@phdthesis{Schmidt2015, author = {Schmidt, Andreas}, title = {{\"U}berlegene Gesch{\"a}ftsmodelle}, series = {Strategisches Kompetenz-Management}, journal = {Strategisches Kompetenz-Management}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-08655-8 (Paperback)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-08656-5}, pages = {XVI, 454}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Clemens2015, author = {Clemens, Marius}, title = {{\"O}lpreise und makro{\"o}konomische Stabilisierung in offenen Volkswirtschaften}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-09438-6}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {296}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Utecht2015, author = {Utecht, Manuel Martin}, title = {Zur Optimierung und dem Auslesen molekularer Schalter}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schrameier2015, author = {Schrameier, Matthias}, title = {Zielsteuerung im {\"o}ffentlichen Sektor und deren Integration in die Managementroutinen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-79659}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {206}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die Arbeit geht der Frage nach, wie Innovationen in einer Organisation des {\"o}ffentlichen Sektors aufgenommen wurden und zu welchen Ver{\"a}nderungen dies f{\"u}hrte. Im Vordergrund steht hier nicht die Innovation selbst, sondern vielmehr die Anpassungsmechanismen in der Organisation. Folgende Forschungsfragen wurden dazu gew{\"a}hlt: 1. Wie wurde das Instrument Zielsteuerung bzw. Zielvereinbarung im {\"o}ffentlichen Sektor eingef{\"u}hrt und in die Managementroutinen integriert? 2. Welche Faktoren f{\"u}hren zu einer Integration der Zielsteuerung in die Managementroutinen? 3. Welche Empfehlungen f{\"u}r die Praxis lassen sich daraus ableiten? Dazu wurde ein Landesbetrieb in Brandenburg detailliert untersucht und 31 Interviews mit F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}ften der zweiten und dritten Managementebene gef{\"u}hrt. In dieser Organisation wurde im Rahmen der deutschlandweiten Reformbewegung in der {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltung das Instrument Zielsteuerung bzw. Zielvereinbarung eingef{\"u}hrt und mit ganz konkreten Erwartungen verbunden. Als Untersuchungseinheit der m{\"o}glichen Anpassungen und Ver{\"a}nderungen wurde das Konstrukt der Managementroutinen herangezogen, welche als kollektive Handlungsmuster ganz bewusst individuelle Verhaltensweisen ausklammerten. Die Arbeit konnte eine Reihe von fr{\"u}heren Erkenntnissen best{\"a}tigen und zudem nachweisen, dass, entgegen des h{\"a}ufigen Vorurteils, Innovationen aus dem privatwirtschaftlichem Raum doch auch zu positiven Ver{\"a}nderungen in Organisationen der {\"o}ffentlichen Hand f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. Es kam hier jedoch nicht zur Entwicklung neuer, sondern zu einer Anpassung der bestehenden Routinen. Auf dieser Basis konnte festgestellt werden, dass ein stufenweiser Einf{\"u}hrungsvorgang zun{\"a}chst auf der Ebene der ver{\"a}nderten Zielvorstellungen der F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte zum Erfolg f{\"u}hrte. Erst nach der Anpassung auf dieser „ostentativen" Ebene kam es mit etwas Verz{\"o}gerung zu einer Ver{\"a}nderung auf der Ebene der konkreten Handlungen. Im Hinblick auf die Einflussfaktoren der Innovation konnte festgestellt werden, dass viele Aspekte der Zielsetzungstheorie nach wie vor relevant sind und instabile politische Rahmenbedingungen zu wesentlichen Einschr{\"a}nkungen der Entfaltungsm{\"o}glichkeiten der Innovation f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r viele Einflussfaktoren konnten allerdings sowohl positive als auch negative Wirkungen identifiziert werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ucar2015, author = {U{\c{c}}ar, Magdalena}, title = {Zeugenschaft im Bild}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-406087}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {145}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Zentrales Anliegen der Dissertation ist, Zeugenschaft als visuelle Strategie zu beleuchten. In Abgrenzung zur These der Undarstellbarkeit der Shoah wird der Begriff der Sichtbarmachung nutzbar gemacht, um Prozesse und die Wirkung von Bildern im Zusammenhang mit Zeugenschaft herauszustellen. Ausgangspunkt dabei ist, dass bildliche Zeugnisse einen Gegenpol zu den standardisierten Visualisierungspraktiken der Shoah bieten, sprich dem historischen Bildmaterial aufgenommen durch die Alliierten und der Nationalsozialisten. In der Arbeit wird das historische Bildmaterial als Visualisierungspraxis problematisiert und visuellen Zeugnissen gegen{\"u}bergestellt, die Augen- und {\"U}berlebenszeugen der Shoah, aber auch authentische Orte des Geschehens aus einer nachtr{\"a}glichen Perspektive zeigen. Dabei werden insbesondere zwei kritische Strategien des Umgangs mit historischen Bildern der Shoah hervorgehoben: das Hinterfragen von Archivbildern innerhalb des Films (Harun Farockis AUFSCHUB, 2007) und die Verweigerung von Archivbildern aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieges (Claude Lanzmanns SHOAH, 1985). Seit den 1990er Jahren wird Zeugenschaft in der Forschung als philosophische, moralische und erkenntnistheoretische Kategorie in den USA, aber auch in Deutschland viel diskutiert. Dabei wurde die bild- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektive im Zusammenhang mit Zeugenschaft kaum beleuchtet, darin liegt der Forschungsbeitrag der Arbeit. Insbesondere drei Gesichtspunkte von visueller Zeugenschaft werden herausgearbeitet: 1) die Sichtbarmachung der {\"U}berlebenden und der Orte des Geschehens im Jetzt, 2) die nichtsprachlichen Aspekte von Zeugenaussagen und 3) die Rolle des Zuschauers, der durch den Akt des Sehens in einem Imaginationsprozess eine Verkn{\"u}pfung zwischen den Bildern aus der Jetztzeit und der nicht-sichtbaren Vergangenheit herstellt. Polen nimmt eine besondere historische Rolle als Zentrum des europ{\"a}ischen Judentums bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg und gleichzeitig als »Schauplatz des Holocaust« und Ort der Augenzeugenschaft ein. Maßgeblich hat Claude Lanzmanns Film SHOAH dazu beigetragen, die Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager im Polen der Nachkriegszeit sichtbar zu machen, und damit nicht nur Generationen von polnischen Filmemachern und K{\"u}nstlern nach ihm beeinflusst, sondern auch kontroverse Debatten in Polen ausgel{\"o}st. Anhand der ausgew{\"a}hlten Filme l{\"a}sst sich in der polnischen Erinnerungskultur seit der Wende von 1989 eine Hinwendung zur polnisch-j{\"u}dischen Geschichte erkennen, die sich verst{\"a}rkt mit den Fragen der polnischen Mitt{\"a}terschaft und Schuld an der Shoah auseinandersetzt. Der Untersuchungsgegenstand unterteilt sich in zwei Formate: Dokumentar- und Kunstfilm. Einerseits ist das auf ihre unterschiedlichen Produktions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen sowie die L{\"a}nge der Arbeiten zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Andererseits bewegen sich die Kategorien auf verschiedenen Reflexionsebenen und zielen auf unterschiedliche Wirkungen beim Zuschauer ab. W{\"a}hrend sich in den Dokumentarfilmen zum Teil explizite Bez{\"u}ge (aber auch Abgrenzungen) zum Lanzmann'schen Projekt erkennen lassen, handelt es sich bei den Produktionen des zeitgen{\"o}ssischen K{\"u}nstlers Artur Żmijewski um einen Meta-Diskurs, der auf radikale und provokative Art und Weise bestehende erinnerungskulturelle Praktiken ausstellt und kritisch hinterfragt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jaeger2015, author = {J{\"a}ger, Lena Ann}, title = {Working memory and prediction in human sentence parsing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-82517}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 144}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This dissertation investigates the working memory mechanism subserving human sentence processing and its relative contribution to processing difficulty as compared to syntactic prediction. Within the last decades, evidence for a content-addressable memory system underlying human cognition in general has accumulated (e.g., Anderson et al., 2004). In sentence processing research, it has been proposed that this general content-addressable architecture is also used for language processing (e.g., McElree, 2000). Although there is a growing body of evidence from various kinds of linguistic dependencies that is consistent with a general content-addressable memory subserving sentence processing (e.g., McElree et al., 2003; VanDyke2006), the case of reflexive-antecedent dependencies has challenged this view. It has been proposed that in the processing of reflexive-antecedent dependencies, a syntactic-structure based memory access is used rather than cue-based retrieval within a content-addressable framework (e.g., Sturt, 2003). Two eye-tracking experiments on Chinese reflexives were designed to tease apart accounts assuming a syntactic-structure based memory access mechanism from cue-based retrieval (implemented in ACT-R as proposed by Lewis and Vasishth (2005). In both experiments, interference effects were observed from noun phrases which syntactically do not qualify as the reflexive's antecedent but match the animacy requirement the reflexive imposes on its antecedent. These results are interpreted as evidence against a purely syntactic-structure based memory access. However, the exact pattern of effects observed in the data is only partially compatible with the Lewis and Vasishth cue-based parsing model. Therefore, an extension of the Lewis and Vasishth model is proposed. Two principles are added to the original model, namely 'cue confusion' and 'distractor prominence'. Although interference effects are generally interpreted in favor of a content-addressable memory architecture, an alternative explanation for interference effects in reflexive processing has been proposed which, crucially, might reconcile interference effects with a structure-based account. It has been argued that interference effects do not necessarily reflect cue-based retrieval interference in a content-addressable memory but might equally well be accounted for by interference effects which have already occurred at the moment of encoding the antecedent in memory (Dillon, 2011). Three experiments (eye-tracking and self-paced reading) on German reflexives and Swedish possessives were designed to tease apart cue-based retrieval interference from encoding interference. The results of all three experiments suggest that there is no evidence that encoding interference affects the retrieval of a reflexive's antecedent. Taken together, these findings suggest that the processing of reflexives can be explained with the same cue-based retrieval mechanism that has been invoked to explain syntactic dependency resolution in a range of other structures. This supports the view that the language processing system is located within a general cognitive architecture, with a general-purpose content-addressable working memory system operating on linguistic expressions. Finally, two experiments (self-paced reading and eye-tracking) using Chinese relative clauses were conducted to determine the relative contribution to sentence processing difficulty of working-memory processes as compared to syntactic prediction during incremental parsing. Chinese has the cross-linguistically rare property of being a language with subject-verb-object word order and pre-nominal relative clauses. This property leads to opposing predictions of expectation-based accounts and memory-based accounts with respect to the relative processing difficulty of subject vs. object relatives. Previous studies showed contradictory results, which has been attributed to different kinds local ambiguities confounding the materials (Lin and Bever, 2011). The two experiments presented are the first to compare Chinese relatives clauses in syntactically unambiguous contexts. The results of both experiments were consistent with the predictions of the expectation-based account of sentence processing but not with the memory-based account. From these findings, I conclude that any theory of human sentence processing needs to take into account the power of predictive processes unfolding in the human mind.