@phdthesis{Bastian2022, author = {Bastian, Philipp U.}, title = {Core-shell upconversion nanoparticles - investigation of dopant intermixing and surface modification}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55160}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-551607}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 108, xxiii}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Frequency upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) are inorganic nanocrystals capable to up-convert incident photons of the near-infrared electromagnetic spectrum (NIR) into higher energy photons. These photons are re-emitted in the range of the visible (Vis) and even ultraviolet (UV) light. The frequency upconversion process (UC) is realized with nanocrystals doped with trivalent lanthanoid ions (Ln(III)). The Ln(III) ions provide the electronic (excited) states forming a ladder-like electronic structure for the Ln(III) electrons in the nanocrystals. The absorption of at least two low energy photons by the nanoparticle and the subsequent energy transfer to one Ln(III) ion leads to the promotion of one Ln(III) electron into higher excited electronic states. One high energy photon will be emitted during the radiative relaxation of the electron in the excited state back into the electronic ground state of the Ln(III) ion. The excited state electron is the result of the previous absorption of at least two low energy photons. The UC process is very interesting in the biological/medical context. Biological samples (like organic tissue, blood, urine, and stool) absorb high-energy photons (UV and blue light) more strongly than low-energy photons (red and NIR light). Thanks to a naturally occurring optical window, NIR light can penetrate deeper than UV light into biological samples. Hence, UCNPs in bio-samples can be excited by NIR light. This possibility opens a pathway for in vitro as well as in vivo applications, like optical imaging by cell labeling or staining of specific organic tissue. Furthermore, early detection and diagnosis of diseases by predictive and diagnostic biomarkers can be realized with bio-recognition elements being labeled to the UCNPs. Additionally, "theranostic" becomes possible, in which the identification and the treatment of a disease are tackled simultaneously. For this to succeed, certain parameters for the UCNPs must be met: high upconversion efficiency, high photoluminescence quantum yield, dispersibility, and dispersion stability in aqueous media, as well as availability of functional groups to introduce fast and easy bio-recognition elements. The UCNPs used in this work were prepared with a solvothermal decomposition synthesis yielding in particles with NaYF4 or NaGdF4 as host lattice. They have been doped with the Ln(III) ions Yb3+ and Er3+, which is only one possible upconversion pair. Their upconversion efficiency and photoluminescence quantum yield were improved by adding a passivating shell to reduce surface quenching. However, the brightness of core-shell UCNPs stays behind the expectations compared to their bulk material (being at least μm-sized particles). The core-shell structures are not clearly separated from each other, which is a topic in literature. Instead, there is a transition layer between the core and the shell structure, which relates to the migration of the dopants within the host lattice during the synthesis. The ion migration has been examined by time-resolved laser spectroscopy and the interlanthanoid resonance energy transfer (LRET) in the two different host lattices from above. The results are presented in two publications, which dealt with core-shell-shell structured nanoparticles. The core is doped with the LRET-acceptor (either Nd3+ or Pr3+). The intermediate shell serves as an insulation shell of pure host lattice material, whose shell thickness has been varied within one set of samples having the same composition, so that the spatial separation of LRET-acceptor and -donor changes. The outer shell with the same host lattice is doped with the LRET-donor (Eu3+). The effect of the increasing insulation shell thickness is significant, although the LRET cannot be suppressed completely. Next to the Ln(III) migration within a host lattice, various phase transfer reactions were investigated in order to subsequently perform surface modifications for bioapplications. One result out of this research has been published using a promising ligand, that equips the UCNP with bio-modifiable groups and has good potential for bio-medical applications. This particular ligand mimics natural occurring mechanisms of mussel protein adhesion and of blood coagulation, which is why the UCNPs are encapsulated very effectively. At the same time, bio-functional groups are introduced. In a proof-of-concept, the encapsulated UCNP has been coupled successfully with a dye (which is representative for a biomarker) and the system's photoluminescence properties have been investigated.