@phdthesis{Rupp2018, author = {Rupp, Michael}, title = {„Probably the Finest Organisation of its Kind"}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42985}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-429851}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {334}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Entstehung der modernen britischen Nachrichtendienstarchitektur fiel in die erste H{\"a}lfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Zeitgleich erfuhr die britische Gesellschaft eine nie dagewesene Demokratisierung. Die Arbeit versucht darzulegen, wie auch vermeintlich arkane Bereiche staatlichen Handelns in {\"o}ffentliche Aushandlungsprozesse eingebettet sind und rekonstruiert deshalb erstmals systematisch {\"o}ffentliche und fach{\"o}ffentliche Diskurse {\"u}ber Nachrichtendienste Großbritanniens im Zeitalter der Weltkriege.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zur2018, author = {Zur, Avichai}, title = {פרדוקס 'הידיעה והבחירה' במשנת ר' צדוק הכהן מלובלין}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-412201}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {371, xxxiii}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This research deals with R. Zadok's innovative writings. According to most scholars R. Zadok continues the doctrine of his rabbi R. Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izbica and introduces existential fatalism: man has the freedom to act against the customary law, according to God's will which is revealed in his heart, even in his passions, which exceed the Halacha; however, man does not determine the will that is revealed in the root of his soul, but only uncovers it. Many expressions, in content and form, of this fatalism can be found in R. Zadok's writings; yet, he also introduces many remarks about human free choice and its creative power to establish and determine man's root and re-establish and influence the Divine worlds and this world. This research focuses on these passages whose centrality has been so far neglected by research. Hence, its renewed understanding of his doctrine. R. Zadok's position can be explained by means of the paradoxical perception, which claims the full strength of the two opposites and even a mutual influence between them, which creates a difficult yet fertile tension: as opposed to the a priori intellectual and formal process of fatalism where Divine Foreknowledge eliminates free choice, R. Zadok introduces fatality which identifies in reality itself the Divine foreknowledge and will that exist in all things. In R. Zadok's fatality, Divine foreknowledge does not eliminate free choice; on the contrary, without Divine foreknowledge, nothing has existence. Therefore, only the existence of Divine foreknowledge within free choice enables its true and indeed free fulfillment. R. Zadok's ontological perception is realized not only in the direct content of his words but also indirectly, in the method of his exegesis and the sense he gives to the concepts he discusses. Therefore the fatality is revealed in other areas in which there is a gap between the absolute dimension ('Yedi'ah') and the contingent dimension ('Bechirah'): the lie, imagination, evil, sin, suffering etc., indeed contingent compared with the absoluteness of truth, good, etc.; however, according to R. Zadok, God wants them as such - that is to say, they have an essential existence and actuality that are not absolute, but rather as such: as contingent, temporary and relative. However, these essential existence and actuality do not confirm them as they are but create a transformation within them. For example, evil does not become absolute good or remains evil but rather turns into 'Very Good' (Tov Me'od) which includes evil and according to Rabbi Zadok is greater than regular good. From this, rises also the opposite influence: that of free choice, or contingent Bechira in general, on Divine Foreknowledge, or absolute Yediah in general. According to R. Zadok, when the contingency and relativity of "Bechirah" received its essential existence and actuality, it has the power so to speak, to add dynamism to the permanent Divine absoluteness of the 'Yedi'ah': the affliction (Nega; נגע) of sin or suffering turns by itself, by interchanging its letters, into pleasure (Oneg; ענג) which is greater than regular delight. Man has the power to influence the upper worlds by decreeing decrees or by canceling Divine decrees; he also has the power to influence the daily novelties of this world, by the novellaes of the Oral Law and the sanctification of the new month which is capable of changing the movement of the zodiac. The human creativity of the novellae of the Oral Law is included in the Divine truth which is hidden in the Written Law and it only reveals and interprets the latter; but on the other hand, according to R. Zadok, the