@phdthesis{He2019, author = {He, Hai}, title = {Exploring and engineering formaldehyde assimilation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47386}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-473867}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 105}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Increasing concerns regarding the environmental impact of our chemical production have shifted attention towards possibilities for sustainable biotechnology. One-carbon (C1) compounds, including methane, methanol, formate and CO, are promising feedstocks for future bioindustry. CO2 is another interesting feedstock, as it can also be transformed using renewable energy to other C1 feedstocks for use. While formaldehyde is not suitable as a feedstock due to its high toxicity, it is a central intermediate in the process of C1 assimilation. This thesis explores formaldehyde metabolism and aims to engineer formaldehyde assimilation in the model organism Escherichia coli for the future C1-based bioindustry. The first chapter of the thesis aims to establish growth of E. coli on formaldehyde via the most efficient naturally occurring route, the ribulose monophosphate pathway. Linear variants of the pathway were constructed in multiple-gene knockouts strains, coupling E. coli growth to the activities of the key enzymes of the pathway. Formaldehyde-dependent growth was achieved in rationally designed strains. In the final strain, the synthetic pathway provides the cell with almost all biomass and energy requirements. In the second chapter, taking advantage of the unique feature of its reactivity, formaldehyde assimilation via condensation with glycine and pyruvate by two promiscuous aldolases was explored. Facilitated by these two reactions, the newly designed homoserine cycle is expected to support higher yields of a wide array of products than its counterparts. By dividing the pathway into segments and coupling them to the growth of dedicated strains, all pathway reactions were demonstrated to be sufficiently active. The work paves a way for future implementation of a highly efficient route for C1 feedstocks into commodity chemicals. In the third chapter, the in vivo rate of the spontaneous formaldehyde tetrahydrofolate condensation to methylene-tetrahydrofolate was assessed in order to evaluate its applicability as a biotechnological process. Tested within an E. coli strain deleted in essential genes for native methylene-tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis, the reaction was shown to support the production of this essential intermediate. However, only low growth rates were observed and only at high formaldehyde concentrations. Computational analysis dependent on in vivo evidence from this strain deduced the slow rate of this spontaneous reaction, thus ruling out its substantial contribution to growth on C1 feedstocks. The reactivity of formaldehyde makes it highly toxic. In the last chapter, the formation of thioproline, the condensation product of cysteine and formaldehyde, was confirmed to contribute this toxicity effect. Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase (PepP), which genetically links with folate metabolism, was shown to hydrolyze thioproline-containing peptides. Deleting pepP increased strain sensitivity to formaldehyde, pointing towards the toxicity of thioproline-containing peptides and the importance of their removal. The characterization in this study could be useful in handling this toxic intermediate. Overall, this thesis identified challenges related to formaldehyde metabolism and provided novel solutions towards a future bioindustry based on sustainable C1 feedstocks in which formaldehyde serves as a key intermediate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Guislain2019, author = {Guislain, Alexis}, title = {Eco-physiological consequences of fluctuating light on phytoplankton}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-46927}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-469272}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {161}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Phytoplankton growth depends not only on the mean intensity but also on the dynamics of the light supply. The nonlinear light-dependency of growth is characterized by a small number of basic parameters: the compensation light intensity PARcompμ, where production and losses are balanced, the growth efficiency at sub-saturating light αµ, and the maximum growth rate at saturating light µmax. In surface mixed layers, phytoplankton may rapidly move between high light intensities and almost darkness. Because of the different frequency distribution of light and/or acclimation processes, the light-dependency of growth may differ between constant and fluctuating light. Very few studies measured growth under fluctuating light at a sufficient number of mean light intensities to estimate the parameters of the growth-irradiance relationship. Hence, the influence of light dynamics on µmax, αµ and PARcompμ are still largely unknown. By extension, accurate modelling predictions of phytoplankton development under fluctuating light exposure remain difficult to make. This PhD thesis does not intend to directly extrapolate few experimental results to aquatic systems - but rather improving the mechanistic understanding of the variation of the light-dependency of growth under light fluctuations and effects on phytoplankton development. In Lake TaiHu and at the Three Gorges Reservoir (China), we incubated phytoplankton communities in bottles placed either at fixed depths or moved vertically through the water column to mimic vertical mixing. Phytoplankton at fixed depths received only the diurnal changes in light (defined as constant light regime), while phytoplankton received rapidly fluctuating light by superimposing the vertical light gradient on the natural sinusoidal diurnal sunlight. The vertically moved samples followed a circular movement with 20 min per revolution, replicating to some extent the full overturn of typical Langmuir cells. Growth, photosynthesis, oxygen production and respiration of communities (at Lake TaiHu) were measured. To complete these investigations, a physiological experiment was performed in the laboratory on a toxic strain of Microcystis aeruginosa (FACBH 1322) incubated under 20 min period fluctuating light. Here, we measured electron transport rates and net oxygen production at a much higher time resolution (single minute timescale). The present PhD thesis provides evidence for substantial effects of fluctuating light on the eco-physiology of phytoplankton. Both experiments performed under semi-natural conditions in Lake TaiHu and at the Three Gorges Reservoir gave similar results. The significant decline in community growth efficiencies αµ under fluctuating light was caused for a great share by different frequency distribution of light intensities that shortened the effective daylength for