@phdthesis{Thiede2005, author = {Thiede, Rasmus Christoph}, title = {Tectonic and climatic controls on orogenic processes : the Northwest Himalaya, India}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-2281}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The role of feedback between erosional unloading and tectonics controlling the development of the Himalaya is a matter of current debate. The distribution of precipitation is thought to control surface erosion, which in turn results in tectonic exhumation as an isostatic compensation process. Alternatively, subsurface structures can have significant influence in the evolution of this actively growing orogen. Along the southern Himalayan front new 40Ar/39Ar white mica and apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronologic data provide the opportunity to determine the history of rock-uplift and exhumation paths along an approximately 120-km-wide NE-SW transect spanning the greater Sutlej region of the northwest Himalaya, India. 40Ar/39Ar data indicate, consistent with earlier studies that first the High Himalayan Crystalline, and subsequently the Lesser Himalayan Crystalline nappes were exhumed rapidly during Miocene time, while the deformation front propagated to the south. In contrast, new AFT data delineate synchronous exhumation of an elliptically shaped, NE-SW-oriented ~80 x 40 km region spanning both crystalline nappes during Pliocene-Quaternary time. The AFT ages correlate with elevation, but show within the resolution of the method no spatial relationship to preexisting major tectonic structures, such as the Main Central Thrust or the Southern Tibetan Fault System. Assuming constant exhumation rates and geothermal gradient, the rocks of two age vs. elevation transects were exhumed at ~1.4 \&\#177;0.2 and ~1.1 \&\#177;0.4 mm/a with an average cooling rate of ~50-60 \&\#176;C/Ma during Pliocene-Quaternary time. The locus of pronounced exhumation defined by the AFT data coincides with a region of enhanced precipitation, high discharge, and sediment flux rates under present conditions. We therefore hypothesize that the distribution of AFT cooling ages might reflect the efficiency of surface processes and fluvial erosion, and thus demonstrate the influence of erosion in localizing rock-uplift and exhumation along southern Himalayan front, rather than encompassing the entire orogen.Despite a possible feedback between erosion and exhumation along the southern Himalayan front, we observe tectonically driven, crustal exhumation within the arid region behind the orographic barrier of the High Himalaya, which might be related to and driven by internal plateau forces. Several metamorphic-igneous gneiss dome complexes have been exhumed between the High Himalaya to the south and Indus-Tsangpo suture zone to the north since the onset of Indian-Eurasian collision ~50 Ma ago. Although the overall tectonic setting is characterized by convergence the exhumation of these domes is accommodated by extensional fault systems.Along the Indian-Tibetan border the poorly described Leo Pargil metamorphic-igneous gneiss dome (31-34\&\#176;N/77-78\&\#176;E) is located within the Tethyan Himalaya. New field mapping, structural, and geochronologic data document that the western flank of the Leo Pargil dome was formed by extension along temporally linked normal fault systems. Motion on a major detachment system, referred to as the Leo Pargil detachment zone (LPDZ) has led to the juxtaposition of low-grade metamorphic, sedimentary rocks in the hanging wall and high-grade metamorphic gneisses in the footwall. However, the distribution of new 40Ar/39Ar white mica data indicate a regional cooling event during middle Miocene time. New apatite fission track (AFT) data demonstrate that subsequently more of the footwall was extruded along the LPDZ in a brittle stage between 10 and 2 Ma with a minimum displacement of ~9 km. Additionally, AFT-data indicate a regional accelerated cooling and exhumation episode starting at ~4 Ma. Thus, tectonic processes can affect the entire orogenic system, while potential feedbacks between erosion and tectonics appear to be limited to the windward sides of an orogenic systems.