@phdthesis{Anda2020, author = {Anda, Carolin}, title = {Reisen mit/durch/auf Facebook}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62489}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-624896}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {237}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht Urlaubsfotografien bei Facebook und beschreibt, welche sozio-technischen Medienpraktiken sich innerhalb der Social-Media Plattform {\"u}ber die Fotografien vollziehen. Fotografische Praktiken sind durch aktive Handlungen und soziale Gebrauchsweisen bestimmt. Urlaubsfotografien tragen zum Beispiel zur Strukturierung von Reiserouten und Vorstellungen bei, indem genrespezifische Motive und Rahmungen mit Hilfe von Medien reproduziert und wiederholt werden. Praktiken des Zeigens, Teilens und Kommunizierens werden durch Social Plug-Ins (Like/Share Buttons) und Tagging-Funktionen auch in die Benutzeroberfl{\"a}chen von Facebook integriert. Dadurch werden Nutzer*innen Aktivit{\"a}ten und technische Prozesse miteinander verbunden. Am Beispiel der automatischen Generierung von Urlaubsfotografien auf Geotagseiten wird gezeigt, dass Social-Tagging zur Entstehung und Aushandlung geographischer R{\"a}ume und Ortsvorstellungen beitr{\"a}gt. Mithilfe technischer Strukturierungen von Fotografien auf Taggingseiten werden genrespezifische Motive, fotografische Trends und {\"A}sthetiken besonders sichtbar. Allerdings wird ihre Visualisierung auch durch algorithmische Priorisierung einzelner Inhalte mitbestimmt. Dadurch werden Urlaubsfotografien f{\"u}r ein fotografisches Profiling genutzt, da sie das algorithmische Erfassen und Auswerten von Nutzer*innen-Informationen erm{\"o}glichen. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass der Einsatz von Bilderkennungsverfahren und fotografischen Datenanalysen zu einer optimierten Informationsgewinnung und zu einer Standardisierung von Fotografien beitr{\"a}gt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{VenturaBort2020, author = {Ventura-Bort, Carlos}, title = {Temporo-spatial dynamics of the impact of emotional contexts on visual processing and memory}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55023}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-550236}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {208}, year = {2020}, abstract = {It has frequently been observed that single emotional events are not only more efficiently processed, but also better remembered, and form longer-lasting memory traces than neutral material. However, when emotional information is perceived as a part of a complex event, such as in the context of or in relation to other events and/or source details, the modulatory effects of emotion are less clear. The present work aims to investigate how emotional, contextual source information modulates the initial encoding and subsequent long-term retrieval of associated neutral material (item memory) and contextual source details (contextual source memory). To do so, a two-task experiment was used, consisting of an incidental encoding task in which neutral objects were displayed over different contextual background scenes which varied in emotional content (unpleasant, pleasant, and neutral), and a delayed retrieval task (1 week), in which previously-encoded objects and new ones were presented. In a series of studies, behavioral indices (Studies 2, 3, and 5), event-related potentials (ERPs; Studies 1-4), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (Study 5) were used to investigate whether emotional contexts can rapidly tune the visual processing of associated neutral information (Study 1) and modulate long-term item memory (Study 2), how different recognition memory processes (familiarity vs. recollection) contribute to these emotion effects on item and contextual source memory (Study 3), whether the emotional effects of item memory can also be observed during spontaneous retrieval (Sstudy 4), and which brain regions underpin the modulatory effects of emotional contexts on item and contextual source memory (Study 5). In Study 1, it was observed that emotional contexts by means of emotional associative learning, can rapidly alter the processing of associated neutral information. Neutral items associated with emotional contexts (i.e. emotional associates) compared to neutral ones, showed enhanced perceptual and more elaborate processing after one single pairing, as indexed by larger amplitudes in the P100 and LPP components, respectively. Study 2 showed that emotional contexts produce longer-lasting memory effects, as evidenced by better item memory performance and larger ERP Old/New differences for emotional associates. In Study 3, a mnemonic