}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, isbn = {978-3-86312-363-5}, pages = {143 -- 150}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @article{KostaSchuercks2007, author = {Kosta, Peter and Sch{\"u}rcks, Lilia}, title = {The Focus Feature Revisited}, isbn = {978-3-631-55376-3}, year = {2007}, abstract = {This paper examines some focus constructions in Slavic and argues that prosodic and intonational effects of focus are secondary and derivative of the syntactic and lexical representation. The examples under analysis are taken from Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian and Czech.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2005, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {A cognitive analyses of common nouns : semantics and combinability}, year = {2005}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2004, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zum Aspektgebrauch im Niedersorbischen : budu ten list napisas}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Im folgenden Beitrag, der an meine fr{\"u}heren Untersuchungen zu Aspektgebrauch beim verneinten Imperativ im Russischen, Tschechischen und den s{\"u}dslavischen Sprachen Bulgarisch und Serbisch/Kroatisch ankn{\"u}pft (Kosta 1999), geht es mir um die eigent{\"u}mliche - da eigentlich "unslavische" - Verwendung der Form des pf. Aspekts im analytischen Futur des Typs "Gaz buzotej swajzbarskej manzelskej po 50 letach k woltarju stupis (pf. Aspekt)" "Wenn die (beiden) Eheleute nach 50 Jahren zum Altar treten(pf.Aspekt) werden", einem Usus, der sich in beiden sorbischen Schriftsprachen (Nieder- und Obersorbisch) seit den {\"a}ltesten Denkm{\"a}ler der ns./os. Sprachen nachweisen l{\"a}sst. Aufgrund eines synchron-diachronen Querschnitts durch verschiedene Texte, Textsorten und unter Einbeziehung von Sprechern verschiedener sozialer Bereiche bis hin zu j{\"u}ngsten Tonbandaufzeichnungen von sorbischen Muttersprachlern aus dem sorbischen Rundfunk sowie Texten des Nowy Casnik 2001 ensteht ein objektives synchrones Bild,das die fr{\"u}heren Annahmen einer Interferenzerscheinung (eines "Fehlers"), bedingt durch den deutsch-sorbischen Sprachkontakt, obsolet erscheinen l{\"a}sst. Wir versuchen, die Herausbildung dieses ungew{\"o}hnlichen Gebrauchs als eine idiosynkratische nat{\"u}rliche Weiterentwicklung des ns. Aspekt-/Aktionsartensystems zu deuten, die mit Lexikalisierung der Aspektkategorie zur Aktionsart und der Degrammatikalisierung und einem Abbau der synthetischen einfachen Vergangenheitstempora (Aorist und Imperfekt) einhergeht. Eine Form wie: "budu ten list napisas" (pf. Aspekt) hat eben in der deutschen {\"U}bersetzung die w{\"o}rtliche Bedeutung "ich werde den Brief aufschreiben" und nicht "ich werde den Brief schreiben". In den anderen nordslavischen (= ost- und westslavischen) Sprachen k{\"o}nnte man einen solchen Satz nicht {\"a}ußern. Im Russischen w{\"a}re es "ja napisu" (pf. Aspekt, Ganzheitlichkeit) oder "ja budu pisat'" (ipf. Aspekt mit analytischem Futur, Prozess in naher Zukunft).}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2005, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zum Tschechenbild bei den Polen und zum Polenbild bei den Tschechen aus der Sicht der Stereotypen- und Prototypensemantik}, isbn = {3-631-53154-0}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Der Artikel gibt einen umfangreichen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die bisherige Forschung zur Theorie der Stereotypen- und Prototypensemantik und ihren zentralen Begriffen im slavischen und außerslavischen Sprachraum sowie zum Begriff des "nationalen Stereotyps". Anhand empirischer Untersuchungen polnischer und tschechischer Linguisten beleuchtet er das Tschechenbild bei den Polen und das Polenbild bei den Tschechen.}, language = {de} } @misc{Kosta2005, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Testelec, Ja. G., Vvedenie v obscij sintaksis (Einf{\"u}hrung in die allgemeine Syntax); Moskva, Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Gumanitarnyj Univ., 2001}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Besprechung eines ausgezeichneten Einf{\"u}hrungswerkes von Ja.G. Testelec in die allgemeine Syntaxtheorie (in russischer Sprache).}, language = {ru} } @article{Kosta2005, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {The fascination of silence or how a child acquires empty categories? : under the comprehension of primary- linguistic data from the corpus "CHILDES"}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The article is concerned with the acquisition of empty categories within the Principles-and-Parameters framework (Chomsky 1995; 1998; 2000; 2001ab; 2004). The ealy null subject is one of the most studied topics in the acquisition of syntax. Scholars have taken two basic positions on this phenomenon. One holds that the early null subject reflects an aspect of children's competence. The other tackles the problem by appealing to limitations on children's performance. This article is organized as follows: section 1 presents and evaluates the logical aspect of language acquisition under the P\&P approach and gives insights into word order phenomena and the structure of early sentences. Section 2 is concerned with the null subject (pro-drop)-parameter and attributes this phenomenon to an incorrect setting of the parameters governing the lexical expression of subjects across languages. One theory assimilates the early null subject to null subjects in Slavic languages and Italian, and the other assimilates it to null subjects in Chinese}, language = {en} } @article{KostaNorberg2004, author = {Kosta, Peter and Norberg, Madlena}, title = {Zu den tschechischen, deutschen und englischen {\"U}bersetzungen : Adaptationen der Gedichte Mato Kosyks ; einige translationslinguistische {\"U}berlegungen}, isbn = {3-7420-1986-4}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Peter Kosta/Madlena Norberg "Czech, German, and English Translations/Adaptations of Mato Kosyk's Poetry - Some Translatological Considerations" The article is devoted to the question of translation/adaptation of Mato Kosyk's poetry into Czech, German, and English. Our point of departure is the hypothesis that translators must decide between a straightforward translation of the Lower Sorbian original and a literary adaptation. If the translator opts for sticking to the original then he must strive to keep the rhythm, the metre, and also the rhyme, line or verse on the formal side of the linguistic sign (signifiant) but also to repeat figurative expressions, symbols, metaphors, and lexical idiosyncrasies that are part of the content side (signifi{\´e}) of the original. The analysis concentrates on two poems by the foremost poet of Lower Sorbian literature, Mato Kosyk, written in his American period, viz. "Sledna roza" ((1893) in the translations by the two Czech poets, K. Sedl{\´a}cek ("Posledn{\´i} ruze" (1926)) and J. Pel{\´i}sek (1935), and "Popajzony spiwarik" (1893) in the German translation by Pets Janas (2003) and in the adaptation by Kito Lorenc (1981), as well as the English translation by Roland Marti (2003).}, language = {de} } @article{KostaFrasek2004, author = {Kosta, Peter and Frasek, Jens}, title = {Neakuzativita (ergativita) vs. neergativita v cestine, polstine a jin{\´y}ch slovansk{\´y}ch jazyc{\´i}ch na rozhran{\´i} morfologie a syntaxe}, year = {2004}, abstract = {"Unaccusativity (Ergativity) and Unergativity in Czech, Polish and some other Slavic languages at the morpho- syntactic interface" Ergativity, or Unaccusativity, as a potential universal verbal class with idiosyncratic morphosyntactic properties, shows up in many languages of different genetic and typological origin. In Slavic, there have been only few approaches up to now that tried to show which tests and diagnostic criteria can confirm or reject the universal character of these phenomena. The following article tries to resolve the problem by assuming a new syntactic and semantic analysis on ergativity in Slavic including new theories within the Minimalist framework (Chomsky 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001ab). Keywords: Unaccusativity, Ergativity, Unergativity; Conflation, Argument Structure; UTAH, Aspectual Mapping Hypothesis, Visibility Condition, Case Assignment, Theta-Theory, Burzio's Generalization, Morphosyntax, Distributed Morphology, Late Insertion, Representation Theory.}, language = {mul} } @article{Kosta2004, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Syntax ticha (VP-elipsa / gapping a IP-elipsa / sluicing) v cestine a anglictine, aneb: jak ziskat a teoreticky popsat neco, co nei viditelne v korpusu?}, isbn = {80-210-3595-1}, year = {2004}, abstract = {"Syntax of silence (VP-ellipsis/gapping and IP-ellipsis/sluicing) in Czech and English, or: how to obtain and theoretically describe something that is not visible in the corpus?" Despite the stated primary goal of this article to investigate sluicing, any discussion of the general conditions on ellipsis must begin with the best investigated case, namely VP ellipsis in Czech and English. I therefort start with these cases, describing the general results in this area, and then move on to see how these results apply to sluicing, returning briefly to VP-ellipsis. The Czech data are taken from the Czech National Corpus (CNK) whereas the theory and methodology as well as the English data are taken from the PhD dissertation by Jason Merchand (2001)}, language = {mul} } @article{Kosta2004, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Syntax of scilence (VP-ellipsis/gapping and IP-ellipsis/slucing) in Czech and English, or : how to obtain and theoretically describe something that is not visible in the corpus?