@phdthesis{Scherler2010, author = {Scherler, Dirk}, title = {Climate variability and glacial dynamics in the Himalaya}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-49871}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In den Hochgebirgen Asiens bedecken Gletscher eine Fl{\"a}che von ungef{\"a}hr 115,000 km² und ergeben damit, neben Gr{\"o}nland und der Antarktis, eine der gr{\"o}ßten Eisakkumulationen der Erde. Die Sensibilit{\"a}t der Gletscher gegen{\"u}ber Klimaschwankungen macht sie zu wertvollen pal{\"a}oklimatischen Archiven in Hochgebirgen, aber gleichzeitig auch anf{\"a}llig gegen{\"u}ber rezenter und zuk{\"u}nftiger globaler Erw{\"a}rmung. Dies kann vor allem in dicht besiedelten Gebieten S{\"u}d-, Ost- und Zentralasiens zu großen Problem f{\"u}hren, in denen Gletscher- und Schnee-Schmelzw{\"a}sser eine wichtige Ressource f{\"u}r Landwirtschaft und Stromerzeugung darstellen. Eine erfolgreiche Prognose des Gletscherverhaltens in Reaktion auf den Klimawandel und die Minderung der sozio{\"o}konomischen Auswirkungen erfordert fundierte Kenntnisse der klimatischen Steuerungsfaktoren und der Dynamik asiatischer Gletscher. Aufgrund ihrer Abgeschiedenheit und dem erschwerten Zugang gibt es nur wenige glaziologische Gel{\"a}ndestudien, die zudem r{\"a}umlich und zeitlich sehr begrenzt sind. Daher fehlen bisher grundlegende Informationen {\"u}ber die Mehrzahl asiatischer Gletscher. In dieser Arbeit benutze ich verschiedene Methoden, um die Dynamik asiatischer Gletscher auf mehreren Zeitskalen zu untersuchen. Erstens teste ich eine Methode zur pr{\"a}zisen satelliten-gest{\"u}tzten Messung von Gletscheroberfl{\"a}chen-Geschwindigkeiten. Darauf aufbauend habe ich eine umfassende regionale Erhebung der Fliessgeschwindigkeiten und Frontdynamik asiatischer Gletscher f{\"u}r die Jahre 2000 bis 2008 durchgef{\"u}hrt. Der gewonnene Datensatz erlaubt einmalige Einblicke in die topographischen und klimatischen Steuerungsfaktoren der Gletscherfließgeschwindigkeiten in den Gebirgsregionen Hochasiens. Insbesondere dokumentieren die Daten rezent ungleiches Verhalten der Gletscher im Karakorum und im Himalaja, welches ich auf die konkurrierenden klimatischen Einfl{\"u}sse der Westwinddrift im Winter und des Indischen Monsuns im Sommer zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hre. Zweitens untersuche ich, ob klimatisch bedingte Ost-West Unterschiede im Gletscherverhalten auch auf l{\"a}ngeren Zeitskalen eine Rolle spielen und gegebenenfalls f{\"u}r dokumentierte regional asynchrone Gletschervorst{\"o}ße relevant sind. Dazu habe ich mittels kosmogener Nuklide Oberfl{\"a}chenalter von erratischen Bl{\"o}cken auf Mor{\"a}nen ermittelt und eine glaziale Chronologie f{\"u}r das obere Tons Tal, in den Quellgebieten des Ganges, erstellt. Dieses Gebiet befindet sich in der {\"U}bergangszone von monsunaler zu Westwind beeinflusster Feuchtigkeitszufuhr und ist damit ideal gelegen, um die Auswirkungen dieser beiden atmosph{\"a}rischen Zirkulationssysteme auf Gletschervorst{\"o}ße zu untersuchen. Die ermittelte glaziale Chronologie dokumentiert mehrere Gletscherschwankungen w{\"a}hrend des Endstadiums der letzten Pleistoz{\"a}nen Vereisung und w{\"a}hrend des Holz{\"a}ns. Diese weisen darauf hin, dass Gletscherschwankungen im westlichen Himalaja weitestgehend synchron waren und auf graduelle glaziale-interglaziale Temperaturver{\"a}nderungen, {\"u}berlagert von monsunalen Niederschlagsschwankungen h{\"o}herer Frequenz, zur{\"u}ck zu f{\"u}hren sind. In einem dritten Schritt kombiniere ich Satelliten-Klimadaten mit Eisfluss-Absch{\"a}tzungen und topographischen Analysen, um den Einfluss der Gletscher Hochasiens auf die Reliefentwicklung im Hochgebirge zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dokumentieren ausgepr{\"a}gte meridionale Unterschiede im Grad und im Stil der Vergletscherung und glazialen Erosion in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von topographischen und klimatischen Faktoren. Gegens{\"a}tzlich zu bisherigen Annahmen deuten die Daten darauf hin, dass das monsunale Klima im zentralen Himalaja die glaziale Erosion schw{\"a}cht und durch den Erhalt einer steilen orographischen Barriere das Tibet Plateau vor lateraler Zerschneidung bewahrt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dokumentieren, wie klimatische und topographische Gradienten die Gletscherdynamik in den Hochgebirgen Asiens auf Zeitskalen von 10^0 bis 10^6 Jahren beeinflussen. Die Reaktionszeit der Gletscher auf Klimaver{\"a}nderungen sind eng an Eigenschaften wie Schuttbedeckung und Neigung gekoppelt, welche ihrerseits von den topographischen Verh{\"a}ltnissen bedingt sind. Derartige Einflussfaktoren m{\"u}ssen bei pal{\"a}oklimatischen Rekonstruktion und Vorhersagen {\"u}ber die Entwicklung asiatischer Gletscher ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Desweiteren gehen die regionalen topographischen Unterschiede der vergletscherten Gebiete Asiens teilweise auf klimatische Gradienten und den langfristigen Einfluss der Gletscher auf die topographische Entwicklung des Gebirgssystems zur{\"u}ck.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leins2023, author = {Leins, Johannes A.}, title = {Combining model detail with large scales}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-582837}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 168}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The global climate crisis is significantly contributing to changing ecosystems, loss of biodiversity and is putting numerous species on the verge of extinction. In principle, many species are able to adapt to changing conditions or shift their habitats to more suitable regions. However, change is progressing faster than some species can adjust, or potential adaptation is blocked and disrupted by direct and indirect human action. Unsustainable anthropogenic land use in particular is one of the driving factors, besides global heating, for these ecologically critical developments. Precisely because land use is anthropogenic, it is also a factor that could be quickly and immediately corrected by human action. In this thesis, I therefore assess the impact of three climate change scenarios of increasing intensity in combination with differently scheduled mowing regimes on the long-term development and dispersal success of insects in Northwest German grasslands. The large marsh grasshopper (LMG, Stethophyma grossum, Linn{\´e} 1758) is used as a species of reference for the analyses. It inhabits wet meadows and marshes and has a limited, yet fairly good ability to disperse. Mowing and climate conditions affect the development and mortality of the LMG differently depending on its life stage. The specifically developed simulation model HiLEG (High-resolution Large Environmental Gradient) serves as a tool for investigating and projecting viability and dispersal success under different climate conditions and land use scenarios. It is a spatially explicit, stage- and cohort-based model that can be individually configured to represent the life cycle and characteristics of terrestrial insect species, as well as high-resolution environmental data and the occurrence of external disturbances. HiLEG is a freely available and adjustable software that can be used to support conservation planning in cultivated grasslands. In the three case studies of this thesis, I explore various aspects related to the structure of simulation models per se, their importance in conservation planning in general, and insights regarding the LMG in particular. It became apparent that the detailed resolution of model processes and components is crucial to project the long-term effect of spatially and temporally confined events. Taking into account conservation measures at the regional level has further proven relevant, especially in light of the climate crisis. I found that the LMG is benefiting from global warming in principle, but continues to be constrained by harmful mowing regimes. Land use measures could, however, be adapted in such a way that they allow the expansion and establishment of the LMG without overly affecting agricultural yields. Overall, simulation models like HiLEG can make an important contribution and add value to conservation planning and policy-making. Properly used, simulation results shed light on aspects that might be overlooked by subjective judgment and the experience of individual stakeholders. Even though it is in the nature of models that they are subject to limitations and only represent fragments of reality, this should not keep stakeholders from using them, as long as these limitations are clearly communicated. Similar to HiLEG, models could further be designed in such a way that not only the parameterization can be adjusted as required, but also the implementation itself can be improved and changed as desired. This openness and flexibility should become more widespread in the development of simulation models.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Smith2018, author = {Smith, Taylor}, title = {Decadal changes in the snow regime of High Mountain Asia, 1987-2016}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-407120}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 142}, year = {2018}, abstract = {More than a billion people rely on water from rivers sourced in High Mountain Asia (HMA), a significant portion of which is derived from snow and glacier melt. Rural communities are heavily dependent on the consistency of runoff, and are highly vulnerable to shifts in their local environment brought on by climate change. Despite this dependence, the impacts of climate change in HMA remain poorly constrained due to poor process understanding, complex terrain, and insufficiently dense in-situ measurements. HMA's glaciers contain more frozen water than any region outside of the poles. Their extensive retreat is a highly visible and much studied marker of regional and global climate change. However, in many catchments, snow and snowmelt represent a much larger fraction of the yearly water budget than glacial meltwaters. Despite their importance, climate-related changes in HMA's snow resources have not been well studied. Changes in the volume and distribution of snowpack have complex and extensive impacts on both local and global climates. Eurasian snow cover has been shown to impact the strength and direction of the Indian Summer Monsoon -- which is responsible for much of the precipitation over the Indian Subcontinent -- by modulating earth-surface heating. Shifts in the timing of snowmelt have been shown to limit the productivity of major rangelands, reduce streamflow, modify sediment transport, and impact the spread of vector-borne diseases. However, a large-scale regional study of climate impacts on snow resources had yet to be undertaken. Passive Microwave (PM) remote sensing is a well-established empirical method of studying snow resources over large areas. Since 1987, there have been consistent daily global PM measurements which can be used to derive an estimate of snow depth, and hence snow-water equivalent (SWE) -- the amount of water stored in snowpack. The SWE estimation algorithms were originally developed for flat and even terrain -- such as the Russian and Canadian Arctic -- and have rarely been used in complex terrain such as HMA. This dissertation first examines factors present in HMA that could impact the reliability of SWE estimates. Forest cover, absolute snow depth, long-term average wind speeds, and hillslope angle were found to be the strongest controls on SWE measurement reliability. While forest density and snow depth are factors accounted for in modern SWE retrieval algorithms, wind speed and hillslope angle are not. Despite uncertainty in absolute SWE measurements and differences in the magnitude of SWE retrievals between sensors, single-instrument SWE time series were found to be internally consistent and suitable for trend analysis. Building on this finding, this dissertation tracks changes in SWE across HMA using a statistical decomposition technique. An aggregate decrease in SWE was found (10.6 mm/yr), despite large spatial and seasonal heterogeneities. Winter SWE increased in almost half of HMA, despite general negative trends throughout the rest of the year. The elevation distribution of these negative trends indicates that while changes in SWE have likely impacted glaciers in the region, climate change impacts on these two pieces of the cryosphere are somewhat distinct. Following the discussion of relative changes in SWE, this dissertation explores changes in the timing of the snowmelt season in HMA using a newly developed algorithm. The algorithm is shown to accurately track the onset and end of the snowmelt season (70\% within 5 days of a control dataset, 89\% within 10). Using a 29-year time series, changes in the onset, end, and duration of snowmelt are examined. While nearly the entirety of HMA has experienced an earlier end to the snowmelt season, large regions of HMA have seen a later start to the snowmelt season. Snowmelt periods have also decreased in almost all of HMA, indicating that the snowmelt season is generally shortening and ending earlier across HMA. By examining shifts in both the spatio-temporal distribution of SWE and the timing of the snowmelt season across HMA, we provide a detailed accounting of changes in HMA's snow resources. The overall trend in HMA is towards less SWE storage and a shorter snowmelt season. However, long-term and regional trends conceal distinct seasonal, temporal, and spatial heterogeneity, indicating that changes in snow resources are strongly controlled by local climate and topography, and that inter-annual variability plays a significant role in HMA's snow regime.