@phdthesis{Blaser2024, author = {Blaser, Berenike Lisa}, title = {Premenstrual symptoms as a function of altered central autonomous nervous activity}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64597}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-645970}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 265}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The experience of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects up to 90\% of individuals with an active menstrual cycle and involves a spectrum of aversive physiological and psychological symptoms in the days leading up to menstruation (Tschudin et al., 2010). Despite its high prevalence, the precise origins of PMS remain elusive, with influences ranging from hormonal fluctuations to cognitive, social, and cultural factors (Hunter, 2007; Matsumoto et al., 2013). Biologically, hormonal fluctuations, particularly in gonadal steroids, are commonly believed to be implicated in PMS, with the central factor being varying susceptibilities to the fluctuations between individuals and cycles (Rapkin \& Akopians, 2012). Allopregnanolone (ALLO), a neuroactive steroid and progesterone metabolite, has emerged as a potential link to PMS symptoms (Hantsoo \& Epperson, 2020). ALLO is a positive allosteric modulator of the GABAA receptor, influencing inhibitory communication (Rupprecht, 2003; Andr{\´e}en et al., 2006). Different susceptibility to ALLO fluctuations throughout the cycle may lead to reduced GABAergic signal transmission during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The GABAergic system's broad influence leads to a number of affected physiological systems, including a consistent reduction in vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV) during the luteal phase (Schmalenberger et al., 2019). This reduction in vmHRV is more pronounced in individuals with high PMS symptoms (Baker et al., 2008; Matsumoto et al., 2007). Fear conditioning studies have shown inconsistent associations with cycle phases, suggesting a complex interplay between physiological parameters and PMS-related symptoms (Carpenter et al., 2022; Epperson et al., 2007; Milad et al., 2006). The neurovisceral integration model posits that vmHRV reflects the capacity of the central autonomous network (CAN), which is responsible for regulatory processes on behavioral, cognitive, and autonomous levels (Thayer \& Lane, 2000, 2009). Fear learning, mediated within the CAN, is suggested to be indicative of vmHRV's capacity for successful VI regulation (Battaglia \& Thayer, 2022). Given the GABAergic mediation of central inhibitory functional connectivity in the CAN, which may be affected by ALLO fluctuations, this thesis proposes that fluctuating CAN activity in the luteal phase contributes to diverse aversive symptoms in PMS. A research program was designed to empirically test these propositions. Study 1 investigated fear discrimination during different menstrual cycle phases and its interaction with vmHRV, revealing nuanced effects on acoustic startle response and skin conductance response. While there was heightened fear discrimination in acoustic startle responses in participants in the luteal phase, there was an interaction between menstrual cycle phase and vmHRV in skin conductance responses. In this measure, heightened fear discrimination during the luteal phase was only visible in individuals with high resting vmHRV; those with low vmHRV showed reduced fear discrimination and higher overall responses. Despite affecting the vast majority of menstruating people, there are very limited tools available to reliably assess these symptoms in the German speaking area. Study 2 aimed at closing this gap, by translating and validating a German version of the short version of the Premenstrual Assessment Form (Allen et al., 1991), providing a reliable tool for future investigations, which closes the gap in PMS questionnaires in the German-speaking research area. Study 3 employed a diary study paradigm to explore daily associations between vmHRV and PMS symptoms. The results showed clear simultaneous fluctuations between the two constructs with a peak in PMS and a low point in vmHRV a few days before menstruation onset. The association between vmHRV and PMS was driven by psychological PMS symptoms. Based on the theoretical considerations regarding the neurovisceral perspective on PMS, another interesting construct to consider is attentional control, as it is closely related to functions of the CAN. Study 4 delved into attentional control and vmHRV differences between menstrual cycle phases, demonstrating an interaction between cycle phase and PMS symptoms. In a pilot, we found reduced vmHRV and attentional control during the luteal phase only in participants who reported strong PMS. While Studies 1-4 provided evidence for the mechanisms underlying PMS, Studies 5 and 6 investigated short- and long-term intervention protocols to ameliorate PMS symptomatology. Study 5 explored the potential of heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB) in alleviating PMS symptoms and a number of other outcome measures. In a waitlist-control design, participants underwent a 4-week smartphone-based HRVB intervention. The results revealed positive effects on PMS, with larger effect sizes on psychological symptoms, as well as on depressive symptoms, anxiety/stress and attentional control. Finally, Study 6 examined the acute effects of HRVB on attentional control. The study found positive impact but only in highly stressed individuals. The thesis, based on this comprehensive research program, expands our understanding of PMS as an outcome of CAN fluctuations mediated by GABAA receptor reactivity. The results largely support the model. These findings not only deepen our understanding of PMS but also offer potential avenues for therapeutic interventions. The promising results of smartphone-based HRVB training suggest a non-pharmacological approach to managing PMS symptoms, although further research is needed to confirm its efficacy. In conclusion, this thesis illuminates the complex web of factors contributing to PMS, providing valuable insights into its etiological underpinnings and potential interventions. By elucidating the relationships between hormonal fluctuations, CAN activity, and psychological responses, this research contributes to more effective treatments for individuals grappling with the challenges of PMS. The findings hold promise for improving the quality of life for those affected by this prevalent and often debilitating condition.