}, isbn = {80-210-3595-1}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Despite the stated primary goal of this article to investigate sluicing, any discussion of the general conditions on ellipsis must begin with the best investigated case, VP ellipsis in Czech and English. I therefore start with these cases, describing the general results and theoretical findings in this area, and then move to a theory of sluicing (IP-ellipsis) in order to discover how these results apply to a more sophisticated theory of focus- and isomorphism-requirements (e.g. Merchand 2001; Tancredi 1992; Rooth (1992). Finally we turn to the most important question of this study: we ask, how these theoretical findings can be applied to corpus data. We assume that both VP-e. and IP-e. are only licensed under the condition of focus feature marking, but not purely as a requirement on isomorphism of two adjunct structures.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2004, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Die historische Grammatik Arnost Mukas und ihre Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Entwicklung der niedersorbischen Sprache}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In dem Beitrag, der auf ein Symposium des Instituts f{\"u}r Slavistik der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam in Zusammenarbeit mit der Masica Serbska anl{\"a}sslich des 150. Geburtsjubil{\"a}ums von Arnost Korla Muka/Ernst Karl Muka (1854-1932)zur{\"u}ckgeht, werden die sprachwissenschaftlichen Leistungen des wichtigsten sorbischen Vertreters der Junggrammatischen Schule und F{\"o}rderers der sorbischen Philologie gew{\"u}rdigt. Im Mittelpunkt steht eine Analyse der im Jahre 1891 erschienenen und von der F{\"u}rstlich Jablonowski'schen Gesellschaft als Preisschrift gekr{\"o}nten und herausgegebenen "Historischen und vergleichenden Laut- und Formenlehre der niedersorbischen (niederlausitzisch-wendischen) Sprache". Muka (*10. M{\"a}rz 1854, +10. Oktober 1932), der zun{\"a}chst Klassische Philologie und Theologie in Leipzig studierte (seit 1874), nahm sp{\"a}ter das Studium der Slawischen Philologie bei dem der Junggrammatischen Schule angeh{\"o}renden August Leskien (*8.7.1840 Kiel, +20.09.1916 Leipzig)auf sowie bei dem klassischen Philologen Georg Curtius. Seine vergleichende Grammatik geh{\"o}rt zu den Glanzleistungen der sorabistischen Sprachwissenschaft: sie folgt dem Paradigma der historisch-vergleichenden Grammatiken der Junggrammatischen Schule des 19. Jh. und darf nur vor dem Hintergrund dieses Paradigmas bewertet werden. Der Beitrag erscheint in dem sechsten Band der Potsdamer sorabistischen Reihe "Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Sorabistik" (hrsg. von Peter Kosta und Madlena Norberg, Institut f{\"u}r Slavistik der UP).}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2004, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Luzict{\"O} Srbov{\´e} ve v{\`i}marsk{\´e} republice a probl{\´e}m n{\´a}rodnostn{\´i}ch mensin v politice prvn{\´i} Ceskoslovensk{\´e} republiky}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Lusatian Serbia in the Weimar Republic and the issue of national minorities in the first Czechoclovak Republic The discussion of this essay compares the position of two national groups, Lusatian Serbians/Sorbs as a minority Slavic group in the Weimar Republic and the German minority in the first Czechoslovak Republic. The first part of the essay explains a hypothetical issue of self-determination of the LUsatian Serbs and the attitudes of Czech politicians between 1916 and the Versailles Conference in 1919.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2003, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Probleme des Sprachvergleichs in Kontaktzonen und L2-Erwerb am Beispiel der deutsch-sorbischen/wendischen Interferenzen}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Der Beitrag besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit theoretischen, methodologischen und empirischen Aspekten des deutsch- slavischen, insbesondere aber des deutsch-niedersorbischen/wendischen Sprachkontakts. W{\"a}hrend der erste Abschnitt eine erste Klassifikation der verschiedenen Typen des Sprachkontakts, ausgehend von der Antinomie Nah- vs. Fernkontakt, interner vs. externer Sprachkontakt, gibt, bem{\"u}ht sich Verf. im zweiten Teil um die Explikation der Begriffe interlinguale Interferenz (als defekte Normabweichung und {\"U}berlagerung) und Transferenz (korrekter bzw. positiver Transfer, sog. "facilitation"): Kontaktlinguistische und soziolinguistische Besonderheiten des Landes Brandenburg und insbesondere die aktuelle Schulsituation in der Niederlausitz dienen als Basis dieses Teils. Neben allgemeinen Aspekten ({\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber die aktuelle demographische Entwicklung der Sprecher in der Niederlausitz), dem Vergleich des rechtlichen Status des Sorbischen in der DDR und heute, kulturellen und bildungspolitischen Einrichtungen und der Entwicklung des sorbischen Schulwesens in der DDR, werden auch aktuelle Entwicklungen und Maßnahmen zur Revitalisierung des Niedersorbischen (bilingualer Unterricht und Witaj-Kinderg{\"a}rten)er{\"o}rtert. Im empirischen, vierten Teil werden zahlreiche Belege aus dem durch den prim{\"a}ren (L1-) und sekund{\"a}ren (L2-)Spracherwerb zwischen Sprechern des Niedersorbischen/Wendischen und Deutschen enstandenen Interferenzen diskutiert. Neben grunds{\"a}tzlichen sprachtheoretischen und den Sprachvergleich betreffenden {\"U}berlegungen werden auch Ans{\"a}tze einer linguistischen Didaktik entwickelt, die auch {\"U}berlegungen des Unterschied zwischen L1- und L2-Erwerb aus der Sicht der Universalgrammatik Chomskyscher Pr{\"a}gung und behavioristischen Ans{\"a}tzen integriert. Der vorliegende Band stellt "Beitr{\"a}ge zur sorbischen/wendischen Sprache, Kultur und Literatur" zusammen, die sich vorwiegend mit der kleinsten westslavische Sprache - dem Niedersorbischen - besch{\"a}ftigen. Der Großteil der "Reflexionen" geht auf eine Sektion zum Niedersorbischen zur{\"u}ck, die auf dem VIII. Deutschen Slavistentag in Potsdam (30.9.-3.10.2001) vorgestellt wurden. Die pr{\"a}sentierten "Reflexionen" verstehen sich - ganz im Sinne der Zielsetzung der Reihe - als ein weiterer Versuch, dem Defizi bei der Erforschung insbesondere der niedersorbischen/wendischen Sprache, Kultur und Literatur entgegenzuwirken und die bestehenden L{\"u}cken im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs zu schließen.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2003, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {The new animacy category in slavic languages : open questions of syntax, semantics and morphology}, year = {2003}, abstract = {The article gives an extensive analyses of the subgender animacy within the whole range of 12 Slavic languages and concentrates then on the new constructions with semantically inanimate nouns that indicate the Gen.-Acc.-case for animates (type Czech Petr si koupil Mercedesa(Gen.-Acc.) instead of Acc Mercedes. "Peter bought a Mercedes". A syntactic and semantic hierarchy of features that determine and drive the selectional properties is considered as well as the morphological (derivational) properties of these nouns. The languages under consideration are: Russian (including Old Russian), Ukrainian, Belorussian; Polish, Czech, Slovak, Lower and Upper Sorbian; Macedonian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian.}, language = {en} } @book{KostaBlaczcakFraseketal.2003, author = {Kosta, Peter and Blaczcak, Johanna and Frasek, Jens and Geist, Ljudmila and Zygis, Marzena}, title = {Investigations into Formal Slavic Linguistics : Contributions of the Fourth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages - FDSL IV. Held at Potsdam University, November 28-30, 2001}, series = {Linguistik International}, volume = {10}, journal = {Linguistik International}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, isbn = {3-631-51588-X}, pages = {911 S.}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Formal Slavic Linguistics is concerned with explicit description of prosody, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, information structure and language acquisition or impairments of language (aphasia) of Slavic languages within a certain theoretical framework of Principles and Parameters (Chomsky 1995 passim). But the two parts also illustrate the diversity of approaches we use in attempting to reflect the entire range of subfields within a given theoretical framework of cognitive science.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2003, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Negation and Adverbs in Czech}, isbn = {3-631-51588- x}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Im Artikel wird - im Unterschied zu den Ans{\"a}tzen in Cinque (1999) und Alexiadou (1997) - nicht von einer festen, universal g{\"u}ltigen Hierarchie von funktionalen Satzprojektionen f{\"u}r Adjunkte verschiedener Klassen ausgegangen, sondern von einer jeweils unterschiedlichen adjungierten Position der Satz- vs. Art und Weise- Adverbien an einen Knoten oberhalb der AgrSP/TP bzw. vP bzw. VP pl{\"a}diert. Aufgrund des unterschiedlichen Skopusverhaltens der Satznegation bei Satzadverbien (SA) (Neg ist ausserhaln des Skopus von SA) bzw. Art und Weise Adverbien (sie liegen innerhalb des Skopus der Satznegation) wird auch f{\"u}r unterschiedliche basisderivierte Positionen dieser Adjunkte pl{\"a}diert. Wir geben eine alternative Analyse durch zyklische overte Operation im Rahmen des 'phase-by- phase'-Modells (Chomsky 1999, 2001).Die syntaktische Analyse erfolgt im Rahmen der neueren Entwicklung des Prinzipien-Parameter-Modells und st{\"u}tzt die empirischen Daten auf das tschechische Nationalkorpus (CNK).