@phdthesis{Meyerhoefer2003, author = {Meyerh{\"o}fer, Wolfram}, title = {Was testen Tests? Objektiv-hermeneutische Analysen am Beispiel von TIMSS und PISA}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-12848}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Als ich anfing, ein Thema f{\"u}r meine Promotion zu erarbeiten, fand ich Massentests ziemlich beeindruckend. TIMSS: {\"u}ber 500000 Sch{\"u}ler getestet. PISA: 180000 Sch{\"u}ler getestet. Ich wollte diese Datenbasis nutzen, um Erkenntnisse f{\"u}r die Gestaltung von Unterricht zu gewinnen. Leider kam ich damit nicht weit. Je tiefer ich mich mit den Tests und den dahinterstehenden Theorien befasste, desto deutlicher sch{\"a}lte sich heraus, dass mit diesen Tests keine neue Erkenntnis generiert werden kann. Fast alle Schlussfolgerungen, die aus den Tests gezogen werden, konnten gar nicht aus den Tests selbst gewonnen werden. Ich konzentrierte mich zunehmend auf die Testaufgaben, weil die Geltung der Aussage eines Tests an der Aufgabe erzeugt wird: In der Aufgabe gerinnt das, was die Tester als „mathematische Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit" konstruieren. Der Sch{\"u}ler wiederum hat nur die Aufgabe vor sich. Es gibt nur „gel{\"o}st" (ein Punkt) und „ungel{\"o}st" (kein Punkt). Damit der Sch{\"u}ler den Punkt bekommt, muss er an der richtigen Stelle ankreuzen, oder er muss etwas hinschrei-ben, wof{\"u}r der Auswerter einen Punkt gibt. In der Dissertation wird untersucht, was die Aufgaben testen, was also alles in das Konstrukt von „mathematischer Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit" einfließt, und ob es das ist, was der Test testen soll. Es stellte sich durchaus erstaunliches heraus: - Oftmals gibt es so viele M{\"o}glichkeiten, zur gew{\"u}nschten L{\"o}sung (die nicht in jedem Fall die richtige L{\"o}sung ist) zu gelangen, dass man nicht benennen kann, welche F{\"a}higkeit die Aufgabe eigentlich misst. Das Konstrukt „mathematische Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit" wird damit zu einem zuf{\"a}lligen. - Es werden Komponenten von Testf{\"a}higkeit mitgemessen: Viele Aufgaben enthalten Irritationen, welche von testerfahrenen Sch{\"u}lern leichter {\"u}berwunden werden k{\"o}nnen als von testunerfahrenen. Es gibt Aufgaben, die gel{\"o}st werden k{\"o}nnen, ohne dass man {\"u}ber die F{\"a}higkeit verf{\"u}gt, die getestet werden soll. Umgekehrt gibt es Aufgaben, die man eventuell nicht l{\"o}sen kann, obwohl man {\"u}ber diese F{\"a}higkeit verf{\"u}gt. Als Kernkompetenz von Testf{\"a}higkeit stellt sich heraus, weder das gestellte mathematische Problem noch die angeblichen realen Proble-me ernst zu nehmen, sondern sich statt dessen auf das zu konzentrieren, was die Tester angekreuzt oder hinge-schrieben sehen wollen. Prinzipiell erweist es sich als g{\"u}nstig, mittelm{\"a}ßig zu arbeiten, auf intellektuelle Tiefe in der Auseinandersetzung mit den Aufgaben also zu verzichten. - Man kann bei Multiple-Choice-Tests raten. Die PISA-Gruppe behauptet zwar, dieses Problem technisch {\"u}ber-winden zu k{\"o}nnen, dies erweist sich aber als Fehleinsch{\"a}tzung. - Sowohl bei TIMSS als auch bei PISA stellt sich heraus, dass die vorgeblich verwendeten didaktischen und psychologischen Theorien lediglich theoretische M{\"a}ntel f{\"u}r eine theoriearme Testerstellung sind. Am Beispiel der Theorie der mentalen Situationsmodelle (zur Bearbeitung von realit{\"a}tsnahen Aufgaben) wird dies ausf{\"u}hrlich exemplarisch ausgearbeitet. Das Problem reproduziert sich in anderen Theoriefeldern. Die Tests werden nicht durch Operationalisierungen von Messkonstrukten erstellt, sondern durch systematisches Zusammenst{\"u}ckeln von Aufgaben. - Bei PISA sollte „Mathematical Literacy" getestet werden. Verk{\"u}rzt sollte das die F{\"a}higkeit sein, „die Rolle, die Mathematik in der Welt spielt, zu erkennen und zu verstehen, begr{\"u}ndete mathematische Urteile abzugeben und sich auf eine Weise mit der Mathematik zu befassen, die den Anforderungen des gegenw{\"a}rtigen und k{\"u}nftigen Lebens einer Person als eines konstruktiven, engagierten und reflektierten B{\"u}rgers entspricht" (PISA-Eigendarstellung). Von all dem kann angesichts der Aufgaben keine Rede sein. - Bei der Untersuchung des PISA-Tests dr{\"a}ngte sich ein mathematikdidaktischer Habitus auf, der eine separate Untersuchung erzwang. Ich habe ihn unter dem Stichwort der „Abkehr von der Sache" zusammengefasst. Er ist gepr{\"a}gt von Zerst{\"o}rungen des Mathematischen bei gleichzeitiger {\"U}berbetonung des Fachsprachlichen und durch Verwerfungen des Mathematischen und des Realen bei realit{\"a}tsnahen Aufgaben. Letzteres gr{\"u}ndet in der Nicht-beachtung der Authentizit{\"a}t sowohl des Realen als auch des Mathematischen. Die Arbeit versammelt neben den Untersuchungen zu TIMSS und PISA ein ausf{\"u}hrliches Kapitel {\"u}ber das Prob-lem des Testens und eine Darstellung der Methodologie und Praxis der Objektiven Hermeneutik.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hanisch2011, author = {Hanisch, Florian}, title = {Variational problems on supermanifolds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59757}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this thesis, we discuss the formulation of variational problems on supermanifolds. Supermanifolds incorporate bosonic as well as fermionic degrees of freedom. Fermionic fields take values in the odd part of an appropriate Grassmann algebra and are thus showing an anticommutative behaviour. However, a systematic treatment of these Grassmann parameters requires a description of spaces as functors, e.g. from the category of Grassmann algberas into the category of sets (or topological spaces, manifolds). After an introduction to the general ideas of this approach, we use it to give a description of the resulting supermanifolds of fields/maps. We show that each map is uniquely characterized by a family of differential operators of appropriate order. Moreover, we demonstrate that each of this maps is uniquely characterized by its component fields, i.e. by the coefficients in a Taylor expansion w.r.t. the odd coordinates. In general, the component fields are only locally defined. We present a way how to circumvent this limitation. In fact, by enlarging the supermanifold in question, we show that it is possible to work with globally defined components. We eventually use this formalism to study variational problems. More precisely, we study a super version of the geodesic and a generalization of harmonic maps to supermanifolds. Equations of motion are derived from an energy functional and we show how to decompose them into components. Finally, in special cases, we can prove the existence of critical points by reducing the problem to equations from ordinary geometric analysis. After solving these component equations, it is possible to show that their solutions give rise to critical points in the functor spaces of fields.