@phdthesis{Saatchi2023, author = {Saatchi, Mersa}, title = {Study on manufacturing of multifunctional bilayer systems}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-60196}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-601968}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {116}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Layered structures are ubiquitous in nature and industrial products, in which individual layers could have different mechanical/thermal properties and functions independently contributing to the performance of the whole layered structure for their relevant application. Tuning each layer affects the performance of the whole layered system. Pores are utilized in various disciplines, where low density, but large surfaces are demanded. Besides, open and interconnected pores would act as a transferring channel for guest chemical molecules. The shape of pores influences compression behavior of the material. Moreover, introducing pores decreases the density and subsequently the mechanical strength. To maintain defined mechanical strength under various stress, porous structure can be reinforced by adding reinforcement agent such as fiber, filler or layered structure to bear the mechanical stress on demanded application. In this context, this thesis aimed to generate new functions in bilayer systems by combining layers having different moduli and/or porosity, and to develop suitable processing techniques to access these structures. Manufacturing processes of layered structures employ often organic solvents mostly causing environmental pollution. In this regard, the studied bilayer structures here were manufactured by processes free of organic solvents. In this thesis, three bilayer systems were studied to answer the individual questions. First, while various methods of introducing pores in melt-phase are reported for one-layer constructs with simple geometry, can such methods be applied to a bilayer structure, giving two porous layers? This was addressed with Bilayer System 1. Two porous layers were obtained from melt-blending of two different polyurethanes (PU) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in a co-continuous phase followed by sequential injection molding and leaching the PVA phase in deionized water. A porosity of 50 ± 5\% with a high interconnectivity was obtained, in which the pore sizes in both layers ranged from 1 µm to 100 µm with an average of 22 µm in both layers. The obtained pores were tailored by applying an annealing treatment at relevant high temperatures of 110 °C and 130 °C, which allowed the porosity to be kept constant. The disadvantage of this system is that a maximum of 50\% porosity could be reached and removal of leaching material in the weld line section of both layers is not guaranteed. Such a construct serves as a model for bilayer porous structure for determining structure-property relationships with respect to the pore size, porosity and mechanical properties of each layer. This fabrication method is also applicable to complex geometries by designing a relevant mold for injection molding. Secondly, utilizing scCO2 foaming process at elevated temperature and pressure is considered as a green manufacturing process. Employing this method as a post-treatment can alter the history orientation of polymer chains created by previous fabrication methods. Can a bilayer structure be fabricated by a combination of sequential injection molding and scCO2 foaming process, in which a porous layer is supported by a compact layer? Such a construct (Bilayer System 2) was generated by sequential injection molding of a PCL (Tm ≈ 58 °C) layer and a PLLA (Tg ≈ 58 °C) layer. Soaking this structure in the autoclave with scCO2 at T = 45 °C and P = 100 bar led to the selective foaming of PCL with a porosity of 80\%, while the PLA layer was kept compact. The scCO2 autoclave led to the formation of a porous core and skin layer of the PCL, however, the degree of crystallinity of PLLA layer increased from 0 to 50\% at the defined temperature and pressure. The microcellular structure of PCL as well as the degree of crystallinity of PLLA were controlled by increasing soaking time. Thirdly, wrinkles on surfaces in micro/nano scale alter the properties, which are surface-related. Wrinkles are formed on a surface of a bilayer structure having a compliant substrate and a stiff thin film. However, the reported wrinkles were not reversible. Moreover, dynamic wrinkles in nano and micro scale have numerous examples in nature such as gecko foot hair offering reversible adhesion and an ability of lotus leaves for self-cleaning altering hydrophobicity of the surface. It was envisioned to imitate this biomimetic function on the bilayer structure, where self-assembly on/off patterns would be realized on the surface of this construct. In summary, developing layered constructs having different properties/functions in the individual layer