@phdthesis{Hegener2024, author = {Hegener, Wolfgang}, title = {In the beginning was the scripture}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61882}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-618827}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {406}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Sigmund Freud, der Begr{\"u}nder der Psychoanalyse, hat sein intellektuelles Leben mit der J{\"u}dischen Bibel begonnen und es zugleich mit ihr auch beendet. Am Anfang stand die gemeinsame Lekt{\"u}re in der Philippson-Bibel vor allem mit seinem Vater Jacob Freud und am Ende seine Besch{\"a}ftigung mit der Figur des Mose. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht den Spuren dieser Besch{\"a}ftigung systematisch nach und zeigt, dass die J{\"u}dische Bibel f{\"u}r Freud ein konstanter Bezug war und seine j{\"u}dische Identit{\"a}t bestimmt hat. Dies wird anhand der Analyse von Familiendokumenten, des Religionsunterrichts sowie der Bezugnahme auf die Bibel in Freuds Schriften und Korrespondenzen gezeigt.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shaw2024, author = {Shaw, Vasundhara}, title = {Cosmic-ray transport and signatures in their local environment}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62019}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620198}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The origin and structure of magnetic fields in the Galaxy are largely unknown. What is known is that they are essential for several astrophysical processes, in particular the propagation of cosmic rays. Our ability to describe the propagation of cosmic rays through the Galaxy is severely limited by the lack of observational data needed to probe the structure of the Galactic magnetic field on many different length scales. This is particularly true for modelling the propagation of cosmic rays into the Galactic halo, where our knowledge of the magnetic field is particularly poor. In the last decade, observations of the Galactic halo in different frequency regimes have revealed the existence of out-of-plane bubble emission in the Galactic halo. In gamma rays these bubbles have been termed Fermi bubbles with a radial extent of ≈ 3 kpc and an azimuthal height of ≈ 6 kpc. The radio counterparts of the Fermi bubbles were seen by both the S-PASS telescopes and the Planck satellite, and showed a clear spatial overlap. The X-ray counterparts of the Fermi bubbles were named eROSITA bubbles after the eROSITA satellite, with a radial width of ≈ 7 kpc and an azimuthal height of ≈ 14 kpc. Taken together, these observations suggest the presence of large extended Galactic Halo Bubbles (GHB) and have stimulated interest in exploring the less explored Galactic halo. In this thesis, a new toy model (GHB model) for the magnetic field and non-thermal electron distribution in the Galactic halo has been proposed. The new toy model has been used to produce polarised synchrotron emission sky maps. Chi-square analysis was used to compare the synthetic skymaps with the Planck 30 GHz polarised skymaps. The obtained constraints on the strength and azimuthal height were found to be in agreement with the S-PASS radio observations. The upper, lower and best-fit values obtained from the above chi-squared analysis were used to generate three separate toy models. These three models were used to propagate ultra-high energy cosmic rays. This study was carried out for two potential sources, Centaurus A and NGC 253, to produce magnification maps and arrival direction skymaps. The simulated arrival direction skymaps were found to be consistent with the hotspots of Centaurus A and NGC 253 as seen in the observed arrival direction skymaps provided by the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO). The turbulent magnetic field component of the GHB model was also used to investigate the extragalactic dipole suppression seen by PAO. UHECRs with an extragalactic dipole were forward-tracked through the turbulent GHB model at different field strengths. The suppression in the dipole due to the varying diffusion coefficient from the simulations was noted. The results could also be compared with an analytical analogy of electrostatics. The simulations of the extragalactic dipole suppression were in agreement with similar studies carried out for galactic cosmic rays.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sun2024, author = {Sun, Bowen}, title = {Energy losses in low-offset organic solar cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62143}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-621430}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 190}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Organic solar cells (OSCs) represent a new generation of solar cells with a range of captivating attributes including low-cost, light-weight, aesthetically pleasing appearance, and flexibility. Different from traditional silicon solar cells, the photon-electron conversion in OSCs is usually accomplished in an active layer formed by blending two kinds of organic molecules (donor and acceptor) with different energy levels together. The first part of this thesis focuses on a better understanding of the role of the energetic offset and each recombination channel on the performance of these low-offset OSCs. By combining advanced experimental techniques with optical and electrical simulation, the energetic offsets between CT and excitons, several important insights were achieved: 1. The short circuit current density and fill-factor of low-offset systems are largely determined by field-dependent charge generation in such low-offset OSCs. Interestingly, it is strongly evident that such field-dependent charge generation originates from a field-dependent exciton dissociation yield. 2. The reduced energetic offset was found to be accompanied by strongly enhanced bimolecular recombination coefficient, which cannot be explained solely by exciton repopulation from CT states. This implies the existence of another dark decay channel apart from CT. The second focus of the thesis was on the technical perspective. In this thesis, the influence of optical artifacts in differential absorption spectroscopy upon the change of sample configuration and active layer thickness was studied. It is exemplified and discussed thoroughly and systematically in terms of optical simulations and experiments, how optical artifacts originated from non-uniform carrier profile and interference can manipulate not only the measured spectra, but also the decay dynamics in various measurement conditions. In the end of this study, a generalized methodology based on an inverse optical transfer matrix formalism was provided to correct the spectra and decay dynamics manipulated by optical artifacts. Overall, this thesis paves the way for a deeper understanding of the keys toward higher PCEs in low-offset OSC devices, from the perspectives of both device physics and characterization techniques.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2024, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Marj{\"a}nn Helena}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Evolution der 15-Lipoxygenase (ALOX15) bei S{\"a}ugetieren und funktionelle Charakterisierung von Knock-in-M{\"a}usen mit humanisierter Reaktionsspezifit{\"a}t der 15-Lipoxygenase-2 (Alox15b)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62034}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620340}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 280}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Arachidons{\"a}urelipoxygenasen (ALOX-Isoformen) sind Lipid-peroxidierenden Enzyme, die bei der Zelldifferenzierung und bei der Pathogenese verschiedener Erkrankungen bedeutsam sind. Im menschlichen Genom gibt es sechs funktionelle ALOX-Gene, die als Einzelkopiegene vorliegen. F{\"u}r jedes humane ALOX-Gen gibt es ein orthologes Mausgen. Obwohl sich die sechs humanen ALOX-Isoformen strukturell sehr {\"a}hnlich sind, unterscheiden sich ihre funktionellen Eigenschaften deutlich voneinander. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden vier unterschiedliche Fragestellungen zum Vorkommen, zur biologischen Rolle und zur Evolutionsabh{\"a}ngigkeit der enzymatischen Eigenschaften von S{\"a}ugetier-ALOX-Isoformen untersucht: 1) Spitzh{\"o}rnchen (Tupaiidae) sind evolution{\"a}r n{\"a}her mit dem Menschen verwandt als Nagetiere und wurden deshalb als Alternativmodelle f{\"u}r die Untersuchung menschlicher Erkrankungen vorgeschlagen. In dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals der Arachidons{\"a}urestoffwechsel von Spitzh{\"o}rnchen untersucht. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass im Genom von Tupaia belangeri vier unterschiedliche ALOX15-Gene vorkommen und die Enzyme sich hinsichtlich ihrer katalytischen Eigenschaften {\"a}hneln. Diese genomische Vielfalt, die weder beim Menschen noch bei M{\"a}usen vorhanden ist, erschwert die funktionellen Untersuchungen zur biologischen Rolle des ALOX15-Weges. Damit scheint Tupaia belangeri kein geeigneteres Tiermodel f{\"u}r die Untersuchung des ALOX15-Weges des Menschen zu sein. 2) Entsprechend der Evolutionshypothese k{\"o}nnen S{\"a}ugetier-ALOX15-Orthologe in Arachidons{\"a}ure-12-lipoxygenierende- und Arachidons{\"a}ure-15-lipoxygenierende Enzyme eingeteilt werden. Dabei exprimieren S{\"a}ugetierspezies, die einen h{\"o}heren Evolutionsgrad als Gibbons aufweisen, Arachidons{\"a}ure-15-lipoxygenierende ALOX15-Orthologe, w{\"a}hrend evolution{\"a}r weniger weit entwickelte S{\"a}ugetiere Arachidons{\"a}ure-12 lipoxygenierende Enzyme besitzen. In dieser Arbeit wurden elf neue ALOX15-Orthologe als rekombinante Proteine exprimiert und funktionell charakterisiert. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse f{\"u}gen sich widerspruchsfrei in die Evolutionshypothese ein und verbreitern deren experimentelle Basis. Die experimentellen Daten best{\"a}tigen auch das Triadenkonzept. 3) Da humane und murine ALOX15B-Orthologe unterschiedliche funktionelle Eigenschaften aufweisen, k{\"o}nnen Ergebnisse aus murinen Krankheitsmodellen zur biologischen Rolle der ALOX15B nicht direkt auf den Menschen {\"u}bertragen werden. Um die ALOX15B-Orthologen von Maus und Mensch funktionell einander anzugleichen, wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit Knock-in M{\"a}use durch die In vivo Mutagenese mittels CRISPR/Cas9-Technik hergestellt. Diese exprimieren eine humanisierte Mutante (Doppelmutation von Tyrosin603Asparagins{\"a}ure+Histidin604Valin) der murinen Alox15b. Diese M{\"a}use waren lebens- und fortpflanzungsf{\"a}hig, zeigten aber geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede zu ausgekreuzten Wildtyp-Kontrolltieren im Rahmen ihre Individualentwicklung. 4) In vorhergehenden Untersuchungen zur Rolle der ALOX15B in Rahmen der Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion wurde eine antiinflammatorische Wirkung des Enzyms postuliert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob eine Humanisierung der murinen Alox15b die Entz{\"u}ndungsreaktion in zwei verschiedenen murinen Entz{\"u}ndungsmodellen beeinflusst. Eine Humanisierung der murinen Alox15b f{\"u}hrte zu einer verst{\"a}rkten Ausbildung von Entz{\"u}ndungssymptomen im induzierten Dextran-Natrium-Sulfat-Kolitismodell. Im Gegensatz dazu bewirkte die Humanisierung der Alox15b eine Abschw{\"a}chung der Entz{\"u}ndungssymptome im Freund'schen Adjuvans Pfoten{\"o}demmodell. Diese Daten deuten darauf hin, dass sich die Rolle der ALOX15B in verschiedenen Entz{\"u}ndungsmodellen unterscheidet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Yildiz2023, author = {Yildiz, Tugba}, title = {Dissecting the role of the TusA protein for cell functionality and FtsZ ring assembly in Escherichia coli}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61713}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617135}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 171}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In this work, the role of the TusA protein was investigated for the cell functionality and FtsZ ring assembly in Escherichia coli. TusA is the tRNA-2-thiouridine synthase that acts as a sulfur transferase in tRNA thiolation for the formation of 2-thiouridine at the position 34 (wobble base) of tRNALys, tRNAGlu and tRNAGln. It binds the persulfide form of sulfur and transfers it to further proteins during mnm5s2U tRNA modification at wobble position and for Moco biosynthesis. With this thiomodification of tRNA, the ribosome binding is more efficient and frameshifting is averted during the protein translation. Previous studies have revealed an essential role of TusA in bacterial cell physiology since deletion of the tusA gene resulted in retarded growth and filamentous cells during the exponential growth phase in a rich medium which suddenly disappeared during the stationary phase. This indicates a problem in the cell division process. Therefore the focus of this work was to investigate the role of TusA for cell functionality and FtsZ ring formation and thus the cell separation. The reason behind the filamentous growth of the tusA mutant strain was investigated by growth and morphological analyses. ΔtusA cells showed a retarded growth during the exponential phase compared to the WT strain. Also, morphological analysis of ΔtusA cells confirmed the filamentous cell shape. The growth and cell division defects in ΔtusA indicated a defect in FtsZ protein as a key player of cell division. The microscopic investigation revealed that filamentous ΔtusA cells possessed multiple DNA parts arranged next to each other. This suggested that although the DNA replication occurred correctly, there was a defect in the step where FtsZ should act; probably FtsZ is unable to assemble to the ring structure or the assembled ring is not able to constrict. All tested mutant strains (ΔtusD, ΔtusE and ΔmnmA) involved in the mnm5s2U34 tRNA modification pathway shared the similar retarded growth and filamentous cell shape like ΔtusA strain. Thus, the cell division defect arises from a defect in mnm5s2U34 tRNA thiolation. Since the FtsZ ring formation was supposed to be defective in filaments, a possible intracellular interaction of TusA and FtsZ was examined by fluorescent (EGFP and mCherry) fusion proteins expression and FRET. FtsZ expressing tusA mutant (DE3) cells showed a red mCherry signal at the cell poles, indicating that FtsZ is still in the assembling phase. Interestingly, the cellular region of EGFP-TusA fusion protein expressed in ΔtusA (DE3) was conspicuous; the EGFP signal was spread throughout the whole cell and, in addition, a slight accumulation of the EGFP-TusA fluorescence was detectable at the cell poles, the same part of the cell as for mCherry-FtsZ. Thus, this strongly suggested an interaction of TusA and FtsZ. Furthermore, the cellular FtsZ and Fis concentrations, and their change during different growth phases were determined via immunoblotting. All tested deletion strains of mnm5s2U34 tRNA modification show high cellular FtsZ and Fis levels in the exponential phase, shifting to the later growth phases. This shift reflects the retarded growth, whereby the deletion strains reach later the exponential phase. Conclusively, the growth and cell division defect, and thus the formation of filaments, is most likely caused by changes in the cellular FtsZ and Fis concentrations. Finally, the translation efficiencies of certain proteins (RpoS, Fur, Fis and mFis) in tusA mutant and in additional gene deletion strains were studied whether they were affected by using unmodified U34 tRNAs of Lys, Glu and Gln. The translation efficiency is decreased in mnm5s2U34 tRNA modification-impaired strains in addition to their existing growth and cell division defect due to the elimination of these three amino acids. Finally, these results confirm and reinforce the importance of Lys, Glu and Gln and the mnm5s2U34 tRNA thiolation for efficient protein translation. Thus, these findings verify that the translation of fur, fis and rpoS is regulated by mnm5s2U34 tRNA modifications, which is growth phase-dependent. In total, this work showed the importance of the role of TusA for bacterial cell functionality and physiology. The deletion of the tusA gene disrupted a complex regulatory network within the cell, that most influenced by the decreased translation of Fis and RpoS, caused by the absence of mnm5s2U34 tRNA modifications. The disruption of RpoS and Fis cellular network influences in turn the cellular FtsZ level in the early exponential phase. Finally, the reduced FtsZ concentration leads to elongated, filamentous E. coli cells, which are unable to divide.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhou2024, author = {Zhou, Xiangqian}, title = {Modeling of spatially distributed nitrate transport to investigate the effects of drought and river restoration in the Bode catchment, Central Germany}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62105}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-621059}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 168}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) has identified river morphological alteration and diffuse pollution as the two main pressures affecting water bodies in Europe at the catchment scale. Consequently, river restoration has become a priority to achieve the WFD's objective of good ecological status. However, little is known about the effects of stream morphological changes, such as re-meandering, on in-stream nitrate retention at the river network scale. Therefore, catchment nitrate modeling is necessary to guide the implementation of spatially targeted and cost-effective mitigation measures. Meanwhile, Germany, like many other regions in central Europe, has experienced consecutive summer droughts from 2015-2018, resulting in significant changes in river nitrate concentrations in various catchments. However, the mechanistic exploration of catchment nitrate responses to changing weather conditions is still lacking. Firstly, a fully distributed, process-based catchment Nitrate model (mHM-Nitrate) was used, which was properly calibrated and comprehensively evaluated at numerous spatially distributed nitrate sampling locations. Three calibration schemes were designed, taking into account land use, stream order, and mean nitrate concentrations, and they varied in spatial coverage but used data from the same period (2011-2019). The model performance for discharge was similar among the three schemes, with Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) scores ranging from 0.88 to 0.92. However, for nitrate concentrations, scheme 2 outperformed schemes 1 and 3 when compared to observed data from eight gauging stations. This was likely because scheme 2 incorporated a diverse range of data, including low discharge values and nitrate concentrations, and thus provided a better representation of within-catchment heterogenous. Therefore, the study suggests that strategically selecting gauging stations that reflect the full range of within-catchment heterogeneity is more important for calibration than simply increasing the number of stations. Secondly, the mHM-Nitrate model was used to reveal the causal relations between sequential droughts and nitrate concentration in the Bode catchment (3200 km2) in central Germany, where stream nitrate concentrations exhibited contrasting trends from upstream to downstream reaches. The model was evaluated using data from six gauging stations, reflecting different levels of runoff components and their associated nitrate-mixing from upstream to downstream. Results indicated that the mHM-Nitrate model reproduced dynamics of daily discharge and nitrate concentration well, with Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency ≥ 0.73 for discharge and Kling-Gupta Efficiency ≥ 0.50 for nitrate concentration at most stations. Particularly, the spatially contrasting trends of nitrate concentration were successfully captured by the model. The decrease of nitrate concentration in the lowland area in drought years (2015-2018) was presumably due to (1) limited terrestrial export loading (ca. 40\% lower than that of normal years 2004-2014), and (2) increased in-stream retention efficiency (20\% higher in summer within the whole river network). From a mechanistic modelling perspective, this study provided insights into spatially heterogeneous flow and nitrate dynamics and effects of sequential droughts, which shed light on water-quality responses to future climate change, as droughts are projected to be more frequent. Thirdly, this study investigated the effects of stream restoration via re-meandering on in-stream nitrate retention at network-scale in the well-monitored Bode catchment. The mHM-Nitrate model showed good performance in reproducing daily discharge and nitrate concentrations, with median Kling-Gupta values of 0.78 and 0.74, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of gross nitrate retention efficiency, which accounted for both denitrification and assimilatory uptake, were 5.1 ± 0.61\% and 74.7 ± 23.2\% in winter and summer, respectively, within the stream network. The study found that in the summer, denitrification rates were about two times higher in lowland sub-catchments dominated by agricultural lands than in mountainous sub-catchments dominated by forested areas, with median ± SD of 204 ± 22.6 and 102 ± 22.1 mg N m-2 d-1, respectively. Similarly, assimilatory uptake rates were approximately five times higher in streams surrounded by lowland agricultural areas than in those in higher-elevation, forested areas, with median ± SD of 200 ± 27.1 and 39.1 ± 8.7 mg N m-2 d-1, respectively. Therefore, restoration strategies targeting lowland agricultural areas may have greater potential for increasing nitrate retention. The study also found that restoring stream sinuosity could increase net nitrate retention efficiency by up to 25.4 ± 5.3\%, with greater effects seen in small streams. These results suggest that restoration efforts should consider augmenting stream sinuosity to increase nitrate retention and decrease nitrate concentrations at the catchment scale.