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mitidieri2015, author = {Mitidieri, Gaetano}, title = {Wissenschaft, Technik und Medien im Werk Alfred D{\"o}blins im Kontext der europ{\"a}ischen Avantgarde}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-364-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89390}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {970}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Studie ist es die bislang nur sporadisch untersuchten Wechselverh{\"a}ltnisse zwischen den Kulturbereichen Wissenschaft/Technik und Literatur am herausragenden Beispiel des Oeuvres des Schriftstellers und Arztes Alfred D{\"o}blin aufzusp{\"u}ren. Hierbei scheint seine {\"a}rztlich-psychiatrische Laufbahn, die eine breite Grundlage wissenschaftlicher Diskurse anbietet, wie auch seine avantgardistische Literaturpraxis diese gegenseitige Befruchtung gef{\"o}rdert zu haben. Im Hinblick auf den Forschungsgegenstand und -zweck ist ein kulturwissenschaftlicher Ansatz versucht worden. Dieser vielperspektivische Ansatz, der von der Pr{\"a}misse eines Wechselspiels aller Kulturbereiche untereinander ausgeht, gestattet eine dem Gegenstand angepasste Verkn{\"u}pfung von verschiedenen Arbeitsmethoden wie der philologisch-literarhistorischen mit der konstruktivistischen und der komparatistischen. Hierbei ist eine Einbeziehung wissenschafts- und technikphilosophischer Reflexion wie auch eine dementsprechend erweiterte kulturhistorische Kontextualisierung vorgenommen worden. Die hier vorgelegte Analyse fokussiert auf wissenschaftlich-technische Bez{\"u}ge sowohl in thematischer Hinsicht als auch in der Textgestaltung der schriftstellerischen Werke D{\"o}blins bis 1924. Gleichzeitig wird die diskursgepr{\"a}gte, sprachliche und literarische Dimension seiner wissenschaftlichen Studien und technischer Texte - wie Krankenakte - hervorgehoben. Dieses erweiterte ‚Oeuvre'-Konzept gestattet die Analyse der psychiatrischen, klinisch-{\"a}rztlichen und biochemischen Schriften D{\"o}blins sowie seiner Erz{\"a}hlwerke, seiner vielgestaltigen Publizistik und seiner intermedialen Anregungen aus den neuen audiovisuellen Medien. Dadurch wird eine diskurskritische kultur{\"u}bergreifende Interdiskursivit{\"a}t wie auch eine ‚Hybridit{\"a}t' aller Texte aufgezeigt, die die Grundunterschiede zwischen Textsorten und Gattungsgrenzen relativiert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Baerstecher2015, author = {B{\"a}rstecher, Felix Emanuel}, title = {Was machen Schulleiter tats{\"a}chlich und welche Faktoren beeinflussen diese ausgef{\"u}hrten T{\"a}tigkeiten?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-80109}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {301}, year = {2015}, abstract = {W{\"a}hrend die theoretische Arbeitsbeschreibung und das Rollenbild von Schulleitern vielfach in der Forschung aufgegriffen wurde, gibt es - wie {\"u}brigens im gesamten Bereich Public Management - nur wenige empirische Untersuchungen, die aus einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Managementbetrachtung heraus untersuchen, was Schulleiter wirklich machen, d.h. welchen T{\"a}tigkeiten und Aufgaben die genannten Personen nachgehen und welche Unterschiede sich feststellen lassen. Besondere Relevanz erh{\"a}lt die Thematik durch das sich wandelnde Aufgabenbild des Schulleiters, getrieben insbesondere durch die zus{\"a}tzliche Autonomie der Einzelschule, aber auch durch die Fokussierung auf die Performance und Wirksamkeit der Einzelschule und verbunden damit, die Abh{\"a}ngigkeit dieser von der Arbeit des Schulleiters. Hier bildet das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Aufgaben und T{\"a}tigkeiten eine wichtige Grundlage, die jedoch unzureichend erforscht ist. Mit Hilfe einer explorativen Beobachtung von 15 Schulleiterinnen und Schulleitern und damit einer empirischen Untersuchung von insgesamt 7591 Arbeitsminuten und 774 Aktivit{\"a}ten in Kombination mit ausf{\"u}hrlichen qualitativen, halboffenen Interviews wird durch diese Arbeit eine detaillierte Betrachtung des tats{\"a}chlichen Schulleitungsmanagementhandelns m{\"o}glich. So wird sichtbar, dass sich die Aufgaben und T{\"a}tigkeiten der Schulleiter in zentralen Bereichen unterscheiden und eine Typologisierung entlang von Rollenbeschreibungen und Leadership Behavior zu kurz greift. Es konnte zum ersten Mal in dieser Ausf{\"u}hrlichkeit innerhalb des deutschen Schulsystems gezeigt werden, dass Schulleiter Kommunikationsmanager sind. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus entwickelt das hier dokumentierte Forschungsvorhaben Hypothesen zu den Faktoren, die einen Einfluss auf die Aufgaben und T{\"a}tigkeiten haben und beschreibt dezidiert Implikationen, die diese Erkenntnisse auf die T{\"a}tigkeit des Schulleiters, die weitere Forschung aber auch die politische Rahmengestaltung und, damit verbunden, die Weiterentwicklung des Schulsystems haben.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kemmerich2015, author = {Kemmerich, Simone}, title = {Vom j{\"u}dischen Kleiderhandel des Mittelalters zum modernen Warenhauskonzern. Mit besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Begr{\"u}nders der deutschen Modeindustrie und Warenhauskultur Hirsch Gerson Levin (1813-1861)}, volume = {2015}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {272}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Nuechterlein2015, author = {N{\"u}chterlein, Jana}, title = {Volkssch{\"a}dlinge vor Gericht}, series = {Wissenschaftliche Beitr{\"a}ge aus dem Tectum Verlag Reihe Rechtswissenschaften ; 74}, journal = {Wissenschaftliche Beitr{\"a}ge aus dem Tectum Verlag Reihe Rechtswissenschaften ; 74}, publisher = {Tectum}, address = {Marburg}, isbn = {978-3-8288-3526-9}, pages = {167}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Deutschland, September 1939. Der Zweite Weltkrieg hat gerade begonnen, die Kriegsmoral der deutschen Bev{\"o}lkerung musste unter allen Umst{\"a}nden aufrechterhalten werden. Um ein Abklingen wie im Ersten Weltkrieg durch Aushungern zu vermeiden, musste die Versorgung der Bev{\"o}lkerung mit Lebensmitteln und anderen lebenswichtigen Dingen stets gew{\"a}hrleistet sein.Jana N{\"u}chterlein analysiert die am 5. September 1939 initiierte Volkssch{\"a}dlingsverordnung, nach der jeder, der die Verteilung verknappter und bezugsscheinpflichtiger Waren gef{\"a}hrdete, schwer bestraft werden sollte. Sie zeigt, dass mit der Verordnung vorrangig Ziele wie Abschreckung und Vertrauen der Bev{\"o}lkerung in die Justiz (und damit in das System) erreicht werden sollten, und wie letztendlich - durch weitgefasste Tatbest{\"a}nde, scharfe Strafandrohungen und weit gespannte Strafrahmen - selbst die Gew{\"a}hrleistung der Durchf{\"u}hrung kriegswirtschaftlicher Maßnahmen und die Unterbindung s{\"a}mtlicher Formen der Sabotage zum Ziel wurden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Piras2015, author = {Piras, Gabriella}, title = {Virtuelles Hausrecht?}, series = {Internet und Gesellschaft ; 7}, journal = {Internet und Gesellschaft ; 7}, publisher = {Mohr Siebeck}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, isbn = {978-3-16-154834-5}, issn = {2199-0344}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XV, 244}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Webpr{\"a}senzen bilden bislang keinen eigens anerkannten Schutzgegenstand unserer Rechtsordnung. Um diese vermeintliche Schutzl{\"u}cke zu schließen, wurde das virtuelle Hausrecht herangezogen. In einer Parallele zum Hausrechtsinhaber in der physischen Welt soll dem Webpr{\"a}senzbetreiber ein origin{\"a}res Schutzrecht gegen{\"u}ber den Nutzern seiner Webpr{\"a}senz in Form eines virtuellen Hausrechts zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen.Gabriella Piras er{\"o}rtert m{\"o}gliche dogmatische Begr{\"u}ndungen f{\"u}r die {\"U}bertragung des im Sachenrecht verwurzelten Hausrechts auf den virtuellen Raum, die sie im Ergebnis ablehnt. Außerdem kritisiert sie, dass es einer Neuequilibrierung des Spannungsverh{\"a}ltnisses zwischen Webpr{\"a}senzbetreiber und Nutzern durch die Anerkennung eines virtuellen Hausrechts nicht bedarf, und dies vielmehr einen Versuch der Beschr{\"a}nkung der Internetfreiheit der Nutzer darstellt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Beinrucker2015, author = {Beinrucker, Andre}, title = {Variable selection in high dimensional data analysis with applications}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 107}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schernthanner2015, author = {Schernthanner, Harald}, title = {Untersuchungen zur r{\"a}umlichen Analyse und Visualisierung von Mietpreisdaten f{\"u}r Immobilienportale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89492}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 136}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, aus geoinformatischer Sicht eine konzeptionelle Grundlage zur r{\"a}umlichen Optimierung von Immobilienportalen zu schaffen. Die Arbeit geht dabei von zwei Hypothesen aus: 1. Verfahren der r{\"a}umlichen Statistik und des Maschinellen Lernens zur Mietpreissch{\"a}tzung sind den bisher eingesetzten Verfahren der hedonischen Regression {\"u}berlegen und eignen sich zur r{\"a}umlichen Optimierung von Immobilienportalen. 2. Die von Immobilienportalen publizierten webbasierten Mietpreiskarten geben nicht die tats{\"a}chlichen r{\"a}umlichen Verh{\"a}ltnisse auf Immobilienm{\"a}rkten wieder. Alternative webbasierte Darstellungsformen, wie z.B. Gridmaps, sind dem Status Quo der Immobilienpreiskarten von Immobilienportalen {\"u}berlegen und visualisieren die tats{\"a}chlichen r{\"a}umlichen Verh{\"a}ltnisse von Immobilienpreisen zweckm{\"a}ßiger. Beide Thesen k{\"o}nnen bewiesen werden. Es erfolgt zun{\"a}chst eine umfangreiche Erhebung des Forschungsbedarfs mittels Literaturstudien und technologischer Recherche. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wird als quantitative Datenbasis ein 74.098 Mietangebote umfassender Datensatz (von Januar 2007 bis September 2013) eines Immobilienportals akquiriert. Dieser reicht jedoch nicht in vollem Umfang zur Beantwortung der Fragestellungen aus. Deshalb f{\"u}hrt der Autor Experteninterviews zur Erhebung einer qualitativen Datenbasis. Deren Analyse ergibt in Kombination mit der Literaturstudie und der technologischen Recherche ein umfassendes, bisher so nicht verf{\"u}gbares Bild. Es stellt den Status Quo der r{\"a}umlichen Sicht sowie der raumanalytischen und geovisuellen Defizite von Immobilienportalen dar. Zur Optimierung der raumanalytischen und geovisuellen Defizite werden forschungsbasierte L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze herausgearbeitet und teilimplementiert. Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens und r{\"a}umliche Sch{\"a}tzverfahren werden als Alternativen zu den von Immobilienportalen bisher genutzten „nicht r{\"a}umlichen" Analyseverfahren zur Preismodellierung untersucht. Auf Grundlage eines hierf{\"u}r konzipierten Validierungsrahmens werden diese Methoden f{\"u}r die Nutzung im Kontext von Immobilienportalen adaptiert. Die prototypische Teilimplementierung zeigt die programmiertechnische Umsetzung des Konzeptes auf. Eine umfassende Analyse geeigneter Sekund{\"a}rvariablensets zur Mietpreissch{\"a}tzung liefert als methodisches Resultat, dass Interpolatoren, die Sekund{\"a}rvariablen ben{\"o}tigen (Kriging with external drift, Ordinary Cokriging), kaum zu valideren Mietpreissch{\"a}tzergebnissen gelangen als die Methode des Ordinary Kriging, die keine Sekund{\"a}rvariablen ben{\"o}tigt. Die Methoden Random Forest aus dem Maschinellen Lernen und die Geographisch Gewichtete Regression hingegen bergen großes Potential zur Nutzung der r{\"a}umlichen Mietpreissch{\"a}tzung im Kontext von Immobilien-portalen. Die Forschungsergebnisse der r{\"a}umlichen Preismodellierung werden in die r{\"a}umliche Visualisierung von Mietpreisen transferiert. F{\"u}r die webbasierte Mietpreisdarstellung wird ein Set alternativer Darstellungsmethoden entwickelt, um Mietpreiskarten-Prototypen abzuleiten. Ein methodisches Ergebnis der Entwicklung der Mietpreiskarten-Prototypen ist die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Ansatzes der Losl{\"o}sung des Preisbezugs von fachfremd verwendeten Bezugsgeometrien. Hierf{\"u}r wird vom Autor der Begriff der zonenlosen Preiskarte gepr{\"a}gt. Diese werden mit Methoden des Gridmapping erstellt. Es werden optimale Rasteraufl{\"o}sungen zur Darstellung interpolierter Rastergr{\"o}ßen ermittelt. Zonenlose Preiskarten mit Methoden des Gridmapping, gepaart mit einer optionalen geb{\"a}udescharfen Darstellung in gr{\"o}ßeren Maßst{\"a}ben, sind als Resultate der Forschung die bestm{\"o}gliche, sich an realen Verh{\"a}ltnissen orientierende, r{\"a}umliche Mietpreisdarstellung. Die entstandenen Prototypen sind eine Ann{\"a}herung der wahren Verteilung des Mietpreises im Raum und um einiges sch{\"a}rfer, als die auf der hedonischen Regression basierenden Darstellungen. Somit kann die wahre „Topographie" der Mietpreislandschaft abgebildet werden. Ein Einsatz der Karten f{\"u}r