}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2003, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Syntactic and semantic characteristics of adverbs and negation in the Slavic languages (with special emphasis on Czech, Russian and South Slavic) : Syntaktische und semantische Besonderheiten von Adverb und Negation im Slavischen :[Beitrag zum XII. Internationalen Slavistenkongress in Ljubljana, 15.-21.08.2003]}, year = {2003}, abstract = {This paper follows on from investigations by the author on the status of sentential negation, sentential adverbials and adverbial adjuncts in Czech and Russian (cf. Kosta 1998, 2001, 2003). Based om new theories on Optimality and Minimalism, the attempt is made to examine the syntactic position and semantic characteristics of both types of adverbs (sentential and manner adverbs) on the basis of their relation to sentential negation, and at the same time to deal with such factors as scope, topic-focus-articulation, informational structure etc. The derivation of theoretical premises includes corpus linguistical data.}, language = {en} } @misc{KostaVeselovska2002, author = {Kosta, Peter and Veselovsk{\´a}, Ludmila}, title = {Art. Kategorie pr{\´a}zdn{\´a}}, isbn = {80-7106-484-x}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Stichwortbearbeitung der bisher vorliegenden generativen syntaktischen Terminologie, Beschreibung und Theorie (im Rahmen des Prinzipien-Parameter-Modells, Government Binding 1980 und Mimimalist Program 1995 passim) im Bereich der tschechischen Sprache}, language = {de} } @misc{KostaVeselovska2002, author = {Kosta, Peter and Veselovsk{\´a}, Ludmila}, title = {Art. Modularita jazykov{\´e}ho syst{\´e}mu}, isbn = {80-7106-484-x}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Stichwortbearbeitung der bisher vorliegenden generativen syntaktischen Terminologie, Beschreibung und Theorie (im Rahmen des Prinzipien-Parameter-Modells, Government Binding 1980 und Mimimalist Program 1995 passim) im Bereich der tschechischen Sprache}, language = {mul} } @article{Kosta2002, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Klitika im Slavischen : sind sie immer optimal?}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The following paper is concerned with the syntax of Slavic clitics, drawing relevant generalizations across the array of West and South Slavic languages. The study concentrates on two currently discussed approaches of generative grammar, the Minimalist Program (MP) and the Optimality Theory (OT). Section 1 provides a short introduction, section 2 gives some basic facts on the phonological and prosodic requirements of the grammar of clitics, section 3 is concerned with the morphosyntax of two types of clitics (simple and special clitics), whereas section 4 summarizes the Slavic data of different clitic classes. In section 5 some derivational approaches of a formal analysis of clitics in generative grammar are demonstrated. Section 6 presents an alternative analysis of clitics based on some recent results of the OT.}, language = {de} } @misc{KostaVeselovska2002, author = {Kosta, Peter and Veselovsk{\´a}, Ludmila}, title = {Art. Ovl{\´a}d{\´a}n{\´i}}, isbn = {80-7106-484-x}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Stichwortbearbeitung der bisher vorliegenden generativen syntaktischen Terminologie, Beschreibung und Theorie (im Rahmen des Prinzipien-Parameter-Modells, Government Binding 1980 und Mimimalist Program 1995 passim) im Bereich der tschechischen Sprache}, language = {de} } @misc{KostaVeselovska2002, author = {Kosta, Peter and Veselovsk{\´a}, Ludmila}, title = {Art. Princip pln{\´e} interpretace}, isbn = {80-7106-484-x}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Stichwortbearbeitung der bisher vorliegenden generativen syntaktischen Terminologie, Beschreibung und Theorie (im Rahmen des Prinzipien-Parameter-Modells, Government Binding 1980 und Mimimalist Program 1995 passim) im Bereich der tschechischen Sprache}, language = {mul} } @misc{KostaVeselovska2002, author = {Kosta, Peter and Veselovsk{\´a}, Ludmila}, title = {Art. Princip projekcn{\´i}}, isbn = {80-7106-484-x}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Stichwortbearbeitung der bisher vorliegenden generativen syntaktischen Terminologie, Beschreibung und Theorie (im Rahmen des Prinzipien-Parameter-Modells, Government Binding 1980 und Mimimalist Program 1995 passim) im Bereich der tschechischen Sprache}, language = {mul} } @misc{KostaVeselovska2002, author = {Kosta, Peter and Veselovsk{\´a}, Ludmila}, title = {Art. Spell Out}, isbn = {80-7106-484-x}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Stichwortbearbeitung der bisher vorliegenden generativen syntaktischen Terminologie, Beschreibung und Theorie (im Rahmen des Prinzipien-Parameter-Modells, Government Binding 1980 und Mimimalist Program 1995 passim) im Bereich der tschechischen Sprache}, language = {mul} } @misc{KostaVeselovska2002, author = {Kosta, Peter and Veselovsk{\´a}, Ludmila}, title = {Art. Stopa}, isbn = {80-7106-484-x}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Stichwortbearbeitung der bisher vorliegenden generativen syntaktischen Terminologie, Beschreibung und Theorie (im Rahmen des Prinzipien-Parameter-Modells, Government Binding 1980 und Mimimalist Program 1995 passim) im Bereich der tschechischen Sprache}, language = {mul} } @misc{Kosta2018, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Rezension zu: Bednař{\´i}kov{\´a}, Božena: Slovo a jeho konverze. - Olomouc: Univerzita Palack{\´e}ho v Olomouci. Filozofick{\´a} fakulta, 2009. - S. 253. - ISBN 978-80-244-2220-6}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, volume = {63}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, number = {4}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0044-3506}, doi = {10.1515/slaw-2018-0049}, pages = {675 -- 681}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The book by Božena Bednař{\´i}kov{\´a}, Slovo a jeho konverze ('BSJK'), was originally published in 2009. However, in our view, there has not yet been given a due consideration and certainly not recognition as a genuine new territory of word formation. This is the reason to write a short review in order to give this book the consideration it has by large and far deserved. For in this book, two theoretically interesting working hypotheses are represented and covered by numerous examples of the Czech contemporary language: (i) conversion is the central process (not derivation), and (ii) conversion belongs to morphology and not (just) to word formation. The book is divided into 9 sections. The section 1 (p. 13-14) gives the road map of the book, in section 2 (p. 15-42), the central concern about the position of word as a central unit of morphology (form formation) is established. In this chapter, the traditional views of Czech descriptive and Academic grammars but also manuals and handbooks or teacher's books for high schools are reviewed. In most of them, word formation is considered being a part of lexicology, and not an integral part of morphology or better form formation. The review serves not only the improvement towards a unifying grammatical terminology in academic circles (university and academy of science) but it should also improve the quality of teaching at elementary and high schools (cf. 2.6., p. 31-42: Školsk{\´y} exkurz). Bednař{\´i}kov{\´a} is famous for her leading role as missing link between the Academia and the consumers of grammars. In chapter 3, entitled N{\´a}vrat slova 'The return of the word' (into the Morphology, p. 43-54), arguments in favor of a morphological approach are raised. In this important methodological chapter, the main reasons are given why the word must be a central part of the form formation (morphology/grammar) and not of the lexicology. In addition, key terms such as stem, root and affix are subject to revision. The chapter is very brief, but very precise in its reasoning and arguments, in which the formal teaching is assigned a central supporting role in the context of conversion and transposition. In chapter 4 Slovo jako slovn{\´i} druh ('The word as a pars orationis', p. 55-70), the syntactic function of transposition of one pars orationis to another with the means of conversion is considered. In Chapter 5, the central role of morphology for word formation is analyzed taking as starting point Mel'čuks theory which is understood as the analysis of morphological processes (cf. Mel'čuk, I. 2000. Morphological processes. In G. Booji, Ch. Lehmann, J. Mugdan, \& S. Skopeteas (eds.), Morphologie/Morphology. Vol. 1, 523-535. Berlin \& New York). The innovative part of the book are without any doubt the chapters 6-9, in which the internal structure of the word is introduced (chapter 6, 79-122), furthermore the part of speech transfer (or PS Transfer) including the conversion (Chapter 7, 123-149), once more the transposition understood as the shift from one part of speech to the other and concentrating on nouns, verbs and adjectives (Chapter 8, 150-201), and, finally, transflexion, "transflexe" (chapter 9, 203-219), which belongs rather to the domain of derivation than to a new type of word formation, and which does not include the transposition from one part of speech to another but rather the transition from one declension class to another. However, it is to be criticized that in some chapters, certain systematics are missing (this is expressed for example in the repetition of the same phenomenon in several places), and the illustrations in the form of derivation trees or the abbreviations are not always transparent and explicitly defined. It took a very long time until I received information about the abbreviation "S". I would now like to give a short statement concerning the innovative potential and the contribution of the book itself as compared to the western standard on the same topic. At the beginning of the monograph, the author raises the central concerns of her two hypotheses. In her study, she is concerned with the bases of morphemic analysis of word formation and with the function of the syntagma. In view of methodology, two central acts of actualization are, following Mathesius' terminology, under review: first, the category called "pojmenov{\´a}vac{\´i}", and second, the category called "usouvztažňovac{\´i}" (cf. also Mathesius, V. 1982. Jazyk, kultura a slovesnost; Daneš, F. 1991.Mathesiova koncepce funkčn{\´i} gramatiky v kontextu dnešn{\´i} jazykovědy. In SaS 52. 