}, language = {en} } @misc{Mathaj2007, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Mathaj, Martin}, title = {Modellierung von Vegetationsentwicklung und Erosion entlang eines Klimagradienten von mediterran bis semiarid}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-27863}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Modell mit einem gitterbasierten Ansatz entwickelt, um im Mediterranen entlang eines Klimagradienten Auswirkungen zu untersuchen, die Klima, Exposition, Hangneigung sowie St{\"o}rungen durch Feuer und Beweidung auf die Vegetations und Erosionsentwicklung besitzen. F{\"u}r die Fragestellung wurden Vegetationsalgorithmen benutzt. In dieser Studie verwendet wurden allgemeine Oberfl{\"a}chenprozesse, wie Wasser- und Sedimenttransport, die durch physikalische und empirische Modelle beschrieben worden sind. Des Weiteren wurde ein Sedimentverlust mit Hilfe der USLE kalkuliert, um ein Vergleich zwischen verschiedenen Erosionsans{\"a}tzen herzustellen. Die Vegetationsentwicklung und Erosion der mediterranen Gebiete konnte mit diesem Modell gut abgebildet werden. F{\"u}r die Vegetation der verschiedenen Klimagebiete und Habitate erwiesen sich die Wasserverf{\"u}gbarkeit und die Infiltrationsrate als maßgeblich. Die Erosion wurde vor allem durch einzelne heftige Niederschlagsereignisse beeinflusst. Dabei war vor allem am Hang und an steilen Neigungen ein hohes Erosionspotential gegeben. St{\"o}rungen durch Beweidung wirkten negativ auf die Vegetation und verst{\"a}rkten die Erosion. Feuer beeinflusste die Vegetations- und Erosionsentwicklung nur geringf{\"u}gig und ist somit zu vernachl{\"a}ssigen. Verschiedene B{\"o}den mit unterschiedlichen Texturen wiesen ein sehr unterschiedliches Erosionsverhalten auf. Dabei wiesen mittlere Korndurchmesser des Oberbodens von 0,02 bis 0,2 mm die h{\"o}chste Erosion auf. Die Vegetationsentwicklung wurde hingegen von der Bodentextur nicht beeinflust. Der Vergleich der Erosion berechnet durch die USLE und den Transportratenansatz verdeutlichte, dass die mittlere Erosion sehr {\"a}hnlich ausf{\"a}llt. Die USLE wies weniger Variabilit{\"a}t in der Erosion auf und ben{\"o}tigte zudem recht detaillierte Bodendaten. Der Ansatz gerade f{\"u}r die Erosionsberechnung in Form der Transportrate zeigte ein gutes Vorhersagepotential auf. In sehr variablen Umwelten ist diese Methode gegen{\"u}ber konservativen Erosionsmodellen zu bevorzugen, da interanuelle Dynamiken miterfasst werden, wie der Vergleich mit der USLE in der Studie gezeigt hatte. Mit Hilfe des Ansatzes der Transportrate besteht die M{\"o}glichkeit, Vorhersagen {\"u}ber Erosion {\"o}konomisch und effizient zu gestalten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kuhnert2009, author = {Kuhnert, Matthias}, title = {Quantifizierung von Oberfl{\"a}chenabfluss und Erosion auf B{\"o}den mit hydrophoben Eigenschaften}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-32871}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Beschreibung hydrophober Bodeneigenschaften und deren Auswirkungen auf Oberfl{\"a}chenabfluss und Erosion auf verschiedenen Skalen. Die dazu durchgef{\"u}hrten Untersuchungen fanden auf einer Rekultivierungsfl{\"a}che im Braunkohlegebiet Welzow S{\"u}d (S{\"u}dostdeutschland) statt. Die Prozesse wurden auf drei Skalen untersucht, die von der Plotskala (1m²) {\"u}ber die Hangskala (300m²) bis zur Betrachtung eines kleinen Einzugsgebietes (4ha) reichen. Der Grad der hydrophoben Bodeneigenschaften wurde sowohl direkt, {\"u}ber die Bestimmung des Kontaktwinkel, als auch indirekt, {\"u}ber die Bestimmung der Persistenz, ermittelt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass der Boden im Winterhalbjahr hydrophil reagierte, w{\"a}hrend er im Sommerhalbjahr hydrophobe Bodeneigenschaften aufwies. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass ansteigende Bodenwassergehalte, die in der Literatur h{\"a}ufig als Ursache f{\"u}r einen Wechsel der Bodeneigenschaften angegeben werden, auf dieser Fl{\"a}che nicht zu einem Umbruch der Bodenbedingungen f{\"u}hren. Stattdessen kam es als Folge des Auftauens von gefrorenem Boden zu hydrophilen Bodeneigenschaften, die zu einem Anstieg des Bodenwassergehalts f{\"u}hrten. R{\"a}umliche Unterschiede zeigten sich in den geomorphologischen Einheiten. Rinnen und Rillen wiesen seltener hydrophobe Eigenschaften als die Zwischenrillenbereiche und Kuppen auf. Diese r{\"a}umlichen und zeitlichen Variabilit{\"a}ten wirkten sich auch auf den Oberfl{\"a}chenabfluss aus, der als Abflussbeiwert (ABW: Quotient aus Abfluss und Niederschlag) untersucht wurde. Der ABW liegt auf B{\"o}den mit hydrophoben Bodeneigenschaften (ABW=0,8) deutlich h{\"o}her als bei jenen mit hydrophilen Eigenschaften(ABW=0,2), wie sie im Winter oder auf anderem Substrat vorzufinden sind (diese Werte beziehen sich auf die Plotskala). Betrachtet man die Auswirkungen auf unterschiedlichen Skalen, nimmt der Abflussbeiwert mit zunehmender Fl{\"a}chengr{\"o}ße ab (ABW = 0,8 auf der Plotskala, ABW = 0,5 auf der Hangskala und ABW = 0,2 im gesamten Gebiet), was in den hydrophil reagierenden Rillen und Rinnen auf der Hangskala und dem hydrophilen Substrat im Einzugsgebiet begr{\"u}ndet ist. Zur Messung der Erosion wurden verschiedene, zum Teil neu entwickelte Methoden eingesetzt, um eine hohe zeitliche und r{\"a}umliche Aufl{\"o}sung zu erreichen. Bei einer neu entwickelten Methode wird der Sedimentaustrag ereignisbezogen {\"u}ber eine Waage bestimmt. In Kombination mit einer Kippwaage erm{\"o}glicht sie die gleichzeitige Messung des Oberfl{\"a}chenabflusses. Die Messapparatur wurde f{\"u}r Gebiete entwickelt, die eine {\"u}berwiegend grobsandige Textur aufweisen und nur geringe Mengen Ton und Schluff enthalten. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden zwei Lasersysteme zur Messung der r{\"a}umlichen Verteilung der Erosion eingesetzt. F{\"u}r die erste Methode wurde ein punktuell messender Laser in einer fest installierten Apparatur {\"u}ber die Fl{\"a}che bewegt und punktuell H{\"o}henunterschiede in einem festen Raster bestimmt. Durch Interpolation konnten Bereiche mit Sedimentabtrag von Akkumulationsbereiche unterschieden werden. Mit dieser Methode k{\"o}nnen auch gr{\"o}ßere Fl{\"a}chen vermessen werden (hier 16 m²), allerdings weisen die Messungen in den {\"U}bergangsbereichen von Rinne zu Zwischenrille große Fehler auf. Bei der zweiten Methode wird mit einer Messung ein Quadratmeter mit einer hohen r{\"a}umlichen Aufl{\"o}sung komplett erfasst. Um ein dreidimensionales Bild zu erstellen, m{\"u}ssen insgesamt vier Aufnahmen von jeweils unterschiedlichen Seiten aufgenommen werden. So lassen sich Abtrag und Akkumulation sehr genau bestimmen, allerdings ist die Messung relativ aufwendig und erfasst nur eine kleine Fl{\"a}che. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurde der Sedimentaustrag noch auf der Plotskala erfasst. Die Messungen zeigen, korrespondierend zu den Bodeneigenschaften, große Sedimentaustr{\"a}ge w{\"a}hrend des Sommerhalbjahrs und kaum Austr{\"a}ge im Winter. Weiterhin belegen die Ergebnisse eine gr{\"o}ßere Bedeutung der Rillenerosion gegen{\"u}ber der Zwischenrillenerosion f{\"u}r Niederschlagsereignisse hoher Intensit{\"a}t (>25 mm/h in einem zehnmin{\"u}tigem Intervall). Im Gegensatz dazu dominierte die Zwischenrillenerosion bei Ereignissen geringerer Intensit{\"a}t (<20 mm/h in einem zehnmin{\"u}tigem Intervall), wobei mindestens 9 mm Niederschlag in einer Intensit{\"a}t von mindesten 3,6 mm/h n{\"o}tig sind, damit es zur Erosion kommt. Basierend auf den gemessenen Abfl{\"u}ssen und Sedimentaustr{\"a}gen wurden Regressiongleichungen abgeleitet, die eine Berechnung dieser beiden Prozesse f{\"u}r die untersuchte Fl{\"a}che erm{\"o}glichen. W{\"a}hrend die Menge an Oberfl{\"a}chenabfluss einen starken Zusammenhang zu der Menge an gefallenem Niederschlag zeigt (r² = 0,9), ist die Berechnung des ausgetragenen Sedimentes eher ungenau (r² = 0,7). Zusammenfassend beschreibt die Arbeit Einfl{\"u}sse hydrophober Bodeneigenschaften auf verschiedenen Skalen und arbeitet die Auswirkungen, die vor allem auf der kleinen Skala von großer Bedeutung sind, heraus.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Francke2009, author = {Francke, Till}, title = {Measurement and modelling of water and sediment fluxes in meso-scale dryland catchments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-31525}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Water shortage is a serious threat for many societies worldwide. In drylands, water management measures like the construction of reservoirs are affected by eroded sediments transported in the rivers. Thus, the capability of assessing water and sediment fluxes at the river basin scale is of vital importance to support management decisions and policy making. This subject was addressed by the DFG-funded SESAM-project (Sediment Export from large Semi-Arid catchments: Measurements and Modelling). As a part of this project, this thesis focuses on (1) the development and implementation of an erosion module for a meso-scale catchment model, (2) the development of upscaling and generalization methods for the parameterization of such model, (3) the execution of measurements to obtain data required for the modelling and (4) the application of the model to different study areas and its evaluation. The research was carried out in two meso-scale dryland catchments in NE-Spain: Ribera Salada (200 km²) and Is{\´a}bena (450 km²). Adressing objective 1, WASA-SED, a spatially semi-distributed model for water and sediment transport at the meso-scale was developed. The model simulates runoff and erosion processes at the hillslope scale, transport processes of suspended and bedload fluxes in the river reaches, and retention and remobilisation processes of sediments in reservoirs. This thesis introduces the model concept, presents current model applications and discusses its capabilities and limitations. Modelling at larger scales faces the dilemma of describing relevant processes while maintaining a manageable demand for input data and computation time. WASA-SED addresses this challenge by employing an innovative catena-based upscaling approach: the landscape is represented by characteristic toposequences. For deriving these toposequences with regard to multiple attributes (eg. topography, soils, vegetation) the LUMP-algorithm (Landscape Unit Mapping Program) was developed and related to objective 2. It incorporates an algorithm to retrieve representative catenas and their attributes, based on a Digital Elevation Model and supplemental