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Li2024, author = {Li, Yunfei}, title = {On the influence of density and morphology on the Urban Heat Island intensity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62150}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-621504}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 119}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The urban heat island (UHI) effect, describing an elevated temperature of urban areas compared with their natural surroundings, can expose urban dwellers to additional heat stress, especially during hot summer days. A comprehensive understanding of the UHI dynamics along with urbanization is of great importance to efficient heat stress mitigation strategies towards sustainable urban development. This is, however, still challenging due to the difficulties of isolating the influences of various contributing factors that interact with each other. In this work, I present a systematical and quantitative analysis of how urban intrinsic properties (e.g., urban size, density, and morphology) influence UHI intensity. To this end, we innovatively combine urban growth modelling and urban climate simulation to separate the influence of urban intrinsic factors from that of background climate, so as to focus on the impact of urbanization on the UHI effect. The urban climate model can create a laboratory environment which makes it possible to conduct controlled experiments to separate the influences from different driving factors, while the urban growth model provides detailed 3D structures that can be then parameterized into different urban development scenarios tailored for these experiments. The novelty in the methodology and experiment design leads to the following achievements of our work. First, we develop a stochastic gravitational urban growth model that can generate 3D structures varying in size, morphology, compactness, and density gradient. We compare various characteristics, like fractal dimensions (box-counting, area-perimeter scaling, area-population scaling, etc.), and radial gradient profiles of land use share and population density, against those of real-world cities from empirical studies. The model shows the capability of creating 3D structures resembling real-world cities. This model can generate 3D structure samples for controlled experiments to assess the influence of some urban intrinsic properties in question. [Chapter 2] With the generated 3D structures, we run several series of simulations with urban structures varying in properties like size, density and morphology, under the same weather conditions. Analyzing how the 2m air temperature based canopy layer urban heat island (CUHI) intensity varies in response to the changes of the considered urban factors, we find the CUHI intensity of a city is directly related to the built-up density and an amplifying effect that urban sites have on each other. We propose a Gravitational Urban Morphology (GUM) indicator to capture the neighbourhood warming effect. We build a regression model to estimate the CUHI intensity based on urban size, urban gross building volume, and the GUM indicator. Taking the Berlin area as an example, we show the regression model capable of predicting the CUHI intensity under various urban development scenarios. [Chapter 3] Based on the multi-annual average summer surface urban heat island (SUHI) intensity derived from Land surface temperature, we further study how urban intrinsic factors influence the SUHI effect of the 5,000 largest urban clusters in Europe. We find a similar 3D GUM indicator to be an effective predictor of the SUHI intensity of these European cities. Together with other urban factors (vegetation condition, elevation, water coverage), we build different multivariate linear regression models and a climate space based Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model that can better predict SUHI intensity. By investigating the roles background climate factors play in modulating the coefficients of the GWR model, we extend the multivariate linear model to a nonlinear one by integrating some climate parameters, such as the average of daily maximal temperature and latitude. This makes it applicable across a range of background climates. The nonlinear model outperforms linear models in SUHI assessment as it captures the interaction of urban factors and the background climate. [Chapter 4] Our work reiterates the essential roles of urban density and morphology in shaping the urban thermal environment. In contrast to many previous studies that link bigger cities with higher UHI intensity, we show that cities larger in the area do not necessarily experience a stronger UHI effect. In addition, the results extend our knowledge by demonstrating the influence of urban 3D morphology on the UHI effect. This underlines the importance of inspecting cities as a whole from the 3D perspective. While urban 3D morphology is an aggregated feature of small-scale urban elements, the influence it has on the city-scale UHI intensity cannot simply be scaled up from that of its neighbourhood-scale components. The spatial composition and configuration of urban elements both need to be captured when quantifying urban 3D morphology as nearby neighbourhoods also cast influences on each other. Our model serves as a useful UHI assessment tool for the quantitative comparison of urban intervention/development scenarios. It can support harnessing the capacity of UHI mitigation through optimizing urban morphology, with the potential of integrating climate change into heat mitigation strategies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bastian2023, author = {Bastian, Martin}, title = {An emergent machine learning approach for seasonal cyclone activity forecasts}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {135}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Seasonal forecasts are of great interest in many areas. Knowing the amount of precipitation for the upcoming season in regions of water scarcity would facilitate a better water management. If farmers knew the weather conditions of the upcoming summer at sowing time, they could select those cereal species that are best adapted to these conditions. This would allow farmers to improve the harvest and potentially even reduce the amount of pesticides used. However, the undoubted advantages of seasonal forecasts are often opposed by their high degree of uncertainty. The great challenge of generating seasonal forecasts with lead times of several months mainly originates from the chaotic nature of the earth system. In a chaotic system, even tiny differences in the initial conditions can lead to strong deviations in the system's state in the long run. In this dissertation we propose an emergent machine learning approach for seasonal forecasting, called the AnlgModel. The AnlgModel combines the analogue method with myopic feature selection and bootstrapping. To benchmark the abilities of the AnlgModel we apply it to seasonal cyclone activity forecasts in the North Atlantic and Northwest Pacific. The AnlgModel demonstrates competitive hindcast skills with two operational forecasts and even outperforms these for long lead times. In the second chapter we comprehend the forecasting strategy of the Anlg-Model. We thereby analyse the analogue selection process for the 2017 North Atlantic and the 2018 Northwest Pacific seasonal cyclone activity. The analysis shows that those climate indices which are known to influence the seasonal cyclone activity, such as the Ni{\~n}o 3.4 SST, are correctly represented among the selected analogues. Furthermore the selected analogues reflect large-scale climate patterns that were identified by expert reports as being determinative for these particular seasons. In the third chapter we analyse the features that are used by the AnlgModel for its predictions. We therefore inspect the feature relevance (FR). The FR patterns learned by the AnlgModel show a high congruence with the predictor regions used by the operational forecasts. However, the AnlgModel also discovered new features, such as the SST anomaly in the Gulf of Guinea during November. This SST pattern exhibits a remarkably high predictive potential for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane activity. In the final chapter we investigate potential mechanisms, that link two of these regions with high feature relevance to the Atlantic hurricane activity. We mainly focus on ocean surface transport. The ocean surface flow paths are calculated using Lagrangian particle analysis. We demonstrate that the FR patterns in the region of the Canary islands do not correspond with ocean surface transport. It is instead likely that these FR patterns fingerprint a wind transport of latent heat. The second region to be studied is situated in the Gulf of Guinea. Our analysis shows that the FR patterns seen there do fingerprint ocean surface transport. However, our simulations also show that at least one other mechanism is involved in linking the Gulf of Guinea SST anomaly in November to the hurricane activity of the upcoming season. In this work the AnlgModel does not only demonstrate its outstanding forecast skills but also shows its capabilities as research tool for detecting oceanic and atmospheric mechanisms.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pankaj2023, author = {Pankaj, Rishabh}, title = {Epigenetic reprogramming of seed development}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {182}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The development of seeds in angiosperms starts with a complex process of double fertilization, involving the fusion of the maternal egg cell and central cell with two paternal sperm cells. This gives rise to the embryo and the nourishing endosperm, which are then enclosed by the seed coat, derived from the maternal integuments. The growth of the seed coat in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) is actively inhibited before fertilization by epigenetic regulators known as Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins. These proteins deposit a repressive histone mark called H3K27me3, which must be removed to enable seed coat formation. In this thesis, I explored the mechanism of removal of H3K27me3 marks from the integument cells following fertilization, which allows for seed coat formation. We hypothesized that this removal should be primarily facilitated by histone demethylases from the JMJ family and potentially influenced by the plant hormones Brassinosteroids (BRs). This hypothesis was supported by the expression patterns of the JMJ protein REF6 and of BR related genes, which are specifically expressed in the integuments and in the seed coat. Moreover, mutations in both these pathways lead to developmental defects, such as reduced ovule viability and delayed seed coat growth. Our research provides evidence suggesting that BR signalling is likely involved in recruiting JMJ-type histone demethylases to target loci responsible for seed coat growth. Moreover, we have discovered an additional pathway through which BRs regulate seed coat development, independent of their influence on H3K27me3 marks. This finding emphasizes the diverse roles of BRs in coordinating seed development, extending beyond their well-known involvement in plant growth and development. Furthermore, I explored the role of another epigenetic mark, DNA methylation, in fertilization-independent (or autonomous) seed formation in Arabidopsis. For this, we utilized epigenetic Recombinant Inbred Lines (epiRILs) and thus identified an epigenetic Quantitative Trait Locus (epiQTL) on chromosome II, potentially responsible for the larger autonomous seed size observed in DNA methylation mutants. Overall, this thesis significantly enhances our comprehension of the intricate relationship between epigenetic modifications, hormonal signaling, and plant reproductive processes. It offers valuable insights into the genetic mechanisms governing both sexual and asexual seed formation, while also presenting potential avenues for the engineer of advantageous traits in agricultural crops.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Halbruegge2024, author = {Halbr{\"u}gge, Lena}, title = {Von der Curricularen Innovation zur Wissenschaftskommunikation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62035}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620357}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {226}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Im Rahmen einer explorativen Entwicklung wurde in der vorliegenden Studie ein Konzept zur Wissenschaftskommunikation f{\"u}r ein Graduiertenkolleg, in dem an photochemischen Prozessen geforscht wird, erstellt und anschließend evaluiert. Der Grund daf{\"u}r ist die immer st{\"a}rker wachsende Forderung nach Wissenschaftskommunikation seitens der Politik. Es wird dar{\"u}ber hinaus gefordert, dass die Kommunikation der eigenen Forschung in Zukunft integrativer Bestandteil des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens wird. Um junge Wissenschaftler bereits fr{\"u}hzeitig auf diese Aufgabe vorzubereiten, wird Wissenschaftskommunikation auch in Forschungsverb{\"u}nden realisiert. Aus diesem Grund wurde in einer Vorstudie untersucht, welche Anforderungen an ein Konzept zur Wissenschaftskommunikation im Rahmen eines Forschungsverbundes gestellt werden, indem die Einstellung der Doktoranden zur Wissenschaftskommunikation sowie ihre Kommunikationsf{\"a}higkeiten anhand eines geschlossenen Fragebogens evaluiert wurden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden aus den Daten Wissenschaftskommunikationstypen abgeleitet. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse wurden unterschiedliche Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen entwickelt, die sich in der Konzeption, den Rezipienten, sowie der Form der Kommunikation und den Inhalten unterscheiden. Im Rahmen dieser Entwicklung wurde eine Lerneinheit mit Bezug auf die Inhalte des Graduiertenkollegs, bestehend aus einem Lehr-Lern-Experiment und den dazugeh{\"o}rigen Begleitmaterialien, konzipiert. Anschließend wurde die Lerneinheit in eine der Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen integriert. Je nach Anforderung an die Doktoranden, wurden die Maßnahmen durch vorbereitende Workshops erg{\"a}nzt. Durch einen halboffenen Pre-Post-Fragebogen wurde der Einfluss der Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen und der dazugeh{\"o}rigen Workshops auf die Selbstwirksamkeit der Doktoranden evaluiert, um R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse darauf zu ziehen, wie sich die Wahrnehmung der eigenen Kommunikationsf{\"a}higkeiten durch die Interventionen ver{\"a}ndert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die einzelnen Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen die verschiedenen Typen in unterschiedlicher Weise beeinflussen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass es abh{\"a}ngig von der eigenen Einsch{\"a}tzung der Kommunikationsf{\"a}higkeit unterschiedliche Bed{\"u}rfnisse der F{\"o}rderung gibt, die durch dedizierte Wissenschaftskommunikationsmaßnahmen ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden k{\"o}nnen. Auf dieser Grundlage werden erste Ans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r eine allgemeing{\"u}ltige Strategie vorgeschlagen, die die individuellen F{\"a}higkeiten zur Wissenschaftskommunikation in einem naturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsverbund f{\"o}rdert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{BastosLima2023, author = {Bastos Lima, Rita}, title = {Seed coat-derived brassnosteroids non-cell autonomously regulate endosperm development}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {157}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herold2023, author = {Herold, Fabian}, title = {Kraft und Kognition}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61118}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-611181}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {187}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die in den letzten Jahren aus Querschnittstudien gewonnenen empirischen Erkenntnisse deuten auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen muskul{\"a}rer Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit und kognitiver Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit hin [10]. Diese Beobachtung wird von L{\"a}ngsschnittstudien gest{\"u}tzt, bei denen in Folge gezielter Krafttrainingsinterventionen, welche typischerweise zur Steigerung der muskul{\"a}ren Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit f{\"u}hren, Verbesserungen der kognitiven Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit dokumentiert werden konnten [11]. Die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen, die den Zusammenhang zwischen muskul{\"a}rer Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit und kognitiver Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit begr{\"u}nden, sind jedoch noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig bekannt und bed{\"u}rfen weiterer Forschung [10,12]. Vor diesem Hintergrund hatten die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation durchgef{\"u}hrten Forschungsarbeiten das {\"u}bergeordnete Ziel, die Mechanismen zu untersuchen, welche den Zusammenhang zwischen der muskul{\"a}ren Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit und der kognitiven Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit erkl{\"a}ren k{\"o}nnen. In dieser Arbeit wurden dazu unterschiedliche Populationen (junge Menschen und {\"a}ltere Menschen ohne und mit leichten kognitiven St{\"o}rungen) unter Anwendung verschiedener untersuchungsmethodischer Ans{\"a}tze (systematische Literaturrecherche, Doppelaufgabenparadigma und funktionelle