@phdthesis{Kuenn2012, author = {K{\"u}nn, Steffen}, title = {Unemployment and active labor market policy : new evidence on start-up subsidies, marginal employment and programs for youth unemployed}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62718}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In industrialized economies such as the European countries unemployment rates are very responsive to the business cycle and significant shares stay unemployed for more than one year. To fight cyclical and long-term unemployment countries spend significant shares of their budget on Active Labor Market Policies (ALMP). To improve the allocation and design of ALMP it is essential for policy makers to have reliable evidence on the effectiveness of such programs available. Although the number of studies has been increased during the last decades, policy makers still lack evidence on innovative programs and for specific subgroups of the labor market. Using Germany as a case study, the dissertation aims at contributing in this way by providing new evidence on start-up subsidies, marginal employment and programs for youth unemployed. The idea behind start-up subsidies is to encourage unemployed individuals to exit unemployment by starting their own business. Those programs have compared to traditional programs of ALMP the advantage that not only the participant escapes unemployment but also might generate additional jobs for other individuals. Considering two distinct start-up subsidy programs, the dissertation adds three substantial aspects to the literature: First, the programs are effective in improving the employment and income situation of participants compared to non-participants in the long-run. Second, the analysis on effect heterogeneity reveals that the programs are particularly effective for disadvantaged groups in the labor market like low educated or low qualified individuals, and in regions with unfavorable economic conditions. Third, the analysis considers the effectiveness of start-up programs for women. Due to higher preferences for flexible working hours and limited part-time jobs, unemployed women often face more difficulties to integrate in dependent employment. It can be shown that start-up subsidy programs are very promising as unemployed women become self-employed which gives them more flexibility to reconcile work and family. Overall, the results suggest that the promotion of self-employment among the unemployed is a sensible strategy to fight unemployment by abolishing labor market barriers for disadvantaged groups and sustainably integrating those into the labor market. The next chapter of the dissertation considers the impact of marginal employment on labor market outcomes of the unemployed. Unemployed individuals in Germany are allowed to earn additional income during unemployment without suffering a reduction in their unemployment benefits. Those additional earnings are usually earned by taking up so-called marginal employment that is employment below a certain income level subject to reduced payroll taxes (also known as "mini-job"). The dissertation provides an empirical evaluation of the impact of marginal employment on unemployment duration and subsequent job quality. The results suggest that being marginal employed during unemployment has no significant effect on unemployment duration but extends employment duration. Moreover, it can be shown that taking up marginal employment is particularly effective for long-term unemployed, leading to higher job-finding probabilities and stronger job stability. It seems that mini-jobs can be an effective instrument to help long-term unemployed individuals to find (stable) jobs which is particularly interesting given the persistently high shares of long-term unemployed in European countries. Finally, the dissertation provides an empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of ALMP programs to improve labor market prospects of unemployed youth. Youth are generally considered a population at risk as they have lower search skills and little work experience compared to adults. This results in above-average turnover rates between jobs and unemployment for youth which is particularly sensitive to economic fluctuations. Therefore, countries spend significant resources on ALMP programs to fight youth unemployment. However, so far only little is known about the effectiveness of ALMP for unemployed youth and with respect to Germany no comprehensive quantitative analysis exists at all. Considering seven different ALMP programs, the results show an overall positive picture with respect to post-treatment employment probabilities for all measures under scrutiny except for job creation schemes. With respect to effect heterogeneity, it can be shown that almost all programs particularly improve the labor market prospects of youths with high levels of pretreatment schooling. Furthermore, youths who are assigned to the most successful employment measures have much better characteristics in terms of their pre-treatment employment chances compared to non-participants. Therefore, the program assignment process seems to favor individuals for whom the measures are most beneficial, indicating a lack of ALMP alternatives that could benefit low-educated youths.