production. The remaining gap in community αµ was attributed to species-specific photoacclimation mechanisms and to light-dependent respiratory losses. In contrast, community maximal growth rates µmax were similar between incubations at constant and fluctuating light. At daily growth saturating light supply, differences in losses for biosynthesis between the two light regimes were observed. Phytoplankton experiencing constant light suffered photo-inhibition - leading to photosynthesis foregone and additional respiratory costs for photosystems repair. On the contrary, intermittent exposure to low and high light intensities prevented photo-inhibition of mixed algae but forced them to develop alternative light strategy. They better harvested and exploited surface irradiance by enhancing their photosynthesis. In the laboratory, we showed that Microcystis aeruginosa increased its oxygen consumption by dark respiration in the light few minutes only after exposure to increasing light intensities. More, we proved that within a simulated Langmuir cell, the net production at saturating light and the compensation light intensity for production at limiting light are positively related. These results are best explained by an accumulation of photosynthetic products at increasing irradiance and mobilization of these fresh resources by rapid enhancement of dark respiration for maintenance and biosynthesis at decreasing irradiance. At the daily timescale, we showed that the enhancement of photosynthesis at high irradiance for biosynthesis of species increased their maintenance respiratory costs at limiting light. Species-specific growth at saturating light µmax and compensation light intensity for growth PARcompμ of species incubated in Lake TaiHu were positively related. Because of this species-specific physiological tradeoff, species displayed different light affinities to limiting and saturating light - thereby exhibiting a gleaner-opportunist tradeoff. In Lake TaiHu, we showed that inter-specific differences in light acquisition traits (µmax and PARcompμ) allowed coexis¬tence of species on a gradient of constant light while avoiding competitive exclusion. More interestingly we demonstrated for the first time that vertical mixing (inducing fluctuating light supply for phytoplankton) may alter or even reverse the light utilization strategies of species within couple of days. The intra-specific variation in traits under fluctuating light increased the niche space for acclimated species, precluding competitive exclusion. Overall, this PhD thesis contributes to a better understanding of phytoplankton eco-physiology under fluctuating light supply. This work could enhance the quality of predictions of phytoplankton development under certain weather conditions or climate change scenarios.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tong2019, author = {Tong, Hao}, title = {Dissection of genetic architecture of intermediate phenotypes and predictions in plants}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {127}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Determining the relationship between genotype and phenotype is the key to understand the plasticity and robustness of phenotypes in nature. While the directly observable plant phenotypes (e.g. agronomic, yield and stress resistance traits) have been well-investigated, there is still a lack in our knowledge about the genetic basis of intermediate phenotypes, such as metabolic phenotypes. Dissecting the links between genotype and phenotype depends on suitable statistical models. The state-of-the-art models are developed for directly observable phenotypes, regardless the characteristics of intermediate phenotypes. This thesis aims to fill the gaps in understanding genetic architecture of intermediate phenotypes, and how they tie to composite traits, namely plant growth. The metabolite levels and reaction fluxes, as two aspects of metabolic phenotypes, are shaped by the interrelated chemical reactions formed in genome-scale metabolic network. Here, I attempt to answer the question: Can the knowledge of underlying genome-scale metabolic network improve the model performance for prediction of metabolic phenotypes and associated plant growth? To this end, two projects are investigated in this thesis. Firstly, we propose an approach that couples genomic selection with genome-scale metabolic network and metabolic profiles in Arabidopsis thaliana to predict growth. This project is the first integration of genomic data with fluxes predicted based on constraint-based modeling framework and data on biomass composition. We demonstrate that our approach leads to a considerable increase of prediction accuracy in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods in both within and across environment predictions. Therefore, our work paves the way for combining knowledge on metabolic mechanisms in the statistical approach underlying genomic selection to increase the efficiency of future plant breeding approaches. Secondly, we investigate how reliable is genomic selection for metabolite levels, and which single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), obtained from different neighborhoods of a given metabolic network, contribute most to the accuracy of prediction. The results show that the local structure of first and second neighborhoods are not sufficient for predicting the genetic basis of metabolite levels in Zea mays. Furthermore, we find that the enzymatic SNPs can capture most the genetic variance and the contribution of non-enzymatic SNPs is in fact small. To comprehensively understand the genetic architecture of metabolic phenotypes, I extend my study to a local Arabidopsis thaliana population and their hybrids. We analyze the genetic architecture in primary and secondary metabolism as well as in growth. In comparison to primary metabolites, compounds from secondary metabolism were more variable and show more non-additive inheritance patterns which could be attributed to epistasis. Therefore, our study demonstrates that heterozygosity in local Arabidopsis thaliana population generates metabolic variation and may impact several tasks directly linked to metabolism. The studies in this thesis improve the knowledge of genetic architecture of metabolic phenotypes in both inbreed and hybrid population. The approaches I proposed to integrate genome-scale metabolic network with genomic data provide the opportunity to obtain mechanistic insights about the determinants of agronomically important polygenic traits.