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vu2014, author = {Vu, Dinh Phuong}, title = {Using video study to investigate eighth-grade mathematics classrooms in Vietnam}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72464}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {273}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The International Project for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) was formed in the 1950s (Postlethwaite, 1967). Since that time, the IEA has conducted many studies in the area of mathematics, such as the First International Mathematics Study (FIMS) in 1964, the Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS) in 1980-1982, and a series of studies beginning with the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) which has been conducted every 4 years since 1995. According to Stigler et al. (1999), in the FIMS and the SIMS, U.S. students achieved low scores in comparison with students in other countries (p. 1). The TIMSS 1995 "Videotape Classroom Study" was therefore a complement to the earlier studies conducted to learn "more about the instructional and cultural processes that are associated with achievement" (Stigler et al., 1999, p. 1). The TIMSS Videotape Classroom Study is known today as the TIMSS Video Study. From the findings of the TIMSS 1995 Video Study, Stigler and Hiebert (1999) likened teaching to "mountain ranges poking above the surface of the water," whereby they implied that we might see the mountaintops, but we do not see the hidden parts underneath these mountain ranges (pp. 73-78). By watching the videotaped lessons from Germany, Japan, and the United States again and again, they discovered that "the systems of teaching within each country look similar from lesson to lesson. At least, there are certain recurring features [or patterns] that typify many of the lessons within a country and distinguish the lessons among countries" (pp. 77-78). They also discovered that "teaching is a cultural activity," so the systems of teaching "must be understood in relation to the cultural beliefs and assumptions that surround them" (pp. 85, 88). From this viewpoint, one of the purposes of this dissertation was to study some cultural aspects of mathematics teaching and relate the results to mathematics teaching and learning in Vietnam. Another research purpose was to carry out a video study in Vietnam to find out the characteristics of Vietnamese mathematics teaching and compare these characteristics with those of other countries. In particular, this dissertation carried out the following research tasks: - Studying the characteristics of teaching and learning in different cultures and relating the results to mathematics teaching and learning in Vietnam - Introducing the TIMSS, the TIMSS Video Study and the advantages of using video study in investigating mathematics teaching and learning - Carrying out the video study in Vietnam to identify the image, scripts and patterns, and the lesson signature of eighth-grade mathematics teaching in Vietnam - Comparing some aspects of mathematics teaching in Vietnam and other countries and identifying the similarities and differences across countries - Studying the demands and challenges of innovating mathematics teaching methods in Vietnam - lessons from the video studies Hopefully, this dissertation will be a useful reference material for pre-service teachers at education universities to understand the nature of teaching and develop their teaching career.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Angwenyi2019, author = {Angwenyi, David}, title = {Time-continuous state and parameter estimation with application to hyperbolic SPDEs}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43654}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436542}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 101}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Data assimilation has been an active area of research in recent years, owing to its wide utility. At the core of data assimilation are filtering, prediction, and smoothing procedures. Filtering entails incorporation of measurements' information into the model to gain more insight into a given state governed by a noisy state space model. Most natural laws are governed by time-continuous nonlinear models. For the most part, the knowledge available about a model is incomplete; and hence uncertainties are approximated by means of probabilities. Time-continuous filtering, therefore, holds promise for wider usefulness, for it offers a means of combining noisy measurements with imperfect model to provide more insight on a given state. The solution to time-continuous nonlinear Gaussian filtering problem is provided for by the Kushner-Stratonovich equation. Unfortunately, the Kushner-Stratonovich equation lacks a closed-form solution. Moreover, the numerical approximations based on Taylor expansion above third order are fraught with computational complications. For this reason, numerical methods based on Monte Carlo methods have been resorted to. Chief among these methods are sequential Monte-Carlo methods (or particle filters), for they allow for online assimilation of data. Particle filters are not without challenges: they suffer from particle degeneracy, sample impoverishment, and computational costs arising from resampling. The goal of this thesis is to:— i) Review the derivation of Kushner-Stratonovich equation from first principles and its extant numerical approximation methods, ii) Study the feedback particle filters as a way of avoiding resampling in particle filters, iii) Study joint state and parameter