@article{EgbertGiest2015, author = {Egbert, Bj{\"o}rn and Giest, Hartmut}, title = {Lernen ohne Anschluss}, series = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, journal = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, editor = {Meier, Bernd and Banse, Gerhard}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-66541-1}, pages = {147 -- 163}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Boesch2015, author = {B{\"o}sch, Frank}, title = {Zwischen Schah und Khomeini}, series = {Vierteljahrshefte f{\"u}r Zeitgeschichte}, volume = {63}, journal = {Vierteljahrshefte f{\"u}r Zeitgeschichte}, number = {3}, issn = {2196-7121}, doi = {10.1515/vfzg-2015-0020}, pages = {319 -- 350}, year = {2015}, abstract = {1978/79 fegte eine Revolution das Regime von Schah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi im Iran hinweg - eine islamische Revolution, an deren Ende ein Gottesstaat unter F{\"u}hrung der Geistlichkeit stand, mit Ayatollah Khomeini an der Spitze. Die Bundesregierung unter Kanzler Helmut Schmidt und Außenminister Hans-Dietrich Genscher befand sich in einer Zwickm{\"u}hle: Einerseits war der Iran ein wichtiger Erd{\"o}llieferant und Handelspartner, andererseits verst{\"o}rte die Gewalt gegen politische Gegner und Vertreter der westlichen Staatengemeinschaft, die in der Besetzung der amerikanischen Botschaft in Teheran gipfelte. Frank B{\"o}sch zeigt auf der Basis neuer Quellen, wie die Bundesregierung auf die islamische Revolution reagierte, zwischen interessengeleitetem Pragmatismus und außenpolitisch gebotener B{\"u}ndnistreue zu den USA lavierte und so hinter den Kulissen als Vermittler zwischen Teheran und Washington fungieren konnte.}, language = {de} } @article{Musil2015, author = {Musil, Andreas}, title = {Begr{\"u}ßung durch den Vizepr{\"a}sidenten der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam f{\"u}r Lehre und Studium der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, series = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, journal = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, editor = {Meier, Bernd and Banse, Gerhard}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-66541-1}, pages = {13 -- 14}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{MackertHartmann2015, author = {Mackert, J{\"u}rgen and Hartmann, Eddie}, title = {Violence}, series = {Oxford Bibliographies sociology}, journal = {Oxford Bibliographies sociology}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, doi = {10.1093/obo/9780199756384-0137}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{RieseKulgemeyerZanderetal.2015, author = {Riese, Josef and Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Zander, Simon and Borowski, Andreas and Fischer, Hans E. and Gramzow, Yvonne and Reinhold, Peter and Schecker, Horst and Tomczyszyn, Elisabeth}, title = {Modeling and Measurement of Professional Knowledge in Physics Teacher Training}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r P{\"a}dagogik}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r P{\"a}dagogik}, publisher = {Beltz}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {0044-3247}, pages = {55 -- 79}, year = {2015}, abstract = {For improving teacher education, there has been an increasing interest in describing teachers' professional competencies and their development in the course of implementing educational programs. The focus of the present project is on modeling and measuring domain-specific and generic competencies that future physics teachers acquire during their university studies. The model comprises characteristics and relationships between physics content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and skills for explaining physics phenomena. Based on the model, assessment instruments were developed and applied as paper-and-pencil-tests and videotaped expert-novice dialogues for measuring the competencies in a large sample of physics student teachers. Trials and validation suggest that our instruments are valid in terms of content and construct validities.}, language = {de} } @article{Guenther2015, author = {G{\"u}nther, Oliver}, title = {Wir sind eine IdeenUni}, series = {Entrepreneurship education : das Potsdamer Modell der Gr{\"u}ndungslehre und -beratung}, journal = {Entrepreneurship education : das Potsdamer Modell der Gr{\"u}ndungslehre und -beratung}, publisher = {BoD}, address = {Norderstedt}, isbn = {978-3-7357-6095-1}, pages = {V -- VI}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Baehrens2015, author = {Baehrens, Konstantin}, title = {Introduction to Georg Lukacs: Why Democracies are superior to Autocracies? and The real Germany}, series = {Deutsche Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie : Zweimonatsschrift der internationalen philosophischen Forschung}, volume = {63}, journal = {Deutsche Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie : Zweimonatsschrift der internationalen philosophischen Forschung}, number = {2}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0012-1045}, doi = {10.1515/dzph-2015-0019}, pages = {358 -- 366}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Two short typescripts by G. Lukacs from the archive, dating from 1941/42, shed light on his appraisal of the cultural 'inner reserves' of Germany and the 'moral reserves' of the democracies involved in the Second World War, as well as on Lukacs's political philosophy at that time. The conception of an intrinsic interrelation of a humanist philosophical anthropology and rationalist epistemology elucidates his egalitarian and democratic account. Both texts are located within the intellectual development of the author in an introduction by the editor, which sketches the historical background and indicates relevant contemporaneous theoretical and political debates, such as the controversies over realism and humanism and also a dispute with K. Jaspers on German collective guilt.