source of the dynamic vital novellaes of the Oral Law is higher than the source of the permanent absoluteness of Written Law and they are those which create and determine the latter. R. Zadok introduces two main concepts for his paradox: On the ontological perception - Yichud Gamur, the Ultimate Unification of God, in which the contingent duality (between God and His creation, and the choice it enables) of the Lower Unification paradoxically exists with the absolute unification and Divine Foreknowledge of the Upper Unification. On the perception of man's existential situation - HaShoresh HaNe'elam, The Hidden Root: unlike Rabbi Mordechai Yosef, his rabbi, rabbi Zadok claims that man determines his destiny by his willful contingent actions - yet, simultaneously, like his rabbi, he also claims that the man's permanent root is determined by God and His Foreknowledge and it is what determines his actions for better or worse. But above these R. Zadok points to an additional Hidden Root which is higher than the permanent one: it is indeed an absolute root (Yediah) yet is determined and established by man's willful actions (Bechira), similar to the Divine creation of 'ex nihilo'.}, language = {mul} } @phdthesis{Seyferth2018, author = {Seyferth, Lonny}, title = {Zum Reformengagement der Torhorst-Schwestern Adelheid (1884-1968) und Marie (1888-1989) im (Aus-)Bildungswesen der Weimarer Republik}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-44520}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-445204}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {343}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Im Fokus der bildungshistorischen und doppelbiografischen Dissertation steht die Darstellung des vielseitigen Reformengagements der Torhorst-Schwestern Adelheid und Marie im (Aus-) Bildungswesen der Weimarer Republik. Die Begriffe „Reform" und „Engagement" stellen tragende inhaltliche Signaturen der quellenbasierten Ann{\"a}herung an das Geschwisterpaar dar. Thematisiert werden ihre Berufsbiografien in ihren jeweiligen bildungspolitischen sowie bildungspraktischen Wirkungskreisen - inmitten der ersten „echten" deutschen Demokratie. Die Studie zielt insbesondere darauf ab, den Kreis der bildungshistorischen Repr{\"a}sentantinnen f{\"u}r eine konstruktive Ausgestaltung des (Fort-)Bildungswesens im Sinne eines notwendigen, aber nicht realisierten Modernisierungs- und Demokratisierungsprozesses in jenem Zeitraum zu erweitern. Die Aufarbeitung des bisher in der bildungsgeschichtlichen Forschung weitestgehend unbekannten Schaffens vermag es, den vielschichtigen Bedeutungsebenen von Schulreform(en) und Reformp{\"a}dagogik gerecht(er) zu werden. Die Arbeit intendiert zudem eine Horizonterweiterung des bildungshistorischen Blickfeldes - vor allem in Bezug auf bildungspolitische und schulpraktische Realisierungen von essenziellen Reformen in den Bereichen sekund{\"a}rer (Aus-)Bildungseinrichtungen. Die Schwestern bestimmten sowohl als kommunalpolitische als auch als schulpraktische Akteure die neue Praxis und die neuen Anforderungen der demokratischen Staatsform mit. Adelheid Torhorst k{\"a}mpfte - {\"u}ber ihren kommunalen Verantwortungsradius hinausreichend - aktiv im Rahmen ihrer von 1924-1931 andauernden Mitgliedschaft im Bund der Freien Schulgesellschaften (BFS) f{\"u}r eine gesamte Weltlichkeit des deutschen Schul- und (Aus-)Bildungswesens. Beide Frauen mussten auf ihren T{\"a}tigkeitsebenen erfahren, dass ihre immer st{\"a}rker werdenden sozialistisch gepr{\"a}gten Vorstellungen bez{\"u}glich der deutschen Bildungslandschaft Illusionen blieben. Vielmehr erkannten sie zunehmend einen Zusammenhang zwischen den etablierten Machtstrukturen; ein gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt, der sich in ihren Augen in einem sozial durchl{\"a}ssigen und weltlichen Bildungswesen formierte, erforderte vor allem strukturelle Ver{\"a}nderungen. F{\"u}r diese jedoch gab es keine gesellschaftlichen und politischen Mehrheiten. Die doppelbiografische Perspektive mit dem Fokus auf das Bleibende des Reformengagements sensibilisiert f{\"u}r gegenw{\"a}rtige bildungspolitische Streitfragen. Der kritisch-reflexive Blick geht zun{\"a}chst mit einer W{\"u}rdigung der qualifizierenden deutschen (Aus-) Bildungslandschaft einher; sch{\"a}tzt die liberalen Errungenschaften wie die Entscheidungsfreiheit der Eltern in Bezug zum Besuch des Religionsunterrichts ihrer Kinder als ein Privileg einer demokratischen, sozial offenen Gesellschaft. Es braucht in einer herausfordernden Zukunft mehr denn je mutige Akteure mit progressivem Reformpotenzial. Das wegweisende Engagement der Torhorst-Schwestern stand im Kontext eines schulischen sowie gesellschaftlichen Fortschrittgedankens, der sowohl die Moderne positiv pr{\"a}gt und tr{\"a}gt, der aber auch f{\"u}r deren Krisen und Konflikte steht. Im gegenw{\"a}rtigen (Aus-)Bildungswesen entstehen ebenso immer wieder neue Spannungen und Reformbedarfe, die es gilt, mit entsprechenden bildungspolitischen Richtlinien „von oben" gesetzlich neu zu reglementieren - mit Leben gef{\"u}llt werden sie mit dem Engagement „von unten".