estimation in time-continuous settings, iv) Apply the notions studied to linear hyperbolic stochastic differential equations. The interconnection between It{\^o} integrals and stochastic partial differential equations and those of Stratonovich is introduced in anticipation of feedback particle filters. With these ideas and motivated by the variants of ensemble Kalman-Bucy filters founded on the structure of the innovation process, a feedback particle filter with randomly perturbed innovation is proposed. Moreover, feedback particle filters based on coupling of prediction and analysis measures are proposed. They register a better performance than the bootstrap particle filter at lower ensemble sizes. We study joint state and parameter estimation, both by means of extended state spaces and by use of dual filters. Feedback particle filters seem to perform well in both cases. Finally, we apply joint state and parameter estimation in the advection and wave equation, whose velocity is spatially varying. Two methods are employed: Metropolis Hastings with filter likelihood and a dual filter comprising of Kalman-Bucy filter and ensemble Kalman-Bucy filter. The former performs better than the latter.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mera2017, author = {Mera, Azal Jaafar Musa}, title = {The Navier-Stokes equations for elliptic quasicomplexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-398495}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {101}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The classical Navier-Stokes equations of hydrodynamics are usually written in terms of vector analysis. More promising is the formulation of these equations in the language of differential forms of degree one. In this way the study of Navier-Stokes equations includes the analysis of the de Rham complex. In particular, the Hodge theory for the de Rham complex enables one to eliminate the pressure from the equations. The Navier-Stokes equations constitute a parabolic system with a nonlinear term which makes sense only for one-forms. A simpler model of dynamics of incompressible viscous fluid is given by Burgers' equation. This work is aimed at the study of invariant structure of the Navier-Stokes equations which is closely related to the algebraic structure of the de Rham complex at step 1. To this end we introduce Navier-Stokes equations related to any elliptic quasicomplex of first order differential operators. These equations are quite similar to the classical Navier-Stokes equations including generalised velocity and pressure vectors. Elimination of the pressure from the generalised Navier-Stokes equations gives a good motivation for the study of the Neumann problem after Spencer for elliptic quasicomplexes. Such a study is also included in the work.We start this work by discussion of Lam{\´e} equations within the context of elliptic quasicomplexes on compact manifolds with boundary. The non-stationary Lam{\´e} equations form a hyperbolic system. However, the study of the first mixed problem for them gives a good experience to attack the linearised Navier-Stokes equations. On this base we describe a class of non-linear perturbations of the Navier-Stokes equations, for which the solvability results still hold.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LopezValencia2023, author = {Lopez Valencia, Diego Andres}, title = {The Milnor-Moore and Poincar{\´e}-Birkhoff-Witt theorems in the locality set up and the polar structure of Shintani zeta functions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59421}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-594213}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {147}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This thesis bridges two areas of mathematics, algebra on the one hand with the Milnor-Moore theorem (also called Cartier-Quillen-Milnor-Moore theorem) as well as the Poincar{\´e}-Birkhoff-Witt theorem, and analysis on the other hand with Shintani zeta functions which generalise multiple zeta functions. The first part is devoted to an algebraic formulation of the locality principle in physics and generalisations of classification theorems such as Milnor-Moore and Poincar{\´e}-Birkhoff-Witt theorems to the locality framework. The locality principle roughly says that events that take place far apart in spacetime do not infuence each other. The algebraic formulation of this principle discussed here is useful when analysing singularities which arise from events located far apart in space, in order to renormalise them while keeping a memory of the fact that they do not influence each other. We start by endowing a vector space with a symmetric relation, named the locality relation, which keeps track of elements that are "locally independent". The pair of a vector space together with such relation is called a pre-locality vector space. This concept is extended to tensor products allowing only tensors made of locally independent elements. We extend this concept to the locality tensor algebra, and locality symmetric algebra of a pre-locality vector space and prove the universal properties of each of such structures. We also introduce the pre-locality Lie algebras, together with their associated locality universal enveloping algebras and prove their universal property. We later upgrade all such structures and results from the pre-locality to the locality context, requiring the locality relation to be compatible with the linear structure of the vector space. This allows us to define locality coalgebras, locality bialgebras, and locality Hopf algebras. Finally, all the previous results are used to prove the locality version of the Milnor-Moore and the Poincar{\´e}-Birkhoff-Witt theorems. It is worth noticing that the proofs presented, not only generalise the results in the usual (non-locality) setup, but also often use less tools than their counterparts in their non-locality counterparts. The second part is devoted to study the polar structure of the Shintani zeta functions. Such functions, which generalise the Riemman zeta function, multiple zeta functions, Mordell-Tornheim zeta functions, among others, are parametrised by matrices with real non-negative arguments. It is known that Shintani zeta functions extend to meromorphic functions with poles on afine hyperplanes. We refine this result in showing that the poles lie on hyperplanes parallel to the facets of certain convex polyhedra associated to the defining matrix for the Shintani zeta function. Explicitly, the latter are the Newton polytopes of the polynomials induced by the columns of the underlying matrix. We then prove that the coeficients of the equation which describes the hyperplanes in the canonical basis are either zero or one, similar to the poles arising when renormalising generic Feynman amplitudes. For that purpose, we introduce an algorithm to distribute weight over a graph such that the weight at each vertex satisfies a given lower bound.