or exhibiting a new function as the consequence of layered structure can give novel insight for designing layered constructs in various disciplines such as packaging and transport industry, aerospace industry and health technology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sharma2023, author = {Sharma, Anjali}, title = {Optical manipulation of multi-responsive microgels}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {207}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This dissertation focuses on the understanding of the optical manipulation of microgels dispersed in aqueous solution of azobenzene containing surfactant. The work consists of three parts where each part is a systematic investigation of the (1) photo-isomerization kinetics of the surfactant in complex with the microgel polymer matrix, (2) light driven diffusiosmosis (LDDO) in microgels and (3) photo-responsivity of microgel on complexation with spiropyran. The first part comprises three publications where the first one [P1] investigates the photo-isomerization kinetics and corresponding isomer composition at a photo-stationary state of the photo-sensitive surfactant conjugated with charged polymers or micro sized polymer networks to understand the structural response of such photo-sensitive complexes. We report that the photo-isomerization of the azobenzene-containing cationic surfactant is slower in a polymer complex compared to being purely dissolved in an aqueous solution. The surfactant aggregates near the polyelectrolyte chains at concentrations much lower than the bulk critical micelle concentration. This, along with the inhibition of the photo-isomerization kinetics due to steric hindrance within the densely packed aggregates, pushes the isomer-ratio to a higher trans-isomer concentration for all irradiation wavelengths. The second publication [P2] combines experimental results and non-adiabatic dynamic simulations for the same surfactant molecules embedded in the micelles with absorption spectroscopy measurements of micellar solutions to uncover the reasons responsible for the slowdown in photo induced trans → cis azobenzene isomerization at concentrations higher than the critical micelle concentration (CMC). The simulations reveal a decrease of isomerization quantum yields for molecules inside the micelles and observes a reduction of extinction coefficients upon micellization. These findings explain the deceleration of the trans → cis switching in micelles of the azobenzene-containing surfactants. Finally, the third publication [P3] focusses on the kinetics of adsorption and desorption of the same surfactant within anionic microgels in the dark and under continuous irradiation. Experimental data demonstrate, that microgels can serve as a selective absorber of the trans isomers. The interaction of the isomers with the gel matrix induces a remotely controllable collapse or swelling on appropriate irradiation wavelengths. Measuring the kinetics of the microgel size response and knowing the exact isomer composition under light exposure, we calculate the adsorption rate of the trans-isomers. The second part comprises two publications. The first publication [P4] reports on the phenomenon of light-driven diffusioosmotic (DO) long-range attractive and repulsive interactions between micro-sized objects, whose range extends several times the size of microparticles and can be adjusted to point towards or away from the particle by varying irradiation parameters such as intensity or wavelength of light. The phenomenon is fueled by the aforementioned photosensitive surfactant. The complex interaction of dynamic exchange of isomers and photo-isomerization rate yields to relative concentrations gradients of the isomers in the vicinity of micro-sized object inducing a local diffusioosmotic (DO) flow thereby making a surface act as a micropump. The second publication [P5] exclusively aims the visualization and investigation of the DO flows generated from microgels by using small tracer particles. Similar to micro sized objects, the flow is able to push adjacent tracers over distances several times larger than microgel size. Here we report that the direction and the strength of the l-LDDO depends on the intensity, irradiation wavelength and the amount of surfactant adsorbed by the microgel. For example, the flow pattern around a microgel is directed radially outward and can be maintained quasi-indefinitely under exposure at 455 nm when the trans:cis ratio is 2:1, whereas irradiation at 365 nm, generates a radially transient flow pattern, which inverts at lower intensities. Lastly, the third part consists of one publication [P6] which, unlike the previous works, reports on the study of the kinetics of photo- and thermo-switching of a new surfactant namely, spiropyran, upon exposure with light of different wavelengths and its interaction with p(NIPAM-AA) microgels. The surfactant being an amphiphile, switches