}, language = {de} } @article{KullaSchleglKuelzetal.2015, author = {Kulla, Patricia and Schlegl, Sandra and K{\"u}lz, Anne Katrin and F{\"o}rstner, Ulrich and Warschburger, Petra and Voderholzer, Ulrich}, title = {Functions of OCD - Development and Initial Validation of a Questionnaire (FFZ)}, series = {Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie}, volume = {65}, journal = {Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie}, number = {6}, publisher = {Thieme}, address = {Stuttgart}, issn = {0937-2032}, doi = {10.1055/s-0034-1394459}, pages = {213 -- 222}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The aim of this study was the development and psychometric assessment of a questionnaire for functions of OCD (FFZ). The instrument was analyzed using factor and item analyses with a sample of 120 OCD patients within the first 5 weeks of an inpatient cognitive-behavioral treatment. The revealed scales were OCD as self-confirmation, emotion regulation, avoidance of responsibility, interpersonal regulation and OCD as occupation. The reliabilities of all subscales and the total value were satisfactory to nearly excellent. The factorial validity was good, content validity was excellent. The FFZ shows correlations with measures of interpersonal problems and emotional competence, but none with measures of self-reflection and therapy experience. No differences were found for gender or age. The results provide initial support for the reliability and validity of the FFZ.}, language = {de} } @article{Ebke2015, author = {Ebke, Thomas}, title = {Inside of Archaeology Positivism? A Survey on recent Translations in the Field of Historical Epistemology}, series = {NTM : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin}, volume = {23}, journal = {NTM : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin}, number = {1-2}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Basel}, issn = {0036-6978}, doi = {10.1007/s00048-015-0124-1}, pages = {65 -- 85}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{HoffmannWarschburger2015, author = {Hoffmann, Svenja and Warschburger, Petra}, title = {Body image in obese children and adolescents. Body dissatisfaction and body size perception in relation to quality of life and weight loss}, series = {Psychotherapeut}, volume = {60}, journal = {Psychotherapeut}, number = {6}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York}, issn = {0935-6185}, doi = {10.1007/s00278-015-0060-5}, pages = {498 -- 504}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Body dissatisfaction and an unrealistic perception of own body size are particularly common in obese children and adolescents; however, little is known about the association with weight-related quality of life and the impact on successful long-term weight loss. At the beginning of an inpatient child obesity rehabilitation program, 408 children and adolescents aged 9-12 years completed a questionnaire on body image (body silhouettes) and a body weight-specific questionnaire for overweight and obese children and adolescents (GW-LQ-KJ) on quality of life. Height and weight were measured by a physician at the beginning and 1 year after inpatient hospitalization. Of the participants 91.9 \% reported body dissatisfaction and 75.7 \% underestimated their own body size. There were no gender-specific differences in body dissatisfaction but boys perceived their body size more realistically than girls. Participants with body dissatisfaction and realistic body size perception showed a reduced weight-related quality of life. Those participants who realistically perceived their body size also lost less weight in the long term. The subjective underestimation of body size proved to be important for reduced weight-related quality of life and more pronounced long-term weight loss; therefore, body image should be taken into account in multimodal treatment programs.}, language = {de} } @article{Iorio2015, author = {Iorio, Marco}, title = {Allocation of organ donation, public reason, and democracy}, series = {Ethik in der Medizin : Organ der Akademie f{\"u}r Ethik in der Medizin}, volume = {27}, journal = {Ethik in der Medizin : Organ der Akademie f{\"u}r Ethik in der Medizin}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York}, issn = {0935-7335}, doi = {10.1007/s00481-014-0320-x}, pages = {287 -- 300}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The current practice in allocating post-mortem organ donations is in many respects ethically problematic. After criticizing this practice, this article explores what a more morally acceptable practice could look like. The article concludes with an appeal for the random allocation of available donor organs.