@phdthesis{Kuschel2022, author = {Kuschel, Jenny}, title = {Steuerung im Lehrkr{\"a}ftefortbildungssystem in Deutschland}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56216}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-562168}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {208}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Lehrkr{\"a}ftefortbildungen bieten in Deutschland im Rahmen der dritten Phase der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung eine zentrale Lerngelegenheit f{\"u}r die Kompetenzentwicklung der Lehr-kr{\"a}fte (Avalos, 2011; Guskey \& Yoon, 2009). In dieser Phase k{\"o}nnen Lehrkr{\"a}fte aus einem Angebot an berufsbegleitenden Lerngelegenheiten w{\"a}hlen, die auf die Anpassung und Weiterentwicklung ihrer professionellen Kompetenzen abzielen. Im Rahmen dieser Professionalisierungsmaßnahmen haben Lehrkr{\"a}fte Gelegenheit zur Reflexion und Weiterentwicklung ihrer Unterrichtspraxis. Deshalb sind Lehrkr{\"a}ftefortbildungen auch f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von Unterrichtsqualit{\"a}t und das Lernen der Sch{\"u}ler:innen bedeutsam (Lipowsky, 2014). Ergebnisse der Nutzungsforschung zeigen jedoch, dass das Fortbildungsangebot nicht von allen Lehrkr{\"a}ften im vollen Umfang genutzt wird und sich Lehrkr{\"a}fte in dem Nutzungsumfang dieser beruflichen Lerngelegenheiten unterscheiden (Hoffmann \& Richter, 2016). Das hat zur Folge, dass das Wirkpotenzial des Fortbildungsangebots nicht voll ausgesch{\"o}pft werden kann. Um die Nutzung von Lehrkr{\"a}ftefortbildungen zu f{\"o}rdern, werden auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen verschiedene Steuerungsinstrumente von Akteuren eingesetzt. Die Frage nach der Steuerungsm{\"o}glichkeit im Rahmen der dritten Phase der Lehrkr{\"a}ftebildung ist bislang jedoch weitestgehend unbearbeitet geblieben. Die vorliegende Arbeit kn{\"u}pft an die bestehende Forschung zur Lehrkr{\"a}ftefortbildung an und nutzt die theoretische Perspektive der Educational Governance, um im Rahmen von vier Teilstudien der Frage nachzugehen, welche Instrumente und Potenziale der Steue-rung auf den unterschiedlichen Ebenen des Lehrkr{\"a}ftefortbildungssystems bestehen und wie diese durch die verschiedenen politischen und schulischen Akteure umgesetzt werden. Außerdem soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie wirksam die genutzten Steuerungsinstrumente im Hinblick auf die Nutzung von Lehrkr{\"a}ftefortbildungen sind. Die {\"u}bergeordnete Fragestellung wird vor dem Hintergrund eines f{\"u}r das Lehrkr{\"a}ftefortbildungssystem abgelei-teten theoretischen Rahmenmodells in Form eines Mehrebenenmodells bearbeitet, welches als Grundlage f{\"u}r die theoretische Verortung der nachfolgenden empirischen Untersuchungen zur Fortbildungsnutzung und der Wirksamkeit verschiedener Steuerungsinstrumente dient. Studie I nimmt vor diesem Hintergrund die Ebene der politischen Akteure in den Blick und geht der Frage nach, wie bedeutsam die gesetzliche Fortbildungspflicht f{\"u}r die Fortbildungsbeteiligung von Lehrkr{\"a}ften ist. Hierzu wurde untersucht, inwiefern Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen der Fortbildungsteilnahme von Lehrkr{\"a}ften und der Zugeh{\"o}rigkeit zu Bundesl{\"a}ndern mit und ohne konkreter Fortbildungsverpflichtung sowie zu Bundesl{\"a}ndern mit und ohne Nachweispflicht absolvierter Fortbildungen bestehen. Dazu wurden Daten aus dem IQB-L{\"a}ndervergleich 2011 und 2012 sowie dem IQB-Bildungstrend 2015 mittels logistischer und linearer Regressionsmodelle analysiert. Studie II und Studie III widmen sich den Rahmenbedingungen f{\"u}r schulinterne Fortbildungen. Studie II befasst sich zun{\"a}chst mit schulformspezifischen Unterschieden bei der Wahl der Fortbildungsthemen. Studie III untersucht das schulinterne Fortbildungsangebot hinsichtlich des Nutzungsumfangs und des Zusammenhangs zwischen Schulmerkmalen und der Nutzung unterschiedlicher Fortbildungsthemen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wird ein Vergleich zwi-schen den beiden Angebotsformaten hinsichtlich des jeweiligen Anteils an thematischen Fortbildungsveranstaltungen vorgenommen. Hierzu wurden Daten der Fortbildungsdatenbank des Landes Brandenburg ausgewertet. Neben der Untersuchung der Fortbildungsteilnahme im Zusammenhang mit administrativen Vorgaben und der Nutzung des schulinternen Fortbildungsangebots auf Schulebene wurde zur Bearbeitung der {\"u}bergeordneten Forschungsfrage der vorliegenden Arbeit in der Studie IV dar{\"u}ber hinaus eine Untersuchung des Einsatzes von Professionalisierungsmaßnahmen im Rahmen schulischer Personalentwicklung durchgef{\"u}hrt. Durch die qualitative Studie IV wurde ein vertiefender Einblick in die schulische Praxis erm{\"o}glicht, um die Kenntnisse aus den quantitativen Studien I bis III zu erg{\"a}nzen. Im Rahmen einer qualitati-ven Interviewstudie wurde der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie Schulleitungen ausgezeichneter Schulen Personalentwicklung auffassen, welche Informationsquellen sie hierbei mit einbeziehen und welche Maßnahmen sie nutzen und in diesem Sinne Personalentwicklung als ein Instrument f{\"u}r Organisationsentwicklung einsetzen. Im abschließenden Kapitel der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die zentralen Ergebnisse der durchgef{\"u}hrten Studien zusammenfassend diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit deuten insgesamt darauf hin, dass Akteure auf den jeweiligen Ebenen direkte und indirekete Steuerungsinstrumente mit dem Ziel einsetzen, die Nutzung des zur Verf{\"u}gung stehenden Angebots zu erh{\"o}hen, allerdings erzielen sie mit den genutzten Instrumenten nicht die gew{\"u}nschte Steuerungswirkung. Da sie weder mit beruflichen Sanktionen noch mit Anreizen verkn{\"u}pft sind, fehlt es den bestehenden Steuerungsinstrumenten an Durchsetzungsmacht. Außerdem wird das Repertoire an m{\"o}glichen Steuerungsinstrumenten von den beteiligten Akteuren nicht ausgesch{\"o}pft. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit bieten somit die Grundlage f{\"u}r ankn{\"u}pfende Forschungsarbeiten und geben Anreize f{\"u}r m{\"o}gliche Implikationen in der Praxis des Fortbildungssystems und der Bildungspolitik.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Milles2022, author = {Milles, Alexander}, title = {Sources and consequences of intraspecific trait variation in movement behaviour}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56501}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-565011}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 225}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Variation in traits permeates and affects all levels of biological organisation, from within individuals to between species. Yet, intraspecific trait variation (ITV) is not sufficiently represented in many ecological theories. Instead, species averages are often assumed. Especially ITV in behaviour has only recently attracted more attention as its pervasiveness and magnitude became evident. The surge in interest in ITV in behaviour was accompanied by a methodological and technological leap in the field of movement ecology. Many aspects of behaviour become visible via movement, allowing us to observe inter-individual differences in fundamental processes such as foraging, mate searching, predation or migration. ITV in movement behaviour may result from within-individual variability and consistent, repeatable among-individual differences. Yet, questions on why such among-individual differences occur in the first place and how they are integrated with life-history have remained open. Furthermore, consequences of ITV, especially of among-individual differences in movement behaviour, on populations and species communities are not sufficiently understood. In my thesis, I approach timely questions on the sources and consequences of ITV, particularly, in movement behaviour. After outlining fundamental concepts and the current state of knowledge, I approach these questions by using agent-based models to integrate concepts from behavioural and movement ecology and to develop novel perspectives. Modern coexistence theory is a central pillar of community ecology, yet, insufficiently considers ITV in behaviour. In chapter 2, I model a competitive two-species system of ground-dwelling, central-place foragers to investigate the consequences of among-individual differences in movement behaviour on species coexistence. I show that the simulated among-individual differences, which matched with empirical data, reduce fitness differences betweem species, i.e. provide an equalising coexistence mechanism. Furthermore, I explain this result mechanistically and, thus, resolve an apparent ambiguity of the consequences of ITV on species coexistence described in previous studies. In chapter 3, I turn the focus to sources of among-individual differences in movement behaviour and their potential integration with life-history. The pace-of-life syndrome (POLS) theory predicts that the covariation between among-individual differences in behaviour and life-history is mediated by a trade-off between early and late reproduction. This theory has generated attention but is also currently scrutinised. In chapter 3, I present a model which supports a recent conceptual development that suggests fluctuating density-dependent selection as a cause of the POLS. Yet, I also identified processes that may alter the association between movement behaviour and life-history across levels of biological organization. ITV can buffer populations, i.e. reduce their extinction risk. For instance, among-individual differences can mediate portfolio effects or increase evolvability and, thereby, facilitate rapid evolution which can alleviate extinction risk. In chapter 4, I review ITV, environmental heterogeneity, and density-dependent processes which constitute local buffer mechanisms. In the light of habitat isolation, which reduces connectivity between populations, local buffer mechanisms may become more relevant compared to dispersal-related regional buffer mechanisms. In this chapter, I argue that capacities, latencies, and interactions of local buffer mechanisms should motivate more process-based and holistic integration of local buffer mechanisms in theoretical and empirical studies. Recent perspectives propose to apply principles from movement and community ecology to study filamentous fungi. It is an open question whether and how the arrangement and geometry of microstructures select for certain movement traits, and, thus, facilitate coexistence-stabilising niche partitioning. As a coauthor of chapter 5, I developed an agent-based model of hyphal tips navigating in soil-like microstructures along a gradient of soil porosity. By measuring network properties, we identified changes in the optimal movement behaviours along the gradient. Our findings suggest that the soil architecture facilitates niche partitioning. The core chapters are framed by a general introduction and discussion. In the general introduction, I outline fundamental concepts of movement ecology and describe theory and open questions on sources and consequences of ITV in movement behaviour. In the general discussion, I consolidate the findings of the core chapters and critically discuss their respective value and, if applicable, their impact. Furthermore, I emphasise promising avenues for further research.