between its ring closed spiropyran (SP) form and ring open merocyanine (MC) form which results in a change in the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of the surfactant as MC being a zwitterionic form along with the charged head group, generates three charges on the molecule. Therefore, the MC form of the surfactant is more hydrophilic than in the case of the neutral SP state. Here, we investigate the initial shrinkage of the gel particles via charge compensation on first exposure to SP molecules which results from the complex formation of the molecules with the gel matrix, triggering them to become photo responsive. The size and VPTT of the microgels during irradiation is shown to be a combination of heating up of the solution during light absorption by the surfactant (more pronounced in the case of UV irradiation) and the change in the hydrophobicity of the surfactant.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hain2022, author = {Hain, Tobias Martin}, title = {Structure formation and identification in geometrically driven soft matter systems}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55880}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-558808}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 171}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Subdividing space through interfaces leads to many space partitions that are relevant to soft matter self-assembly. Prominent examples include cellular media, e.g. soap froths, which are bubbles of air separated by interfaces of soap and water, but also more complex partitions such as bicontinuous minimal surfaces. Using computer simulations, this thesis analyses soft matter systems in terms of the relationship between the physical forces between the system's constituents and the structure of the resulting interfaces or partitions. The focus is on two systems, copolymeric self-assembly and the so-called Quantizer problem, where the driving force of structure formation, the minimisation of the free-energy, is an interplay of surface area minimisation and stretching contributions, favouring cells of uniform thickness. In the first part of the thesis we address copolymeric phase formation with sharp interfaces. We analyse a columnar copolymer system "forced" to assemble on a spherical surface, where the perfect solution, the hexagonal tiling, is topologically prohibited. For a system of three-armed copolymers, the resulting structure is described by solutions of the so-called Thomson problem, the search of minimal energy configurations of repelling charges on a sphere. We find three intertwined Thomson problem solutions on a single sphere, occurring at a probability depending on the radius of the substrate. We then investigate the formation of amorphous and crystalline structures in the Quantizer system, a particulate model with an energy functional without surface tension that favours spherical cells of equal size. We find that quasi-static equilibrium cooling allows the Quantizer system to crystallise into a BCC ground state, whereas quenching and non-equilibrium cooling, i.e. cooling at slower rates then quenching, leads to an approximately hyperuniform, amorphous state. The assumed universality of the latter, i.e. independence of energy minimisation method or initial configuration, is strengthened by our results. We expand the Quantizer system by introducing interface tension, creating a model that we find to mimic polymeric micelle systems: An order-disorder phase transition is observed with a stable Frank-Caspar phase. The second part considers bicontinuous partitions of space into two network-like domains, and introduces an open-source tool for the identification of structures in electron microscopy images. We expand a method of matching experimentally accessible projections with computed projections of potential structures, introduced by Deng and Mieczkowski (1998). The computed structures are modelled using nodal representations of constant-mean-curvature surfaces. A case study conducted on etioplast cell membranes in chloroplast precursors establishes the double Diamond surface structure to be dominant in these plant cells. We automate the matching process employing deep-learning methods, which manage to identify structures with excellent accuracy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Saretia2021, author = {Saretia, Shivam}, title = {Modulating ultrathin films of semi-crystalline oligomers by Langmuir technique}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54210}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-542108}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIII, 109}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Polymeric films and coatings derived from semi-crystalline oligomers are of relevance for medical and pharmaceutical applications. In this context, the material surface is of particular importance, as it mediates the