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Petrovic2019, author = {Petrovic, Nevena}, title = {Analysis of the role of Forgetter2 in thermotolerance responses in Arabidopsis thaliana}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GonzalezdelaCruz2019, author = {Gonzalez de la Cruz, Jorge}, title = {Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for formatotrophic growth}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {96}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zemella2019, author = {Zemella, Anne}, title = {Fluoreszenzmarkierung und Modifizierung von komplexen Proteinen in eukaryotischen zellfreien Systemen durch die Etablierung von orthogonalen tRNA/Aminoacyl-tRNA-Synthetase-Paaren}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44236}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-442361}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 141}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die funktionelle Charakterisierung von therapeutisch relevanten Proteinen kann bereits durch die Bereitstellung des Zielproteins in ad{\"a}quaten Mengen limitierend sein. Dies trifft besonders auf Membranproteine zu, die aufgrund von zytotoxischen Effekten auf die Produktionszelllinie und der Tendenz Aggregate zu bilden, in niedrigen Ausbeuten an aktivem Protein resultieren k{\"o}nnen. Der lebende Organismus kann durch die Verwendung von translationsaktiven Zelllysaten umgangen werden- die Grundlage der zellfreien Proteinsynthese. Zu Beginn der Arbeit wurde die ATP-abh{\"a}ngige Translation eines Lysates auf der Basis von kultivierten Insektenzellen (Sf21) analysiert. F{\"u}r diesen Zweck wurde ein ATP-bindendes Aptamer eingesetzt, durch welches die Translation der Nanoluziferase reguliert werden konnte. Durch die dargestellte Applizierung von Aptameren, k{\"o}nnten diese zuk{\"u}nftig in zellfreien Systemen f{\"u}r die Visualisierung der Transkription und Translation eingesetzt werden, wodurch zum Beispiel komplexe Prozesse validiert werden k{\"o}nnen. Neben der reinen Proteinherstellung k{\"o}nnen Faktoren wie posttranslationale Modifikationen sowie eine Integration in eine lipidische Membran essentiell f{\"u}r die Funktionalit{\"a}t des Membranproteins sein. Im zweiten Abschnitt konnte, im zellfreien Sf21-System, f{\"u}r den G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptor Endothelin B sowohl eine Integration in die endogen vorhandenen Endoplasmatisch Retikulum-basierten Membranstrukturen als auch Glykosylierungen, identifiziert werden. Auf der Grundlage der erfolgreichen Synthese des ET-B-Rezeptors wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Fluoreszenzmarkierung des Adenosin-Rezeptors A2a (Adora2a) angewandt und optimiert. Im dritten Abschnitt wurde der Adora2a mit Hilfe einer vorbeladenen tRNA, welche an eine fluoreszierende Aminos{\"a}ure gekoppelt war, im zellfreien Chinesischen Zwerghamster Ovarien (CHO)-System markiert. Zus{\"a}tzlich konnte durch den Einsatz eines modifizierten tRNA/Aminoacyl-tRNA-Synthetase-Paares eine nicht-kanonische Aminos{\"a}ure an Position eines integrierten Amber-Stopcodon in die Polypeptidkette eingebaut und die funktionelle Gruppe im Anschluss an einen Fluoreszenzfarbstoff gekoppelt werden. Aufgrund des offenen Charakters eignen sich zellfreie Proteinsynthesesysteme besonders f{\"u}r eine Integration von exogenen Komponenten in den Translationsprozess. Mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenzmarkierung wurde eine ligandvermittelte Konformations{\"a}nderung im Adora2a {\"u}ber einen Biolumineszenz-Resonanzenergietransfer detektiert. Durch die Etablierung der Amber-Suppression wurde dar{\"u}ber hinaus das Hormon Erythropoetin pegyliert, wodurch Eigenschaften wie Stabilit{\"a}t und Halbwertszeit des Proteins ver{\"a}ndert wurden. Zu guter Letzt wurde ein neues tRNA/Aminoacyl-tRNA-Synthetase-Paar auf Basis der Methanosarcina mazei Pyrrolysin-Synthetase etabliert, um das Repertoire an nicht-kanonischen Aminos{\"a}uren und den damit verbundenen Kopplungsreaktionen zu erweitern. Zusammenfassend wurden die Potenziale zellfreier Systeme in Bezug auf der Herstellung von komplexen Membranproteinen und der Charakterisierung dieser durch die Einbringung einer positionsspezifischen Fluoreszenzmarkierung verdeutlicht, wodurch neue M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r die Analyse und Funktionalisierung von komplexen Proteinen geschaffen wurden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoang2019, author = {Hoang, Yen}, title = {De novo binning strategy to analyze and visualize multi-dimensional cytometric data}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44307}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-443078}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 81, xxxii}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Since half a century, cytometry has been a major scientific discipline in the field of cytomics - the study of system's biology at single cell level. It enables the investigation of physiological processes, functional characteristics and rare events with proteins by analysing multiple parameters on an individual cell basis. In the last decade, mass cytometry has been established which increased the parallel measurement to up to 50 proteins. This has shifted the analysis strategy from conventional consecutive manual gates towards multi-dimensional data processing. Novel algorithms have been developed to tackle these high-dimensional protein combinations in the data. They are mainly based on clustering or non-linear dimension reduction techniques, or both, often combined with an upstream downsampling procedure. However, these tools have obstacles either in comprehensible interpretability, reproducibility, computational complexity or in comparability between samples and groups. To address this bottleneck, a reproducible, semi-automated cytometric data mining workflow PRI (pattern recognition of immune cells) is proposed which combines three main steps: i) data preparation and storage; ii) bin-based combinatorial variable engineering of three protein markers, the so called triploTs, and subsequent sectioning of these triploTs in four parts; and iii) deployment of a data-driven supervised learning algorithm, the cross-validated elastic-net regularized logistic regression, with these triploT sections as input variables. As a result, the selected variables from the models are ranked by their prevalence, which potentially have discriminative value. The purpose is to significantly facilitate the identification of meaningful subpopulations, which are most distinguish between two groups. The proposed workflow PRI is exemplified by a recently published public mass cytometry data set. The authors found a T cell subpopulation which is discriminative between effective and ineffective treatment of breast carcinomas in mice. With PRI, that subpopulation was not only validated, but was further narrowed down as a particular Th1 cell population. Moreover, additional insights of combinatorial protein expressions are revealed in a traceable manner. An essential element in the workflow is the reproducible variable engineering. These variables serve as basis for a clearly interpretable visualization, for a structured variable exploration and as input layers in neural network constructs. PRI facilitates the determination of marker levels in a semi-continuous manner. Jointly with the combinatorial display, it allows a straightforward observation of correlating patterns, and thus, the dominant expressed markers and cell hierarchies. Furthermore, it enables the identification and complex characterization of discriminating subpopulations due to its reproducible and pseudo-multi-parametric pattern presentation. This endorses its applicability as a tool for unbiased investigations on cell subsets within multi-dimensional cytometric data sets.