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaergell2020, author = {K{\"a}rgell, Martin}, title = {Layer formation from perovskite nanoparticles with tunable optical and electronic properties}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47566}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-475667}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 233}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites have attracted attention in recent years, caused by the incomparable increase in efficiency in energy convergence, which implies the application as an absorber material for solar cells. A disadvantage of these materials is, among others, the instability to moisture and UV-radiation. One possible solution for these problems is the reduction of the size towards the nano world. With that nanosized perovskites are showing superior stability in comparison to e.g. perovskite layers. Additionally to this the nanosize even enables stable perovskite structures, which could not be achieved otherwise at room temperature. This thesis is separated into two major parts. The separation is done by the composition and the band gap of the material and at the same time the shape and size of the nanoparticles. Here the division is made by the methylammonium lead tribromide nanoplatelets and the caesium lead triiodide nanocubes. The first part is focusing on the hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite (methylammonium lead tribromide) nanoplatelets with a band gap of 2.35 eV and their thermal behaviour. Due to the challenging character of this material, several analysis methods are used to investigate the sub nano and nanostructures under the influence of temperature. As a result, a shift of phase-transition temperatures towards higher temperatures is observed. This unusual behaviour can be explained by the ligand, which is incorporated in the perovskite outer structure and adds phase-stability into the system. The second part of this thesis is focusing on the inorganic caesium lead triiodide nanocubes with a band gap of 1.83 eV. These nanocrystals are first investigated and compared by TEM, XRD and other optical methods. Within these methods, a cuboid and orthorhombic structure are revealed instead of the in literature described cubic shape and structure. Furthermore, these cuboids are investigated towards their self-assembly on a substrate. Here a high degree in self-assembly is shown. As a next step, the ligands of the nanocuboids are exchanged against other ligands to increase the charge carrier mobility. This is further investigated by the above-mentioned methods. The last section is dealing with the enhancement of the CsPbI3 structure, by incorporating potassium in the crystal structure. The results are suggesting here an increase in stability.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dai2018, author = {Dai, Xiaolin}, title = {Synthesis of artificial building blocks for sortase-mediated ligation and their enzymatic linkage}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-420060}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 125}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Das Enzym Sortase A katalysiert die Bildung einer Peptidbindung zwischen der Erkennungssequenz LPXTG und einem Oligoglycin. W{\"a}hrend vielf{\"a}ltige Ligationen zwischen Proteinen und verschiedenen Biomolek{\"u}len, Proteinen und kleinen synthetischen Molek{\"u}len, sowie Proteinen und Oberfl{\"a}chen durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, besteht das Ziel dieser Arbeit darin, die Sortase-katalysierte Verlinkung von synthetischen Bausteinen zu untersuchen. Dies k{\"o}nnte den Weg bereiten f{\"u}r die Anwendung von Sortase A f{\"u}r chemische Aufgabenstellungen und eventuell sogar in den Materialwissenschaften. F{\"u}r diese grunds{\"a}tzliche Untersuchung wurden die verwendeten Bausteine zun{\"a}chst so einfach wie m{\"o}glich gehalten und leicht zug{\"a}ngliche SiO2 Nanopartikel und kommerziell erh{\"a}ltliche Polymerbl{\"o}cke ausgew{\"a}hlt. Die Bausteine wurden als erstes mit den Peptidsequenzen f{\"u}r Sortase-vermittelte Ligationen funktionalisiert. SiO2 Nanopartikel wurden mit Durchmessern von 60 und 200 nm hergestellt und mit C=C Doppelbindungen oberfl{\"a}chenmodifiziert. Dann wurden Peptide mit einem terminalen Cystein kovalent durch eine Thiol-en Reaktion angebunden. An die 60 nm NP wurden Peptide mit einem Pentaglycin und an die 200 nm Partikel Peptide mit LPETG Sequenz gebunden. Auf die gleiche Art und Weise wurden Peptide mit terminalem Cystein an die Polymere Polyethylenglykol (PEG) und Poly(N Isopropylacrylamid) (PNIPAM), die beide {\"u}ber C=C Endgruppen verf{\"u}gen, gebunden und G5-PEG und PNIPAM-LPETG Konjugate erhalten. Mit den vier Bausteinen wurden nun durch Sortase-vermittelte Ligation NP-Polymer Hybride, NP-NP und Polymer-Polymer Strukturen hergestellt und die Produkte u. a. durch Transmissionselektronen-mikroskopie, MALDI-ToF Massenspektrometrie sowie Dynamische Lichtstreuung charakterisiert. Die Verlinkung dieser synthetischen Bausteine konnte eindeutig gezeigt werden. Das Verwenden von kommerziell erh{\"a}ltlichen Polymeren hat jedoch zu einem Gemisch der Polymer-Peptid Konjugate mit unmodifiziertem Polymer gef{\"u}hrt, welches nicht gereinigt werden