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Poerschke2024, author = {P{\"o}rschke, Alexander}, title = {Koalitionsbildung und Gesetzgebung im Semi-Parlamentarismus}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63449}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-634498}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 265}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Der Semi-Parlamentarismus beschreibt das Regierungssystem, in dem die Regierung von einem Teil des Parlaments gew{\"a}hlt wird und abberufen werden kann, von einem anderen Teil des Parlaments aber unabh{\"a}ngig ist. Beide Kammern m{\"u}ssen dabei der Gesetzgebung zustimmen. Dieses von Steffen Ganghof klassifizierte System erg{\"a}nzt g{\"a}ngige Regierungssystemtypologien, wie sie beispielsweise von David Samuels und Matthew Shugart genutzt werden. Der Semi-Parlamentarismus ist der logische Gegenpart zum Semi-Pr{\"a}sidentialismus, bei dem nur ein Teil der Exekutive von der Legislative abh{\"a}ngt, w{\"a}hrend im Semi-Parlamentarismus die Exekutive von nur einem Teil der Legislative abh{\"a}ngt. Der Semi-Parlamentarismus verk{\"o}rpert so ein System der Gewaltenteilung ohne einen exekutiven Personalismus, wie er durch die Direktwahl und Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit der Regierungchef:in im Pr{\"a}sidentialismus hervorgerufen wird. Dadurch ist der Semi-Parlamentarismus geeignet, Unterschiede zwischen Parlamentarismus und Pr{\"a}sidentialismus auf den separaten Einfluss der Gewaltenteilung und des exekutiven Personalismus zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Die Untersuchung des Semi-Parlamentarismus ist daher f{\"u}r die Regierungssystemliteratur insgesamt von Bedeutung. Der Semi-Parlamentarismus ist dabei kein rein theoretisches Konstrukt, sondern existiert im australischen Bundesstaat, den australischen Substaaten und Japan. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht erstmals umfassend die Gesetzgebung der semi-parlamentarischen Staaten als solchen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den zweiten Kammern, da diese durch die Unabh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Regierung der eigentliche Ort der Gesetzgebung sind. Die Gesetzgebung in Parlamentarismus und Pr{\"a}sidentialismus unterscheidet sich insbesondere in der Geschlossenheit der Parteien, der Koalitionsbildung und dem legislativen Erfolg der Regierungen. Diese Punkte sind daher auch von besonderem Interesse bei der Analyse des Semi-Parlamentarismus. Die semi-parlamentarischen Staaten unterscheiden sich auch untereinander teilweise erheblich in der institutionellen Ausgestaltung wie den Wahlsystemen oder den verf{\"u}gbaren Mitteln zur {\"U}berwindung von Blockadesituationen. Die Darstellung und die Analyse der Auswirkungen dieser Unterschiede auf die Gesetzgebung ist neben dem Vergleich des Semi-Parlamentarismus mit anderen Systemen das zweite wesentliche Ziel dieser Arbeit. Als Fundament der Analyse habe ich einen umfangreichen Datensatz erhoben, der alle Legislaturperioden der australischen Staaten zwischen 1997 und 2019 umfasst. Wesentliche Bestandteile des Datensatzes sind alle namentlichen Abstimmungen beider Kammern, alle eingebrachten und verabschiedeten Gesetzen der Regierung sowie die mit Hilfe eines Expert-Surveys erhobenen Parteipositionen in den relevanten Politikfeldern auf substaatlicher Ebene. Haupts{\"a}chlich mit der Hilfe von Mixed-Effects- und Fractional-Response-Analysen kann ich so zeigen, dass der Semi-Parlamentarismus in vielen Aspekten eher parlamentarischen als pr{\"a}sidentiellen Systemen gleicht. Nur die Koalitionsbildung erfolgt deutlich flexibler und unterscheidet sich daher von der typischen parlamentarischen Koalitionsbildung. Die Analysen legen nahe, dass wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen Parlamentarismus und Pr{\"a}sidentialismus eher auf den exekutiven Personalismus als auf die Gewaltenteilung zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind. Zwischen den semi-parlamentarischen Staaten scheinen vor allem die Kontrolle des Medians beider Parlamentskammern durch die Regierung und die M{\"o}glichkeit der Regierung, die zweite Kammer mitaufzul{\"o}sen, zu entscheidenden Unterschieden in der Gesetzgebung zu f{\"u}hren. Die Kontrolle des Medians erm{\"o}glicht eine flexible Koalitionsbildung und f{\"u}hrt zu h{\"o}heren legislativen Erfolgsraten. Ebenso f{\"u}hrt eine m{\"o}glichst leichte Aufl{\"o}sungsm{\"o}glichkeit der zweiten Kammern zu h{\"o}heren legislativen Erfolgsraten. Die Parteigeschlossenheit ist unabh{\"a}ngig von diesen Aspekten in beiden Kammern der semi-parlamentarischen Parlamente sehr hoch.