161-174 and Panevov{\´a}, J. 2010. Kategorie pojmenov{\´a}vac{\´i} a usouvztažňovac{\´i} [Jak František Daneš rozv{\´i}j{\´i} Vil{\´e}ma Mathesia]. In S. Čmejrkov{\´a} \& J. Hoffmannov{\´a} ad. [eds.], Už{\´i}v{\´a}n{\´i} a prož{\´i}v{\´a}n{\´i} jazyka, 21-26.). Her major concern is thus to establish a missing link between an analysis of word formation and form formation (morphology). Her morphemic analysis of word formation processes wants to "combat traditional school views of word formation as a (mechanical) connection of the root, prefix, and suffix". Doing so, she analyzes in the book the relationship between transfer, transposition (as change of partes orationis) and conversion (as the operation process serving transposition). In the last chapter 8, BSJK re-introduces and refines the term transflection (BSJK 2009,13). This book is important for its consistent satisfactory treatment of the term conversion as a morphological process in the Czech tradition; still we cannot confirm that in European context, this topic would be "seriously under-researched" (cited from the introduction, Chapter 1, p. 13). The contrary is true, in context of English word formation besides the most influential work by Marchand (Marchand, H. 1996. The categories and types of present-day English word-formation: A synchronic diachronic approach. 2nd ed. M{\"u}nchen), conversion as the most productive process of word formation has become perhaps the most researched object recently: to mention just a few influential monographs: Martsa, S. 2013. Conversion in English: A Cognitive Semantic Approach. Cambridge; Vogel, P. M. 1996. Wortarten und Wortartenwechsel. Berlin \& New York. The word formation called conversion originally comes from analytic languages such as English and French. Especially English is a language in which the derivation of a noun from a verb and vice versa causes a considerable large amount of homonymous forms in the dictionary and of course, this is not just a problem of morphology but especially a problem of any theoretical approach to language acquisition, cognitive semantics or even generative morphosyntax. Thus, in his seminal book, Language Instinct (1995), Steven Pinker argues persuasively that prescriptive grammar rules disallowing, among other things, the sentence-final use of prepositions, the splitting of infinitives and the conversion of nouns to verbs are both useless and nonsensical (371-379). As regards the conversion of nouns to verbs, he says: "[i]n fact the easy conversion of nouns to verbs has been part of English grammar for centuries; it is one of the processes that make English English" (ibidem: 379). To illustrate the easiness characterizing this type of conversion, he lists verbs converted from nouns designating human body parts, some of which are reproduced in (1): (1) head a committee, scalp a missionary, eye a babe, nose around the office, mouth the lyrics, tongue each note on the flute, neck in the back seat, back the candidate, arm the militia, shoulder the burden, elbow your way in, finger the culprit, knuckle under, thumb a ride, belly up to the bar, stomach someone's complaints, knee the goalie, leg it across the town, foot the bill, toe the line (cf. Pinker, S. 1995. The Language Instinct. New York, 379-380 and Pinker, S. 1996. Language learnability and language development. Cambridge MA) Pinker estimates that approximately a fifth of English verbs originate from nouns, which, as documented extensively in Clark \& Clark (Clark, E. V. \& H. H. Clark. 1979. When nouns surface as verbs. In Language 55. 767-811), may also have to do with the fact that new or innovative verbs in English arise predominantly from conversion of nouns to verbs. Without questioning the dominance of noun to verb conversion, I shall claim in this review that it is not only the easy conversion of verbs from nouns, but, more broadly, conversion as a word-formation process that makes English English. Consider, for instance, (2) below demonstrating that the easiness of forming conversion verbs equally characterizes, though in a lesser degree, the conversion of nouns from verbs. The expressions given in (2) are modelled on Pinker's above examples by the seminal work of S{\´a}ndor Martsa (2013. Conversion in English: A Cognitive Semantic Approach. Cambridge), and they contain nouns converted from verbs designating actions functionally related to different parts of the human body. (2) have your say, give a shout, let out a shriek / a cry, give a talk, take a look at the notes, keep a close watch, down the whisky with a swallow, have a chew on it, have a smell of this cheese, with a smile, the touch of her fingers, Hey! Nice catch! go for a run, it's worth a go, go for a walk Thus, the major difference between the term konverze as introduced and defended in BSJK (2009, 149) on one hand, and the English type of conversion mostly called "Zero-Derivation" by a zero morpheme (as Marchand 1969 op. cit., has called it) is to be found inside of the two quite different systems of word formation. Czech very rarely allows for pure zero derivation such as demonstrated in the English examples (1)-(2). Despite this major difference, even Czech language being still a highly inflectional language with rich case, number and declension system and agreement, nevertheless more and more allows for similar word formations typical for English with a true zero affixation, e. g. tunnel > to tunnel : Cz tunel > tunelovat and this process is an integral part of the grammar because it includes even the category of verbal aspect deriving also the perfective forms and negated verbs such as nevytunelovalo pen{\´i}ze, ve snaze "politicky korektně" uct{\´i}t Havlovu pam{\´a}tku jednotliv{\´i} ministři česk{\´e} vl{\´a}dy přisl{\´i}bili, že přestanou tento st{\´a}t vykr{\´a}dat a tunelovat, tedy alespoň do zač{\´a}tku př{\´i}št{\´i}ho roku; Nov{\´e} veden{\´i} Obce spisovatelů a jeho sekretari{\´a}t nevytunelovalo pen{\´i}ze Obce spisovatelů, vždyť nebylo ani co tunelovat, naopak zachr{\´a}nilo tuto organizaci před t{\´e}měř nezvratn{\´y}m koncem (ČNK. Last accessed July 10, 2018). Thus conversion is becoming more and more an important process of word and form formation in the system of Czech word formation and morphology. One critical observation remains to be mentioned: The book is solid but in a certain sense restricted to just functional approaches not considering or even including the important contribution of alternative approaches in formal linguistics. Thus, mainstream generative syntax, based on the theory of government and binding or minimalism (introduced by Noam Chomsky in 1981 and 1995), are not reviewed in this book even though there are many allusions including the important role of syntax for word formation (this is an important demand on any theory of word formation, cf. also Dokulil, M. 1962. K vz{\´a}jemn{\´e}mu poměru slovotvorby a skladby. In Acta Universitatis Carolinae: SLAVICA PRAGENSIA IV, 369-375. UK, Praha). Most of the recent work devoted to a theoretical approach of minimalism considers conversion as a "syntactic decomposition" based on root semantics (cf. e. g. Borer, H. 2005. In name only: Structuring sense Vol. I. \& The normal course of events: Structuring sense Vol. II. Oxford; Harley, H. \& R. Noyer. 1999. State-of-the article: Distributed Morphology. In GLOT 4. 3-9; Halle, M. \& A. Marantz. 