Nutzergruppen wie Makler, Investoren oder Kommunen zur Analyse st{\"a}dtischer Mietm{\"a}rkte ist denkbar. Alle entstandenen Prototypen sind unter der Nutzung von Map APIs umgesetzt. Ein Ergebnis dessen ist, dass Map APIs noch an diversen „Kinderkrankheiten" leiden und derart umgesetzte Mietpreiskarten noch einen weiten Weg vor sich haben, bis sie das Niveau thematischer Karten von Immhof oder Arnberger erreichen. Die konzeptionellen {\"U}berlegungen und Teilimplementierungen m{\"u}nden in drei Prozessketten, die Umsetzungsoptionen f{\"u}r eine r{\"a}umliche Optimierung von Immobilienportalen darstellen. Dabei werden zwei Szenarien f{\"u}r eine r{\"a}umlich optimierte Mietpreissch{\"a}tzung und ein Szenario f{\"u}r eine r{\"a}umlich optimierte Mietpreisdarstellung herausgearbeitet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Streich2015, author = {Streich, David}, title = {Understanding massive disk galaxy formation through resolved stellar populations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-81027}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 140}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In this thesis we utilize resolved stellar populations to improve our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. In the first part we improve a method for metallicity determination of faint old stellar systems, in the second and third part we analyze the individual history of six nearby disk galaxies outside the Local Group. A New Calibration of the Color Metallicity Relation of Red Giants for HST data: It is well known, that the color distribution of stars on the the Red Giant Branch (RGB) can be used to determine metallicities of old stellar populations that have only shallow photometry. Based on the largest sample of globular clusters ever used for such studies, we quantify the relation between metallicity and color in the widely used HST ACS filters F606W and F814W. We use a sample of globular clusters from the ACS Globular Cluster Survey and measure their RGB color at given absolute magnitudes to derive the color-metallicity relation. We find a clear relation between metallicity and RGB color; we investigate the scatter and the uncertainties in this relation and show its limitations. A comparison with isochrones shows reasonably good agreement with BaSTI models, a small offset to Dartmouth models, and a larger offset to Padua models. Even for the best globular cluster data available, the metallicity of a simple stellar population can be determined from the RGB alone only with an accuracy of 0.3 dex for [M/H]<-1, and 0.15 dex for [M/H]>-1. For mixed populations, as they are observed in external galaxies, the uncertainties will be even larger due to uncertainties in extinction, age, etc. Therefore caution is necessary when interpreting photometric metallicities. The Structural History of Nearby Low Mass Disk Galaxies: We study the individual evolution histories of three nearby, low-mass, edge-on galaxies (IC5052, NGC4244, NGC5023). Using the color magnitude diagrams of resolved stellar populations, we construct star count density maps for populations of different ages and analyze the change of structural parameters with stellar age within each galaxy. The three galaxies show low vertical heating rates, which are much lower than the heating rate of the Milky Way. This indicates that heating agents, as giant molecular clouds and spiral structure are weak in low mass galaxies. We do not detect a separate thick disk in any of the three galaxies, even though our observations cover a larger range in equivalent surface brightness than any integrated light study. While scaleheights increase with age, each population can be well described by a single disk. Only two of the galaxies contain a very weak additional component, which we identify as the faint halo. The mass of these faint halos is less than 1\% of the mass of the disk. All populations in the three galaxies exhibit no or only little flaring. While this finding is consistent with previous integrated light studies, it poses strong constraints on galaxy formation models, because most theoretical simulations often find strong flaring due to interactions or radial migration. Furthermore, we find breaks in the radial profiles of all three galaxies. The radii of these breaks are independent of age, and the break strength is decreasing with age in two of the galaxies (NGC4244 and NGC5023). This is consistent with break formation models, that combine a star formation cutoff with radial migration. The differing behavior of IC5052 can be explained by a recent interaction or minor merger. The Structural History of Massive Disk Galaxies: We extend the structural analysis of stellar populations with distinct ages to three massive galaxies, NGC891, NGC4565 and NGC7814. While confusion effects due to the high stellar number densities in their central region, and the prominent dust lanes inhibit an detailed analysis of the radial profiles, we can study their vertical structure. These massive galaxies also have a slower heating than the Milky Way, comparable to the low mass galaxies. This can be traced back to their already thick young populations and thick layers of their interstellar medium. We do not find a clear separate thick disk in any of these three galaxies; all populations can be described by a single disk plus a S\'ersic bulge/halo component. In contrast to the low mass galaxies, we cannot rule out the presence of thick disks in the massive galaxies, because of the strong influence of the halo, that might hide the possible contribution of the thick disk to the vertical star count profiles. However, the faintness of the possible thick disks still points to problems in the earlier ubiquitous findings of thick disks in external galaxies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GonzalezVillar2015, author = {Gonz{\´a}lez Villar, Alejandro}, title = {Un an{\´a}lisis funcional y descriptivo de los marcadores pragm{\´a}ticos y su traducci{\´o}n como herramienta en la construcci{\´o}n del di{\´a}logo ficticio}, series = {Sprachwissenschaft ; 27}, journal = {Sprachwissenschaft ; 27}, publisher = {Frank \& Timme}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-7329-0183-8}, pages = {418}, year = {2015}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Sauma2015, author = {Sauma, Natalia Zamora}, title = {Tsunami hazard analysis in Central America with emphasis on uncertainties}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {184}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Edling2015, author = {Edling, Nicolas}, title = {Treasury-Management Internationaler Unternehmen}, series = {Schriftenreihe Finanzierung und Banken ; 24}, journal = {Schriftenreihe Finanzierung und Banken ; 24}, publisher = {Verl. Wissenschaft und Praxis}, address = {Sternenfels}, isbn = {978-3-89673-693-2}, pages = {507}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Das Treasury-Management von Internationalen Unternehmen gewinnt in der Praxis zunehmend an strategischer Bedeutung; eine wissenschaftlich umfassende Er{\"o}rterung des Themas unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung verschiedener Perspektiven und aktueller Entwicklungen fehlt jedoch. Daher wird in der vorliegenden Dissertation einerseits ein holistisches Verst{\"a}ndnis des Treasury-Managements von Internationalen Unternehmen erarbeitet. Diese neuartige Sichtweise wird durch die Entwicklung von theoretischen Modellen untermauert und eine zunehmende Strategieorientierung nachgewiesen. Erg{\"a}nzend wird das Treasury-Management vor dem Hintergrund einer Fokussierung auf Internationale Unternehmen und Finanzm{\"a}rkte in einen Gesamtunternehmenskontext eingeordnet, aber auch Spezial-bereiche - wie die Corporate Governance der Treasury-Abteilung werden hinreichend behandelt. Daneben wird aber auch eine umfangreiche empirische Analyse der Bankensteuerung und des Cash-Managements von Internationalen Unternehmen am Beispiel von DAX- und MDAX-Unternehmen im Kontext der Globalen Finanzkrise durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es werden wesentliche Entwicklungstendenzen - wie eine zunehmende Risikoorientierung - aufgezeigt und ein Zusammenhang zwischen beiden Untersuchungsbereichen nachgewiesen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vossenkuhl2015, author = {Vossenkuhl, Birgit}, title = {Transmission of MRSA along the meat supply chain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85918}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {141}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) z{\"a}hlen zu den bedeutendsten antibiotikaresistenten Pathogenen, die vor allem in Krankenh{\"a}usern aber auch außerhalb von Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens weit verbreitet sind. Seit einigen Jahren ist eine neue Generation von MRSA auf dem Vormarsch, die vor allem Nutztierbest{\"a}nde als neue Nische besiedelt. Diese sogenannten Nutztier-assoziierten MRSA wurden wiederholt bei wirtschaftlich bedeutenden Nutztieren sowie daraus gewonnenem Fleisch nachgewiesen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein methodischer Ansatz verfolgt, um die Hypothese einer m{\"o}glichen {\"U}bertragung von Nutztier-assoziierten MRSA entlang der Lebensmittelkette vom Tier auf dessen Fleisch zu best{\"a}tigen. Angepasst an die Unterschiede in den verf{\"u}gbaren Daten wurden daf{\"u}r zwei neue Konzepte erstellt. Zur Analyse der {\"U}bertragung von MRSA entlang der Schlachtkette wurde ein mathematisches Modell des Schweineschlachtprozesses entwickelt, welches dazu geeignet ist, den Verlauf der MRSA-Pr{\"a}valenz entlang der Schlachtkette zu quantifizieren sowie kritische Prozessschritte f{\"u}r eine MRSA-{\"U}bertragung zu identifizieren. Anhand von Pr{\"a}valenzdaten ist es dem Modell m{\"o}glich, die durchschnittlichen MRSA-Eliminations- und Kontaminationsraten jedes einzelnen Prozessschrittes zu sch{\"a}tzen, die anschließend in eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation einfließen. Im Ergebnis konnte gezeigt werden, dass es generell m{\"o}glich ist, die MRSA Pr{\"a}valenz im Laufe des Schlachtprozesses auf ein niedriges finales Niveau zwischen 0,15 bis 1,15\% zu reduzieren. Vor allem das Br{\"u}hen und Abfl{\"a}mmen der Schlachtk{\"o}rper wurden als kritische Prozesse im Hinblick auf eine MRSA-Dekontamination identifiziert. In Deutschland werden regelm{\"a}ßig MRSA-Pr{\"a}valenz und Typisierungsdaten auf allen Stufen der Lebensmittelkette verschiedener Nutztiere erfasst. Um die MRSA-Daten dieser Querschnittstudie hinsichtlich einer m{\"o}glichen {\"U}bertragung entlang der Kette zu analysieren, wurde ein neuer statistischer Ansatz entwickelt. Hierf{\"u}r wurde eine Chi-Quadrat-Statistik mit der Berechnung des Czekanowski-{\"A}hnlichkeitsindex kombiniert, um Unterschiede in der Verteilung stammspezifischer Eigenschaften zwischen MRSA aus dem Stall, von Karkassen nach der Schlachtung und aus Fleisch im Einzelhandel zu quantifizieren. Die Methode wurde am Beispiel der Putenfleischkette implementiert und zudem bei der Analyse der Kalbfleischkette angewendet. Die durchgehend hohen {\"A}hnlichkeitswerte zwischen den einzelnen Proben weisen auf eine m{\"o}gliche {\"U}bertragung von MRSA entlang der Lebensmittelkette hin. Die erarbeiteten Methoden sind nicht spezifisch bez{\"u}glich Prozessketten und Pathogenen. Sie bieten somit einen großen Anwendungsbereich und erweitern das Methodenspektrum zur Bewertung bakterieller {\"U}bertragungswege.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Abel2015, author = {Abel, Johanna}, title = {Transatlantisches K{\"o}rperDenken}, series = {Potsdamer inter- und transaktuelle Texte (POINTE)}, journal = {Potsdamer inter- und transaktuelle Texte (POINTE)}, number = {12}, publisher = {Frey}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-938944-89-9}, pages = {334}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Meyer2015, author = {Meyer, S{\"o}ren}, title = {Toxicity and toxicokinetics of arsenolipids and their metabolites}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {152, VIII}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SadrAzodi2015, author = {Sadr-Azodi, Amir Shahab}, title = {Towards Real-time SIEM-based Network monitoring and Intrusion Detection through Advanced Event Normalization}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {144}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ElKassar2015, author = {El Kassar, Nadja}, title = {Towards a theory of epistemically significant perception}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-044563-3}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {360}, year = {2015}, abstract = {How does perceptual experience make us knowledgeable? This book argues that the answer lies in the nature of perceptual experience: this experience involves conceptual capacities and is a relation between perceiver and world. The author develops her position via a critical examination of conceptualist and relationist theories of perception. A discussion of recent work in vision science rounds up this contribution to the philosophy of perception.