differentiation was observed between item and contextual source memory which was modulated by emotion. Item memory was driven by familiarity, independently of emotional contexts during encoding, whereas contextual source memory was driven by recollection, and better for emotional material. As in Study 2, enhancing effects of emotional contexts for item memory were observed in ERPs associated with recollection processes. Likewise, for contextual source memory, a pronounced recollection-related ERP enhancement was observed for exclusively emotional contexts. Study 4 showed that the long-term recollection enhancement of emotional contexts on item memory can be observed even when retrieval is not explicitly attempted, as measured with ERPs, suggesting that the emotion enhancing effects on memory are not related to the task embedded during recognition, but to the motivational relevance of the triggering event. In Study 5, it was observed that enhancing effects of emotional contexts on item and contextual source memory involve stronger engagement of the brain's regions which are associated with memory recollection, including areas of the medial temporal lobe, posterior parietal cortex, and prefrontal cortex. Taken together, these findings suggest that emotional contexts rapidly modulate the initial processing of associated neutral information and the subsequent, long-term item and contextual source memories. The enhanced memory effects of emotional contexts are strongly supported by recollection rather than familiarity processes, and are shown to be triggered when retrieval is both explicitly and spontaneously attempted. These results provide new insights into the modulatory role of emotional information on the visual processing and the long-term recognition memory of complex events. The present findings are integrated into the current theoretical models and future ventures are discussed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Verdiani2020, author = {Verdiani, Silvia}, title = {Silenzio, immagini e parole. La costruzione del significato nella multimodalit{\`a} digitale}, isbn = {9788875901516}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-52359}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-523590}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {409}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Internetsprache weist besondere Merkmale auf, denn neben dem verbalen Text sind auch andere Elemente wichtig: die Reaktionszeit, das Fehlen einer Antwort sowie die umfangreiche Verwendung von Bild- und Multimedia-Elementen. Greg Myers (2010: 15) verwendet in diesem Zusammenhang den Begriff - und das Sprachspiel - aural materials: Bild-, Multimedia- und Sprachmaterial haben im Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) als Referent ein bestimmtes Interpretationsfeld. In dieser Perspektive funktioniert verbale Sprache als Aktivator der m{\"o}glichen inferentialen Wege und Kontexte innerhalb unserer Welt. Wichtig sind die Kultur- und Lebenserfahrungen der Teilnehmer (Basile 2012: 21), die uns erm{\"o}glichen die Nachricht zu verstehen und an der Kommunikation teilzunehmen. Die indexikalische Rolle der verbalen Sprache in Bezug auf Bilder und Multimedia, so wie sie in der Online-Kommunikation verwendet wird, ist von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Einbeziehung dieser Referenzdatei erregt die Aufmerksamkeit der Leser: Das Multimedia-Material ist sowohl ein integraler Bestandteil der Interaktion als auch deren Ausdrucksweise, Focus des Gespr{\"a}chs und gemeinsame Bildsprache. Die Anwendungsbereiche sind vielf{\"a}ltig, denn der Prozess des Bildlesens ist in der Rezeption, aber auch in der k{\"u}nstlerischen Produktion, in der Werbung, der politischen Propaganda und dar{\"u}ber hinaus in der multimedialen Kommunikation pr{\"a}sent. Die Konglomerate von Sprache und Bild sind in der Lage, komplexe Begriffe zu synthetisieren, aber auch in der Erinnerung der Empf{\"a}nger genau zu haften, und zwar aufgrund ihres gemischten Codes und ihrer syn{\"a}sthetischen Natur. Dies ist funktional f{\"u}r die digitale Kommunikation, die sich auf die phatischen und spielerischen Aspekte der Interaktion konzentriert. Die Auswirkungen auf die sprachliche Verwendung sind zweifellos einer der interessantesten und aktuellsten Aspekte dieser Art von hybriden Kommunikation, die Neuheit liegt nicht so sehr in der Wahl einer medien{\"u}bergreifenden expressiven Dimension - auch in der Vergangenheit vielseitig bezeugt -, sondern in ihrer aktuellen Verbreitung, denn sie ist in der Tat die normale kommunikative Dimension f{\"u}r eine immer gr{\"o}ßere Anzahl von Benutzern geworden.