spatial data. These catenas are classified to provide the discretization for the WASA-SED model. For objective 3, water and sediment fluxes were monitored at the catchment outlet of the Is{\´a}bena and some of its sub-catchments. For sediment yield estimation, the intermittent measurements of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) had to be interpolated. This thesis presents a comparison of traditional sediment rating curves (SRCs), generalized linear models (GLMs) and non-parametric regression using Random Forests (RF) and Quantile Regression Forests (QRF). The observed SSCs are highly variable and range over six orders of magnitude. For these data, traditional SRCs performed poorly, as did GLMs, despite including other relevant process variables (e.g. rainfall intensities, discharge characteristics). RF and QRF proved to be very robust and performed favourably for reproducing sediment dynamics. QRF additionally excels in providing estimates on the accuracy of the predictions. Subsequent analysis showed that most of the sediment was exported during intense storms of late summer. Later floods yielded successively less sediment. Comparing sediment generation to yield at the outlet suggested considerable storage effects within the river channel. Addressing objective 4, the WASA-SED model was parameterized for the two study areas in NE Spain and applied with different foci. For Ribera Salada, the uncalibrated model yielded reasonable results for runoff and sediment. It provided quantitative measures of the change in runoff and sediment yield for different land-uses. Additional land management scenarios were presented and compared to impacts caused by climate change projections. In contrast, the application for the Is{\´a}bena focussed on exploring the full potential of the model's predictive capabilities. The calibrated model achieved an acceptable performance for the validation period in terms of water and sediment fluxes. The inadequate representation of the lower sub-catchments inflicted considerable reductions on model performance, while results for the headwater catchments showed good agreement despite stark contrasts in sediment yield. In summary, the application of WASA-SED to three catchments proved the model framework to be a practicable multi-scale approach. It successfully links the hillslope to the catchment scale and integrates the three components hillslope, river and reservoir in one model. Thus, it provides a feasible approach for tackling issues of water and sediment yield at the meso-scale. The crucial role of processes like transmission losses and sediment storage in the river has been identified. Further advances can be expected when the representation of connectivity of water and sediment fluxes (intra-hillslope, hillslope-river, intra-river) is refined and input data improves.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wulf2011, author = {Wulf, Hendrik}, title = {Seasonal precipitation, river discharge, and sediment flux in the western Himalaya}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57905}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Rainfall, snow-, and glacial melt throughout the Himalaya control river discharge, which is vital for maintaining agriculture, drinking water and hydropower generation. However, the spatiotemporal contribution of these discharge components to Himalayan rivers is not well understood, mainly because of the scarcity of ground-based observations. Consequently, there is also little known about the triggers and sources of peak sediment flux events, which account for extensive hydropower reservoir filling and turbine abrasion. We therefore lack basic information on the distribution of water resources and controls of erosion processes. In this thesis, I employ various methods to assess and quantify general characteristics of and links between precipitation, river discharge, and sediment flux in the Sutlej Valley. First, I analyze daily precipitation data (1998-2007) from 80 weather stations in the western Himalaya, to decipher the distribution of rain- and snowfall. Rainfall magnitude frequency analyses indicate that 40\% of the summer rainfall budget is attributed to monsoonal rainstorms, which show higher variability in the orogenic interior than in frontal regions. Combined analysis of rainstorms and sediment flux data of a major Sutlej River tributary indicate that monsoonal rainfall has a first order control on erosion processes in the orogenic interior, despite the dominance of snowfall in this region. Second, I examine the contribution of rainfall, snow and glacial melt to river discharge in the Sutlej Valley (s55,000 km2), based on a distributed hydrological model, which covers the period 2000-2008. To achieve high spatial and daily resolution despite limited ground-based observations the hydrological model is forced by daily remote sensing data, which I adjusted