@phdthesis{Vosloh2011, author = {Vosloh, Daniel}, title = {Subcellular compartmentation of primary carbon metabolism in mesophyll cells of Arabidopsis thaliana}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Metabolismus in Pflanzenzellen ist stark kompartimentiert. Viele Stoffwechselwege haben Reaktionen in mehr als einem Kompartiment. Zum Beispiel wird w{\"a}hrend der Photosynthese in pflanzlichen Mesophyllzellen Kohlenstoff in Form von St{\"a}rke in den Chloroplasten synthetisiert, w{\"a}hrend es im Zytosol in Form von Sacharose gebildet und in der Vakuole gespeichert wird. Diese Reaktionen sind strikt reguliert um ein Gleichgewicht der Kohlenstoffpools der verschiedenen Kompartimente aufrecht zu erhalten und die Energieversorgung aller Teile der Zelle f{\"u}r anabolische Reaktionen sicher zu stellen. Ich wende eine Methode an, bei der die Zellen unter nicht-w{\"a}ssrigen Bedingungen fraktioniert werden und daher der metabolische Status der w{\"a}hrend der Ernte herrschte {\"u}ber den ganzen Zeitraum der Auftrennung beibehalten wird. Durch die Kombination von nichtw{\"a}ssriger Fraktionierung und verschiedener Massenspektrometrietechniken (Fl{\"u}ssigchromotagraphie- und Gaschromotagraphie basierende Massenspekrometrie) ist es m{\"o}glich die intrazellul{\"a}re Verteilung der meisten Intermediate des photosynthetischen Kohlenstoffstoffwechsels und der Produkte der nachgelagerten metabolischen Reaktionen zu bestimmen. Das Wissen {\"u}ber die in vivo Konzentrationen dieser Metabolite wurde genutzt um die {\"A}nderung der freien Gibbs Energie in vivo zu bestimmen. Mit Hilfe dessen kann bestimmt werden, welche Reaktion sich in einem Gleichgewichtszustand befinden und welche davon entfernt sind. Die Konzentration der Enzyme und der Km Werte wurden mit den Konzentrationen der Metabolite in vivo verglichen, um festzustellen, welche Enzyme substratlimitiert sind und somit sensitiv gegen{\"u}ber {\"A}nderungen der Substratkonzentration sind. Verschiedene Intermediate des Calvin-Benson Zyklus sind gleichzeitig Substrate f{\"u}r andere Stoffwechselwege, als da w{\"a}ren Dihyroxyaceton-phosphat (DHAP, Saccharosesynthese), Fructose 6-phosphat (Fru6P, St{\"a}rkesynthese), Erythrose 4-phosphat (E4P, Shikimat Stoffwechselweg) und Ribose 5-phosphat (R5P, Nukleotidbiosynthese). Die Enzyme, die diese Intermediate verstoffwechseln, liegen an den Abzweigungspunkten zu diesen Stoffwechselwegen. Diese sind Trisose phosphat isomerase (DHAP), Transketolase (E4P), Sedoheptulose-1,7 biphosphat aldolase (E4P) und Ribose-5-phosphat isomerase (R5P), welche nicht mit ihren Substraten ges{\"a}ttigt sind, da die jeweilige Substratkonzentration geringer als der zugeh{\"o}rige Km Wert ist. F{\"u}r metabolische Kontrolle bedeutet dies, dass diese Schritte am sensitivsten gegen{\"u}ber {\"A}nderungen der Substratkonzentrationen sind. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die regulierten irreversiblen Schritte von Fructose-1,6.biphosphatase und Sedoheptulose-1,7-biphosphatase relativ insensitiv gegen{\"u}ber {\"A}nderungen der Substratkonzentration. F{\"u}r den Stoffwechselweg der Saccharosesynthese konnte gezeigt werden, dass die zytosolische Aldolase eine geringer Bindeseitenkonzentration als Substratkonzentration (DHAP) aufweist, und dass die Konzentration von Saccharose-6-phosphat geringer als der Km Wert des synthetisierenden Enzyms Saccharose-phosphatase ist. Sowohl die Saccharose-phosphat-synthase, also auch die Saccharose-phosphatase sind in vivo weit von einem Gleichgewichtszustand entfernt. In Wildtyp Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia-0 Bl{\"a}ttern wurde der gesamte Pool von ADPGlc im Chloroplasten gefunden. Das Enzyme ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase ist im Chloroplasten lokalisiert und synthetisiert ADPGlc aus ATP und Glc1P. Dieses Verteilungsmuster spricht eindeutig gegen die Hypothese von Pozueta-Romero und Kollegen, dass ADPGlc im Zytosol durch ADP vermittelte Spaltung von Saccharose durch die Saccharose Synthase erzeugt wird. Basierend auf dieser Beobachtung und anderen ver{\"o}ffentlichten Ergebnissen wurde geschlußfolgert, dass der generell akzeptierte Stoffwechselweg der St{\"a}rkesynthese durch ADPGlc Produktion via ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase in den Chloroplasten korrekt ist, und die Hypothese des alternativen Stoffwechselweges unhaltbar ist. Innerhalb des Stoffwechselweges der Saccharosesynthsese wurde festgestellt, dass die Konzentration von ADPGlc geringer als der Km Wert des St{\"a}rkesynthase ist, was darauf hindeutet, dass das Enzym substratlimitiert ist. Eine generelle Beobachtung ist, dass viele Enzmye des Calvin-Benson Zyklus {\"a}hnliche Bindeseitenkonzentrationen wie Metabolitkonzentrationen aufweisen, wohingegen in den Synthesewegen von Saccharose und St{\"a}rke die Bindeseitenkonzentrationen der Enzyme viel geringer als die Metabolitkonzentrationen sind.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zurell2011, author = {Zurell, Damaris}, title = {Integrating dynamic and statistical modelling approaches in order to improve predictions for scenarios of environmental change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-56845}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Species respond to environmental change by dynamically adjusting their geographical ranges. Robust predictions of these changes are prerequisites to inform dynamic and sustainable conservation strategies. Correlative species distribution models (SDMs) relate species' occurrence records to prevailing environmental factors to describe the environmental niche. They have been widely applied in global change context as they have comparably low data requirements and allow for rapid assessments of potential future species' distributions. However, due to their static nature, transient responses to environmental change are essentially ignored in SDMs. Furthermore, neither dispersal nor demographic processes and biotic interactions are explicitly incorporated. Therefore, it has often been suggested to link statistical and mechanistic modelling approaches in order to make more realistic predictions of species' distributions for scenarios of environmental change. In this thesis, I present two different ways of such linkage. (i) Mechanistic modelling can act as virtual playground for testing statistical models and allows extensive exploration of specific questions. I promote this 'virtual ecologist' approach as a powerful evaluation framework for testing sampling protocols, analyses and modelling tools. Also, I employ such an approach to systematically assess the effects of transient dynamics and ecological properties and processes on the prediction accuracy of SDMs for climate change projections. That way, relevant mechanisms are identified that shape the species' response to altered environmental conditions and which should hence be considered when trying to project species' distribution through time. (ii) I supplement SDM projections of potential future habitat for black grouse in Switzerland with an individual-based population model. By explicitly considering complex interactions between habitat availability and demographic processes, this allows for a more direct assessment of expected population response to environmental change and associated extinction risks. However, predictions were highly variable across simulations emphasising the need for principal evaluation tools like sensitivity analysis to assess uncertainty and robustness in dynamic range predictions. Furthermore, I identify data coverage of the environmental niche as a likely cause for contrasted range predictions between SDM algorithms. SDMs may fail to make reliable predictions for truncated and edge niches, meaning that portions of the niche are not represented in the data or niche edges coincide with data limits. Overall, my thesis contributes to an improved understanding of uncertainty factors in predictions of range dynamics and presents ways how to deal with these. Finally I provide preliminary guidelines for predictive modelling of dynamic species' response to environmental change, identify key challenges for future research and discuss emerging developments.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pourteau2011, author = {Pourteau, Amaury}, title = {Closure of the Neotethys Ocean in Anatolia : structural, petrologic and geochronologic insights from low-grade high-pressure metasediments, Afyon Zone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57803}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The complete consumption of the oceanic domain of a tectonic plate by subduction into the upper mantle results in continent subduction, although continental crust is typically of lower density than the upper mantle. Thus, the sites of former oceanic domains (named suture zones) are generally decorated with stratigraphic sequences deposited along continental passive margins that were metamorphosed under low-grade, high-pressure conditions, i.e., low temperature/depth ratios (< 15°C/km) with respect to geothermal gradients in tectonically stable regions. Throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic (i.e., since ca. 250 Ma), the Mediterranean realm was shaped by the closure of the Tethyan Ocean, which likely consisted in numerous oceanic domains and microcontinents. However, the exact number and position of Tethyan oceans and continents (i.e., the Tethyan palaeogeography) remains debated. This is particularly the case of Western and Central Anatolia, where a continental fragment was accreted to the southern composite margin of the Eurasia sometime between the Late Cretaceous and the early Cenozoic. The most frontal part of this microcontinent experienced subduction-related metamorphism around 85-80 Ma, and collision-related metamorphism affected more external parts around 35 Ma. This unsually-long period between subduction- and collision-related metamorphisms (ca. 50 Ma) in units ascribed to the same continental edge constitutes a crucial issue to address in order to unravel how Anatolia was assembled. The Afyon Zone is a tectono-sedimentary unit exposed south and structurally below the front high-pressure