1993. Distributed morphology and the pieces of inflection. In Keyser, S. J. \& K. Hale (eds.), The view from Building 20, 111-176. Cambridge.). A recent development in minimalism is the concept of roots and categorial features (cf. Panagiotidis, Ph. 2014. Categorial Features. A Generative Theory of Word Class Categories. Cambridge.). This theory differentiates between so-called true "denominal verbs tape-type verbs" as opposed to those verbs which are "directly derived from a root hammer-type". The structural differences between them are argued by Panagiotidis (2014: 63) "to account for the idiosyncratic meaning of the latter, as opposed to the predictable and systematic meaning of the former". The two types are demonstrated under (3) vs. (4) (3) nP vP / \ / \ N HAMMER v xP / \ HAMMER x (Panagiotidis op. cit., 2014: 63) In (3) to the left, the nominalizer head n takes a root complement, nominalizing it syntactically. In the tree to the right, the root h a m m e r is a manner adjunct to an xP (schematically rendered) inside the vP. On the other hand, verbs like tape behave differently. They seem to be truly denominal, formed by converting a noun into a verb, by recategorizing the noun and not by categorizing a root. By hypothesis, the verbalizing head takes as its complement a structure that already contains a noun - that is, an nP in which the root tape has already been nominalized: (4) nP vP / \ / \ N TAPE v xP / \ np. X / \ n TAPE (Panagiotidis 2014:63) As opposed to this approach, the present monograph uses the term "transpozice" ('transposition') as the change of parts of speech of different classes by the means of konverze ('conversion') (chapter 8, 151-201). We will just mention one typical class or type of such conversions as given under (5) and (6): (5) kapř / \ Kapř {\´i} (BSJK,156) (6) v{\´y}lov [vylovit] / \ v{\´y} [vy] lov [lovit] (BSJK, 180) In summary, I would see the great merit of the publication especially in a new view on ancient phenomena. Additionally, the work also excels in a thorough multi-level analysis of conversion, transposition and transflexion, including consideration of morphonological alternations and differences of semantic interpretation by adding or removing a specific onomasiological feature (according to the onomasiological word formation theory of Dokulil, M. 1962. Tvořen{\´i} slov v češtině. Teorie odvozov{\´a}n{\´i} slov. Praha.). Above all, I value the book because of its consistent insistence on the role of shaping for conversion as a part of morphology (form formation). I also think that conversion will play an increasingly important role in the further development of the Czech language, both for system external reasons, as a language contact phenomenon for English, but also for system inherent reasons, triggered and flanked by the tendency towards analytism and simplification, and finally the gradual reduction of the complex inflectional system of nouns and verbs. For the theoretical linguist, this book may not be a substitute for word-formation theories such as Marchand, op. cit. (1969) or Dokulil, op. cit. (1962, 1968); but it is a very stimulating and original study in which a more thorough reading could lead to a differentiated view than that given here, showing the differences between a true zero-derivative language such as English based on a more elaborated morpho-syntactic generative theory of root semantics by Panagiotidis (2014) in which the term conversion is very different from that presented in Bednař{\´i}kov{\´a}s book (see Examples 1 and 2), and a derivational language such as Czech with additional affixes and other word-forming means more clearly. The author is to be recommended for bridging the gap with traditional (and, in my view, not negligible) theories and newer views. The work must necessarily have place in every slavist's and bohemist's book shelf.}, language = {en} } @misc{Kosta2018, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Rezension zu: Murray, Sarah, E.: The Semantics of Evidentials, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2017. - (Oxford Studies in Semantics and Pragmatics ; 9). - ISBN 978-0-19-968157-0, ISBN 978-0-19-968158-7}, series = {Journal of pragmatics : an interdisciplinary journal of language studies}, volume = {140}, journal = {Journal of pragmatics : an interdisciplinary journal of language studies}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0378-2166}, doi = {10.1016/j.pragma.2018.12.006}, pages = {156 -- 159}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @misc{Kosta2015, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {On the Causative/Anti-Causative Alternation as Principle of Affix Ordering in the Light of the Mirror Principle, the Lexical Integrity Principle and the Distributed Morphology}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Philosophische Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Philosophische Reihe}, number = {132}, issn = {1866-8380}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-398587}, pages = {43}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This contribution is organized as follows: in section 1, I propose a formulation of the Mirror Principle (MP) based on syntactic features; the examples will be taken from Causatives and Anti-Causatives that are derived by affixes (in Russian, Czech, Polish, German, English as compared to Japanese and Chichewa) by head-to-head movement. In section 2, I review some basic facts in support of a syntactic approach to Merge of Causatives and Anti-Causatives, proposing that theta roles are also syntactic Features that merge functional affixes with their stems in a well-defined way. I first try to give some external evidence in showing that Causatives and Anti-Causatives obey a principle of thematic hierarchy early postulated in generative literature by Jackendoff (1972; 43), and later reformulated in terms of argument-structure-ordering principle by Grimshaw (1990:chapter 2). Crucial for my paper is the working hypothesis that every syntactic theory which tries to capture the data not only descriptively but also explanatively should descend from three levels of syntactic representation: a-structure where the relation between predicate and its arguments (and adjuncts) takes place, thematic structure where the theta-roles are assigned to their arguments, and event structure, which decides about the aspectual distribution and division of events.}, language = {en} } @book{KunzeFasskeTeichmannetal.2000, author = {Kunze, Peter and Faßke, Helmut and Teichmann, Doris and Petraško, Ľudov{\´i}t and Kosta, Peter and Norberg, Madlena}, title = {Podstupimske pśinoski k Sorabistice = Potsdamer Beitr{\"a}ge zur Sorabistik [1.2000]}, editor = {Kosta, Peter and Norberg, Madlena}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51246}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Inhalt: Peter Kunze Die Niederlausitz im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert Helmut Faßke Das Vetschauer Wendisch - verschwundene Merkmale Doris Teichmann Vom orthodoxen Lutheraner zum evangelischen Christen des Ausgleichs L'udovit Petrasko Die Wahlheimat Bocatius im Schatten des Standesaufst{\"a}nde Peter Kosta Zur lateinischen Dichtung des Johannes Bccatius (1569-1621) Madlena Norberg Johannes Bocatius - ein Poet deutscher Zunge}, language = {de} } @book{HocklKlieglKostaetal.1994, author = {Hockl, Ina and Kliegl, Reinhold and Kosta, Peter and Staudacher, Peter and Weißenborn, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Linguistics in Potsdam}, editor = {De Bleser, Ria and Burchert, Frank}, publisher = {Univ. Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1616-7392}, year = {1994}, language = {de} } @book{KostaKruseSchindleretal.1991, author = {Kosta, Peter and Kruse, Holger and Schindler, Franz and Horbatsch, O. and Freidhof, Gerd}, title = {Specimina philologiae Slavicae}, publisher = {Kubon \& Sagner}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {0170-1320}, year = {1991}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kosta2008, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Meyer, R., Syntax der Erg{\"a}nzungsfrage: empirische Untersuchungen am Russischen, Polnischen und Tschechische; M{\"u}nchen, Sagner, 2004}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{BergerBerwangerKosta1995, author = {Berger, Kerstin and Berwanger, Katrin and Kosta, Peter}, title = {Slavistik in Potsdam}, year = {1995}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1995, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Gliederungssignale in tschechischen umgangssprachlichen und literarischen Texten}, year = {1995}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1995, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zur Forschungsgeschichte und Forschungssituation bez{\"u}glich der Temporalit{\"a}t in slavischen Sprachen}, year = {1995}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1995, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zur Modellierung persuasiver Sprechakte}, year = {1995}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2013, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Ambiguity and humor in translation}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, volume = {58}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, number = {3}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0044-3506}, doi = {10.1524/slaw.2013.58.3.297}, pages = {297 -- 324}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1998, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Argumentation, Persuasion und der turn-taking-Mechanismus}, year = {1998}, abstract = {Ein Beitrag zur Konversationsanalyse, in dem die Sprecherwechsel an Hand bestimmter dialogstrukturierender Merkmale russischer, tschechischer und deutscher argumentativer und persuasiver Dialoge analysiert werden. Die Analyse st{\"u}tzt sich auch auf die theoretischen Ergebnisse der Sprechhandlungstheorie im Rahmen einer auf Argumentationstheorie beruhenden Handlungsmusteranalyse.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1993, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Bewertung und Konnotation in Milan Kunderas Werk als axiologisches und translationslinguistisches Problem}, year = {1993}, abstract = {Ausgehend von den semantischen Kategorien der Bewertung und Konnotation wird am Beispiel von Kunderas "Unertr{\"a}gliche Leichtigkeit des Seins" und "Scherz" die Problematik der {\"U}bersetzbarkeit dargestellt. Dabei werden unterschiedliche {\"U}bersetzungsverfahren vorgestellt und an Hand der serbischen, deutschen und anderer {\"U}bersetzungen problematisiert. Der Artikel kn{\"u}pft an fr{\"u}here Untersuchungen zur entsprechenden Problematik an (vgl. Kosta 1986 passim).