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Canitz2019, author = {Canitz, Julia}, title = {Genome and karyotype evolution underlying speciation and diversification of electric organ discharges in African weakly electric fish (Campylomormyrus, Mormyridae, Teleostei)}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {111}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The African weakly electric fish genus Campylomormyrus is a well-investigated fish group of the species-rich family Mormyridae. They are able to generate species-specific electric organ discharges (EODs) which vary in their waveform characteristics including polarity, phase umber and duration. In mormyrid species EODs are used for communication, species discrimination and mate recognition, and it is thought hat they serve as pre-zygotic isolation mechanism driving sympatric speciation by promoting assortative mating. The EOD diversification, its volutionary effects and the link to species divergence have been examined histologically, behaviorally, and genetically. Molecular analyses are a major tool to identify species and their phenotypic traits by studying the underlying genes. The genetic variability between species further provides information from which evolutionary processes, such as speciation, can be deduced. Hence, the ultimate aim of this study is the investigation of genetic variability within the African weakly electric fish genus Campylomormyrus to better understand their sympatric speciation and comprehend their evolutionary drivers. In order to extend the current knowledge and gain more insights into its species history, karyological and genomic approaches are being pursued considering species differences. Previous studies have shown that species with different EOD duration have specific gene expression patterns and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). As EODs play a crucial role during the evolution of Campylomormyrus species, the identification of its underlying genes may suggest how the EOD diversity evolved and whether this trait is based on a complex network of genetic processes or is regulated by only a few genes. The results obtained in this study suggest that genes with non-synonymous SNPs, which are exclusive to C. tshokwe with an elongated EOD, have frequent functions ssociated with tissue morphogenesis and transcriptional regulation. Therefore, it is proposed that these processes likely co-determine EOD characteristics of Campylomormyrus species. Furthermore, genome-wide analyses confirm the genetic difference among most Campylomormyrus species. In contrast, the same analyses reveal genetic similarity among individuals of the alces-complex showing different EOD waveforms. It is therefore hypothesized that the low genetic variability and high EOD diversity represents incipient sympatric speciation. The karyological description of a Campylomormyrus species provides crucial information about chromosome number and shapes. Its diploid chromosome number of 2n=48 supports the conservation of this trait within Mormyridae. Differences have been detected in the number of bi-armed chromosomes which is unusually high compared to other mormyrid species. This high amount can be due to chromosome rearrangements which could cause genetic incompatibility and reproductive isolation. Hence an alternative hypothesis regarding processes which cause sympatric speciation is that chromosome differences are involved in the speciation process of Campylomormyrus by acting as postzygotic isolation mechanism. In summary, the karyological and genomic investigations conducted in this study contributed to the increase of knowledge about Campylomormyrus species, to the solution of some existing ambiguities like phylogenetic relationships and to the raising of new hypothesis explaining the sympatric speciation of those African weakly electric fish. This study provides a basis for future genomic research to obtain a complete picture for causes and results of evolutionary processes in Campylomormyrus.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wozniak2019, author = {Wozniak, Natalia Joanna}, title = {Convergent evolution of the selfing syndrome in the genus Capsella}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {229}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Taube2019, author = {Taube, Robert}, title = {Characterisations of Fungal Communities in Temperate Lakes}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Grafe2019, author = {Grafe, Marianne Erika}, title = {Analysis of supramolecular assemblies of NE81, the first lamin protein in a non-metazoan organism}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44180}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-441802}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {V, 94}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Lamine sind Proteine an der inneren Kernh{\"u}lle und bilden zusammen mit verbundenen Proteinen die nukle{\"a}re Lamina. Dieses Netzwerk sorgt f{\"u}r die Stabilit{\"a}t des Zellkerns und unterst{\"u}tzt die Organisation des Zell-Zytoskeletts. Zus{\"a}tzlich sind Lamine und ihre verbundenen Proteine in viele Prozesse wie Genregulation und Zelldifferenzierung involviert. Bis 2012 war der Stand der Forschung, dass nur bei mehrzelligen Organismen eine nukle{\"a}re Lamina zu finden ist. NE81 ist das erste lamin-{\"a}hnliche Protein, das in einem nicht-mehrzelligen Organismus (Dictyostelium discoideum) entdeckt wurde. Es hat viele Eigenschaften und Strukturmerkmale mit Laminen gemeinsam. Dazu z{\"a}hlt der dreiteilige Aufbau des Proteins, eine Phosphorylierungsstelle f{\"u}r ein Zellzyklus-abh{\"a}ngiges Enzym, ein Kernlokalisationssignal, wodurch das Protein in den Kern transportiert wird, sowie eine C-terminale Sequenz zur Verankerung des Proteins in der Kernh{\"u}lle. In dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene Methoden zur vereinfachten Untersuchung von Laminstrukturen getestet, um zu zeigen, dass sich NE81 wie bereits bekannte Lamin-Proteine verh{\"a}lt und supramolekulare Netzwerke aus Laminfilamenten bildet. Zur Analyse der Struktur supramolekularer Anordnungen wurde das Protein durch Entfernen des Kernlokalisationssignals auf der {\"a}ußeren Kernh{\"u}lle von Dictyostelium gebildet. Die anschließende Untersuchung der Oberfl{\"a}che der Kerne mit einem Rasterelektronenmikroskop zeigte, dass NE81 Strukturen in der Gr{\"o}ße von Laminen bildet, allerdings nicht in regelm{\"a}ßigen filament{\"o}sen Anordnungen. Um die Entstehung der Laminfilamente zu untersuchen, wurde l{\"o}sliches NE81 aus Dictyostelium aufgereinigt und mit verschiedenen mikroskopischen Methoden untersucht. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass NE81 unter Niedrigsalz-Bedingungen d{\"u}nne, fadenf{\"o}rmige Strukturen und Netzwerke ausbildet, die denen von S{\"a}ugetier-Laminen sehr {\"a}hnlich sind. Die Mutation der Phosphorylierungsstelle von NE81 zu einer imitierenden dauerhaften Phosphorylierung von NE81 in der Zelle, zeigte zun{\"a}chst ein gel{\"o}stes Protein, das {\"u}berraschenderweise unter Blaulichtbestrahlung der Zelle wieder lamin-{\"a}hnliche Anordnungen formte. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass NE81 echte Laminstrukturen ausbilden kann und hebt Dictyostelium als Nicht-S{\"a}ugetier-Modellorganismus mit einer gut charakterisierten Kernh{\"u}lle, mit allen relevanten, aus tierischen Zellen bekannten Proteinen, hervor.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gupta2019, author = {Gupta, Saurabh}, title = {Deciphering stress acclimation mechanisms in plants with extreme abiotic stress tolerence using genomics approaches}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {161}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schumacher2019, author = {Schumacher, Julia}, title = {Regulation and function of STERILE APETALA in Arabidopsis flower development}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {144}, year = {2019}, abstract = {STERILE APETALA (SAP) is known to be an essential regulator of flower development for over 20 years. Loss of SAP function in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is associated with a reduction of floral organ number, size and fertility. In accordance with the function of SAP during early flower development, its spatial expression in flowers is confined to meristematic stages and to developing ovules. However, to date, despite extensive research, the molecular function of SAP and the regulation of its spatio-temporal expression still remain elusive. In this work, amino acid sequence analysis and homology modeling revealed that SAP belongs to the rare class of plant F-box proteins with C-terminal WD40 repeats. In opisthokonts, this type of F-box proteins constitutes the substrate binding subunit of SCF complexes, which catalyze the ubiquitination of proteins to initiate their proteasomal degradation. With LC-MS/MS-based protein complex isolation, the interaction of SAP with major SCF complex subunits was confirmed. Additionally, candidate substrate proteins, such as the growth repressor PEAPOD 1 and 2 (PPD1/2), could be revealed during early stages of flower development. Also INDOLE-3-BUTYRIC ACID RESPONSE 5 (IBR5) was identified among putative interactors. Genetic analyses indicated that, different from substrate proteins, IBR5 is required for SAP function. Protein complex isolation together with transcriptome profiling emphasized that the SCFSAP complex integrates multiple biological processes, such as proliferative growth, vascular development, hormonal signaling and reproduction. Phenotypic analysis of sap mutant and SAP overexpressing plants positively correlated SAP function with plant growth during reproductive and vegetative development. Furthermore, to elaborate on the transcriptional regulation of SAP, publicly available ChIP-seq data of key floral homeotic proteins were reanalyzed. Here, it was shown that the MADS-domain transcription factors APETALA 1 (AP1), APETALA 3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), AGAMOUS (AG) and SEPALLATA 3 (SEP3) bind to the SAP locus, which indicates that SAP is expressed in a floral organ-specific manner. Reporter gene analyses in combination with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion of putative regulatory regions further demonstrated that the intron contains major regulatory elements of SAP in Arabidopsis thaliana. In conclusion, these data indicate that SAP is a pleiotropic developmental regulator that acts through tissue-specific destabilization of proteins. The presumed transcriptional regulation of SAP by the floral MADS-domain transcription factors could provide a missing link between the specification of floral organ identity and floral organ growth pathways.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scherer2019, author = {Scherer, Philipp C{\´e}dric}, title = {Infection on the move}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 107, XXXVIII}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Movement plays a major role in shaping population densities and contact rates among individuals, two factors that are particularly relevant for disease outbreaks. Although any differences in movement behaviour due to individual characteristics of the host and heterogeneity in landscape structure are likely to have considerable consequences for disease dynamics, these mechanisms are neglected in most epidemiological studies. Therefore, developing a general understanding how the interaction of movement behaviour and spatial heterogeneity shapes host densities, contact rates and ultimately pathogen spread is a key question in ecological and epidemiological research. In my thesis, I address this gap using both theoretical and empirical modelling approaches. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I investigated bottom-up effects of individual movement behaviour and landscape structure on host density, contact rates, and ultimately disease dynamics. I extended an established agent-based model that simulates ecological and epidemiological key processes to incorporate explicit movement of host individuals and landscape complexity. Neutral landscape models are a powerful basis for spatially-explicit modelling studies to imitate the complex characteristics of natural landscapes. In chapter 2, the first study of my thesis, I introduce two complementary R packages, NLMR and landscapetools, that I have co-developed to simplify the workflow of simulation and customization of such landscapes. To demonstrate the use of the packages I present a case study using the spatially explicit eco-epidemiological model and show that landscape complexity per se increases the probability of disease persistence. By using simple rules to simulate explicit host movement, I highlight in chapter 3 how disease dynamics are affected by population-level properties emerging from different movement rules leading to differences in the realized movement distance, spatiotemporal host density, and heterogeneity in transmission rates. As a consequence, mechanistic movement decisions based on the underlying landscape or conspecific competition led to considerably higher probabilities than phenomenological random walk approaches due directed movement leading to spatiotemporal differences in host densities. The results of these two chapters highlight the need to explicitly consider spatial heterogeneity and host movement behaviour when theoretical approaches