Nahinfrarotspektroskopie) untersucht. Aufgrund der im Rahmen dieser Dissertation durchgef{\"u}hrten Forschungsarbeiten, die konsekutiv aufeinander aufbauen, konnten folgende Haupterkenntnisse gewonnen werden: • Um einen umfassenden {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die aktuelle Evidenzlage zum Thema Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit und kognitiver Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit sowie den zugrundeliegenden neuronalen Korrelaten zu erlangen, wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche zu diesem Forschungsthema durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Ergebnisse dieser systematischen Literaturrecherche dokumentieren, dass ein gezieltes Krafttraining neben der Steigerung der kognitiven Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit zu funktionellen und strukturellen Ver{\"a}nderungen des Gehirns, insbesondere in frontalen Gehirnregionen, f{\"u}hren kann [13]. Ferner zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser systematischen Literaturrecherche, bei der eine begrenzte Anzahl verf{\"u}gbarer Studien (n = 18) identifiziert wurde, den Bedarf weiterer Forschungsarbeiten zu diesem Themenfeld an [13]. • Zur {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung der Hypothese, dass zur Ausf{\"u}hrung von Krafttrainings{\"u}bungen h{\"o}here kognitive Prozesse ben{\"o}tigt werden, wurde in einer experimentellen Studie bei j{\"u}ngeren gesunden Erwachsenen das Doppelaufgabenparadigma bei der Krafttrainings{\"u}bung Knie-beuge angewendet. Die in dieser Studie beobachteten Doppelaufgabenkosten bei der Ausf{\"u}hrung der Krafttrainings{\"u}bung Kniebeuge (im Vergleich zur Kontrollbedingung Stehen) deuten auf die Beteiligung h{\"o}herer kognitiver Prozesse zur L{\"o}sung dieser Bewegungsaufgabe hin und best{\"a}tigen die aufgestellte Hypothese [14]. • Um die Hypothese zu untersuchen, dass spezifische neuronale Korrelate (funktionelle Gehirnaktivit{\"a}t) den Zusammenhang zwischen muskul{\"a}rer Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit und kognitiver Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit vermitteln, wurde bei jungen gesunden Erwachsenen der Zusammenhang zwischen der Auspr{\"a}gung der maximalen Handgriffkraft (normalisiert auf den Body-Mass-Index) und der kortikalen h{\"a}modynamischen Antwortreaktion untersucht, die bei der Durchf{\"u}hrung eines standardisierten kognitiven Tests mittels funktioneller Nahinfrarotspektroskopie in pr{\"a}frontalen Gehirnarealen gemessen wurde. Im Rahmen dieser Querschnittsstudie konnte die initiale Hypothese nicht vollst{\"a}ndig best{\"a}tigt werden, da zwar Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen maximaler Handgriffkraft und kognitiver Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit mit Parametern der h{\"a}modynamischen Antwortreaktion beobachtet wurden, aber die Auspr{\"a}gung der maximalen Handgriffkraft nicht im Zusammenhang mit der Kurzeitged{\"a}chtnisleistung stand [16]. • Zur Untersuchung der Annahme, dass eine vorliegende neurologische Erkrankung (im Speziellen eine leichte kognitive St{\"o}rung), die typischerweise mit Ver{\"a}nderungen von spezifischen neuronalen Korrelaten (z.B. des Hippokampus' [17-19] und des pr{\"a}frontalen Kortex' [20,21]) einhergeht, einen Einfluss auf die Assoziation zwischen muskul{\"a}rer Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit und kognitiver Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit hat, wurde in einer Querschnittsstudie der Zusammenhang zwischen der Auspr{\"a}gung der maximalen Handgriffkraft (normalisiert auf den Body-Mass-Index) und der Auspr{\"a}gung der exekutiven Funktionen bei {\"a}lteren Erwachsenen mit amnestischem und nicht-amnestischem Subtyp der leichten kognitiven St{\"o}rung sowie gesunden {\"a}lteren Erwachsenen untersucht. In dieser Querschnittsstudie wurde nur bei {\"a}lteren Erwachsenen mit dem amnestischen Subtyp der leichten kognitiven St{\"o}rung ein Zusammenhang zwischen maximaler Handgriffkraft und exekutiven Funktionen beobachtet. Solch eine Korrelation existiert jedoch nicht bei {\"a}lteren Erwachsenen mit dem non-amnestischen Subtyp der leichten kognitiven St{\"o}rung oder bei gesunden {\"a}lteren Erwachsenen [24]. • In einem Perspektivenartikel wurde aufgezeigt, wie durch die theoriegeleitete Nutzung physiologischer Effekte, die bei einer speziellen Krafttrainingsmethode durch die Moderation des peripheren Blutflusses mittels Manschetten oder B{\"a}ndern auftreten, insbesondere Populationen mit niedriger mechanischer Belastbarkeit von den positiven Effekten des Krafttrainings auf die Gehirngesundheit profitieren k{\"o}nnten [25]. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse der in dieser Dissertation zusammengef{\"u}hrten und aufeinander aufbauenden Forschungsarbeiten auf das Vorhandensein von gemeinsamen neuronalen Korrelaten (z.B. frontaler Kortex) hin, die sowohl f{\"u}r die muskul{\"a}re Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit als auch f{\"u}r h{\"o}here kognitive Prozesse eine wichtige Rolle spielen [26]. Betrachtet man die in der vorliegenden Dissertation gewonnenen Erkenntnisse im Verbund mit den bereits in der Literatur existieren-den empirischen Belegen, unterst{\"u}tzen sie die Sichtweise, dass eine relativ hohe muskul{\"a}re Kraftleistungsf{\"a}higkeit und deren Erhalt durch gezielte Krafttrainingsinterventionen {\"u}ber die Lebenspanne positive Effekte auf die (Gehirn-)Gesundheit haben k{\"o}nnen [27].}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Behrmann2024, author = {Behrmann, Helga}, title = {Digital Fashion}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62026}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620269}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {309}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das virtuelle Kleid als mediale und soziokulturelle Alltagserscheinung der Gegenwart bildet den Gegenstand der vorliegenden interdisziplin{\"a}ren Unter-suchung. An der Schnittstelle zwischen Menschen, Medien und Mode ist das virtuelle Kleid an unrealen Orten und in synthetischen Situationen ausschließlich auf einem Screen erfahrbar. In diesem Dispositiv lassen sich K{\"o}rperkonzepte, Darstellungskonventionen, soziale Handlungsmuster und Kommunikations-strategien ausmachen, die zwar auf einer radikalen Abl{\"o}sung vom textilen Material beruhen, aber dennoch nicht ohne sehr konkrete Verweise auf das textile Material auskommen. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu neuen Ans{\"a}tzen der Auseinandersetzung mit Kleidern, die nun als Visualisierung geb{\"u}ndelter Datenpakete zu betrachten sind. Die dynamische Entwicklung neuer Erscheinungsformen und deren nahtlose Einbindung in traditionelle Gesch{\"a}ftsmodelle und bestehende Modekonzepte macht eine Positionsbestimmung notwendig, insbesondere im Hinblick auf gegenw{\"a}rtige Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurse um immaterielle Produkte. F{\"u}r diese Studie liefern die hinter den Bildern liegenden Prozesse der {\"o}konomischen Ausrichtung, der Herstellung, der Verwendung und der Rezeption den methodologischen Zugang f{\"u}r die Analyse. Mithilfe eines typologisierenden Instrumentariums wird aus der Vielzahl und Vielfalt der Darstellungen ein Set an forschungsleitenden Beispielen zusammengestellt, welche dann in einer mehrstufigen Kontextanalyse zu einer begrifflichen Fassung des virtuellen Kleides sowie zu f{\"u}nf Kontexteinheiten f{\"u}hren. Am Beispiel des virtuellen Kleides zeichnet diese Untersuchung den technischen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Wandel nach und arbeitet seine Bedeutung f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Modeentwicklungen heraus. Damit leistet die Untersuchung einen Beitrag zur medien- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Modeforschung der Gegenwart.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{LauerDuenkelberg2023, author = {Lauer-D{\"u}nkelberg, Gregor}, title = {Extensional deformation and landscape evolution of the Central Andean Plateau}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61759}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617593}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 195}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Mountain ranges can fundamentally influence the physical and and chemical processes that shape Earths' surface. With elevations of up to several kilometers they create climatic enclaves by interacting with atmospheric circulation and hydrologic systems, thus leading to a specific distribution of flora and fauna. As a result, the interiors of many Cenozoic mountain ranges are characterized by an arid climate, internally drained and sediment-filled basins, as well as unique ecosystems that are isolated from the adjacent humid, low-elevation regions along their flanks and forelands. These high-altitude interiors of orogens are often characterized by low relief and coalesced sedimentary basins, commonly referred to as plateaus, tectono-geomorphic entities that result from the complex interactions between mantle-driven geological and tectonic conditions and superposed atmospheric and hydrological processes. The efficiency of these processes and the fate of orogenic plateaus is therefore closely tied to the balance of constructive and destructive processes - tectonic uplift and erosion, respectively. In numerous geological studies it has been shown that mountain ranges are delicate systems that can be obliterated by an imbalance of these underlying forces. As such, Cenozoic mountain ranges might not persist on long geological timescales and will be destroyed by erosion or tectonic collapse. Advancing headward erosion of river systems that drain the flanks of the orogen may ultimately sever the internal drainage conditions and the maintenance of storage of sediments within the plateau, leading to destruction of plateau morphology and connectivity with the foreland. Orogenic collapse may be associated with the changeover from a compressional stress field with regional shortening and topographic growth, to a tensional stress field with regional extensional deformation and ensuing incision of the plateau. While the latter case is well-expressed by active extensional faults in the interior parts of the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya, for example, the former has been attributed to have breached the internally drained areas of the high-elevation sectors of the Iranian Plateau. In the case of the Andes of South America and their internally drained Altiplano-Puna Plateau, signs of both processes have been previously described. However, in the orogenic collapse scenario the nature of the extensional structures had been primarily investigated in the northern and southern terminations of the plateau; in some cases, the extensional faults were even regarded to be inactive. After a shallow earthquake in 2020 within the Eastern Cordillera of Argentina that was associated with extensional deformation, the state of active deformation and the character of the stress field in the central parts of the plateau received renewed interest to explain a series of extensional structures in the northernmost sectors of the plateau in north-western Argentina. This study addresses (1) the issue of tectonic orogenic collapse of the Andes and the destruction of plateau morphology by studying the fill and erosion history of the central eastern Andean Plateau using sedimentological and geochronological data and (2) the kinematics, timing and magnitude of extensional structures that form well-expressed fault scarps in sediments of the regional San Juan del Oro surface, which is an integral part of the Andean Plateau and adjacent morphotectonic provinces to the east. Importantly, sediment properties and depositional ages document that the San Juan del Oro Surface was not part of the internally-drained Andean Plateau, but rather associated with a foreland-directed drainage system, which was modified by the Andean orogeny and that became successively incorporated into the orogen by the eastward-migration of the Andean deformation front during late Miocene - Pliocene time. Structural and geomorphic observations within the plateau indicate that extensional processes must have been repeatedly active between the late Miocene and Holocene supporting the notion of plateau-wide extensional processes, potentially associated with Mw ~ 7 earthquakes. The close relationship between extensional joints and fault orientations underscores that 3 was oriented horizontally in NW-SE direction and 1 was vertical. This unambiguously documents that the observed deformation is related to gravitational forces that drive the orogenic collapse of the plateau. Applied geochronological analyses suggest that normal faulting in the northern Puna was active at about 3 Ma, based on paired cosmogenic nuclide dating of sediment fill units. Possibly due to regional normal faulting the drainage system within the plateau was modified, promoting fluvial incision.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Richter2021, author = {Richter, Enrico Christian}, title = {Das letzte Kapitel des deutschen Zionismus}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61575}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-615756}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {447}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Geschichtsschreibung terminiert das Ende des deutschen Zionismus bisher mit dem NS-Verbot der Zionistischen Vereinigung f{\"u}r Deutschland im Zuge des Novemberpogroms 1938. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte er aber von seinem geographischen Kontext entgrenzt, in Erez Israel bereits neue Wurzeln geschlagen. Zionisten aus Deutschland schickten sich nun an, mit ihrem spezifischen Erfahrungshorizont und Wertemaßstab und mitgebrachtem ideologischen R{\"u}stzeug die Entwicklung des j{\"u}dischen Nationalheims mitzugestalten und einer umfassenden {\"o}konomischen, kulturellen und politischen Akkulturation der deutschen Alijah den Weg zu bahnen. Entgegen aller zionistischen Theorie gr{\"u}ndeten sie auf landsmannschaftlicher Basis im Jahr 1932 die Selbsthilfeorganisation Hitachduth Olej Germania und w{\"a}hrend des Weltkrieges die Partei Alija Chadascha. Die Dissertation beinhaltet die Gesamtschau des deutschen Zionismus in seiner letzten Phase in den Jahren 1932 bis 1948; zugleich beleuchtet sie die Geschichte der etwa 60.000 in Pal{\"a}stina eingewanderten Juden aus Deutschland in der f{\"u}r diese Abhandlung relevanten Zeitperiode. Im ersten Teil wird in chronologischer Folge die 1932 beginnende letztmalige Sammlung und Neuformierung des deutschen Zionismus in seiner neu-alten Heimat dargestellt. Wenn man so will, die formativen Jahre im personellen, organisatorischen und ideologisch-politischen Sinne, die schließlich nach dem fast g{\"a}nzlichen Scheitern der politischen Integration der deutschen Alijah mit der - in der R{\"u}ckschau - fast zwangsl{\"a}ufig erscheinenden Begr{\"u}ndung der Alija Chadascha ihren Abschluss fanden. Im zweiten Teil werden die Positionen der deutschen Zionisten zu den existenziellen Fragen der j{\"u}dischen Gemeinschaft in Pal{\"a}stina, hebr{\"a}isch Jischuw genannt, in der im Fokus stehenden Zeitperiode dargestellt. Im Einzelnen handelt es sich erstens um die Einwanderungsfrage, die untrennbar verbunden war mit der in der zionistischen Theorie unabdingbaren Forderung nach der Erlangung einer j{\"u}dischen Majorit{\"a}t in Pal{\"a}stina; zweitens um die der staatlichen Ausgestaltung des zuk{\"u}nftigen j{\"u}dischen Gemeinwesens und drittens um die Frage der ad{\"a}quaten Reaktion des Jischuw auf die Schoah. In diese jeweils in separaten Kapiteln behandelten Themenkomplexe wird die Frage nach dem anzustrebenden Verh{\"a}ltnis zur britischen Mandatsmacht mit einfließen. Hieran mussten die deutschen Zionisten ihr mitgebrachtes geistig-ideologisches R{\"u}stzeug einem Praxistest unterziehen und nach realpolitischen Antworten suchen. Dem kometenhaften Aufstieg der weiterhin landsmannschaftlich gepr{\"a}gten Alija Chadascha folgte dann in den ersten Nachkriegsjahren ein ebenso rapider Zerfall. Einige Monate nach der Staatsgr{\"u}ndung Israels l{\"o}ste sie sich dann sang- und klanglos auf und das Gros ihrer Aktivisten integrierte sich in das Parteiengef{\"u}ge des neuen Staates. Der deutsche Zionismus als politische Bewegung kam nun wirklich an sein Ende. Diese Abhandlung wird somit zum einen den Kampf der deutschen Alijah um gesellschaftliche Anerkennung und politische Partizipation im Jischuw nachzeichnen und zum anderen eine geistig-ideologische Verortung des deutschen Zionismus in seiner letzten Phase vollziehen und Tendenzen der ideologischen Neuausrichtung offenlegen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden in der Historiographie vorhandene Allgemeinpl{\"a}tze wie die fast allseits anerkannte These vom Scheitern der deutschen Zionisten in der neuen Heimat einer {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung unterzogen. Die letzte vorhandene Leerstelle im wissenschaftlichen Kanon zur mehr als 50-j{\"a}hrigen Geschichte des deutschen Zionismus wird somit geschlossen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Sureshkumar2023, author = {Sureshkumar, Priyavathi}, title = {Erweiterung der zellbasierten Calcium-Imaging-Methode im eukaryotischen zellfreien Proteinsynthese-System f{\"u}r die transient-receptor-potential (TRP) - Ionenkan{\"a}le}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61987}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-619872}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 110}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Fluoreszenz-Calcium-Imaging-Methode wird auch heute noch als g{\"a}ngige Methode verwendet, vor allem wegen der geringeren Kosten f{\"u}r das Wirkstoffscreening in der pharmazeutischen Forschung, wobei Ionenkan{\"a}le sowie einige der G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren (GPCRs) die Mehrzahl der Wirkstoffziele ansprechen. Die zellfreie Synthese eukaryotischer Proteine hat nicht die Nachteile, die bei der {\"U}berexpression dieser ionenpermeablen Proteine in Zellen auftreten k{\"o}nnen, wie z. B. Zelltoxizit{\"a}t, geringere Proteinexpression und die Beseitigung der exprimierten Proteine aufgrund ver{\"a}nderter Dom{\"a}nen sowie die zeitaufw{\"a}ndige Pflege von Zelllinien. Die Synthese von Ionenkan{\"a}len in zellfreien Proteinsyntheseplattformen f{\"u}r das k{\"u}nftige Wirkstoffscreening ist noch in der Grundlagenforschung. Obwohl die Fluoreszenz-Calcium-Imaging-Methode in zellbasierten Assays weit verbreitet ist, wurde diese Methode bisher noch nicht in zellfreien Proteinexpressionssystemen verwendet. Insgesamt ist die neue Anwendung der Calcium-Imaging-Methode in eukaryontischen zellfreien Systemen eine Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die schnelle pharmakologische Analyse von Wirkstoffen. Das erste Ziel dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit bestand darin, die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Calcium-Imaging-Methode zur Untersuchung von Ionenkan{\"a}len in zellbasierten Systemen zu untersuchen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden zwei Tumorzelllinien des Auges verwendet, und zwar benigne Pterygiumzellen und maligne Aderhautmelanom 92.1 Zellen. In diesen Studien wurde die Interaktion zwischen den nativ {\"u}berexprimierten transient-receptor-potential-Ionenkan{\"a}len (TRPs) wie TRP Vanilliod 1 (TRPV1) (Capsaicinrezeptor) und TRP Melastatin 8 (TRPM8) (Mentholrezeptor) in diesen Tumorzellen nach Zugabe von verschiedenen Medikamenten und Hormonen untersucht. Das zweite Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Calcium-Mechanismus von GPCRs in den Zellen zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde Mas, ein GPCR und Angiotensin (1-7) -Hormonrezeptor, aus dem renin-angiotensin-aldosteron-system (RAAS) in der Human Embryonic Kidney-293 (HEK293) Zelllinie {\"u}berexprimiert. In dieser Studie wurden insbesondere die Aktivierung klassischer GPCR-Signalwege wie Phospholipase C und Proteinkinase C durch Angiotensin-(1-7) {\"u}ber Mas und die Beteiligung von TRP-Kan{\"a}len nachgewiesen. Die zellbasierte-Calcium-Imaging-Methode f{\"u}r chemische Calcium-Indikatoren ließ sich aufgrund der Anwesenheit einer großen Menge cytosolischer Carboxylesterasen gut anwenden. Carboxylesterase ist das wichtigste Enzym in der Calcium Imaging Methode, das die Verarbeitung chemischen Calcium-Farbstoffe behandelt. Dieses Enzym fehlt jedoch in Mikrosomen, die als Basismembran f{\"u}r die Integration synthetisierter Ionenkan{\"a}le in eukaryontischen zellfreien Systemen verwendet werden. Das dritte Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit war die Umsetzung der zellbasierten Calcium-Imaging Methode und der Calcium-Signalwege in zellfreie Systeme. Hier wurde die zellfrei synthetisierte Carboxylesterase in Mikrosomen von Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf21) als praktikables Calcium-Imaging-Werkzeug etabliert, um sowohl native ionenpermeable Proteine als auch zellfrei-synthetisierte Ionenkan{\"a}le zu untersuchen. Die Enzymaktivit{\"a}t der zellfrei-synthetisierten Carboxylesterase in Mikrosomen wurde durch Esterase-Assays und den Calcium-Fluoreszenzfarbstoff Fluo-5N Acetoxymethylester (Fluo-5N AM) Belastungstests nachgewiesen. Das Calcium-Imaging der nativ vorhandenen Ca2+-ATPase des sarkoplasmatischen/endoplasmatischen Retikulums (SERCA) und der Ryanodin-Rezeptoren (RyR) in den Mikrosomen sowie der zell-frei exprimierten TRP-Ionenkan{\"a}le wurden mit dem Fura-5N-AM- Fluoreszenzfarbstoff in mit Carboxylesterase vorsynthetisierten Mikrosomen nachgewiesen. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass das Prinzip der zellbasierten Calcium-Imaging -Methode vielversprechend an das eukaryotische zellfreie Sf21-System angepasst werden konnte, um Ionenkan{\"a}le zu analysieren. Nach entsprechender Forschung k{\"o}nnte die etablierte Methode in Zukunft auch auf andere Membranproteine ausgeweitet werden. Dies umfasst die Untersuchung anderer zell-frei exprimierte GPCRs oder anderer Ionenkan{\"a}le wie Kalium-, Natrium- und Chlorid-Ionenkan{\"a}le.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Shekhar2023, author = {Shekhar, Sumit}, title = {Image and video processing based on intrinsic attributes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-620049}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 143}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Advancements in computer vision techniques driven by machine learning have facilitated robust and efficient estimation of attributes such as depth, optical flow, albedo, and shading. To encapsulate all such underlying properties associated with images and videos, we evolve the concept of intrinsic images towards intrinsic attributes. Further, rapid hardware growth in the form of high-quality smartphone cameras, readily available depth sensors, mobile GPUs, or dedicated neural processing units have made image and video processing pervasive. In this thesis, we explore the synergies between the above two advancements and propose novel image and video processing techniques and systems based on them. To begin with, we investigate intrinsic image decomposition approaches and analyze how they can be implemented on mobile devices. We propose an approach that considers not only diffuse reflection but also specular reflection; it allows us to decompose an image into specularity, albedo, and shading on a resource constrained system (e.g., smartphones or tablets) using the depth data provided by the built-in depth sensors. In addition, we explore how on-device depth data can further be used to add an immersive dimension to 2D photos, e.g., showcasing parallax effects via 3D photography. In this regard, we develop a novel system for interactive 3D photo generation and stylization on mobile devices. Further, we investigate how adaptive manipulation of baseline-albedo (i.e., chromaticity) can be used for efficient visual enhancement under low-lighting conditions. The proposed technique allows for interactive editing of enhancement settings while achieving improved quality and performance. We analyze the inherent optical flow and temporal noise as intrinsic properties of a video. We further propose two new techniques for applying the above intrinsic attributes for the purpose of consistent video filtering. To this end, we investigate how to remove temporal inconsistencies perceived as flickering artifacts. One of the techniques does not require costly optical flow estimation, while both provide interactive consistency control. Using intrinsic attributes for image and video processing enables new solutions for mobile devices - a pervasive visual computing device - and will facilitate novel applications for Augmented Reality (AR), 3D photography, and video stylization. The proposed low-light enhancement techniques can also improve the accuracy of high-level computer vision tasks (e.g., face detection) under low-light conditions. Finally, our approach for consistent video filtering can extend a wide range of image-based processing for videos.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kulshreshtha2023, author = {Kulshreshtha, Ritika}, title = {Dissecting the functional of role of microtubule and cellulose microfibril patterning during flower development in Arabidopsis}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {215}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ellenbeck2023, author = {Ellenbeck, Saskia}, title = {Zwischen Modellierung und Stakeholderbeteiligung - Wissensproduktion in der Energiewendeforschung}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {130}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems ist Teil der international im Rahmen des Pariser Klimaabkommens beschlossenen CO2-Minderungsstrategie zur Bek{\"a}mpfung des Klimawandels. Nach den Verhandlungen und Beschl{\"u}ssen der Klimaziele stehen politische Entscheider weltweit nun vor der Frage, wie sie diese erreichen k{\"o}nnen. Dies produziert eine hohe politische Nachfrage nach Wissen um die direkten und indirekten Effekte verschiedener Instrumente und potentiellen Entwicklungspfade einer Energiewende. Dieser gesellschaftliche Bedarf an wissenschaftlichen Antworten zu L{\"o}sungsoptionen wurde im Rahmen einer Klimafolgenforschung, genauer einer Klimapolitikfolgenforschung, aufgenommen. Der relativ neue Zweig einer Energiewendeforschung hat sich weltweit entwickelt, steht dabei allerdings vor der doppelten Herausforderung: Erstens befindet sich das Objekt der Forschung nicht im luftleeren Raum, sondern innerhalb {\"o}konomischer, sozialer und politischer Zusammenh{\"a}nge, hier gesellschaftliche Einbettung genannt. Denn die Frage, wie die Energiewende erreicht werden kann, wird auch außerhalb der Wissenschaft debattiert und stellt damit ein Aushandlungsfeld unterschiedlicher Interessen und Narrative dar. Zweitens befindet sich das zu untersuchende Objekt in der Zukunft, hier unter dem Terminus des strukturellen Nicht-Wissens zusammengefasst. Diese beiden Bedingungen f{\"u}hren dazu, dass konventionelle Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung nicht greifen und eine {\"O}ffnung und Transformation der Wissenschaft in Hinblick auf neue Methoden vonn{\"o}ten ist (Nowotny 2001, Ravetz 2006, Schneidewind 2013). In dieser Arbeit untersuche ich zwei M{\"o}glichkeiten, wie mit der Herausforderung, Wissen unter der Bedingung des strukturellen Nicht-Wissens und der gesellschaftlichen Einbettung zu produzieren, in der Energiewendeforschung umgegangen wird. Einerseits wird dies durch die Einbeziehung von Stakeholdern, also nicht-wissenschaftlicher Akteure, in den Forschungsprozess getan. Andererseits ist die Nutzung von komplexen {\"o}konometrischen Modellen zur Berechnung von Implikationen und energiewirtschaftlichen Entwicklungspfaden zu einem zentralen Mittel der Wissensgenerierung in der Energiewendeforschung avanciert. Damit wird der als Problem verstandenen strukturellen Bedingung des Nicht-Wissens insofern begegnet, als dass die Ergebnisse von Stakeholder-Involvement und von Modellierungsarbeiten zweifelsohne neues Wissen zur Verf{\"u}gung stellen. Uneinigkeit besteht jedoch darin, wor{\"u}ber dieses Wissen etwas aussagt: Sind es Interessen oder legitime Perspektiven, die Stakeholder in den Forschungsprozess einbringen und sind Modelle vereinfachte Darstellungen der Welt oder sind sie Ausdruck der Vorstellung des Modellierers?}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dommes2023, author = {Dommes, Bianca}, title = {»… und am Himmel standen die Sterne, aber wir sahen sie nicht«}, series = {Potsdamer J{\"u}dische Studien}, volume = {10}, journal = {Potsdamer J{\"u}dische Studien}, publisher = {be.bra wissenschaft}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-95410-316-4}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {448}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{QuirogaCarrasco2023, author = {Quiroga Carrasco, Rodrigo Adolfo}, title = {Cenozoic style of deformation and spatiotemporal variations of the tectonic stress field in the southern central Andes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61038}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-610387}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {228}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The central Andean plateau is the second largest orogenic plateau in the world and has formed in a non-collisional orogenic system. It extends from southern Peru (15°S) to northern Argentina and Chile (27°30'S) and reaches an average elevation of 4,000 m.a.s.l. South of 24°S, the Andean plateau is called Puna and it is characterized by a system of endorheic basins with thick sequences where clastic and evaporitic strata are preserved. Between 26° and 27°30'S, the Puna terminates in a structurally complex zone which coincides with the transition from a normal subduction zone to a flat subduction ("flat slab") zone, which extends to 33°S. This transition zone also coincides with important morphostructural provinces that, from west to east, correspond to i) the Cordillera Frontal, where the Maricunga Belt is located; ii) the Famatina system; and iv) the north-western, thick-skinned Sierras Pampeanas. Various structural, sedimentological, thermochronological and geochronological studies in this region have documented a complex history of deformation and uplift during successive Cenozoic deformation events. These processes caused the increase of crustal thickness, as well as episodes of diachronic uplift, which attained its present configuration during the late Miocene. Subsequently, the plateau experienced a change in deformation style from contraction to extension and transtension documented by ubiquitous normal faults, earthquakes, and magmatic rocks. However, at the southern edge of the Puna plateau and in the transition to the other morphostructural provinces, the variation of deformation processes and the changes in the tectonic stress field are not fully understood. This location is thus ideally located to evaluate how the tectonic stress field may have evolved and how it may have been affected by the presence/absence of an orogenic plateau, as well as by the existence of inherited structural anisotropies within the different tectonic provinces. This thesis investigates the relationship between shallow crustal deformation and the spatiotemporal evolution of the tectonic stress field in the southern sector of the Andean plateau, during pre-, syn- and post-uplift periods of this plateau. To carry out this research, multiple methodological approaches were chosen that include (U-Pb) radiometric dating; the analysis of mesoscopic faults to obtain stress tensors and the orientation of the principal stress axes; the determination of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy in sedimentary and volcanoclastic rocks to identify shortening directions or directions of sedimentary transport; kinematic modeling to infer deep crustal structures and deformation; and finally, a morphometric analysis to identify geomorphological indicators associated with Quaternary tectonism. Combining the obtained results with data from published studies, this study reveals a complex history of the tectonic stress field that has been characterized by changes in orientation and by vertical permutations of the principal stress axes during each deformation regime over the last ~24 Ma. The evolution of the tectonic stress field can be linked with three orogenic phases at this latitude of the Andean orogen: (1) a first phase with an E-W-oriented compression documented between Eocene and middle Miocene, which coincided with Andean crustal thickening, lateral growth, and topographic uplift; (2) a second phase characterized by a compressive transpressional stress regime, starting at ~11 Ma and ~5 Ma on the western and eastern edge of the Puna plateau, respectively, and a compressive stress regime in the Famatina system and the Sierras Pampeanas, which is interpreted to reflect a transition between Neogene orogenic construction and the maximum accumulation of deformation and topographic uplift of the Puna plateau; and (3) a third phase, when the tectonic regime caused a changeover to a tensional stress state that followed crustal thickening and the maximum uplift of the plateau between ~5-4 Ma; this is especially well expressed in the Puna, in its western border area with the Maricunga-Valle Ancho Belt, and along its eastern border in the transition with the Sierras Pampeanas. The results of the study thus document that the plateau rim experienced a shift from a compressional to a transtensional regime, which differs from the tensional state of stress of the Andean Plateau in the northern sectors for the same period. Similar stress changes have been documented during the construction of the Tibetan plateau, where a predominantly compressional stress regime changed to a transtensional regime, but which was superseded by a purely tensional regime, between 14 and 4 Ma.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Chemura2023, author = {Chemura, Sitshengisiwe}, title = {Optical spectroscopy on lanthanide-modified nanomaterials for performance monitoring}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61944}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-619443}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 116}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Lanthanide based ceria nanomaterials are important practical materials due to their redox properties that are useful in technology and life sciences. This PhD thesis examined various properties and potential for catalytic and bio-applications of Ln3+-doped ceria nanomaterials. Ce1-xGdxO2-y: Eu3+, gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) nanoparticles were synthesized by flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) and studied, followed by 15 \% CexZr1-xO2-y: Eu3+|YSZ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) nanocomposites. Furthermore, Ce1-xYb xO2-y (0.004 ≤ x ≤ 0.22) nanoparticles were synthesized by thermal decomposition and characterized. Finally, CeO2-y: Eu3+ nanoparticles were synthesized by a microemulsion method, biofunctionalized and characterized. The studies undertaken presents a novel approach to structurally elucidate ceria-based nanomaterials by way of Eu3+ and Yb3+ spectroscopy and processing the spectroscopic data with the multi-way decomposition method PARAFAC. Data sets of the three variables: excitation wavelength, emission wavelength and time were used to perform the deconvolution of spectra. GDC nanoparticles from FSP are nano-sized and of roughly cubic shape and crystal structure (Fm3̅m). Raman data revealed four vibrational modes exhibited by Gd3+ containing samples whereas CeO2-y: Eu3+ displays only two. The room temperature, time-resolved emission spectra recorded at λexcitation = 464 nm show that Gd3+ doping results in significantly altered emission spectra compared to pure ceria. The PARAFAC analysis for the pure ceria samples reveals two species; a high-symmetry species and a low-symmetry species. The GDC samples yield two low-symmetry spectra in the same experiment. High-resolution emission spectra recorded at 4 K after probing the 5D0-7F0 transition revealed additional variation in the low symmetry Eu3+ sites in pure ceria and GDC. The data of the Gd3+-containing samples indicates that the average charge density around the Eu3+ ions in the lattice is inversely related to Gd3+ and oxygen vacancy concentration. The particle crystallites of the 773 K and 1273 K annealed Yb3+ -ceria nanostructure materials are nano-sized and have a cubic fluorite structure with four Raman vibrational modes. Elemental maps clearly show that cluster formation occurs for 773 K annealed with high Yb3+ ion concentration from 15 mol \% in the ceria lattice. These clusters are destroyed with annealing to 1273 K. The emission spectra observed from room temperature and 4 K measurements for the Ce1-xYb xO2-y samples have a manifold that corresponds to the 2F5/2-2F7/2 transition of Yb3+ ions. Some small shifts are observed in the Stark splitting pattern and are induced by the variations of the crystal field influenced by where the Yb3+ ions are located in the crystal lattices in the samples. Upon mixing ceria with high Yb3+ concentrations, the 2F5/2-2F7/2 transition is also observed in the Stark splitting pattern, but the spectra consist of two broad high background dominated peaks. Annealing the nanomaterials at 1273 K for 2 h changes the spectral signature as new peaks emerge. The deconvolution yielded luminescence decay kinetics as well as the accompanying luminescence spectra of three species for each of the low Yb3+ doped ceria samples annealed at 773 K and one species for the 1273 K annealed samples. However, the ceria samples with high Yb3+ concentration annealed at the two temperatures yielded one species with lower decay times as compared to the Yb3+ doped ceria samples after PARAFAC analysis. Through the calcination of the nanocomposites at two high temperatures, the evolution of the emission patterns from specific Eu3+ lattice sites to indicate structural changes for the nanocomposites was followed. The spectroscopy results effectively complemented the data obtained from the conventional techniques. Annealing the samples at 773 K, resulted in amorphous, unordered domains whereas the TLS of the 1273 K nanocomposites reveal two distinct sites, with most red shifted Eu3+ species coming from pure Eu3+ doped ZrO2 on the YSZ support. Finally, for Eu3+ doped ceria, successful transfer from hydrophobic to water phase and subsequent biocompatibility was achieved using ssDNA. PARAFAC analysis for the Eu3+ in nanoparticles dispersed in toluene and water revealed one Eu3+ species, with slightly differing surface properties for the nanoparticles as far as the luminescence kinetics and solvent environments were concerned. Several functionalized nanoparticles conjugated onto origami triangles after hybridization were visualized by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Putting all into consideration, Eu3+ and Yb3+ spectroscopy was used to monitor the structural changes and determining the feasibility of the nanoparticle transfer into water. PARAFAC proves to be a powerful tool to analyze lanthanide spectra in crystalline solid materials and in solutions, which are characterized by numerous Stark transitions and where measurements usually yield a superposition of different emission contributions to any given spectrum.