@phdthesis{Antić2018, author = {Antić, Andreas}, title = {Digitale {\"O}ffentlichkeiten und intelligente Kooperation}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-431-9}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-41096}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410964}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 454}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Um die gegenw{\"a}rtige Transformation der {\"O}ffentlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter erfassen zu k{\"o}nnen, ist in der {\"O}ffentlichkeitstheorie eine erweiterte Perspektive notwendig, die nicht nur den massenmedialen Diskurs, sondern auch die Ver{\"a}nderung sozialer Praktiken und institutioneller Strukturen in den Blick nimmt. Das Ziel dieses Buches besteht darin, die Grundlagen einer solchen Perspektive auf die Theorie digitaler {\"O}ffentlichkeiten zu entwickeln. Im vorgeschlagenen Ansatz wird {\"O}ffentlichkeit im Anschluss an John Dewey als Prozess verstanden. In seiner prozessualen und funktionalen Bestimmung von {\"O}ffentlichkeit liegt eine besondere Originalit{\"a}t, die seinen Ansatz von anderen {\"O}ffentlichkeitskonzeptionen unterscheidet. Das Buch liefert sowohl eine systematische Rekonstruktion und Interpretation der Philosophie John Deweys als auch einen Vorschlag zur gesellschaftstheoretischen Deutung des digitalen Wandels.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{vonNordheim2018, author = {von Nordheim, Danny}, title = {Dielectric non-linearities of P(VDF-TrFE) single and multilayers for memory applications}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-421778}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 109}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) ferroelectric thin films of different molar ratio have been studied with regard to data memory applications. Therefore, films with thicknesses of 200 nm and less have been spin coated from solution. Observations gained from single layers have been extended to multilayer capacitors and three terminal transistor devices. Besides conventional hysteresis measurements, the measurement of dielectric non-linearities has been used as a main tool of characterisation. Being a very sensitive and non-destructive method, non-linearity measurements are well suited for polarisation readout and property studies. Samples have been excited using a high quality, single-frequency sinusoidal voltage with an amplitude significantly smaller than the coercive field of the samples. The response was then measured at the excitation frequency and its higher harmonics. Using the measurement results, the linear and non-linear dielectric permittivities ɛ₁, ɛ₂ and ɛ₃ have been determined. The permittivities have been used to derive the temperature-dependent polarisation behaviour as well as the polarisation state and the order of the phase transitions. The coercive field in VDF-TrFE copolymers is high if compared to their ceramic competitors. Therefore, the film thickness had to be reduced significantly. Considering a switching voltage of 5 V and a coercive field of 50 MV/m, the film thickness has to be 100 nm and below. If the thickness becomes substantially smaller than the other dimensions, surface and interface layer effects become more pronounced. For thicker films of P(VDF-TrFE) with a molar fraction of 56/44 a second-order phase transition without a thermal hysteresis for an ɛ₁(T) temperature cycle has been predicted and observed. This however, could not be confirmed by the measurements of thinner films. A shift of transition temperatures as well as a temperature independent, non-switchable polarisation and a thermal hysteresis for P(VDF-TrFE) 56/44 have been observed. The impact of static electric fields on the polarisation and the phase transition has therefore been studied and simulated, showing that all aforementioned phenomena including a linear temperature dependence of the polarisation might originate from intrinsic electric fields. In further experiments the knowledge gained from single layer capacitors has been extended to bilayer copolymer thin films of different molar composition. Bilayers have been deposited by succeeding cycles of spin coating from solution. Single layers and their bilayer combination have been studied individually in order to prove the layers stability. The individual layers have been found to be physically stable. But while the bilayers reproduced the main ɛ₁(T) properties of the single layers qualitatively, quantitative numbers could not be explained by a simple serial connection of capacitors. Furthermore, a linear behaviour of the polarisation throughout the measured temperature range has been observed. This was found to match the behaviour predicted considering a constant electric field. Retention time is an important quantity for memory applications. Hence, the retention behaviour of VDF-TrFE copolymer thin films has been determined using dielectric non-linearities. The polarisation loss in P(VDF-TrFE) poled samples has been found to be less than 20\% if recorded over several days. The loss increases significantly if the samples have been poled with lower amplitudes, causing an unsaturated polarisation. The main loss was attributed to injected charges. Additionally, measurements of dielectric non-linearities have been proven to be a sensitive and non-destructive tool to measure the retention behaviour. Finally, a ferroelectric field effect transistor using mainly organic materials (FerrOFET) has been successfully studied. DiNaphtho[2,3-b:2',3'-f]Thieno[3,2-b]Thiophene (DNTT) has proven to be a stable, suitable organic semiconductor to build up ferroelectric memory devices. Furthermore, an oxidised aluminium bottom electrode and additional dielectric layers, i.e. parylene C, have proven to reduce the leakage current and therefore enhance the performance significantly.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchulteUmberg2018, author = {Schulte-Umberg, Ulf}, title = {Die langobardischen Hofkirchen in Capua}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-48109}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-481099}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 427}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Im historischen Zentrum der mittelalterlichen Stadt Capua hat sich mit den drei Kirchen S. Salvatore „Maggiore" a Corte, S. Giovanni a Corte und S. Michele a Corte eine Gruppe von Sakralbauten erhalten, die nicht nur durch ihre {\"u}bereinstimmende namentliche Attribution einen Zusammenhang mit dem langobardischen F{\"u}rstenhof der Stadt offenbaren, sondern auch durch die r{\"a}umliche Disposition im urbanistischen Gef{\"u}ge. Im vorliegenden Buch wird die {\"u}berkommene Bausubstanz einer grundlegenden Analyse unterzogen, um herauszuarbeiten, welche Bestandteile den {\"a}ltesten Bauphasen zuzuordnen sind und somit als langobardenzeitlich angesprochen werden k{\"o}nnen. Eine ausf{\"u}hrliche Untersuchung der zugeh{\"o}rigen Bauplastik erg{\"a}nzt gleichwertig diesen ersten Teil. Die Kontextualisierung der Ergebnisse hilft dabei, ein Bild von der Kunst und Architektur des in S{\"u}ditalien an Monumenten eher armen 10. Jahrhunderts zu generieren und erlaubt R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf den geistigen Hintergrund, vor dem die drei Hofkirchen entstanden sind.