}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2008, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Sprachwandel als Diskussionswandel in postkommunistischen Staaten Osteuropas (am Beispiel politischer Presse- Artikel, Reden und Interviews polnischer, russischer und tschechischer Politiker)}, isbn = {978-3- 8233-6362-0}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{HarthHasslerKostaetal.2008, author = {Harth, Helene and Haßler, Gerda and Kosta, Peter and Kr{\"u}ger, Hans-Peter and Tristram, Hildegard L. C. and Wegener, Heide and Stehl, Thomas}, title = {Laudation zur Verleihung des Doktogrades ehrenhalber an Herrn Prof. em. Dr. phil. Helmut L{\"u}dke}, isbn = {978-3- 8233-6362-0}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2011, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Causatives and anti-causatives, unaccusatives and unergatives : or how big is the contribution of the lexicon to syntax?}, isbn = {978-3-631-61869-1}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2011, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Konversationelle Implikaturen und indirekte Sprechakte auf dem Pr{\"u}fstein}, isbn = {978-3-8253-6002-3}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich zum Ziel, zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis pragmatisch relevanter Kategorien beizutragen und dabei die traditionellen Begriffe der klassischen Sprechakttheorie und der sprachphilosophischen Forschung wie Konversationsimplikatur und indirekter Sprechakt erneut auf den Pr{\"u}fstein der gegenw{\"a}rtigen konversationsanalytischen Forschung zu stellen (vgl. auch Kostan 1998, 2005, 2009, und Kosta, Thielemann 2009). Im Zusammenhang damit wird auch der Bereich der epistemischen und evidentiellen Modalit{\"a}t diskutiert und am Beispiel des Russischen erl{\"a}utert.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1997, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Syntaktische Prinzipien und Informationsstruktur in sogenannten "nichtkonfigurationellen" Sprachen}, year = {1997}, abstract = {Der Beitrag analysiert die Wortstellungsregularit{\"a}ten der sogenannten schwach konfigurationellen Sprachen (Russisch) im Vergleich mit den strikt konfigurationellen Sprachen (Englisch) mit dem Ziel zu zeigen, dass diese Unterscheidung f{\"u}r die Sprachen mit freier (Basis-)Wortstellung anderen Prinzipien, n{\"a}mlich der Informationsstrukturierung, folgt. Unterschieden werden verschiedene Typen von Fokus und Topik. Der Beitrag richtet sich an Linguisten (insbesondere Generativisten).}, language = {de} } @misc{Kosta1994, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Nozsiczka, A., Die Grammatik der Negation, am Beispiel des Deutschen und Russischen; Wien, 1988}, year = {1994}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1995, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Empty categories, null-subjects and null-objects and how to treat them in the minimalist program}, year = {1995}, abstract = {While th LGB literature (Chomsky 1981) contains extensive discussions of empty categories in languages typologically like English on the one hand, and Italian on the other, relatively little has been said about languages like Russian, Polish or Czech in which empty categories are represented in a rather specific way, which fit neither of these types of languages. The main purpose of this paper is to correct this typological imbalance by attempting to demonstrate whether current approaches need to be substantially revised in the light of data from Slavic and certain other languages. The paper proceeds as follows: after making explicit the basic assumptions underlying the several versions of the theory of empty categories, I will argue on the basis of Russian, Polish and Czech null-subjects and null-objects and their distribution that a number of revisions in the theory's rules and basic principles is indeed necessary.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2009, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Satzglieder und impersonale Konstruktionen im Slavischen}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The traditional and functional grammars differentiate between primary (obligatory) and secondary (optional) constituents of the sentence. The primary parts are subject, predicate, their attributive extensions and indirect and direct objects. The secondary parts are Adjuncts, Prepositional Phrases and Frames (Adverbials). The present article analyzes different models, starting off with the models of generative grammar, continuing with the dependency and valency grammars and ending up with alternative models of Russian and/or Czech functional grammars. Under standard generative analysis the most discussed point is the problem of impersonal sentences and the status of subjects and objects therein: neither the concept of subject, being the Noun phrase (NP) of a finite verb [NP,IP], nor of object headed by a verbal phrase [NP,VP], fit into the picture of Universal grammar as it has been discussed in the Standard Theory (Chomsky 1965) because in impersonal sentences the subject NP is not assigned Nominative case and the object often has to move out of the complement position for reasons of case assignment and case filter. Thus, this chapter tries to redefine the notion of 'subject' and 'object' in impersonal constructions based on the results of current theories of Minimalism (Chomsky 1995 forthcoming, Szucsich 2008, and others).}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2008, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {a- vs. B-languages or 2nd position vs. verb-adjacent clitics in west andsouth slavic languages?}, isbn = {978-3-86688-031-3}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta1998, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {{\"U}ber Argumentstruktur, Fokussierung und modale Satzadverbien im Tschechischen und Russischen}, year = {1998}, abstract = {Eine auf dem Minimalismus beruhende generative syntaktische Analyse der satzwertigen und VP-modifizierenden modalen Adverbien bez{\"u}glich ihrer syntaktischen Position und ihrer Semantik.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1998, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {{\"U}berlegungen zum "phatischen Diskurs" (und zur phatischen Partikel 'jako') in der Konversation tschechischer Intellektueller}, isbn = {3-87690-690-3}, year = {1998}, abstract = {Im Beitrag werden - aus der Sicht der Konversations- bzw. Diskursanalyse - die verschiedenen dialogstrukturierenden und syntaktischen Funktionen der tschechischen phatischen (d.h. Kontakt-) Partikel 'jako' (dt. "sozusagen") an Hand verschiedener gesprochener Alltagsdialoge tschechischer Transkripte (u.a.von Partygespr{\"a}chen) zwischen tschechischen Studenten bzw. Jugendlichen untersucht.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1998, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {K problematice jazykov{\`i}ch mensin za T. G. Masaryka}, year = {1998}, abstract = {Der kulturhistorische und sprachpolitische Beitrag analysiert die widerspr{\"u}chlichen Zust{\"a}nde zwischen den gesetzlichen und Durchf{\"u}hrungsbestimmungen des im Jahre 1920 erlassenen Sprachengesetzes (jazykov{\´y} z{\´a}kon) der Ersten Tschechoslowakischen Republik (1918-1938) unter T.G. Masaryk und hebt sowohl die positiven als auch negativen Leistungen dieses Gesetzes u.a. hinsichtlich der deutschen Minderheiten im Sudetenland hervor. Er richtet sich an Juristen, Historiker und Linguisten.}, language = {mul} } @article{Kosta1996, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {70 Years Existence of the Prague Linguistic Circle and 100th Anniversary of Roman Jakobsons Birthday, (Prag, 28. - 30.3.1996).}, year = {1996}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta1996, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Sprechakttheoretische {\"U}berlegungen zur Translation literarischer Texte aus dem Tschechischen ins Deutsche}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1996, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zur semantischen Struktur und illokution{\"a}ren Kraft persuasiver Sprechakte}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1996, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zur Sprachsituation der Sorben : Wenden in der Niederlausitz}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @misc{Kosta1996, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Modalit{\"a}t und Modus : allgemeine Fragen und Realisierungen im Slavischen ; Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1994}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @misc{Kosta1996, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Varieties of Czech : studies in Czech Sociolinguistics ; Atlanta, GA, Amsterdam, 1993}, year = {1996}, language = {en} } @misc{Kosta1996, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zybatow, L. N., Russisch im Wandel, die russische Sprache seit der Perestrojka; Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1995}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2013, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {How can I lie if I am telling the truth? : the unbearable lightness of being of strong and weak modals, modal adverbs and modal particles in discourse between epistemic modality and evidentiality}, isbn = {978-90-272-1037-1}, year = {2013}, abstract = {How can I lie if I am telling the truth? The unbearable lightness of being of strong and weak modals, modal adverbs and modal particles in discourse between epistemic modality and evidentiality Peter Kosta The major part of my contribution will concentrate on the close relation