}, language = {en} } @book{AlbrechtNaumann2012, author = {Albrecht, Alexander and Naumann, Felix}, title = {Understanding cryptic schemata in large extract-transform-load systems}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-201-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61257}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {19}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) tools are used for the creation, maintenance, and evolution of data warehouses, data marts, and operational data stores. ETL workflows populate those systems with data from various data sources by specifying and executing a DAG of transformations. Over time, hundreds of individual workflows evolve as new sources and new requirements are integrated into the system. The maintenance and evolution of large-scale ETL systems requires much time and manual effort. A key problem is to understand the meaning of unfamiliar attribute labels in source and target databases and ETL transformations. Hard-to-understand attribute labels lead to frustration and time spent to develop and understand ETL workflows. We present a schema decryption technique to support ETL developers in understanding cryptic schemata of sources, targets, and ETL transformations. For a given ETL system, our recommender-like approach leverages the large number of mapped attribute labels in existing ETL workflows to produce good and meaningful decryptions. In this way we are able to decrypt attribute labels consisting of a number of unfamiliar few-letter abbreviations, such as UNP_PEN_INT, which we can decrypt to UNPAID_PENALTY_INTEREST. We evaluate our schema decryption approach on three real-world repositories of ETL workflows and show that our approach is able to suggest high-quality decryptions for cryptic attribute labels in a given schema.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chen2012, author = {Chen, Xiaoming}, title = {Two-dimensional constrained anisotropic inversion of magnetotelluric data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-63163}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Tectonic and geological processes on Earth often result in structural anisotropy of the subsurface, which can be imaged by various geophysical methods. In order to achieve appropriate and realistic Earth models for interpretation, inversion algorithms have to allow for an anisotropic subsurface. Within the framework of this thesis, I analyzed a magnetotelluric (MT) data set taken from the Cape Fold Belt in South Africa. This data set exhibited strong indications for crustal anisotropy, e.g. MT phases out of the expected quadrant, which are beyond of fitting and interpreting with standard isotropic inversion algorithms. To overcome this obstacle, I have developed a two-dimensional inversion method for reconstructing anisotropic electrical conductivity distributions. The MT inverse problem represents in general a non-linear and ill-posed minimization problem with many degrees of freedom: In isotropic case, we have to assign an electrical conductivity value to each cell of a large grid to assimilate the Earth's subsurface, e.g. a grid with 100 x 50 cells results in 5000 unknown model parameters in an isotropic case; in contrast, we have the sixfold in an anisotropic scenario where the single value of electrical conductivity becomes a symmetric, real-valued tensor while the number of the data remains unchanged. In order to successfully invert for anisotropic conductivities and to overcome the non-uniqueness of the solution of the inverse problem it is necessary to use appropriate constraints on the class of allowed models. This becomes even more important as MT data is not equally sensitive to all anisotropic parameters. In this thesis, I have developed an algorithm through which the solution of the anisotropic inversion problem is calculated by minimization of a global penalty functional consisting of three entries: the data misfit, the model roughness constraint and the anisotropy constraint. For comparison, in an isotropic approach only the first two entries are minimized. The newly defined anisotropy term is measured by the sum of the square difference of the principal conductivity values of the model. The basic idea of this constraint is straightforward. If an isotropic model is already adequate to explain the data, there is no need to introduce electrical anisotropy at all. In order to ensure successful inversion, appropriate trade-off parameters, also known as regularization parameters, have to be chosen for the different model constraints. Synthetic tests show that using fixed trade-off parameters usually causes the inversion to end up by either a smooth model with large RMS error or a rough model with small RMS error. Using of a relaxation approach on the regularization parameters after each successful inversion iteration will result in smoother inversion model and a better convergence. This approach seems to be a sophisticated way for the selection of trade-off parameters. In general, the proposed inversion method is adequate for resolving the principal conductivities defined in horizontal plane. Once none of the principal directions of the anisotropic structure is coincided with the predefined strike direction, only the corresponding effective conductivities, which is the projection of the principal conductivities onto the model coordinate axes direction, can be resolved and the information about the rotation angles is lost. In the end the MT data from the Cape Fold Belt in South Africa has been analyzed. The MT data exhibits an area (> 10 km) where MT phases over 90 degrees occur. This part of data cannot be modeled by standard isotropic modeling procedures and hence can not be properly interpreted. The proposed inversion method, however, could not reproduce the anomalous large phases as desired because of losing the information about rotation angles. MT phases outside the first quadrant are usually obtained by different anisotropic anomalies with oblique anisotropy strike. In order to achieve this challenge, the algorithm needs further developments. However, forward modeling studies with the MT data have shown that surface highly conductive heterogeneity in combination with a mid-crustal electrically anisotropic zone are required to fit the data. According to known geological and tectonic information the mid-crustal zone is interpreted as a deep aquifer related to the fractured Table Mountain Group rocks in the Cape Fold Belt.