and calibrated with ground station data. The calibration shows that the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 rainfall product systematically overestimates rainfall in semi-arid and arid regions, increasing with aridity. The model results indicate that snowmelt-derived discharge (74\%) is most important during the pre-monsoon season (April to June) whereas rainfall (56\%) and glacial melt (17\%) dominate the monsoon season (July-September). Therefore, climate change most likely causes a reduction in river discharge during the pre-monsoon season, which especially affects the orogenic interior. Third, I investigate the controls on suspended sediment flux in different parts of the Sutlej catchments, based on daily gauging data from the past decade. In conjunction with meteorological data, earthquake records, and rock strength measurements I find that rainstorms are the most frequent trigger of high-discharge events with peaks in suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) that account for the bulk of the suspended sediment flux. The suspended sediment flux increases downstream, mainly due to increases in runoff. Pronounced erosion along the Himalayan Front occurs throughout the monsoon season, whereas efficient erosion of the orogenic interior is confined to single extreme events. The results of this thesis highlight the importance of snow and glacially derived melt waters in the western Himalaya, where extensive regions receive only limited amounts of monsoonal rainfall. These regions are therefore particularly susceptible to global warming with major implications on the hydrological cycle. However, the sediment discharge data show that infrequent monsoonal rainstorms that pass the orographic barrier of the Higher Himalaya are still the primary trigger of the highest-impact erosion events, despite being subordinate to snow and glacially-derived discharge. These findings may help to predict peak sediment flux events and could underpin the strategic development of preventative measures for hydropower infrastructures.}, language = {en} } @article{Korup2012, author = {Korup, Oliver}, title = {Earth's portfolio of extreme sediment transport events}, series = {Earth science reviews : the international geological journal bridging the gap between research articles and textbooks}, volume = {112}, journal = {Earth science reviews : the international geological journal bridging the gap between research articles and textbooks}, number = {3-4}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0012-8252}, doi = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2012.02.006}, pages = {115 -- 125}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Quantitative estimates of sediment flux and the global cycling of sediments from hillslopes to rivers, estuaries, deltas, continental shelves, and deep-sea basins have a long research tradition. In this context, extremely large and commensurately rare sediment transport events have so far eluded a systematic analysis. To start filling this knowledge gap I review some of the highest reported sediment yields in mountain rivers impacted by volcanic eruptions, earthquake- and storm-triggered landslide episodes, and catastrophic dam breaks. Extreme specific yields, defined here as those exceeding the 95th percentile of compiled data, are similar to 10(4) t km(-2) yr(-1) if averaged over 1 yr. These extreme yields vary by eight orders of magnitude, but systematically decay with reference intervals from minutes to millennia such that yields vary by three orders of magnitude for a given reference interval. Sediment delivery from natural dam breaks and pyroclastic eruptions dominate these yields for a given reference interval. Even if averaged over 10(2)-10(3) yr, the contribution of individual disturbances may remain elevated above corresponding catchment denudation rates. I further estimate rates of sediment (re-)mobilisation by individual giant terrestrial and submarine mass movements. Less than 50 postglacial submarine mass movements have involved an equivalent of similar to 10\% of the contemporary annual global flux of fluvial sediment to Earth's oceans, while mobilisation rates by individual events rival the decadal-scale sediment discharge from tectonically active orogens such as Taiwan or New Zealand. Sediment flushing associated with catastrophic natural dam breaks is non-stationary and shows a distinct kink at the last glacial-interglacial transition, owing to the drainage of very large late Pleistocene ice-marginal lakes. Besides emphasising the contribution of high-magnitude and low-frequency events to the global sediment cascade, these findings stress the importance of sediment storage for fuelling rather than buffering high sediment transport rates.