between epistemic modality and evidentiality and the notions of truth value, indirect speech acts and conversational implicature (cf. Kosta 2005; Kosta 2011b). It is well attested in the literature that the epistemic modal adverb Russian o;evidno, Czech o;ividn;, German offensichtlich, Italian ovviamente can have different interpretation depending on the conversation situation, truth values and scope relations (cf. Kosta 2011a; von Fintel and Gillies 2010; Kratzer 2010). Even a bona fide "epistemic{\"o} modal can have two interpretations: a 'strong' interpretation, which - at least with necessity modals - commits the speaker to the truth of the proposition the modal scopes over (von Fintel and Gillies 2010), and a 'weak' interpretation, which is relativized to the content of some source of information that may or may not be faithful to reality. In order to be able to decide whether epistemic particles and modals are strong or weak we have to differentiate between different sources of conversational backgrounds. Following the findings in the research of notional category of modals in Kratzer (2010), the proposed analysis of modals allows for one modal parameter to be fixed by the context of use. It implies that that parameter is responsible for the variety of interpretations modals can receive. Keywords: epistemic modality, evidentiality, strong and weak modals, conversational background In: Thielemann, Nadine and Peter Kosta (eds.), Approaches to Slavic Interaction . 2013. xi, 318 pp. (pp. 167-184)}, language = {en} } @book{KrivochenKosta2013, author = {Krivochen, Diego Gabriel and Kosta, Peter}, title = {Eliminating empty categories : a radically minimalist view on their ontology and justification}, series = {Potsdam linguistic investigations = Potsdamer Linguistische Untersuchungen = Recherches linguistiques {\`a} Potsdam}, volume = {11}, journal = {Potsdam linguistic investigations = Potsdamer Linguistische Untersuchungen = Recherches linguistiques {\`a} Potsdam}, publisher = {Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften}, address = {Frankfurt}, isbn = {978-3-631-62728-0}, pages = {203 S.}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This collaborative book has a twofold purpose. On the one hand, the authors present a new framework - Radical Minimalism. The development of such a framework, with a strong basis on mathematics and physics, was born out of the conviction that, if language is really a natural object, there is no a priori reason to study it in isolation from other natural systems. On the other hand, this work represents a significant simplification of the theory of displacement and so-called «empty categories» within the latest development of Chomsky's Strong Minimalist Hypothesis, applying Occam's razor and fulfilling Lakatos' requirements for scientific evolution. Radical Minimalism thus accounts not only for the phenomena orthodox minimalism has explanations for, but also for empirical problems that have not yet been taken into consideration.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2013, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Die Tschechoslowakei seit 1918}, isbn = {978-3-86312-363-5}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kosta2009, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Targets, Theory and Methods of Slavic Generative Syntax : Minimalism, Negation, and Clitics = Ziele, Theorie und Methoden der slavischen generativen Syntax : Minimalismus, Negation und Klitika}, year = {2009}, abstract = {This chapter provides a description of generative syntax as a discipline within Slavic linguistic research from a theoretical, methodological and scientific-historical viewpoint, including those descriptive models and theoretical approaches which are also preferred in Slavic generative linguistics working within the Principles and Parameters framework (Chomsky 1995 pasim). A general comprehensive description of generative syntax, syntactic levels ad methods of description is followed by a short overview of the current state of the art and the goals and targets of syntactic theory and the description of some syntactically relevant categories (such as negation, word order and clitics). In chapter 2, I will introduce some basic notions of the Minimalist framework. I will concentrate on the question how syntactic levels have to be represented in the Minimalist program (2.1), how the structure of sentential negation can be motivated by the raising of the finite verb (2.2), how negation syntactically interacts with pronominal and verbal clitics (2.3) and related phenomena such as Prosodic Inversion (PrI) (2.4), and finally, what the driving force for V- raising and negation in Imperatives, Gerunds and Infinitives is (2.5).}, language = {en} } @article{KostaKrivochen2012, author = {Kosta, Peter and Krivochen, Diego Gabriel}, title = {Some thoughts on language diversity, UG and the importance of language typology scrambling and non-monotonic merge of adjuncts and specifiers in Czech and German}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, volume = {57}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, number = {4}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0044-3506}, pages = {377 -- 407}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The following article is concerned with the problem of language diversity within the framework of Radical Minimalism (Krivochen 2011, 2012). How can the diversity and variation of languages be explained? For Noam Chomsky, language faculty in the narrow sense (FLN) is nothing but an "organ of the body,' along with other cognitive systems. Our analysis of human language builds on Chomsky's (1995, 2005, 2010) minimalist assumption that the design of language is grounded in conceptual necessity. Adopting this idea, we expect to find three factors that interact to determine (I-) languages attained: genetic endowment (the topic of Universal Grammar), experience, and principles that are language- or even organism-independent." (Chomsky 2005:1). In the present article we provide some ideas about how generative research based on Radical Minimalism can contribute on a par with the typology of languages to a more profound and sound exploration of language variation. The scope of the paper is to compare the distribution of adverbs within the three domains of the clause in Czech and German. The aim of this paper is to show that the feature-based theory of adverb licensing is not able to handle the problem of adverb order variation. Instead, a more parsimonious approach based on the Theory of Radical Minimalism will be chosen. The paper is organized as follows: After some remarks on the role of Universal Grammar, Variation and Typology in section 1, section 2 introduces the theoretical background by introducing the principles and the core of Radical Minimalism, e.g. free unbounded merge, asymmetric c-command and the restrictions within the clause structure composition. In section 3, the distribution of adverbs in the middle field is discussed for Czech and German. In the last part, we introduce the so-called Late Adjunction Hypothesis that results in similar effects to the Early Spell-Out model argued for in our paper.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2015, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {On the Causative/Anti-Causative Alternation as Principle of Affix Ordering in the Light of the Mirror Principle, the Lexical Integrity Principle and the Distributed Morphology}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, volume = {60}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Slawistik}, number = {4}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0044-3506}, doi = {10.1515/slaw-2015-0038}, pages = {570 -- 612}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This contribution is organized as follows: in section 1, I propose a formulation of the Mirror Principle (MP) based on syntactic features; the examples will be taken from Causatives and Anti-Causatives that are derived by affixes (in Russian, Czech, Polish, German, English as compared to Japanese and Chichewa) by head-to-head movement. In section 2, I review some basic facts in support of a syntactic approach to Merge of Causatives and Anti-Causatives, proposing that theta roles are also syntactic Features that merge functional affixes with their stems in a well-defined way. I first try to give some external evidence in showing that Causatives and Anti-Causatives obey a principle of thematic hierarchy early postulated in generative literature by Jackendoff (1972; 43), and later reformulated in terms of argument-structure-ordering principle by Grimshaw (1990:chapter 2). Crucial for my paper is the working hypothesis that every syntactic theory which tries to capture the data not only descriptively but also explanatively should descend from three levels of syntactic representation: a-structure where the relation between predicate and its arguments (and adjuncts) takes place, thematic structure where the theta-roles are assigned to their arguments, and event structure, which decides about the aspectual distribution and division of events.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2002, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Minimalism and free constituent order (in Russian as Compared to German)}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The present paper deals with an analysis of Russian as so-called free word order language. The strategies of long scrambling constructions in Russian are compared to the so-called midrange scrambling in German. We consider long scrambling not as A-bar-movement (free adjunction to an XP-category) but as the attraction type of movement of arguments triggered by the Minimal link condition (Chomsky 1995). Free word order languages such as Russian (and to some extent German) have strong D-features on T but weak on V. We consider the approach as presented in Fanselow (1996) as adequate also for our model.