@incollection{Khurana2023, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {True right against formal right: The body of right and the limits of property}, series = {Hegel's philosophy of right: critical perspectives on freedom and history}, booktitle = {Hegel's philosophy of right: critical perspectives on freedom and history}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {London}, isbn = {9781003081036}, doi = {10.4324/9781003081036-10}, pages = {147 -- 168}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The conception of property at the basis of Hegel's conception of abstract right seems committed to a problematic form of "possessive individualism." It seems to conceive of right as the expression of human mastery over nature and as based upon an irreducible opposition of person and nature, rightful will, and rightless thing. However, this chapter argues that Hegel starts with a form of possessive individualism only to show that it undermines itself. This is evident in the way Hegel unfolds the nature of property as it applies to external things as well as in the way he explains our self-ownership of our own bodies and lives. Hegel develops the idea of property to a point where it reaches a critical limit and encounters the "true right" that life possesses against the "formal" and "abstract right" of property. Ultimately, Hegel's account suggests that nature should precisely not be treated as a rightless object at our arbitrary disposal but acknowledged as the inorganic body of right.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Khurana2023, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {The stage of difference: On the second nature of civil society in Kant and Hegel}, series = {Naturalism and social philosophy}, booktitle = {Naturalism and social philosophy}, publisher = {Rowman \& Littlefield}, address = {Lanham}, isbn = {978-1-5381-7492-0}, pages = {35 -- 64}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @incollection{Khurana2022, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {Genus-being: On Marx's dialectical naturalism}, series = {Nature and naturalism in classical German philosophy}, booktitle = {Nature and naturalism in classical German philosophy}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {New York}, isbn = {978-0-367-54172-9}, doi = {10.4324/9781003092056-13}, pages = {246 -- 278}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In his 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, Marx famously claims that the human being is or has a 'Gattungswesen.' This is often understood to mean that the human being is a 'species-being' and is determined by a given 'species-essence.' In this chapter, I argue that this reading is mistaken. What Marx calls Gattungswesen is precisely not a 'species-being,' but a being that, in a very specific sense, transcends the limits of its own given species. This different understanding of the genus- character of the human being opens up a new perspective on the naturalism of the early Marx. He is not informed by a problematic speciesist and essentialist naturalism, as is often assumed, but by a different form of naturalism which I propose to call 'dialectical naturalism.' The chapter starts (I) by developing Hegel's account of genus which provides us with a useful background for (II) understanding Marx's original notion of a genus-being and its practical, social, developmental character. In the last section, I show that (III) the actualization of our genus-being thus depends on the production of a specific type of 'second nature' that is at the heart of Marx's dialectical naturalism.}, language = {en} } @misc{Khurana2023, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {Dialektische Anthropologie - oder romantischer Idealismus?}, series = {Deutsche Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie}, volume = {71}, journal = {Deutsche Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie}, number = {2}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0012-1045}, doi = {10.1515/dzph-2023-0026}, pages = {304 -- 311}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @article{Khurana2023, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {Die "europ{\"a}ischen Wilden"}, series = {Historische Urteilskraft}, volume = {5}, journal = {Historische Urteilskraft}, publisher = {Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86102-231-2}, issn = {2626-8094}, pages = {15 -- 18}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @article{Khurana2022, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {The art of second nature}, series = {Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal}, volume = {43}, journal = {Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal}, number = {1}, publisher = {Philosophy Documentation Center}, address = {New York}, issn = {0093-4240}, doi = {10.5840/gfpj20224312}, pages = {33 -- 69}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @article{Khurana2023, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {Altera Natura: Das Anthropoz{\"a}n als {\"a}sthetisches Problem}, series = {Dritte Natur}, volume = {6}, journal = {Dritte Natur}, number = {1}, publisher = {Matthes \& Seitz}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-7518-0704-3}, issn = {2625-9885}, pages = {175 -- 190}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der