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Metz2023, author = {Metz, Malte}, title = {Finite fault earthquake source inversions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61974}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-619745}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Earthquake modeling is the key to a profound understanding of a rupture. Its kinematics or dynamics are derived from advanced rupture models that allow, for example, to reconstruct the direction and velocity of the rupture front or the evolving slip distribution behind the rupture front. Such models are often parameterized by a lattice of interacting sub-faults with many degrees of freedom, where, for example, the time history of the slip and rake on each sub-fault are inverted. To avoid overfitting or other numerical instabilities during a finite-fault estimation, most models are stabilized by geometric rather than physical constraints such as smoothing. As a basis for the inversion approach of this study, we build on a new pseudo-dynamic rupture model (PDR) with only a few free parameters and a simple geometry as a physics-based solution of an earthquake rupture. The PDR derives the instantaneous slip from a given stress drop on the fault plane, with boundary conditions on the developing crack surface guaranteed at all times via a boundary element approach. As a side product, the source time function on each point on the rupture plane is not constraint and develops by itself without additional parametrization. The code was made publicly available as part of the Pyrocko and Grond Python packages. The approach was compared with conventional modeling for different earthquakes. For example, for the Mw 7.1 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake, the effects of geometric changes in the rupture surface on the slip and slip rate distributions could be reproduced by simply projecting stress vectors. For the Mw 7.5 2018 Palu, Indonesia, strike-slip earthquake, we also modelled rupture propagation using the 2D Eikonal equation and assuming a linear relationship between rupture and shear wave velocity. This allowed us to give a deeper and faster propagating rupture front and the resulting upward refraction as a new possible explanation for the apparent supershear observed at the Earth's surface. The thesis investigates three aspects of earthquake inversion using PDR: (1) to test whether implementing a simplified rupture model with few parameters into a probabilistic Bayesian scheme without constraining geometric parameters is feasible, and whether this leads to fast and robust results that can be used for subsequent fast information systems (e.g., ground motion predictions). (2) To investigate whether combining broadband and strong-motion seismic records together with near-field ground deformation data improves the reliability of estimated rupture models in a Bayesian inversion. (3) To investigate whether a complex rupture can be represented by the inversion of multiple PDR sources and for what type of earthquakes this is recommended. I developed the PDR inversion approach and applied the joint data inversions to two seismic sequences in different tectonic settings. Using multiple frequency bands and a multiple source inversion approach, I captured the multi-modal behaviour of the Mw 8.2 2021 South Sandwich subduction earthquake with a large, curved and slow rupturing shallow earthquake bounded by two faster and deeper smaller events. I could cross-validate the results with other methods, i.e., P-wave energy back-projection, a clustering analysis of aftershocks and a simple tsunami forward model. The joint analysis of ground deformation and seismic data within a multiple source inversion also shed light on an earthquake triplet, which occurred in July 2022 in SE Iran. From the inversion and aftershock relocalization, I found indications for a vertical separation between the shallower mainshocks within the sedimentary cover and deeper aftershocks at the sediment-basement interface. The vertical offset could be caused by the ductile response of the evident salt layer to stress perturbations from the mainshocks. The applications highlight the versatility of the simple PDR in probabilistic seismic source inversion capturing features of rather different, complex earthquakes. Limitations, as the evident focus on the major slip patches of the rupture are discussed as well as differences to other finite fault modeling methods.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Das2023, author = {Das, Samata}, title = {Modelling particle acceleration in core-collapse supernova remnants inside circumstellar wind-blown bubbles}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61414}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-614140}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {142}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Supernova remnants are considered to be the primary sources of galactic cosmic rays. These cosmic rays are assumed to be accelerated by the diffusive shock acceleration mechanism, specifically at shocks in the remnants. Particularly in the core-collapse scenario, these supernova remnant shocks expand inside the wind-blown bubbles structured by massive progenitors during their lifetime. Therefore, the complex environment of wind bubbles can influence the particle acceleration and radiation from the remnants. Further, the evolution of massive stars depends on their Zero Age Main Sequence mass, rotation, and metallicity. Consequently, the structures of the wind bubbles generated during the lifetime of massive stars should be considerably different. Hence, the particle acceleration in the core-collapse supernova remnants should vary, not only from the remnants evolving in the uniform environment but also from one another, depending on their progenitor stars. A core-collapse supernova remnant with a very massive 60 𝑀 ⊙ progenitor star has been considered to study the particle acceleration at the shock considering Bohm-like diffusion. This dissertation demonstrates the modification in particle acceleration and radiation while the remnant propagates through different regions of the wind bubble by impacts from the profiles of gas density, the temperature of the bubble and the magnetic field structure. Subsequently, in this thesis, I discuss the impacts of the non-identical ambient environment of core-collapse supernova remnants on particle spectra and the non-thermal emissions, considering 20 𝑀 ⊙ and 60 𝑀⊙ massive progenitors having different evolutionary tracks. Additionally, I also analyse the effect of cosmic ray streaming instabilities on particle spectra. To model the particle acceleration in the remnants, I have performed simulations in one-dimensional spherical symmetry using RATPaC code. The transport equation for cosmic rays and magnetic turbulence in test-particle approximation, along with the induction equation for the evolution of the large-scale magnetic field, have been solved simultaneously with the hydrodynamic equations for the expansion of remnants inside the pre-supernova circumstellar medium. The results from simulations describe that the spectra of accelerated particles in supernova remnants are regulated by density fluctuations, temperature variations, the large-scale magnetic field configuration and scattering turbulence. Although the diffusive shock acceleration mechanism at supernova remnant shock predicts the spectral index of 2 for the accelerated non-thermal particles, I have obtained the particle spectra that deviate from this prediction, in the core-collapse scenario. I have found that the particle spectral index reaches 2.5 for the supernova remnant with 60 𝑀 ⊙ progenitor when the remnant resides inside the shocked wind region of the wind bubble, and this softness persists at later evolutionary stages even with Bohm-like diffusion for accelerated particles. However, the supernova remnant with 20 𝑀 ⊙ progenitor does not demonstrate persistent softness in particle spectra from the influence of the hydrodynamics of the corresponding wind bubble. At later stages of evolution, the particle spectra illustrate softness at higher energies for both remnants as the consequence of the escape of high-energy particles from the remnants while considering the cosmic ray streaming instabilities. Finally, I have probed the emission morphology of remnants that varies depending on the progenitors, particularly in earlier evolutionary stages. This dissertation provides insight into different core-collapse remnants expanding inside wind bubbles, for instance, the calculated gamma-ray spectral index from the supernova remnant with 60 𝑀 ⊙ progenitor at later evolutionary stages is consistent with that of the observed supernova remnants expanding in dense molecular clouds.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CalderonQuinonez2023, author = {Calder{\´o}n Qui{\~n}{\´o}nez, Ana Patricia}, title = {Ecology and conservation of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in Central America}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61367}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613671}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {140}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Conservation of the jaguar relies on holistic and transdisciplinary conservation strategies that integratively safeguard essential, connected habitats, sustain viable populations and their genetic exchange, and foster peaceful human-jaguar coexistence. These strategies define four research priorities to advance jaguar conservation throughout the species' range. In this thesis I provide several relevant ecological and sociological insights into these research priorities, each addressed in a separate chapter. I focus on the effects of anthropogenic landscapes on jaguar habitat use and population gene flow, spatial patterns of jaguar habitat suitability and functional population connectivity, and on innovative governance approaches which can work synergistically to help achieve human-wildlife conviviality. Furthermore, I translate these insights into recommendations for conservation practice by providing tools and suggestions that conservation managers and stakeholders can use to implement local actions but also make broad scale conservation decisions in Central America. In Chapter 2, I model regional habitat use of jaguars, producing spatially-explicit maps for management of key areas of habitat suitability. Using an occupancy model of 13-year-camera-trap occurrence data, I show that human influence has the strongest impact on jaguar habitat use, and that Jaguar Conservation Units are the most important reservoirs of high quality habitat in this region. I build upon these results by zooming in to an area of high habitat suitability loss in Chapter 3, northern Central America. Here I study the drivers of jaguar gene flow and I produce spatially-explicit maps for management of key areas of functional population connectivity in this region. I use microsatellite data and pseudo-optimized multiscale, multivariate resistance surfaces of gene flow to show that jaguar gene flow is influenced by environmental, and even more strongly, by human influence variables; and that the areas of lowest gene flow resistance largely coincide with the location of the Jaguar Conservation Units. Given that human activities significantly impact jaguar habitat use and gene flow, securing viable jaguar populations in anthropogenic landscapes also requires fostering peaceful human-wildlife coexistence. This is a complex challenge that cannot be met without transdisciplinary academic research and cross-sectoral, collaborative governance structures that effectively respond to the multiple challenges of such coexistence. With this in mind, I focus in Chapter 4 on carnivore conservation initiatives that apply transformative governance approaches to enact transformative change towards human-carnivore coexistence. Using the frameworks of transformative biodiversity governance and convivial conservation, I highlight in this chapter concrete pathways, supported by more inclusive, democratic forms of conservation decision-making and participation that promote truly transformative changes towards human-jaguar conviviality.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SantosBruss2020, author = {Santos Bruss, Sara Morais dos}, title = {Feminist solidarities after modulation}, publisher = {punctum books}, address = {Brooklyn, NY}, isbn = {978-1-68571-146-7}, doi = {10.53288/0397.1.00}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 380}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Feminist Solidarities after Modulation produces an intersectional analysis of transnational feminist movements and their contemporary digital frameworks of identity and solidarity. Engaging media theory, critical race theory, and Black feminist theory, as well as contemporary feminist movements, this book argues that digital feminist interventions map themselves onto and make use of the multiplicity and ambiguity of digital spaces to question presentist and fixed notions of the internet as a white space and technologies in general as objective or universal. Understanding these frameworks as colonial constructions of the human, identity is traced to a socio-material condition that emerges with the modernity/colonialism binary. In the colonial moment, race and gender become the reasons for, as well as the effects of, technologies of identification, and thus need to be understood as and through technologies. What Deleuze has called modulation is not a present modality of control, but is placed into a longer genealogy of imperial division, which stands in opposition to feminist, queer, and anti-racist activism that insists on non-modular solidarities across seeming difference. At its heart, Feminist Solidarities after Modulation provides an analysis of contemporary digital feminist solidarities, which not only work at revealing the material histories and affective ""leakages"" of modular governance, but also challenges them to concentrate on forms of political togetherness that exceed a reductive or essentialist understanding of identity, solidarity, and difference.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Suter2023, author = {Suter, Bernhard}, title = {Gestaltungsprozesse im Musikunterricht anleiten}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61967}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-619679}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {317}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Studie untersucht, wie Lehrpersonen auf Primarstufe ihre Anleitungsstrategien bei der Durchf{\"u}hrung von musikalischen Gestaltungsprozessen in ihren Schulklassen entwickeln. Die Entwicklungsprozesse wurden vom Forscher begleitet und mit Reflexionsimpulsen unterst{\"u}tzt. Lehrende und Forscher analysieren und diskutieren regelm{\"a}ssig das Unterrichtsgeschehen, um neue Wege der Anleitung anzubahnen. Im Fokus stehen die Lehrpersonen, ihr Wirken und ihre im Prozess sich vollziehende Professionalisierung. Die Studie gliedert sich in vier Teile. Der erste Teil legt die musikfachlichen und professionstheoretischen Fundierungen dar. Diese Fundierungen bilden die Grundlage vorliegender fachgegenstandsspezifischer Professionalisierung. Der zweite Teil stellt das Forschungsformat von Design-based Research sowie dessen konkrete Adaption vor. Der dritte Teil expliziert das empirische Vorgehen im Feld. Der vierte Teil berichtet die Ergebnisse in Form von Designprinzipien und Designprodukten. Die leitende Forschungsfrage lautet: Wie verl{\"a}uft der Kompetenzerwerb von Klassenlehrpersonen auf der Primarstufe beim Anleiten musikalischer Gestaltungsprozesse und wie l{\"a}sst sich dieser Kompetenzerwerb mittels Reflexionstools unterst{\"u}tzen? Das Forschungsziel ist demnach ein doppeltes: Erstens Erkenntnisgewinnung zur Struktur des Kompetenzerwerbs im begleiteten Selbstlernprozess der Lehrer:innen. Zweitens die Generierung von Reflexionstools, die Klassenlehrpersonen bei der Initiierung und Moderation musikalischer Gestaltungsprozesse in der Praxis unterst{\"u}tzen. Die Untersuchung nimmt eine offene Herausforderung aus der Bildungspraxis als Ausgangspunkt f{\"u}r fachspezifische Professionalisierung an. Das Forschungsformat von Design-based Research erwies sich als sinnvolle Strategie, da die Lehrkr{\"a}fte ihre Professionalisierung als theoriegest{\"u}tzten Selbstlernprozess in ihrem angestammten Praxisfeld angehen konnten. Die Auswertung der Befragungen, die im Rahmen der Designprozesse erfolgten, zeigt, dass die Untersuchungsteilnehmenden ihr sozial-kommunikatives Verhalten sowie ihre fachdidaktischen Zug{\"a}nge und Vorgehensweisen ver{\"a}nderten und in Richtung einer didaktisch-improvisierenden Handlungsweise zu erweitern vermochten. Am Ende der Untersuchung entstanden drei Reflexionstools in unterschiedlichen Formaten und auf unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsniveaus: Das Reflexionstool try-outs beinhaltet konkrete Reflexionsimpulse (Handlungsanregungen und Reflexionsfragen) f{\"u}r das unterrichtliche Lehrer:innen-Handeln. Das dynamische Kompetenzmodell Kompetenzflyer bietet eine Reflexionsfolie f{\"u}r die Ansteuerung eigenst{\"a}ndiger Kompetenzerwerbsschritte. Das online-Tool improspider ist ein Selbstreflexionsinstrument zur Einsch{\"a}tzung personaler Orientierungen und bildet, auf Basis empirisch erarbeiteter Merkmale einer didaktisch-improvisierenden Handlungsweise beim Anleiten musikalischer Gestaltungsprozesse, Improvisationskompetenz individuell ab.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Huttenlauch2023, author = {Huttenlauch, Clara}, title = {Individual variability in production and comprehension of prosodically disambiguated structural ambiguities}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61926}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-619262}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 211}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Strings of words can correspond to more than one interpretation or underlying structure, which makes them ambiguous. Prosody can be used to resolve this structural ambiguity. This dissertation investigates the use of prosodic cues in the domains of fundamental frequency (f0) and duration to disambiguate between two interpretations of ambiguous structures when speakers addressed different interlocutors. The dissertation comprises of three production studies and one comprehension study. Prosodic disambiguation was studied with a focus on German name sequences of three names (coordinates) in two conditions: without (Name1 and Name2 and Name3) and with internal grouping of the first two names ([Name1 and Name2] and Name3). The study of coordinates was complemented with production data of locally ambiguous sentences with a case-ambiguous first noun phrase. Variability was studied in a controlled setting: Productions were elicited with a within-subject manipulation of context in a referential communication task in order to evoke prosodic adaptations to different conversational contexts. Context had five levels and involved interlocutors in three age groups (child, young adult, elderly adult) with German as L1 in the absence of background white noise, the young adult with background white noise, and a young adult without German as L1. Variability was explored at different levels: within a group of young individuals (intra-group level), within and between young individuals (intra-individual level and inter-individual level, respectively), and comparing between the group of young and a group of older speakers (inter-group level). Our data replicate the use of the three prosodic cues (f0-movement, final lengthening, and pause) in productions of young adult speakers and extend their use to productions of older adult speakers. Both age groups distinguished consistently between the two coordinate conditions. Prosodic grouping in production was evident not only on the group-final Name2 but also at earlier stages in the utterance, on the group-internal Name1 (early cues). For some speakers, some listeners were able to decode these early cues effectively as they were able to reliably predict the upcoming structure after listening to Name1 only. Thus, prosodic grouping appears as a globally marked phenomenon building up along the utterance. The internal structure of coordinates was disambiguated irrespective of the conversational context. In our data, speakers only slightly modified the prosodic cues marking the disambiguation in the different contexts. Listeners were unable to identify to which interlocutor the sequence had been produced. We interpret this intra-individual consistency in the production of disambiguating prosodic cues as support for a strong link between prosody and syntax. The findings support models in favour of situational independence of disambiguating prosody. All speakers reliably marked the distinction between the grouping conditions with at least one of the three prosodic cues investigated and most of the speakers used at least two of these cues. Further, individual differences in prosodic grouping did not lead to difficulties in recovering the grouping in comprehension. Taken together, these findings support the existence of a phonological category of prosodic grouping.