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kirchner2018, author = {Kirchner, Moritz}, title = {Der neueste Geist des Kapitalismus}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-41498}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-414985}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {520}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Der neueste Geist des Kapitalismus beschreibt das heutige Mobilisierungs- und Rechtfertigungsregime, welches uns immer wieder dazu bringt, unsere Arbeitskraft zu verwerten und uns t{\"a}glich ins kapitalistische Hamsterrad zu begeben. Der alte Geist des Kapitalismus, nach dem Fleiß, Disziplin und Sparsamkeit zum gesellschaftlichen Aufstieg f{\"u}hren, tr{\"a}gt l{\"a}ngst nicht mehr. Auch reine Selbstverwirklichung, der Anspruch auf Flexibilit{\"a}t und flache Hierarchien reicht nicht mehr aus, um insbesondere gut qualifizierte Menschen zur Arbeit zu motivieren. Der neueste Geist des Kapitalismus hingegen ist das Produkt der tiefen Subjektivierung und Verinnerlichung des Neoliberalismus. Es geht um best{\"a}ndige berufliche und private Optimierung sowie ein umfassendes Nutzendenken. Gl{\"u}cklich zu sein, ist nicht mehr nur eine Option, sondern es gibt den normativen Anspruch, gl{\"u}cklich sein zu sollen. Das Leistungsprinzip wird aktiv bejaht und Leistungsgerechtigkeit eingefordert. Die Bew{\"a}ltigung von Komplexit{\"a}t wird zum Metathema. Der Anspruch auf Distinktion, insbesondere auch gegen{\"u}ber „Minderleisten" nimmt zu. Die Welt wird zunehmend durch die Brille von Zahlen und Statistiken betrachtet, und Key Performance Indicators werden zu st{\"a}ndigen Wegbegleitern. Das Leben wird, verst{\"a}rkt durch die sozialen Netzwerke, zunehmend zu einer performativen B{\"u}hne, die zugleich dem Networking dient. In der Konsequenz der best{\"a}ndigen Optimierung wird es jedoch immer schwerer, zur Ruhe zu kommen. Dieser neueste Geist des Kapitalismus, dieser umfassende Optimierungsanspruch, hat jedoch gravierende Konsequenzen. Zu den manifesten Pathologien des neuesten Geistes geh{\"o}ren gestiegene Raten von Depressionen, Burn-out und Angstst{\"o}rungen. Gesellschaftlich spreizt sich die soziale Schere immer mehr anhand der F{\"a}higkeit, Komplexit{\"a}t bew{\"a}ltigen zu k{\"o}nnen, was viele Verlierer und prek{\"a}re Gewinner produziert. Daher wird dieser neueste Geist des Kapitalismus sozialkritisch, k{\"u}nstlerkritisch und ideologiekritisch hinterfragt. Die Rolle der Gewerkschaften als der Zentralinstitution der Sozialkritik, die ein tats{\"a}chliches Gegengewicht zum neuesten Geist des Kapitalismus bieten kann, wird kontrovers diskutiert. Und es wird aufgezeigt: chillen ist die neue Subversion.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fliesser2018, author = {Fließer, Michael}, title = {Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Indikatoren des sozio{\"o}konomischen Status auf R{\"u}ckenschmerz}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42345}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423455}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {84}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Obwohl der sozio{\"o}konomische Status (SES) eine in der Sozialepidemiologie h{\"a}ufig gebrauchte Variable darstellt, ist seine Verwendung mit methodischen Problemen verkn{\"u}pft: Seine latente Struktur f{\"u}hrt dazu, dass sich verschiedene M{\"o}glichkeiten der Operationalisierung er{\"o}ffnen. Diese reichen von klassischen Ungleichheitsindikatoren wie Bildung, Einkommen oder Berufsposition, {\"u}ber multidimensionale oder {\"u}ber Nachbarschaftsmerkmale konstruierte Indizes, bis hin zu subjektiven Statuseinsch{\"a}tzungen. Problematisch ist dies insofern, als verschiedene Indikatoren auf unterschiedlichen theoretischen Konstrukten beruhen und unterschiedliche Schlussfolgerungen erlauben. In dieser Arbeit wird deshalb in einem ersten Schritt anhand eines systematischen Reviews zum Zusammenhang von SES und R{\"u}ckenschmerzen {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, welche Indikatoren in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen eingesetzt werden und wie die Auswahl begr{\"u}ndet wird. Das Ergebnis zeigt eine klare Pr{\"a}ferenz f{\"u}r klassische Indikatoren (Bildung, Einkommen und Berufsposition). Erl{\"a}utert wurde die jeweilige Auswahl allerdings nur in einem geringen Prozentsatz der untersuchten Artikel, obwohl die unterschiedlichen Studienergebnisse nahelegen, dass der gew{\"a}hlte Indikator einen Einfluss auf den gefundenen Zusammenhang aus{\"u}ben k{\"o}nnte. Deshalb wurde in einem weiteren Schritt {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, wie unterschiedliche SES-Indikatoren mit der Verbesserung von R{\"u}ckenschmerzen nach einer Rehabilitation (Studie 1) und der Neuentstehung von R{\"u}ckenschmerzen (Studie 2) zusammenh{\"a}ngen. Außerdem wurde untersucht, ob ein einfaches Modell den Zusammenhang von SES und Gesundheit so darstellen kann, dass a priori abzusch{\"a}tzen ist, wie hoch der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Indikatoren auf einen bestimmten Gesundheitsoutput sein k{\"o}nnte. Es zeigt sich, dass sich der errechnete Zusammenhang zwischen den verschiedenen Indikatoren und chronischen R{\"u}ckenschmerzen erheblich unterscheidet: F{\"u}r Menschen, die bereits wegen R{\"u}ckenschmerzen in Rehabilitation waren, erwiesen sich Bildung und Berufsposition als {\"a}hnlich einflussreiche Einflussfaktoren, w{\"a}hrend f{\"u}r das Einkommen kein bedeutender Zusammenhang festgestellt werden konnte. F{\"u}r die Neuentstehung chronischer R{\"u}ckenschmerzen zeigte sich die Berufsposition als wichtigster Indikator, gefolgt von Bildung, w{\"a}hrend f{\"u}r Einkommen kein signifikanter Zusammenhang gefunden werden konnte. Folglich bestimmt die Wahl des Indikators die H{\"o}he des festgestellten Zusammenhangs stark mit. Unterschiedliche Indikatoren d{\"u}rfen deshalb nicht als austauschbar betrachtet werden und es muss bei jeder Forschungsfrage genau {\"u}berlegt werden, welcher Indikator f{\"u}r die jeweilige Fragestellung am besten verwendet werden kann. Das vorgeschlagene theoretische Modell kann dabei als Unterst{\"u}tzung dienen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Holl2018, author = {Holl, Anna Katharina}, title = {Deficits in theory of mind and executive function as risk factors for conduct problems from middle childhood to early adolescence - a longitudinal perspective}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-45991}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-459915}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {292}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this thesis, deficits in theory of mind (ToM) and executive function (EF) were examined in tandem and separately as risk factors for conduct problems, including different forms and functions of aggressive behavior. All three reported studies and the additional analyses were based on a large community sample of N = 1,657 children, including three waves of a longitudinal study covering middle childhood and the transition to early adolescence (range 6 to 13 years) over a total of about three years. All data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. Altogether, the results of all the conducted studies in this thesis extend previous research and confirm the propositions of the SIP model (Crick \& Dodge, 1994) and of the amygdala theory of violent behavior (e.g., Blair et al., 2014) besides other accounts. Considering the three main research questions, the results of the thesis suggest first that deficits in ToM are a risk factor for relational and physical aggression from a mean age of 8 to 11 years under the control of stable between-person differences in aggression. In addition, earlier relationally aggressive behavior predicts later deficits in ToM in this age range, which confirms transactional relations between deficits in ToM and aggressive behavior in children (Crick \& Dodge, 1994). Further, deficits in ToM seem to be a risk factor for parent-rated conduct problems cross-sectionally in an age range from 9 to 13 years. Second, deficits in cool EF are a risk factor for later physical, relational, and reactive aggression but not for proactive aggression over a course of three years from middle childhood to early adolescence. Habitual anger seems to mediate the relation between cool EF and physical, and as a trend also relational, aggression. Deficits in emotional and inhibitory control and planning have a direct effect on the individual level of conduct problems under the control of interindividual differences in conduct problems at a mean age of 8 years, but not on the trajectory of conduct problems over the course from age 8 to 11. Third, when deficits in cool EF and ToM are studied in tandem cross-sectionally at the transition from middle childhood to early adolescence, deficits in cool EF seem to play only an indirect role through deficits in ToM as a risk factor for conduct problems. Finally, all results hold equal for females and males in the conducted studies. The results of this thesis emphasize the need to intervene in the transactional processes between deficits in ToM and in EF and conduct problems, including different forms and functions of aggression, particularly in the socially sensible period from middle and late childhood to early adolescence.