are used to assess control measures to prevent outbreaks or eradicate diseases. In the empirical part of my thesis (chapter 4), I focus on the spatiotemporal dynamics of Classical Swine Fever in a wild boar population by analysing epidemiological data that was collected during an outbreak in Northern Germany persisting for eight years. I show that infection risk exhibits different seasonal patterns on the individual and the regional level. These patterns on the one hand show a higher infection risk in autumn and winter that may arise due to onset of mating behaviour and hunting intensity, which result in increased movement ranges. On the other hand, the increased infection risk of piglets, especially during the birth season, indicates the importance of new susceptible host individuals for local pathogen spread. The findings of this chapter underline the importance of different spatial and temporal scales to understand different components of pathogen spread that can have important implications for disease management. Taken together, the complementary use of theoretical and empirical modelling in my thesis highlights that our inferences about disease dynamics depend heavily on the spatial and temporal resolution used and how the inclusion of explicit mechanisms underlying hosts movement are modelled. My findings are an important step towards the incorporation of spatial heterogeneity and a mechanism-based perspective in eco-epidemiological approaches. This will ultimately lead to an enhanced understanding of the feedbacks of contact rates on pathogen spread and disease persistence that are of paramount importance to improve predictive models at the interface of ecology and epidemiology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ramming2019, author = {Ramming, Anna}, title = {Specific Roles of POLY(A) POLYMERASE1 in the male Gametophyte and Beyond}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kolk2019, author = {Kolk, Jens}, title = {The long-term legacy of historical land cover changes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43939}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-439398}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {196}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Over the last years there is an increasing awareness that historical land cover changes and associated land use legacies may be important drivers for present-day species richness and biodiversity due to time-delayed extinctions or colonizations in response to historical environmental changes. Historically altered habitat patches may therefore exhibit an extinction debt or colonization credit and can be expected to lose or gain species in the future. However, extinction debts and colonization credits are difficult to detect and their actual magnitudes or payments have rarely been quantified because species richness patterns and dynamics are also shaped by recent environmental conditions and recent environmental changes. In this thesis we aimed to determine patterns of herb-layer species richness and recent species richness dynamics of forest herb layer plants and link those patterns and dynamics to historical land cover changes and associated land use legacies. The study was conducted in the Prignitz, NE-Germany, where the forest distribution remained stable for the last ca. 100 years but where a) the deciduous forest area had declined by more than 90 per cent (leaving only remnants of "ancient forests"), b) small new forests had been established on former agricultural land ("post-agricultural forests"). Here, we analyzed the relative importance of land use history and associated historical land cover changes for herb layer species richness compared to recent environmental factors and determined magnitudes of extinction debt and colonization credit and their payment in ancient and post-agricultural forests, respectively. We showed that present-day species richness patterns were still shaped by historical land cover changes that ranged back to more than a century. Although recent environmental conditions were largely comparable we found significantly more forest specialists, species with short-distance dispersal capabilities and clonals in ancient forests than in post-agricultural forests. Those species richness differences were largely contingent to a colonization credit in post-agricultural forests that ranged up to 9 species (average 4.7), while the extinction debt in ancient forests had almost completely been paid. Environmental legacies from historical agricultural land use played a minor role for species richness differences. Instead, patch connectivity was most important. Species richness in ancient forests was still dependent on historical connectivity, indicating a last glimpse of an extinction debt, and the colonization credit was highest in isolated post-agricultural forests. In post-agricultural forests that were better connected or directly adjacent to ancient forest patches the colonization credit was way smaller and we were able to verify a gradual payment of the colonization credit from 2.7 species to 1.5 species over the last six decades.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2019, author = {Sch{\"a}fer, Merlin}, title = {Understanding and predicting global change impacts on migratory birds}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43925}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-439256}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 153}, year = {2019}, abstract = {This is a publication-based dissertation comprising three original research stud-ies (one published, one submitted and one ready for submission; status March 2019). The dissertation introduces a generic computer model as a tool to investigate the behaviour and population dynamics of animals in cyclic environments. The model is further employed for analysing how migratory birds respond to various scenarios of altered food supply under global change. Here, ecological and evolutionary time-scales are considered, as well as the biological constraints and trade-offs the individual faces, which ultimately shape response dynamics at the population level. Further, the effect of fine-scale temporal patterns in re-source supply are studied, which is challenging to achieve experimentally. My findings predict population declines, altered behavioural timing and negative carry-over effects arising in migratory birds under global change. They thus stress the need for intensified research on how ecological mechanisms are affected by global change and for effective conservation measures for migratory birds. The open-source modelling software created for this dissertation can now be used for other taxa and related research questions. Overall, this thesis improves our mechanistic understanding of the impacts of global change on migratory birds as one prerequisite to comprehend ongoing global biodiversity loss. The research results are discussed in a broader ecological and scientific context in a concluding synthesis chapter.