}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mainka2018, author = {Mainka, Stefan}, title = {Wieder gehen lernen mit Musik}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-430049}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {88}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Mehrzahl der Schlaganfallpatienten leidet unter St{\"o}rungen der Gehf{\"a}higkeit. Die Behandlung der Folgen des Schlaganfalls stellt eine der h{\"a}ufigsten Indikationen f{\"u}r die neurologische Rehabilitation dar. Dabei steht die Wiederherstellung von sensomotorischen Funktionen, insbesondere der Gehf{\"a}higkeit, und der gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe im Vordergrund. In Deutschland wird in der Gangrehabilitation nach Schlaganfall oft das Neurophysiologische Gangtraining nach Bobath (NGB) angewandt, das jedoch in seiner Effektivit{\"a}t kritisch gesehen wird. In Behandlungsleitlinien wird zuerst das Laufbandtraining (LT) empfohlen. F{\"u}r diese Therapie liegen Wirknachweise f{\"u}r Verbesserungen in Gehgeschwindigkeit und Gehausdauer vor. Auch f{\"u}r die Rhythmisch-auditive Stimulation (RAS), dem ebenerdigen Gangtraining mit akustischer Stimulation liegt vergleichbare Evidenz f{\"u}r Schlaganfallpatienten vor. Ziel der durchgef{\"u}hrten Studie war es, zu kl{\"a}ren ob der Einsatz von RAS die Effektivit{\"a}t von LT verbessert. Es wurden die Auswirkungen eines 4-w{\"o}chigen musikgest{\"u}tzten Laufbandtrainings auf die Gangrehabilitation von Schlaganfallpatienten untersucht. F{\"u}r die Kombinationstherapie RAS mit Laufbandtraining (RAS-LT) wurde spezielle Trainingsmusik entwickelt. Diese wurde an die individuelle Laufbandkadenz des Patienten angepasst und in Abstimmung mit der Bandgeschwindigkeit systematisch gesteigert. Untersucht wurde, ob RAS-LT zu st{\"a}rkeren Verbesserungen der Gehf{\"a}higkeit bei Schlaganfallpatienten f{\"u}hrt als die Standardtherapien NGB und LT. Dazu wurde eine klinische Evaluation im prospektiven randomisierten und kontrollierten Parallelgruppendesign mit 45 Patienten nach Schlaganfall durchgef{\"u}hrt. 45 Patienten mit Hemiparese der unteren Extremit{\"a}t oder unsicherem und asymmetrischem Gangbild wurden in der Akutphase nach Schlaganfall eingeschlossen. Bei 10 Patienten wurde die Studie w{\"a}hrend der Interventionsphase abgebrochen, davon 1 Patient mit unerw{\"u}nschter Nebenwirkung in Folge des LT. Die verwendete Testbatterie umfasste neben Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Gehfunktion wie Fast Gait Speed Test, 3-min-Walking-Time-Test und der apparativen Ganganalyse mit dem Lokometer nach Bessou eine statische Posturographie und eine kinematische 2D-Ganganalyse auf dem Laufband. Diese Methode wurde in Erweiterung der bisherigen Studienlage in dieser Form erstmals f{\"u}r diese Fragestellung und dieses Patientenkollektiv konzipiert und eingesetzt. Sie erm{\"o}glichte eine differenzierte und seitenbezogene Beurteilung der Bewegungsqualit{\"a}t. Die prim{\"a}ren Endpunkte der Studie waren die longitudinalen Gangparameter Kadenz, Gehgeschwindigkeit und Schrittl{\"a}nge. Als sekund{\"a}re Endpunkte dienten die Schrittsymmetrie, die Gehausdauer, das statische Gleichgewicht und die Bewegungsqualit{\"a}t des Gehens. Pr{\"a}-Post-Effekte wurden f{\"u}r die gesamte Stichprobe und f{\"u}r jede Gruppe durch T-Tests und wenn Normalverteilung nicht gegeben war mit dem Wilcoxon-Vorzeichen-Rangtest errechnet. F{\"u}r die Ermittlung der Wirkungsunterschiede der 3 Interventionen wurde eine Kovarianzanalyse mit zwei Kovariaten durchgef{\"u}hrt: (1) der jeweilige Pr{\"a}-Interventionsparameter und (2) die Zeit zwischen Akutereignis und Studienbeginn. F{\"u}r einzelne Messparameter waren die Vorbedingungen der Kovarianzanalyse nicht erf{\"u}llt, sodass stattdessen ein Kruskal-Wallis H Test durchgef{\"u}hrt wurde. Das Signifikanzniveau wurde auf p < 0,05 und f{\"u}r gruppenspezifische Pr{\"a}-Post-Effekte auf p > 0,016 gesetzt. Effektst{\"a}rken wurden mit Cohens d berechnet. Es wurden die Datens{\"a}tze von 35 Patienten (RAS-LT: N = 11, LT: N = 13, NGB: N = 11) mit einem Alter von 63.6 ±8.6 Jahren, und mit einer Zeit zwischen Akutereignis und Beginn der Studie von 42.1 ±23.7 Tagen ausgewertet. In der statistischen Auswertung zeigten sich in der Nachuntersuchung st{\"a}rkere Verbesserungen durch RAS-LT in der Kadenz (F(2,34) = 7.656, p = 0.002; partielles η2 = 0.338), wobei auch die Gruppenkontraste signifikante Unterschiede zugunsten von RAS-LT aufwiesen und eine Tendenz zu st{\"a}rkerer Verbesserung in der Gehgeschwindigkeit (F(2,34) = 3.864, p = 0.032; partielles η2 = 0.205). Auch die