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{KleinRosenberger2012, author = {Klein, Markus and Rosenberger, Elke}, title = {Tunneling for a class of difference operators}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-56989}, year = {2012}, abstract = {We analyze a general class of difference operators containing a multi-well potential and a small parameter. We decouple the wells by introducing certain Dirichlet operators on regions containing only one potential well, and we treat the eigenvalue problem as a small perturbation of these comparison problems. We describe tunneling by a certain interaction matrix similar to the analysis for the Schr{\"o}dinger operator, and estimate the remainder, which is exponentially small and roughly quadratic compared with the interaction matrix.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hammer2012, author = {Hammer, Paul}, title = {Transkriptomweite Untersuchungen von Prostata-Krebszelllinien im Kontext medizinischer Strahlentherapie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-63190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Die Strahlentherapie ist neben der Chemotherapie und einer operativen Entfernung die st{\"a}rkste Waffe f{\"u}r die Bek{\"a}mpfung b{\"o}sartiger Tumore in der Krebsmedizin. Nach Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen ist Krebs die zweith{\"a}ufigste Todesursache in der westlichen Welt, wobei Prostatakrebs heutzutage die h{\"a}ufigste, m{\"a}nnliche Krebserkrankung darstellt. Trotz technologischer Fortschritte der radiologischen Verfahren kann es noch viele Jahre nach einer Radiotherapie zu einem Rezidiv kommen, was zum Teil auf die hohe Resistenzf{\"a}higkeit einzelner, entarteter Zellen des lokal vorkommenden Tumors zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Obwohl die moderne Strahlenbiologie viele Aspekte der Resistenzmechanismen n{\"a}her beleuchtet hat, bleiben Fragestellungen, speziell {\"u}ber das zeitliche Ansprechen eines Tumors auf ionisierende Strahlung, gr{\"o}ßtenteils unbeantwortet, da systemweite Untersuchungen nur begrenzt vorliegen. Als Zellmodelle wurden vier Prostata-Krebszelllinien (PC3, DuCaP, DU-145, RWPE-1) mit unterschiedlichen Strahlungsempfindlichkeiten kultiviert und auf ihre {\"U}berlebensf{\"a}higkeit nach ionisierender Bestrahlung durch einen Trypanblau- und MTT-Vitalit{\"a}tstest gepr{\"u}ft. Die proliferative Kapazit{\"a}t wurde mit einem Koloniebildungstest bestimmt. Die PC3 Zelllinie, als Strahlungsresistente, und die DuCaP Zelllinie, als Strahlungssensitive, zeigten dabei die gr{\"o}ßten Differenzen bez{\"u}glich der Strahlungsempfindlichkeit. Auf Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurden die beiden Zelllinien ausgew{\"a}hlt, um anhand ihrer transkriptomweiten Genexpressionen, eine Identifizierung potentieller Marker f{\"u}r die Prognose der Effizienz einer Strahlentherapie zu erm{\"o}glichen. Weiterhin wurde mit der PC3 Zelllinie ein Zeitreihenexperiment durchgef{\"u}hrt, wobei zu 8 verschiedenen Zeitpunkten nach Bestrahlung mit 1 Gy die mRNA mittels einer Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung quantifiziert wurde, um das dynamisch zeitversetzte Genexpressionsverhalten auf Resistenzmechanismen untersuchen zu k{\"o}nnen. Durch das Setzen eines Fold Change Grenzwertes in Verbindung mit einem P-Wert < 0,01 konnten aus 10.966 aktiven Genen 730 signifikant differentiell exprimierte Gene bestimmt werden, von denen 305 st{\"a}rker in der PC3 und 425 st{\"a}rker in der DuCaP Zelllinie exprimiert werden. Innerhalb dieser 730 Gene sind viele stressassoziierte Gene wiederzufinden, wie bspw. die beiden Transmembranproteingene CA9 und CA12. Durch Berechnung eines Netzwerk-Scores konnten aus den GO- und KEGG-Datenbanken interessante Kategorien und Netzwerke abgeleitet werden, wobei insbesondere die GO-Kategorien Aldehyd-Dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] Aktivit{\"a}t (GO:0004030) und der KEGG-Stoffwechselweg der O-Glykan Biosynthese (hsa00512) als relevante Netzwerke auff{\"a}llig wurden. Durch eine weitere Interaktionsanalyse konnten zwei vielversprechende Netzwerke mit den Transkriptionsfaktoren JUN und FOS als zentrale Elemente identifiziert werden. Zum besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis des dynamisch zeitversetzten Ansprechens der strahlungsresistenten PC3 Zelllinie auf ionisierende Strahlung, konnten anhand der 10.840 exprimierten Gene und ihrer Expressionsprofile {\"u}ber 8 Zeitpunkte interessante Einblicke erzielt werden. W{\"a}hrend es innerhalb von 30 min (00:00 - 00:30) nach Bestrahlung zu einer schnellen Runterregulierung der globalen Genexpression kommt, folgen in den drei darauffolgenden Zeitabschnitten (00:30 - 01:03; 01:03 - 02:12; 02:12 - 04:38) spezifische Expressionserh{\"o}hungen, die eine Aktivierung sch{\"u}tzender Netzwerke, wie die Hochregulierung der DNA-Reparatursysteme oder die Arretierung des Zellzyklus, ausl{\"o}sen. In den abschließenden drei Zeitbereichen (04:38 - 09:43; 09:43 - 20:25; 20:25 - 42:35) liegt wiederum eine Ausgewogenheit zwischen Induzierung und Supprimierung vor, wobei die absoluten Genexpressionsver{\"a}nderungen ansteigen. Beim Vergleich der Genexpressionen kurz vor der Bestrahlung mit dem letzten Zeitpunkt (00:00 - 42:53) liegen mit 2.670 die meisten ver{\"a}ndert exprimierten Gene vor, was einer massiven, systemweiten Genexpressions{\"a}nderung entspricht. Signalwege wie die ATM-Regulierung des Zellzyklus und der Apoptose, des NRF2-Signalwegs nach oxidativer Stresseinwirkung und die DNA-Reparaturmechanismen der homologen Rekombination, des nicht-homologen End Joinings, der MisMatch-, der Basen-Exzision- und der Strang-Exzision-Reparatur spielen bei der zellul{\"a}ren Antwort eine tragende Rolle. {\"A}ußerst interessant sind weiterhin die hohen Aktivit{\"a}ten RNA-gesteuerter Ereignisse, insbesondere von small nucleolar RNAs und Pseudouridin-Prozessen. Demnach scheinen diese RNA-modifizierenden Netzwerke einen bisher unbekannten funktionalen und sch{\"u}tzenden Einfluss auf das Zell{\"u}berleben nach ionisierender Bestrahlung zu haben. All diese sch{\"u}tzenden Netzwerke mit ihren zeitspezifischen Interaktionen sind essentiell f{\"u}r das Zell{\"u}berleben nach Einwirkung von oxidativem Stress und zeigen ein komplexes aber im Einklang befindliches Zusammenspiel vieler Einzelkomponenten zu einem systemweit ablaufenden Programm.