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koehler2015, author = {K{\"o}hler, Anke}, title = {Theoriebasierte Betreuung des Schulpraktikums im Lehramtsstudium Englisch}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-91531}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Beitrag der Dissertation „Theoriebasierte Betreuung vom Schulpraktikum im Lehramtsstudium Englisch" zum wissenschaftlichen Diskurs liegt in der Verbindung von Theoriebereichen der Professionalisierungsforschung und angewandten Linguistik mit Untersuchungen zur hochschuldidaktischen Begleitung und Betreuung im ersten Unterrichtspraktikum des Lehramtsstudiums, dem fachdidaktischen Tagespraktikum, an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam. Ein interaktionsanalytisches Vorgehen wurde eingesetzt zur Weiterentwicklung des hochschuldidaktischen Settings einer disziplinenverbindenden, fachwissenschaftlichen Begleitung von Praktika im komplexen Kontext Schule. Die Implementierung entsprechender Formate ins regul{\"a}re Studium wurde in einer {\"u}ber drei Jahre angelegten iterativen Studie turnusm{\"a}ßig evaluiert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jin2015, author = {Jin, Chenyu}, title = {Theoretical and experimental study of capillary effect on melting}, pages = {97}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hainich2015, author = {Hainich, Rainer}, title = {The Wolf-Rayet stars of the nitrogen sequence in environments of different metallicities}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {161}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rohrmann2015, author = {Rohrmann, Alexander}, title = {The role of wind and water in shaping earth's plateaus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-77938}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXV, 157}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The overarching goal of this dissertation is to provide a better understanding of the role of wind and water in shaping Earth's Cenozoic orogenic plateaus - prominent high-elevation, low relief sectors in the interior of Cenozoic mountain belts. In particular, the feedbacks between surface uplift, the build-up of topography and ensuing changes in precipitation, erosion, and vegetation patterns are addressed in light of past and future climate change. Regionally, the study focuses on the two world's largest plateaus, the Altiplano-Puna Plateau of the Andes and Tibetan Plateau, both characterized by average elevations of >4 km. Both plateaus feature high, deeply incised flanks with pronounced gradients in rainfall, vegetation, hydrology, and surface processes. These characteristics are rooted in the role of plateaus to act as efficient orographic barriers to rainfall and to force changes in atmospheric flow. The thesis examines the complex topics of tectonic and climatic forcing of the surface-process regime on three different spatial and temporal scales: (1) bedrock wind-erosion rates are quantified in the arid Qaidam Basin of NW Tibet over millennial timescales using cosmogenic radionuclide dating; (2) present-day stable isotope composition in rainfall is examined across the south-central Andes in three transects between 22° S and 28° S; these data are modeled and assessed with remotely sensed rainfall data of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer; (3) finally, a 2.5-km-long Mio-Pliocene sedimentary record of the intermontane Angastaco Basin (25°45' S, 66°00' W) is presented in the context of hydrogen and carbon compositions of molecular lipid biomarker, and oxygen and carbon isotopes obtained from pedogenic carbonates; these records are compared to other environmental proxies, including hydrated volcanic glass shards from volcanic ashes intercalated in the sedimentary strata. There are few quantitative estimates of eolian bedrock-removal rates from arid, low relief landscapes. Wind-erosion rates from the western Qaidam Basin based on cosmogenic 10Be measurements document erosion rates between 0.05 to 0.4 mm/yr. This finding indicates that in arid environments with strong winds, hyperaridity, exposure of friable strata, and ongoing rock deformation and uplift, wind erosion can outpace fluvial erosion. Large eroded sediment volumes within the Qaidam Basin and coeval dust deposition on the Chinese Loess plateau, exemplify the importance of dust production within arid plateau environments for marine and terrestrial depositional processes, but also health issues and fertilization of soils. In the south-central Andes, the analysis of 234 stream-water samples for oxygen and hydrogen reveals that areas experiencing deep convective storms do not show the commonly observed patterns of isotopic fractionation and the expected co-varying relationships between oxygen and hydrogen with increasing elevation. These convective storms are formed over semi-arid intermontane basins in the transition between the broken foreland of the Sierras Pampeanas, the Eastern Cordillera, and the Puna Plateau in the interior of the orogen. Here, convective rainfall dominates the precipitation budget and no systematic stable isotope-elevation relationship exists. Regions to the north, in the transition between the broken foreland and the Subandean foreland fold-and-thrust belt, the impact of convection is subdued, with lower degrees of storminess and a stronger expected isotope-elevation relationship. This finding of present-day fractionation trends of meteoric water is of great importance for paleoenvironmental studies in attempts to use stable isotope relationships in the reconstruction of paleoelevations. The third part of the thesis focuses on the paleohydrological characteristics of the Mio-Pliocene (10-2 Ma) Angastaco Basin sedimentary record, which reveals far-reaching environmental changes during Andean uplift and orographic barrier formation. A precipitation- evapotranspiration record identifies the onset of a precipitation regime related to the South American Low Level Jet at this latitude after 9 Ma. Humid foreland conditions existed until 7 Ma, followed by orographic barrier uplift to the east of the present-day Angastaco Basin. This was superseded by rapid (~0.5 Myr) aridification in an intermontane basin, highlighting the effects of eastward-directed deformation. A transition in vegetation cover from a humid C3 forest ecosystem to semi-arid C4-dominated vegetation was coeval with continued basin uplift to modern elevations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heyneke2015, author = {Heyneke, Elmien}, title = {The role of the calcineurin B-like interacting protein kinase, CIPK14 in regulating plant nutrient metabolism}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {135}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prieske2015, author = {Prieske, Olaf}, title = {The role of surface condition in athletic performance}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-80503}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 118, ix}, year = {2015}, abstract = {During the last two decades, instability training devices have become a popular means in athletic training and rehabilitation of mimicking unstable surfaces during movements like vertical jumps. Of note, under unstable conditions, trunk muscles seem to have a stabilizing function during exercise to facilitate the transfer of torques and angular momentum between the lower and upper extremities. The present thesis addresses the acute effects of surface instability on performance during jump-landing tasks. Additionally, the long-term effects (i.e., training) of surface instability were examined with a focus on the role of the trunk in athletic performance/physical fitness. Healthy adolescent, and young adult subjects participated in three cross-sectional and one longitudinal study, respectively. Performance in jump-landing tasks on stable and unstable surfaces was assessed by means of a ground reaction force plate. Trunk muscle strength (TMS) was determined using an isokinetic device or the Bourban TMS test. Physical fitness was quantified by standing long jump, sprint, stand-and-reach, jumping sideways, Emery balance, and Y balance test on stable surfaces. In addition, activity of selected trunk and leg muscles and lower limb kinematics were recorded during jump-landing tasks. When performing jump-landing tasks on unstable compared to stable surfaces, jump performance and leg muscle activity were significantly lower. Moreover, significantly smaller knee flexion angles and higher knee valgus angles were observed when jumping and landing on unstable compared to stable conditions and in women compared to men. Significant but small associations were found between behavioral and neuromuscular data, irrespective of surface condition. Core strength training on stable as well as on unstable surfaces significantly improved TMS, balance and coordination. The findings of the present thesis imply that stable rather than unstable surfaces provide sufficient training stimuli during jump exercises (i.e., plyometrics). Additionally, knee motion strategy during plyometrics appears to be modified by surface instability and sex. Of note, irrespective of surface condition, trunk muscles only play a minor role for leg muscle performance/activity during jump exercises. Moreover, when implemented in strength training programs (i.e., core strength training), there is no advantage in using instability training devices compared to stable surfaces in terms of enhancement of athletic performance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zupok2015, author = {Zupok, Arkadiusz}, title = {The psbB-operon is a major locus for plastome-genome incompatibility in Oenothera}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {108}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reimer2015, author = {Reimer, Anna Maria}, title = {The poetics of the real and aesthetics of the reel}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-95660}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {298}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The dissertation proposes that the spread of photography and popular cinema in 19th- and 20th-century-India have shaped an aesthetic and affective code integral to the reading and interpretation of Indian English novels, particularly when they address photography and/or cinema film, as in the case of the four corpus texts. In analyzing the nexus between 'real' and 'reel', the dissertation shows how the texts address the reader as media consumer and virtual image projector. Furthermore, the study discusses the Indian English novel against the backdrop of the cultural and medial transformations of the 20th century to elaborate how these influenced the novel's aesthetics. Drawing upon reception aesthetics, the author devises the concept of the 'implied spectator' to analyze the aesthetic impact of the novels' images as visual textures. No God in Sight (2005) by Altaf Tyrewala comprises of a string of 41 interior monologues, loosely connected through their narrators' random encounters in Mumbai in the year 2000. Although marked by continuous perspective shifts, the text creates a sensation of acute immediacy. Here, the reader is addressed as implied spectator and is sutured into the narrated world like a film spectator ― an effect created through the use of continuity editing as a narrative technique. Similarly, Ruchir Joshi's The Last Jet Engine Laugh (2002) coll(oc)ates disparate narrative perspectives and explores photography as an artistic practice, historiographic recorder and epistemological tool. The narrative appears guided by the random viewing of old photographs by the protagonist and primary narrator, the photographer Paresh Bhatt. However, it is the photographic negative and the practice of superimposition that render this string of episodes and different perspectives narratively consequential and cosmologically meaningful. Photography thus marks the perfect symbiosis of autobiography and historiography. Tabish Khair's Filming. A Love Story (2007) immerses readers in the cine-aesthetic of 1930s and 40s Bombay film, the era in which the embedded plot is set. Plotline, central scenes and characters evoke the key films of Indian cinema history such as Satyajit Ray's "Pather Panchali" or Raj Kapoor's "Awara". Ultimately, the