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heybl2016, author = {Heybl, Christine}, title = {Der Klimawandel}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102442}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {293}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Was ist Gerechtigkeit? Wie k{\"o}nnten gerechte Regelungen aussehen f{\"u}r die Katastrophen und Leiden, die der Klimawandel ausl{\"o}st bzw. ausl{\"o}sen wird? Diese sind h{\"a}ufig ungerecht, weil sie oft deutlich st{\"a}rker diejenigen treffen, die am wenigsten zur Klimaver{\"a}nderung beigetragen haben. Doch was genau verstehen wir unter dem Schlagwort: ‚Klimawandel'? Und kann dieser wirklich den Menschen direkt treffen? Ein kurzer naturwissenschaftlicher Abriss kl{\"a}rt hier die wichtigsten Fragen. Da es sich hierbei um eine philosophische Arbeit handelt, muss zun{\"a}chst gekl{\"a}rt werden, ob der Mensch {\"u}berhaupt die Ursache von so etwas sein kann wie z.B. der Klimaerw{\"a}rmung. Robert Spaemanns These dazu ist, dass der Mensch durch seinen freien Willen mit seinen Einzelhandlungen das Weltgeschehen ver{\"a}ndern kann. Hans Jonas f{\"u}gt dem hinzu, dass wir durch diese F{\"a}higkeit, verantwortlich sind f{\"u}r die gewollten und ungewollten Folgen unserer Handlungen. Damit w{\"a}re aus naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht (1. Teil der Arbeit) und aus philosophischer Sicht (Anfang 2. Teil) gekl{\"a}rt, dass der Mensch mit gr{\"o}ßter Wahrscheinlichkeit die Ursache des Klimawandels ist und diese Verursachung moralische Konsequenzen f{\"u}r ihn hat. Ein philosophischer Gerechtigkeitsbegriff wird aus der Kantischen Rechts- und Moralphilosophie entwickelt, weil diese die einzige ist, die dem Menschen {\"u}berhaupt ein Recht auf Rechte zusprechen kann. Diese entspringt der transzendentalen Freiheitsf{\"a}higkeit des Menschen, weshalb jedem das Recht auf Rechte absolut und immer zukommt. Gleichzeitig m{\"u}ndet Kants Philosophie wiederum in dem Freiheitsgedanken, indem Gerechtigkeit nur existiert, wenn alle Menschen gleichermaßen frei sein k{\"o}nnen. Was heißt das konkret? Wie k{\"o}nnte Gerechtigkeit in der Realit{\"a}t wirklich umgesetzt werden? Die Realisierung schl{\"a}gt zwei Grundrichtungen ein. John Rawls und Stefan Gosepath besch{\"a}ftigen sich u.a. eingehend mit der prozeduralen Gerechtigkeit, was bedeutet, dass gerechte Verfahren gefunden werden, die das gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben regeln. Das leitende Prinzip hierf{\"u}r ist vor allem: ein Mitbestimmungsrecht aller, so dass sich im Prinzip alle B{\"u}rger ihre Gesetze selbst geben und damit frei handeln. In Bezug auf den Klimawandel steht die zweite Ausrichtung im Vordergrund - die distributive oder auch Verteilungs-Gerechtigkeit. Materielle G{\"u}ter m{\"u}ssen so aufgeteilt werden, dass auch trotz empirischer Unterschiede alle Menschen als moralische Subjekte anerkannt werden und frei sein k{\"o}nnen. Doch sind diese philosophischen Schlussfolgerungen nicht viel zu abstrakt, um auf ein ebenso schwer fassbares und globales Problem wie den Klimawandel angewendet zu werden? Was k{\"o}nnte daher eine Klimagerechtigkeit sein? Es gibt viele Gerechtigkeitsprinzipien, die vorgeben, eine gerechte Grundlage f{\"u}r die Klimaprobleme zu bieten wie z.B. das Verursacherprinzip, das F{\"a}higkeitsprinzip oder das Grandfathering-Prinzip, bei dem die Hauptverursacher nach wie vor am meisten emittieren d{\"u}rfen (dieses Prinzip leitete die bisherigen internationalen Verhandlungen). Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, herauszufinden, wie die Klimaprobleme gel{\"o}st werden k{\"o}nnen, so dass f{\"u}r alle Menschen unter allen Umst{\"a}nden die universellen Menschenrechte her- und sichergestellt werden und diese frei und moralisch handeln k{\"o}nnen. Die Schlussfolgerung dieser Arbeit ist, dass Kants Gerechtigkeitsbegriff durch eine Kombination des Subsistenzemissions-Rechts, des Greenhouse-Development-Rights-Principles (GDR-Prinzip) und einer internationalen Staatlichkeit durchgesetzt werden k{\"o}nnte. Durch das Subsistenzemissions-Recht hat jeder Mensch das Recht, so viel Energie zu verbrauchen und damit zusammenh{\"a}ngende Emissionen zu produzieren, dass er ein menschenw{\"u}rdiges Leben f{\"u}hren kann. Das GDR-Prinzip errechnet den Anteil an der weltweiten Gesamtverantwortung zum Klimaschutz eines jeden Landes oder sogar eines jeden Weltb{\"u}rgers, indem es die historischen Emissionen (Klimaschuld) zu der jetzigen finanziellen Kapazit{\"a}t des Landes/ des Individuums (Verantwortungsf{\"a}higkeit) hinzuaddiert. Die Implementierung von internationalen Gremien wird verteidigt, weil es ein globales, grenz{\"u}berschreitendes Problem ist, dessen Effekte und dessen Verantwortung globale Ausmaße haben. Ein schlagendes Argument f{\"u}r fast alle Klimaschutzmaßnahmen ist, dass sie Synergien aufweisen zu anderen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen aufweisen wie z.B. Gesundheit und Armutsbek{\"a}mpfung, in denen auch noch um die Durchsetzung unserer Menschenrechte gerungen wird. Ist dieser L{\"o}sungsansatz nicht v{\"o}llig utopisch? Dieser Vorschlag stellt f{\"u}r die internationale Gemeinschaft eine große Herausforderung dar, w{\"a}re jedoch die einzig gerechte L{\"o}sung unserer Klimaprobleme. Des Weiteren wird an dem Kantischen Handlungsgrundsatz festgehalten, dass das ewige Streben auf ideale Ziele hin, die beste Verwirklichung dieser durch menschliche, fehlbare Wesen ist.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{RomeroMujalli2019, author = {Romero Mujalli, Daniel}, title = {Ecological modeling of adaptive evolutionary responses to rapid climate change}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43062}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-430627}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {167}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A contemporary challenge in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is to anticipate the fate of populations of organisms in the context of a changing world. Climate change and landscape changes due to anthropic activities have been of major concern in the contemporary history. Organisms facing these threats are expected to respond by local adaptation (i.e., genetic changes or phenotypic plasticity) or by shifting their distributional range (migration). However, there are limits to their responses. For example, isolated populations will have more difficulties in developing adaptive innovations by means of genetic changes than interconnected metapopulations. Similarly, the topography of the environment can limit dispersal opportunities for crawling organisms as compared to those that rely on wind. Thus, populations of species with different life history strategy may differ in their ability to cope with changing environmental conditions. However, depending on the taxon, empirical studies investigating organisms' responses to environmental change may become too complex, long and expensive; plus, complications arising from dealing with endangered species. In consequence, eco-evolutionary modeling offers an opportunity to overcome these limitations and complement empirical studies, understand the action and limitations of underlying mechanisms, and project into possible future scenarios. In this work I take a modeling approach and investigate the effect and relative importance of evolutionary mechanisms (including phenotypic plasticity) on the ability for local adaptation of populations with different life strategy experiencing climate change scenarios. For this, I performed a review on the state of the art of eco-evolutionary Individual-Based Models (IBMs) and identify gaps for future research. Then, I used the results from the review to develop an eco-evolutionary individual-based modeling tool to study the role of genetic and plastic mechanisms in promoting local adaption of populations of organisms with different life strategies experiencing scenarios of climate change and environmental stochasticity. The environment was simulated through a climate variable (e.g., temperature) defining a phenotypic optimum moving at a given rate of change. The rate of change was changed to simulate different scenarios of climate change (no change, slow, medium, rapid climate change). Several scenarios of stochastic noise color resembling different climatic conditions were explored. Results show that populations of sexual species will rely mainly on standing genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity for local adaptation. Population of species with relatively slow growth rate (e.g., large mammals) - especially those of small size - are the most vulnerable, particularly if their plasticity is limited (i.e., specialist species). In addition, whenever organisms from these populations are capable of adaptive plasticity, they can buffer fitness losses in reddish climatic conditions. Likewise, whenever they can adjust their plastic response (e.g., bed-hedging strategy) they will cope with bluish environmental conditions as well. In contrast, life strategies of high fecundity can rely on non-adaptive plasticity for their local adaptation to novel environmental conditions, unless the rate of change is too rapid. A recommended management measure is to guarantee interconnection of isolated populations into metapopulations, such that the supply of useful genetic variation can be increased, and, at the same time, provide them with movement opportunities to follow their preferred niche, when local adaptation becomes problematic. This is particularly important for bluish and reddish climatic conditions, when the rate of change is slow, or for any climatic condition when the level of stress (rate of change) is relatively high.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GrimmSeyfarth2017, author = {Grimm-Seyfarth, Annegret}, title = {Effects of climate change on a reptile community in arid Australia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-412655}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 184}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Dies ist eine kumulative Dissertation, die drei Originalstudien umfasst (eine publiziert, eine in Revision, eine eingereicht; Stand Dezember 2017). Sie untersucht, wie Reptilienarten im ariden Australien auf verschiedene klimatische Parameter verschiedener r{\"a}umlicher Skalen reagieren und analysiert dabei zwei m{\"o}gliche zugrunde liegende Hauptmechanismen: Thermoregulatorisches Verhalten und zwischenartliche Wechselwirkungen. In dieser Dissertation wurden umfassende, individuenbasierte Felddaten verschiedener trophischer Ebenen kombiniert mit ausgew{\"a}hlten Feldexperimenten, statistischen Analysen, und Vorhersagemodellen. Die hier erkannten Mechanismen und Prozesse k{\"o}nnen nun genutzt werden, um m{\"o}gliche Ver{\"a}nderungen der ariden Reptiliengesellschaft in der Zukunft vorherzusagen. Dieses Wissen wird dazu beitragen, dass unser Grundverst{\"a}ndnis {\"u}ber die Konsequenzen des globalen Wandels verbessert und Biodiversit{\"a}tsverlust in diesem anf{\"a}lligen {\"O}kosystem verhindert wird.