belt. It is composed of a Mesozoic sedimentary sequence deposited on top of a Precambrian to Palaeozoic continental substratum, which can be traced from Northwestern to southern Central Anatolia, along a possible Tethyan suture. Whereas the Afyon Zone was defined as a low-pressure metamorphic unit, high-pressure minerals (mainly Fe-Mg-carpholite in metasediments) were recently reported from its central part. These findings shattered previous conceptions on the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Afyon Zone in particular, and of the entire region in general, and shed light on the necessity to revise the regional extent of subduction-related metamorphism by re-inspecting the petrology of poorly-studied metasediments. In this purpose, I re-evaluated the metamorphic evolution of the entire Afyon Zone starting from field observations. Low-grade, high-pressure mineral assemblages (Fe-Mg-carpholite and glaucophane) are reported throughout the unit. Well-preserved carpholite-chloritoid assemblages are useful to improve our understanding of mineral relations and transitions in the FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system during rocks' travel down to depth (prograde metamorphism). Inspection of petrographic textures, minute variations in mineral composition and Mg-Fe distribution among carpholite-chloritoid assemblages documents multistage mineral growth, accompanied by a progressive enrichment in Mg, and strong element partitioning. Using an updated database of mineral thermodynamic properties, I modelled the pressure and temperature conditions that are consistent with textural and chemical observations. Carpholite-bearing assemblages in the Afyon Zone account for a temperature increase from 280 to 380°C between 0.9 and 1.1 GPa (equivalent to a depth of 30-35 km). In order to further constrain regional geodynamics, first radiometric ages were determined in close association with pressure-temperature estimates for the Afyon Zone, as well as two other tectono-sedimentary units from the same continental passive margin (the {\"O}ren and Kurudere-Nebiler Units from SW Anatolia). For age determination, I employed 40Ar-39Ar geochronology on white mica in carpholite-bearing rocks. For thermobarometry, a multi-equilibrium approach was used based on quartz-chlorite-mica and quartz-chlorite-chloritoid associations formed at the expense of carpholite-bearing assemblages, i.e., during the exhumation from the subduction zone. This combination allows deciphering the significance of the calculated radiometric ages in terms of metamorphic conditions. Results show that the Afyon Zone and the {\"O}ren Unit represent a latest Cretaceous high-pressure metamorphic belt, and the Kurudere-Nebiler Unit was affected by subduction-related metamorphism around 45 Ma and cooled down after collision-related metamorphism around 26 Ma. The results provided in the present thesis and from the literature allow better understanding continental amalgamation in Western Anatolia. It is shown that at least two distinct oceanic branches, whereas only one was previously considered, have closed during continuous north-dipping subduction between 92 and 45 Ma. Between 85-80 and 70-65 Ma, a narrow continental domain (including the Afyon Zone) was buried into a subduction zone within the northern oceanic strand. Parts of the subducted continent crust were exhumed while the upper oceanic plate was transported southwards. Subduction of underlying lithosphere persisted, leading to the closure of the southern oceanic branch and to subduct the front of a second continental domain (including the Kurudere-Nebiler Unit). This followed by a continental collisional stage characterized by the cease of subduction, crustal thicknening and the detachment of the subducting oceanic slab from the accreted continent lithosphere. The present study supports that in the late Mesozoic the East Mediterranean realm had a complex tectonic configuration similar to present Southeast Asia or the Caribbean, with multiple, coexisting oceanic basins, microcontinents and subduction zones.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jurish2011, author = {Jurish, Bryan}, title = {Finite-state canonicalization techniques for historical German}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55789}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This work addresses issues in the automatic preprocessing of historical German input text for use by conventional natural language processing techniques. Conventional techniques cannot adequately account for historical input text due to conventional tools' reliance on a fixed application-specific lexicon keyed by contemporary orthographic surface form on the one hand, and the lack of consistent orthographic conventions in historical input text on the other. Historical spelling variation is treated here as an error-correction problem or "canonicalization" task: an attempt to automatically assign each (historical) input word a unique extant canonical cognate, thus allowing direct application-specific processing (tagging, parsing, etc.) of the returned canonical forms without need for any additional application-specific modifications. In the course of the work, various methods for automatic canonicalization are investigated and empirically evaluated, including conflation by phonetic identity, conflation by lemma instantiation heuristics, canonicalization by weighted finite-state rewrite cascade, and token-wise disambiguation by a dynamic Hidden Markov Model.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BarbosaPfannes2011, author = {Barbosa Pfannes, Eva Katharina}, title = {Probing the regulatory mechanisms of the actomyosin system in motile cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57812}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Actin-based directional motility is important for embryonic development, wound healing, immune responses, and development of tissues. Actin and myosin are essential players in this process that can be subdivided into protrusion, adhesion, and traction. Protrusion is the forward movement of the membrane at the leading edge of the cell. Adhesion is required to enable movement along a substrate, and traction finally leads to the forward movement of the entire cell body, including its organelles. While actin polymerization is the main driving force in cell protrusions, myosin motors lead to the contraction of the cell body. The goal of this work was to study the regulatory mechanisms of the motile machinery by selecting a representative key player for each stage of the signaling process: the regulation of Arp2/3 activity by WASP (actin system), the role of cGMP in myosin II assembly (myosin system), and the influence of phosphoinositide signaling (upstream receptor pathway). The model organism chosen for this work was the social ameba Dictyostelium discoideum, due to the well-established knowledge of its cytoskeletal machinery, the easy handling, and the high motility of its vegetative and starvation developed cells. First, I focused on the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton by modulating the activity of one of its key players, the Arp2/3 complex. This was achieved using the carbazole derivative Wiskostatin, an inhibitor of the Arp2/3 activator WASP. Cells treated with Wiskostatin adopted a round shape, with no of few pseudopodia. With the help of a microfluidic cell squeezer device, I could show that Wiskostatin treated cells display a reduced mechanical stability, comparable to cells treated with the actin disrupting agent Latrunculin A. Furthermore, the WASP inhibited cells adhere stronger to a surface and show a reduced motility and chemotactic performance. However, the overall F-actin content in the cells was not changed. Confocal microscopy and TIRF microscopy imaging showed that the cells maintained an intact actin cortex. Localized dynamic patches of increased actin polymerization were observed that, however, did not lead to membrane deformation. This indicated that the mechanisms of actin-driven force generation were impaired in Wiskostatin treated cells. It is concluded that in these cells, an altered architecture of the cortical network leads to a reduced overall stiffness of the cell, which is insufficient to support the force generation required for membrane deformation and pseudopod formation. Second, the role of cGMP in myosin II dynamics was investigated. Cyclic GMP is known to regulate the association of myosin II with the cytoskeleton. In Dictyostelium, intracellular cGMP levels increase when cells are exposed to chemoattractants, but also in response to osmotic stress. To study the influence of cyclic GMP on actin and myosin II dynamics, I used the laser-induced photoactivation of a DMACM-caged-Br-cGMP to locally release cGMP inside the cell. My results show that cGMP directly activates the myosin II machinery, but is also able to induce an actin response independently of cAMP receptor activation and signaling. The actin response was observed in both vegetative and developed cells. Possible explanations include cGMP-induced actin polymerization through VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein) or through binding of cGMP to cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases. Finally, I investigated the role of phosphoinositide signaling using the Polyphosphoinositide-Binding Peptide (PBP10) that binds preferentially to PIP2. Phosphoinositides can recruit actin-binding proteins to defined subcellular sites and alter their activity. Neutrophils, as well as developed Dictyostelium cells produce PIP3 in the plasma membrane at their leading edge in response to an external chemotactic gradient. Although not essential for chemotaxis, phosphoinositides are proposed to act as an internal compass in the cell. When treated with the peptide PBP10, cells became round, with fewer or no pseudopods. PH-CRAC translocation to the membrane still occurs, even at low cAMP stimuli, but cell motility (random and directional) was reduced. My data revealed that the decrease in the pool of available PIP2 in the cell is sufficient to impair cell motility, but enough PIP2 remains so that PIP3 is formed in response to chemoattractant stimuli. My data thus highlights how sensitive cell motility and morphology are to changes in the phosphoinositide signaling. In summary, I have analyzed representative regulatory mechanisms that govern key parts of the motile machinery and characterized their impact on cellular properties including mechanical stability, adhesion and chemotaxis.