}, language = {it} } @phdthesis{Barrionuevo2020, author = {Barrionuevo, Mat{\´i}as}, title = {The role of the upper plate in the Andean tectonic evolution (33-36°S): insights from structural geology and numerical modeling}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51590}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-515909}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {148, S2}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Los Andes Centrales del Sur (33-36°S) son un gran laboratorio para el estudio de los procesos de deformaci{\´o}n orog{\´e}nica, donde las condiciones de borde, como la geometr{\´i}a de la placa subductada, imponen un importante control sobre la deformaci{\´o}n andina. Por otro lado, la Placa Sudamericana presenta una serie de heterogeneidades que tambi{\´e}n imparten un control sobre el modo de deformaci{\´o}n. El objetivo de esta tesis es probar el control de este {\´u}ltimo factor sobre la construcci{\´o}n del sistema orog{\´e}nico andino. A partir de la integraci{\´o}n de la informaci{\´o}n superficial y de subsuelo en el {\´a}rea sur (34°-36°S), se estudi{\´o} la evoluci{\´o}n de la deformaci{\´o}n andina sobre el segmento de subducci{\´o}n normal. Se desarroll{\´o} un modelo estructural que eval{\´u}a el estado de esfuerzos desde el Mioceno hasta la actualidad, el rol de estructuras previas y su influencia en la migraci{\´o}n de fluidos. Con estos datos y publicaciones previas de la zona norte del {\´a}rea de estudio (33°-34ºS), se realiz{\´o} un modelado num{\´e}rico geodin{\´a}mico para probar la hip{\´o}tesis del papel de las heterogeneidades de la placa superior en la evoluci{\´o}n andina. Se utilizaron dos c{\´o}digos (LAPEX-2D y ASPECT) basados en elementos finitos/diferencias finitas, que simulan el comportamiento de materiales con reolog{\´i}as elastoviscopl{\´a}sticas bajo deformaci{\´o}n. Los resultados del modelado sugieren que la deformaci{\´o}n contraccional de la placa superior est{\´a} significativamente controlada por la resistencia de la lit{\´o}sfera, que est{\´a} definida por la composici{\´o}n de la corteza superior e inferior y por la proporci{\´o}n del manto litosf{\´e}rico, que a su vez est{\´a} definida por eventos tect{\´o}nicos previos. Estos eventos previos tambi{\´e}n definieron la composici{\´o}n de la corteza y su geometr{\´i}a, que es otro factor que controla la localizaci{\´o}n de la deformaci{\´o}n. Con una composici{\´o}n de corteza inferior m{\´a}s f{\´e}lsica, la deformaci{\´o}n sigue un modo de cizalla pura mientras que las composiciones m{\´a}s m{\´a}ficas provocan un modo de deformaci{\´o}n tipo cizalla simple. Por otro lado, observamos que el espesor inicial de la lit{\´o}sfera controla la localizaci{\´o}n de la deformaci{\´o}n, donde zonas con lit{\´o}sfera m{\´a}s fina es propensa a concentrar la deformaci{\´o}n. Un l{\´i}mite lit{\´o}sfera-asten{\´o}sfera asim{\´e}trico, como resultado del flujo de la cu{\~n}a mant{\´e}lica tiende a generar despegues vergentes al E.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{LeGallMboro2020, author = {LeGall, Yann and Mboro, Mnyaka Sururu}, title = {Remembering the dismembered}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-50850}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-508502}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 346}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This thesis - written in co-authorship with Tanzanian activist Mnyaka Sururu Mboro - examines different cases of repatriation of ancestral remains to African countries and communities through the prism of postcolonial memory studies. It follows the theft and displacement of prominent ancestors from East and Southern Africa (Sarah Baartman, Dawid Stuurman, Mtwa Mkwawa, Songea Mbano, King Hintsa and the victims of the Ovaherero and Nama genocides) and argues that efforts made for the repatriation of their remains have contributed to a transnational remembrance of colonial violence. Drawing from cultural studies theories such as "multidirectional memory", "rehumanisation" and "necropolitics", the thesis argues for a new conceptualisation or "re-membrance" in repatriation, through processes of reunion, empowerment, story-telling and belonging. Besides, the afterlives of the dead ancestors, who stand at the centre of political debates on justice and reparations, remind of their past struggles against colonial oppression. They are therefore "memento vita", fostering counter-discourses that recognize them as people and stories. This manuscript is accompanied by a "(web)site of memory" where some of the research findings are made available to a wider audience. This blog also hosts important sound material which appears in the thesis as interventions by external contributors. Through QR codes, both the written and the digital version are linked with each other to problematize the idea of a written monograph and bring a polyphonic perspective to those diverse, yet connected, histories.