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hu2022, author = {Hu, Changqiong}, title = {Characterization of the role of stress - responsive NAC transcription factors ANAC055 and ATAF1}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 106}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FloresCastellanos2023, author = {Flores Castellanos, Junio}, title = {Potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Desiree) — characterization of starch interacting proteins and maltodextrin metabolism}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61505}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-615055}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XV, 69}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Starch is a biopolymer for which, despite its simple composition, understanding the precise mechanism behind its formation and regulation has been challenging. Several approaches and bioanalytical tools can be used to expand the knowledge on the different parts involved in the starch metabolism. In this sense, a comprehensive analysis targeting two of the main groups of molecules involved in this process: proteins, as effectors/regulators of the starch metabolism, and maltodextrins as starch components and degradation products, was conducted in this research work using potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree) as model of study. On one side, proteins physically interacting to potato starch were isolated and analyzed through mass spectrometry and western blot for their identification. Alternatively, starch interacting proteins were explored in potato tubers from transgenic plants having antisense inhibition of starch-related enzymes and on tubers stored under variable environmental conditions. Most of the proteins recovered from the starch granules corresponded to previously described proteins having a specific role in the starch metabolic pathway. Another set of proteins could be grouped as protease inhibitors, which were found weakly interacting to starch. Variations in the protein profile obtained after electrophoresis separation became clear when tubers were stored under different temperatures, indicating a differential expression of proteins in response to changing environmental conditions. On the other side, since maltodextrin metabolism is thought to be involved in both starch initiation and degradation, soluble maltooligosaccharide content in potato tubers was analyzed in this work under diverse experimental variables. For this, tuber disc samples from wild type and transgenic lines strongly repressing either the plastidial or cytosolic form of the -glucan phosphorylase and phosphoglucomutase were incubated with glucose, glucose-6-phosphate, and glucose-1-phosphate solutions to evaluate the influence of such enzymes on the conversion of the carbon sources into soluble maltodextrins, in comparison to wild-type samples. Relative maltodextrin amounts analyzed through capillary electrophoresis equipped with laser-induced fluorescence (CE-LIF) revealed that tuber discs could immediately uptake glucose-1-phosphate and use it to produce maltooligosaccharides with a degree of polymerization of up to 30 (DP30), in contrast to transgenic tubers with strong repression of the plastidial glucan phosphorylase. The results obtained from the maltodextrin analysis support previous indications that a specific transporter for glucose-1-phosphate may exist in both the plant cells and the plastidial membranes, thereby allowing a glucose-6-phosphate independent transport. Furthermore, it confirms that the plastidial glucan phosphorylase is responsible for producing longer maltooligosaccharides in the plastids by catalyzing a glucan polymerization reaction when glucose-1-phosphate is available. All these findings contribute to a better understanding of the role of the plastidial glucan phosphorylase as a key enzyme directly involved in the synthesis and degradation of glucans and their implication on starch metabolism.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kooten2023, author = {Kooten, Willemijn Sarah Maria Theresia van}, title = {Structural inheritance of the Salta Rift basin and its control on exhumation patterns of the Eastern Cordillera between 23 and 24°S}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61798}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617983}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIX, 188}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The deformation style of mountain belts is greatly influenced by the upper plate architecture created during preceding deformation phases. The Mesozoic Salta Rift extensional phase has created a dominant structural and lithological framework that controls Cenozoic deformation and exhumation patterns in the Central Andes. Studying the nature of these pre-existing anisotropies is a key to understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of exhumation and its controlling factors. The Eastern Cordillera in particular, has a structural grain that is in part controlled by Salta Rift structures and their orientation relative to Andean shortening. As a result, there are areas in which Andean deformation prevails and areas where the influence of the Salta Rift is the main control on deformation patterns. Between 23 and 24°S, lithological and structural heterogeneities imposed by the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin (Salta Rift basin) affect the development of the Eastern Cordillera fold-and-thrust belt. The inverted northern margin of the sub-basin now forms the southern boundary of the intermontane Cianzo basin. The former western margin of the sub-basin is located at the confluence of the Subandean Zone, the Santa Barbara System and the Eastern Cordillera. Here, the Salta Rift basin architecture is responsible for the distribution of these morphotectonic provinces. In this study we use a multi-method approach consisting of low-temperature (U-Th-Sm)/He and apatite fission track thermochronology, detrital geochronology, structural and sedimentological analyses to investigate the Mesozoic structural inheritance of the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin and Cenozoic exhumation patterns. Characterization of the extension-related Tacur{\´u} Group as an intermediate succession between Paleozoic basement and the syn-rift infill of the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin reveals a Jurassic maximum depositional age. Zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He cooling ages record a pre-Cretaceous onset of exhumation for the rift shoulders in the northern part of the sub-basin, whereas the western shoulder shows a more recent onset (140-115 Ma). Variations in the sedimentary thickness of syn- and post-rift strata document the evolution of accommodation space in the sub-basin. While the thickness of syn-rift strata increases rapidly toward the northern basin margin, the post-rift strata thickness decreases toward the margin and forms a condensed section on the rift shoulder. Inversion of Salta Rift structures commenced between the late Oligocene and Miocene (24-15 Ma) in the ranges surrounding the Cianzo basin. The eastern and western limbs of the Cianzo syncline, located in the hanging wall of the basin-bounding Hornocal fault, show diachronous exhumation. At the same time, western fault blocks of Tilcara Range, south of the Cianzo basin, began exhuming in the late Oligocene to early Miocene (26-16 Ma). Eastward propagation to the frontal thrust and to the Paleozoic strata east of the Tilcara Range occurred in the middle Miocene (22-10 Ma) and the late Miocene-early Pliocene (10-4 Ma), respectively.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grduszak2023, author = {Grduszak, Denise}, title = {Anschaulichkeiten herstellen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61229}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-612292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {280}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Handschrift D der Driu liet von der maget entstand um 1220 und ist die {\"a}lteste vollst{\"a}ndige erhaltene Fassung des Textes. Priester Wernher gilt als Verfasser der geistlichen Dichtung und erstellt sie im Jahr 1172 auf der Grundlage apokrypher und biblischer Quellen. Die Handschrift D wird in der medi{\"a}vistischen Germanistik gerne zu jenen Werken gez{\"a}hlt, die den Auftakt einer zunehmenden Verschriftlichung in der Volkssprache markieren. Gem{\"a}ß ihrem Erscheinungsbild erweist sich die Handschrift und der Zeitpunkt ihrer Entstehung aber vor allem als ein Wendepunkt, an dem der Einfluss der lateinischen Schriftkultur auf die Produktion volkssprachlicher Literatur besonders deutlich wird. W{\"a}hrend insgesamt der Anteil der geistlichen Dichtung kontinuierlich abnimmt, erfolgt von literaturwissenschaftlicher Seite zurecht auch die Einordnung der Handschrift in die weltlich-laikale Hofliteratur. In diesem Kontext steht die Handschrift D aber nicht am Beginn einer Bl{\"u}tezeit, sondern weist vor allem in das bl{\"u}hende Spannungsfeld zwischen der lateinisch gepr{\"a}gten Buchproduktion und der geistlichen Dichtung auf der einen und dem Anspruch einer laikalen Rezeptionsgemeinschaft auf der anderen Seite. In diesem Feld bewegt sich meine medienanthropologische Untersuchung. Die Schwerpunkte liegen hierbei auf der Rekonstruktion der Handschriftenherstellung sowie auf der Analyse der Darstellungsprinzipien im Bildprogramm.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Eiken2023, author = {Eiken, Jan}, title = {Das Staatenbeschwerdeverfahren der Rassendiskriminierungskonvention}, series = {Packages Social Science and Law (German Language)}, volume = {1}, journal = {Packages Social Science and Law (German Language)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-662-68217-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-68218-0}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 359}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Obwohl sieben der neun Menschenrechtsvertr{\"a}ge auf Ebene der Vereinten Nationen die M{\"o}glichkeit eines Staatenbeschwerdeverfahrens er{\"o}ffnen, kam dieser Verfahrensart {\"u}ber Jahrzehnte hinweg keinerlei praktische Bedeutung zu. Im Fr{\"u}hjahr 2018 erreichten den CERD-Ausschuss dann jedoch gleich drei verschiedene Staatenmitteilungen. Die erstmalige Aktivierung des Verfahrens fast 50 Jahre nach Inkrafttreten des Internationalen {\"U}bereinkommens zur Beseitigung jeder Form von Rassendiskriminierung (CERD) kann dabei als eine historische Entwicklung bezeichnet werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet dieses Buch erstmals eine umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit dem Staatenbeschwerdeverfahren nach Art. 11-13 CERD und den sich daraus ergebenden v{\"o}lkerrechtlichen Fragen. Unter Auswertung der j{\"u}ngsten Praxis des CERD-Ausschusses und der ad hoc Vergleichskommission wird die Funktionsweise des Verfahrens detailliert dargestellt, wobei immer wieder Parallelen zu den Mechanismen anderer Vertragsregime gezogen werden. Auf diese Weise soll die Arbeit auch zu dem Verst{\"a}ndnis vergleichbarer Staatenbeschwerdeverfahren anderer Menschenrechtsvertr{\"a}ge beitragen und zugleich die Bedeutung des Ph{\"a}nomens zwischenstaatlicher Streitbeilegung in Menschenrechtsfragen st{\"a}rker in den Vordergrund r{\"u}cken.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Machani2023, author = {Machani, Fridah Gechemba}, title = {Functional analysis of ATAF1 and ANAC032 NAC transcription factors in response to nitrogen Supply in Arabidopsis thaliana}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {126}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Markov2023, author = {Markov, Adrian}, title = {Acute effects of exercise order in concurrent training on immunological stress responses and measures of muscular fitness in youth athletes of both sexes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61851}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-618517}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 81}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background and aims: To succeed in competition, elite team and individual athletes often seek the development of both, high levels of muscle strength and power as well as cardiorespiratory endurance. In this context, concurrent training (CT) is a commonly applied and effective training approach. While being exposed to high training loads, youth athletes (≤ 18 years) are yet underrepresented in the scientific literature. Besides, immunological responses to CT have received little attention. Therefore, the aims of this work were to examine the acute (< 15min) and delayed (≥ 6 hours) effects of dif-ferent exercise order in CT on immunological stress responses, muscular fitness, metabolic response, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in highly trained youth male and female judo athletes. Methods: A total of twenty male and thirteen female participants, with an average age of 16 ± 1.8 years and 14.4 ± 2.1 years, respectively, were included in the study. They were randomly assigned to two CT sessions; power-endurance versus endurance-power (i.e., study 1), or strength-endurance versus endurance-strength (i.e., study 2). Markers of immune response (i.e., white-blood-cells, granulocytes, lymphocytes, mon-ocytes, and lymphocytes, granulocyte-lymphocyte-ratio, and systemic-inflammation-index), muscular fitness (i.e., counter-movement jump [CMJ]), metabolic responses (i.e., blood lactate, glucose), and RPE were collected at different time points (i.e., PRE12H, PRE, MID, POST, POST6H, POST22H). Results (study 1): There were significant time*order interactions for white-blood-cells, lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, granulocyte-lymphocyte-ratio, and systemic-inflammation-index. The power-endurance order resulted in significantly larger PRE-to-POST increases in white-blood-cells, monocytes, and lymphocytes while the endur-ance-power order resulted in significantly larger PRE-to-POST increases in the granu-locyte-lymphocyte-ratio and systemic-inflammation-index. Likewise, significantly larger increases from PRE-to-POST6H in white-blood-cells and granulocytes were observed following the power-endurance order compared to endurance-power. All markers of immune response returned toward baseline values at POST22H. Moreover, there was a significant time*order interaction for blood glucose and lactate. Following the endur-ance-power order, blood lactate and glucose increased from PRE-to-MID but not from PRE-to-POST. Meanwhile, in the power-endurance order blood lactate and glucose increased from PRE-to-POST but not from PRE-to-MID. A significant time*order inter-action was observed for CMJ-force with larger PRE-to-POST decreases in the endur-ance-power order compared to power-endurance order. Further, CMJ-power showed larger PRE-to-MID performance decreases following the power-endurance order, com-pared to the endurance-power order. Regarding RPE, significant time*order interactions were noted with larger PRE-to-MID values following the endurance-power order and larger PRE-to-POST values following the power-endurance order. Results (study 2): There were significant time*order interactions for lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocyte-lymphocyte-ratio, and systemic-inflammation-index. The strength-endurance order resulted in significantly larger PRE-to-POST increases in lymphocytes while the endurance-strength order resulted in significantly larger PRE-to-POST increases in the granulocyte-lymphocyte-ratio and systemic-inflammation-index. All markers of the immune system returned toward baseline values at POST22H. Moreover, there was a significant time*order interaction for blood glucose and lactate. From PRE-to-MID, there was a significantly greater increase in blood lactate and glu-cose following the endurance-strength order compared to strength-endurance order. Meanwhile, from PRE-to-POST there was a significantly higher increase in blood glu-cose following the strength-endurance order compared to endurance-strength order. Regarding physical fitness, a significant time*order interaction was observed for CMJ-force and CMJ-power with larger PRE-to-MID increases following the endurance-strength order compared to the strength-endurance order. For RPE, significant time*order interactions were noted with larger PRE-to-MID values following the endur-ance-power order and larger PRE-to-POST values following the power-endurance or-der. Conclusions: The primary findings from both studies revealed order-dependent effects on immune responses. In male youth judo athletes, the results demonstrated greater immunological stress responses, both immediately (≤ 15 min) and delayed (≥ 6 hours), following the power-endurance order compared to the endurance-power order. For female youth judo athletes, the results indicated higher acute, but not delayed, order-dependent changes in immune responses following the strength-endurance order compared to the endurance-strength order. It is worth noting that in both studies, all markers of immune system response returned to baseline levels within 22 hours. This suggests that successful recovery from the exercise-induced immune stress response was achieved within 22 hours. Regarding metabolic responses, physical fitness, and perceived exertion, the findings from both studies indicated acute (≤ 15 minutes) alterations that were dependent on the exercise order. These alterations were primarily influ-enced by the endurance exercise component. Moreover, study 1 provided substantial evidence suggesting that internal load measures, such as immune markers, may differ from external load measures. This indicates a disparity between immunological, perceived, and physical responses following both concurrent training orders. Therefore, it is crucial for practitioners to acknowledge these differences and take them into consideration when designing training programs.