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kahl2022, author = {Kahl, Sandra}, title = {Evolutionary adaptive responses to rapid climate change in plants}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55648}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-556483}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {127}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The ongoing climate change is altering the living conditions for many organisms on this planet at an unprecedented pace. Hence, it is crucial for the survival of species to adapt to these changing conditions. In this dissertation Silene vulgaris is used as a model organism to understand the adaption strategies of widely distributed plant species to the current climate change. Especially plant species that possess a wide geographic range are expected to have a high phenotypic plasticity or to show genetic differentiation in response to the different climate conditions they grow in. However, they are often underrepresented in research. In the greenhouse experiment presented in this thesis, I examined the phenotypic responses and plasticity in S. vulgaris to estimate its' adaptation potential. Seeds from 25 wild European populations were collected along a latitudinal gradient and grown in a greenhouse under three different precipitation (65 mm, 75 mm, 90 mm) and two different temperature regimes (18°C, 21°C) that resembled a possible climate change scenario for central Europe. Afterwards different biomass and fecundity-related plant traits were measured. The treatments significantly influenced the plants but did not reveal a latitudinal difference in response to climate treatments for most plant traits. The number of flowers per individual however, showed a stronger plasticity in northern European populations (e.g., Swedish populations) where numbers decreased more drastically with increased temperature and decreased precipitation. To gain an even deeper understanding of the adaptation of S. vulgaris to climate change it is also important to reveal the underlying phylogeny of the sampled populations. Therefore, I analysed their population genetic structure through whole genome sequencing via ddRAD. The sequencing revealed three major genetic clusters in the S. vulgaris populations sampled in Europe: one cluster comprised Southern European populations, one cluster Western European populations and another cluster contained central European populations. A following analysis of experimental trait responses among the clusters to the climate-change scenario showed that the genetic clusters significantly differed in biomass-related traits and in the days to flowering. However, half of the traits showed parallel response patterns to the experimental climate-change scenario. In addition to the potential geographic and genetic adaptation differences to climate change this dissertation also deals with the response differences between the sexes in S. vulgaris. As a gynodioecious species populations of S. vulgaris consist of female and hermaphrodite individuals and the sexes can differ in their morphological traits which is known as sexual dimorphism. As climate change is becoming an important factor influencing plant morphology it remains unclear if and how different sexes may respond in sexually dimorphic species. To examine this question the sex of each individual plant was determined during the greenhouse experiment and the measured plant traits were analysed accordingly. In general, hermaphrodites had a higher number of flowers but a lower number of leaves than females. With regards to the climate change treatment, I found that hermaphrodites showed a milder negative response to higher temperatures in the number of flowers produced and in specific leaf area (SLA) compared to females. Synthesis - The significant treatment response in Silene vulgaris, independent of population origin in most traits suggests a high degree of universal phenotypic plasticity. Also, the three European intraspecific genetic lineages detected showed comparable parallel response patterns in half of the traits suggesting considerable phenotypic plasticity. Hence, plasticity might represent a possible adaptation strategy of this widely distributed species during ongoing and future climatic changes. The results on sexual dimorphism show that females and hermaphrodites are differing mainly in their number of flowers and females are affected more strongly by the experimental climate-change scenario. These results provide a solid knowledge basis on the sexual dimorphism in S. vulgaris under climate change, but further research is needed to determine the long-term impact on the breeding system for the species. In summary this dissertation provides a comprehensive insight into the adaptation mechanisms and consequences of a widely distributed and gynodioecious plant species and leverages our understanding of the impact of anthropogenic climate change on plants.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nguyen2021, author = {Nguyen, Van Khanh Triet}, title = {Flood dynamics in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-512830}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 113}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Today, the Mekong Delta in the southern of Vietnam is home for 18 million people. The delta also accounts for more than half of the country's food production and 80\% of the exported rice. Due to the low elevation, it is highly susceptible to the risk of fluvial and coastal flooding. Although extreme floods often result in excessive damages and economic losses, the annual flood pulse from the Mekong is vital to sustain agricultural cultivation and livelihoods of million delta inhabitants. Delta-wise risk management and adaptation strategies are required to mitigate the adverse impacts from extreme events while capitalising benefits from floods. However, a proper flood risk management has not been implemented in the VMD, because the quantification of flood damage is often overlooked and the risks are thus not quantified. So far, flood management has been exclusively focused on engineering measures, i.e. high- and low- dyke systems, aiming at flood-free or partial inundation control without any consideration of the actual risks or a cost-benefit analysis. Therefore, an analysis of future delta flood dynamics driven these stressors is valuable to facilitate the transition from sole hazard control towards a risk management approach, which is more cost-effective and also robust against future changes in risk. Built on these research gaps, this thesis investigates the current state and future projections of flood hazard, damage and risk to rice cultivation, the most important economic activity in the VMD. The study quantifies the changes in risk and hazard brought by the development of delta-based flood control measures in the last decades, and analyses the expected changes in risk driven by the changing climate, rising sea-level and deltaic land subsidence, and finally the development of hydropower projects in the Mekong Basin. For this purpose, flood trend analyses and comprehensive hydraulic modelling were performed, together with the development of a concept to quantify flood damage and risk to rice plantation. The analysis of observed flood levels revealed strong and robust increasing trends of peak and duration downstream of the high-dyke areas with a step change in 2000/2001, i.e. after the disastrous flood which initiated the high-dyke development. These changes were in contrast to the negative trends detected upstream, suggested that high-dyke development has shifted flood hazard downstream. Findings of the trend's analysis were later confirmed by hydraulic simulations of the two recent extreme floods in 2000 and 2011, where the hydrological boundaries and dyke system settings were interchanged. However, the high-dyke system was not the only and often not the main cause for a shift of flood hazard, as a comparative analysis of these two extreme floods proved. The high-dyke development was responsible for 20-90\% of the observed changes in flood level between 2000 and 2011, with large spatial variances. The particular flood hydrograph of the two events had the highest contribution in the northern part of the delta, while the tidal level had 2-3 times higher influence than the high-dyke in the lower-central and coastal areas downstream of high-dyke areas. The impact of the high-dyke development was highest in the areas closely downstream of the high-dyke area just south of the Cambodia-Vietnam border. The hydraulic simulations also validated that the concurrence of the flood peak with spring tides, i.e. high sea level along the coast, amplified the flood level and inundation in the central and coastal regions substantially. The risk assessment quantified the economic losses of rice cultivation to USD 25.0 and 115 million (0.02-0.1\% of the total GDP of Vietnam in 2011) corresponding to the 10-year and the 100-year floods, with an expected annual damage of about USD 4.5 million. A particular finding is that the flood damage was highly sensitive to flood timing. Here, a 10-year event with an early peak, i.e. late August-September, could cause as much damage as a 100-year event that peaked in October. This finding underlines the importance of a reliable early flood warning, which could substantially reduce the damage to rice crops and thus the risk. The developed risk assessment concept was furthermore applied to investigate two high-dyke development alternatives, which are currently under discussion among the administrative bodies in Vietnam, but also in the public. The first option favouring the utilization of the current high-dyke compartments as flood retention areas instead for rice cropping during the flood season could reduce flood hazard and expected losses by 5-40\%, depending on the region of the delta. On the contrary, the second option promoting the further extension of the areas protected by high-dyke to facilitate third rice crop planting on a larger area, tripled the current expected annual flood damage. This finding challenges the expected economic benefit of triple rice cultivation, in addition to the already known reducing of nutrient supply by floodplain sedimentation and thus higher costs for fertilizers. The economic benefits of the high-dyke and triple rice cropping system is further challenged by the changes in the flood dynamics to be expected in future. For the middle of the 21st century (2036-2065) the effective sea-level rise an increase of the inundation extent by 20-27\% was projected. This corresponds to an increase of flood damage to rice crops in dry, normal and wet year by USD 26.0, 40.0 and 82.0 million in dry, normal and wet year compared to the baseline period 1971-2000. Hydraulic simulations indicated that the planned massive development of hydropower dams in the Mekong Basin could potentially compensate the increase in flood hazard and agriculture losses stemming from climate change. However, the benefits of dams as mitigation of flood losses are highly uncertain, because a) the actual development of the dams is highly disputed, b) the operation of the dams is primarily targeted at power generation, not flood control, and c) this would require international agreements and cooperation, which is difficult to achieve in South-East Asia. The theoretical flood mitigation benefit is additionally challenged by a number of negative impacts of the dam development, e.g. disruption of floodplain inundation in normal, non-extreme flood years. Adding to the certain reduction of sediment and nutrient load to the floodplains, hydropower dams will drastically impair rice and agriculture production, the basis livelihoods of million delta inhabitants. In conclusion, the VMD is expected to face increasing threats of tidal induced floods in the coming decades. Protection of the entire delta coastline solely with "hard" engineering flood protection structures is neither technically nor economically feasible, adaptation and mitigation actions are urgently required. Better control and reduction of groundwater abstraction is thus strongly recommended as an immediate and high priority action to reduce the land subsidence and thus tidal flooding and salinity intrusion in the delta. Hydropower development in the Mekong basin might offer some theoretical flood protection for the Mekong delta, but due to uncertainties in the operation of the dams and a number of negative effects, the dam development cannot be recommended as a strategy for flood management. For the Vietnamese authorities, it is advisable to properly maintain the existing flood protection structures and to develop flexible risk-based flood management plans. In this context the study showed that the high-dyke compartments can be utilized for emergency flood management in extreme events. For this purpose, a reliable flood forecast is essential, and the