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Seibel2012, author = {Seibel, Andreas}, title = {Traceability and model management with executable and dynamic hierarchical megamodels}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-64222}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Nowadays, model-driven engineering (MDE) promises to ease software development by decreasing the inherent complexity of classical software development. In order to deliver on this promise, MDE increases the level of abstraction and automation, through a consideration of domain-specific models (DSMs) and model operations (e.g. model transformations or code generations). DSMs conform to domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs), which increase the level of abstraction, and model operations are first-class entities of software development because they increase the level of automation. Nevertheless, MDE has to deal with at least two new dimensions of complexity, which are basically caused by the increased linguistic and technological heterogeneity. The first dimension of complexity is setting up an MDE environment, an activity comprised of the implementation or selection of DSMLs and model operations. Setting up an MDE environment is both time-consuming and error-prone because of the implementation or adaptation of model operations. The second dimension of complexity is concerned with applying MDE for actual software development. Applying MDE is challenging because a collection of DSMs, which conform to potentially heterogeneous DSMLs, are required to completely specify a complex software system. A single DSML can only be used to describe a specific aspect of a software system at a certain level of abstraction and from a certain perspective. Additionally, DSMs are usually not independent but instead have inherent interdependencies, reflecting (partial) similar aspects of a software system at different levels of abstraction or from different perspectives. A subset of these dependencies are applications of various model operations, which are necessary to keep the degree of automation high. This becomes even worse when addressing the first dimension of complexity. Due to continuous changes, all kinds of dependencies, including the applications of model operations, must also be managed continuously. This comprises maintaining the existence of these dependencies and the appropriate (re-)application of model operations. The contribution of this thesis is an approach that combines traceability and model management to address the aforementioned challenges of configuring and applying MDE for software development. The approach is considered as a traceability approach because it supports capturing and automatically maintaining dependencies between DSMs. The approach is considered as a model management approach because it supports managing the automated (re-)application of heterogeneous model operations. In addition, the approach is considered as a comprehensive model management. Since the decomposition of model operations is encouraged to alleviate the first dimension of complexity, the subsequent composition of model operations is required to counteract their fragmentation. A significant portion of this thesis concerns itself with providing a method for the specification of decoupled yet still highly cohesive complex compositions of heterogeneous model operations. The approach supports two different kinds of compositions - data-flow compositions and context compositions. Data-flow composition is used to define a network of heterogeneous model operations coupled by sharing input and output DSMs alone. Context composition is related to a concept used in declarative model transformation approaches to compose individual model transformation rules (units) at any level of detail. In this thesis, context composition provides the ability to use a collection of dependencies as context for the composition of other dependencies, including model operations. In addition, the actual implementation of model operations, which are going to be composed, do not need to implement any composition concerns. The approach is realized by means of a formalism called an executable and dynamic hierarchical megamodel, based on the original idea of megamodels. This formalism supports specifying compositions of dependencies (traceability and model operations). On top of this formalism, traceability is realized by means of a localization concept, and model management by means of an execution concept.}, language = {en} } @article{KresseKirschnerDipperetal.2012, author = {Kresse, Lara and Kirschner, Stefan and Dipper, Stefanie and Belke, Eva}, title = {Towards exploring the specific influences of wordform frequency, lemma frequency and OLD20 on visual word recognition and reading aloud}, series = {Potsdam cognitive science series}, journal = {Potsdam cognitive science series}, number = {3}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2190-4545}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62326}, pages = {9 -- 22}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-5951, title = {Tom Segev: Simon Wiesenthal : Die Biographie \ [rezensiert von] Cornelius Lehnguth}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien e.V.}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien e.V.