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchulzHanke2023, author = {Schulz-Hanke, Christian}, title = {BCH Codes mit kombinierter Korrektur und Erkennung}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61794}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617943}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 191}, year = {2023}, abstract = {BCH Codes mit kombinierter Korrektur und Erkennung In dieser Arbeit wird auf Grundlage des BCH Codes untersucht, wie eine Fehlerkorrektur mit einer Erkennung h{\"o}herer Fehleranzahlen kombiniert werden kann. Mit dem Verfahren der 1-Bit Korrektur mit zus{\"a}tzlicher Erkennung h{\"o}herer Fehler wurde ein Ansatz entwickelt, welcher die Erkennung zus{\"a}tzlicher Fehler durch das parallele L{\"o}sen einfacher Gleichungen der Form s_x = s_1^x durchf{\"u}hrt. Die Anzahl dieser Gleichungen ist linear zu der Anzahl der zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fenden h{\"o}heren Fehler. In dieser Arbeit wurde zus{\"a}tzlich f{\"u}r bis zu 4-Bit Korrekturen mit zus{\"a}tzlicher Erkennung h{\"o}herer Fehler ein weiterer allgemeiner Ansatz vorgestellt. Dabei werden parallel f{\"u}r alle korrigierbaren Fehleranzahlen spekulative Fehlerkorrekturen durchgef{\"u}hrt. Aus den bestimmten Fehlerstellen werden spekulative Syndromkomponenten erzeugt, durch welche die Fehlerstellen best{\"a}tigt und h{\"o}here erkennbare Fehleranzahlen ausgeschlossen werden k{\"o}nnen. Die vorgestellten Ans{\"a}tze unterscheiden sich von dem in entwickelten Ansatz, bei welchem die Anzahl der Fehlerstellen durch die Berechnung von Determinanten in absteigender Reihenfolge berechnet wird, bis die erste Determinante 0 bildet. Bei dem bekannten Verfahren ist durch die Berechnung der Determinanten eine faktorielle Anzahl an Berechnungen in Relation zu der Anzahl zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fender Fehler durchzuf{\"u}hren. Im Vergleich zu dem bekannten sequentiellen Verfahrens nach Berlekamp Massey besitzen die Berechnungen im vorgestellten Ansatz simple Gleichungen und k{\"o}nnen parallel durchgef{\"u}hrt werden.Bei dem bekannten Verfahren zur parallelen Korrektur von 4-Bit Fehlern ist eine Gleichung vierten Grades im GF(2^m) zu l{\"o}sen. Dies erfolgt, indem eine Hilfsgleichung dritten Grades und vier Gleichungen zweiten Grades parallel gel{\"o}st werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass sich eine Gleichung zweiten Grades einsparen l{\"a}sst, wodurch sich eine Vereinfachung der Hardware bei einer parallelen Realisierung der 4-Bit Korrektur ergibt. Die erzielten Ergebnisse wurden durch umfangreiche Simulationen in Software und Hardwareimplementierungen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hildebrandt2023, author = {Hildebrandt, Jana}, title = {Studies on nanoplastics for the preparation of reference materials}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61710}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617102}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 88}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The present work focuses on the preparation and characterisation of various nanoplastic reference material candidates. Nanoplastics are plastic particles in a size range of 1 - 1000 nm. The term has emerged in recent years as a distinction from the larger microplastic (1 - 1000 μm). Since the properties of the two plastic particles differ significantly due to their size, it is important to have nanoplastic reference material. This was produced for the polymer types polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) as well as poly(lactic acid) (PLA). A top-down method was used to produce the nanoplastic for the polyolefins PP and PE (Section 3.1). The material was crushed in acetone using an Ultra-Turrax disperser and then transferred to water. This process produces reproducible results when repeated, making it suitable for the production of a reference material candidate. The resulting dispersions were investigated using dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering. The dispersion of PP particles gave a mean hydrodynamic diameter Dh = 180.5±5.8 nm with a PDI = 0.08±0.02 and a zeta potential ζ = -43.0 ± 2.0 mV. For the PE particles, a diameter Dh = 344.5 ± 34.6 nm, with a PDI = 0.39 ± 0.04 and a zeta potential of ζ = -40.0 ± 4.2 mV was measured. This means that both dispersions are nanoplastics, as the particles are < 1000 nm. Furthermore, the starting material of these polyolefin particles was mixed with a gold salt and thereby the nanoplastic production was repeated in order to obtain nanoplastic particles doped with gold, which should simplify the detection of the particles. In addition to the top-down approach, a bottom-up method was chosen for the PLA (Section 3.2). Here, the polymer was first dissolved in THF and stabilised with a surfactant. Then water was added and THF evaporated, leaving an aqueous PLA dispersion. This experiment was also investigated using dynamic light scattering and, when repeated, yielded reproducible results, i. e. an average hydrodynamic diameter of Dh = 89.2 ± 3.0 nm. Since the mass concentration of PLA in the dispersion is known due to the production method, a Python notebook was tested for these samples to calculate the number and mass concentration of nano(plastic) particles using the MALS results. Similar to the plastic produced in Section 3.1, gold was also incorporated into the particle, which was achieved by adding a dispersion of gold clusters with a diameter of D = 1.15 nm in an ionic liquid (IL) in the production process. Here, the preparation of the gold clusters in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide ([Emim][DCA]) represented the first use of an IL both as a reducing agent for gold and as a solvent for the gold clusters. Two volumes of gold cluster dispersion were added during the PLA particle synthesis. The addition of the gold clusters leads to much larger particles. The nanoPLA with 0.8\% Au has a diameter of Dh = 198.0 ± 10.8 nm and the nanoPLA with 4.9\% Au has a diameter of Dh = 259.1 ± 23.7 nm. First investigations by TEM imaging show that the nanoPLA particles form hollow spheres when gold clusters are added. However, the mechanism leading to these structures remains unclear.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{RomeroPrada2023, author = {Romero Prada, Lorena Margarita}, title = {Crop improvement towards oxidative stress}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {155}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stanke2023, author = {Stanke, Sandra}, title = {AC electrokinetic immobilization of influenza viruses and antibodies on nanoelectrode arrays for on-chip immunoassays}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61716}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 115}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In the present thesis, AC electrokinetic forces, like dielectrophoresis and AC electroosmosis, were demonstrated as a simple and fast method to functionalize the surface of nanoelectrodes with submicrometer sized biological objects. These nanoelectrodes have a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 500 nm arranged in an array of 6256 electrodes. Due to its medical relevance influenza virus as well as anti-influenza antibodies were chosen as a model organism. Common methods to bring antibodies or proteins to biosensor surfaces are complex and time-consuming. In the present work, it was demonstrated that by applying AC electric fields influenza viruses and antibodies can be immobilized onto the nanoelectrodes within seconds without any prior chemical modification of neither the surface nor the immobilized biological object. The distribution of these immobilized objects is not uniform over the entire array, it exhibits a decreasing gradient from the outer row to the inner ones. Different causes for this gradient have been discussed, such as the vortex-shaped fluid motion above the nanoelectrodes generated by, among others, electrothermal fluid flow. It was demonstrated that parts of the accumulated material are permanently immobilized to the electrodes. This is a unique characteristic of the presented system since in the literature the AC electrokinetic immobilization is almost entirely presented as a method just for temporary immobilization. The spatial distribution of the immobilized viral material or the anti-influenza antibodies at the electrodes was observed by either the combination of fluorescence microscopy and deconvolution or by super-resolution microscopy (STED). On-chip immunoassays were performed to examine the suitability of the functionalized electrodes as a potential affinity-based biosensor. Two approaches were pursued: A) the influenza virus as the bio-receptor or B) the influenza virus as the analyte. Different sources of error were eliminated by ELISA and passivation experiments. Hence, the activity of the immobilized object was inspected by incubation with the analyte. This resulted in the successful detection of anti-influenza antibodies by the immobilized viral material. On the other hand, a detection of influenza virus particles by the immobilized anti-influenza antibodies was not possible. The latter might be due to lost activity or wrong orientation of the antibodies. Thus, further examinations on the activity of by AC electric fields immobilized antibodies should follow. When combined with microfluidics and an electrical read-out system, the functionalized chips possess the potential to serve as a rapid, portable, and cost-effective point-of-care (POC) device. This device can be utilized as a basis for diverse applications in diagnosing and treating influenza, as well as various other pathogens.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{IlićPetković2023, author = {Ilić Petković, Nikoleta}, title = {Stars under influence: evidence of tidal interactions between stars and substellar companions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61597}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-615972}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 137}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Tidal interactions occur between gravitationally bound astrophysical bodies. If their spatial separation is sufficiently small, the bodies can induce tides on each other, leading to angular momentum transfer and altering of evolutionary path the bodies would have followed if they were single objects. The tidal processes are well established in the Solar planet-moon systems and close stellar binary systems. However, how do stars behave if they are orbited by a substellar companion (e.g. a planet or a brown dwarf) on a tight orbit? Typically, a substellar companion inside the corotation radius of a star will migrate toward the star as it loses orbital angular momentum. On the other hand, the star will gain angular momentum which has the potential to increase its rotation rate. The effect should be more pronounced if the substellar companion is more massive. As the stellar rotation rate and the magnetic activity level are coupled, the star should appear more magnetically active under the tidal influence of the orbiting substellar companion. However, the difficulty in proving that a star has a higher magnetic activity level due to tidal interactions lies in the fact that (I) substellar companions around active stars are easier to detect if they are more massive, leading to a bias toward massive companions around active stars and mimicking the tidal interaction effect, and that (II) the age of a main-sequence star cannot be easily determined, leaving the possibility that a star is more active due to its young age. In our work, we overcome these issues by employing wide stellar binary systems where one star hosts a substellar companion, and where the other star provides the magnetic activity baseline for the host star, assuming they have coevolved, and thereby provides the host's activity level if tidal interactions have no effect on it. Firstly, we find that extrasolar planets can noticeably increase the host star's X-ray luminosity and that the effect is more pronounced if the exoplanet is at least Jupiter-like in mass and close to the star. Further, we find that a brown dwarf will have an even stronger effect, as expected, and that the X-ray surface flux difference between the host star and the wide stellar companion is a significant outlier when compared to a large sample of similar wide binary systems without any known substellar companions. This result proves that substellar hosting wide binary systems can be good tools to reveal the tidal effect on host stars, and also show that the typical stellar age indicators as activity or rotation cannot be used for these stars. Finally, knowing that the activity difference is a good tracer of the substellar companion's tidal impact, we develop an analytical method to calculate the modified tidal quality factor Q' of individual host stars, which defines the tidal dissipation efficiency in the convective envelope of a given main-sequence star.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sharma2023, author = {Sharma, Anjali}, title = {Optical manipulation of multi-responsive microgels}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {207}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This dissertation focuses on the understanding of the optical manipulation of microgels dispersed in aqueous solution of azobenzene containing surfactant. The work consists of three parts where each part is a systematic investigation of the (1) photo-isomerization kinetics of the surfactant in complex with the microgel polymer matrix, (2) light driven diffusiosmosis (LDDO) in microgels and (3) photo-responsivity of microgel on complexation with spiropyran. The first part comprises three publications where the first one [P1] investigates the photo-isomerization kinetics and corresponding isomer composition at a photo-stationary state of the photo-sensitive surfactant conjugated with charged polymers or micro sized polymer networks to understand the structural response of such photo-sensitive complexes. We report that the photo-isomerization of the azobenzene-containing cationic surfactant is slower in a polymer complex compared to being purely dissolved in an aqueous solution. The surfactant aggregates near the polyelectrolyte chains at concentrations much lower than the bulk critical micelle concentration. This, along with the inhibition of the photo-isomerization kinetics due to steric hindrance within the densely packed aggregates, pushes the isomer-ratio to a higher trans-isomer concentration for all irradiation wavelengths. The second publication [P2] combines experimental results and non-adiabatic dynamic simulations for the same surfactant molecules embedded in the micelles with absorption spectroscopy measurements of micellar solutions to uncover the reasons responsible for the slowdown in photo induced trans → cis azobenzene isomerization at concentrations higher than the critical micelle concentration (CMC). The simulations reveal a decrease of isomerization quantum yields for molecules inside the micelles and observes a reduction of extinction coefficients upon micellization. These findings explain the deceleration of the trans → cis switching in micelles of the azobenzene-containing surfactants. Finally, the third publication [P3] focusses on the kinetics of adsorption and desorption of the same surfactant within anionic microgels in the dark and under continuous irradiation. Experimental data demonstrate, that microgels can serve as a selective absorber of the trans isomers. The interaction of the isomers with the gel matrix induces a remotely controllable collapse or swelling on appropriate irradiation wavelengths. Measuring the kinetics of the microgel size response and knowing the exact isomer composition under light exposure, we calculate the adsorption rate of the trans-isomers. The second part comprises two publications. The first publication [P4] reports on the phenomenon of light-driven diffusioosmotic (DO) long-range attractive and repulsive interactions between micro-sized objects, whose range extends several times the size of microparticles and can be adjusted to point towards or away from the particle by varying irradiation parameters such as intensity or wavelength of light. The phenomenon is fueled by the aforementioned photosensitive surfactant. The complex interaction of dynamic exchange of isomers and photo-isomerization rate yields to relative concentrations gradients of the isomers in the vicinity of micro-sized object inducing a local diffusioosmotic (DO) flow thereby making a surface act as a micropump. The second publication [P5] exclusively aims the visualization and investigation of the DO flows generated from microgels by using small tracer particles. Similar to micro sized objects, the flow is able to push adjacent tracers over distances several times larger than microgel size. Here we report that the direction and the strength of the l-LDDO depends on the intensity, irradiation wavelength and the amount of surfactant adsorbed by the microgel. For example, the flow pattern around a microgel is directed radially outward and can be maintained quasi-indefinitely under exposure at 455 nm when the trans:cis ratio is 2:1, whereas irradiation at 365 nm, generates a radially transient flow pattern, which inverts at lower intensities. Lastly, the third part consists of one publication [P6] which, unlike the previous works, reports on the study of the kinetics of photo- and thermo-switching of a new surfactant namely, spiropyran, upon exposure with light of different wavelengths and its interaction with p(NIPAM-AA) microgels. The surfactant being an amphiphile, switches between its ring closed spiropyran (SP) form and ring open merocyanine (MC) form which results in a change in the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of the surfactant as MC being a zwitterionic form along with the charged head group, generates three charges on the molecule. Therefore, the MC form of the surfactant is more hydrophilic than in the case of the neutral SP state. Here, we investigate the initial shrinkage of the gel particles via charge compensation on first exposure to SP molecules which results from the complex formation of the molecules with the gel matrix, triggering them to become photo responsive. The size and VPTT of the microgels during irradiation is shown to be a combination of heating up of the solution during light absorption by the surfactant (more pronounced in the case of UV irradiation) and the change in the hydrophobicity of the surfactant.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MalemShinitski2023, author = {Malem-Shinitski, Noa}, title = {Bayesian inference and modeling for point processes with applications from neuronal activity to scene viewing}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61495}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-614952}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 129}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Point processes are a common methodology to model sets of events. From earthquakes to social media posts, from the arrival times of neuronal spikes to the timing of crimes, from stock prices to disease spreading -- these phenomena can be reduced to the occurrences of events concentrated in points. Often, these events happen one after the other defining a time--series. Models of point processes can be used to deepen our understanding of such events and for classification and prediction. Such models include an underlying random process that generates the events. This work uses Bayesian methodology to infer the underlying generative process from observed data. Our contribution is twofold -- we develop new models and new inference methods for these processes. We propose a model that extends the family of point processes where the occurrence of an event depends on the previous events. This family is known as Hawkes processes. Whereas in most existing models of such processes, past events are assumed to have only an excitatory effect on future events, we focus on the newly developed nonlinear Hawkes process, where past events could have excitatory and inhibitory effects. After defining the model, we present its inference method and apply it to data from different fields, among others, to neuronal activity. The second model described in the thesis concerns a specific instance of point processes --- the decision process underlying human gaze control. This process results in a series of fixated locations in an image. We developed a new model to describe this process, motivated by the known Exploration--Exploitation dilemma. Alongside the model, we present a Bayesian inference algorithm to infer the model parameters. Remaining in the realm of human scene viewing, we identify the lack of best practices for Bayesian inference in this field. We survey four popular algorithms and compare their performances for parameter inference in two scan path models. The novel models and inference algorithms presented in this dissertation enrich the understanding of point process data and allow us to uncover meaningful insights.