@phdthesis{Stiegler2023, author = {Stiegler, Jonas}, title = {Mobile link functions in unpredictable agricultural landscapes}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62202}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-622023}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {155}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Animal movement is a crucial aspect of life, influencing ecological and evolutionary processes. It plays an important role in shaping biodiversity patterns, connecting habitats and ecosystems. Anthropogenic landscape changes, such as in agricultural environments, can impede the movement of animals by affecting their ability to locate resources during recurring movements within home ranges and, on a larger scale, disrupt migration or dispersal. Inevitably, these changes in movement behavior have far-reaching consequences on the mobile link functions provided by species inhabiting such extensively altered matrix areas. In this thesis, I investigate the movement characteristics and activity patterns of the European hare (Lepus europaeus), aiming to understand their significance as a pivotal species in fragmented agricultural landscapes. I reveal intriguing results that shed light on the importance of hares for seed dispersal, the influence of personality traits on behavior and space use, the sensitivity of hares to extreme weather conditions, and the impacts of GPS collaring on mammals' activity patterns and movement behavior. In Chapter I, I conducted a controlled feeding experiment to investigate the potential impact of hares on seed dispersal. By additionally utilizing GPS data of hares in two contrasting landscapes, I demonstrated that hares play a vital role, acting as effective mobile linkers for many plant species in small and isolated habitat patches. The analysis of seed intake and germination success revealed that distinct seed traits, such as density, surface area, and shape, profoundly affect hares' ability to disperse seeds through endozoochory. These findings highlight the interplay between hares and plant communities and thus provide valuable insights into seed dispersal mechanisms in fragmented landscapes. By employing standardized behavioral tests in Chapter II, I revealed consistent behavioral responses among captive hares while simultaneously examining the intricate connection between personality traits and spatial patterns within wild hare populations. This analysis provides insights into the ecological interactions and dynamics within hare populations in agricultural habitats. Examining the concept of animal personality, I established a link between personality traits and hare behavior. I showed that boldness, measured through standardized tests, influences individual exploration styles, with shy and bold hares exhibiting distinct space use patterns. In addition to providing valuable insights into the role of animal personality in heterogeneous environments, my research introduced a novel approach demonstrating the feasibility of remotely assessing personality types using animal-borne sensors without additional disturbance of the focal individual. While climate conditions severely impact the activity and, consequently, the fitness of wildlife species across the globe, in Chapter III, I uncovered the sensitivity of hares to temperature, humidity, and wind speed during their peak reproduction period. I found a strong response in activity to high temperatures above 25°C, with a particularly pronounced effect during temperature extremes of over 35°C. The non-linear relationship between temperature and activity was characterized by contrasting responses observed for day and night. These findings emphasize the vulnerability of hares to climate change and the potential consequences for their fitness and population dynamics with the ongoing rise of temperature. Since such insights can only be obtained through capturing and tagging free-ranging animals, I assessed potential impacts and the recovery process post-collar attachment in Chapter IV. For this purpose, I examined the daily distances moved and the temporal-associated activity of 1451 terrestrial mammals out of 42 species during their initial tracking period. The disturbance intensity and the speed of recovery varied across species, with herbivores, females, and individuals captured and collared in relatively secluded study areas experiencing more pronounced disturbances due to limited anthropogenic influences. Mobile linkers are essential for maintaining biodiversity as they influence the dynamics and resilience of ecosystems. Furthermore, their ability to move