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Branding2012, author = {Branding, Volker}, title = {The evolution equations for Dirac-harmonic Maps}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-64204}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This thesis investigates the gradient flow of Dirac-harmonic maps. Dirac-harmonic maps are critical points of an energy functional that is motivated from supersymmetric field theories. The critical points of this energy functional couple the equation for harmonic maps with spinor fields. At present, many analytical properties of Dirac-harmonic maps are known, but a general existence result is still missing. In this thesis the existence question is studied using the evolution equations for a regularized version of Dirac-harmonic maps. Since the energy functional for Dirac-harmonic maps is unbounded from below the method of the gradient flow cannot be applied directly. Thus, we first of all consider a regularization prescription for Dirac-harmonic maps and then study the gradient flow. Chapter 1 gives some background material on harmonic maps/harmonic spinors and summarizes the current known results about Dirac-harmonic maps. Chapter 2 introduces the notion of Dirac-harmonic maps in detail and presents a regularization prescription for Dirac-harmonic maps. In Chapter 3 the evolution equations for regularized Dirac-harmonic maps are introduced. In addition, the evolution of certain energies is discussed. Moreover, the existence of a short-time solution to the evolution equations is established. Chapter 4 analyzes the evolution equations in the case that the domain manifold is a closed curve. Here, the existence of a smooth long-time solution is proven. Moreover, for the regularization being large enough, it is shown that the evolution equations converge to a regularized Dirac-harmonic map. Finally, it is discussed in which sense the regularization can be removed. In Chapter 5 the evolution equations are studied when the domain manifold is a closed Riemmannian spin surface. For the regularization being large enough, the existence of a global weak solution, which is smooth away from finitely many singularities is proven. It is shown that the evolution equations converge weakly to a regularized Dirac-harmonic map. In addition, it is discussed if the regularization can be removed in this case.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koh2008, author = {Koh, Dennis}, title = {The evolution equation for closed magnetic geodesics}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-940793-24-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-16647}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {60}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Orbits of charged particles under the effect of a magnetic field are mathematically described by magnetic geodesics. They appear as solutions to a system of (nonlinear) ordinary differential equations of second order. But we are only interested in periodic solutions. To this end, we study the corresponding system of (nonlinear) parabolic equations for closed magnetic geodesics and, as a main result, eventually prove the existence of long time solutions. As generalization one can consider a system of elliptic nonlinear partial differential equations whose solutions describe the orbits of closed p-branes under the effect of a "generalized physical force". For the corresponding evolution equation, which is a system of parabolic nonlinear partial differential equations associated to the elliptic PDE, we can establish existence of short time solutions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LindbladPetersen2017, author = {Lindblad Petersen, Oliver}, title = {The Cauchy problem for the linearised Einstein equation and the Goursat problem for wave equations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410216}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {108}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In this thesis, we study two initial value problems arising in general relativity. The first is the Cauchy problem for the linearised Einstein equation on general globally hyperbolic spacetimes, with smooth and distributional initial data. We extend well-known results by showing that given a solution to the linearised constraint equations of arbitrary real Sobolev regularity, there is a globally defined solution, which is unique up to addition of gauge solutions. Two solutions are considered equivalent if they differ by a gauge solution. Our main result is that the equivalence class of solutions depends continuously on the corre- sponding equivalence class of initial data. We also solve the linearised constraint equations in certain cases and show that there exist arbitrarily irregular (non-gauge) solutions to the linearised Einstein equation on Minkowski spacetime and Kasner spacetime. In the second part, we study the Goursat problem (the characteristic Cauchy problem) for wave equations. We specify initial data on a smooth compact Cauchy horizon, which is a lightlike hypersurface. This problem has not been studied much, since it is an initial value problem on a non-globally hyperbolic spacetime. Our main result is that given a smooth function on a non-empty, smooth, compact, totally geodesic and non-degenerate Cauchy horizon and a so called admissible linear wave equation, there exists a unique solution that is defined on the globally hyperbolic region and restricts to the given function on the Cauchy horizon. Moreover, the solution depends continuously on the initial data. A linear wave