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wolff2011, author = {Wolff, Christian Michael}, title = {East African monsoon variability since the last glacial}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-58079}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The impact of global warming on human water resources is attracting increasing attention. No other region in this world is so strongly affected by changes in water supply than the tropics. Especially in Africa, the availability and access to water is more crucial to existence (basic livelihoods and economic growth) than anywhere else on Earth. In East Africa, rainfall is mainly influenced by the migration of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and by the El Ni{\~n}o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with more rain and floods during El Ni{\~n}o and severe droughts during La Ni{\~n}a. The forecasting of East African rainfall in a warming world requires a better understanding of the response of ENSO-driven variability to mean climate. Unfortunately, existing meteorological data sets are too short or incomplete to establish a precise evaluation of future climate. From Lake Challa near Mount Kilimanjaro, we report records from a laminated lake sediment core spanning the last 25,000 years. Analyzing a monthly cleared sediment trap confirms the annual origin of the laminations and demonstrates that the varve-thicknesses are strongly linked to the duration and strength of the windy season. Given the modern control of seasonal ITCZ location on wind and rain in this region and the inverse relation between the two, thicker varves represent windier and thus drier years. El Ni{\~n}o (La Ni{\~n}a) events are associated with wetter (drier) conditions in east Africa and decreased (increased) surface wind speeds. Based on this fact, the thickness of the varves can be used as a tool to reconstruct a) annual rainfall b) wind season strength, and c) ENSO variability. Within this thesis, I found evidence for centennialscale changes in ENSO-related rainfall variability during the last three millennia, abrupt changes in variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age, and an overall reduction in East African rainfall and its variability during the Last Glacial period. Climate model simulations support forward extrapolation from these lake-sediment data, indicating that a future Indian Ocean warming will enhance East Africa's hydrological cycle and its interannual variability in rainfall. Furthermore, I compared geochemical analyses from the sediment trap samples with a broad range of limnological, meteorological, and geological parameters to characterize the impact of sedimentation processes from the in-situ rocks to the deposited sediments. As a result an excellent calibration for existing μXRF data from Lake Challa over the entire 25,000 year long profile was provided. The climate development during the last 25,000 years as reconstructed from the Lake Challa sediments is in good agreement with other studies and highlights the complex interactions between long-term orbital forcing, atmosphere, ocean and land surface conditions. My findings help to understand how abrupt climate changes occur and how these changes correlate with climate changes elsewhere on Earth.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lauterbach2011, author = {Lauterbach, Stefan}, title = {Lateglacial to Holocene climatic and environmental changes in Europe : multi-proxy studies on lake sediments along a transect from northern Italy to northeastern Poland}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-58157}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Sediment records of three European lakes were investigated in order to reconstruct the regional climate development during the Lateglacial and Holocene, to investigate the response of local ecosystems to climatic fluctuations and human impact and to relate regional peculiarities of past climate development to climatic changes on a larger spatial scale. The Lake Hańcza (NE Poland) sediment record was studied with a focus on reconstructing the early Holocene climate development and identifying possible differences to Western Europe. Following the initial Holocene climatic improvement, a further climatic improvement occurred between 10 000 and 9000 cal. a BP. Apparently, relatively cold and dry climate conditions persisted in NE Poland during the first ca. 1500 years of the Holocene, most likely due to a specific regional atmospheric circulation pattern. Prevailing anticyclonic circulation linked to a high-pressure cell above the remaining Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) might have blocked the eastward propagation of warm and moist Westerlies and thus attenuated the early Holocene climatic amelioration in this region until the final decay of the SIS, a pattern different from climate development in Western Europe. The Lateglacial sediment record of Lake Mondsee (Upper Austria) was investigated in order to study the regional climate development and the environmental response to rapid climatic fluctuations. While the temperature rise and environmental response at the onset of the Holocene took place quasi-synchronously, major leads and lags in proxy responses characterize the onset of the Lateglacial Interstadial. In particular, the spread of coniferous woodlands and the reduction of detrital flux lagged the initial Lateglacial warming by ca. 500-750 years. Major cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas took place synchronously with a change in vegetation, while the increase of detrital matter flux was delayed by about 150-300 years. Complex proxy responses are also detected for short-term Lateglacial climatic fluctuations. In summary, periods of abrupt climatic changes are characterized by complex and temporally variable proxy responses, mainly controlled by ecosystem inertia and the environmental preconditions. A second study on the Lake Mondsee sediment record focused on two small-scale climate deteriorations around 8200 and 9100 cal. a BP, which have been triggered by freshwater discharges to the North Atlantic, causing a shutdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Combining microscopic varve counting and AMS 14C dating yielded a precise duration estimate (ca. 150 years) and absolute dating of the 8.2 ka cold event, both being in good agreement with results from other palaeoclimate records. Moreover, a sudden temperature overshoot after the 8.2 ka cold event was identified, also seen in other proxy records around the North Atlantic. This was most likely caused by enhanced resumption of the MOC, which also initiated substantial shifts of oceanic and atmospheric front systems. Although there is also evidence from other proxy records for pronounced recovery of the MOC and atmospheric circulation changes after the 9.1 ka cold event, no temperature overshoot is seen in the Lake Mondsee record, indicating the complex behaviour of the global climate system. The Holocene sediment record of Lake Iseo (northern Italy) was studied to shed light on regional earthquake activity and the influence of climate variability and anthropogenic impact on catchment erosion and detrital flux into the lake. Frequent small-scale detrital layers within the sediments reflect allochthonous sediment supply by extreme surface runoff events. During the early to mid-Holocene, increased detrital flux coincides with periods of cold and wet climate conditions, thus apparently being mainly controlled by climate variability. In contrast, intervals of high detrital flux during the late Holocene partly also correlate with phases of increased human impact, reflecting the complex influences on catchment erosion processes. Five large-scale event layers within the sediments, which are composed of mass-wasting deposits and turbidites, are supposed to have been triggered by strong local earthquakes. While the uppermost of these event layers is assigned to a documented adjacent earthquake in AD 1222, the four other layers are supposed to be related to previously undocumented prehistorical earthquakes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sietz2011, author = {Sietz, Diana}, title = {Dryland vulnerability : typical patterns and dynamics in support of vulnerability reduction efforts}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-58097}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The pronounced constraints on ecosystem functioning and human livelihoods in drylands are frequently exacerbated by natural and socio-economic stresses, including weather extremes and inequitable trade conditions. Therefore, a better understanding of the relation between these stresses and the socio-ecological systems is important for advancing dryland development. The concept of vulnerability as applied in this dissertation describes this relation as encompassing the exposure to climate, market and other stresses as well as the sensitivity of the systems to these stresses and their capacity to adapt. With regard to the interest in improving environmental and living conditions in drylands, this dissertation aims at a meaningful generalisation of heterogeneous vulnerability situations. A pattern recognition approach based on clustering revealed typical vulnerability-creating mechanisms at global and local scales. One study presents the first analysis of dryland vulnerability with global coverage at a sub-national resolution. The cluster analysis resulted in seven typical patterns of vulnerability according to quantitative indication of poverty, water stress, soil degradation, natural agro-constraints and isolation. Independent case studies served to validate the identified patterns and to prove the transferability of vulnerability-reducing