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Taleb2024, author = {Taleb, Aiham}, title = {Self-supervised deep learning methods for medical image analysis}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64408}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-644089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 171}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Deep learning has seen widespread application in many domains, mainly for its ability to learn data representations from raw input data. Nevertheless, its success has so far been coupled with the availability of large annotated (labelled) datasets. This is a requirement that is difficult to fulfil in several domains, such as in medical imaging. Annotation costs form a barrier in extending deep learning to clinically-relevant use cases. The labels associated with medical images are scarce, since the generation of expert annotations of multimodal patient data at scale is non-trivial, expensive, and time-consuming. This substantiates the need for algorithms that learn from the increasing amounts of unlabeled data. Self-supervised representation learning algorithms offer a pertinent solution, as they allow solving real-world (downstream) deep learning tasks with fewer annotations. Self-supervised approaches leverage unlabeled samples to acquire generic features about different concepts, enabling annotation-efficient downstream task solving subsequently. Nevertheless, medical images present multiple unique and inherent challenges for existing self-supervised learning approaches, which we seek to address in this thesis: (i) medical images are multimodal, and their multiple modalities are heterogeneous in nature and imbalanced in quantities, e.g. MRI and CT; (ii) medical scans are multi-dimensional, often in 3D instead of 2D; (iii) disease patterns in medical scans are numerous and their incidence exhibits a long-tail distribution, so it is oftentimes essential to fuse knowledge from different data modalities, e.g. genomics or clinical data, to capture disease traits more comprehensively; (iv) Medical scans usually exhibit more uniform color density distributions, e.g. in dental X-Rays, than natural images. Our proposed self-supervised methods meet these challenges, besides significantly reducing the amounts of required annotations. We evaluate our self-supervised methods on a wide array of medical imaging applications and tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate the obtained gains in both annotation-efficiency and performance; our proposed methods outperform many approaches from related literature. Additionally, in case of fusion with genetic modalities, our methods also allow for cross-modal interpretability. In this thesis, not only we show that self-supervised learning is capable of mitigating manual annotation costs, but also our proposed solutions demonstrate how to better utilize it in the medical imaging domain. Progress in self-supervised learning has the potential to extend deep learning algorithms application to clinical scenarios.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Khosravi2023, author = {Khosravi, Sara}, title = {The effect of new turbulence parameterizations for the stable surface layer on simulations of the Arctic climate}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64352}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-643520}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 119}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Arctic climate change is marked by intensified warming compared to global trends and a significant reduction in Arctic sea ice which can intricately influence mid-latitude atmospheric circulation through tropo- and stratospheric pathways. Achieving accurate simulations of current and future climate demands a realistic representation of Arctic climate processes in numerical climate models, which remains challenging. Model deficiencies in replicating observed Arctic climate processes often arise due to inadequacies in representing turbulent boundary layer interactions that determine the interactions between the atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean. Many current climate models rely on parameterizations developed for mid-latitude conditions to handle Arctic turbulent boundary layer processes. This thesis focuses on modified representation of the Arctic atmospheric processes and understanding their resulting impact on large-scale mid-latitude atmospheric circulation within climate models. The improved turbulence parameterizations, recently developed based on Arctic measurements, were implemented in the global atmospheric circulation model ECHAM6. This involved modifying the stability functions over sea ice and ocean for stable stratification and changing the roughness length over sea ice for all stratification conditions. Comprehensive analyses are conducted to assess the impacts of these modifications on ECHAM6's simulations of the Arctic boundary layer, overall atmospheric circulation, and the dynamical pathways between the Arctic and mid-latitudes. Through a step-wise implementation of the mentioned parameterizations into ECHAM6, a series of sensitivity experiments revealed that the combined impacts of the reduced roughness length and the modified stability functions are non-linear. Nevertheless, it is evident that both modifications consistently lead to a general decrease in the heat transfer coefficient, being in close agreement with the observations. Additionally, compared to the reference observations, the ECHAM6 model falls short in accurately representing unstable and strongly stable conditions. The less frequent occurrence of strong stability restricts the influence of the modified stability functions by reducing the affected sample size. However, when focusing solely on the specific instances of a strongly stable atmosphere, the sensible heat flux approaches near-zero values, which is in line with the observations. Models employing commonly used surface turbulence parameterizations were shown to have difficulties replicating the near-zero sensible heat flux in strongly stable stratification. I also found that these limited changes in surface layer turbulence parameterizations have a statistically significant impact on the temperature and wind patterns across multiple pressure levels, including the stratosphere, in both the Arctic and mid-latitudes. These significant signals vary in strength, extent, and direction depending on the specific month or year, indicating a strong reliance on the background state. Furthermore, this research investigates how the modified surface turbulence parameterizations may influence the response of both