interaction with the biological system. Two dimensional (2D) systems and ultrathin films are used to model this interface. However, conventional techniques for their preparation, such as spin coating or dip coating, have disadvantages, since the morphology and chain packing of the generated films can only be controlled to a limited extent and adsorption on the substrate used affects the behavior of the films. Detaching and transferring the films prepared by such techniques requires additional sacrificial or supporting layers, and free-standing or self supporting domains are usually of very limited lateral extension. The aim of this thesis is to study and modulate crystallization, melting, degradation and chemical reactions in ultrathin films of oligo(ε-caprolactone)s (OCL)s with different end-groups under ambient conditions. Here, oligomeric ultrathin films are assembled at the air-water interface using the Langmuir technique. The water surface allows lateral movement and aggregation of the oligomers, which, unlike solid substrates, enables dynamic physical and chemical interaction of the molecules. Parameters like surface pressure (π), temperature and mean molecular area (MMA) allow controlled assembly and manipulation of oligomer molecules when using the Langmuir technique. The π-MMA isotherms, Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), and interfacial infrared spectroscopy assist in detecting morphological and physicochemical changes in the film. Ultrathin films can be easily transferred to the solid silicon surface via Langmuir Schaefer (LS) method (horizontal substrate dipping). Here, the films transferred on silicon are investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and optical microscopy and are compared to the films on the water surface. The semi-crystalline morphology (lamellar thicknesses, crystal number densities, and lateral crystal dimensions) is tuned by the chemical structure of the OCL end-groups (hydroxy or methacrylate) and by the crystallization temperature (Tc; 12 or 21 °C) or MMAs. Compression to lower MMA of ~2 {\AA}2, results in the formation of a highly crystalline film, which consists of tightly packed single crystals. Preparation of tightly packed single crystals on a cm2 scale is not possible by conventional techniques. Upon transfer to a solid surface, these films retain their crystalline morphology whereas amorphous films undergo dewetting. The melting temperature (Tm) of OCL single crystals at the water and the solid surface is found proportional to the inverse crystal thickness and is generally lower than the Tm of bulk PCL. The impact of OCL end-groups on melting behavior is most noticeable at the air-solid interface, where the methacrylate end-capped OCL (OCDME) melted at lower temperatures than the hydroxy end-capped OCL (OCDOL). When comparing the underlying substrate, melting/recrystallization of OCL ultrathin films is possible at lower temperatures at the air water interface than at the air-solid interface, where recrystallization is not visible. Recrystallization at the air-water interface usually occurs at a higher temperature than the initial Tc. Controlled degradation is crucial for the predictable performance of degradable polymeric biomaterials. Degradation of ultrathin films is carried out under acidic (pH ~ 1) or enzymatic catalysis (lipase from Pseudomonas cepcia) on the water surface or on a silicon surface as transferred films. A high crystallinity strongly reduces the hydrolytic but not the enzymatic degradation rate. As an influence of end-groups, the methacrylate end-capped linear oligomer, OCDME (~85 ± 2 \% end-group functionalization) hydrolytically degrades faster than the hydroxy end capped linear oligomer, OCDOL (~95 ± 3 \% end-group functionalization) at different temperatures. Differences in the acceleration of hydrolytic degradation of semi-crystalline films were observed upon complete melting, partial melting of the crystals, or by heating to temperatures close to Tm. Therefore, films of densely packed single crystals are suitable as barrier layers with thermally switchable degradation rates. Chemical modification in ultrathin films is an intricate process applicable to connect functionalized molecules, impart stability or create stimuli-sensitive cross-links. The reaction of end-groups is explored for transferred single crystals on a solid surface or amorphous monolayer at the air-water interface. Bulky methacrylate end-groups are expelled to the crystal surface during chain-folded crystallization. The density of end-groups is inversely proportional to molecular weight and hence very pronounced for oligomers. The methacrylate end-groups at the crystal surface, which are present at high concentration, can be used for further chemical functionalization. This is demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy after reaction with fluorescein dimethacrylate. The thermoswitching behavior (melting and recrystallization) of fluorescein functionalized single crystals shows the temperature-dependent distribution of the chemically linked fluorescein moieties, which are accumulated on the surfaces of crystals, and homogeneously dispersed when the crystals are molten. In amorphous monolayers at the air-water interface, reversible cross-linking of hydroxy-terminated oligo(ε-caprolactone) monolayers using dialdehyde (glyoxal) lead to the formation of 2D networks. Pronounced contraction in the area occurred for 2D OCL films in dependence of surface pressure and time indicating the reaction progress. Cross linking inhibited crystallization and retarded enzymatic degradation of the OCL film. Altering the subphase pH to ~2 led to cleavage of the covalent acetal cross-links. Besides as model systems, these reversibly cross-linked films are applicable for drug delivery systems or cell substrates modulating adhesion at biointerfaces.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Noack2019, author = {Noack, Sebastian}, title = {Poly(lactide)-based amphiphilic block copolymers}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43616}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-436168}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 148}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Due to its bioavailability and (bio)degradability, poly(lactide) (PLA) is an interesting polymer that is already being used as packaging material, surgical seam, and drug delivery system. Dependent on various parameters such as polymer composition, amphiphilicity, sample preparation, and the enantiomeric purity of lactide, PLA in an amphiphilic block copolymer can affect the self-assembly behavior dramatically. However, sizes and shapes of aggregates have a critical effect on the interactions between biological and drug delivery systems, where the general understanding of these polymers and their ability to influence self-assembly is of significant interest in science. The first part of this thesis describes the synthesis and study of a series of linear poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) and poly(D-lactide) (PDLA)-based amphiphilic block copolymers with varying PLA (hydrophobic), and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) (hydrophilic) chain lengths and different block copolymer sequences (PEG-PLA and PLA-PEG). The PEG-PLA block copolymers were synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of lactide initiated by a PEG-OH macroinitiator. In contrast, the PLA-PEG block copolymers were produced by a Steglich-esterification of modified PLA with PEG-OH. The aqueous self-assembly at room temperature of the enantiomerically pure PLLA-based block copolymers and their stereocomplexed mixtures was investigated by dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Spherical micelles and worm-like structures were produced, whereby the obtained self-assembled morphologies were affected by the lactide weight fraction in the block copolymer and self-assembly time. The formation of worm-like structures increases with decreasing PLA-chain length and arises from spherical micelles, which become colloidally unstable and undergo an epitaxial fusion with other micelles. As shown by DSC experiments, the crystallinity of the corresponding PLA blocks increases within the self-assembly time. However, the stereocomplexed self-assembled structures behave differently from the parent polymers and result in irregular-shaped clusters of spherical micelles. Additionally, time-dependent self-assembly experiments showed a transformation, from already self-assembled morphologies of different shapes to more compact micelles upon stereocomplexation. In the second part of this thesis, with the objective to influence the self-assembly of PLA-based block copolymers and its stereocomplexes, poly(methyl phosphonate) (PMeP) and poly(isopropyl phosphonate) (PiPrP) were produced by ring-opening polymerization to implement an alternative to the hydrophilic block PEG. Although, the 1,8 diazabicyclo[5.4.0]unde 7 ene (DBU) or 1,5,7 triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-ene (TBD) mediated synthesis of the corresponding poly(alkyl phosphonate)s was successful, however, not so the polymerization of copolymers with PLA-based precursors (PLA-homo polymers, and PEG-PLA block copolymers). Transesterification, obtained by 1H-NMR spectroscopy, between the poly(phosphonate)- and PLA block caused a high-field shifted peak split of the methine proton in the PLA polymer chain, with split intensities depending on the used catalyst (DBU for PMeP, and TBD for PiPrP polymerization). An additional prepared block copolymer PiPrP-PLLA that wasn't affected in its polymer sequence was finally used for self-assembly experiments with PLA-PEG and PEG-PLA mixing. This work provides a comprehensive study of the self-assembly behavior of PLA-based block copolymers influenced by various parameters such as polymer block lengths, self-assembly time, and stereocomplexation of block copolymer mixtures.