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schwuchow2019, author = {Schwuchow, Viola}, title = {Charakterisierung der periplasmatischen Aldehyd-Oxidoreduktase (PaoABC) aus Escherichia coli}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {119}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit standen Analysen zur Charakterisierung der periplasmatischen Aldehyd Oxidoreduktase aus E. coli. Kinetische Untersuchungen mit Ferricyanid als Elektronenakzeptor unter anaeroben Bedingungen zeigten f{\"u}r dieses Enzym eine h{\"o}here Aktivit{\"a}t als unter aeroben Bedingungen. Die getroffene Hypothese, dass PaoABC f{\"a}hig ist Elektronen an molekularen Sauerstoff weiter zu geben, konnte best{\"a}tigt werden. F{\"u}r den Umsatz aromatischer Aldehyde mit molekularem Sauerstoff wurde ein Optimum von pH 6,0 ermittelt. Dies steht im Gegensatz zur Reaktion mit Ferricyanid, mit welchem ein pH-Optimum von 4,0 gezeigt wurde. Die Reaktion von PaoABC mit molekularem Sauerstoff generiert zwar Wasserstoffperoxid, die Produktion von Superoxid konnte dagegen nicht beobachtet werden. Dass aerobe Bedingungen einen Einfluss auf das Ausl{\"o}sen der Expression von PaoABC haben, wurde in dieser Arbeit ebenfalls ermittelt. Im Zusammenhang mit der Produktion von ROS durch PaoABC wurde die Funktion eines k{\"u}rzlich in Elektronentransfer-Distanz zum FAD identifizierten [4Fe4S]-Clusters untersucht. Ein Austausch der f{\"u}r die Bindung des Clusters zust{\"a}ndigen Cysteine f{\"u}hrte zur Instabilit{\"a}t der Proteinvarianten, weswegen f{\"u}r diese keine weiteren Untersuchungen erfolgten. Daher wird zumindest ein struktur-stabilisierender Einfluss des [4Fe4S]-Clusters angenommen. Zur weiteren Untersuchung der Funktion dieses Clusters, wurde ein zwischen FAD und [4Fe4S]-Cluster lokalisiertes Arginin gegen ein Alanin ausgetauscht. Diese Proteinvariante zeigte eine reduzierte Geschwindigkeit der Reaktion gegen{\"u}ber dem Wildtyp. Die Bildung von Superoxid konnte auch hier nicht beobachtet werden. Die Vermutung, dass dieser Cluster einen elektronen-sammelnden Mechanismus unterst{\"u}tzt, welcher die Radikalbildung verhindert, kann trotz allem nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Da im Umkreis des Arginins weitere geladene und aromatische Aminos{\"a}uren lokalisiert sind, k{\"o}nnen diese den notwendigen Elektronentransfer {\"u}bernehmen. Neben der Ermittlung eines physiologischen Elektronenakzeptors und dessen Einfluss auf die Expression von PaoABC zeigt diese Arbeit auch, dass die Chaperone PaoD und MocA w{\"a}hrend der Reifung des MCD-Kofaktor eine gemeinsame Bindung an PaoABC realisieren. Es konnte im aktiven Zentrum von PaoABC ein Arginin beschrieben werden, welches auf Grund der engen Nachbarschaft zum MCD-Kofaktor und zum Glutamat (PaoABC-EC692) am Prozess der Substratbindung beteiligt ist. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Austausch dieses Arginins gegen ein Histidin oder ein Lysin wurden die Enzymspezifit{\"a}t und der Einfluss physiologischer Bedingungen, wie pH und Ionenst{\"a}rke, auf die Reaktion des Enzyms untersucht. Gegen{\"u}ber dem Wildtyp zeigten die Varianten mit molekularem Sauerstoff eine geringere Affinit{\"a}t zum Substrat aber auch eine h{\"o}here Geschwindigkeit der Reaktion. Vor allem f{\"u}r die Histidin-Variante konnte im gesamten pH-Bereich ein instabiles Verhalten bestimmt werden. Der Grund daf{\"u}r wurde durch das L{\"o}sen der Struktur der Histidin-Variante beschreiben. Durch den Austausch der Aminos{\"a}uren entf{\"a}llt die stabilisierende Wirkung der delokalisierten Elektronen des Arginins und es kommt zu einer Konformations{\"a}nderung im aktiven Zentrum. Neben der Reaktion von PaoABC mit einer Vielzahl aromatischer Aldehyde konnte auch der Umsatz von Salicylaldehyd zu Salicyls{\"a}ure durch PaoABC in einer Farbreaktion bestimmt werden. Durch Ausschluss von molekularem Sauerstoff als terminaler Elektronenakzeptor, in einer enzym-gekoppelten Reaktion, erfolgte ein Elektronentransport auf Ferrocencarboxyls{\"a}ure. Die Kombination aus beiden Methoden erm{\"o}glichte eine Verwendung von Ferrocen-Derivaten zur Generierung einer enzym-gekoppelten Reaktion mit PaoABC. Die Untersuchungen zu PaoABC zeigen, dass die Vielfalt der durch das Enzym katalysierten Rektionen weitere M{\"o}glichkeiten der enzymatischen Bestimmung biokatalytischer Prozesse bietet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Paraskevopoulou2019, author = {Paraskevopoulou, Sofia}, title = {Adaptive genetic variation and responses to thermal stress in brachionid rotifers}, pages = {IV, 177}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The importance of cryptic diversity in rotifers is well understood regarding its ecological consequences, but there remains an in depth comprehension of the underlying molecular mechanisms and forces driving speciation. Temperature has been found several times to affect species spatio-temporal distribution and organisms' performance, but we lack information on the mechanisms that provide thermal tolerance to rotifers. High cryptic diversity was found recently in the freshwater rotifer "Brachionus calyciflorus", showing that the complex comprises at least four species: B. calyciflorus sensu stricto (s.s.), B. fernandoi, B. dorcas, and B. elevatus. The temporal succession among species which have been observed in sympatry led to the idea that temperature might play a crucial role in species differentiation. The central aim of this study was to unravel differences in thermal tolerance between species of the former B. calyciflorus species complex by comparing phenotypic and gene expression responses. More specifically, I used the critical maximum temperature as a proxy for inter-species differences in heat-tolerance; this was modeled as a bi-dimensional phenotypic trait taking into consideration the intention and the duration of heat stress. Significant differences on heat-tolerance between species were detected, with B. calyciflorus s.s. being able to tolerate higher temperatures than B. fernandoi. Based on evidence of within species neutral genetic variation, I further examined adaptive genetic variability within two different mtDNA lineages of the heat tolerant B. calyciflorus s.s. to identify SNPs and genes under selection that might reflect their adaptive history. These analyses did not reveal adaptive genetic variation related to heat, however, they show putatively adaptive genetic variation which may reflect local adaptation. Functional enrichment of putatively positively selected genes revealed signals of adaptation in genes related to "lipid metabolism", "xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism" and "sensory system", comprising candidate genes which can be utilized in studies on local adaptation. An absence of genetically-based differences in thermal adaptation between the two mtDNA lineages, together with our knowledge that B. calyciflorus