approaches. Due to their worldwide coverage, the global results allow the evaluation of a specific system's vulnerability in its wider context, even in poorly-documented areas. Moreover, climate vulnerability of smallholders was investigated with regard to their food security in the Peruvian Altiplano. Four typical groups of households were identified in this local dryland context using indicators for harvest failure risk, agricultural resources, education and non-agricultural income. An elaborate validation relying on independently acquired information demonstrated the clear correlation between weather-related damages and the identified clusters. It also showed that household-specific causes of vulnerability were consistent with the mechanisms implied by the corresponding patterns. The synthesis of the local study provides valuable insights into the tailoring of interventions that reflect the heterogeneity within the social group of smallholders. The conditions necessary to identify typical vulnerability patterns were summarised in five methodological steps. They aim to motivate and to facilitate the application of the selected pattern recognition approach in future vulnerability analyses. The five steps outline the elicitation of relevant cause-effect hypotheses and the quantitative indication of mechanisms as well as an evaluation of robustness, a validation and a ranking of the identified patterns. The precise definition of the hypotheses is essential to appropriately quantify the basic processes as well as to consistently interpret, validate and rank the clusters. In particular, the five steps reflect scale-dependent opportunities, such as the outcome-oriented aspect of validation in the local study. Furthermore, the clusters identified in Northeast Brazil were assessed in the light of important endogenous processes in the smallholder systems which dominate this region. In order to capture these processes, a qualitative dynamic model was developed using generalised rules of labour allocation, yield extraction, budget constitution and the dynamics of natural and technological resources. The model resulted in a cyclic trajectory encompassing four states with differing degree of criticality. The joint assessment revealed aggravating conditions in major parts of the study region due to the overuse of natural resources and the potential for impoverishment. The changes in vulnerability-creating mechanisms identified in Northeast Brazil are well-suited to informing local adjustments to large-scale intervention programmes, such as "Avan{\c{c}}a Brasil". Overall, the categorisation of a limited number of typical patterns and dynamics presents an efficient approach to improving our understanding of dryland vulnerability. Appropriate decision-making for sustainable dryland development through vulnerability reduction can be significantly enhanced by pattern-specific entry points combined with insights into changing hotspots of vulnerability and the transferability of successful adaptation strategies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{AndradeLinares2011, author = {Andrade Linares, Diana Roc{\´i}o}, title = {Characterization of tomato root-endophytic fungi and analysis of their effects on plant development, on fruit yield and quality and on interaction with the pathogen Verticillium dahliae}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51375}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Non-mycorrhizal fungal endophytes are able to colonize internally roots without causing visible disease symptoms establishing neutral or mutualistic associations with plants. These fungi known as non-clavicipitaceous endophytes have a broad host range of monocot and eudicot plants and are highly diverse. Some of them promote plant growth and confer increased abiotic-stress tolerance and disease resistance. According to such possible effects on host plants, it was aimed to isolate and to characterize native fungal root endophytes from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and to analyze their effects on plant development, plant resistance and fruit yield and quality together with the model endophyte Piriformospora indica. Fifty one new fungal strains were isolated from desinfected tomato roots of four different crop sites in Colombia. These isolates were roughly characterized and fourteen potential endophytes were further analyzed concerning their taxonomy, their root colonization capacity and their impact on plant growth. Sequencing of the ITS region from the ribosomal RNA gene cluster and in-depth morphological characterisation revealed that they correspond to different phylogenetic groups among the phylum Ascomycota. Nine different morphotypes were described including six dark septate endophytes (DSE) that did not correspond to the Phialocephala group. Detailed confocal microscopy analysis showed various colonization patterns of the endophytes inside the roots ranging from epidermal penetration to hyphal growth through the cortex. Tomato pot experiments under glass house conditions showed that they differentially affect plant growth depending on colonization time and inoculum concentration. Three new isolates (two unknown fungal endophyte DSE48, DSE49 and one identified as Leptodontidium orchidicola) with neutral or positiv effects were selected and tested in several experiments for their influence on vegetative growth, fruit yield and quality and their ability to diminish the impact of the pathogen Verticillium dahliae on tomato plants. Although plant growth promotion by all three fungi was observed in young plants, vegetative growth parameters were not affected after 22 weeks of cultivation except a reproducible increase of root diameter by the endophyte DSE49. Additionally, L. orchidicola increased biomass and glucose content of tomato fruits, but only at an early date of harvest and at a certain level of root colonization. Concerning bioprotective effects, the endophytes DSE49 and L. orchidicola decreased significantly disease symptoms caused by the pathogen V. dahliae, but only at a low dosis of the pathogen. In order to analyze, if the model root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica could be suitable for application in production systems, its impact on tomato was evaluated. Similarly to the new fungal isolates, significant differences for vegetative growth parameters were only observable in young plants and, but protection against V. dahliae could be seen in one experiment also at high dosage of the pathogen. As the DSE L. orchidicola, P. indica increased the number and biomass of marketable tomatoes only at the beginning of fruit setting, but this did not lead to a significant higher total yield. If the effects on growth are due to a better nutrition of the plant with mineral element was analyzed in barley in comparison to the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae. While the mycorrhizal fungus increased nitrogen and phosphate uptake of the plant, no such effect was observed for P. indica. In summary this work shows that many different fungal endophytes can be also isolated from roots of crops and, that these isolates can have positive effects on early plant development. This does, however, not lead to an increase in total yield or in improvement of fruit quality of tomatoes under greenhouse conditions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schumacher2011, author = {Schumacher, Soeren}, title = {Saccharide recognition : boronic acids as receptors in polymeric networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52869}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {In this thesis entitled "Saccharide Recognition - Boronic acids as Receptors in Polymeric Networks" different aspects of boronic acid synthesis, their analysis and incorporation or attachment to different polymeric networks and characterisation thereof were investigated. The following key aspects were considered: • Provision of a variety of different characterised arylboronic acids and benzoboroxoles • Attachment of certain derivatives to nanoparticles and the characterisation of saccharide binding by means of isothermal titration calorimetry and displacement assay (ARS) to enhance the association constant to saccharides at pH 7.4 • Enhancement of selectivity in polymeric systems by means of molecular imprinting using fructose as template and a polymerisable benzoboroxole as functional monomer for the recognition at pH 7.4 (Joined by a diploma thesis of F. Gr{\"u}neberger) • Development of biomimetic saccharide structures and the development of saccharide (especially glucose and fructose) binding MIPs by using these structures as template molecules. In the first part of the thesis different arylboronic acid derivatives were synthesised and their binding to glucose or fructose was investigated by means of isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). It could be derived, which is in parallel to the literature, that derivatives bearing a methylhydroxyl-group in ortho-position to the boron (benzoboroxole) exhibit in most cases a two-fold higher association constant compared to the corresponding phenylboronic acid derivative. To gain a deeper understanding NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry with the benzoboroxole and glucose or fructose was performed. It could be shown that the exchange rate in terms of NMR time scale is quite slow since in titration experiments new peaks appeared. Via mass spectrometry of a mixture between benzoboroxole and glucose or fructose, different binding stoichiometries could be detected showing that the binding of saccharides is comparable with their binding to phenylboronic acid. In addition, the use of Alizarin Red S as an electrochemical reporter was described for the first time to monitor the saccharide binding to arylboronic acids not only with spectroscopy. Here, the redox behaviour and the displacement were recorded by cyclic voltammograms. In the second part different applications of boronic acids in polymeric networks were investigated. The attachment of benzoboroxoles to nanoparticles was investigated and monitored by means of isothermal titration calorimetry and