text written as film dissolves the boundary between fiction and (narrated) reality, reel and real, thereby showing that the images of individual memory are inextricably intertwined with and shaped by collective memory. Ultimately, the reconstruction of the past as and through film(s) conquers trauma and endows the Partition of India as a historic experience of brutal contingency with meaning. The Bioscope Man (Indrajit Hazra, 2008) is a picaresque narrative set in Calcutta - India's cultural capital and birthplace of Indian cinema at the beginning of the 20th century. The autodiegetic narrator Abani Chatterjee relates his rise and fall as silent film star, alternating between the modes of tell and show. He is both autodiegetic narrator and spectator or perceiving consciousness, seeing himself in his manifold screen roles. Beyond his film roles however, the narrator remains a void. The marked psychoanalytical symbolism of the text is accentuated by repeated invocations of dark caves and the laterna magica. Here too, 'reel life' mirrors and foreshadows real life as Indian and Bengali history again interlace with private history. Abani Chatterjee thus emerges as a quintessentially modern man of no qualities who assumes definitive shape only in the lost reels of the films he starred in. The final chapter argues that the static images and visual frames forwarded in the texts observe an integral psychological function: Premised upon linear perspective they imply a singular, static subjectivity appealing to the postmodern subject. In the corpus texts, the rise of digital technology in the 1990s thus appears not so much to have displaced older image repertories, practices and media techniques, than it has lent them greater visibility and appeal. Moreover, bricolage and pastiche emerge as cultural techniques which marked modernity from its inception. What the novels thus perpetuate is a media archeology not entirely servant to the poetics of the real. The permeable subject and the notion of the gaze as an active exchange as encapsulated in the concept of darshan - ideas informing all four texts - bespeak the resilience of a mythical universe continually re-instantiated in new technologies and uses. Eventually, the novels convey a sense of subalternity to a substantially Hindu nationalist history and historiography, the centrifugal force of which developed in the twentieth century and continues into the present.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Austin2015, author = {Austin, Gina}, title = {The mediating role of theory of mind in the relationship between executive function and conduct problems in elementary school-age children}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {171}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Geckin2015, author = {Geckin, Vasfiye}, title = {The interpretation of logical connections by monolingual and bilingual children}, pages = {ix, 181}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hildebrandt2015, author = {Hildebrandt, Dominik}, title = {The HI Lyman-alpha opacity at redshift 2.7 < z < 3.6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-78355}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 292}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Most of the baryonic matter in the Universe resides in a diffuse gaseous phase in-between galaxies consisting mostly of hydrogen and helium. This intergalactic medium (IGM) is distributed in large-scale filaments as part of the overall cosmic web. The luminous extragalactic objects that we can observe today, such as galaxies and quasars, are surrounded by the IGM in the most dense regions within the cosmic web. The radiation of these objects contributes to the so-called ultraviolet background (UVB) which keeps the IGM highly ionized ever since the epoch of reionization. Measuring the amount of absorption due to intergalactic neutral hydrogen (HI) against extragalactic background sources is a very useful tool to constrain the energy input of ionizing sources into the IGM. Observations suggest that the HI Lyman-alpha effective optical depth, τ_eff, decreases with decreasing redshift, which is primarily due to the expansion of the Universe. However, some studies find a smaller value of the effective optical depth than expected at the specific redshift z~3.2, possibly related to the complete reionization of helium in the IGM and a hardening of the UVB. The detection and possible cause of a decrease in τ_eff at z~3.2 is controversially debated in the literature and the observed features need further explanation. To better understand the properties of the mean absorption at high redshift and to provide an answer for whether the detection of a τ_eff feature is real we study 13 high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio quasar spectra observed with the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The redshift evolution of the effective optical depth, τ_eff(z), is measured in the redshift range 2.7≤z≤3.6. The influence of metal absorption features is removed by performing a comprehensive absorption-line-fitting procedure. In the first part of the thesis, a line-parameter analysis of the column density, N, and Doppler parameter, b, of ≈7500 individually fitted absorption lines is performed. The results are in good agreement with findings from previous surveys. The second (main) part of this thesis deals with the analysis of the redshift evolution of the effective optical depth. The τ_eff measurements vary around the empirical power law τ_eff(z)~(1+z)^(γ+1) with γ=2.09±0.52. The same analysis as for the observed spectra is performed on synthetic absorption spectra. From a comparison between observed and synthetic spectral data it can be inferred that the uncertainties of the τ_eff values are likely underestimated and that the scatter is probably caused by high-column-density absorbers with column densities in the range 15≤logN≤17. In the real Universe, such absorbers are rarely observed, however. Hence, the difference in τ_eff from different observational data sets and absorption studies is most likely caused by cosmic variance. If, alternatively, the disagreement between such data is a result of an too optimistic estimate of the (systematic) errors, it is also possible that all τ_eff measurements agree with a smooth evolution within the investigated redshift range. To explore in detail the different analysis techniques of previous studies an extensive literature comparison to the results of this work is presented in this thesis. Although a final explanation for the occurrence of the τ_eff deviation in different studies at z~3.2 cannot be given here, our study, which represents the most detailed line-fitting analysis of its kind performed at the investigated redshifts so far, represents another important benchmark for the characterization of the HI Ly-alpha effective optical depth at high redshift and its indicated unusual behavior at z~3.2.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jantz2015, author = {Jantz, Bastian}, title = {The dynamics of accountability in public sector reforms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-78131}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {182}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This PhD thesis is essentially a collection of six sequential articles on dynamics of accountability in the reformed employment and welfare administration in different countries. The first article examines how recent changes in the governance of employment services in three European countries (Denmark, Germany and Norway) have influenced accountability relationships from a very wide-ranging perspective. It starts from the overall assumption in the literature that accountability relationships are becoming more numerous and complex, and that these changes may lead to multiple accountability disorder. The article explores these assumptions by analyzing the different actors involved and the information requested in the new governance arrangements in all three countries. It concludes that the considerable changes in organizational arrangements and more managerial information demanded and provided have led to more shared forms of accountability. Nevertheless, a clear development towards less political or administrative accountability could not be observed. The second article analyzes how the structure and development of reform processes affect accountability relationships and via what mechanisms. It is distinguished between an instrumental perspective and an institutional perspective and each of these perspectives takes a different view on the link between reforms and concrete action and results. By taking the welfare reforms in Norway and Germany as an example, it is shown that the reform outcomes in both countries are the result of a complex process of powering, puzzling and institutional constraints where different situational interpretations of problems, interests and administrative legacies had to be balanced. Accountability thus results not from a single process of environmental necessity or strategic choice, but from a dynamic interplay between different actors and institutional spheres. The third article then covers a specific instrument of public sector reforms, i.e. the increasing use of performance management. The article discusses the challenges and ambiguities between performance management and different forms of accountability based on the cases of the reformed welfare administration in Norway and Germany. The findings are that the introduction of performance management creates new accountability structures which influence service delivery, but not necessarily in the direction expected by reform agents. Observed unintended consequences include target fixation, the displacement of political accountability and the predominance of control aspects of accountability. The fourth article analyzes the accountability implications of the increasingly marketized models of welfare governance. It has often been argued that relocating powers and discretion to private contractors involve a trade-off between democratic accountability and efficiency. However, there is limited empirical evidence of how contracting out shapes accountability or is shaped by alternative democratic or administrative forms of accountability. Along these lines the article examines employment service accountability in the era of contracting out in Germany, Denmark and Great Britain. It is found that market accountability instruments are complementary instruments, not substitutes. The findings highlight the importance of administrative and political instruments in legitimizing marketized service provision and shed light on the processes that lead to the development of a hybrid accountability model. The fifth and sixth articles focus on the diagonal accountability relationships between public agencies, supreme audit institutions (SAI) and parental ministry or parliament. The fifth article examines the evolving role of SAIs in Denmark, Germany and Norway focusing particularly on their contribution to public accountability and their ambivalent relationship with some aspects of public sector reform in the welfare sector. The article analyzes how SAIs assess New Public Management inspired reforms in the welfare sector in the three countries. The analysis shows that all three SAIs have taken on an evaluative role when judging New Public Management instruments. At the same time their emphasis on legality and compliance can be at odds with some of the operating principles introduced by New Public Management reforms. The sixth article focuses on the auditing activities of the German SAI in the field of labor market administration as a single in-depth case study. The purpose is to analyze how SAIs gain impact in diagonal accountability settings. The results show that the direct relationship between auditor and auditee based on cooperation and trust is of outstanding importance for SAIs to give effect to their recommendations. However, if an SAI has to rely on actors of diagonal accountability, it is in a vulnerable position as it might lose control over the interpretation of its results.