equation is called admissible if the first order part satisfies a certain condition on the Cauchy horizon, for example if it vanishes. Interestingly, both existence of solution and uniqueness are false for general wave equations, as examples show. If we drop the non-degeneracy assumption, examples show that existence of solution fails even for the simplest wave equation. The proof requires precise energy estimates for the wave equation close to the Cauchy horizon. In case the Ricci curvature vanishes on the Cauchy horizon, we show that the energy estimates are strong enough to prove local existence and uniqueness for a class of non-linear wave equations. Our results apply in particular to the Taub-NUT spacetime and the Misner spacetime. It has recently been shown that compact Cauchy horizons in spacetimes satisfying the null energy condition are necessarily smooth and totally geodesic. Our results therefore apply if the spacetime satisfies the null energy condition and the Cauchy horizon is compact and non-degenerate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bartels1999, author = {Bartels, Knut}, title = {Tests zur Modellspezifikation in der nichtlinearen Regression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000171}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Als Grundlage vieler statistischer Verfahren wird der Prozess der Entstehung von Daten modelliert, um dann weitere Sch{\"a}tz- und Testverfahren anzuwenden. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, wie diese Spezifikation f{\"u}r parametrische Modelle selbst getestet werden kann. In Erweiterung bestehender Verfahren werden Tests mit festem Kern eingef{\"u}hrt und ihre asymptotischen Eigenschaften werden analysiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Bestimmung der kritischen Werte mit mehreren Stichprobenwiederholungsverfahren m{\"o}glich ist. Von diesen ist eine neue Monte-Carlo-Approximation besonders wichtig, da sie die Komplexit{\"a}t der Berechnung deutlich verringern kann. Ein bedingter Kleinste-Quadrate-Sch{\"a}tzer f{\"u}r nichtlineare parametrische Modelle wird definiert und seine wesentlichen asymptotischen Eigenschaften werden hergeleitet. S{\"a}mtliche Versionen der Tests und alle neuen Konzepte wurden in Simulationsstudien untersucht, deren wichtigste Resultate pr{\"a}sentiert werden. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit der Testverfahren wird an einem Datensatz zur Produktwahl dargelegt, der mit multinomialen Logit-Modellen analysiert werden soll.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hain2022, author = {Hain, Tobias Martin}, title = {Structure formation and identification in geometrically driven soft matter systems}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55880}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-558808}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 171}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Subdividing space through interfaces leads to many space partitions that are relevant to soft matter self-assembly. Prominent examples include cellular media, e.g. soap froths, which are bubbles of air separated by interfaces of soap and water, but also more complex partitions such as bicontinuous minimal surfaces. Using computer simulations, this thesis analyses soft matter systems in terms of the relationship between the physical forces between the system's constituents and the structure of the resulting interfaces or partitions. The focus is on two systems, copolymeric self-assembly and the so-called Quantizer problem, where the driving force of structure formation, the minimisation of the free-energy, is an interplay of surface area minimisation and stretching contributions, favouring cells of uniform thickness. In the first part of the thesis we address copolymeric phase formation with sharp interfaces. We analyse a columnar copolymer system "forced" to assemble on a spherical surface, where the perfect solution, the hexagonal tiling, is topologically prohibited. For a system of three-armed copolymers, the resulting structure is described by solutions of the so-called Thomson problem, the search of minimal energy configurations of repelling charges on a sphere. We find three intertwined Thomson problem solutions on a single sphere, occurring at a probability depending on the radius of the substrate. We then investigate the formation of amorphous and crystalline structures in the Quantizer system, a particulate model with an energy functional without surface tension that favours spherical cells of equal size. We find that quasi-static equilibrium cooling allows the Quantizer system to crystallise into a BCC ground state, whereas quenching and non-equilibrium cooling, i.e. cooling at slower rates then quenching, leads to an approximately hyperuniform, amorphous state. The assumed universality of the latter, i.e. independence of energy minimisation method or initial configuration, is strengthened by our results. We expand the Quantizer system by introducing interface tension, creating a model that we find to mimic polymeric micelle systems: An order-disorder phase transition is observed with a stable Frank-Caspar phase. The second part considers bicontinuous partitions of space into two network-like domains, and introduces an open-source tool for the identification of structures in electron microscopy images. We expand a method of matching experimentally accessible projections with computed projections of potential structures, introduced by Deng and Mieczkowski (1998). The computed structures are modelled using nodal representations of constant-mean-curvature surfaces. A case study conducted on etioplast cell membranes in chloroplast precursors establishes the double Diamond surface structure to be dominant in these plant cells. We automate the matching process employing deep-learning methods, which manage to identify structures with excellent accuracy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pedeches2017, author = {P{\´e}d{\`e}ches, Laure}, title = {Stochastic models for collective motions of populations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-405491}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {187}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Stochastisches Modell f{\"u}r