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Villamizar2022, author = {Villamizar, Natalia}, title = {Heimat}, number = {4}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-530-9}, issn = {2629-2548}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54108}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-541086}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {191}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Esta investigaci{\´o}n propone un estudio transareal de las series autoficcionales del escritor austriaco Thomas Bernhard y el colombiano Fernando Vallejo, dos autores cuya obra se caracteriza por una dura cr{\´i}tica a sus pa{\´i}ses de origen, a sus Heimaten, pero tambi{\´e}n por un complejo arraigamiento. Los an{\´a}lisis interpretativos demuestran que en Die Autobiographie y El r{\´i}o del tiempo la Heimat se presenta como un constructo que abarca no solamente elementos dichosos, sino que presenta tambi{\´e}n elementos negativos, disolutivos, destructivos, con lo cual ambos autores de distancian de una concepci{\´o}n tradicional de Heimat como territorio necesariamente arm{\´o}nico al que el sujeto se siente positivamente vinculado. En cambio, ella se concibe como un conjunto dis{\´i}mil, frente al cual el sujeto se relaciona, necesariamente, de modo ambivalente y problem{\´a}tico. En ambos autores la narraci{\´o}n literaria se configura como un acto en el que no simplemente se representa esa ambivalencia, sino en el que, sobre todo, se impugnan las formas de hostilidad que le confieren a la Heimat su car{\´a}cter inh{\´o}spito. Para ello, ambos autores recurren a la implementaci{\´o}n de dos recursos fundamentales: la m{\´i}mesis y el movimiento. La investigaci{\´o}n muestra de qu{\´e} manera las obras estudiadas la Heimat se presenta como un espacio de continuos movimientos, intercambios e interacciones, en el que act{\´u}an mecanismos de opresi{\´o}n, pero tambi{\´e}n dispositivos de oposici{\´o}n, pr{\´a}cticas de apertura intersubjetiva y aspiraciones de integraci{\´o}n comunitaria.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Gruener2022, author = {Gr{\"u}ner, Andreas}, title = {Towards practical and trust-enhancing attribute aggregation for self-sovereign identity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-567450}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 175}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Identity management is at the forefront of applications' security posture. It separates the unauthorised user from the legitimate individual. Identity management models have evolved from the isolated to the centralised paradigm and identity federations. Within this advancement, the identity provider emerged as a trusted third party that holds a powerful position. Allen postulated the novel self-sovereign identity paradigm to establish a new balance. Thus, extensive research is required to comprehend its virtues and limitations. Analysing the new paradigm, initially, we investigate the blockchain-based self-sovereign identity concept structurally. Moreover, we examine trust requirements in this context by reference to patterns. These shapes comprise major entities linked by a decentralised identity provider. By comparison to the traditional models, we conclude that trust in credential management and authentication is removed. Trust-enhancing attribute aggregation based on multiple attribute providers provokes a further trust shift. Subsequently, we formalise attribute assurance trust modelling by a metaframework. It encompasses the attestation and trust network as well as the trust decision process, including the trust function, as central components. A secure attribute assurance trust model depends on the security of the trust function. The trust function should consider high trust values and several attribute authorities. Furthermore, we evaluate classification, conceptual study, practical analysis and simulation as assessment strategies of trust models. For realising trust-enhancing attribute aggregation, we propose a probabilistic approach. The method exerts the principle characteristics of correctness and validity. These values are combined for one provider and subsequently for multiple issuers. We embed this trust function in a model within the self-sovereign identity ecosystem. To practically apply the trust function and solve several challenges for the service provider that arise from adopting self-sovereign identity solutions, we conceptualise and implement an identity broker. The mediator applies a component-based architecture to abstract from a single solution. Standard identity and access management protocols build the interface for applications. We can conclude that the broker's usage at the side of the service provider does not undermine self-sovereign principles, but fosters the advancement of the ecosystem. The identity broker is applied to sample web applications with distinct attribute requirements to showcase usefulness for authentication and attribute-based access control within a case study.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuster2022, author = {Schuster, Valerian}, title = {Mechanical and hydraulic properties of Opalinus Clay}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56678}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-566786}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Deep geological repositories represent a promising solution for the final disposal of nuclear waste. Due to its low permeability, high sorption capacity and self-sealing potential, Opalinus Clay (OPA) is considered a suitable host rock formation for the long-term storage of nuclear waste in Switzerland and Germany. However, the clay formation is characterized by compositional and structural variabilities including the occurrence of carbonate- and quartz-rich layers, pronounced bedding planes as well as tectonic elements such as pre-existing fault zones and fractures, suggesting heterogeneous rock mass properties. Characterizing the heterogeneity of host rock properties is therefore essential for safety predictions of future repositories. This