}, number = {18}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61714}, pages = {190 -- 193}, year = {2012}, abstract = {rezensiertes Werk: Tom Segev: Simon Wiesenthal : Die Biographie. - [{\"U}bers. von Markus Lemke]. - M{\"u}nchen : Siedler, 2010. - 576 S. ISBN 978-3-570-55156-1}, language = {de} } @article{Peters2012, author = {Peters, Friedrich Ernst}, title = {Timm Kr{\"o}ger}, series = {Digitale Edition : Friedrich Peters}, journal = {Digitale Edition : Friedrich Peters}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57984}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Der norddeutsche Schriftsteller Timm Kr{\"o}ger ist in Haale (Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernf{\"o}rde) geboren, einem Dorf, das in n{\"a}chster N{\"a}he von Luhnstedt, dem Heimatdorf von F.E. Peters, liegt. Peters und Kr{\"o}ger sind sich nie pers{\"o}nlich begegnet, hatten aber gemeinsame Bekannte. „Timm Kr{\"o}ger - der Dichter unserer Heimat" stammt aus dem Nachlass von F.E. Peters, der ein Bewunderer der Kunst Timm Kr{\"o}gers war und den „besonderen lyrischen Schimmer" seiner Erz{\"a}hlkunst geliebt hat. Die Rede ist anl{\"a}sslich des 110. Geburtstages von Timm Kr{\"o}ger entstanden. Peters nimmt das Jubil{\"a}um zum Anlass, anhand von Zitaten aus Kr{\"o}gers Vorwort zu einer Gesamtausgabe seiner Werke die Gattung Heimatdichtung kritisch zu beleuchten und zu unterscheiden zwischen einer ideologisch gef{\"a}rbten schablonenhaften Heimatdichtung und einer Dichtung, welche die Landschaften der Heimat in den Mittelpunkt stellt, das Provinzielle jedoch {\"u}berwindet: „Es sei zugegeben, dass von sogenannten Heimatdichtern viel plattes Zeug geliefert wird. Darum spreche ich heute von dem Dichter unserer Heimat, nicht von dem Heimatdichter Timm Kr{\"o}ger."}, language = {de} } @article{Grass2012, author = {Grass, N. Clara}, title = {Tiger, Regenwald, Sprache}, series = {Perspektiven f{\"u}r morgen : Gedanken zur Zukunft von Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft}, journal = {Perspektiven f{\"u}r morgen : Gedanken zur Zukunft von Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60560}, pages = {41 -- 49}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bilkay2012, author = {Bilkay, Taybet}, title = {Thiophen und Benzodithiophen basierte organische Halbleiter f{\"u}r aus L{\"o}sung prozessierbare Feldeffekttransistoren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-66164}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von organol{\"o}slichen Thiophen und Benzodithiophen basierten Materialien und ihrer Anwendung als aktive lochleitende Halbleiterschichten in Feldeffekttransistoren. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird durch eine gezielte Modifikation des Thiophengrundger{\"u}stes eine neue Comonomer-Einheit f{\"u}r die Synthese von Thiophen basierten Copolymeren erfolgreich dargestellt. Die hydrophoben Hexylgruppen in der 3-Position des Thiophens werden teilweise durch hydrophile 3,6-Dioxaheptylgruppen ersetzt. {\"U}ber die Grignard-Metathese nach McCullough werden statistische Copolymere mit unterschiedlichen molaren Anteilen vom hydrophoben Hexyl- und hydrophilem 3,6-Dioxaheptylgruppen 1:1 (P-1), 1:2 (P-2) und 2:1 (P-3) erfolgreich hergestellt. Auch die Synthese eines definierten Blockcopolymers BP-1 durch sequentielle Addition der Comonomere wird realisiert. Optische und elektrochemische Eigenschaften der neuartigen Copolymere sind vergleichbar mit P3HT. Mit allen Copolymeren wird ein charakteristisches Transistorverhalten in einem Top-Gate/Bottom-Kontakt-Aufbau erhalten. Dabei werden mit P-1 als die aktive Halbleiterschicht im Bauteil, PMMA als Dielektrikum und Silber als Gate-Elektrode Mobilit{\"a}ten von bis zu 10-2 cm2/Vs erzielt. Als Folge der optimierten Grenzfl{\"a}che zwischen Dielektrikum und Halbleiter wird eine Verbesserung der Luftstabilit{\"a}t der Transistoren {\"u}ber mehrere Monate festgestellt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Benzodithiophen basierte organische Materialien hergestellt. F{\"u}r die Synthese der neuartigen Benzodithiophen-Derivate wird die Schl{\"u}sselverbindung TIPS-BDT in guter Ausbeute dargestellt. Die Difunktionalisierung von TIPS-BDT in den 2,6-Positionen {\"u}ber eine elektrophile Substitution liefert die gew{\"u}nschten Dibrom- und Distannylmonomere. Zun{\"a}chst werden {\"u}ber die Stille-Reaktion alternierende Copolymere mit alkylierten Fluoren- und Chinoxalin-Einheiten realisiert. Alle Copolymere zeichnen sich durch eine gute L{\"o}slichkeit in g{\"a}ngigen organischen L{\"o}sungsmitteln, hohe thermische Stabilit{\"a}t und durch gute Filmbildungseigenschaften aus. Des Weiteren sind alle Copolymere mit HOMO Lagen h{\"o}her als -6.3 eV, verglichen mit den Thiophen basierten Copolymeren (P-1 bis P-3), sehr oxidationsstabil. Diese Copolymere zeigen amorphes Verhalten in den Halbleiterschichten in OFETs auf und es werden Mobilit{\"a}ten bis zu 10-4 cm2/Vs erreicht. Eine Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Bauteil-Leistung von dem Zinngehalt-Rest im Polymer wird nachgewiesen. Ein Zinngehalt von {\"u}ber 0.6 \% kann enormen Einfluss auf die Mobilit{\"a}t aus{\"u}ben, da die funktionellen SnMe3-Gruppen als Fallenzust{\"a}nde wirken k{\"o}nnen. Alternativ wird das alternierende TIPS-BDT/Fluoren-Copolymer P-5-Stille nach der Suzuki-Methode polymerisiert. Mit P-5-Suzuki als die aktive organische Halbleiterschicht im OFET wird die h{\"o}chste Mobilit{\"a}t von 10-2 cm2/Vs erzielt. Diese Mobilit{\"a}t ist somit um zwei Gr{\"o}ßenordnungen h{\"o}her als bei P-5-Stille, da die Fallenzust{\"a}nde in diesem Fall minimiert werden und folglich der Ladungstransport verbessert wird. Sowohl das Homopolymer P-12 als auch das Copolymer mit dem aromatischen Akzeptor Benzothiadiazol P-9 f{\"u}hren zu schwerl{\"o}slichen Polymeren. Aus diesem Grund werden einerseits Terpolymere aus TIPS-BDT/Fluoren/BTD-Einheiten P-10 und P-11 aufgebaut und andererseits wird versucht die TIPS-BDT-Einheit in die Seitenkette des Styrols einzubringen. Mit der Einf{\"u}hrung von BTD in die Hauptpolymerkette werden insbesondere die Absorptions- und die elektrochemischen Eigenschaften beeinflusst. Im Vergleich zu dem TIPS-BDT/Fluoren-Copolymer reicht die Absorption bis in den sichtbaren Bereich und die LUMO Lage wird zu niederen Werten verschoben. Eine Verbesserung der Leistung in den Bauteilen wird jedoch nicht festgestellt. Die erfolgreiche erstmalige Synthese von TIPS-BDT als Seitenkettenpolymer an Styrol P-13 f{\"u}hrt zu einem l{\"o}slichen und amorphen Polymer mit vergleichbaren Mobilit{\"a}ten von Styrol basierten Polymeren (µ = 10-5 cm2/Vs) im OFET. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Synthese von niedermolekularen organol{\"o}slichen Benzodithiophen-Derivaten. {\"U}ber Suzuki- und Stille-Reaktionen ist es erstmals m{\"o}glich, verschiedenartige Aromaten {\"u}ber eine σ-Bindung an TIPS-BDT in den 2,6-Positionen zu kn{\"u}pfen. Die UV/VIS-Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Absorption durch die Verl{\"a}ngerung der π-Konjugationsl{\"a}nge zu h{\"o}heren Wellenl{\"a}ngen verschoben wird. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist es m{\"o}glich, thermisch vernetzbare Gruppen wie Allyloxy in das Molek{\"u}lger{\"u}st einzubauen. Das Einf{\"u}hren von F-Atomen in das Molek{\"u}lger{\"u}st resultiert in einer verst{\"a}rkten Packungsordnung im Fluorbenzen funktionalisiertem TIPS-BDT (SM-4) im Festk{\"o}rper mit sehr guten elektronischen Eigenschaften im OFET, wobei Mobilit{\"a}ten bis zu 0.09 cm2/Vs erreicht werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Morgenstern2012, author = {Morgenstern, Anne}, title = {Thermokarst and thermal erosion : degradation of Siberian ice-rich permafrost}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62079}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Current climate warming is affecting arctic regions at a faster rate than the rest of the world. This has profound effects on permafrost that underlies most of the arctic land area. Permafrost thawing can lead to the liberation of considerable amounts of greenhouse gases as well as to significant changes in the geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology of the corresponding landscapes, which may in turn act as a positive feedback to the climate system. Vast areas of the east Siberian lowlands, which are underlain by permafrost of the Yedoma-type Ice Complex, are particularly sensitive to climate warming because of the high ice content of these permafrost deposits. Thermokarst and thermal erosion are two major types of permafrost degradation in periglacial landscapes. The associated landforms are prominent indicators of climate-induced environmental variations on the regional scale. Thermokarst lakes and basins (alasses) as well as thermo-erosional valleys are widely distributed in the coastal lowlands adjacent to the Laptev Sea. This thesis investigates the spatial distribution and morphometric properties of these degradational features to reconstruct their evolutionary conditions during the Holocene and to deduce information on the potential impact of future permafrost degradation under the projected climate warming. The methodological approach is a combination of remote sensing, geoinformation, and field investigations, which integrates analyses on local to regional spatial scales. Thermokarst and thermal erosion have affected the study region to a great extent. In the Ice Complex area of the Lena River Delta, thermokarst basins cover a much larger area than do present thermokarst lakes on Yedoma uplands (20.0 and 2.2 \%, respectively), which indicates that the conditions for large-area thermokarst development were more suitable in the past. This is supported by the reconstruction of the development of an individual alas in the Lena River Delta, which reveals a prolonged phase of high thermokarst activity since the Pleistocene/Holocene transition that created a large and deep basin. After the drainage of the primary thermokarst lake during the mid-Holocene, permafrost aggradation and degradation have occurred in parallel and in shorter alternating stages within the alas, resulting in a complex thermokarst landscape. Though more dynamic than during the first phase, late Holocene thermokarst activity in the alas was not capable of degrading large portions of Pleistocene Ice Complex deposits and substantially altering the Yedoma relief. Further thermokarst development in existing alasses is restricted to thin layers of Holocene ice-rich alas sediments, because the Ice Complex deposits underneath the large primary thermokarst lakes have thawed completely and the underlying deposits are ice-poor fluvial sands. Thermokarst processes on undisturbed Yedoma uplands have the highest impact on the alteration of Ice Complex deposits, but will be limited to smaller areal extents in the future because of the reduced availability of large undisturbed upland surfaces with poor drainage. On Kurungnakh Island in the central Lena River Delta, the area of Yedoma uplands available for future thermokarst development amounts to only 33.7 \%. The increasing proximity of newly developing thermokarst lakes on Yedoma uplands to existing degradational features and other topographic lows decreases the possibility for thermokarst lakes to reach large sizes before drainage occurs. Drainage of thermokarst lakes due to thermal erosion is common in the study region, but thermo-erosional valleys also provide water to thermokarst lakes and alasses. Besides these direct hydrological interactions between thermokarst and thermal erosion on the local scale, an interdependence between both processes exists on the regional scale. A regional analysis of extensive networks of thermo-erosional valleys in three lowland regions of the Laptev Sea with a total study area of 5,800 km² found that these features are more common in areas with higher slopes and relief gradients, whereas thermokarst development is more pronounced in flat lowlands with lower relief gradients. The combined results of this thesis highlight the need for comprehensive analyses of both, thermokarst and thermal erosion, in order to assess past and future impacts and feedbacks of the degradation of ice-rich permafrost on hydrology and climate of a certain region.