}, language = {de} } @article{Mette2015, author = {Mette, Dieter}, title = {Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Lehramtsausbildung im W-A-T an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, series = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, journal = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, editor = {Meier, Bernd and Banse, Gerhard}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-66541-1}, pages = {165 -- 173}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{SuskeCzenkuschMeier2015, author = {Suske, Dana and Czenkusch, Patrick and Meier, Bernd}, title = {Die Funktion des Fachs W-A-T aus der Sicht der Allgemeinen techinschen Bildung in der Gymnasialen Oberstufe}, series = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, journal = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, editor = {Meier, Bernd and Banse, Gerhard}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-66541-1}, pages = {175 -- 185}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{ApelojgTiarks2015, author = {Apelojg, Benjamin and Tiarks, Ulf}, title = {Stellungsnahme zur Anh{\"o}rungsfassung des Lehrplans Wirtschaft-Arbeit-Technik aus der Perspektive einer integrativen {\"o}konomischen Bildung unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Anschlussf{\"a}higkeit f{\"u}r das Fach Wirtschaftswissenschaft in der Sekundarstufe II}, editor = {Meier, Bernd and Banse, Gerhard}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-66541-1}, pages = {187 -- 198}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Stillmark2015, author = {Stillmark, Hans-Christian}, title = {Im Gespr{\"a}ch mit Gespenstern}, series = {Erinnerungskultur. Poetische, kulturelle und politische Erinnerungsph{\"a}nomene in der deutschen Literatur}, volume = {2015}, journal = {Erinnerungskultur. Poetische, kulturelle und politische Erinnerungsph{\"a}nomene in der deutschen Literatur}, number = {7}, editor = {Hillenbrand, Rainer}, publisher = {Praesens}, address = {Wien}, isbn = {978-3-7069-0816-0}, pages = {187 -- 202}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Beitrag untersucht Heiner M{\"u}llers Erinnerungskonzept in ausgew{\"a}hlten St{\"u}cken. Er zeigt, wie die dramatischen Personen immer mehr zu Gespenstern retardieren gem{\"a}ß dem Vertrauensverlust in die Tragf{\"a}higkeit von Geschichtsbewußtsein.}, language = {de} } @article{Tosch2015, author = {Tosch, Frank}, title = {Nachdenken {\"u}ber (zeitgem{\"a}ße) Allgemeinbildung}, series = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, journal = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, editor = {Meier, Bernd and Banse, Gerhard}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-66541-1}, pages = {15 -- 33}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{MeierZoellner2015, author = {Meier, Bernd and Z{\"o}llner, Hermann}, title = {Vom Lernfeld Arbeitslehre zum Fach Wirtschaft-Arbeit-Technik (W-A-T)}, series = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, journal = {Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung : Herrausforderung an das Fach Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik}, editor = {Meier, Bernd and Banse, Gerhard}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-66541-1}, pages = {51 -- 65}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{DiekmannMuellerHeinkenetal.2015, author = {Diekmann, Martin and M{\"u}ller, Josef and Heinken, Thilo and Dupre, Cecilia}, title = {Survey and statistical analysis of plant reintroductions in Germany}, series = {Tuexenia : Mitteilungen der Floristisch-Soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft}, journal = {Tuexenia : Mitteilungen der Floristisch-Soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft}, number = {35}, publisher = {Floristisch-Soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {0722-494X}, pages = {249 -- 265}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Aim - Plant reintroductions and other forms of targeted species translocations will in the future gain growing importance for nature conservation. In fragmented habitats, species reintroductions offer one of the most efficient tools for preserving or restoring plant diversity. In our study, we have compiled available data about plant reintroduction projects in Germany to answer the following questions: (1) What are the characteristics, habitat preferences and ecological strategies of species considered in plant reintroduction trials, and are these representative of the entire class of threatened species in Germany? (2) Is the judgment of the success or failure of plant reintroductions biased by the choice of species used in the experiments? (3) Do reintroduction efforts focus on those species for which Germany has a particularly high responsibility for conservation? Methods - Information about reintroduction projects in Germany were obtained from published and internet sources as well as unpublished reports. In our search we focused on single-species trials in the framework of scientific or conservation projects. For all threatened species included in our database, we compiled information on their systematics, life form, ecological strategies and habitat preferences. A list of all species being threatened nationally or regionally, comprising both reintroduced and not reintroduced species, served as a reference for statistical analysis. Results - The list of vascular plants used in conservation-oriented reintroductions consisted of 196 taxa. Species of families with large and conspicuous, mostly insect-pollinated flowers (for example, Orchidaceae) were over-represented among the reintroduced species compared to those threatened species not included in reintroduction trials. Species considered were also more often than expected found in semi-natural open habitats such as heathlands and grasslands. Notably, many projects focused on calcareous grasslands, characterized by dry, high-pH and infertile soils. In contrast, species of more near-natural vegetation (alpine and rocky formations, forests) were under-represented. About 25\% of the species that were reintroduced are not threatened on the national scale. Out of 150 species for which Germany has a particularly high responsibility for conservation, only 14 (9.3\%) were reintroduced. For only about 1/3 of all reintroduction attempts, success or failure were documented; whereas the success rate appears to be relatively low in nutrient-poor environments, trials with nutrient-demanding and competitive species were more successful. Conclusions - We conclude that conservation-oriented reintroduction attempts should focus more on species for which the country or a region has a particular high responsibility. Reintroductions, to a larger extent than at present, also need to consider the different chances of success in different habitat types and environments.