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tan2018, author = {Tan, Li}, title = {Synthesis, assembly and thermo-responsivity of polymer-functionalized magnetic cobalt nanoparticles}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-418153}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 111}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This thesis mainly covers the synthesis, surface modification, magnetic-field-induced assembly and thermo-responsive functionalization of superparamagnetic Co NPs initially stabilized by hydrophobic small molecules oleic acid (OA) and trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO), as well as the synthesis of both superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic Co NPs by using end-functionalized-polystyrene as stabilizer. Co NPs, due to their excellent magnetic and catalytic properties, have great potential application in various fields, such as ferrofluids, catalysis, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Superparamagnetic Co NPs are especially interesting, since they exhibit zero coercivity. They get magnetized in an external magnetic field and reach their saturation magnetization rapidly, but no magnetic moment remains after removal of the applied magnetic field. Therefore, they do not agglomerate in the body when they are used in biomedical applications. Normally, decomposition of metallic precursors at high temperature is one of the most important methods in preparation of monodisperse magnetic NPs, providing tunability in size and shape. Hydrophobic ligands like OA, TOPO and oleylamine are often used to both control the growth of NPs and protect them from agglomeration. The as-prepared magnetic NPs can be used in biological applications as long as they are transferred into water. Moreover, their supercrystal assemblies have the potential for high density data storage and electronic devices. In addition to small molecules, polymers can also be used as surfactants for the synthesis of ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic NPs by changing the reaction conditions. Therefore, chapter 2 gives an overview on the basic concept of synthesis, surface modification and self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles. Various examples were used to illustrate the recent work. The hydrophobic Co NPs synthesized with small molecules as surfactants limit their biological applications, which require a hydrophilic or aqueous environment. Surface modification (e.g., ligand exchange) is a general idea for either phase transition or surface-functionalization. Therefore, in chapter 3, a ligand exchange process was conducted to functionalize the surface of Co NPs. PNIPAM is one of the most popular smart polymers and its lower critical solution temperature (LCST) is around 32 °C, with a reversible change in the conformation structure between hydrophobic and hydrophilic. The novel nanocomposites of superparamagnetic Co NPs and thermo-responsive PNIPAM are of great interest. Thus, well-defined superparamagnetic Co NPs were firstly synthesized through the thermolysis of cobalt carbonyl by using OA and TOPO as surfactants. A functional ATRP initiator, containing an amine (as anchoring group) and a 2-bromopropionate group (SI-ATRP initiator), was used to replace the original ligands. This process is rapid and facial for efficient surface functionalization and afterwards the Co NPs can be dispersed into polar solvent DMF without aggregation. FT-IR spectroscopy showed that the TOPO was completely replaced, but a small amount of OA remained on the surface. A TGA measurement allowed the calculation of the grafting density of the initiator as around 3.2 initiator/nm2. Then, the surface-initiated ATRP was conducted for the polymerization of NIPAM on the surface of Co NPs and rendered the nanocomposites water-dispersible. A temperature-dependent dynamic light scattering study showed the aggregation behavior of PNIPAM-coated Co NPs upon heating and this process was proven to be reversible. The combination of superparamagnetic and thermo-responsive properties in these hybrid nanoparticles is promising for future applications e.g. in biomedicine. In chapter 4, the magnetic-field-induced assembly of superparamagnetic cobalt nanoparticles both on solid substrates and at liquid-air interface was investigated. OA- and TOPO-coated Co NPs were synthesized via the thermolysis of cobalt carbonyl and dispersed into either hexane or toluene. The Co NP dispersion was dropped onto substrates (e.g., TEM grid, silicon wafer) and at liquid-air (water-air or ethylene glycol-air) interface. Due to the attractive dipolar interaction, 1-D chains formed in the presence of an external magnetic field. It is known that the concentration and the strength of the magnetic field can affect the