@phdthesis{Schwandt2003, author = {Schwandt, Daniel}, title = {Abflußentwicklung in Teileinzugsgebieten des Rheins : Simulationen f{\"u}r den Ist-Zustand und f{\"u}r Klimaszenarien}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001001}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit 'Abflu\ßentwicklung in Teileinzugsgebieten des Rheins - Simulationen f\ür den Ist-Zustand und f\ür Klimaszenarien' untersucht Auswirkungen m\öglicher zuk\ünftiger Klima\änderungen auf das Abflu\ßgeschehen in ausgew\ählten, durch Mittelgebirge gepr\ägten Teileinzugsgebieten des Rheins: Mosel (bis Pegel Cochem); Sieg (bis Pegel Menden 1) und Main (bis Pegel Kemmern).In einem ersten Schritt werden unter Verwendung des hydrologischen Modells HBV-D wichtige Modellprozesse entsprechend der Einzugsgebietscharakteristik parametrisiert und ein Abbild der Gebietshydrologie erzeugt, das mit Zeitreihen gemessener Tageswerte (Temperatur, Niederschlag) eine Zeitreihe der Pegeldurchfl\üsse simulieren kann. Die G\üte der Simulation des Ist-Zustandes (Standard-Me\ßzeitraum 1.1.1961-31.12.1999) ist f\ür die Kalibrierungs- und Validierungszeitr\äume in allen Untersuchungsgebieten gut bis sehr gut.Zur Erleichterung der umfangreichen, zeitaufwendigen einzugsgebietsbezogenen Datenaufbereitung f\ür das hydrologische Modell HBV-D wurde eine Arbeitsumgebung auf Basis von Programmerweiterungen des Geoinformationssystems ArcView und zus\ätzlichen Hilfsprogrammen entwickelt. Die Arbeitsumgebung HBV-Params enth\ält eine graphische Benutzeroberfl\äche und r\äumt sowohl erfahrenen Hydrologen als auch hydrologisch geschulten Anwendern, z.B. Studenten der Vertiefungsrichtung Hydrologie, Flexibilit\ät und vollst\ändige Kontrolle bei der Ableitung von Parameterwerten und der Editierung von Parameter- und Steuerdateien ein. Somit ist HBV-D im Gegensatz zu Vorl\äuferversionen mit rudiment\ären Arbeitsumgebungen auch au\ßerhalb der Forschung f\ür Lehr- und \Übungszwecke einsetzbar.In einem zweiten Schritt werden Gebietsniederschlagssummen, Gebietstemperaturen und simulierte Mittelwerte des Durchflusses (MQ) des Ist-Zustandes mit den Zust\änden zweier Klimaszenarien f\ür den Szenarienzeitraum 100 Jahre sp\äter (2061-2099) verglichen. Die Klimaszenarien beruhen auf simulierten Zirkulationsmustern je eines Modellaufes zweier Globaler Zirkulationsmodelle (GCM), die mit einem statistischen Regionalisierungsverfahren in Tageswertszenarien (Temperatur, Niederschlag) an Me\ßstationen in den Untersuchungsgebieten \überf\ührt wurden und als Eingangsdaten des hydrologischen Modells verwendet werden.F\ür die zweite H\älfte des 21. Jahrhunderts weisen beide regionalisierten Klimaszenarien eine Zunahme der Jahresmittel der Gebietstemperatur sowie eine Zunahme der Jahressummen der Gebietsniederschl\äge auf, die mit einer hohen Variabilit\ät einhergeht. Eine Betrachtung der saisonalen (monatlichen) \Änderungsbetr\äge von Temperatur, Niederschlag und mittlerem Durchflu\ß zwischen Szenarienzeitraum (2061-2099) und Ist-Zustand ergibt in allen Untersuchungsgebieten eine Temperaturzunahme (h\öher im Sommer als im Winter) und eine generelle Zunahme der Niederschlagssummen (mit starken Schwankungen zwischen den Einzelmonaten), die bei der hydrologischen Simulation zu deutlich h\öheren mittleren Durchfl\üssen von November bis M\ärz und leicht erh\öhten mittleren Durchfl\üssen in den restlichen Monaten f\ühren. Die St\ärke der Durchflu\ßerh\öhung ist nach den individuellen Klimaszenarien unterschiedlich und im Sommer- bzw. Winterhalbjahr gegenl\äufig ausgepr\ägt. Hauptursache f\ür die simulierte starke Zunahme der mittleren Durchfl\üsse im Winterhalbjahr ist die trotz Temperaturerh\öhung der Klimaszenarien winterlich niedrige Evapotranspiration, so da\ß erh\öhte Niederschl\äge direkt in erh\öhten Durchflu\ß transformiert werden k\önnen.Der Vergleich der Untersuchungsgebiete zeigt in Einzelmonaten von West nach Ost abnehmende \Änderungsbetr\äge der Niederschlagssummen, die als Hinweis auf die Bedeutung der Kontinentalit\ätseinfl\üsse auch unter ge\änderten klimatischen Bedingungen in S\üdwestdeutschland aufgefa\ßt werden k\önnten.Aus den regionalisierten Klimaszenarien werden \Änderungsbetr\äge f\ür die Modulation gemessener Zeitreihen mittels synthetischer Szenarien abgeleitet, die mit einem geringen Rechenaufwand in hydrologische Modellantworten \überf\ührt werden k\önnen. Die direkte Ableitung synthetischer Szenarien aus GCM-Ergebniswerten (bodennahe Temperatur und Gesamtniederschlag) an einzelnen GCM-Gitterpunkten erbrachte unbefriedigende Ergebnisse.Ob, in welcher H\öhe und zeitlichen Verteilung die in den (synthetischen) Szenarien verwendeten Niederschlags- und Temperatur\änderungen eintreten werden, kann nur die Zukunft zeigen. Eine Absch\ätzung, wie sich die Abflu\ßverh\ältnisse und insbesondere die mittleren Durchfl\üsse der Untersuchungsgebiete bei m\öglichen \Änderungen entwickeln w\ürden, kann jedoch heute schon vorgenommen werden. Simulationen auf Szenariogrundlagen sind ein Weg, unbekannte zuk\ünftige Randbedingungen sowie regionale Auswirkungen m\öglicher \Änderungen des Klimasystems ausschnittsweise abzusch\ätzen und entsprechende Risikominderungsstrategien zu entwickeln. Jegliche Modellierung und Simulation nat\ürlicher Systeme ist jedoch mit betr\ächtlichen Unsicherheiten verkn\üpft. Vergleichsweise gro\ße Unsicherheiten