}, language = {de} } @article{Heimann2015, author = {Heimann, Heinz-Dieter}, title = {Non-Christians during the middle ages and reformation}, series = {Historisches Jahrbuch}, volume = {135}, journal = {Historisches Jahrbuch}, publisher = {Alber}, address = {Freiburg Breisgau}, issn = {0018-2621}, pages = {9 -- 26}, year = {2015}, abstract = {As an example of migration of the Franciscans, this article pursues the effects of their idea of mission: acquisition and transfer of knowledge concerning non-Christians in the communication of missionaries, using the examples of journeys to Mongolia or the encounter with indigenous peoples in the New World (Aztecs). These friars wanted to teach non-Christians rather than subjugate them. The context of religion and migration resulted in a "boom" of inculturation. And the same context shows the way the Franciscans claimed their identity as well as their struggle, how Franciscans connected pastoral care with recognition of the cultural and religious plurality of Christendom. They embodied what it could mean to say: "our monastery is the world".}, language = {de} } @article{Riemer2015, author = {Riemer, Nathanael}, title = {"So it happened that we went to war because we were Zionists, and not: even though we are Jews." Nationalist-Jewish German Patriotism at the Start of World War I as Reflected in the J{\"u}dische Rundschau}, series = {Historisches Jahrbuch}, volume = {135}, journal = {Historisches Jahrbuch}, publisher = {Alber}, address = {Freiburg Breisgau}, issn = {0018-2621}, pages = {412 -- 452}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The following article aims to show how the Zionist movement defined its loyalty to Zionism, Germany, and German culture, as well as its reaction to the First World War. Central to the Zionist movement was the "creation of a home for Jewish people secured by public law." This is why superficial examinations assume that for Zionists the conflicts of the European powers were important only as they affected the pursuit of their own political agendas, an impression intensified by their posture of reserve towards military service. Crucial for Zionist positions on the First World War are the discourses revolving around the relationship between German culture, patriotism, and loyalty within the movement. This project is conducted with the help of the Judische Rundschau (JR; Jewish Review), which functions as the official organ of the "Zionistische Vereinigung fur Deutschland" (ZVfD; Zionist Association of Germany).}, language = {de} } @article{DaschewskiKreutzbruckPrageretal.2015, author = {Daschewski, Maxim and Kreutzbruck, Marc and Prager, Jens and Dohse, Elmar and Gaal, Mate and Harrer, Andrea}, title = {Resonance-free measuring and excitation of ultrasound}, series = {Technisches Messen : tm ; Plattform f{\"u}r Methoden, Systeme und Anwendungen der Messtechnik}, volume = {82}, journal = {Technisches Messen : tm ; Plattform f{\"u}r Methoden, Systeme und Anwendungen der Messtechnik}, number = {3}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0171-8096}, doi = {10.1515/teme-2014-0020}, pages = {156 -- 166}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In this contribution we present innovative methods for broadband and resonance-free sensing and emitting of ultrasound. The sensing method uses a polyethylene foil and a laser vibrometer as a broadband and resonance-free sound receiver. In general, this method enables absolute measurement of sound particle velocity and sound pressure in arbitrary, laser beam transparent liquids and gases with known density and sound velocity. The resonance-free emitting method is based on the electro-thermo-acoustic principle and enables, contrary to conventional ultrasound transducers, generation of arbitrary shaped acoustic signals without resonances and post-oscillations.}, language = {de} } @article{RoehrigSalzwedelLinckEleftheriadisetal.2015, author = {R{\"o}hrig, Bernd and Salzwedel, Annett and Linck-Eleftheriadis, Sigrid and V{\"o}ller, Heinz and Nosper, Manfred}, title = {Outcome Based Center Comparisons in Inpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Results from the EVA-Reha (R) Cardiology Project}, series = {Die Rehabilitation : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Praxis und Forschung in der Rehabilitation}, volume = {54}, journal = {Die Rehabilitation : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Praxis und Forschung in der Rehabilitation}, number = {1}, publisher = {Thieme}, address = {Stuttgart}, issn = {0034-3536}, doi = {10.1055/s-0034-1395556}, pages = {45 -- 52}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Background: So far, for center comparisons in inpatient cardiac rehabilitation (CR), the objective outcome quality was neglected because of challenges in quantifying the overall success of CR. In this article, a multifactorial benchmark model measuring the individual rehabilitation success is presented. Methods: In 21 rehabilitation centers, 5 123 patients were consecutively enrolled between 01/2010 and 12/2012 in the prospective multicenter registry EVA-Reha (R) Cardiology. Changes in 13 indicators in the areas cardiovascular risk factors, physical performance and subjective health during rehabilitation were evaluated according to levels of severity. Changes were only rated for patients who needed a medical intervention. Additionally, the changes had to be clinically relevant. Therefore Minimal Important Differences (MID) were predefined. Ratings were combined to a single score, the multiple outcome criterion (MEK). Results: The MEK was determined for all patients (71.7 +/- 7.4 years, 76.9 \% men) and consisted of an average of 5.6 indicators. After risk adjustment for sociodemographic and clinical baseline parameters, MEK was used for center ranking. In addition, individual results of indicators were compared with means of all study sites. Conclusion: With the method presented here, the outcome quality can be quantified and outcome-based comparisons of providers can be made.