a colourimetric assay with Alizarin Red S as the report dye. The investigations by isothermal titration calorimetry compared the fructose binding of arylboronic acids and benzoboroxoles coupled to these nanoparticles and "free" in solution. It could be shown that the attached derivatives showed a higher binding constant due to an increasing entropy term. This states for possible multivalent binding combined with a higher water release. Since ITC could not characterise the binding of glucose to these nanoparticles due to experimental restrictions the glucose binding at pH 7.4 was shown with ARS. Here, the displacement of ARS by fructose and also glucose could be followed and consequently these nanoparticles can be used for saccharide determination. Within this investigation also the temperature stability of these nanoparticles was examined and after normal sterilisation procedures (121°C, 20 min.) the binding behaviour was still unchanged. To target the selectivity of the used polymeric networks, molecular imprinting was used as a technique for creating artificial binding pockets on a molecular scale. As functional monomer 3-methacrylamidobenzoboroxole was introduced for the recognition of fructose. In comparison to polymers prepared with vinylphenylboronic acid the benzoboroxole containing polymer had a stronger binding at pH 7.4 which was shown for the first time. In addition, another imprinted polymer was synthesised especially for the recognition of glucose and fructose employing biomimetic saccharide analogues as template molecule. The advantage to use the saccharide analogues is the defined template-functional monomer complex during the polymerisation which is not the case, for example, for glucose-boronic acid interaction. The biomimetic character was proven through structural superimposition of crystal structures of the analogues with already described crystal structures of boronic acid esters of glucose and fructose. A molecularly imprinted polymer was synthesised with vinylphenylboronic acid as the functional monomer to show that both glucose and fructose are able to bind to the polymer which was predicted by the structural similarity of the analogues. The major scientific contributions of this thesis are • the determination of binding constants for some, not yet reported saccharide - boronic acid / benzoboroxole pairs, • the use of ARS as electrochemical reporter for saccharide detection, • the thermodynamic characterisation of a saccharide binding nanoparticle system containing benzoboroxole and functioning at pH 7.4, • the use of a polymerisable benzoboroxole as functional monomer for saccharide recognition in neutral, aqueous environments • and the synthesis and utilisation of biomimetic saccharide analogues as template molecules especially for the development of a glucose binding MIP.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kittner2011, author = {Kittner, Madeleine}, title = {Folding and aggregation of amyloid peptides}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-53570}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Aggregation of the Amyloid β (Aβ) peptide to amyloid fibrils is associated with the outbreak of Alzheimer's disease. Early aggregation intermediates in form of soluble oligomers are of special interest as they are believed to be the major toxic components in the process. These oligomers are of disordered and transient nature. Therefore, their detailed molecular structure is difficult to access experimentally and often remains unknown. In the present work extensive, fully atomistic replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations were performed to study the preaggregated, monomer states and early aggregation intermediates (dimers, trimers) of Aβ(25-35) and Aβ(10-35)-NH2 in aqueous solution. The folding and aggregation of Aβ(25-35) were studied at neutral pH and 293 K. Aβ(25-35) monomers mainly adopt β-hairpin conformations characterized by a β-turn formed by residues G29 and A30, and a β-sheet between residues N27-K28 and I31-I32 in equilibrium with coiled conformations. The β-hairpin conformations served as initial configurations to model spontaneous aggregation of Aβ(25-35). As expected, within the Aβ(25-35) dimer and trimer ensembles many different poorly populated conformations appear. Nevertheless, we were able to distinguish between disordered and fibril-like oligomers. Whereas disordered oligomers are rather compact with few intermolecular hydrogen bonds (HBs), fibril-like oligomers are characterized by the formation of large intermolecular β-sheets. In most of the fibril-like dimers and trimers individual peptides are fully extended forming in- or out-of-register antiparallel β-sheets. A small amount of fibril-like trimers contained V-shaped peptides forming parallel β-sheets. The dimensions of extended and V-shaped oligomers correspond well to the diameters of two distinct morphologies found for Aβ(25-35) fibrils. The transition from disordered to fibril-like Aβ(25-35) dimers is unfavorable but driven by energy. The lower energy of fibril-like dimers arises from favorable intermolecular HBs and other electrostatic interactions which compete with a loss in entropy. Approximately 25 \% of the entropic cost correspond to configurational entropy. The rest relates to solvent entropy, presumably caused by hydrophobic and electrostatic effects. In contrast to the transition towards fibril-like dimers the first step of aggregation is driven by entropy. Here, we compared structural and thermodynamic properties of the individual monomer, dimer and trimer ensembles to gain qualitative information about the aggregation process. The β-hairpin conformation observed for monomers is successively dissolved in dimer and trimer ensembles while instead intermolecular β-sheets are formed. As expected upon aggregation the configurational entropy decreases. Additionally, the solvent accessible surface area (SASA), especially the hydrophobic SASA, decreases yielding a favorable solvation free energy which overcompensates the loss in configurational entropy. In summary, the hydrophobic effect, possibly combined with electrostatic effects, yields an increase in solvent entropy which is believed to be one major driving force towards aggregation. Spontaneous folding of the Aβ(10-35)-NH2 monomer was modeled using two force fields, GROMOS96 43a1 and OPLS/AA, and compared to primary NMR data collected at pH 5.6 and 283 K taken from the literature. Unexpectedly, the two force fields yielded significantly different main conformations. Comparison between experimental and calculated nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) distances is not sufficient to distinguish between the different force fields. Additionally, the comparison with scalar coupling constants suggest that the chosen protonation in both simulations corresponds to a pH lower than in the experiment. Based on this analysis we were unable to determine which force field yields a better description of this system. Dimerization of Aβ(10-35)-NH2 was studied at neutral pH and 300 K. Dimer conformations arrange in many distinct, poorly populated and rather complex alignments or interlocking patterns which are rather stabilized by side chain interactions than by specific intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Similar to Aβ(25-35) dimers, transition towards β-sheet-rich, fibril-like Aβ(10-35) dimers is driven by energy competing with a loss in entropy. Here, transition is mediated by favorable peptide-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions mainly arising from electrostatic interactions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2011, author = {Wang, Long}, title = {X-tracking the usage interest on web sites}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-51077}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The exponential expanding of the numbers of web sites and Internet users makes WWW the most important global information resource. From information publishing and electronic commerce to entertainment and social networking, the Web allows an inexpensive and efficient access to the services provided by individuals and institutions. The basic units for distributing these services are the web sites scattered throughout the world. However, the extreme fragility of web services and content, the high competence between similar services supplied by different sites, and the wide geographic distributions of the web users drive the urgent requirement from the web managers to track and understand the usage interest of their web customers. This thesis, "X-tracking the Usage Interest on Web Sites", aims to fulfill this requirement. "X" stands two meanings: one is that the usage interest differs from various web sites, and the other is that usage interest is depicted from multi aspects: internal and external, structural and conceptual, objective and subjective. "Tracking" shows that our concentration is on locating and measuring the differences and changes among usage patterns. This thesis presents the methodologies on discovering usage interest on three kinds of web sites: the public information portal site, e-learning site that provides kinds of streaming lectures and social site that supplies the public discussions on IT issues. On different sites, we concentrate on different issues related with mining usage interest. The educational information portal sites were the first implementation scenarios on discovering usage patterns and optimizing the organization of web services. In such cases, the usage patterns are modeled as frequent page sets, navigation paths, navigation structures or graphs. However, a necessary requirement is to rebuild the individual behaviors from usage history. We give a systematic study on how to rebuild individual behaviors. Besides, this thesis shows a new strategy on building content clusters based on pair browsing retrieved from usage logs. The difference between such clusters and the original web structure displays the distance between the destinations from usage side and the expectations from design side. Moreover, we study the problem on tracking the changes of usage patterns in their