s.s. can withstand a broad range of temperatures, led to the idea to further investigate shared transcriptomic responses to long-term exposure to high and low temperatures regimes. With this, I identified candidate genes that are involved in the response to temperature imposed stress. Lastly, I used comparative transcriptomics to examine responses to imposed heat-stress in heat-tolerant and heat-sensitive Brachionus species. I found considerably different patterns of gene expression in the two species. Most striking are patterns of expression regarding the heat shock proteins (hsps) between the two species. In the heat-tolerant, B. calyciflorus s.s., significant up-regulation of hsps at low temperatures was indicative of a stress response at the cooler end of the temperature regimes tested here. In contrast, in the heat-sensitive B. fernandoi, hsps generally exhibited up-regulation of these genes along with rising temperatures. Overall, identification of differences in expression of genes suggests suppression of protein biosynthesis to be a mechanism to increase thermal tolerance. Observed patterns in population growth are correlated with the hsp gene expression differences, indicating that this physiological stress response is indeed related to phenotypic life history performance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nguyen2019, author = {Nguyen, Manh Duy Linh}, title = {Reproduction, development and reproductive isolation barriers of the mormyrid fish (genus Campylomormyrus, Teleostei)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43719}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-437197}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {121}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Weakly electric mormyrid fish comprise about 200 species. 15 species of the genus Campylomormyrus have been described. These are very diverse concerning the trunk-like snout and the shape and duration of the electric organ discharge (EOD) and the anatomy of the electric organ. In this dissertation data on the reproduction in captivity of four species and on the ontogeny of the EOD and the EO of three species are presented. Reproduction of the four species C. compressirostris, C. rhynchophorus, C. tshokwe and C. numenius: Cyclical reproduction was provoked by changing only water conductivity (C): decreasing C led to gonadal recrudescence, an increase induced gonad regression. Data on the reproduction and development of three species are presented (in C. numenius gonad development could only be achieved in males). Agonistic behavior in the C. tshokwe pair forced us to divide the breeding tank; therefore, only ovipositions occurred. However, injection of an artificial GnRH hormone allowed us to obtain ripe eggs and sperm and to perform successful artificial reproduction. All three species (C. compressirostris, C. rhynchophorus, C. tshokwe) are indeterminate fractional spawners. Spawnings/ovipositions occurred during the second half of the night; no parental care was observed; no special spawning substrates were necessary. C. compressirostris successfully spawned in breeding groups, C. rhynchophorus as pair. Spawning intervals ranged from 6 to 66 days in C. rhynchophorus, 10-75 days in C. tshokwe, and 18 days in C. compressirostris (calculated values). Fecundities (eggs per fractional spawning) ranged from 70 to 1570 eggs in C. rhynchophorus, 100-1192 in C. tshokwe, and 38-246 in C. compressirostris. All three species produce yolky, slightly sticky eggs. Egg diameter ranges from 2.3-3.0 mm. Hatching occurred on day 3, feeding started on day 11. Transition from larval to juvenile stage occurred at around 20 mm total length (TL). At this size C. rhynchophorus developed a higher body than the two other species and differences between the species in the melanin pigmentation of the unpaired fins occurred. Between 32 and 35 mm TL the upper and lower jaws developed. C. compressirostris and C. tamandua are similar in morphology and both produce short EODs of ca. 150-200 μs duration. Both species reproduce easily in captivity. We tried to obtain natural hybrids in two breeding groups, 1) four males of C. compressirostris and three females of C. tamandua and 2) six females of C. compressirostris and four males of C. tamandua. In both combinations several times oviposition occurred, however, we never found fertilized eggs. In subsequent experiments, not described here, we obtained hybrids between these two species by means of artificial reproduction. Ontogeny of the EOD and the EO: The Campylomormyrus species are very diverse both concerning the shape and the duration of their EODs. There are species with very short EODs, e.g. C. compressirostris duration, a species with an EOD length of about 4-8 ms duration (C. tshokwe) and species with very long EODs of about 25 ms duration (e.g. C. rhynchophorus). Due to the successful breeding of the three species in captivity, we were able to investigate in detail the ontogeny of the EOD. Larvae of the three species C. compressirostris, C. tshokwe and C. rhynchophorus first produce a biphasic larval EOD typical for these small larvae. The first activity of the adult electric organ in the caudal peduncle is a biphasic juvenile EOD. Juvenile C. compressirostris and C. tshokwe start out with a short biphasic EOD of about 160 - 200 μs duration at sizes between 25 mm (C. compressirostris) and 37 mm (C. tshokwe). Adult C. compressirostris show an EOD identical to that of the juvenile. In C. tshokwe, the juvenile EOD changes continuously during development both concerning duration, amplitude increase and shape. 18 cm long C. tshokwe still do not yet produce an EOD typical for the adult fish. Juveniles of C. rhynchophorus produce at 33 mm total length a juvenile biphasic EOD, however, of longer duration (about 640 μs) than the two species mentioned above. This juvenile EOD changes continuously both in form, amplitude increase and duration with growth until the adult EOD waveform appears at about 15 cm body length. In juveniles about seven cm long the triphasic feature of the EOD starts to develop due to the appearance of a second head positive phase. Specific EOD stages are produced in relation to size and not to age. Individual differences in the EOD both concerning shape and duration are very small. The basic anatomy of the electrocytes is very similar in all three species: the main stalk which receives the innervation, is located at the caudal face of the electrocyte. Membrane penetrations of the stalks do not occur. However, there are differences in the fine structure of the electrocytes in the three species. Papillae, proliferations of the membrane, which increase the surface area of the electrocyte and are thought to incrase the EOD-duration, are only found in C. tshokwe and C. rhynchophorus. In these two species in addition, holes develop in the electrocytes during ontogeny. This might also have an impact on EOD duration.}, language = {en} }