}, language = {de} } @article{HuberGebhardtSchwab2015, author = {Huber, Christian and Gebhardt, Markus and Schwab, Susanne}, title = {Teacher feedback or fun playing games? An experimental study investigating the influence of teacher feedback on social acceptance in primary school}, series = {Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Forschung und Praxis}, volume = {62}, journal = {Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Forschung und Praxis}, number = {1}, publisher = {Reinhardt}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {0342-183X}, doi = {10.2378/peu2015.art04d}, pages = {51 -- 64}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{HeidlerBiduFriedrichetal.2015, author = {Heidler, Maria-Dorothea and Bidu, Laura and Friedrich, Nele and V{\"o}ller, Heinz}, title = {Oral feeding of long-term ventilated patients with a tracheotomy tube. Underestimated danger of dysphagia}, series = {Medizinische Klinik, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin}, volume = {110}, journal = {Medizinische Klinik, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin}, number = {1}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York}, issn = {2193-6218}, doi = {10.1007/s00063-014-0397-5}, pages = {55 -- 60}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In long-term mechanically ventilated patients, dysphagia is a common and potentially life-threatening complication, which can lead to aspiration and pneumonia. Nevertheless, many intensive care unit (ICU) patients are fed by mouth without evaluation of their deglutition capability. The goal of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of aspiration due to swallowing disorders in long-term ventilated patients who were fed orally in the ICU while having a blocked tracheotomy tube. In all, 43 patients participated-each underwent a fiberoptic investigation of deglutition on the day of admission to the rehabilitation clinic. A total of 65 \% of the patients aspirated, 71 \% of these silently. There were no associations between aspiration and any of the following: gender, indication for mechanical ventilation (underlying disease) or the duration of intubation and ventilation by tracheotomy tube. However, the association between aspiration and age was statistically significant (p = 0.041). Aspirating patients were older (arithmetic mean = 70 years, median = 74 years) than patients who did not aspirate (arithmetic mean = 66 years, median = 67 years). Intubation and add-on tracheotomies can lead to potentially life-threatening swallowing disorders that cause aspiration, independent of the underlying disease. Before feeding long-term mechanically ventilated patients by mouth, their ability to swallow needs to be investigated using fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) or a saliva dye test, if a cuff deflation and the use of a speaking valve are possible during spontaneous respiration.}, language = {de} } @article{UrtonWilbertHennemann2015, author = {Urton, Karolina and Wilbert, J{\"u}rgen and Hennemann, Thomas}, title = {Die Einstellung zur Integration und die Selbstwirksamkeit von Lehrkr{\"a}ften}, series = {Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Forschung und Praxis}, volume = {62}, journal = {Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Forschung und Praxis}, number = {2}, publisher = {Reinhardt}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {0342-183X}, doi = {10.2378/peu2015.art09d}, pages = {147 -- 157}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Studie untersucht an einer Stichprobe integrativ t{\"a}tiger Grundschullehrkr{\"a}fte (N = 618) den Zusammenhang zwischen der individuellen und kollektiven Selbstwirksamkeit sowie den beruflichen Erfahrungen einerseits und der Einstellung zur Integration andererseits. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass sich die Lehrerkollegien (N = 67) hinsichtlich der Einstellung zur Integration, der individuellen und kollektiven Selbstwirksamkeit sowie der beruflichen Erfahrung im Unterrichten von Kindern mit sonderp{\"a}dagogischem F{\"o}rderbedarf unterscheiden. Entsprechend unserer Annahmen zeigt sich in einer Mehrebenenanalyse eine bedeutsame Aufkl{\"a}rung der Varianz der Einstellung zur Integration durch die individuelle und kollektive Selbstwirksamkeit sowie die berufliche Erfahrung.}, language = {de} } @article{Koeppen2015, author = {K{\"o}ppen, Paul}, title = {Weil nicht wahr sein kann, was nicht wahr sein darf}, series = {Vierteljahrshefte f{\"u}r Zeitgeschichte}, volume = {63}, journal = {Vierteljahrshefte f{\"u}r Zeitgeschichte}, number = {4}, issn = {2196-7121}, doi = {10.1515/vfzg-2015-0034}, pages = {569 -- 579}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die Debatte geht weiter: Gab es 1930/31 ernst zu nehmende Kreditangebote der franz{\"o}sischen Regierung an das Deutsche Reich? Vers{\"a}umte es die Reichsregierung unter Kanzler Heinrich Br{\"u}ning aus politisch- revisionistischem Kalk{\"u}l heraus bewusst, diese Angebote auszuloten? War die eiserne Sparpolitik der ersten beiden Pr{\"a}sidialkabinette also nicht die alternativlose Konsequenz {\"o}konomischer Zw{\"a}nge, sondern die logische Folge davon unabh{\"a}ngiger außen- und gesellschaftspolitischer Pr{\"a}missen? Paul K{\"o}ppen, der diese Debatte im Juli 2014 in den Vierteljahrsheften f{\"u}r Zeitgeschichte er{\"o}ffnet hat, antwortet seinen Kritikern, pr{\"a}zisiert seine Argumentation und stellt seine Thesen in den weiteren Kontext der aktuellen Diskussion um die Chancen und Belastungen der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen.}, language = {de} } @article{Baehrens2015, author = {Baehrens, Konstantin}, title = {Einleitung zu Georg Luk{\´a}cs}, series = {Deutsche Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie}, volume = {63}, journal = {Deutsche Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie}, number = {2}, issn = {2192-1482}, doi = {10.1515/dzph-2015-0019}, pages = {358 -- 366}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Two short typescripts by G. Lukacs from the archive, dating from 1941/42, shed light on his appraisal of the cultural 'inner reserves' of Germany and the 'moral reserves' of the democracies involved in the Second World War, as well as on Lukacs's political philosophy at that time. The conception of an intrinsic interrelation of a humanist philosophical anthropology and rationalist epistemology elucidates his egalitarian and democratic account. Both texts are located within the intellectual development of the author in an introduction by the editor, which sketches the historical background and indicates relevant contemporaneous theoretical and political debates, such as the controversies over realism and humanism and also a dispute with K. Jaspers on German collective guilt.}, language = {de} } @article{GieseDoering2015, author = {Giese, Martina and D{\"o}ring, Karoline}, title = {Der Briefbericht des Frater Simon {\"u}ber den Fall von Konstantinopel 1453}, series = {Byzantinische Zeitschrift}, volume = {108}, journal = {Byzantinische Zeitschrift}, number = {1}, issn = {1868-9027}, doi = {10.1515/bz-2015-0005}, pages = {79 -- 114}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Although claiming the authority of an eye-witness account, frater Simon's letter is almost certainly a ficticious description of the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. This presumed lack of authenticity has obviously prompted modern scholarship for a long time to be oblivious to this contemporary and exclusive source on the events, preferring well-known and reliable sources such as Leonard of Chios and Isidore of Kiev. However, since frater Simon's letter has survived in two different versions and ten manuscripts from the 15th century, it is clearly more than a marginal note. Rather is it a remarkable contribution to the literary treatment of the Turkish threat and timeless moral instruction.With his portrayal of the pagan Mehmed II as a just ruler, the recurring moral instructions and the lack of a call to arms. Simon's text stands out against themyriad of more or less contemporary depictions. In preparation for a critical edition the paper gives an analysis of the text and an overview of the extant manuscripts.}, language = {de} } @article{SchellerYarman2015, author = {Scheller, Frieder W. and Yarman, Aysu}, title = {Bio vs. Mimetika in der Bioanalytik}, series = {Biochemie und analytische Biochemie}, volume = {4}, journal = {Biochemie und analytische Biochemie}, number = {2}, issn = {2161-1009}, pages = {2}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Nat{\"u}rliche Evolution hat geschaffenBiopolymereauf der Basis von Aminos{\"a}uren undNukleotidezeigt hohe chemische Selektivit{\"a}t und katalytische Kraft. Die molekulare Erkennung durch Antik{\"o}rper und die katalytische Umwandlung der Substratmolek{\"u}le durch Enzyme findet in sogenannten Paratopen oder katalytischen Zentren des Makromolek{\"u}ls statt, die typischerweise 10-15 Aminos{\"a}uren umfassen. Die konzertierte Wechselwirkung zwischen den Reaktionspartnern f{\"u}hrt zu Affinit{\"a}ten bis zu nanomolaren Konzentrationen f{\"u}r die Antigenbindung und n{\"a}hert sich einer Million Ums{\"a}tze pro Sekunde anEnzym-katalysierte Reaktionen.}, language = {de} } @article{KiyDehneBussler2015, author = {Kiy, Alexander and Dehne, Julian and Bussler, Dirk}, title = {Aufbau einer Cloud-Speicherl{\"o}sung und Integration in bestehende IuK-Infrastrukturen am Beispiel ownCloud an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, series = {Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz 2015: Proceedings der Tagung "Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz" am 07. und 08. Mai 2015 am IT-Service-Center (tubIT) der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Berlin}, journal = {Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz 2015: Proceedings der Tagung "Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz" am 07. und 08. Mai 2015 am IT-Service-Center (tubIT) der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Berlin}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag der TU Berlin}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-7983-2780-1}, pages = {61 -- 72}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In 2015 the second conference „Cloud Storage Deployment in Academics" took place. Interest regarding this issue was again high and topics established in 2014 like data security and scalability were complemented by new ones like federations or technical integration in existing infrastructures. This is caused by the advances in the establishment of cloud-based storage systems. This publication contains the contributions of the conference „Cloud Storage Deployment in Academics 2015", which took place in may 2015 at TU Berlin.