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Smith2018, author = {Smith, Taylor}, title = {Decadal changes in the snow regime of High Mountain Asia, 1987-2016}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-407120}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 142}, year = {2018}, abstract = {More than a billion people rely on water from rivers sourced in High Mountain Asia (HMA), a significant portion of which is derived from snow and glacier melt. Rural communities are heavily dependent on the consistency of runoff, and are highly vulnerable to shifts in their local environment brought on by climate change. Despite this dependence, the impacts of climate change in HMA remain poorly constrained due to poor process understanding, complex terrain, and insufficiently dense in-situ measurements. HMA's glaciers contain more frozen water than any region outside of the poles. Their extensive retreat is a highly visible and much studied marker of regional and global climate change. However, in many catchments, snow and snowmelt represent a much larger fraction of the yearly water budget than glacial meltwaters. Despite their importance, climate-related changes in HMA's snow resources have not been well studied. Changes in the volume and distribution of snowpack have complex and extensive impacts on both local and global climates. Eurasian snow cover has been shown to impact the strength and direction of the Indian Summer Monsoon -- which is responsible for much of the precipitation over the Indian Subcontinent -- by modulating earth-surface heating. Shifts in the timing of snowmelt have been shown to limit the productivity of major rangelands, reduce streamflow, modify sediment transport, and impact the spread of vector-borne diseases. However, a large-scale regional study of climate impacts on snow resources had yet to be undertaken. Passive Microwave (PM) remote sensing is a well-established empirical method of studying snow resources over large areas. Since 1987, there have been consistent daily global PM measurements which can be used to derive an estimate of snow depth, and hence snow-water equivalent (SWE) -- the amount of water stored in snowpack. The SWE estimation algorithms were originally developed for flat and even terrain -- such as the Russian and Canadian Arctic -- and have rarely been used in complex terrain such as HMA. This dissertation first examines factors present in HMA that could impact the reliability of SWE estimates. Forest cover, absolute snow depth, long-term average wind speeds, and hillslope angle were found to be the strongest controls on SWE measurement reliability. While forest density and snow depth are factors accounted for in modern SWE retrieval algorithms, wind speed and hillslope angle are not. Despite uncertainty in absolute SWE measurements and differences in the magnitude of SWE retrievals between sensors, single-instrument SWE time series were found to be internally consistent and suitable for trend analysis. Building on this finding, this dissertation tracks changes in SWE across HMA using a statistical decomposition technique. An aggregate decrease in SWE was found (10.6 mm/yr), despite large spatial and seasonal heterogeneities. Winter SWE increased in almost half of HMA, despite general negative trends throughout the rest of the year. The elevation distribution of these negative trends indicates that while changes in SWE have likely impacted glaciers in the region, climate change impacts on these two pieces of the cryosphere are somewhat distinct. Following the discussion of relative changes in SWE, this dissertation explores changes in the timing of the snowmelt season in HMA using a newly developed algorithm. The algorithm is shown to accurately track the onset and end of the snowmelt season (70\% within 5 days of a control dataset, 89\% within 10). Using a 29-year time series, changes in the onset, end, and duration of snowmelt are examined. While nearly the entirety of HMA has experienced an earlier end to the snowmelt season, large regions of HMA have seen a later start to the snowmelt season. Snowmelt periods have also decreased in almost all of HMA, indicating that the snowmelt season is generally shortening and ending earlier across HMA. By examining shifts in both the spatio-temporal distribution of SWE and the timing of the snowmelt season across HMA, we provide a detailed accounting of changes in HMA's snow resources. The overall trend in HMA is towards less SWE storage and a shorter snowmelt season. However, long-term and regional trends conceal distinct seasonal, temporal, and spatial heterogeneity, indicating that changes in snow resources are strongly controlled by local climate and topography, and that inter-annual variability plays a significant role in HMA's snow regime.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwahn2018, author = {Schwahn, Kevin}, title = {Data driven approaches to infer the regulatory mechanism shaping and constraining levels of metabolites in metabolic networks}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42324}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423240}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {109}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Systems biology aims at investigating biological systems in its entirety by gathering and analyzing large-scale data sets about the underlying components. Computational systems biology approaches use these large-scale data sets to create models at different scales and cellular levels. In addition, it is concerned with generating and testing hypotheses about biological processes. However, such approaches are inevitably leading to computational challenges due to the high dimensionality of the data and the differences in the dimension of data from different cellular layers. This thesis focuses on the investigation and development of computational approaches to analyze metabolite profiles in the context of cellular networks. This leads to determining what aspects of the network functionality are reflected in the metabolite levels. With these methods at hand, this thesis aims to answer three questions: (1) how observability of biological systems is manifested in metabolite profiles and if it can be used for phenotypical comparisons; (2) how to identify couplings of reaction rates from metabolic profiles alone; and (3) which regulatory mechanism that affect metabolite levels can be distinguished by integrating transcriptomics and metabolomics read-outs. I showed that sensor metabolites, identified by an approach from observability theory, are more correlated to each other than non-sensors. The greater correlations between sensor metabolites were detected both with publicly available metabolite profiles and synthetic data simulated from a medium-scale kinetic model. I demonstrated through robustness analysis that correlation was due to the position of the sensor metabolites in the network and persisted irrespectively of the experimental conditions. Sensor metabolites are therefore potential candidates for phenotypical comparisons between conditions through targeted metabolic analysis. Furthermore, I demonstrated that the coupling of metabolic reaction rates can be investigated from a purely data-driven perspective, assuming that metabolic reactions can be described by mass action kinetics. Employing metabolite profiles from domesticated and