life cycles. The changes are described from internal side integrating conceptual and structure features, and from external side for the physical features; and described from local side measuring the difference between two time spans, and global side showing the change tendency along the life cycle. A platform, Web-Cares, is developed to discover the usage interest, to measure the difference between usage interest and site expectation and to track the changes of usage patterns. E-learning site provides the teaching materials such as slides, recorded lecture videos and exercise sheets. We focus on discovering the learning interest on streaming lectures, such as real medias, mp4 and flash clips. Compared to the information portal site, the usage on streaming lectures encapsulates the variables such as viewing time and actions during learning processes. The learning interest is discovered in the form of answering 6 questions, which covers finding the relations between pieces of lectures and the preference among different forms of lectures. We prefer on detecting the changes of learning interest on the same course from different semesters. The differences on the content and structure between two courses leverage the changes on the learning interest. We give an algorithm on measuring the difference on learning interest integrated with similarity comparison between courses. A search engine, TASK-Moniminer, is created to help the teacher query the learning interest on their streaming lectures on tele-TASK site. Social site acts as an online community attracting web users to discuss the common topics and share their interesting information. Compared to the public information portal site and e-learning web site, the rich interactions among users and web content bring the wider range of content quality, on the other hand, provide more possibilities to express and model usage interest. We propose a framework on finding and recommending high reputation articles in a social site. We observed that the reputation is classified into global and local categories; the quality of the articles having high reputation is related with the content features. Based on these observations, our framework is implemented firstly by finding the articles having global or local reputation, and secondly clustering articles based on their content relations, and then the articles are selected and recommended from each cluster based on their reputation ranks.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thiele2011, author = {Thiele, Sven}, title = {Modeling biological systems with Answer Set Programming}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-59383}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Biology has made great progress in identifying and measuring the building blocks of life. The availability of high-throughput methods in molecular biology has dramatically accelerated the growth of biological knowledge for various organisms. The advancements in genomic, proteomic and metabolomic technologies allow for constructing complex models of biological systems. An increasing number of biological repositories is available on the web, incorporating thousands of biochemical reactions and genetic regulations. Systems Biology is a recent research trend in life science, which fosters a systemic view on biology. In Systems Biology one is interested in integrating the knowledge from all these different sources into models that capture the interaction of these entities. By studying these models one wants to understand the emerging properties of the whole system, such as robustness. However, both measurements as well as biological networks are prone to considerable incompleteness, heterogeneity and mutual inconsistency, which makes it highly non-trivial to draw biologically meaningful conclusions in an automated way. Therefore, we want to promote Answer Set Programming (ASP) as a tool for discrete modeling in Systems Biology. ASP is a declarative problem solving paradigm, in which a problem is encoded as a logic program such that its answer sets represent solutions to the problem. ASP has intrinsic features to cope with incompleteness, offers a rich modeling language and highly efficient solving technology. We present ASP solutions, for the analysis of genetic regulatory networks, determining consistency with observed measurements and identifying minimal causes for inconsistency. We extend this approach for computing minimal repairs on model and data that restore consistency. This method allows for predicting unobserved data even in case of inconsistency. Further, we present an ASP approach to metabolic network expansion. This approach exploits the easy characterization of reachability in ASP and its various reasoning methods, to explore the biosynthetic capabilities of metabolic reaction networks and generate hypotheses for extending the network. Finally, we present the BioASP library, a Python library which encapsulates our ASP solutions into the imperative programming paradigm. The library allows for an easy integration of ASP solution into system rich environments, as they exist in Systems Biology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gebser2011, author = {Gebser, Martin}, title = {Proof theory and algorithms for answer set programming}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-55425}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Answer Set Programming (ASP) is an emerging paradigm for declarative programming, in which a computational problem is specified by a logic program such that particular models, called answer sets, match solutions. ASP faces a growing range of applications, demanding for high-performance tools able to solve complex problems. ASP integrates ideas from a variety of neighboring fields. In particular, automated techniques to search for answer sets are inspired by Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) solving approaches. While the latter have firm proof-theoretic foundations, ASP lacks formal frameworks for characterizing and comparing solving methods. Furthermore, sophisticated search patterns of modern SAT solvers, successfully applied in areas like, e.g., model checking and verification, are not yet established in ASP solving. We address these deficiencies by, for one, providing proof-theoretic frameworks that allow for characterizing, comparing, and analyzing approaches to answer set computation. For another, we devise modern ASP solving algorithms that integrate and extend state-of-the-art techniques for Boolean constraint solving. We thus contribute to the understanding of existing ASP solving approaches and their interconnections as well as to their enhancement by incorporating sophisticated search patterns. The central idea of our approach is to identify atomic as well as composite constituents of a propositional logic program with Boolean variables. This enables us to describe fundamental inference steps, and to selectively combine them in proof-theoretic characterizations of various ASP solving methods. In particular, we show that different concepts of case analyses applied by existing ASP solvers implicate mutual exponential separations regarding their best-case complexities. We also develop a generic proof-theoretic framework amenable to language extensions, and we point out that exponential separations can likewise be obtained due to case analyses on them. We further exploit fundamental inference steps to derive Boolean constraints characterizing answer sets. They enable the conception of ASP solving algorithms including search patterns of modern SAT solvers, while also allowing for direct technology transfers between the areas of ASP and SAT solving. Beyond the search for one answer set of a logic program, we address the enumeration of answer sets and their projections to a subvocabulary, respectively. The algorithms we develop enable repetition-free enumeration in polynomial space without being intrusive, i.e., they do not necessitate any modifications of computations before an answer set is found. Our approach to ASP solving is implemented in clasp, a state-of-the-art Boolean constraint solver that has successfully participated in recent solver competitions. Although we do here not address the implementation techniques of clasp or all of its features, we present the principles of its success in the context of ASP solving.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Giesewetter2011, author = {Giesewetter, Stefan}, title = {Resolute readings of later Wittgenstein and the challenge of avoiding hierarchies in philosophy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57021}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {This dissertation addresses the question: How did later Wittgenstein aim to achieve his goal of putting forward a way of dissolving philosophical problems which centered on asking ourselves what we mean by our words - yet which did not entail any claims about the essence of language and meaning? This question is discussed with reference to "resolute" readings of Wittgenstein. I discuss the readings of James Conant, Oskari Kuusela, and Martin Gustafsson. I follow Oskari Kuusela's claim that in order to fully appreciate how later Wittgenstein meant to achieve his goal, we need to clearly see how he aimed to do away with hierarchies in philosophy: Not only is the dissolution of philosophical problems via the method of clarifying the grammar of expressions to be taken as independent from any theses about what meaning must be - but furthermore, it is to be taken as independent from the dissolution of any particular problem via this method. As Kuusela stresses, this also holds for the problems involving rule-following and meaning: the clarification of the grammar of "rule" and "meaning" has no foundational status - it is nothing on which the method of clarifying the grammar of expressions as such were meant to in any way rely on. The lead question of this dissertation then is: What does it mean to come to see that the method of dissolving philosophical problems by asking "How is this word actually used?" does not in any way rely on the results of our having investigated the grammar of the