}, language = {de} } @article{Doering2015, author = {D{\"o}ring, Matthias}, title = {Das Streben nach Qualit{\"a}t}, series = {VM Verwaltung \& Management}, volume = {21}, journal = {VM Verwaltung \& Management}, number = {1}, publisher = {Nomos-Verl.-Ges.}, address = {Baden-Baden}, issn = {0947-9856}, doi = {10.5771/0947-9856-2015-1-36}, pages = {36 -- 45}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Qualit{\"a}t ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem intensiv diskutierten Thema im Gesundheitswesen geworden. Nach Hygiene- und Behand lungsskandalen steht vor allem der Krankenhaussektor unter Druck. Und obwohl in den vergangenen 15 Jahren eine ganze Reihe an Mechanismen und Regularien eingef{\"u}hrt wurde, so ist der Bereich nur teilweise erforscht. Dieser Artikel liefert einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die Komplexit{\"a}t des Qualit{\"a}tsbegriffs. Anschließend wird die Landschaft der Instrumente zur Qualit{\"a}tskontrolle und -sicherung im deutschen Krankenhaussektor vorgestellt. Erkenntnisse aus der internationalen Forschung sollen einen vertieften Einblick in die Wirkungsweise gew{\"a}hren und weitere Forschungsl{\"u}cken betonen.}, language = {de} } @article{Lottes2015, author = {Lottes, G{\"u}nther}, title = {Human Rights vs. the Idea of Progress. Well-Hidden Contradictions in Meang Well}, series = {Humanismus und Antikerezeption im 18. Jahrhundert : Band 3 Humanism and Revolution}, journal = {Humanismus und Antikerezeption im 18. Jahrhundert : Band 3 Humanism and Revolution}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Winter}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-8253-5722-1}, pages = {129 -- 142}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Brechenmacher2015, author = {Brechenmacher, Thomas}, title = {Jewish history in early modern and modern Europe as a history of migrations}, series = {Historisches Jahrbuch}, volume = {135}, journal = {Historisches Jahrbuch}, publisher = {Alber}, address = {Freiburg Breisgau}, issn = {0018-2621}, pages = {27 -- 45}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The article describes the history of Jews in Europe from the end of the Middle Ages until the aftermath of the Second World War as a sequence of migrational processes. It thereby demonstrates how the migration paradigm can contribute to a comprehensive understanding of European Jewish history during the given period by better explaining the various types of settlement, as well as other central phenomena of Jewish existence, such as inclusion/exclusion, assimilation/acculturation, and anti-Semitism. The article tries to assess the significance of the "religious factor" within the complex interdependencies between so-called "push" and "pull" factors that determined the individual migrations. In most cases, religious motives played only a minor role, while economic factors tended to dominate, particularly in regard to the functions Jews, as members of a minority, were permitted to carry out in the context of non-Jewish majority societies.}, language = {de} } @article{Thieken2015, author = {Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Danksagung}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {11 -- 11}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{KienzlerPechThieken2015, author = {Kienzler, Sarah and Pech, Ina and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Risikowahrnehmung, Risikokommunikation und Entwicklung der Eigenversorg von Betroffenen}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {99 -- 110}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{SchroederHasanFalteretal.2015, author = {Schr{\"o}der, Kai and Hasan, Issa and Falter, Daniela and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Schutz und Entlastung von hochwassergef{\"a}hrdeten Gebieten}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {76 -- 91}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{PetrowHasanOttoetal.2015, author = {Petrow, Theresia and Hasan, Issa and Otto, Antje and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Entwicklungen in der Gesetzgebung zm Hochwasserrisikomanagment}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {47 -- 51}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{KienzlerFalterThieken2015, author = {Kienzler, Sarah and Falter, Daniela and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Zusammenwirken von staatlicher und privater Vorsorge}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {110 -- 120}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{ThiekenPisi2015, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Pisi, Sebastian}, title = {Entwicklungn der technischen Systeme und der Organisaton in der Warnkette seit 2002}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {123 -- 132}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Thieken2015, author = {Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Konzepte zur Umsetzung von Hochwasservorsorge und Risikomanagement}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {51 -- 65}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{PetrowThieken2015, author = {Petrow, Theresia and Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Entwicklunge in der Fl{\"a}chenvorsorge}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {92 -- 99}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Thieken2015, author = {Thieken, Annegret}, title = {Einleitung}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {13 -- 17}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{ThiekenPisi2015, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Pisi, Sebastian}, title = {Vorhersagen und Warnungen im Mai / Juni 