konnte. Deswegen wurden anschließend Synthesestrategien f{\"u}r reine Peptid-Polymer und Polymer-Peptid Konjugate als Bausteine f{\"u}r Sortase-vermittelte Ligationen entwickelt. Diese basieren auf der RAFT Polymerisation mit CTAs, die entweder an N- oder C-Terminus eines Peptids gebunden sind. GG-PNIPAM wurde durch das Anbinden eines geeigneten RAFT CTAs an Fmoc-GG in einer Veresterungsreaktion, Polymerisation von NIPAM und Abspalten der Fmoc Schutzgruppe synthetisiert. Weiterhin wurden mehrere Peptide durch Festphasen-Peptidsynthese erhalten. Die Anbindung eines RAFT CTAs (oder eines Polymerisationsinitiators) an den N-Terminus eines Peptids kann automatisiert als letzter Schritt in einem Peptid-Synthetisierer erfolgen. Die Synthese eines solchen Konjugats konnte in dem Zeithorizont dieser Arbeit noch nicht erreicht werden. Jedoch existieren mehrere vielversprechende Strategien, um diesen Ansatz mit verschiedenen Kopplungsreagenzien zur Anbindung des CTAs fortzusetzen. Solche Polymer Bausteine k{\"o}nnen in Zukunft f{\"u}r die Synthese von Protein-Polymer Konjugaten durch Sortase-Katalyse verwendet werden. Außerdem kann der Ansatz auch f{\"u}r die Synthese von Block-Copolymeren aus Polymerbl{\"o}cken mit Peptidmotiven an beiden Enden ausgebaut werden. Auch wenn bei der grunds{\"a}tzlichen Untersuchung im Rahmen dieser Arbeit Hybridstrukturen hergestellt wurden, die auch durch traditionelle chemische Synthesen erhalten werden k{\"o}nnten, wird ein Bausatz solcher Bausteine in Zukunft die Synthese neuer Materialien erm{\"o}glichen und kann auch den Weg f{\"u}r die Anwendung von Enzymen in den Materialwissenschaften ebnen. In Erg{\"a}nzung zu Nanopartikeln und Block-Copolymeren k{\"o}nnen dann auch Hybridmaterialien unter Einbezug von Protein-basierten Bausteinen hergestellt werden. Daher k{\"o}nnten Sortase Enzyme zu einem Werkzeug werden, welches etablierte chemische Verlinkungstechniken erg{\"a}nzt und mit den hoch spezifischen Peptidmotiven {\"u}ber funktionale Einheiten verf{\"u}gt, die orthogonal zu allen chemischen Gruppen sind.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Abouserie2018, author = {Abouserie, Ahed}, title = {Ionic liquid precursors for multicomponent inorganic nanomaterials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-418950}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 193}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Health effects, attributed to the environmental pollution resulted from using solvents such as benzene, are relatively unexplored among petroleum workers, personal use, and laboratory researchers. Solvents can cause various health problems, such as neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. As such it can be absorbed via epidermal or respiratory into the human body resulting in interacting with molecules that are responsible for biochemical and physiological processes of the brain. Owing to the ever-growing demand for finding a solution, an Ionic liquid can use as an alternative solvent. Ionic liquids are salts in a liquid state at low temperature (below 100 C), or even at room temperature. Ionic liquids impart a unique architectural platform, which has been interesting because of their unusual properties that can be tuned by simple ways such as mixing two ionic liquids. Ionic liquids not only used as reaction solvents but they became a key developing for novel applications based on their thermal stability, electric conductivity with very low vapor pressure in contrast to the conventional solvents. In this study, ionic liquids were used as a solvent and reactant at the same time for the novel nanomaterials synthesis for different applications including solar cells, gas sensors, and water splitting. The field of ionic liquids continues to grow, and become one of the most important branches of science. It appears to be at a point where research and industry can work together in a new way of thinking for green chemistry and sustainable production.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schulze2017, author = {Schulze, Nicole}, title = {Neue Templatphasen zur anisotropen Goldnanopartikelherstellung durch den Einsatz strukturbildender Polymere}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-409515}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 117, xv}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Synthese und Charakterisierung von anisotropen Goldnanopartikeln in einer geeigneten Polyelektrolyt-modifizierten Templatphase. Der Mittelpunkt bildet dabei die Auswahl einer geeigneten Templatphase, zur Synthese von einheitlichen und reproduzierbaren anisotropen Goldnanopartikeln mit den daraus resultierenden besonderen Eigenschaften. Bei der Synthese der anisotropen Goldnanopartikeln lag der Fokus in der Verwendung von Vesikeln als Templatphase, wobei hier der Einfluss unterschiedlicher strukturbildender Polymere (stark alternierende Maleamid-Copolymere PalH, PalPh, PalPhCarb und PalPhBisCarb mit verschiedener Konformation) und Tenside (SDS, AOT - anionische Tenside) bei verschiedenen Synthese- und Abtrennungsbedingungen untersucht werden sollte. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass PalPhBisCarb bei einem pH-Wert von 9 die Bedingungen eines R{\"o}hrenbildners f{\"u}r eine morphologische Transformation von einer vesikul{\"a}ren Phase in eine r{\"o}hrenf{\"o}rmige Netzwerkstruktur erf{\"u}llt und somit als Templatphase zur formgesteuerten Bildung von Nanopartikeln genutzt werden kann. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde dargelegt, dass die Templatphase PalPhBisCarb (pH-Wert von 9, Konzentration von 0,01 wt.\%) mit AOT als Tensid und PL90G als Phospholipid (im Verh{\"a}ltnis 1:1) die effektivste Wahl einer Templatphase f{\"u}r die Bildung von anisotropen Strukturen in einem einstufigen Prozess darstellt. Bei einer konstanten Synthesetemperatur von 45 °C wurden die besten Ergebnisse bei einer Goldchloridkonzentration von 2 mM, einem Gold-Templat-Verh{\"a}ltnis von 3:1 und einer Synthesezeit von 30 Minuten erzielt. Ausbeute an anisotropen Strukturen lag bei 52 \% (Anteil an dreieckigen Nanopl{\"a}ttchen von 19 \%). Durch Erh{\"o}hung der Synthesetemperatur konnte die Ausbeute auf 56 \% (29 \%) erh{\"o}ht werden. Im dritten Teil konnte durch zeitabh{\"a}ngige Untersuchungen gezeigt werden, dass bei Vorhandensein von PalPhBisCarb die Bildung der energetisch nicht bevorzugten Pl{\"a}ttchen-Strukturen bei Raumtemperatur initiiert wird und bei 45 °C ein Optimum annimmt. Kintetische Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass die Bildung dreieckiger Nanopl{\"a}ttchen bei schrittweiser Zugabe der Goldchlorid-Pr{\"a}kursorl{\"o}sung zur PalPhBisCarb enthaltenden Templatphase durch die Dosierrate der vesikul{\"a}ren Templatphase gesteuert werden kann. In umgekehrter Weise findet bei Zugabe der Templatphase zur Goldchlorid-Pr{\"a}kursorl{\"o}sung bei 45 °C ein {\"a}hnlicher, kinetisch gesteuerter Prozess der Bildung von Nanodreiecken statt mit einer maximalen Ausbeute dreieckigen Nanopl{\"a}ttchen von 29 \%. Im letzten Kapitel erfolgten erste Versuche zur Abtrennung dreieckiger Nanopl{\"a}ttchen von den {\"u}brigen Geometrien der gemischten Nanopartikell{\"o}sung mittels tensidinduzierter Verarmungsf{\"a}llung. Bei Verwendung von AOT mit einer Konzentration von 0,015 M wurde eine Ausbeute an Nanopl{\"a}ttchen von 99 \%, wovon 72 \% dreieckiger Geometrien hatten, erreicht.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{MbayaMani2017, author = {Mbaya Mani, Christian}, title = {Functional nanoporous carbon-based materials derived from oxocarbon-metal coordination complexes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-407866}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IV, 135}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Nanoporous carbon based materials are of particular interest for both science and industry due to their exceptional properties such as a large surface area, high pore volume, high electroconductivity as well as high chemical and thermal stability. Benefiting from these advantageous properties, nanoporous carbons proved to be useful in various energy and environment related applications including energy storage and conversion, catalysis, gas sorption and separation technologies. The synthesis of nanoporous carbons classically involves thermal carbonization of the carbon precursors (e.g. phenolic resins, polyacrylonitrile, poly(vinyl alcohol) etc.) followed by an activation step and/or it makes use of classical hard or soft templates to obtain well-defined porous structures. However, these synthesis strategies are complicated and costly; and make use of hazardous chemicals, hindering their application for large-scale production. Furthermore, control over the carbon materials properties is challenging owing to the relatively unpredictable processes at the high carbonization temperatures. In the present thesis, nanoporous carbon based materials are prepared by the direct heat treatment of crystalline precursor materials with pre-defined properties. This synthesis strategy does not require any additional carbon sources or classical hard- or soft templates. The highly stable and porous crystalline precursors are based on coordination compounds of the squarate and croconate ions with various divalent metal ions including Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, and Co2+, respectively. Here, the structural properties of the crystals can be controlled by the choice of appropriate synthesis conditions such as the crystal aging temperature, the ligand/metal molar ratio, the metal ion, and the organic ligand system. In this context, the coordination of the squarate ions to Zn2+ yields porous 3D cube crystalline particles. The morphology of the cubes can be tuned from densely packed cubes with a smooth surface to cubes with intriguing micrometer-sized openings and voids which evolve on the centers of the low index faces as the crystal aging temperature is raised. By varying the molar ratio, the particle shape can be changed from truncated cubes to perfect cubes with right-angled edges. These crystalline precursors can be easily transformed into the respective carbon based materials by heat treatment at elevated temperatures in a nitrogen atmosphere followed by a facile washing