stratospheric and tropospheric circulation to Arctic sea ice loss. The most suitable parameterizations for accurately representing Arctic boundary layer turbulence were identified from the sensitivity experiments. Subsequently, the model's response to sea ice loss is evaluated through extended ECHAM6 simulations with different prescribed sea ice conditions. The simulation with adjusted surface turbulence parameterizations better reproduced the observed Arctic tropospheric warming in vertical extent, demonstrating improved alignment with the reanalysis data. Additionally, unlike the control experiments, this simulation successfully reproduced specific circulation patterns linked to the stratospheric pathway for Arctic-mid-latitude linkages. Specifically, an increased occurrence of the Scandinavian-Ural blocking regime (negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation) in early (late) winter is observed. Overall, it can be inferred that improving turbulence parameterizations at the surface layer can improve the ECHAM6's response to sea ice loss.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Richly2024, author = {Richly, Keven}, title = {Memory-efficient data management for spatio-temporal applications}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63547}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-635473}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 181}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The wide distribution of location-acquisition technologies means that large volumes of spatio-temporal data are continuously being accumulated. Positioning systems such as GPS enable the tracking of various moving objects' trajectories, which are usually represented by a chronologically ordered sequence of observed locations. The analysis of movement patterns based on detailed positional information creates opportunities for applications that can improve business decisions and processes in a broad spectrum of industries (e.g., transportation, traffic control, or medicine). Due to the large data volumes generated in these applications, the cost-efficient storage of spatio-temporal data is desirable, especially when in-memory database systems are used to achieve interactive performance requirements. To efficiently utilize the available DRAM capacities, modern database systems support various tuning possibilities to reduce the memory footprint (e.g., data compression) or increase performance (e.g., additional indexes structures). By considering horizontal data partitioning, we can independently apply different tuning options on a fine-grained level. However, the selection of cost and performance-balancing configurations is challenging, due to the vast number of possible setups consisting of mutually dependent individual decisions. In this thesis, we introduce multiple approaches to improve spatio-temporal data management by automatically optimizing diverse tuning options for the application-specific access patterns and data characteristics. Our contributions are as follows: (1) We introduce a novel approach to determine fine-grained table configurations for spatio-temporal workloads. Our linear programming (LP) approach jointly optimizes the (i) data compression, (ii) ordering, (iii) indexing, and (iv) tiering. We propose different models which address cost dependencies at different levels of accuracy to compute optimized tuning configurations for a given workload, memory budgets, and data characteristics. To yield maintainable and robust configurations, we further extend our LP-based approach to incorporate reconfiguration costs as well as optimizations for multiple potential workload scenarios. (2) To optimize the storage layout of timestamps in columnar databases, we present a heuristic approach for the workload-driven combined selection of a data layout and compression scheme. By considering attribute decomposition strategies, we are able to apply application-specific optimizations that reduce the memory footprint and improve performance. (3) We introduce an approach that leverages past trajectory data to improve the dispatch processes of transportation network companies. Based on location probabilities, we developed risk-averse dispatch strategies that reduce critical delays. (4) Finally, we used the use case of a transportation network company to evaluate our database optimizations on a real-world dataset. We demonstrate that workload-driven fine-grained optimizations allow us to reduce the memory footprint (up to 71\% by equal performance) or increase the performance (up to 90\% by equal memory size) compared to established rule-based heuristics. Individually, our contributions provide novel approaches to the current challenges in spatio-temporal data mining and database research. Combining them allows in-memory databases to store and process spatio-temporal data more cost-efficiently.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Frank2024, author = {Frank, Mario}, title = {On synthesising Linux kernel module components from Coq formalisations}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64255}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-642558}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 78}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This thesis presents an attempt to use source code synthesised from Coq formalisations of device drivers for existing (micro)kernel operating systems, with a particular focus on the Linux Kernel. In the first part, the technical background and related work are described. The focus is here on the possible approaches to synthesising certified software with Coq, namely the extraction to functional languages using the Coq extraction plugin and the extraction to Clight code using the CertiCoq plugin. It is noted that the implementation of CertiCoq is verified, whereas this is not the case for the Coq extraction plugin. Consequently, there is a correctness guarantee for the generated Clight code