}, language = {en} } @article{ZimmermannFranckeElsenbeer2012, author = {Zimmermann, Alexander and Francke, Till and Elsenbeer, Helmut}, title = {Forests and erosion: Insights from a study of suspended-sediment dynamics in an overland flow-prone rainforest catchment}, series = {Journal of hydrology}, volume = {428}, journal = {Journal of hydrology}, number = {7}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0022-1694}, doi = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.01.039}, pages = {170 -- 181}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Forests seem to represent low-erosion systems, according to most, but not all, studies of suspended-sediment yield. We surmised that this impression reflects an accidental bias in the selection of monitoring sites towards those with prevailing vertical hydrological flowpaths, rather than a tight causal link between vegetation cover and erosion alone. To evaluate this conjecture, we monitored, over a 2-year period, a 3.3 ha old-growth rainforest catchment prone to frequent and widespread overland flow. We sampled stream flow at two and overland flow at three sites in a nested arrangement on a within-event basis, and monitored the spatial and temporal frequency of overland flow. Suspended-sediment concentrations were modeled with Random Forest and Quantile Regression Forest to be able to estimate the annual yields for the 2 years, which amounted to 1 t ha(-1) and 2 t ha(-1) in a year with below-average and with average precipitation, respectively. These estimates place our monitoring site near the high end of reported suspended-sediment yields and lend credence to the notion that low yields reflect primarily the dominance of vertical flowpaths and not necessarily and exclusively the kind of vegetative cover. Undisturbed forest and surface erosion are certainly no contradiction in terms even in the absence of mass movements.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mohr2013, author = {Mohr, Christian Heinrich}, title = {Hydrological and erosion responses to man-made and natural disturbances : insights from forested catchments in South-central Chile}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70146}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Logging and large earthquakes are disturbances that may significantly affect hydrological and erosional processes and process rates, although in decisively different ways. Despite numerous studies that have documented the impacts of both deforestation and earthquakes on water and sediment fluxes, a number of details regarding the timing and type of de- and reforestation; seismic impacts on subsurface water fluxes; or the overall geomorphic work involved have remained unresolved. The main objective of this thesis is to address these shortcomings and to better understand and compare the hydrological and erosional process responses to such natural and man-made disturbances. To this end, south-central Chile provides an excellent natural laboratory owing to its high seismicity and the ongoing conversion of land into highly productive plantation forests. In this dissertation I combine paired catchment experiments, data analysis techniques, and physics-based modelling to investigate: 1) the effect of plantation forests on water resources, 2) the source and sink behavior of timber harvest areas in terms of overland flow generation and sediment fluxes, 3) geomorphic work and its efficiency as a function of seasonal logging, 4) possible hydrologic responses of the saturated zone to the 2010 Maule earthquake and 5) responses of the vadose zone to this earthquake. Re 1) In order to quantify the hydrologic impact of plantation forests, it is fundamental to first establish their water balances. I show that tree species is not significant in this regard, i.e. Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus do not trigger any decisive different hydrologic response. Instead, water consumption is more sensitive to soil-water supply for the local hydro-climatic conditions. Re 2) Contradictory opinions exist about whether timber harvest areas (THA) generate or capture overland flow and sediment. Although THAs contribute significantly to hydrology and sediment transport because of their spatial extent, little is known about the hydrological and erosional processes occurring on them. I show that THAs may act as both sources and sinks for overland flow, which in turn intensifies surface erosion. Above a rainfall intensity of ~20 mm/h, which corresponds to <10\% of all rainfall, THAs may generate runoff whereas below that threshold they remain sinks. The overall contribution of Hortonian runoff is thus secondary considering the local rainfall regime. The bulk of both runoff and sediment is generated by Dunne, saturation excess, overland flow. I also show that logging may increase infiltrability on THAs which may cause an initial decrease in streamflow followed by an increase after the groundwater storage has been refilled. Re 3) I present changes in frequency-magnitude distributions following seasonal