@phdthesis{MarcanoRomero2008, author = {Marcano Romero, Gabriela Helena}, title = {Investigations on sedimentology and early diagenesis in shallow-water warm-temperate to tropical miocene carbonates : a case study from Northern Sardinia, Italy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-29207}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {This study investigated the warm-temperate to tropical shallow-water Miocene carbonates of the Perfugas basin (Anglona area), northern Sardinia, Italy (Central Mediterranean). The aim of this study was to identify and document the existence and significance of early diagenesis in this carbonate system, especially the diagenetic history, which reflects the diagenetic potential in terms of skeletal mineralogy. The motivation behind the present study was to investigate the role that early cementation has over facies stabilization linked to differences in biotic associations in shallow-water settings. Principal to this was to unravel the amount, kind and distribution of early cements in this type of carbonates, in order to complement previous studies, and hence acquire a more global perspective on non-tropical carbonate settings. The shallow-buried Sedini Limestone Unit was investigated for variations on early diagenetic features, as well as for the type of biotic association, and oxygen and carbon stable isotope stratigraphy. Results showed, that particularly at the Perfugas basin (< 15 km2), which evolves in time from a ramp into a steep-flanked platform, shallow-water facies are characterized by a "transitional" type of biotic association. The biotic assemblages change gradually over time from a heterozoan-rich into a photozoan-rich depositional system. This transition implies a change in the depositional environmental control factors such as temperature. It is considered that sedimentation took place under warm-temperate waters, which shifted to more warmer or tropical waters through time. Moreover, it was noticed that along with these changes, marine early syn-depositional cements (high-Mg calcite), with particular fabrics (e.g. fibrous), gradually contributed to the early lithification of rocks, favoring a steepening of the platform relief. The major controls for the shift of the depositional geometry was triggered by the change of the type of biotic associations (carbonate factory), related with the shift towards warmer conditions, and the development of early marine cementation. The identification of the amount and distribution of different cement phases, porosities and early diagenetic features, within facies and stratigraphy, showed that diagenesis is differential along depth, and within the depositional setting. High-Mg calcite cements (micrite, fibrous and syntaxial inclusion-rich) are early syn-depositional, facies-related (shallow-water), predominant at the platform phase, and marine in origin. Low-Mg calcite cements (bladed, syntaxial inclusionpoor and blocky) are early to late post-depositional, non-facies related (shallow- to deep-water) and shallow-burial marine in origin. However, a particular difference exists when looking at the amount and distribution of low-Mg calcite bladed cements. They become richer in shallow-water facies at the platform phase, suggesting that the enrichment of bladed cementation is linked to the appearance of metastable grains (e.g. aragonite). In both depositional profiles, the development of secondary porosity is the product of fabric-selective dissolution of grains (aragonite, high-Mg calcite) and/or cements (syntaxial inclusion-rich). However, stratigraphy and stable isotopes (oxygen and carbon), indicate that the molds found at shallower facies located beneath, and close to stratigraphic boundaries, have been produced by the infiltration of meteoric-derived water, which caused recrystallization without calcite cementation. Away from these stratigraphic locations, shallow- and deep-water facies show molds, and recrystallization, as well as low-Mg calcite cementation, interpreted as occurring during burial of these sediments by marine waters. The main cement source is suggested to be aragonite. Our results indicate that the Sedini Limestone Unit was transformed in three different diagenetic environments (marine, meteoric and shallow-burial marine); however, the degree of transformation in each diagenetic environment differs in the heterozoan-dominated ramp from the photozoan-dominated platform. It is suggested that the sediments from the ramp follow a diagenetic pathway similar to their heterozoan counterparts (i.e. lack of marine cementation, and loss of primary porosity by compaction), and the sediments from the platform follow a diagenetic pathway similar to their photozoan counterparts (i.e. marine cementation occluding primary porosity). However, in this carbonate setting, cements are Mg-calcite, no meteoric cementation was produced, and secondary porosity at shallow-water facies of the platform phase is mostly open and preserved. Despite the temporal and transitional change in biotic associations, ramp and platform facies (shallow- to deep-water facies) showed an oxygen isotope record overprinted by diagenesis. Oxygen primary marine signatures were not found. It is believed that burial diagenesis (recrystallization and low-Mg calcite