step. The resulting carbons are obtained in good yields and possess a hierarchical pore structure with well-organized and interconnected micro-, meso- and macropores. Moreover, high surface areas and large pore volumes of up to 1957 m2 g-1 and 2.31 cm3 g-1 are achieved, respectively, whereby the macroscopic structure of the precursors is preserved throughout the whole synthesis procedure. Owing to these advantageous properties, the resulting carbon based materials represent promising supercapacitor electrode materials for energy storage applications. This is exemplarily demonstrated by employing the 3D hierarchical porous carbon cubes derived from squarate-zinc coordination compounds as electrode material showing a specific capacitance of 133 F g-1 in H2SO4 at a scan rate of 5 mV s-1 and retaining 67\% of this specific capacitance when the scan rate is increased to 200 mV s-1. In a further application, the porous carbon cubes derived from squarate-zinc coordination compounds are used as high surface area support material and decorated with nickel nanoparticles via an incipient wetness impregnation. The resulting composite material combines a high surface area, a hierarchical pore structure with high functionality and well-accessible pores. Moreover, owing to their regular micro-cube shape, they allow for a good packing of a fixed-bed flow reactor along with high column efficiency and a minimized pressure drop throughout the packed reactor. Therefore, the composite is employed as heterogeneous catalyst in the selective hydrogenation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-dimethylfuran showing good catalytic performance and overcoming the conventional problem of column blocking. Thinking about the rational design of 3D carbon geometries, the functions and properties of the resulting carbon-based materials can be further expanded by the rational introduction of heteroatoms (e.g. N, B, S, P, etc.) into the carbon structures in order to alter properties such as wettability, surface polarity as well as the electrochemical landscape. In this context, the use of crystalline materials based on oxocarbon-metal ion complexes can open a platform of highly functional materials for all processes that involve surface processes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klier2016, author = {Klier, Dennis Tobias}, title = {Upconversion luminescence in Er-codoped NaYF4 nanoparticles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 89}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the context of an increasing population of aging people and a shift of medical paradigm towards an individualized medicine in health care, nanostructured lanthanides doped sodium yttrium fluoride (NaYF4) represents an exciting class of upconversion nanomaterials (UCNM) which are suitable to bring forward developments in biomedicine and -biodetection. Despite the fact that among various fluoride based upconversion (UC) phosphors lanthanide doped NaYF4 is one of the most studied upconversion nanomaterial, many open questions are still remaining concerning the interplay of the population routes of sensitizer and activator electronic states involved in different luminescence upconversion photophysics as well as the role of phonon coupling. The collective work aims to explore a detailed understanding of the upconversion mechanism in nanoscaled NaYF4 based materials co-doped with several lanthanides, e.g. Yb3+ and Er3+ as the "standard" type upconversion nanoparticles (UCNP) up to advanced UCNP with Gd3+ and Nd3+. Especially the impact of the crystal lattice structure as well as the resulting lattice phonons on the upconversion luminescence was investigated in detail based on different mixtures of cubic and hexagonal NaYF4 nanoscaled crystals. Three synthesis methods, depending on the attempt of the respective central spectroscopic questions, could be accomplished in the following work. NaYF4 based upconversion nanoparticles doped with several combination of lanthanides (Yb3+, Er3+, Gd3+ and Nd3+) were synthesized successfully using a hydrothermal synthesis method under mild conditions as well as a co-precipitation and a high temperature co-precipitation technique. Structural information were gathered by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), Raman spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results were discussed in detail with relation to the spectroscopic results. A variable spectroscopic setup was developed for multi parameter upconversion luminescence studies at various temperature 4 K to 328 K. Especially, the study of the thermal behavior of upconversion luminescence as well as time resolved area normalized emission spectra were a prerequisite for the detailed understanding of intramolecular deactivation processes, structural changes upon annealing or Gd3+ concentration, and the role of phonon coupling for the upconversion efficiency. Subsequently it became possible to synthesize UCNP with tailored upconversion luminescence properties. In the end, the potential of UCNP for life science application should be enunciated in context of current needs and improvements of a nanomaterial based optical sensors, whereas the "standard" UCNP design was attuned according to the special conditions in the biological matrix. In terms of a better biocompatibility due to a lower impact on biological tissue and higher penetrability for the excitation light. The first step into this direction was to use Nd3+ ions as a new sensitizer in tridoped NaYF4 based UCNP, whereas the achieved absolute and relative temperature sensitivity is comparable to other types of local temperature sensors in the literature.