particular concepts "rule" and "meaning"? What is the relation of such results - results such as "To follow a rule, [...], to obey an order, [...] are customs (uses, institutions)" or "The meaning of a word is its use in the language" - to this method? From this vantage point, I concern myself with two aspects of the readings of Gustafsson and Kuusela. In Gustafsson, I concern myself with his idea that the dissolution of philosophical problems in general "relies on" the very agreement which - during the dissolution of the rule-following problem - comes out as a presupposition for our talk of "meaning" in terms of rules. In Kuusela, I concern myself with his idea that Wittgenstein, in adopting a way of philosophical clarification which investigates the actual use of expressions, is following the model of "meaning as use" - which model he had previously introduced in order to perspicuously present an aspect of the actual use of the word "meaning". This dissertation aims to show how these two aspects of Gustafsson's and Kuusela's readings still fail to live up to the vision of Wittgenstein as a philosopher who aimed to do away with any hierarchies in philosophy. I base this conclusion on a detailed analysis of which of the occasions where Wittgenstein invokes the notions of "use" and "application" (as also "agreement") have to do with the dissolution of a specific problem only, and which have to do with the dissolution of philosophical problems in general. I discuss Wittgenstein's remarks on rule-following, showing how in the dissolution of the rule-following paradox, notions such as "use", "application", and "practice" figure on two distinct logical levels. I then discuss an example of what happens when this distinction is not duly heeded: Gordon Baker and Peter Hacker's idea that the rule-following remarks have a special significance for his project of dissolving philosophical problems as such. I furnish an argument to the effect that their idea that the clarification of the rules of grammar of the particular expression "following a rule" could answer a question about rules of grammar in general rests on a conflation of the two logical levels on which "use" occurs in the rule-following remarks, and that it leads into a regress. I then show that Gustafsson's view - despite its decisive advance over Baker and Hacker - contains a version of that same idea, and that it likewise leads into a regress. Finally, I show that Kuusela's idea of a special significance of the model "meaning as use" for the whole of the method of stating rules for the use of words is open to a regress argument of a similar kind as that he himself advances against Baker and Hacker. I conclude that in order to avoid such a regress, we need to reject the idea that the grammatical remark "The meaning of a word is its use in the language" - because of the occurrence of "use" in it - stood in any special relation to the method of dissolving philosophical problems by describing the use of words. Rather, we need to take this method as independent from this outcome of the investigation of the use of the particular word "meaning".}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2011, author = {Wang, Yongbo}, title = {Late glacial to Holocene climate and vegetation changes on the Tibetan Plateau inferred from fossil pollen records in lacustrine sediments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-63155}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {The past climate in central Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), is of great importance for an understanding of global climate processes and for predicting the future climate. As a major influence on the climate in this region, the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) and its evolutionary history are of vital importance for accurate predictions. However, neither the evolutionary pattern of the summer monsoon nor the driving mechanisms behind it are yet clearly understood. For this research, I first synthesized previously published Late Glacial to Holocene climatic records from monsoonal central Asia in order to extract the general climate signals and the associated summer monsoon intensities. New climate and vegetation sequences were then established using improved quantitative methods, focusing on fossil pollen records recovered from Tibetan lakes and also incorporating new modern datasets. The pollen-vegetation and vegetation-climate relationships on the TP were also evaluated in order to achieve a better understanding of fossil pollen records. The synthesis of previously published moisture-related palaeoclimate records in monsoonal central Asia revealed generally different temporal patterns for the two monsoonal subsystems, i.e. the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM). The ISM appears to have experienced maximum wet conditions during the early Holocene, while many records from the area affected by the EASM indicate relatively dry conditions at that time, particularly in north-central China where the maximum moisture levels occurred during the middle Holocene. A detailed consideration of possible driving factors affecting the summer monsoon, including summer solar insolation and sea surface temperatures, revealed that the ISM was primarily driven by variations in northern hemisphere solar insolation, and that the EASM may have been constrained by the ISM resulting in asynchronous patterns of evolution for these two subsystems. This hypothesis is further supported by modern monsoon indices estimated using the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data from the last 50 years, which indicate a significant negative correlation between the two summer monsoon subsystems. By analogy with the early Holocene, intensification of the ISM during coming decades could lead to increased aridification elsewhere as a result of the asynchronous nature of the monsoon subsystems, as can already be observed in the meteorological data from the last 15 years. A quantitative climate reconstruction using fossil pollen records was achieved through analysis of sediment core recovered from Lake Donggi Cona (in the north-eastern part of the TP) which has been dated back to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A new data-set of modern pollen collected from large lakes in arid to semi-arid regions of central Asia is also presented herein. The concept of "pollen source area" was introduced to modern climate calibration based on pollen from large lakes, and was applied to the fossil pollen sequence from Lake Donggi Cona. Extremely dry conditions were found to have dominated the LGM, and a subsequent gradually increasing trend in moisture during the Late Glacial period was terminated by an abrupt reversion to a dry phase that lasted for about 1000 years and coincided with the first Heinrich Event of the northern Atlantic region. Subsequent periods corresponding to the warm B{\o}lling-Aller{\o}d period and the Younger Dryas cold event were followed by moist conditions during the early Holocene, with annual precipitation of up to about 400 mm. A slightly drier trend after 9 cal ka BP was then followed by a second wet phase during the middle Holocene that lasted until 4.5 cal ka BP. Relatively steady conditions with only slight fluctuations then dominated the late Holocene, resulting in the present climatic conditions. In order to investigate the relationship between vegetation and climate, temporal variations in the possible driving factors for vegetation change on the northern TP were examined using a high resolution late Holocene pollen record from Lake Kusai. Moving-window Redundancy Analyses (RDAs) were used to evaluate the correlations between pollen assemblages and individual sedimentary proxies. These analyses have revealed frequent fluctuations in the relative abundances of alpine steppe and alpine desert components, and in particular a decrease in the total vegetation cover at around 1500 cal a BP. The climate was found to have had an important influence on vegetation changes when conditions were relatively wet and stable. However, after the 1500 cal a BP threshold in vegetation cover was crossed the vegetation appears to have been affected more by extreme events such as dust storms or fluvial erosion than by the general climatic trends. In addition, pollen spectra over the last 600 years have been revealed by Procrustes analysis to be significantly different from those recovered from older samples, which is attributed to an increased human impact that resulted in unprecedented changes to the composition of the vegetation. Theoretical models that have been developed and widely applied to the European area (i.e. the Extended R-Value (ERV) model and the Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites (REVEALS) model) have been applied to the high alpine TP ecosystems in order to investigate the pollen-vegetation relationships, as well as for quantitative reconstructions of vegetation abundance. The modern pollen-vegetation relationships for four common pollen species on the TP have been investigated using Poaceae as the reference taxa. The ERV Submodel 2 yielded relatively high PPEs for the steppe and desert taxa (Artemisia Chenopodiaceae), and low PPEs for the Cyperaceae that are characteristic of the alpine Kobresia meadows. The plant abundances on the central and north-eastern TP were quantified by applying these PPEs to four post-Late Glacial fossil pollen sequences. The reconstructed vegetation assemblages for the four pollen sequences always yielded smaller compositional species turnovers than suggested by the pollen spectra, indicating that the strength of the previously-reported vegetation changes may therefore have been overestimated. In summary, the key findings of this thesis are that (a) the two ASM subsystems show asynchronous patterns during both the Holocene and modern time periods, (b) fossil pollen records from large lakes reflect regional signals for which the pollen source areas need to be taken into account, (c) climate is not always the main driver for vegetation change, and (d) previously reported vegetation changes on the TP may have been overestimated because they ignored inter-species variations in pollen productivity.