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hunke2015, author = {Hunke, Philip Paul}, title = {The Brazilian Cerrado: ecohydrological assessment of water and soil degradation in heavily modified meso-scale catchments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85110}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 124}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The Brazilian Cerrado is recognised as one of the most threatened biomes in the world, as the region has experienced a striking change from natural vegetation to intense cash crop production. The impacts of rapid agricultural expansion on soil and water resources are still poorly understood in the region. Therefore, the overall aim of the thesis is to improve our understanding of the ecohydrological processes causing water and soil degradation in the Brazilian Cerrado. I first present a metaanalysis to provide quantitative evidence and identifying the main impacts of soil and water alterations resulting from land use change. Second, field studies were conducted to (i) examine the effects of land use change on soils of natural cerrado transformed to common croplands and pasture and (ii) indicate how agricultural production affects water quality across a meso-scale catchment. Third, the ecohydrological process-based model SWAT was tested with simple scenario analyses to gain insight into the impacts of land use and climate change on the water cycling in the upper S{\~a}o Louren{\c{c}}o catchment which experienced decreasing discharges in the last 40 years. Soil and water quality parameters from different land uses were extracted from 89 soil and 18 water studies in different regions across the Cerrado. Significant effects on pH, bulk density and available P and K for croplands and less-pronounced effects on pastures were evident. Soil total N did not differ between land uses because most of the cropland sites were N-fixing soybean cultivations, which are not artificially fertilized with N. By contrast, water quality studies showed N enrichment in agricultural catchments, indicating fertilizer impacts and potential susceptibility to eutrophication. Regardless of the land use, P is widely absent because of the high-fixing capacities of deeply weathered soils and the filtering capacity of riparian vegetation. Pesticides, however, were consistently detected throughout the entire aquatic system. In several case studies, extremely high-peak concentrations exceeded Brazilian and EU water quality limits, which pose serious health risks. My field study revealed that land conversion caused a significant reduction in infiltration rates near the soil surface of pasture (-96 \%) and croplands (-90 \% to -93 \%). Soil aggregate stability was significantly reduced in croplands than in cerrado and pasture. Soybean crops had extremely high extractable P (80 mg kg-1), whereas pasture N levels declined. A snapshot water sampling showed strong seasonality in water quality parameters. Higher temperature, oxi-reduction potential (ORP), NO2-, and very low oxygen concentrations (<5 mg•l-1) and saturation (<60 \%) were recorded during the rainy season. By contrast, remarkably high PO43- concentrations (up to 0.8 mg•l-1) were measured during the dry season. Water quality parameters were affected by agricultural activities at all sampled sub-catchments across the catchment, regardless of stream characteristic. Direct NO3- leaching appeared to play a minor role; however, water quality is affected by topsoil fertiliser inputs with impact on small low order streams and larger rivers. Land conversion leaving cropland soils more susceptible to surface erosion by increased overland flow events. In a third study, the field data were used to parameterise SWAT. The model was tested with different input data and calibrated in SWAT-CUP using the SUFI-2 algorithm. The model was judged reliable to simulate the water balance in the Cerrado. A complete cerrado, pasture and cropland cover was used to analyse the impact of land use on water cycling as well as climate change projections (2039-2058) according to the projections of the RCP 8.5 scenario. The actual evapotranspiration (ET) for the cropland scenario was higher compared to the cerrado cover (+100 mm a-1). Land use change scenarios confirmed that deforestation caused higher annual ET rates explaining partly the trend of decreased streamflow. Taking all climate change scenarios into account, the most likely effect is a prolongation of the dry season (by about one month), with higher peak flows in the rainy season. Consequently, potential threats for crop production with lower soil moisture and increased erosion and sediment transport during the rainy season are likely and should be considered in adaption plans. From the three studies of the thesis I conclude that land use intensification is likely to seriously limit the Cerrado's future regarding both agricultural productivity and ecosystem stability. Because only limited data are available for the vast biome, we recommend further field studies to understand the interaction between terrestrial and aquatic systems. This thesis may serve as a valuable database for integrated modelling to investigate the impact of land use and climate change on soil and water resources and to test and develop mitigation measures for the Cerrado in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mucha2015, author = {Mucha, Anne}, title = {Temporal interpretation and cross-linguistic variation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85935}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 249}, year = {2015}, abstract = {This thesis investigates temporal and aspectual reference in the typologically unrelated African languages Hausa (Chadic, Afro-Asiatic) and Medumba (Grassfields Bantu). It argues that Hausa is a genuinely tenseless language and compares the interpretation of temporally unmarked sentences in Hausa to that of morphologically tenseless sentences in Medumba, where tense marking is optional and graded. The empirical behavior of the optional temporal morphemes in Medumba motivates an analysis as existential quantifiers over times and thus provides new evidence suggesting that languages vary in whether their (past) tense is pronominal or quantificational (see also Sharvit 2014). The thesis proposes for both Hausa and Medumba that the alleged future tense marker is a modal element that obligatorily combines with a prospective future shifter (which is covert in Medumba). Cross-linguistic variation in whether or not a future marker is compatible with non-future interpretation is proposed to be predictable from the aspectual architecture of the given language.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Haase2015, author = {Haase, Volker}, title = {Systemisches Aggressionsmanagement}, series = {Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung ; 44}, volume = {44}, journal = {Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung ; 44}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Kovać}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {978-3-8300-9305-3}, issn = {1435-652X}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 413}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Die Ver{\"o}ffentlichung ist, neben der Evaluation des Systemischen Aggressionsmanagements (SAM), ein Beitrag f{\"u}r die Diskussionen um Habitusformen und Kompetenzbegriffe. Sie bildet einen Br{\"u}ckenkopf, denn beide Diskursstr{\"a}nge zusammengedacht k{\"o}nnen gegenseitige Anschlussstellen und Erweiterungen offenlegen bzw. eingehen. Zudem bildet sie ein Puzzleteil in der Evaluation von p{\"a}dagogischen Programmen, die in ihrer Vielzahl einer Evaluation bed{\"u}rfen. Im Rahmen der Bildungswissenschaft k{\"o}nnen auf dieser Basis erwachsenbildnerische Pr{\"a}ventions- und Interventionsprogramme empirisch gesteuert angepasst werden. Auf theoretischer Ebene wird zun{\"a}chst der Gegenstand der Untersuchung herausgearbeitet. Der Habitus aggredi bildet die zentrale Analysestruktur. Sie bildet den Zugang zur p{\"a}dagogischen Professionalit{\"a}t. Im Diskurs um p{\"a}dagogische Professionalit{\"a}t besitzt der Begriff der ‚Kompetenz' einen prominenten Stellenwert. Mittels einer theoretischen Triangulation werden ‚Habitus' und ‚Kompetenz' gekoppelt. Einstellungen, Stile und geschmackliche Vorlieben sowie spezifische Wahrnehmungs-, Denk- und Handlungsmuster dr{\"u}cken sich in ihrer Performanz {\"u}ber Fertigkeiten und F{\"a}higkeiten aus. Insgesamt wird der Bogen von der p{\"a}dagogischen Professionalit{\"a}t {\"u}ber lebenslanges Lernen, Weiterbildung, Habitus und Kompetenz bis hin zu Wissen, Fertigkeiten und F{\"a}higkeiten gespannt. Um der Frage nach Effekten des SAM nachzugehen, wurde eine dreistufige summativ-evaluationsorientierte Paneluntersuchung im methodentriangulierten Design durchgef{\"u}hrt. Sie zeigte auf qualitativer Ebene, dass der Habitus aggredi als Subkategorie des professionellen Habitus durchaus mittel Weiterbildung bewegt werden kann. Die Zielgruppe der Kitaerzieher_innen konnte auch nach drei Monaten Weiterbildungsinhalte erinnern. Bei Teilen der Zielgruppe konnte eine Erweiterung von Handlungsoptionen nachgewiesen werden. Zudem zeigte sich, dass SAM auch in den privaten Bereich hinein wirksam ist.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Quast2015, author = {Quast, Robert B.}, title = {Synthesis and site-directed modification of membrane proteins using non-canonical amino acids in a cell-free system derived from cultured Spodoptera frugiperda cells}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {87}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vlasov2015, author = {Vlasov, Vladimir}, title = {Synchronization of oscillatory networks in terms of global variables}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-78182}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {82}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Synchronization of large ensembles of oscillators is an omnipresent phenomenon observed in different fields of science like physics, engineering, life sciences, etc. The most simple setup is that of globally coupled phase oscillators, where all the oscillators contribute to a global field which acts on all oscillators. This formulation of the problem was pioneered by Winfree and Kuramoto. Such a setup gives a possibility for the analysis of these systems in terms of global variables. In this work we describe nontrivial collective dynamics in oscillator populations coupled via mean fields in terms of global variables. We consider problems which cannot be directly reduced to standard Kuramoto and Winfree models. In the first part of the thesis we adopt a method introduced by Watanabe and Strogatz. The main idea is that the system of identical oscillators of particular type can be described by a low-dimensional system of global equations. This approach enables us to perform a complete analytical analysis for a special but vast set of initial conditions. Furthermore, we show how the approach can be expanded for some nonidentical systems. We apply the Watanabe-Strogatz approach to arrays of Josephson junctions and systems of identical phase oscillators with leader-type coupling. In the next parts of the thesis we consider the self-consistent mean-field theory method that can be applied to general nonidentical globally coupled systems of oscillators both with or without noise. For considered systems a regime, where the global field rotates uniformly, is the most important one. With the help of this approach such solutions of the self-consistency equation for an arbitrary distribution of frequencies and coupling parameters can be found analytically in the parametric form, both for noise-free and noisy cases. We apply this method to deterministic Kuramoto-type model with generic coupling and an ensemble of spatially distributed oscillators with leader-type coupling. Furthermore, with the proposed self-consistent approach we fully characterize rotating wave solutions of noisy Kuramoto-type model with generic coupling and an ensemble of noisy oscillators with bi-harmonic coupling. Whenever possible, a complete analysis of global dynamics is performed and compared with direct numerical simulations of large populations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jedrzejowski2015, author = {Jedrzejowski, Lukasz}, title = {Subjektanhebungsverben im Deutschen}, pages = {vii, 307}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Dolle2015, author = {Dolle, Tobias}, title = {Streitbeilegung im Rahmen von Freihandelsabkommen}, series = {Internationales Recht der Gegenwart ; 1}, journal = {Internationales Recht der Gegenwart ; 1}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-8487-2014-9}, pages = {691}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Buetow2015, author = {B{\"u}tow, Sascha}, title = {Straßen im Fluss}, series = {Studien zur brandenburgischen und vergleichenden Landesgeschichte ; Bd. 18}, journal = {Studien zur brandenburgischen und vergleichenden Landesgeschichte ; Bd. 18}, publisher = {Lukas}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86732-214-0}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {304}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Auch in historischer Zeit waren Straßen, Wege und Verkehrsbahnen Orte innovativer Entwicklungen der Technik, der Mobilit{\"a}t sowie der Infrastruktur. Anders als die {\"a}ltere Forschung und popul{\"a}ren Vorstellungen meinen, w{\"a}hrten die Umgestaltungen der Kulturlandschaft seit dem 13. Jahrhundert bemerkenswert lange. Diese »etwas andere« Mittelalter-Geschichte mit ihrer epochen{\"u}bergreifenden Wirkung zeigt in vielen Details die vorliegende Studie. Sie sch{\"o}pft aus den bew{\"a}hrten Methoden der Altweg-, Binnenschifffahrts- und Infrastrukturgeschichtsforschung und entdeckt dabei auf innovative Weise »Straßen im Fluss« als Modell. Mit Blick auf den Verkehrsraum zwischen Elbe und Oder - vom Spreewald {\"u}ber Berlin-C{\"o}lln und Brandenburg an der Havel bis nach Havelberg - gelingt erstmals eine zwischen dem mittelalterlichen Landesausbau und dem 16. Jahrhundert angesiedelte Geschichte der beiden Hauptfl{\"u}sse Spree und Havel sowie ihrer Nebenl{\"a}ufe. Der Autor r{\"u}ckt das Leben der Menschen am und auf dem Fluss ins Licht und beschreibt quellennah, wie vor allem die St{\"a}dte, aber auch geistliche Institutionen wie Domstift oder Kl{\"o}ster an dem Wandel der Kulturlandschaft zu einem mannigfach »vernetzten« Verkehrsraum stark beteiligt waren. Die hier entwickelten Strukturen bew{\"a}hrten sich und besaßen Vorbildcharakter, so dass in sp{\"a}teren Jahrhunderten insbesondere St{\"a}dte an diese mittelalterlichen Verkehrswirtschaftsprojekte ankn{\"u}pften.