}, language = {en} } @misc{Metzke2013, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Metzke, Sarah}, title = {Synthesis and characterization of transition metal nitrides and carbides for catalysis and electrochemistry application}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69835}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {It was the goal of this work to explore two different synthesis pathways using green chemistry. The first part of this thesis is focusing on the use of the urea-glass route towards single phase manganese nitride and manganese nitride/oxide nano-composites embedded in carbon, while the second part of the thesis is focusing on the use of the "saccharide route" (namely cellulose, sucrose, glucose and lignin) towards metal (Ni0), metal alloy (Pd0.9Ni0.1, Pd0.5Ni0.5, Fe0.5Ni0.5, Cu0.5Ni0.5 and W0.15Ni0.85) and ternary carbide (Mn0.75Fe2.25C) nanoparticles embedded in carbon. In the interest of battery application, MnN0.43 nanoparticles surrounded by a graphitic shell and embedded in carbon with a high surface area (79 m^2/g) were synthesized, following a previously set route.The comparison of the material characteristics before and after the discharge showed no remarkable difference in terms of composition and just slight differences in the morphological point of view, meaning the particles are stable but agglomerate. The graphitic shell is contributing to the resistance of the material and leads to a fine cyclic stability over 140 cycles of 230 mAh/g after the first charge/discharge and coulombic efficiencies close to 100\%. Due to the low voltage towards Li/Li+ and the low polarization, it might be an attractive anode material for lithium ion batteries. However, the capacity is still noticeably lower than the theoretical value for MnN0.43. A mixture of MnN0.43 and MnO nanoparticles embedded in carbon (surface area 93 m^2/g) was able to improve the cyclic stability to over 160 cycles giving a capacity of 811 mAh/g, which is considerably higher than the capacity of the conventional material graphite (372 mAh/g). This nano-composite seems to agglomerate less during the process of discharge. Interestingly, although the capacity is much higher than of the single phase manganese nitride, the nano-composite seems to only contain MnN0.43 nanoparticles after the process of discharge with no oxide phase to be found. Concerning catalysis application, different metal, metal alloy, and metal carbide nanoparticles were synthesized using the saccharide route. At first, systems that were already investigated before, being Pd0.9Ni0.1, Pd0.5Ni0.5, Fe0.5Ni0.5 and Mn0.75Fe2.25C using cellulose as the carbon source were prepared and tested in an alkylation reaction of toluene with benzylchloride. Unexpectedly, the metal alloys did not show any catalytic activity, but the ternary carbide Mn0.75Fe2.25C showed fine catalytic activity of 98\% conversion after 9 hour reaction time (110 °C). In a second step, the saccharide route was modified towards other carbon sources and carbon to metal ratios in order to improve the homogeneity of the samples and accessibility of the particle surfaces. The used carbon sources sucrose and glucose are similar in their basic structure of carbohydrates, but reducing the (polymeric) chain length. Indeed, the cellulose could be successfully replaced by sucrose and glucose. A lower carbon to metal ratio was found to influence the size, homogeneity and accessibility (as evidenced by TEM) of the samples. Since sucrose is an aliment, glucose is the better choice as a carbon source. Using glucose, the synthesis of Cu0.5Ni0.5 and W0.15Ni0.85 nano-composites was also possible, although the later was never obtained as pure phase. These alloy nano-composites were tested, along with nickel0 nanoparticles also prepared with glucose and on their catalytic activity towards the reduction of phenylacetylene. The results obtained let believe that any (poly) saccharide, including lignin, could be used as carbon source. The nickel0 nano-composites prepared with lignin as a carbon source were tested along with those prepared with cellulose and sucrose for their catalytic activity in the transfer hydrogenation of nitrobenzene (results compared with exposed nickel nanoparticles and nickel supported on carbon) leading to very promising results. Based on the urea-glass route and the saccharide route, simple equipment and transition metals, it was possible to have a one-pot synthesize with scale-up possibilities towards new material that can be applied in catalysis and battery systems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Glatzel2013, author = {Glatzel, Stefan}, title = {Cellulose based transition metal nano-composites : structuring and development}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-64678}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer on earth. In this work it has been used, in various forms ranging from wood to fully processed laboratory grade microcrystalline cellulose, to synthesise a variety of metal and metal carbide nanoparticles and to establish structuring and patterning methodologies that produce highly functional nano-hybrids. To achieve this, the mechanisms governing the catalytic processes that bring about graphitised carbons in the presence of iron have been investigated. It was found that, when infusing cellulose with an aqueous iron salt solution and heating this mixture under inert atmosphere to 640 °C and above, a liquid eutectic mixture of iron and carbon with an atom ratio of approximately 1:1 forms. The eutectic droplets were monitored with in-situ TEM at the reaction temperature where they could be seen dissolving amorphous carbon and leaving behind a trail of graphitised carbon sheets and subsequently iron carbide nanoparticles. These transformations turned ordinary cellulose into a conductive and porous matrix that is well suited for catalytic applications. Despite these significant changes on the nanometre scale the shape of the matrix as a whole was retained with remarkable precision. This was exemplified by folding a sheet of cellulose paper into origami cranes and converting them via the temperature treatment in to magnetic facsimiles of those cranes. The study showed that the catalytic mechanisms derived from controlled systems and described in the literature can be transferred to synthetic concepts beyond the lab without loss of generality. Once the processes determining the transformation of cellulose into functional materials were understood, the concept could be extended to other metals and metal-combinations. Firstly, the procedure was utilised to produce different ternary iron carbides in the form of MxFeyC (M = W, Mn). None of those ternary carbides have thus far been produced in a nanoparticle form. The next part of this work encompassed combinations of iron with cobalt, nickel, palladium and copper. All of those metals were also probed alone in combination with cellulose. This produced elemental metal and metal alloy particles of low polydispersity and high stability. Both features are something that is typically not associated with high temperature syntheses and enables to connect the good size control with a scalable process. Each of the probed reactions resulted in phase pure, single crystalline, stable materials. After showing that cellulose is a good stabilising and separating agent for all the investigated types of nanoparticles, the focus of the work at hand is shifted towards probing the limits of the structuring and pattering capabilities of cellulose. Moreover possible post-processing techniques to further broaden the applicability of the materials are evaluated. This showed that, by choosing an appropriate paper, products ranging from stiff, self-sustaining monoliths to ultra-thin and very flexible cloths can be obtained after high temperature treatment. Furthermore cellulose has been demonstrated to be a very good substrate for many structuring and patterning techniques from origami folding to ink-jet printing. The thereby resulting products have been employed as electrodes, which was exemplified by electrodepositing copper onto them. Via ink-jet printing they have additionally been patterned and the resulting electrodes have also been post functionalised by electro-deposition of copper onto the graphitised (printed) parts of the samples. Lastly in a preliminary test the possibility of printing several metals simultaneously and thereby producing finely tuneable gradients from one metal to another have successfully been made. Starting from these concepts future experiments were outlined. The last chapter of this thesis concerned itself with alternative synthesis methods of the iron-carbon composite, thereby testing the robustness of the devolved reactions. By performing the synthesis with partly dissolved scrap metal and pieces of raw, dry wood, some progress for further use of the general synthesis technique were made. For example by using wood instead of processed cellulose all the established shaping techniques available for wooden objects, such as CNC milling or 3D prototyping, become accessible for the synthesis path. Also by using wood its intrinsic well defined porosity and the fact that large monoliths are obtained help expanding the prospect of using the composite. It was also demonstrated in this chapter that the resulting material can be applied for the environmentally important issue of waste water cleansing. Additionally to being made from renewable resources and by a cheap and easy one-pot synthesis, the material is recyclable, since the pollutants can be recovered by washing with ethanol. Most importantly this chapter covered experiments where the reaction was performed in a crude, home-built