assembly behavior of superparamagnetic Co NPs. Therefore, the influence of these two parameters on the morphology of the assemblies was studied. The formed 1-D chains were shorter and flexible at either lower concentration of the Co NP dispersion or lower strength of the external magnetic field due to thermal fluctuation. However, by increasing either the concentration of the NP dispersion or the strength of the applied magnetic field, these chains became longer, thicker and straighter. The reason could be that a high concentration led to a high fraction of short dipolar chains, and their interaction resulted in longer and thicker chains under applied magnetic field. On the other hand, when the magnetic field increased, the induced moments of the magnetic nanoparticles became larger, which dominated over the thermal fluctuation. Thus, the formed short chains connected to each other and grew in length. Thicker chains were also observed through chain-chain interaction. Furthermore, the induced moments of the NPs tended to direct into one direction with increased magnetic field, thus the chains were straighter. In comparison between the assembly on substrates, at water-air interface and at ethylene glycol-air interface, the assembly of Co NPs in hexane dispersion at ethylene glycol-air interface showed the most regular and homogeneous chain structures due to the better spreading of the dispersion on ethylene glycol subphase than on water subphase and substrates. The magnetic-field-induced assembly of superparamagnetic nanoparticles could provide a powerful approach for applications in data storage and electronic devices. Chapter 5 presented the synthesis of superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic cobalt nanoparticles through a dual-stage thermolysis of cobalt carbonyl (Co2(CO)8) by using polystyrene as surfactant. The amine end-functionalized polystyrene surfactants with different molecular weight were prepared via atom transfer radical polymerization technique. The molecular weight determination of polystyrene was conducted by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-ToF) mass spectrometry techniques. The results showed that, when the molecular weight distribution is low (Mw/Mn < 1.2), the measurement by GPC and MALDI-ToF MS provided nearly similar results. For example, the molecular weight of 10600 Da was obtained by MALDI-ToF MS, while GPC gave 10500 g/mol (Mw/Mn = 1.17). However, if the polymer is poly distributed, MALDI-ToF MS cannot provide an accurate value. This was exemplified for a polymer with a molecular weight of 3130 Da measured by MALDI-TOF MS, while GPC showed 2300 g/mol (Mw/Mn = 1.38). The size, size distribution and magnetic properties of the hybrid particles were different by changing either the molecular weight or concentration of the polymer surfactants. The analysis from TEM characterization showed that the size of cobalt nanoparticles stabilized with polystyrene of lower molecular weight (Mn = 2300 g/mol) varied from 12-22 nm, while the size with middle (Mn = 4500 g/mol) and higher molecular weight (Mn = 10500 g/mol) of polystyrene-coated cobalt nanoparticles showed little change. Magnetic measurements exhibited that the small cobalt particles (12 nm) were superparamagnetic, while larger particles (21 nm) were ferromagnetic and assembled into 1-D chains. The grafting density calculated from thermogravimetric analysis showed that a higher grafting density of polystyrene was obtained with lower molecular weight (Mn = 2300 g/mol) than those with higher molecular weight (Mn = 10500 g/mol). Due to the larger steric hindrance, polystyrene with higher molecular weight cannot form a dense shell on the surface of the nanoparticles, which resulted in a lower grafting density. Wide angle X-ray scattering measurements revealed the epsilon cobalt crystalline phases of both superparamagnetic Co NPs coated with polystyrene (Mn = 2300 g/mol) and ferromagnetic Co NPs coated with polystyrene (Mn = 10500 g/mol). Furthermore, a stability study showed that PS-Co NPs prepared with higher polymer concentration and polymer molecular weight exhibited a better stability.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vacogne2016, author = {Vacogne, Charlotte D.