sind mit der zuk\ünftigen Entwicklung des sozio\ökonomischen Systems und der Komplexit\ät des Klimasystems verbunden. Weiterhin haben Unsicherheiten der einzelnen Modellbausteine der Modellkette Emissionsszenarien/Gaszyklusmodelle - Globale Zirkulationsmodelle/Regionalisierung - hydrologisches Modell, die eine Kaskade der Unsicherheiten ergeben, neben Datenunsicherheiten bei der Erfassung hydrometeorologischer Me\ßgr\ö\ßen einen erheblichen Einflu\ß auf die Vertrauensw\ürdigkeit der Simulationsergebnisse, die als ein dargestellter Wert eines Ergebnisbandes zu interpretieren sind.Der Einsatz (1) robuster hydrologischer Modelle, die insbesondere temperaturbeeinflu\ßte Prozesse ad\äquat beschreiben,(2) die Verwendung langer Zeitreihen (wenigsten 30 Jahre) von Me\ßwerten und(3) die gleichzeitige vergleichende Betrachtung von Klimaszenarien, die auf unterschiedlichen GCMs beruhen (und wenn m\öglich, verschiedene Emissionsszenarien ber\ücksichtigen),sollte aus Gr\ünden der wissenschaftlichen Sorgfalt, aber auch der besseren Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse von Regionalstudien im noch jungen Forschungsfeld der Klimafolgenforschung beachtet werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Creutzfeldt2010, author = {Creutzfeldt, Noah Angelo Benjamin}, title = {The effect of water storages on temporal gravity measurements and the benefits for hydrology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48575}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Temporal gravimeter observations, used in geodesy and geophysics to study variation of the Earth's gravity field, are influenced by local water storage changes (WSC) and - from this perspective - add noise to the gravimeter signal records. At the same time, the part of the gravity signal caused by WSC may provide substantial information for hydrologists. Water storages are the fundamental state variable of hydrological systems, but comprehensive data on total WSC are practically inaccessible and their quantification is associated with a high level of uncertainty at the field scale. This study investigates the relationship between temporal gravity measurements and WSC in order to reduce the hydrological interfering signal from temporal gravity measurements and to explore the value of temporal gravity measurements for hydrology for the superconducting gravimeter (SG) of the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell, Germany. A 4D forward model with a spatially nested discretization domain was developed to simulate and calculate the local hydrological effect on the temporal gravity observations. An intensive measurement system was installed at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell and WSC were measured in all relevant storage components, namely groundwater, saprolite, soil, top soil and snow storage. The monitoring system comprised also a suction-controlled, weighable, monolith-filled lysimeter, allowing an all time first comparison of a lysimeter and a gravimeter. Lysimeter data were used to estimate WSC at the field scale in combination with complementary observations and a hydrological 1D model. Total local WSC were derived, uncertainties were assessed and the hydrological gravity response was calculated from the WSC. A simple conceptual hydrological model was calibrated and evaluated against records of a superconducting gravimeter, soil moisture and groundwater time series. The model was evaluated by a split sample test and validated against independently estimated WSC from the lysimeter-based approach. A simulation of the hydrological gravity effect showed that WSC of one meter height along the topography caused a gravity response of 52 µGal, whereas, generally in geodesy, on flat terrain, the same water mass variation causes a gravity change of only 42 µGal (Bouguer approximation). The radius of influence of local water storage variations can be limited to 1000 m and 50 \% to 80 \% of the local hydro¬logical gravity signal is generated within a radius of 50 m around the gravimeter. At the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell, WSC in the snow pack, top soil, unsaturated saprolite and fractured aquifer are all important terms of the local water budget. With the exception of snow, all storage components have gravity responses of the same order of magnitude and are therefore relevant for gravity observations. The comparison of the total hydrological gravity response to the gravity residuals obtained from the SG, showed similarities in both short-term and seasonal dynamics. However, the results demonstrated the limitations of estimating total local WSC using hydrological point measurements. The results of the lysimeter-based approach showed that gravity residuals are caused to a larger extent by local WSC than previously estimated. A comparison of the results with other methods used in the past to correct temporal gravity observations for the local hydrological influence showed that the lysimeter measurements improved the independent estimation of WSC significantly and thus provided a better way of estimating the local hydrological gravity effect. In the context of hydrological noise reduction, at sites where temporal gravity observations are used for geophysical studies beyond local hydrology, the installation of a lysimeter in combination with complementary hydrological measurements is recommended. From the hydrological view point, using gravimeter data as a calibration constraint improved the model results in comparison to hydrological point measurements. Thanks to their capacity to integrate over different storage components and a larger area, gravimeters provide generalized information on total WSC at the field scale. Due to their integrative nature, gravity data must be interpreted with great care in hydrological studies. However, gravimeters can serve as a novel measurement instrument for hydrology and the application of gravimeters especially designed to study open research questions in hydrology is recommended.