wild wheat and tomato species, I showed that the process of domestication is associated with a loss of regulatory control on the level of reaction rate coupling. I also found that the same metabolic pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana and Escherichia coli exhibit differences in the number of reaction rate couplings. I designed a novel method for the identification and categorization of transcriptional effects on metabolism by combining data on gene expression and metabolite levels. The approach determines the partial correlation of metabolites with control by the principal components of the transcript levels. The principle components contain the majority of the transcriptomic information allowing to partial out the effect of the transcriptional layer from the metabolite profiles. Depending whether the correlation between metabolites persists upon controlling for the effect of the transcriptional layer, the approach allows us to group metabolite pairs into being associated due to post-transcriptional or transcriptional regulation, respectively. I showed that the classification of metabolite pairs into those that are associated due to transcriptional or post-transcriptional regulation are in agreement with existing literature and findings from a Bayesian inference approach. The approaches developed, implemented, and investigated in this thesis open novel ways to jointly study metabolomics and transcriptomics data as well as to place metabolic profiles in the network context. The results from these approaches have the potential to provide further insights into the regulatory machinery in a biological system.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Luehe2018, author = {L{\"u}he, Josefine}, title = {Das Zusammenspiel von Geschlecht und sozialer Herkunft im Bildungserfolg und in den beruflichen Aspirationen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42887}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-428870}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {198}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Studien zum Bildungserfolg in Deutschland weisen auf verschiedene Ungleichheitsdimensionen hin. So wurde wiederholt ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der sozialen Herkunft und dem schulischen Bildungserfolg dokumentiert. Des Weiteren stellen auch Geschlechterunterschiede im Bildungserfolg einen vielfach berichteten und sowohl wissenschaftlich als auch gesellschaftlich diskutierten Befund dar. Der großen Anzahl an Studien, die sich jeweils einer dieser Ungleichheitsdimensionen widmen, steht jedoch ein Forschungsbedarf bez{\"u}glich des systematischen Wissens {\"u}ber die Wechselwirkung von Geschlecht und sozialer Herkunft im Bildungserfolg gegen{\"u}ber. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat die vorliegende Arbeit zum Ziel, das Zusammenspiel von Geschlecht und sozialer Herkunft zu untersuchen, wobei sie von zwei {\"u}bergeordneten Fragestellungen geleitet wird, die im Rahmen von vier Teilstudien untersucht werden.Erstens wurde das Zusammenspiel von Geschlecht und sozio{\"o}konomischem Status (SES) in unterschiedlichen Facetten des Bildungserfolges sowie in den Berufsaspirationen analysiert (Teilstudien 1-3). Zweitens wurde untersucht, inwiefern die elterlichen Geschlechterrollenvorstellungen mit den Schulleistungen ihres Kindes assoziiert sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde ebenso der Zusammenhang zwischen den elterlichen Geschlechterrollenvorstellungen und Merkmalen des famili{\"a}ren Hintergrundes analysiert (Teilstudie 4). Zusammenfassend betrachtet weisen die Ergebnisse der Teilstudien auf eine Wechselwirkung von Geschlechtszugeh{\"o}rigkeit und sozialer Herkunft im Bildungserfolg sowie in den beruflichen Aspirationen hin, auch wenn die entsprechenden Effekte eher klein ausfallen. Entgegen der gesellschaftlichen Konnotation von Mathematik als „Jungenfach" stellen die Befunde damit beispielsweise einen Hinweis darauf dar, dass die vielfach zitierten Geschlechterunterschiede in den mathematischen Kompetenzen nicht als „naturgegeben" sondern beeinflussbar verstanden werden k{\"o}nnen. Damit untermauern die Ergebnisse die unter anderem im Rahmen verschiedener Theorien herausgestellte Bedeutsamkeit des Sozialisationskontextes f{\"u}r die Entwicklung der F{\"a}higkeiten und Ziele von Jungen und M{\"a}dchen sowie die im internationalen Vergleich gezeigte Variabilit{\"a}t von Geschlechterunterschieden in Schulleistungen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hein2018, author = {Hein, Friederike}, title = {Das Recht auf Familiennachzug im Ausl{\"a}nderrecht}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43264}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-432642}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {170}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit den aktuellen Regelungen des deutschen Aufenthaltsrechts in Bezug auf die M{\"o}glichkeiten des Familiennachzuges. Es werden Schwachstellen der aktuellen Regelungen aufgezeigt, Ursachen, Rechtfertigungsgr{\"u}nde und m{\"o}gliche L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze betrachtet. Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung sind die Konflikte, welche sich unter dem Begriff der Inl{\"a}nderdiskriminierung zusammenfassen lassen. Hierzu wird das Ph{\"a}nomen der Inl{\"a}nderdiskriminierung untersucht und die im Kontext des Familiennachzuges hierzu ergangene Rechtsprechung des EuGH betrachtet. Dabei gilt das Hauptaugenmerk der Figur des grenz{\"u}berschreitenden Bezuges, welche der EuGH im Ergebnis mittlerweile aufgel{\"o}st hat. Als Ergebnis dieses Abschnittes der Arbeit wird festgestellt, dass eine Unterscheidung von Nachzug zu Deutschen oder zu Unionsb{\"u}rgern gegen Gleichheitss{\"a}tze verst{\"o}ßt und aufzuheben ist. Weiterhin betrachtet die Arbeit verschiedene alternative Lebensmodelle neben der klassischen verschiedengeschlechtlichen Ehe. In Bezug auf gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensgemeinschaften werden auch nach Einf{\"u}hrung der „Ehe f{\"u}r alle" weitere Schwachstellen verortet, die vor allem darauf fußen, dass Nachzugsrechte vom Bestehen eines Instituts abh{\"a}ngen, welches in großen Teilen der Welt nicht gibt. In Hinblick auf nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaften wird hingegen die geltende Rechtslage als ausreichend betrachtet. Zuletzt betrachtet die Arbeit Ehemodelle, welche im deutschen Recht nicht vorgesehen und anerkannt sind. Dies sind die Zwangs-, Kinder- und Mehrehe. Es wird beleuchtet, wie das deutsche Recht und insbesondere das Aufenthaltsrecht mit diesen Ehen umgeht und welcher Zweck mit den bestehenden Regelungen verfolgt wird. W{\"a}hrend der Gesetzgeber den Schutz der Opfer solcher Eheschließungen vor Augen hatte, kommt die Untersuchung zu dem Ergebnis, dass vielmehr eine weitere Gef{\"a}hrdung eintritt, welche nur zu vermeiden w{\"a}re, wenn auch diese Ehemodelle zun{\"a}chst anerkannt w{\"u}rden und den Opfern im Inland sodann Hilfe angeboten w{\"u}rde. Insgesamt stellt die Arbeit gravierende M{\"a}ngel in menschenrechtlicher Hinsicht im bestehenden Recht des Familiennachzugs fest und schl{\"a}gt eine generelle Neuordnung vor. Die betrachteten Regelungen entsprechen dem Regelungsstand im Juli 2018.