2013}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {132 -- 137}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{ThiekenPech2015, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Pech, Ina}, title = {Risikovorsorge und Wiederaufbau}, series = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, journal = {Das Hochwasser im Juni 2013 : Bew{\"a}hrungsprobe f{\"u}r das Hochwasserrisikomanagement in Deutschland}, publisher = {Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-933181-62-6}, pages = {170 -- 183}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{KuhlmannBogumil2015, author = {Kuhlmann, Sabine and Bogumil, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Legitimation von Verwaltungshandeln - Ver{\"a}nderungen und Konstanten}, series = {Der moderne Staat : dms ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Public Policy, Recht und Management}, volume = {8}, journal = {Der moderne Staat : dms ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Public Policy, Recht und Management}, number = {2}, publisher = {Budrich}, address = {Leverkusen}, issn = {1865-7192}, pages = {237 -- 251}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Beitrag untersucht das Wechsel- und Zusammenspiel von {\"o}ffentlichem Verwaltungshandeln und Legitimit{\"a}t. Ausgegangen wird davon, dass in den letzten Jahren sowohl die Input- als auch die Outputdimension staatlicher Legitimationsbeschaffung signifikante Ver{\"a}nderungen durchlaufen haben, die die {\"o}ffentliche Verwaltung intensiv ber{\"u}hren. Mit R{\"u}ckgriff auf die anderen Beitr{\"a}ge des Schwerpunktheftes und unter Hinzuziehung weiterer Erkenntnisse wird {\"u}berblicksartig untersucht, ob sich die Legitimationsproduktion durch Verwaltungshandeln ver{\"a}ndert hat und wenn ja, inwiefern. Im Ergebnis ergibt sich ein partieller Wandel hinsichtlich der Legitimationsquellen von Verwaltungshandeln. Sowohl im Input-Bereich (Transparenzgesetze, vorgezogene B{\"u}rgerbeteiligung) als auch im Output-Bereich (z.B. Normenkontrollrat) gibt es neue bzw. einen st{\"a}rkeren Einsatz schon bekannter Instrumente (Expertenkommissionen). Ob dieser Wandel der Instrumente und der potenziellen Quellen von Legitimation allerdings tats{\"a}chlich die Legitimit{\"a}t des Verwaltungshandelns ver{\"a}ndert, also zu einer Legitimit{\"a}tssteigerung f{\"u}hrt, wird teils skeptisch beurteilt und bedarf daher weiterer empirischer Untersuchung.}, language = {de} } @article{Kuhlmann2015, author = {Kuhlmann, Sabine}, title = {Verwaltung und Verwaltungsrefomen im internationalen Vergleich}, series = {Modernisierung des {\"o}ffentlichen Sektors / Sonderband ; 45}, journal = {Modernisierung des {\"o}ffentlichen Sektors / Sonderband ; 45}, editor = {D{\"o}hler, Marian and Franzke, Jochen and Wegrich, Kai}, publisher = {Nomos, Ed. sigma}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-8487-2062-0}, issn = {0945-1072}, pages = {109 -- 132}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Buschmann2015, author = {Buschmann, Jana}, title = {Dorf im Digital?}, series = {Musikforum : Musikleben im Diskurs}, journal = {Musikforum : Musikleben im Diskurs}, number = {2}, publisher = {Schott}, address = {Mainz}, issn = {0935-2562}, pages = {34 -- 35}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Klettke2015, author = {Klettke, Cornelia}, title = {Der Biss der Schlange und die Ironie des langen Augenblicks in der klassischen Moderne : Paul Val{\´e}ry, La Jeune Parque}, series = {Der lyrische Augenblick : eine Denkfigur der Romania (Mimesis ; 55)}, journal = {Der lyrische Augenblick : eine Denkfigur der Romania (Mimesis ; 55)}, editor = {Herold, Milan and Bernsen, Michael}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-035444-7}, pages = {285 -- 299}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{ThomasStadler2015, author = {Thomas, Linda and Stadler, Heike}, title = {Workflow zur Identifizierung von Publikationen f{\"u}r die Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichung}, series = {Bibliotheksdienst}, volume = {50}, journal = {Bibliotheksdienst}, number = {1}, publisher = {De Gruyter Saur}, address = {Berlin , Boston}, issn = {2194-9646}, doi = {10.1515/bd-2016-0006}, pages = {62 -- 68}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Verf{\"u}gbare Allianz- und Nationallizenzen k{\"o}nnen eine Open-Access-Komponente beinhalten. Diese r{\"a}umen den autorisierten Autoren oder Einrichtungen bestimmte Open-Access-Rechte zur Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichung ein. Vorhandene Lizenzrechte zur Realisierung des Gr{\"u}nen Weges k{\"o}nnen somit zuk{\"u}nftig verst{\"a}rkt genutzt werden. Dabei kann die Bibliothek eine aktive Rolle einnehmen. Pr{\"a}sentiert wird ein Workflow, der sich an der Checkliste f{\"u}r Repository-Manager orientiert. Sieben herausgearbeitete Schritte werden genannt und n{\"a}her erl{\"a}utert. An Beispielen wurde der Workflow getestet. Die Ergebnisse werden ebenfalls vorgestellt. Die Erweiterung des Workflows zur Identifizierung von Publikationen f{\"u}r die Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichung l{\"a}sst sich ggf. auch auf Creative-Commons-Lizenzen anwenden bzw. auf Zeitschriften, die keine Open-Access-Komponente haben.}, language = {de} } @article{Schoeps2015, author = {Schoeps, Julius H.}, title = {Had Hitler still managed to win at the End? Europe's Jews between Shoa Restructuring and new Dangers}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Religions- und Geistesgeschichte}, volume = {67}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Religions- und Geistesgeschichte}, number = {3-4}, publisher = {Brill}, address = {Leiden}, issn = {0044-3441}, pages = {244 -- 258}, year = {2015}, language = {de} }