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2001, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Negace a vetn{\´a} struktura v cestine (Negation und Satzstruktur im Tschechischen)}, isbn = {80-210-2532-8}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Im Artikel werden die Satznegation und die Satzgliednegation im Tschechischen vor dem Hintergrund sprachtypologischer Daten beleuchtet und aus der Sicht des Minimalistischen Modells und der Topic-Focus-Artikulation einer ausf{\"u}hrlichen generativen syntaktischen Analyse unterworfen.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2001, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zum Einfluß der deutschen Syntax auf die Wortstellung im Sorbischen (unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Niedersorbischen)}, isbn = {3-89323-134- X}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Im vorliegenden Beitrag untersucht Verfasser die Position des niedersorbischen und obersorbischen finiten Verbs im einfachen und komplexen Satz. Entgegen der bisher vertretenen Auffassung, dass das Sorbische eine SOV Sprache sei, wird gezeigt, dass im einfachen Satz mit einem finiten Verb das Os. und Ns. die Verbletzt-Stellung aufweisen, w{\"a}hrend das Deutsche die obligatorische V2-Position zeigt. Im einfachen Satz mit zusammengesetztem Pr{\"a}dikat (z.B. in temporalen und modalen periphrastischen/analytischen Konstruktionen) muss im Ns. das verbale Auxiliar als Klitik an V2-Position (Wackernagel-Position, m{\"o}glicherweise Comp) r{\"u}cken und das Vollverb verbleibt in der VP in situ , w{\"a}hrend im Os. die Befundlage nicht so eindeutig ist. Die Analyse erfolgt mit Beispielen aus den gesprochenen Dialekten der os. und ns. Sprachen. Der bisher rigoros behauptete und durch Sprachkontakt ausgel{\"o}ste Einfluss des Deutschen wird zumindest in Bezug auf das Ns. einer {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung unterzogen und relativiert.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2001, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Die Tschechoslowakei seit 1918 ( Das Schicksal der Juden)}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Im Handbuchartikel wird eine kurze {\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber das Schicksal der Juden seit der Ersten Tschechoslowakischen Republik (1918-1938) bis in die heutige Zeit gegeben. Behandelt werden folgende Fragestellungen: Der rechtliche Status der Juden nach der Verfassung und dem Sprachengesetz von 1920. Die soziale, berufliche und nationale Gliederung des tschechoslowakischen Judentums. Die Lage der Juden im Protektorat B{\"o}hmen und M{\"a}hren. Das Ghetto Theresienstadt. Nach 1945.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2000, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zur lateinischen Dichtung des Johannes Bocatius (1569-1621)}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Der Beitrag gibt eine philologische Analyse des Oeuvre eines der bedeutendesten sorbischen/wendischen Vertreters des Humanismus und der Renaissance in der Niederlausitz Johannes Bocatius (1569-1621). Neben einer {\"U}bersicht des Gesamtwerks werden die Quellen und Einfl{\"u}sse von Francesco Petrarca und Giovanni Boccaccio auf Bocatius er{\"o}rtert. Der Artikel eignet sich f{\"u}r Slavisten (Sorabisten), Romanisten und Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaftler.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta2000, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Semiotische {\"U}berlegungen zu M{\´a}chas M{\´a}j}, isbn = {3-87690-756-X}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Im Artikel wird an die Konzeptionen von Roman Jakobson und Jan Mukarovsky angekn{\"u}pft. Untersucht werden die Beziehungen zwischen Form (Signifiant), Inhalt (Signifi{\´e}) und Denotat auf der semiotischen Ebene des Textes, wobei symbolische, ikonische und indexikalische Zeichenbeziehungen und Probleme der Translation er{\"o}rtert werden. Der Beitrag richtet sich sowohl an Sprach-, Literatur- wie {\"U}bersetzungswissenschaftler.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zur Kultur- und Sprachspezifik von Karel Pol{\´a}ceks Werk am Beispiel der {\"U}bersetzungsprobleme von "Bylo n{\´a}s pet" und "Muzi v offsidu"}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Der Beitrag geht auf zwei zentrale Werke des tschechisch-j{\"u}dischen Authors der Moderne, Karel Pol{\´a}cek, ein, der in KZ Ausschwitz 1945 umgebracht wurde. Die Analyse st{\"u}tzt sich auf die strukturalistische Methode und zeigt die kulturspezifischen und sprachlichen Besonderheiten der beiden Arbeiten "Wir waren f{\"u}nf" und "M{\"a}nner in Abseits" an Hand der {\"U}bersetzungsschwierigkeiten aus dem Tschechischen ins Deutsche. Der Artikel geht auf einen Vortrag im Sommersemester 1997 zur{\"u}ck, der im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Geniale Epoche" des Studiengangs J{\"u}dische Studien gehalten wurde. Die Veranstaltung wurde von den Slavisten Peter Kosta, Holt Meyer und Natascha Drubek-Meyer organisiert und durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Ergebnisse der gehaltenen Vortr{\"a}ge liegen in der von Karl Erich Gr{\"o}zinger hrsgg. Reihe J{\"u}dische Kultur als Band 5 vor.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Westslavisch Poztupimi - deutsch Potsdam : zur Geschichte der Etymologie eines Ortsnamens}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die bisherigen Versuche der Deutung und Herleitung der Etymologie des Ortsnamens unserer Landeshauptstadt Potsdam sowie ein eigener Vorschlag.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Quantoren und Satznegation im Slavischen aus typologisch-vergleichender Sicht}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Eine vergleichende typologische Analyse der quantitativen Ausdr{\"u}cke in den slavischen Sprachen sowie der Indefinit- und Negativpronomina im Zusammenspiel mit der Satznegation.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Zur Syntax und Semantik von negativen und positiven "Polarit{\"a}tsanzeigern"}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Eine Analyse der sogenannten positiven und negativen Polarit{\"a}tsausdr{\"u}cke in den slavischen Sprachen aus der Sicht der neueren generativen Syntaxforschung}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Spracherwerb und Sprachwandel : zur Erkl{\"a}rung von Grammatikalisierungserscheinungen im Slavischen}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Eine minimalistische Analyse diachroner grammatischer Prozesse an Hand der Morphosyntax von negierten Pr{\"a}positionalphrasen.}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Syntax und Syntaxkonzeptionen}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Ein Handbuchartikel {\"u}ber die Kernbereiche der russischen Syntax und Syntaxforschun}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Konzepte des Sprachwandels in Rußland, in der UdSSR und in den GUS-Staaten}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Ein Handbuchartikel {\"u}ber die Kernbereiche des russistischen Sprachwandels und der Sprachwandelforschung in Rußland und den GUS-Staaten}, language = {de} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Prohibitiv und Pr{\"a}ventiv im Slavischen : zur Grammatik, Semantik und Pragmatik des verneinten Imperativs unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Russischen, Tschechischen und S{\"u}dslavischen}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Eine linguistische funktionale Analyse des Zusammenspiels der Aspektsemantik und der Verneinung von Imperativ in den slavischen Sprachen bei neutralem Verbot und bei Warnungen}, language = {de} } @misc{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prage NS = Prague linguistic circle papers, ed. by E. Hajicov{\´a}, M. Cervenka, O. Leska, P. Sgall. - vol. 1}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Besprechung des ersten Bandes der neuen Reihe des Prager Linguistischen Zirkels "Travaux du Cercle linguistique de Prague", die nach der Sanften Revolution in 1990 wieder ins Leben gerufen wurde.}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta1999, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {On grammaticalization processes of negated prepositional phrases in slavic languages : negative concord}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{Kosta2019, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {Third position repair, overlaps, and code-switching within a strict turn-taking model}, series = {Urban voices: the sociolinguistics, grammar and pragmatics of spoken russian}, journal = {Urban voices: the sociolinguistics, grammar and pragmatics of spoken russian}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-66462-9}, pages = {183 -- 201}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Kosta2020, author = {Kosta, Peter}, title = {On extraction and clitic climbing out of subject-/object-control clauses and causative clauses in romance and czech}, series = {Current developments in Slavic linguistics - twenty years after}, booktitle = {Current developments in Slavic linguistics - twenty years after}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-67673-8}, pages = {185 -- 202}, year = {2020}, language = {en} }