which does not hold for the code being generated by the Coq extraction plugin. Furthermore, the differences between user space and kernel space software are discussed in relation to Linux device drivers. It is elaborated that it is not possible to generate working Linux kernel module components using the Coq extraction plugin without significant modifications. In contrast, it is possible to produce working user space drivers both with the Coq extraction plugin and CertiCoq. The subsequent parts describe the main contributions of the thesis. In the second part, it is demonstrated how to extend the Coq extraction plugin to synthesise foreign function calls between the functional language OCaml and the imperative language C. This approach has the potential to improve the type-safety of user space drivers. Furthermore, it is shown that the code being synthesised by CertiCoq cannot be used in kernel space without modifications to the necessary runtime. Consequently, the necessary modifications to the runtimes of CertiCoq and VeriFFI are introduced, resulting in the runtimes becoming compatible components of a Linux kernel module. Furthermore, justifications for the transformations are provided and possible further extensions to both plugins and solutions to failing garbage collection calls in kernel space are discussed. The third part presents a proof of concept device driver for the Linux Kernel. To achieve this, the event handler of the original PC Speaker driver is partially formalised in Coq. Furthermore, some relevant formal properties of the formalised functionality are discussed. Subsequently, a kernel module is defined, utilising the modified variants of CertiCoq and VeriFFI to compile a working device driver. It is furthermore shown that it is possible to compile the synthesised code with CompCert, thereby extending the guarantee of correctness to the assembly layer. This is followed by a performance evaluation that compares a naive formalisation of the PC speaker functionality with the original PC Speaker driver pointing out the weaknesses in the formalisation and possible improvements. The part closes with a summary of the results, their implications and open questions being raised. The last part lists all used sources, separated into scientific literature, documentations or reference manuals and artifacts, i.e. source code.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hagemann2024, author = {Hagemann, Justus}, title = {On the molecular evolution of sengis (Macroscelidea)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-64197}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-641975}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 144}, year = {2024}, abstract = {This thesis focuses on the molecular evolution of Macroscelidea, commonly referred to as sengis. Sengis are a mammalian order belonging to the Afrotherians, one of the four major clades of placental mammals. Sengis currently consist of twenty extant species, all of which are endemic to the African continent. They can be separated in two families, the soft-furred sengis (Macroscelididae) and the giant sengis (Rhynchocyonidae). While giant sengis can be exclusively found in forest habitats, the different soft-furred sengi species dwell in a broad range of habitats, from tropical rain-forests to rocky deserts. Our knowledge on the evolutionary history of sengis is largely incomplete. The high level of superficial morphological resemblance among different sengi species (especially the soft-furred sengis) has for example led to misinterpretations of phylogenetic relationships, based on morphological characters. With the rise of DNA based taxonomic inferences, multiple new genera were defined and new species described. Yet, no full taxon molecular phylogeny exists, hampering the answering of basic taxonomic questions. This lack of knowledge can be to some extent attributed to the limited availability of fresh-tissue samples for DNA extraction. The broad African distribution, partly in political unstable regions and low population densities complicate contemporary sampling approaches. Furthermore, the DNA information available usually covers only short stretches of the mitochondrial genome and thus a single genetic locus with limited informational content. Developments in DNA extraction and library protocols nowadays offer the opportunity to access DNA from museum specimens, collected over the past centuries and stored in natural history museums throughout the world. Thus, the difficulties in fresh-sample acquisition for molecular biological studies can be overcome by the application of museomics, the research field which emerged from those laboratory developments. This thesis uses fresh-tissue samples as well as a vast collection museum specimens to investigate multiple aspects about the macroscelidean evolutionary history. Chapter 4 of this thesis focuses on the phylogenetic relationships of all currently known sengi species. By accessing DNA information from museum specimens in combination of fresh tissue samples and publicly available genetic resources it produces the first full taxon molecular phylogeny of sengis. It confirms the monophyly of the genus Elephantulus and discovers multiple deeply divergent lineages within different species, highlighting the need for species specific approaches. The study furthermore focuses on the evolutionary time frame of sengis by evaluating the impact of commonly varied parameters on tree dating. The results of the study show, that the mitochondrial information used in previous studies to temporal calibrate the Macroscelidean phylogeny led to an overestimation of node ages within sengis. Especially soft-furred sengis are thus much younger than previously assumed. The refined knowledge of nodes ages within sengis offer the opportunity to link e.g. speciation events to environmental changes. Chapter 5 focuses on the genus Petrodromus with its single representative Petrodromus tetradactylus. It