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mielke2018, author = {Mielke, Jahel}, title = {Coordination on Green Investment}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-427459}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 209}, year = {2018}, abstract = {To reach its climate targets, the European Union has to implement a major sustainability transition in the coming decades. While the socio-technical change required for this transition is well discussed in the academic literature, the economics that go along with it are often reduced to a cost-benefit perspective of climate policy measures. By investigating climate change mitigation as a coordination problem, this thesis offers a novel perspective: It integrates the economic and the socio-technical dimension and thus allows to better understand the opportunities of a sustainability transition in Europe. First, a game theoretic framework is developed to illustrate coordination on green or brown investment from an agent perspective. A model based on the coordination game "stag hunt" is used to discuss the influence of narratives and signals for green investment as a means to coordinate expectations towards green growth. Public and private green investment impulses - triggered by credible climate policy measures and targets - serve as an example for a green growth perspective for Europe in line with a sustainability transition. This perspective also embodies a critical view on classical analyses of climate policy measures. Secondly, this analysis is enriched with empirical results derived from stakeholder involvement. In interviews and with a survey among European insurance companies, coordination mechanisms such as market and policy signals are identified and evaluated by their impact on investment strategies for green infrastructure. The latter, here defined as renewable energy, electricity distribution and transmission as well as energy efficiency improvements, is considered a central element of the transition to a low-carbon society. Thirdly, this thesis identifies and analyzes major criticisms raised towards stakeholder involvement in sustainability science. On a conceptual level, different ways of conducting such qualitative research are classified. This conceptualization is then evaluated by scientists, thereby generating empirical evidence on ideals and practices of stakeholder involvement in sustainability science. Through the combination of theoretical and empirical research on coordination problems, this thesis offers several contributions: On the one hand, it outlines an approach that allows to assess the economic opportunities of sustainability transitions. This is helpful for policy makers in Europe that are striving to implement climate policy measures addressing the targets of the Paris Agreement as well as to encourage a shift of investments towards green infrastructure. On the other hand, this thesis enhances the stabilization of the theoretical foundations in sustainability science. Therefore, it can aid researchers who involve stakeholders when studying sustainability transitions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cheng2018, author = {Cheng, Xiao}, title = {Controlled solvent vapor annealing of block copolymer films}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42417}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-424179}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 166}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This project was focused on exploring the phase behavior of poly(styrene)187000-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine)203000 (SV390) with high molecular weight (390 kg/mol) in thin films, in which the self-assembly of block copolymers (BCPs) was realized via thermo-solvent annealing. The advanced processing technique of solvent vapor treatment provides controlled and stable conditions. In Chapter 3, the factors to influence the annealing process and the swelling behavior of homopolymers are presented and discussed. The swelling behavior of BCP in films is controlled by the temperature of the vapor and of the substrate, on one hand, and variation of the saturation of the solvent vapor atmosphere (different solvents), on the other hand. Additional factors like the geometry and material of the chamber, the type of flow inside the chamber etc. also influence the reproducibility and stability of the processing. The slightly selective solvent vapor of chloroform gives 10\% more swelling of P2VP than PS in films with thickness of ~40 nm. The tunable morphology in ultrathin films of high molecular weight BCP (SV390) was investigated in Chapter 4. First, the swelling behavior can be precisely tuned by temperature and/or vapor flow separately, which provided information for exploring the multiple-parameter-influenced segmental chain mobility of polymer films. The equilibrium state of SV390 in thin films influenced by temperature was realized at various temperatures with the same degree of swelling. Various methods including characterization with SFM, metallization and RIE were used to identify the morphology of films as porous half-layer with PS dots and P2VP matrix. The kinetic investigations demonstrate that on substrates with either weak or strong interaction the original morphology of the BCP with high molecular weight is changed very fast within 5 min, and the further annealing serves for annihilation of defects. The morphological development of symmetric BCP in films with thickness increasing from half-layer to one-layer influenced by confinement factors of gradient film thicknesses and various surface properties of substrates was studied in Chapter 5. SV390 and SV99 films show bulk lamella-forming morphology after slightly selective solvent vapor (chloroform) treatment. SV99 films show cylinder-forming morphology under strongly selective solvent vapor (toluene) treatment since the asymmetric structure (caused by toluene uptake in PS blocks only) of SV99 block copolymer during annealing. Both kinds of morphology (lamella and cylinder) are influenced by the film thickness. The annealed morphology of SV390 and SV99 influenced by the combination of confined film and substrate property is similar to the morphology on flat silicon wafers. In this chapter the gradients in the film thickness and surface properties of the substrates with regard to their influence on the morphological development in thin BCP films are presented. Directed self-assembly (graphoepitaxy) of this SV390 was also investigated to compare with systematically reported SV99. In Chapter 6 an approach to induced oriented microphase separation in thick block copolymer films via treatment with the oriented vapor flow using mini-extruder is envisaged to be an alternative to existing methodologies, e.g. via non-solvent-induced phase separation. The preliminary tests performed in this study confirm potential perspective of this method, which alters the structure through the bulk of the film (as revealed by SAXS measurements), but more detailed studies have to be conducted in order to optimize the preparation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Richter2018, author = {Richter, Rico}, title = {Concepts and techniques for processing and rendering of massive 3D point clouds}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42330}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423304}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 131}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Remote sensing technology, such as airborne, mobile, or terrestrial laser scanning, and photogrammetric techniques, are fundamental approaches for efficient, automatic creation of digital representations of spatial environments. For example, they allow us to generate 3D point clouds of landscapes, cities, infrastructure networks, and sites. As essential and universal category of geodata, 3D point clouds are used and processed by a growing number of applications, services, and systems such as in the domains of urban planning, landscape architecture, environmental monitoring, disaster management, virtual geographic environments as well as for spatial analysis and simulation. While the acquisition processes for 3D point clouds become more and more reliable and widely-used, applications and systems are faced with more and more 3D point cloud data. In addition, 3D point clouds, by their very nature, are raw data, i.e., they do not contain any structural or semantics information. Many processing strategies common to GIS such as deriving polygon-based 3D models generally do not scale for billions of points. GIS typically reduce data density and precision of 3D point clouds to cope with the sheer amount of data, but that results in a significant loss of valuable information