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuster2020, author = {Schuster, Maja}, title = {High resolution decoding of the tobacco chloroplast translatome and its dynamics during light-intensity acclimation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51268}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-512680}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 155}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Chloroplasts are the photosynthetic organelles in plant and algae cells that enable photoautotrophic growth. Due to their prokaryotic origin, modern-day chloroplast genomes harbor 100 to 200 genes. These genes encode for core components of the photosynthetic complexes and the chloroplast gene expression machinery, making most of them essential for the viability of the organism. The regulation of those genes is predominated by translational adjustments. The powerful technique of ribosome profiling was successfully used to generate highly resolved pictures of the translational landscape of Arabidopsis thaliana cytosol, identifying translation of upstream open reading frames and long non-coding transcripts. In addition, differences in plastidial translation and ribosomal pausing sites were addressed with this method. However, a highly resolved picture of the chloroplast translatome is missing. Here, with the use of chloroplast isolation and targeted ribosome affinity purification, I generated highly enriched ribosome profiling datasets of the chloroplasts translatome for Nicotiana tabacum in the dark and light. Chloroplast isolation was found unsuitable for the unbiased analysis of translation in the chloroplast but adequate to identify potential co-translational import. Affinity purification was performed for the small and large ribosomal subunit independently. The enriched datasets mirrored the results obtained from whole-cell ribosome profiling. Enhanced translational activity was detected for psbA in the light. An alternative translation initiation mechanism was not identified by selective enrichment of small ribosomal subunit footprints. In sum, this is the first study that used enrichment strategies to obtain high-depth ribosome profiling datasets of chloroplasts to study ribosome subunit distribution and chloroplast associated translation. Ever-changing light intensities are challenging the photosynthetic capacity of photosynthetic organism. Increased light intensities may lead to over-excitation of photosynthetic reaction centers resulting in damage of the photosystem core subunits. Additional to an expensive repair mechanism for the photosystem II core protein D1, photosynthetic organisms developed various features to reduce or prevent photodamage. In the long-term, photosynthetic complex contents are adjusted for the efficient use of experienced irradiation. However, the contribution of chloroplastic gene expression in the acclimation process remained largely unknown. Here, comparative transcriptome and ribosome profiling was performed for the early time points of high-light acclimation in Nicotiana tabacum chloroplasts in a genome-wide scale. The time- course data revealed stable transcript level and only minor changes in translational activity of specific chloroplast genes during high-light acclimation. Yet, psbA translation was increased by two-fold in the high light from shortly after the shift until the end of the experiment. A stress-inducing shift from low- to high light exhibited increased translation only of psbA. This study indicate that acclimation fails to start in the observed time frame and only short-term responses to reduce photoinhibition were observed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maerz2020, author = {M{\"a}rz, Moses}, title = {{\´E}douard Glissant's politics of relation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-50948}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-509486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 530}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The political legacy of the Martinican poet, novelist and philosopher {\´E}douard Glissant (1928-2011) is the subject of an ongoing debate among postcolonial literary scholars. Responding to an influential view shaping this debate, that Glissant's work can be categorised into an early political and late apolitical phase, this dissertation claims that this division is based on a narrow conception of 'engaged political writing' that prevents a more comprehensive view