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Feldmann2015, author = {Feldmann, Johannes}, title = {Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet}, pages = {v, 165}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mulyukova2015, author = {Mulyukova, Elvira}, title = {Stability of the large low shear velocity provinces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-82228}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We study segregation of the subducted oceanic crust (OC) at the core mantle boundary and its ability to accumulate and form large thermochemical piles (such as the seismically observed Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces - LLSVPs). Our high-resolution numerical simulations suggest that the longevity of LLSVPs for up to three billion years, and possibly longer, can be ensured by a balance in the rate of segregation of high-density OC-material to the CMB, and the rate of its entrainment away from the CMB by mantle upwellings. For a range of parameters tested in this study, a large-scale compositional anomaly forms at the CMB, similar in shape and size to the LLSVPs. Neutrally buoyant thermochemical piles formed by mechanical stirring - where thermally induced negative density anomaly is balanced by the presence of a fraction of dense anomalous material - best resemble the geometry of LLSVPs. Such neutrally buoyant piles tend to emerge and survive for at least 3Gyr in simulations with quite different parameters. We conclude that for a plausible range of values of density anomaly of OC material in the lower mantle - it is likely that it segregates to the CMB, gets mechanically mixed with the ambient material, and forms neutrally buoyant large scale compositional anomalies similar in shape to the LLSVPs. We have developed an efficient FEM code with dynamically adaptive time and space resolution, and marker-in-cell methodology. This enabled us to model thermochemical mantle convection at realistically high convective vigor, strong thermally induced viscosity variations, and long term evolution of compositional fields.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kuenstler2015, author = {K{\"u}nstler, Andreas}, title = {Spot evolution on the red giant star XX Triangulum}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-84008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Spots on stellar surfaces are thought to be stellar analogues of sunspots. Thus, starspots are direct manifestations of strong magnetic fields. Their decay rate is directly related to the magnetic diffusivity, which itself is a key quantity for the deduction of an activity cycle length. So far, no single starspot decay has been observed, and thus no stellar activity cycle was inferred from its corresponding turbulent diffusivity. We investigate the evolution of starspots on the rapidly-rotating K0 giant XX Triangulum. Continuous high-resolution and phase-resolved spectroscopy was obtained with the robotic 1.2-m STELLA telescope on Tenerife over a timespan of six years. With our line-profile inversion code iMap we reconstruct a total of 36 consecutive Doppler maps. To quantify starspot area decay and growth, we match the observed images with simplified spot models based on a Monte-Carlo approach. It is shown that the surface of XX Tri is covered with large high-latitude and even polar spots and with occasional small equatorial spots. Just over the course of six years, we see a systematically changing spot distribution with various time scales and morphology such as spot fragmentation and spot merging as well as spot decay and formation. For the first time, a starspot decay rate on another star than the Sun is determined. From our spot-decay analysis we determine an average linear decay rate of D = -0.067±0.006 Gm^2/day. From this decay rate, we infer a turbulent diffusivity of η_τ = (6.3±0.5) x 10^14 cm^2/s and consequently predict an activity cycle of 26±6 years. The obtained cycle length matches very well with photometric observations. Our time-series of Doppler maps further enables to investigate the differential rotation of XX Tri. We therefore applied a cross-correlation analysis. We detect a weak solar-like differential rotation with a surface shear of α = 0.016±0.003. This value agrees with similar studies of other RS CVn stars. Furthermore, we found evidence for active longitudes and flip-flops. Whereas the more active longitude is located in phase towards the (unseen) companion star, the weaker active longitude is located at the opposite stellar hemisphere. From their periodic appearance, we infer a flip-flop cycle of ~2 years. Both activity phenomena are common on late-type binary stars. Last but not least we redetermine several astrophysical properties of XX Tri and its binary system, as large datasets of photometric and spectroscopic observations are available since its last determination in 1999. Additionally, we compare the rotational spot-modulation from photometric and spectroscopic studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maerten2015, author = {Maerten, Lena}, title = {Spectroscopic perspectives on ultrafast coupling phenomena in perovskite oxides}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-77623}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In this thesis, I study ultrafast dynamics in perovskite oxides using time resolved broadband spectroscopy. I focus on the observation of coherent phonon propagation by time resolved Brillouin scattering: following the excition of metal transducer films with a femtosecond infrared pump pulse, coherent phonon dynamics in the GHz frequency range are triggered. Their propagation is monitored using a delayed white light probe pulse. The technique is illustrated on various thin films and multilayered samples. I apply the technique to investigate the linear and nonlinear acoustic response in bulk SrTiO_3, which displays a ferroelastic phase transition from a cubic to a tetragonal structural phase at T_a=105 K. In the linear regime, I observe a coupling of the observed acoustic phonon mode to the softening optic modes describing the phase transition. In the nonlinear regime, I find a giant slowing down of the sound velocity in the low temperature phase that is only observable for a strain amplitude exceeding the tetragonality of the material. It is attributed to a coupling of the high frequency phonons to ferroelastic domain walls in the material. I propose a new mechanism for the coupling of strain waves to the domain walls that is only effective for high amplitude strain. A detailed study of the phonon attenuation across a wide temperature range shows that the phonon attenuation at low temperatures is influenced by the domain configuration, which is determined by interface strain. Preliminary measurements on magnetic-ferroelectric multilayers reveal that the excitation fluence needs to be carefully controlled when dynamics at phase transitions are studied.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brosinsky2015, author = {Brosinsky, Arlena}, title = {Spectral fingerprinting}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-83369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 117}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Current research on runoff and erosion processes, as well as an increasing demand for sustainable watershed management emphasize the need for an improved understanding of sediment dynamics. This involves the accurate assessment of erosion rates and sediment transfer, yield and origin. A variety of methods exist to capture these processes at the catchment scale. Among these, sediment fingerprinting, a technique to trace back the origin of sediment, has attracted increasing attention by the scientific community in recent years. It is a two-step procedure, based on the fundamental assumptions that potential sources of sediment can be reliably discriminated based on a set of characteristic 'fingerprint' properties, and that a comparison of source and sediment fingerprints allows to quantify the relative contribution of each source. This thesis aims at further assessing the potential of spectroscopy to assist and improve the sediment fingerprinting technique. Specifically, this work focuses on (1) whether potential sediment sources can be reliably identified based on spectral features ('fingerprints'), whether (2) these spectral fingerprints permit the quantification of relative source contribution, and whether (3) in situ derived source information is sufficient for this purpose. Furthermore, sediment fingerprinting using spectral information is applied in a study catchment to (4) identify major sources and observe how relative source contributions change between and within individual flood events. And finally, (5) spectral fingerprinting results are compared and combined with simultaneous sediment flux measurements to study sediment origin, transport and storage behaviour. For the sediment fingerprinting approach, soil samples were collected from potential sediment sources within the Is{\´a}bena catchment, a meso-scale basin in the central Spanish Pyrenees. Undisturbed samples of the upper soil layer were measured in situ using an ASD spectroradiometer and subsequently sampled for measurements in the laboratory. Suspended sediment was sampled automatically by means of ISCO samplers at the catchment as well as at the five major subcatchment outlets during flood events, and stored fine sediment from the channel bed was collected from 14 cross-sections along the main river. Artificial mixtures of known contributions were produced from source soil samples. Then, all source, sediment and mixture samples were dried and spectrally measured in the laboratory. Subsequently, colour coefficients and physically based features with relation to organic carbon, iron oxide, clay content and carbonate, were calculated from all in situ and laboratory spectra. Spectral parameters passing a number of prerequisite tests were submitted to principal component analyses to study natural clustering of samples, discriminant function analyses to observe source differentiation accuracy, and a mixing model for source contribution assessment. In addition, annual as well as flood event based suspended sediment fluxes from the catchment and its subcatchments were calculated from rainfall, water discharge and suspended sediment concentration measurements using rating curves and Quantile Regression Forests. Results of sediment flux monitoring were interpreted individually with respect to storage behaviour, compared to fingerprinting source ascriptions and combined with fingerprinting to assess their joint explanatory potential. In response to the key questions of this work, (1) three source types (land use) and five spatial sources (subcatchments) could be reliably discriminated based on spectral fingerprints. The artificial mixture experiment revealed that while (2) laboratory parameters permitted source contribution assessment, (3) the use of in situ derived information was insufficient. Apparently, high discrimination accuracy does not necessarily imply good quantification results. When applied to suspended sediment samples of the catchment outlet, the spectral