through fragmented landscapes makes them a key component for restoring disturbed sites. Individual movement decisions determine the scale of mobile links, and understanding variations in space use among individuals is crucial for interpreting their functions. Climate change poses further challenges, with wildlife species expected to adjust their behavior, especially in response to high-temperature extremes, and comprehending the anthropogenic influence on animal movements will remain paramount to effective land use planning and the development of successful conservation strategies. This thesis provides a comprehensive ecological understanding of hares in agricultural landscapes. My research findings underscore the importance of hares as mobile linkers, the influence of personality traits on behavior and spatial patterns, the vulnerability of hares to extreme weather conditions, and the immediate consequences of collar attachment on mammalian movements. Thus, I contribute valuable insights to wildlife conservation and management efforts, aiding in developing strategies to mitigate the impact of environmental changes on hare populations. Moreover, these findings enable the development of methodologies aimed at minimizing the impacts of collaring while also identifying potential biases in the data, thereby benefiting both animal welfare and the scientific integrity of localization studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Courtin2023, author = {Courtin, J{\´e}r{\´e}my}, title = {Biodiversity changes in Siberia between quaternary glacial and interglacial stages}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59584}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-595847}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 199}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der vom Menschen verursachte Klimawandel wirkt sich auf die biologische Vielfalt der Erde und damit auf die {\"O}kosysteme und ihre Leistungen aus. Die {\"O}kosysteme in den hohen Breitengraden sind aufgrund der verst{\"a}rkten Erw{\"a}rmung an den Polen noch st{\"a}rker betroffen als der Rest der n{\"o}rdlichen Hemisph{\"a}re. Dennoch ist es schwierig, die Dynamik von {\"O}kosystemen in den hohen Breitengraden vorherzusagen, da die Wechselwirkungen zwischen abiotischen und biotischen Komponenten sehr komplex sind. Da die Vergangenheit der Schl{\"u}ssel zur Zukunft ist, ist die Interpretation vergangener {\"o}kologischer Ver{\"a}nderungen m{\"o}glich, um laufende Prozesse besser zu verstehen. Im Quart{\"a}r durchlief das Pleistoz{\"a}n mehrere glaziale und interglaziale Phasen, welche die {\"O}kosysteme der Vergangenheit beeinflussten. W{\"a}hrend des letzten Glazials bedeckte die pleistoz{\"a}ne Steppentundra den gr{\"o}ßten Teil der unvergletscherten n{\"o}rdlichen Hemisph{\"a}re und verschwand parallel zum Aussterben der Megafauna am {\"U}bergang zum Holoz{\"a}n (vor etwa 11 700 Jahren). Der Ursprung des R{\"u}ckgangs der Steppentundra ist nicht gut erforscht, und die Kenntnis {\"u}ber die Mechanismen, die zu den Ver{\"a}nderungen in den vergangenen Lebensgemeinschaften und {\"O}kosystemen gef{\"u}hrt haben, ist von hoher Priorit{\"a}t, da sie wahrscheinlich mit denen vergleichbar sind, die sich auf moderne {\"O}kosysteme auswirken. Durch die Entnahme von See- oder Permafrostkernsedimenten kann die vergangene Artenvielfalt an den {\"U}berg{\"a}ngen zwischen Eis- und Zwischeneiszeiten untersucht werden. Sibirien und Beringia waren der Ursprung der Ausbreitung der Steppentundra, weshalb die Untersuchung dieses Gebiets hohe Priorit{\"a}t hat. Bis vor kurzem waren Makrofossilien und Pollen die g{\"a}ngigsten Methoden. Sie dienen der Rekonstruktion vergangener Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Bev{\"o}lkerung, haben aber ihre Grenzen und Schw{\"a}chen. Seit Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts kann auch sediment{\"a}re alte DNA (sedaDNA) untersucht werden. Mein Hauptziel war es, durch den Einsatz von sedaDNA-Ans{\"a}tzen wissenschaftliche Beweise f{\"u}r Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Zusammensetzung und Vielfalt der {\"O}kosysteme der n{\"o}rdlichen Hemisph{\"a}re am {\"U}bergang zwischen den quart{\"a}ren Eiszeiten und Zwischeneiszeiten zu liefern. In dieser Arbeit liefere ich Momentaufnahmen ganzer alter {\"O}kosysteme und beschreibe die Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Zusammensetzung zwischen Quart{\"a}rglazialen und Interglazialen und best{\"a}tige die Vegetationszusammensetzung sowie die r{\"a}umlichen und zeitlichen Grenzen der pleistoz{\"a}nen Steppentundra. Ich stelle einen allgemeinen Verlust der