of the changing political strategies Glissant pursued throughout his life from emerging. Proceeding from this conceptual basis, the dissertation is concerned with re-reading the dimensions of Glissant's work that have hitherto been relegated as apolitical, literary or poetic, with the aim of conceptualising the politics of relation as an integral part of his overall poetic project. In methodological terms, the dissertation therefore proposes a relational reading of Glissant's life-work across literary genres, epochs, as well as the conventional divisions between political thought, writing and activism. This perspective is informed by Glissant's philosophy of relation, and draws on a conception of political practice that includes both explicit engagements with established political systems and institutions, as well as literary and cultural interventions geared towards their transformation and the creation of alternatives to them. Theoretically the work thus combines a poststructuralist lens on the conceptual difference between 'politics' and 'the political' with arguments for an inherent political quality of literature, and perspectives from the Afro-Caribbean radical tradition, in which writers and intellectuals have historically sought to combine discursive interventions with organisational actions. Applying this theoretical angle to the analysis of Glissant's politics of relation results in an interdisciplinary research framework designed to explore the synergies between postcolonial political and literary studies. In order to comprehensively describe Glissant's politics of relation without recourse to evolutionary or digressive models, the concept of an intellectual marronage is proposed as a framework to map the strategies making up Glissant's political archive. Drawing on a variety of historic, political theoretical and literary sources, intellectual marronage is understood as a mode of radical resistance to the neocolonial subjugation for which the plantation system stands historically and metaphorically, as an inherently innovative political practice invested in the creation of communities marked by relational ontologies, and as a commitment to fostering an imagination of the world and the human that differs fundamentally from the Enlightenment paradigm. This specific conception of intellectual marronage forms the basis on which three key strategies that consistently shape Glissant's political practice are identified and mapped. They revolve around Glissant's engagement with history (chapter 2), his commitment to fostering an imagination of the Tout-Monde (whole-world) as a political point of reference (chapter 3), and the continuous exploration of alternative forms of community on the levels of the island, the archipelago and the Tout-Monde (chapter 4). Together these strategies constitute Glissant's personal politics of relation. Its abstract characteristics can be put in a productive conversation with related theoretical traditions invested in exploring the political potentials of fugitivity (chapters 5), as well as with the work of other postcolonial actors whose holistic practice warrants to be described as a politics of relation (chapter 6).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Siemiatkowska2020, author = {Siemiatkowska, Beata}, title = {Redox signalling in plants}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-48911}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-489119}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {127}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Once proteins are synthesized, they can additionally be modified by post-translational modifications (PTMs). Proteins containing reactive cysteine thiols, stabilized in their deprotonated form due to their local environment as thiolates (RS-), serve as redox sensors by undergoing a multitude of oxidative PTMs (Ox-PTMs). Ox-PTMs such as S-nitrosylation or formation of inter- or intra-disulfide bridges induce functional changes in these proteins. Proteins containing cysteines, whose thiol oxidation state regulates their functions, belong to the so-called redoxome. Such Ox-PTMs are controlled by site-specific cellular events that play a crucial role in protein regulation, affecting enzyme catalytic sites, ligand binding affinity, protein-protein interactions or protein stability. Reversible protein thiol oxidation is an essential regulatory mechanism of photosynthesis, metabolism, and gene expression in all photosynthetic organisms. Therefore, studying PTMs will remain crucial for understanding plant adaptation to external stimuli like fluctuating light conditions. Optimizing methods suitable for studying plants Ox-PTMs is of high