Kunst wird seit langem nachgesagt, dem Subjekt ein anderes Verh{\"a}ltnis zur Natur zu er{\"o}ffnen, als dies die gew{\"o}hnliche theoretische oder praktische Erkenntnis erm{\"o}glicht. Statt die Natur zum distanzierten Objekt unserer Betrachtung zu machen oder zum bloßen Material und Mittel unserer praktischen Konstruktionen, erschließt sich uns in der Kunst eine Intelligibilit{\"a}t der Natur, die weiter reicht als unsere Begriffe, und eine Nat{\"u}rlichkeit unserer selbst, die uns mit dem verbindet, was uns sonst bloß gegen{\"u}bersteht. Vor diesem Hintergrund scheint es nicht verwunderlich, dass die j{\"u}ngeren Diskussionen um das problematische Verh{\"a}ltnis zur Natur, die das Anthropoz{\"a}n gepr{\"a}gt haben, immer wieder den Blick auf die Kunst richten und ihr Verm{\"o}gen hervorheben, den problematischen modernen Gegensatz von Subjekt und Objekt, Geist und Natur zu {\"u}berwinden, der uns in diese missliche Lage gebracht hat. Wenn die Kunst hier aber weiterf{\"u}hren soll, dann muss sie {\"u}ber die klassischen {\"a}sthetischen Paradigmen des Sch{\"o}nen und des Erhabenen hinausf{\"u}hren. Das Sch{\"o}ne tr{\"a}umt von einer Passung von Subjekt und Natur, die im Anthropoz{\"a}n gerade in Frage steht, und das Erhabene verwendet die {\"U}bermacht der Natur als Vehikel, um eine Macht im intelligiblen Subjekt zu markieren, die von der nat{\"u}rlichen {\"U}bermacht unber{\"u}hrt bleibt. Diese klassischen Figuren {\"a}sthetischer Erfahrung verstellen so, wie tiefgreifend wir das Naturverh{\"a}ltnis neu bestimmen m{\"u}ssen, um auf das Anthropoz{\"a}n zu antworten.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Khurana2024, author = {Khurana, Thomas}, title = {Die Unheimlichkeit des Gew{\"o}hnlichen}, series = {Trouble Every Day : Zum Schrecken des Allt{\"a}glichen}, booktitle = {Trouble Every Day : Zum Schrecken des Allt{\"a}glichen}, publisher = {Brill Fink}, address = {Paderborn}, isbn = {978-3-8467-6721-4}, doi = {10.30965/9783846767214_006}, pages = {91 -- 105}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @article{ScholzAhrensAhrensBarth2020, author = {Scholz-Ahrens, Katharina Elisabeth and Ahrens, Frank and Barth, Christian A.}, title = {Nutritional and health attributes of milk and milk imitations}, series = {European journal of nutrition}, volume = {59}, journal = {European journal of nutrition}, number = {1}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, issn = {1436-6207}, doi = {10.1007/s00394-019-01936-3}, pages = {19 -- 34}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Purpose: Modern food technology allows designing products aiming to simulate and replace traditional food. In affluent societies there is a rising tendency to consume foods derived from plants including milk imitations or plant drinks based on cereals, nuts, legumes, oil seeds or other plant families. Herein we review production and composition of such drinks, summarize consumers' motivations to change from milk to plant drinks and highlight nutritional and health implications of consuming plant drinks instead of milk, in particular if non-fortified and if consumed by infants, children, adolescents and the elderly. Results: Whereas the macronutrient concentrations of some plant drinks (soy) may approach in some cases (protein) that of cow's milk, the nutritional quality of most plant drinks, e.g., the biological value of protein and the presence and amount of vitamins and essential minerals with high bioavailability does not. If cow's milk is exchanged for non-fortified and non-supplemented plant drinks consumers may risk deficiencies of calcium, zinc, iodine, vitamins B2, B12, D, A, and indispensable amino acids, particularly in infants and toddlers who traditionally consume significant portions of milk. The vegetable nature, appearance and taste of such plant drinks may be appealing to adult consumers and be chosen for adding variety to the menu. However, in young children fed exclusively such plant drinks severe metabolic disturbances may occur. Conclusion: Parents, dietitians, physicians and consumers should be aware of such potential risks, if non-fortified plant drinks are consumed instead of milk.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidt2023, author = {Schmidt, Christian}, title = {Vom Trauma zum bedeutungsvollen Ersterlebnis}, publisher = {Karl Alber}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-4959-9450-4}, doi = {10.5771/9783495994511}, pages = {342}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Ausgehend von {\"U}berlegungen des anthropologisch orientierten Psychiaters Erwin Straus geht dieses Buch der Frage nach, welche Bedingungen vorliegen, wenn bestimmte Ereignisse von Personen als bedeutsam erlebt werden. Des Weiteren wird ausf{\"u}hrlich er{\"o}rtert, wie sich Personalit{\"a}t im Menschen ausbildet und inwieweit sie von der gelingenden Integration bedeutungsvoller Ersterlebnisse abh{\"a}ngt. Das dabei zugrundeliegende Person-Konzept stellt einen eigenst{\"a}ndigen Syntheseversuch der vier Konzepte von Erwin Straus, Viktor Emil von Gebsattel, Helmuth Plessner und Max Scheler dar. Der Autor arbeitet in ober{\"a}rztlicher Funktion am Klinikum Schloss L{\"u}tgenhof in Dassow, einer Akutklinik f{\"u}r Personale Medizin, integrierte Psychosomatik, Innere Medizin und Psychotherapie}, language = {de} }