cementation) was the main reason. This was unexpected at the ramp, since heterozoan-rich carbonates can hold isotope values close to primary marine signals due to their low-Mg calcite original composition. Ramp and platform facies (shallow- to deep-water facies) showed a carbon isotope record that was less affected by diagenesis. However, only at deep-water facies, did the carbon record show positive values comparable with carbon primary marine signals. The positive carbon values were noticed with major frequency at the platform deep-water facies. Moreover, these values usually showed a covariant trend with the oxygen isotope record; even that the latter did not hold positive values. The main conclusion of this work is that carbonates, deposited under warm-temperate to tropical conditions, have a unique facies, diagenesis and chemostratigraphic expression, which is different from their cool-water heterozoan or warm-water photozoan counterparts, reflecting the "transitional" nature of biotic association.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Knoerich2005, author = {Kn{\"o}rich, Andrea Claudia}, title = {Investigations on the importance of early diagenetic processes for the mineralogical stabilisation and lithification of heterozoan carbonate assemblages : (Oligo-Miocene, Maltese Islands and Sicily)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5405}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Diagenetic studies of carbonate rocks focused for a long time on photozoan carbonate assemblages deposited in tropical climates. The results of these investigations were taken as models for the diagenetic evolution of many fossil carbonates. Only in recent years the importance of heterozoan carbonates, generally formed out of the tropics or in deeper waters, was realized. Diagenetic studies focusing on this kind of rocks are still scarce, but indicate that the diagenetic evolution of these rocks might be a better model for many fossil carbonate settings ("calcite-sea" carbonates) than the photozoan model used before. This study deals with the determination of the diagenetic pathways and environments in such shallow-water heterozoan carbonate assemblages. Special emphasis is put on the identification of early, near-seafloor diagenetic processes and on the evaluation of the amount of constructive diagenesis in form of cementation in this diagenetic environment. As study area the Central Mediterranean, the Maltese Islands and Sicily, was chosen. Here two sections were logged in Olio-Miocene shallow-water carbonates consisting of different kinds of heterozoan assemblages. The study area is very suitable for the investigation of constructive early diagenetic processes, as the rocks were never deeply buried and burial diagenetic pressure solution and cementation as cause of lithification could be ruled out. Nevertheless, the carbonate rocks are well lithified and form steep cliffs, implying cementation/lithification in another, shallower diagenetic environment. To determine the diagenetic pathways and environments, detailed transmitted light and cathodoluminescence petrography was carried out on thin sections. Furthermore the stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) composition of the bulk rock, single biota and single cement phases was determined, as well as the major and trace element composition of the single cement phases. Petrographically three (Sicily) to four (Maltese Islands) cementation phases, two phases of fabric selective and one of non-fabric selective dissolution, one phase of neomorphism and one of chemical compaction could be distinguished. The stable isotope measurements of the single cement phases pointed to cement precipitation from marine, marine-derived and meteoric waters. The trace element analysis indicated precipitation under reducing conditions, (A) in an open system with low rock-water interaction on the Maltese Islands and (B) in a closed system with high rock-water interaction on Sicily. For the closed systems case, aragonite as cement source could be concluded because its chemical composition was preserved in the newly formed cements. By integrating these results, diagenetic pathways and environments for the investigated locations were established, and the cement source(s) in the different environments were determined. The diagenetic evolution started in the marine environment with the precipitation of fibrous/fibrous-bladed and epitaxial cement I. These cements formed as High Mg Calcite (HMC) directly out of marine waters. The paleoenvironmentally shallowest part of the section on the Maltese Islands was also exposed to meteoric diagenetic fluids. This meteoric influence lead to the dissolution of aragonitic and HMC skeletons, which sourced the cementation by Low Mg Calcitic (LMC) epitaxial cement II in this part of the Maltese section. Entering the burial-marine environment the main part of dissolution, cementation and neomorphism started to take place. The elevated CO2 content in this environment, caused by the decay of organic matter, lead to the dissolution of aragonitic skeletons, which sourced the cementation by LMC epitaxial cement II, bladed and blocky cements. The earlier precipitated HMC cement phases were either partly dissolved (epitaxial cement I) or neomorphosed