kollektive Bewegung von Populationen In dieser Doktorarbeit befassen wir uns mit stochastischen Systemen, die eines der mysteri{\"o}sesten biologischen Ph{\"a}nomene als Modell darstellen: die kollektive Bewegung von Gemeinschaften. Diese werden bei V{\"o}gel- und Fischschw{\"a}rmen, aber auch bei manchen Bakterien, Viehherden oder gar bei Menschen beobachtet. Dieser Verhaltenstyp spielt ebenfalls in anderen Bereichen wie Finanzwesen, Linguistik oder auch Robotik eine Rolle. Wir nehmen uns der Dynamik einer Gruppe von N Individuen, insbesondere zweier asymptotischen Verhaltenstypen an. Einerseits befassen wir uns mit den Eigenschaften der Ergodizit{\"a}t in Langzeit: Existenz einer invarianten Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung durch Ljapunow-Funktionen, und Konvergenzrate der {\"U}bergangshalbgruppe gegen diese Wahrscheinlichkeit. Eine ebenfalls zentrale Thematik unserer Forschung ist der Begriff Flocking: es wird damit definiert, dass eine Gruppe von Individuen einen dynamischen Konsens ohne hierarchische Struktur erreichen kann; mathematisch gesehen entspricht dies der Aneinanderreihung der Geschwindigkeiten und dem Zusammenkommen des Schwarmes. Andererseits gehen wir das Ph{\"a}nomen der "Propagation of Chaos" an, wenn die Anzahl N der Teilchen ins Unendliche tendiert: die Bewegungen der jeweiligen Individuen werden asymptotisch unabh{\"a}ngig. Unser Ausgangspunkt ist das Cucker-Smale-Modell, ein deterministisches kinetisches Molekular-Modell f{\"u}r eine Gruppe ohne hierarchische Struktur. Die Wechselwirkung zwischen zwei Teilchen variiert gem{\"a}ß deren "Kommunikationsrate", die wiederum von deren relativen Entfernung abh{\"a}ngt und polynomisch abnimmt. Im ersten Kapitel adressieren wir das asymptotische Verhalten eines Cucker-Smale-Modells mit Rauschst{\"o}rung und dessen Varianten. Kapitel 2 stellt mehrere Definitionen des Flockings in einem Zufallsrahmen dar: diverse stochastische Systeme, die verschiedenen Rauschformen entsprechen (die eine gest{\"o}rte Umgebung, den "freien Willen" des jeweiligen Individuums oder eine unterbrochene {\"U}bertragung suggerieren) werden im Zusammenhang mit diesen Begriffen unter die Lupe genommen. Das dritte Kapitel basiert auf der "Cluster Expansion"-Methode aus der statistischen Mechanik. Wir beweisen die exponentielle Ergodizit{\"a}t von gewissen nicht-Markow-Prozessen mit nicht-glattem Drift und wenden diese Ergebnisse auf St{\"o}rungen des Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-Prozesses an. Im letzten Teil, nehmen wir uns der zweidimensionalen parabolisch-elliptischen Gleichung von Keller-Segel an. Wir beweisen die Existenz einer L{\"o}sung, welche in gewisser Hinsicht einzig ist, indem wir, mittels Vergleich mit Bessel-Prozessen und der Dirichlet Formtheorie, m{\"o}gliche Stoßtypen zwischen den Teilchen ermitteln.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kroencke2013, author = {Kr{\"o}ncke, Klaus}, title = {Stability of Einstein Manifolds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69639}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This thesis deals with Einstein metrics and the Ricci flow on compact mani- folds. We study the second variation of the Einstein-Hilbert functional on Ein- stein metrics. In the first part of the work, we find curvature conditions which ensure the stability of Einstein manifolds with respect to the Einstein-Hilbert functional, i.e. that the second variation of the Einstein-Hilbert functional at the metric is nonpositive in the direction of transverse-traceless tensors. The second part of the work is devoted to the study of the Ricci flow and how its behaviour close to Einstein metrics is influenced by the variational be- haviour of the Einstein-Hilbert functional. We find conditions which imply that Einstein metrics are dynamically stable or unstable with respect to the Ricci flow and we express these conditions in terms of stability properties of the metric with respect to the Einstein-Hilbert functional and properties of the Laplacian spectrum.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Oancea2021, author = {Oancea, Marius-Adrian}, title = {Spin Hall effects in general relativity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-50229}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-502293}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 123}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The propagation of test fields, such as electromagnetic, Dirac or linearized gravity, on a fixed spacetime manifold is often studied by using the geometrical optics approximation. In the limit of infinitely high frequencies, the geometrical optics approximation provides a conceptual transition between the test field and an effective point-particle description. The corresponding point-particles, or wave rays, coincide with the geodesics of the underlying spacetime. For most astrophysical applications of interest, such as the observation of celestial bodies, gravitational lensing, or the observation of cosmic rays, the geometrical optics approximation and the effective point-particle description represent a satisfactory theoretical model. However, the geometrical optics approximation gradually breaks down as test fields of finite frequency are considered. In this thesis, we consider the propagation of test fields on spacetime, beyond the leading-order geometrical optics approximation. By performing a covariant Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin analysis for test fields, we show how higher-order corrections to the geometrical optics approximation can be considered. The higher-order corrections are related to the dynamics of the spin internal degree of freedom of the considered test field. We obtain an effective point-particle description, which contains spin-dependent corrections to the geodesic motion obtained using geometrical optics. This represents a covariant generalization of the well-known spin Hall effect, usually encountered in condensed matter physics and in optics. Our analysis is applied to electromagnetic and massive Dirac test fields, but it can easily be extended to other fields, such as linearized gravity. In the electromagnetic case, we present several examples where the gravitational spin Hall effect of light plays an important role. These include the propagation of polarized light rays on black hole spacetimes and cosmological spacetimes, as well as polarization-dependent effects on the shape of black hole shadows. Furthermore, we show that our effective point-particle equations for polarized light rays reproduce well-known results, such as the spin Hall effect of light in an inhomogeneous medium, and the relativistic Hall effect of polarized electromagnetic wave packets encountered in Minkowski spacetime.