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wischnewski2011, author = {Wischnewski, Juliane}, title = {Reconstructing climate variability on the Tibetan Plateau : comparing aquatic and terrestrial signals}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52453}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Spatial and temporal temperature and moisture patterns across the Tibetan Plateau are very complex. The onset and magnitude of the Holocene climate optimum in the Asian monsoon realm, in particular, is a subject of considerable debate as this time period is often used as an analogue for recent global warming. In the light of contradictory inferences regarding past climate and environmental change on the Tibetan Plateau, I have attempted to explain mismatches in the timing and magnitude of change. Therefore, I analysed the temporal variation of fossil pollen and diatom spectra and the geochemical record from palaeo-ecological records covering different time scales (late Quaternary and the last 200 years) from two core regions in the NE and SE Tibetan Plateau. For interpretation purposes I combined my data with other available palaeo-ecological data to set up corresponding aquatic and terrestrial proxy data sets of two lake pairs and two sets of sites. I focused on the direct comparison of proxies representing lacustrine response to climate signals (e.g., diatoms, ostracods, geochemical record) and proxies representing changes in the terrestrial environment (i.e., terrestrial pollen), in order to asses whether the lake and its catchments respond at similar times and magnitudes to environmental changes. Therefore, I introduced the established numerical technique procrustes rotation as a new approach in palaeoecology to quantitatively compare raw data of any two sedimentary records of interest in order to assess their degree of concordance. Focusing on the late Quaternary, sediment cores from two lakes (Kuhai Lake 35.3°N; 99.2°E; 4150 m asl; and Koucha Lake 34.0°N; 97.2°E; 4540 m asl) on the semi-arid northeastern Tibetan Plateau were analysed to identify post-glacial vegetation and environmental changes, and to investigate the responses of lake ecosystems to such changes. Based on the pollen record, five major vegetation and climate changes could be identified: (1) A shift from alpine desert to alpine steppe indicates a change from cold, dry conditions to warmer and more moist conditions at 14.8 cal. ka BP, (2) alpine steppe with tundra elements points to conditions of higher effective moisture and a stepwise warming climate at 13.6 cal. ka BP, (3) the appearance of high-alpine meadow vegetation indicates a further change towards increased moisture, but with colder temperatures, at 7.0 cal. ka BP, (4) the reoccurrence of alpine steppe with desert elements suggests a return to a significantly colder and drier phase at 6.3 cal. ka BP, and (5) the establishment of alpine steppe-meadow vegetation indicates a change back to relatively moist conditions at 2.2 cal. ka BP. To place the reconstructed climate inferences from the NE Tibetan Plateau into the context of Holocene moisture evolution across the Tibetan Plateau, I applied a five-scale moisture index and average link clustering to all available continuous pollen and non-pollen palaeoclimate records from the Tibetan Plateau, in an attempt to detect coherent regional and temporal patterns of moisture evolution on the Plateau. However, no common temporal or spatial pattern of moisture evolution during the Holocene could be detected, which can be assigned to the complex responses of different proxies to environmental changes in an already very heterogeneous mountain landscape, where minor differences in elevation can result in marked variations in microenvironments. Focusing on the past 200 years, I analysed the sedimentary records (LC6 Lake 29.5°N, 94.3°E, 4132 m asl; and Wuxu Lake 29.9°N, 101.1°E, 3705 m asl) from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. I found that despite presumed significant temperature increases over that period, pollen and diatom records from the SE Tibetan Plateau reveal only very subtle changes throughout their profiles. The compositional species turnover investigated over the last 200 years appears relatively low in comparison to the species reorganisations during the Holocene. The results indicate that climatically induced ecological thresholds are not yet crossed, but that human activity has an increasing influence, particularly on the terrestrial ecosystem. Forest clearances and reforestation have not caused forest decline in our study area, but a conversion of natural forests to semi-natural secondary forests. The results from the numerical proxy comparison of the two sets of two pairs of Tibetan lakes indicate that the use of different proxies and the work with palaeo-ecological records from different lake types can cause deviant stories of inferred change. Irrespective of the timescale (Holocene or last 200 years) or region (SE or NE Tibetan Plateau) analysed, the agreement in terms of the direction, timing, and magnitude of change between the corresponding terrestrial data sets is generally better than the match between the corresponding lacustrine data sets, suggesting that lacustrine proxies may partly be influenced by in-lake or local catchment processes whereas the terrestrial proxy reflects a more regional climatic signal. The current disaccord on coherent temporal and spatial climate patterns on the Tibetan Plateau can partly be ascribed to the complexity of proxy response and lake systems on the Tibetan Plateau. Therefore, a multi-proxy, multi-site approach is important in order to gain a reliable climate interpretation for the complex mountain landscape of the Tibetan Plateau.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Risse2011, author = {Risse, Sarah}, title = {Processing in the perceptual span : investigations with the n+2-boundary paradigm}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60414}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Cognitive psychology is traditionally interested in the interaction of perception, cognition, and behavioral control. Investigating eye movements in reading constitutes a field of research in which the processes and interactions of these subsystems can be studied in a well-defined environment. Thereby, the following questions are pursued: How much information is visually perceived during a fixation, how is processing achieved and temporally coordinated from visual letter encoding to final sentence comprehension, and how do such processes reflect on behavior such as the control of the eyes' movements during reading. Various theoretical models have been proposed to account for the specific eye-movement behavior in reading (for a review see Reichle, Rayner, \& Pollatsek, 2003). Some models are based on the idea of shifting attention serially from one word to the next within the sentence whereas others propose distributed attention allocating processing resources to more than one word at a time. As attention is assumed to drive word recognition processes one major difference between these models is that word processing must either occur in strict serial order, or that word processing is achieved in parallel. In spite of this crucial difference in the time course of word processing, both model classes perform well on explaining many of the benchmark effects in reading. In fact, there seems to be not much empirical evidence that challenges the models to a point at which their basic assumptions could be falsified. One issue often perceived as being decisive in the debate on serial and parallel word processing is how not-yet-fixated words to the right of fixation affect eye movements. Specifically, evidence is discussed as to what spatial extent such parafoveal words are previewed and how this influences current and subsequent word processing. Four experiments investigated parafoveal processing close to the spatial limits of the perceptual span. The present work aims to go beyond mere existence proofs of previewing words at such spatial distances. Introducing a manipulation that dissociates the sources of long-range preview effects, benefits and costs of parafoveal processing can be investigated in a single analysis and the differing impact is tracked across a three-word target region. In addition, the same manipulation evaluates the role of oculomotor error as the cause of non-local distributed effects. In this respect, the results contribute to a better understanding of the time course of word processing inside the perceptual span and attention allocation during reading.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gendt2011, author = {Gendt, Anja}, title = {Eye movements under the control of working memory : the challenge of a reading-span task}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69224}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {During reading oculomotor processes guide the eyes over the text. The visual information recorded is accessed, evaluated and processed. Only by retrieving the meaning of a word from the long-term memory, as well as through the connection and storage of the information about each individual word, is it possible to access the semantic meaning of a sentence. Therefore memory, and here in particular working memory, plays a pivotal role in the basic processes of reading. The following dissertation investigates to what extent different demands on memory and memory capacity have an effect on eye movement behavior while reading. The frequently used paradigm of the reading span task, in which test subjects read and evaluate individual sentences, was used for the experimental review of the research questions. The results speak for the fact that working memory processes have a direct effect on various eye movement measurements. Thus a high working memory load, for example, reduced the perceptual span while reading. The lower the individual working memory capacity of the reader was, the stronger was the influence of the working memory load on the processing of the sentence.}, language = {en} }