to LMC (fibrous/fibrous-bladed and epitaxial cement I). In the burial environment weak chemical compaction took place without sourcing significant amounts of cementation. In a last phase the rocks entered the meteoric realm by uplift, which caused non-fabric selective dissolution. This study shows that early diagenetic processes, taking place at or just below the sediment-water-interface, are very important for the mineralogical stabilization of heterozoan carbonate strata. The main amount of constructive diagenesis in form of cementation takes place in this environment, sourced by dissolution of aragonitic and, to a lesser degree, of HMC skeletons. The results of this study imply that the primary amount of aragonitic skeletons in heterozoan carbonate sediments must be carefully assessed, as they are the main early diagenetic cement source. In fossil heterozoan carbonate rocks, aragonitic skeletons might be the cement source even when no relict structures like micritic envelops or biomolds are preserved. In general, the diagenetic evolution of heterozoan carbonate rocks is a good model for the diagenesis of "calcite-sea" time carbonate rocks.}, subject = {Fr{\"u}hdiagenese}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Amour2013, author = {Amour, Fr{\´e}d{\´e}ric}, title = {3-D modeling of shallow-water carbonate systems : a scale-dependent approach based on quantitative outcrop studies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-66621}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The study of outcrop modeling is located at the interface between two fields of expertise, Sedimentology and Computing Geoscience, which respectively investigates and simulates geological heterogeneity observed in the sedimentary record. During the last past years, modeling tools and techniques were constantly improved. In parallel, the study of Phanerozoic carbonate deposits emphasized the common occurrence of a random facies distribution along single depositional domain. Although both fields of expertise are intrinsically linked during outcrop simulation, their respective advances have not been combined in literature to enhance carbonate modeling studies. The present study re-examines the modeling strategy adapted to the simulation of shallow-water carbonate systems, based on a close relationship between field sedimentology and modeling capabilities. In the present study, the evaluation of three commonly used algorithms Truncated Gaussian Simulation (TGSim), Sequential Indicator Simulation (SISim), and Indicator Kriging (IK), were performed for the first time using visual and quantitative comparisons on an ideally suited carbonate outcrop. The results show that the heterogeneity of carbonate rocks cannot be fully simulated using one single algorithm. The operating mode of each algorithm involves capabilities as well as drawbacks that are not capable to match all field observations carried out across the modeling area. Two end members in the spectrum of carbonate depositional settings, a low-angle Jurassic ramp (High Atlas, Morocco) and a Triassic isolated platform (Dolomites, Italy), were investigated to obtain a complete overview of the geological heterogeneity in shallow-water carbonate systems. Field sedimentology and statistical analysis performed on the type, morphology, distribution, and association of carbonate bodies and combined with palaeodepositional reconstructions, emphasize similar results. At the basin scale (x 1 km), facies association, composed of facies recording similar depositional conditions, displays linear and ordered transitions between depositional domains. Contrarily, at the bedding scale (x 0.1 km), individual lithofacies type shows a mosaic-like distribution consisting of an arrangement of spatially independent lithofacies bodies along the depositional profile. The increase of spatial disorder from the basin to bedding scale results from the influence of autocyclic factors on the transport and deposition of carbonate sediments. Scale-dependent types of carbonate heterogeneity are linked with the evaluation of algorithms in order to establish a modeling strategy that considers both the sedimentary characteristics of the outcrop and the modeling capabilities. A surface-based modeling approach was used to model depositional sequences. Facies associations were populated using TGSim to preserve ordered trends between depositional domains. At the lithofacies scale, a fully stochastic approach with SISim was applied to simulate a mosaic-like lithofacies distribution. This new workflow is designed to improve the simulation of carbonate rocks, based on the modeling of each scale of heterogeneity individually. Contrarily to simulation methods applied in literature, the present study considers that the use of one single simulation technique is unlikely to correctly model the natural patterns and variability of carbonate rocks. The implementation of different techniques customized for each level of the stratigraphic hierarchy provides the essential computing flexibility to model carbonate systems. Closer feedback between advances carried out in the field of Sedimentology and Computing Geoscience should be promoted during future outcrop simulations for the enhancement of 3-D geological models.}, language = {en} }