Ergebnisse zur Schrittsymmetrie und zur Bewegungsqualit{\"a}t deuteten auf eine {\"U}berlegenheit des neuen Therapieansatzes RAS-LT hin, obgleich dort keine statistischen Signifikanzen im Gruppenvergleich erreicht wurden. Die Parameter Schrittl{\"a}nge, Gehausdauer und die Werte zum statischen Gleichgewicht zeigten keine spezifischen Effekte von RAS-LT. Die Studie liefert erstmals Anhaltspunkte f{\"u}r eine klinische {\"U}berlegenheit von RAS-LT gegen{\"u}ber den Standardtherapien. Die weitere Entwicklung und Beforschung dieses innovativen Therapieansatzes k{\"o}nnen in Zukunft zu einer verbesserten Gangrehabilitation von Patienten nach Schlaganfall beitragen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Klimke2018, author = {Klimke, Jan}, title = {Web-based provisioning and application of large-scale virtual 3D city models}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42805}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-428053}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 141}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Virtual 3D city models represent and integrate a variety of spatial data and georeferenced data related to urban areas. With the help of improved remote-sensing technology, official 3D cadastral data, open data or geodata crowdsourcing, the quantity and availability of such data are constantly expanding and its quality is ever improving for many major cities and metropolitan regions. There are numerous fields of applications for such data, including city planning and development, environmental analysis and simulation, disaster and risk management, navigation systems, and interactive city maps. The dissemination and the interactive use of virtual 3D city models represent key technical functionality required by nearly all corresponding systems, services, and applications. The size and complexity of virtual 3D city models, their management, their handling, and especially their visualization represent challenging tasks. For example, mobile applications can hardly handle these models due to their massive data volume and data heterogeneity. Therefore, the efficient usage of all computational resources (e.g., storage, processing power, main memory, and graphics hardware, etc.) is a key requirement for software engineering in this field. Common approaches are based on complex clients that require the 3D model data (e.g., 3D meshes and 2D textures) to be transferred to them and that then render those received 3D models. However, these applications have to implement most stages of the visualization pipeline on client side. Thus, as high-quality 3D rendering processes strongly depend on locally available computer graphics resources, software engineering faces the challenge of building robust cross-platform client implementations. Web-based provisioning aims at providing a service-oriented software architecture that consists of tailored functional components for building web-based and mobile applications that manage and visualize virtual 3D city models. This thesis presents corresponding concepts and techniques for web-based provisioning of virtual 3D city models. In particular, it introduces services that allow us to efficiently build applications for virtual 3D city models based on a fine-grained service concept. The thesis covers five main areas: 1. A Service-Based Concept for Image-Based Provisioning of Virtual 3D City Models It creates a frame for a broad range of services related to the rendering and image-based dissemination of virtual 3D city models. 2. 3D Rendering Service for Virtual 3D City Models This service provides efficient, high-quality 3D rendering functionality for virtual 3D city models. In particular, it copes with requirements such as standardized data formats, massive model texturing, detailed 3D geometry, access to associated feature data, and non-assumed frame-to-frame coherence for parallel service requests. In addition, it supports thematic and artistic styling based on an expandable graphics effects library. 3. Layered Map Service for Virtual 3D City Models It generates a map-like representation of virtual 3D city models using an oblique view. It provides high visual quality, fast initial loading times, simple map-based interaction and feature data access. Based on a configurable client framework, mobile and web-based applications for virtual 3D city models can be created easily. 4. Video Service for Virtual 3D City Models It creates and synthesizes videos from virtual 3D city models. Without requiring client-side 3D rendering capabilities, users can create camera paths by a map-based user interface, configure scene contents, styling, image overlays, text overlays, and their transitions. The service significantly reduces the manual effort typically required to produce such videos. The videos can automatically be updated when the underlying data changes. 