at the same time. This thesis proposes concepts and techniques designed to efficiently store and process massive 3D point clouds. To this end, object-class segmentation approaches are presented to attribute semantics to 3D point clouds, used, for example, to identify building, vegetation, and ground structures and, thus, to enable processing, analyzing, and visualizing 3D point clouds in a more effective and efficient way. Similarly, change detection and updating strategies for 3D point clouds are introduced that allow for reducing storage requirements and incrementally updating 3D point cloud databases. In addition, this thesis presents out-of-core, real-time rendering techniques used to interactively explore 3D point clouds and related analysis results. All techniques have been implemented based on specialized spatial data structures, out-of-core algorithms, and GPU-based processing schemas to cope with massive 3D point clouds having billions of points. All proposed techniques have been evaluated and demonstrated their applicability to the field of geospatial applications and systems, in particular for tasks such as classification, processing, and visualization. Case studies for 3D point clouds of entire cities with up to 80 billion points show that the presented approaches open up new ways to manage and apply large-scale, dense, and time-variant 3D point clouds as required by a rapidly growing number of applications and systems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Alhajturki2018, author = {Alhajturki, Dema}, title = {Characterization of altered inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana BG-5 x Kro-0 hybrid}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-420934}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {109}, year = {2018}, abstract = {A reciprocal cross between two A. thaliana accessions, Kro-0 (Krotzenburg, Germany) and BG-5 (Seattle, USA), displays purple rosette leaves and dwarf bushy phenotype in F1 hybrids when grown at 17 °C and a parental-like phenotype when grown at 21 °C. This F1 temperature-dependent-dwarf-bushy phenotype is characterized by reduced growth of the primary stem together with an increased number of branches. The reduced stem growth was the strongest at the first internode. In addition, we found that a temperature switch from 21 °C to 17 °C induced the phenotype only before the formation of the first internode of the stem. Similarly, the F1 dwarf-bushy phenotype could not be reversed when plants were shifted from 17 °C to 21 °C after the first internode was formed. Metabolic analysis showed that the F1 phenotype was associated with a significant upregulation of anthocyanin(s), kaempferol(s), salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and abscisic acid. As it has been previously shown that the dwarf-bushy phenotype is linked to two loci, one on chromosome 2 from Kro-0 and one on chromosome 3 from BG-5, an artificial micro-RNA approach was used to investigate the necessary genes on these intervals. From the results obtained, it was found that two genes, AT2G14120 that encodes for a DYNAMIN RELATED PROTEIN3B and AT2G14100 that encodes a member of the Cytochrome P450 family protein CYP705A13, were necessary for the appearance of the F1 phenotype on chromosome 2. It was also discovered that AT3G61035 that encodes for another cytochrome P450 family protein CYP705A13 and AT3G60840 that encodes for a MICROTUBULE-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN65-4 on chromosome 3 were both necessary for the induction of the F1 phenotype. To prove the causality of these genes, genomic constructs of the Kro-0 candidate genes on chromosome 2 were transferred to BG-5 and genomic constructs of the chromosome 3 candidate genes from BG-5 were transferred to Kro-0. The T1 lines showed that these genes are not sufficient alone to induce the phenotype. In addition to the F1 phenotype, more severe phenotypes were observed in the F2 generations that were grouped into five different phenotypic classes. Whilst seed yield was comparable between F1 hybrids and parental lines, three phenotypic classes in the F2 generation exhibited hybrid breakdown in the form of reproductive failure. This F2 hybrid breakdown was less sensitive to temperature and showed a dose-dependent effect of the loci involved in F1 phenotype. The severest class of hybrid breakdown phenotypes was observed only in the population of backcross with the parent Kro-0, which indicates a stronger contribution of the BG-5 allele when compared to the Kro-0 allele on the hybrid breakdown phenotypes. Overall, the findings of my thesis provide a further understanding of the genetic and metabolic factors underlying altered shoot architecture in hybrid dysfunction.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Behrens2018, author = {Behrens, Ricarda}, title = {Causes for slow weathering and erosion in the steep, warm, monsoon-subjected Highlands of Sri Lanka}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-408503}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 107, XXIV}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In the Highlands of Sri Lanka, erosion and chemical weathering rates are among the lowest for global mountain denudation. In this tropical humid setting, highly weathered deep saprolite profiles have developed from high-grade metamorphic charnockite during spheroidal weathering of the bedrock. The spheroidal weathering produces rounded corestones and spalled rindlets at the rock-saprolite interface. I used detailed textural, mineralogical, chemical, and electron-microscopic (SEM, FIB, TEM) analyses to identify the factors limiting the rate of weathering front advance in the profile, the sequence of weathering reactions, and the underlying mechanisms. The first mineral attacked by weathering was found to be pyroxene initiated by in situ Fe oxidation, followed by in situ biotite oxidation. Bulk dissolution of the primary minerals is best described with a dissolution - re-precipitation process, as no chemical gradients towards the mineral surface and sharp structural boundaries are observed at the nm scale. Only the local oxidation in pyroxene and biotite is better described with an ion by ion process. The first secondary phases are oxides and amorphous precipitates from which secondary minerals (mainly smectite and kaolinite) form. Only for biotite direct solid state transformation to kaolinite is likely. The initial oxidation of pyroxene and biotite takes place in locally restricted areas and is relatively fast: log J = -11 molmin/(m2 s). However, calculated corestone-scale mineral oxidation rates are comparable to corestone-scale mineral dissolution rates: log R = -13 molpx/(m2 s) and log R = -15 molbt/(m2 s). The oxidation reaction results in a volume increase. Volumetric calculations suggest that this observed oxidation leads to the generation of porosity due to the formation of micro-fractures in the minerals and the bedrock allowing for fluid transport and subsequent dissolution of plagioclase. At the scale of the corestone, this fracture reaction is responsible for the larger fractures that lead to spheroidal weathering and to the formation of rindlets. Since these fractures have their origin from the initial oxidational induced volume increase, oxidation is the rate limiting parameter for weathering to take place. The ensuing plagioclase weathering leads to formation of high secondary porosity in the corestone over a distance of only a few cm and eventually to the final disaggregation of bedrock to saprolite. As oxidation is the first weathering reaction, the supply of O2 is a rate-limiting factor for chemical weathering. Hence, the supply of O2 and its consumption at depth connects processes at the weathering front with erosion at the surface in a feedback mechanism. The strength of the feedback depends on the relative weight of advective versus diffusive transport of O2 through the weathering profile. The feedback will be stronger with dominating diffusive transport. The low weathering rate ultimately depends on the transport of O2 through the whole regolith, and on lithological factors such as low bedrock porosity and the amount of Fe-bearing primary minerals. In this regard the low-porosity charnockite with its low content of Fe(II) bearing minerals impedes fast weathering reactions. Fresh weatherable surfaces are a pre-requisite for chemical weathering. However, in the case of the charnockite found in the Sri Lankan Highlands, the only process that generates these surfaces is the fracturing induced by oxidation. Tectonic quiescence in this region and low pre-anthropogenic erosion rate (attributed to a dense vegetation cover) minimize the rejuvenation of the thick and cohesive regolith column, and lowers weathering through the feedback with erosion.