action plan should be materialised in official documents and legislation to assure commitment and consistency in the implementation and operation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aich2015, author = {Aich, Valentin}, title = {Floods in the Niger River Basin in the face of global change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-91577}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 275}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In the last decade, the number and dimensions of catastrophic flooding events in the Niger River Basin (NRB) have markedly increased. Despite the devastating impact of the floods on the population and the mainly agriculturally based economy of the riverine nations, awareness of the hazards in policy and science is still low. The urgency of this topic and the existing research deficits are the motivation for the present dissertation. The thesis is an initial detailed assessment of the increasing flood risk in the NRB. The research strategy is based on four questions regarding (1) features of the change in flood risk, (2) reasons for the change in the flood regime, (3) expected changes of the flood regime given climate and land use changes, and (4) recommendations from previous analysis for reducing the flood risk in the NRB. The question examining the features of change in the flood regime is answered by means of statistical analysis. Trend, correlation, changepoint, and variance analyses show that, in addition to the factors exposure and vulnerability, the hazard itself has also increased significantly in the NRB, in accordance with the decadal climate pattern of West Africa. The northern arid and semi-arid parts of the NRB are those most affected by the changes. As potential reasons for the increase in flood magnitudes, climate and land use changes are attributed by means of a hypothesis-testing framework. Two different approaches, based on either data analysis or simulation, lead to similar results, showing that the influence of climatic changes is generally larger compared to that of land use changes. Only in the dry areas of the NRB is the influence of land use changes comparable to that of climatic alterations. Future changes of the flood regime are evaluated using modelling results. First ensembles of statistically and dynamically downscaled climate models based on different emission scenarios are analyzed. The models agree with a distinct increase in temperature. The precipitation signal, however, is not coherent. The climate scenarios are used to drive an eco-hydrological model. The influence of climatic changes on the flood regime is uncertain due to the unclear precipitation signal. Still, in general, higher flood peaks are expected. In a next step, effects of land use changes are integrated into the model. Different scenarios show that regreening might help to reduce flood peaks. In contrast, an expansion of agriculture might enhance the flood peaks in the NRB. Similarly to the analysis of observed changes in the flood regime, the impacts of climate- and land use changes for the future scenarios are also most severe in the dry areas of the NRB. In order to answer the final research question, the results of the above analysis are integrated into a range of recommendations for science and policy on how to reduce flood risk in the NRB. The main recommendations include a stronger consideration of the enormous natural climate variability in the NRB and a focus on so called "no-regret" adaptation strategies which account for high uncertainty, as well as a stronger consideration of regional differences. Regarding the prevention and mitigation of catastrophic flooding, the most vulnerable and sensitive areas in the basin, the arid and semi-arid Sahelian and Sudano-Sahelian regions, should be prioritized. Eventually, an active, science-based and science-guided flood policy is recommended. The enormous population growth in the NRB in connection with the expected deterioration of environmental and climatic conditions is likely to enhance the region´s vulnerability to flooding. A smart and sustainable flood policy can help mitigate these negative impacts of flooding on the development of riverine societies in West Africa.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pradhan2015, author = {Pradhan, Prajal}, title = {Food demand and supply under global change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-77849}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 141}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Anthropogenic activities have transformed the Earth's environment, not only on local level, but on the planetary-scale causing global change. Besides industrialization, agriculture is a major driver of global change. This change in turn impairs the agriculture sector, reducing crop yields namely due to soil degradation, water scarcity, and climate change. However, this is a more complex issue than it appears. Crop yields can be increased by use of agrochemicals and fertilizers which are mainly produced by fossil energy. This is important to meet the increasing food demand driven by global demographic change, which is further accelerated by changes in regional lifestyles. In this dissertation, we attempt to address this complex problem exploring agricultural potential globally but on a local scale. For this, we considered the influence of lifestyle changes (dietary patterns) as well as technological progress and their effects on climate change, mainly greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Furthermore, we examined options for optimizing crop yields in the current cultivated land with the current cropping patterns by closing yield gaps. Using this, we investigated in a five-minute resolution the extent to which food demand can be met locally, and/or by regional and/or global trade. Globally, food consumption habits are shifting towards calorie rich diets. Due to dietary shifts combined with population growth, the global food demand is expected to increase by 60-110\% between 2005 and 2050. Hence, one of the challenges to global sustainability is to meet the growing food demand, while at the same time, reducing agricultural inputs and environmental consequences. In order to address the above problem, we used several freely available datasets and applied multiple interconnected analytical approaches that include artificial neural network, scenario analysis, data aggregation and harmonization, downscaling algorithm, and cross-scale analysis. Globally, we identified sixteen dietary patterns between 1961 and 2007 with food intakes ranging from 1,870 to 3,400 kcal/cap/day. These dietary patterns also reflected changing dietary habits to meat rich diets worldwide. Due to the large share of animal products, very high calorie diets that are common in the developed world, exhibit high total per capita emissions of 3.7-6.1 kg CO2eq./day. This is higher than total per capita emissions of 1.4-4.5 kg CO2eq./day associated with low and moderate calorie diets that are common in developing countries. Currently, 40\% of the global crop calories are fed to livestock and the feed calorie use is four times the produced animal calories. However, these values vary from less than 1 kcal to greater 10 kcal around the world. On the local and national scale, we found that the local and national food production could meet demand of 1.9 and 4.4 billion people in 2000, respectively. However, 1 billion people from Asia and Africa require intercontinental agricultural trade to meet their food demand. Nevertheless, these regions can become food self-sufficient by closing yield gaps that require location specific inputs and agricultural management strategies. Such strategies include: fertilizers, pesticides, soil and land improvement, management targeted on mitigating climate induced yield variability, and improving market accessibility. However, closing yield gaps in particular requires global N-fertilizer application to increase by 45-73\%, P2O5 by 22-46\%, and K2O by 2-3 times compare to 2010. Considering population growth, we found that the global agricultural GHG emissions will approach 7 Gt CO2eq./yr by 2050, while the global livestock feed demand will remain similar to 2000. This changes tremendously when diet shifts are also taken into account, resulting in GHG emissions of 20 Gt CO2eq./yr and an increase of 1.3 times in the crop-based feed demand between 2000 and 2050. However, when population growth, diet shifts, and technological progress by 2050 were considered, GHG emissions can be reduced to 14 Gt CO2eq./yr and the feed demand to nearly 1.8 times compare to that in 2000. Additionally, our findings shows that based on the progress made in closing yield gaps, the number of people depending on international trade can vary between 1.5 and 6 billion by 2050. In medium term, this requires additional fossil energy. Furthermore, climate change, affecting crop yields, will increase the need for international agricultural trade by 4\% to 16\%. In summary, three general conclusions are drawn from this dissertation. First, changing dietary patterns will significantly increase crop demand, agricultural GHG emissions, and international food trade in the future when compared to population growth only. Second, such increments can be reduced by technology transfer and technological progress that will enhance crop yields, decrease agricultural emission intensities, and increase livestock feed conversion efficiencies. Moreover, international trade dependency can be lowered by consuming local and regional food products, by producing diverse types of food, and by closing yield gaps. Third, location specific inputs and management options are required to close yield gaps. Sustainability of such inputs and management largely depends on which options are chosen and how they are implemented. However, while every cultivated land may not need to attain its potential yields to enable food security, closing yield gaps only may not be enough to achieve food self-sufficiency in some regions. Hence, a combination of sustainable implementations of agricultural intensification, expansion, and trade as well as shifting dietary habits towards a lower share of animal products is required to feed the growing population.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Li2023, author = {Li, Zhen}, title = {Formation of Sub-Permafrost Methane Hydrate Reproduced by Numerical Modeling}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-60330}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-603302}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 109}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Natural gas hydrates are ice-like crystalline compounds containing water cavities that trap natural gas molecules like methane (CH4), which is a potent greenhouse gas with high energy density. The Mallik site at the Mackenzie Delta in the Canadian Arctic contains a large volume of technically recoverable CH4 hydrate beneath the base of the permafrost. Understanding how the sub-permafrost hydrate is distributed can aid in searching for the ideal locations for deploying CH4 production wells to develop the hydrate as a cleaner alternative to crude oil or coal. Globally, atmospheric warming driving permafrost thaw results in sub-permafrost hydrate dissociation, releasing CH4 into the atmosphere to intensify global warming. It is therefore crucial to evaluate the potential risk of hydrate dissociation due to permafrost degradation. To quantitatively predict hydrate distribution and volume in complex sub-permafrost environments, a numerical framework was developed to simulate sub-permafrost hydrate formation by coupling the equilibrium CH4-hydrate formation approach with a fluid flow and transport simulator (TRANSPORTSE). In addition, integrating the equations of state describing ice melting and forming with TRANSPORTSE enabled this framework to simulate the permafrost evolution during the sub-permafrost hydrate formation. A modified sub-permafrost hydrate formation mechanism for the Mallik site is presented in this study. According to this mechanism, the CH4-rich fluids have been vertically transported since the Late Pleistocene from deep overpressurized zones via geologic fault networks to form the observed hydrate deposits in the Kugmallit-Mackenzie Bay Sequences. The established numerical framework was verified by a benchmark of hydrate formation via dissolved methane. Model calibration was performed based on laboratory data measured during a multi-stage hydrate formation experiment undertaken in the LArge scale Reservoir Simulator (LARS). As the temporal and spatial evolution of simulated and observed hydrate saturation matched well, the LARS model was therefore validated. This laboratory-scale model was then upscaled to a field-scale 2D model generated from a seismic transect across the Mallik site. The simulation confirmed the feasibility of the introduced sub-permafrost hydrate formation mechanism by demonstrating consistency with field observations. The 2D model was extended to the first 3D model of the Mallik site by using well-logs and seismic profiles, to investigate the geologic controls on the spatial hydrate distribution. An assessment of this simulation revealed the hydraulic contribution of each geological element, including relevant fault networks and sedimentary sequences. Based on the simulation results, the observed heterogeneous distribution of sub-permafrost hydrate resulted from the combined factors of the source-gas generation rate, subsurface temperature, and the permeability of geologic elements. Analysis of the results revealed that the Mallik permafrost was heated by 0.8-1.3 °C, induced by the global temperature increase of 0.44 °C and accelerated by Arctic amplification from the early 1970s to the mid-2000s. This study presents a numerical framework that can be applied to study the formation of the permafrost-hydrate system from laboratory to field scales, across timescales ranging from hours to millions of years. Overall, these simulations deepen the knowledge about the dominant factors controlling the spatial hydrate distribution in sub-permafrost environments with heterogeneous geologic elements. The framework can support improving the design of hydrate formation experiments and provide valuable contributions to future industrial hydrate exploration and exploitation activities.