@article{Hassler2020, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Pasigraf{\´i}a y antipasigraf{\´i}a a finales del siglo XVIII y a principios del siglo XIX}, volume = {41}, editor = {Calero Vaquerao, Mar{\´i}a Luisa}, publisher = {Infoling}, address = {Barcelona}, issn = {1139-8736}, pages = {169 -- 192}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In 1797 a rather short work appeared in Paris in two volumes, under the title Pasigraphie in both its French and German versions. The author, Joseph de Maimieux (1753-1820), is said to have coined the term pasigraphie. With the invention of pasigraphy, Maimieux pursued the goal of creating a conceptually based writing system that could be applied to all languages. In this way, a text written in this script could be read in all languages. The pasigraphic system is based on an a priori system of conceptual classification to which written characters are assigned. It is therefore initially an exclusively written language, on which Maimieux two years later also built a spoken language with the Pasilalie. The first arguments against the endeavour represented by the Pasigraphie were brought forward by Maimieux' immediate contemporaries, the ideologues. These objections were re-affirmed in particular by Johann Severin Vater. The decisive difference between Maimieux and his critics lies in the determination of the role of signs in the formation of concepts. While for Maimieux the signs only name the finished concepts, his critics argued that signs have a function in the constitution of the concepts. A universal language is therefore ultimately not possible, since there are no universal concepts and the individual languages lead to different conceptual structures.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2008, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Temas, remas, focos y t{\´o}picos en la oralidad fingida y en su traducci{\´o}n}, isbn = {978-3-8652-7417-5}, year = {2008}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2008, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Recursos evidenciales en las lenguas romances : un estudio funcional y comparativo}, isbn = {978-3-936609-31-8}, year = {2008}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2008, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Temas, remas, focos y t{\´o}picos en la oralidad fingida y en su traducci{\´o}n}, isbn = {978-84-8489-397-4}, year = {2008}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2008, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Pr{\´o}logo}, isbn = {978-84-936171-2-7}, year = {2008}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2007, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Las part{\´i}culas entre la gram{\´a}tica y la lexicograf{\´i}a}, isbn = {3-86143-174-2}, year = {2007}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2006, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Dois Ant{\´i}dotos da l{\´i}ngua no S{\´e}culo XVIII}, isbn = {978-3-925203-97-8}, year = {2006}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2005, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {El uso evidencial de adverbios modales}, isbn = {3-86596-004-9}, year = {2005}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2005, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {La reflexi{\´o}n sobre el lenguaje en Espa{\~n}a entre la tradici{\´o}n e innovaci{\´o}n dieciochescas}, isbn = {3-631-53345-4}, year = {2005}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2004, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {El discurso normativo sobre el orden de las palabras en espa{\~n}ol}, isbn = {3-86527-162-6}, year = {2004}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2015, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Ram{\´o}n Campos P{\´e}rez: un te{\´o}rico del lenguaje dejado en el olvido}, series = {Censuras, exclusiones y silencios en la historia de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica hisp{\´a}nica}, volume = {36}, journal = {Censuras, exclusiones y silencios en la historia de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica hisp{\´a}nica}, editor = {Calero Vaquero, Mar{\´i}a Luisa and Subirats R{\"u}ggeberg, Carlos}, issn = {1139-8736}, pages = {73 -- 94}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Ram{\´o}n Campos was very much influenced by the sensationist views current in French linguistic theory and developed these further, even to the point of drawing radical conclusions. In his opinion, abstraction is solely possible by using words. According to his ideas, articulated spoken language is the essential prerequisite for higher thought processes. Furthermore, the adjectives which name characteristics are derived from nouns. Memory and the formation of general ideas are the result of the "gift of the word" and by no means are actions of the human mind. Sign language, which was accepted in French linguistic theory as a precursor of spoken language, is not enough for carrying out abstractions. The tendency of thought to concretise contributes to the dissemination of abstractions. No dependent or referential word can be understood as the original word. He also developed these ideas in his treatise De la desigualdad personal en la sociedad civil ('On personal inequality in civil society'), where they became the basis of a new ethics of communication. This paper intends to explore the concept of the "gift of the word", which according to Campos is the only instrument of abstraction and analysis. Applying this concept, human thought can be divided into two capacities or powers: imagination and memory.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2014, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Los tiempos verbales y sus denominaciones en las gram{\´a}ticas espa{\~n}olas desde el siglo XVII hasta el siglo XX}, series = {M{\´e}todos y resultados actuales en Historiograf{\´i}a de la Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, volume = {1}, journal = {M{\´e}todos y resultados actuales en Historiograf{\´i}a de la Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, publisher = {Nodus Publikationen}, address = {M{\"u}nster}, isbn = {978-3-89323-020-4}, pages = {349 -- 360}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this paper, the names of the Spanish verb forms are examined with emphasis on the forms of the so-called past tense and the relationship of their conceptual potential to the function of these forms. The names of the verb forms in Spanish grammars from the 17th to the 20th century are determined by Latin grammar, but also by theoretical positions of their authors.