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Perera2021, author = {Perera, Upeksha}, title = {Solutions of direct and inverse Sturm-Liouville problems}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53006}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-530064}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 109}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Lie group method in combination with Magnus expansion is utilized to develop a universal method applicable to solving a Sturm-Liouville Problem (SLP) of any order with arbitrary boundary conditions. It is shown that the method has ability to solve direct regular and some singular SLPs of even orders (tested up to order eight), with a mix of boundary conditions (including non-separable and finite singular endpoints), accurately and efficiently. The present technique is successfully applied to overcome the difficulties in finding suitable sets of eigenvalues so that the inverse SLP problem can be effectively solved. Next, a concrete implementation to the inverse Sturm-Liouville problem algorithm proposed by Barcilon (1974) is provided. Furthermore, computational feasibility and applicability of this algorithm to solve inverse Sturm-Liouville problems of order n=2,4 is verified successfully. It is observed that the method is successful even in the presence of significant noise, provided that the assumptions of the algorithm are satisfied. In conclusion, this work provides methods that can be adapted successfully for solving a direct (regular/singular) or inverse SLP of an arbitrary order with arbitrary boundary conditions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wallenta2015, author = {Wallenta, Daniel}, title = {Sequences of compact curvature}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-87489}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 73}, year = {2015}, abstract = {By perturbing the differential of a (cochain-)complex by "small" operators, one obtains what is referred to as quasicomplexes, i.e. a sequence whose curvature is not equal to zero in general. In this situation the cohomology is no longer defined. Note that it depends on the structure of the underlying spaces whether or not an operator is "small." This leads to a magical mix of perturbation and regularisation theory. In the general setting of Hilbert spaces compact operators are "small." In order to develop this theory, many elements of diverse mathematical disciplines, such as functional analysis, differential geometry, partial differential equation, homological algebra and topology have to be combined. All essential basics are summarised in the first chapter of this thesis. This contains classical elements of index theory, such as Fredholm operators, elliptic pseudodifferential operators and characteristic classes. Moreover we study the de Rham complex and introduce Sobolev spaces of arbitrary order as well as the concept of operator ideals. In the second chapter, the abstract theory of (Fredholm) quasicomplexes of Hilbert spaces will be developed. From the very beginning we will consider quasicomplexes with curvature in an ideal class. We introduce the Euler characteristic, the cone of a quasiendomorphism and the Lefschetz number. In particular, we generalise Euler's identity, which will allow us to develop the Lefschetz theory on nonseparable Hilbert spaces. Finally, in the third chapter the abstract theory will be applied to elliptic quasicomplexes with pseudodifferential operators of arbitrary order. We will show that the Atiyah-Singer index formula holds true for those objects and, as an example, we will compute the Euler characteristic of the connection quasicomplex. In addition to this we introduce geometric quasiendomorphisms and prove a generalisation of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem of Atiyah and Bott.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{DiGesu2012, author = {Di Ges{\`u}, Giacomo}, title = {Semiclassical spectral analysis of discrete Witten Laplacians}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-65286}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {A discrete analogue of the Witten Laplacian on the n-dimensional integer lattice is considered. After rescaling of the operator and the lattice size we analyze the tunnel effect between different wells, providing sharp asymptotics of the low-lying spectrum. Our proof, inspired by work of B. Helffer, M. Klein and F. Nier in continuous setting, is based on the construction of a discrete Witten complex and a semiclassical analysis of the corresponding discrete Witten Laplacian on 1-forms. The result can be reformulated in terms of metastable Markov processes on the lattice.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hohberger2006, author = {Hohberger, Horst}, title = {Semiclassical asymptotics for the scattering amplitude in the presence of focal points at infinity}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11574}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {We consider scattering in \$\R^n\$, \$n\ge 2\$, described by the Schr\"odinger operator \$P(h)=-h^2\Delta+V\$, where \$V\$ is a short-range potential. With the aid of Maslov theory, we give a geometrical formula for the semiclassical asymptotics as \$h\to 0\$ of the scattering amplitude \$f(\omega_-,\omega_+;\lambda,h)\$ \$\omega_+\neq\omega_-\$) which remains valid in the presence of focal points at infinity (caustics). Crucial for this analysis are precise estimates on the asymptotics of the classical phase trajectories and the relationship between caustics in euclidean phase space and caustics at infinity.