again exploits the opportunities of museomics and gathers a comprehensive, multi-locus genetic dataset of P. tetradactylus individuals, distributed across most the known range of this species. It reveals multiple deeply divergent lineages within Petrodromus, whereby some could possibly be associated to previously described sub-species, at least one was formerly unknown. It underscores the necessity for a revision of the genus Petrodromus through the integration of both molecular and morphological evidence. The study, furthermore identifies changing forest distributions through climatic oscillations as main factor shaping the genetic structure of Petrodromus. Chapter 6 uses fresh tissue samples to extent the genomic resources of sengis by thirteen new nuclear genomes, of which two were de-novo assembled. An extensive dataset of more than 8000 protein coding one-to-one orthologs allows to further refine and confirm the temporal time frame of sengi evolution found in Chapter 4. This study moreover investigates the role of gene-flow and incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) in sengi evolution. In addition it identifies clade specific genes of possible outstanding evolutionary importance and links them to potential phenotypic traits affected. A closer investigation of olfactory receptor proteins reveals clade specific differences. A comparison of the demographic past of sengis to other small African mammals does not reveal a sengi specific pattern.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rogge2024, author = {Rogge, Franziska}, title = {Multiprofessionelle Kooperation an inklusiven Schulen im Bundesland Brandenburg: Vorkommen, Profile, Auswirkungen}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63919}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-639190}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {202}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Lehr- und anderen Fachkr{\"a}ften stellt in Modellen inklusiver Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung sowie Schuleffektivit{\"a}t ein wichtiges Element dar. Wenngleich Kooperation als bedeutsam postuliert wird, so belegen Studien, dass diese bisher {\"u}berwiegend in autonomieerhaltenden Formen praktiziert wird. Als entwicklungsf{\"o}rderlich gelten jedoch v.a. komplexere Formen der Zusammenarbeit. Vor dem Hintergrund inklusiver Bildung und dem Anspruch einer bestm{\"o}glichen individuellen Entwicklung der Sch{\"u}ler*innen stellt die Zusammenarbeit von Lehr- und Fachkr{\"a}ften folglich ein sehr bedeutsames Thema dar. Es ist zu hinterfragen, wie sich die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Lehr- und Fachkr{\"a}ften im Primar- wie Sekundarstufenbereich an inklusiven Schulen gestaltet, welche Faktoren diese beeinflussen und welche Relevanz die unterschiedlichen Formen der Zusammenarbeit im Prozess inklusiver Schulentwicklung einnehmen. Bestehende Forschungsdesiderata aufgrei-fend, fokussiert die vorliegende Dissertation auf die realisierte Zusammenarbeit von Lehr- und Fachkr{\"a}ften im Primar- und Sekundarstufenbereich inklusiver Schulen, am Beispiel des Landes Brandenburg. Neben den realisierten Formen der Zusammenarbeit, stehen insbesondere die Identifikation von Kooperationsmustern von Lehr- und Fachkr{\"a}ften sowie von Schulen, und deren Zusammenh{\"a}nge mit der Leistungsentwicklung von Sch{\"u}ler*innen im Kern des Forschungsinteresses. Die vorliegende Dissertation bearbeitet insgesamt sechs Forschungsfragen, welche in drei Teilstudien adressiert werden: Zun{\"a}chst werden mittels deskriptiver Analysen sowie Mehrebenenmodellierungen die Ausgangslage multiprofessioneller Kooperation (erste Forschungsfrage) sowie deren Rahmenbedingungen (zweite Forschungsfrage) im Primar- wie Sekundarstufenbereich erfasst (Teilstudie 1). Lehr- und Fachkr{\"a}fte kooperierten {\"u}berwiegend in autonomieerhaltenden, austauschbasierten Formen. Weiterhin zeigte sich, dass insbesondere die individuelle Offenheit zur Zusammenarbeit sowie die subjektiv wahrgenommene Unterst{\"u}tzung durch die Schulleitung bedeutsame Faktoren f{\"u}r die Realisierung multiprofessioneller Kooperation darstellten. Die Fragestellungen drei und vier befassen sich mit der Identifikation von Mustern im Kooperationsverhalten (Teilstudie 2). Zum einen geht es hierbei um personenbezogene Profile von Lehr- und Fachkr{\"a}ften (dritte Forschungsfrage), zum anderen um schulbezogene Profile (vierte Forschungsfrage), welche mittels des personenzentrierten Ansatzes der latenten Profilanalysen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Mehrebenenstruktur identifiziert werden. Hinsichtlich des individuellen Kooperationsverhaltens konnten vier Profile eruiert werden, bzgl. des schulspezifischen Kooperationsverhaltens drei. Die Mehrheit der Lehr- und Fachkr{\"a}fte konnte im „regularly"-Profil verortet werden, d.h. nach eigener Einsch{\"a}tzung kooperierten diese {\"u}berdurchschnittlich h{\"a}ufig im Austausch miteinander und arbeitsteilig, aber auch regelm{\"a}ßig kokonstruktiv. Auf Schulebene zeigte sich, dass etwa jede zweite inklusive Schule im Land Brandenburg {\"u}ber eine hoch ausgepr{\"a}gte Kooperationskultur verf{\"u}gte. Im Fokus der Teilstudie 3 wird den Fragen nachgegangen, in welchem Zusammenhang die schulspezifischen Kooperationskulturen mit der Leistungsentwicklung von Sch{\"u}ler*innen in der Primar- wie Sekundarstufe steht. Mittels autoregressiver Mehrebenenanalysen wird einerseits der Zusammenhang mit der Leistungsentwicklung aller Sch{\"u}ler*innen (f{\"u}nfte Forschungsfrage) untersucht, sowie spezifisch auf die Entwicklung von Sch{\"u}ler*innen mit und ohne sonderp{\"a}dagogischem F{\"o}rderbedarf (sechste Forschungsfrage) fokussiert. Ein zentrales Ergebnis war hierbei, dass Sch{\"u}ler*innen mit sonderp{\"a}dagogischem F{\"o}rderbedarf in der Primar- wie Sekundarstufe in ihrer Leistungsentwicklung am st{\"a}rksten profitierten, wenn sie an Schulen lernten, an denen sich die Lehr- und Fachkr{\"a}fte