5. Service-Based Camera Interaction It supports task-based 3D camera interactions, which can be integrated seamlessly into service-based visualization applications. It is demonstrated how to build such web-based interactive applications for virtual 3D city models using this camera service. These contributions provide a framework for design, implementation, and deployment of future web-based applications, systems, and services for virtual 3D city models. The approach shows how to decompose the complex, monolithic functionality of current 3D geovisualization systems into independently designed, implemented, and operated service- oriented units. In that sense, this thesis also contributes to microservice architectures for 3D geovisualization systems—a key challenge of today's IT systems engineering to build scalable IT solutions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heiden2018, author = {Heiden, Sophia L.}, title = {Water at α-alumina surfaces}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42636}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426366}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {124}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The (0001) surface of α-Al₂O₃ is the most stable surface cut under UHV conditions and was studied by many groups both theoretically and experimentally. Reaction barriers computed with GGA functionals are known to be underestimated. Based on an example reaction at the (0001) surface, this work seeks to improve this rate by applying a hybrid functional method and perturbation theory (LMP2) with an atomic orbital basis, rather than a plane wave basis. In addition to activation barriers, we calculate the stability and vibrational frequencies of water on the surface. Adsorption energies were compared to PW calculations and confirmed PBE+D2/PW stability results. Especially the vibrational frequencies with the B3LYP hybrid functional that have been calculated for the (0001) surface are in good agreement with experimental findings. Concerning the barriers and the reaction rate constant, the expectations are fully met. It could be shown that recalculation of the transition state leads to an increased barrier, and a decreased rate constant when hybrid functionals or LMP2 are applied. Furthermore, the molecular beam scattering of water on (0001) surface was studied. In a previous work by Hass the dissociation was studied by AIMD of molecularly adsorbed water, referring to an equilibrium situation. The experimental method to obtaining this is pinhole dosing. In contrast to this earlier work, the dissociation process of heavy water that is brought onto the surface from a molecular beam source was modeled in this work by periodic ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. This experimental method results in a non-equilibrium situation. The calculations with different surface and beam models allow us to understand the results of the non-equilibrium situation better. In contrast to a more equilibrium situation with pinhole dosing, this gives an increase in the dissociation probability, which could be explained and also understood mechanistically by those calculations. In this work good progress was made in understanding the (1120) surface of α-Al₂O₃ in contact with water in the low-coverage regime. This surface cut is the third most stable one under UHV conditions and has not been studied to a great extent yet. After optimization of the clean, defect free surface, the stability of different adsorbed species could be classified. One molecular minimum and several dissociated species could be detected. Starting from these, reaction rates for various surface reactions were evaluated. A dissociation reaction was shown to be very fast because the molecular minimum is relatively unstable, whereas diffusion reactions cover a wider range from fast to slow. In general, the (112‾0) surface appears to be much more reactive against water than the (0001) surface. In addition to reactivity, harmonic vibrational frequencies were determined for comparison with the findings of the experimental "Interfacial Molecular Spectroscopy" group from Fritz-Haber institute in Berlin. Especially the vibrational frequencies of OD species could be assigned to vibrations from experimental SFG spectra with very good agreement. Also, lattice vibrations were studied in close collaboration with the experimental partners. They perform SFG spectra at very low frequencies to get deep into the lattice vibration region. Correspondingly, a bigger slab model with greater expansion perpendicular to the surface was applied, considering more layers in the bulk. Also with the lattice vibrations we could obtain reasonably good agreement in terms of energy differences between the peaks.