logging by applying Quantile Regression Forests at hitherto unprecedented detail. It is clearly the season that controls the hydro-geomorphic work efficiency of clear cutting. Logging, particularly dry seasonal logging, caused a shift of work efficiency towards less flashy and mere but more frequent moderate rainfall-runoff events. The sediment transport is dominated by Dunne overland flow which is consistent with physics-based modelling using WASA-SED. Re 4) It is well accepted that earthquakes may affect hydrological processes in the saturated zone. Assuming such flow conditions, consolidation of saturated saprolitic material is one possible response. Consolidation raises the hydraulic gradients which may explain the observed increase in discharge following earthquakes. By doing so, squeezed water saturates the soil which in turn increases the water accessible for plant transpiration. Post-seismic enhanced transpiration is reflected in the intensification of diurnal cycling. Re 5) Assuming unsaturated conditions, I present the first evidence that the vadose zone may also respond to seismic waves by releasing pore water which in turn feeds groundwater reservoirs. By doing so, water tables along the valley bottoms are elevated thus providing additional water resources to the riparian vegetation. By inverse modelling, the transient increase in transpiration is found to be 30-60\%. Based on the data available, both hypotheses, are not testable. Finally, when comparing the hydrological and erosional effects of the Maule earthquake with the impact of planting exotic plantation forests, the overall observed earthquake effects are comparably small, and limited to short time scales.}, language = {en} } @article{KorupHayakawaCodileanetal.2014, author = {Korup, Oliver and Hayakawa, Yuichi and Codilean, Alexandru T. and Matsushi, Yuki and Saito, Hitoshi and Oguchi, Takashi and Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki}, title = {Japan's sediment flux to the Pacific Ocean revisited}, series = {Earth science reviews : the international geological journal bridging the gap between research articles and textbooks}, volume = {135}, journal = {Earth science reviews : the international geological journal bridging the gap between research articles and textbooks}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0012-8252}, doi = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.03.004}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Quantifying volumes and rates of delivery of terrestrial sediment from island arcs to subduction zones is indispensable for refining estimates of the thickness of trench fills that may eventually control the location and timing of submarine landslides and tsunami-generating mega-earthquakes. Despite these motivating insights, knowledge about the rates of erosion and sediment export from the Japanese islands to their Pacific subduction zones remains patchy regardless of the increasing availability of highly resolved data on surface deformation, climate, geology, and topography. Traditionally, natural erosion rates across the island arc have been estimated from regression of topographic catchment metrics and reservoir sedimentation rates that were recorded over several years to decades. We review current research in this context, correct for a systematic bias in one of the most widely used predictions, and present new estimates of decadal to millennial-scale erosion rates of Japan's terrestrial inner forearc. We draw on several independent and unprecedented inventories of mass wasting, reservoir sedimentation, and concentrations of cosmogenic Be-10 in river sands. We find that natural Be-10-derived denudation rates of several mm yr(-1) in the Japanese Alps have been sustained over several centuries to millennia, and are, within error, roughly consistent with sediment yields inferred from artificial reservoir sedimentation. Local exceptions may likely result from release of sediment storage or regional landsliding episodes that trigger transient sediment pulses. Our synopsis further reveals that catchments draining Japan's eastern seaboard differ distinctly in their tectonic, lithological, topographic, and climatic characteristics between the Tohoku, Japanese Alps, and Nankai inner forearc segments, which is underscored by a marked asymmetric pattern of erosion rates along the island arc. Erosion rates are highest (up to at least 3 mm yr(-1)) in the Japanese Alps that mark the collision of two subduction zones, where high topographic relief, hillslope and bedrock-channel steepness foster rapid denudation by mass wasting. Comparable, if slightly lower, erosion rates characterise the Nankai inner forearc in southwest Japan, most likely due to higher typhoon-driven rainfall totals and variability rather than its high topographic relief. In contrast, our estimated erosion and flux rates are lowest in the Tohoku inner forearc catchments