importance for elucidation of the redoxome in plants. This study focusses on thiol modifications occurring in plant and provides novel insight into in vivo redoxome of Arabidopsis thaliana in response to light vs. dark. This was achieved by utilizing a resin-assisted thiol enrichment approach. Furthermore, confirmation of candidates on the single protein level was carried out by a differential labelling approach. The thiols and disulfides were differentially labelled, and the protein levels were detected using immunoblot analysis. Further analysis was focused on light-reduced proteins. By the enrichment approach many well studied redox-regulated proteins were identified. Amongst those were fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) which have previously been described as thioredoxin system targeted enzymes. The redox regulated proteins identified in the current study were compared to several published, independent results showing redox regulated proteins in Arabidopsis leaves, root, mitochondria and specifically S-nitrosylated proteins. These proteins were excluded as potential new candidates but remain as a proof-of-concept to the enrichment experiments to be effective. Additionally, CSP41A and CSP41B proteins, which emerged from this study as potential targets of redox-regulation, were analyzed by Ribo-Seq. The active translatome study of csp41a mutant vs. wild-type showed most of the significant changes at end of the night, similarly as csp41b. Yet, in both mutants only several chloroplast-encoded genes were altered. Further studies of CSP41A and CSP41B proteins are needed to reveal their functions and elucidate the role of redox regulation of these proteins.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sianipar2020, author = {Sianipar, Johannes Harungguan}, title = {Towards scalable and secure virtual laboratory for cybersecurity e-learning}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-50279}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-502793}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 156}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Distance Education or e-Learning platform should be able to provide a virtual laboratory to let the participants have hands-on exercise experiences in practicing their skill remotely. Especially in Cybersecurity e-Learning where the participants need to be able to attack or defend the IT System. To have a hands-on exercise, the virtual laboratory environment must be similar to the real operational environment, where an attack or a victim is represented by a node in a virtual laboratory environment. A node is usually represented by a Virtual Machine (VM). Scalability has become a primary issue in the virtual laboratory for cybersecurity e-Learning because a VM needs a significant and fix allocation of resources. Available resources limit the number of simultaneous users. Scalability can be increased by increasing the efficiency of using available resources and by providing more resources. Increasing scalability means increasing the number of simultaneous users. In this thesis, we propose two approaches to increase the efficiency of using the available resources. The first approach in increasing efficiency is by replacing virtual machines (VMs) with containers whenever it is possible. The second approach is sharing the load with the user-on-premise machine, where the user-on-premise machine represents one of the nodes in a virtual laboratory scenario. We also propose two approaches in providing more resources. One way to provide more resources is by using public cloud services. Another way to provide more resources is by gathering resources from the crowd, which is referred to as Crowdresourcing Virtual Laboratory (CRVL). In CRVL, the crowd can contribute their unused resources in the form of a VM, a bare metal system, an account in a public cloud, a private cloud and an isolated group of VMs, but in this thesis, we focus on a VM. The contributor must give the credential of the VM admin or root user to the CRVL system. We propose an architecture and methods to integrate or dis-integrate VMs from the CRVL system automatically. A Team placement algorithm must also be investigated to optimize the usage of resources and at the same time giving the best service to the user. Because the CRVL system does not manage the contributor host machine, the CRVL system must be able to make sure that the VM integration will not harm their system and that the training material will be stored securely in the contributor sides, so that no one is able to take the training material away without permission. We are investigating ways to handle this kind of threats. We propose three approaches