includes a detailed understanding of the mechanical and hydraulic properties, deformation behavior and the underlying deformation processes for an improved assessment of the sealing integrity and long-term safety of a deep repository in OPA. Against this background, this thesis presents the results of deformation experiments performed on intact and artificially fractured specimens of the quartz-rich, sandy and clay-rich, shaly facies of OPA. The experiments focus on the influence of mineralogical composition on the deformation behavior as well as the reactivation and sealing properties of pre-existing faults and fractures at different boundary conditions (e.g., pressure, temperature, strain rate). The anisotropic mechanical properties of the sandy facies of OPA are presented in the first section, which were determined from triaxial deformation experiments using dried and resaturated samples loaded at 0°, 45° and 90° to the bedding plane orientation. A Paterson-type deformation apparatus was used that allowed to investigate how the deformation behavior is influenced by the variation of confining pressure (50 - 100 MPa), temperature (25 - 200 °C), and strain rate (1 × 10-3 - 5 × 10-6 s-1). Constant strain rate experiments revealed brittle to semi-brittle deformation behavior of the sandy facies at the applied conditions. Deformation behavior showed a strong dependence on confining pressure, degree of water saturation as well as bedding orientation, whereas the variation of temperature and strain rate had no significant effect on deformation. Furthermore, the sandy facies displays higher strength and stiffness compared to the clay-rich shaly facies deformed at similar conditions by N{\"u}esch (1991). From the obtained results it can be concluded that cataclastic mechanisms dominate the short-term deformation behavior of dried samples from both facies up to elevated pressure (<200 MPa) and temperature (<200 °C) conditions. The second part presents triaxial deformation tests that were performed to investigate how structural discontinuities affect the deformation behavior of OPA and how the reactivation of preexisting faults is influenced by mineral composition and confining pressure. To this end, dried cylindrical samples of the sandy and shaly facies of OPA were used, which contained a saw-cut fracture oriented at 30° to the long axis. After hydrostatic pre-compaction at 50 MPa, constant strain rate deformation tests were performed at confining pressures of 5, 20 or 35 MPa. With increasing confinement, a gradual transition from brittle, highly localized fault slip including a stress drop at fault reactivation to semi-brittle deformation behavior, characterized by increasing delocalization and non-linear strain hardening without dynamic fault reactivation, can be observed. Brittle localization was limited by the confining pressure at which the fault strength exceeded the matrix yield strength, above which strain partitioning between localized fault slip and distributed matrix deformation occurred. The sandy facies displayed a slightly higher friction coefficient (≈0.48) compared to the shaly facies (≈0.4). In addition, slide-hold-slide tests were conducted, revealing negative or negligible frictional strengthening, which suggests stable creep and long-term weakness of faults in both facies of OPA. The conducted experiments demonstrate that dilatant brittle fault reactivation in OPA may be favored at high overconsolidation ratios and shallow depths, increasing the risk of seismic hazard and the creation of fluid pathways. The final section illustrates how the sealing capacity of fractures in OPA is affected by mineral composition. Triaxial flow-through experiments using Argon-gas were performed with dried samples from the sandy and shaly facies of OPA containing a roughened, artificial fracture. Slate, graywacke, quartzite, natural fault gouge, and granite samples were also tested to highlight the influence of normal stress, mineralogy and diagenesis on the sustainability of fracture transmissivity. With increasing normal stress, a non-linear decrease of fracture transmissivity can be observed that resulted in a permanent reduction of transmissivity after stress release. The transmissivity of rocks with a high portion of strong minerals (e.g., quartz) and high unconfined compressive strength was less sensitive to stress changes. In accordance with this, the sandy facies of OPA displayed a higher initial transmissivity that was less sensitive to stress changes compared to the shaly facies. However, transmissivity of rigid slate was less sensitive to stress changes than the sandy facies of OPA, although the slate is characterized by a higher phyllosilicate content. This demonstrates that in addition to mineral composition, other factors such as the degree of metamorphism, cementation and consolidation have to be considered when evaluating the sealing capacity of phyllosilicate-rich rocks. The results of this thesis highlighted the role of confining pressure on the failure behavior of intact and artificially fractured OPA. Although the quartz-rich sandy facies may be considered as being more favorable for underground constructions due to its higher shear strength and stiffness than the shaly facies, the results indicate that when fractures develop in the sandy facies, they are more conductive and remain more permeable compared to fractures in the clay-dominated shaly facies at a given stress. The results may provide the basis for constitutive models to predict the integrity and evolution of a future repository. Clearly, the influence of composition and consolidation, e.g., by geological burial and uplift, on the mechanical sealing behavior of OPA highlights the need for a detailed site-specific material characterization for a future repository.