glass vessel, fuelled - with the help of a Fresnel lens - only by direct concentrated sunlight irradiation. This concept carries the thus far presented synthetic procedures from being common laboratory syntheses to a real world application. Based on cellulose, transition metals and simple equipment, this work enabled the easy one-pot synthesis of nano-ceramic and metal nanoparticle composites otherwise not readily accessible. Furthermore were structuring and patterning techniques and synthesis routes involving only renewable resources and environmentally benign procedures established here. Thereby it has laid the foundation for a multitude of applications and pointed towards several future projects reaching from fundamental research, to application focussed research and even and industry relevant engineering project was envisioned.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lemke2013, author = {Lemke, Karina}, title = {Abtrennung und Charakterisierung von Polyelektrolyt-modifizierten Nanopartikeln}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68133}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die gr{\"o}ßen- und eigenschaftsoptimierte Synthese und Charakterisierung von anorganischen Nanopartikeln in einer geeigneten Polyelektrolytmodifizierten Mikroemulsion. Das Hauptziel bildet dabei die Auswahl einer geeigneten Mikroemulsion, zur Synthese von kleinen, stabilen, reproduzierbaren Nanopartikeln mit besonderen Eigenschaften. Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde in zwei Haupteile gegliedert. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit der Einmischung von unterschiedlichen Polykationen (lineares Poly (diallyldimethylammoniumchlorid) (PDADMAC) und verzweigtes Poly (ethylenimin) (PEI)) in verschiedene, auf unterschiedlichen Tensiden (CTAB - kationisch, SDS - anionisch, SB - zwitterionisch) basierenden, Mikroemulsionssysteme. Dabei zeigt sich, dass das Einmischen der Polykationen in die Wassertr{\"o}pfchen der Wasser-in-{\"O}l (W/O) Mikroemulsion prinzipiell m{\"o}glich ist. Der Einfluss der verschiedenen Polykationen auf das Phasenverhalten der W/O Mikroemulsion ist jedoch sehr unterschiedlich. In Gegenwart des kationischen Tensids f{\"u}hren die repulsiven Wechselwirkungen mit den Polykationen zu einer Destabilisierung des Systems, w{\"a}hrend die ausgepr{\"a}gten Wechselwirkungen mit dem anionischen Tensid in einer deutlichen Stabilisierung des Systems resultieren. F{\"u}r das zwitterionische Tensid f{\"u}hren die moderaten Wechselwirkungen mit den Polykationen zu einer partiellen Stabilisierung. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit dem Einsatz der unterschiedlichen, Polyelektrolyt- modifizierten Mikroemulsionen als Templatphase f{\"u}r die Herstellung verschiedener, anorganischer Nanopartikel. Die CTAB-basierte Mikroemulsion erweist sich dabei als ungeeignet f{\"u}r die Herstellung von CdS Nanopartikeln, da zum einen nur eine geringe Toleranz gegen{\"u}ber den Reaktanden vorhanden ist (Destabilisierungseffekt) und zum anderen das Partikelwachstum durch den Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Film nicht ausreichend begrenzt wird. Zudem zeigt sich, dass eine Abtrennung der Partikel aus der Mikroemulsion nicht m{\"o}glich ist. Die SDS-basierten Mikroemulsionen, erweisen sich als geeignete Templatphase zur Synthese kleiner anorganischer Nanopartikel (3 - 20 nm). Sowohl CdS Quantum Dots, als auch Gold Nanopartikel konnten erfolgreich in der Mikroemulsion synthetisiert werden, wobei das verzweigte PEI einen interessanten Templat-Effekt in der Mikroemulsion hervorruft. Als deutlicher Nachteil der SDS-basierten Mikroemulsionen offenbaren sich die starken Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Tensid und den Polyelektrolyten w{\"a}hrend der Aufarbeitung der Nanopartikel aus der Mikroemulsion. Dabei erweist sich die Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Komplexbildung als hinderlich f{\"u}r die Redispergierung der CdS Quantum Dots in Wasser, so dass Partikelaggregation einsetzt. Die SB-basierten Mikroemulsionen erweisen sich als g{\"u}nstige Templatphase f{\"u}r die Bildung von gr{\"o}ßen- und eigenschaftenoptimierten Nanopartikeln (< 4 nm), wobei insbesondere eine Modifizierung mit PEI als ideal betrachtet werden kann. In Gegenwart des verzweigten PEI gelang es erstmals ultrakleine, fluoreszierende Gold Cluster (< 2 nm) in einer SB-basierten Mikroemulsion als Templatphase herzustellen. Als besonderer Vorteil der SB-basierten Mikroemulsion zeigen sich die moderaten Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem zwitterionischen Tensid und den Polyelektrolyten, welche eine anschließende Abtrennung der Partikel aus der Mikroemulsion unter Erhalt der Gr{\"o}ße und ihrer optischen Eigenschaften erm{\"o}glichen. In der redispergierten w{\"a}ssrigen L{\"o}sung gelang somit eine Auftrennung der PEI-modifizierten Partikel mit Hilfe der asymmetrischer Fluss Feldflussfraktionierung (aF FFF). Die gebildeten Nanopartikel zeigen interessante optische Eigenschaften und k{\"o}nnen zum Beispiel erfolgreich zur Modifizierung von Biosensoren eingesetzt werden.}, language = {de} }