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krummenauer2022, author = {Krummenauer, Linda}, title = {Global heat adaptation among urban populations and its evolution under different climate futures}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55929}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-559294}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 161}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Heat and increasing ambient temperatures under climate change represent a serious threat to human health in cities. Heat exposure has been studied extensively at a global scale. Studies comparing a defined temperature threshold with the future daytime temperature during a certain period of time, had concluded an increase in threat to human health. Such findings however do not explicitly account for possible changes in future human heat adaptation and might even overestimate heat exposure. Thus, heat adaptation and its development is still unclear. Human heat adaptation refers to the local temperature to which populations are adjusted to. It can be inferred from the lowest point of the U- or V-shaped heat-mortality relationship (HMR), the Minimum Mortality Temperature (MMT). While epidemiological studies inform on the MMT at the city scale for case studies, a general model applicable at the global scale to infer on temporal change in MMTs had not yet been realised. The conventional approach depends on data availability, their robustness, and on the access to daily mortality records at the city scale. Thorough analysis however must account for future changes in the MMT as heat adaptation happens partially passively. Human heat adaptation consists of two aspects: (1) the intensity of the heat hazard that is still tolerated by human populations, meaning the heat burden they can bear and (2) the wealth-induced technological, social and behavioural measures that can be employed to avoid heat exposure. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and quantify human heat adaptation among urban populations at a global scale under the current climate and to project future adaptation under climate change until the end of the century. To date, this has not yet been accomplished. The evaluation of global heat adaptation among urban populations and its evolution under climate change comprises three levels of analysis. First, using the example of Germany, the MMT is calculated at the city level by applying the conventional method. Second, this thesis compiles a data pool of 400 urban MMTs to develop and train a new model capable of estimating MMTs on the basis of physical and socio-economic city characteristics using multivariate non-linear multivariate regression. The MMT is successfully described as a function of the current climate, the topography and the socio-economic standard, independently of daily mortality data for cities around the world. The city-specific MMT estimates represents a measure of human heat adaptation among the urban population. In a final third analysis, the model to derive human heat adaptation was adjusted to be driven by projected climate and socio-economic variables for the future. This allowed for estimation of the MMT and its change for 3 820 cities worldwide for different combinations of climate trajectories and socio-economic pathways until 2100. The knowledge on the evolution of heat adaptation in the future is a novelty as mostly heat exposure and its future development had been researched. In this work, changes in heat adaptation and exposure were analysed jointly. A wide range of possible health-related outcomes up to 2100 was the result, of which two scenarios with the highest socio-economic developments but opposing strong warming levels were highlighted for comparison. Strong economic growth based upon fossil fuel exploitation is associated with a high gain in heat adaptation, but may not be able to compensate for the associated negative health effects due to increased heat exposure in 30\% to 40\% of the cities investigated caused by severe climate change. A slightly less strong, but sustainable growth brings moderate gains in heat adaptation but a lower heat exposure and exposure reductions in 80\% to 84\% of the cities in terms of frequency (number of days exceeding the MMT) and intensity (magnitude of the MMT exceedance) due to a milder global warming. Choosing a 2 ° C compatible development by 2100 would therefore lower the risk of heat-related mortality at the end of the century. In summary, this thesis makes diverse and multidisciplinary contributions to a deeper understanding of human adaptation to heat under the current and the future climate. It is one of the first studies to carry out a systematic and statistical analysis of urban characteristics which are useful as MMT drivers to establish a generalised model of human heat adaptation, applicable at the global level. A broad range of possible heat-related health options for various future scenarios was shown for the first time. This work is of relevance for the assessment of heat-health impacts in regions where mortality data are not accessible or missing. The results are useful for health care planning at the meso- and macro-level and to urban- and climate change adaptation planning. Lastly, beyond having met the posed objective, this thesis advances research towards a global future impact assessment of heat on human health by providing an alternative method of MMT estimation, that is spatially and temporally flexible in its application.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Middelanis2023, author = {Middelanis, Robin}, title = {Global response to local extremes—a storyline approach on economic loss propagation from weather extremes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61112}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-611127}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 237}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, Earth's average surface temperature is steadily increasing. As a consequence, many weather extremes are likely to become more frequent and intense. This poses a threat to natural and human systems, with local impacts capable of destroying exposed assets and infrastructure, and disrupting economic and societal activity. Yet, these effects are not locally confined to the directly affected regions, as they can trigger indirect economic repercussions through loss propagation along supply chains. As a result, local extremes yield a potentially global economic response. To build economic resilience and design effective adaptation measures that mitigate adverse socio-economic impacts of ongoing climate change, it is crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of indirect impacts and the underlying economic mechanisms. Presenting six articles in this thesis, I contribute towards this understanding. To this end, I expand on local impacts under current and future climate, the resulting global economic response, as well as the methods and tools to analyze this response. Starting with a traditional assessment of weather extremes under climate change, the first article investigates extreme snowfall in the Northern Hemisphere until the end of the century. Analyzing an ensemble of global climate model projections reveals an increase of the most extreme snowfall, while mean snowfall decreases. Assessing repercussions beyond local impacts, I employ numerical simulations to compute indirect economic effects from weather extremes with the numerical agent-based shock propagation model Acclimate. This model is used in conjunction with the recently emerged storyline framework, which involves analyzing the impacts of a particular reference extreme event and comparing them to impacts in plausible counterfactual scenarios under various climate or socio-economic conditions. Using this approach, I introduce three primary storylines that shed light on the complex mechanisms underlying economic loss propagation. In the second and third articles of this thesis, I analyze storylines for the historical Hurricanes Sandy (2012) and Harvey (2017) in the USA. For this, I first estimate local economic output losses and then simulate the resulting global economic response with Acclimate. The storyline for Hurricane Sandy thereby focuses on global consumption price anomalies and the resulting changes in consumption. I find that the local economic disruption leads to a global wave-like economic price ripple, with upstream effects propagating in the supplier direction and downstream effects in the buyer direction. Initially, an upstream demand reduction causes consumption price decreases, followed by a downstream supply shortage and increasing prices, before the anomalies decay in a normalization phase. A dominant upstream or downstream effect leads to net consumption gains or losses of a region, respectively. Moreover, I demonstrate that a longer direct economic shock intensifies the downstream effect for many regions, leading to an overall consumption loss. The third article of my thesis builds upon the developed loss estimation method by incorporating projections to future global warming levels. I use these projections to explore how the global production response to Hurricane Harvey would change under further increased global warming. The results show that, while the USA is able to nationally offset direct losses in the reference configuration, other countries have to compensate for increasing shares of counterfactual future losses. This compensation is mainly achieved by large exporting countries, but gradually shifts towards smaller regions. These findings not only highlight the economy's ability to flexibly mitigate disaster losses to a certain extent, but also reveal the vulnerability and economic disadvantage of regions that are exposed to extreme weather events. The storyline in the fourth article of my thesis investigates the interaction between global economic stress and the propagation of losses from weather extremes. I examine indirect impacts of weather extremes — tropical cyclones, heat stress, and river floods — worldwide under two different economic conditions: an unstressed economy and a globally stressed economy, as seen during the Covid-19 pandemic. I demonstrate that the adverse effects of weather extremes on global consumption are strongly amplified when the economy is under stress. Specifically, consumption losses in the USA and China double and triple, respectively, due to the global economy's decreased capacity for disaster loss compensation. An aggravated scarcity intensifies the price response, causing consumption losses to increase. Advancing on the methods and tools used here, the final two articles in my thesis extend the agent-based model Acclimate and formalize the storyline approach. With the model extension described in the fifth article, regional consumers make rational choices on the goods bought such that their utility is maximized under a constrained budget. In an out-of-equilibrium economy, these rational consumers are shown to temporarily increase consumption of certain goods in spite of rising prices. The sixth article of my thesis proposes a formalization of the storyline framework, drawing on multiple studies including storylines presented in this thesis. The proposed guideline defines eight central elements that can be used to construct a storyline. Overall, this thesis contributes towards a better understanding of economic repercussions of weather extremes. It achieves this by providing assessments of local direct impacts, highlighting mechanisms and impacts of loss propagation, and advancing on methods and tools used.