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2022, author = {Fischer, Eric Wolfgang}, title = {Quantum vibrational dynamics in complex environments: from vibrational strong coupling in molecular cavity QED to phonon-induced adsorbate relaxation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56721}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-567214}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 171}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Molecules are often naturally embedded in a complex environment. As a consequence, characteristic properties of a molecular subsystem can be substantially altered or new properties emerge due to interactions between molecular and environmental degrees of freedom. The present thesis is concerned with the numerical study of quantum dynamical and stationary properties of molecular vibrational systems embedded in selected complex environments. In the first part, we discuss "strong-coupling" model scenarios for molecular vibrations interacting with few quantized electromagnetic field modes of an optical Fabry-P{\´e}rot cavity. We thoroughly elaborate on properties of emerging "vibrational polariton" light-matter hybrid states and examine the relevance of the dipole self-energy. Further, we identify cavity-induced quantum effects and an emergent dynamical resonance in a cavity-altered thermal isomerization model, which lead to significant suppression of thermal reaction rates. Moreover, for a single rovibrating diatomic molecule in an optical cavity, we observe non-adiabatic signatures in dynamics due to "vibro-polaritonic conical intersections" and discuss spectroscopically accessible "rovibro-polaritonic" light-matter hybrid states. In the second part, we study a weakly coupled but numerically challenging quantum mechanical adsorbate-surface model system comprising a few thousand surface modes. We introduce an efficient construction scheme for a "hierarchical effective mode" approach to reduce the number of surface modes in a controlled manner. In combination with the multilayer multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree (ML-MCTDH) method, we examine the vibrational adsorbate relaxation dynamics from different excited adsorbate states by solving the full non-Markovian system-bath dynamics for the characteristic relaxation time scale. We examine half-lifetime scaling laws from vibrational populations and identify prominent non-Markovian signatures as deviations from Markovian reduced system density matrix theory in vibrational coherences, system-bath entanglement and energy transfer dynamics. In the final part of this thesis, we approach the dynamics and spectroscopy of vibronic model systems at finite temperature by formulating the ML-MCTDH method in the non-stochastic framework of thermofield dynamics. We apply our method to thermally-altered ultrafast internal conversion in the well-known vibronic coupling model of pyrazine. Numerically beneficial representations of multilayer wave functions ("ML-trees") are identified for different temperature regimes, which allow us to access thermal effects on both electronic and vibrational dynamics as well as spectroscopic properties for several pyrazine models.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buczkowski2022, author = {Buczkowski, Agnes Johanna}, title = {Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Schl{\"u}sselkomponenten aus D{\"a}mpfen der E-Zigarette}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56561}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-565617}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {181}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Respiratorische Erkrankungen stellen zunehmend eine relevante globale Problematik dar. Die Erweiterung bzw. Modifizierung von Applikationswegen m{\"o}glicher Arzneimittel f{\"u}r gezielte topische Anwendungen ist dabei von gr{\"o}ßter Bedeutung. Die Variation eines bekannten Applikationsweges durch unterschiedliche technologische Umsetzungen kann die Vielfalt der Anwendungsm{\"o}glichkeiten, aber auch die Patienten-Compliance erh{\"o}hen. Die einfache und flexible Verfahrensweise durch schnelle Verf{\"u}gbarkeit und eine handliche Technologie sind heutzutage wichtige Eigenschaften im Entwicklungsprozess eines Produktes. Eine direkte topische Behandlung von Atemwegserkrankungen am Wirkort in Form einer inhalativen Applikation bietet dabei viele Vorteile gegen{\"u}ber einer systemischen Therapie. Die medizinische Inhalation von Wirkstoffen {\"u}ber die Lunge ist jedoch eine komplexe Herausforderung. Inhalatoren geh{\"o}ren zu den erkl{\"a}rungsbed{\"u}rftigen Applikationsformen, die zur Erh{\"o}hung der konsequenten Einhaltung der Verordnung so einfach, wie m{\"o}glich gestaltet werden m{\"u}ssen. Parallel besitzen und nutzen weltweit ann{\"a}hernd 68 Millionen Menschen die Technologie eines inhalativen Applikators zur bewussten Sch{\"a}digung ihrer Gesundheit in Form einer elektronischen Zigarette. Diese bekannte Anwendung bietet die potentielle M{\"o}glichkeit einer verf{\"u}gbaren, kosteng{\"u}nstigen und qualit{\"a}tsgepr{\"u}ften Gesundheitsmaßnahme zur Kontrolle, Pr{\"a}vention und Heilung von Atemwegserkrankungen. Sie erzeugt ein Aerosol durch elektrothermische Erw{\"a}rmung eines sogenannten Liquids, das durch Kapillarkr{\"a}fte eines Tr{\"a}germaterials an ein Heizelement gelangt und verdampft. Ihr Bekanntheitsgrad zeigt, dass eine beabsichtigte Wirkung in den Atemwegen eintritt. Diese Wirkung k{\"o}nnte jedoch auch auf potentielle pharmazeutische Einsatzgebiete {\"u}bertragbar sein. Die Vorteile der pulmonalen Verabreichung sind dabei vielf{\"a}ltig. Im Vergleich zur peroralen Applikation gelangt der Wirkstoff gezielt zum Wirkort. Wenn eine systemische Applikation zu Arzneimittelkonzentrationen unterhalb der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit in der Lunge f{\"u}hrt, k{\"o}nnte eine inhalative Darreichung bereits bei niedriger Dosierung die gew{\"u}nschten h{\"o}heren Konzentrationen am Wirkort hervorrufen. Aufgrund der großen Resorptionsfl{\"a}che der Lunge sind eine h{\"o}here Bioverf{\"u}gbarkeit und ein schnellerer Wirkungseintritt infolge des fehlenden First-Pass-Effektes m{\"o}glich. Es kommt ebenfalls zu minimalen systemischen Nebenwirkungen. Die elektronische Zigarette erzeugt wie die medizinischen Inhalatoren lungeng{\"a}ngige Partikel. Die atemzuggesteuerte Technik erm{\"o}glicht eine unkomplizierte und intuitive Anwendung. Der prinzipielle Aufbau besteht aus einer elektrisch beheizten Wendel und einem Akku. Die Heizwendel ist von einem sogenannten Liquid in einem Tank umgeben und erzeugt das Aerosol. Das Liquid beinhaltet eine Basismischung bestehend aus Propylenglycol, Glycerin und reinem Wasser in unterschiedlichen prozentualen Anteilen. Es besteht die Annahme, dass das Basisliquid auch mit pharmazeutischen Wirkstoffen f{\"u}r die pulmonale Applikation beladen werden kann. Aufgrund der thermischen Belastung durch die e-Zigarette m{\"u}ssen potentielle Wirkstoffe sowie das Vehikel eine thermische Stabilit{\"a}t aufweisen. Die potentielle medizinische Anwendung der Technologie einer handels{\"u}blichen e-Zigarette wurde anhand von drei Schwerpunkten an vier Wirkstoffen untersucht. Die drei {\"a}therischen {\"O}le Eucalyptus{\"o}l, Minz{\"o}l und Nelken{\"o}l wurden aufgrund ihrer leichten Fl{\"u}chtigkeit und der historischen pharmazeutischen Anwendung anhand von Inhalationen bei Erk{\"a}ltungssymptomen bzw. im zahnmedizinischen Bereich gew{\"a}hlt. Das eingesetzte Cannabinoid Cannabidiol (CBD) hat einen aktuellen Bezug zu dem pharmazeutischen Markt Deutschlands zur Legalisierung von cannabishaltigen Produkten und der medizinischen Forschung zum inhalativen Konsum. Es wurden relevante wirkstoffhaltige Fl{\"u}ssigformulierungen entwickelt und hinsichtlich ihrer Verdampfbarkeit zu Aerosolen bewertet. In den quantitativen und qualitativen chromatographischen Untersuchungen konnten spezifische Verdampfungsprofile der Wirkstoffe erfasst und bewertet werden. Dabei stieg die verdampfte Masse der Leitsubstanzen 1,8-Cineol (Eucalyptus{\"o}l), Menthol (Minz{\"o}l) und Eugenol (Nelken{\"o}l) zwischen 33,6 µg und 156,2 µg pro Zug proportional zur Konzentration im Liquid im Bereich zwischen 0,5\% und 1,5\% bei einer Leistung von 20 Watt. Die Freisetzungsrate von Cannabidiol hingegen schien unabh{\"a}ngig von der Konzentration im Liquid im Mittelwert bei 13,3 µg pro Zug zu liegen. Dieses konnte an f{\"u}nf CBD-haltigen Liquids im Konzentrationsbereich zwischen 31 µg/g und 5120 µg/g Liquid gezeigt werden. Außerdem konnte eine Steigerung der verdampften Massen mit Zunahme der Leistung der e-Zigarette festgestellt werden. Die Interaktion der Liquids bzw. Aerosole mit den Bestandteilen des Speichels sowie weiterer gastrointestinaler Fl{\"u}ssigkeiten wurde {\"u}ber die Anwendung von zugeh{\"o}rigen in vitro Modellen und Einsatz von Enzymaktivit{\"a}ts-Assays gepr{\"u}ft. In den Untersuchungen wurden {\"A}nderungen von Enzymaktivit{\"a}ten anhand des oralen Schl{\"u}sselenzyms α-Amylase sowie von Proteasen ermittelt. Damit sollte exemplarisch ein m{\"o}glicher Einfluss auf physiologische bzw. metabolische Prozesse im humanen Organismus gepr{\"u}ft werden. Das Bedampfen von biologischen Suspensionen f{\"u}hrte bei niedriger Leistung der e-Zigarette (20 Watt) zu keiner bzw. einer leichten {\"A}nderung der Enzymaktivit{\"a}t. Die Anwendung einer hohen Leistung (80 Watt) bewirkte tendenziell das Herabsetzen der Enzymaktivit{\"a}ten. Die Erh{\"o}hung der Enzymaktivit{\"a}ten k{\"o}nnte zu einem enzymatischen Abbau von Schleimstoffen wie Mucinen f{\"u}hren, was wiederum die effektive, mechanische Abwehr gegen{\"u}ber bakteriellen Infektionen zur Folge h{\"a}tte. Da eine Anwendung der Applikation insbesondere bei bakteriellen Atemwegserkrankungen denkbar w{\"a}re, folgten abschließend Untersuchungen der antibakteriellen Eigenschaften der Liquids bzw. Aerosole in vitro. Es wurden sechs klinisch relevante bakterielle Krankheitserreger ausgew{\"a}hlt, die nach zwei Charakteristika gruppiert werden k{\"o}nnen. Die drei multiresistenten Bakterien Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae und Methicillin-resistenter Staphylococcus aureus k{\"o}nnen mithilfe von {\"u}blichen Therapien mit Antibiotika nicht abget{\"o}tet werden und haben vor allem eine nosokomiale Relevanz. Die zweite Gruppe weist Eigenschaften auf, die vordergr{\"u}ndig assoziiert sind mit respiratorischen Erkrankungen. Die Bakterien Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis und Haemophilus influenzae sind repr{\"a}sentativ beteiligt an Atemwegserkrankungen mit diverser Symptomatik. Die Bakterienarten wurden mit den jeweiligen Liquids behandelt bzw. bedampft und deren grundlegende Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung charakterisiert. Dabei konnte eine antibakterielle Aktivit{\"a}t der Formulierungen ermittelt werden, die durch Zugabe eines Wirkstoffes die bereits antibakterielle Wirkung der Bestandteile Glycerin und Propylenglycol verst{\"a}rkte. Die hygroskopischen Eigenschaften dieser Substanzen sind vermutlich f{\"u}r eine Wirkung in aerosolierter Form verantwortlich. Sie entziehen die Feuchtigkeit aus der Luft und haben einen austrocknenden Effekt auf die Bakterien. Das Bedampfen der Bakterienarten Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis und Haemophilus influenzae hatte einen antibakteriellen Effekt, der zeitlich abh{\"a}ngig von der Leistung der e-Zigarette war. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen f{\"u}hren zu dem Schluss, dass jeder Wirkstoff bzw. jede Substanzklasse individuell zu bewerten ist und somit Inhalator und Formulierung aufeinander abgestimmt werden m{\"u}ssen. Der Einsatz der e-Zigarette als Medizinprodukt zur Applikation von Arzneimitteln setzt stets Pr{\"u}fungen nach Europ{\"a}ischem Arzneibuch voraus. Durch Modifizierungen k{\"o}nnte eine Dosierung gut kontrollierbar gemacht werden, aber auch die Partikelgr{\"o}ßenverteilung kann insoweit reguliert werden, dass die Wirkstoffe je nach Partikelgr{\"o}ße zu einem geeigneten Applikationsort wie Mund, Rachen oder Bronchien transportiert werden. Der Vergleich mit den Eigenschaften anderer medizinischer Inhalatoren f{\"u}hrt zu dem Schluss, dass die Technologie der e-Zigarette durchaus eine gleichartige oder bessere Performance f{\"u}r thermisch stabile Wirkstoffe bieten k{\"o}nnte. Dieses fiktive Medizinprodukt k{\"o}nnte aus einer hersteller-unspezifisch produzierten, wieder aufladbaren Energiequelle mit Universalgewinde zum mehrfachen Gebrauch und einer hersteller- und wirkstoffspezifisch produzierten Einheit aus Verdampfer und Arzneimittel bestehen. Das Arzneimittel, ein medizinisches Liquid (Vehikel und Wirkstoff) kann in dem Tank des Verdampfers mit konstanten, nicht variablen Parametern patientenindividuell produziert werden. Inhalative Anwendungen werden perspektivisch wohl nicht zuletzt aufgrund der aktuellen COVID-19-Pandemie eine zunehmende Rolle spielen. Der Bedarf nach alternativen Therapieoptionen wird weiter ansteigen. Diese Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zum Einsatz der Technologie der elektronischen Zigarette als electronic nicotin delivery system (ENDS) nach Modifizierung zu einem potentiellen pulmonalen Applikationssystem als electronic drug delivery system (EDDS) von inhalativen, thermisch stabilen Arzneimitteln in Form eines Medizinproduktes.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Chemeta2022, author = {Chemeta, David}, title = {Nation, migration, narration}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51830}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-518308}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {496}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In France and in Germany, immigration as become one of the main issues in the past decades. In this context rose also the rap music. It has a huge popularity for young people with migration background. However rappers do write a lot about their French or German identity. The goal of this work is to explain the paradox : how can people with migration background, expressing critics against the racism they regard as omnipresent, still feel fully French/German? We divided the work between following chapters: Context, methodology and theories (I); analysis of different identity forms within the text corpus (II); analysis of the way rappers see their society in three chronological steps (III-V); case studies of Kery James in France and Samy Deluxe in Germany (VI).}, language = {fr} } @phdthesis{Heinsohn2022, author = {Heinsohn, Natascha}, title = {Development of a fiber-based sensor for the molecular detection of pathogens using Legionella as an example}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56683}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-566833}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 175}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Fiber-based microfluidics has undergone many innovative developments in recent years, with exciting examples of portable, cost-effective and easy-to-use detection systems already being used in diagnostic and analytical applications. In water samples, Legionella are a serious risk as human pathogens. Infection occurs through inhalation of aerosols containing Legionella cells and can cause severe pneumonia and may even be fatal. In case of Legionella contamination of water-bearing systems or Legionella infection, it is essential to find the source of the contamination as quickly as possible to prevent further infections. In drinking, industrial and wastewater monitoring, the culture-based method is still the most commonly used technique to detect Legionella contamination. In order to improve the laboratory-dependent determination, the long analysis times of 10-14 days as well as the inaccuracy of the measured values in colony forming units (CFU), new innovative ideas are needed. In all areas of application, for example in public, commercial or private facilities, rapid and precise analysis is required, ideally on site. In this PhD thesis, all necessary single steps for a rapid DNA-based detection of Legionella were developed and characterized on a fiber-based miniaturized platform. In the first step, a fast, simple and device-independent chemical lysis of the bacteria and extraction of genomic DNA was established. Subsequently, different materials were investigated with respect to their non-specific DNA retention. Glass fiber filters proved to be particularly suitable, as they allow recovery of the DNA sample from the fiber material in combination with dedicated buffers and exhibit low autofluorescence, which was important for fluorescence-based readout. A fiber-based electrophoresis unit was developed to migrate different oligonucleotides within a fiber matrix by application of an electric field. A particular advantage over lateral flow assays is the targeted movement, even after the fiber is saturated with liquid. For this purpose, the entire process of fiber selection, fiber chip patterning, combination with printed electrodes, and testing of retention and migration of different DNA samples (single-stranded, double-stranded and genomic DNA) was performed. DNA could be pulled across the fiber chip in an electric field of 24 V/cm within 5 minutes, remained intact and could be used for subsequent detection assays e.g., polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Fiber electrophoresis could also be used to separate DNA from other components e.g., proteins