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CunhaCosta2012, author = {Cunha Costa, Alexandre}, title = {Analyzing and modelling of flow transmission processes in river-systems with a focus on semi-arid conditions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59694}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {One of the major problems for the implementation of water resources planning and management in arid and semi-arid environments is the scarcity of hydrological data and, consequently, research studies. In this thesis, the hydrology of dryland river systems was analyzed and a semi-distributed hydrological model and a forecasting approach were developed for flow transmission processes in river-systems with a focus on semi-arid conditions. Three different sources of hydrological data (streamflow series, groundwater level series and multi-temporal satellite data) were combined in order to analyze the channel transmission losses of a large reach of the Jaguaribe River in NE Brazil. A perceptual model of this reach was derived suggesting that the application of models, which were developed for sub-humid and temperate regions, may be more suitable for this reach than classical models, which were developed for arid and semi-arid regions. Summarily, it was shown that this river reach is hydraulically connected with groundwater and shifts from being a losing river at the dry and beginning of rainy seasons to become a losing/gaining (mostly losing) river at the middle and end of rainy seasons. A new semi-distributed channel transmission losses model was developed, which was based primarily on the capability of simulation in very different dryland environments and flexible model structures for testing hypotheses on the dominant hydrological processes of rivers. This model was successfully tested in a large reach of the Jaguaribe River in NE Brazil and a small stream in the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed in the SW USA. Hypotheses on the dominant processes of the channel transmission losses (different model structures) in the Jaguaribe river were evaluated, showing that both lateral (stream-)aquifer water fluxes and ground-water flow in the underlying alluvium parallel to the river course are necessary to predict streamflow and channel transmission losses, the former process being more relevant than the latter. This procedure not only reduced model structure uncertainties, but also reported modelling failures rejecting model structure hypotheses, namely streamflow without river-aquifer interaction and stream-aquifer flow without groundwater flow parallel to the river course. The application of the model to different dryland environments enabled learning about the model itself from differences in channel reach responses. For example, the parameters related to the unsaturated part of the model, which were active for the small reach in the USA, presented a much greater variation in the sensitivity coefficients than those which drove the saturated part of the model, which were active for the large reach in Brazil. Moreover, a nonparametric approach, which dealt with both deterministic evolution and inherent fluctuations in river discharge data, was developed based on a qualitative dynamical system-based criterion, which involved a learning process about the structure of the time series, instead of a fitting procedure only. This approach, which was based only on the discharge time series itself, was applied to a headwater catchment in Germany, in which runoff are induced by either convective rainfall during the summer or snow melt in the spring. The application showed the following important features: • the differences between runoff measurements were more suitable than the actual runoff measurements when using regression models; • the catchment runoff system shifted from being a possible dynamical system contaminated with noise to a linear random process when the interval time of the discharge time series increased; • and runoff underestimation can be expected for rising limbs and overestimation for falling limbs. This nonparametric approach was compared with a distributed hydrological model designed for real-time flood forecasting, with both presenting similar results on average. Finally, a benchmark for hydrological research using semi-distributed modelling was proposed, based on the aforementioned analysis, modelling and forecasting of flow transmission processes. The aim of this benchmark was not to describe a blue-print for hydrological modelling design, but rather to propose a scientific method to improve hydrological knowledge using semi-distributed hydrological modelling. Following the application of the proposed benchmark to a case study, the actual state of its hydrological knowledge and its predictive uncertainty can be determined, primarily through rejected hypotheses on the dominant hydrological processes and differences in catchment/variables responses.