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CamposdeAndrade2023, author = {Campos de Andrade, Andr{\´e} Luiz}, title = {Governing climate change in Brazil}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58733}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-587336}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxvii, 272}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Enacted in 2009, the National Policy on Climate Change (PNMC) is a milestone in the institutionalisation of climate action in Brazil. It sets greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets and a set of principles and directives that are intended to lay the foundations for a cross-sectoral and multilevel climate policy in the country. However, after more than a decade since its establishment, the PNMC has experienced several obstacles related to its governance, such as coordination, planning and implementation issues. All of these issues pose threats to the effectiveness of GHG mitigation actions in the country. By looking at the intragovernmental and intergovernmental relationships that have taken place during the lifetime of the PNMC and its sectoral plans on agriculture (the Sectoral Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change for the Consolidation of a Low-Carbon Economy in Agriculture [ABC Plan]), transport and urban mobility (the Sectoral Plan for Transportation and Urban Mobility for Mitigation and Adaption of Climate Change [PSTM]), this exploratory qualitative research investigates the Brazilian climate change governance guided by the following relevant questions: how are climate policy arrangements organised and coordinated among governmental actors to mitigate GHG emissions in Brazil? What might be the reasons behind how such arrangements are established? What are the predominant governance gaps of the different GHG mitigation actions examined? Why do these governance gaps occur? Theoretically grounded in the literature on multilevel governance and coordination of public policies, this study employs a novel analytical framework that aims to identify and discuss the occurrence of four types of governance gaps (i.e. politics, institutions and processes, resources and information) in the three GHG mitigation actions (cases) examined (i.e. the PNMC, ABC Plan and PSTM). The research results are twofold. First, they reveal that Brazil has struggled to organise and coordinate governmental actors from different policy constituencies and different levels of government in the implementation of the GHG mitigation actions examined. Moreover, climate policymaking has mostly been influenced by the Ministry of Environment (MMA) overlooking the multilevel and cross-sectoral approaches required for a country's climate policy to mitigate and adapt to climate change, especially if it is considered an economy-wide Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), as the Brazilian one is. Second, the study identifies a greater manifestation of gaps in politics (e.g. lack of political will in supporting climate action), institutions and processes (e.g. failures in the design of institutions and policy instruments, coordination and monitoring flaws, and difficulties in building climate federalism) in all cases studied. It also identifies that there have been important advances in the production of data and information for decision-making and, to a lesser extent, in the allocation of technical and financial resources in the cases studied; however, it is necessary to highlight the limitation of these improvements due to turf wars, a low willingness to share information among federal government players, a reduced volume of financial resources and an unequal distribution of capacities among the federal ministries and among the three levels of government. A relevant finding is that these gaps tend to be explained by a combination of general and sectoral set aspects. Regarding the general aspects, which are common to all cases examined, the following can be mentioned: i) unbalanced policy capabilities existing among the different levels of government, ii) a limited (bureaucratic) practice to produce a positive coordination mode within cross-sectoral policies, iii) the socioeconomic inequalities that affect the way different governments and economic sectors perceive the climate issue (selective perception) and iv) the reduced dialogue between national and subnational governments on the climate agenda (poor climate federalism). The following sectoral aspects can be mentioned: i) the presence of path dependencies that make the adoption of transformative actions harder and ii) the absence of perceived co-benefits that the climate agenda can bring to each economic sector (e.g. reputational gains, climate protection and access to climate financial markets). By addressing the theoretical and practical implications of the results, this research provides key insights to tackle the governance gaps identified and to help Brazil pave the way to achieving its NDCs and net-zero targets. At the theoretical level, this research and the current country's GHG emissions profile suggest that the Brazilian climate policy is embedded in a cross-sectoral and multilevel arena, which requires the effective involvement of different levels of political and bureaucratic powers and the consideration of the country's socioeconomic differences. Thus, the research argues that future improvements of the Brazilian climate policy and its governance setting must frame climate policy as an economic development agenda, the ramifications of which go beyond the environmental sector. An initial consequence of this new perspective may be a shift in the political and technical leadership from the MMA to the institutions of the centre of government (Executive Office of the President of Brazil) and those in charge of the country's economic policy (Ministry of Economy). This change could provide greater capacity for coordination, integration and enforcement as well as for addressing certain expected gaps (e.g. financial and technical resources). It could also lead to greater political prioritisation of the agenda at the highest levels of government. Moreover, this shift of the institutional locus could contribute to greater harmonisation between domestic development priorities and international climate politics. Finally, the research also suggests that this approach would reduce bureaucratic elitism currently in place due to climate policy being managed by Brazilian governmental institutions, which is still a theme of a few ministries and a reason for the occurrence of turf wars.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Šedova2022, author = {Šedov{\´a}, Barbora}, title = {Heterogeneous effects of weather and climate change on human migration}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53673}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-536733}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 284}, year = {2022}, abstract = {While estimated numbers of past and future climate migrants are alarming, the growing empirical evidence suggests that the association between adverse climate-related events and migration is not universally positive. This dissertation seeks to advance our understanding of when and how climate migration emerges by analyzing heterogeneous climatic influences on migration in low- and middle-income countries. To this end, it draws on established economic theories of migration, datasets from physical and social sciences, causal inference techniques and approaches from systematic literature review. In three of its five chapters, I estimate causal effects of processes of climate change on inequality and migration in India and Sub-Saharan Africa. By employing interaction terms and by analyzing sub-samples of data, I explore how these relationships differ for various segments of the population. In the remaining two chapters, I present two systematic literature reviews. First, I undertake a comprehensive meta-regression analysis of the econometric climate migration literature to summarize general climate migration patterns and explain the conflicting findings. Second, motivated by the broad range of approaches in the field, I examine the literature from a methodological perspective to provide best practice guidelines for studying climate migration empirically. Overall, the evidence from this dissertation shows that climatic influences on human migration are highly heterogeneous. Whether adverse climate-related impacts materialize in migration depends on the socio-economic characteristics of the individual households, such as wealth, level of education, agricultural dependence or access to adaptation technologies and insurance. For instance, I show that while adverse climatic shocks are generally associated with an increase in migration in rural India, they reduce migration in the agricultural context of Sub-Saharan Africa, where the average wealth levels are much lower so that households largely cannot afford the upfront costs of moving. I find that unlike local climatic shocks which primarily enhance internal migration to cities and hence accelerate urbanization, shocks transmitted via agricultural producer prices increase migration to neighboring countries, likely due to the simultaneous decrease in real income in nearby urban areas. These findings advance our current understanding by showing when and how economic agents respond to climatic events, thus providing explicit contexts and mechanisms of climate change effects on migration in the future. The resulting collection of findings can guide policy interventions to avoid or mitigate any present and future welfare losses from climate change-related migration choices.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hornick2019, author = {Hornick, Thomas}, title = {Impact of climate change effects on diversity and function of pelagic heterotrophic bacteria studied in large-scale mesocosm facilities}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42893}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-428936}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {199}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Seit der Industriellen Revolution steigt die Konzentration von Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) und anderen Treibhausgasen in der Erdatmosph{\"a}re stetig an, wodurch wesentliche Prozesse im Erdsystem beeinflusst werden. Dies wird mit dem Begriff „Klimawandel" umschrieben. Aquatische {\"O}kosysteme sind sehr stark davon betroffen, da sie als Integral vieler Prozesse in einer Landschaft fungieren. Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war zu bestimmen, wie verschiedene Auswirkungen des Klimawandels die Gemeinschaftsstruktur und Aktivit{\"a}t von heterotrophen Bakterien in Gew{\"a}ssern ver{\"a}ndert, welche eine zentrale Rolle bei biogeochemischen Prozessen einnehmen. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf zwei Aspekte des Klimawandels: (1) Ozeane nehmen einen Großteil des atmosph{\"a}rischen CO2 auf, welches im Meerwasser das chemische Gleichgewicht des Karbonatsystems verschiebt („Ozeanversauerung"). (2) Durch kontinuierlichen Anstieg der Erdoberfl{\"a}chentemperatur werden Ver{\"a}nderungen im Klimasystem der Erde vorhergesagt, welche u. a. die H{\"a}ufigkeit und Heftigkeit von episodischen Wetterereignissen (z.B. St{\"u}rme) verst{\"a}rken wird. Insbesondere Sommer-St{\"u}rme sind dabei in der Lage die sommerliche Temperaturschichtung der Wassers{\"a}ule in Seen zu zerst{\"o}ren. Beide Effekte des Klimawandels k{\"o}nnen weitreichende Auswirkungen auf Wasserchemie/-physik sowie die Verteilung von Organismen haben, was mittels Mesokosmen simuliert wurde. Dabei untersuchten wir den Einfluss der Ozeanversauerung auf heterotrophe bakterielle Prozesse in der Ostsee bei geringen Konzentrationen an gel{\"o}sten N{\"a}hrstoffen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Ozeanversauerungseffekte in Kombination mit N{\"a}hrstofflimitation indirekt das Wachstum von heterotrophen Bakterien durch ver{\"a}nderte trophische Interaktionen beeinflussen k{\"o}nnen und potentiell zu einer Erh{\"o}hung der Autotrophie des {\"O}kosystems f{\"u}hren. In einer weiteren Studie analysierten wir, wie Ozeanversauerung die Umsetzung und Qualit{\"a}t gel{\"o}sten organischen Materials (DOM) durch heterotrophe Bakterien beeinflussen kann. Die Ergebnisse weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass {\"A}nderungen in der DOM-Qualit{\"a}t durch heterotrophe bakterielle Prozesse mit zunehmender Ozeanversauerung unwahrscheinlich sind. Desweiteren wurde der Einfluss eines starken Sommer-Sturmes auf den stratifizierten, oligotroph-mesotrophen Stechlinsee simuliert. Mittels oberfl{\"a}chlicher Durchmischung in Mesokosmen wurde die bestehende Thermokline zerst{\"o}rt und die durchmischte Oberfl{\"a}chenwasserschicht vergr{\"o}ßert. Dies {\"a}nderte die physikalischen und chemischen Gradienten innerhalb der Wassers{\"a}ule. Effekte der Einmischung von Tiefenwasser {\"a}nderten in der Folge die Zusammensetzung der bakteriellen Gemeinschaftsstruktur und stimulierten das Wachstum filament{\"o}ser Cyanobakterien, die zu einer Cyanobakterien-Bl{\"u}te f{\"u}hrte und so maßgeblich die metabolischen Prozesse von heterotrophen Bakterien bestimmte. Unsere Studie gibt ein mechanistisches Verst{\"a}ndnis, wie Sommer-St{\"u}rme bakterielle Gemeinschaften und Prozesse f{\"u}r l{\"a}ngere Zeit w{\"a}hrend der sommerlichen Stratifizierung beeinflussen k{\"o}nnen. Die in dieser Arbeit pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse zeigen Ver{\"a}nderungen bakterieller Gemeinschaften und Prozesse, welche mit dem einhergehenden Klimawandel erwartet werden k{\"o}nnen. Diese sollten bei Beurteilung klimarelevanter Fragen hinsichtlich eines zuk{\"u}nftigen Gew{\"a}sser-managements Ber{\"u}cksichtigung finden.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuhla2022, author = {Kuhla, Kilian}, title = {Impact, distribution, and adaptation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55266}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-552668}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 309}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Weather extremes pose a persistent threat to society on multiple layers. Besides an average of ~37,000 deaths per year, climate-related disasters cause destroyed properties and impaired economic activities, eroding people's livelihoods and prosperity. While global temperature rises - caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions - the direct impacts of climatic extreme events increase and will further intensify without proper adaptation measures. Additionally, weather extremes do not only have local direct effects. Resulting economic repercussions can propagate either upstream or downstream along trade chains causing indirect effects. One approach to analyze these indirect effects within the complex global supply network is the agent-based model Acclimate. Using and extending this loss-propagation model, I focus in this thesis on three aspects of the relation between weather extremes and economic repercussions. First, extreme weather events cause direct impacts on local economic performance. I compute daily local direct output loss time series of heat stress, river floods, tropical cyclones, and their consecutive occurrence using (near-future) climate projection ensembles. These regional impacts are estimated based on physical drivers and local productivity distribution. Direct effects of the aforementioned disaster categories are widely heterogeneous concerning regional and temporal distribution. As well, their intensity changes differently under future warming. Focusing on the hurricane-impacted capital, I find that long-term growth losses increase with higher heterogeneity of a shock ensemble. Second, repercussions are sectorally and regionally distributed via economic ripples within the trading network, causing higher-order effects. I use Acclimate to identify three phases of those economic ripples. Furthermore, I compute indirect impacts and analyze overall regional and global production and consumption changes. Regarding heat stress, global consumer losses double while direct output losses increase by a factor 1.5 between 2000 - 2039. In my research I identify the effect of economic ripple resonance and introduce it to climate impact research. This effect occurs if economic ripples of consecutive disasters overlap, which increases economic responses such as an enhancement of consumption losses. These loss enhancements can even be more amplified with increasing direct output losses, e.g. caused by climate crises. Transport disruptions can cause economic repercussions as well. For this, I extend the model Acclimate with a geographical transportation route and expand the decision horizon of economic agents. Using this, I show that policy-induced sudden trade restrictions (e.g. a no-deal Brexit) can significantly reduce the longer-term economic prosperity of affected regions. Analyses of transportation disruptions in typhoon seasons indicate that severely affected regions must reduce production as demand falls during a storm. Substituting suppliers may compensate for fluctuations at the beginning of the storm, which fails for prolonged disruptions. Third, possible coping mechanisms and adaptation strategies arise from direct and indirect economic responses to weather extremes. Analyzing annual trade changes due to typhoon-induced transport disruptions depict that overall exports rise. This trade resilience increases with higher network node diversification. Further, my research shows that a basic insurance scheme may diminish hurricane-induced long-term growth losses due to faster reconstruction in disasters aftermaths. I find that insurance coverage could be an economically reasonable coping scheme towards higher losses caused by the climate crisis. Indirect effects within the global economic network from weather extremes indicate further adaptation possibilities. For one, diversifying linkages reduce the hazard of sharp price increases. Next to this, close economic interconnections with regions that do not share the same extreme weather season can be economically beneficial in the medium run. Furthermore, economic ripple resonance effects should be considered while computing costs. Overall, an increase in local adaptation measures reduces economic ripples within the trade network and possible losses elsewhere. In conclusion, adaptation measures are necessary and potential present, but it seems rather not possible to avoid all direct or indirect losses. As I show in this thesis, dynamical modeling gives valuable insights into how direct and indirect economic impacts arise from different categories of weather extremes. Further, it highlights the importance of resolving individual extremes and reflecting amplifying effects caused by incomplete recovery or consecutive disasters.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fuessel2003, author = {F{\"u}ssel, Hans-Martin}, title = {Impacts analysis for inverse integrated assessments of climate change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Diese Dissertation beschreibt die Entwicklung und Anwendung des Klimawirkungsmoduls des ICLIPS-Modells, eines integrierten Modells des Klimawandels ('Integrated Assessment'-Modell). Vorangestellt ist eine Diskussion des gesellschaftspolitischen Kontexts, in dem modellbasiertes 'Integrated Assessment' stattfindet, aus der wichtige Anforderungen an die Spezifikation des Klimawirkungsmoduls abgeleitet werden. Das 'Integrated Assessment' des Klimawandels umfasst eine weiten Bereich von Aktivit{\"a}ten zur wissenschaftsbasierten Unterst{\"u}tzung klimapolitischer Entscheidungen. Hierbei wird eine Vielzahl von Ans{\"a}tzen verfolgt, um politikrelevante Informationen {\"u}ber die erwarteten Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Wichtige Herausforderungen in diesem Bereich sind die große Bandbreite der relevanten r{\"a}umlichen und zeitlichen Skalen, die multifaktorielle Verursachung vieler 'Klimafolgen', erhebliche wissenschaftliche Unsicherheiten sowie die Mehrdeutigkeit unvermeidlicher Werturteile. Die Entwicklung eines hierarchischen Konzeptmodells erlaubt die Strukturierung der verschiedenen Ans{\"a}tze sowie die Darstellung eines mehrstufigen Entwicklungsprozesses, der sich in der Praxis und der zu Grunde liegenden Theorie von Studien zur Vulnerabilit{\"a}t hinsichtlich des Klimawandels wiederspiegelt. 'Integrated Assessment'-Modelle des Klimawandels sind wissenschaftliche Werkzeuge, welche eine vereinfachte Beschreibung des gekoppelten Mensch-Klima-Systems enthalten. Die wichtigsten entscheidungstheoretischen Ans{\"a}tze im Bereich des modellbasierten 'Integrated Assessment' werden im Hinblick auf ihre F{\"a}higkeit zur ad{\"a}quaten Darstellung klimapolitischer Entscheidungsprobleme bewertet. Dabei stellt der 'Leitplankenansatz' eine 'inverse' Herangehensweise zur Unterst{\"u}tzung klimapolitischer Entscheidungen dar, bei der versucht wird, die Gesamtheit der klimapolitischen Strategien zu bestimmen, die mit einer Reihe von zuvor normativ bestimmten Mindestkriterien (den sogenannten 'Leitplanken') vertr{\"a}glich sind. Dieser Ansatz verbindet bis zu einem gewissen Grad die wissenschaftliche Strenge und Objektivit{\"a}t simulationsbasierter Ans{\"a}tze mit der F{\"a}higkeit von Optimierungsans{\"a}tzen, die Gesamtheit aller Entscheidungsoptionen zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Das ICLIPS-Modell ist das erste 'Integrated Assessment'-Modell des Klimawandels, welches den Leitplankenansatz implementiert. Die Darstellung von Klimafolgen ist eine wichtige Herausforderung f{\"u}r 'Integrated Assessment'-Modelle des Klimawandels. Eine Betrachtung bestehender 'Integrated Assessment'-Modelle offenbart große Unterschiede in der Ber{\"u}cksichtigung verschiedener vom Klimawandel betroffenen Sektoren, in der Wahl des bzw. der Indikatoren zur Darstellung von Klimafolgen, in der Ber{\"u}cksichtigung nicht-klimatischer Entwicklungen einschließlich gezielter Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Klimawandel, in der Behandlung von Unsicherheiten und in der Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von 'singul{\"a}ren' Ereignissen. 'Integrated Assessment'-Modelle, die auf einem Inversansatz beruhen, stellen besondere Anforderungen an die Darstellung von Klimafolgen. Einerseits muss der Detaillierungsgrad hinreichend sein, um Leitplanken f{\"u}r Klimafolgen sinnvoll definieren zu k{\"o}nnen; andererseits muss die Darstellung effizient genug sein, um die Gesamtheit der m{\"o}glichen klimapolitischen Strategien erkunden zu k{\"o}nnen. Großr{\"a}umige Singularit{\"a}ten k{\"o}nnen h{\"a}ufig durch vereinfachte dynamische Modelle abgebildet werden. Diese Methode ist jedoch weniger geeignet f{\"u}r regul{\"a}re Klimafolgen, bei denen die Bestimmung relevanter Ergebnisse in der Regel die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Heterogenit{\"a}t von klimatischen, naturr{\"a}umlichen und sozialen Faktoren auf der lokalen oder regionalen Ebene erfordert. Klimawirkungsfunktionen stellen sich als die geeignetste Darstellung regul{\"a}rer Klimafolgen im ICLIPS-Modell heraus. Eine Klimawirkungsfunktion beschreibt in aggregierter Form die Reaktion eines klimasensitiven Systems, wie sie von einem geographisch expliziten Klimawirkungsmodell f{\"u}r eine repr{\"a}sentative Teilmenge m{\"o}glicher zuk{\"u}nftiger Entwicklungen simuliert wurde. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Klimawirkungsfunktionen nutzen die globale Mitteltemperatur sowie die atmosph{\"a}rische CO2-Konzentration als Pr{\"a}diktoren f{\"u}r global und regional aggregierte Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf nat{\"u}rliche {\"O}kosysteme, die landwirtschaftliche Produktion und die Wasserverf{\"u}gbarkeit. Die Anwendung einer 'Musterskalierungstechnik' erm{\"o}glicht hierbei die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der regionalen und saisonalen Muster des Klima{\"a}nderungssignals aus allgemeinen Zirkulationsmodellen, ohne die Effizienz der dynamischen Modellkomponenten zu beeintr{\"a}chtigen. Bem{\"u}hungen zur quantitativen Absch{\"a}tzung zuk{\"u}nftiger Klimafolgen sehen sich bei der Wahl geeigneter Indikatoren in der Regel einem Zielkonflikt zwischen der Relevanz eines Indikators f{\"u}r Entscheidungstr{\"a}ger und der Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit, mit der dieser bestimmt werden kann, gegen{\"u}ber. Eine Reihe von nichtmonet{\"a}ren Indikatoren zur aggregierten Darstellung von Klimafolgen in Klimawirkungsfunktionen wird pr{\"a}sentiert, welche eine Balance zwischen diesen beiden Zielen anstreben und gleichzeitig die Beschr{\"a}nkungen ber{\"u}cksichtigen, die sich aus anderen Komponenten des ICLIPS-Modells ergeben. Klimawirkungsfunktionen werden durch verschiedene Typen von Diagrammen visualisiert, welche jeweils unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf die Ergebnismenge der Klimawirkungssimulationen erlauben. Die schiere Anzahl von Klimawirkungsfunktionen verhindert ihre umfassende Darstellung in dieser Arbeit. Ausgew{\"a}hlte Ergebnisse zu Ver{\"a}nderungen in der r{\"a}umlichen Ausdehnung von Biomen, im landwirtschaftlichen Potential verschiedener L{\"a}nder und in der Wasserverf{\"u}gbarkeit in mehreren großen Einzugsgebieten werden diskutiert. Die Gesamtheit der Klimawirkungsfunktionen wird zug{\"a}nglich gemacht durch das 'ICLIPS Impacts Tool', eine graphische Benutzeroberfl{\"a}che, die einen bequemen Zugriff auf {\"u}ber 100.000 Klimawirkungsdiagramme erm{\"o}glicht. Die technischen Aspekte der Software sowie die zugeh{\"o}rige Datenbasis wird beschrieben. Die wichtigste Anwendung von Klimawirkungsfunktionen ist im 'Inversmodus', wo sie genutzt werden, um Leitplanken zur Begrenzung von Klimafolgen in gleichzeitige Randbedingungen f{\"u}r Variablen aus dem optimierenden ICLIPS-Klima-Weltwirtschafts-Modell zu {\"u}bersetzen. Diese {\"U}bersetzung wird erm{\"o}glicht durch Algorithmen zur Bestimmung von Mengen erreichbarer Klimazust{\"a}nde ('reachable climate domains') sowie zur parametrisierten Approximation zul{\"a}ssiger Klimafenster ('admissible climate windows'), die aus Klimawirkungsfunktionen abgeleitet werden. Der umfassende Bestand an Klimawirkungsfunktionen zusammen mit diesen Algorithmen erm{\"o}glicht es dem integrierten ICLIPS-Modell, in flexibler Weise diejenigen klimapolitischen Strategien zu bestimmen, welche bestimmte in biophysikalischen Einheiten ausgedr{\"u}ckte Begrenzungen von Klimafolgen explizit ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Diese M{\"o}glichkeit bietet kein anderes intertemporal optimierendes 'Integrated Assessment'-Modell. Eine Leitplankenanalyse mit dem integrierten ICLIPS-Modell unter Anwendung ausgew{\"a}hlter Klimawirkungsfunktionen f{\"u}r Ver{\"a}nderungen nat{\"u}rlicher {\"O}kosysteme wird beschrieben. In dieser Analyse werden so genannte 'notwendige Emissionskorridore' berechnet, die vorgegebene Beschr{\"a}nkungen hinsichtlich der maximal zul{\"a}ssigen globalen Vegetationsver{\"a}nderungen und der regionalen Klimaschutzkosten ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Dies geschieht sowohl f{\"u}r eine 'Standardkombination' der drei gew{\"a}hlten Kriterien als auch f{\"u}r deren systematische Variation. Eine abschließende Diskussion aktueller Entwicklungen in der 'Integrated Assessment'-Modellierung stellt diese Arbeit mit anderen einschl{\"a}gigen Bem{\"u}hungen in Beziehung.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zurell2011, author = {Zurell, Damaris}, title = {Integrating dynamic and statistical modelling approaches in order to improve predictions for scenarios of environmental change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-56845}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Species respond to environmental change by dynamically adjusting their geographical ranges. Robust predictions of these changes are prerequisites to inform dynamic and sustainable conservation strategies. Correlative species distribution models (SDMs) relate species' occurrence records to prevailing environmental factors to describe the environmental niche. They have been widely applied in global change context as they have comparably low data requirements and allow for rapid assessments of potential future species' distributions. However, due to their static nature, transient responses to environmental change are essentially ignored in SDMs. Furthermore, neither dispersal nor demographic processes and biotic interactions are explicitly incorporated. Therefore, it has often been suggested to link statistical and mechanistic modelling approaches in order to make more realistic predictions of species' distributions for scenarios of environmental change. In this thesis, I present two different ways of such linkage. (i) Mechanistic modelling can act as virtual playground for testing statistical models and allows extensive exploration of specific questions. I promote this 'virtual ecologist' approach as a powerful evaluation framework for testing sampling protocols, analyses and modelling tools. Also, I employ such an approach to systematically assess the effects of transient dynamics and ecological properties and processes on the prediction accuracy of SDMs for climate change projections. That way, relevant mechanisms are identified that shape the species' response to altered environmental conditions and which should hence be considered when trying to project species' distribution through time. (ii) I supplement SDM projections of potential future habitat for black grouse in Switzerland with an individual-based population model. By explicitly considering complex interactions between habitat availability and demographic processes, this allows for a more direct assessment of expected population response to environmental change and associated extinction risks. However, predictions were highly variable across simulations emphasising the need for principal evaluation tools like sensitivity analysis to assess uncertainty and robustness in dynamic range predictions. Furthermore, I identify data coverage of the environmental niche as a likely cause for contrasted range predictions between SDM algorithms. SDMs may fail to make reliable predictions for truncated and edge niches, meaning that portions of the niche are not represented in the data or niche edges coincide with data limits. Overall, my thesis contributes to an improved understanding of uncertainty factors in predictions of range dynamics and presents ways how to deal with these. Finally I provide preliminary guidelines for predictive modelling of dynamic species' response to environmental change, identify key challenges for future research and discuss emerging developments.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hippel2024, author = {Hippel, Barbara von}, title = {Long-term bacteria-fungi-plant associations in permafrost soils inferred from palaeometagenomics}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63600}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-636009}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 198}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The arctic is warming 2 - 4 times faster than the global average, resulting in a strong feedback on northern ecosystems such as boreal forests, which cover a vast area of the high northern latitudes. With ongoing global warming, the treeline subsequently migrates northwards into tundra areas. The consequences of turning ecosystems are complex: on the one hand, boreal forests are storing large amounts of global terrestrial carbon and act as a carbon sink, dragging carbon dioxide out of the global carbon cycle, suggesting an enhanced carbon uptake with increased tree cover. On the other hand, with the establishment of trees, the albedo effect of tundra decreases, leading to enhanced soil warming. Meanwhile, permafrost thaws, releasing large amounts of previously stored carbon into the atmosphere. So far, mainly vegetation dynamics have been assessed when studying the impact of warming onto ecosystems. Most land plants are living in close symbiosis with bacterial and fungal communities, sustaining their growth in nutrient poor habitats. However, the impact of climate change on these subsoil communities alongside changing vegetation cover remains poorly understood. Therefore, a better understanding of soil community dynamics on multi millennial timescales is inevitable when addressing the development of entire ecosystems. Unravelling long-term cross-kingdom dependencies between plant, fungi, and bacteria is not only a milestone for the assessment of warming on boreal ecosystems. On top, it also is the basis for agriculture strategies to sustain society with sufficient food in a future warming world. The first objective of this thesis was to assess ancient DNA as a proxy for reconstructing the soil microbiome (Manuscripts I, II, III, IV). Research findings across these projects enable a comprehensive new insight into the relationships of soil microorganisms to the surrounding vegetation. First, this was achieved by establishing (Manuscript I) and applying (Manuscript II) a primer pair for the selective amplification of ancient fungal DNA from lake sediment samples with the metabarcoding approach. To assess fungal and plant co-variation, the selected primer combination (ITS67, 5.8S) amplifying the ITS1 region was applied on samples from five boreal and arctic lakes. The obtained data showed that the establishment of fungal communities is impacted by warming as the functional ecological groups are shifting. Yeast and saprotroph dominance during the Late Glacial declined with warming, while the abundance of mycorrhizae and parasites increased with warming. The overall species richness was also alternating. The results were compared to shotgun sequencing data reconstructing fungi and bacteria (Manuscripts III, IV), yielding overall comparable results to the metabarcoding approach. Nonetheless, the comparison also pointed out a bias in the metabarcoding, potentially due to varying ITS lengths or copy numbers per genome. The second objective was to trace fungus-plant interaction changes over time (Manuscripts II, III). To address this, metabarcoding targeting the ITS1 region for fungi and the chloroplast P6 loop for plants for the selective DNA amplification was applied (Manuscript II). Further, shotgun sequencing data was compared to the metabarcoding results (Manuscript III). Overall, the results between the metabarcoding and the shotgun approaches were comparable, though a bias in the metabarcoding was assumed. We demonstrated that fungal shifts were coinciding with changes in the vegetation. Yeast and lichen were mainly dominant during the Late Glacial with tundra vegetation, while warming in the Holocene lead to the expansion of boreal forests with increasing mycorrhizae and parasite abundance. Aside, we highlighted that Pinaceae establishment is dependent on mycorrhizal fungi such as Suillineae, Inocybaceae, or Hyaloscypha species also on long-term scales. The third objective of the thesis was to assess soil community development on a temporal gradient (Manuscripts III, IV). Shotgun sequencing was applied on sediment samples from the northern Siberian lake Lama and the soil microbial community dynamics compared to ecosystem turnover. Alongside, podzolization processes from basaltic bedrock were recovered (Manuscript III). Additionally, the recovered soil microbiome was compared to shotgun data from granite and sandstone catchments (Manuscript IV, Appendix). We assessed if the establishment of the soil microbiome is dependent on the plant taxon and as such comparable between multiple geographic locations or if the community establishment is driven by abiotic soil properties and as such the bedrock area. We showed that the development of soil communities is to a great extent driven by the vegetation changes and temperature variation, while time only plays a minor role. The analyses showed general ecological similarities especially between the granite and basalt locations, while the microbiome on species-level was rather site-specific. A greater number of correlated soil taxa was detected for deep-rooting boreal taxa in comparison to grasses with shallower roots. Additionally, differences between herbaceous taxa of the late Glacial compared to taxa of the Holocene were revealed. With this thesis, I demonstrate the necessity to investigate subsoil community dynamics on millennial time scales as it enables further understanding of long-term ecosystem as well as soil development processes and such plant establishment. Further, I trace long-term processes leading to podzolization which supports the development of applied carbon capture strategies under future global warming.}, language = {en} }