sehr regelm{\"a}ßig {\"u}ber Lernst{\"a}nde der Sch{\"u}ler*innen austauschten (Austausch), Arbeitspakete f{\"u}r differenzierte Lernangebote erarbeiteten und verteilten (Arbeitsteilung) und dar{\"u}ber hinaus gelegentlich gemeinsam Probleml{\"o}sungen entwickelten (Kokonstruktion). Die Ergebnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund der postulierten Relevanz multiprofessioneller Kooperation f{\"u}r inklusive Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklungsprozesse eingeordnet und diskutiert. Weiterhin werden verschiedene praktische Implikationen f{\"u}r die Unterst{\"u}tzung multiprofessioneller Zusammenarbeit im Primar- und Sekundarstufenbereich abgeleitet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Heinz2024, author = {Heinz, Markus}, title = {Synthese von Monomeren auf der Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe und ihre Polymerisation}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63794}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-637943}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 267}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit thematisiert die Synthese und die Polymerisation von Monomeren auf der Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe wie zum Beispiel in Gew{\"u}rzen und ätherischen Ölen enthaltenen kommerziell verf{\"u}gbaren Phenylpropanoiden (Eugenol, Isoeugenol, Zimtalkohol, Anethol und Estragol) und des Terpenoids Myrtenol sowie ausgehend von der Rinde einer Birke (Betula pendula) und der Korkeiche (Quercus suber). Ausgew{\"a}hlte Phenylpropanoide (Eugenol, Isoeugenol und Zimtalkohol) und das Terpenoid Myrtenol wurden zun{\"a}chst in den jeweiligen Laurylester {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt und anschließend das olefinische Strukturelement epoxidiert, wobei 4 neue (2-Methoxy-4-(oxiran-2-ylmethyl)phenyldodecanoat, 2-Methoxy-4-(3-methyl-oxiran-2-yl)phenyldodecanoat, (3-Phenyloxiran-2-yl)methyldodecanoat, (7,7-Dimethyl-3-oxatricyclo[,4]octan-2-yl)methyldodecanoat) und 2 bereits bekannte monofunktionelle Epoxide (2-(4-Methoxybenzyl)oxiran und 2-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3-methyloxiran) erhalten wurden, die mittels 1H-NMR-, 13C-NMR- und FT-IR-Spektroskopie sowie mit DSC untersucht wurden. Die Photo-DSC Untersuchung der Epoxidmonomere in einer kationischen Photopolymerisation bei 40 °C ergab die maximale Polymerisationsgeschwindigkeit (Rpmax: 0,005 s-1 bis 0,038 s-1) sowie die Zeit (tmax: 13 s bis 26 s) bis zum Erreichen des Rpmax-Wertes und f{\"u}hrte zu fl{\"u}ssigen Oligomeren, deren zahlenmittlerer Polymerisationsgrad mit 3 bis 6 mittels GPC bestimmt wurde. Die Umsetzung von 2-Methoxy-4-(oxiran-2-ylmethyl)phenyldodecanoat mit Methacrylsäure ergab ein Isomerengemisch (2-Methoxy-4-(2-hydroxy-3-(methacryloyloxy)propyl)phenyldodecanoat und 2-Methoxy-4-(2-(methacryl-oyloxy)-3-hydroxypropyl)phenyldodecanoat), das mittels Photo-DSC in einer freien radikalischen Photopolymerisation untersucht wurde (Rpmax: 0,105 s-1 und tmax: 5 s), die zu festen in Chloroform unlöslichen Polymeren f{\"u}hrte. Aus Korkpulver und gemahlener Birkenrinde wurden selektiv 2 kristalline ω-Hydroxyfettsäuren (9,10-Epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecansäure und 22-Hydroxydocosansäure) isoliert. Die kationische Photopolymerisation der 9,10-Epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecansäure ergab einen nahezu farblosen transparenten und bei Raumtemperatur elastischen Film, welcher ein Anwendungspotential f{\"u}r Oberflächenbeschichtungen hat. Aus der Reaktion von 9,10-Epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecansäure mit Methacrylsäure wurde ein bei Raumtemperatur fl{\"u}ssiges Gemisch aus zwei Konstitutionsisomeren (9,18-Dihydroxy-10-(methacryloyloxy)octadecansäure und 9-(Methacryloyloxy)-10,18-dihydroxyoctadecansäure) erhalten (Tg: -60 °C). Die radikalische Photopolymerisation dieser Konstitutionsisomere wurde ebenfalls mittels Photo-DSC untersucht (Rpmax: 0,098 s-1 und tmax: 3,8 s). Die Reaktion von 22-Hydroxydocosansäure mit Methacryloylchlorid ergab die kristalline 22-(Methacryloyloxy)docosansäure, welche ebenfalls in einer radikalischen Photopolymerisation mittels Photo-DSC untersucht wurde (Rpmax: 0,023 s-1 und tmax: 9,6 s). Die mittels AIBN in Dimethylsulfoxid initiierte Homopolymerisation der 22-(Methacryloyloxy)docosansäure und der Isomerengemische bestehend aus 2-Methoxy-4-(2-hydroxy-3-(methacryloyloxy)propyl)phenyldodecanoat und 2-Methoxy-4-(2-(methacryl-oyloxy)-3-hydroxypropyl)phenyldodecanoat sowie aus 9,18-Dihydroxy-10-(methacryloy-loxy)octadecansäure und 9-(Methacryloyloxy)-10,18-dihydroxyoctadecansäure ergab feste lösliche Polymere, die mittels 1H-NMR- und FT-IR-Spektroskopie, GPC (Poly(2-methoxy-4-(2-hydroxy-3-(methacryloyloxy)propyl)phenyldodecanoat / 2-methoxy-4-(2-(methacryloyloxy)-3-hydroxypropyl)phenyldodecanoat): Pn = 94) und DSC (Poly(2-methoxy-4-(2-hydroxy-3-(methacryloyloxy)propyl)phenyldodecanoat / 2-methoxy-4-(2-(methacryloyloxy)-3-hydroxypropyl)phenyldodecanoat): Tg: 52 °C; Poly(9,18-dihydroxy-10-(methacryloyloxy)-octadecansäure / 9-(methacryloyloxy)-10,18-dihydroxyoctadecansäure): Tg: 10 °C; Poly(22-(methacryloyloxy)docosansäure): Tm: 74,1 °C, wobei der Schmelzpunkt mit dem des Photopolymers (Tm = 76,8 °C) vergleichbar ist) charakterisiert wurden. Das bereits bekannte Monomer 4-(4-Methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on wurde ausgehend von 4-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-on hergestellt, welches aus Birkenrinde gewonnen werden kann, und unter identischen Bedingungen f{\"u}r einen Vergleich mit den neuen Monomeren polymerisiert. Die freie radikalische Polymerisation f{\"u}hrte zu Poly(4-(4-methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on) (Pn: 214 und Tg: 83 °C). Neben der Homopolymerisation wurde eine statistische Copolymerisation des Isomerengemisches 2-Methoxy-4-(2-hydroxy-3-(methacryl-oyloxy)propyl)phenyldodecanoat / 