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2016, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {La inversiones del orden de palabras}, series = {Revista de Investigaci{\´o}n Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, volume = {19}, journal = {Revista de Investigaci{\´o}n Ling{\"u}{\´i}stica}, issn = {1989-4554}, pages = {35 -- 60}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Las teor{\´i}as sobre el orden de las palabras del siglo XVII han encontrado mucha repercusi{\´o}n en las investigaciones actuales sobre la estructura de la informaci{\´o}n. No obstante, estas alusiones tienden a ser inconscientes. ?'C{\´o}mo deben evaluar los histori{\´o}grafos tales similitudes, mucho m{\´a}s all{\´a} de determinar su continuidad? ?'Se pueden derivar tal vez conclusiones sobre este tema complejo, que es relevante en la discusi{\´o}n de hoy en d{\´i}a, tomando en cuenta las diversas posiciones opuestas y el intenso discurso del siglo XVIII?}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2016, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {El Curso de ling{\"u}{\´i}stica general de Saussure y su importancia en el desarrollo de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural}, series = {Revista Entornos : {\´O}rgano de divulgaci{\´o}n cient{\´i}fico, tecnol{\´o}gico y cultural de la Vicerrector{\´i}a de Investigaci{\´o}n y Proyecci{\´o}n Social de la Universidad Surcolombiana}, volume = {29}, journal = {Revista Entornos : {\´O}rgano de divulgaci{\´o}n cient{\´i}fico, tecnol{\´o}gico y cultural de la Vicerrector{\´i}a de Investigaci{\´o}n y Proyecci{\´o}n Social de la Universidad Surcolombiana}, number = {2}, edition = {1}, publisher = {Vicerrector{\´i}a de Investigaci{\´o}n y Proyecci{\´o}n Social de la Universidad Surcolombiana}, address = {Neiva}, issn = {0124-7905}, pages = {235 -- 255}, year = {2016}, abstract = {En esta contribuci{\´o}n se explicar{\´a} la influencia que tuvo el Curso de ling{\"u}{\´i}stica general de Ferdinand de Saussure en la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural, as{\´i} como el desarrollo de algunos conceptos prominentes en esta obra antes y despu{\´e}s de Saussure. El estructuralismo es un fen{\´o}meno que se ha caracterizado por ser una corriente importante de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica europea y americana del siglo XX. Se demostrar{\´a} que la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural no hace m{\´a}s que acentuar una actitud que ya se encontraba presente anteriormente en la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica y que todav{\´i}a sigue estando presente. Esto tambi{\´e}n se puede ver en Espa{\~n}a donde la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica estructural no se puede explicar solamente como una importaci{\´o}n tard{\´i}a. Tambi{\´e}n se observar{\´a}, por el otro lado, que el pensamiento de Ferdinand de Saussure, considerado el fundador del estructuralismo, es menos opuesto a todo lo que se considera ajeno al estructuralismo. En esta contribuci{\´o}n me propongo hacer una revisi{\´o}n de los conceptos que se consideran iniciadores del estructuralismo. La publicaci{\´o}n de los manuscritos de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica general de Saussure (2002) permite adquirir una visi{\´o}n m{\´a}s amplia y m{\´a}s detallada de los conceptos de las teor{\´i}as ling{\"u}{\´i}sticas en cuesti{\´o}n.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2012, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {El desarrollo de la categor{\´i}a de aspecto en la descripci{\´o}n gramatical}, isbn = {978-3-89323-014-3}, year = {2012}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2012, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Las ideas de Balmes sobre la filosof{\´i}a del lenguaje}, isbn = {978-3-89323-299-4}, year = {2012}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2008, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Los conceptos de "an{\´a}lisis l{\´o}gico" y "an{\´a}lisis gramatical" en gram{\´a}ticas de la primera mitad del siglo XIX}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The term "analysis" came into use in Spanish school grammars during the first half of the nineteenth century. Following a process of simplification still evident today, the teaching of this concept in Spain distinguished between logical analysis and grammatical analysis, i.e. the separation or the division of sentences into clauses and of clauses into their immediate constituents and, on the other hand, the study of the parts of speech. A close perusal of various grammars, however, reveals that analysis is a concept used with different meanings, which minimises the distinction between logic and grammar. The term "analysis" includes elements of scholastic grammar and also aspects of the general grammar of the Port Royal School, which was introduced in Spain rather late, as well as ideological features associated with the impact of French ideas in Spain in the early nineteenth century. This paper shall explore the different concepts of "analysis" in Elementos de gram{\´a}tica c astellana by Juan Manuel Calleja, An{\´a}lisis l{\´o}gica y gramatical de la lengua espanola by Juan Calder{\´o}n and Gram{\´a}tica de la lengua castellana destinada al uso de los americanos by Andr{\´e}s Bello.}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2008, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Modalidad, evidencialidad y deixis como componentes de la narritividad}, year = {2008}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2008, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {El don de la palabra y la {\´e}tica de la comunicaci{\´o}n de Ram{\´o}n Campos P{\´e}rez}, year = {2008}, language = {es} } @article{Hassler2012, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {Textos gramaticales de referencia en la Europ del siglo XVIII}, isbn = {978-84-92909}, year = {2012}, language = {es} }