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Duethmann2015, author = {D{\"u}thmann, Doris}, title = {Hydrological modeling of mountain catchments in Central Asia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-80071}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 95}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Water resources from Central Asia's mountain regions have a high relevance for the water supply of the water scarce lowlands. A good understanding of the water cycle in these mountain regions is therefore needed to develop water management strategies. Hydrological modeling helps to improve our knowledge of the regional water cycle, and it can be used to gain a better understanding of past changes or estimate future hydrologic changes in view of projected changes in climate. However, due to the scarcity of hydrometeorological data, hydrological modeling for mountain regions in Central Asia involves large uncertainties. Addressing this problem, the first aim of this thesis was to develop hydrological modeling approaches that can increase the credibility of hydrological models in data sparse mountain regions. This was achieved by using additional data from remote sensing and atmospheric modeling. It was investigated whether spatial patterns from downscaled reanalysis data can be used for the interpolation of station-based precipitation data. This approach was compared to other precipitation estimates using a hydrologic evaluation based on hydrological modeling and a comparison of simulated and observed discharge, which demonstrated a generally good performance of this method. The study further investigated the value of satellite-derived snow cover data for model calibration. Trade-offs of good model performance in terms of discharge and snow cover were explicitly evaluated using a multiobjective optimization algorithm, and the results were contrasted with single-objective calibration and Monte Carlo simulations. The study clearly shows that the additional use of snow cover data improved the internal consistency of the hydrological model. In this context, it was further investigated for the first time how many snow cover scenes were required for hydrological model calibration. The second aim of this thesis was the application of the hydrological model in order to investigate the causes of observed streamflow increases in two headwater catchments of the Tarim River over the recent decades. This simulation-based approach for trend attribution was complemented by a data-based approach. The hydrological model was calibrated to discharge and glacier mass balance data and considered changes in glacier geometry over time. The results show that in the catchment with a lower glacierization, increasing precipitation and temperature both contributed to the streamflow increases, while in the catchment with a stronger glacierization, increasing temperatures were identified as the dominant driver.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pilz2020, author = {Pilz, Tobias}, title = {Pursuing the understanding of uncertainties in hydrological modelling}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47664}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-476643}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {136}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Hydrological models are important tools for the simulation and quantification of the water cycle. They therefore aid in the understanding of hydrological processes, prediction of river discharge, assessment of the impacts of land use and climate changes, or the management of water resources. However, uncertainties associated with hydrological modelling are still large. While significant research has been done on the quantification and reduction of uncertainties, there are still fields which have gained little attention so far, such as model structural uncertainties that are related to the process implementations in the models. This holds especially true for complex process-based models in contrast to simpler conceptual models. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to improve the understanding of structural uncertainties with focus on process-based hydrological modelling, including methods for their quantification. To identify common deficits of frequently used hydrological models and develop further strategies on how to reduce them, a survey among modellers was conducted. It was found that there is a certain degree of subjectivity in the perception of modellers, for instance with respect to the distinction of hydrological models into conceptual groups. It was further found that there are ambiguities on how to apply a certain hydrological model, for instance how many parameters should be calibrated, together with a large diversity of opinion regarding the deficits of models. Nevertheless, evapotranspiration processes are often represented in a more physically based manner, while processes of groundwater and soil water movement