2-Methoxy-4-(2-(methacryloyloxy)-3-hydroxypropyl)-phenyldodecanoat mit 4-(4-Methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on untersucht, wobei ein äquimolarer Einsatz der Ausgangsmonomere zu einem Anstieg der Ausbeute, der Molmassenverteilung und der Dispersität des Copolymers (Tg: 44 °C) f{\"u}hrte. Die unter Verwendung von Diethylcarbonat als „gr{\"u}nes" Lösungsmittel mittels AIBN initiierten freien radikalischen Homopolymerisationen von 4-(4-Methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on und von Laurylmethacrylat ergaben vergleichbare Polymerisationsgrade der Homopolymere (Pn: 150), welche jedoch aufgrund ihrer Strukturunterschiede deutlich unterschiedliche Glas{\"u}bergangstemperaturen hatten (Poly(4-(4-methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on): Tg: 70 °C, Poly(laurylmethacrylat) Tg: -49 °C. Eine statistische Copolymerisation äquimolarer Stoffmengen der beiden Monomere in Diethylcarbonat f{\"u}hrte bei einer Polymerisationszeit von 60 Minuten zu einem leicht bevorzugten Einbau des 4-(4-Methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on in das Copolymer (Tg: 17 °C). Copolymerisationsdiagramme f{\"u}r die freien radikalischen Copolymerisationen von 4-(4-Methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on mit n-Butylmethacrylat beziehungsweise 2-(Dimethylamino)ethylmethacrylat (t: 20 min bis 60 min; Molenbr{\"u}che (X) f{\"u}r 4-(4-Methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on: 0,2; 0,4; 0,6 und 0,8) zeigten ein nahezu ideales azeotropes Copolymerisationsverhalten, obwohl ein leicht bevorzugter Einbau von 4-(4-Methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on in das jeweilige Copolymer beobachtet wurde. Dabei korreliert ein Anstieg der Ausbeute und der Glas{\"u}bergangstemperatur der erhaltenen Copolymere mit einem zunehmenden Gehalt an 4-(4-Methacryloyloxyphenyl)butan-2-on im Reaktionsgemisch. Die unter Einsatz der modifizierten Gibbs-DiMarzio-Gleichung berechneten Glas{\"u}bergangstemperaturen der Copolymere stimmten mit den gemessenen Werten gut {\"u}berein. Das ist eine gute Ausgangsbasis f{\"u}r die Bestimmung der Glas{\"u}bergangstemperatur eines Copolymers mit einer beliebigen Zusammensetzung.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Pfalz2024, author = {Pfalz, Gregor}, title = {Advancing knowledge of Arctic lake system dynamics: A data-driven perspective on spatiotemporal patterns}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63655}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-636554}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 136}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Ecosystems play a pivotal role in addressing climate change but are also highly susceptible to drastic environmental changes. Investigating their historical dynamics can enhance our understanding of how they might respond to unprecedented future environmental shifts. With Arctic lakes currently under substantial pressure from climate change, lessons from the past can guide our understanding of potential disruptions to these lakes. However, individual lake systems are multifaceted and complex. Traditional isolated lake studies often fail to provide a global perspective because localized nuances—like individual lake parameters, catchment areas, and lake histories—can overshadow broader conclusions. In light of these complexities, a more nuanced approach is essential to analyze lake systems in a global context. A key to addressing this challenge lies in the data-driven analysis of sedimentological records from various northern lake systems. This dissertation emphasizes lake systems in the northern Eurasian region, particularly in Russia (n=59). For this doctoral thesis, we collected sedimentological data from various sources, which required a standardized framework for further analysis. Therefore, we designed a conceptual model for integrating and standardizing heterogeneous multi-proxy data into a relational database management system (PostgreSQL). Creating a database from the collected data enabled comparative numerical analyses between spatially separated lakes as well as between different proxies. When analyzing numerous lakes, establishing a common frame of reference was crucial. We achieved this by converting proxy values from depth dependency to age dependency. This required consistent age calculations across all lakes and proxies using one age-depth modeling software. Recognizing the broader implications and potential pitfalls of this, we developed the LANDO approach ("Linked Age and Depth Modelling"). LANDO is an innovative integration of multiple age-depth modeling software into a singular, cohesive platform (Jupyter Notebook). Beyond its ability to aggregate data from five renowned age-depth modeling software, LANDO uniquely empowers users to filter out implausible model outcomes using robust geoscientific data. Our method is not only novel but also significantly enhances the accuracy and reliability of lake analyses. Considering the preceding steps, this doctoral thesis further examines the relationship between carbon in sediments and temperature over the last 21,000 years. Initially, we hypothesized a positive correlation between carbon accumulation in lakes and modelled paleotemperature. Our homogenized dataset from heterogeneous lakes confirmed this association, even if the highest temperatures throughout our observation period do not correlate with the highest carbon values. We assume that rapid warming events contribute more to high accumulation, while sustained warming leads to carbon outgassing. Considering the current high concentration of carbon in the atmosphere and rising temperatures, ongoing climate change could cause northern lake systems to contribute to a further increase in atmospheric carbon (positive feedback loop). While our findings underscore the reliability of both our standardized data and the LANDO method, expanding our dataset might offer even greater assurance in our conclusions.}, language = {en} }