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stolle2018, author = {Stolle, Amelie}, title = {Catastrophic Sediment Pulses in the Pokhara Valley, Nepal}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-413341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 173}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Fluvial terraces, floodplains, and alluvial fans are the main landforms to store sediments and to decouple hillslopes from eroding mountain rivers. Such low-relief landforms are also preferred locations for humans to settle in otherwise steep and poorly accessible terrain. Abundant water and sediment as essential sources for buildings and infrastructure make these areas amenable places to live at. Yet valley floors are also prone to rare and catastrophic sedimentation that can overload river systems by abruptly increasing the volume of sediment supply, thus causing massive floodplain aggradation, lateral channel instability, and increased flooding. Some valley-fill sediments should thus record these catastrophic sediment pulses, allowing insights into their timing, magnitude, and consequences. This thesis pursues this theme and focuses on a prominent ~150 km2 valley fill in the Pokhara Valley just south of the Annapurna Massif in central Nepal. The Pokhara Valley is conspicuously broad and gentle compared to the surrounding dissected mountain terrain, and is filled with locally more than 70 m of clastic debris. The area's main river, Seti Khola, descends from the Annapurna Sabche Cirque at 3500-4500 m asl down to 900 m asl where it incises into this valley fill. Humans began to settle on this extensive fan surface in the 1750's when the Trans-Himalayan trade route connected the Higher Himalayas, passing Pokhara city, with the subtropical lowlands of the Terai. High and unstable river terraces and steep gorges undermined by fast flowing rivers with highly seasonal (monsoon-driven) discharge, a high earthquake risk, and a growing population make the Pokhara Valley an ideal place to study the recent geological and geomorphic history of its sediments and the implication for natural hazard appraisals. The objective of this thesis is to quantify the timing, the sedimentologic and geomorphic processes as well as the fluvial response to a series of strong sediment pulses. I report diagnostic sedimentary archives, lithofacies of the fan terraces, their geochemical provenance, radiocarbon-age dating and the stratigraphic relationship between them. All these various and independent lines of evidence show consistently that multiple sediment pulses filled the Pokhara Valley in medieval times, most likely in connection with, if not triggered by, strong seismic ground shaking. The geomorphic and sedimentary evidence is consistent with catastrophic fluvial aggradation tied to the timing of three medieval Himalayan earthquakes in ~1100, 1255, and 1344 AD. Sediment provenance and calibrated radiocarbon-age data are the key to distinguish three individual sediment pulses, as these are not evident from their sedimentology alone. I explore various measures of adjustment and fluvial response of the river system following these massive aggradation pulses. By using proxies such as net volumetric erosion, incision and erosion rates, clast provenance on active river banks, geomorphic markers such as re-exhumed tree trunks in growth position, and knickpoint locations in tributary valleys, I estimate the response of the river network in the Pokhara Valley to earthquake disturbance over several centuries. Estimates of the removed volumes since catastrophic valley filling began, require average net sediment yields of up to 4200 t km-2 yr-1 since, rates that are consistent with those reported for Himalayan rivers. The lithological composition of active channel-bed load differs from that of local bedrock material, confirming that rivers have adjusted 30-50\% depending on data of different tributary catchments, locally incising with rates of 160-220 mm yr-1. In many tributaries to the Seti Khola, most of the contemporary river loads come from a Higher Himalayan source, thus excluding local hillslopes as sources. This imbalance in sediment provenance emphasizes how the medieval sediment pulses must have rapidly traversed up to 70 km downstream to invade the downstream reaches of the tributaries up to 8 km upstream, thereby blocking the local drainage and thus reinforcing, or locally creating new, floodplain lakes still visible in the landscape today. Understanding the formation, origin, mechanism and geomorphic processes of this valley fill is crucial to understand the landscape evolution and response to catastrophic sediment pulses. Several earthquake-triggered long-runout rock-ice avalanches or catastrophic dam burst in the Higher Himalayas are the only plausible mechanisms to explain both the geomorphic and sedimentary legacy that I document here. In any case, the Pokhara Valley was most likely hit by a cascade of extremely rare processes over some two centuries starting in the early 11th century. Nowhere in the Himalayas do we find valley fills of comparable size and equally well documented depositional history, making the Pokhara Valley one of the most extensively dated valley fill in the Himalayas to date. Judging from the growing record of historic Himalayan earthquakes in Nepal that were traced and dated in fault trenches, this thesis shows that sedimentary archives can be used to directly aid reconstructions and predictions of both earthquake triggers and impacts from a sedimentary-response perspective. The knowledge about the timing, evolution, and response of the Pokhara Valley and its river system to earthquake triggered sediment pulses is important to address the seismic and geomorphic risk for the city of Pokhara. This thesis demonstrates how geomorphic evidence on catastrophic valley infill can help to independently verify paleoseismological fault-trench records and may initiate re-thinking on post-seismic hazard assessments in active mountain regions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Witt2018, author = {Witt, Tanja Ivonne}, title = {Camera Monitoring at volcanoes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-421073}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 140}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Basaltic fissure eruptions, such as on Hawai'i or on Iceland, are thought to be driven by the lateral propagation of feeder dikes and graben subsidence. Associated solid earth processes, such as deformation and structural development, are well studied by means of geophysical and geodetic technologies. The eruptions themselves, lava fountaining and venting dynamics, in turn, have been much less investigated due to hazardous access, local dimension, fast processes, and resulting poor data availability. This thesis provides a detailed quantitative understanding of the shape and dynamics of lava fountains and the morphological changes at their respective eruption sites. For this purpose, I apply image processing techniques, including drones and fixed installed cameras, to the sequence of frames of video records from two well-known fissure eruptions in Hawai'i and Iceland. This way I extract the dimensions of multiple lava