Pflanzenvielfalt fest, wobei das Aussterben der Pflanzen parallel zum Aussterben der Megafauna verlief. Ich zeige auf, wie der Verlust der biotischen Widerstandsf{\"a}higkeit zum Zusammenbruch eines zuvor gut etablierten Systems f{\"u}hrte, und diskutiere meine Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf den laufenden Klimawandel. Mit weiteren Arbeiten zur Eingrenzung von Verzerrungen und Grenzen kann sedaDNA parallel zu den etablierteren Makrofossilien- und Pollenans{\"a}tzen verwendet werden oder diese sogar ersetzen, da meine Ergebnisse die Robustheit und das Potenzial von sedaDNA zur Beantwortung neuer pal{\"a}o{\"o}kologischer Fragen wie Ver{\"a}nderungen der Pflanzenvielfalt und -verluste belegen und Momentaufnahmen ganzer alter Biota liefern.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Leins2023, author = {Leins, Johannes A.}, title = {Combining model detail with large scales}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-582837}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 168}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The global climate crisis is significantly contributing to changing ecosystems, loss of biodiversity and is putting numerous species on the verge of extinction. In principle, many species are able to adapt to changing conditions or shift their habitats to more suitable regions. However, change is progressing faster than some species can adjust, or potential adaptation is blocked and disrupted by direct and indirect human action. Unsustainable anthropogenic land use in particular is one of the driving factors, besides global heating, for these ecologically critical developments. Precisely because land use is anthropogenic, it is also a factor that could be quickly and immediately corrected by human action. In this thesis, I therefore assess the impact of three climate change scenarios of increasing intensity in combination with differently scheduled mowing regimes on the long-term development and dispersal success of insects in Northwest German grasslands. The large marsh grasshopper (LMG, Stethophyma grossum, Linn{\´e} 1758) is used as a species of reference for the analyses. It inhabits wet meadows and marshes and has a limited, yet fairly good ability to disperse. Mowing and climate conditions affect the development and mortality of the LMG differently depending on its life stage. The specifically developed simulation model HiLEG (High-resolution Large Environmental Gradient) serves as a tool for investigating and projecting viability and dispersal success under different climate conditions and land use scenarios. It is a spatially explicit, stage- and cohort-based model that can be individually configured to represent the life cycle and characteristics of terrestrial insect species, as well as high-resolution environmental data and the occurrence of external disturbances. HiLEG is a freely available and adjustable software that can be used to support conservation planning in cultivated grasslands. In the three case studies of this thesis, I explore various aspects related to the structure of simulation models per se, their importance in conservation planning in general, and insights regarding the LMG in particular. It became apparent that the detailed resolution of model processes and components is crucial to project the long-term effect of spatially and temporally confined events. Taking into account conservation measures at the regional level has further proven relevant, especially in light of the climate crisis. I found that the LMG is benefiting from global warming in principle, but continues to be constrained by harmful mowing regimes. Land use measures could, however, be adapted in such a way that they allow the expansion and establishment of the LMG without overly affecting agricultural yields. Overall, simulation models like HiLEG can make an important contribution and add value to conservation planning and policy-making. Properly used, simulation results shed light on aspects that might be overlooked by subjective judgment and the experience of individual stakeholders. Even though it is in the nature of models that they are subject to limitations and only represent fragments of reality, this should not keep stakeholders from using them, as long as these limitations are clearly communicated. Similar to HiLEG, models could further be designed in such a way that not only the parameterization can be adjusted as required, but also the implementation itself can be improved and changed as desired. This openness and flexibility should become more widespread in the development of simulation models.}, language = {en} }