are often simplified, which many survey participants saw as a drawback. A large flexibility, for instance with respect to different alternative process implementations or a small number of parameters that needs to be calibrated, was generally seen as strength of a model. Flexible and efficient software, which is straightforward to apply, has been increasingly acknowledged by the hydrological community. This work further elaborated on this topic in a twofold way. First, a software package for semi-automated landscape discretisation has been developed, which serves as a tool for model initialisation. This was complemented by a sensitivity analysis of important and commonly used discretisation parameters, of which the size of hydrological sub-catchments as well as the size and number of hydrologically uniform computational units appeared to be more influential than information considered for the characterisation of hillslope profiles. Second, a process-based hydrological model has been implemented into a flexible simulation environment with several alternative process representations and a number of numerical solvers. It turned out that, even though computation times were still long, enhanced computational capabilities nowadays in combination with innovative methods for statistical analysis allow for the exploration of structural uncertainties of even complex process-based models, which up to now was often neglected by the modelling community. In a further study it could be shown that process-based models may even be employed as tools for seasonal operational forecasting. In contrast to statistical models, which are faster to initialise and to apply, process-based models produce more information in addition to the target variable, even at finer spatial and temporal scales, and provide more insights into process behaviour and catchment functioning. However, the process-based model was much more dependent on reliable rainfall forecasts. It seems unlikely that there exists a single best formulation for hydrological processes, even for a specific catchment. This supports the use of flexible model environments with alternative process representations instead of a single model structure. However, correlation and compensation effects between process formulations, their parametrisation, and other aspects such as numerical solver and model resolution, may lead to surprising results and potentially misleading conclusions. In future studies, such effects should be more explicitly addressed and quantified. Moreover, model functioning appeared to be highly dependent on the meteorological conditions and rainfall input generally was the most important source of uncertainty. It is still unclear, how this could be addressed, especially in the light of the aforementioned correlations. The use of innovative data products, e.g.\ remote sensing data in combination with station measurements, and efficient processing methods for the improvement of rainfall input and explicit consideration of associated uncertainties is advisable to bring more insights and make hydrological simulations and predictions more reliable.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reich2023, author = {Reich, Marvin}, title = {Advances in hydrogravimetry}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-60479}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-604794}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 142}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The interest of the hydrological community in the gravimetric method has steadily increased within the last decade. This is reflected by numerous studies from many different groups with a broad range of approaches and foci. Many of those are traditionally rather hydrology-oriented groups who recognized gravimetry as a potential added value for their hydrological investigations. While this resulted in a variety of interesting and useful findings, contributing to extend the respective knowledge and confirming the methodological potential, on the other hand, many interesting and unresolved questions emerged. This thesis manifests efforts, analyses and solutions carried out in this regard. Addressing and evaluating many of those unresolved questions, the research contributes to advancing hydrogravimetry, the combination of gravimetric and hydrological methods, in showing how gravimeters are a highly useful tool for applied hydrological field research. In the first part of the thesis, traditional setups of stationary terrestrial superconducting gravimeters are addressed. They are commonly installed within a dedicated building, the impermeable structure of which shields the underlying soil from natural exchange of water masses (infiltration, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge). As gravimeters are most sensitive to mass changes directly beneath the meter, this could impede their suitability for local hydrological process investigations, especially for near-surface water storage changes (WSC). By studying temporal local hydrological dynamics at a dedicated site equipped with traditional hydrological measurement devices, both below and next to the building, the impact of these absent natural dynamics on the gravity observations were quantified. A comprehensive analysis with both a data-based and model-based approach