fingerprinting approach was able to (4) quantify the major sediment sources: badlands and the Villacarli subcatchment, respectively, were identified as main contributors, which is consistent with field observations and previous studies. Thereby, source contribution was found to vary both, within and between individual flood events. Also sediment flux was found to vary considerably, annually as well as seasonally and on flood event base. Storage was confirmed to play an important role in the sediment dynamics of the studied catchment, whereas floods with lower total sediment yield tend to deposit and floods with higher yield rather remove material from the channel bed. Finally, a comparison of flux measurements with fingerprinting results highlighted the fact that (5) immediate transport from sources to the catchment outlet cannot be assumed. A combination of the two methods revealed different aspects of sediment dynamics that none of the techniques could have uncovered individually. In summary, spectral properties provide a fast, non-destructive, and cost-efficient means to discriminate and quantify sediment sources, whereas, unfortunately, straight-forward in situ collected source information is insufficient for the approach. Mixture modelling using artificial mixtures permits valuable insights into the capabilities and limitations of the method and similar experiments are strongly recommended to be performed in the future. Furthermore, a combination of techniques such as e.g. (spectral) sediment fingerprinting and sediment flux monitoring can provide comprehensive understanding of sediment dynamics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hanf2015, author = {Hanf, Franziska Stefanie}, title = {South Asian summer monsoon variability: a modelling study with the atmospheric regional climate model HIRHAM5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89331}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 126}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The lives of more than 1/6 th of the world population is directly affected by the caprices of the South Asian summer monsoon rainfall. India receives around 78 \% of the annual precipitation during the June-September months, the summer monsoon season of South Asia. But, the monsoon circulation is not consistent throughout the entire summer season. Episodes of heavy rainfall (active periods) and low rainfall (break periods) are inherent to the intraseasonal variability of the South Asian summer monsoon. Extended breaks or long-lasting dryness can result in droughts and hence trigger crop failures and in turn famines. Furthermore, India's electricity generation from renewable sources (wind and hydro-power), which is increasingly important in order to satisfy the rapidly rising demand for energy, is highly reliant on the prevailing meteorology. The major drought years 2002 and 2009 for the Indian summer monsoon during the last decades, which are results of the occurrence of multiple extended breaks, emphasise exemplary that the understanding of the monsoon system and its intraseasonal variation is of greatest importance. Although, numerous studies based on observations, reanalysis data and global model simulations have been carried out with the focus on monsoon active and break phases over India, the understanding of the monsoon intraseasonal variability is only in the infancy stage. Regional climate models could benefit the comprehension of monsoon breaks by its resolution advantage. This study investigates moist dynamical processes that initiate and maintain breaks during the South Asian summer monsoon using the atmospheric regional climate model HIRHAM5 at a horizontal resolution of 25 km forced by the ECMWF ERA Interim reanalysis for the period 1979-2012. By calculating moisture and moist static energy budgets the various competing mechanisms leading to extended breaks are quantitatively estimated. Advection of dry air from the deserts of western Asia towards central India is the dominant moist dynamical process in initiating extended break conditions over South Asia. Once initiated, the extended breaks are maintained due to many competing mechanisms: (i) the anomalous easterlies at the southern flank of this anticyclonic anomaly weaken the low-level cross-equatorial jet and thus the moisture transport into the monsoon region, (ii) differential radiative heating over the continental and the oceanic tropical convergence zone induces a local Hadley circulation with anomalous rising over the equatorial Indian Ocean and descent over central India, and (iii) a cyclonic response to positive rainfall anomalies over the near-equatorial Indian Ocean amplifies the anomalous easterlies over India and hence contributes to the low-level divergence over central India. A sensitivity experiment that mimics a scenario of higher atmospheric aerosol concentrations over South Asia addresses a current issue of large uncertainty: the role aerosols play in suppressing monsoon rainfall and hence in triggering breaks. To study the indirect aerosol effects the cloud droplet number concentration was increased to imitate the aerosol's function as cloud condensation nuclei. The sensitivity experiment with altered microphysical cloud properties shows a reduction in the summer monsoon precipitation together with a weakening of the South Asian summer monsoon. Several physical mechanisms are proposed to be responsible for the suppressed monsoon rainfall: (i) according to the first indirect radiative forcing the increase in the number of cloud droplets causes an increase in the cloud reflectivity of solar radiation, leading to a climate cooling over India which in turn reduces the hydrological cycle, (ii) a stabilisation of the troposphere induced by a differential cooling between the surface and the upper troposphere over central India inhibits the growth of deep convective rain clouds, (iii) an increase of the amount of low and mid-level clouds together with a decrease in high-level cloud amount amplify the surface cooling and hence the atmospheric stability, and (iv) dynamical changes of the monsoon manifested as a anomalous anticyclonic circulation over India reduce the moisture transport into the monsoon region. The study suggests that the changes in the total precipitation, which are dominated by changes in the convective precipitation, mainly result from the indirect radiative forcing. Suppression of rainfall due to the direct microphysical effect is found to be negligible over India. Break statistics of the polluted cloud scenario indicate an increase in the occurrence of short breaks (3 days), while the frequency of extended breaks (> 7 days) is clearly not affected. This disproves the hypothesis that more and smaller cloud droplets, caused by a high load of atmospheric aerosols trigger long drought conditions over central India.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kulikova2015, author = {Kulikova, Galina}, title = {Source parameters of the major historical earthquakes in the Tien-Shan region from the late 19th to the early 20th century}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88370}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 164}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The Tien-Shan and the neighboring Pamir region are two of the largest mountain belts in the world. Their deformation is dominated by intermontane basins bounded by active thrust and reverse faulting. The Tien-Shan mountain belt is characterized by a very high rate of seismicity along its margins as well as within the Tien-Shan interior. The study area of the here presented thesis, the western part of the Tien-Shan region, is currently seismically active with small and moderate sized earthquakes. However, at the end of the 19th beginning of the 20th century, this region was struck by a remarkable series of large magnitude (M>7) earthquakes, two of them reached magnitude 8. Those large earthquakes occurred prior to the installation of the global digital seismic network and therefore were recorded only by analog seismic instruments. The processing of the analog data brings several difficulties, for example, not always the true parameters of the recording system are known. Another complicated task is the digitization of those records - a very time-consuming and delicate part. Therefore a special set of techniques is developed and modern methods are adapted for the digitized instrumental data analysis. The main goal of the presented thesis is to evaluate the impact of large magnitude M≥7.0 earthquakes, which occurred at the turn of 19th to 20th century in the Tien-Shan region, on the overall regional tectonics. A further objective is to investigate the accuracy of previously estimated source parameters for those earthquakes, which were mainly based on macroseismic observations, and re-estimate them based on the instrumental data. An additional aim of this study is to develop the tools and methods for faster and more productive usage of analog seismic data in modern seismology. In this thesis, the ten strongest and most interesting historical earthquakes in Tien-Shan region are analyzed. The methods and tool for digitizing and processing the analog seismic data are presented. The source parameters of the two major M≥8.0 earthquakes in the Northern Tien-Shan are re-estimated in individual case studies. Those studies are published as peer-reviewed scientific articles in reputed journals. Additionally, the Sarez-Pamir earthquake and its connection with one of the largest landslides in the world, Usoy landslide, is investigated by seismic modeling. These results are also published as a research paper. With the developed techniques, the source parameters of seven more major earthquakes in the region are determined and their impact on the regional tectonics was investigated. The large magnitudes of those earthquakes are confirmed by instrumental data. The focal mechanism of these earthquakes were determined providing evidence for responsible faults or fault systems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nimz2015, author = {Nimz, Katharina}, title = {Sound perception and production in a foreign language}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-361-9}, issn = {2190-4545}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-88794}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 236}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The present study addresses the question of how German vowels are perceived and produced by Polish learners of German as a Foreign Language. It comprises three main experiments: a discrimination experiment, a production experiment, and an identification experiment. With the exception of the discrimination task, the experiments further investigated the influence of orthographic marking on the perception and production of German vowel length. It was assumed that explicit markings such as the Dehnungs-h ("lengthening h") could help Polish GFL learners in perceiving and producing German words more correctly. The discrimination experiment with manipulated nonce words showed that Polish GFL learners detect pure length differences in German vowels less accurately than German native speakers, while this was not the case for pure quality differences. The results of the identification experiment contrast with the results of the discrimination task in that Polish GFL learners were better at judging incorrect vowel length than incorrect vowel quality in manipulated real words. However, orthographic marking did not turn out to be the driving factor and it is suggested that metalinguistic awareness can explain the asymmetry between the two perception experiments. The production experiment supported the results of the identification task in that lengthening h did not help Polish learners in producing German vowel length more correctly. Yet, as far as vowel quality productions are concerned, it is argued that orthography does influence L2 sound productions because Polish learners seem to be negatively influenced by their native grapheme-to-phoneme correspondences. It is concluded that it is important to differentiate between the influence of the L1 and L2 orthographic system. On the one hand, the investigation of the influence of orthographic vowel length markers in German suggests that Polish GFL learners do not make use of length information provided by the L2 orthographic system. On the other hand, the vowel quality data suggest that the L1 orthographic system plays a crucial role in the acquisition of a foreign language. It is therefore proposed that orthography influences the acquisition of foreign sounds, but not in the way it was originally assumed.}, language = {en} }