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Deneke2012, author = {Deneke, Carlus}, title = {Theory of mRNA degradation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61998}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {One of the central themes of biology is to understand how individual cells achieve a high fidelity in gene expression. Each cell needs to ensure accurate protein levels for its proper functioning and its capability to proliferate. Therefore, complex regulatory mechanisms have evolved in order to render the expression of each gene dependent on the expression level of (all) other genes. Regulation can occur at different stages within the framework of the central dogma of molecular biology. One very effective and relatively direct mechanism concerns the regulation of the stability of mRNAs. All organisms have evolved diverse and powerful mechanisms to achieve this. In order to better comprehend the regulation in living cells, biochemists have studied specific degradation mechanisms in detail. In addition to that, modern high-throughput techniques allow to obtain quantitative data on a global scale by parallel analysis of the decay patterns of many different mRNAs from different genes. In previous studies, the interpretation of these mRNA decay experiments relied on a simple theoretical description based on an exponential decay. However, this does not account for the complexity of the responsible mechanisms and, as a consequence, the exponential decay is often not in agreement with the experimental decay patterns. We have developed an improved and more general theory of mRNA degradation which provides a general framework of mRNA expression and allows describing specific degradation mechanisms. We have made an attempt to provide detailed models for the regulation in different organisms. In the yeast S. cerevisiae, different degradation pathways are known to compete and furthermore most of them rely on the biochemical modification of mRNA molecules. In bacteria such as E. coli, degradation proceeds primarily endonucleolytically, i.e. it is governed by the initial cleavage within the coding region. In addition, it is often coupled to the level of maturity and the size of the polysome of an mRNA. Both for S. cerevisiae and E. coli, our descriptions lead to a considerable improvement of the interpretation of experimental data. The general outcome is that the degradation of mRNA must be described by an age-dependent degradation rate, which can be interpreted as a consequence of molecular aging of mRNAs. Within our theory, we find adequate ways to address this much debated topic from a theoretical perspective. The improvements of the understanding of mRNA degradation can be readily applied to further comprehend the mRNA expression under different internal or environmental conditions such as after the induction of transcription or stress application. Also, the role of mRNA decay can be assessed in the context of translation and protein synthesis. The ultimate goal in understanding gene regulation mediated by mRNA stability will be to identify the relevance and biological function of different mechanisms. Once more quantitative data will become available, our description allows to elaborate the role of each mechanism by devising a suitable model.}, language = {en} } @misc{FelserCunningsBatterhametal.2012, author = {Felser, Claudia and Cunnings, Ian and Batterham, Claire and Clahsen, Harald}, title = {The timing of island effects in nonnative sentence processing}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-41517}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-415179}, pages = {32}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Using the eye-movement monitoring technique in two reading comprehension experiments, this study investigated the timing of constraints on wh-dependencies (so-called island constraints) in first- and second-language (L1 and L2) sentence processing. The results show that both L1 and L2 speakers of English are sensitive to extraction islands during processing, suggesting that memory storage limitations affect L1 and L2 comprehenders in essentially the same way. Furthermore, these results show that the timing of island effects in L1 compared to L2 sentence comprehension is affected differently by the type of cue (semantic fit versus filled gaps) signaling whether dependency formation is possible at a potential gap site. Even though L1 English speakers showed immediate sensitivity to filled gaps but not to lack of semantic fit, proficient German-speaking learners of English as a L2 showed the opposite sensitivity pattern. This indicates that initial wh-dependency formation in L2 processing is based on semantic feature matching rather than being structurally mediated as in L1 comprehension.}, language = {en} } @article{Griffiths2012, author = {Griffiths, Toni}, title = {The state of jewish memory in York and Winchester}, series = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien e.V.}, journal = {PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung f{\"u}r J{\"u}dische Studien e.V.