}, title = {New synthetic routes towards well-defined polypeptides, morphologies and hydrogels}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396366}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 175}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Proteins are natural polypeptides produced by cells; they can be found in both animals and plants, and possess a variety of functions. One of these functions is to provide structural support to the surrounding cells and tissues. For example, collagen (which is found in skin, cartilage, tendons and bones) and keratin (which is found in hair and nails) are structural proteins. When a tissue is damaged, however, the supporting matrix formed by structural proteins cannot always spontaneously regenerate. Tailor-made synthetic polypeptides can be used to help heal and restore tissue formation. Synthetic polypeptides are typically synthesized by the so-called ring opening polymerization (ROP) of α-amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides (NCA). Such synthetic polypeptides are generally non-sequence-controlled and thus less complex than proteins. As such, synthetic polypeptides are rarely as efficient as proteins in their ability to self-assemble and form hierarchical or structural supramolecular assemblies in water, and thus, often require rational designing. In this doctoral work, two types of amino acids, γ-benzyl-L/D-glutamate (BLG / BDG) and allylglycine (AG), were selected to synthesize a series of (co)polypeptides of different compositions and molar masses. A new and versatile synthetic route to prepare polypeptides was developed, and its mechanism and kinetics were investigated. The polypeptide properties were thoroughly studied and new materials were developed from them. In particular, these polypeptides were able to aggregate (or self-assemble) in solution into microscopic fibres, very similar to those formed by collagen. By doing so, they formed robust physical networks and organogels which could be processed into high water-content, pH-responsive hydrogels. Particles with highly regular and chiral spiral morphologies were also obtained by emulsifying these polypeptides. Such polypeptides and the materials derived from them are, therefore, promising candidates for biomedical applications.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Uyaver2004, author = {Uyaver, Sahin}, title = {Simulation of annealed polyelectrolytes in poor solvents}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001488}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Polymere sind lange kettenartige Molek{\"u}le. Sie bestehen aus vielen elementaren chemischen Einheiten, den Monomeren, die durch kovalente Bindungen aneinander gekettet sind. Polyelektrolyte sind Polymere, die ionisierbare Monomeren enthalten. Aufgrund ihrer speziellen Eigenschaften sind Polyelektrolyte sowohl in der Molekular- und Zellbiologie von großen Bedeutung als auch in der Chemie großtechnisch relevant. Verglichen mit ungeladenen Polymeren sind Polyelektrolyte theoretisch noch wenig verstanden. Insbesondere gilt dies f{\"u}r Polyelektrolyte in sogenanntem schlechten L{\"o}sungsmittel. Ein schlechtes L{\"o}sungsmittel bewirkt eine effektive Anziehung zwischen den Monomeren. F{\"u}r Polyelektrolyte in schlechtem L{\"o}sungsmittel kommt es daher zu einer Konkurrenz zwischen dieser Anziehung und der elektrostatischen Abstoßung. Geladene Polymere werden im Rahmen der chemischen Klassifikation in starke und schwache Polyelektrolyte unterschieden. Erstere zeigen vollst{\"a}ndige Dissoziation unabh{\"a}ngig vom pH-Wert der L{\"o}sung. Die Position der Ladungen auf der Kette wird ausschließlich w{\"a}hrend der Polymersynthese festgelegt. In der Physik spricht man deshalb von Polyelektrolyten mit eingefrorener Ladungsverteilung (quenched polyelectrolytes). Im Falle von schwachen Polyelektrolyten ist die Ladungsdichte auf der Kette nicht konstant, sondern wird durch der pH-Wert der L{\"o}sung kontrolliert. Durch Rekombinations- und Dissoziationsprozesse sind die Ladungen auf der Kette beweglich. Im allgemeinen stellt sich eine inhomogene Gleichgewichtsverteilung ein, die mit der Struktur der Kette gekoppelt ist. Diese Polymere werden deshalb auch Polyelektrolyte mit Gleichgewichtsladungsverteilung (annealed polyelectrolytes) genannt. Wegen des zus{\"a}tzlichen Freiheitsgrades in der Ladungsverteilung werden eine Reihe ungew{\"o}hnlicher Eigenschaften theoretisch vorhergesagt. Mit Hilfe von Simulationen ist es zum ersten Mal gelungen, zu zeigen daß 'annealed' Polyelektrolyte in relativ schlechtem L{\"o}sungsmittel einen diskontinuierlichen Phasen{\"u}bergang durchlaufen, wenn ein kritischer pH-Werts der L{\"o}sung {\"u}berschritten wird. Bei diesem Phasen{\"u}bergang, gehen die Polyelektolyte von einer schwach geladenen kompakten globul{\"a}ren Struktur zu einer stark geladenen gestreckten Konfiguration {\"u}ber. Aufgrund theoretischer Vorhersagen wird erwartet, daß die globul{\"a}re Struktur in weniger schlechtem L{\"o}sungsmittel instabil wird und sich eine Perlenkettenkonfiguration ausbildet. Diese Vorhersage konnte f{\"u}r 'annealed' Polyelektrolyte mit den durchgef{\"u}hrten Simulationen zum ersten Mal best{\"a}tigt werden - inzwischen auch durch erste experimentelle Ergebnisse. Schließlich zeigen die Simulationen auch, daß annealed Polyelektrolyte bei einer kritischen Salzkonzentration in der L{\"o}sung einen scharfen {\"U}bergang zwischen einem stark geladenen gestreckten Zustand und einem schwach geladenen globul{\"a}ren Zustand aufweisen, wiederum in {\"U}bereinstimmung mit theoretischen Erwartungen.}, language = {en} }