to strengthen the VM from a malicious host admin. To verify the integrity of a VM before integration to the CRVL system, we propose a remote verification method without using any additional hardware such as the Trusted Platform Module chip. As the owner of the host machine, the host admins could have access to the VM's data via Random Access Memory (RAM) by doing live memory dumping, Spectre and Meltdown attacks. To make it harder for the malicious host admin in getting the sensitive data from RAM, we propose a method that continually moves sensitive data in RAM. We also propose a method to monitor the host machine by installing an agent on it. The agent monitors the hypervisor configurations and the host admin activities. To evaluate our approaches, we conduct extensive experiments with different settings. The use case in our approach is Tele-Lab, a Virtual Laboratory platform for Cyber Security e-Learning. We use this platform as a basis for designing and developing our approaches. The results show that our approaches are practical and provides enhanced security.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SchulzBehrendt2020, author = {Schulz-Behrendt, Claudia}, title = {Entwicklung und Evaluation eines berufsorientierten Gruppenprogramms Sozialer Arbeit in der medizinischen Rehabilitation am Beispiel kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Erkrankungen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-49139}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-491397}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {142}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Untersuchung analysierte den direkten Zusammenhang eines berufsbezogenen Angebots Sozialer Gruppenarbeit mit dem Ergebnis beruflicher Wiedereingliederung bei Rehabilitandinnen und Rehabilitanden in besonderen beruflichen Problemlagen. Sie wurde von der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Bund als Forschungsprojekt vom 01.01.2013 bis 31.12. 2015 gef{\"o}rdert und an der Professur f{\"u}r Rehabilitationswissenschaften der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam realisiert. Die Forschungsfrage lautete: Kann eine intensive sozialarbeiterische Gruppenintervention im Rahmen der station{\"a}ren medizinischen Rehabilitation soweit auf die St{\"a}rkung sozialer Kompetenzen und die Soziale Unterst{\"u}tzung von Rehabilitandinnen und Rehabilitanden einwirken, dass sich dadurch langfristige Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der beruflichen Wiedereingliederung im Vergleich zur konventionellen Behandlung ergeben? Die Studie gliederte sich in eine qualitative und eine quantitative Erhebung mit einer zwischenliegenden Intervention. Eingeschlossen waren 352 Patientinnen und Patienten im Alter zwischen 18 und 65 Jahren mit kardiovaskul{\"a}ren Diagnosen, deren Krankheitsbilder h{\"a}ufig von komplexen Problemlagen begleitet sind, verbunden mit einer schlechten sozialmedizinischen Prognose. Die Evaluation der Gruppenintervention erfolgte in einem clusterrandomisierten kontrollierten Studiendesign, um einen empirischen Nachweis dar{\"u}ber zu erbringen, inwieweit die Intervention gegen{\"u}ber der regul{\"a}ren sozialarbeiterischen Behandlung h{\"o}here Effekte erzielen kann. Die Interventionsgruppen nahmen am Gruppenprogramm teil, die Kontrollgruppen erhielten die regul{\"a}re sozialarbeiterische Behandlung. Im Ergebnis konnte mit dieser Stichprobe kein Nachweis zur Verbesserung der beruflichen Wiedereingliederung, der gesundheitsbezogenen Arbeitsf{\"a}higkeit, der Lebensqualit{\"a}t sowie der Sozialen Unterst{\"u}tzung durch die Teilnahme am sozialarbeiterischen Gruppenprogramm erbracht werden. Die Return-To-Work-Rate betrug 43,7 \%, ein Viertel der Untersuchungsgruppe befand sich nach einem Jahr in Arbeitslosigkeit. Die durchgef{\"u}hrte Gruppenintervention ist dem konventionellen Setting Sozialer Arbeit als gleichwertig anzusehen. Schlussfolgernd wurde auf eine sozialarbeiterische Unterst{\"u}tzung der beruflichen Wiedereingliederung {\"u}ber einen l{\"a}ngeren Zeitraum nach einer kardiovaskul{\"a}ren Erkrankung verwiesen, insbesondere durch wohnortnahe Angebote zu einem sp{\"a}teren Zeitpunkt bei stabilerer Gesundheit. Aus den Erhebungen ließen sich m{\"o}gliche Erfolge bei engerer Kooperation zwischen dem Fachbereich der Sozialen Arbeit und der Psychologie ableiten. Ebenfalls gab es Hinweise auf die einflussreiche Rolle der Angeh{\"o}rigen, die durch Einbindung in die Soziale Beratung unterst{\"u}tzend auf den Wiedereingliederungsprozess wirken k{\"o}nnten. Die Passgenauigkeit der untersuchten sozialarbeiterischen Gruppeninterventionen ist durch eine gezielte Soziale Diagnostik zu verbessern.}, language = {de} }