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Xiong2018, author = {Xiong, Tao}, title = {Vibrationally resolved absorption, emission, resonance Raman and photoelectron spectra of selected organic molecules, associated radicals and cations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-418105}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iv, 100}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Time-dependent correlation function based methods to study optical spectroscopy involving electronic transitions can be traced back to the work of Heller and coworkers. This intuitive methodology can be expected to be computationally efficient and is applied in the current work to study the vibronic absorption, emission, and resonance Raman spectra of selected organic molecules. Besides, the "non-standard" application of this approach to photoionization processes is also explored. The application section consists of four chapters as described below. In Chapter 4, the molar absorptivities and vibronic absorption/emission spectra of perylene and several of its N-substituted derivatives are investigated. By systematically varying the number and position of N atoms, it is shown that the presence of nitrogen heteroatoms has a negligible effect on the molecular structure and geometric distortions upon electronic transitions, while spectral properties are more sensitive: In particular the number of N atoms is important while their position is less decisive. Thus, N-substitution can be used to fine-tune the optical properties of perylene-based molecules. In Chapter 5, the same methods are applied to study the vibronic absorption/emission and resonance Raman spectra of a newly synthesized donor-acceptor type molecule. The simulated absorption/emission spectra agree fairly well with experimental data, with discrepancies being attributed to solvent effects. Possible modes which may dominate the fine-structure in the vibronic spectra are proposed by analyzing the correlation function with the aid of Raman and resonance Raman spectra. In the next two chapters, besides the above types of spectra, the methods are extended to study photoelectron spectra of several small diamondoid-related systems (molecules, radicals, and cations). Comparison of the photoelectron spectra with available experimental data suggests that the correlation function based approach can describe ionization processes reasonably well. Some of these systems, cationic species in particular, exhibit somewhat peculiar optical behavior, which presents them as possible candidates for functional devices. Correlation function based methods in a more general sense can be very versatile. In fact, besides the above radiative processes, formulas for non-radiative processes such as internal conversion have been derived in literature. Further implementation of the available methods is among our next goals.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kumru2018, author = {Kumru, Baris}, title = {Utilization of graphitic carbon nitride in dispersed media}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42733}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-427339}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {III, 190}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Utilization of sunlight for energy harvesting has been foreseen as sustainable replacement for fossil fuels, which would also eliminate side effects arising from fossil fuel consumption such as drastic increase of CO2 in Earth atmosphere. Semiconductor materials can be implemented for energy harvesting, and design of ideal energy harvesting devices relies on effective semiconductor with low recombination rate, ease of processing, stability over long period, non-toxicity and synthesis from abundant sources. Aforementioned criteria have attracted broad interest for graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN) materials, metal-free semiconductor which can be synthesized from low cost and abundant precursors. Furthermore, physical properties such as band gap, surface area and absorption can be tuned. g-CN was investigated as heterogeneous catalyst, with diversified applications from water splitting to CO2 reduction and organic coupling reactions. However, low dispersibility of g-CN in water and organic solvents was an obstacle for future improvements. Tissue engineering aims to mimic natural tissues mechanically and biologically, so that synthetic materials can replace natural ones in future. Hydrogels are crosslinked networks with high water content, therefore are prime candidates for tissue engineering. However, the first requirement is synthesis of hydrogels with mechanical properties that are matching to natural tissues. Among different approaches for reinforcement, nanocomposite reinforcement is highly promising. This thesis aims to investigate aqueous and organic dispersions of g-CN materials. Aqueous g-CN dispersions