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Foerstner2023, author = {F{\"o}rstner, Bernd Rainer}, title = {Transdiagnostic assessment of mental disorders using the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) approach: relationship to disease severity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61115}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-611150}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Traditionally, mental disorders have been identified based on specific symptoms and standardized diagnostic systems such as the DSM-5 and ICD-10. However, these symptom-based definitions may only partially represent neurobiological and behavioral research findings, which could impede the development of targeted treatments. A transdiagnostic approach to mental health research, such as the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) approach, maps resilience and broader aspects of mental health to associated components. By investigating mental disorders in a transnosological way, we can better understand disease patterns and their distinguishing and common factors, leading to more precise prevention and treatment options. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on (1) the latent domain structure of the RDoC approach in a transnosological sample including healthy controls, (2) its domain associations to disease severity in patients with anxiety and depressive disorders, and (3) an overview of the scientific results found regarding Positive (PVS) and Negative Valence Systems (NVS) associated with mood and anxiety disorders. The following main results were found: First, the latent RDoC domain structure for PVS and NVS, Cognitive Systems (CS), and Social Processes (SP) could be validated using self-report and behavioral measures in a transnosological sample. Second, we found transdiagnostic and disease-specific associations between those four domains and disease severity in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders. Third, the scoping review showed a sizable amount of RDoC research conducted on PVS and NVS in mood and anxiety disorders, with research gaps for both domains and specific conditions. In conclusion, the research presented in this dissertation highlights the potential of the transnosological RDoC framework approach in improving our understanding of mental disorders. By exploring the latent RDoC structure and associations with disease severity and disease-specific and transnosological associations for anxiety and depressive disorders, this research provides valuable insights into the full spectrum of psychological functioning. Additionally, this dissertation highlights the need for further research in this area, identifying both RDoC indicators and research gaps. Overall, this dissertation represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to improve our understanding and the treatment of mental disorders, particularly within the commonly comorbid disease spectrum of mood and anxiety disorders.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pruefer2023, author = {Pr{\"u}fer, Mareike}, title = {Charakterisierung und wechselfeldgest{\"u}tzte Herstellung von Enzym-Nanoarrays}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61232}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-612329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {104}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Dielektrophorese ist die Manipulation polarisierbarer Partikel durch inhomogene elektrische Wechselfelder. In dieser Arbeit wurden drei verschiedene Enzyme durch Dielektrophorese immobilisiert und anschließend hinsichtlich ihrer katalytischen Aktivit{\"a}t untersucht: Meerrettichperoxidase, Cholinoxidase aus Alcaligenes sp. und Glucoseoxidase aus Aspergillus niger. Die Immobilisierung erfolgte durch Dielektrophorese auf nano-Elektrodenarrays aus Wolfram-Zylindern mit 500 nm Durchmesser oder aus Titannitrid-Ringen mit 20 nm Breite. Die Immobilisierung der Enzyme konnte fluoreszenzmikroskopisch entweder anhand der intrinsischen Fluoreszenz oder aufgrund einer Fluoreszenzmarkierung vor oder nach der Immobilisierung f{\"u}r alle getesteten Enzyme nachgewiesen werden. Die Messung der Enzymaktivit{\"a}t erfolgte quantitativ durch den direkten oder indirekten Nachweis des gebildeten Produktes oder, im Falle der Cholinoxidase, durch Beobachtung der intrinsischen Fluoreszenz des Cofaktors FAD, die vom Oxidationszustand dieses Enzyms abh{\"a}ngt. F{\"u}r die Meerrettichperoxidase konnte so eine hohe erhaltene Enzymaktivit{\"a}t nach der Immobilisierung nachgewiesen werden. Die Aktivit{\"a}t der permanent immobilisierten Fraktion der Meerrettichperoxidase entsprach bis zu 47 \% der h{\"o}chstm{\"o}glichen Aktivit{\"a}t einer Monolage dieses Enzyms auf den Elektroden des Chips. Diese Aktivit{\"a}t kann als aktive, aber zuf{\"a}llig gegen{\"u}ber der Oberfl{\"a}che ausgerichtete Enzymschicht interpretiert werden. F{\"u}r die permanent immobilisierte Glucoseoxidase wurde nur eine Aktivit{\"a}t entsprechend <1,3 \% der Aktivit{\"a}t einer solchen Enzymschicht detektiert, w{\"a}hrend f{\"u}r die immobilisierte Cholinoxidase gar keine Aktivit{\"a}t nachgewiesen werden konnte. Die Aktivit{\"a}t der durch DEP immobilisierten Enzyme konnte somit quantitativ bestimmt werden. Der Anteil an erhaltener Aktivit{\"a}t h{\"a}ngt dabei stark vom verwendeten Enzym ab.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kunkel2023, author = {Kunkel, Stefanie}, title = {Green industry through industry 4.0? Expected and observed effects of digitalisation in industry for environmental sustainability}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61395}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-613954}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 168}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Digitalisation in industry - also called "Industry 4.0" - is seen by numerous actors as an opportunity to reduce the environmental impact of the industrial sector. The scientific assessments of the effects of digitalisation in industry on environmental sustainability, however, are ambivalent. This cumulative dissertation uses three empirical studies to examine the expected and observed effects of digitalisation in industry on environmental sustainability. The aim of this dissertation is to identify opportunities and risks of digitalisation at different system levels and to derive options for action in politics and industry for a more sustainable design of digitalisation in industry. I use an interdisciplinary, socio-technical approach and look at selected countries of the Global South (Study 1) and the example of China (all studies). In the first study (section 2, joint work with Marcel Matthess), I use qualitative content analysis to examine digital and industrial policies from seven different countries in Africa and Asia for expectations regarding the impact of digitalisation on sustainability and compare these with the potentials of digitalisation for sustainability in the respective country contexts. The analysis reveals that the documents express a wide range of vague expectations that relate more to positive indirect impacts of information and communication technology (ICT) use, such as improved energy efficiency and resource management, and less to negative direct impacts of ICT, such as electricity consumption through ICT. In the second study (section 3, joint work with Marcel Matthess, Grischa Beier and Bing Xue), I conduct and analyse interviews with 18 industry representatives of the electronics industry from Europe, Japan and China on digitalisation measures in supply chains using qualitative content analysis. I find that while there are positive expectations regarding the effects of digital technologies on supply chain sustainability, their actual use and observable effects are still limited. Interview partners can only provide few examples from their own companies which show that sustainability goals have already been pursued through digitalisation of the supply chain or where sustainability effects, such as resource savings, have been demonstrably achieved. In the third study (section 4, joint work with Peter Neuh{\"a}usler, Melissa Dachrodt and Marcel Matthess), I conduct an econometric panel data analysis. I examine the relationship between the degree of Industry 4.0, energy consumption and energy intensity in ten manufacturing sectors in China between 2006 and 2019. The results suggest that overall, there is no significant relationship between the degree of Industry 4.0 and energy consumption or energy intensity in manufacturing sectors in China. However, differences can be found in subgroups of sectors. I find a negative correlation of Industry 4.0 and energy intensity in highly digitalised sectors, indicating an efficiency-enhancing effect of Industry 4.0 in these sectors. On the other hand, there is a positive correlation of Industry 4.0 and energy consumption for sectors with low energy consumption, which could be explained by the fact that digitalisation, such as the automation of previously mainly labour-intensive sectors, requires energy and also induces growth effects. In the discussion section (section 6) of this dissertation, I use the classification scheme of the three levels macro, meso and micro, as well as of direct and indirect environmental effects to classify the empirical observations into opportunities and risks, for example, with regard to the probability of rebound effects of digitalisation at the three levels. I link the investigated actor perspectives (policy makers, industry representatives), statistical data and additional literature across the system levels and consider political economy aspects to suggest fields of action for more sustainable (digitalised) industries. The dissertation thus makes two overarching contributions to the academic and societal discourse. First, my three empirical studies expand the limited state of research at the interface between digitalisation in industry and sustainability, especially by considering selected countries in the Global South and the example of China. Secondly, exploring the topic through data and methods from different disciplinary contexts and taking a socio-technical point of view, enables an analysis of (path) dependencies, uncertainties, and interactions in the socio-technical system across different system levels, which have often not been sufficiently considered in previous studies. The dissertation thus aims to create a scientifically and practically relevant knowledge basis for a value-guided, sustainability-oriented design of digitalisation in industry.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Agarwal2023, author = {Agarwal, Pallavi}, title = {Functional characterization of ROS-responsive genes, ANAC085 and ATR7, in Arabidopsis thaliana}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 169}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Peng2023, author = {Peng, Maolin}, title = {The role of prion-like domains in plant temperatur sensing}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 121}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pregla2023, author = {Pregla, Dorothea}, title = {Variability in sentence processing performance in German people with aphasia and unimpaired German native speakers}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61420}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-614201}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {171}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Individuals with aphasia vary in the speed and accuracy they perform sentence comprehension tasks. Previous results indicate that the performance patterns of individuals with aphasia vary between tasks (e.g., Caplan, DeDe, \& Michaud, 2006; Caplan, Michaud, \& Hufford, 2013a). Similarly, it has been found that the comprehension performance of individuals with aphasia varies between homogeneous test sentences within and between sessions (e.g., McNeil, Hageman, \& Matthews, 2005). These studies ascribed the variability in the performance of individuals with aphasia to random noise. This conclusion would be in line with an influential theory on sentence comprehension in aphasia, the resource reduction hypothesis (Caplan, 2012). However, previous studies did not directly compare variability in language-impaired and language-unimpaired adults. Thus, it is still unclear how the variability in sentence comprehension differs between individuals with and without aphasia. Furthermore, the previous studies were exclusively carried out in English. Therefore, the findings on variability in sentence processing in English still need to be replicated in a different language. This dissertation aims to give a systematic overview of the patterns of variability in sentence comprehension performance in aphasia in German and, based on this overview, to put the resource reduction hypothesis to the test. In order to reach the first aim, variability was considered on three different dimensions (persons, measures, and occasions) following the classification by Hultsch, Strauss, Hunter, and MacDonald (2011). At the dimension of persons, the thesis compared the performance of individuals with aphasia and language-unimpaired adults. At the dimension of measures, this work explored the performance across different sentence comprehension tasks (object manipulation, sentence-picture matching). Finally, at the dimension of occasions, this work compared the performance in each task between two test sessions. Several methods were combined to study variability to gain a large and diverse database. In addition to the offline comprehension tasks, the self-paced-listening paradigm and the visual world eye-tracking paradigm were used in this work. The findings are in line with the previous results. As in the previous studies, variability in sentence comprehension in individuals with aphasia emerged between test sessions and between tasks. Additionally, it was possible to characterize the variability further using hierarchical Bayesian models. For individuals with aphasia, it was shown that both between-task and between-session variability are unsystematic. In contrast to that, language-unimpaired individuals exhibited systematic differences between measures and between sessions. However, these systematic differences occurred only in the offline tasks. Hence, variability in sentence comprehension differed between language-impaired and language-unimpaired adults, and this difference could be narrowed down to the offline measures. Based on this overview of the patterns of variability, the resource reduction hypothesis was evaluated. According to the hypothesis, the variability in the performance of individuals with aphasia can be ascribed to random fluctuations in the resources available for sentence processing. Given that the performance of the individuals with aphasia varied unsystematically, the results support the resource reduction hypothesis. Furthermore, the thesis proposes that the differences in variability between language-impaired and language-unimpaired adults can also be explained by the resource reduction hypothesis. More specifically, it is suggested that the systematic changes in the performance of language-unimpaired adults are due to decreasing fluctuations in available processing resources. In parallel, the unsystematic variability in the performance of individuals with aphasia could be due to constant fluctuations in available processing resources. In conclusion, the systematic investigation of variability contributes to a better understanding of language processing in aphasia and thus enriches aphasia research.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stephan2023, author = {Stephan, Mareike Sophia}, title = {A bacterial mimetic system to study bacterial inactivation and infection}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {150}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The emerging threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has become a global challenge in the last decades, leading to a rising demand for alternative treatments for bacterial infections. One approach is to target the bacterial cell envelope, making understanding its biophysical properties crucial. Specifically, bacteriophages use the bacterial envelope as an entry point to initiate infection, and they are considered important building blocks of new antibiotic strategies against drug-resistant bacteria.. Depending on the structure of the cell wall, bacteria are classified as Gram-negative and Gram-positive. Gram-negative bacteria are equipped with a complex cell envelope composed of two lipid membranes enclosing a rigid peptidoglycan layer. The synthesis machinery of the Gram-negative cell envelope is the target of antimicrobial agents, including new physical sanitizing procedures addressing the outer membrane (OM). It is therefore very important to study the biophysical properties of the Gram-negative bacterial cell envelope. The high complexity of the Gram-negative OM sets the demand for a model system in which the contribution of individual components can be evaluated separately. In this respect, giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) are promising membrane systems to study membrane properties while controlling parameters such as membrane composition and surrounding medium conditions. The aim of this work was to develop methods and approaches for the preparation and characterization of a GUV-based membrane model that mimics the OM of the Gram-negative cell envelope. A major component of the OM is the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the outside of the OM heterobilayer. The vesicle model was designed to contain LPS in the outer leaflet and lipids in the inner leaflet. Furthermore, the interaction of the prepared LPS-GUVs with bacteriophages was tested. LPS containing GUVs were prepared by adapting the inverted emulsion technique to meet the challenging properties of LPS, namely their high self-aggregation rate in aqueous solutions. Notably, an additional emulsification step together with the adaption of solution conditions was employed to asymmetrically incorporate LPS containing long polysaccharide chains into the artificial membranes. GUV membrane asymmetry was verified with a fluorescence quenching assay. Since the necessary precautions for handling the quenching agent sodium dithionite are often underestimated and poorly described, important parameters were tested and identified to obtain a stable and reproducible assay. In the context of varied LPS incorporation, a microscopy-based technique was introduced to determine the LPS content on individual GUVs and to directly compare vesicle properties and LPS coverage. Diffusion coefficient measurements in the obtained GUVs showed that increasing LPS concentrations in the membranes resulted in decreased diffusivity. Employing LPS-GUVs we could demonstrate that a Salmonella bacteriophage bound with high specificity to its LPS receptor when presented at the GUV surface, and that the number of bound bacteriophages scaled with the amount of presented LPS receptor. In addition to binding, the bacteriophages were able to eject their DNA into the vesicle lumen. LPS-GUVs thus provide a starting platform for bottom-up approaches for the generation of more complex membranes, in which the effects of individual components on the membrane properties and the interaction with antimicrobial agents such as bacteriophages could be explored.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Li2023, author = {Li, Xiaoping}, title = {Regulation of starch granule number and morphology in arabidopsis thaliana}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {116}, year = {2023}, language = {en} }