}, subject = {Mathematik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Demircioglu2007, author = {Demircioglu, Aydin}, title = {Reconstruction of deligne classes and cocycles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13755}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit verallgemeinern wir im Wesentlichen zwei Theoreme von Mackaay-Picken und Picken (2002, 2004). Im ihrem Artikel zeigen Mackaay und Picken,dass es eine bijektive Korrespodenz zwischen Deligne 2-Klassen \$\xi \in \check{H}^2(M, \mathcal{D}^2)\$ und Holonomie Abbildungen von der zweiten d{\"u}nnen Homotopiegruppe \$\pi_2^2(M)\$ in die abelsche Gruppe \$U(1)\$ gibt. Im zweiten Artikel wird eine Verallgemeinerung dieses Theorems bewiesen: Picken zeigt, dass es eine Bijektion gibt zwischen Deligne 2-Kozykeln und gewissen 2-dimensionalen topologischen Quantenfeldtheorien. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir, dass diese beiden Theoreme in allen Dimensionen gelten.Wir betrachten zun{\"a}chst den Holonomie Fall und k{\"o}nnen mittels simplizialen Methoden nachweisen, dass die Gruppe der glatten Deligne \$d\$-Klassen isomorph ist zu der Gruppe der glatten Holonomie Abbildungen von der \$d\$-ten d{\"u}nnen Homotopiegruppe \$\pi_d^d(M)\$ nach \$U(1)\$, sofern \$M\$ eine \$(d-1)\$-zusammenh{\"a}ngende Mannigfaltigkeit ist. Wir vergleichen dieses Resultat mit einem Satz von Gajer (1999). Gajer zeigte, dass jede Deligne \$d\$-Klasse durch eine andere Klasse von Holonomie-Abbildungen rekonstruiert werden kann, die aber nicht nur Holonomien entlang von Sph{\"a}ren, sondern auch entlang von allgemeinen \$d\$-Mannigfaltigkeiten in \$M\$ enth{\"a}lt. Dieser Zugang ben{\"o}tigt dann aber nicht, dass \$M\$ hoch-zusammenh{\"a}ngend ist. Wir zeigen, dass im Falle von flachen Deligne \$d\$-Klassen unser Rekonstruktionstheorem sich von Gajers unterscheidet, sofern \$M\$ nicht als \$(d-1)\$, sondern nur als \$(d-2)\$-zusammenh{\"a}ngend angenommen wird. Stiefel Mannigfaltigkeiten besitzen genau diese Eigenschaft, und wendet man unser Theorem auf diese an und vergleicht das Resultat mit dem von Gajer, so zeigt sich, dass es zuviele Deligne Klassen rekonstruiert. Dies bedeutet, dass unser Rekonstruktionsthreorem ohne die Zusatzbedingungen an die Mannigfaltigkeit M nicht auskommt, d.h. unsere Rekonstruktion ben{\"o}tigt zwar weniger Informationen {\"u}ber die Holonomie entlang von d-dimensionalen Mannigfaltigkeiten, aber daf{\"u}r muss M auch \$(d-1)\$-zusammenh{\"a}ngend angenommen werden. Wir zeigen dann, dass auch das zweite Theorem verallgemeinert werden kann: Indem wir das Konzept einer Picken topologischen Quantenfeldtheorie in beliebigen Dimensionen einf{\"u}hren, k{\"o}nnen wir nachweisen, dass jeder Deligne \$d\$-Kozykel eine solche \$d\$-dimensionale Feldtheorie mit zwei besonderen Eigenschaften, der d{\"u}nnen Invarianz und der Glattheit, induziert. Wir beweisen, dass jede \$d\$-dimensionale topologische Quantenfeldtheorie nach Picken mit diesen zwei Eigenschaften auch eine Deligne \$d\$-Klasse definiert und pr{\"u}fen nach, dass diese Konstruktion sowohl surjektiv als auch injektiv ist. Demzufolge sind beide Gruppen isomorph.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Murr2012, author = {Murr, R{\"u}diger}, title = {Reciprocal classes of Markov processes : an approach with duality formulae}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62091}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {This work is concerned with the characterization of certain classes of stochastic processes via duality formulae. In particular we consider reciprocal processes with jumps, a subject up to now neglected in the literature. In the first part we introduce a new formulation of a characterization of processes with independent increments. This characterization is based on a duality formula satisfied by processes with infinitely divisible increments, in particular L{\´e}vy processes, which is well known in Malliavin calculus. We obtain two new methods to prove this duality formula, which are not based on the chaos decomposition of the space of square-integrable function- als. One of these methods uses a formula of partial integration that characterizes infinitely divisible random vectors. In this context, our characterization is a generalization of Stein's lemma for Gaussian random variables and Chen's lemma for Poisson random variables. The generality of our approach permits us to derive a characterization of infinitely divisible random measures. The second part of this work focuses on the study of the reciprocal classes of Markov processes with and without jumps and their characterization. We start with a resume of already existing results concerning the reciprocal classes of Brownian diffusions as solutions of duality formulae. As a new contribution, we show that the duality formula satisfied by elements of the reciprocal class of a Brownian diffusion has a physical interpretation as a stochastic Newton equation of motion. Thus we are able to connect the results of characterizations via duality formulae with the theory of stochastic mechanics by our interpretation, and to stochastic optimal control theory by the mathematical approach. As an application we are able to prove an invariance property of the reciprocal class of a Brownian diffusion under time reversal. In the context of pure jump processes we derive the following new results. We describe the reciprocal classes of Markov counting processes, also called unit jump processes, and obtain a characterization of the associated reciprocal class via a duality formula. This formula contains as key terms a stochastic derivative, a compensated stochastic integral and an invariant of the reciprocal class. Moreover we present an interpretation of the characterization of a reciprocal class in the context of stochastic optimal control of unit jump processes. As a further application we show that the reciprocal class of a Markov counting process has an invariance property under time reversal. Some of these results are extendable to the setting of pure jump processes, that is, we admit different jump-sizes. In particular, we show that the reciprocal classes of Markov jump processes can be compared using reciprocal invariants. A characterization of the reciprocal class of compound Poisson processes via a duality formula is possible under the assumption that the jump-sizes of the process are incommensurable.}, language = {en} }