were utilized for visible light induced hydrogel synthesis, where g-CN acts as reinforcer and photoinitiator. Varieties of methodologies were presented for enhancing g-CN dispersibility, from co-solvent method to prepolymer formation, and it was shown that hydrogels with diversified mechanical properties (from skin-like to cartilage-like) are accessible via g-CN utilization. One pot photografting method was introduced for functionalization of g-CN surface which provides functional groups towards enhanced dispersibility in aqueous and organic media. Grafting vinyl thiazole groups yields stable additive-free organodispersions of g-CN which are electrostatically stabilized with increased photophysical properties. Colloidal stability of organic systems provides transparent g-CN coatings and printing g-CN from commercial inkjet printers. Overall, application of g-CN in dispersed media is highly promising, and variety of materials can be accessible via utilization of g-CN and visible light with simple chemicals and synthetic conditions. g-CN in dispersed media will bridge emerging research areas from tissue engineering to energy harvesting in near future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Agarwal2018, author = {Agarwal, Ankit}, title = {Unraveling spatio-temporal climatic patterns via multi-scale complex networks}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42395}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423956}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxix, 153}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The climate is a complex dynamical system involving interactions and feedbacks among different processes at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Although numerous studies have attempted to understand the climate system, nonetheless, the studies investigating the multiscale characteristics of the climate are scarce. Further, the present set of techniques are limited in their ability to unravel the multi-scale variability of the climate system. It is completely plausible that extreme events and abrupt transitions, which are of great interest to climate community, are resultant of interactions among processes operating at multi-scale. For instance, storms, weather patterns, seasonal irregularities such as El Ni{\~n}o, floods and droughts, and decades-long climate variations can be better understood and even predicted by quantifying their multi-scale dynamics. This makes a strong argument to unravel the interaction and patterns of climatic processes at different scales. With this background, the thesis aims at developing measures to understand and quantify multi-scale interactions within the climate system. In the first part of the thesis, I proposed two new methods, viz, multi-scale event synchronization (MSES) and wavelet multi-scale correlation (WMC) to capture the scale-specific features present in the climatic processes. The proposed methods were tested on various synthetic and real-world time series in order to check their applicability and replicability. The results indicate that both methods (WMC and MSES) are able to capture scale-specific associations that exist between processes at different time scales in a more detailed manner as compared to the traditional single scale counterparts. In the second part of the thesis, the proposed multi-scale similarity measures were used in constructing climate networks to investigate the evolution of spatial connections within climatic processes at multiple timescales. The proposed methods WMC and MSES, together with complex network were applied to two different datasets. In the first application, climate networks based on WMC were constructed for the univariate global sea surface temperature (SST) data to identify and visualize the SSTs patterns that develop very similarly over time and distinguish them from those that have long-range teleconnections to other ocean regions. Further investigations of climate networks on different timescales revealed (i) various high variability and co-variability regions, and (ii) short and long-range teleconnection regions with varying spatial distance. The outcomes of the study not only re-confirmed the existing knowledge on the link between SST patterns like El Ni{\~n}o Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, but also suggested new insights into the characteristics and origins of long-range teleconnections. In the second application, I used the developed non-linear MSES similarity measure to quantify the multivariate teleconnections between extreme Indian precipitation and climatic patterns with the highest relevance for Indian sub-continent. The results confirmed significant non-linear influences that were not well captured by the traditional methods. Further, there was a substantial variation in the strength and nature of teleconnection across India, and across time scales. Overall, the results from investigations conducted in the thesis strongly highlight the need for considering the multi-scale aspects in climatic processes, and the proposed methods provide robust framework for quantifying the multi-scale characteristics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Westbury2018, author = {Westbury, Michael V.