led to the development of an alternative method for dealing with this limitation. Based on determinable parameters, this approach can be transferred to a broad range of measurement sites where gravimeters are deployed in similar structures. Furthermore, the extensive considerations on this topic enabled a more profound understanding of this so called umbrella effect. The second part of the thesis is a pilot study about the field deployment of a superconducting gravimeter. A newly developed field enclosure for this gravimeter was tested in an outdoor installation adjacent to the building used to investigate the umbrella effect. Analyzing and comparing the gravity observations from both indoor and outdoor gravimeters showed performance with respect to noise and stable environmental conditions was equivalent while the sensitivity to near-surface WSC was highly increased for the field deployed instrument. Furthermore it was demonstrated that the latter setup showed gravity changes independent of the depth where mass changes occurred, given their sufficiently wide horizontal extent. As a consequence, the field setup suits monitoring of WSC for both short and longer time periods much better. Based on a coupled data-modeling approach, its gravity time series was successfully used to infer and quantify local water budget components (evapotranspiration, lateral subsurface discharge) on the daily to annual time scale. The third part of the thesis applies data from a gravimeter field deployment for applied hydrological process investigations. To this end, again at the same site, a sprinkling experiment was conducted in a 15 x 15 m area around the gravimeter. A simple hydro-gravimetric model was developed for calculating the gravity response resulting from water redistribution in the subsurface. It was found that, from a theoretical point of view, different subsurface water distribution processes (macro pore flow, preferential flow, wetting front advancement, bypass flow and perched water table rise) lead to a characteristic shape of their resulting gravity response curve. Although by using this approach it was possible to identify a dominating subsurface water distribution process for this site, some clear limitations stood out. Despite the advantage for field installations that gravimetry is a non-invasive and integral method, the problem of non-uniqueness could only be overcome by additional measurements (soil moisture, electric resistivity tomography) within a joint evaluation. Furthermore, the simple hydrological model was efficient for theoretical considerations but lacked the capability to resolve some heterogeneous spatial structures of water distribution up to a needed scale. Nevertheless, this unique setup for plot to small scale hydrological process research underlines the high potential of gravimetery and the benefit of a field deployment. The fourth and last part is dedicated to the evaluation of potential uncertainties arising from the processing of gravity observations. The gravimeter senses all mass variations in an integral way, with the gravitational attraction being directly proportional to the magnitude of the change and inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the change. Consequently, all gravity effects (for example, tides, atmosphere, non-tidal ocean loading, polar motion, global hydrology and local hydrology) are included in an aggregated manner. To isolate the signal components of interest for a particular investigation, all non-desired effects have to be removed from the observations. This process is called reduction. The large-scale effects (tides, atmosphere, non-tidal ocean loading and global hydrology) cannot be measured directly and global model data is used to describe and quantify each effect. Within the reduction process, model errors and uncertainties propagate into the residual, the result of the reduction. The focus of this part of the thesis is quantifying the resulting, propagated uncertainty for each individual correction. Different superconducting gravimeter installations were evaluated with respect to their topography, distance to the ocean and the climate regime. Furthermore, different time periods of aggregated gravity observation data were assessed, ranging from 1 hour up to 12 months. It was found that uncertainties were highest for a frequency of 6 months and smallest for hourly frequencies. Distance to the ocean influences the uncertainty of the non-tidal ocean loading component, while geographical latitude affects uncertainties of the global hydrological component. It is important to highlight that the resulting correction-induced uncertainties in the residual have the potential to mask the signal of interest, depending on the signal magnitude and its frequency. These findings can be used to assess the value of gravity data across a range of applications and geographic settings. In an overarching synthesis all results and findings are discussed with a general focus on their added value for bringing hydrogravimetric field research to a new level. The conceptual and applied methodological benefits for hydrological studies are highlighted. Within an outlook for future setups and study designs, it was once again shown what enormous potential is offered by gravimeters as hydrological field tools.}, language = {en} }