}, number = {18}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1614-6492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61523}, pages = {67 -- 78}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Am Beispiel der englischen St{\"a}dte York und Winchester wird in diesem Artikel das Konzept der Erinnerung von Pierre Nora untersucht, um die Individualit{\"a}t lokaler Ans{\"a}tze der Erinnerung an mittelalterliche englische Judenheiten zu veranschaulichen. Allgemein wird in diesem Beitrag aufgezeigt, wie Erinnerung einerseits aus einem Zeitalter anhaltenden Schweigens befreien und andererseits wieder in ein gr{\"o}ßeres historisches Narrativ integriert werden kann. Vice versa wird ebenfalls untersucht, wie das die j{\"u}dische Erinnerung umschließende Schweigen dennoch seine Fortsetzung im scharfen Gegensatz zu diesem neuen Verst{\"a}ndnis von Erinnerung findet. Abschließend wird im Artikel die Frage gestellt, warum dieses Schweigen anh{\"a}lt und ob Noras Theorie, dass sich Erinnerung kontinuierlich entwickelt, auf die Erfahrungen j{\"u}discher Erinnerung in York und Winchester angewendet werden kann.}, language = {en} } @misc{OskinovaGuerreroHenaultBrunetetal.2012, author = {Oskinova, Lida and Guerrero, Mart{\´i}n A. and H{\´e}nault-Brunet, Vincent and Sun, W. and Chu, You-Hua and Evans, Chris and Gallagher, John S. and Gruendl, Robert A. and Reyes-Iturbide, Jorge}, title = {The slow X-ray pulsar SXP 1062 and associated supernova remnant in the Wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {591}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-41513}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-415135}, pages = {3}, year = {2012}, abstract = {SXP 1062 is an exceptional case of a young neutron star in a wind-fed high-mass X-ray binary associated with a supernova remnant. A unique combination of measured spin period, its derivative, luminosity and young age makes this source a key probe for the physics of accretion and neutron star evolution. Theoretical models proposed to explain the properties of SXP 1062 shall be tested with new data.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{AlsaedyTarkhanov2012, author = {Alsaedy, Ammar and Tarkhanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich}, title = {The method of Fischer-Riesz equations for elliptic boundary value problems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61792}, year = {2012}, abstract = {We develop the method of Fischer-Riesz equations for general boundary value problems elliptic in the sense of Douglis-Nirenberg. To this end we reduce them to a boundary problem for a (possibly overdetermined) first order system whose classical symbol has a left inverse. For such a problem there is a uniquely determined boundary value problem which is adjoint to the given one with respect to the Green formula. On using a well elaborated theory of approximation by solutions of the adjoint problem, we find the Cauchy data of solutions of our problem.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{TarkhanovWallenta2012, author = {Tarkhanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich and Wallenta, Daniel}, title = {The Lefschetz number of sequences of trace class curvature}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-56969}, year = {2012}, abstract = {For a sequence of Hilbert spaces and continuous linear operators the curvature is defined to be the composition of any two consecutive operators. This is modeled on the de Rham resolution of a connection on a module over an algebra. Of particular interest are those sequences for which the curvature is "small" at each step, e.g., belongs to a fixed operator ideal. In this context we elaborate the theory of Fredholm sequences and show how to introduce the Lefschetz number.}, language = {en} } @book{AppeltauerHirschfeld2012, author = {Appeltauer, Malte and Hirschfeld, Robert}, title = {The JCop language specification : Version 1.0, April 2012}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-193-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60208}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iv, 48}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Program behavior that relies on contextual information, such as physical location or network accessibility, is common in today's applications, yet its representation is not sufficiently supported by programming languages. With context-oriented programming (COP), such context-dependent behavioral variations can be explicitly modularized and dynamically activated. In general, COP could be used to manage any context-specific behavior. However, its contemporary realizations limit the control of dynamic adaptation. This, in turn, limits the interaction of COP's adaptation mechanisms with widely used architectures, such as event-based, mobile, and distributed programming. The JCop programming language extends Java with language constructs for context-oriented programming and additionally provides a domain-specific aspect language for declarative control over runtime adaptations. As a result, these redesigned implementations are more concise and better modularized than their counterparts using plain COP. JCop's main features have been described in our previous publications. However, a complete language specification has not been presented so far. This report presents the entire JCop language including the syntax and semantics of its new language constructs.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{PfaeffleStephan2012, author = {Pf{\"a}ffle, Frank and Stephan, Christoph A.}, title = {The Holst action by the spectral action principle}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60032}, year = {2012}, abstract = {We investigate the Holst action for closed Riemannian 4-manifolds with orthogonal connections. For connections whose torsion has zero Cartan type component we show that the Holst action can be recovered from the heat asymptotics for the natural Dirac operator acting on left-handed spinor fields.}, language = {en} }