@article{Klettke2023, author = {Klettke, Cornelia}, title = {Pierre Klossowksi. L'acte cr{\´e}ateur de l'{\´e}crivain peintre}, series = {Cahiers Erta}, volume = {33}, journal = {Cahiers Erta}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego}, address = {Gdansk}, issn = {2300-4681}, doi = {10.4467/23538953CE.23.006.17568}, pages = {139 -- 157}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Klossowski, who had originally started as a religious seeker of truth in his younger years, will - after his « reversal » - feel himself invested with the role of a « heretic » struggling with the libidinous search for truth. Even as the creator of a perverted metaphysics, he remains a seeker of the revelation of being, now in the role of the divine « adversary » who, thrown back on himself, tends to imitate a religious mystic. The divine is replaced by the whispers of the demon, which Klossowski experiences as « la complicit{\´e} d'une force "d{\´e}monique" » in the creation of his artworks. The Diana myth becomes a parable for the act of artistic creation. Sexuality, understood as the primordial ground of creative force that shapes the signe unique, the phantasm, shifts metaphysics to « phantasmaphysics » (Foucault), in which the mystery of the divine is exposed as a delusion (Wahnbild).}, language = {fr} } @article{Laudenbach2023, author = {Laudenbach, Beno{\^i}t}, title = {Sophocle sur Netflix}, series = {thersites 16}, volume = {2023}, journal = {thersites 16}, number = {16}, editor = {Amb{\"u}hl, Annemarie and Carl{\`a}-Uhink, Filippo and Rollinger, Christian and Walde, Christine}, issn = {2364-7612}, doi = {10.34679/thersites.vol16.222}, pages = {83 -- 127}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The paper focuses on two recent occurrences of a Sophoclean drama on screen, Electra in the romantical movie Marriage Story, and Philoctetes in an episode of the mainstream medical series New Amsterdam, both productions currently available on the popular streaming service Netflix. The case studies explore the mechanisms of the use of these dramas and their significance in both productions, showing that they are partly used for their "classical" authority, are deeply integrated within the scenarios, and help to design the narratives, the characters and their (social and personal) relationships.}, language = {fr} } @article{D'Aprile2022, author = {D'Aprile, Iwan-Michelangelo}, title = {{\´E}ducation publique et formation autodidacte}, series = {Lumi{\`e}res}, volume = {1}, journal = {Lumi{\`e}res}, number = {39}, publisher = {CIBEL}, address = {Pessac}, issn = {1762-4630}, doi = {10.3917/lumi.039.0047}, pages = {47 -- 61}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cet article explore les d{\´e}bats sur la formation autodidacte dans le contexte d'une constellation franco-allemande autour de 1800. Il met en {\´e}vidence les interf{\´e}rences f{\´e}condes qui ont exist{\´e} entre les Lumi{\`e}res fran{\c{c}}aises, notamment par l'interm{\´e}diaire de Mirabeau, et l'Aufkl{\"a}rung allemande, en particulier les cercles berlinois autour de la Mittwochsgesellschaft et Wilhelm von Humboldt. Il analyse par ailleurs la dimension politique de l'autodidaxie {\`a} la veille de la R{\´e}volution fran{\c{c}}aise.}, language = {fr} } @article{AmatuzziAyresBennettGerstenbergetal.2020, author = {Amatuzzi, Antonella and Ayres-Bennett, Wendy and Gerstenberg, Annette and Schosler, Lene and Skupien-Dekens, Carine}, title = {Changement linguistique et p{\´e}riodisation du fran{\c{c}}ais (pr{\´e})classique}, series = {Journal of French language studies}, volume = {30}, journal = {Journal of French language studies}, number = {3}, publisher = {Cambridge Univ. Press}, address = {Cambridge}, issn = {0959-2695}, doi = {10.1017/S0959269520000058}, pages = {301 -- 326}, year = {2020}, abstract = {RESUME Cette etude propose d'explorer et d'identifier des moments particuliers oU le changement linguistique se produit, afin de confirmer ou de rejeter l'idee d'une periode specifique designee par le terme << francais preclassique >>, avec une rupture - ou frontiere chronolectale - detectable autour de 1630 (cf. Ayres-Bennett et Caron, 2016). Afin de verifier dans quelle mesure cette chronologie peut etre confirmee, il est necessaire de multiplier des analyses fines et pointues sur des traits linguistiques qui ont subi des changements a l'epoque en question et d'interroger une gamme de textes qui refletent la variation discursive et pragmatique, au lieu de consulter le canon des traditions textuelles actuellement disponibles sur des bases numerisees, qui sont essentiellement litteraires. C'est pourquoi nous avons consulte des sources de nature differente, qui pourraient attester des usages emergents, a savoir les corpus du Reseau Corpus Francais Preclassique et Classique (RCFC). Seront presentes les resultats de deux etudes de cas (la recategorisation des formes dedans/dessous/dessus/dehors et la montee des clitiques), abondamment discutes par les remarqueurs.