that feed sediment into the Japan Trench. We conclude that collisional mountain building of the Japanese Alps drives some of the highest erosion rates in the island arc despite similar uplift and precipitation controls in southwest Japan. We infer that, prior to extensive river damming, reservoir construction, and coastal works, the gross of Japan's total sediment export to the Pacific Ocean entered the accretionary margin of the Nankai Trough as opposed to the comparatively sediment-starved Japan Trench. Compared to documented contemporary rates of sediment flux from mountainous catchments elsewhere in the Pacific, the rivers draining Japan's inner forearc take an intermediate position despite high relief, steep slopes, very high seismicity, and frequent rainstorms. However, the average rates of millennial-scale denudation in the Japanese Alps particularly are amongst the highest reported worldwide. Local mismatches between these late Holocene and modern rates emphasise the anthropogenic fingerprint on sediment retention that may have significantly reduced the island arc's mass flux to its subduction zones, as is the case elsewhere in east and southeast Asia. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @article{BloetheMunackKorupetal.2014, author = {Bloethe, Jan H. and Munack, Henry and Korup, Oliver and Fuelling, Alexander and Garzanti, Eduardo and Resentini, Alberto and Kubik, Peter W.}, title = {Late Quaternary valley infill and dissection in the Indus River, western Tibetan Plateau margin}, series = {Quaternary science reviews : the international multidisciplinary research and review journal}, volume = {94}, journal = {Quaternary science reviews : the international multidisciplinary research and review journal}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0277-3791}, doi = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.04.011}, pages = {102 -- 119}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The Indus, one of Earth's major rivers, drains large parts of the NW Himalaya and the Transhimalayan ranges that form part of the western Tibetan Plateau margin. In the western Himalayan syntaxis, where local topographic relief exceeds 7 km, the Indus has incised a steep bedrock gorge at rates of several mm yr(-1). Upstream, however, the upper Indus and its tributaries alternate between bedrock gorges and broad alluvial flats flanked by the Ladakh and Zanskar ranges. We review the late Quaternary valley history in this region with a focus on the confluence of the Indus and Zanskar Rivers, where vast alluvial terrace staircases and lake sediments record major episodes of aggradation and incision. New absolute dating of high-level fluvial terrace remnants using cosmogenic Be-10, optically and infrared stimulated luminescence (OSL, IRSL) indicates at least two phases of late Quaternary valley infilling. These phases commenced before similar to 200 ka and similar to 50-20 ka, judging from terrace treads stranded >150 m and similar to 30-40 m above modern river levels, respectively. Numerous stacks of lacustrine sediments that straddle the Indus River >200 km between the city of Leh and the confluence with the Shyok River share a distinct horizontal alignment. Constraints from IRSL samples of lacustrine sequences from the Leh-Spituk area reveal a protracted lake phase from >177 ka to 72 ka, locally accumulating >50-m thick deposits. In the absence of tectonic faulting, major lithological differences, and stream capture, we attribute the formation of this and other large lakes in the region to natural damming by large landslides, glaciers, and alluvial fans. The overall patchy landform age constraints from earlier studies can be reconciled by postulating a major deglacial control on sediment flux, valley infilling, and subsequent incision that has been modulated locally by backwater effects of natural damming. While comparison with Pleistocene monsoon proxies reveals no obvious correlation, a lateor post-glacial sediment pulse seems a more likely source of this widespread sedimentation that has partly buried the dissected bedrock topography. Overall, the long residence times of fluvial, alluvial and lacustrine deposits in the region (>500 ka) support previous studies, but remain striking given the dominantly steep slopes and deeply carved valleys that characterise this high-altitude mountain desert. Recalculated late Quaternary rates of fluvial bedrock incision in the Indus and Zanskar of 1.5 +/- 0.2 mm yr(-1) are at odds with the longevity of juxtaposed valley-fill deposits, unless a lack of decisive lateral fluvial erosion helps to preserve these late Pleistocene sedimentary archives. We conclude that alternating, similar to 10(4)-yr long, phases of massive infilling and incision have dominated the late Quaternary history of the Indus valley below the western Tibetan Plateau margin. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} }