}, title = {Unraveling evolution through Next Generation Sequencing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-409981}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {129}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The sequencing of the human genome in the early 2000s led to an increased interest in cheap and fast sequencing technologies. This interest culminated in the advent of next generation sequencing (NGS). A number of different NGS platforms have arisen since then all promising to do the same thing, i.e. produce large amounts of genetic information for relatively low costs compared to more traditional methods such as Sanger sequencing. The capabilities of NGS meant that researchers were no longer bound to species for which a lot of previous work had already been done (e.g. model organisms and humans) enabling a shift in research towards more novel and diverse species of interest. This capability has greatly benefitted many fields within the biological sciences, one of which being the field of evolutionary biology. Researchers have begun to move away from the study of laboratory model organisms to wild, natural populations and species which has greatly expanded our knowledge of evolution. NGS boasts a number of benefits over more traditional sequencing approaches. The main benefit comes from the capability to generate information for drastically more loci for a fraction of the cost. This is hugely beneficial to the study of wild animals as, even when large numbers of individuals are unobtainable, the amount of data produced still allows for accurate, reliable population and species level results from a small selection of individuals. The use of NGS to study species for which little to no previous research has been carried out on and the production of novel evolutionary information and reference datasets for the greater scientific community were the focuses of this thesis. Two studies in this thesis focused on producing novel mitochondrial genomes from shotgun sequencing data through iterative mapping, bypassing the need for a close relative to serve as a reference sequence. These mitochondrial genomes were then used to infer species level relationships through phylogenetic analyses. The first of these studies involved reconstructing a complete mitochondrial genome of the bat eared fox (Otocyon megalotis). Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial genome confidently placed the bat eared fox as sister to the clade consisting of the raccoon dog and true foxes within the canidae family. The next study also involved reconstructing a mitochondrial genome but in this case from the extinct Macrauchenia of South America. As this study utilised ancient DNA, it involved a lot of parameter testing, quality controls and strict thresholds to obtain a near complete mitochondrial genome devoid of contamination known to plague ancient DNA studies. Phylogenetic analyses confidently placed Macrauchenia as sister to all living representatives of Perissodactyla with a divergence time of ~66 million years ago. The third and final study of this thesis involved de novo assemblies of both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes from brown and striped hyena and focussed on demographic, genetic diversity and population genomic analyses within the brown hyena. Previous studies of the brown hyena hinted at very low levels of genomic diversity and, perhaps due to this, were unable to find any notable population structure across its range. By incorporating a large number of genetic loci, in the form of complete nuclear genomes, population structure within the brown hyena was uncovered. On top of this, genomic diversity levels were compared to a number of other species. Results showed the brown hyena to have the lowest genomic diversity out of all species included in the study which was perhaps caused by a continuous and ongoing decline in effective population size that started about one million years ago and dramatically accelerated towards the end of the Pleistocene. The studies within this thesis show the power NGS sequencing has and its utility within evolutionary biology. The most notable capabilities outlined in this thesis involve the study of species for which no reference data is available and in the production of large amounts of data, providing evolutionary answers at the species and population level that data produced using more traditional techniques simply could not.}, language = {en} }