}, language = {fr} } @incollection{Hassler2022, author = {Hassler, Gerda}, title = {L'expression adverbiale de l'aspectualit{\´e} et son interaction avec les formes verbales}, series = {Synchronie et diachronie : l'enjeu du sens. M{\´e}langes offerts au Pr. Hava Bar-Zeev Shyldkrot}, booktitle = {Synchronie et diachronie : l'enjeu du sens. M{\´e}langes offerts au Pr. Hava Bar-Zeev Shyldkrot}, publisher = {Honor{\´e} Champion}, address = {Paris}, isbn = {978-2-74535-730-4}, pages = {279 -- 292}, year = {2022}, language = {fr} } @incollection{Hassler2022, author = {Hassler, Gerda}, title = {Les concours acad{\´e}miques de la deuxi{\`e}me moiti{\´e} du XVIIIe si{\`e}cle}, series = {La linguistique et ses formes historiques d'organisation et de production}, booktitle = {La linguistique et ses formes historiques d'organisation et de production}, publisher = {SHESL}, address = {Paris}, isbn = {979-10-91587-16-7}, pages = {257 -- 286}, year = {2022}, language = {fr} } @incollection{Hassler2022, author = {Hassler, Gerda}, title = {Der Aspektbegriff in verschiedenen nationalen Traditionen der Grammatikographie}, series = {The architecture of grammar : studies in linguistic historiography in honor of Pierre Swiggers}, booktitle = {The architecture of grammar : studies in linguistic historiography in honor of Pierre Swiggers}, publisher = {Peeters}, address = {Leuven, Paris, Bristol}, isbn = {978-90-429-4687-3}, pages = {305 -- 323}, year = {2022}, language = {fr} } @phdthesis{Chemeta2022, author = {Chemeta, David}, title = {Nation, migration, narration}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51830}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-518308}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {496}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In France and in Germany, immigration as become one of the main issues in the past decades. In this context rose also the rap music. It has a huge popularity for young people with migration background. However rappers do write a lot about their French or German identity. The goal of this work is to explain the paradox : how can people with migration background, expressing critics against the racism they regard as omnipresent, still feel fully French/German? We divided the work between following chapters: Context, methodology and theories (I); analysis of different identity forms within the text corpus (II); analysis of the way rappers see their society in three chronological steps (III-V); case studies of Kery James in France and Samy Deluxe in Germany (VI).}, language = {fr} } @misc{Hammann2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Hammann, Angelika}, title = {L'initiative « Universit{\´e}s Europ{\´e}ennes »}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54168}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-541681}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXI, 73}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Le Pr{\´e}sident de la R{\´e}publique fran{\c{c}}aise, Emmanuel Macron, a prononc{\´e} le 26 septembre 2017 dans le grand auditorium de l'Universit{\´e} de la Sorbonne devant un public compos{\´e} d'{\´e}tudiants et de responsables politiques un ambitieux discours sur l'Europe. Parmi ses « initiatives pour l'Europe » figure la cr{\´e}ation d'universit{\´e}s europ{\´e}ennes. L'objectif de cette {\´e}tude est de mettre en lumi{\`e}re l'h{\´e}ritage et les apports fran{\c{c}}ais et allemands dans ce nouveau mod{\`e}le de partenariat europ{\´e}en en construction. Quel est le r{\^o}le jou{\´e} par le niveau minist{\´e}riel en France et en Allemagne dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de l'initiative ? Quel est le degr{\´e} et quelle est la nature d'intervention des Agences nationales Erasmus dans chacun des deux pays ? Quel est le positionnement de l'Universit{\´e} franco-allemande par rapport {\`a} ces nouvelles alliances ainsi que sa contribution ? {\`A} partir de trois exemples, {\`a} savoir les alliances ECIU, EPICUR et FORTHM, nous illustrons comment la coop{\´e}ration franco-allemande ainsi que les relations transfrontali{\`e}res d{\´e}velopp{\´e}es au sein de r{\´e}seaux pr{\´e}existants alimentent ces « r{\´e}seaux des r{\´e}seaux ». Ce m{\´e}moire puise ses principales sources de 15 entretiens semi-directifs, men{\´e}s entre ao{\^u}t 2020 et janvier 2021 aupr{\`e}s d'acteurs allemands, fran{\c{c}}ais et europ{\´e}ens. La richesse de leur expertise nourrit la conclusion dans laquelle nous tentons de mettre en exergue la dimension franco-allemande de cette initiative. Avec un regard franco-allemand, nous proposons un r{\´e}sum{\´e} des actuelles forces, opportunit{\´e}s, faiblesses et menaces qui favorisent ou entravent le d{\´e}veloppement de cette nouvelle initiative. Der Pr{\"a}sident der franz{\"o}sischen Republik, Emmanuel Macron, hielt am 26. September 2017 im großen H{\"o}rsaal der Universit{\"a}t Sorbonne vor einem Publikum aus Studenten und Politikern eine ambitionierte Rede zu Europa. Zu seinen "Initiativen f{\"u}r Europa" geh{\"o}rt die Schaffung von Europ{\"a}ischen Hochschulnetzwerken. Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit besteht darin, das deutsch-franz{\"o}sische Erbe sowie die Beitr{\"a}ge beider L{\"a}nder in diesen neuen Modellen zu untersuchen :.Welche Rolle spielt die ministerielle Ebene in Frankreich und Deutschland bei der Umsetzung der Initiative? In welchem Umfang und auf welche Art und Weise beteiligen sich die nationalen Erasmus-Agenturen in beiden L{\"a}ndern ? Welche Position nimmt die Deutsch-Franz{\"o}sische Hochschule in Bezug auf diese neuen Allianzen ein und welche Unterst{\"u}tzung bietet sie? Anhand von drei Beispielen, den Allianzen ECIU, EPICUR und FORTHM, wird beschrieben, welche Beitr{\"a}ge die deutsch-franz{\"o}sische Zusammenarbeit sowie grenz{\"u}berschreitende Kooperationen leisten. Die Hauptquellen f{\"u}r diese Masterarbeit stellen 15 semidirektive Experteninterviews dar, die zwischen August 2020 und Januar 2021 mit deutschen, franz{\"o}sischen und europ{\"a}ischen Akteuren gef{\"u}hrt wurden. Der Reichtum ihrer Expertise fließt in die Schlussfolgerung ein, in der wir versuchen, die deutsch-franz{\"o}sische Dimension dieser Initiative hervorzuheben. Mit einer deutsch-franz{\"o}sischen Perspektive versuchen wir, die St{\"a}rken, Chancen, Schw{\"a}chen und Bedrohungen zusammenzufassen, die die Entwicklung dieser neuen Initiative beg{\"u}nstigen oder behindern. The President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, gave an ambitious speech on Europe to an audience of students and politicians in the large lecture hall of the Sorbonne University on 26 September 2017. Among his "Initiatives for Europe" is the creation of European University Networks. The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the Franco-German heritage and the contributions of both countries in these new models :.What is the role of the ministerial level in France and Germany in the implementation of the initiative? To what extent and in what way do the national Erasmus agencies in both countries participate ? What is the position of the Franco-German University in relation to these new alliances and what support does it offer? Using three examples, the ECIU, EPICUR and FORTHM alliances, the contributions of Franco-German cooperation and cross-border cooperation are described. The main sources for this Master's thesis are 15 semi-directive expert interviews conducted with German, French and European actors between August 2020 and January 2021. The wealth of their expertise feeds into the conclusion, in which we try to highlight the Franco-German dimension of this initiative. With a Franco-German perspective, we try to summarise the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats that favour or hinder the development of this new initiative.}, language = {fr} } @article{Renault2021, author = {Renault, Manon}, title = {Antiquit{\´e}s et pop cultures dans la haute couture et le pr{\^e}t-{\`a}-porter des ann{\´e}es 2010}, series = {thersites 13: Antiquipop - Chefs d'œuvres revisit{\´e}s}, volume = {2021}, journal = {thersites 13: Antiquipop - Chefs d'œuvres revisit{\´e}s}, number = {13}, editor = {Bi{\`e}vre-Perrin, Fabien and Carl{\`a}-Uhink, Filippo and Rollinger, Christian and Walde, Christine}, doi = {10.34679/thersites.vol13.149}, pages = {125 -- 140}, year = {2021}, abstract = {From the fluid dresses woven from precious materials evoking the iconic statues of Antiquity to the revival of Spartan shoes, two emblematic fashion trends will help us study the place of Greek Antiquity in contemporary women's fashion collections. Ordinary as well as extraordinary, what do these reminiscences tell? Can they permit to understand the boundaries that structure and govern the fashion's worlds? Numerous and diverse, the differences and the similarities of the ways in which classical references are used allow us to study the relations of power in which the specificities of haute couture and ready-to-wear are defined. The values, the entry criteria, the operating hierarchies as well as the very acceptance of the word "fashion" are different from one environment to another. From the catwalks of big fashion houses on Avenue Montaigne such as Chanel to the youngest brands, the differentiated readings and uses of Antiquity raise the question of the symbolic value of classics in fashion.}, language = {fr} }