fountains, visible in all frames. By putting these results together and considering the acquisition times of the frames I quantify the variations in height, width and eruption velocity of the lava fountains. Then I analyse these time-series in both time and frequency domains and investigate the similarities and correlations between adjacent lava fountains. Following this procedure, I am able to link the dynamics of the individual lava fountains to physical parameters of the magma transport in the feeder dyke of the fountains. The first case study in this thesis focuses on the March 2011 Pu'u'O'o eruption, Hawai'i, where a continuous pulsating behaviour at all eight lava fountains has been observed. The lava fountains, even those from different parts of the fissure that are closely connected, show a similar frequency content and eruption behaviour. The regular pattern in the heights of lava fountain suggests a controlling process within the magma feeder system like a hydraulic connection in the underlying dyke, affecting or even controlling the pulsating behaviour. The second case study addresses the 2014-2015 Holuhraun fissure eruption, Iceland. In this case, the feeder dyke is highlighted by the surface expressions of graben-like structures and fault systems. At the eruption site, the activity decreases from a continuous line of fire of ~60 vents to a limited number of lava fountains. This can be explained by preferred upwards magma movements through vertical structures of the pre-eruptive morphology. Seismic tremors during the eruption reveal vent opening at the surface and/or pressure changes in the feeder dyke. The evolving topography of the cinder cones during the eruption interacts with the lava fountain behaviour. Local variations in the lava fountain height and width are controlled by the conduit diameter, the depth of the lava pond and the shape of the crater. Modelling of the fountain heights shows that long-term eruption behaviour is controlled mainly by pressure changes in the feeder dyke. This research consists of six chapters with four papers, including two first author and two co-author papers. It establishes a new method to analyse lava fountain dynamics by video monitoring. The comparison with the seismicity, geomorphologic and structural expressions of fissure eruptions shows a complex relationship between focussed flow through dykes, the morphology of the cinder cones, and the lava fountain dynamics at the vents of a fissure eruption.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Khalil2018, author = {Khalil, Sara}, title = {Boundary Value Problems on Manifolds with Singularities}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-419018}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {10, 160}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In the thesis there are constructed new quantizations for pseudo-differential boundary value problems (BVPs) on manifolds with edge. The shape of operators comes from Boutet de Monvel's calculus which exists on smooth manifolds with boundary. The singular case, here with edge and boundary, is much more complicated. The present approach simplifies the operator-valued symbolic structures by using suitable Mellin quantizations on infinite stretched model cones of wedges with boundary. The Mellin symbols themselves are, modulo smoothing ones, with asymptotics, holomorphic in the complex Mellin covariable. One of the main results is the construction of parametrices of elliptic elements in the corresponding operator algebra, including elliptic edge conditions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sakowski2018, author = {Sakowski, Fabian}, title = {Bodennutzung in der New Economic Geography}, series = {Potsdamer Schriften zur Raumwirtschaft}, journal = {Potsdamer Schriften zur Raumwirtschaft}, number = {7}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-426-5}, issn = {2190-8702}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-413737}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 290}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Mit der New Economic Geography (NEG) kann die Verteilung von Unternehmen und Arbeitskr{\"a}ften auf Regionen modellhaft diskutiert werden. In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, welche r{\"a}umlichen Verteilungen der mobilen Arbeitskr{\"a}fte und Unternehmen in einem NEG-Modellansatz resultieren, wenn die Gr{\"o}ße einer Region und damit der ihr zur Verf{\"u}gung stehende Boden, die zu {\"u}berwindende Distanz f{\"u}r den G{\"u}tertransport innerhalb der Regionen, sowie Bodennutzungskonkurrenzen zwischen Wohnen, Industrie und Landwirtschaft ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Auch wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Wohlfahrtswirkungen hierbei resultieren.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Genderjahn2018, author = {Genderjahn, Steffi}, title = {Biosignatures of Present and Past Microbial Life in Southern African Geoarchives}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410110}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 166, xxii}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, with influence on the environment, societies, politics and economies. The (semi-)arid areas of Southern Africa already suffer from water scarcity. There is a great variety of ongoing research related to global climate history but important questions on regional differences still exist. In southern African regions terrestrial climate archives are rare, which makes paleoclimate studies challenging. Based on the assumption that continental pans (sabkhas) represent a suitable geo-archive for the climate history, two different pans were studied in the southern and western Kalahari Desert. A combined approach of molecular biological and biogeochemical analyses is utilized to investigate the diversity and abundance of microorganisms and to trace temporal and spatial changes in paleoprecipitation in arid environments. The present PhD thesis demonstrates the applicability of pan sediments as a late Quaternary geo-archive based on microbial signature lipid biomarkers, such as archaeol, branched and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) as well as phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA). The microbial signatures contained in the sediment provide information on the current or past microbial community from the Last Glacial Maximum to the recent epoch, the Holocene. The results are discussed in the context of regional climate evolution in southwestern Africa. The seasonal shift of the Innertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) along the equator influences the distribution of precipitation- and climate zones. The different expansion of the winter- and summer rainfall zones in southern Africa was confirmed by the frequency of certain microbial biomarkers. A period of increased precipitation in the south-western Kalahari could be described as a result of the extension of the winter rainfall zone during the last glacial maximum (21 ± 2 ka). Instead a period of increased paleoprecipitation in the western Kalahari was indicated during the Late Glacial to Holocene transition. This was possibly caused by a southwestern shift in the position of the summer rainfall zone associated to the southward movement of the ITCZ. Furthermore, for the first time this study characterizes the bacterial and archaeal life based on 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing in continental pan sediments and provides an insight into the recent microbial community structure. Near-surface processes play an important role for the modern microbial ecosystem in the pans. Water availability as well as salinity might determine the abundance and composition of the microbial communities. The microbial community of pan sediments is dominated by halophilic and dry-adapted archaea and bacteria. Frequently occurring microorganisms such as, Halobacteriaceae, Bacillus and Gemmatimonadetes are described in more detail in this study.}, language = {en} }