or cell lysates or to pull DNA through multiple layers of the glass microfiber. In this way, different fragments experienced a moderate, size-dependent separation. Furthermore, this arrangement offers the possibility that different detection reactions could take place in different layers at a later time. Electric current and potential measurements were collected to investigate the local distribution of the sample during migration. While an increase in current signal at high concentrations indicated the presence of DNA samples, initial experiments with methylene blue stained DNA showed a temporal sequence of signals, indicating sample migration along the chip. For the specific detection of a Legionella DNA, a FISH-based detection with a molecular beacon probe was tested on the glass microfiber. A specific region within the 16S rRNA gene of Legionella spp. served as a target. For this detection, suitable reaction conditions and a readout unit had to be set up first. Subsequently, the sensitivity of the probe was tested with the reverse complementary target sequence and the specificity with several DNA fragments that differed from the target sequence. Compared to other DNA sequences of similar length also found in Legionella pneumophila, only the target DNA was specifically detected on the glass microfiber. If a single base exchange is present or if two bases are changed, the probe can no longer distinguish between the DNA targets and non-targets. An analysis with this specificity can be achieved with other methods such as melting point determination, as was also briefly indicated here. The molecular beacon probe could be dried on the glass microfiber and stored at room temperature for more than three months, after which it was still capable of detecting the target sequence. Finally, the feasibility of fiber-based FISH detection for genomic Legionella DNA was tested. Without further processing, the probe was unable to detect its target sequence in the complex genomic DNA. However, after selecting and application of appropriate restriction enzymes, specific detection of Legionella DNA against other aquatic pathogens with similar fragment patterns as Acinetobacter haemolyticus was possible.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hesse2022, author = {Hesse, G{\"u}nter}, title = {A benchmark for enterprise stream processing architectures}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56600}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-566000}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 148}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Data stream processing systems (DSPSs) are a key enabler to integrate continuously generated data, such as sensor measurements, into enterprise applications. DSPSs allow to steadily analyze information from data streams, e.g., to monitor manufacturing processes and enable fast reactions to anomalous behavior. Moreover, DSPSs continuously filter, sample, and aggregate incoming streams of data, which reduces the data size, and thus data storage costs. The growing volumes of generated data have increased the demand for high-performance DSPSs, leading to a higher interest in these systems and to the development of new DSPSs. While having more DSPSs is favorable for users as it allows choosing the system that satisfies their requirements the most, it also introduces the challenge of identifying the most suitable DSPS regarding current needs as well as future demands. Having a solution to this challenge is important because replacements of DSPSs require the costly re-writing of applications if no abstraction layer is used for application development. However, quantifying performance differences between DSPSs is a difficult task. Existing benchmarks fail to integrate all core functionalities of DSPSs and lack tool support, which hinders objective result comparisons. Moreover, no current benchmark covers the combination of streaming data with existing structured business data, which is particularly relevant for companies. This thesis proposes a performance benchmark for enterprise stream processing called ESPBench. With enterprise stream processing, we refer to the combination of streaming and structured business data. Our benchmark design represents real-world scenarios and allows for an objective result comparison as well as scaling of data. The defined benchmark query set covers all core functionalities of DSPSs. The benchmark toolkit automates the entire benchmark process and provides important features, such as query result validation and a configurable data ingestion rate. To validate ESPBench and to ease the use of the benchmark, we propose an example implementation of the ESPBench queries leveraging the Apache Beam software development kit (SDK). The Apache Beam SDK is an abstraction layer designed for developing stream processing applications that is applied in academia as well as enterprise contexts. It allows to run the defined applications on any of the supported DSPSs. The performance impact of Apache Beam is studied in this dissertation as well. The results show that there is a significant influence that differs among DSPSs and stream processing applications. For validating ESPBench, we use the example implementation of the ESPBench queries developed using the Apache Beam SDK. We benchmark the implemented queries executed on three modern DSPSs: Apache Flink, Apache Spark Streaming, and Hazelcast Jet. The results of the study prove the functioning of ESPBench and its toolkit. ESPBench is capable of quantifying performance characteristics of DSPSs and of unveiling differences among systems. The benchmark proposed in this thesis covers all requirements to be applied in enterprise stream processing settings, and thus represents an improvement over the current state-of-the-art.}, language = {en} }